multimodal / transformers /utils /
add transformers
# coding=utf-8
# Copyright 2021 The HuggingFace Inc. team.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Welcome to tests_fetcher V2.
This util is designed to fetch tests to run on a PR so that only the tests impacted by the modifications are run, and
when too many models are being impacted, only run the tests of a subset of core models. It works like this.
Stage 1: Identify the modified files. This takes all the files from the branching point to the current commit (so
all modifications in a PR, not just the last commit) but excludes modifications that are on docstrings or comments
Stage 2: Extract the tests to run. This is done by looking at the imports in each module and test file: if module A
imports module B, then changing module B impacts module A, so the tests using module A should be run. We thus get the
dependencies of each model and then recursively builds the 'reverse' map of dependencies to get all modules and tests
impacted by a given file. We then only keep the tests (and only the code models tests if there are too many modules).
- This module only filters tests by files (not individual tests) so it's better to have tests for different things
in different files.
- This module assumes inits are just importing things, not really building objects, so it's better to structure
them this way and move objects building in separate submodules.
import argparse
import collections
import json
import os
import re
from contextlib import contextmanager
from pathlib import Path
from git import Repo
PATH_TO_REPO = Path(__file__).parent.parent.resolve()
PATH_TO_TRANFORMERS = PATH_TO_REPO / "src/transformers"
# List here the models to always test.
# Most downloaded models
# Pipeline-specific model (to be sure each pipeline has one model in this list)
def checkout_commit(repo, commit_id):
Context manager that checks out a commit in the repo.
current_head = repo.head.commit if repo.head.is_detached else repo.head.ref
def clean_code(content):
Remove docstrings, empty line or comments from `content`.
# fmt: off
# Remove docstrings by splitting on triple " then triple ':
splits = content.split('\"\"\"')
content = "".join(splits[::2])
splits = content.split("\'\'\'")
# fmt: on
content = "".join(splits[::2])
# Remove empty lines and comments
lines_to_keep = []
for line in content.split("\n"):
# remove anything that is after a # sign.
line = re.sub("#.*$", "", line)
if len(line) == 0 or line.isspace():
return "\n".join(lines_to_keep)
def get_all_tests():
Return a list of paths to all test folders and files under `tests`. All paths are rooted at `tests`.
- folders under `tests`: `tokenization`, `pipelines`, etc. The folder `models` is excluded.
- folders under `tests/models`: `bert`, `gpt2`, etc.
- test files under `tests`: ``, ``, etc.
# test folders/files directly under `tests` folder
tests = os.listdir(PATH_TO_TESTS)
tests = [f"tests/{f}" for f in tests if "__pycache__" not in f]
tests = sorted([f for f in tests if (PATH_TO_REPO / f).is_dir() or f.startswith("tests/test_")])
# model specific test folders
model_test_folders = os.listdir(PATH_TO_TESTS / "models")
model_test_folders = [f"tests/models/{f}" for f in model_test_folders if "__pycache__" not in f]
model_test_folders = sorted([f for f in model_test_folders if (PATH_TO_REPO / f).is_dir()])
# Sagemaker tests are not meant to be run on the CI.
if "tests/sagemaker" in tests:
tests = model_test_folders + tests
return tests
def diff_is_docstring_only(repo, branching_point, filename):
Check if the diff is only in docstrings in a filename.
folder = Path(repo.working_dir)
with checkout_commit(repo, branching_point):
with open(folder / filename, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
old_content =
with open(folder / filename, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
new_content =
old_content_clean = clean_code(old_content)
new_content_clean = clean_code(new_content)
return old_content_clean == new_content_clean
def get_diff(repo, base_commit, commits):
Get's the diff between one or several commits and the head of the repository.
print("\n### DIFF ###\n")
code_diff = []
for commit in commits:
for diff_obj in commit.diff(base_commit):
# We always add new python files
if diff_obj.change_type == "A" and diff_obj.b_path.endswith(".py"):
# We check that deleted python files won't break corresponding tests.
elif diff_obj.change_type == "D" and diff_obj.a_path.endswith(".py"):
# Now for modified files
elif diff_obj.change_type in ["M", "R"] and diff_obj.b_path.endswith(".py"):
# In case of renames, we'll look at the tests using both the old and new name.
if diff_obj.a_path != diff_obj.b_path:
code_diff.extend([diff_obj.a_path, diff_obj.b_path])
# Otherwise, we check modifications are in code and not docstrings.
if diff_is_docstring_only(repo, commit, diff_obj.b_path):
print(f"Ignoring diff in {diff_obj.b_path} as it only concerns docstrings or comments.")
