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Description: This file contains utility functions to support the Streamlit app.
These functions handle file processing, video conversion, and inference running
on uploaded images and videos.
Author: Austin Powell
import pandas as pd
import altair as alt
import io
import av
from tqdm import tqdm
import numpy as np
import logging
import streamlit as st
def extract_file_datetime(fname):
"""Extract datetime from file name
fname (str): File name
pd.datetime: Datetime extracted from file name
fname = os.path.basename(fname)
dt = fname.split("_")[1]
h,m,s = fname.split("_")[2].split(".")[0].split("-")
return pd.to_datetime(f"{dt} {h}:{m}:{s}")
def frames_to_video(frames=None, fps=12):
Convert frames to video for Streamlit
frames: frame from cv2.VideoCapture as numpy. E.g. frame.astype(np.uint8)
fps: Frames per second. Useful if the inference video is compressed to slow down for analysis
# Grab information from the first frame
height, width, layers = frames[0].shape
# Create a BytesIO "in memory file"
output_memory_file = io.BytesIO()
# Open "in memory file" as MP4 video output
output =, "w", format="mp4")
# Add H.264 video stream to the MP4 container, with framerate = fps
stream = output.add_stream("h264", str(fps))
# Set frame width and height
stream.width = width
stream.height = height
# Set pixel format (yuv420p for better compatibility)
stream.pix_fmt = "yuv420p"
# Select low crf for high quality (the price is larger file size)
stream.options = {
"crf": "17"
# Iterate through the frames, encode, and write to MP4 memory file"INFO: Encoding frames and writing to MP4 format.")
for frame in tqdm(frames):
# Convert frame to av.VideoFrame format
frame = av.VideoFrame.from_ndarray(frame.astype(np.uint8), format="bgr24")
# Encode the video frame
packet = stream.encode(frame)
# "Mux" the encoded frame (add the encoded frame to MP4 file)
# Flush the encoder
packet = stream.encode(None)
# Close the output video file
# Reset the file pointer to the beginning of the memory file
# Return the output memory file
return output_memory_file
def process_uploaded_file():
st.subheader("Upload your own video...")
# Initialize accepted file types for upload
img_types = ["jpg", "png", "jpeg"]
video_types = ["mp4", "avi"]
# Allow user to upload an image or video file
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Select an image or video file...", type=img_types + video_types)
# Display the uploaded file
if uploaded_file is not None:
if str(uploaded_file.type).split("/")[-1] in img_types:
# Display uploaded image
image =
st.image(image, caption="Uploaded image", use_column_width=True)
# TBD: Inference code to run and display for single image
elif str(uploaded_file.type).split("/")[-1] in video_types:
# Display uploaded video
# Convert streamlit video object to OpenCV format to run inferences
tfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
vf = cv.VideoCapture(
# Run inference on the uploaded video
with st.spinner("Running inference..."):
frames, counts, timestamps = inference.main(vf)"INFO: Completed running inference on frames")
# Convert OpenCV Numpy frames in-memory to IO Bytes for streamlit
streamlit_video_file = frames_to_video(frames=frames, fps=11)
# Show processed video and provide download button
label="Download processed video",
# Create dataframe for fish counts and timestamps
df_counts_time = pd.DataFrame(
data={"fish_count": counts, "timestamps": timestamps[1:]}
# Display fish count vs. timestamp chart
st.write("No file uploaded")