class LocalizationVars: | |
def __init__(self): | |
self.DEFAULT_TTS_TEXT = "" | |
self.DEFAULT_SSML_TEXT = "" | |
self.ssml_examples = [] | |
self.tts_examples = [] | |
self.podcast_default = [] | |
class ZHLocalizationVars(LocalizationVars): | |
def __init__(self): | |
super().__init__() | |
self.DEFAULT_TTS_TEXT = "chat T T S 是一款强大的对话式文本转语音模型。它有中英混读和多说话人的能力。" | |
"说话人测试 123456789 [uv_break] ok, test done [lbreak]" | |
) | |
"说话人合并测试 123456789 [uv_break] ok, test done [lbreak]" | |
) | |
self.DEFAULT_SSML_TEXT = """ | |
<speak version="0.1"> | |
<voice spk="Bob" seed="42" style="narration-relaxed"> | |
这里是一个简单的 SSML 示例 [lbreak] | |
</voice> | |
</speak> | |
""".strip() | |
self.ssml_examples = [ | |
""" | |
<speak version="0.1"> | |
<voice spk="Bob" seed="42" style="narration-relaxed"> | |
下面是一个 ChatTTS 用于合成多角色多情感的有声书示例[lbreak] | |
</voice> | |
<voice spk="Bob" seed="42" style="narration-relaxed"> | |
黛玉冷笑道:[lbreak] | |
</voice> | |
<voice spk="female2" seed="42" style="angry"> | |
我说呢 [uv_break] ,亏了绊住,不然,早就飞起来了[lbreak] | |
</voice> | |
<voice spk="Bob" seed="42" style="narration-relaxed"> | |
宝玉道:[lbreak] | |
</voice> | |
<voice spk="Alice" seed="42" style="unfriendly"> | |
“只许和你玩 [uv_break] ,替你解闷。不过偶然到他那里,就说这些闲话。”[lbreak] | |
</voice> | |
<voice spk="female2" seed="42" style="angry"> | |
“好没意思的话![uv_break] 去不去,关我什么事儿? 又没叫你替我解闷儿 [uv_break],还许你不理我呢” [lbreak] | |
</voice> | |
<voice spk="Bob" seed="42" style="narration-relaxed"> | |
说着,便赌气回房去了 [lbreak] | |
</voice> | |
</speak> | |
""", | |
""" | |
<speak version="0.1"> | |
<voice spk="Bob" seed="42" style="narration-relaxed"> | |
使用 prosody 控制生成文本的语速语调和音量,示例如下 [lbreak] | |
<prosody> | |
无任何限制将会继承父级voice配置进行生成 [lbreak] | |
</prosody> | |
<prosody rate="1.5"> | |
设置 rate 大于1表示加速,小于1为减速 [lbreak] | |
</prosody> | |
<prosody pitch="6"> | |
设置 pitch 调整音调,设置为6表示提高6个半音 [lbreak] | |
</prosody> | |
<prosody volume="2"> | |
设置 volume 调整音量,设置为2表示提高2个分贝 [lbreak] | |
</prosody> | |
在 voice 中无prosody包裹的文本即为默认生成状态下的语音 [lbreak] | |
</voice> | |
</speak> | |
""", | |
""" | |
<speak version="0.1"> | |
<voice spk="Bob" seed="42" style="narration-relaxed"> | |
使用 break 标签将会简单的 [lbreak] | |
<break time="500" /> | |
插入一段空白到生成结果中 [lbreak] | |
</voice> | |
</speak> | |
""", | |
] | |
self.tts_examples = [ | |
{ | |
"text": "大🍌,一条大🍌,嘿,你的感觉真的很奇妙 [lbreak]", | |
}, | |
{ | |
"text": "Big 🍌, a big 🍌, hey, your feeling is really wonderful [lbreak]" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"text": """ | |
# 这是 markdown 标题 | |
``` | |
代码块将跳过 | |
``` | |
- **文本标准化**: | |
- **Markdown**: 自动检测处理 markdown 格式文本。 | |
- **数字转写**: 自动将数字转为模型可识别的文本。 | |
- **Emoji 适配**: 自动翻译 emoji 为可读文本。 | |
- **基于分词器**: 基于 tokenizer 预处理文本,覆盖模型所有不支持字符范围。 | |
- **中英文识别**: 适配英文环境。 | |
""" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"text": "天气预报显示,今天会有小雨,请大家出门时记得带伞。降温的天气也提醒我们要适时添衣保暖 [lbreak]", | |
}, | |
{ | |
"text": "公司的年度总结会议将在下周三举行,请各部门提前准备好相关材料,确保会议顺利进行 [lbreak]", | |
