from neo4j import GraphDatabase class ChainGuardGraphDB: def __init__(self, uri, user, password): self.driver = GraphDatabase.driver(uri, auth=(user, password)) def close(self): """Close the database connection.""" self.driver.close() def create_node(self, label, properties): """Create a node with the specified label and properties.""" with self.driver.session() as session: session.write_transaction(self._create_and_return_node, label, properties) @staticmethod def _create_and_return_node(tx, label, properties): query = ( f"CREATE (n:{label} {{" + ", ".join([f"{k}: ${k}" for k in properties.keys()]) + "}}) RETURN n" ) result =, **properties) return result.single()[0] def create_relationship(self, node1_label, node1_property, node2_label, node2_property, relationship_type): """Create a relationship between two nodes.""" with self.driver.session() as session: session.write_transaction( self._create_and_return_relationship, node1_label, node1_property, node2_label, node2_property, relationship_type ) @staticmethod def _create_and_return_relationship(tx, node1_label, node1_property, node2_label, node2_property, relationship_type): query = ( f"MATCH (a:{node1_label} {{name: $node1_property}}), (b:{node2_label} {{name: $node2_property}}) " f"CREATE (a)-[r:{relationship_type}]->(b) " "RETURN r" ) result =, node1_property=node1_property, node2_property=node2_property) return result.single()[0] def find_related_anomalies(self, transaction_name): """Find all anomalies related to a specific blockchain transaction.""" with self.driver.session() as session: result = "MATCH (t:BlockchainTransaction {name: $transaction_name})-[:DETECTED_IN]->(a:Anomaly) " "RETURN, a.type, a.severity", transaction_name=transaction_name ) return [record for record in result] def find_blockchain_transactions(self, anomaly_name): """Find all blockchain transactions related to a specific anomaly.""" with self.driver.session() as session: result = "MATCH (a:Anomaly {name: $anomaly_name})<-[:DETECTED_IN]-(t:BlockchainTransaction) " "RETURN, t.amount, t.timestamp", anomaly_name=anomaly_name ) return [record for record in result] def validate_blockchain(self): """Validate the blockchain (this is a simplified example).""" with self.driver.session() as session: result = "MATCH (b:BlockchainTransaction) " "RETURN COUNT(b) as transaction_count" ) count = result.single()["transaction_count"] # Simplified validation: checks if there are transactions in the blockchain return count > 0 # Example usage if __name__ == "__main__": # Connect to the database db = ChainGuardGraphDB(uri="bolt://localhost:7687", user="neo4j", password="your_password") # Create nodes db.create_node("BlockchainTransaction", {"name": "Tx1", "amount": 100, "timestamp": "2024-09-01"}) db.create_node("Anomaly", {"name": "Anomaly1", "type": "Network", "severity": "High"}) # Create relationships db.create_relationship("BlockchainTransaction", "Tx1", "Anomaly", "Anomaly1", "DETECTED_IN") # Query related anomalies for a transaction related_anomalies = db.find_related_anomalies("Tx1") for anomaly in related_anomalies: print(f"Related Anomaly: {anomaly['']}, Type: {anomaly['a.type']}, Severity: {anomaly['a.severity']}") # Query related transactions for an anomaly related_transactions = db.find_blockchain_transactions("Anomaly1") for tx in related_transactions: print(f"Related Transaction: {tx['']}, Amount: {tx['t.amount']}, Timestamp: {tx['t.timestamp']}") # Validate the blockchain is_valid = db.validate_blockchain() print(f"Blockchain valid: {is_valid}") # Close the connection db.close()