/*! For license information please see swagger-ui-bundle.js.LICENSE.txt */ !(function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(s, o) { 'object' == typeof exports && 'object' == typeof module ? (module.exports = o()) : 'function' == typeof define && define.amd ? define([], o) : 'object' == typeof exports ? (exports.SwaggerUIBundle = o()) : (s.SwaggerUIBundle = o()); })(this, () => (() => { var s, o, i = { 69119: (s, o) => { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(o, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), (o.BLANK_URL = o.relativeFirstCharacters = o.whitespaceEscapeCharsRegex = o.urlSchemeRegex = o.ctrlCharactersRegex = o.htmlCtrlEntityRegex = o.htmlEntitiesRegex = o.invalidProtocolRegex = void 0), (o.invalidProtocolRegex = /^([^\w]*)(javascript|data|vbscript)/im), (o.htmlEntitiesRegex = /&#(\w+)(^\w|;)?/g), (o.htmlCtrlEntityRegex = /&(newline|tab);/gi), (o.ctrlCharactersRegex = /[\u0000-\u001F\u007F-\u009F\u2000-\u200D\uFEFF]/gim), (o.urlSchemeRegex = /^.+(:|:)/gim), (o.whitespaceEscapeCharsRegex = /(\\|%5[cC])((%(6[eE]|72|74))|[nrt])/g), (o.relativeFirstCharacters = ['.', '/']), (o.BLANK_URL = 'about:blank'); }, 16750: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; o.J = void 0; var u = i(69119); function decodeURI(s) { try { return decodeURIComponent(s); } catch (o) { return s; } } o.J = function sanitizeUrl(s) { if (!s) return u.BLANK_URL; var o, i, _ = decodeURI(s); do { o = (_ = decodeURI( (_ = ((i = _), i .replace(u.ctrlCharactersRegex, '') .replace(u.htmlEntitiesRegex, function (s, o) { return String.fromCharCode(o); })) .replace(u.htmlCtrlEntityRegex, '') .replace(u.ctrlCharactersRegex, '') .replace(u.whitespaceEscapeCharsRegex, '') .trim()) )).match(u.ctrlCharactersRegex) || _.match(u.htmlEntitiesRegex) || _.match(u.htmlCtrlEntityRegex) || _.match(u.whitespaceEscapeCharsRegex); } while (o && o.length > 0); var w = _; if (!w) return u.BLANK_URL; if ( (function isRelativeUrlWithoutProtocol(s) { return u.relativeFirstCharacters.indexOf(s[0]) > -1; })(w) ) return w; var x = w.match(u.urlSchemeRegex); if (!x) return w; var C = x[0]; return u.invalidProtocolRegex.test(C) ? u.BLANK_URL : w; }; }, 67526: (s, o) => { 'use strict'; (o.byteLength = function byteLength(s) { var o = getLens(s), i = o[0], u = o[1]; return (3 * (i + u)) / 4 - u; }), (o.toByteArray = function toByteArray(s) { var o, i, w = getLens(s), x = w[0], C = w[1], j = new _( (function _byteLength(s, o, i) { return (3 * (o + i)) / 4 - i; })(0, x, C) ), L = 0, B = C > 0 ? x - 4 : x; for (i = 0; i < B; i += 4) (o = (u[s.charCodeAt(i)] << 18) | (u[s.charCodeAt(i + 1)] << 12) | (u[s.charCodeAt(i + 2)] << 6) | u[s.charCodeAt(i + 3)]), (j[L++] = (o >> 16) & 255), (j[L++] = (o >> 8) & 255), (j[L++] = 255 & o); 2 === C && ((o = (u[s.charCodeAt(i)] << 2) | (u[s.charCodeAt(i + 1)] >> 4)), (j[L++] = 255 & o)); 1 === C && ((o = (u[s.charCodeAt(i)] << 10) | (u[s.charCodeAt(i + 1)] << 4) | (u[s.charCodeAt(i + 2)] >> 2)), (j[L++] = (o >> 8) & 255), (j[L++] = 255 & o)); return j; }), (o.fromByteArray = function fromByteArray(s) { for ( var o, u = s.length, _ = u % 3, w = [], x = 16383, C = 0, j = u - _; C < j; C += x ) w.push(encodeChunk(s, C, C + x > j ? j : C + x)); 1 === _ ? ((o = s[u - 1]), w.push(i[o >> 2] + i[(o << 4) & 63] + '==')) : 2 === _ && ((o = (s[u - 2] << 8) + s[u - 1]), w.push(i[o >> 10] + i[(o >> 4) & 63] + i[(o << 2) & 63] + '=')); return w.join(''); }); for ( var i = [], u = [], _ = 'undefined' != typeof Uint8Array ? Uint8Array : Array, w = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/', x = 0; x < 64; ++x ) (i[x] = w[x]), (u[w.charCodeAt(x)] = x); function getLens(s) { var o = s.length; if (o % 4 > 0) throw new Error('Invalid string. Length must be a multiple of 4'); var i = s.indexOf('='); return -1 === i && (i = o), [i, i === o ? 0 : 4 - (i % 4)]; } function encodeChunk(s, o, u) { for (var _, w, x = [], C = o; C < u; C += 3) (_ = ((s[C] << 16) & 16711680) + ((s[C + 1] << 8) & 65280) + (255 & s[C + 2])), x.push(i[((w = _) >> 18) & 63] + i[(w >> 12) & 63] + i[(w >> 6) & 63] + i[63 & w]); return x.join(''); } (u['-'.charCodeAt(0)] = 62), (u['_'.charCodeAt(0)] = 63); }, 48287: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; const u = i(67526), _ = i(251), w = 'function' == typeof Symbol && 'function' == typeof Symbol.for ? Symbol.for('nodejs.util.inspect.custom') : null; (o.Buffer = Buffer), (o.SlowBuffer = function SlowBuffer(s) { +s != s && (s = 0); return Buffer.alloc(+s); }), (o.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES = 50); const x = 2147483647; function createBuffer(s) { if (s > x) throw new RangeError('The value "' + s + '" is invalid for option "size"'); const o = new Uint8Array(s); return Object.setPrototypeOf(o, Buffer.prototype), o; } function Buffer(s, o, i) { if ('number' == typeof s) { if ('string' == typeof o) throw new TypeError( 'The "string" argument must be of type string. Received type number' ); return allocUnsafe(s); } return from(s, o, i); } function from(s, o, i) { if ('string' == typeof s) return (function fromString(s, o) { ('string' == typeof o && '' !== o) || (o = 'utf8'); if (!Buffer.isEncoding(o)) throw new TypeError('Unknown encoding: ' + o); const i = 0 | byteLength(s, o); let u = createBuffer(i); const _ = u.write(s, o); _ !== i && (u = u.slice(0, _)); return u; })(s, o); if (ArrayBuffer.isView(s)) return (function fromArrayView(s) { if (isInstance(s, Uint8Array)) { const o = new Uint8Array(s); return fromArrayBuffer(o.buffer, o.byteOffset, o.byteLength); } return fromArrayLike(s); })(s); if (null == s) throw new TypeError( 'The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type ' + typeof s ); if (isInstance(s, ArrayBuffer) || (s && isInstance(s.buffer, ArrayBuffer))) return fromArrayBuffer(s, o, i); if ( 'undefined' != typeof SharedArrayBuffer && (isInstance(s, SharedArrayBuffer) || (s && isInstance(s.buffer, SharedArrayBuffer))) ) return fromArrayBuffer(s, o, i); if ('number' == typeof s) throw new TypeError( 'The "value" argument must not be of type number. Received type number' ); const u = s.valueOf && s.valueOf(); if (null != u && u !== s) return Buffer.from(u, o, i); const _ = (function fromObject(s) { if (Buffer.isBuffer(s)) { const o = 0 | checked(s.length), i = createBuffer(o); return 0 === i.length || s.copy(i, 0, 0, o), i; } if (void 0 !== s.length) return 'number' != typeof s.length || numberIsNaN(s.length) ? createBuffer(0) : fromArrayLike(s); if ('Buffer' === s.type && Array.isArray(s.data)) return fromArrayLike(s.data); })(s); if (_) return _; if ( 'undefined' != typeof Symbol && null != Symbol.toPrimitive && 'function' == typeof s[Symbol.toPrimitive] ) return Buffer.from(s[Symbol.toPrimitive]('string'), o, i); throw new TypeError( 'The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type ' + typeof s ); } function assertSize(s) { if ('number' != typeof s) throw new TypeError('"size" argument must be of type number'); if (s < 0) throw new RangeError('The value "' + s + '" is invalid for option "size"'); } function allocUnsafe(s) { return assertSize(s), createBuffer(s < 0 ? 0 : 0 | checked(s)); } function fromArrayLike(s) { const o = s.length < 0 ? 0 : 0 | checked(s.length), i = createBuffer(o); for (let u = 0; u < o; u += 1) i[u] = 255 & s[u]; return i; } function fromArrayBuffer(s, o, i) { if (o < 0 || s.byteLength < o) throw new RangeError('"offset" is outside of buffer bounds'); if (s.byteLength < o + (i || 0)) throw new RangeError('"length" is outside of buffer bounds'); let u; return ( (u = void 0 === o && void 0 === i ? new Uint8Array(s) : void 0 === i ? new Uint8Array(s, o) : new Uint8Array(s, o, i)), Object.setPrototypeOf(u, Buffer.prototype), u ); } function checked(s) { if (s >= x) throw new RangeError( 'Attempt to allocate Buffer larger than maximum size: 0x' + x.toString(16) + ' bytes' ); return 0 | s; } function byteLength(s, o) { if (Buffer.isBuffer(s)) return s.length; if (ArrayBuffer.isView(s) || isInstance(s, ArrayBuffer)) return s.byteLength; if ('string' != typeof s) throw new TypeError( 'The "string" argument must be one of type string, Buffer, or ArrayBuffer. Received type ' + typeof s ); const i = s.length, u = arguments.length > 2 && !0 === arguments[2]; if (!u && 0 === i) return 0; let _ = !1; for (;;) switch (o) { case 'ascii': case 'latin1': case 'binary': return i; case 'utf8': case 'utf-8': return utf8ToBytes(s).length; case 'ucs2': case 'ucs-2': case 'utf16le': case 'utf-16le': return 2 * i; case 'hex': return i >>> 1; case 'base64': return base64ToBytes(s).length; default: if (_) return u ? -1 : utf8ToBytes(s).length; (o = ('' + o).toLowerCase()), (_ = !0); } } function slowToString(s, o, i) { let u = !1; if (((void 0 === o || o < 0) && (o = 0), o > this.length)) return ''; if (((void 0 === i || i > this.length) && (i = this.length), i <= 0)) return ''; if ((i >>>= 0) <= (o >>>= 0)) return ''; for (s || (s = 'utf8'); ; ) switch (s) { case 'hex': return hexSlice(this, o, i); case 'utf8': case 'utf-8': return utf8Slice(this, o, i); case 'ascii': return asciiSlice(this, o, i); case 'latin1': case 'binary': return latin1Slice(this, o, i); case 'base64': return base64Slice(this, o, i); case 'ucs2': case 'ucs-2': case 'utf16le': case 'utf-16le': return utf16leSlice(this, o, i); default: if (u) throw new TypeError('Unknown encoding: ' + s); (s = (s + '').toLowerCase()), (u = !0); } } function swap(s, o, i) { const u = s[o]; (s[o] = s[i]), (s[i] = u); } function bidirectionalIndexOf(s, o, i, u, _) { if (0 === s.length) return -1; if ( ('string' == typeof i ? ((u = i), (i = 0)) : i > 2147483647 ? (i = 2147483647) : i < -2147483648 && (i = -2147483648), numberIsNaN((i = +i)) && (i = _ ? 0 : s.length - 1), i < 0 && (i = s.length + i), i >= s.length) ) { if (_) return -1; i = s.length - 1; } else if (i < 0) { if (!_) return -1; i = 0; } if (('string' == typeof o && (o = Buffer.from(o, u)), Buffer.isBuffer(o))) return 0 === o.length ? -1 : arrayIndexOf(s, o, i, u, _); if ('number' == typeof o) return ( (o &= 255), 'function' == typeof Uint8Array.prototype.indexOf ? _ ? Uint8Array.prototype.indexOf.call(s, o, i) : Uint8Array.prototype.lastIndexOf.call(s, o, i) : arrayIndexOf(s, [o], i, u, _) ); throw new TypeError('val must be string, number or Buffer'); } function arrayIndexOf(s, o, i, u, _) { let w, x = 1, C = s.length, j = o.length; if ( void 0 !== u && ('ucs2' === (u = String(u).toLowerCase()) || 'ucs-2' === u || 'utf16le' === u || 'utf-16le' === u) ) { if (s.length < 2 || o.length < 2) return -1; (x = 2), (C /= 2), (j /= 2), (i /= 2); } function read(s, o) { return 1 === x ? s[o] : s.readUInt16BE(o * x); } if (_) { let u = -1; for (w = i; w < C; w++) if (read(s, w) === read(o, -1 === u ? 0 : w - u)) { if ((-1 === u && (u = w), w - u + 1 === j)) return u * x; } else -1 !== u && (w -= w - u), (u = -1); } else for (i + j > C && (i = C - j), w = i; w >= 0; w--) { let i = !0; for (let u = 0; u < j; u++) if (read(s, w + u) !== read(o, u)) { i = !1; break; } if (i) return w; } return -1; } function hexWrite(s, o, i, u) { i = Number(i) || 0; const _ = s.length - i; u ? (u = Number(u)) > _ && (u = _) : (u = _); const w = o.length; let x; for (u > w / 2 && (u = w / 2), x = 0; x < u; ++x) { const u = parseInt(o.substr(2 * x, 2), 16); if (numberIsNaN(u)) return x; s[i + x] = u; } return x; } function utf8Write(s, o, i, u) { return blitBuffer(utf8ToBytes(o, s.length - i), s, i, u); } function asciiWrite(s, o, i, u) { return blitBuffer( (function asciiToBytes(s) { const o = []; for (let i = 0; i < s.length; ++i) o.push(255 & s.charCodeAt(i)); return o; })(o), s, i, u ); } function base64Write(s, o, i, u) { return blitBuffer(base64ToBytes(o), s, i, u); } function ucs2Write(s, o, i, u) { return blitBuffer( (function utf16leToBytes(s, o) { let i, u, _; const w = []; for (let x = 0; x < s.length && !((o -= 2) < 0); ++x) (i = s.charCodeAt(x)), (u = i >> 8), (_ = i % 256), w.push(_), w.push(u); return w; })(o, s.length - i), s, i, u ); } function base64Slice(s, o, i) { return 0 === o && i === s.length ? u.fromByteArray(s) : u.fromByteArray(s.slice(o, i)); } function utf8Slice(s, o, i) { i = Math.min(s.length, i); const u = []; let _ = o; for (; _ < i; ) { const o = s[_]; let w = null, x = o > 239 ? 4 : o > 223 ? 3 : o > 191 ? 2 : 1; if (_ + x <= i) { let i, u, C, j; switch (x) { case 1: o < 128 && (w = o); break; case 2: (i = s[_ + 1]), 128 == (192 & i) && ((j = ((31 & o) << 6) | (63 & i)), j > 127 && (w = j)); break; case 3: (i = s[_ + 1]), (u = s[_ + 2]), 128 == (192 & i) && 128 == (192 & u) && ((j = ((15 & o) << 12) | ((63 & i) << 6) | (63 & u)), j > 2047 && (j < 55296 || j > 57343) && (w = j)); break; case 4: (i = s[_ + 1]), (u = s[_ + 2]), (C = s[_ + 3]), 128 == (192 & i) && 128 == (192 & u) && 128 == (192 & C) && ((j = ((15 & o) << 18) | ((63 & i) << 12) | ((63 & u) << 6) | (63 & C)), j > 65535 && j < 1114112 && (w = j)); } } null === w ? ((w = 65533), (x = 1)) : w > 65535 && ((w -= 65536), u.push(((w >>> 10) & 1023) | 55296), (w = 56320 | (1023 & w))), u.push(w), (_ += x); } return (function decodeCodePointsArray(s) { const o = s.length; if (o <= C) return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, s); let i = '', u = 0; for (; u < o; ) i += String.fromCharCode.apply(String, s.slice(u, (u += C))); return i; })(u); } (o.kMaxLength = x), (Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT = (function typedArraySupport() { try { const s = new Uint8Array(1), o = { foo: function () { return 42; } }; return ( Object.setPrototypeOf(o, Uint8Array.prototype), Object.setPrototypeOf(s, o), 42 === s.foo() ); } catch (s) { return !1; } })()), Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT || 'undefined' == typeof console || 'function' != typeof console.error || console.error( 'This browser lacks typed array (Uint8Array) support which is required by `buffer` v5.x. Use `buffer` v4.x if you require old browser support.' ), Object.defineProperty(Buffer.prototype, 'parent', { enumerable: !0, get: function () { if (Buffer.isBuffer(this)) return this.buffer; } }), Object.defineProperty(Buffer.prototype, 'offset', { enumerable: !0, get: function () { if (Buffer.isBuffer(this)) return this.byteOffset; } }), (Buffer.poolSize = 8192), (Buffer.from = function (s, o, i) { return from(s, o, i); }), Object.setPrototypeOf(Buffer.prototype, Uint8Array.prototype), Object.setPrototypeOf(Buffer, Uint8Array), (Buffer.alloc = function (s, o, i) { return (function alloc(s, o, i) { return ( assertSize(s), s <= 0 ? createBuffer(s) : void 0 !== o ? 'string' == typeof i ? createBuffer(s).fill(o, i) : createBuffer(s).fill(o) : createBuffer(s) ); })(s, o, i); }), (Buffer.allocUnsafe = function (s) { return allocUnsafe(s); }), (Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow = function (s) { return allocUnsafe(s); }), (Buffer.isBuffer = function isBuffer(s) { return null != s && !0 === s._isBuffer && s !== Buffer.prototype; }), (Buffer.compare = function compare(s, o) { if ( (isInstance(s, Uint8Array) && (s = Buffer.from(s, s.offset, s.byteLength)), isInstance(o, Uint8Array) && (o = Buffer.from(o, o.offset, o.byteLength)), !Buffer.isBuffer(s) || !Buffer.isBuffer(o)) ) throw new TypeError( 'The "buf1", "buf2" arguments must be one of type Buffer or Uint8Array' ); if (s === o) return 0; let i = s.length, u = o.length; for (let _ = 0, w = Math.min(i, u); _ < w; ++_) if (s[_] !== o[_]) { (i = s[_]), (u = o[_]); break; } return i < u ? -1 : u < i ? 1 : 0; }), (Buffer.isEncoding = function isEncoding(s) { switch (String(s).toLowerCase()) { case 'hex': case 'utf8': case 'utf-8': case 'ascii': case 'latin1': case 'binary': case 'base64': case 'ucs2': case 'ucs-2': case 'utf16le': case 'utf-16le': return !0; default: return !1; } }), (Buffer.concat = function concat(s, o) { if (!Array.isArray(s)) throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers'); if (0 === s.length) return Buffer.alloc(0); let i; if (void 0 === o) for (o = 0, i = 0; i < s.length; ++i) o += s[i].length; const u = Buffer.allocUnsafe(o); let _ = 0; for (i = 0; i < s.length; ++i) { let o = s[i]; if (isInstance(o, Uint8Array)) _ + o.length > u.length ? (Buffer.isBuffer(o) || (o = Buffer.from(o)), o.copy(u, _)) : Uint8Array.prototype.set.call(u, o, _); else { if (!Buffer.isBuffer(o)) throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers'); o.copy(u, _); } _ += o.length; } return u; }), (Buffer.byteLength = byteLength), (Buffer.prototype._isBuffer = !0), (Buffer.prototype.swap16 = function swap16() { const s = this.length; if (s % 2 != 0) throw new RangeError('Buffer size must be a multiple of 16-bits'); for (let o = 0; o < s; o += 2) swap(this, o, o + 1); return this; }), (Buffer.prototype.swap32 = function swap32() { const s = this.length; if (s % 4 != 0) throw new RangeError('Buffer size must be a multiple of 32-bits'); for (let o = 0; o < s; o += 4) swap(this, o, o + 3), swap(this, o + 1, o + 2); return this; }), (Buffer.prototype.swap64 = function swap64() { const s = this.length; if (s % 8 != 0) throw new RangeError('Buffer size must be a multiple of 64-bits'); for (let o = 0; o < s; o += 8) swap(this, o, o + 7), swap(this, o + 1, o + 6), swap(this, o + 2, o + 5), swap(this, o + 3, o + 4); return this; }), (Buffer.prototype.toString = function toString() { const s = this.length; return 0 === s ? '' : 0 === arguments.length ? utf8Slice(this, 0, s) : slowToString.apply(this, arguments); }), (Buffer.prototype.toLocaleString = Buffer.prototype.toString), (Buffer.prototype.equals = function equals(s) { if (!Buffer.isBuffer(s)) throw new TypeError('Argument must be a Buffer'); return this === s || 0 === Buffer.compare(this, s); }), (Buffer.prototype.inspect = function inspect() { let s = ''; const i = o.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES; return ( (s = this.toString('hex', 0, i) .replace(/(.{2})/g, '$1 ') .trim()), this.length > i && (s += ' ... '), '' ); }), w && (Buffer.prototype[w] = Buffer.prototype.inspect), (Buffer.prototype.compare = function compare(s, o, i, u, _) { if ( (isInstance(s, Uint8Array) && (s = Buffer.from(s, s.offset, s.byteLength)), !Buffer.isBuffer(s)) ) throw new TypeError( 'The "target" argument must be one of type Buffer or Uint8Array. Received type ' + typeof s ); if ( (void 0 === o && (o = 0), void 0 === i && (i = s ? s.length : 0), void 0 === u && (u = 0), void 0 === _ && (_ = this.length), o < 0 || i > s.length || u < 0 || _ > this.length) ) throw new RangeError('out of range index'); if (u >= _ && o >= i) return 0; if (u >= _) return -1; if (o >= i) return 1; if (this === s) return 0; let w = (_ >>>= 0) - (u >>>= 0), x = (i >>>= 0) - (o >>>= 0); const C = Math.min(w, x), j = this.slice(u, _), L = s.slice(o, i); for (let s = 0; s < C; ++s) if (j[s] !== L[s]) { (w = j[s]), (x = L[s]); break; } return w < x ? -1 : x < w ? 1 : 0; }), (Buffer.prototype.includes = function includes(s, o, i) { return -1 !== this.indexOf(s, o, i); }), (Buffer.prototype.indexOf = function indexOf(s, o, i) { return bidirectionalIndexOf(this, s, o, i, !0); }), (Buffer.prototype.lastIndexOf = function lastIndexOf(s, o, i) { return bidirectionalIndexOf(this, s, o, i, !1); }), (Buffer.prototype.write = function write(s, o, i, u) { if (void 0 === o) (u = 'utf8'), (i = this.length), (o = 0); else if (void 0 === i && 'string' == typeof o) (u = o), (i = this.length), (o = 0); else { if (!isFinite(o)) throw new Error( 'Buffer.write(string, encoding, offset[, length]) is no longer supported' ); (o >>>= 0), isFinite(i) ? ((i >>>= 0), void 0 === u && (u = 'utf8')) : ((u = i), (i = void 0)); } const _ = this.length - o; if ( ((void 0 === i || i > _) && (i = _), (s.length > 0 && (i < 0 || o < 0)) || o > this.length) ) throw new RangeError('Attempt to write outside buffer bounds'); u || (u = 'utf8'); let w = !1; for (;;) switch (u) { case 'hex': return hexWrite(this, s, o, i); case 'utf8': case 'utf-8': return utf8Write(this, s, o, i); case 'ascii': case 'latin1': case 'binary': return asciiWrite(this, s, o, i); case 'base64': return base64Write(this, s, o, i); case 'ucs2': case 'ucs-2': case 'utf16le': case 'utf-16le': return ucs2Write(this, s, o, i); default: if (w) throw new TypeError('Unknown encoding: ' + u); (u = ('' + u).toLowerCase()), (w = !0); } }), (Buffer.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON() { return { type: 'Buffer', data: Array.prototype.slice.call(this._arr || this, 0) }; }); const C = 4096; function asciiSlice(s, o, i) { let u = ''; i = Math.min(s.length, i); for (let _ = o; _ < i; ++_) u += String.fromCharCode(127 & s[_]); return u; } function latin1Slice(s, o, i) { let u = ''; i = Math.min(s.length, i); for (let _ = o; _ < i; ++_) u += String.fromCharCode(s[_]); return u; } function hexSlice(s, o, i) { const u = s.length; (!o || o < 0) && (o = 0), (!i || i < 0 || i > u) && (i = u); let _ = ''; for (let u = o; u < i; ++u) _ += B[s[u]]; return _; } function utf16leSlice(s, o, i) { const u = s.slice(o, i); let _ = ''; for (let s = 0; s < u.length - 1; s += 2) _ += String.fromCharCode(u[s] + 256 * u[s + 1]); return _; } function checkOffset(s, o, i) { if (s % 1 != 0 || s < 0) throw new RangeError('offset is not uint'); if (s + o > i) throw new RangeError('Trying to access beyond buffer length'); } function checkInt(s, o, i, u, _, w) { if (!Buffer.isBuffer(s)) throw new TypeError('"buffer" argument must be a Buffer instance'); if (o > _ || o < w) throw new RangeError('"value" argument is out of bounds'); if (i + u > s.length) throw new RangeError('Index out of range'); } function wrtBigUInt64LE(s, o, i, u, _) { checkIntBI(o, u, _, s, i, 7); let w = Number(o & BigInt(4294967295)); (s[i++] = w), (w >>= 8), (s[i++] = w), (w >>= 8), (s[i++] = w), (w >>= 8), (s[i++] = w); let x = Number((o >> BigInt(32)) & BigInt(4294967295)); return ( (s[i++] = x), (x >>= 8), (s[i++] = x), (x >>= 8), (s[i++] = x), (x >>= 8), (s[i++] = x), i ); } function wrtBigUInt64BE(s, o, i, u, _) { checkIntBI(o, u, _, s, i, 7); let w = Number(o & BigInt(4294967295)); (s[i + 7] = w), (w >>= 8), (s[i + 6] = w), (w >>= 8), (s[i + 5] = w), (w >>= 8), (s[i + 4] = w); let x = Number((o >> BigInt(32)) & BigInt(4294967295)); return ( (s[i + 3] = x), (x >>= 8), (s[i + 2] = x), (x >>= 8), (s[i + 1] = x), (x >>= 8), (s[i] = x), i + 8 ); } function checkIEEE754(s, o, i, u, _, w) { if (i + u > s.length) throw new RangeError('Index out of range'); if (i < 0) throw new RangeError('Index out of range'); } function writeFloat(s, o, i, u, w) { return ( (o = +o), (i >>>= 0), w || checkIEEE754(s, 0, i, 4), _.write(s, o, i, u, 23, 4), i + 4 ); } function writeDouble(s, o, i, u, w) { return ( (o = +o), (i >>>= 0), w || checkIEEE754(s, 0, i, 8), _.write(s, o, i, u, 52, 8), i + 8 ); } (Buffer.prototype.slice = function slice(s, o) { const i = this.length; (s = ~~s) < 0 ? (s += i) < 0 && (s = 0) : s > i && (s = i), (o = void 0 === o ? i : ~~o) < 0 ? (o += i) < 0 && (o = 0) : o > i && (o = i), o < s && (o = s); const u = this.subarray(s, o); return Object.setPrototypeOf(u, Buffer.prototype), u; }), (Buffer.prototype.readUintLE = Buffer.prototype.readUIntLE = function readUIntLE(s, o, i) { (s >>>= 0), (o >>>= 0), i || checkOffset(s, o, this.length); let u = this[s], _ = 1, w = 0; for (; ++w < o && (_ *= 256); ) u += this[s + w] * _; return u; }), (Buffer.prototype.readUintBE = Buffer.prototype.readUIntBE = function readUIntBE(s, o, i) { (s >>>= 0), (o >>>= 0), i || checkOffset(s, o, this.length); let u = this[s + --o], _ = 1; for (; o > 0 && (_ *= 256); ) u += this[s + --o] * _; return u; }), (Buffer.prototype.readUint8 = Buffer.prototype.readUInt8 = function readUInt8(s, o) { return (s >>>= 0), o || checkOffset(s, 1, this.length), this[s]; }), (Buffer.prototype.readUint16LE = Buffer.prototype.readUInt16LE = function readUInt16LE(s, o) { return ( (s >>>= 0), o || checkOffset(s, 2, this.length), this[s] | (this[s + 1] << 8) ); }), (Buffer.prototype.readUint16BE = Buffer.prototype.readUInt16BE = function readUInt16BE(s, o) { return ( (s >>>= 0), o || checkOffset(s, 2, this.length), (this[s] << 8) | this[s + 1] ); }), (Buffer.prototype.readUint32LE = Buffer.prototype.readUInt32LE = function readUInt32LE(s, o) { return ( (s >>>= 0), o || checkOffset(s, 4, this.length), (this[s] | (this[s + 1] << 8) | (this[s + 2] << 16)) + 16777216 * this[s + 3] ); }), (Buffer.prototype.readUint32BE = Buffer.prototype.readUInt32BE = function readUInt32BE(s, o) { return ( (s >>>= 0), o || checkOffset(s, 4, this.length), 16777216 * this[s] + ((this[s + 1] << 16) | (this[s + 2] << 8) | this[s + 3]) ); }), (Buffer.prototype.readBigUInt64LE = defineBigIntMethod(function readBigUInt64LE(s) { validateNumber((s >>>= 0), 'offset'); const o = this[s], i = this[s + 7]; (void 0 !== o && void 0 !== i) || boundsError(s, this.length - 8); const u = o + 256 * this[++s] + 65536 * this[++s] + this[++s] * 2 ** 24, _ = this[++s] + 256 * this[++s] + 65536 * this[++s] + i * 2 ** 24; return BigInt(u) + (BigInt(_) << BigInt(32)); })), (Buffer.prototype.readBigUInt64BE = defineBigIntMethod(function readBigUInt64BE(s) { validateNumber((s >>>= 0), 'offset'); const o = this[s], i = this[s + 7]; (void 0 !== o && void 0 !== i) || boundsError(s, this.length - 8); const u = o * 2 ** 24 + 65536 * this[++s] + 256 * this[++s] + this[++s], _ = this[++s] * 2 ** 24 + 65536 * this[++s] + 256 * this[++s] + i; return (BigInt(u) << BigInt(32)) + BigInt(_); })), (Buffer.prototype.readIntLE = function readIntLE(s, o, i) { (s >>>= 0), (o >>>= 0), i || checkOffset(s, o, this.length); let u = this[s], _ = 1, w = 0; for (; ++w < o && (_ *= 256); ) u += this[s + w] * _; return (_ *= 128), u >= _ && (u -= Math.pow(2, 8 * o)), u; }), (Buffer.prototype.readIntBE = function readIntBE(s, o, i) { (s >>>= 0), (o >>>= 0), i || checkOffset(s, o, this.length); let u = o, _ = 1, w = this[s + --u]; for (; u > 0 && (_ *= 256); ) w += this[s + --u] * _; return (_ *= 128), w >= _ && (w -= Math.pow(2, 8 * o)), w; }), (Buffer.prototype.readInt8 = function readInt8(s, o) { return ( (s >>>= 0), o || checkOffset(s, 1, this.length), 128 & this[s] ? -1 * (255 - this[s] + 1) : this[s] ); }), (Buffer.prototype.readInt16LE = function readInt16LE(s, o) { (s >>>= 0), o || checkOffset(s, 2, this.length); const i = this[s] | (this[s + 1] << 8); return 32768 & i ? 4294901760 | i : i; }), (Buffer.prototype.readInt16BE = function readInt16BE(s, o) { (s >>>= 0), o || checkOffset(s, 2, this.length); const i = this[s + 1] | (this[s] << 8); return 32768 & i ? 4294901760 | i : i; }), (Buffer.prototype.readInt32LE = function readInt32LE(s, o) { return ( (s >>>= 0), o || checkOffset(s, 4, this.length), this[s] | (this[s + 1] << 8) | (this[s + 2] << 16) | (this[s + 3] << 24) ); }), (Buffer.prototype.readInt32BE = function readInt32BE(s, o) { return ( (s >>>= 0), o || checkOffset(s, 4, this.length), (this[s] << 24) | (this[s + 1] << 16) | (this[s + 2] << 8) | this[s + 3] ); }), (Buffer.prototype.readBigInt64LE = defineBigIntMethod(function readBigInt64LE(s) { validateNumber((s >>>= 0), 'offset'); const o = this[s], i = this[s + 7]; (void 0 !== o && void 0 !== i) || boundsError(s, this.length - 8); const u = this[s + 4] + 256 * this[s + 5] + 65536 * this[s + 6] + (i << 24); return ( (BigInt(u) << BigInt(32)) + BigInt(o + 256 * this[++s] + 65536 * this[++s] + this[++s] * 2 ** 24) ); })), (Buffer.prototype.readBigInt64BE = defineBigIntMethod(function readBigInt64BE(s) { validateNumber((s >>>= 0), 'offset'); const o = this[s], i = this[s + 7]; (void 0 !== o && void 0 !== i) || boundsError(s, this.length - 8); const u = (o << 24) + 65536 * this[++s] + 256 * this[++s] + this[++s]; return ( (BigInt(u) << BigInt(32)) + BigInt(this[++s] * 2 ** 24 + 65536 * this[++s] + 256 * this[++s] + i) ); })), (Buffer.prototype.readFloatLE = function readFloatLE(s, o) { return (s >>>= 0), o || checkOffset(s, 4, this.length), _.read(this, s, !0, 23, 4); }), (Buffer.prototype.readFloatBE = function readFloatBE(s, o) { return (s >>>= 0), o || checkOffset(s, 4, this.length), _.read(this, s, !1, 23, 4); }), (Buffer.prototype.readDoubleLE = function readDoubleLE(s, o) { return (s >>>= 0), o || checkOffset(s, 8, this.length), _.read(this, s, !0, 52, 8); }), (Buffer.prototype.readDoubleBE = function readDoubleBE(s, o) { return (s >>>= 0), o || checkOffset(s, 8, this.length), _.read(this, s, !1, 52, 8); }), (Buffer.prototype.writeUintLE = Buffer.prototype.writeUIntLE = function writeUIntLE(s, o, i, u) { if (((s = +s), (o >>>= 0), (i >>>= 0), !u)) { checkInt(this, s, o, i, Math.pow(2, 8 * i) - 1, 0); } let _ = 1, w = 0; for (this[o] = 255 & s; ++w < i && (_ *= 256); ) this[o + w] = (s / _) & 255; return o + i; }), (Buffer.prototype.writeUintBE = Buffer.prototype.writeUIntBE = function writeUIntBE(s, o, i, u) { if (((s = +s), (o >>>= 0), (i >>>= 0), !u)) { checkInt(this, s, o, i, Math.pow(2, 8 * i) - 1, 0); } let _ = i - 1, w = 1; for (this[o + _] = 255 & s; --_ >= 0 && (w *= 256); ) this[o + _] = (s / w) & 255; return o + i; }), (Buffer.prototype.writeUint8 = Buffer.prototype.writeUInt8 = function writeUInt8(s, o, i) { return ( (s = +s), (o >>>= 0), i || checkInt(this, s, o, 1, 255, 0), (this[o] = 255 & s), o + 1 ); }), (Buffer.prototype.writeUint16LE = Buffer.prototype.writeUInt16LE = function writeUInt16LE(s, o, i) { return ( (s = +s), (o >>>= 0), i || checkInt(this, s, o, 2, 65535, 0), (this[o] = 255 & s), (this[o + 1] = s >>> 8), o + 2 ); }), (Buffer.prototype.writeUint16BE = Buffer.prototype.writeUInt16BE = function writeUInt16BE(s, o, i) { return ( (s = +s), (o >>>= 0), i || checkInt(this, s, o, 2, 65535, 0), (this[o] = s >>> 8), (this[o + 1] = 255 & s), o + 2 ); }), (Buffer.prototype.writeUint32LE = Buffer.prototype.writeUInt32LE = function writeUInt32LE(s, o, i) { return ( (s = +s), (o >>>= 0), i || checkInt(this, s, o, 4, 4294967295, 0), (this[o + 3] = s >>> 24), (this[o + 2] = s >>> 16), (this[o + 1] = s >>> 8), (this[o] = 255 & s), o + 4 ); }), (Buffer.prototype.writeUint32BE = Buffer.prototype.writeUInt32BE = function writeUInt32BE(s, o, i) { return ( (s = +s), (o >>>= 0), i || checkInt(this, s, o, 4, 4294967295, 0), (this[o] = s >>> 24), (this[o + 1] = s >>> 16), (this[o + 2] = s >>> 8), (this[o + 3] = 255 & s), o + 4 ); }), (Buffer.prototype.writeBigUInt64LE = defineBigIntMethod(function writeBigUInt64LE( s, o = 0 ) { return wrtBigUInt64LE(this, s, o, BigInt(0), BigInt('0xffffffffffffffff')); })), (Buffer.prototype.writeBigUInt64BE = defineBigIntMethod(function writeBigUInt64BE( s, o = 0 ) { return wrtBigUInt64BE(this, s, o, BigInt(0), BigInt('0xffffffffffffffff')); })), (Buffer.prototype.writeIntLE = function writeIntLE(s, o, i, u) { if (((s = +s), (o >>>= 0), !u)) { const u = Math.pow(2, 8 * i - 1); checkInt(this, s, o, i, u - 1, -u); } let _ = 0, w = 1, x = 0; for (this[o] = 255 & s; ++_ < i && (w *= 256); ) s < 0 && 0 === x && 0 !== this[o + _ - 1] && (x = 1), (this[o + _] = (((s / w) | 0) - x) & 255); return o + i; }), (Buffer.prototype.writeIntBE = function writeIntBE(s, o, i, u) { if (((s = +s), (o >>>= 0), !u)) { const u = Math.pow(2, 8 * i - 1); checkInt(this, s, o, i, u - 1, -u); } let _ = i - 1, w = 1, x = 0; for (this[o + _] = 255 & s; --_ >= 0 && (w *= 256); ) s < 0 && 0 === x && 0 !