import os import torch import time import math import ldm_patched.modules.model_base import ldm_patched.ldm.modules.diffusionmodules.openaimodel import ldm_patched.modules.model_management import modules.anisotropic as anisotropic import ldm_patched.ldm.modules.attention import ldm_patched.k_diffusion.sampling import ldm_patched.modules.sd1_clip import modules.inpaint_worker as inpaint_worker import ldm_patched.ldm.modules.diffusionmodules.openaimodel import ldm_patched.ldm.modules.diffusionmodules.model import import ldm_patched.controlnet.cldm import ldm_patched.modules.model_patcher import ldm_patched.modules.samplers import ldm_patched.modules.args_parser import modules.advanced_parameters as advanced_parameters import warnings import safetensors.torch import modules.constants as constants from ldm_patched.modules.samplers import calc_cond_uncond_batch from ldm_patched.k_diffusion.sampling import BatchedBrownianTree from ldm_patched.ldm.modules.diffusionmodules.openaimodel import forward_timestep_embed, apply_control from modules.patch_precision import patch_all_precision from modules.patch_clip import patch_all_clip sharpness = 2.0 adm_scaler_end = 0.3 positive_adm_scale = 1.5 negative_adm_scale = 0.8 adaptive_cfg = 7.0 global_diffusion_progress = 0 eps_record = None def calculate_weight_patched(self, patches, weight, key): for p in patches: alpha = p[0] v = p[1] strength_model = p[2] if strength_model != 1.0: weight *= strength_model if isinstance(v, list): v = (self.calculate_weight(v[1:], v[0].clone(), key),) if len(v) == 1: patch_type = "diff" elif len(v) == 2: patch_type = v[0] v = v[1] if patch_type == "diff": w1 = v[0] if alpha != 0.0: if w1.shape != weight.shape: print("WARNING SHAPE MISMATCH {} WEIGHT NOT MERGED {} != {}".format(key, w1.shape, weight.shape)) else: weight += alpha * ldm_patched.modules.model_management.cast_to_device(w1, weight.device, weight.dtype) elif patch_type == "lora": mat1 = ldm_patched.modules.model_management.cast_to_device(v[0], weight.device, torch.float32) mat2 = ldm_patched.modules.model_management.cast_to_device(v[1], weight.device, torch.float32) if v[2] is not None: alpha *= v[2] / mat2.shape[0] if v[3] is not None: mat3 = ldm_patched.modules.model_management.cast_to_device(v[3], weight.device, torch.float32) final_shape = [mat2.shape[1], mat2.shape[0], mat3.shape[2], mat3.shape[3]] mat2 =, 1).flatten(start_dim=1), mat3.transpose(0, 1).flatten(start_dim=1)).reshape(final_shape).transpose(0, 1) try: weight += (alpha *, mat2.flatten(start_dim=1))).reshape( weight.shape).type(weight.dtype) except Exception as e: print("ERROR", key, e) elif patch_type == "fooocus": w1 = ldm_patched.modules.model_management.cast_to_device(v[0], weight.device, torch.float32) w_min = ldm_patched.modules.model_management.cast_to_device(v[1], weight.device, torch.float32) w_max = ldm_patched.modules.model_management.cast_to_device(v[2], weight.device, torch.float32) w1 = (w1 / 255.0) * (w_max - w_min) + w_min if alpha != 0.0: if w1.shape != weight.shape: print("WARNING SHAPE MISMATCH {} FOOOCUS WEIGHT NOT MERGED {} != {}".format(key, w1.shape, weight.shape)) else: weight += alpha * ldm_patched.modules.model_management.cast_to_device(w1, weight.device, weight.dtype) elif patch_type == "lokr": w1 = v[0] w2 = v[1] w1_a = v[3] w1_b = v[4] w2_a = v[5] w2_b = v[6] t2 = v[7] dim = None if w1 is None: dim = w1_b.shape[0] w1 =, weight.device, torch.float32), ldm_patched.modules.model_management.cast_to_device(w1_b, weight.device, torch.float32)) else: w1 = ldm_patched.modules.model_management.cast_to_device(w1, weight.device, torch.float32) if w2 is None: dim = w2_b.shape[0] if t2 is None: w2 =, weight.device, torch.float32), ldm_patched.modules.model_management.cast_to_device(w2_b, weight.device, torch.float32)) else: w2 = torch.einsum('i j k l, j r, i p -> p r k l', ldm_patched.modules.model_management.cast_to_device(t2, weight.device, torch.float32), ldm_patched.modules.model_management.cast_to_device(w2_b, weight.device, torch.float32), ldm_patched.modules.model_management.cast_to_device(w2_a, weight.device, torch.float32)) else: w2 = ldm_patched.modules.model_management.cast_to_device(w2, weight.device, torch.float32) if len(w2.shape) == 4: w1 = w1.unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(2) if