import click import json import logging import numpy as np import os import pprint import random import re import torch import string import sys import torch import wandb import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") from collections import defaultdict from datetime import datetime from time import time from tqdm import tqdm from accelerate import infer_auto_device_map, init_empty_weights, Accelerator from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, f1_score from torch.profiler import profile, record_function, ProfilerActivity from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoConfig from config import * from src.processing.generate import ( format_instance, get_sentences, generate_prefix, generate_instructions, generate_demonstrations, generate_prediction, ) from src.processing.extractions import extract_all_tagged_phrases, extract_prediction from src.eval.metrics import classify_predictions, compute_metrics from src.utils.utils import ( load_model_and_tokenizer, save_results, set_env_vars, load_sweep_config, save_best_config, ) @click.command() @click.option( "--kind", default=DEFAULT_KIND, help="Specify the kind of prompt input: json (default) or readable", ) @click.option( "--runtype", type=click.Choice(["new", "eval"], case_sensitive=False), default="eval", help="Specify the type of run: new or eval (default)", ) @click.option( "--data", default=None, help="Specify the directory of the data if running on new data", ) @click.option( "--sweep", is_flag=True, help="Run sweeps", ) @click.option( "--sweep_config", default="sweep_config.json", help="Sweep configuration file", ) @click.option( "--load_best_config", default=None, help="Load the best configuration from a file", ) def main(kind, runtype, data, sweep, sweep_config, load_best_config): # set up wandb run = wandb.init(project="kg-runs") config = wandb.config run_flag = "run" if sweep: if runtype != "eval": raise ValueError("Sweeps can only be run in eval mode") run_flag = "sweep" kind = config.kind temperature = config.temperature top_p = config.top_p few_shot_num = config.few_shot_num few_shot_selection = config.few_shot_selection # few_shot_type = config.few_shot_type elif load_best_config: with open(load_best_config, "r") as f: best_config = json.load(f) kind = best_config["kind"] temperature = best_config["temperature"] top_p = best_config["top_p"] few_shot_num = best_config["few_shot_num"] few_shot_selection = best_config["few_shot_selection"] else: temperature = DEFAULT_TEMPERATURE top_p = DEFAULT_TOP_P few_shot_num = DEFAULT_FEW_SHOT_NUM few_shot_selection = DEFAULT_FEW_SHOT_SELECTION config.update( { "kind": kind, "temperature": temperature, "top_p": top_p, "few_shot_num": few_shot_num, "few_shot_selection": few_shot_selection, } ) wandb.config.update(config) = f"{run_flag}_{kind}_t{temperature:.2f}_p{top_p:.2f}_fs{few_shot_num}_{few_shot_selection}" logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # set up logging and save directories uuid = "".join( random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for _ in range(8) ) timestamp ="%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") out_dir_path = f"{runtype}_{few_shot_selection}_{kind}_{uuid}_{timestamp}" os.makedirs(os.path.join(DEFAULT_RES_DIR, out_dir_path), exist_ok=True) os.makedirs( os.path.join(DEFAULT_RES_DIR, out_dir_path, DEFAULT_LOG_DIR), exist_ok=True ) logging.basicConfig( level=logging.INFO, format="%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s", handlers=[ logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(DEFAULT_RES_DIR, out_dir_path, DEFAULT_LOG_DIR, f"log.txt") ), logging.StreamHandler(), ], ) # set random seeds and environment variables"setting random seeds and environment variables...") random.seed(0) np.random.seed(1) torch.manual_seed(2) if torch.cuda.is_available(): "Using {} {} GPUs".format( torch.cuda.device_count(), torch.cuda.get_device_name() ) ) torch.cuda.empty_cache() torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(3) torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True set_env_vars() # load the schema"loading schema and data...") with open("data/manual/schema.json", "r") as