import time import os from functools import lru_cache import pandas as pd import streamlit as st import streamlit_ace as stace import duckdb import numpy as np # for user session import scipy # for user session import plotly_express import as px # for user session import plotly.figure_factory as ff # for user session import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # for user session import sklearn from ydata_profiling import ProfileReport from streamlit_pandas_profiling import st_profile_report st.set_page_config(page_title="PySQLify", page_icon="🔎", layout="wide") st.title("Auto-PySQLify") header = """ > _Automated Data Analysis_ Tool for analzying datasets with auto generated Python / SQL code using natural language. > `GPT-powered` and `Jupyter notebook-inspired` """ st.markdown(header, unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown( "> <sub>[NYC AI Hackathon]( April, 23 2023</sub>", unsafe_allow_html=True, ) if "ANTHROPIC_API_KEY" not in os.environ: os.environ["ANTHROPIC_API_KEY"] = st.text_input( "Anthropic API Key", type="password" ) if "OPENAI_API_KEY" not in os.environ: os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = st.text_input("OpenAI API Key", type="password") p = st.write print = st.write display = st.write @st.cache_data def _read_csv(f, **kwargs): df = pd.read_csv(f, on_bad_lines="skip", **kwargs) # clean df.columns = [c.strip() for c in df.columns] return df def timer(func): def wrapper_function(*args, **kwargs): start_time = time.time() func(*args, **kwargs) st.write(f"`{(time.time() - start_time):.2f}s.`") return wrapper_function SAMPLE_DATA = { "Churn dataset": "", "Periodic Table": "", "Movies": "", "Iris Flower": "", "World Population": "", "Country Table": "", "World Cities": "", "World States": "", "World Countries": "", } def read_data(): txt = "Upload a data file (supported files: .csv)" placeholder = st.empty() with placeholder: col1, col2, col3 = st.columns([3, 2, 1]) with col1: file_ = st.file_uploader(txt, help="TODO: .tsv, .xls, .xlsx") with col2: url = st.text_input( "Read from a URL", placeholder="Enter URL (supported types: .csv and .tsv)", ) if url: file_ = url with col3: selected = st.selectbox( "Select a sample dataset", options=[""] + list(SAMPLE_DATA) ) if selected: file_ = SAMPLE_DATA[selected] if not file_: st.stop() placeholder.empty() # kwargs = {"skiprows": st.number_input("skip header", value=0, max_value=10)} kwargs = {"skiprows": 0} try: return _read_csv(file_, **kwargs) except Exception as e: st.warning("Unsupported file type!") st.stop() def display(df): view_info = st.sidebar.checkbox("view data types") st.dataframe(df, use_container_width=True) # info st.markdown(f"> <sup>shape `{df.shape}`</sup>", unsafe_allow_html=True) if view_info: types_ = df.dtypes.to_dict() types_ = [{"Column": c, "Type": t} for c, t in types_.items()] df_ = pd.DataFrame(types_) st.sidebar.subheader("TABLE DETAILS") st.sidebar.write(df_) def code_editor(language, hint, show_panel, key=None, content=None): # Spawn a new Ace editor placeholder = st.empty() default_theme = "solarized_dark" if language == "sql" else "chrome" with placeholder.expander("CELL CONFIG"): # configs _THEMES = stace.THEMES _KEYBINDINGS = stace.KEYBINDINGS col21, col22 = st.columns(2) with col21: theme = st.selectbox( "Theme", options=[default_theme] + _THEMES, key=f"{language}1{key}" ) tab_size = st.slider( "Tab size", min_value=1, max_value=8, value=4, key=f"{language}2{key}" ) with col22: keybinding = st.selectbox( "Keybinding", options=[_KEYBINDINGS[-2]] + _KEYBINDINGS, key=f"{language}3{key}", ) font_size = st.slider( "Font size", min_value=5, max_value=24, value=14, key=f"{language}4{key}", ) height = st.slider( "Editor height", value=130, max_value=777, key=f"{language}5{key}" ) # kwargs = {theme: theme, keybinding: keybinding} # TODO: DRY if not show_panel: placeholder.empty() content = stace.st_ace( value=content if content else "", language=language, height=height, show_gutter=False, # annotations="", placeholder=hint, keybinding=keybinding, theme=theme, font_size=font_size, tab_size=tab_size, key=key, ) # Display editor's content as you type # content return content @st.cache_data def query_data(sql, df): try: return duckdb.query(sql).df() except Exception as e: st.warning("Invalid Query!") # st.stop() def download(df, key, save_as="results.csv"): # -- to download # @st.cache_data def convert_df(_df): return _df.to_csv().encode("utf-8") csv = convert_df(df) st.download_button("Download", csv, save_as, "text/csv", key=key) def display_results(query: str, result: pd.DataFrame, key: str): st.dataframe(result, use_container_width=True) st.markdown(f"> `{result.shape}`") download(result, key=key) @timer