Runtime error
Runtime error
File size: 3,426 Bytes
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urle () { [[ "${1}" ]] || return 1; local LANG=C i x; for (( i = 0; i < ${#1}; i++ )); do x="${1:i:1}"; [[ "${x}" == [a-zA-Z0-9.~-] ]] && echo -n "${x}" || printf '%%%02X' "'${x}"; done; echo; }
mkdir -p data/smpl_related/models
# username and password input
echo -e "\nYou need to register at, according to Installation Instruction."
read -p "Username (ICON):" username
read -p "Password (ICON):" password
username=$(urle $username)
password=$(urle $password)
# SMPL (Male, Female)
echo -e "\nDownloading SMPL..."
wget --post-data "username=$username&password=$password" '' -O './data/smpl_related/models/' --no-check-certificate --continue
unzip data/smpl_related/models/ -d data/smpl_related/models
mv data/smpl_related/models/smpl/models/basicModel_f_lbs_10_207_0_v1.0.0.pkl data/smpl_related/models/smpl/SMPL_FEMALE.pkl
mv data/smpl_related/models/smpl/models/basicmodel_m_lbs_10_207_0_v1.0.0.pkl data/smpl_related/models/smpl/SMPL_MALE.pkl
cd data/smpl_related/models
rm -rf *.zip __MACOSX smpl/models smpl/smpl_webuser
cd ../../..
# SMPL (Neutral, from SMPLIFY)
echo -e "\nDownloading SMPLify..."
wget --post-data "username=$username&password=$password" '' -O './data/smpl_related/models/' --no-check-certificate --continue
unzip data/smpl_related/models/ -d data/smpl_related/models
mv data/smpl_related/models/smplify_public/code/models/basicModel_neutral_lbs_10_207_0_v1.0.0.pkl data/smpl_related/models/smpl/SMPL_NEUTRAL.pkl
cd data/smpl_related/models
rm -rf *.zip smplify_public
cd ../../..
echo -e "\nDownloading ICON..."
wget --post-data "username=$username&password=$password" '' -O './data/' --no-check-certificate --continue
cd data && unzip
mv smpl_data smpl_related/
rm -f
cd ..
function download_for_training () {
# SMPL-X (optional)
echo -e "\nDownloading SMPL-X..."
wget --post-data "username=$1&password=$2" '' -O './data/smpl_related/models/' --no-check-certificate --continue
unzip data/smpl_related/models/ -d data/smpl_related
rm -f data/smpl_related/models/
# SMIL (optional)
echo -e "\nDownloading SMIL..."
wget --post-data "username=$1&password=$2" '' -O './data/smpl_related/models/smpl/smpl_kid_template.npy' --no-check-certificate --continue
wget --post-data "username=$1&password=$2" '' -O './data/smpl_related/models/smplx/smplx_kid_template.npy' --no-check-certificate --continue
read -p "(optional) Download models used for training (y/n)?" choice
case "$choice" in
y|Y ) download_for_training $username $password;;
n|N ) echo "Great job! Try the demo for now!";;
* ) echo "Invalid input! Please use y|Y or n|N";;
esac |