import { ref } from "vue" |
export const prefix = " © <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://leafletjs.com\">leaflet</a>" |
export const OpenStreetMap = "OpenStreetMap" |
export const Satellite = "OpenStreetMap.HOT" |
export const maxZoom = 20 |
export const minZoom = 2 |
export const waitingString = "waiting..." |
export const durationRef = ref(0) |
export const numberOfPolygonsRef = ref(0) |
export const numberOfPredictedMasksRef = ref(0) |
export const responseMessageRef = ref("-") |
export const geojsonRef = ref("geojsonOutput-placeholder") |
export const responseMessageLisaRef = ref("-") |
export const promptPlaceHolder = "You are a skilled gis analyst with a lot of expertise " + |
"in photogrammetry, remote sensing and geomorphology field." |
export const promptTextArray = [ |
"You need to identify the areas with trees in this photogrammetric image. Please output segmentation mask.", |
"You need to identify the roads in this photogrammetric image. Please output segmentation mask and explain why.", |
"You need to identify the lake in this photogrammetric image. Please output segmentation mask, explain why and describe what you identified.", |
"Describe what do you can identify in this photogrammetric image." |
] |
export const htmlStatusMessages = [ |
{ |
code: 100, |
phrase: 'Continue' |
}, |
{ |
code: 101, |
phrase: 'Switching Protocols' |
}, |
{ |
code: 200, |
phrase: 'OK' |
}, |
{ |
code: 201, |
phrase: 'Created' |
}, |
{ |
code: 202, |
phrase: 'Accepted' |
}, |
{ |
code: 203, |
phrase: 'Non-Authoritative Information' |
}, |
{ |
code: 204, |
phrase: 'No Content' |
}, |
{ |
code: 205, |
phrase: 'Reset Content' |
}, |
{ |
code: 206, |
phrase: 'Partial Content' |
}, |
{ |
code: 300, |
phrase: 'Multiple Choices' |
}, |
{ |
code: 302, |
phrase: 'Found' |
}, |
{ |
code: 303, |
phrase: 'See Other' |
}, |
{ |
code: 304, |
phrase: 'Not Modified' |
}, |
{ |
code: 305, |
phrase: 'Use Proxy' |
}, |
{ |
code: 307, |
phrase: 'Temporary Redirect' |
}, |
{ |
code: 400, |
phrase: 'Bad Request' |
}, |
{ |
code: 401, |
phrase: 'Unauthorized' |
}, |
{ |
code: 402, |
phrase: 'Payment Required' |
}, |
{ |
code: 403, |
phrase: 'Forbidden' |
}, |
{ |
code: 404, |
phrase: 'Not Found' |
}, |
{ |
code: 405, |
phrase: 'Method Not Allowed' |
}, |
{ |
code: 406, |
phrase: 'Not Acceptable' |
}, |
{ |
code: 407, |
phrase: 'Proxy Authentication Required' |
}, |
{ |
code: 408, |
phrase: 'Request Timeout' |
}, |
{ |
code: 409, |
phrase: 'Conflict' |
}, |
{ |
code: 410, |
phrase: 'Gone' |
}, |
{ |
code: 411, |
phrase: 'Length Required' |
}, |
{ |
code: 412, |
phrase: 'Precondition Failed' |
}, |
{ |
code: 413, |
phrase: 'Payload Too Large' |
}, |
{ |
code: 414, |
phrase: 'URI Too Long' |
}, |
{ |
code: 415, |
phrase: 'Unsupported Media Type' |
}, |
{ |
code: 416, |
phrase: 'Range Not Satisfiable' |
}, |
{ |
code: 417, |
phrase: 'Expectation Failed' |
}, |
{ |
code: 418, |
phrase: "I'm a teapot" |
}, |
{ |
code: 426, |
phrase: 'Upgrade Required' |
}, |
{ |
code: 500, |
phrase: 'Internal Server Error' |
}, |
{ |
code: 501, |
phrase: 'Not Implemented' |
}, |
{ |
code: 502, |
phrase: 'Bad Gateway' |
}, |
{ |
code: 503, |
phrase: 'Service Unavailable' |
}, |
{ |
code: 504, |
phrase: 'Gateway Time-out' |
}, |
{ |
code: 505, |
phrase: 'HTTP Version Not Supported' |
}, |
{ |
code: 102, |
phrase: 'Processing' |
}, |
{ |
code: 207, |
phrase: 'Multi-Status' |
}, |
{ |
code: 226, |
phrase: 'IM Used' |
}, |
{ |
code: 308, |
phrase: 'Permanent Redirect' |
}, |
{ |
code: 422, |
phrase: 'Unprocessable Entity' |
}, |
{ |
code: 423, |
phrase: 'Locked' |
}, |
{ |
code: 424, |
phrase: 'Failed Dependency' |
}, |
{ |
code: 428, |
phrase: 'Precondition Required' |
}, |
{ |
code: 429, |
phrase: 'Too Many Requests' |
}, |
{ |
code: 431, |
phrase: 'Request Header Fields Too Large' |
}, |
{ |
code: 451, |
phrase: 'Unavailable For Legal Reasons' |
}, |
{ |
code: 506, |
phrase: 'Variant Also Negotiates' |
}, |
{ |
code: 507, |
phrase: 'Insufficient Storage' |
}, |
{ |
code: 511, |
phrase: 'Network Authentication Required' |
} |
] |