cleanup_catergories = {"sex": {"female": 1, "male": 0}, "embarked": {"S": 0, "C": 1, "Q": 2}, "Cabin": {"N": 0, "C": 1, "E": 2, "G": 3, "D":4, "A": 5, "B": 6, "F": 7, "T": 8}} |
sex_dict = {"female": 1, "male": 0} |
embarked_dict = {"S": 0, "C": 1, "Q": 2} |
""" |
title_dict = { |
0: ["Mr"], |
1: ["Miss"], |
2: ["Mrs"], |
3: ["Master"], |
# Rare titles, not worth individual categorys |
4: [ |
"Dr", |
"Rev", |
"Mlle", |
"Major", |
"Col", |
"Countess", |
"Capt", |
"Ms", |
"Sir", |
"Lady", |
"Nme", |
"Don", |
"Jonkheer", |
], |
} |
""" |
def feat_eng(df): |
""" |
Main function containg the feature engineering part |
of the pipeline. |
""" |
import pandas as pd |
import numpy as np |
import hopsworks |
df = pd.read_csv( |
"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ID2223KTH/id2223kth.github.io/master/assignments/lab1/titanic.csv" |
) |
df.drop(["Ticket"], axis=1, inplace=True) |
df = df[df["Embarked"].notna()] |
if "Name" in df.columns: |
df["Title"] = df.Name.str.extract("([A-Za-z]+)\\.") |
df.drop("Name", axis=1, inplace=True) |
for title in df["Title"].unique(): |
mask = (df["Title"] == title) & df["Age"].isna() |
candidates = df.loc[(df["Title"] == title) & df["Age"].notna()] |
g = candidates.groupby("Age", dropna=True)["Age"].count() |
g = g.apply(lambda x: x / g.sum()) |
weights = g.to_numpy() |
ages = g.index |
df.update(df["Age"][mask].apply(lambda x: np.random.choice(ages, p=weights))) |
df["Age"] = df["Age"].astype("int") |
df['Age'] = pd.cut(df['Age'],[0,8,15,30,65,150]) |
df['Fare'] = pd.cut(df['Fare'],[0,200,400,600,1000]) |
pd.cut(df['SibSp'], [0,1,2,7], right=False) |
df["Cabin"] = df["Cabin"].str.slice(0,1) |
df["Cabin"] = df["Cabin"].fillna("N") |
df.columns = df.columns.str.lower() |
df = df.replace(cleanup_catergories) |
return df |