== this[o + _ + 1] && (x = 1), (this[o + _] = (((s / w) | 0) - x) & 255); return o + i; }), (Buffer.prototype.writeInt8 = function writeInt8(s, o, i) { return ( (s = +s), (o >>>= 0), i || checkInt(this, s, o, 1, 127, -128), s < 0 && (s = 255 + s + 1), (this[o] = 255 & s), o + 1 ); }), (Buffer.prototype.writeInt16LE = function writeInt16LE(s, o, i) { return ( (s = +s), (o >>>= 0), i || checkInt(this, s, o, 2, 32767, -32768), (this[o] = 255 & s), (this[o + 1] = s >>> 8), o + 2 ); }), (Buffer.prototype.writeInt16BE = function writeInt16BE(s, o, i) { return ( (s = +s), (o >>>= 0), i || checkInt(this, s, o, 2, 32767, -32768), (this[o] = s >>> 8), (this[o + 1] = 255 & s), o + 2 ); }), (Buffer.prototype.writeInt32LE = function writeInt32LE(s, o, i) { return ( (s = +s), (o >>>= 0), i || checkInt(this, s, o, 4, 2147483647, -2147483648), (this[o] = 255 & s), (this[o + 1] = s >>> 8), (this[o + 2] = s >>> 16), (this[o + 3] = s >>> 24), o + 4 ); }), (Buffer.prototype.writeInt32BE = function writeInt32BE(s, o, i) { return ( (s = +s), (o >>>= 0), i || checkInt(this, s, o, 4, 2147483647, -2147483648), s < 0 && (s = 4294967295 + s + 1), (this[o] = s >>> 24), (this[o + 1] = s >>> 16), (this[o + 2] = s >>> 8), (this[o + 3] = 255 & s), o + 4 ); }), (Buffer.prototype.writeBigInt64LE = defineBigIntMethod(function writeBigInt64LE( s, o = 0 ) { return wrtBigUInt64LE( this, s, o, -BigInt('0x8000000000000000'), BigInt('0x7fffffffffffffff') ); })), (Buffer.prototype.writeBigInt64BE = defineBigIntMethod(function writeBigInt64BE( s, o = 0 ) { return wrtBigUInt64BE( this, s, o, -BigInt('0x8000000000000000'), BigInt('0x7fffffffffffffff') ); })), (Buffer.prototype.writeFloatLE = function writeFloatLE(s, o, i) { return writeFloat(this, s, o, !0, i); }), (Buffer.prototype.writeFloatBE = function writeFloatBE(s, o, i) { return writeFloat(this, s, o, !1, i); }), (Buffer.prototype.writeDoubleLE = function writeDoubleLE(s, o, i) { return writeDouble(this, s, o, !0, i); }), (Buffer.prototype.writeDoubleBE = function writeDoubleBE(s, o, i) { return writeDouble(this, s, o, !1, i); }), (Buffer.prototype.copy = function copy(s, o, i, u) { if (!Buffer.isBuffer(s)) throw new TypeError('argument should be a Buffer'); if ( (i || (i = 0), u || 0 === u || (u = this.length), o >= s.length && (o = s.length), o || (o = 0), u > 0 && u < i && (u = i), u === i) ) return 0; if (0 === s.length || 0 === this.length) return 0; if (o < 0) throw new RangeError('targetStart out of bounds'); if (i < 0 || i >= this.length) throw new RangeError('Index out of range'); if (u < 0) throw new RangeError('sourceEnd out of bounds'); u > this.length && (u = this.length), s.length - o < u - i && (u = s.length - o + i); const _ = u - i; return ( this === s && 'function' == typeof Uint8Array.prototype.copyWithin ? this.copyWithin(o, i, u) : Uint8Array.prototype.set.call(s, this.subarray(i, u), o), _ ); }), (Buffer.prototype.fill = function fill(s, o, i, u) { if ('string' == typeof s) { if ( ('string' == typeof o ? ((u = o), (o = 0), (i = this.length)) : 'string' == typeof i && ((u = i), (i = this.length)), void 0 !== u && 'string' != typeof u) ) throw new TypeError('encoding must be a string'); if ('string' == typeof u && !Buffer.isEncoding(u)) throw new TypeError('Unknown encoding: ' + u); if (1 === s.length) { const o = s.charCodeAt(0); (('utf8' === u && o < 128) || 'latin1' === u) && (s = o); } } else 'number' == typeof s ? (s &= 255) : 'boolean' == typeof s && (s = Number(s)); if (o < 0 || this.length < o || this.length < i) throw new RangeError('Out of range index'); if (i <= o) return this; let _; if ( ((o >>>= 0), (i = void 0 === i ? this.length : i >>> 0), s || (s = 0), 'number' == typeof s) ) for (_ = o; _ < i; ++_) this[_] = s; else { const w = Buffer.isBuffer(s) ? s : Buffer.from(s, u), x = w.length; if (0 === x) throw new TypeError('The value "' + s + '" is invalid for argument "value"'); for (_ = 0; _ < i - o; ++_) this[_ + o] = w[_ % x]; } return this; }); const j = {}; function E(s, o, i) { j[s] = class NodeError extends i { constructor() { super(), Object.defineProperty(this, 'message', { value: o.apply(this, arguments), writable: !0, configurable: !0 }), (this.name = `${this.name} [${s}]`), this.stack, delete this.name; } get code() { return s; } set code(s) { Object.defineProperty(this, 'code', { configurable: !0, enumerable: !0, value: s, writable: !0 }); } toString() { return `${this.name} [${s}]: ${this.message}`; } }; } function addNumericalSeparator(s) { let o = '', i = s.length; const u = '-' === s[0] ? 1 : 0; for (; i >= u + 4; i -= 3) o = `_${s.slice(i - 3, i)}${o}`; return `${s.slice(0, i)}${o}`; } function checkIntBI(s, o, i, u, _, w) { if (s > i || s < o) { const u = 'bigint' == typeof o ? 'n' : ''; let _; throw ( ((_ = w > 3 ? 0 === o || o === BigInt(0) ? `>= 0${u} and < 2${u} ** ${8 * (w + 1)}${u}` : `>= -(2${u} ** ${8 * (w + 1) - 1}${u}) and < 2 ** ${8 * (w + 1) - 1}${u}` : `>= ${o}${u} and <= ${i}${u}`), new j.ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE('value', _, s)) ); } !(function checkBounds(s, o, i) { validateNumber(o, 'offset'), (void 0 !== s[o] && void 0 !== s[o + i]) || boundsError(o, s.length - (i + 1)); })(u, _, w); } function validateNumber(s, o) { if ('number' != typeof s) throw new j.ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE(o, 'number', s); } function boundsError(s, o, i) { if (Math.floor(s) !== s) throw (validateNumber(s, i), new j.ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE(i || 'offset', 'an integer', s)); if (o < 0) throw new j.ERR_BUFFER_OUT_OF_BOUNDS(); throw new j.ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE(i || 'offset', `>= ${i ? 1 : 0} and <= ${o}`, s); } E( 'ERR_BUFFER_OUT_OF_BOUNDS', function (s) { return s ? `${s} is outside of buffer bounds` : 'Attempt to access memory outside buffer bounds'; }, RangeError ), E( 'ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE', function (s, o) { return `The "${s}" argument must be of type number. Received type ${typeof o}`; }, TypeError ), E( 'ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE', function (s, o, i) { let u = `The value of "${s}" is out of range.`, _ = i; return ( Number.isInteger(i) && Math.abs(i) > 2 ** 32 ? (_ = addNumericalSeparator(String(i))) : 'bigint' == typeof i && ((_ = String(i)), (i > BigInt(2) ** BigInt(32) || i < -(BigInt(2) ** BigInt(32))) && (_ = addNumericalSeparator(_)), (_ += 'n')), (u += ` It must be ${o}. Received ${_}`), u ); }, RangeError ); const L = /[^+/0-9A-Za-z-_]/g; function utf8ToBytes(s, o) { let i; o = o || 1 / 0; const u = s.length; let _ = null; const w = []; for (let x = 0; x < u; ++x) { if (((i = s.charCodeAt(x)), i > 55295 && i < 57344)) { if (!_) { if (i > 56319) { (o -= 3) > -1 && w.push(239, 191, 189); continue; } if (x + 1 === u) { (o -= 3) > -1 && w.push(239, 191, 189); continue; } _ = i; continue; } if (i < 56320) { (o -= 3) > -1 && w.push(239, 191, 189), (_ = i); continue; } i = 65536 + (((_ - 55296) << 10) | (i - 56320)); } else _ && (o -= 3) > -1 && w.push(239, 191, 189); if (((_ = null), i < 128)) { if ((o -= 1) < 0) break; w.push(i); } else if (i < 2048) { if ((o -= 2) < 0) break; w.push((i >> 6) | 192, (63 & i) | 128); } else if (i < 65536) { if ((o -= 3) < 0) break; w.push((i >> 12) | 224, ((i >> 6) & 63) | 128, (63 & i) | 128); } else { if (!(i < 1114112)) throw new Error('Invalid code point'); if ((o -= 4) < 0) break; w.push( (i >> 18) | 240, ((i >> 12) & 63) | 128, ((i >> 6) & 63) | 128, (63 & i) | 128 ); } } return w; } function base64ToBytes(s) { return u.toByteArray( (function base64clean(s) { if ((s = (s = s.split('=')[0]).trim().replace(L, '')).length < 2) return ''; for (; s.length % 4 != 0; ) s += '='; return s; })(s) ); } function blitBuffer(s, o, i, u) { let _; for (_ = 0; _ < u && !(_ + i >= o.length || _ >= s.length); ++_) o[_ + i] = s[_]; return _; } function isInstance(s, o) { return ( s instanceof o || (null != s && null != s.constructor && null != s.constructor.name && s.constructor.name === o.name) ); } function numberIsNaN(s) { return s != s; } const B = (function () { const s = '0123456789abcdef', o = new Array(256); for (let i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { const u = 16 * i; for (let _ = 0; _ < 16; ++_) o[u + _] = s[i] + s[_]; } return o; })(); function defineBigIntMethod(s) { return 'undefined' == typeof BigInt ? BufferBigIntNotDefined : s; } function BufferBigIntNotDefined() { throw new Error('BigInt not supported'); } }, 17965: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(16426), _ = { 'text/plain': 'Text', 'text/html': 'Url', default: 'Text' }; s.exports = function copy(s, o) { var i, w, x, C, j, L, B = !1; o || (o = {}), (i = o.debug || !1); try { if ( ((x = u()), (C = document.createRange()), (j = document.getSelection()), ((L = document.createElement('span')).textContent = s), (L.ariaHidden = 'true'), (L.style.all = 'unset'), (L.style.position = 'fixed'), (L.style.top = 0), (L.style.clip = 'rect(0, 0, 0, 0)'), (L.style.whiteSpace = 'pre'), (L.style.webkitUserSelect = 'text'), (L.style.MozUserSelect = 'text'), (L.style.msUserSelect = 'text'), (L.style.userSelect = 'text'), L.addEventListener('copy', function (u) { if ((u.stopPropagation(), o.format)) if ((u.preventDefault(), void 0 === u.clipboardData)) { i && console.warn('unable to use e.clipboardData'), i && console.warn('trying IE specific stuff'), window.clipboardData.clearData(); var w = _[o.format] || _.default; window.clipboardData.setData(w, s); } else u.clipboardData.clearData(), u.clipboardData.setData(o.format, s); o.onCopy && (u.preventDefault(), o.onCopy(u.clipboardData)); }), document.body.appendChild(L), C.selectNodeContents(L), j.addRange(C), !document.execCommand('copy')) ) throw new Error('copy command was unsuccessful'); B = !0; } catch (u) { i && console.error('unable to copy using execCommand: ', u), i && console.warn('trying IE specific stuff'); try { window.clipboardData.setData(o.format || 'text', s), o.onCopy && o.onCopy(window.clipboardData), (B = !0); } catch (u) { i && console.error('unable to copy using clipboardData: ', u), i && console.error('falling back to prompt'), (w = (function format(s) { var o = (/mac os x/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ? '⌘' : 'Ctrl') + '+C'; return s.replace(/#{\s*key\s*}/g, o); })('message' in o ? o.message : 'Copy to clipboard: #{key}, Enter')), window.prompt(w, s); } } finally { j && ('function' == typeof j.removeRange ? j.removeRange(C) : j.removeAllRanges()), L && document.body.removeChild(L), x(); } return B; }; }, 2205: function (s, o, i) { var u; (u = void 0 !== i.g ? i.g : this), (s.exports = (function (s) { if (s.CSS && s.CSS.escape) return s.CSS.escape; var cssEscape = function (s) { if (0 == arguments.length) throw new TypeError('`CSS.escape` requires an argument.'); for ( var o, i = String(s), u = i.length, _ = -1, w = '', x = i.charCodeAt(0); ++_ < u; ) 0 != (o = i.charCodeAt(_)) ? (w += (o >= 1 && o <= 31) || 127 == o || (0 == _ && o >= 48 && o <= 57) || (1 == _ && o >= 48 && o <= 57 && 45 == x) ? '\\' + o.toString(16) + ' ' : (0 == _ && 1 == u && 45 == o) || !( o >= 128 || 45 == o || 95 == o || (o >= 48 && o <= 57) || (o >= 65 && o <= 90) || (o >= 97 && o <= 122) ) ? '\\' + i.charAt(_) : i.charAt(_)) : (w += '�'); return w; }; return s.CSS || (s.CSS = {}), (s.CSS.escape = cssEscape), cssEscape; })(u)); }, 81919: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(48287).Buffer; function isSpecificValue(s) { return s instanceof u || s instanceof Date || s instanceof RegExp; } function cloneSpecificValue(s) { if (s instanceof u) { var o = u.alloc ? u.alloc(s.length) : new u(s.length); return s.copy(o), o; } if (s instanceof Date) return new Date(s.getTime()); if (s instanceof RegExp) return new RegExp(s); throw new Error('Unexpected situation'); } function deepCloneArray(s) { var o = []; return ( s.forEach(function (s, i) { 'object' == typeof s && null !== s ? Array.isArray(s) ? (o[i] = deepCloneArray(s)) : isSpecificValue(s) ? (o[i] = cloneSpecificValue(s)) : (o[i] = _({}, s)) : (o[i] = s); }), o ); } function safeGetProperty(s, o) { return '__proto__' === o ? void 0 : s[o]; } var _ = (s.exports = function () { if (arguments.length < 1 || 'object' != typeof arguments[0]) return !1; if (arguments.length < 2) return arguments[0]; var s, o, i = arguments[0]; return ( Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1).forEach(function (u) { 'object' != typeof u || null === u || Array.isArray(u) || Object.keys(u).forEach(function (w) { return ( (o = safeGetProperty(i, w)), (s = safeGetProperty(u, w)) === i ? void 0 : 'object' != typeof s || null === s ? void (i[w] = s) : Array.isArray(s) ? void (i[w] = deepCloneArray(s)) : isSpecificValue(s) ? void (i[w] = cloneSpecificValue(s)) : 'object' != typeof o || null === o || Array.isArray(o) ? void (i[w] = _({}, s)) : void (i[w] = _(o, s)) ); }); }), i ); }); }, 14744: (s) => { 'use strict'; var o = function isMergeableObject(s) { return ( (function isNonNullObject(s) { return !!s && 'object' == typeof s; })(s) && !(function isSpecial(s) { var o = Object.prototype.toString.call(s); return ( '[object RegExp]' === o || '[object Date]' === o || (function isReactElement(s) { return s.$$typeof === i; })(s) ); })(s) ); }; var i = 'function' == typeof Symbol && Symbol.for ? Symbol.for('react.element') : 60103; function cloneUnlessOtherwiseSpecified(s, o) { return !1 !== o.clone && o.isMergeableObject(s) ? deepmerge( (function emptyTarget(s) { return Array.isArray(s) ? [] : {}; })(s), s, o ) : s; } function defaultArrayMerge(s, o, i) { return s.concat(o).map(function (s) { return cloneUnlessOtherwiseSpecified(s, i); }); } function getKeys(s) { return Object.keys(s).concat( (function getEnumerableOwnPropertySymbols(s) { return Object.getOwnPropertySymbols ? Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s).filter(function (o) { return Object.propertyIsEnumerable.call(s, o); }) : []; })(s) ); } function propertyIsOnObject(s, o) { try { return o in s; } catch (s) { return !1; } } function mergeObject(s, o, i) { var u = {}; return ( i.isMergeableObject(s) && getKeys(s).forEach(function (o) { u[o] = cloneUnlessOtherwiseSpecified(s[o], i); }), getKeys(o).forEach(function (_) { (function propertyIsUnsafe(s, o) { return ( propertyIsOnObject(s, o) && !(Object.hasOwnProperty.call(s, o) && Object.propertyIsEnumerable.call(s, o)) ); })(s, _) || (propertyIsOnObject(s, _) && i.isMergeableObject(o[_]) ? (u[_] = (function getMergeFunction(s, o) { if (!o.customMerge) return deepmerge; var i = o.customMerge(s); return 'function' == typeof i ? i : deepmerge; })(_, i)(s[_], o[_], i)) : (u[_] = cloneUnlessOtherwiseSpecified(o[_], i))); }), u ); } function deepmerge(s, i, u) { ((u = u || {}).arrayMerge = u.arrayMerge || defaultArrayMerge), (u.isMergeableObject = u.isMergeableObject || o), (u.cloneUnlessOtherwiseSpecified = cloneUnlessOtherwiseSpecified); var _ = Array.isArray(i); return _ === Array.isArray(s) ? _ ? u.arrayMerge(s, i, u) : mergeObject(s, i, u) : cloneUnlessOtherwiseSpecified(i, u); } deepmerge.all = function deepmergeAll(s, o) { if (!Array.isArray(s)) throw new Error('first argument should be an array'); return s.reduce(function (s, i) { return deepmerge(s, i, o); }, {}); }; var u = deepmerge; s.exports = u; }, 42838: function (s) { s.exports = (function () { 'use strict'; const { entries: s, setPrototypeOf: o, isFrozen: i, getPrototypeOf: u, getOwnPropertyDescriptor: _ } = Object; let { freeze: w, seal: x, create: C } = Object, { apply: j, construct: L } = 'undefined' != typeof Reflect && Reflect; w || (w = function freeze(s) { return s; }), x || (x = function seal(s) { return s; }), j || (j = function apply(s, o, i) { return s.apply(o, i); }), L || (L = function construct(s, o) { return new s(...o); }); const B = unapply(Array.prototype.forEach), $ = unapply(Array.prototype.pop), V = unapply(Array.prototype.push), U = unapply(String.prototype.toLowerCase), z = unapply(String.prototype.toString), Y = unapply(String.prototype.match), Z = unapply(String.prototype.replace), ee = unapply(String.prototype.indexOf), ie = unapply(String.prototype.trim), ae = unapply(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty), le = unapply(RegExp.prototype.test), ce = unconstruct(TypeError); function unapply(s) { return function (o) { for (var i = arguments.length, u = new Array(i > 1 ? i - 1 : 0), _ = 1; _ < i; _++) u[_ - 1] = arguments[_]; return j(s, o, u); }; } function unconstruct(s) { return function () { for (var o = arguments.length, i = new Array(o), u = 0; u < o; u++) i[u] = arguments[u]; return L(s, i); }; } function addToSet(s, u) { let _ = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : U; o && o(s, null); let w = u.length; for (; w--; ) { let o = u[w]; if ('string' == typeof o) { const s = _(o); s !== o && (i(u) || (u[w] = s), (o = s)); } s[o] = !0; } return s; } function cleanArray(s) { for (let o = 0; o < s.length; o++) ae(s, o) || (s[o] = null); return s; } function clone(o) { const i = C(null); for (const [u, _] of s(o)) ae(o, u) && (Array.isArray(_) ? (i[u] = cleanArray(_)) : _ && 'object' == typeof _ && _.constructor === Object ? (i[u] = clone(_)) : (i[u] = _)); return i; } function lookupGetter(s, o) { for (; null !== s; ) { const i = _(s, o); if (i) { if (i.get) return unapply(i.get); if ('function' == typeof i.value) return unapply(i.value); } s = u(s); } function fallbackValue() { return null; } return fallbackValue; } const pe = w([ 'a', 'abbr', 'acronym', 'address', 'area', 'article', 'aside', 'audio', 'b', 'bdi', 'bdo', 'big', 'blink', 'blockquote', 'body', 'br', 'button', 'canvas', 'caption', 'center', 'cite', 'code', 'col', 'colgroup', 'content', 'data', 'datalist', 'dd', 'decorator', 'del', 'details', 'dfn', 'dialog', 'dir', 'div', 'dl', 'dt', 'element', 'em', 'fieldset', 'figcaption', 'figure', 'font', 'footer', 'form', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'head', 'header', 'hgroup', 'hr', 'html', 'i', 'img', 'input', 'ins', 'kbd', 'label', 'legend', 'li', 'main', 'map', 'mark', 'marquee', 'menu', 'menuitem', 'meter', 'nav', 'nobr', 'ol', 'optgroup', 'option', 'output', 'p', 'picture', 'pre', 'progress', 'q', 'rp', 'rt', 'ruby', 's', 'samp', 'section', 'select', 'shadow', 'small', 'source', 'spacer', 'span', 'strike', 'strong', 'style', 'sub', 'summary', 'sup', 'table', 'tbody', 'td', 'template', 'textarea', 'tfoot', 'th', 'thead', 'time', 'tr', 'track', 'tt', 'u', 'ul', 'var', 'video', 'wbr' ]), de = w([ 'svg', 'a', 'altglyph', 'altglyphdef', 'altglyphitem', 'animatecolor', 'animatemotion', 'animatetransform', 'circle', 'clippath', 'defs', 'desc', 'ellipse', 'filter', 'font', 'g', 'glyph', 'glyphref', 'hkern', 'image', 'line', 'lineargradient', 'marker', 'mask', 'metadata', 'mpath', 'path', 'pattern', 'polygon', 'polyline', 'radialgradient', 'rect', 'stop', 'style', 'switch', 'symbol', 'text', 'textpath', 'title', 'tref', 'tspan', 'view', 'vkern' ]), fe = w([ 'feBlend', 'feColorMatrix', 'feComponentTransfer', 'feComposite', 'feConvolveMatrix', 'feDiffuseLighting', 'feDisplacementMap', 'feDistantLight', 'feDropShadow', 'feFlood', 'feFuncA', 'feFuncB', 'feFuncG', 'feFuncR', 'feGaussianBlur', 'feImage', 'feMerge', 'feMergeNode', 'feMorphology', 'feOffset', 'fePointLight', 'feSpecularLighting', 'feSpotLight', 'feTile', 'feTurbulence' ]), ye = w([ 'animate', 'color-profile', 'cursor', 'discard', 'font-face', 'font-face-format', 'font-face-name', 'font-face-src', 'font-face-uri', 'foreignobject', 'hatch', 'hatchpath', 'mesh', 'meshgradient', 'meshpatch', 'meshrow', 'missing-glyph', 'script', 'set', 'solidcolor', 'unknown', 'use' ]), be = w([ 'math', 'menclose', 'merror', 'mfenced', 'mfrac', 'mglyph', 'mi', 'mlabeledtr', 'mmultiscripts', 'mn', 'mo', 'mover', 'mpadded', 'mphantom', 'mroot', 'mrow', 'ms', 'mspace', 'msqrt', 'mstyle', 'msub', 'msup', 'msubsup', 'mtable', 'mtd', 'mtext', 'mtr', 'munder', 'munderover', 'mprescripts' ]), _e = w([ 'maction', 'maligngroup', 'malignmark', 'mlongdiv', 'mscarries', 'mscarry', 'msgroup', 'mstack', 'msline', 'msrow', 'semantics', 'annotation', 'annotation-xml', 'mprescripts', 'none' ]), we = w(['#text']), Se = w([ 'accept', 'action', 'align', 'alt', 'autocapitalize', 'autocomplete', 'autopictureinpicture', 'autoplay', 'background', 'bgcolor', 'border', 'capture', 'cellpadding', 'cellspacing', 'checked', 'cite', 'class', 'clear', 'color', 'cols', 'colspan', 'controls', 'controlslist', 'coords', 'crossorigin', 'datetime', 'decoding', 'default', 'dir', 'disabled', 'disablepictureinpicture', 'disableremoteplayback', 'download', 'draggable', 'enctype', 'enterkeyhint', 'face', 'for', 'headers', 'height', 'hidden', 'high', 'href', 'hreflang', 'id', 'inputmode', 'integrity', 'ismap', 'kind', 'label', 'lang', 'list', 'loading', 'loop', 'low', 'max', 'maxlength', 'media', 'method', 'min', 'minlength', 'multiple', 'muted', 'name', 'nonce', 'noshade', 'novalidate', 'nowrap', 'open', 'optimum', 'pattern', 'placeholder', 'playsinline', 'popover', 'popovertarget', 'popovertargetaction', 'poster', 'preload', 'pubdate', 'radiogroup', 'readonly', 'rel', 'required', 'rev', 'reversed', 'role', 'rows', 'rowspan', 'spellcheck', 'scope', 'selected', 'shape', 'size', 'sizes', 'span', 'srclang', 'start', 'src', 'srcset', 'step', 'style', 'summary', 'tabindex', 'title', 'translate', 'type', 'usemap', 'valign', 'value', 'width', 'wrap', 'xmlns', 'slot' ]), xe = w([ 'accent-height', 'accumulate', 'additive', 'alignment-baseline', 'ascent', 'attributename', 'attributetype', 'azimuth', 'basefrequency', 'baseline-shift', 'begin', 'bias', 'by', 'class', 'clip', 'clippathunits', 'clip-path', 'clip-rule', 'color', 'color-interpolation', 'color-interpolation-filters', 'color-profile', 'color-rendering', 'cx', 'cy', 'd', 'dx', 'dy', 'diffuseconstant', 'direction', 'display', 'divisor', 'dur', 'edgemode', 'elevation', 'end', 'fill', 'fill-opacity', 'fill-rule', 'filter', 'filterunits', 'flood-color', 'flood-opacity', 'font-family', 'font-size', 'font-size-adjust', 'font-stretch', 'font-style', 'font-variant', 'font-weight', 'fx', 'fy', 'g1', 'g2', 'glyph-name', 'glyphref', 'gradientunits', 'gradienttransform', 'height', 'href', 'id', 'image-rendering', 'in', 'in2', 'k', 'k1', 'k2', 'k3', 'k4', 'kerning', 'keypoints', 'keysplines', 'keytimes', 'lang', 'lengthadjust', 'letter-spacing', 'kernelmatrix', 'kernelunitlength', 'lighting-color', 'local', 'marker-end', 'marker-mid', 'marker-start', 'markerheight', 'markerunits', 'markerwidth', 'maskcontentunits', 'maskunits', 'max', 'mask', 'media', 'method', 'mode', 'min', 'name', 'numoctaves', 'offset', 'operator', 'opacity', 'order', 'orient', 'orientation', 'origin', 'overflow', 'paint-order', 'path', 'pathlength', 'patterncontentunits', 'patterntransform', 'patternunits', 'points', 'preservealpha', 'preserveaspectratio', 'primitiveunits', 'r', 'rx', 'ry', 'radius', 'refx', 'refy', 'repeatcount', 'repeatdur', 'restart', 'result', 'rotate', 'scale', 'seed', 'shape-rendering', 'specularconstant', 'specularexponent', 'spreadmethod', 'startoffset', 'stddeviation', 'stitchtiles', 'stop-color', 'stop-opacity', 'stroke-dasharray', 'stroke-dashoffset', 'stroke-linecap', 'stroke-linejoin', 'stroke-miterlimit', 'stroke-opacity', 'stroke', 'stroke-width', 'style', 'surfacescale', 'systemlanguage', 'tabindex', 'targetx', 'targety', 'transform', 'transform-origin', 'text-anchor', 'text-decoration', 'text-rendering', 'textlength', 'type', 'u1', 'u2', 'unicode', 'values', 'viewbox', 'visibility', 'version', 'vert-adv-y', 'vert-origin-x', 'vert-origin-y', 'width', 'word-spacing', 'wrap', 'writing-mode', 'xchannelselector', 'ychannelselector', 'x', 'x1', 'x2', 'xmlns', 'y', 'y1', 'y2', 'z', 'zoomandpan' ]), Pe = w([ 'accent', 'accentunder', 'align', 'bevelled', 'close', 'columnsalign', 'columnlines', 'columnspan', 'denomalign', 'depth', 'dir', 'display', 'displaystyle', 'encoding', 'fence', 'frame', 'height', 'href', 'id', 'largeop', 'length', 'linethickness', 'lspace', 'lquote', 'mathbackground', 'mathcolor', 'mathsize', 'mathvariant', 'maxsize', 'minsize', 'movablelimits', 'notation', 'numalign', 'open', 'rowalign', 'rowlines', 'rowspacing', 'rowspan', 'rspace', 'rquote', 'scriptlevel', 'scriptminsize', 'scriptsizemultiplier', 'selection', 'separator', 'separators', 'stretchy', 'subscriptshift', 'supscriptshift', 'symmetric', 'voffset', 'width', 'xmlns' ]), Te = w(['xlink:href', 'xml:id', 'xlink:title', 'xml:space', 'xmlns:xlink']), Re = x(/\{\{[\w\W]*|[\w\W]*\}\}/gm), qe = x(/<%[\w\W]*|[\w\W]*%>/gm), $e = x(/\${[\w\W]*}/gm), ze = x(/^data-[\-\w.\u00B7-\uFFFF]/), We = x(/^aria-[\-\w]+$/), He = x( /^(?:(?:(?:f|ht)tps?|mailto|tel|callto|sms|cid|xmpp):|[^a-z]|[a-z+.\-]+(?:[^a-z+.\-:]|$))/i ), Ye = x(/^(?:\w+script|data):/i), Xe = x(/[\u0000-\u0020\u00A0\u1680\u180E\u2000-\u2029\u205F\u3000]/g), Qe = x(/^html$/i), et = x(/^[a-z][.\w]*(-[.\w]+)+$/i); var tt = Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, MUSTACHE_EXPR: Re, ERB_EXPR: qe, TMPLIT_EXPR: $e, DATA_ATTR: ze, ARIA_ATTR: We, IS_ALLOWED_URI: He, IS_SCRIPT_OR_DATA: Ye, ATTR_WHITESPACE: Xe, DOCTYPE_NAME: Qe, CUSTOM_ELEMENT: et }); const rt = { element: 1, attribute: 2, text: 3, cdataSection: 4, entityReference: 5, entityNode: 6, progressingInstruction: 7, comment: 8, document: 9, documentType: 10, documentFragment: 11, notation: 12 }, nt = function getGlobal() { return 'undefined' == typeof window ? null : window; }, st = function _createTrustedTypesPolicy(s, o) { if ('object' != typeof s || 'function' != typeof s.createPolicy) return null; let i = null; const u = 'data-tt-policy-suffix'; o && o.hasAttribute(u) && (i = o.getAttribute(u)); const _ = 'dompurify' + (i ? '#' + i : ''); try { return s.createPolicy(_, { createHTML: (s) => s, createScriptURL: (s) => s }); } catch (s) { return console.warn('TrustedTypes policy ' + _ + ' could not be created.'), null; } }; function createDOMPurify() { let o = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : nt(); const DOMPurify = (s) => createDOMPurify(s); if ( ((DOMPurify.version = '3.1.6'), (DOMPurify.removed = []), !o || !o.document || o.document.nodeType !== rt.document) ) return (DOMPurify.isSupported = !1), DOMPurify; let { document: i } = o; const u = i, _ = u.currentScript, { DocumentFragment: x, HTMLTemplateElement: j, Node: L, Element: Re, NodeFilter: qe, NamedNodeMap: $e = o.NamedNodeMap || o.MozNamedAttrMap, HTMLFormElement: ze, DOMParser: We, trustedTypes: Ye } = o, Xe = Re.prototype, et = lookupGetter(Xe, 'cloneNode'), ot = lookupGetter(Xe, 'remove'), it = lookupGetter(Xe, 'nextSibling'), at = lookupGetter(Xe, 'childNodes'), lt = lookupGetter(Xe, 'parentNode'); if ('function' == typeof j) { const s = i.createElement('template'); s.content && s.content.ownerDocument && (i = s.content.ownerDocument); } let ct, ut = ''; const { implementation: pt, createNodeIterator: ht, createDocumentFragment: dt, getElementsByTagName: mt } = i, { importNode: gt } = u; let yt = {}; DOMPurify.isSupported = 'function' == typeof s && 'function' == typeof lt && pt && void 0 !== pt.createHTMLDocument; const { MUSTACHE_EXPR: vt, ERB_EXPR: bt, TMPLIT_EXPR: _t, DATA_ATTR: Et, ARIA_ATTR: wt, IS_SCRIPT_OR_DATA: St, ATTR_WHITESPACE: xt, CUSTOM_ELEMENT: kt } = tt; let { IS_ALLOWED_URI: Ct } = tt, Ot = null; const At = addToSet({}, [...pe, ...de, ...fe, ...be, ...we]); let jt = null; const It = addToSet({}, [...Se, ...xe, ...Pe, ...Te]); let Pt = Object.seal( C(null, { tagNameCheck: { writable: !0, configurable: !1, enumerable: !0, value: null }, attributeNameCheck: { writable: !0, configurable: !1, enumerable: !0, value: null }, allowCustomizedBuiltInElements: { writable: !0, configurable: !1, enumerable: !0, value: !1 } }) ), Mt = null, Tt = null, Nt = !0, Rt = !0, Dt = !1, Lt = !0, Bt = !1, Ft = !0, qt = !1, $t = !1, Vt = !1, Ut = !1, zt = !1, Wt = !1, Kt = !0, Ht = !1; const Jt = 'user-content-'; let Gt = !0, Yt = !1, Xt = {}, Zt = null; const Qt = addToSet({}, [ 'annotation-xml', 'audio', 'colgroup', 'desc', 'foreignobject', 'head', 'iframe', 'math', 'mi', 'mn', 'mo', 'ms', 'mtext', 'noembed', 'noframes', 'noscript', 'plaintext', 'script', 'style', 'svg', 'template', 'thead', 'title', 'video', 'xmp' ]); let er = null; const tr = addToSet({}, ['audio', 'video', 'img', 'source', 'image', 'track']); let rr = null; const nr = addToSet({}, [ 'alt', 'class', 'for', 'id', 'label', 'name', 'pattern', 'placeholder', 'role', 'summary', 'title', 'value', 'style', 'xmlns' ]), sr = 'http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML', ir = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', ar = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'; let lr = ar, cr = !1, ur = null; const pr = addToSet({}, [sr, ir, ar], z); let dr = null; const fr = ['application/xhtml+xml', 'text/html'], mr = 'text/html'; let gr = null, yr = null; const vr = i.createElement('form'), br = function isRegexOrFunction(s) { return s instanceof RegExp || s instanceof Function; }, _r = function _parseConfig() { let s = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}; if (!yr || yr !== s) { if ( ((s && 'object' == typeof s) || (s = {}), (s = clone(s)), (dr = -1 === fr.indexOf(s.PARSER_MEDIA_TYPE) ? mr : s.PARSER_MEDIA_TYPE), (gr = 'application/xhtml+xml' === dr ? z : U), (Ot = ae(s, 'ALLOWED_TAGS') ? addToSet({}, s.ALLOWED_TAGS, gr) : At), (jt = ae(s, 'ALLOWED_ATTR') ? addToSet({}, s.ALLOWED_ATTR, gr) : It), (ur = ae(s, 'ALLOWED_NAMESPACES') ? addToSet({}, s.ALLOWED_NAMESPACES, z) : pr), (rr = ae(s, 'ADD_URI_SAFE_ATTR') ? addToSet(clone(nr), s.ADD_URI_SAFE_ATTR, gr) : nr), (er = ae(s, 'ADD_DATA_URI_TAGS') ? addToSet(clone(tr), s.ADD_DATA_URI_TAGS, gr) : tr), (Zt = ae(s, 'FORBID_CONTENTS') ? addToSet({}, s.FORBID_CONTENTS, gr) : Qt), (Mt = ae(s, 'FORBID_TAGS') ? addToSet({}, s.FORBID_TAGS, gr) : {}), (Tt = ae(s, 'FORBID_ATTR') ? addToSet({}, s.FORBID_ATTR, gr) : {}), (Xt = !!ae(s, 'USE_PROFILES') && s.USE_PROFILES), (Nt = !1 !== s.ALLOW_ARIA_ATTR), (Rt = !1 !== s.ALLOW_DATA_ATTR), (Dt = s.ALLOW_UNKNOWN_PROTOCOLS || !1), (Lt = !1 !== s.ALLOW_SELF_CLOSE_IN_ATTR), (Bt = s.SAFE_FOR_TEMPLATES || !1), (Ft = !1 !== s.SAFE_FOR_XML), (qt = s.WHOLE_DOCUMENT || !1), (Ut = s.RETURN_DOM || !1), (zt = s.RETURN_DOM_FRAGMENT || !1), (Wt = s.RETURN_TRUSTED_TYPE || !1), (Vt = s.FORCE_BODY || !1), (Kt = !1 !== s.SANITIZE_DOM), (Ht = s.SANITIZE_NAMED_PROPS || !1), (Gt = !1 !== s.KEEP_CONTENT), (Yt = s.IN_PLACE || !1), (Ct = s.ALLOWED_URI_REGEXP || He), (lr = s.NAMESPACE || ar), (Pt = s.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING || {}), s.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING && br(s.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.tagNameCheck) && (Pt.tagNameCheck = s.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.tagNameCheck), s.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING && br(s.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.attributeNameCheck) && (Pt.attributeNameCheck = s.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.attributeNameCheck), s.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING && 'boolean' == typeof s.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.allowCustomizedBuiltInElements && (Pt.allowCustomizedBuiltInElements = s.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.allowCustomizedBuiltInElements), Bt && (Rt = !1), zt && (Ut = !0), Xt && ((Ot = addToSet({}, we)), (jt = []), !0 === Xt.html && (addToSet(Ot, pe), addToSet(jt, Se)), !0 === Xt.svg && (addToSet(Ot, de), addToSet(jt, xe), addToSet(jt, Te)), !0 === Xt.svgFilters && (addToSet(Ot, fe), addToSet(jt, xe), addToSet(jt, Te)), !0 === Xt.mathMl && (addToSet(Ot, be), addToSet(jt, Pe), addToSet(jt, Te))), s.ADD_TAGS && (Ot === At && (Ot = clone(Ot)), addToSet(Ot, s.ADD_TAGS, gr)), s.ADD_ATTR && (jt === It && (jt = clone(jt)), addToSet(jt, s.ADD_ATTR, gr)), s.ADD_URI_SAFE_ATTR && addToSet(rr, s.ADD_URI_SAFE_ATTR, gr), s.FORBID_CONTENTS && (Zt === Qt && (Zt = clone(Zt)), addToSet(Zt, s.FORBID_CONTENTS, gr)), Gt && (Ot['#text'] = !0), qt && addToSet(Ot, ['html', 'head', 'body']), Ot.table && (addToSet(Ot, ['tbody']), delete Mt.tbody), s.TRUSTED_TYPES_POLICY) ) { if ('function' != typeof s.TRUSTED_TYPES_POLICY.createHTML) throw ce( 'TRUSTED_TYPES_POLICY configuration option must provide a "createHTML" hook.' ); if ('function' != typeof s.TRUSTED_TYPES_POLICY.createScriptURL) throw ce( 'TRUSTED_TYPES_POLICY configuration option must provide a "createScriptURL" hook.' ); (ct = s.TRUSTED_TYPES_POLICY), (ut = ct.createHTML('')); } else void 0 === ct && (ct = st(Ye, _)), null !