# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the license found in the
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Multi Band Diffusion models as described in
"From Discrete Tokens to High-Fidelity Audio Using Multi-Band Diffusion"
(paper link).

import typing as tp

import torch
import julius

from .unet import DiffusionUnet
from ..modules.diffusion_schedule import NoiseSchedule
from .encodec import CompressionModel
from ..solvers.compression import CompressionSolver
from .loaders import load_compression_model, load_diffusion_models

class DiffusionProcess:
    """Sampling for a diffusion Model.

        model (DiffusionUnet): Diffusion U-Net model.
        noise_schedule (NoiseSchedule): Noise schedule for diffusion process.
    def __init__(self, model: DiffusionUnet, noise_schedule: NoiseSchedule) -> None:
        self.model = model
        self.schedule = noise_schedule

    def generate(self, condition: torch.Tensor, initial_noise: torch.Tensor,
                 step_list: tp.Optional[tp.List[int]] = None):
        """Perform one diffusion process to generate one of the bands.

            condition (tensor): The embeddings form the compression model.
            initial_noise (tensor): The initial noise to start the process/
        return self.schedule.generate_subsampled(model=self.model, initial=initial_noise, step_list=step_list,

class MultiBandDiffusion:
    """Sample from multiple diffusion models.

        DPs (list of DiffusionProcess): Diffusion processes.
        codec_model (CompressionModel): Underlying compression model used to obtain discrete tokens.
    def __init__(self, DPs: tp.List[DiffusionProcess], codec_model: CompressionModel) -> None:
        self.DPs = DPs
        self.codec_model = codec_model
        self.device = next(self.codec_model.parameters()).device

    def sample_rate(self) -> int:
        return self.codec_model.sample_rate

    def get_mbd_musicgen(device=None):
        """Load our diffusion models trained for MusicGen."""
        if device is None:
            device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'
        path = 'facebook/multiband-diffusion'
        filename = 'mbd_musicgen_32khz.th'
        name = 'facebook/musicgen-small'
        codec_model = load_compression_model(name, device=device)
        models, processors, cfgs = load_diffusion_models(path, filename=filename, device=device)
        DPs = []
        for i in range(len(models)):
            schedule = NoiseSchedule(**cfgs[i].schedule, sample_processor=processors[i], device=device)
            DPs.append(DiffusionProcess(model=models[i], noise_schedule=schedule))
        return MultiBandDiffusion(DPs=DPs, codec_model=codec_model)

    def get_mbd_24khz(bw: float = 3.0, pretrained: bool = True,
                      device: tp.Optional[tp.Union[torch.device, str]] = None,
                      n_q: tp.Optional[int] = None):
        """Get the pretrained Models for MultibandDiffusion.

            bw (float): Bandwidth of the compression model.
            pretrained (bool): Whether to use / download if necessary the models.
            device (torch.device or str, optional): Device on which the models are loaded.
            n_q (int, optional): Number of quantizers to use within the compression model.
        if device is None:
            device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'
        assert bw in [1.5, 3.0, 6.0], f"bandwidth {bw} not available"
        if n_q is not None:
            assert n_q in [2, 4, 8]
            assert {1.5: 2, 3.0: 4, 6.0: 8}[bw] == n_q, \
                f"bandwidth and number of codebooks missmatch to use n_q = {n_q} bw should be {n_q * (1.5 / 2)}"
        n_q = {1.5: 2, 3.0: 4, 6.0: 8}[bw]
        codec_model = CompressionSolver.model_from_checkpoint(
            '//pretrained/facebook/encodec_24khz', device=device)
        codec_model = codec_model.to(device)
        path = 'facebook/multiband-diffusion'
        filename = f'mbd_comp_{n_q}.pt'
        models, processors, cfgs = load_diffusion_models(path, filename=filename, device=device)
        DPs = []
        for i in range(len(models)):
            schedule = NoiseSchedule(**cfgs[i].schedule, sample_processor=processors[i], device=device)
            DPs.append(DiffusionProcess(model=models[i], noise_schedule=schedule))
        return MultiBandDiffusion(DPs=DPs, codec_model=codec_model)

