import logging |
import unittest |
import numpy as np |
from src import MODEL_FOLDER |
from src.prediction_api.sam_onnx import SegmentAnythingONNX |
from src.utilities.constants import MODEL_ENCODER_NAME, MODEL_DECODER_NAME |
from src.utilities.utilities import hash_calculate |
from tests import TEST_EVENTS_FOLDER |
instance_sam_onnx = SegmentAnythingONNX( |
encoder_model_path=MODEL_FOLDER / MODEL_ENCODER_NAME, |
decoder_model_path=MODEL_FOLDER / MODEL_DECODER_NAME |
) |
np_img = np.load(TEST_EVENTS_FOLDER / "samexporter_predict" / "oceania" / "img.npy") |
prompt = [{ |
"type": "point", |
"data": [934, 510], |
"label": 0 |
}] |
class TestSegmentAnythingONNX(unittest.TestCase): |
def test_encode_predict_masks_ok(self): |
embedding = instance_sam_onnx.encode(np_img) |
try: |
assert hash_calculate(embedding) == b"m2O3y7pNUwlLuAZhBHkRIu8cDIIej0oOmWOXevs39r4=" |
except AssertionError as ae1: |
logging.warning(f"ae1:{ae1}.") |
inference_mask = instance_sam_onnx.predict_masks(embedding, prompt) |
try: |
assert hash_calculate(inference_mask) == b'YSKKNCs3AMpbeDUVwqIwNQqJ365OG4239hxjFnW7XTM=' |
except AssertionError as ae2: |
logging.warning(f"ae2:{ae2}.") |
mask_output = np.zeros((inference_mask.shape[2], inference_mask.shape[3]), dtype=np.uint8) |
for n, m in enumerate(inference_mask[0, :, :, :]): |
logging.debug(f"{n}th of prediction_masks shape {inference_mask.shape}" |
f" => mask shape:{mask_output.shape}, {mask_output.dtype}.") |
mask_output[m > 0.0] = 255 |
mask_expected = np.load(TEST_EVENTS_FOLDER / "SegmentAnythingONNX" / "mask_output.npy") |
sum_mask_output_vs_expected = mask_expected / 255 + mask_output / 255 |
unique_values__output_vs_expected = np.unique(sum_mask_output_vs_expected, return_counts=True) |
tot = sum_mask_output_vs_expected.size |
perc = { |
k: 100 * v / tot for |
k, v in |
zip(unique_values__output_vs_expected[0], unique_values__output_vs_expected[1]) |
} |
try: |
assert 1 not in perc |
except AssertionError: |
n_pixels = perc[1] |
logging.error(f"found {n_pixels:.2%} different pixels between expected masks and output mask.") |
assert perc[1] < 5 |
def test_encode_predict_masks_ex1(self): |
with self.assertRaises(Exception): |
try: |
np_input = np.zeros((10, 10)) |
instance_sam_onnx.encode(np_input) |
except Exception as e: |
logging.error(f"e:{e}.") |
msg = "[ONNXRuntimeError] : 2 : INVALID_ARGUMENT : Invalid rank for input: input_image " |
msg += "Got: 2 Expected: 3 Please fix either the inputs or the model." |
assert str(e) == msg |
raise e |
def test_encode_predict_masks_ex2(self): |
wrong_prompt = [{ |
"type": "rectangle", |
"data": [934, 510], |
"label": 0 |
}] |
embedding = instance_sam_onnx.encode(np_img) |
with self.assertRaises(IndexError): |
try: |
instance_sam_onnx.predict_masks(embedding, wrong_prompt) |
except IndexError as ie: |
print(ie) |
assert str(ie) == "list index out of range" |
raise ie |