File size: 10,343 Bytes
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<div class="h-auto" id="id-prediction-map-container">
<div class="grid grid-cols-1 2xl:grid-cols-5 lg:gap-1 lg:border-r ml-2 mt-2 md:ml-4 md:mr-4">
<div class="lg:border-r lg:col-span-3">
<div id="id-map-cont" class="">
<p class="hidden lg:block">{{ description }}</p>
<div class="w-full md:pt-1 md:pb-1 lg:hidden portrait:xl:hidden">
class="h-8 text-sm font-extralight min-w-[180px] max-w-[180px]"
<div id="map" class="map-predictions" />
class="h-8 min-w-[240px] max-w-[240px] mt-2 mb-2 hidden sd:h-14 lg:block portrait:xl:block"
<div class="lg:col-span-2">
<div class="lg:pl-2 lg:pr-2 lg:border-l lg:border-3" id="id-map-info">
<h1>Map Info</h1>
<div class="grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-3">
<StatsGrid :stats-array="[
{statName: 'current Zoom', statValue: currentZoomRef},
{statName: 'current map name/type', statValue: currentBaseMapNameRef},
{statName: 'prompt: points/rectangles number', statValue: promptsArrayRef.length},
]" />
<div v-if="responseMessageRef === waitingString" />
<h2 v-else-if="responseMessageRef || responseMessageRef == '-'" class="text-lg text-red-600">{{ responseMessageRef }}</h2>
<div v-else>
<div class="grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-3">
<StatsGrid :stats-array="[
{statName: 'request duration', statValue: `${durationRef.toFixed(2)}s`},
{statName: 'polygons number', statValue: numberOfPolygonsRef},
{statName: 'predicted masks number', statValue: numberOfPredictedMasksRef},
]" />
<h1 id="id-ml-request-prompt">ML request prompt</h1>
<p>Exclude points: label 0, include points: label 1.</p>
<div v-if="promptsArrayRef.filter(el => {return el.type === 'point'}).length > 0">
:header="['id', 'data', 'label']"
:rows="applyFnToObjectWithinArray(promptsArrayRef.filter(el => {return el.type === 'point'}))"
<br />
<div v-if="promptsArrayRef.filter(el => {return el.type === 'rectangle'}).length > 0">
:header="['id', 'data_ne', 'data_sw']"
:rows="applyFnToObjectWithinArray(promptsArrayRef.filter(el => {return el.type === 'rectangle'}))"
<script lang="ts" setup>
import {
control as LeafletControl,
Evented as LEvented,
geoJSON as LeafletGeoJSON,
type LatLng,
Map as LMap,
map as LeafletMap,
TileLayer as LTileLayer
} from 'leaflet'
import 'leaflet-providers'
import '@geoman-io/leaflet-geoman-free'
import { onMounted, ref, type Ref } from 'vue'
import { driver } from "../../node_modules/driver.js/src/driver"
import {
} from './constants'
import {
} from '@/components/helpers'
import type { IBodyLatLngPoints, IPointPrompt, IRectanglePrompt, SourceTileType } from '@/components/types';
import StatsGrid from '@/components/StatsGrid.vue';
import TableGenericComponent from '@/components/TableGenericComponent.vue';
import ButtonMapSendArrayRequest from '@/components/buttons/ButtonMapSendArrayRequest.vue';
const driverObj = driver({
showProgress: true,
steps: [
{ element: 'id-prediction-map-container', popover: { title: 'SamGIS', description: 'A quick tour about SamGIS functionality' } },
{ element: '#map', popover: { title: 'Webmap for ML prompt', description: 'Add here your machine learning prompt' } },
{ element: '.leaflet-pm-icon-marker-include', popover: { title: '"Include" point prompt', description: 'add "include" points prompt (label 1) for machine learning request' } },
{ element: '.leaflet-pm-icon-marker-exclude', popover: { title: '"Exclude" point prompt', description: 'add "exclude" points prompt (label 0) for machine learning request' } },
{ element: '.leaflet-pm-icon-rectangle', popover: { title: '"Include" rectangle prompt', description: 'add "include" rectangles prompt for machine learning request' } },
{ element: "#id-button-submit", popover: { title: 'ML submit button', description: 'Machine learning submit button' } },