}, | |
{ | |
"text": "今天的午餐菜单包括烤鸡、沙拉和蔬菜汤,大家可以根据自己的口味选择适合的菜品 [lbreak]", | |
}, | |
{ | |
"text": "请注意,电梯将在下午两点进行例行维护,预计需要一个小时的时间,请大家在此期间使用楼梯 [lbreak]", | |
}, | |
{ | |
"text": "图书馆新到了一批书籍,涵盖了文学、科学和历史等多个领域,欢迎大家前来借阅 [lbreak]", | |
}, | |
{ | |
"text": "电影中梁朝伟扮演的陈永仁的编号27149 [lbreak]", | |
}, | |
{ | |
"text": "这块黄金重达324.75克 [lbreak]", | |
}, | |
{ | |
"text": "我们班的最高总分为583分 [lbreak]", | |
}, | |
{ | |
"text": "12~23 [lbreak]", | |
}, | |
{ | |
"text": "-1.5~2 [lbreak]", | |
}, | |
{ | |
"text": "她出生于86年8月18日,她弟弟出生于1995年3月1日 [lbreak]", | |
}, | |
{ | |
"text": "等会请在12:05请通知我 [lbreak]", | |
}, | |
{ | |
"text": "今天的最低气温达到-10°C [lbreak]", | |
}, | |
{ | |
"text": "现场有7/12的观众投出了赞成票 [lbreak]", | |
}, | |
{ | |
"text": "明天有62%的概率降雨 [lbreak]", | |
}, | |
{ | |
"text": "随便来几个价格12块5,34.5元,20.1万 [lbreak]", | |
}, | |
{ | |
"text": "这是固话0421-33441122 [lbreak]", | |
}, | |
{ | |
"text": "这是手机+86 18544139121 [lbreak]", | |
}, | |
] | |
self.podcast_default = [ | |
[ | |
1, | |
"female2", | |
"你好,欢迎收听今天的播客内容。今天我们要聊的是中华料理。", | |
"podcast", | |
], | |
[ | |
2, | |
"Alice", | |
"嗨,我特别期待这个话题!中华料理真的是博大精深。", | |
"podcast", | |
], | |
[ | |
3, | |
"Bob", | |
"没错,中华料理有着几千年的历史,而且每个地区都有自己的特色菜。", | |
"podcast", | |
], | |
[ | |
4, | |
"female2", | |
"那我们先从最有名的川菜开始吧。川菜以其麻辣著称,是很多人的最爱。", | |
"podcast", | |
], | |
[ | |
5, | |
"Alice", | |
"对,我特别喜欢吃麻婆豆腐和辣子鸡。那种麻辣的感觉真是让人难以忘怀。", | |
"podcast", | |
], | |
[ | |
6, | |
"Bob", | |
"除了川菜,粤菜也是很受欢迎的。粤菜讲究鲜美,像是白切鸡和蒸鱼都是经典。", | |
"podcast", | |
], | |
[ | |
7, | |
"female2", | |
"对啊,粤菜的烹饪方式比较清淡,更注重食材本身的味道。", | |
"podcast", | |
], | |
[ | |
8, | |
"Alice", | |
"还有北京的京菜,像北京烤鸭,那可是来北京必吃的美食。", | |
"podcast", | |
], | |
[ | |
9, | |
"Bob", | |
"不仅如此,还有淮扬菜、湘菜、鲁菜等等,每个菜系都有其独特的风味。", | |
"podcast", | |
], | |
[ | |
10, | |
"female2", | |
"对对对,像淮扬菜的狮子头,湘菜的剁椒鱼头,都是让人垂涎三尺的美味。", | |
"podcast", | |
], | |
] | |
class ENLocalizationVars(LocalizationVars): | |
def __init__(self): | |
super().__init__() | |
self.DEFAULT_TTS_TEXT = "Chat T T S is a powerful conversational text-to-speech model. It has the ability to mix Chinese and English and multiple speakers." | |
"Speaker test 123456789 [uv_break] ok, test done [lbreak]" | |
) | |
"Speaker merge test 123456789 [uv_break] ok, test done [lbreak]" | |
) | |
self.DEFAULT_SSML_TEXT = """ | |
<speak version="0.1"> | |
<voice spk="Bob" seed="42" style="narration-relaxed"> | |
Here is a simple SSML example [lbreak] | |
</voice> | |
</speak> | |
""".strip() | |
self.ssml_examples = [ | |
""" | |
<speak version="0.1"> | |
<voice spk="Bob" seed="42" style="narration-relaxed"> | |
Below is an example of ChatTTS synthesizing an audiobook with multiple roles and emotions [lbreak] | |
</voice> | |
<voice spk="Bob" seed="42" style="narration-relaxed"> | |
Daiyu sneered: [lbreak] | |
</voice> | |
<voice spk="female2" seed="42" style="angry"> | |
I said [uv_break], it's a loss to trip, otherwise, I would have flown up long ago [lbreak] | |
</voice> | |
