import unittest import numpy as np from src import app_logger from import download_extent from src.utilities.utilities import hash_calculate from tests import TEST_EVENTS_FOLDER tile_source_url = "http://localhost:8000/geotiff/{z}/{x}/{y}.tif" input_bbox = [[38.03932961278458, 15.36808069832851], [37.455509218936974, 14.632807441554068]] class TestTms2geotiff(unittest.TestCase): from contextlib import contextmanager @staticmethod @contextmanager def http_server(host: str, port: int, directory: str): """Function http_server defined within this test class to avoid pytest error "fixture 'host' not found".""" from functools import partial from http.server import SimpleHTTPRequestHandler, ThreadingHTTPServer from threading import Thread server = ThreadingHTTPServer( (host, port), partial(SimpleHTTPRequestHandler, directory=directory) ) server_thread = Thread(target=server.serve_forever, name="http_server") server_thread.start() print(f"listen:: host {host}, port {port}.") try: yield finally: server.shutdown() server_thread.join() def test_download_extent(self): listen_port = 8000 with self.http_server("localhost", listen_port, directory=TEST_EVENTS_FOLDER): pt0, pt1 = input_bbox zoom = 10 img, matrix = download_extent( source=tile_source_url, lat0=pt0[0], lon0=pt0[1], lat1=pt1[0], lon1=pt1[1], zoom=zoom )"# DOWNLOAD ENDED! #") np_img = np.array(img) output_hash = hash_calculate(np_img) assert output_hash == b'LJNhEuMMp2nRclFJfF6oM3iMVbnZnWDmZqWzrs3T4Hs=' def test_download_extent_io_error1(self): with self.assertRaises(IOError): try: pt0, pt1 = input_bbox zoom = 10 download_extent( source=tile_source_url, lat0=pt0[0], lon0=pt0[1], lat1=pt1[0], lon1=pt1[1], zoom=zoom ) except IOError as ioe1: app_logger.error(f"ioe1:{ioe1}.") msg0 = "HTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=8000): Max retries exceeded with url: /geotiff/" msg1 = "Caused by NewConnectionError" msg2 = ": Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 61] Connection refused'))" assert msg0 in str(ioe1) assert msg1 in str(ioe1) assert msg2 in str(ioe1) raise ioe1 def test_download_extent_io_error2(self): listen_port = 8000 with self.http_server("localhost", listen_port, directory=TEST_EVENTS_FOLDER): pt0, pt1 = input_bbox zoom = 10 with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): try: download_extent( source=tile_source_url + "_not_found_raster!", lat0=pt0[0], lon0=pt0[1], lat1=pt1[0], lon1=pt1[1], zoom=zoom ) except AttributeError as ae: app_logger.error(f"ae:{ae}.") assert str(ae) == "'NoneType' object has no attribute 'crop'" raise ae if __name__ == '__main__': from tests import TEST_ROOT_FOLDER main_listen_port = 8000 print("http_basedir_serve:", TEST_ROOT_FOLDER, "#") with TestTms2geotiff.http_server("", main_listen_port, directory=TEST_ROOT_FOLDER): pass # import time # time.sleep(10) print("Http server stopped.")