return code_diff
def get_modified_python_files(diff_with_last_commit=False):
Return a list of python files that have been modified between:
- the current head and the main branch if `diff_with_last_commit=False` (default)
- the current head and its parent commit otherwise.
repo = Repo(PATH_TO_REPO)
if not diff_with_last_commit:
print(f"main is at {repo.refs.main.commit}")
print(f"Current head is at {repo.head.commit}")
branching_commits = repo.merge_base(repo.refs.main, repo.head)
for commit in branching_commits:
print(f"Branching commit: {commit}")
return get_diff(repo, repo.head.commit, branching_commits)
print(f"main is at {repo.head.commit}")
parent_commits = repo.head.commit.parents
for commit in parent_commits:
print(f"Parent commit: {commit}")
return get_diff(repo, repo.head.commit, parent_commits)
# (:?^|\n) -> Non-catching group for the beginning of the doc or a new line.
# \s*from\s+(\.+\S+)\s+import\s+([^\n]+) -> Line only contains from .xxx import yyy and we catch .xxx and yyy
# (?=\n) -> Look-ahead to a new line. We can't just put \n here or using find_all on this re will only catch every
# other import.
_re_single_line_relative_imports = re.compile(r"(?:^|\n)\s*from\s+(\.+\S+)\s+import\s+([^\n]+)(?=\n)")
# (:?^|\n) -> Non-catching group for the beginning of the doc or a new line.
# \s*from\s+(\.+\S+)\s+import\s+\(([^\)]+)\) -> Line continues with from .xxx import (yyy) and we catch .xxx and yyy
# yyy will take multiple lines otherwise there wouldn't be parenthesis.
_re_multi_line_relative_imports = re.compile(r"(?:^|\n)\s*from\s+(\.+\S+)\s+import\s+\(([^\)]+)\)")
# (:?^|\n) -> Non-catching group for the beginning of the doc or a new line.
# \s*from\s+transformers(\S*)\s+import\s+([^\n]+) -> Line only contains from import yyy and we catch
# .xxx and yyy
# (?=\n) -> Look-ahead to a new line. We can't just put \n here or using find_all on this re will only catch every
# other import.
_re_single_line_direct_imports = re.compile(r"(?:^|\n)\s*from\s+transformers(\S*)\s+import\s+([^\n]+)(?=\n)")
# (:?^|\n) -> Non-catching group for the beginning of the doc or a new line.
# \s*from\s+transformers(\S*)\s+import\s+\(([^\)]+)\) -> Line continues with from import (yyy) and we
# catch .xxx and yyy. yyy will take multiple lines otherwise there wouldn't be parenthesis.
_re_multi_line_direct_imports = re.compile(r"(?:^|\n)\s*from\s+transformers(\S*)\s+import\s+\(([^\)]+)\)")
def extract_imports(module_fname, cache=None):
Get the imports a given module makes. This takes a module filename and returns the list of module filenames
imported in the module with the objects imported in that module filename.
if cache is not None and module_fname in cache:
return cache[module_fname]
with open(PATH_TO_REPO / module_fname, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
content =
# Filter out all docstrings to not get imports in code examples.
splits = content.split('"""')
content = "".join(splits[::2])
module_parts = str(module_fname).split(os.path.sep)
imported_modules = []
# Let's start with relative imports
relative_imports = _re_single_line_relative_imports.findall(content)
relative_imports = [
(mod, imp) for mod, imp in relative_imports if "# tests_ignore" not in imp and imp.strip() != "("
multiline_relative_imports = _re_multi_line_relative_imports.findall(content)
relative_imports += [(mod, imp) for mod, imp in multiline_relative_imports if "# tests_ignore" not in imp]
for module, imports in relative_imports:
level = 0
while module.startswith("."):
module = module[1:]
level += 1
if len(module) > 0:
dep_parts = module_parts[: len(module_parts) - level] + module.split(".")
dep_parts = module_parts[: len(module_parts) - level]
imported_module = os.path.sep.join(dep_parts)
imported_modules.append((imported_module, [imp.strip() for imp in imports.split(",")]))
# Let's continue with direct imports
direct_imports = _re_single_line_direct_imports.findall(content)
direct_imports = [(mod, imp) for mod, imp in direct_imports if "# tests_ignore" not in imp and imp.strip() != "("]
multiline_direct_imports = _re_multi_line_direct_imports.findall(content)
direct_imports += [(mod, imp) for mod, imp in multiline_direct_imports if "# tests_ignore" not in imp]
for module, imports in direct_imports:
import_parts = module.split(".")[1:] # ignore the first .
