import streamlit as st from util import developer_info_static from src.plot import list_all, distribution_histogram, distribution_boxplot, count_Y, box_plot, violin_plot, strip_plot, density_plot ,multi_plot_heatmap, multi_plot_scatter, multi_plot_line, word_cloud_plot, world_map, scatter_3d def display_word_cloud(text): _, word_cloud_col, _ = st.columns([1, 3, 1]) with word_cloud_col: word_fig = word_cloud_plot(text) if word_fig == -1: st.error('Data not supported') else: st.pyplot(word_cloud_plot(text)) def data_visualization(DF): st.divider() st.subheader('Data Visualization') attributes = DF.columns.tolist() # Three tabs for three kinds of visualization single_tab, multiple_tab, advanced_tab = st.tabs(['Single Attribute Visualization', 'Multiple Attributes Visualization', 'Advanced Visualization']) # Single attribute visualization with single_tab: _, col_mid, _ = st.columns([1, 5, 1]) with col_mid: plot_area = st.empty() col1, col2 = st.columns(2) with col1: att = st.selectbox( label = 'Select an attribute to visualize:', options = attributes, index = len(attributes)-1 ) st.write(f'Attribute selected: :green[{att}]') with col2: plot_types = ['Donut chart', 'Violin plot', 'Distribution histogram', 'Boxplot', 'Density plot', 'Strip plot', 'Distribution boxplot'] plot_type = st.selectbox( key = 'plot_type1', label = 'Select a plot type:', options = plot_types, index = 0 ) st.write(f'Plot type selected: :green[{plot_type}]') if plot_type == 'Distribution histogram': fig = distribution_histogram(DF, att) plot_area.pyplot(fig) elif plot_type == 'Distribution boxplot': fig = distribution_boxplot(DF, att) if fig == -1: plot_area.error('The attribute is not numeric') else: plot_area.pyplot(fig) elif plot_type == 'Donut chart': fig = count_Y(DF, att) plot_area.plotly_chart(fig) elif plot_type == 'Boxplot': fig = box_plot(DF, [att]) plot_area.plotly_chart(fig) elif plot_type == 'Violin plot': fig = violin_plot(DF, [att]) plot_area.plotly_chart(fig) elif plot_type == 'Strip plot': fig = strip_plot(DF, [att]) plot_area.plotly_chart(fig) elif plot_type == 'Density plot': fig = density_plot(DF, att) plot_area.plotly_chart(fig) # Multiple attribute visualization with multiple_tab: col1, col2 = st.columns([6, 4]) with col1: options = st.multiselect( label = 'Select multiple attributes to visualize:', options = attributes, default = [] ) with col2: plot_types = ["Violin plot", "Boxplot", "Heatmap", "Strip plot", "Line plot", "Scatter plot"] plot_type = st.selectbox( key = 'plot_type2', label = 'Select a plot type:', options = plot_types, index = 0 ) _, col_mid, _ = st.columns([1, 5, 1]) with col_mid: plot_area = st.empty() if options: if plot_type == 'Scatter plot': fig = multi_plot_scatter(DF, options) if fig == -1: plot_area.error('Scatter plot requires two attributes') else: plot_area.pyplot(fig) elif plot_type == 'Heatmap': fig = multi_plot_heatmap(DF, options) if fig == -1: plot_area.error('The attributes are not numeric') else: plot_area.pyplot(fig) elif plot_type == 'Boxplot': fig = box_plot(DF, options) if fig == -1: plot_area.error('The attributes are not numeric') else: plot_area.plotly_chart(fig) elif plot_type == 'Violin plot': fig = violin_plot(DF, options) if fig == -1: plot_area.error('The attributes are not numeric') else: plot_area.plotly_chart(fig) elif plot_type == 'Strip plot': fig = strip_plot(DF, options) if fig == -1: plot_area.error('The attributes are not numeric') else: plot_area.plotly_chart(fig) elif plot_type == 'Line plot': fig = multi_plot_line(DF, options) if fig == -1: plot_area.error('The attributes are not numeric') elif fig == -2: plot_area.error('Line plot requires two attributes') else: plot_area.pyplot(fig) # Advanced visualization with advanced_tab: st.subheader("3D Scatter Plot") column_1, column_2, column_3 = st.columns(3) with column_1: x = st.selectbox( key = 'x', label = 'Select the x attribute:', options = attributes, index = 0 ) with column_2: y = st.selectbox( key = 'y', label = 'Select the y attribute:', options = attributes, index = 1 if len(attributes) > 1 else 0 ) with column_3: z = st.selectbox( key = 'z', label = 'Select the z attribute:', options = attributes, index = 2 if len(attributes) > 2 else 0 ) if st.button('Generate 3D Plot'): _, fig_3d_col, _ = st.columns([1, 3, 1]) with fig_3d_col: fig_3d_1 = scatter_3d(DF, x, y, z) if fig_3d_1 == -1: st.error('Data not supported') else: st.plotly_chart(fig_3d_1) st.divider() st.subheader('World Cloud') upload_txt_checkbox = st.checkbox('Upload a new text file instead') if upload_txt_checkbox: uploaded_txt = st.file_uploader("Choose a text file", accept_multiple_files=False, type="txt") if uploaded_txt: text ="utf-8") display_word_cloud(text) else: text_attr = st.selectbox( label = 'Select the text attribute:', options = attributes, index = 0) if st.button('Generate Word Cloud'): text = DF[text_attr].astype(str)' ') display_word_cloud(text) st.divider() st.subheader('World Heat Map') col_1, col_2 = st.columns(2) with col_1: country_col = st.selectbox( key = 'country_col', label = 'Select the country attribute:', options = attributes, index = 0 ) with col_2: heat_attribute = st.selectbox( key = 'heat_attribute', label = 'Select the attribute to display in heat map:', options = attributes, index = len(attributes) - 1 ) if st.button("Show Heatmap"): _, map_col, _ = st.columns([1, 3, 1]) with map_col: world_fig = world_map(DF, country_col, heat_attribute) if world_fig == -1: st.error('Data not supported') else: st.plotly_chart(world_fig) st.divider() # Data Overview st.subheader('Data Overview') if 'data_origin' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.data_origin = DF st.dataframe(st.session_state.data_origin.describe(), width=1200) if 'overall_plot' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.overall_plot = list_all(st.session_state.data_origin) st.pyplot(st.session_state.overall_plot) st.divider() developer_info_static()