== ct && 'string' == typeof ut && (ut = ct.createHTML('')); w && w(s), (yr = s); } }, Er = addToSet({}, ['mi', 'mo', 'mn', 'ms', 'mtext']), wr = addToSet({}, ['foreignobject', 'annotation-xml']), Sr = addToSet({}, ['title', 'style', 'font', 'a', 'script']), xr = addToSet({}, [...de, ...fe, ...ye]), kr = addToSet({}, [...be, ..._e]), Cr = function _checkValidNamespace(s) { let o = lt(s); (o && o.tagName) || (o = { namespaceURI: lr, tagName: 'template' }); const i = U(s.tagName), u = U(o.tagName); return ( !!ur[s.namespaceURI] && (s.namespaceURI === ir ? o.namespaceURI === ar ? 'svg' === i : o.namespaceURI === sr ? 'svg' === i && ('annotation-xml' === u || Er[u]) : Boolean(xr[i]) : s.namespaceURI === sr ? o.namespaceURI === ar ? 'math' === i : o.namespaceURI === ir ? 'math' === i && wr[u] : Boolean(kr[i]) : s.namespaceURI === ar ? !(o.namespaceURI === ir && !wr[u]) && !(o.namespaceURI === sr && !Er[u]) && !kr[i] && (Sr[i] || !xr[i]) : !('application/xhtml+xml' !== dr || !ur[s.namespaceURI])) ); }, Or = function _forceRemove(s) { V(DOMPurify.removed, { element: s }); try { lt(s).removeChild(s); } catch (o) { ot(s); } }, Ar = function _removeAttribute(s, o) { try { V(DOMPurify.removed, { attribute: o.getAttributeNode(s), from: o }); } catch (s) { V(DOMPurify.removed, { attribute: null, from: o }); } if ((o.removeAttribute(s), 'is' === s && !jt[s])) if (Ut || zt) try { Or(o); } catch (s) {} else try { o.setAttribute(s, ''); } catch (s) {} }, jr = function _initDocument(s) { let o = null, u = null; if (Vt) s = '' + s; else { const o = Y(s, /^[\r\n\t ]+/); u = o && o[0]; } 'application/xhtml+xml' === dr && lr === ar && (s = '' + s + ''); const _ = ct ? ct.createHTML(s) : s; if (lr === ar) try { o = new We().parseFromString(_, dr); } catch (s) {} if (!o || !o.documentElement) { o = pt.createDocument(lr, 'template', null); try { o.documentElement.innerHTML = cr ? ut : _; } catch (s) {} } const w = o.body || o.documentElement; return ( s && u && w.insertBefore(i.createTextNode(u), w.childNodes[0] || null), lr === ar ? mt.call(o, qt ? 'html' : 'body')[0] : qt ? o.documentElement : w ); }, Ir = function _createNodeIterator(s) { return ht.call( s.ownerDocument || s, s, qe.SHOW_ELEMENT | qe.SHOW_COMMENT | qe.SHOW_TEXT | qe.SHOW_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION | qe.SHOW_CDATA_SECTION, null ); }, Pr = function _isClobbered(s) { return ( s instanceof ze && ('string' != typeof s.nodeName || 'string' != typeof s.textContent || 'function' != typeof s.removeChild || !(s.attributes instanceof $e) || 'function' != typeof s.removeAttribute || 'function' != typeof s.setAttribute || 'string' != typeof s.namespaceURI || 'function' != typeof s.insertBefore || 'function' != typeof s.hasChildNodes) ); }, Mr = function _isNode(s) { return 'function' == typeof L && s instanceof L; }, Tr = function _executeHook(s, o, i) { yt[s] && B(yt[s], (s) => { s.call(DOMPurify, o, i, yr); }); }, Nr = function _sanitizeElements(s) { let o = null; if ((Tr('beforeSanitizeElements', s, null), Pr(s))) return Or(s), !0; const i = gr(s.nodeName); if ( (Tr('uponSanitizeElement', s, { tagName: i, allowedTags: Ot }), s.hasChildNodes() && !Mr(s.firstElementChild) && le(/<[/\w]/g, s.innerHTML) && le(/<[/\w]/g, s.textContent)) ) return Or(s), !0; if (s.nodeType === rt.progressingInstruction) return Or(s), !0; if (Ft && s.nodeType === rt.comment && le(/<[/\w]/g, s.data)) return Or(s), !0; if (!Ot[i] || Mt[i]) { if (!Mt[i] && Dr(i)) { if (Pt.tagNameCheck instanceof RegExp && le(Pt.tagNameCheck, i)) return !1; if (Pt.tagNameCheck instanceof Function && Pt.tagNameCheck(i)) return !1; } if (Gt && !Zt[i]) { const o = lt(s) || s.parentNode, i = at(s) || s.childNodes; if (i && o) for (let u = i.length - 1; u >= 0; --u) { const _ = et(i[u], !0); (_.__removalCount = (s.__removalCount || 0) + 1), o.insertBefore(_, it(s)); } } return Or(s), !0; } return s instanceof Re && !Cr(s) ? (Or(s), !0) : ('noscript' !== i && 'noembed' !== i && 'noframes' !== i) || !le(/<\/no(script|embed|frames)/i, s.innerHTML) ? (Bt && s.nodeType === rt.text && ((o = s.textContent), B([vt, bt, _t], (s) => { o = Z(o, s, ' '); }), s.textContent !== o && (V(DOMPurify.removed, { element: s.cloneNode() }), (s.textContent = o))), Tr('afterSanitizeElements', s, null), !1) : (Or(s), !0); }, Rr = function _isValidAttribute(s, o, u) { if (Kt && ('id' === o || 'name' === o) && (u in i || u in vr)) return !1; if (Rt && !Tt[o] && le(Et, o)); else if (Nt && le(wt, o)); else if (!jt[o] || Tt[o]) { if ( !( (Dr(s) && ((Pt.tagNameCheck instanceof RegExp && le(Pt.tagNameCheck, s)) || (Pt.tagNameCheck instanceof Function && Pt.tagNameCheck(s))) && ((Pt.attributeNameCheck instanceof RegExp && le(Pt.attributeNameCheck, o)) || (Pt.attributeNameCheck instanceof Function && Pt.attributeNameCheck(o)))) || ('is' === o && Pt.allowCustomizedBuiltInElements && ((Pt.tagNameCheck instanceof RegExp && le(Pt.tagNameCheck, u)) || (Pt.tagNameCheck instanceof Function && Pt.tagNameCheck(u)))) ) ) return !1; } else if (rr[o]); else if (le(Ct, Z(u, xt, ''))); else if ( ('src' !== o && 'xlink:href' !== o && 'href' !== o) || 'script' === s || 0 !== ee(u, 'data:') || !er[s] ) if (Dt && !le(St, Z(u, xt, ''))); else if (u) return !1; return !0; }, Dr = function _isBasicCustomElement(s) { return 'annotation-xml' !== s && Y(s, kt); }, Lr = function _sanitizeAttributes(s) { Tr('beforeSanitizeAttributes', s, null); const { attributes: o } = s; if (!o) return; const i = { attrName: '', attrValue: '', keepAttr: !0, allowedAttributes: jt }; let u = o.length; for (; u--; ) { const _ = o[u], { name: w, namespaceURI: x, value: C } = _, j = gr(w); let L = 'value' === w ? C : ie(C); if ( ((i.attrName = j), (i.attrValue = L), (i.keepAttr = !0), (i.forceKeepAttr = void 0), Tr('uponSanitizeAttribute', s, i), (L = i.attrValue), Ft && le(/((--!?|])>)|<\/(style|title)/i, L)) ) { Ar(w, s); continue; } if (i.forceKeepAttr) continue; if ((Ar(w, s), !i.keepAttr)) continue; if (!Lt && le(/\/>/i, L)) { Ar(w, s); continue; } Bt && B([vt, bt, _t], (s) => { L = Z(L, s, ' '); }); const V = gr(s.nodeName); if (Rr(V, j, L)) { if ( (!Ht || ('id' !== j && 'name' !== j) || (Ar(w, s), (L = Jt + L)), ct && 'object' == typeof Ye && 'function' == typeof Ye.getAttributeType) ) if (x); else switch (Ye.getAttributeType(V, j)) { case 'TrustedHTML': L = ct.createHTML(L); break; case 'TrustedScriptURL': L = ct.createScriptURL(L); } try { x ? s.setAttributeNS(x, w, L) : s.setAttribute(w, L), Pr(s) ? Or(s) : $(DOMPurify.removed); } catch (s) {} } } Tr('afterSanitizeAttributes', s, null); }, Br = function _sanitizeShadowDOM(s) { let o = null; const i = Ir(s); for (Tr('beforeSanitizeShadowDOM', s, null); (o = i.nextNode()); ) Tr('uponSanitizeShadowNode', o, null), Nr(o) || (o.content instanceof x && _sanitizeShadowDOM(o.content), Lr(o)); Tr('afterSanitizeShadowDOM', s, null); }; return ( (DOMPurify.sanitize = function (s) { let o = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}, i = null, _ = null, w = null, C = null; if (((cr = !s), cr && (s = '\x3c!--\x3e'), 'string' != typeof s && !Mr(s))) { if ('function' != typeof s.toString) throw ce('toString is not a function'); if ('string' != typeof (s = s.toString())) throw ce('dirty is not a string, aborting'); } if (!DOMPurify.isSupported) return s; if ( ($t || _r(o), (DOMPurify.removed = []), 'string' == typeof s && (Yt = !1), Yt) ) { if (s.nodeName) { const o = gr(s.nodeName); if (!Ot[o] || Mt[o]) throw ce('root node is forbidden and cannot be sanitized in-place'); } } else if (s instanceof L) (i = jr('\x3c!----\x3e')), (_ = i.ownerDocument.importNode(s, !0)), (_.nodeType === rt.element && 'BODY' === _.nodeName) || 'HTML' === _.nodeName ? (i = _) : i.appendChild(_); else { if (!Ut && !Bt && !qt && -1 === s.indexOf('<')) return ct && Wt ? ct.createHTML(s) : s; if (((i = jr(s)), !i)) return Ut ? null : Wt ? ut : ''; } i && Vt && Or(i.firstChild); const j = Ir(Yt ? s : i); for (; (w = j.nextNode()); ) Nr(w) || (w.content instanceof x && Br(w.content), Lr(w)); if (Yt) return s; if (Ut) { if (zt) for (C = dt.call(i.ownerDocument); i.firstChild; ) C.appendChild(i.firstChild); else C = i; return (jt.shadowroot || jt.shadowrootmode) && (C = gt.call(u, C, !0)), C; } let $ = qt ? i.outerHTML : i.innerHTML; return ( qt && Ot['!doctype'] && i.ownerDocument && i.ownerDocument.doctype && i.ownerDocument.doctype.name && le(Qe, i.ownerDocument.doctype.name) && ($ = '\n' + $), Bt && B([vt, bt, _t], (s) => { $ = Z($, s, ' '); }), ct && Wt ? ct.createHTML($) : $ ); }), (DOMPurify.setConfig = function () { _r(arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}), ($t = !0); }), (DOMPurify.clearConfig = function () { (yr = null), ($t = !1); }), (DOMPurify.isValidAttribute = function (s, o, i) { yr || _r({}); const u = gr(s), _ = gr(o); return Rr(u, _, i); }), (DOMPurify.addHook = function (s, o) { 'function' == typeof o && ((yt[s] = yt[s] || []), V(yt[s], o)); }), (DOMPurify.removeHook = function (s) { if (yt[s]) return $(yt[s]); }), (DOMPurify.removeHooks = function (s) { yt[s] && (yt[s] = []); }), (DOMPurify.removeAllHooks = function () { yt = {}; }), DOMPurify ); } return createDOMPurify(); })(); }, 78004: (s) => { 'use strict'; class SubRange { constructor(s, o) { (this.low = s), (this.high = o), (this.length = 1 + o - s); } overlaps(s) { return !(this.high < s.low || this.low > s.high); } touches(s) { return !(this.high + 1 < s.low || this.low - 1 > s.high); } add(s) { return new SubRange(Math.min(this.low, s.low), Math.max(this.high, s.high)); } subtract(s) { return s.low <= this.low && s.high >= this.high ? [] : s.low > this.low && s.high < this.high ? [new SubRange(this.low, s.low - 1), new SubRange(s.high + 1, this.high)] : s.low <= this.low ? [new SubRange(s.high + 1, this.high)] : [new SubRange(this.low, s.low - 1)]; } toString() { return this.low == this.high ? this.low.toString() : this.low + '-' + this.high; } } class DRange { constructor(s, o) { (this.ranges = []), (this.length = 0), null != s && this.add(s, o); } _update_length() { this.length = this.ranges.reduce((s, o) => s + o.length, 0); } add(s, o) { var _add = (s) => { for (var o = 0; o < this.ranges.length && !s.touches(this.ranges[o]); ) o++; for ( var i = this.ranges.slice(0, o); o < this.ranges.length && s.touches(this.ranges[o]); ) (s = s.add(this.ranges[o])), o++; i.push(s), (this.ranges = i.concat(this.ranges.slice(o))), this._update_length(); }; return ( s instanceof DRange ? s.ranges.forEach(_add) : (null == o && (o = s), _add(new SubRange(s, o))), this ); } subtract(s, o) { var _subtract = (s) => { for (var o = 0; o < this.ranges.length && !s.overlaps(this.ranges[o]); ) o++; for ( var i = this.ranges.slice(0, o); o < this.ranges.length && s.overlaps(this.ranges[o]); ) (i = i.concat(this.ranges[o].subtract(s))), o++; (this.ranges = i.concat(this.ranges.slice(o))), this._update_length(); }; return ( s instanceof DRange ? s.ranges.forEach(_subtract) : (null == o && (o = s), _subtract(new SubRange(s, o))), this ); } intersect(s, o) { var i = [], _intersect = (s) => { for (var o = 0; o < this.ranges.length && !s.overlaps(this.ranges[o]); ) o++; for (; o < this.ranges.length && s.overlaps(this.ranges[o]); ) { var u = Math.max(this.ranges[o].low, s.low), _ = Math.min(this.ranges[o].high, s.high); i.push(new SubRange(u, _)), o++; } }; return ( s instanceof DRange ? s.ranges.forEach(_intersect) : (null == o && (o = s), _intersect(new SubRange(s, o))), (this.ranges = i), this._update_length(), this ); } index(s) { for (var o = 0; o < this.ranges.length && this.ranges[o].length <= s; ) (s -= this.ranges[o].length), o++; return this.ranges[o].low + s; } toString() { return '[ ' + this.ranges.join(', ') + ' ]'; } clone() { return new DRange(this); } numbers() { return this.ranges.reduce((s, o) => { for (var i = o.low; i <= o.high; ) s.push(i), i++; return s; }, []); } subranges() { return this.ranges.map((s) => ({ low: s.low, high: s.high, length: 1 + s.high - s.low })); } } s.exports = DRange; }, 37007: (s) => { 'use strict'; var o, i = 'object' == typeof Reflect ? Reflect : null, u = i && 'function' == typeof i.apply ? i.apply : function ReflectApply(s, o, i) { return Function.prototype.apply.call(s, o, i); }; o = i && 'function' == typeof i.ownKeys ? i.ownKeys : Object.getOwnPropertySymbols ? function ReflectOwnKeys(s) { return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(s).concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s)); } : function ReflectOwnKeys(s) { return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(s); }; var _ = Number.isNaN || function NumberIsNaN(s) { return s != s; }; function EventEmitter() { EventEmitter.init.call(this); } (s.exports = EventEmitter), (s.exports.once = function once(s, o) { return new Promise(function (i, u) { function errorListener(i) { s.removeListener(o, resolver), u(i); } function resolver() { 'function' == typeof s.removeListener && s.removeListener('error', errorListener), i([].slice.call(arguments)); } eventTargetAgnosticAddListener(s, o, resolver, { once: !0 }), 'error' !== o && (function addErrorHandlerIfEventEmitter(s, o, i) { 'function' == typeof s.on && eventTargetAgnosticAddListener(s, 'error', o, i); })(s, errorListener, { once: !0 }); }); }), (EventEmitter.EventEmitter = EventEmitter), (EventEmitter.prototype._events = void 0), (EventEmitter.prototype._eventsCount = 0), (EventEmitter.prototype._maxListeners = void 0); var w = 10; function checkListener(s) { if ('function' != typeof s) throw new TypeError( 'The "listener" argument must be of type Function. Received type ' + typeof s ); } function _getMaxListeners(s) { return void 0 === s._maxListeners ? EventEmitter.defaultMaxListeners : s._maxListeners; } function _addListener(s, o, i, u) { var _, w, x; if ( (checkListener(i), void 0 === (w = s._events) ? ((w = s._events = Object.create(null)), (s._eventsCount = 0)) : (void 0 !== w.newListener && (s.emit('newListener', o, i.listener ? i.listener : i), (w = s._events)), (x = w[o])), void 0 === x) ) (x = w[o] = i), ++s._eventsCount; else if ( ('function' == typeof x ? (x = w[o] = u ? [i, x] : [x, i]) : u ? x.unshift(i) : x.push(i), (_ = _getMaxListeners(s)) > 0 && x.length > _ && !x.warned) ) { x.warned = !0; var C = new Error( 'Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. ' + x.length + ' ' + String(o) + ' listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit' ); (C.name = 'MaxListenersExceededWarning'), (C.emitter = s), (C.type = o), (C.count = x.length), (function ProcessEmitWarning(s) { console && console.warn && console.warn(s); })(C); } return s; } function onceWrapper() { if (!this.fired) return ( this.target.removeListener(this.type, this.wrapFn), (this.fired = !0), 0 === arguments.length ? this.listener.call(this.target) : this.listener.apply(this.target, arguments) ); } function _onceWrap(s, o, i) { var u = { fired: !1, wrapFn: void 0, target: s, type: o, listener: i }, _ = onceWrapper.bind(u); return (_.listener = i), (u.wrapFn = _), _; } function _listeners(s, o, i) { var u = s._events; if (void 0 === u) return []; var _ = u[o]; return void 0 === _ ? [] : 'function' == typeof _ ? i ? [_.listener || _] : [_] : i ? (function unwrapListeners(s) { for (var o = new Array(s.length), i = 0; i < o.length; ++i) o[i] = s[i].listener || s[i]; return o; })(_) : arrayClone(_, _.length); } function listenerCount(s) { var o = this._events; if (void 0 !== o) { var i = o[s]; if ('function' == typeof i) return 1; if (void 0 !== i) return i.length; } return 0; } function arrayClone(s, o) { for (var i = new Array(o), u = 0; u < o; ++u) i[u] = s[u]; return i; } function eventTargetAgnosticAddListener(s, o, i, u) { if ('function' == typeof s.on) u.once ? s.once(o, i) : s.on(o, i); else { if ('function' != typeof s.addEventListener) throw new TypeError( 'The "emitter" argument must be of type EventEmitter. Received type ' + typeof s ); s.addEventListener(o, function wrapListener(_) { u.once && s.removeEventListener(o, wrapListener), i(_); }); } } Object.defineProperty(EventEmitter, 'defaultMaxListeners', { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return w; }, set: function (s) { if ('number' != typeof s || s < 0 || _(s)) throw new RangeError( 'The value of "defaultMaxListeners" is out of range. It must be a non-negative number. Received ' + s + '.' ); w = s; } }), (EventEmitter.init = function () { (void 0 !== this._events && this._events !== Object.getPrototypeOf(this)._events) || ((this._events = Object.create(null)), (this._eventsCount = 0)), (this._maxListeners = this._maxListeners || void 0); }), (EventEmitter.prototype.setMaxListeners = function setMaxListeners(s) { if ('number' != typeof s || s < 0 || _(s)) throw new RangeError( 'The value of "n" is out of range. It must be a non-negative number. Received ' + s + '.' ); return (this._maxListeners = s), this; }), (EventEmitter.prototype.getMaxListeners = function getMaxListeners() { return _getMaxListeners(this); }), (EventEmitter.prototype.emit = function emit(s) { for (var o = [], i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) o.push(arguments[i]); var _ = 'error' === s, w = this._events; if (void 0 !== w) _ = _ && void 0 === w.error; else if (!_) return !1; if (_) { var x; if ((o.length > 0 && (x = o[0]), x instanceof Error)) throw x; var C = new Error('Unhandled error.' + (x ? ' (' + x.message + ')' : '')); throw ((C.context = x), C); } var j = w[s]; if (void 0 === j) return !1; if ('function' == typeof j) u(j, this, o); else { var L = j.length, B = arrayClone(j, L); for (i = 0; i < L; ++i) u(B[i], this, o); } return !0; }), (EventEmitter.prototype.addListener = function addListener(s, o) { return _addListener(this, s, o, !1); }), (EventEmitter.prototype.on = EventEmitter.prototype.addListener), (EventEmitter.prototype.prependListener = function prependListener(s, o) { return _addListener(this, s, o, !0); }), (EventEmitter.prototype.once = function once(s, o) { return checkListener(o), this.on(s, _onceWrap(this, s, o)), this; }), (EventEmitter.prototype.prependOnceListener = function prependOnceListener(s, o) { return checkListener(o), this.prependListener(s, _onceWrap(this, s, o)), this; }), (EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener = function removeListener(s, o) { var i, u, _, w, x; if ((checkListener(o), void 0 === (u = this._events))) return this; if (void 0 === (i = u[s])) return this; if (i === o || i.listener === o) 0 == --this._eventsCount ? (this._events = Object.create(null)) : (delete u[s], u.removeListener && this.emit('removeListener', s, i.listener || o)); else if ('function' != typeof i) { for (_ = -1, w = i.length - 1; w >= 0; w--) if (i[w] === o || i[w].listener === o) { (x = i[w].listener), (_ = w); break; } if (_ < 0) return this; 0 === _ ? i.shift() : (function spliceOne(s, o) { for (; o + 1 < s.length; o++) s[o] = s[o + 1]; s.pop(); })(i, _), 1 === i.length && (u[s] = i[0]), void 0 !== u.removeListener && this.emit('removeListener', s, x || o); } return this; }), (EventEmitter.prototype.off = EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener), (EventEmitter.prototype.removeAllListeners = function removeAllListeners(s) { var o, i, u; if (void 0 === (i = this._events)) return this; if (void 0 === i.removeListener) return ( 0 === arguments.length ? ((this._events = Object.create(null)), (this._eventsCount = 0)) : void 0 !== i[s] && (0 == --this._eventsCount ? (this._events = Object.create(null)) : delete i[s]), this ); if (0 === arguments.length) { var _, w = Object.keys(i); for (u = 0; u < w.length; ++u) 'removeListener' !== (_ = w[u]) && this.removeAllListeners(_); return ( this.removeAllListeners('removeListener'), (this._events = Object.create(null)), (this._eventsCount = 0), this ); } if ('function' == typeof (o = i[s])) this.removeListener(s, o); else if (void 0 !== o) for (u = o.length - 1; u >= 0; u--) this.removeListener(s, o[u]); return this; }), (EventEmitter.prototype.listeners = function listeners(s) { return _listeners(this, s, !0); }), (EventEmitter.prototype.rawListeners = function rawListeners(s) { return _listeners(this, s, !1); }), (EventEmitter.listenerCount = function (s, o) { return 'function' == typeof s.listenerCount ? s.listenerCount(o) : listenerCount.call(s, o); }), (EventEmitter.prototype.listenerCount = listenerCount), (EventEmitter.prototype.eventNames = function eventNames() { return this._eventsCount > 0 ? o(this._events) : []; }); }, 85587: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(26311), _ = create(Error); function create(s) { return (FormattedError.displayName = s.displayName || s.name), FormattedError; function FormattedError(o) { return o && (o = u.apply(null, arguments)), new s(o); } } (s.exports = _), (_.eval = create(EvalError)), (_.range = create(RangeError)), (_.reference = create(ReferenceError)), (_.syntax = create(SyntaxError)), (_.type = create(TypeError)), (_.uri = create(URIError)), (_.create = create); }, 26311: (s) => { !(function () { var o; function format(s) { for ( var o, i, u, _, w = 1, x = [].slice.call(arguments), C = 0, j = s.length, L = '', B = !1, $ = !1, nextArg = function () { return x[w++]; }, slurpNumber = function () { for (var i = ''; /\d/.test(s[C]); ) (i += s[C++]), (o = s[C]); return i.length > 0 ? parseInt(i) : null; }; C < j; ++C ) if (((o = s[C]), B)) switch ( ((B = !1), '.' == o ? (($ = !1), (o = s[++C])) : '0' == o && '.' == s[C + 1] ? (($ = !0), (o = s[(C += 2)])) : ($ = !0), (_ = slurpNumber()), o) ) { case 'b': L += parseInt(nextArg(), 10).toString(2); break; case 'c': L += 'string' == typeof (i = nextArg()) || i instanceof String ? i : String.fromCharCode(parseInt(i, 10)); break; case 'd': L += parseInt(nextArg(), 10); break; case 'f': (u = String(parseFloat(nextArg()).toFixed(_ || 6))), (L += $ ? u : u.replace(/^0/, '')); break; case 'j': L += JSON.stringify(nextArg()); break; case 'o': L += '0' + parseInt(nextArg(), 10).toString(8); break; case 's': L += nextArg(); break; case 'x': L += '0x' + parseInt(nextArg(), 10).toString(16); break; case 'X': L += '0x' + parseInt(nextArg(), 10).toString(16).toUpperCase(); break; default: L += o; } else '%' === o ? (B = !0) : (L += o); return L; } ((o = s.exports = format).format = format), (o.vsprintf = function vsprintf(s, o) { return format.apply(null, [s].concat(o)); }), 'undefined' != typeof console && 'function' == typeof console.log && (o.printf = function printf() { console.log(format.apply(null, arguments)); }); })(); }, 45981: (s) => { function deepFreeze(s) { return ( s instanceof Map ? (s.clear = s.delete = s.set = function () { throw new Error('map is read-only'); }) : s instanceof Set && (s.add = s.clear = s.delete = function () { throw new Error('set is read-only'); }), Object.freeze(s), Object.getOwnPropertyNames(s).forEach(function (o) { var i = s[o]; 'object' != typeof i || Object.isFrozen(i) || deepFreeze(i); }), s ); } var o = deepFreeze, i = deepFreeze; o.default = i; class Response { constructor(s) { void 0 === s.data && (s.data = {}), (this.data = s.data), (this.isMatchIgnored = !1); } ignoreMatch() { this.isMatchIgnored = !0; } } function escapeHTML(s) { return s .replace(/&/g, '&') .replace(//g, '>') .replace(/"/g, '"') .replace(/'/g, '''); } function inherit(s, ...o) { const i = Object.create(null); for (const o in s) i[o] = s[o]; return ( o.forEach(function (s) { for (const o in s) i[o] = s[o]; }), i ); } const emitsWrappingTags = (s) => !!s.kind; class HTMLRenderer { constructor(s, o) { (this.buffer = ''), (this.classPrefix = o.classPrefix), s.walk(this); } addText(s) { this.buffer += escapeHTML(s); } openNode(s) { if (!emitsWrappingTags(s)) return; let o = s.kind; s.sublanguage || (o = `${this.classPrefix}${o}`), this.span(o); } closeNode(s) { emitsWrappingTags(s) && (this.buffer += ''); } value() { return this.buffer; } span(s) { this.buffer += ``; } } class TokenTree { constructor() { (this.rootNode = { children: [] }), (this.stack = [this.rootNode]); } get top() { return this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]; } get root() { return this.rootNode; } add(s) { this.top.children.push(s); } openNode(s) { const o = { kind: s, children: [] }; this.add(o), this.stack.push(o); } closeNode() { if (this.stack.length > 1) return this.stack.pop(); } closeAllNodes() { for (; this.closeNode(); ); } toJSON() { return JSON.stringify(this.rootNode, null, 4); } walk(s) { return this.constructor._walk(s, this.rootNode); } static _walk(s, o) { return ( 'string' == typeof o ? s.addText(o) : o.children && (s.openNode(o), o.children.forEach((o) => this._walk(s, o)), s.closeNode(o)), s ); } static _collapse(s) { 'string' != typeof s && s.children && (s.children.every((s) => 'string' == typeof s) ? (s.children = [s.children.join('')]) : s.children.forEach((s) => { TokenTree._collapse(s); })); } } class TokenTreeEmitter extends TokenTree { constructor(s) { super(), (this.options = s); } addKeyword(s, o) { '' !== s && (this.openNode(o), this.addText(s), this.closeNode()); } addText(s) { '' !== s && this.add(s); } addSublanguage(s, o) { const i = s.root; (i.kind = o), (i.sublanguage = !0), this.add(i); } toHTML() { return new HTMLRenderer(this, this.options).value(); } finalize() { return !0; } } function source(s) { return s ? ('string' == typeof s ? s : s.source) : null; } const u = /\[(?:[^\\\]]|\\.)*\]|\(\??|\\([1-9][0-9]*)|\\./; const _ = '[a-zA-Z]\\w*', w = '[a-zA-Z_]\\w*', x = '\\b\\d+(\\.\\d+)?', C = '(-?)(\\b0[xX][a-fA-F0-9]+|(\\b\\d+(\\.\\d*)?|\\.\\d+)([eE][-+]?\\d+)?)', j = '\\b(0b[01]+)', L = { begin: '\\\\[\\s\\S]', relevance: 0 }, B = { className: 'string', begin: "'", end: "'", illegal: '\\n', contains: [L] }, $ = { className: 'string', begin: '"', end: '"', illegal: '\\n', contains: [L] }, V = { begin: /\b(a|an|the|are|I'm|isn't|don't|doesn't|won't|but|just|should|pretty|simply|enough|gonna|going|wtf|so|such|will|you|your|they|like|more)\b/ }, COMMENT = function (s, o, i = {}) { const u = inherit({ className: 'comment', begin: s, end: o, contains: [] }, i); return ( u.contains.push(V), u.contains.push({ className: 'doctag', begin: '(?:TODO|FIXME|NOTE|BUG|OPTIMIZE|HACK|XXX):', relevance: 0 }), u ); }, U = COMMENT('//', '$'), z = COMMENT('/\\*', '\\*/'), Y = COMMENT('#', '$'), Z = { className: 'number', begin: x, relevance: 0 }, ee = { className: 'number', begin: C, relevance: 0 }, ie = { className: 'number', begin: j, relevance: 0 }, ae = { className: 'number', begin: x + '(%|em|ex|ch|rem|vw|vh|vmin|vmax|cm|mm|in|pt|pc|px|deg|grad|rad|turn|s|ms|Hz|kHz|dpi|dpcm|dppx)?', relevance: 0 }, le = { begin: /(?=\/[^/\n]*\/)/, contains: [ { className: 'regexp', begin: /\//, end: /\/[gimuy]*/, illegal: /\n/, contains: [L, { begin: /\[/, end: /\]/, relevance: 0, contains: [L] }] } ] }, ce = { className: 'title', begin: _, relevance: 0 }, pe = { className: 'title', begin: w, relevance: 0 }, de = { begin: '\\.\\s*' + w, relevance: 0 }; var fe = Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, MATCH_NOTHING_RE: /\b\B/, IDENT_RE: _, UNDERSCORE_IDENT_RE: w, NUMBER_RE: x, C_NUMBER_RE: C, BINARY_NUMBER_RE: j, RE_STARTERS_RE: '!|!=|!==|%|%=|&|&&|&=|\\*|\\*=|\\+|\\+=|,|-|-=|/=|/|:|;|<<|<<=|<=|<|===|==|=|>>>=|>>=|>=|>>>|>>|>|\\?|\\[|\\{|\\(|\\^|\\^=|\\||\\|=|\\|\\||~', SHEBANG: (s = {}) => { const o = /^#![ ]*\//; return ( s.binary && (s.begin = (function concat(...s) { return s.map((s) => source(s)).join(''); })(o, /.*\b/, s.binary, /\b.*/)), inherit( { className: 'meta', begin: o, end: /$/, relevance: 0, 'on:begin': (s, o) => { 0 !== s.index && o.ignoreMatch(); } }, s ) ); }, BACKSLASH_ESCAPE: L, APOS_STRING_MODE: B, QUOTE_STRING_MODE: $, PHRASAL_WORDS_MODE: V, COMMENT, C_LINE_COMMENT_MODE: U, C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE: z, HASH_COMMENT_MODE: Y, NUMBER_MODE: Z, C_NUMBER_MODE: ee, BINARY_NUMBER_MODE: ie, CSS_NUMBER_MODE: ae, REGEXP_MODE: le, TITLE_MODE: ce, UNDERSCORE_TITLE_MODE: pe, METHOD_GUARD: de, END_SAME_AS_BEGIN: function (s) { return Object.assign(s, { 'on:begin': (s, o) => { o.data._beginMatch = s[1]; }, 'on:end': (s, o) => { o.data._beginMatch !== s[1] && o.ignoreMatch(); } }); } }); function skipIfhasPrecedingDot(s, o) { '.' === s.input[s.index - 1] && o.ignoreMatch(); } function beginKeywords(s, o) { o && s.beginKeywords && ((s.begin = '\\b(' + s.beginKeywords.split(' ').join('|') + ')(?!\\.)(?=\\b|\\s)'), (s.__beforeBegin = skipIfhasPrecedingDot), (s.keywords = s.keywords || s.beginKeywords), delete s.beginKeywords, void 0 === s.relevance && (s.relevance = 0)); } function compileIllegal(s, o) { Array.isArray(s.illegal) && (s.illegal = (function either(...s) { return '(' + s.map((s) => source(s)).join('|') + ')'; })(...s.illegal)); } function compileMatch(s, o) { if (s.match) { if (s.begin || s.end) throw new Error('begin & end are not supported with match'); (s.begin = s.match), delete s.match; } } function compileRelevance(s, o) { void 0 === s.relevance && (s.relevance = 1); } const ye = [ 'of', 'and', 'for', 'in', 'not', 'or', 'if', 'then', 'parent', 'list', 'value' ]; function compileKeywords(s, o, i = 'keyword') { const u = {}; return ( 'string' == typeof s ? compileList(i, s.split(' ')) : Array.isArray(s) ? compileList(i, s) : Object.keys(s).forEach(function (i) { Object.assign(u, compileKeywords(s[i], o, i)); }), u ); function compileList(s, i) { o && (i = i.map((s) => s.toLowerCase())), i.forEach(function (o) { const i = o.split('|'); u[i[0]] = [s, scoreForKeyword(i[0], i[1])]; }); } } function scoreForKeyword(s, o) { return o ? Number(o) : (function commonKeyword(s) { return ye.includes(s.toLowerCase()); })(s) ? 0 : 1; } function compileLanguage(s, { plugins: o }) { function langRe(o, i) { return new RegExp(source(o), 'm' + (s.case_insensitive ? 'i' : '') + (i ? 'g' : '')); } class MultiRegex { constructor() { (this.matchIndexes = {}), (this.regexes = []), (this.matchAt = 1), (this.position = 0); } addRule(s, o) { (o.position = this.position++), (this.matchIndexes[this.matchAt] = o), this.regexes.push([o, s]), (this.matchAt += (function countMatchGroups(s) { return new RegExp(s.toString() + '|').exec('').length - 1; })(s) + 1); } compile() { 0 === this.regexes.length && (this.exec = () => null); const s = this.regexes.map((s) => s[1]); (this.matcherRe = langRe( (function join(s, o = '|') { let i = 0; return s .map((s) => { i += 1; const o = i; let _ = source(s), w = ''; for (; _.length > 0; ) { const s = u.exec(_); if (!s) { w += _; break; } (w += _.substring(0, s.index)), (_ = _.substring(s.index + s[0].length)), '\\' === s[0][0] && s[1] ? (w += '\\' + String(Number(s[1]) + o)) : ((w += s[0]), '(' === s[0] && i++); } return w; }) .map((s) => `(${s})`) .join(o); })(s), !0 )), (this.lastIndex = 0); } exec(s) { this.matcherRe.lastIndex = this.lastIndex; const o = this.matcherRe.exec(s); if (!o) return null; const i = o.findIndex((s, o) => o > 0 && void 0 !== s), u = this.matchIndexes[i]; return o.splice(0, i), Object.assign(o, u); } } class ResumableMultiRegex { constructor() { (this.rules = []), (this.multiRegexes = []), (this.count = 0), (this.lastIndex = 0), (this.regexIndex = 0); } getMatcher(s) { if (this.multiRegexes[s]) return this.multiRegexes[s]; const o = new MultiRegex(); return ( this.rules.slice(s).forEach(([s, i]) => o.addRule(s, i)), o.compile(), (this.multiRegexes[s] = o), o ); } resumingScanAtSamePosition() { return 0 !