Runtime error
Runtime error
File size: 13,870 Bytes
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# coding=utf-8
# Copyright 2023 The HuggingFace Inc. team.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""A script to add and/or update the attribute `pipeline_model_mapping` in model test files.
This script will be (mostly) used in the following 2 situations:
- run within a (scheduled) CI job to:
- check if model test files in the library have updated `pipeline_model_mapping`,
- and/or update test files and (possibly) open a GitHub pull request automatically
- being run by a `transformers` member to quickly check and update some particular test file(s)
This script is **NOT** intended to be run (manually) by community contributors.
import argparse
import glob
import inspect
import os
import re
import unittest
from get_test_info import get_test_classes
from tests.test_pipeline_mixin import pipeline_test_mapping
for task, _ in pipeline_test_mapping.items():
PIPELINE_TEST_MAPPING[task] = {"pt": None, "tf": None}
# DO **NOT** add item to this set (unless the reason is approved)
"tests/models/esm/", # The pipeline test mapping is added to ``
def get_framework(test_class):
"""Infer the framework from the test class `test_class`."""
if "ModelTesterMixin" in [x.__name__ for x in test_class.__bases__]:
return "pt"
elif "TFModelTesterMixin" in [x.__name__ for x in test_class.__bases__]:
return "tf"
elif "FlaxModelTesterMixin" in [x.__name__ for x in test_class.__bases__]:
return "flax"
return None
def get_mapping_for_task(task, framework):
"""Get mappings defined in `XXXPipelineTests` for the task `task`."""
# Use the cached results
if PIPELINE_TEST_MAPPING[task].get(framework, None) is not None:
return PIPELINE_TEST_MAPPING[task][framework]
pipeline_test_class = pipeline_test_mapping[task]["test"]
mapping = None
if framework == "pt":
mapping = getattr(pipeline_test_class, "model_mapping", None)
elif framework == "tf":
mapping = getattr(pipeline_test_class, "tf_model_mapping", None)
if mapping is not None:
mapping = dict(mapping.items())
# cache the results
PIPELINE_TEST_MAPPING[task][framework] = mapping
return mapping
def get_model_for_pipeline_test(test_class, task):
"""Get the model architecture(s) related to the test class `test_class` for a pipeline `task`."""
framework = get_framework(test_class)
if framework is None:
return None
mapping = get_mapping_for_task(task, framework)
if mapping is None:
return None
config_classes = list({model_class.config_class for model_class in test_class.all_model_classes})
if len(config_classes) != 1:
raise ValueError("There should be exactly one configuration class from `test_class.all_model_classes`.")
# This could be a list/tuple of model classes, but it's rare.
model_class = mapping.get(config_classes[0], None)
if isinstance(model_class, (tuple, list)):
model_class = sorted(model_class, key=lambda x: x.__name__)
return model_class
def get_pipeline_model_mapping(test_class):
"""Get `pipeline_model_mapping` for `test_class`."""
mapping = [(task, get_model_for_pipeline_test(test_class, task)) for task in pipeline_test_mapping]
mapping = sorted([(task, model) for task, model in mapping if model is not None], key=lambda x: x[0])
return dict(mapping)
def get_pipeline_model_mapping_string(test_class):
"""Get `pipeline_model_mapping` for `test_class` as a string (to be added to the test file).
This will be a 1-line string. After this is added to a test file, `make style` will format it beautifully.
framework = get_framework(test_class)
if framework == "pt":
framework = "torch"
default_value = "{}"
mapping = get_pipeline_model_mapping(test_class)
if len(mapping) == 0:
return ""
texts = []
for task, model_classes in mapping.items():
if isinstance(model_classes, (tuple, list)):
# A list/tuple of model classes
value = "(" + ", ".join([x.__name__ for x in model_classes]) + ")"
# A single model class
value = model_classes.__name__
texts.append(f'"{task}": {value}')
text = "{" + ", ".join(texts) + "}"
text = f"pipeline_model_mapping = {text} if is_{framework}_available() else {default_value}"
return text
def is_valid_test_class(test_class):
"""Restrict to `XXXModelTesterMixin` and should be a subclass of `unittest.TestCase`."""
base_class_names = {"ModelTesterMixin", "TFModelTesterMixin", "FlaxModelTesterMixin"}
if not issubclass(test_class, unittest.TestCase):
return False
return len(base_class_names.intersection([x.__name__ for x in test_class.__bases__])) > 0
def find_test_class(test_file):
"""Find a test class in `test_file` to which we will add `pipeline_model_mapping`."""
test_classes = [x for x in get_test_classes(test_file) if is_valid_test_class(x)]
target_test_class = None
for test_class in test_classes:
# If a test class has defined `pipeline_model_mapping`, let's take it
if getattr(test_class, "pipeline_model_mapping", None) is not None:
target_test_class = test_class
# Take the test class with the shortest name (just a heuristic)
if target_test_class is None and len(test_classes) > 0:
target_test_class = sorted(test_classes, key=lambda x: (len(x.__name__), x.__name__))[0]
return target_test_class
def find_block_ending(lines, start_idx, indent_level):
end_idx = start_idx
for idx, line in enumerate(lines[start_idx:]):
indent = len(line) - len(line.lstrip())
if idx == 0 or indent > indent_level or (indent == indent_level and line.strip() == ")"):
end_idx = start_idx + idx
elif idx > 0 and indent <= indent_level:
# Outside the definition block of `pipeline_model_mapping`
return end_idx
def add_pipeline_model_mapping(test_class, overwrite=False):
"""Add `pipeline_model_mapping` to `test_class`."""
