import tempfile |
from pathlib import Path |
import numpy as np |
from src import app_logger, MODEL_FOLDER |
from src.io.geo_helpers import get_vectorized_raster_as_geojson |
from src.io.tms2geotiff import save_geotiff_gdal, download_extent |
from src.prediction_api.sam_onnx import SegmentAnythingONNX |
from src.utilities.constants import MODEL_ENCODER_NAME, MODEL_DECODER_NAME, DEFAULT_TMS |
models_dict = {"fastsam": {"instance": None}} |
def samexporter_predict(bbox, prompt: list[dict], zoom: float, model_name: str = "fastsam") -> dict: |
try: |
if models_dict[model_name]["instance"] is None: |
app_logger.info(f"missing instance model {model_name}, instantiating it now!") |
model_instance = SegmentAnythingONNX( |
encoder_model_path=MODEL_FOLDER / MODEL_ENCODER_NAME, |
decoder_model_path=MODEL_FOLDER / MODEL_DECODER_NAME |
) |
models_dict[model_name]["instance"] = model_instance |
app_logger.debug(f"using a {model_name} instance model...") |
models_instance = models_dict[model_name]["instance"] |
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as input_tmp_dir: |
app_logger.info(f'tile_source: {DEFAULT_TMS}!') |
pt0, pt1 = bbox |
app_logger.info("downloading...") |
img, matrix = download_extent(DEFAULT_TMS, pt0[0], pt0[1], pt1[0], pt1[1], zoom) |
app_logger.debug(f"img type {type(img)} with shape/size:{img.size}, matrix:{matrix}.") |
pt0, pt1 = bbox |
rio_output = str(Path(input_tmp_dir) / f"downloaded_rio_{pt0[0]}_{pt0[1]}_{pt1[0]}_{pt1[1]}.tif") |
app_logger.debug(f"saving downloaded image as geotiff using matrix {matrix} to {rio_output}...") |
save_geotiff_gdal(img, rio_output, matrix) |
app_logger.info(f"saved downloaded geotiff image to {rio_output}, preparing inference...") |
mask, prediction_masks = get_raster_inference(img, prompt, models_instance, model_name) |
n_predictions = len(prediction_masks) |
app_logger.info(f"created {n_predictions} masks, preparing conversion to geojson...") |
return { |
"n_predictions": n_predictions, |
**get_vectorized_raster_as_geojson(rio_output, mask) |
} |
except ImportError as e_import_module: |
app_logger.error(f"Error trying import module:{e_import_module}.") |
def get_raster_inference(img, prompt, models_instance, model_name): |
np_img = np.array(img) |
app_logger.info(f"img type {type(np_img)}, prompt:{prompt}.") |
app_logger.debug(f"onnxruntime input shape/size (shape if PIL) {np_img.size}.") |
try: |
app_logger.debug(f"onnxruntime input shape (NUMPY) {np_img.shape}.") |
except Exception as e_shape: |
app_logger.error(f"e_shape:{e_shape}.") |
app_logger.info(f"instantiated model {model_name}, ENCODER {MODEL_ENCODER_NAME}, " |
f"DECODER {MODEL_DECODER_NAME} from {MODEL_FOLDER}: Creating embedding...") |
embedding = models_instance.encode(np_img) |
app_logger.debug(f"embedding created, running predict_masks with prompt {prompt}...") |
inference_out = models_instance.predict_masks(embedding, prompt) |
app_logger.info(f"Created {len(inference_out)} prediction_masks," |
f"shape:{inference_out.shape}, dtype:{inference_out.dtype}.") |
mask = np.zeros((inference_out.shape[2], inference_out.shape[3]), dtype=np.uint8) |
for n, m in enumerate(inference_out[0, :, :, :]): |
app_logger.debug(f"{n}th of prediction_masks shape {inference_out.shape}" |
f" => mask shape:{mask.shape}, {mask.dtype}.") |
mask[m > 0.0] = 255 |
return mask, inference_out |