== this.regexIndex; } considerAll() { this.regexIndex = 0; } addRule(s, o) { this.rules.push([s, o]), 'begin' === o.type && this.count++; } exec(s) { const o = this.getMatcher(this.regexIndex); o.lastIndex = this.lastIndex; let i = o.exec(s); if (this.resumingScanAtSamePosition()) if (i && i.index === this.lastIndex); else { const o = this.getMatcher(0); (o.lastIndex = this.lastIndex + 1), (i = o.exec(s)); } return ( i && ((this.regexIndex += i.position + 1), this.regexIndex === this.count && this.considerAll()), i ); } } if ( (s.compilerExtensions || (s.compilerExtensions = []), s.contains && s.contains.includes('self')) ) throw new Error( 'ERR: contains `self` is not supported at the top-level of a language. See documentation.' ); return ( (s.classNameAliases = inherit(s.classNameAliases || {})), (function compileMode(o, i) { const u = o; if (o.isCompiled) return u; [compileMatch].forEach((s) => s(o, i)), s.compilerExtensions.forEach((s) => s(o, i)), (o.__beforeBegin = null), [beginKeywords, compileIllegal, compileRelevance].forEach((s) => s(o, i)), (o.isCompiled = !0); let _ = null; if ( ('object' == typeof o.keywords && ((_ = o.keywords.$pattern), delete o.keywords.$pattern), o.keywords && (o.keywords = compileKeywords(o.keywords, s.case_insensitive)), o.lexemes && _) ) throw new Error( 'ERR: Prefer `keywords.$pattern` to `mode.lexemes`, BOTH are not allowed. (see mode reference) ' ); return ( (_ = _ || o.lexemes || /\w+/), (u.keywordPatternRe = langRe(_, !0)), i && (o.begin || (o.begin = /\B|\b/), (u.beginRe = langRe(o.begin)), o.endSameAsBegin && (o.end = o.begin), o.end || o.endsWithParent || (o.end = /\B|\b/), o.end && (u.endRe = langRe(o.end)), (u.terminatorEnd = source(o.end) || ''), o.endsWithParent && i.terminatorEnd && (u.terminatorEnd += (o.end ? '|' : '') + i.terminatorEnd)), o.illegal && (u.illegalRe = langRe(o.illegal)), o.contains || (o.contains = []), (o.contains = [].concat( ...o.contains.map(function (s) { return (function expandOrCloneMode(s) { s.variants && !s.cachedVariants && (s.cachedVariants = s.variants.map(function (o) { return inherit(s, { variants: null }, o); })); if (s.cachedVariants) return s.cachedVariants; if (dependencyOnParent(s)) return inherit(s, { starts: s.starts ? inherit(s.starts) : null }); if (Object.isFrozen(s)) return inherit(s); return s; })('self' === s ? o : s); }) )), o.contains.forEach(function (s) { compileMode(s, u); }), o.starts && compileMode(o.starts, i), (u.matcher = (function buildModeRegex(s) { const o = new ResumableMultiRegex(); return ( s.contains.forEach((s) => o.addRule(s.begin, { rule: s, type: 'begin' })), s.terminatorEnd && o.addRule(s.terminatorEnd, { type: 'end' }), s.illegal && o.addRule(s.illegal, { type: 'illegal' }), o ); })(u)), u ); })(s) ); } function dependencyOnParent(s) { return !!s && (s.endsWithParent || dependencyOnParent(s.starts)); } function BuildVuePlugin(s) { const o = { props: ['language', 'code', 'autodetect'], data: function () { return { detectedLanguage: '', unknownLanguage: !1 }; }, computed: { className() { return this.unknownLanguage ? '' : 'hljs ' + this.detectedLanguage; }, highlighted() { if (!this.autoDetect && !s.getLanguage(this.language)) return ( console.warn( `The language "${this.language}" you specified could not be found.` ), (this.unknownLanguage = !0), escapeHTML(this.code) ); let o = {}; return ( this.autoDetect ? ((o = s.highlightAuto(this.code)), (this.detectedLanguage = o.language)) : ((o = s.highlight(this.language, this.code, this.ignoreIllegals)), (this.detectedLanguage = this.language)), o.value ); }, autoDetect() { return ( !this.language || (function hasValueOrEmptyAttribute(s) { return Boolean(s || '' === s); })(this.autodetect) ); }, ignoreIllegals: () => !0 }, render(s) { return s('pre', {}, [ s('code', { class: this.className, domProps: { innerHTML: this.highlighted } }) ]); } }; return { Component: o, VuePlugin: { install(s) { s.component('highlightjs', o); } } }; } const be = { 'after:highlightElement': ({ el: s, result: o, text: i }) => { const u = nodeStream(s); if (!u.length) return; const _ = document.createElement('div'); (_.innerHTML = o.value), (o.value = (function mergeStreams(s, o, i) { let u = 0, _ = ''; const w = []; function selectStream() { return s.length && o.length ? s[0].offset !== o[0].offset ? s[0].offset < o[0].offset ? s : o : 'start' === o[0].event ? s : o : s.length ? s : o; } function open(s) { function attributeString(s) { return ' ' + s.nodeName + '="' + escapeHTML(s.value) + '"'; } _ += '<' + tag(s) + [].map.call(s.attributes, attributeString).join('') + '>'; } function close(s) { _ += ''; } function render(s) { ('start' === s.event ? open : close)(s.node); } for (; s.length || o.length; ) { let o = selectStream(); if ( ((_ += escapeHTML(i.substring(u, o[0].offset))), (u = o[0].offset), o === s) ) { w.reverse().forEach(close); do { render(o.splice(0, 1)[0]), (o = selectStream()); } while (o === s && o.length && o[0].offset === u); w.reverse().forEach(open); } else 'start' === o[0].event ? w.push(o[0].node) : w.pop(), render(o.splice(0, 1)[0]); } return _ + escapeHTML(i.substr(u)); })(u, nodeStream(_), i)); } }; function tag(s) { return s.nodeName.toLowerCase(); } function nodeStream(s) { const o = []; return ( (function _nodeStream(s, i) { for (let u = s.firstChild; u; u = u.nextSibling) 3 === u.nodeType ? (i += u.nodeValue.length) : 1 === u.nodeType && (o.push({ event: 'start', offset: i, node: u }), (i = _nodeStream(u, i)), tag(u).match(/br|hr|img|input/) || o.push({ event: 'stop', offset: i, node: u })); return i; })(s, 0), o ); } const _e = {}, error = (s) => { console.error(s); }, warn = (s, ...o) => { console.log(`WARN: ${s}`, ...o); }, deprecated = (s, o) => { _e[`${s}/${o}`] || (console.log(`Deprecated as of ${s}. ${o}`), (_e[`${s}/${o}`] = !0)); }, we = escapeHTML, Se = inherit, xe = Symbol('nomatch'); var Pe = (function (s) { const i = Object.create(null), u = Object.create(null), _ = []; let w = !0; const x = /(^(<[^>]+>|\t|)+|\n)/gm, C = "Could not find the language '{}', did you forget to load/include a language module?", j = { disableAutodetect: !0, name: 'Plain text', contains: [] }; let L = { noHighlightRe: /^(no-?highlight)$/i, languageDetectRe: /\blang(?:uage)?-([\w-]+)\b/i, classPrefix: 'hljs-', tabReplace: null, useBR: !1, languages: null, __emitter: TokenTreeEmitter }; function shouldNotHighlight(s) { return L.noHighlightRe.test(s); } function highlight(s, o, i, u) { let _ = '', w = ''; 'object' == typeof o ? ((_ = s), (i = o.ignoreIllegals), (w = o.language), (u = void 0)) : (deprecated('10.7.0', 'highlight(lang, code, ...args) has been deprecated.'), deprecated( '10.7.0', 'Please use highlight(code, options) instead.\nhttps://github.com/highlightjs/highlight.js/issues/2277' ), (w = s), (_ = o)); const x = { code: _, language: w }; fire('before:highlight', x); const C = x.result ? x.result : _highlight(x.language, x.code, i, u); return (C.code = x.code), fire('after:highlight', C), C; } function _highlight(s, o, u, x) { function keywordData(s, o) { const i = B.case_insensitive ? o[0].toLowerCase() : o[0]; return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s.keywords, i) && s.keywords[i]; } function processBuffer() { null != U.subLanguage ? (function processSubLanguage() { if ('' === Z) return; let s = null; if ('string' == typeof U.subLanguage) { if (!i[U.subLanguage]) return void Y.addText(Z); (s = _highlight(U.subLanguage, Z, !0, z[U.subLanguage])), (z[U.subLanguage] = s.top); } else s = highlightAuto(Z, U.subLanguage.length ? U.subLanguage : null); U.relevance > 0 && (ee += s.relevance), Y.addSublanguage(s.emitter, s.language); })() : (function processKeywords() { if (!U.keywords) return void Y.addText(Z); let s = 0; U.keywordPatternRe.lastIndex = 0; let o = U.keywordPatternRe.exec(Z), i = ''; for (; o; ) { i += Z.substring(s, o.index); const u = keywordData(U, o); if (u) { const [s, _] = u; if ((Y.addText(i), (i = ''), (ee += _), s.startsWith('_'))) i += o[0]; else { const i = B.classNameAliases[s] || s; Y.addKeyword(o[0], i); } } else i += o[0]; (s = U.keywordPatternRe.lastIndex), (o = U.keywordPatternRe.exec(Z)); } (i += Z.substr(s)), Y.addText(i); })(), (Z = ''); } function startNewMode(s) { return ( s.className && Y.openNode(B.classNameAliases[s.className] || s.className), (U = Object.create(s, { parent: { value: U } })), U ); } function endOfMode(s, o, i) { let u = (function startsWith(s, o) { const i = s && s.exec(o); return i && 0 === i.index; })(s.endRe, i); if (u) { if (s['on:end']) { const i = new Response(s); s['on:end'](o, i), i.isMatchIgnored && (u = !1); } if (u) { for (; s.endsParent && s.parent; ) s = s.parent; return s; } } if (s.endsWithParent) return endOfMode(s.parent, o, i); } function doIgnore(s) { return 0 === U.matcher.regexIndex ? ((Z += s[0]), 1) : ((le = !0), 0); } function doBeginMatch(s) { const o = s[0], i = s.rule, u = new Response(i), _ = [i.__beforeBegin, i['on:begin']]; for (const i of _) if (i && (i(s, u), u.isMatchIgnored)) return doIgnore(o); return ( i && i.endSameAsBegin && (i.endRe = (function escape(s) { return new RegExp(s.replace(/[-/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&'), 'm'); })(o)), i.skip ? (Z += o) : (i.excludeBegin && (Z += o), processBuffer(), i.returnBegin || i.excludeBegin || (Z = o)), startNewMode(i), i.returnBegin ? 0 : o.length ); } function doEndMatch(s) { const i = s[0], u = o.substr(s.index), _ = endOfMode(U, s, u); if (!_) return xe; const w = U; w.skip ? (Z += i) : (w.returnEnd || w.excludeEnd || (Z += i), processBuffer(), w.excludeEnd && (Z = i)); do { U.className && Y.closeNode(), U.skip || U.subLanguage || (ee += U.relevance), (U = U.parent); } while (U !== _.parent); return ( _.starts && (_.endSameAsBegin && (_.starts.endRe = _.endRe), startNewMode(_.starts)), w.returnEnd ? 0 : i.length ); } let j = {}; function processLexeme(i, _) { const x = _ && _[0]; if (((Z += i), null == x)) return processBuffer(), 0; if ('begin' === j.type && 'end' === _.type && j.index === _.index && '' === x) { if (((Z += o.slice(_.index, _.index + 1)), !w)) { const o = new Error('0 width match regex'); throw ((o.languageName = s), (o.badRule = j.rule), o); } return 1; } if (((j = _), 'begin' === _.type)) return doBeginMatch(_); if ('illegal' === _.type && !u) { const s = new Error( 'Illegal lexeme "' + x + '" for mode "' + (U.className || '') + '"' ); throw ((s.mode = U), s); } if ('end' === _.type) { const s = doEndMatch(_); if (s !== xe) return s; } if ('illegal' === _.type && '' === x) return 1; if (ae > 1e5 && ae > 3 * _.index) { throw new Error('potential infinite loop, way more iterations than matches'); } return (Z += x), x.length; } const B = getLanguage(s); if (!B) throw (error(C.replace('{}', s)), new Error('Unknown language: "' + s + '"')); const $ = compileLanguage(B, { plugins: _ }); let V = '', U = x || $; const z = {}, Y = new L.__emitter(L); !(function processContinuations() { const s = []; for (let o = U; o !== B; o = o.parent) o.className && s.unshift(o.className); s.forEach((s) => Y.openNode(s)); })(); let Z = '', ee = 0, ie = 0, ae = 0, le = !1; try { for (U.matcher.considerAll(); ; ) { ae++, le ? (le = !1) : U.matcher.considerAll(), (U.matcher.lastIndex = ie); const s = U.matcher.exec(o); if (!s) break; const i = processLexeme(o.substring(ie, s.index), s); ie = s.index + i; } return ( processLexeme(o.substr(ie)), Y.closeAllNodes(), Y.finalize(), (V = Y.toHTML()), { relevance: Math.floor(ee), value: V, language: s, illegal: !1, emitter: Y, top: U } ); } catch (i) { if (i.message && i.message.includes('Illegal')) return { illegal: !0, illegalBy: { msg: i.message, context: o.slice(ie - 100, ie + 100), mode: i.mode }, sofar: V, relevance: 0, value: we(o), emitter: Y }; if (w) return { illegal: !1, relevance: 0, value: we(o), emitter: Y, language: s, top: U, errorRaised: i }; throw i; } } function highlightAuto(s, o) { o = o || L.languages || Object.keys(i); const u = (function justTextHighlightResult(s) { const o = { relevance: 0, emitter: new L.__emitter(L), value: we(s), illegal: !1, top: j }; return o.emitter.addText(s), o; })(s), _ = o .filter(getLanguage) .filter(autoDetection) .map((o) => _highlight(o, s, !1)); _.unshift(u); const w = _.sort((s, o) => { if (s.relevance !== o.relevance) return o.relevance - s.relevance; if (s.language && o.language) { if (getLanguage(s.language).supersetOf === o.language) return 1; if (getLanguage(o.language).supersetOf === s.language) return -1; } return 0; }), [x, C] = w, B = x; return (B.second_best = C), B; } const B = { 'before:highlightElement': ({ el: s }) => { L.useBR && (s.innerHTML = s.innerHTML.replace(/\n/g, '').replace(//g, '\n')); }, 'after:highlightElement': ({ result: s }) => { L.useBR && (s.value = s.value.replace(/\n/g, '
')); } }, $ = /^(<[^>]+>|\t)+/gm, V = { 'after:highlightElement': ({ result: s }) => { L.tabReplace && (s.value = s.value.replace($, (s) => s.replace(/\t/g, L.tabReplace))); } }; function highlightElement(s) { let o = null; const i = (function blockLanguage(s) { let o = s.className + ' '; o += s.parentNode ? s.parentNode.className : ''; const i = L.languageDetectRe.exec(o); if (i) { const o = getLanguage(i[1]); return ( o || (warn(C.replace('{}', i[1])), warn('Falling back to no-highlight mode for this block.', s)), o ? i[1] : 'no-highlight' ); } return o.split(/\s+/).find((s) => shouldNotHighlight(s) || getLanguage(s)); })(s); if (shouldNotHighlight(i)) return; fire('before:highlightElement', { el: s, language: i }), (o = s); const _ = o.textContent, w = i ? highlight(_, { language: i, ignoreIllegals: !0 }) : highlightAuto(_); fire('after:highlightElement', { el: s, result: w, text: _ }), (s.innerHTML = w.value), (function updateClassName(s, o, i) { const _ = o ? u[o] : i; s.classList.add('hljs'), _ && s.classList.add(_); })(s, i, w.language), (s.result = { language: w.language, re: w.relevance, relavance: w.relevance }), w.second_best && (s.second_best = { language: w.second_best.language, re: w.second_best.relevance, relavance: w.second_best.relevance }); } const initHighlighting = () => { if (initHighlighting.called) return; (initHighlighting.called = !0), deprecated( '10.6.0', 'initHighlighting() is deprecated. Use highlightAll() instead.' ); document.querySelectorAll('pre code').forEach(highlightElement); }; let U = !1; function highlightAll() { if ('loading' === document.readyState) return void (U = !0); document.querySelectorAll('pre code').forEach(highlightElement); } function getLanguage(s) { return (s = (s || '').toLowerCase()), i[s] || i[u[s]]; } function registerAliases(s, { languageName: o }) { 'string' == typeof s && (s = [s]), s.forEach((s) => { u[s.toLowerCase()] = o; }); } function autoDetection(s) { const o = getLanguage(s); return o && !o.disableAutodetect; } function fire(s, o) { const i = s; _.forEach(function (s) { s[i] && s[i](o); }); } 'undefined' != typeof window && window.addEventListener && window.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', function boot() { U && highlightAll(); }, !1 ), Object.assign(s, { highlight, highlightAuto, highlightAll, fixMarkup: function deprecateFixMarkup(s) { return ( deprecated('10.2.0', 'fixMarkup will be removed entirely in v11.0'), deprecated( '10.2.0', 'Please see https://github.com/highlightjs/highlight.js/issues/2534' ), (function fixMarkup(s) { return L.tabReplace || L.useBR ? s.replace(x, (s) => '\n' === s ? L.useBR ? '
' : s : L.tabReplace ? s.replace(/\t/g, L.tabReplace) : s ) : s; })(s) ); }, highlightElement, highlightBlock: function deprecateHighlightBlock(s) { return ( deprecated('10.7.0', 'highlightBlock will be removed entirely in v12.0'), deprecated('10.7.0', 'Please use highlightElement now.'), highlightElement(s) ); }, configure: function configure(s) { s.useBR && (deprecated('10.3.0', "'useBR' will be removed entirely in v11.0"), deprecated( '10.3.0', 'Please see https://github.com/highlightjs/highlight.js/issues/2559' )), (L = Se(L, s)); }, initHighlighting, initHighlightingOnLoad: function initHighlightingOnLoad() { deprecated( '10.6.0', 'initHighlightingOnLoad() is deprecated. Use highlightAll() instead.' ), (U = !0); }, registerLanguage: function registerLanguage(o, u) { let _ = null; try { _ = u(s); } catch (s) { if ( (error( "Language definition for '{}' could not be registered.".replace('{}', o) ), !w) ) throw s; error(s), (_ = j); } _.name || (_.name = o), (i[o] = _), (_.rawDefinition = u.bind(null, s)), _.aliases && registerAliases(_.aliases, { languageName: o }); }, unregisterLanguage: function unregisterLanguage(s) { delete i[s]; for (const o of Object.keys(u)) u[o] === s && delete u[o]; }, listLanguages: function listLanguages() { return Object.keys(i); }, getLanguage, registerAliases, requireLanguage: function requireLanguage(s) { deprecated('10.4.0', 'requireLanguage will be removed entirely in v11.'), deprecated( '10.4.0', 'Please see https://github.com/highlightjs/highlight.js/pull/2844' ); const o = getLanguage(s); if (o) return o; throw new Error( "The '{}' language is required, but not loaded.".replace('{}', s) ); }, autoDetection, inherit: Se, addPlugin: function addPlugin(s) { !(function upgradePluginAPI(s) { s['before:highlightBlock'] && !s['before:highlightElement'] && (s['before:highlightElement'] = (o) => { s['before:highlightBlock'](Object.assign({ block: o.el }, o)); }), s['after:highlightBlock'] && !s['after:highlightElement'] && (s['after:highlightElement'] = (o) => { s['after:highlightBlock'](Object.assign({ block: o.el }, o)); }); })(s), _.push(s); }, vuePlugin: BuildVuePlugin(s).VuePlugin }), (s.debugMode = function () { w = !1; }), (s.safeMode = function () { w = !0; }), (s.versionString = '10.7.3'); for (const s in fe) 'object' == typeof fe[s] && o(fe[s]); return Object.assign(s, fe), s.addPlugin(B), s.addPlugin(be), s.addPlugin(V), s; })({}); s.exports = Pe; }, 35344: (s) => { function concat(...s) { return s .map((s) => (function source(s) { return s ? ('string' == typeof s ? s : s.source) : null; })(s) ) .join(''); } s.exports = function bash(s) { const o = {}, i = { begin: /\$\{/, end: /\}/, contains: ['self', { begin: /:-/, contains: [o] }] }; Object.assign(o, { className: 'variable', variants: [{ begin: concat(/\$[\w\d#@][\w\d_]*/, '(?![\\w\\d])(?![$])') }, i] }); const u = { className: 'subst', begin: /\$\(/, end: /\)/, contains: [s.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE] }, _ = { begin: /<<-?\s*(?=\w+)/, starts: { contains: [ s.END_SAME_AS_BEGIN({ begin: /(\w+)/, end: /(\w+)/, className: 'string' }) ] } }, w = { className: 'string', begin: /"/, end: /"/, contains: [s.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE, o, u] }; u.contains.push(w); const x = { begin: /\$\(\(/, end: /\)\)/, contains: [{ begin: /\d+#[0-9a-f]+/, className: 'number' }, s.NUMBER_MODE, o] }, C = s.SHEBANG({ binary: `(${['fish', 'bash', 'zsh', 'sh', 'csh', 'ksh', 'tcsh', 'dash', 'scsh'].join('|')})`, relevance: 10 }), j = { className: 'function', begin: /\w[\w\d_]*\s*\(\s*\)\s*\{/, returnBegin: !0, contains: [s.inherit(s.TITLE_MODE, { begin: /\w[\w\d_]*/ })], relevance: 0 }; return { name: 'Bash', aliases: ['sh', 'zsh'], keywords: { $pattern: /\b[a-z._-]+\b/, keyword: 'if then else elif fi for while in do done case esac function', literal: 'true false', built_in: 'break cd continue eval exec exit export getopts hash pwd readonly return shift test times trap umask unset alias bind builtin caller command declare echo enable help let local logout mapfile printf read readarray source type typeset ulimit unalias set shopt autoload bg bindkey bye cap chdir clone comparguments compcall compctl compdescribe compfiles compgroups compquote comptags comptry compvalues dirs disable disown echotc echoti emulate fc fg float functions getcap getln history integer jobs kill limit log noglob popd print pushd pushln rehash sched setcap setopt stat suspend ttyctl unfunction unhash unlimit unsetopt vared wait whence where which zcompile zformat zftp zle zmodload zparseopts zprof zpty zregexparse zsocket zstyle ztcp' }, contains: [ C, s.SHEBANG(), j, x, s.HASH_COMMENT_MODE, _, w, { className: '', begin: /\\"/ }, { className: 'string', begin: /'/, end: /'/ }, o ] }; }; }, 73402: (s) => { function concat(...s) { return s .map((s) => (function source(s) { return s ? ('string' == typeof s ? s : s.source) : null; })(s) ) .join(''); } s.exports = function http(s) { const o = 'HTTP/(2|1\\.[01])', i = { className: 'attribute', begin: concat('^', /[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9-]*/, '(?=\\:\\s)'), starts: { contains: [ { className: 'punctuation', begin: /: /, relevance: 0, starts: { end: '$', relevance: 0 } } ] } }, u = [i, { begin: '\\n\\n', starts: { subLanguage: [], endsWithParent: !0 } }]; return { name: 'HTTP', aliases: ['https'], illegal: /\S/, contains: [ { begin: '^(?=' + o + ' \\d{3})', end: /$/, contains: [ { className: 'meta', begin: o }, { className: 'number', begin: '\\b\\d{3}\\b' } ], starts: { end: /\b\B/, illegal: /\S/, contains: u } }, { begin: '(?=^[A-Z]+ (.*?) ' + o + '$)', end: /$/, contains: [ { className: 'string', begin: ' ', end: ' ', excludeBegin: !0, excludeEnd: !0 }, { className: 'meta', begin: o }, { className: 'keyword', begin: '[A-Z]+' } ], starts: { end: /\b\B/, illegal: /\S/, contains: u } }, s.inherit(i, { relevance: 0 }) ] }; }; }, 95089: (s) => { const o = '[A-Za-z$_][0-9A-Za-z$_]*', i = [ 'as', 'in', 'of', 'if', 'for', 'while', 'finally', 'var', 'new', 'function', 'do', 'return', 'void', 'else', 'break', 'catch', 'instanceof', 'with', 'throw', 'case', 'default', 'try', 'switch', 'continue', 'typeof', 'delete', 'let', 'yield', 'const', 'class', 'debugger', 'async', 'await', 'static', 'import', 'from', 'export', 'extends' ], u = ['true', 'false', 'null', 'undefined', 'NaN', 'Infinity'], _ = [].concat( [ 'setInterval', 'setTimeout', 'clearInterval', 'clearTimeout', 'require', 'exports', 'eval', 'isFinite', 'isNaN', 'parseFloat', 'parseInt', 'decodeURI', 'decodeURIComponent', 'encodeURI', 'encodeURIComponent', 'escape', 'unescape' ], [ 'arguments', 'this', 'super', 'console', 'window', 'document', 'localStorage', 'module', 'global' ], [ 'Intl', 'DataView', 'Number', 'Math', 'Date', 'String', 'RegExp', 'Object', 'Function', 'Boolean', 'Error', 'Symbol', 'Set', 'Map', 'WeakSet', 'WeakMap', 'Proxy', 'Reflect', 'JSON', 'Promise', 'Float64Array', 'Int16Array', 'Int32Array', 'Int8Array', 'Uint16Array', 'Uint32Array', 'Float32Array', 'Array', 'Uint8Array', 'Uint8ClampedArray', 'ArrayBuffer', 'BigInt64Array', 'BigUint64Array', 'BigInt' ], [ 'EvalError', 'InternalError', 'RangeError', 'ReferenceError', 'SyntaxError', 'TypeError', 'URIError' ] ); function lookahead(s) { return concat('(?=', s, ')'); } function concat(...s) { return s .map((s) => (function source(s) { return s ? ('string' == typeof s ? s : s.source) : null; })(s) ) .join(''); } s.exports = function javascript(s) { const w = o, x = '<>', C = '', j = { begin: /<[A-Za-z0-9\\._:-]+/, end: /\/[A-Za-z0-9\\._:-]+>|\/>/, isTrulyOpeningTag: (s, o) => { const i = s[0].length + s.index, u = s.input[i]; '<' !== u ? '>' === u && (((s, { after: o }) => { const i = '', returnBegin: !0, end: '\\s*=>', contains: [ { className: 'params', variants: [ { begin: s.UNDERSCORE_IDENT_RE, relevance: 0 }, { className: null, begin: /\(\s*\)/, skip: !0 }, { begin: /\(/, end: /\)/, excludeBegin: !0, excludeEnd: !0, keywords: L, contains: ce } ] } ] }, { begin: /,/, relevance: 0 }, { className: '', begin: /\s/, end: /\s*/, skip: !0 }, { variants: [ { begin: x, end: C }, { begin: j.begin, 'on:begin': j.isTrulyOpeningTag, end: j.end } ], subLanguage: 'xml', contains: [{ begin: j.begin, end: j.end, skip: !0, contains: ['self'] }] } ], relevance: 0 }, { className: 'function', beginKeywords: 'function', end: /[{;]/, excludeEnd: !0, keywords: L, contains: ['self', s.inherit(s.TITLE_MODE, { begin: w }), pe], illegal: /%/ }, { beginKeywords: 'while if switch catch for' }, { className: 'function', begin: s.UNDERSCORE_IDENT_RE + '\\([^()]*(\\([^()]*(\\([^()]*\\)[^()]*)*\\)[^()]*)*\\)\\s*\\{', returnBegin: !0, contains: [pe, s.inherit(s.TITLE_MODE, { begin: w })] }, { variants: [{ begin: '\\.' + w }, { begin: '\\$' + w }], relevance: 0 }, { className: 'class', beginKeywords: 'class', end: /[{;=]/, excludeEnd: !0, illegal: /[:"[\]]/, contains: [{ beginKeywords: 'extends' }, s.UNDERSCORE_TITLE_MODE] }, { begin: /\b(?=constructor)/, end: /[{;]/, excludeEnd: !0, contains: [s.inherit(s.TITLE_MODE, { begin: w }), 'self', pe] }, { begin: '(get|set)\\s+(?=' + w + '\\()', end: /\{/, keywords: 'get set', contains: [s.inherit(s.TITLE_MODE, { begin: w }), { begin: /\(\)/ }, pe] }, { begin: /\$[(.]/ } ] }; }; }, 65772: (s) => { s.exports = function json(s) { const o = { literal: 'true false null' }, i = [s.C_LINE_COMMENT_MODE, s.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE], u = [s.QUOTE_STRING_MODE, s.C_NUMBER_MODE], _ = { end: ',', endsWithParent: !0, excludeEnd: !0, contains: u, keywords: o }, w = { begin: /\{/, end: /\}/, contains: [ { className: 'attr', begin: /"/, end: /"/, contains: [s.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE], illegal: '\\n' }, s.inherit(_, { begin: /:/ }) ].concat(i), illegal: '\\S' }, x = { begin: '\\[', end: '\\]', contains: [s.inherit(_)], illegal: '\\S' }; return ( u.push(w, x), i.forEach(function (s) { u.push(s); }), { name: 'JSON', contains: u, keywords: o, illegal: '\\S' } ); }; }, 26571: (s) => { s.exports = function powershell(s) { const o = { $pattern: /-?[A-z\.\-]+\b/, keyword: 'if else foreach return do while until elseif begin for trap data dynamicparam end break throw param continue finally in switch exit filter try process catch hidden static parameter', built_in: 'ac asnp cat cd CFS chdir clc clear clhy cli clp cls clv cnsn compare copy cp cpi cpp curl cvpa dbp del diff dir dnsn ebp echo|0 epal epcsv epsn erase etsn exsn fc fhx fl ft fw gal gbp gc gcb gci gcm gcs gdr gerr ghy gi gin gjb gl gm gmo gp gps gpv group gsn gsnp gsv gtz gu gv gwmi h history icm iex ihy ii ipal ipcsv ipmo ipsn irm ise iwmi iwr kill lp ls man md measure mi mount move mp mv nal ndr ni nmo npssc nsn nv ogv oh popd ps pushd pwd r rbp rcjb rcsn rd rdr ren ri rjb rm rmdir rmo rni rnp rp rsn rsnp rujb rv rvpa rwmi sajb sal saps sasv sbp sc scb select set shcm si sl sleep sls sort sp spjb spps spsv start stz sujb sv swmi tee trcm type wget where wjb write' }, i = { begin: '`[\\s\\S]', relevance: 0 }, u = { className: 'variable', variants: [ { begin: /\$\B/ }, { className: 'keyword', begin: /\$this/ }, { begin: /\$[\w\d][\w\d_:]*/ } ] }, _ = { className: 'string', variants: [ { begin: /"/, end: /"/ }, { begin: /@"/, end: /^"@/ } ], contains: [i, u, { className: 'variable', begin: /\$[A-z]/, end: /[^A-z]/ }] }, w = { className: 'string', variants: [ { begin: /'/, end: /'/ }, { begin: /@'/, end: /^'@/ } ] }, x = s.inherit(s.COMMENT(null, null), { variants: [ { begin: /#/, end: /$/ }, { begin: /<#/, end: /#>/ } ], contains: [ { className: 'doctag', variants: [ { begin: /\.(synopsis|description|example|inputs|outputs|notes|link|component|role|functionality)/ }, { begin: /\.(parameter|forwardhelptargetname|forwardhelpcategory|remotehelprunspace|externalhelp)\s+\S+/ } ] } ] }), C = { className: 'built_in', variants: [ { begin: '('.concat( 'Add|Clear|Close|Copy|Enter|Exit|Find|Format|Get|Hide|Join|Lock|Move|New|Open|Optimize|Pop|Push|Redo|Remove|Rename|Reset|Resize|Search|Select|Set|Show|Skip|Split|Step|Switch|Undo|Unlock|Watch|Backup|Checkpoint|Compare|Compress|Convert|ConvertFrom|ConvertTo|Dismount|Edit|Expand|Export|Group|Import|Initialize|Limit|Merge|Mount|Out|Publish|Restore|Save|Sync|Unpublish|Update|Approve|Assert|Build|Complete|Confirm|Deny|Deploy|Disable|Enable|Install|Invoke|Register|Request|Restart|Resume|Start|Stop|Submit|Suspend|Uninstall|Unregister|Wait|Debug|Measure|Ping|Repair|Resolve|Test|Trace|Connect|Disconnect|Read|Receive|Send|Write|Block|Grant|Protect|Revoke|Unblock|Unprotect|Use|ForEach|Sort|Tee|Where', ')+(-)[\\w\\d]+' ) } ] }, j = { className: 'class', beginKeywords: 'class enum', end: /\s*[{]/, excludeEnd: !0, relevance: 0, contains: [s.TITLE_MODE] }, L = { className: 'function', begin: /function\s+/, end: /\s*\{|$/, excludeEnd: !0, returnBegin: !0, relevance: 0, contains: [ { begin: 'function', relevance: 0, className: 'keyword' }, { className: 'title', begin: /\w[\w\d]*((-)[\w\d]+)*/, relevance: 0 }, { begin: /\(/, end: /\)/, className: 'params', relevance: 0, contains: [u] } ] }, B = { begin: /using\s/, end: /$/, returnBegin: !0, contains: [ _, w, { className: 'keyword', begin: /(using|assembly|command|module|namespace|type)/ } ] }, $ = { variants: [ { className: 'operator', begin: '('.concat( '-and|-as|-band|-bnot|-bor|-bxor|-casesensitive|-ccontains|-ceq|-cge|-cgt|-cle|-clike|-clt|-cmatch|-cne|-cnotcontains|-cnotlike|-cnotmatch|-contains|-creplace|-csplit|-eq|-exact|-f|-file|-ge|-gt|-icontains|-ieq|-ige|-igt|-ile|-ilike|-ilt|-imatch|-in|-ine|-inotcontains|-inotlike|-inotmatch|-ireplace|-is|-isnot|-isplit|-join|-le|-like|-lt|-match|-ne|-not|-notcontains|-notin|-notlike|-notmatch|-or|-regex|-replace|-shl|-shr|-split|-wildcard|-xor', ')\\b' ) }, { className: 'literal', begin: /(-)[\w\d]+/, relevance: 0 } ] }, V = { className: 'function', begin: /\[.*\]\s*[\w]+[ ]??\(/, end: /$/, returnBegin: !0, relevance: 0, contains: [ { className: 'keyword', begin: '('.concat(o.keyword.toString().replace(/\s/g, '|'), ')\\b'), endsParent: !0, relevance: 0 }, s.inherit(s.TITLE_MODE, { endsParent: !0 }) ] }, U = [ V, x, i, s.NUMBER_MODE, _, w, C, u, { className: 'literal', begin: /\$(null|true|false)\b/ }, { className: 'selector-tag', begin: /@\B/, relevance: 0 } ], z = { begin: /\[/, end: /\]/, excludeBegin: !0, excludeEnd: !0, relevance: 0, contains: [].concat( 'self', U, { begin: '(' + [ 'string', 'char', 'byte', 'int', 'long', 'bool', 'decimal', 'single', 'double', 'DateTime', 'xml', 'array', 'hashtable', 'void' ].join('|') + ')', className: 'built_in', relevance: 0 }, { className: 'type', begin: /[\.\w\d]+/, relevance: 0 } ) }; return ( V.contains.unshift(z), { name: 'PowerShell', aliases: ['ps', 'ps1'], case_insensitive: !0, keywords: o, contains: U.concat(j, L, B, $, z) } ); }; }, 17285: (s) => { function source(s) { return s ? ('string' == typeof s ? s : s.source) : null; } function lookahead(s) { return concat('(?=', s, ')'); } function concat(...s) { return s.map((s) => source(s)).join(''); } function either(...s) { return '(' + s.map((s) => source(s)).join('|') + ')'; } s.exports = function xml(s) { const o = concat( /[A-Z_]/, (function optional(s) { return concat('(', s, ')?'); })(/[A-Z0-9_.-]*:/), /[A-Z0-9_.-]*/ ), i = { className: 'symbol', begin: /&[a-z]+;|&#[0-9]+;|&#x[a-f0-9]+;/ }, u = { begin: /\s/, contains: [ { className: 'meta-keyword', begin: /#?[a-z_][a-z1-9_-]+/, illegal: /\n/ } ] }, _ = s.inherit(u, { begin: /\(/, end: /\)/ }), w = s.inherit(s.APOS_STRING_MODE, { className: 'meta-string' }), x = s.inherit(s.QUOTE_STRING_MODE, { className: 'meta-string' }), C = { endsWithParent: !0, illegal: /`]+/ } ] } ] } ] }; return { name: 'HTML, XML', aliases: ['html', 'xhtml', 'rss', 'atom', 'xjb', 'xsd', 'xsl', 'plist', 'wsf', 'svg'], case_insensitive: !0, contains: [ { className: 'meta', begin: //, relevance: 10, contains: [ u, x, w, _, { begin: /\[/, end: /\]/, contains: [ { className: 'meta', begin: //, contains: [u, _, x, w] } ] } ] }, s.COMMENT(//, { relevance: 10 }), { begin: //, relevance: 10 }, i, { className: 'meta', begin: /<\?xml/, end: /\?