        return MultiBandDiffusion(DPs, codec_model)

    def get_condition(self, wav: torch.Tensor, sample_rate: int) -> torch.Tensor:
        """Get the conditioning (i.e. latent reprentatios of the compression model) from a waveform.
            wav (torch.Tensor): The audio that we want to extract the conditioning from
            sample_rate (int): sample rate of the audio"""
        if sample_rate != self.sample_rate:
            wav = julius.resample_frac(wav, sample_rate, self.sample_rate)
        codes, scale = self.codec_model.encode(wav)
        assert scale is None, "Scaled compression models not supported."
        emb = self.get_emb(codes)
        return emb

    def get_emb(self, codes: torch.Tensor):
        """Get latent representation from the discrete codes
            codes (torch.Tensor): discrete tokens"""
        emb = self.codec_model.decode_latent(codes)
        return emb

    def generate(self, emb: torch.Tensor, size: tp.Optional[torch.Size] = None,
                 step_list: tp.Optional[tp.List[int]] = None):
        """Generate Wavform audio from the latent embeddings of the compression model
            emb (torch.Tensor): Conditioning embeddinds
            size (none torch.Size): size of the output
                if None this is computed from the typical upsampling of the model
            step_list (optional list[int]): list of Markov chain steps, defaults to 50 linearly spaced step.
        if size is None:
            upsampling = int(self.codec_model.sample_rate / self.codec_model.frame_rate)
            size = torch.Size([emb.size(0), self.codec_model.channels, emb.size(-1) * upsampling])
        assert size[0] == emb.size(0)
        out = torch.zeros(size).to(self.device)
        for DP in self.DPs:
            out += DP.generate(condition=emb, step_list=step_list, initial_noise=torch.randn_like(out))
        return out

    def re_eq(self, wav: torch.Tensor, ref: torch.Tensor, n_bands: int = 32, strictness: float = 1):
        """match the eq to the encodec output by matching the standard deviation of some frequency bands
            wav (torch.Tensor): audio to equalize
            ref (torch.Tensor):refenrence audio from which we match the spectrogram.
            n_bands (int): number of bands of the eq
            strictness (float): how strict the the matching. 0 is no matching, 1 is exact matching.
        split = julius.SplitBands(n_bands=n_bands, sample_rate=self.codec_model.sample_rate).to(wav.device)
        bands = split(wav)
        bands_ref = split(ref)
        out = torch.zeros_like(ref)
        for i in range(n_bands):
            out += bands[i] * (bands_ref[i].std() / bands[i].std()) ** strictness
        return out

    def regenerate(self, wav: torch.Tensor, sample_rate: int):
        """Regenerate a wavform through compression and diffusion regeneration.
            wav (torch.Tensor): Original 'ground truth' audio
            sample_rate (int): sample rate of the input (and output) wav
        if sample_rate != self.codec_model.sample_rate:
            wav = julius.resample_frac(wav, sample_rate, self.codec_model.sample_rate)
        emb = self.get_condition(wav, sample_rate=self.codec_model.sample_rate)
        size = wav.size()
        out = self.generate(emb, size=size)
        if sample_rate != self.codec_model.sample_rate:
            out = julius.resample_frac(out, self.codec_model.sample_rate, sample_rate)
        return out

    def tokens_to_wav(self, tokens: torch.Tensor, n_bands: int = 32):
        """Generate Waveform audio with diffusion from the discrete codes.
            tokens (torch.Tensor): discrete codes
            n_bands (int): bands for the eq matching.
        wav_encodec = self.codec_model.decode(tokens)
        condition = self.get_emb(tokens)
        wav_diffusion = self.generate(emb=condition, size=wav_encodec.size())
        return self.re_eq(wav=wav_diffusion, ref=wav_encodec, n_bands=n_bands)