import json5 import time import streamlit as st import streamlit.runtime.scriptrunner as st_sr import llm_helper import pptx_helper from global_config import GlobalConfig APP_TEXT = json5.loads(open(GlobalConfig.APP_STRINGS_FILE, 'r').read()) def build_ui(): """ Display the input elements for content generation. Only covers the first step. """ st.title(APP_TEXT['app_name']) st.subheader(APP_TEXT['caption']) st.divider() st.header(APP_TEXT['section_headers'][0]) st.caption(APP_TEXT['section_captions'][0]) try: with open(GlobalConfig.PRELOAD_DATA_FILE, 'r') as in_file: preload_data = json5.loads( except (FileExistsError, FileNotFoundError): preload_data = {'topic': '', 'audience': ''} topic = st.text_area( APP_TEXT['input_labels'][0], value=preload_data['topic'] ) # Button with callback function st.button(APP_TEXT['button_labels'][0], on_click=button_clicked, args=[0]) if st.session_state.clicked[0]: progress_text = 'Generating your presentation slides...give it a moment' progress_bar = st.progress(0, text=progress_text) topic_txt = topic.strip() process_topic_inputs(topic_txt, progress_bar) def process_topic_inputs(topic: str, progress_bar): """ Process the inputs to generate contents for the slides. :param topic: The presentation topic :param progress_bar: Progress bar from the page :return: """ topic_length = len(topic) print(f'Input length:: topic: {topic_length}') if topic_length > 10: print( f'Topic: {topic}\n' ) print('=' * 20) target_length = min(topic_length, GlobalConfig.LLM_MODEL_MAX_INPUT_LENGTH) try: slides_content = llm_helper.generate_slides_content(topic[:target_length]).strip() content_length = len(slides_content) print('=' * 20) print(f'Slides content:\n{slides_content}') print(f'Content length: {content_length}') print('=' * 20) st.write(f'''Slides content:\n{slides_content}''') progress_bar.progress(100, text='Done!') if content_length == 0: st.error(APP_TEXT['content_generation_failure_error']) return 'The generated content doesn\'t look so great?' ' Need alternatives? Just change your description text and try again.' ' For example, you can start describing like "Create a slide deck on..."', icon="ℹ️" ) # Move on to step 2 st.divider() st.header(APP_TEXT['section_headers'][1]) st.caption(APP_TEXT['section_captions'][1]) # Streamlit multiple buttons work in a weird way! # Click on any button, the page just reloads! # Buttons are not "stateful" # # Apparently, "nested button click" needs to be handled differently # st.button(APP_TEXT['button_labels'][1], on_click=button_clicked, args=[1]) if st.session_state.clicked[1]: progress_text = 'Converting...give it a moment' progress_bar = st.progress(0, text=progress_text) process_slides_contents(slides_content, progress_bar) except ValueError as ve: st.error(f'Unfortunately, an error occurred: {ve}! ' f'Please change the text, try again later, or report it, sharing your inputs.') else: st.error('Not enough information provided! Please be little more descriptive :)') def process_slides_contents(text: str, progress_bar: st.progress): """ Convert given text into structured data and display. Update the UI. :param text: The contents generated for the slides :param progress_bar: Progress bar for this step """ print('JSON button clicked') json_str = llm_helper.text_to_json(text) # yaml_str = llm_helper.text_to_yaml(text) print('=' * 20) print(f'JSON:\n{json_str}') print('=' * 20) st.code(json_str, language='json') progress_bar.progress(100, text='Done!') # Now, step 3 st.divider() st.header(APP_TEXT['section_headers'][2]) st.caption(APP_TEXT['section_captions'][2]) st.button(APP_TEXT['button_labels'][2], on_click=button_clicked, args=[2]) if st.session_state.clicked[2]: progress_text = 'Creating the slide deck...give it a moment' progress_bar = st.progress(0, text=progress_text) # Get a unique name for the file to save -- use the session ID ctx = st_sr.get_script_run_ctx() session_id = ctx.session_id timestamp = time.time() output_file_name = f'{session_id}_{timestamp}.pptx' pptx_helper.generate_powerpoint_presentation(json_str, as_yaml=False, output_file_name=output_file_name) progress_bar.progress(100, text='Done!') # st.download_button('Download file', binary_contents) # Defaults to 'application/octet-stream' with open(output_file_name, 'rb') as f: st.download_button('Download PPTX file', f, file_name=output_file_name) def button_clicked(button): """ Update the button clicked value in session state. """ st.session_state.clicked[button] = True def main(): # Initialize the key in session state to manage the nested buttons states if 'clicked' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.clicked = {0: False, 1: False, 2: False} build_ui() if __name__ == '__main__': main()