v[2] is not None and dim is not None: alpha *= v[2] / dim try: weight += alpha * torch.kron(w1, w2).reshape(weight.shape).type(weight.dtype) except Exception as e: print("ERROR", key, e) elif patch_type == "loha": w1a = v[0] w1b = v[1] if v[2] is not None: alpha *= v[2] / w1b.shape[0] w2a = v[3] w2b = v[4] if v[5] is not None: # cp decomposition t1 = v[5] t2 = v[6] m1 = torch.einsum('i j k l, j r, i p -> p r k l', ldm_patched.modules.model_management.cast_to_device(t1, weight.device, torch.float32), ldm_patched.modules.model_management.cast_to_device(w1b, weight.device, torch.float32), ldm_patched.modules.model_management.cast_to_device(w1a, weight.device, torch.float32)) m2 = torch.einsum('i j k l, j r, i p -> p r k l', ldm_patched.modules.model_management.cast_to_device(t2, weight.device, torch.float32), ldm_patched.modules.model_management.cast_to_device(w2b, weight.device, torch.float32), ldm_patched.modules.model_management.cast_to_device(w2a, weight.device, torch.float32)) else: m1 =, weight.device, torch.float32), ldm_patched.modules.model_management.cast_to_device(w1b, weight.device, torch.float32)) m2 =, weight.device, torch.float32), ldm_patched.modules.model_management.cast_to_device(w2b, weight.device, torch.float32)) try: weight += (alpha * m1 * m2).reshape(weight.shape).type(weight.dtype) except Exception as e: print("ERROR", key, e) elif patch_type == "glora": if v[4] is not None: alpha *= v[4] / v[0].shape[0] a1 = ldm_patched.modules.model_management.cast_to_device(v[0].flatten(start_dim=1), weight.device, torch.float32) a2 = ldm_patched.modules.model_management.cast_to_device(v[1].flatten(start_dim=1), weight.device, torch.float32) b1 = ldm_patched.modules.model_management.cast_to_device(v[2].flatten(start_dim=1), weight.device, torch.float32) b2 = ldm_patched.modules.model_management.cast_to_device(v[3].flatten(start_dim=1), weight.device, torch.float32) weight += ((, b1) +, a2), a1)) * alpha).reshape(weight.shape).type(weight.dtype) else: print("patch type not recognized", patch_type, key) return weight class BrownianTreeNoiseSamplerPatched: transform = None tree = None @staticmethod def global_init(x, sigma_min, sigma_max, seed=None, transform=lambda x: x, cpu=False): if ldm_patched.modules.model_management.directml_enabled: cpu = True t0, t1 = transform(torch.as_tensor(sigma_min)), transform(torch.as_tensor(sigma_max)) BrownianTreeNoiseSamplerPatched.transform = transform BrownianTreeNoiseSamplerPatched.tree = BatchedBrownianTree(x, t0, t1, seed, cpu=cpu) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): pass @staticmethod def __call__(sigma, sigma_next): transform = BrownianTreeNoiseSamplerPatched.transform tree = BrownianTreeNoiseSamplerPatched.tree t0, t1 = transform(torch.as_tensor(sigma)), transform(torch.as_tensor(sigma_next)) return tree(t0, t1) / (t1 - t0).abs().sqrt() def compute_cfg(uncond, cond, cfg_scale, t): global adaptive_cfg mimic_cfg = float(adaptive_cfg) real_cfg = float(cfg_scale) real_eps = uncond + real_cfg * (cond - uncond) if cfg_scale > adaptive_cfg: mimicked_eps = uncond + mimic_cfg * (cond - uncond) return real_eps * t + mimicked_eps * (1 - t) else: return real_eps def patched_sampling_function(model, x, timestep, uncond, cond, cond_scale, model_options=None, seed=None): global eps_record if math.isclose(cond_scale, 1.0): final_x0 = calc_cond_uncond_batch(model, cond, None, x, timestep, model_options)[0] if eps_record is not None: eps_record = ((x - final_x0) / timestep).cpu() return final_x0 positive_x0, negative_x0 = calc_cond_uncond_batch(model, cond, uncond, x, timestep, model_options) positive_eps = x - positive_x0 negative_eps = x - negative_x0 alpha = 0.001 * sharpness * global_diffusion_progress positive_eps_degraded = anisotropic.adaptive_anisotropic_filter(x=positive_eps, g=positive_x0) positive_eps_degraded_weighted = positive_eps_degraded * alpha + positive_eps * (1.0 - alpha) final_eps = compute_cfg(uncond=negative_eps, cond=positive_eps_degraded_weighted, cfg_scale=cond_scale, t=global_diffusion_progress) if eps_record is not None: eps_record = (final_eps / timestep).cpu() return x - final_eps def round_to_64(x): h = float(x) h = h / 64.0 h = round(h) h = int(h) h = h * 64 return h def sdxl_encode_adm_patched(self, **kwargs): global