def run_python_script(user_script, key): if user_script.startswith("st.") or ";" in user_script: py = user_script elif user_script.endswith("?"): # -- same as ? in Jupyter Notebook in_ = user_script.replace("?", "") py = f"{in_})" else: py = f"st.write({user_script})" try: cmds = py.split(";") for cmd in cmds: exec(cmd) except Exception as e: c1, c2 = st.columns(2) c1.warning("Wrong Python command.") if c2.button("Show error", key=key): st.exception(e) @st.cache_resource def data_profiler(df): return ProfileReport(df, title="Profiling Report") def docs(): content = """ # What Upload a dataset to process (manipulate/analyze) it using SQL and Python, similar to running Jupyter Notebooks. To get started, drag and drop the dataset file, read from a URL, or select a sample dataset. To load a new dataset, refresh the webpage. > <sub>[_src code_ here](</sub> More public datasets available [here]( # Usage Example usage > After loading the sample Iris dataset from sklearn (or select it from the dropdown list), the lines below can be executed inside a Python cell: ```python from sklearn.datasets import load_iris; from sklearn import tree; iris = load_iris(); X, y =,; clf = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=4); clf =, y); plt.figure(figsize=(7,3)); fig, ax = plt.subplots() tree.plot_tree(clf, filled=True, fontsize=4); st.pyplot(fig) ``` Which outputs the tree below: > <img width="1000" alt="image" src=""> # SCREENSHOTS ## _EXAMPLE 1_  ## _EXAMPLE 2_   ## _EXAMPLE 3_  ## _EXAMPLE 4_  """ with st.expander("READE"): st.markdown(content, unsafe_allow_html=True) return st.checkbox("Show more code examples") def display_example_snippets(): from glob import glob examples = glob("./examples/*") with st.expander("EXAMPLES"): example = st.selectbox("", options=[""] + examples) if example: with open(example, "r") as f: content = st.code(content) class GPTWrapper: def __init__(self): # , df_info): from gpt import AnthropicSerivce, OpenAIService # self.anthropic_model = AnthropicSerivce() self.df_info = df_info @staticmethod @st.cache_data def ask_sql(df_info, question): from gpt import OpenAIService openai_model = OpenAIService() prompt = GPTWrapper().build_sql_prompt(df_info, question) res = openai_model.prompt(prompt) return res, prompt @staticmethod @st.cache_data def ask_python(df_info, question): from gpt import OpenAIService openai_model = OpenAIService() prompt = GPTWrapper().build_python_prompt(df_info, question) res = openai_model.prompt(prompt) return res, prompt @staticmethod @st.cache_data def build_sql_prompt(df_info, question): prompt = f"""I have data in a pandas dataframe, here is the data schema: {df_info} Next, I will ask you a question. Assume the table name is `df`. And you will answer in writing a SQL query only by using the table `df` and shema above. Here is the question: {question}. """ return prompt @staticmethod @st.cache_data def build_python_prompt(df_info, question): prompt = f"""I have data in a pandas dataframe, here is the dataframe schema: {df_info} Next, I will ask you a question. Assume the data is stored in a variable named `df`. And you will answer in writing a Python code only by using the variable `df` and shema above. Here are some instructions you must follow when writing the code: - The answer must be Python code only. - The code must include column names from the dataframe schema above only. - Import any required libraries in the first line of the generated code. - Use `df` as the variable name for the dataframe. - Don't include any comments in the code. - Every line of code must end with `;`. - For non-plotting answers, you must use `print()` to print the answer. - For plotting answers, one of the folowing options must be used: - `st.pyplot(fig)` to display the plot in the Streamlit app. - plotly_express to generate a plot and `st.plotly_chart()` to show it. Here is the question: {question} """ return prompt @staticmethod @st.cache_data def suggest_questions(df_info, language): prompt = f""" {df_info} What questions (exploratory or explanatory) can be asked about this dataset to analyze the data as a whole using {language}? Be as specific as possible based on the data schema above. """ from gpt import OpenAIService openai_model = OpenAIService() res = openai_model.prompt(prompt) return res, prompt def ask_gpt_sql(df_info, key): # -- GPT AI # agi = GPTWrapper(df_info=df_info) question = st.text_input( "Ask a question about the dataset to get a SQL query that answers the question", placeholder="How many rows are there in the dataset?", key=key, ) if question: # res, prompt = agi.ask_sql(df_info, question) res, prompt = GPTWrapper().ask_sql(df_info, question) # st.markdown(f"```{prompt}```") sql_query = res.choices[0].message.content st.code(sql_query, language="sql") return sql_query with st.expander("Example questions"): res, prompt = GPTWrapper().suggest_questions(df_info, "SQL") suggestions = res.choices[0].message.content st.markdown("Here are some example questions:") st.markdown(f"```{suggestions}```", unsafe_allow_html=True) def ask_gpt_python(df_info, key): # -- GPT AI question = st.text_input( "Ask a question about the dataset to get a Python code that answers the question", placeholder="How many rows and columns are there in the dataset?", key=key, ) if question: res, prompt = GPTWrapper().ask_python(df_info, question) python_code = res.choices[0].message.content st.code(python_code, language="python") return python_code with st.expander("Example questions"): res, prompt = GPTWrapper().suggest_questions(df_info, "Python") suggestions = res.choices[0].message.content st.markdown("Here are some example questions:") st.markdown(suggestions, unsafe_allow_html=True) if __name__ == "__main__": with st.expander("DEMO"): video_url = '' show_examples = docs() if show_examples: display_example_snippets() df = read_data() display(df) # -- data schema import io sio = io.StringIO() df_info = sio.getvalue() # st.markdown(f"```{df_info}```", unsafe_allow_html=True) # run and execute SQL script def sql_cells(df): st.write("---") st.header("SQL") hint = """Type SQL to query the loaded dataset, data is stored in a table named 'df'. For example, to select 10 rows: SELECT * FROM df LIMIT 10 Describe the table: DESCRIBE TABLE df """ number_cells = st.sidebar.number_input( "Number of SQL cells to use", value=1, max_value=40 ) for i in range(number_cells): key = f"sql{i}" col1, col2 = st.columns([2, 1]) st.markdown("<br>", unsafe_allow_html=True) show_panel = ( False # col2.checkbox("Show cell config panel", key=f"{i}-sql") ) col1.write(f"> `IN[{i+1}]`") # -- GPT AI query = ask_gpt_sql(df_info, key=f"{key}-gpt") content = None if query and st.button("Run the generated code", key=f"{key}-use-sql"): content = query sql = code_editor( "sql", hint, show_panel=show_panel, key=key, content=content if content else None, ) if sql: st.code(sql, language="sql") st.write(f"`OUT[{i+1}]`") res = query_data(sql, df) display_results(sql, res, f"{key}{sql}") # run and dexectue python script def python_cells(): st.write("---") st.markdown("### Python") hint = """Type Python command (one-liner) to execute or manipulate the dataframe e.g. `df.sample(7)`. By default, results are rendered using `st.write()`. 📊 Visulaization example: from "movies" dataset, plot average rating by genre: st.line_chart(df.groupby("Genre")[["RottenTomatoes", "AudienceScore"]].mean()) 🗺 Maps example: show the top 10 populated cities in the world on map (from "Cities Population" dataset)'population', ascending=False)[:10]) NOTE: for multi-lines, a semi-colon can be used to end each line e.g. print("first line"); print("second line); """ hint = """Type Python code here (use semicolons to end each line)""" help = """ For multiple lines, use semicolons e.g. ```python fig, ax = plt.subplots(); ax.hist(df[[col1, col2]]); st.pyplot(fig); ``` or ```python groups = [group for _, group in df.groupby('class')]; for i in range(3): st.write(groups[i]['name'].iloc[0]) st.bar_chart(groups[i].mean()) ``` """ number_cells = st.sidebar.number_input( "Number of Python cells to use", value=1, max_value=40, min_value=1, help=help, ) for i in range(number_cells): # st.markdown("<br><br><br>", unsafe_allow_html=True) col1, col2 = st.columns([2, 1]) # col1.write(f"> `IN[{i+1}]`") show_panel = ( False # col2.checkbox("Show cell config panel", key=f"panel{i}") ) # -- GPT AI query = ask_gpt_python(df_info, key=f"{i}-gpt") content = None if query and st.checkbox("Run the generated code", key=f"{i}-use-python"): content = query user_script = code_editor( "python", hint, show_panel=show_panel, key=i, content=content if content else None, ) if user_script: df.rename( columns={"lng": "lon"}, inplace=True ) # hot-fix for "World Population" dataset st.write(f"> `IN[{i+1}]`") st.code(user_script, language="python") st.write(f"> `OUT[{i+1}]`") run_python_script(user_script, key=f"{user_script}{i}") if st.sidebar.checkbox("Show SQL cells", value=True): sql_cells(df) if st.sidebar.checkbox("Show Python cells", value=True): python_cells() st.sidebar.write("---") if st.sidebar.checkbox( "Generate Data Profile Report", help="pandas profiling, generated by [ydata-profiling](", ): st.write("---") st.header("Data Profiling") profile = data_profiler(df) st_profile_report(profile) st.write("---")