>/, relevance: 10 }, { className: 'tag', begin: /)/, end: />/, keywords: { name: 'style' }, contains: [C], starts: { end: /<\/style>/, returnEnd: !0, subLanguage: ['css', 'xml'] } }, { className: 'tag', begin: /)/, end: />/, keywords: { name: 'script' }, contains: [C], starts: { end: /<\/script>/, returnEnd: !0, subLanguage: ['javascript', 'handlebars', 'xml'] } }, { className: 'tag', begin: /<>|<\/>/ }, { className: 'tag', begin: concat(//, />/, /\s/)))), end: /\/?>/, contains: [{ className: 'name', begin: o, relevance: 0, starts: C }] }, { className: 'tag', begin: concat(/<\//, lookahead(concat(o, />/))), contains: [ { className: 'name', begin: o, relevance: 0 }, { begin: />/, relevance: 0, endsParent: !0 } ] } ] }; }; }, 17533: (s) => { s.exports = function yaml(s) { var o = 'true false yes no null', i = "[\\w#;/?:@&=+$,.~*'()[\\]]+", u = { className: 'string', relevance: 0, variants: [{ begin: /'/, end: /'/ }, { begin: /"/, end: /"/ }, { begin: /\S+/ }], contains: [ s.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE, { className: 'template-variable', variants: [ { begin: /\{\{/, end: /\}\}/ }, { begin: /%\{/, end: /\}/ } ] } ] }, _ = s.inherit(u, { variants: [ { begin: /'/, end: /'/ }, { begin: /"/, end: /"/ }, { begin: /[^\s,{}[\]]+/ } ] }), w = { className: 'number', begin: '\\b[0-9]{4}(-[0-9][0-9]){0,2}([Tt \\t][0-9][0-9]?(:[0-9][0-9]){2})?(\\.[0-9]*)?([ \\t])*(Z|[-+][0-9][0-9]?(:[0-9][0-9])?)?\\b' }, x = { end: ',', endsWithParent: !0, excludeEnd: !0, keywords: o, relevance: 0 }, C = { begin: /\{/, end: /\}/, contains: [x], illegal: '\\n', relevance: 0 }, j = { begin: '\\[', end: '\\]', contains: [x], illegal: '\\n', relevance: 0 }, L = [ { className: 'attr', variants: [ { begin: '\\w[\\w :\\/.-]*:(?=[ \t]|$)' }, { begin: '"\\w[\\w :\\/.-]*":(?=[ \t]|$)' }, { begin: "'\\w[\\w :\\/.-]*':(?=[ \t]|$)" } ] }, { className: 'meta', begin: '^---\\s*$', relevance: 10 }, { className: 'string', begin: '[\\|>]([1-9]?[+-])?[ ]*\\n( +)[^ ][^\\n]*\\n(\\2[^\\n]+\\n?)*' }, { begin: '<%[%=-]?', end: '[%-]?%>', subLanguage: 'ruby', excludeBegin: !0, excludeEnd: !0, relevance: 0 }, { className: 'type', begin: '!\\w+!' + i }, { className: 'type', begin: '!<' + i + '>' }, { className: 'type', begin: '!' + i }, { className: 'type', begin: '!!' + i }, { className: 'meta', begin: '&' + s.UNDERSCORE_IDENT_RE + '$' }, { className: 'meta', begin: '\\*' + s.UNDERSCORE_IDENT_RE + '$' }, { className: 'bullet', begin: '-(?=[ ]|$)', relevance: 0 }, s.HASH_COMMENT_MODE, { beginKeywords: o, keywords: { literal: o } }, w, { className: 'number', begin: s.C_NUMBER_RE + '\\b', relevance: 0 }, C, j, u ], B = [...L]; return ( B.pop(), B.push(_), (x.contains = B), { name: 'YAML', case_insensitive: !0, aliases: ['yml'], contains: L } ); }; }, 251: (s, o) => { (o.read = function (s, o, i, u, _) { var w, x, C = 8 * _ - u - 1, j = (1 << C) - 1, L = j >> 1, B = -7, $ = i ? _ - 1 : 0, V = i ? -1 : 1, U = s[o + $]; for ( $ += V, w = U & ((1 << -B) - 1), U >>= -B, B += C; B > 0; w = 256 * w + s[o + $], $ += V, B -= 8 ); for ( x = w & ((1 << -B) - 1), w >>= -B, B += u; B > 0; x = 256 * x + s[o + $], $ += V, B -= 8 ); if (0 === w) w = 1 - L; else { if (w === j) return x ? NaN : (1 / 0) * (U ? -1 : 1); (x += Math.pow(2, u)), (w -= L); } return (U ? -1 : 1) * x * Math.pow(2, w - u); }), (o.write = function (s, o, i, u, _, w) { var x, C, j, L = 8 * w - _ - 1, B = (1 << L) - 1, $ = B >> 1, V = 23 === _ ? Math.pow(2, -24) - Math.pow(2, -77) : 0, U = u ? 0 : w - 1, z = u ? 1 : -1, Y = o < 0 || (0 === o && 1 / o < 0) ? 1 : 0; for ( o = Math.abs(o), isNaN(o) || o === 1 / 0 ? ((C = isNaN(o) ? 1 : 0), (x = B)) : ((x = Math.floor(Math.log(o) / Math.LN2)), o * (j = Math.pow(2, -x)) < 1 && (x--, (j *= 2)), (o += x + $ >= 1 ? V / j : V * Math.pow(2, 1 - $)) * j >= 2 && (x++, (j /= 2)), x + $ >= B ? ((C = 0), (x = B)) : x + $ >= 1 ? ((C = (o * j - 1) * Math.pow(2, _)), (x += $)) : ((C = o * Math.pow(2, $ - 1) * Math.pow(2, _)), (x = 0))); _ >= 8; s[i + U] = 255 & C, U += z, C /= 256, _ -= 8 ); for (x = (x << _) | C, L += _; L > 0; s[i + U] = 255 & x, U += z, x /= 256, L -= 8); s[i + U - z] |= 128 * Y; }); }, 9404: function (s) { s.exports = (function () { 'use strict'; var s = Array.prototype.slice; function createClass(s, o) { o && (s.prototype = Object.create(o.prototype)), (s.prototype.constructor = s); } function Iterable(s) { return isIterable(s) ? s : Seq(s); } function KeyedIterable(s) { return isKeyed(s) ? s : KeyedSeq(s); } function IndexedIterable(s) { return isIndexed(s) ? s : IndexedSeq(s); } function SetIterable(s) { return isIterable(s) && !isAssociative(s) ? s : SetSeq(s); } function isIterable(s) { return !(!s || !s[o]); } function isKeyed(s) { return !(!s || !s[i]); } function isIndexed(s) { return !(!s || !s[u]); } function isAssociative(s) { return isKeyed(s) || isIndexed(s); } function isOrdered(s) { return !(!s || !s[_]); } createClass(KeyedIterable, Iterable), createClass(IndexedIterable, Iterable), createClass(SetIterable, Iterable), (Iterable.isIterable = isIterable), (Iterable.isKeyed = isKeyed), (Iterable.isIndexed = isIndexed), (Iterable.isAssociative = isAssociative), (Iterable.isOrdered = isOrdered), (Iterable.Keyed = KeyedIterable), (Iterable.Indexed = IndexedIterable), (Iterable.Set = SetIterable); var o = '@@__IMMUTABLE_ITERABLE__@@', i = '@@__IMMUTABLE_KEYED__@@', u = '@@__IMMUTABLE_INDEXED__@@', _ = '@@__IMMUTABLE_ORDERED__@@', w = 'delete', x = 5, C = 1 << x, j = C - 1, L = {}, B = { value: !1 }, $ = { value: !1 }; function MakeRef(s) { return (s.value = !1), s; } function SetRef(s) { s && (s.value = !0); } function OwnerID() {} function arrCopy(s, o) { o = o || 0; for (var i = Math.max(0, s.length - o), u = new Array(i), _ = 0; _ < i; _++) u[_] = s[_ + o]; return u; } function ensureSize(s) { return void 0 === s.size && (s.size = s.__iterate(returnTrue)), s.size; } function wrapIndex(s, o) { if ('number' != typeof o) { var i = o >>> 0; if ('' + i !== o || 4294967295 === i) return NaN; o = i; } return o < 0 ? ensureSize(s) + o : o; } function returnTrue() { return !0; } function wholeSlice(s, o, i) { return ( (0 === s || (void 0 !== i && s <= -i)) && (void 0 === o || (void 0 !== i && o >= i)) ); } function resolveBegin(s, o) { return resolveIndex(s, o, 0); } function resolveEnd(s, o) { return resolveIndex(s, o, o); } function resolveIndex(s, o, i) { return void 0 === s ? i : s < 0 ? Math.max(0, o + s) : void 0 === o ? s : Math.min(o, s); } var V = 0, U = 1, z = 2, Y = 'function' == typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator, Z = '@@iterator', ee = Y || Z; function Iterator(s) { this.next = s; } function iteratorValue(s, o, i, u) { var _ = 0 === s ? o : 1 === s ? i : [o, i]; return u ? (u.value = _) : (u = { value: _, done: !1 }), u; } function iteratorDone() { return { value: void 0, done: !0 }; } function hasIterator(s) { return !!getIteratorFn(s); } function isIterator(s) { return s && 'function' == typeof s.next; } function getIterator(s) { var o = getIteratorFn(s); return o && o.call(s); } function getIteratorFn(s) { var o = s && ((Y && s[Y]) || s[Z]); if ('function' == typeof o) return o; } function isArrayLike(s) { return s && 'number' == typeof s.length; } function Seq(s) { return null == s ? emptySequence() : isIterable(s) ? s.toSeq() : seqFromValue(s); } function KeyedSeq(s) { return null == s ? emptySequence().toKeyedSeq() : isIterable(s) ? isKeyed(s) ? s.toSeq() : s.fromEntrySeq() : keyedSeqFromValue(s); } function IndexedSeq(s) { return null == s ? emptySequence() : isIterable(s) ? isKeyed(s) ? s.entrySeq() : s.toIndexedSeq() : indexedSeqFromValue(s); } function SetSeq(s) { return ( null == s ? emptySequence() : isIterable(s) ? isKeyed(s) ? s.entrySeq() : s : indexedSeqFromValue(s) ).toSetSeq(); } (Iterator.prototype.toString = function () { return '[Iterator]'; }), (Iterator.KEYS = V), (Iterator.VALUES = U), (Iterator.ENTRIES = z), (Iterator.prototype.inspect = Iterator.prototype.toSource = function () { return this.toString(); }), (Iterator.prototype[ee] = function () { return this; }), createClass(Seq, Iterable), (Seq.of = function () { return Seq(arguments); }), (Seq.prototype.toSeq = function () { return this; }), (Seq.prototype.toString = function () { return this.__toString('Seq {', '}'); }), (Seq.prototype.cacheResult = function () { return ( !this._cache && this.__iterateUncached && ((this._cache = this.entrySeq().toArray()), (this.size = this._cache.length)), this ); }), (Seq.prototype.__iterate = function (s, o) { return seqIterate(this, s, o, !0); }), (Seq.prototype.__iterator = function (s, o) { return seqIterator(this, s, o, !0); }), createClass(KeyedSeq, Seq), (KeyedSeq.prototype.toKeyedSeq = function () { return this; }), createClass(IndexedSeq, Seq), (IndexedSeq.of = function () { return IndexedSeq(arguments); }), (IndexedSeq.prototype.toIndexedSeq = function () { return this; }), (IndexedSeq.prototype.toString = function () { return this.__toString('Seq [', ']'); }), (IndexedSeq.prototype.__iterate = function (s, o) { return seqIterate(this, s, o, !1); }), (IndexedSeq.prototype.__iterator = function (s, o) { return seqIterator(this, s, o, !1); }), createClass(SetSeq, Seq), (SetSeq.of = function () { return SetSeq(arguments); }), (SetSeq.prototype.toSetSeq = function () { return this; }), (Seq.isSeq = isSeq), (Seq.Keyed = KeyedSeq), (Seq.Set = SetSeq), (Seq.Indexed = IndexedSeq); var ie, ae, le, ce = '@@__IMMUTABLE_SEQ__@@'; function ArraySeq(s) { (this._array = s), (this.size = s.length); } function ObjectSeq(s) { var o = Object.keys(s); (this._object = s), (this._keys = o), (this.size = o.length); } function IterableSeq(s) { (this._iterable = s), (this.size = s.length || s.size); } function IteratorSeq(s) { (this._iterator = s), (this._iteratorCache = []); } function isSeq(s) { return !(!s || !s[ce]); } function emptySequence() { return ie || (ie = new ArraySeq([])); } function keyedSeqFromValue(s) { var o = Array.isArray(s) ? new ArraySeq(s).fromEntrySeq() : isIterator(s) ? new IteratorSeq(s).fromEntrySeq() : hasIterator(s) ? new IterableSeq(s).fromEntrySeq() : 'object' == typeof s ? new ObjectSeq(s) : void 0; if (!o) throw new TypeError( 'Expected Array or iterable object of [k, v] entries, or keyed object: ' + s ); return o; } function indexedSeqFromValue(s) { var o = maybeIndexedSeqFromValue(s); if (!o) throw new TypeError('Expected Array or iterable object of values: ' + s); return o; } function seqFromValue(s) { var o = maybeIndexedSeqFromValue(s) || ('object' == typeof s && new ObjectSeq(s)); if (!o) throw new TypeError( 'Expected Array or iterable object of values, or keyed object: ' + s ); return o; } function maybeIndexedSeqFromValue(s) { return isArrayLike(s) ? new ArraySeq(s) : isIterator(s) ? new IteratorSeq(s) : hasIterator(s) ? new IterableSeq(s) : void 0; } function seqIterate(s, o, i, u) { var _ = s._cache; if (_) { for (var w = _.length - 1, x = 0; x <= w; x++) { var C = _[i ? w - x : x]; if (!1 === o(C[1], u ? C[0] : x, s)) return x + 1; } return x; } return s.__iterateUncached(o, i); } function seqIterator(s, o, i, u) { var _ = s._cache; if (_) { var w = _.length - 1, x = 0; return new Iterator(function () { var s = _[i ? w - x : x]; return x++ > w ? iteratorDone() : iteratorValue(o, u ? s[0] : x - 1, s[1]); }); } return s.__iteratorUncached(o, i); } function fromJS(s, o) { return o ? fromJSWith(o, s, '', { '': s }) : fromJSDefault(s); } function fromJSWith(s, o, i, u) { return Array.isArray(o) ? s.call( u, i, IndexedSeq(o).map(function (i, u) { return fromJSWith(s, i, u, o); }) ) : isPlainObj(o) ? s.call( u, i, KeyedSeq(o).map(function (i, u) { return fromJSWith(s, i, u, o); }) ) : o; } function fromJSDefault(s) { return Array.isArray(s) ? IndexedSeq(s).map(fromJSDefault).toList() : isPlainObj(s) ? KeyedSeq(s).map(fromJSDefault).toMap() : s; } function isPlainObj(s) { return s && (s.constructor === Object || void 0 === s.constructor); } function is(s, o) { if (s === o || (s != s && o != o)) return !0; if (!s || !o) return !1; if ('function' == typeof s.valueOf && 'function' == typeof o.valueOf) { if ((s = s.valueOf()) === (o = o.valueOf()) || (s != s && o != o)) return !0; if (!s || !o) return !1; } return !( 'function' != typeof s.equals || 'function' != typeof o.equals || !s.equals(o) ); } function deepEqual(s, o) { if (s === o) return !0; if ( !isIterable(o) || (void 0 !== s.size && void 0 !== o.size && s.size !== o.size) || (void 0 !== s.__hash && void 0 !== o.__hash && s.__hash !== o.__hash) || isKeyed(s) !== isKeyed(o) || isIndexed(s) !== isIndexed(o) || isOrdered(s) !== isOrdered(o) ) return !1; if (0 === s.size && 0 === o.size) return !0; var i = !isAssociative(s); if (isOrdered(s)) { var u = s.entries(); return ( o.every(function (s, o) { var _ = u.next().value; return _ && is(_[1], s) && (i || is(_[0], o)); }) && u.next().done ); } var _ = !1; if (void 0 === s.size) if (void 0 === o.size) 'function' == typeof s.cacheResult && s.cacheResult(); else { _ = !0; var w = s; (s = o), (o = w); } var x = !0, C = o.__iterate(function (o, u) { if (i ? !s.has(o) : _ ? !is(o, s.get(u, L)) : !is(s.get(u, L), o)) return (x = !1), !1; }); return x && s.size === C; } function Repeat(s, o) { if (!(this instanceof Repeat)) return new Repeat(s, o); if ( ((this._value = s), (this.size = void 0 === o ? 1 / 0 : Math.max(0, o)), 0 === this.size) ) { if (ae) return ae; ae = this; } } function invariant(s, o) { if (!s) throw new Error(o); } function Range(s, o, i) { if (!(this instanceof Range)) return new Range(s, o, i); if ( (invariant(0 !== i, 'Cannot step a Range by 0'), (s = s || 0), void 0 === o && (o = 1 / 0), (i = void 0 === i ? 1 : Math.abs(i)), o < s && (i = -i), (this._start = s), (this._end = o), (this._step = i), (this.size = Math.max(0, Math.ceil((o - s) / i - 1) + 1)), 0 === this.size) ) { if (le) return le; le = this; } } function Collection() { throw TypeError('Abstract'); } function KeyedCollection() {} function IndexedCollection() {} function SetCollection() {} (Seq.prototype[ce] = !0), createClass(ArraySeq, IndexedSeq), (ArraySeq.prototype.get = function (s, o) { return this.has(s) ? this._array[wrapIndex(this, s)] : o; }), (ArraySeq.prototype.__iterate = function (s, o) { for (var i = this._array, u = i.length - 1, _ = 0; _ <= u; _++) if (!1 === s(i[o ? u - _ : _], _, this)) return _ + 1; return _; }), (ArraySeq.prototype.__iterator = function (s, o) { var i = this._array, u = i.length - 1, _ = 0; return new Iterator(function () { return _ > u ? iteratorDone() : iteratorValue(s, _, i[o ? u - _++ : _++]); }); }), createClass(ObjectSeq, KeyedSeq), (ObjectSeq.prototype.get = function (s, o) { return void 0 === o || this.has(s) ? this._object[s] : o; }), (ObjectSeq.prototype.has = function (s) { return this._object.hasOwnProperty(s); }), (ObjectSeq.prototype.__iterate = function (s, o) { for (var i = this._object, u = this._keys, _ = u.length - 1, w = 0; w <= _; w++) { var x = u[o ? _ - w : w]; if (!1 === s(i[x], x, this)) return w + 1; } return w; }), (ObjectSeq.prototype.__iterator = function (s, o) { var i = this._object, u = this._keys, _ = u.length - 1, w = 0; return new Iterator(function () { var x = u[o ? _ - w : w]; return w++ > _ ? iteratorDone() : iteratorValue(s, x, i[x]); }); }), (ObjectSeq.prototype[_] = !0), createClass(IterableSeq, IndexedSeq), (IterableSeq.prototype.__iterateUncached = function (s, o) { if (o) return this.cacheResult().__iterate(s, o); var i = getIterator(this._iterable), u = 0; if (isIterator(i)) for (var _; !(_ = i.next()).done && !1 !== s(_.value, u++, this); ); return u; }), (IterableSeq.prototype.__iteratorUncached = function (s, o) { if (o) return this.cacheResult().__iterator(s, o); var i = getIterator(this._iterable); if (!isIterator(i)) return new Iterator(iteratorDone); var u = 0; return new Iterator(function () { var o = i.next(); return o.done ? o : iteratorValue(s, u++, o.value); }); }), createClass(IteratorSeq, IndexedSeq), (IteratorSeq.prototype.__iterateUncached = function (s, o) { if (o) return this.cacheResult().__iterate(s, o); for (var i, u = this._iterator, _ = this._iteratorCache, w = 0; w < _.length; ) if (!1 === s(_[w], w++, this)) return w; for (; !(i = u.next()).done; ) { var x = i.value; if (((_[w] = x), !1 === s(x, w++, this))) break; } return w; }), (IteratorSeq.prototype.__iteratorUncached = function (s, o) { if (o) return this.cacheResult().__iterator(s, o); var i = this._iterator, u = this._iteratorCache, _ = 0; return new Iterator(function () { if (_ >= u.length) { var o = i.next(); if (o.done) return o; u[_] = o.value; } return iteratorValue(s, _, u[_++]); }); }), createClass(Repeat, IndexedSeq), (Repeat.prototype.toString = function () { return 0 === this.size ? 'Repeat []' : 'Repeat [ ' + this._value + ' ' + this.size + ' times ]'; }), (Repeat.prototype.get = function (s, o) { return this.has(s) ? this._value : o; }), (Repeat.prototype.includes = function (s) { return is(this._value, s); }), (Repeat.prototype.slice = function (s, o) { var i = this.size; return wholeSlice(s, o, i) ? this : new Repeat(this._value, resolveEnd(o, i) - resolveBegin(s, i)); }), (Repeat.prototype.reverse = function () { return this; }), (Repeat.prototype.indexOf = function (s) { return is(this._value, s) ? 0 : -1; }), (Repeat.prototype.lastIndexOf = function (s) { return is(this._value, s) ? this.size : -1; }), (Repeat.prototype.__iterate = function (s, o) { for (var i = 0; i < this.size; i++) if (!1 === s(this._value, i, this)) return i + 1; return i; }), (Repeat.prototype.__iterator = function (s, o) { var i = this, u = 0; return new Iterator(function () { return u < i.size ? iteratorValue(s, u++, i._value) : iteratorDone(); }); }), (Repeat.prototype.equals = function (s) { return s instanceof Repeat ? is(this._value, s._value) : deepEqual(s); }), createClass(Range, IndexedSeq), (Range.prototype.toString = function () { return 0 === this.size ? 'Range []' : 'Range [ ' + this._start + '...' + this._end + (1 !== this._step ? ' by ' + this._step : '') + ' ]'; }), (Range.prototype.get = function (s, o) { return this.has(s) ? this._start + wrapIndex(this, s) * this._step : o; }), (Range.prototype.includes = function (s) { var o = (s - this._start) / this._step; return o >= 0 && o < this.size && o === Math.floor(o); }), (Range.prototype.slice = function (s, o) { return wholeSlice(s, o, this.size) ? this : ((s = resolveBegin(s, this.size)), (o = resolveEnd(o, this.size)) <= s ? new Range(0, 0) : new Range(this.get(s, this._end), this.get(o, this._end), this._step)); }), (Range.prototype.indexOf = function (s) { var o = s - this._start; if (o % this._step == 0) { var i = o / this._step; if (i >= 0 && i < this.size) return i; } return -1; }), (Range.prototype.lastIndexOf = function (s) { return this.indexOf(s); }), (Range.prototype.__iterate = function (s, o) { for ( var i = this.size - 1, u = this._step, _ = o ? this._start + i * u : this._start, w = 0; w <= i; w++ ) { if (!1 === s(_, w, this)) return w + 1; _ += o ? -u : u; } return w; }), (Range.prototype.__iterator = function (s, o) { var i = this.size - 1, u = this._step, _ = o ? this._start + i * u : this._start, w = 0; return new Iterator(function () { var x = _; return (_ += o ? -u : u), w > i ? iteratorDone() : iteratorValue(s, w++, x); }); }), (Range.prototype.equals = function (s) { return s instanceof Range ? this._start === s._start && this._end === s._end && this._step === s._step : deepEqual(this, s); }), createClass(Collection, Iterable), createClass(KeyedCollection, Collection), createClass(IndexedCollection, Collection), createClass(SetCollection, Collection), (Collection.Keyed = KeyedCollection), (Collection.Indexed = IndexedCollection), (Collection.Set = SetCollection); var pe = 'function' == typeof Math.imul && -2 === Math.imul(4294967295, 2) ? Math.imul : function imul(s, o) { var i = 65535 & (s |= 0), u = 65535 & (o |= 0); return (i * u + ((((s >>> 16) * u + i * (o >>> 16)) << 16) >>> 0)) | 0; }; function smi(s) { return ((s >>> 1) & 1073741824) | (3221225471 & s); } function hash(s) { if (!1 === s || null == s) return 0; if ('function' == typeof s.valueOf && (!1 === (s = s.valueOf()) || null == s)) return 0; if (!0 === s) return 1; var o = typeof s; if ('number' === o) { if (s != s || s === 1 / 0) return 0; var i = 0 | s; for (i !== s && (i ^= 4294967295 * s); s > 4294967295; ) i ^= s /= 4294967295; return smi(i); } if ('string' === o) return s.length > Se ? cachedHashString(s) : hashString(s); if ('function' == typeof s.hashCode) return s.hashCode(); if ('object' === o) return hashJSObj(s); if ('function' == typeof s.toString) return hashString(s.toString()); throw new Error('Value type ' + o + ' cannot be hashed.'); } function cachedHashString(s) { var o = Te[s]; return ( void 0 === o && ((o = hashString(s)), Pe === xe && ((Pe = 0), (Te = {})), Pe++, (Te[s] = o)), o ); } function hashString(s) { for (var o = 0, i = 0; i < s.length; i++) o = (31 * o + s.charCodeAt(i)) | 0; return smi(o); } function hashJSObj(s) { var o; if (be && void 0 !== (o = ye.get(s))) return o; if (void 0 !== (o = s[we])) return o; if (!fe) { if (void 0 !== (o = s.propertyIsEnumerable && s.propertyIsEnumerable[we])) return o; if (void 0 !== (o = getIENodeHash(s))) return o; } if (((o = ++_e), 1073741824 & _e && (_e = 0), be)) ye.set(s, o); else { if (void 0 !== de && !1 === de(s)) throw new Error('Non-extensible objects are not allowed as keys.'); if (fe) Object.defineProperty(s, we, { enumerable: !1, configurable: !1, writable: !1, value: o }); else if ( void 0 !== s.propertyIsEnumerable && s.propertyIsEnumerable === s.constructor.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable ) (s.propertyIsEnumerable = function () { return this.constructor.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.apply(this, arguments); }), (s.propertyIsEnumerable[we] = o); else { if (void 0 === s.nodeType) throw new Error('Unable to set a non-enumerable property on object.'); s[we] = o; } } return o; } var de = Object.isExtensible, fe = (function () { try { return Object.defineProperty({}, '@', {}), !0; } catch (s) { return !1; } })(); function getIENodeHash(s) { if (s && s.nodeType > 0) switch (s.nodeType) { case 1: return s.uniqueID; case 9: return s.documentElement && s.documentElement.uniqueID; } } var ye, be = 'function' == typeof WeakMap; be && (ye = new WeakMap()); var _e = 0, we = '__immutablehash__'; 'function' == typeof Symbol && (we = Symbol(we)); var Se = 16, xe = 255, Pe = 0, Te = {}; function assertNotInfinite(s) { invariant(s !== 1 / 0, 'Cannot perform this action with an infinite size.'); } function Map(s) { return null == s ? emptyMap() : isMap(s) && !isOrdered(s) ? s : emptyMap().withMutations(function (o) { var i = KeyedIterable(s); assertNotInfinite(i.size), i.forEach(function (s, i) { return o.set(i, s); }); }); } function isMap(s) { return !(!s || !s[qe]); } createClass(Map, KeyedCollection), (Map.of = function () { var o = s.call(arguments, 0); return emptyMap().withMutations(function (s) { for (var i = 0; i < o.length; i += 2) { if (i + 1 >= o.length) throw new Error('Missing value for key: ' + o[i]); s.set(o[i], o[i + 1]); } }); }), (Map.prototype.toString = function () { return this.__toString('Map {', '}'); }), (Map.prototype.get = function (s, o) { return this._root ? this._root.get(0, void 0, s, o) : o; }), (Map.prototype.set = function (s, o) { return updateMap(this, s, o); }), (Map.prototype.setIn = function (s, o) { return this.updateIn(s, L, function () { return o; }); }), (Map.prototype.remove = function (s) { return updateMap(this, s, L); }), (Map.prototype.deleteIn = function (s) { return this.updateIn(s, function () { return L; }); }), (Map.prototype.update = function (s, o, i) { return 1 === arguments.length ? s(this) : this.updateIn([s], o, i); }), (Map.prototype.updateIn = function (s, o, i) { i || ((i = o), (o = void 0)); var u = updateInDeepMap(this, forceIterator(s), o, i); return u === L ? void 0 : u; }), (Map.prototype.clear = function () { return 0 === this.size ? this : this.__ownerID ? ((this.size = 0), (this._root = null), (this.__hash = void 0), (this.__altered = !0), this) : emptyMap(); }), (Map.prototype.merge = function () { return mergeIntoMapWith(this, void 0, arguments); }), (Map.prototype.mergeWith = function (o) { return mergeIntoMapWith(this, o, s.call(arguments, 1)); }), (Map.prototype.mergeIn = function (o) { var i = s.call(arguments, 1); return this.updateIn(o, emptyMap(), function (s) { return 'function' == typeof s.merge ? s.merge.apply(s, i) : i[i.length - 1]; }); }), (Map.prototype.mergeDeep = function () { return mergeIntoMapWith(this, deepMerger, arguments); }), (Map.prototype.mergeDeepWith = function (o) { var i = s.call(arguments, 1); return mergeIntoMapWith(this, deepMergerWith(o), i); }), (Map.prototype.mergeDeepIn = function (o) { var i = s.call(arguments, 1); return this.updateIn(o, emptyMap(), function (s) { return 'function' == typeof s.mergeDeep ? s.mergeDeep.apply(s, i) : i[i.length - 1]; }); }), (Map.prototype.sort = function (s) { return OrderedMap(sortFactory(this, s)); }), (Map.prototype.sortBy = function (s, o) { return OrderedMap(sortFactory(this, o, s)); }), (Map.prototype.withMutations = function (s) { var o = this.asMutable(); return s(o), o.wasAltered() ? o.__ensureOwner(this.__ownerID) : this; }), (Map.prototype.asMutable = function () { return this.__ownerID ? this : this.__ensureOwner(new OwnerID()); }), (Map.prototype.asImmutable = function () { return this.__ensureOwner(); }), (Map.prototype.wasAltered = function () { return this.__altered; }), (Map.prototype.__iterator = function (s, o) { return new MapIterator(this, s, o); }), (Map.prototype.__iterate = function (s, o) { var i = this, u = 0; return ( this._root && this._root.iterate(function (o) { return u++, s(o[1], o[0], i); }, o), u ); }), (Map.prototype.__ensureOwner = function (s) { return s === this.__ownerID ? this : s ? makeMap(this.size, this._root, s, this.__hash) : ((this.__ownerID = s), (this.__altered = !1), this); }), (Map.isMap = isMap); var Re, qe = '@@__IMMUTABLE_MAP__@@', $e = Map.prototype; function ArrayMapNode(s, o) { (this.ownerID = s), (this.entries = o); } function BitmapIndexedNode(s, o, i) { (this.ownerID = s), (this.bitmap = o), (this.nodes = i); } function HashArrayMapNode(s, o, i) { (this.ownerID = s), (this.count = o), (this.nodes = i); } function HashCollisionNode(s, o, i) { (this.ownerID = s), (this.keyHash = o), (this.entries = i); } function ValueNode(s, o, i) { (this.ownerID = s), (this.keyHash = o), (this.entry = i); } function MapIterator(s, o, i) { (this._type = o), (this._reverse = i), (this._stack = s._root && mapIteratorFrame(s._root)); } function mapIteratorValue(s, o) { return iteratorValue(s, o[0], o[1]); } function mapIteratorFrame(s, o) { return { node: s, index: 0, __prev: o }; } function makeMap(s, o, i, u) { var _ = Object.create($e); return ( (_.size = s), (_._root = o), (_.__ownerID = i), (_.__hash = u), (_.__altered = !1), _ ); } function emptyMap() { return Re || (Re = makeMap(0)); } function updateMap(s, o, i) { var u, _; if (s._root) { var w = MakeRef(B), x = MakeRef($); if (((u = updateNode(s._root, s.__ownerID, 0, void 0, o, i, w, x)), !x.value)) return s; _ = s.size + (w.value ? (i === L ? -1 : 1) : 0); } else { if (i === L) return s; (_ = 1), (u = new ArrayMapNode(s.__ownerID, [[o, i]])); } return s.__ownerID ? ((s.size = _), (s._root = u), (s.__hash = void 0), (s.__altered = !0), s) : u ? makeMap(_, u) : emptyMap(); } function updateNode(s, o, i, u, _, w, x, C) { return s ? s.update(o, i, u, _, w, x, C) : w === L ? s : (SetRef(C), SetRef(x), new ValueNode(o, u, [_, w])); } function isLeafNode(s) { return s.constructor === ValueNode || s.constructor === HashCollisionNode; } function mergeIntoNode(s, o, i, u, _) { if (s.keyHash === u) return new HashCollisionNode(o, u, [s.entry, _]); var w, C = (0 === i ? s.keyHash : s.keyHash >>> i) & j, L = (0 === i ? u : u >>> i) & j; return new BitmapIndexedNode( o, (1 << C) | (1 << L), C === L ? [mergeIntoNode(s, o, i + x, u, _)] : ((w = new ValueNode(o, u, _)), C < L ? [s, w] : [w, s]) ); } function createNodes(s, o, i, u) { s || (s = new OwnerID()); for (var _ = new ValueNode(s, hash(i), [i, u]), w = 0; w < o.length; w++) { var x = o[w]; _ = _.update(s, 0, void 0, x[0], x[1]); } return _; } function packNodes(s, o, i, u) { for ( var _ = 0, w = 0, x = new Array(i), C = 0, j = 1, L = o.length; C < L; C++, j <<= 1 ) { var B = o[C]; void 0 !== B && C !== u && ((_ |= j), (x[w++] = B)); } return new BitmapIndexedNode(s, _, x); } function expandNodes(s, o, i, u, _) { for (var w = 0, x = new Array(C), j = 0; 0 !== i; j++, i >>>= 1) x[j] = 1 & i ? o[w++] : void 0; return (x[u] = _), new HashArrayMapNode(s, w + 1, x); } function mergeIntoMapWith(s, o, i) { for (var u = [], _ = 0; _ < i.length; _++) { var w = i[_], x = KeyedIterable(w); isIterable(w) || (x = x.map(function (s) { return fromJS(s); })), u.push(x); } return mergeIntoCollectionWith(s, o, u); } function deepMerger(s, o, i) { return s && s.mergeDeep && isIterable(o) ? s.mergeDeep(o) : is(s, o) ? s : o; } function deepMergerWith(s) { return function (o, i, u) { if (o && o.mergeDeepWith && isIterable(i)) return o.mergeDeepWith(s, i); var _ = s(o, i, u); return is(o, _) ? o : _; }; } function mergeIntoCollectionWith(s, o, i) { return 0 === (i = i.filter(function (s) { return 0 !== s.size; })).length ? s : 0 !== s.size || s.__ownerID || 1 !== i.length ? s.withMutations(function (s) { for ( var u = o ? function (i, u) { s.update(u, L, function (s) { return s === L ? i : o(s, i, u); }); } : function (o, i) { s.set(i, o); }, _ = 0; _ < i.length; _++ ) i[_].forEach(u); }) : s.constructor(i[0]); } function updateInDeepMap(s, o, i, u) { var _ = s === L, w = o.next(); if (w.done) { var x = _ ? i : s, C = u(x); return C === x ? s : C; } invariant(_ || (s && s.set), 'invalid keyPath'); var j = w.value, B = _ ? L : s.get(j, L), $ = updateInDeepMap(B, o, i, u); return $ === B ? s : $ === L ? s.remove(j) : (_ ? emptyMap() : s).set(j, $); } function popCount(s) { return ( (s = ((s = (858993459 & (s -= (s >> 1) & 1431655765)) + ((s >> 2) & 858993459)) + (s >> 4)) & 252645135), (s += s >> 8), 127 & (s += s >> 16) ); } function setIn(s, o, i, u) { var _ = u ? s : arrCopy(s); return (_[o] = i), _; } function spliceIn(s, o, i, u) { var _ = s.length + 1; if (u && o + 1 === _) return (s[o] = i), s; for (var w = new Array(_), x = 0, C = 0; C < _; C++) C === o ? ((w[C] = i), (x = -1)) : (w[C] = s[C + x]); return w; } function spliceOut(s, o, i) { var u = s.length - 1; if (i && o === u) return s.pop(), s; for (var _ = new Array(u), w = 0, x = 0; x < u; x++) x === o && (w = 1), (_[x] = s[x + w]); return _; } ($e[qe] = !0), ($e[w] = $e.remove), ($e.removeIn = $e.deleteIn), (ArrayMapNode.prototype.get = function (s, o, i, u) { for (var _ = this.entries, w = 0, x = _.length; w < x; w++) if (is(i, _[w][0])) return _[w][1]; return u; }), (ArrayMapNode.prototype.update = function (s, o, i, u, _, w, x) { for ( var C = _ === L, j = this.entries, B = 0, $ = j.length; B < $ && !is(u, j[B][0]); B++ ); var V = B < $; if (V ? j[B][1] === _ : C) return this; if ((SetRef(x), (C || !V) && SetRef(w), !C || 1 !== j.length)) { if (!V && !C && j.length >= ze) return createNodes(s, j, u, _); var U = s && s === this.ownerID, z = U ? j : arrCopy(j); return ( V ? C ? B === $ - 1 ? z.pop() : (z[B] = z.pop()) : (z[B] = [u, _]) : z.push([u, _]), U ? ((this.entries = z), this) : new ArrayMapNode(s, z) ); } }), (BitmapIndexedNode.prototype.get = function (s, o, i, u) { void 0 === o && (o = hash(i)); var _ = 1 << ((0 === s ? o : o >>> s) & j), w = this.bitmap; return w & _ ? this.nodes[popCount(w & (_ - 1))].get(s + x, o, i, u) : u; }), (BitmapIndexedNode.prototype.update = function (s, o, i, u, _, w, C) { void 0 === i && (i = hash(u)); var B = (0 === o ? i : i >>> o) & j, $ = 1 << B, V = this.bitmap, U = !!