import plotly.graph_objects as go import as px import numpy as np # def plot_elo_mle(df): # fig = px.scatter(df, x="model", y="rating", error_y="error_y", # error_y_minus="error_y_minus", # # title="Bootstrap of Elo MLE Estimates (BigCodeBench-Complete)" # ) # fig.update_layout(xaxis_title="Model", # yaxis_title="Rating", # autosize=True, # # width=1300, # # height=900, # ) # return fig def plot_solve_rate(df, task, rows=30, cols=38): keys = df["task_id"] values = df["solve_rate"] values = np.array(values, dtype=float) # Ensure values are floats # Extract numerical IDs and sort by them ids = [int(key.split('/')[-1]) for key in keys] sorted_indices = np.argsort(ids) keys = np.array(keys)[sorted_indices] values = values[sorted_indices] n = len(values) pad_width = rows * cols - n # Create a masked array masked_values = * cols, np.nan), mask=True) masked_values[:n] = values masked_values.mask[:n] = False masked_values = masked_values.reshape((rows, cols)) keys_padded = np.pad(keys, (0, pad_width), 'constant', constant_values='') keys_reshaped = keys_padded.reshape((rows, cols)) hover_text = np.empty_like(masked_values, dtype=object) for i in range(rows): for j in range(cols): if not masked_values.mask[i, j]: hover_text[i, j] = f"{keys_reshaped[i, j]}
Solve Rate: {masked_values[i, j]:.2f}" else: hover_text[i, j] = "NaN" upper_solve_rate = round(np.count_nonzero(values) / n * 100, 2) fig = go.Figure(data=go.Heatmap( z=masked_values, text=hover_text, hoverinfo='text', colorscale='teal', zmin=0, zmax=100 )) fig.update_layout( title=f'BigCodeBench-{task}
Lowest Upper Limit: {upper_solve_rate}%', xaxis_nticks=cols, yaxis_nticks=rows, xaxis=dict(showticklabels=False), yaxis=dict(showticklabels=False), autosize=True, ) return fig