[feat] add support for locking map during ML inference c92d24c alessandro trinca tornidor commited on Apr 22
[feat] update the onbard user tour with driver.js 0e6892b alessandro trinca tornidor commited on Apr 8
[feat] PageLisaMap.vue: show the LISA text response on map page 9bca4cd alessandro trinca tornidor commited on Apr 7
[refactor] rename samgis module tosamgis_lisa_on_cuda, bump to version 1.3.0, update samgis and lisa_on_cuda dependencies fcb8c81 alessandro trinca tornidor commited on Mar 17
[chore] sync with samgis-be (pyproject.toml, PageLisaMap.vue), update HF space card title 5350122 alessandro trinca tornidor commited on Mar 16
[feat] prepare entire docker build with nvidia GPU on hf space cloning https://huggingface.co/spaces/aletrn/samgis 0914710 alessandro trinca tornidor commited on Mar 16