f: schema = json.load(f) # load the data examples = [] with open("data/manual/human_annotations.jsonl", "r") as f: for line in f: examples.append(json.loads(line)) train = examples[:3] valid = [] if runtype == "new": seen = set() for file in os.listdir(data): with open(os.path.join(data, file), "r") as f: for line in f: dict_line = json.loads(line) if dict_line["title"] not in seen: seen.add(dict_line["title"]) valid.append(dict_line) else:"Duplicate found in {file}:\n{dict_line}\n\n") else: valid = examples[3:]"Number of training examples: {len(train)}")"Number of validation examples: {len(valid)}") # load model and tokenizer"loading model and tokenizer...") model_id = DEFAULT_MODEL_ID model, tokenizer = load_model_and_tokenizer(model_id) # generate the prefix"generating base prompt...") prefix = generate_prefix( instructions=generate_instructions(schema, kind), demonstrations=generate_demonstrations( train, kind, num_examples=few_shot_num, selection=few_shot_selection ), ) # run/evaluate the model"running the model...")"Run type: {runtype}")"Data: {data}")"Model: {model_id}") f"Run parameters: kind={kind}, temperature={temperature}, top_p={top_p}, few_shot_num={few_shot_num}, few_shot_selection={few_shot_selection}" ) if runtype == "eval": n_tp = 0 n_fp = 0 n_fn = 0 n_tp_union = 0 n_fp_union = 0 n_fn_union = 0 running_time = 0 pred_times = [] all_inputs = [] predicted_responses = [] gold_tags = [] predicted_tags = [] for i, example in enumerate(tqdm(valid)):"#" * 50) abstract = example["title"] + ". " + example["abstract"] sentences = get_sentences(abstract) if runtype == "eval": tagged_abstract = ( example["tagged_title"] + ". " + example["tagged_abstract"] ) tagged_sentences = get_sentences(tagged_abstract) zipped = zip(sentences, tagged_sentences, strict=True) else: zipped = zip(sentences, [None for _ in sentences], strict=True) for sentence, tagged_sentence in tqdm(zipped): input = format_instance(sentence, extraction=None) s_time = time() predicted_response = generate_prediction( model, tokenizer, prefix, input, kind, temperature=temperature, top_p=top_p, ) e_time = time() pred = extract_prediction(schema, predicted_response, kind=kind) if runtype == "eval": gold = extract_all_tagged_phrases(tagged_sentence) tp, fp, fn = classify_predictions(gold, pred) n_tp += tp n_fp += fp n_fn += fn utp, ufp, ufn = classify_predictions(gold, pred, union=True) n_tp_union += utp n_fp_union += ufp n_fn_union += ufn else: gold = None running_time += time() - s_time pred_times.append(e_time - s_time) all_inputs.append(prefix + input) gold_tags.append(gold) predicted_responses.append(predicted_response) predicted_tags.append(pred)"Prompt:\n{prefix + input}\n")"True Tag:\n{gold}\n")"Predicted Response:\n{predicted_response}\n")"Predicted Tag:\n{pred}\n") if (i + 1) % DEFAULT_SAVE_INTERVAL == 0: if runtype == "eval": metrics = compute_metrics( running_time, pred_times, runtype, eval_metrics=(n_tp, n_fp, n_fn, n_tp_union, n_fp_union, n_fn_union), ) wandb.log(metrics) else: metrics = compute_metrics(running_time, pred_times, runtype) save_results( out_dir_path, all_inputs, gold_tags, predicted_responses, predicted_tags, metrics, runtype, ) if i == len(valid) - 1: if runtype == "eval": metrics = compute_metrics( running_time, pred_times, runtype, eval_metrics=(n_tp, n_fp, n_fn, n_tp_union, n_fp_union, n_fn_union), ) else: metrics = compute_metrics(running_time, pred_times, runtype) save_results( out_dir_path, all_inputs, gold_tags, predicted_responses, predicted_tags, metrics, runtype, append=True, ) all_inputs.clear() gold_tags.clear() predicted_responses.clear() predicted_tags.clear() pprint.pprint(metrics) if runtype == "eval" and sweep: wandb.log( { "prediction_time": e_time - s_time, "true_positives": tp, "false_positives": fp, "false_negatives": fn, "union_true_positives": utp, "union_false_positives": ufp, "union_false_negatives": ufn, } ) save_best_config(metrics, config)"Results saved in: {os.path.join(DEFAULT_RES_DIR, out_dir_path)}") if __name__ == "__main__": if "--sweep" in sys.argv: sweep_config = load_sweep_config() wandb.agent(wandb.sweep(sweep_config, project="kg-runs"), function=main) else: main()