"""Various utilities (logger, time benchmark, args dump, numerical and stats info)""" def prepare_base64_input(sb): if isinstance(sb, str): # If there's any unicode here, an exception will be thrown and the function will return false return bytes(sb, 'ascii') elif isinstance(sb, bytes): return sb raise ValueError("Argument must be string or bytes") def is_base64(sb: str or bytes): import base64 try: sb_bytes = prepare_base64_input(sb) return base64.b64encode(base64.b64decode(sb_bytes, validate=True)) == sb_bytes except ValueError: return False def base64_decode(s): import base64 if isinstance(s, str) and is_base64(s): return base64.b64decode(s, validate=True).decode("utf-8") return s def base64_encode(sb: str or bytes): import base64 sb_bytes = prepare_base64_input(sb) return base64.b64encode(sb_bytes)