positive_adm_scale, negative_adm_scale clip_pooled = ldm_patched.modules.model_base.sdxl_pooled(kwargs, self.noise_augmentor) width = kwargs.get("width", 1024) height = kwargs.get("height", 1024) target_width = width target_height = height if kwargs.get("prompt_type", "") == "negative": width = float(width) * negative_adm_scale height = float(height) * negative_adm_scale elif kwargs.get("prompt_type", "") == "positive": width = float(width) * positive_adm_scale height = float(height) * positive_adm_scale def embedder(number_list): h = self.embedder(torch.tensor(number_list, dtype=torch.float32)) h = torch.flatten(h).unsqueeze(dim=0).repeat(clip_pooled.shape[0], 1) return h width, height = int(width), int(height) target_width, target_height = round_to_64(target_width), round_to_64(target_height) adm_emphasized = embedder([height, width, 0, 0, target_height, target_width]) adm_consistent = embedder([target_height, target_width, 0, 0, target_height, target_width]) clip_pooled = final_adm =, adm_emphasized, clip_pooled, adm_consistent), dim=1) return final_adm def patched_KSamplerX0Inpaint_forward(self, x, sigma, uncond, cond, cond_scale, denoise_mask, model_options={}, seed=None): if inpaint_worker.current_task is not None: latent_processor = self.inner_model.inner_model.process_latent_in inpaint_latent = latent_processor(inpaint_worker.current_task.latent).to(x) inpaint_mask = if getattr(self, 'energy_generator', None) is None: # avoid bad results by using different seeds. self.energy_generator = torch.Generator(device='cpu').manual_seed((seed + 1) % constants.MAX_SEED) energy_sigma = sigma.reshape([sigma.shape[0]] + [1] * (len(x.shape) - 1)) current_energy = torch.randn( x.size(), dtype=x.dtype, generator=self.energy_generator, device="cpu").to(x) * energy_sigma x = x * inpaint_mask + (inpaint_latent + current_energy) * (1.0 - inpaint_mask) out = self.inner_model(x, sigma, cond=cond, uncond=uncond, cond_scale=cond_scale, model_options=model_options, seed=seed) out = out * inpaint_mask + inpaint_latent * (1.0 - inpaint_mask) else: out = self.inner_model(x, sigma, cond=cond, uncond=uncond, cond_scale=cond_scale, model_options=model_options, seed=seed) return out def timed_adm(y, timesteps): if isinstance(y, torch.Tensor) and int(y.dim()) == 2 and int(y.shape[1]) == 5632: y_mask = (timesteps > 999.0 * (1.0 - float(adm_scaler_end))).to(y)[..., None] y_with_adm = y[..., :2816].clone() y_without_adm = y[..., 2816:].clone() return y_with_adm * y_mask + y_without_adm * (1.0 - y_mask) return y def patched_cldm_forward(self, x, hint, timesteps, context, y=None, **kwargs): t_emb = ldm_patched.ldm.modules.diffusionmodules.openaimodel.timestep_embedding(timesteps, self.model_channels, repeat_only=False).to(x.dtype) emb = self.time_embed(t_emb) guided_hint = self.input_hint_block(hint, emb, context) y = timed_adm(y, timesteps) outs = [] hs = [] if self.num_classes is not None: assert y.shape[0] == x.shape[0] emb = emb + self.label_emb(y) h = x for module, zero_conv in zip(self.input_blocks, self.zero_convs): if guided_hint is not None: h = module(h, emb, context) h += guided_hint guided_hint = None else: h = module(h, emb, context) outs.append(zero_conv(h, emb, context)) h = self.middle_block(h, emb, context) outs.append(self.middle_block_out(h, emb, context)) if advanced_parameters.controlnet_softness > 0: for i in range(10): k = 1.0 - float(i) / 9.0 outs[i] = outs[i] * (1.0 - advanced_parameters.controlnet_softness * k) return outs def patched_unet_forward(self, x, timesteps=None, context=None, y=None, control=None, transformer_options={}, **kwargs): global global_diffusion_progress self.current_step = 1.0 - / 999.0 global_diffusion_progress = float(self.current_step.detach().cpu().numpy().tolist()[0]) y = timed_adm(y, timesteps) transformer_options["original_shape"] = list(x.shape) transformer_options["transformer_index"] = 0 transformer_patches = transformer_options.get("patches", {}) num_video_frames = kwargs.get("num_video_frames", self.default_num_video_frames) image_only_indicator = kwargs.get("image_only_indicator", self.default_image_only_indicator) time_context = kwargs.get("time_context", None) assert (y is not None) == ( self.num_classes is not None ), "must specify y if and only if the model is