(V & $); if (!U && _ === L) return this; var z = popCount(V & ($ - 1)), Y = this.nodes, Z = U ? Y[z] : void 0, ee = updateNode(Z, s, o + x, i, u, _, w, C); if (ee === Z) return this; if (!U && ee && Y.length >= We) return expandNodes(s, Y, V, B, ee); if (U && !ee && 2 === Y.length && isLeafNode(Y[1 ^ z])) return Y[1 ^ z]; if (U && ee && 1 === Y.length && isLeafNode(ee)) return ee; var ie = s && s === this.ownerID, ae = U ? (ee ? V : V ^ $) : V | $, le = U ? ee ? setIn(Y, z, ee, ie) : spliceOut(Y, z, ie) : spliceIn(Y, z, ee, ie); return ie ? ((this.bitmap = ae), (this.nodes = le), this) : new BitmapIndexedNode(s, ae, le); }), (HashArrayMapNode.prototype.get = function (s, o, i, u) { void 0 === o && (o = hash(i)); var _ = (0 === s ? o : o >>> s) & j, w = this.nodes[_]; return w ? w.get(s + x, o, i, u) : u; }), (HashArrayMapNode.prototype.update = function (s, o, i, u, _, w, C) { void 0 === i && (i = hash(u)); var B = (0 === o ? i : i >>> o) & j, $ = _ === L, V = this.nodes, U = V[B]; if ($ && !U) return this; var z = updateNode(U, s, o + x, i, u, _, w, C); if (z === U) return this; var Y = this.count; if (U) { if (!z && --Y < He) return packNodes(s, V, Y, B); } else Y++; var Z = s && s === this.ownerID, ee = setIn(V, B, z, Z); return Z ? ((this.count = Y), (this.nodes = ee), this) : new HashArrayMapNode(s, Y, ee); }), (HashCollisionNode.prototype.get = function (s, o, i, u) { for (var _ = this.entries, w = 0, x = _.length; w < x; w++) if (is(i, _[w][0])) return _[w][1]; return u; }), (HashCollisionNode.prototype.update = function (s, o, i, u, _, w, x) { void 0 === i && (i = hash(u)); var C = _ === L; if (i !== this.keyHash) return C ? this : (SetRef(x), SetRef(w), mergeIntoNode(this, s, o, i, [u, _])); for (var j = this.entries, B = 0, $ = j.length; B < $ && !is(u, j[B][0]); B++); var V = B < $; if (V ? j[B][1] === _ : C) return this; if ((SetRef(x), (C || !V) && SetRef(w), C && 2 === $)) return new ValueNode(s, this.keyHash, j[1 ^ B]); var U = s && s === this.ownerID, z = U ? j : arrCopy(j); return ( V ? C ? B === $ - 1 ? z.pop() : (z[B] = z.pop()) : (z[B] = [u, _]) : z.push([u, _]), U ? ((this.entries = z), this) : new HashCollisionNode(s, this.keyHash, z) ); }), (ValueNode.prototype.get = function (s, o, i, u) { return is(i, this.entry[0]) ? this.entry[1] : u; }), (ValueNode.prototype.update = function (s, o, i, u, _, w, x) { var C = _ === L, j = is(u, this.entry[0]); return (j ? _ === this.entry[1] : C) ? this : (SetRef(x), C ? void SetRef(w) : j ? s && s === this.ownerID ? ((this.entry[1] = _), this) : new ValueNode(s, this.keyHash, [u, _]) : (SetRef(w), mergeIntoNode(this, s, o, hash(u), [u, _]))); }), (ArrayMapNode.prototype.iterate = HashCollisionNode.prototype.iterate = function (s, o) { for (var i = this.entries, u = 0, _ = i.length - 1; u <= _; u++) if (!1 === s(i[o ? _ - u : u])) return !1; }), (BitmapIndexedNode.prototype.iterate = HashArrayMapNode.prototype.iterate = function (s, o) { for (var i = this.nodes, u = 0, _ = i.length - 1; u <= _; u++) { var w = i[o ? _ - u : u]; if (w && !1 === w.iterate(s, o)) return !1; } }), (ValueNode.prototype.iterate = function (s, o) { return s(this.entry); }), createClass(MapIterator, Iterator), (MapIterator.prototype.next = function () { for (var s = this._type, o = this._stack; o; ) { var i, u = o.node, _ = o.index++; if (u.entry) { if (0 === _) return mapIteratorValue(s, u.entry); } else if (u.entries) { if (_ <= (i = u.entries.length - 1)) return mapIteratorValue(s, u.entries[this._reverse ? i - _ : _]); } else if (_ <= (i = u.nodes.length - 1)) { var w = u.nodes[this._reverse ? i - _ : _]; if (w) { if (w.entry) return mapIteratorValue(s, w.entry); o = this._stack = mapIteratorFrame(w, o); } continue; } o = this._stack = this._stack.__prev; } return iteratorDone(); }); var ze = C / 4, We = C / 2, He = C / 4; function List(s) { var o = emptyList(); if (null == s) return o; if (isList(s)) return s; var i = IndexedIterable(s), u = i.size; return 0 === u ? o : (assertNotInfinite(u), u > 0 && u < C ? makeList(0, u, x, null, new VNode(i.toArray())) : o.withMutations(function (s) { s.setSize(u), i.forEach(function (o, i) { return s.set(i, o); }); })); } function isList(s) { return !(!s || !s[Ye]); } createClass(List, IndexedCollection), (List.of = function () { return this(arguments); }), (List.prototype.toString = function () { return this.__toString('List [', ']'); }), (List.prototype.get = function (s, o) { if ((s = wrapIndex(this, s)) >= 0 && s < this.size) { var i = listNodeFor(this, (s += this._origin)); return i && i.array[s & j]; } return o; }), (List.prototype.set = function (s, o) { return updateList(this, s, o); }), (List.prototype.remove = function (s) { return this.has(s) ? 0 === s ? this.shift() : s === this.size - 1 ? this.pop() : this.splice(s, 1) : this; }), (List.prototype.insert = function (s, o) { return this.splice(s, 0, o); }), (List.prototype.clear = function () { return 0 === this.size ? this : this.__ownerID ? ((this.size = this._origin = this._capacity = 0), (this._level = x), (this._root = this._tail = null), (this.__hash = void 0), (this.__altered = !0), this) : emptyList(); }), (List.prototype.push = function () { var s = arguments, o = this.size; return this.withMutations(function (i) { setListBounds(i, 0, o + s.length); for (var u = 0; u < s.length; u++) i.set(o + u, s[u]); }); }), (List.prototype.pop = function () { return setListBounds(this, 0, -1); }), (List.prototype.unshift = function () { var s = arguments; return this.withMutations(function (o) { setListBounds(o, -s.length); for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) o.set(i, s[i]); }); }), (List.prototype.shift = function () { return setListBounds(this, 1); }), (List.prototype.merge = function () { return mergeIntoListWith(this, void 0, arguments); }), (List.prototype.mergeWith = function (o) { return mergeIntoListWith(this, o, s.call(arguments, 1)); }), (List.prototype.mergeDeep = function () { return mergeIntoListWith(this, deepMerger, arguments); }), (List.prototype.mergeDeepWith = function (o) { var i = s.call(arguments, 1); return mergeIntoListWith(this, deepMergerWith(o), i); }), (List.prototype.setSize = function (s) { return setListBounds(this, 0, s); }), (List.prototype.slice = function (s, o) { var i = this.size; return wholeSlice(s, o, i) ? this : setListBounds(this, resolveBegin(s, i), resolveEnd(o, i)); }), (List.prototype.__iterator = function (s, o) { var i = 0, u = iterateList(this, o); return new Iterator(function () { var o = u(); return o === tt ? iteratorDone() : iteratorValue(s, i++, o); }); }), (List.prototype.__iterate = function (s, o) { for ( var i, u = 0, _ = iterateList(this, o); (i = _()) !== tt && !1 !== s(i, u++, this); ); return u; }), (List.prototype.__ensureOwner = function (s) { return s === this.__ownerID ? this : s ? makeList( this._origin, this._capacity, this._level, this._root, this._tail, s, this.__hash ) : ((this.__ownerID = s), this); }), (List.isList = isList); var Ye = '@@__IMMUTABLE_LIST__@@', Xe = List.prototype; function VNode(s, o) { (this.array = s), (this.ownerID = o); } (Xe[Ye] = !0), (Xe[w] = Xe.remove), (Xe.setIn = $e.setIn), (Xe.deleteIn = Xe.removeIn = $e.removeIn), (Xe.update = $e.update), (Xe.updateIn = $e.updateIn), (Xe.mergeIn = $e.mergeIn), (Xe.mergeDeepIn = $e.mergeDeepIn), (Xe.withMutations = $e.withMutations), (Xe.asMutable = $e.asMutable), (Xe.asImmutable = $e.asImmutable), (Xe.wasAltered = $e.wasAltered), (VNode.prototype.removeBefore = function (s, o, i) { if (i === o ? 1 << o : 0 === this.array.length) return this; var u = (i >>> o) & j; if (u >= this.array.length) return new VNode([], s); var _, w = 0 === u; if (o > 0) { var C = this.array[u]; if ((_ = C && C.removeBefore(s, o - x, i)) === C && w) return this; } if (w && !_) return this; var L = editableVNode(this, s); if (!w) for (var B = 0; B < u; B++) L.array[B] = void 0; return _ && (L.array[u] = _), L; }), (VNode.prototype.removeAfter = function (s, o, i) { if (i === (o ? 1 << o : 0) || 0 === this.array.length) return this; var u, _ = ((i - 1) >>> o) & j; if (_ >= this.array.length) return this; if (o > 0) { var w = this.array[_]; if ((u = w && w.removeAfter(s, o - x, i)) === w && _ === this.array.length - 1) return this; } var C = editableVNode(this, s); return C.array.splice(_ + 1), u && (C.array[_] = u), C; }); var Qe, et, tt = {}; function iterateList(s, o) { var i = s._origin, u = s._capacity, _ = getTailOffset(u), w = s._tail; return iterateNodeOrLeaf(s._root, s._level, 0); function iterateNodeOrLeaf(s, o, i) { return 0 === o ? iterateLeaf(s, i) : iterateNode(s, o, i); } function iterateLeaf(s, x) { var j = x === _ ? w && w.array : s && s.array, L = x > i ? 0 : i - x, B = u - x; return ( B > C && (B = C), function () { if (L === B) return tt; var s = o ? --B : L++; return j && j[s]; } ); } function iterateNode(s, _, w) { var j, L = s && s.array, B = w > i ? 0 : (i - w) >> _, $ = 1 + ((u - w) >> _); return ( $ > C && ($ = C), function () { for (;;) { if (j) { var s = j(); if (s !== tt) return s; j = null; } if (B === $) return tt; var i = o ? --$ : B++; j = iterateNodeOrLeaf(L && L[i], _ - x, w + (i << _)); } } ); } } function makeList(s, o, i, u, _, w, x) { var C = Object.create(Xe); return ( (C.size = o - s), (C._origin = s), (C._capacity = o), (C._level = i), (C._root = u), (C._tail = _), (C.__ownerID = w), (C.__hash = x), (C.__altered = !1), C ); } function emptyList() { return Qe || (Qe = makeList(0, 0, x)); } function updateList(s, o, i) { if ((o = wrapIndex(s, o)) != o) return s; if (o >= s.size || o < 0) return s.withMutations(function (s) { o < 0 ? setListBounds(s, o).set(0, i) : setListBounds(s, 0, o + 1).set(o, i); }); o += s._origin; var u = s._tail, _ = s._root, w = MakeRef($); return ( o >= getTailOffset(s._capacity) ? (u = updateVNode(u, s.__ownerID, 0, o, i, w)) : (_ = updateVNode(_, s.__ownerID, s._level, o, i, w)), w.value ? s.__ownerID ? ((s._root = _), (s._tail = u), (s.__hash = void 0), (s.__altered = !0), s) : makeList(s._origin, s._capacity, s._level, _, u) : s ); } function updateVNode(s, o, i, u, _, w) { var C, L = (u >>> i) & j, B = s && L < s.array.length; if (!B && void 0 === _) return s; if (i > 0) { var $ = s && s.array[L], V = updateVNode($, o, i - x, u, _, w); return V === $ ? s : (((C = editableVNode(s, o)).array[L] = V), C); } return B && s.array[L] === _ ? s : (SetRef(w), (C = editableVNode(s, o)), void 0 === _ && L === C.array.length - 1 ? C.array.pop() : (C.array[L] = _), C); } function editableVNode(s, o) { return o && s && o === s.ownerID ? s : new VNode(s ? s.array.slice() : [], o); } function listNodeFor(s, o) { if (o >= getTailOffset(s._capacity)) return s._tail; if (o < 1 << (s._level + x)) { for (var i = s._root, u = s._level; i && u > 0; ) (i = i.array[(o >>> u) & j]), (u -= x); return i; } } function setListBounds(s, o, i) { void 0 !== o && (o |= 0), void 0 !== i && (i |= 0); var u = s.__ownerID || new OwnerID(), _ = s._origin, w = s._capacity, C = _ + o, L = void 0 === i ? w : i < 0 ? w + i : _ + i; if (C === _ && L === w) return s; if (C >= L) return s.clear(); for (var B = s._level, $ = s._root, V = 0; C + V < 0; ) ($ = new VNode($ && $.array.length ? [void 0, $] : [], u)), (V += 1 << (B += x)); V && ((C += V), (_ += V), (L += V), (w += V)); for (var U = getTailOffset(w), z = getTailOffset(L); z >= 1 << (B + x); ) ($ = new VNode($ && $.array.length ? [$] : [], u)), (B += x); var Y = s._tail, Z = z < U ? listNodeFor(s, L - 1) : z > U ? new VNode([], u) : Y; if (Y && z > U && C < w && Y.array.length) { for (var ee = ($ = editableVNode($, u)), ie = B; ie > x; ie -= x) { var ae = (U >>> ie) & j; ee = ee.array[ae] = editableVNode(ee.array[ae], u); } ee.array[(U >>> x) & j] = Y; } if ((L < w && (Z = Z && Z.removeAfter(u, 0, L)), C >= z)) (C -= z), (L -= z), (B = x), ($ = null), (Z = Z && Z.removeBefore(u, 0, C)); else if (C > _ || z < U) { for (V = 0; $; ) { var le = (C >>> B) & j; if ((le !== z >>> B) & j) break; le && (V += (1 << B) * le), (B -= x), ($ = $.array[le]); } $ && C > _ && ($ = $.removeBefore(u, B, C - V)), $ && z < U && ($ = $.removeAfter(u, B, z - V)), V && ((C -= V), (L -= V)); } return s.__ownerID ? ((s.size = L - C), (s._origin = C), (s._capacity = L), (s._level = B), (s._root = $), (s._tail = Z), (s.__hash = void 0), (s.__altered = !0), s) : makeList(C, L, B, $, Z); } function mergeIntoListWith(s, o, i) { for (var u = [], _ = 0, w = 0; w < i.length; w++) { var x = i[w], C = IndexedIterable(x); C.size > _ && (_ = C.size), isIterable(x) || (C = C.map(function (s) { return fromJS(s); })), u.push(C); } return _ > s.size && (s = s.setSize(_)), mergeIntoCollectionWith(s, o, u); } function getTailOffset(s) { return s < C ? 0 : ((s - 1) >>> x) << x; } function OrderedMap(s) { return null == s ? emptyOrderedMap() : isOrderedMap(s) ? s : emptyOrderedMap().withMutations(function (o) { var i = KeyedIterable(s); assertNotInfinite(i.size), i.forEach(function (s, i) { return o.set(i, s); }); }); } function isOrderedMap(s) { return isMap(s) && isOrdered(s); } function makeOrderedMap(s, o, i, u) { var _ = Object.create(OrderedMap.prototype); return ( (_.size = s ? s.size : 0), (_._map = s), (_._list = o), (_.__ownerID = i), (_.__hash = u), _ ); } function emptyOrderedMap() { return et || (et = makeOrderedMap(emptyMap(), emptyList())); } function updateOrderedMap(s, o, i) { var u, _, w = s._map, x = s._list, j = w.get(o), B = void 0 !== j; if (i === L) { if (!B) return s; x.size >= C && x.size >= 2 * w.size ? ((u = (_ = x.filter(function (s, o) { return void 0 !== s && j !== o; })) .toKeyedSeq() .map(function (s) { return s[0]; }) .flip() .toMap()), s.__ownerID && (u.__ownerID = _.__ownerID = s.__ownerID)) : ((u = w.remove(o)), (_ = j === x.size - 1 ? x.pop() : x.set(j, void 0))); } else if (B) { if (i === x.get(j)[1]) return s; (u = w), (_ = x.set(j, [o, i])); } else (u = w.set(o, x.size)), (_ = x.set(x.size, [o, i])); return s.__ownerID ? ((s.size = u.size), (s._map = u), (s._list = _), (s.__hash = void 0), s) : makeOrderedMap(u, _); } function ToKeyedSequence(s, o) { (this._iter = s), (this._useKeys = o), (this.size = s.size); } function ToIndexedSequence(s) { (this._iter = s), (this.size = s.size); } function ToSetSequence(s) { (this._iter = s), (this.size = s.size); } function FromEntriesSequence(s) { (this._iter = s), (this.size = s.size); } function flipFactory(s) { var o = makeSequence(s); return ( (o._iter = s), (o.size = s.size), (o.flip = function () { return s; }), (o.reverse = function () { var o = s.reverse.apply(this); return ( (o.flip = function () { return s.reverse(); }), o ); }), (o.has = function (o) { return s.includes(o); }), (o.includes = function (o) { return s.has(o); }), (o.cacheResult = cacheResultThrough), (o.__iterateUncached = function (o, i) { var u = this; return s.__iterate(function (s, i) { return !1 !== o(i, s, u); }, i); }), (o.__iteratorUncached = function (o, i) { if (o === z) { var u = s.__iterator(o, i); return new Iterator(function () { var s = u.next(); if (!s.done) { var o = s.value[0]; (s.value[0] = s.value[1]), (s.value[1] = o); } return s; }); } return s.__iterator(o === U ? V : U, i); }), o ); } function mapFactory(s, o, i) { var u = makeSequence(s); return ( (u.size = s.size), (u.has = function (o) { return s.has(o); }), (u.get = function (u, _) { var w = s.get(u, L); return w === L ? _ : o.call(i, w, u, s); }), (u.__iterateUncached = function (u, _) { var w = this; return s.__iterate(function (s, _, x) { return !1 !== u(o.call(i, s, _, x), _, w); }, _); }), (u.__iteratorUncached = function (u, _) { var w = s.__iterator(z, _); return new Iterator(function () { var _ = w.next(); if (_.done) return _; var x = _.value, C = x[0]; return iteratorValue(u, C, o.call(i, x[1], C, s), _); }); }), u ); } function reverseFactory(s, o) { var i = makeSequence(s); return ( (i._iter = s), (i.size = s.size), (i.reverse = function () { return s; }), s.flip && (i.flip = function () { var o = flipFactory(s); return ( (o.reverse = function () { return s.flip(); }), o ); }), (i.get = function (i, u) { return s.get(o ? i : -1 - i, u); }), (i.has = function (i) { return s.has(o ? i : -1 - i); }), (i.includes = function (o) { return s.includes(o); }), (i.cacheResult = cacheResultThrough), (i.__iterate = function (o, i) { var u = this; return s.__iterate(function (s, i) { return o(s, i, u); }, !i); }), (i.__iterator = function (o, i) { return s.__iterator(o, !i); }), i ); } function filterFactory(s, o, i, u) { var _ = makeSequence(s); return ( u && ((_.has = function (u) { var _ = s.get(u, L); return _ !== L && !!o.call(i, _, u, s); }), (_.get = function (u, _) { var w = s.get(u, L); return w !== L && o.call(i, w, u, s) ? w : _; })), (_.__iterateUncached = function (_, w) { var x = this, C = 0; return ( s.__iterate(function (s, w, j) { if (o.call(i, s, w, j)) return C++, _(s, u ? w : C - 1, x); }, w), C ); }), (_.__iteratorUncached = function (_, w) { var x = s.__iterator(z, w), C = 0; return new Iterator(function () { for (;;) { var w = x.next(); if (w.done) return w; var j = w.value, L = j[0], B = j[1]; if (o.call(i, B, L, s)) return iteratorValue(_, u ? L : C++, B, w); } }); }), _ ); } function countByFactory(s, o, i) { var u = Map().asMutable(); return ( s.__iterate(function (_, w) { u.update(o.call(i, _, w, s), 0, function (s) { return s + 1; }); }), u.asImmutable() ); } function groupByFactory(s, o, i) { var u = isKeyed(s), _ = (isOrdered(s) ? OrderedMap() : Map()).asMutable(); s.__iterate(function (w, x) { _.update(o.call(i, w, x, s), function (s) { return (s = s || []).push(u ? [x, w] : w), s; }); }); var w = iterableClass(s); return _.map(function (o) { return reify(s, w(o)); }); } function sliceFactory(s, o, i, u) { var _ = s.size; if ( (void 0 !== o && (o |= 0), void 0 !== i && (i === 1 / 0 ? (i = _) : (i |= 0)), wholeSlice(o, i, _)) ) return s; var w = resolveBegin(o, _), x = resolveEnd(i, _); if (w != w || x != x) return sliceFactory(s.toSeq().cacheResult(), o, i, u); var C, j = x - w; j == j && (C = j < 0 ? 0 : j); var L = makeSequence(s); return ( (L.size = 0 === C ? C : (s.size && C) || void 0), !u && isSeq(s) && C >= 0 && (L.get = function (o, i) { return (o = wrapIndex(this, o)) >= 0 && o < C ? s.get(o + w, i) : i; }), (L.__iterateUncached = function (o, i) { var _ = this; if (0 === C) return 0; if (i) return this.cacheResult().__iterate(o, i); var x = 0, j = !0, L = 0; return ( s.__iterate(function (s, i) { if (!j || !(j = x++ < w)) return L++, !1 !== o(s, u ? i : L - 1, _) && L !== C; }), L ); }), (L.__iteratorUncached = function (o, i) { if (0 !== C && i) return this.cacheResult().__iterator(o, i); var _ = 0 !== C && s.__iterator(o, i), x = 0, j = 0; return new Iterator(function () { for (; x++ < w; ) _.next(); if (++j > C) return iteratorDone(); var s = _.next(); return u || o === U ? s : iteratorValue(o, j - 1, o === V ? void 0 : s.value[1], s); }); }), L ); } function takeWhileFactory(s, o, i) { var u = makeSequence(s); return ( (u.__iterateUncached = function (u, _) { var w = this; if (_) return this.cacheResult().__iterate(u, _); var x = 0; return ( s.__iterate(function (s, _, C) { return o.call(i, s, _, C) && ++x && u(s, _, w); }), x ); }), (u.__iteratorUncached = function (u, _) { var w = this; if (_) return this.cacheResult().__iterator(u, _); var x = s.__iterator(z, _), C = !0; return new Iterator(function () { if (!C) return iteratorDone(); var s = x.next(); if (s.done) return s; var _ = s.value, j = _[0], L = _[1]; return o.call(i, L, j, w) ? u === z ? s : iteratorValue(u, j, L, s) : ((C = !1), iteratorDone()); }); }), u ); } function skipWhileFactory(s, o, i, u) { var _ = makeSequence(s); return ( (_.__iterateUncached = function (_, w) { var x = this; if (w) return this.cacheResult().__iterate(_, w); var C = !0, j = 0; return ( s.__iterate(function (s, w, L) { if (!C || !(C = o.call(i, s, w, L))) return j++, _(s, u ? w : j - 1, x); }), j ); }), (_.__iteratorUncached = function (_, w) { var x = this; if (w) return this.cacheResult().__iterator(_, w); var C = s.__iterator(z, w), j = !0, L = 0; return new Iterator(function () { var s, w, B; do { if ((s = C.next()).done) return u || _ === U ? s : iteratorValue(_, L++, _ === V ? void 0 : s.value[1], s); var $ = s.value; (w = $[0]), (B = $[1]), j && (j = o.call(i, B, w, x)); } while (j); return _ === z ? s : iteratorValue(_, w, B, s); }); }), _ ); } function concatFactory(s, o) { var i = isKeyed(s), u = [s] .concat(o) .map(function (s) { return ( isIterable(s) ? i && (s = KeyedIterable(s)) : (s = i ? keyedSeqFromValue(s) : indexedSeqFromValue(Array.isArray(s) ? s : [s])), s ); }) .filter(function (s) { return 0 !== s.size; }); if (0 === u.length) return s; if (1 === u.length) { var _ = u[0]; if (_ === s || (i && isKeyed(_)) || (isIndexed(s) && isIndexed(_))) return _; } var w = new ArraySeq(u); return ( i ? (w = w.toKeyedSeq()) : isIndexed(s) || (w = w.toSetSeq()), ((w = w.flatten(!0)).size = u.reduce(function (s, o) { if (void 0 !== s) { var i = o.size; if (void 0 !== i) return s + i; } }, 0)), w ); } function flattenFactory(s, o, i) { var u = makeSequence(s); return ( (u.__iterateUncached = function (u, _) { var w = 0, x = !1; function flatDeep(s, C) { var j = this; s.__iterate(function (s, _) { return ( (!o || C < o) && isIterable(s) ? flatDeep(s, C + 1) : !1 === u(s, i ? _ : w++, j) && (x = !0), !x ); }, _); } return flatDeep(s, 0), w; }), (u.__iteratorUncached = function (u, _) { var w = s.__iterator(u, _), x = [], C = 0; return new Iterator(function () { for (; w; ) { var s = w.next(); if (!1 === s.done) { var j = s.value; if ((u === z && (j = j[1]), (o && !(x.length < o)) || !isIterable(j))) return i ? s : iteratorValue(u, C++, j, s); x.push(w), (w = j.__iterator(u, _)); } else w = x.pop(); } return iteratorDone(); }); }), u ); } function flatMapFactory(s, o, i) { var u = iterableClass(s); return s .toSeq() .map(function (_, w) { return u(o.call(i, _, w, s)); }) .flatten(!0); } function interposeFactory(s, o) { var i = makeSequence(s); return ( (i.size = s.size && 2 * s.size - 1), (i.__iterateUncached = function (i, u) { var _ = this, w = 0; return ( s.__iterate(function (s, u) { return (!w || !1 !== i(o, w++, _)) && !1 !== i(s, w++, _); }, u), w ); }), (i.__iteratorUncached = function (i, u) { var _, w = s.__iterator(U, u), x = 0; return new Iterator(function () { return (!_ || x % 2) && (_ = w.next()).done ? _ : x % 2 ? iteratorValue(i, x++, o) : iteratorValue(i, x++, _.value, _); }); }), i ); } function sortFactory(s, o, i) { o || (o = defaultComparator); var u = isKeyed(s), _ = 0, w = s .toSeq() .map(function (o, u) { return [u, o, _++, i ? i(o, u, s) : o]; }) .toArray(); return ( w .sort(function (s, i) { return o(s[3], i[3]) || s[2] - i[2]; }) .forEach( u ? function (s, o) { w[o].length = 2; } : function (s, o) { w[o] = s[1]; } ), u ? KeyedSeq(w) : isIndexed(s) ? IndexedSeq(w) : SetSeq(w) ); } function maxFactory(s, o, i) { if ((o || (o = defaultComparator), i)) { var u = s .toSeq() .map(function (o, u) { return [o, i(o, u, s)]; }) .reduce(function (s, i) { return maxCompare(o, s[1], i[1]) ? i : s; }); return u && u[0]; } return s.reduce(function (s, i) { return maxCompare(o, s, i) ? i : s; }); } function maxCompare(s, o, i) { var u = s(i, o); return (0 === u && i !== o && (null == i || i != i)) || u > 0; } function zipWithFactory(s, o, i) { var u = makeSequence(s); return ( (u.size = new ArraySeq(i) .map(function (s) { return s.size; }) .min()), (u.__iterate = function (s, o) { for ( var i, u = this.__iterator(U, o), _ = 0; !(i = u.next()).done && !1 !== s(i.value, _++, this); ); return _; }), (u.__iteratorUncached = function (s, u) { var _ = i.map(function (s) { return (s = Iterable(s)), getIterator(u ? s.reverse() : s); }), w = 0, x = !1; return new Iterator(function () { var i; return ( x || ((i = _.map(function (s) { return s.next(); })), (x = i.some(function (s) { return s.done; }))), x ? iteratorDone() : iteratorValue( s, w++, o.apply( null, i.map(function (s) { return s.value; }) ) ) ); }); }), u ); } function reify(s, o) { return isSeq(s) ? o : s.constructor(o); } function validateEntry(s) { if (s !== Object(s)) throw new TypeError('Expected [K, V] tuple: ' + s); } function resolveSize(s) { return assertNotInfinite(s.size), ensureSize(s); } function iterableClass(s) { return isKeyed(s) ? KeyedIterable : isIndexed(s) ? IndexedIterable : SetIterable; } function makeSequence(s) { return Object.create( (isKeyed(s) ? KeyedSeq : isIndexed(s) ? IndexedSeq : SetSeq).prototype ); } function cacheResultThrough() { return this._iter.cacheResult ? (this._iter.cacheResult(), (this.size = this._iter.size), this) : Seq.prototype.cacheResult.call(this); } function defaultComparator(s, o) { return s > o ? 1 : s < o ? -1 : 0; } function forceIterator(s) { var o = getIterator(s); if (!o) { if (!isArrayLike(s)) throw new TypeError('Expected iterable or array-like: ' + s); o = getIterator(Iterable(s)); } return o; } function Record(s, o) { var i, u = function Record(w) { if (w instanceof u) return w; if (!(this instanceof u)) return new u(w); if (!i) { i = !0; var x = Object.keys(s); setProps(_, x), (_.size = x.length), (_._name = o), (_._keys = x), (_._defaultValues = s); } this._map = Map(w); }, _ = (u.prototype = Object.create(rt)); return (_.constructor = u), u; } createClass(OrderedMap, Map), (OrderedMap.of = function () { return this(arguments); }), (OrderedMap.prototype.toString = function () { return this.__toString('OrderedMap {', '}'); }), (OrderedMap.prototype.get = function (s, o) { var i = this._map.get(s); return void 0 !== i ? this._list.get(i)[1] : o; }), (OrderedMap.prototype.clear = function () { return 0 === this.size ? this : this.__ownerID ? ((this.size = 0), this._map.clear(), this._list.clear(), this) : emptyOrderedMap(); }), (OrderedMap.prototype.set = function (s, o) { return updateOrderedMap(this, s, o); }), (OrderedMap.prototype.remove = function (s) { return updateOrderedMap(this, s, L); }), (OrderedMap.prototype.wasAltered = function () { return this._map.wasAltered() || this._list.wasAltered(); }), (OrderedMap.prototype.__iterate = function (s, o) { var i = this; return this._list.__iterate(function (o) { return o && s(o[1], o[0], i); }, o); }), (OrderedMap.prototype.__iterator = function (s, o) { return this._list.fromEntrySeq().__iterator(s, o); }), (OrderedMap.prototype.__ensureOwner = function (s) { if (s === this.__ownerID) return this; var o = this._map.__ensureOwner(s), i = this._list.__ensureOwner(s); return s ? makeOrderedMap(o, i, s, this.__hash) : ((this.__ownerID = s), (this._map = o), (this._list = i), this); }), (OrderedMap.isOrderedMap = isOrderedMap), (OrderedMap.prototype[_] = !0), (OrderedMap.prototype[w] = OrderedMap.prototype.remove), createClass(ToKeyedSequence, KeyedSeq), (ToKeyedSequence.prototype.get = function (s, o) { return this._iter.get(s, o); }), (ToKeyedSequence.prototype.has = function (s) { return this._iter.has(s); }), (ToKeyedSequence.prototype.valueSeq = function () { return this._iter.valueSeq(); }), (ToKeyedSequence.prototype.reverse = function () { var s = this, o = reverseFactory(this, !0); return ( this._useKeys || (o.valueSeq = function () { return s._iter.toSeq().reverse(); }), o ); }), (ToKeyedSequence.prototype.map = function (s, o) { var i = this, u = mapFactory(this, s, o); return ( this._useKeys || (u.valueSeq = function () { return i._iter.toSeq().map(s, o); }), u ); }), (ToKeyedSequence.prototype.__iterate = function (s, o) { var i, u = this; return this._iter.__iterate( this._useKeys ? function (o, i) { return s(o, i, u); } : ((i = o ? resolveSize(this) : 0), function (_) { return s(_, o ? --i : i++, u); }), o ); }), (ToKeyedSequence.prototype.__iterator = function (s, o) { if (this._useKeys) return this._iter.__iterator(s, o); var i = this._iter.__iterator(U, o), u = o ? resolveSize(this) : 0; return new Iterator(function () { var _ = i.next(); return _.done ? _ : iteratorValue(s, o ? --u : u++, _.value, _); }); }), (ToKeyedSequence.prototype[_] = !0), createClass(ToIndexedSequence, IndexedSeq), (ToIndexedSequence.prototype.includes = function (s) { return this._iter.includes(s); }), (ToIndexedSequence.prototype.__iterate = function (s, o) { var i = this, u = 0; return this._iter.__iterate(function (o) { return s(o, u++, i); }, o); }), (ToIndexedSequence.prototype.__iterator = function (s, o) { var i = this._iter.__iterator(U, o), u = 0; return new Iterator(function () { var o = i.next(); return o.done ? o : iteratorValue(s, u++, o.value, o); }); }), createClass(ToSetSequence, SetSeq), (ToSetSequence.prototype.has = function (s) { return this._iter.includes(s); }), (ToSetSequence.prototype.__iterate = function (s, o) { var i = this; return this._iter.__iterate(function (o) { return s(o, o, i); }, o); }), (ToSetSequence.prototype.__iterator = function (s, o) { var i = this._iter.__iterator(U, o); return new Iterator(function () { var o = i.next(); return o.done ? o : iteratorValue(s, o.value, o.value, o); }); }), createClass(FromEntriesSequence, KeyedSeq), (FromEntriesSequence.prototype.entrySeq = function () { return this._iter.toSeq(); }), (FromEntriesSequence.prototype.__iterate = function (s, o) { var i = this; return this._iter.__iterate(function (o) { if (o) { validateEntry(o); var u = isIterable(o); return s(u ? o.get(1) : o[1], u ? o.get(0) : o[0], i); } }, o); }), (FromEntriesSequence.prototype.__iterator = function (s, o) { var i = this._iter.__iterator(U, o); return new Iterator(function () { for (;;) { var o = i.next(); if (o.done) return o; var u = o.value; if (u) { validateEntry(u); var _ = isIterable(u); return iteratorValue(s, _ ? u.get(0) : u[0], _ ? u.get(1) : u[1], o); } } }); }), (ToIndexedSequence.prototype.cacheResult = ToKeyedSequence.prototype.cacheResult = ToSetSequence.prototype.cacheResult = FromEntriesSequence.prototype.cacheResult = cacheResultThrough), createClass(Record, KeyedCollection), (Record.prototype.toString = function () { return this.__toString(recordName(this) + ' {', '}'); }), (Record.prototype.has = function (s) { return this._defaultValues.hasOwnProperty(s); }), (Record.prototype.get = function (s, o) { if (!this.has(s)) return o; var i = this._defaultValues[s]; return this._map ? this._map.get(s, i) : i; }), (Record.prototype.clear = function () { if (this.__ownerID) return this._map && this._map.clear(), this; var s = this.constructor; return s._empty || (s._empty = makeRecord(this, emptyMap())); }), (Record.prototype.set = function (s, o) { if (!this.has(s)) throw new Error('Cannot set unknown key "' + s + '" on ' + recordName(this)); if (this._map && !this._map.has(s) && o === this._defaultValues[s]) return this; var i = this._map && this._map.set(s, o); return this.__ownerID || i === this._map ? this : makeRecord(this, i); }), (Record.prototype.remove = function (s) { if (!this.has(s)) return this; var o = this._map && this._map.remove(s); return this.__ownerID || o === this._map ? this : makeRecord(this, o); }), (Record.prototype.wasAltered = function () { return this._map.wasAltered(); }), (Record.prototype.__iterator = function (s, o) { var i = this; return KeyedIterable(this._defaultValues) .map(function (s, o) { return i.get(o); }) .__iterator(s, o); }), (Record.prototype.__iterate = function (s, o) { var i = this; return KeyedIterable(this._defaultValues) .map(function (s, o) { return i.get(o); }) .__iterate(s, o); }), (Record.prototype.__ensureOwner = function (s) { if (s === this.