<voice spk="Bob" seed="42" style="narration-relaxed"> | |
Bao Yu said: [lbreak] | |
</voice> | |
<voice spk="Alice" seed="42" style="unfriendly"> | |
"Only play with you [uv_break], to relieve your boredom. But occasionally go to his place, just say these idle words." [lbreak] | |
</voice> | |
<voice spk="female2" seed="42" style="angry"> | |
"What a boring thing! [uv_break] Go or not, it's none of my business? I didn't ask you to relieve my boredom [uv_break], and you don't even care about me." [lbreak] | |
</voice> | |
<voice spk="Bob" seed="42" style="narration-relaxed"> | |
Saying that, he went back to the room in anger [lbreak] | |
</voice> | |
</speak>""", | |
] | |
self.tts_examples = [ | |
{ | |
"text": "I guess it comes down a simple choice. Get busy living or get busy dying.", | |
}, | |
{ | |
"text": "You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves, they wanna tell you you can't do it. If you want something, go get it.", | |
}, | |
{ | |
"text": "Don't ever let somebody tell you you can't do something. Not even me. Alright? You got a dream, you gotta protect it. When people can't do something themselves, they're gonna tell you that you can't do it. You want something, go get it. Period.", | |
}, | |
] | |
self.podcast_default = [ | |
[ | |
1, | |
"female2", | |
"Hello, welcome to today's podcast. Today, we're going to talk about global cuisine.", | |
"podcast", | |
], | |
[ | |
2, | |
"Alice", | |
"Hi, I'm really excited about this topic! Global cuisine is incredibly diverse and fascinating.", | |
"podcast", | |
], | |
[ | |
3, | |
"Bob", | |
"Absolutely, every country has its own unique culinary traditions and specialties.", | |
"podcast", | |
], | |
[ | |
4, | |
"female2", | |
"Let's start with Italian cuisine. Italian food is loved worldwide, especially for its pasta and pizza.", | |
"podcast", | |
], | |
[ | |
5, | |
"Alice", | |
"Yes, I especially love a good Margherita pizza and a hearty plate of spaghetti carbonara. The flavors are simply amazing.", | |
"podcast", | |
], | |
[ | |
6, | |
"Bob", | |
"Besides Italian cuisine, Japanese cuisine is also very popular. Dishes like sushi and ramen have become global favorites.", | |
"podcast", | |
], | |
[ | |
7, | |
"female2", | |
"Exactly, Japanese cuisine is known for its emphasis on fresh ingredients and delicate presentation.", | |
"podcast", | |
], | |
[ | |
8, | |
"Alice", | |
"And then there's Mexican cuisine, with its bold flavors and colorful dishes like tacos and guacamole.", | |
"podcast", | |
], | |
[ | |
9, | |
"Bob", | |
"Not to mention, there's also Indian cuisine, Thai cuisine, French cuisine, and so many more, each with its own distinctive flavors and techniques.", | |
"podcast", | |
], | |
[ | |
10, | |
"female2", | |
"Yes, like Indian curry, Thai tom yum soup, and French croissants, these are all mouth-watering dishes that are loved by people all over the world.", | |
"podcast", | |
], | |
] | |