class-conditional" hs = [] t_emb = ldm_patched.ldm.modules.diffusionmodules.openaimodel.timestep_embedding(timesteps, self.model_channels, repeat_only=False).to(x.dtype) emb = self.time_embed(t_emb) if self.num_classes is not None: assert y.shape[0] == x.shape[0] emb = emb + self.label_emb(y) h = x for id, module in enumerate(self.input_blocks): transformer_options["block"] = ("input", id) h = forward_timestep_embed(module, h, emb, context, transformer_options, time_context=time_context, num_video_frames=num_video_frames, image_only_indicator=image_only_indicator) h = apply_control(h, control, 'input') if "input_block_patch" in transformer_patches: patch = transformer_patches["input_block_patch"] for p in patch: h = p(h, transformer_options) hs.append(h) if "input_block_patch_after_skip" in transformer_patches: patch = transformer_patches["input_block_patch_after_skip"] for p in patch: h = p(h, transformer_options) transformer_options["block"] = ("middle", 0) h = forward_timestep_embed(self.middle_block, h, emb, context, transformer_options, time_context=time_context, num_video_frames=num_video_frames, image_only_indicator=image_only_indicator) h = apply_control(h, control, 'middle') for id, module in enumerate(self.output_blocks): transformer_options["block"] = ("output", id) hsp = hs.pop() hsp = apply_control(hsp, control, 'output') if "output_block_patch" in transformer_patches: patch = transformer_patches["output_block_patch"] for p in patch: h, hsp = p(h, hsp, transformer_options) h =[h, hsp], dim=1) del hsp if len(hs) > 0: output_shape = hs[-1].shape else: output_shape = None h = forward_timestep_embed(module, h, emb, context, transformer_options, output_shape, time_context=time_context, num_video_frames=num_video_frames, image_only_indicator=image_only_indicator) h = h.type(x.dtype) if self.predict_codebook_ids: return self.id_predictor(h) else: return self.out(h) def patched_load_models_gpu(*args, **kwargs): execution_start_time = time.perf_counter() y = ldm_patched.modules.model_management.load_models_gpu_origin(*args, **kwargs) moving_time = time.perf_counter() - execution_start_time if moving_time > 0.1: print(f'[Fooocus Model Management] Moving model(s) has taken {moving_time:.2f} seconds') return y def build_loaded(module, loader_name): original_loader_name = loader_name + '_origin' if not hasattr(module, original_loader_name): setattr(module, original_loader_name, getattr(module, loader_name)) original_loader = getattr(module, original_loader_name) def loader(*args, **kwargs): result = None try: result = original_loader(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: result = None exp = str(e) + '\n' for path in list(args) + list(kwargs.values()): if isinstance(path, str): if os.path.exists(path): exp += f'File corrupted: {path} \n' corrupted_backup_file = path + '.corrupted' if os.path.exists(corrupted_backup_file): os.remove(corrupted_backup_file) os.replace(path, corrupted_backup_file) if os.path.exists(path): os.remove(path) exp += f'Fooocus has tried to move the corrupted file to {corrupted_backup_file} \n' exp += f'You may try again now and Fooocus will download models again. \n' raise ValueError(exp) return result setattr(module, loader_name, loader) return def patch_all(): patch_all_precision() patch_all_clip() if not hasattr(ldm_patched.modules.model_management, 'load_models_gpu_origin'): ldm_patched.modules.model_management.load_models_gpu_origin = ldm_patched.modules.model_management.load_models_gpu ldm_patched.modules.model_management.load_models_gpu = patched_load_models_gpu ldm_patched.modules.model_patcher.ModelPatcher.calculate_weight = calculate_weight_patched ldm_patched.controlnet.cldm.ControlNet.forward = patched_cldm_forward ldm_patched.ldm.modules.diffusionmodules.openaimodel.UNetModel.forward = patched_unet_forward ldm_patched.modules.model_base.SDXL.encode_adm = sdxl_encode_adm_patched ldm_patched.modules.samplers.KSamplerX0Inpaint.forward = patched_KSamplerX0Inpaint_forward ldm_patched.k_diffusion.sampling.BrownianTreeNoiseSampler = BrownianTreeNoiseSamplerPatched ldm_patched.modules.samplers.sampling_function = patched_sampling_function warnings.filterwarnings(action='ignore', module='torchsde') build_loaded(safetensors.torch, 'load_file') build_loaded(torch, 'load') return