__ownerID) return this; var o = this._map && this._map.__ensureOwner(s); return s ? makeRecord(this, o, s) : ((this.__ownerID = s), (this._map = o), this); }); var rt = Record.prototype; function makeRecord(s, o, i) { var u = Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(s)); return (u._map = o), (u.__ownerID = i), u; } function recordName(s) { return s._name || s.constructor.name || 'Record'; } function setProps(s, o) { try { o.forEach(setProp.bind(void 0, s)); } catch (s) {} } function setProp(s, o) { Object.defineProperty(s, o, { get: function () { return this.get(o); }, set: function (s) { invariant(this.__ownerID, 'Cannot set on an immutable record.'), this.set(o, s); } }); } function Set(s) { return null == s ? emptySet() : isSet(s) && !isOrdered(s) ? s : emptySet().withMutations(function (o) { var i = SetIterable(s); assertNotInfinite(i.size), i.forEach(function (s) { return o.add(s); }); }); } function isSet(s) { return !(!s || !s[st]); } (rt[w] = rt.remove), (rt.deleteIn = rt.removeIn = $e.removeIn), (rt.merge = $e.merge), (rt.mergeWith = $e.mergeWith), (rt.mergeIn = $e.mergeIn), (rt.mergeDeep = $e.mergeDeep), (rt.mergeDeepWith = $e.mergeDeepWith), (rt.mergeDeepIn = $e.mergeDeepIn), (rt.setIn = $e.setIn), (rt.update = $e.update), (rt.updateIn = $e.updateIn), (rt.withMutations = $e.withMutations), (rt.asMutable = $e.asMutable), (rt.asImmutable = $e.asImmutable), createClass(Set, SetCollection), (Set.of = function () { return this(arguments); }), (Set.fromKeys = function (s) { return this(KeyedIterable(s).keySeq()); }), (Set.prototype.toString = function () { return this.__toString('Set {', '}'); }), (Set.prototype.has = function (s) { return this._map.has(s); }), (Set.prototype.add = function (s) { return updateSet(this, this._map.set(s, !0)); }), (Set.prototype.remove = function (s) { return updateSet(this, this._map.remove(s)); }), (Set.prototype.clear = function () { return updateSet(this, this._map.clear()); }), (Set.prototype.union = function () { var o = s.call(arguments, 0); return 0 === (o = o.filter(function (s) { return 0 !== s.size; })).length ? this : 0 !== this.size || this.__ownerID || 1 !== o.length ? this.withMutations(function (s) { for (var i = 0; i < o.length; i++) SetIterable(o[i]).forEach(function (o) { return s.add(o); }); }) : this.constructor(o[0]); }), (Set.prototype.intersect = function () { var o = s.call(arguments, 0); if (0 === o.length) return this; o = o.map(function (s) { return SetIterable(s); }); var i = this; return this.withMutations(function (s) { i.forEach(function (i) { o.every(function (s) { return s.includes(i); }) || s.remove(i); }); }); }), (Set.prototype.subtract = function () { var o = s.call(arguments, 0); if (0 === o.length) return this; o = o.map(function (s) { return SetIterable(s); }); var i = this; return this.withMutations(function (s) { i.forEach(function (i) { o.some(function (s) { return s.includes(i); }) && s.remove(i); }); }); }), (Set.prototype.merge = function () { return this.union.apply(this, arguments); }), (Set.prototype.mergeWith = function (o) { var i = s.call(arguments, 1); return this.union.apply(this, i); }), (Set.prototype.sort = function (s) { return OrderedSet(sortFactory(this, s)); }), (Set.prototype.sortBy = function (s, o) { return OrderedSet(sortFactory(this, o, s)); }), (Set.prototype.wasAltered = function () { return this._map.wasAltered(); }), (Set.prototype.__iterate = function (s, o) { var i = this; return this._map.__iterate(function (o, u) { return s(u, u, i); }, o); }), (Set.prototype.__iterator = function (s, o) { return this._map .map(function (s, o) { return o; }) .__iterator(s, o); }), (Set.prototype.__ensureOwner = function (s) { if (s === this.__ownerID) return this; var o = this._map.__ensureOwner(s); return s ? this.__make(o, s) : ((this.__ownerID = s), (this._map = o), this); }), (Set.isSet = isSet); var nt, st = '@@__IMMUTABLE_SET__@@', ot = Set.prototype; function updateSet(s, o) { return s.__ownerID ? ((s.size = o.size), (s._map = o), s) : o === s._map ? s : 0 === o.size ? s.__empty() : s.__make(o); } function makeSet(s, o) { var i = Object.create(ot); return (i.size = s ? s.size : 0), (i._map = s), (i.__ownerID = o), i; } function emptySet() { return nt || (nt = makeSet(emptyMap())); } function OrderedSet(s) { return null == s ? emptyOrderedSet() : isOrderedSet(s) ? s : emptyOrderedSet().withMutations(function (o) { var i = SetIterable(s); assertNotInfinite(i.size), i.forEach(function (s) { return o.add(s); }); }); } function isOrderedSet(s) { return isSet(s) && isOrdered(s); } (ot[st] = !0), (ot[w] = ot.remove), (ot.mergeDeep = ot.merge), (ot.mergeDeepWith = ot.mergeWith), (ot.withMutations = $e.withMutations), (ot.asMutable = $e.asMutable), (ot.asImmutable = $e.asImmutable), (ot.__empty = emptySet), (ot.__make = makeSet), createClass(OrderedSet, Set), (OrderedSet.of = function () { return this(arguments); }), (OrderedSet.fromKeys = function (s) { return this(KeyedIterable(s).keySeq()); }), (OrderedSet.prototype.toString = function () { return this.__toString('OrderedSet {', '}'); }), (OrderedSet.isOrderedSet = isOrderedSet); var it, at = OrderedSet.prototype; function makeOrderedSet(s, o) { var i = Object.create(at); return (i.size = s ? s.size : 0), (i._map = s), (i.__ownerID = o), i; } function emptyOrderedSet() { return it || (it = makeOrderedSet(emptyOrderedMap())); } function Stack(s) { return null == s ? emptyStack() : isStack(s) ? s : emptyStack().unshiftAll(s); } function isStack(s) { return !(!s || !s[ct]); } (at[_] = !0), (at.__empty = emptyOrderedSet), (at.__make = makeOrderedSet), createClass(Stack, IndexedCollection), (Stack.of = function () { return this(arguments); }), (Stack.prototype.toString = function () { return this.__toString('Stack [', ']'); }), (Stack.prototype.get = function (s, o) { var i = this._head; for (s = wrapIndex(this, s); i && s--; ) i = i.next; return i ? i.value : o; }), (Stack.prototype.peek = function () { return this._head && this._head.value; }), (Stack.prototype.push = function () { if (0 === arguments.length) return this; for ( var s = this.size + arguments.length, o = this._head, i = arguments.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) o = { value: arguments[i], next: o }; return this.__ownerID ? ((this.size = s), (this._head = o), (this.__hash = void 0), (this.__altered = !0), this) : makeStack(s, o); }), (Stack.prototype.pushAll = function (s) { if (0 === (s = IndexedIterable(s)).size) return this; assertNotInfinite(s.size); var o = this.size, i = this._head; return ( s.reverse().forEach(function (s) { o++, (i = { value: s, next: i }); }), this.__ownerID ? ((this.size = o), (this._head = i), (this.__hash = void 0), (this.__altered = !0), this) : makeStack(o, i) ); }), (Stack.prototype.pop = function () { return this.slice(1); }), (Stack.prototype.unshift = function () { return this.push.apply(this, arguments); }), (Stack.prototype.unshiftAll = function (s) { return this.pushAll(s); }), (Stack.prototype.shift = function () { return this.pop.apply(this, arguments); }), (Stack.prototype.clear = function () { return 0 === this.size ? this : this.__ownerID ? ((this.size = 0), (this._head = void 0), (this.__hash = void 0), (this.__altered = !0), this) : emptyStack(); }), (Stack.prototype.slice = function (s, o) { if (wholeSlice(s, o, this.size)) return this; var i = resolveBegin(s, this.size); if (resolveEnd(o, this.size) !== this.size) return IndexedCollection.prototype.slice.call(this, s, o); for (var u = this.size - i, _ = this._head; i--; ) _ = _.next; return this.__ownerID ? ((this.size = u), (this._head = _), (this.__hash = void 0), (this.__altered = !0), this) : makeStack(u, _); }), (Stack.prototype.__ensureOwner = function (s) { return s === this.__ownerID ? this : s ? makeStack(this.size, this._head, s, this.__hash) : ((this.__ownerID = s), (this.__altered = !1), this); }), (Stack.prototype.__iterate = function (s, o) { if (o) return this.reverse().__iterate(s); for (var i = 0, u = this._head; u && !1 !== s(u.value, i++, this); ) u = u.next; return i; }), (Stack.prototype.__iterator = function (s, o) { if (o) return this.reverse().__iterator(s); var i = 0, u = this._head; return new Iterator(function () { if (u) { var o = u.value; return (u = u.next), iteratorValue(s, i++, o); } return iteratorDone(); }); }), (Stack.isStack = isStack); var lt, ct = '@@__IMMUTABLE_STACK__@@', ut = Stack.prototype; function makeStack(s, o, i, u) { var _ = Object.create(ut); return ( (_.size = s), (_._head = o), (_.__ownerID = i), (_.__hash = u), (_.__altered = !1), _ ); } function emptyStack() { return lt || (lt = makeStack(0)); } function mixin(s, o) { var keyCopier = function (i) { s.prototype[i] = o[i]; }; return ( Object.keys(o).forEach(keyCopier), Object.getOwnPropertySymbols && Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(o).forEach(keyCopier), s ); } (ut[ct] = !0), (ut.withMutations = $e.withMutations), (ut.asMutable = $e.asMutable), (ut.asImmutable = $e.asImmutable), (ut.wasAltered = $e.wasAltered), (Iterable.Iterator = Iterator), mixin(Iterable, { toArray: function () { assertNotInfinite(this.size); var s = new Array(this.size || 0); return ( this.valueSeq().__iterate(function (o, i) { s[i] = o; }), s ); }, toIndexedSeq: function () { return new ToIndexedSequence(this); }, toJS: function () { return this.toSeq() .map(function (s) { return s && 'function' == typeof s.toJS ? s.toJS() : s; }) .__toJS(); }, toJSON: function () { return this.toSeq() .map(function (s) { return s && 'function' == typeof s.toJSON ? s.toJSON() : s; }) .__toJS(); }, toKeyedSeq: function () { return new ToKeyedSequence(this, !0); }, toMap: function () { return Map(this.toKeyedSeq()); }, toObject: function () { assertNotInfinite(this.size); var s = {}; return ( this.__iterate(function (o, i) { s[i] = o; }), s ); }, toOrderedMap: function () { return OrderedMap(this.toKeyedSeq()); }, toOrderedSet: function () { return OrderedSet(isKeyed(this) ? this.valueSeq() : this); }, toSet: function () { return Set(isKeyed(this) ? this.valueSeq() : this); }, toSetSeq: function () { return new ToSetSequence(this); }, toSeq: function () { return isIndexed(this) ? this.toIndexedSeq() : isKeyed(this) ? this.toKeyedSeq() : this.toSetSeq(); }, toStack: function () { return Stack(isKeyed(this) ? this.valueSeq() : this); }, toList: function () { return List(isKeyed(this) ? this.valueSeq() : this); }, toString: function () { return '[Iterable]'; }, __toString: function (s, o) { return 0 === this.size ? s + o : s + ' ' + this.toSeq().map(this.__toStringMapper).join(', ') + ' ' + o; }, concat: function () { return reify(this, concatFactory(this, s.call(arguments, 0))); }, includes: function (s) { return this.some(function (o) { return is(o, s); }); }, entries: function () { return this.__iterator(z); }, every: function (s, o) { assertNotInfinite(this.size); var i = !0; return ( this.__iterate(function (u, _, w) { if (!s.call(o, u, _, w)) return (i = !1), !1; }), i ); }, filter: function (s, o) { return reify(this, filterFactory(this, s, o, !0)); }, find: function (s, o, i) { var u = this.findEntry(s, o); return u ? u[1] : i; }, forEach: function (s, o) { return assertNotInfinite(this.size), this.__iterate(o ? s.bind(o) : s); }, join: function (s) { assertNotInfinite(this.size), (s = void 0 !== s ? '' + s : ','); var o = '', i = !0; return ( this.__iterate(function (u) { i ? (i = !1) : (o += s), (o += null != u ? u.toString() : ''); }), o ); }, keys: function () { return this.__iterator(V); }, map: function (s, o) { return reify(this, mapFactory(this, s, o)); }, reduce: function (s, o, i) { var u, _; return ( assertNotInfinite(this.size), arguments.length < 2 ? (_ = !0) : (u = o), this.__iterate(function (o, w, x) { _ ? ((_ = !1), (u = o)) : (u = s.call(i, u, o, w, x)); }), u ); }, reduceRight: function (s, o, i) { var u = this.toKeyedSeq().reverse(); return u.reduce.apply(u, arguments); }, reverse: function () { return reify(this, reverseFactory(this, !0)); }, slice: function (s, o) { return reify(this, sliceFactory(this, s, o, !0)); }, some: function (s, o) { return !this.every(not(s), o); }, sort: function (s) { return reify(this, sortFactory(this, s)); }, values: function () { return this.__iterator(U); }, butLast: function () { return this.slice(0, -1); }, isEmpty: function () { return void 0 !== this.size ? 0 === this.size : !this.some(function () { return !0; }); }, count: function (s, o) { return ensureSize(s ? this.toSeq().filter(s, o) : this); }, countBy: function (s, o) { return countByFactory(this, s, o); }, equals: function (s) { return deepEqual(this, s); }, entrySeq: function () { var s = this; if (s._cache) return new ArraySeq(s._cache); var o = s.toSeq().map(entryMapper).toIndexedSeq(); return ( (o.fromEntrySeq = function () { return s.toSeq(); }), o ); }, filterNot: function (s, o) { return this.filter(not(s), o); }, findEntry: function (s, o, i) { var u = i; return ( this.__iterate(function (i, _, w) { if (s.call(o, i, _, w)) return (u = [_, i]), !1; }), u ); }, findKey: function (s, o) { var i = this.findEntry(s, o); return i && i[0]; }, findLast: function (s, o, i) { return this.toKeyedSeq().reverse().find(s, o, i); }, findLastEntry: function (s, o, i) { return this.toKeyedSeq().reverse().findEntry(s, o, i); }, findLastKey: function (s, o) { return this.toKeyedSeq().reverse().findKey(s, o); }, first: function () { return this.find(returnTrue); }, flatMap: function (s, o) { return reify(this, flatMapFactory(this, s, o)); }, flatten: function (s) { return reify(this, flattenFactory(this, s, !0)); }, fromEntrySeq: function () { return new FromEntriesSequence(this); }, get: function (s, o) { return this.find( function (o, i) { return is(i, s); }, void 0, o ); }, getIn: function (s, o) { for (var i, u = this, _ = forceIterator(s); !(i = _.next()).done; ) { var w = i.value; if ((u = u && u.get ? u.get(w, L) : L) === L) return o; } return u; }, groupBy: function (s, o) { return groupByFactory(this, s, o); }, has: function (s) { return this.get(s, L) !== L; }, hasIn: function (s) { return this.getIn(s, L) !== L; }, isSubset: function (s) { return ( (s = 'function' == typeof s.includes ? s : Iterable(s)), this.every(function (o) { return s.includes(o); }) ); }, isSuperset: function (s) { return (s = 'function' == typeof s.isSubset ? s : Iterable(s)).isSubset(this); }, keyOf: function (s) { return this.findKey(function (o) { return is(o, s); }); }, keySeq: function () { return this.toSeq().map(keyMapper).toIndexedSeq(); }, last: function () { return this.toSeq().reverse().first(); }, lastKeyOf: function (s) { return this.toKeyedSeq().reverse().keyOf(s); }, max: function (s) { return maxFactory(this, s); }, maxBy: function (s, o) { return maxFactory(this, o, s); }, min: function (s) { return maxFactory(this, s ? neg(s) : defaultNegComparator); }, minBy: function (s, o) { return maxFactory(this, o ? neg(o) : defaultNegComparator, s); }, rest: function () { return this.slice(1); }, skip: function (s) { return this.slice(Math.max(0, s)); }, skipLast: function (s) { return reify(this, this.toSeq().reverse().skip(s).reverse()); }, skipWhile: function (s, o) { return reify(this, skipWhileFactory(this, s, o, !0)); }, skipUntil: function (s, o) { return this.skipWhile(not(s), o); }, sortBy: function (s, o) { return reify(this, sortFactory(this, o, s)); }, take: function (s) { return this.slice(0, Math.max(0, s)); }, takeLast: function (s) { return reify(this, this.toSeq().reverse().take(s).reverse()); }, takeWhile: function (s, o) { return reify(this, takeWhileFactory(this, s, o)); }, takeUntil: function (s, o) { return this.takeWhile(not(s), o); }, valueSeq: function () { return this.toIndexedSeq(); }, hashCode: function () { return this.__hash || (this.__hash = hashIterable(this)); } }); var pt = Iterable.prototype; (pt[o] = !0), (pt[ee] = pt.values), (pt.__toJS = pt.toArray), (pt.__toStringMapper = quoteString), (pt.inspect = pt.toSource = function () { return this.toString(); }), (pt.chain = pt.flatMap), (pt.contains = pt.includes), mixin(KeyedIterable, { flip: function () { return reify(this, flipFactory(this)); }, mapEntries: function (s, o) { var i = this, u = 0; return reify( this, this.toSeq() .map(function (_, w) { return s.call(o, [w, _], u++, i); }) .fromEntrySeq() ); }, mapKeys: function (s, o) { var i = this; return reify( this, this.toSeq() .flip() .map(function (u, _) { return s.call(o, u, _, i); }) .flip() ); } }); var ht = KeyedIterable.prototype; function keyMapper(s, o) { return o; } function entryMapper(s, o) { return [o, s]; } function not(s) { return function () { return !s.apply(this, arguments); }; } function neg(s) { return function () { return -s.apply(this, arguments); }; } function quoteString(s) { return 'string' == typeof s ? JSON.stringify(s) : String(s); } function defaultZipper() { return arrCopy(arguments); } function defaultNegComparator(s, o) { return s < o ? 1 : s > o ? -1 : 0; } function hashIterable(s) { if (s.size === 1 / 0) return 0; var o = isOrdered(s), i = isKeyed(s), u = o ? 1 : 0; return murmurHashOfSize( s.__iterate( i ? o ? function (s, o) { u = (31 * u + hashMerge(hash(s), hash(o))) | 0; } : function (s, o) { u = (u + hashMerge(hash(s), hash(o))) | 0; } : o ? function (s) { u = (31 * u + hash(s)) | 0; } : function (s) { u = (u + hash(s)) | 0; } ), u ); } function murmurHashOfSize(s, o) { return ( (o = pe(o, 3432918353)), (o = pe((o << 15) | (o >>> -15), 461845907)), (o = pe((o << 13) | (o >>> -13), 5)), (o = pe((o = (o + 3864292196) ^ s) ^ (o >>> 16), 2246822507)), (o = smi((o = pe(o ^ (o >>> 13), 3266489909)) ^ (o >>> 16))) ); } function hashMerge(s, o) { return s ^ (o + 2654435769 + (s << 6) + (s >> 2)); } return ( (ht[i] = !0), (ht[ee] = pt.entries), (ht.__toJS = pt.toObject), (ht.__toStringMapper = function (s, o) { return JSON.stringify(o) + ': ' + quoteString(s); }), mixin(IndexedIterable, { toKeyedSeq: function () { return new ToKeyedSequence(this, !1); }, filter: function (s, o) { return reify(this, filterFactory(this, s, o, !1)); }, findIndex: function (s, o) { var i = this.findEntry(s, o); return i ? i[0] : -1; }, indexOf: function (s) { var o = this.keyOf(s); return void 0 === o ? -1 : o; }, lastIndexOf: function (s) { var o = this.lastKeyOf(s); return void 0 === o ? -1 : o; }, reverse: function () { return reify(this, reverseFactory(this, !1)); }, slice: function (s, o) { return reify(this, sliceFactory(this, s, o, !1)); }, splice: function (s, o) { var i = arguments.length; if (((o = Math.max(0 | o, 0)), 0 === i || (2 === i && !o))) return this; s = resolveBegin(s, s < 0 ? this.count() : this.size); var u = this.slice(0, s); return reify( this, 1 === i ? u : u.concat(arrCopy(arguments, 2), this.slice(s + o)) ); }, findLastIndex: function (s, o) { var i = this.findLastEntry(s, o); return i ? i[0] : -1; }, first: function () { return this.get(0); }, flatten: function (s) { return reify(this, flattenFactory(this, s, !1)); }, get: function (s, o) { return (s = wrapIndex(this, s)) < 0 || this.size === 1 / 0 || (void 0 !== this.size && s > this.size) ? o : this.find( function (o, i) { return i === s; }, void 0, o ); }, has: function (s) { return ( (s = wrapIndex(this, s)) >= 0 && (void 0 !== this.size ? this.size === 1 / 0 || s < this.size : -1 !== this.indexOf(s)) ); }, interpose: function (s) { return reify(this, interposeFactory(this, s)); }, interleave: function () { var s = [this].concat(arrCopy(arguments)), o = zipWithFactory(this.toSeq(), IndexedSeq.of, s), i = o.flatten(!0); return o.size && (i.size = o.size * s.length), reify(this, i); }, keySeq: function () { return Range(0, this.size); }, last: function () { return this.get(-1); }, skipWhile: function (s, o) { return reify(this, skipWhileFactory(this, s, o, !1)); }, zip: function () { return reify( this, zipWithFactory(this, defaultZipper, [this].concat(arrCopy(arguments))) ); }, zipWith: function (s) { var o = arrCopy(arguments); return (o[0] = this), reify(this, zipWithFactory(this, s, o)); } }), (IndexedIterable.prototype[u] = !0), (IndexedIterable.prototype[_] = !0), mixin(SetIterable, { get: function (s, o) { return this.has(s) ? s : o; }, includes: function (s) { return this.has(s); }, keySeq: function () { return this.valueSeq(); } }), (SetIterable.prototype.has = pt.includes), (SetIterable.prototype.contains = SetIterable.prototype.includes), mixin(KeyedSeq, KeyedIterable.prototype), mixin(IndexedSeq, IndexedIterable.prototype), mixin(SetSeq, SetIterable.prototype), mixin(KeyedCollection, KeyedIterable.prototype), mixin(IndexedCollection, IndexedIterable.prototype), mixin(SetCollection, SetIterable.prototype), { Iterable, Seq, Collection, Map, OrderedMap, List, Stack, Set, OrderedSet, Record, Range, Repeat, is, fromJS } ); })(); }, 56698: (s) => { 'function' == typeof Object.create ? (s.exports = function inherits(s, o) { o && ((s.super_ = o), (s.prototype = Object.create(o.prototype, { constructor: { value: s, enumerable: !1, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }))); }) : (s.exports = function inherits(s, o) { if (o) { s.super_ = o; var TempCtor = function () {}; (TempCtor.prototype = o.prototype), (s.prototype = new TempCtor()), (s.prototype.constructor = s); } }); }, 5419: (s) => { s.exports = function (s, o, i, u) { var _ = new Blob(void 0 !== u ? [u, s] : [s], { type: i || 'application/octet-stream' }); if (void 0 !== window.navigator.msSaveBlob) window.navigator.msSaveBlob(_, o); else { var w = window.URL && window.URL.createObjectURL ? window.URL.createObjectURL(_) : window.webkitURL.createObjectURL(_), x = document.createElement('a'); (x.style.display = 'none'), (x.href = w), x.setAttribute('download', o), void 0 === x.download && x.setAttribute('target', '_blank'), document.body.appendChild(x), x.click(), setTimeout(function () { document.body.removeChild(x), window.URL.revokeObjectURL(w); }, 200); } }; }, 20181: (s, o, i) => { var u = /^\s+|\s+$/g, _ = /^[-+]0x[0-9a-f]+$/i, w = /^0b[01]+$/i, x = /^0o[0-7]+$/i, C = parseInt, j = 'object' == typeof i.g && i.g && i.g.Object === Object && i.g, L = 'object' == typeof self && self && self.Object === Object && self, B = j || L || Function('return this')(), $ = Object.prototype.toString, V = Math.max, U = Math.min, now = function () { return B.Date.now(); }; function isObject(s) { var o = typeof s; return !!s && ('object' == o || 'function' == o); } function toNumber(s) { if ('number' == typeof s) return s; if ( (function isSymbol(s) { return ( 'symbol' == typeof s || ((function isObjectLike(s) { return !!s && 'object' == typeof s; })(s) && '[object Symbol]' == $.call(s)) ); })(s) ) return NaN; if (isObject(s)) { var o = 'function' == typeof s.valueOf ? s.valueOf() : s; s = isObject(o) ? o + '' : o; } if ('string' != typeof s) return 0 === s ? s : +s; s = s.replace(u, ''); var i = w.test(s); return i || x.test(s) ? C(s.slice(2), i ? 2 : 8) : _.test(s) ? NaN : +s; } s.exports = function debounce(s, o, i) { var u, _, w, x, C, j, L = 0, B = !1, $ = !1, z = !0; if ('function' != typeof s) throw new TypeError('Expected a function'); function invokeFunc(o) { var i = u, w = _; return (u = _ = void 0), (L = o), (x = s.apply(w, i)); } function shouldInvoke(s) { var i = s - j; return void 0 === j || i >= o || i < 0 || ($ && s - L >= w); } function timerExpired() { var s = now(); if (shouldInvoke(s)) return trailingEdge(s); C = setTimeout( timerExpired, (function remainingWait(s) { var i = o - (s - j); return $ ? U(i, w - (s - L)) : i; })(s) ); } function trailingEdge(s) { return (C = void 0), z && u ? invokeFunc(s) : ((u = _ = void 0), x); } function debounced() { var s = now(), i = shouldInvoke(s); if (((u = arguments), (_ = this), (j = s), i)) { if (void 0 === C) return (function leadingEdge(s) { return (L = s), (C = setTimeout(timerExpired, o)), B ? invokeFunc(s) : x; })(j); if ($) return (C = setTimeout(timerExpired, o)), invokeFunc(j); } return void 0 === C && (C = setTimeout(timerExpired, o)), x; } return ( (o = toNumber(o) || 0), isObject(i) && ((B = !!i.leading), (w = ($ = 'maxWait' in i) ? V(toNumber(i.maxWait) || 0, o) : w), (z = 'trailing' in i ? !!i.trailing : z)), (debounced.cancel = function cancel() { void 0 !== C && clearTimeout(C), (L = 0), (u = j = _ = C = void 0); }), (debounced.flush = function flush() { return void 0 === C ? x : trailingEdge(now()); }), debounced ); }; }, 55580: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(56110)(i(9325), 'DataView'); s.exports = u; }, 21549: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(22032), _ = i(63862), w = i(66721), x = i(12749), C = i(35749); function Hash(s) { var o = -1, i = null == s ? 0 : s.length; for (this.clear(); ++o < i; ) { var u = s[o]; this.set(u[0], u[1]); } } (Hash.prototype.clear = u), (Hash.prototype.delete = _), (Hash.prototype.get = w), (Hash.prototype.has = x), (Hash.prototype.set = C), (s.exports = Hash); }, 30980: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(39344), _ = i(94033); function LazyWrapper(s) { (this.__wrapped__ = s), (this.__actions__ = []), (this.__dir__ = 1), (this.__filtered__ = !1), (this.__iteratees__ = []), (this.__takeCount__ = 4294967295), (this.__views__ = []); } (LazyWrapper.prototype = u(_.prototype)), (LazyWrapper.prototype.constructor = LazyWrapper), (s.exports = LazyWrapper); }, 80079: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(63702), _ = i(70080), w = i(24739), x = i(48655), C = i(31175); function ListCache(s) { var o = -1, i = null == s ? 0 : s.length; for (this.clear(); ++o < i; ) { var u = s[o]; this.set(u[0], u[1]); } } (ListCache.prototype.clear = u), (ListCache.prototype.delete = _), (ListCache.prototype.get = w), (ListCache.prototype.has = x), (ListCache.prototype.set = C), (s.exports = ListCache); }, 56017: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(39344), _ = i(94033); function LodashWrapper(s, o) { (this.__wrapped__ = s), (this.__actions__ = []), (this.__chain__ = !!o), (this.__index__ = 0), (this.__values__ = void 0); } (LodashWrapper.prototype = u(_.prototype)), (LodashWrapper.prototype.constructor = LodashWrapper), (s.exports = LodashWrapper); }, 68223: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(56110)(i(9325), 'Map'); s.exports = u; }, 53661: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(63040), _ = i(17670), w = i(90289), x = i(4509), C = i(72949); function MapCache(s) { var o = -1, i = null == s ? 0 : s.length; for (this.clear(); ++o < i; ) { var u = s[o]; this.set(u[0], u[1]); } } (MapCache.prototype.clear = u), (MapCache.prototype.delete = _), (MapCache.prototype.get = w), (MapCache.prototype.has = x), (MapCache.prototype.set = C), (s.exports = MapCache); }, 32804: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(56110)(i(9325), 'Promise'); s.exports = u; }, 76545: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(56110)(i(9325), 'Set'); s.exports = u; }, 38859: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(53661), _ = i(31380), w = i(51459); function SetCache(s) { var o = -1, i = null == s ? 0 : s.length; for (this.__data__ = new u(); ++o < i; ) this.add(s[o]); } (SetCache.prototype.add = SetCache.prototype.push = _), (SetCache.prototype.has = w), (s.exports = SetCache); }, 37217: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(80079), _ = i(51420), w = i(90938), x = i(63605), C = i(29817), j = i(80945); function Stack(s) { var o = (this.__data__ = new u(s)); this.size = o.size; } (Stack.prototype.clear = _), (Stack.prototype.delete = w), (Stack.prototype.get = x), (Stack.prototype.has = C), (Stack.prototype.set = j), (s.exports = Stack); }, 51873: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(9325).Symbol; s.exports = u; }, 37828: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(9325).Uint8Array; s.exports = u; }, 28303: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(56110)(i(9325), 'WeakMap'); s.exports = u; }, 91033: (s) => { s.exports = function apply(s, o, i) { switch (i.length) { case 0: return s.call(o); case 1: return s.call(o, i[0]); case 2: return s.call(o, i[0], i[1]); case 3: return s.call(o, i[0], i[1], i[2]); } return s.apply(o, i); }; }, 83729: (s) => { s.exports = function arrayEach(s, o) { for (var i = -1, u = null == s ? 0 : s.length; ++i < u && !1 !== o(s[i], i, s); ); return s; }; }, 79770: (s) => { s.exports = function arrayFilter(s, o) { for (var i = -1, u = null == s ? 0 : s.length, _ = 0, w = []; ++i < u; ) { var x = s[i]; o(x, i, s) && (w[_++] = x); } return w; }; }, 15325: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(96131); s.exports = function arrayIncludes(s, o) { return !!(null == s ? 0 : s.length) && u(s, o, 0) > -1; }; }, 70695: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(78096), _ = i(72428), w = i(56449), x = i(3656), C = i(30361), j = i(37167), L = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; s.exports = function arrayLikeKeys(s, o) { var i = w(s), B = !i && _(s), $ = !i && !B && x(s), V = !i && !B && !$ && j(s), U = i || B || $ || V, z = U ? u(s.length, String) : [], Y = z.length; for (var Z in s) (!o && !L.call(s, Z)) || (U && ('length' == Z || ($ && ('offset' == Z || 'parent' == Z)) || (V && ('buffer' == Z || 'byteLength' == Z || 'byteOffset' == Z)) || C(Z, Y))) || z.push(Z); return z; }; }, 34932: (s) => { s.exports = function arrayMap(s, o) { for (var i = -1, u = null == s ? 0 : s.length, _ = Array(u); ++i < u; ) _[i] = o(s[i], i, s); return _; }; }, 14528: (s) => { s.exports = function arrayPush(s, o) { for (var i = -1, u = o.length, _ = s.length; ++i < u; ) s[_ + i] = o[i]; return s; }; }, 40882: (s) => { s.exports = function arrayReduce(s, o, i, u) { var _ = -1, w = null == s ? 0 : s.length; for (u && w && (i = s[++_]); ++_ < w; ) i = o(i, s[_], _, s); return i; }; }, 14248: (s) => { s.exports = function arraySome(s, o) { for (var i = -1, u = null == s ? 0 : s.length; ++i < u; ) if (o(s[i], i, s)) return !0; return !1; }; }, 61074: (s) => { s.exports = function asciiToArray(s) { return s.split(''); }; }, 1733: (s) => { var o = /[^\x00-\x2f\x3a-\x40\x5b-\x60\x7b-\x7f]+/g; s.exports = function asciiWords(s) { return s.match(o) || []; }; }, 87805: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(43360), _ = i(75288); s.exports = function assignMergeValue(s, o, i) { ((void 0 !== i && !_(s[o], i)) || (void 0 === i && !(o in s))) && u(s, o, i); }; }, 16547: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(43360), _ = i(75288), w = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; s.exports = function assignValue(s, o, i) { var x = s[o]; (w.call(s, o) && _(x, i) && (void 0 !== i || o in s)) || u(s, o, i); }; }, 26025: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(75288); s.exports = function assocIndexOf(s, o) { for (var i = s.length; i--; ) if (u(s[i][0], o)) return i; return -1; }; }, 74733: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(21791), _ = i(95950); s.exports = function baseAssign(s, o) { return s && u(o, _(o), s); }; }, 43838: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(21791), _ = i(37241); s.exports = function baseAssignIn(s, o) { return s && u(o, _(o), s); }; }, 43360: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(93243); s.exports = function baseAssignValue(s, o, i) { '__proto__' == o && u ? u(s, o, { configurable: !0, enumerable: !0, value: i, writable: !0 }) : (s[o] = i); }; }, 9999: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(37217), _ = i(83729), w = i(16547), x = i(74733), C = i(43838), j = i(93290), L = i(23007), B = i(92271), $ = i(48948), V = i(50002), U = i(83349), z = i(5861), Y = i(76189), Z = i(77199), ee = i(35529), ie = i(56449), ae = i(3656), le = i(87730), ce = i(23805), pe = i(38440), de = i(95950), fe = i(37241), ye = '[object Arguments]', be = '[object Function]', _e = '[object Object]', we = {}; (we[ye] = we['[object Array]'] = we['[object ArrayBuffer]'] = we['[object DataView]'] = we['[object Boolean]'] = we['[object Date]'] = we['[object Float32Array]'] = we['[object Float64Array]'] = we['[object Int8Array]'] = we['[object Int16Array]'] = we['[object Int32Array]'] = we['[object Map]'] = we['[object Number]'] = we[_e] = we['[object RegExp]'] = we['[object Set]'] = we['[object String]'] = we['[object Symbol]'] = we['[object Uint8Array]'] = we['[object Uint8ClampedArray]'] = we['[object Uint16Array]'] = we['[object Uint32Array]'] = !0), (we['[object Error]'] = we[be] = we['[object WeakMap]'] = !1), (s.exports = function baseClone(s, o, i, Se, xe, Pe) { var Te, Re = 1 & o, qe = 2 & o, $e = 4 & o; if ((i && (Te = xe ? i(s, Se, xe, Pe) : i(s)), void 0 !