from textwrap import dedent from openai import OpenAI from decouple import config import json,os OPENAI_API_KEY = os.environ.get("OPENAI_API_KEY") voice_edit = dedent(""" ### Instruction: audio transcription starts here {text} audio transcription ends here I want you to provide the json format with all the details filled as mentioned below by getting information from the audio transcription. ( return "null" where you don't have a answer) "brand": sample_brand "mrp": 12, ##price of product "unit": per pack "Quantity": 1, ##num of products visible "parent_category": from the above given list" "ingredients": "ingredient1", "ingredient2", "ingredient3" ##list of ingredients comma separated "calorie_count": 12 ##calorie count "marketed_by": ##sample_marketer "manufactured_by": ##manufacturer "manufactured_in_country": India ##Country of manufacture "type_of_packaging": Box "promotion_on_the_pack": "type_of_product": ## give this your understanding of product "pack_of_or_no_of_units": ##No. of Units "description": ##description of product "weight": ##weight of product Only return the output in the required json format with string in enclosed in double quotes. """) def getname(prompt): client = OpenAI(api_key=OPENAI_API_KEY) completion = response_format={ "type": "json_object" }, model="gpt-3.5-turbo-1106", messages=[ {"role": "user", "content": prompt , } ] ) return completion.choices[0].message.content def extract_json_from_text(text): text = str(text).lower() print(f"Extracting JSON from text: {text}") try: # Find the JSON part within the text start_index = text.find('{') end_index = text.rfind('}') + 1 json_part = text[start_index:end_index] json_part = json.loads(json_part.strip()) return json_part except Exception as e: print(f"\033[31m Exception occurred while loading JSON: {str(e)} [0m") return e