dep_parts = ["src", "transformers"] + import_parts
imported_module = os.path.sep.join(dep_parts)
imported_modules.append((imported_module, [imp.strip() for imp in imports.split(",")]))
result = []
for module_file, imports in imported_modules:
if (PATH_TO_REPO / f"{module_file}.py").is_file():
module_file = f"{module_file}.py"
elif (PATH_TO_REPO / module_file).is_dir() and (PATH_TO_REPO / module_file / "").is_file():
module_file = os.path.sep.join([module_file, ""])
imports = [imp for imp in imports if len(imp) > 0 and re.match("^[A-Za-z0-9_]*$", imp)]
if len(imports) > 0:
result.append((module_file, imports))
if cache is not None:
cache[module_fname] = result
return result
def get_module_dependencies(module_fname, cache=None):
Get the dependencies of a module from the module filename as a list of module filenames. This will resolve any
__init__ we pass: if we import from a submodule utils, the dependencies will be utils/ and utils/ (if
the objects imported actually come from and not utils/
dependencies = []
imported_modules = extract_imports(module_fname, cache=cache)
# The while loop is to recursively traverse all inits we may encounter.
while len(imported_modules) > 0:
new_modules = []
for module, imports in imported_modules:
# If we end up in an __init__ we are often not actually importing from this init (except in the case where
# the object is fully defined in the __init__)
if module.endswith(""):
# So we get the imports from that init then try to find where our objects come from.
new_imported_modules = extract_imports(module, cache=cache)
for new_module, new_imports in new_imported_modules:
if any([i in new_imports for i in imports]):
if new_module not in dependencies:
new_modules.append((new_module, [i for i in new_imports if i in imports]))
imports = [i for i in imports if i not in new_imports]
if len(imports) > 0:
# If there are any objects lefts, they may be a submodule
path_to_module = PATH_TO_REPO / module.replace("", "")
os.path.join(module.replace("", ""), f"{i}.py")
for i in imports
if (path_to_module / f"{i}.py").is_file()
imports = [i for i in imports if not (path_to_module / f"{i}.py").is_file()]
if len(imports) > 0:
# Then if there are still objects left, they are fully defined in the init, so we keep it as a
# dependency.
imported_modules = new_modules
return dependencies
def create_reverse_dependency_tree():
Create a list of all edges (a, b) which mean that modifying a impacts b with a going over all module and test files.
cache = {}
all_modules = list(PATH_TO_TRANFORMERS.glob("**/*.py")) + list(PATH_TO_TESTS.glob("**/*.py"))
all_modules = [str(mod.relative_to(PATH_TO_REPO)) for mod in all_modules]
edges = [(dep, mod) for mod in all_modules for dep in get_module_dependencies(mod, cache=cache)]
return list(set(edges))
def get_tree_starting_at(module, edges):
Returns the tree starting at a given module following all edges in the following format: [module, [list of edges
starting at module], [list of edges starting at the preceding level], ...]
vertices_seen = [module]
new_edges = [edge for edge in edges if edge[0] == module and edge[1] != module and "" not in edge[1]]
tree = [module]
while len(new_edges) > 0:
final_vertices = list({edge[1] for edge in new_edges})
new_edges = [
for edge in edges
if edge[0] in final_vertices and edge[1] not in vertices_seen and "" not in edge[1]
return tree
def print_tree_deps_of(module, all_edges=None):
Prints the tree of modules depending on a given module.
if all_edges is None:
all_edges = create_reverse_dependency_tree()
tree = get_tree_starting_at(module, all_edges)
# The list of lines is a list of tuples (line_to_be_printed, module)
# Keeping the modules lets us know where to insert each new lines in the list.
lines = [(tree[0], tree[0])]
for index in range(1, len(tree)):
edges = tree[index]
start_edges = {edge[0] for edge in edges}
for start in start_edges:
end_edges = {edge[1] for edge in edges if edge[0] == start}
# We will insert all those edges just after the line showing start.
pos = 0
while lines[pos][1] != start:
pos += 1
lines = lines[: pos + 1] + [(" " * (2 * index) + end, end) for end in end_edges] + lines[pos + 1 :]
for line in lines:
# We don't print the refs that where just here to help build lines.
def create_reverse_dependency_map():
Create the dependency map from module/test filename to the list of modules/tests that depend on it (even
cache = {}
all_modules = list(PATH_TO_TRANFORMERS.glob("**/*.py")) + list(PATH_TO_TESTS.glob("**/*.py"))
all_modules = [str(mod.relative_to(PATH_TO_REPO)) for mod in all_modules]
direct_deps = {m: get_module_dependencies(m, cache=cache) for m in all_modules}
# This recurses the dependencies
something_changed = True
while something_changed:
something_changed = False
for m in all_modules:
for d in direct_deps[m]:
if d.endswith(""):
if d not in direct_deps:
raise ValueError(f"KeyError:{d}. From {m}")
new_deps = set(direct_deps[d]) - set(direct_deps[m])
if len(new_deps) > 0:
something_changed = True
# Finally we can build the reverse map.
reverse_map = collections.defaultdict(list)
for m in all_modules:
for d in direct_deps[m]:
for m in [f for f in all_modules if f.endswith("")]:
direct_deps = get_module_dependencies(m, cache=cache)
deps = sum([reverse_map[d] for d in direct_deps if not d.endswith("")], direct_deps)
reverse_map[m] = list(set(deps) - {m})
return reverse_map
def create_module_to_test_map(reverse_map=None, filter_models=False):
Extract the tests from the reverse_dependency_map and potentially filters the model tests.
if reverse_map is None:
reverse_map = create_reverse_dependency_map()
test_map = {module: [f for f in deps if f.startswith("tests")] for module, deps in reverse_map.items()}
if not filter_models:
return test_map
num_model_tests = len(list(PATH_TO_TESTS.glob("models/*")))
def has_many_models(tests):
model_tests = {Path(t).parts[2] for t in tests if t.startswith("tests/models/")}
return len(model_tests) > num_model_tests // 2
def filter_tests(tests):
return [t for t in tests if not t.startswith("tests/models/") or Path(t).parts[2] in IMPORTANT_MODELS]
return {module: (filter_tests(tests) if has_many_models(tests) else tests) for module, tests in test_map.items()}
def check_imports_all_exist():
Isn't used per se by the test fetcher but might be used later as a quality check. Putting this here for now so the
code is not lost.
cache = {}
all_modules = list(PATH_TO_TRANFORMERS.glob("**/*.py")) + list(PATH_TO_TESTS.glob("**/*.py"))
all_modules = [str(mod.relative_to(PATH_TO_REPO)) for mod in all_modules]
direct_deps = {m: get_module_dependencies(m, cache=cache) for m in all_modules}
for module, deps in direct_deps.items():
for dep in deps:
if not (PATH_TO_REPO / dep).is_file():
print(f"{module} has dependency on {dep} which does not exist.")
def _print_list(l):
return "\n".join([f"- {f}" for f in l])
def create_json_map(test_files_to_run, json_output_file):
if json_output_file is None:
test_map = {}
for test_file in test_files_to_run:
# `test_file` is a path to a test folder/file, starting with `tests/`. For example,
# - `tests/models/bert/` or `tests/models/bert`
# - `tests/trainer/` or `tests/trainer`
# - `tests/`
names = test_file.split(os.path.sep)
if names[1] == "models":
# take the part like `models/bert` for modeling tests
key = os.path.sep.join(names[1:3])
elif len(names) > 2 or not test_file.endswith(".py"):
# test folders under `tests` or python files under them
# take the part like tokenization, `pipeline`, etc. for other test categories
key = os.path.sep.join(names[1:2])
# common test files directly under `tests/`
key = "common"
if key not in test_map:
test_map[key] = []
# sort the keys & values
keys = sorted(test_map.keys())
test_map = {k: " ".join(sorted(test_map[k])) for k in keys}
with open(json_output_file, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as fp:
json.dump(test_map, fp, ensure_ascii=False)
def infer_tests_to_run(
output_file, diff_with_last_commit=False, filters=None, filter_models=True, json_output_file=None
modified_files = get_modified_python_files(diff_with_last_commit=diff_with_last_commit)
print(f"\n### MODIFIED FILES ###\n{_print_list(modified_files)}")
# Create the map that will give us all impacted modules.
reverse_map = create_reverse_dependency_map()
impacted_files = modified_files.copy()
for f in modified_files:
if f in reverse_map:
# Remove duplicates
impacted_files = sorted(set(impacted_files))
print(f"\n### IMPACTED FILES ###\n{_print_list(impacted_files)}")
# Grab the corresponding test files:
if "" in modified_files:
test_files_to_run = ["tests"]
repo_utils_launch = True
# All modified tests need to be run.
test_files_to_run = [
f for f in modified_files if f.startswith("tests") and f.split(os.path.sep)[-1].startswith("test")