if getattr(test_class, "pipeline_model_mapping", None) is not None:
if not overwrite:
return "", -1
line_to_add = get_pipeline_model_mapping_string(test_class)
if len(line_to_add) == 0:
return "", -1
line_to_add = line_to_add + "\n"
# The code defined the class `test_class`
class_lines, class_start_line_no = inspect.getsourcelines(test_class)
# `inspect` gives the code for an object, including decorator(s) if any.
# We (only) need the exact line of the class definition.
for idx, line in enumerate(class_lines):
if line.lstrip().startswith("class "):
class_lines = class_lines[idx:]
class_start_line_no += idx
class_end_line_no = class_start_line_no + len(class_lines) - 1
# The index in `class_lines` that starts the definition of `all_model_classes`, `all_generative_model_classes` or
# `pipeline_model_mapping`. This assumes they are defined in such order, and we take the start index of the last
# block that appears in a `test_class`.
start_idx = None
# The indent level of the line at `class_lines[start_idx]` (if defined)
indent_level = 0
# To record if `pipeline_model_mapping` is found in `test_class`.
def_line = None
for idx, line in enumerate(class_lines):
if line.strip().startswith("all_model_classes = "):
indent_level = len(line) - len(line.lstrip())
start_idx = idx
elif line.strip().startswith("all_generative_model_classes = "):
indent_level = len(line) - len(line.lstrip())
start_idx = idx
elif line.strip().startswith("pipeline_model_mapping = "):
indent_level = len(line) - len(line.lstrip())
start_idx = idx
def_line = line
if start_idx is None:
return "", -1
# Find the ending index (inclusive) of the above found block.
end_idx = find_block_ending(class_lines, start_idx, indent_level)
# Extract `is_xxx_available()` from existing blocks: some models require specific libraries like `timm` and use
# `is_timm_available()` instead of `is_torch_available()`.
# Keep leading and trailing whitespaces
r = re.compile(r"\s(is_\S+?_available\(\))\s")
for line in class_lines[start_idx : end_idx + 1]:
backend_condition =
if backend_condition is not None:
# replace the leading and trailing whitespaces to the space character " ".
target = " " + backend_condition[0][1:-1] + " "
line_to_add = r.sub(target, line_to_add)
if def_line is None:
# `pipeline_model_mapping` is not defined. The target index is set to the ending index (inclusive) of
# `all_model_classes` or `all_generative_model_classes`.
target_idx = end_idx
# `pipeline_model_mapping` is defined. The target index is set to be one **BEFORE** its start index.
target_idx = start_idx - 1
# mark the lines of the currently existing `pipeline_model_mapping` to be removed.
for idx in range(start_idx, end_idx + 1):
# These lines are going to be removed before writing to the test file.
class_lines[idx] = None # noqa
# Make sure the test class is a subclass of `PipelineTesterMixin`.
parent_classes = [x.__name__ for x in test_class.__bases__]
if "PipelineTesterMixin" not in parent_classes:
# Put `PipelineTesterMixin` just before `unittest.TestCase`
_parent_classes = [x for x in parent_classes if x != "TestCase"] + ["PipelineTesterMixin"]
if "TestCase" in parent_classes:
# Here we **assume** the original string is always with `unittest.TestCase`.
parent_classes = ", ".join(_parent_classes)
for idx, line in enumerate(class_lines):
# Find the ending of the declaration of `test_class`
if line.strip().endswith("):"):
# mark the lines of the declaration of `test_class` to be removed
for _idx in range(idx + 1):
class_lines[_idx] = None # noqa
# Add the new, one-line, class declaration for `test_class`
class_lines[0] = f"class {test_class.__name__}({parent_classes}):\n"
# Add indentation
line_to_add = " " * indent_level + line_to_add
# Insert `pipeline_model_mapping` to `class_lines`.
# (The line at `target_idx` should be kept by definition!)
class_lines = class_lines[: target_idx + 1] + [line_to_add] + class_lines[target_idx + 1 :]
# Remove the lines that are marked to be removed
class_lines = [x for x in class_lines if x is not None]
# Move from test class to module (in order to write to the test file)
module_lines = inspect.getsourcelines(inspect.getmodule(test_class))[0]
# Be careful with the 1-off between line numbers and array indices
module_lines = module_lines[: class_start_line_no - 1] + class_lines + module_lines[class_end_line_no:]
code = "".join(module_lines)
moddule_file = inspect.getsourcefile(test_class)
with open(moddule_file, "w", encoding="UTF-8", newline="\n") as fp:
return line_to_add
def add_pipeline_model_mapping_to_test_file(test_file, overwrite=False):
"""Add `pipeline_model_mapping` to `test_file`."""
test_class = find_test_class(test_file)
if test_class:
add_pipeline_model_mapping(test_class, overwrite=overwrite)
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
"--test_file", type=str, help="A path to the test file, starting with the repository's `tests` directory."
help="If to check and modify all test files.",
help="If to overwrite a test class if it has already defined `pipeline_model_mapping`.",
args = parser.parse_args()
if not args.all and not args.test_file:
raise ValueError("Please specify either `test_file` or pass `--all` to check/modify all test files.")
elif args.all and args.test_file:
raise ValueError("Only one of `--test_file` and `--all` could be specified.")
test_files = []
if args.test_file:
test_files = [args.test_file]
pattern = os.path.join("tests", "models", "**", "test_modeling_*.py")
for test_file in glob.glob(pattern):
# `Flax` is not concerned at this moment
if not test_file.startswith("test_modeling_flax_"):
for test_file in test_files:
if test_file in TEST_FILE_TO_IGNORE:
print(f"[SKIPPED] {test_file} is skipped as it is in `TEST_FILE_TO_IGNORE` in the file {__file__}.")
add_pipeline_model_mapping_to_test_file(test_file, overwrite=args.overwrite)