{ element: '.leaflet-control-layers-toggle', popover: { title: 'Map provider selector', description: 'select a different map provider' } },
{ element: '#id-map-info', popover: { title: 'map info', description: 'Section about various map info' } },
{ element: '#id-ml-request-prompt', popover: { title: 'ML prompt quest', description: 'Empty at beginning, this table will contain the machine learning prompt (points and rectangles) section' } }
const currentBaseMapNameRef = ref("")
const currentMapBBoxRef = ref()
const currentZoomRef = ref()
const promptsArrayRef: Ref<Array<IPointPrompt | IRectanglePrompt>> = ref([])
let map: LMap
type ServiceTiles = {
[key: SourceTileType]: LTileLayer;
const props = defineProps<{
mapBounds: Array<LatLng>,
mapName: string,
description: string
const getPopupContentPoint = (leafletEvent: LEvented, label: number): HTMLDivElement => {
let popupContent: HTMLDivElement = document.createElement('div')
let currentPointLayer: LatLng = getSelectedPointCoordinate(leafletEvent)
popupContent.innerHTML = `<span>lat:${JSON.stringify(}<br/>`
popupContent.innerHTML += `lng:${JSON.stringify(currentPointLayer.lng)}<br/>`
popupContent.innerHTML += `label:${label}, id:${leafletEvent.layer._leaflet_id}</span>`
const popupDiv: HTMLDivElement = document.createElement('div')
popupDiv.className = 'leaflet-popup-content-inner'
return popupDiv
const sendMLLatLngArrayRequest = async (leafletMap: LMap, promptRequest: Array<IPointPrompt | IRectanglePrompt>, sourceType: SourceTileType = OpenStreetMap) => {
if ( {
if ( {
const bodyRequest: IBodyLatLngPoints = {
bbox: getExtentCurrentViewMapBBox(leafletMap),
prompt: promptRequest,
zoom: leafletMap.getZoom(),
source_type: sourceType
try {
const geojsonOutputOnMounted = await getGeoJSONRequest(bodyRequest, '/infer_samgis')
const featureNew = LeafletGeoJSON(geojsonOutputOnMounted)
} catch (errGeojsonOutputOnMounted) {
console.error('sendMLRequest:: sourceType: ', sourceType)
console.error('sendMLRequest:: promptRequest: ', promptRequest.length, '::', promptRequest)
console.error('sendMLRequest:: bodyRequest => ', bodyRequest, "#")
console.error("errGeojsonOutputOnMounted => ", errGeojsonOutputOnMounted)
const updateZoomBboxMap = (localMap: LMap) => {
currentZoomRef.value = localMap.getZoom()
currentMapBBoxRef.value = getExtentCurrentViewMapBBox(localMap)
const getCurrentBasemap = (url: string, providersArray: ServiceTiles) => {
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(providersArray)) {
if (value._url == url) {
return key
onMounted(async () => {
const osmTile = tileLayer.provider(OpenStreetMap)
const params = getQueryParams()
let localVarSatellite: SourceTileType = params.source ? params.source : Satellite
let localVarSatelliteOptions = params.options ? params.options : {}
const satelliteTile = tileLayer.provider(localVarSatellite, localVarSatelliteOptions)
let localVarTerrain: SourceTileType = "nextzen.terrarium"
const terrainTile = new LTileLayer(
"{z}/{x}/{y}.png", {
id: localVarTerrain,
attribution: "<a href=''>nextzen</a>," +
"<a href=''>Mapzen Terrain Tiles - AWS opendata registry</a>," +
"<a href=''>Mapzen Source Attributions</a>."
let baseMaps: ServiceTiles = { OpenStreetMap: osmTile }
baseMaps[localVarSatellite] = satelliteTile
baseMaps[localVarTerrain] = terrainTile
currentBaseMapNameRef.value = OpenStreetMap
map = LeafletMap('map', {
layers: [osmTile]
LeafletControl.scale({ position: 'bottomleft', imperial: false, metric: true }).addTo(map)
map.on('zoomend', (e: LEvented) => {
map.on('mouseup', (e: LEvented) => {
currentMapBBoxRef.value = getExtentCurrentViewMapBBox(map)
updateMapData(map, getPopupContentPoint, promptsArrayRef)
map.on('baselayerchange', (e: LEvented) => {
currentBaseMapNameRef.value = getCurrentBasemap(e.layer._url, baseMaps)