# Then we grab the corresponding test files.
test_map = create_module_to_test_map(reverse_map=reverse_map, filter_models=filter_models)
for f in modified_files:
if f in test_map:
test_files_to_run = sorted(set(test_files_to_run))
# Remove SageMaker tests
test_files_to_run = [f for f in test_files_to_run if not f.split(os.path.sep)[1] == "sagemaker"]
# Make sure we did not end up with a test file that was removed
test_files_to_run = [f for f in test_files_to_run if (PATH_TO_REPO / f).exists()]
if filters is not None:
filtered_files = []
for _filter in filters:
filtered_files.extend([f for f in test_files_to_run if f.startswith(_filter)])
test_files_to_run = filtered_files
repo_utils_launch = any(f.split(os.path.sep)[1] == "repo_utils" for f in modified_files)
if repo_utils_launch:
repo_util_file = Path(output_file).parent / "test_repo_utils.txt"
with open(repo_util_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
print(f"\n### TEST TO RUN ###\n{_print_list(test_files_to_run)}")
if len(test_files_to_run) > 0:
with open(output_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
f.write(" ".join(test_files_to_run))
# Create a map that maps test categories to test files, i.e. `models/bert` -> [, ...]
# Get all test directories (and some common test files) under `tests` and `tests/models` if `test_files_to_run`
# contains `tests` (i.e. when `` is changed).
if "tests" in test_files_to_run:
test_files_to_run = get_all_tests()
create_json_map(test_files_to_run, json_output_file)
def filter_tests(output_file, filters):
Reads the content of the output file and filters out all the tests in a list of given folders.
output_file (`str` or `os.PathLike`): The path to the output file of the tests fetcher.
filters (`List[str]`): A list of folders to filter.
if not os.path.isfile(output_file):
print("No test file found.")
with open(output_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
test_files =" ")
if len(test_files) == 0 or test_files == [""]:
print("No tests to filter.")
if test_files == ["tests"]:
test_files = [os.path.join("tests", f) for f in os.listdir("tests") if f not in [""] + filters]
test_files = [f for f in test_files if f.split(os.path.sep)[1] not in filters]
with open(output_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
f.write(" ".join(test_files))
def parse_commit_message(commit_message):
Parses the commit message to detect if a command is there to skip, force all or part of the CI.
Returns a dictionary of strings to bools with keys skip, test_all_models and test_all.
if commit_message is None:
return {"skip": False, "no_filter": False, "test_all": False}
command_search ="\[([^\]]*)\]", commit_message)
if command_search is not None:
command = command_search.groups()[0]
command = command.lower().replace("-", " ").replace("_", " ")
skip = command in ["ci skip", "skip ci", "circleci skip", "skip circleci"]
no_filter = set(command.split(" ")) == {"no", "filter"}
test_all = set(command.split(" ")) == {"test", "all"}
return {"skip": skip, "no_filter": no_filter, "test_all": test_all}
return {"skip": False, "no_filter": False, "test_all": False}
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
"--output_file", type=str, default="test_list.txt", help="Where to store the list of tests to run"
help="Where to store the tests to run in a dictionary format mapping test categories to test files",
help="To fetch the tests between the current commit and the last commit",
help="Only keep the test files matching one of those filters.",
help="Will filter the pipeline/repo utils tests outside of the generated list of tests.",
help="Will only print the tree of modules depending on the file passed.",
help="The commit message (which could contain a command to force all tests or skip the CI).",
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.print_dependencies_of is not None:
elif args.filter_tests:
filter_tests(args.output_file, ["pipelines", "repo_utils"])
repo = Repo(PATH_TO_REPO)
commit_message = repo.head.commit.message
commit_flags = parse_commit_message(commit_message)
if commit_flags["skip"]:
print("Force-skipping the CI")
if commit_flags["no_filter"]:
print("Running all tests fetched without filtering.")
if commit_flags["test_all"]:
print("Force-launching all tests")
diff_with_last_commit = args.diff_with_last_commit
if not diff_with_last_commit and not repo.head.is_detached and repo.head.ref == repo.refs.main:
print("main branch detected, fetching tests against last commit.")
diff_with_last_commit = True
if not commit_flags["test_all"]:
filter_models=not commit_flags["no_filter"],
filter_tests(args.output_file, ["repo_utils"])
except Exception as e:
print(f"\nError when trying to grab the relevant tests: {e}\n\nRunning all tests.")
commit_flags["test_all"] = True
if commit_flags["test_all"]:
with open(args.output_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
if args.filters is None:
f.write(" ".join(args.filters))
test_files_to_run = get_all_tests()
create_json_map(test_files_to_run, args.json_output_file)