== Te)) return Te; if (!ce(s)) return s; var ze = ie(s); if (ze) { if (((Te = Y(s)), !Re)) return L(s, Te); } else { var We = z(s), He = We == be || '[object GeneratorFunction]' == We; if (ae(s)) return j(s, Re); if (We == _e || We == ye || (He && !xe)) { if (((Te = qe || He ? {} : ee(s)), !Re)) return qe ? $(s, C(Te, s)) : B(s, x(Te, s)); } else { if (!we[We]) return xe ? s : {}; Te = Z(s, We, Re); } } Pe || (Pe = new u()); var Ye = Pe.get(s); if (Ye) return Ye; Pe.set(s, Te), pe(s) ? s.forEach(function (u) { Te.add(baseClone(u, o, i, u, s, Pe)); }) : le(s) && s.forEach(function (u, _) { Te.set(_, baseClone(u, o, i, _, s, Pe)); }); var Xe = ze ? void 0 : ($e ? (qe ? U : V) : qe ? fe : de)(s); return ( _(Xe || s, function (u, _) { Xe && (u = s[(_ = u)]), w(Te, _, baseClone(u, o, i, _, s, Pe)); }), Te ); }); }, 39344: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(23805), _ = Object.create, w = (function () { function object() {} return function (s) { if (!u(s)) return {}; if (_) return _(s); object.prototype = s; var o = new object(); return (object.prototype = void 0), o; }; })(); s.exports = w; }, 80909: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(30641), _ = i(38329)(u); s.exports = _; }, 2523: (s) => { s.exports = function baseFindIndex(s, o, i, u) { for (var _ = s.length, w = i + (u ? 1 : -1); u ? w-- : ++w < _; ) if (o(s[w], w, s)) return w; return -1; }; }, 83120: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(14528), _ = i(45891); s.exports = function baseFlatten(s, o, i, w, x) { var C = -1, j = s.length; for (i || (i = _), x || (x = []); ++C < j; ) { var L = s[C]; o > 0 && i(L) ? o > 1 ? baseFlatten(L, o - 1, i, w, x) : u(x, L) : w || (x[x.length] = L); } return x; }; }, 86649: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(83221)(); s.exports = u; }, 30641: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(86649), _ = i(95950); s.exports = function baseForOwn(s, o) { return s && u(s, o, _); }; }, 47422: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(31769), _ = i(77797); s.exports = function baseGet(s, o) { for (var i = 0, w = (o = u(o, s)).length; null != s && i < w; ) s = s[_(o[i++])]; return i && i == w ? s : void 0; }; }, 82199: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(14528), _ = i(56449); s.exports = function baseGetAllKeys(s, o, i) { var w = o(s); return _(s) ? w : u(w, i(s)); }; }, 72552: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(51873), _ = i(659), w = i(59350), x = u ? u.toStringTag : void 0; s.exports = function baseGetTag(s) { return null == s ? void 0 === s ? '[object Undefined]' : '[object Null]' : x && x in Object(s) ? _(s) : w(s); }; }, 20426: (s) => { var o = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; s.exports = function baseHas(s, i) { return null != s && o.call(s, i); }; }, 28077: (s) => { s.exports = function baseHasIn(s, o) { return null != s && o in Object(s); }; }, 96131: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(2523), _ = i(85463), w = i(76959); s.exports = function baseIndexOf(s, o, i) { return o == o ? w(s, o, i) : u(s, _, i); }; }, 27534: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(72552), _ = i(40346); s.exports = function baseIsArguments(s) { return _(s) && '[object Arguments]' == u(s); }; }, 60270: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(87068), _ = i(40346); s.exports = function baseIsEqual(s, o, i, w, x) { return ( s === o || (null == s || null == o || (!_(s) && !_(o)) ? s != s && o != o : u(s, o, i, w, baseIsEqual, x)) ); }; }, 87068: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(37217), _ = i(25911), w = i(21986), x = i(50689), C = i(5861), j = i(56449), L = i(3656), B = i(37167), $ = '[object Arguments]', V = '[object Array]', U = '[object Object]', z = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; s.exports = function baseIsEqualDeep(s, o, i, Y, Z, ee) { var ie = j(s), ae = j(o), le = ie ? V : C(s), ce = ae ? V : C(o), pe = (le = le == $ ? U : le) == U, de = (ce = ce == $ ? U : ce) == U, fe = le == ce; if (fe && L(s)) { if (!L(o)) return !1; (ie = !0), (pe = !1); } if (fe && !pe) return ( ee || (ee = new u()), ie || B(s) ? _(s, o, i, Y, Z, ee) : w(s, o, le, i, Y, Z, ee) ); if (!(1 & i)) { var ye = pe && z.call(s, '__wrapped__'), be = de && z.call(o, '__wrapped__'); if (ye || be) { var _e = ye ? s.value() : s, we = be ? o.value() : o; return ee || (ee = new u()), Z(_e, we, i, Y, ee); } } return !!fe && (ee || (ee = new u()), x(s, o, i, Y, Z, ee)); }; }, 29172: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(5861), _ = i(40346); s.exports = function baseIsMap(s) { return _(s) && '[object Map]' == u(s); }; }, 41799: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(37217), _ = i(60270); s.exports = function baseIsMatch(s, o, i, w) { var x = i.length, C = x, j = !w; if (null == s) return !C; for (s = Object(s); x--; ) { var L = i[x]; if (j && L[2] ? L[1] !== s[L[0]] : !(L[0] in s)) return !1; } for (; ++x < C; ) { var B = (L = i[x])[0], $ = s[B], V = L[1]; if (j && L[2]) { if (void 0 === $ && !(B in s)) return !1; } else { var U = new u(); if (w) var z = w($, V, B, s, o, U); if (!(void 0 === z ? _(V, $, 3, w, U) : z)) return !1; } } return !0; }; }, 85463: (s) => { s.exports = function baseIsNaN(s) { return s != s; }; }, 45083: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(1882), _ = i(87296), w = i(23805), x = i(47473), C = /^\[object .+?Constructor\]$/, j = Function.prototype, L = Object.prototype, B = j.toString, $ = L.hasOwnProperty, V = RegExp( '^' + B.call($) .replace(/[\\^$.*+?()[\]{}|]/g, '\\$&') .replace(/hasOwnProperty|(function).*?(?=\\\()| for .+?(?=\\\])/g, '$1.*?') + '$' ); s.exports = function baseIsNative(s) { return !(!w(s) || _(s)) && (u(s) ? V : C).test(x(s)); }; }, 16038: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(5861), _ = i(40346); s.exports = function baseIsSet(s) { return _(s) && '[object Set]' == u(s); }; }, 4901: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(72552), _ = i(30294), w = i(40346), x = {}; (x['[object Float32Array]'] = x['[object Float64Array]'] = x['[object Int8Array]'] = x['[object Int16Array]'] = x['[object Int32Array]'] = x['[object Uint8Array]'] = x['[object Uint8ClampedArray]'] = x['[object Uint16Array]'] = x['[object Uint32Array]'] = !0), (x['[object Arguments]'] = x['[object Array]'] = x['[object ArrayBuffer]'] = x['[object Boolean]'] = x['[object DataView]'] = x['[object Date]'] = x['[object Error]'] = x['[object Function]'] = x['[object Map]'] = x['[object Number]'] = x['[object Object]'] = x['[object RegExp]'] = x['[object Set]'] = x['[object String]'] = x['[object WeakMap]'] = !1), (s.exports = function baseIsTypedArray(s) { return w(s) && _(s.length) && !!x[u(s)]; }); }, 15389: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(93663), _ = i(87978), w = i(83488), x = i(56449), C = i(50583); s.exports = function baseIteratee(s) { return 'function' == typeof s ? s : null == s ? w : 'object' == typeof s ? x(s) ? _(s[0], s[1]) : u(s) : C(s); }; }, 88984: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(55527), _ = i(3650), w = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; s.exports = function baseKeys(s) { if (!u(s)) return _(s); var o = []; for (var i in Object(s)) w.call(s, i) && 'constructor' != i && o.push(i); return o; }; }, 72903: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(23805), _ = i(55527), w = i(90181), x = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; s.exports = function baseKeysIn(s) { if (!u(s)) return w(s); var o = _(s), i = []; for (var C in s) ('constructor' != C || (!o && x.call(s, C))) && i.push(C); return i; }; }, 94033: (s) => { s.exports = function baseLodash() {}; }, 93663: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(41799), _ = i(10776), w = i(67197); s.exports = function baseMatches(s) { var o = _(s); return 1 == o.length && o[0][2] ? w(o[0][0], o[0][1]) : function (i) { return i === s || u(i, s, o); }; }; }, 87978: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(60270), _ = i(58156), w = i(80631), x = i(28586), C = i(30756), j = i(67197), L = i(77797); s.exports = function baseMatchesProperty(s, o) { return x(s) && C(o) ? j(L(s), o) : function (i) { var x = _(i, s); return void 0 === x && x === o ? w(i, s) : u(o, x, 3); }; }; }, 85250: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(37217), _ = i(87805), w = i(86649), x = i(42824), C = i(23805), j = i(37241), L = i(14974); s.exports = function baseMerge(s, o, i, B, $) { s !== o && w( o, function (w, j) { if (($ || ($ = new u()), C(w))) x(s, o, j, i, baseMerge, B, $); else { var V = B ? B(L(s, j), w, j + '', s, o, $) : void 0; void 0 === V && (V = w), _(s, j, V); } }, j ); }; }, 42824: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(87805), _ = i(93290), w = i(71961), x = i(23007), C = i(35529), j = i(72428), L = i(56449), B = i(83693), $ = i(3656), V = i(1882), U = i(23805), z = i(11331), Y = i(37167), Z = i(14974), ee = i(69884); s.exports = function baseMergeDeep(s, o, i, ie, ae, le, ce) { var pe = Z(s, i), de = Z(o, i), fe = ce.get(de); if (fe) u(s, i, fe); else { var ye = le ? le(pe, de, i + '', s, o, ce) : void 0, be = void 0 === ye; if (be) { var _e = L(de), we = !_e && $(de), Se = !_e && !we && Y(de); (ye = de), _e || we || Se ? L(pe) ? (ye = pe) : B(pe) ? (ye = x(pe)) : we ? ((be = !1), (ye = _(de, !0))) : Se ? ((be = !1), (ye = w(de, !0))) : (ye = []) : z(de) || j(de) ? ((ye = pe), j(pe) ? (ye = ee(pe)) : (U(pe) && !V(pe)) || (ye = C(de))) : (be = !1); } be && (ce.set(de, ye), ae(ye, de, ie, le, ce), ce.delete(de)), u(s, i, ye); } }; }, 47237: (s) => { s.exports = function baseProperty(s) { return function (o) { return null == o ? void 0 : o[s]; }; }; }, 17255: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(47422); s.exports = function basePropertyDeep(s) { return function (o) { return u(o, s); }; }; }, 54552: (s) => { s.exports = function basePropertyOf(s) { return function (o) { return null == s ? void 0 : s[o]; }; }; }, 85558: (s) => { s.exports = function baseReduce(s, o, i, u, _) { return ( _(s, function (s, _, w) { i = u ? ((u = !1), s) : o(i, s, _, w); }), i ); }; }, 69302: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(83488), _ = i(56757), w = i(32865); s.exports = function baseRest(s, o) { return w(_(s, o, u), s + ''); }; }, 73170: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(16547), _ = i(31769), w = i(30361), x = i(23805), C = i(77797); s.exports = function baseSet(s, o, i, j) { if (!x(s)) return s; for (var L = -1, B = (o = _(o, s)).length, $ = B - 1, V = s; null != V && ++L < B; ) { var U = C(o[L]), z = i; if ('__proto__' === U || 'constructor' === U || 'prototype' === U) return s; if (L != $) { var Y = V[U]; void 0 === (z = j ? j(Y, U, V) : void 0) && (z = x(Y) ? Y : w(o[L + 1]) ? [] : {}); } u(V, U, z), (V = V[U]); } return s; }; }, 68882: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(83488), _ = i(48152), w = _ ? function (s, o) { return _.set(s, o), s; } : u; s.exports = w; }, 19570: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(37334), _ = i(93243), w = i(83488), x = _ ? function (s, o) { return _(s, 'toString', { configurable: !0, enumerable: !1, value: u(o), writable: !0 }); } : w; s.exports = x; }, 25160: (s) => { s.exports = function baseSlice(s, o, i) { var u = -1, _ = s.length; o < 0 && (o = -o > _ ? 0 : _ + o), (i = i > _ ? _ : i) < 0 && (i += _), (_ = o > i ? 0 : (i - o) >>> 0), (o >>>= 0); for (var w = Array(_); ++u < _; ) w[u] = s[u + o]; return w; }; }, 90916: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(80909); s.exports = function baseSome(s, o) { var i; return ( u(s, function (s, u, _) { return !(i = o(s, u, _)); }), !!i ); }; }, 78096: (s) => { s.exports = function baseTimes(s, o) { for (var i = -1, u = Array(s); ++i < s; ) u[i] = o(i); return u; }; }, 77556: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(51873), _ = i(34932), w = i(56449), x = i(44394), C = u ? u.prototype : void 0, j = C ? C.toString : void 0; s.exports = function baseToString(s) { if ('string' == typeof s) return s; if (w(s)) return _(s, baseToString) + ''; if (x(s)) return j ? j.call(s) : ''; var o = s + ''; return '0' == o && 1 / s == -1 / 0 ? '-0' : o; }; }, 54128: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(31800), _ = /^\s+/; s.exports = function baseTrim(s) { return s ? s.slice(0, u(s) + 1).replace(_, '') : s; }; }, 27301: (s) => { s.exports = function baseUnary(s) { return function (o) { return s(o); }; }; }, 19931: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(31769), _ = i(68090), w = i(68969), x = i(77797); s.exports = function baseUnset(s, o) { return (o = u(o, s)), null == (s = w(s, o)) || delete s[x(_(o))]; }; }, 51234: (s) => { s.exports = function baseZipObject(s, o, i) { for (var u = -1, _ = s.length, w = o.length, x = {}; ++u < _; ) { var C = u < w ? o[u] : void 0; i(x, s[u], C); } return x; }; }, 19219: (s) => { s.exports = function cacheHas(s, o) { return s.has(o); }; }, 31769: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(56449), _ = i(28586), w = i(61802), x = i(13222); s.exports = function castPath(s, o) { return u(s) ? s : _(s, o) ? [s] : w(x(s)); }; }, 28754: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(25160); s.exports = function castSlice(s, o, i) { var _ = s.length; return (i = void 0 === i ? _ : i), !o && i >= _ ? s : u(s, o, i); }; }, 49653: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(37828); s.exports = function cloneArrayBuffer(s) { var o = new s.constructor(s.byteLength); return new u(o).set(new u(s)), o; }; }, 93290: (s, o, i) => { s = i.nmd(s); var u = i(9325), _ = o && !o.nodeType && o, w = _ && s && !s.nodeType && s, x = w && w.exports === _ ? u.Buffer : void 0, C = x ? x.allocUnsafe : void 0; s.exports = function cloneBuffer(s, o) { if (o) return s.slice(); var i = s.length, u = C ? C(i) : new s.constructor(i); return s.copy(u), u; }; }, 76169: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(49653); s.exports = function cloneDataView(s, o) { var i = o ? u(s.buffer) : s.buffer; return new s.constructor(i, s.byteOffset, s.byteLength); }; }, 73201: (s) => { var o = /\w*$/; s.exports = function cloneRegExp(s) { var i = new s.constructor(s.source, o.exec(s)); return (i.lastIndex = s.lastIndex), i; }; }, 93736: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(51873), _ = u ? u.prototype : void 0, w = _ ? _.valueOf : void 0; s.exports = function cloneSymbol(s) { return w ? Object(w.call(s)) : {}; }; }, 71961: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(49653); s.exports = function cloneTypedArray(s, o) { var i = o ? u(s.buffer) : s.buffer; return new s.constructor(i, s.byteOffset, s.length); }; }, 91596: (s) => { var o = Math.max; s.exports = function composeArgs(s, i, u, _) { for ( var w = -1, x = s.length, C = u.length, j = -1, L = i.length, B = o(x - C, 0), $ = Array(L + B), V = !_; ++j < L; ) $[j] = i[j]; for (; ++w < C; ) (V || w < x) && ($[u[w]] = s[w]); for (; B--; ) $[j++] = s[w++]; return $; }; }, 53320: (s) => { var o = Math.max; s.exports = function composeArgsRight(s, i, u, _) { for ( var w = -1, x = s.length, C = -1, j = u.length, L = -1, B = i.length, $ = o(x - j, 0), V = Array($ + B), U = !_; ++w < $; ) V[w] = s[w]; for (var z = w; ++L < B; ) V[z + L] = i[L]; for (; ++C < j; ) (U || w < x) && (V[z + u[C]] = s[w++]); return V; }; }, 23007: (s) => { s.exports = function copyArray(s, o) { var i = -1, u = s.length; for (o || (o = Array(u)); ++i < u; ) o[i] = s[i]; return o; }; }, 21791: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(16547), _ = i(43360); s.exports = function copyObject(s, o, i, w) { var x = !i; i || (i = {}); for (var C = -1, j = o.length; ++C < j; ) { var L = o[C], B = w ? w(i[L], s[L], L, i, s) : void 0; void 0 === B && (B = s[L]), x ? _(i, L, B) : u(i, L, B); } return i; }; }, 92271: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(21791), _ = i(4664); s.exports = function copySymbols(s, o) { return u(s, _(s), o); }; }, 48948: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(21791), _ = i(86375); s.exports = function copySymbolsIn(s, o) { return u(s, _(s), o); }; }, 55481: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(9325)['__core-js_shared__']; s.exports = u; }, 58523: (s) => { s.exports = function countHolders(s, o) { for (var i = s.length, u = 0; i--; ) s[i] === o && ++u; return u; }; }, 20999: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(69302), _ = i(36800); s.exports = function createAssigner(s) { return u(function (o, i) { var u = -1, w = i.length, x = w > 1 ? i[w - 1] : void 0, C = w > 2 ? i[2] : void 0; for ( x = s.length > 3 && 'function' == typeof x ? (w--, x) : void 0, C && _(i[0], i[1], C) && ((x = w < 3 ? void 0 : x), (w = 1)), o = Object(o); ++u < w; ) { var j = i[u]; j && s(o, j, u, x); } return o; }); }; }, 38329: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(64894); s.exports = function createBaseEach(s, o) { return function (i, _) { if (null == i) return i; if (!u(i)) return s(i, _); for ( var w = i.length, x = o ? w : -1, C = Object(i); (o ? x-- : ++x < w) && !1 !== _(C[x], x, C); ); return i; }; }; }, 83221: (s) => { s.exports = function createBaseFor(s) { return function (o, i, u) { for (var _ = -1, w = Object(o), x = u(o), C = x.length; C--; ) { var j = x[s ? C : ++_]; if (!1 === i(w[j], j, w)) break; } return o; }; }; }, 11842: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(82819), _ = i(9325); s.exports = function createBind(s, o, i) { var w = 1 & o, x = u(s); return function wrapper() { return (this && this !== _ && this instanceof wrapper ? x : s).apply( w ? i : this, arguments ); }; }; }, 12507: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(28754), _ = i(49698), w = i(63912), x = i(13222); s.exports = function createCaseFirst(s) { return function (o) { o = x(o); var i = _(o) ? w(o) : void 0, C = i ? i[0] : o.charAt(0), j = i ? u(i, 1).join('') : o.slice(1); return C[s]() + j; }; }; }, 45539: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(40882), _ = i(50828), w = i(66645), x = RegExp("['’]", 'g'); s.exports = function createCompounder(s) { return function (o) { return u(w(_(o).replace(x, '')), s, ''); }; }; }, 82819: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(39344), _ = i(23805); s.exports = function createCtor(s) { return function () { var o = arguments; switch (o.length) { case 0: return new s(); case 1: return new s(o[0]); case 2: return new s(o[0], o[1]); case 3: return new s(o[0], o[1], o[2]); case 4: return new s(o[0], o[1], o[2], o[3]); case 5: return new s(o[0], o[1], o[2], o[3], o[4]); case 6: return new s(o[0], o[1], o[2], o[3], o[4], o[5]); case 7: return new s(o[0], o[1], o[2], o[3], o[4], o[5], o[6]); } var i = u(s.prototype), w = s.apply(i, o); return _(w) ? w : i; }; }; }, 77078: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(91033), _ = i(82819), w = i(37471), x = i(18073), C = i(11287), j = i(36306), L = i(9325); s.exports = function createCurry(s, o, i) { var B = _(s); return function wrapper() { for (var _ = arguments.length, $ = Array(_), V = _, U = C(wrapper); V--; ) $[V] = arguments[V]; var z = _ < 3 && $[0] !== U && $[_ - 1] !== U ? [] : j($, U); return (_ -= z.length) < i ? x(s, o, w, wrapper.placeholder, void 0, $, z, void 0, void 0, i - _) : u(this && this !== L && this instanceof wrapper ? B : s, this, $); }; }; }, 62006: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(15389), _ = i(64894), w = i(95950); s.exports = function createFind(s) { return function (o, i, x) { var C = Object(o); if (!_(o)) { var j = u(i, 3); (o = w(o)), (i = function (s) { return j(C[s], s, C); }); } var L = s(o, i, x); return L > -1 ? C[j ? o[L] : L] : void 0; }; }; }, 37471: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(91596), _ = i(53320), w = i(58523), x = i(82819), C = i(18073), j = i(11287), L = i(68294), B = i(36306), $ = i(9325); s.exports = function createHybrid(s, o, i, V, U, z, Y, Z, ee, ie) { var ae = 128 & o, le = 1 & o, ce = 2 & o, pe = 24 & o, de = 512 & o, fe = ce ? void 0 : x(s); return function wrapper() { for (var ye = arguments.length, be = Array(ye), _e = ye; _e--; ) be[_e] = arguments[_e]; if (pe) var we = j(wrapper), Se = w(be, we); if ( (V && (be = u(be, V, U, pe)), z && (be = _(be, z, Y, pe)), (ye -= Se), pe && ye < ie) ) { var xe = B(be, we); return C(s, o, createHybrid, wrapper.placeholder, i, be, xe, Z, ee, ie - ye); } var Pe = le ? i : this, Te = ce ? Pe[s] : s; return ( (ye = be.length), Z ? (be = L(be, Z)) : de && ye > 1 && be.reverse(), ae && ee < ye && (be.length = ee), this && this !== $ && this instanceof wrapper && (Te = fe || x(Te)), Te.apply(Pe, be) ); }; }; }, 24168: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(91033), _ = i(82819), w = i(9325); s.exports = function createPartial(s, o, i, x) { var C = 1 & o, j = _(s); return function wrapper() { for ( var o = -1, _ = arguments.length, L = -1, B = x.length, $ = Array(B + _), V = this && this !== w && this instanceof wrapper ? j : s; ++L < B; ) $[L] = x[L]; for (; _--; ) $[L++] = arguments[++o]; return u(V, C ? i : this, $); }; }; }, 18073: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(85087), _ = i(54641), w = i(70981); s.exports = function createRecurry(s, o, i, x, C, j, L, B, $, V) { var U = 8 & o; (o |= U ? 32 : 64), 4 & (o &= ~(U ? 64 : 32)) || (o &= -4); var z = [ s, o, C, U ? j : void 0, U ? L : void 0, U ? void 0 : j, U ? void 0 : L, B, $, V ], Y = i.apply(void 0, z); return u(s) && _(Y, z), (Y.placeholder = x), w(Y, s, o); }; }, 66977: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(68882), _ = i(11842), w = i(77078), x = i(37471), C = i(24168), j = i(37381), L = i(3209), B = i(54641), $ = i(70981), V = i(61489), U = Math.max; s.exports = function createWrap(s, o, i, z, Y, Z, ee, ie) { var ae = 2 & o; if (!ae && 'function' != typeof s) throw new TypeError('Expected a function'); var le = z ? z.length : 0; if ( (le || ((o &= -97), (z = Y = void 0)), (ee = void 0 === ee ? ee : U(V(ee), 0)), (ie = void 0 === ie ? ie : V(ie)), (le -= Y ? Y.length : 0), 64 & o) ) { var ce = z, pe = Y; z = Y = void 0; } var de = ae ? void 0 : j(s), fe = [s, o, i, z, Y, ce, pe, Z, ee, ie]; if ( (de && L(fe, de), (s = fe[0]), (o = fe[1]), (i = fe[2]), (z = fe[3]), (Y = fe[4]), !(ie = fe[9] = void 0 === fe[9] ? (ae ? 0 : s.length) : U(fe[9] - le, 0)) && 24 & o && (o &= -25), o && 1 != o) ) ye = 8 == o || 16 == o ? w(s, o, ie) : (32 != o && 33 != o) || Y.length ? x.apply(void 0, fe) : C(s, o, i, z); else var ye = _(s, o, i); return $((de ? u : B)(ye, fe), s, o); }; }, 53138: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(11331); s.exports = function customOmitClone(s) { return u(s) ? void 0 : s; }; }, 24647: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(54552)({ À: 'A', Á: 'A', Â: 'A', Ã: 'A', Ä: 'A', Å: 'A', à: 'a', á: 'a', â: 'a', ã: 'a', ä: 'a', å: 'a', Ç: 'C', ç: 'c', Ð: 'D', ð: 'd', È: 'E', É: 'E', Ê: 'E', Ë: 'E', è: 'e', é: 'e', ê: 'e', ë: 'e', Ì: 'I', Í: 'I', Î: 'I', Ï: 'I', ì: 'i', í: 'i', î: 'i', ï: 'i', Ñ: 'N', ñ: 'n', Ò: 'O', Ó: 'O', Ô: 'O', Õ: 'O', Ö: 'O', Ø: 'O', ò: 'o', ó: 'o', ô: 'o', õ: 'o', ö: 'o', ø: 'o', Ù: 'U', Ú: 'U', Û: 'U', Ü: 'U', ù: 'u', ú: 'u', û: 'u', ü: 'u', Ý: 'Y', ý: 'y', ÿ: 'y', Æ: 'Ae', æ: 'ae', Þ: 'Th', þ: 'th', ß: 'ss', Ā: 'A', Ă: 'A', Ą: 'A', ā: 'a', ă: 'a', ą: 'a', Ć: 'C', Ĉ: 'C', Ċ: 'C', Č: 'C', ć: 'c', ĉ: 'c', ċ: 'c', č: 'c', Ď: 'D', Đ: 'D', ď: 'd', đ: 'd', Ē: 'E', Ĕ: 'E', Ė: 'E', Ę: 'E', Ě: 'E', ē: 'e', ĕ: 'e', ė: 'e', ę: 'e', ě: 'e', Ĝ: 'G', Ğ: 'G', Ġ: 'G', Ģ: 'G', ĝ: 'g', ğ: 'g', ġ: 'g', ģ: 'g', Ĥ: 'H', Ħ: 'H', ĥ: 'h', ħ: 'h', Ĩ: 'I', Ī: 'I', Ĭ: 'I', Į: 'I', İ: 'I', ĩ: 'i', ī: 'i', ĭ: 'i', į: 'i', ı: 'i', Ĵ: 'J', ĵ: 'j', Ķ: 'K', ķ: 'k', ĸ: 'k', Ĺ: 'L', Ļ: 'L', Ľ: 'L', Ŀ: 'L', Ł: 'L', ĺ: 'l', ļ: 'l', ľ: 'l', ŀ: 'l', ł: 'l', Ń: 'N', Ņ: 'N', Ň: 'N', Ŋ: 'N', ń: 'n', ņ: 'n', ň: 'n', ŋ: 'n', Ō: 'O', Ŏ: 'O', Ő: 'O', ō: 'o', ŏ: 'o', ő: 'o', Ŕ: 'R', Ŗ: 'R', Ř: 'R', ŕ: 'r', ŗ: 'r', ř: 'r', Ś: 'S', Ŝ: 'S', Ş: 'S', Š: 'S', ś: 's', ŝ: 's', ş: 's', š: 's', Ţ: 'T', Ť: 'T', Ŧ: 'T', ţ: 't', ť: 't', ŧ: 't', Ũ: 'U', Ū: 'U', Ŭ: 'U', Ů: 'U', Ű: 'U', Ų: 'U', ũ: 'u', ū: 'u', ŭ: 'u', ů: 'u', ű: 'u', ų: 'u', Ŵ: 'W', ŵ: 'w', Ŷ: 'Y', ŷ: 'y', Ÿ: 'Y', Ź: 'Z', Ż: 'Z', Ž: 'Z', ź: 'z', ż: 'z', ž: 'z', IJ: 'IJ', ij: 'ij', Œ: 'Oe', œ: 'oe', ʼn: "'n", ſ: 's' }); s.exports = u; }, 93243: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(56110), _ = (function () { try { var s = u(Object, 'defineProperty'); return s({}, '', {}), s; } catch (s) {} })(); s.exports = _; }, 25911: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(38859), _ = i(14248), w = i(19219); s.exports = function equalArrays(s, o, i, x, C, j) { var L = 1 & i, B = s.length, $ = o.length; if (B != $ && !(L && $ > B)) return !1; var V = j.get(s), U = j.get(o); if (V && U) return V == o && U == s; var z = -1, Y = !0, Z = 2 & i ? new u() : void 0; for (j.set(s, o), j.set(o, s); ++z < B; ) { var ee = s[z], ie = o[z]; if (x) var ae = L ? x(ie, ee, z, o, s, j) : x(ee, ie, z, s, o, j); if (void 0 !== ae) { if (ae) continue; Y = !1; break; } if (Z) { if ( !_(o, function (s, o) { if (!w(Z, o) && (ee === s || C(ee, s, i, x, j))) return Z.push(o); }) ) { Y = !1; break; } } else if (ee !== ie && !C(ee, ie, i, x, j)) { Y = !1; break; } } return j.delete(s), j.delete(o), Y; }; }, 21986: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(51873), _ = i(37828), w = i(75288), x = i(25911), C = i(20317), j = i(84247), L = u ? u.prototype : void 0, B = L ? L.valueOf : void 0; s.exports = function equalByTag(s, o, i, u, L, $, V) { switch (i) { case '[object DataView]': if (s.byteLength != o.byteLength || s.byteOffset != o.byteOffset) return !1; (s = s.buffer), (o = o.buffer); case '[object ArrayBuffer]': return !(s.byteLength != o.byteLength || !$(new _(s), new _(o))); case '[object Boolean]': case '[object Date]': case '[object Number]': return w(+s, +o); case '[object Error]': return s.name == o.name && s.message == o.message; case '[object RegExp]': case '[object String]': return s == o + ''; case '[object Map]': var U = C; case '[object Set]': var z = 1 & u; if ((U || (U = j), s.size != o.size && !z)) return !1; var Y = V.get(s); if (Y) return Y == o; (u |= 2), V.set(s, o); var Z = x(U(s), U(o), u, L, $, V); return V.delete(s), Z; case '[object Symbol]': if (B) return B.call(s) == B.call(o); } return !1; }; }, 50689: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(50002), _ = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; s.exports = function equalObjects(s, o, i, w, x, C) { var j = 1 & i, L = u(s), B = L.length; if (B != u(o).length && !j) return !1; for (var $ = B; $--; ) { var V = L[$]; if (!(j ? V in o : _.call(o, V))) return !1; } var U = C.get(s), z = C.get(o); if (U && z) return U == o && z == s; var Y = !0; C.set(s, o), C.set(o, s); for (var Z = j; ++$ < B; ) { var ee = s[(V = L[$])], ie = o[V]; if (w) var ae = j ? w(ie, ee, V, o, s, C) : w(ee, ie, V, s, o, C); if (!(void 0 === ae ? ee === ie || x(ee, ie, i, w, C) : ae)) { Y = !1; break; } Z || (Z = 'constructor' == V); } if (Y && !Z) { var le = s.constructor, ce = o.constructor; le == ce || !('constructor' in s) || !('constructor' in o) || ('function' == typeof le && le instanceof le && 'function' == typeof ce && ce instanceof ce) || (Y = !1); } return C.delete(s), C.delete(o), Y; }; }, 38816: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(35970), _ = i(56757), w = i(32865); s.exports = function flatRest(s) { return w(_(s, void 0, u), s + ''); }; }, 34840: (s, o, i) => { var u = 'object' == typeof i.g && i.g && i.g.Object === Object && i.g; s.exports = u; }, 50002: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(82199), _ = i(4664), w = i(95950); s.exports = function getAllKeys(s) { return u(s, w, _); }; }, 83349: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(82199), _ = i(86375), w = i(37241); s.exports = function getAllKeysIn(s) { return u(s, w, _); }; }, 37381: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(48152), _ = i(63950), w = u ? function (s) { return u.get(s); } : _; s.exports = w; }, 62284: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(84629), _ = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; s.exports = function getFuncName(s) { for (var o = s.name + '', i = u[o], w = _.call(u, o) ? i.length : 0; w--; ) { var x = i[w], C = x.func; if (null == C || C == s) return x.name; } return o; }; }, 11287: (s) => { s.exports = function getHolder(s) { return s.placeholder; }; }, 12651: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(74218); s.exports = function getMapData(s, o) { var i = s.__data__; return u(o) ? i['string' == typeof o ? 'string' : 'hash'] : i.map; }; }, 10776: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(30756), _ = i(95950); s.exports = function getMatchData(s) { for (var o = _(s), i = o.length; i--; ) { var w = o[i], x = s[w]; o[i] = [w, x, u(x)]; } return o; }; }, 56110: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(45083), _ = i(10392); s.exports = function getNative(s, o) { var i = _(s, o); return u(i) ? i : void 0; }; }, 28879: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(74335)(Object.getPrototypeOf, Object); s.exports = u; }, 659: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(51873), _ = Object.prototype, w = _.hasOwnProperty, x = _.toString, C = u ? u.toStringTag : void 0; s.exports = function getRawTag(s) { var o = w.call(s, C), i = s[C]; try { s[C] = void 0; var u = !0; } catch (s) {} var _ = x.call(s); return u && (o ? (s[C] = i) : delete s[C]), _; }; }, 4664: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(79770), _ = i(63345), w = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable, x = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols, C = x ? function (s) { return null == s ? [] : ((s = Object(s)), u(x(s), function (o) { return w.call(s, o); })); } : _; s.exports = C; }, 86375: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(14528), _ = i(28879), w = i(4664), x = i(63345), C = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols ? function (s) { for (var o = []; s; ) u(o, w(s)), (s = _(s)); return o; } : x; s.exports = C; }, 5861: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(55580), _ = i(68223), w = i(32804), x = i(76545), C = i(28303), j = i(72552), L = i(47473), B = '[object Map]', $ = '[object Promise]', V = '[object Set]', U = '[object WeakMap]', z = '[object DataView]', Y = L(u), Z = L(_), ee = L(w), ie = L(x), ae = L(C), le = j; ((u && le(new u(new ArrayBuffer(1))) != z) || (_ && le(new _()) != B) || (w && le(w.resolve()) != $) || (x && le(new x()) != V) || (C && le(new C()) != U)) && (le = function (s) { var o = j(s), i = '[object Object]' == o ? s.constructor : void 0, u = i ? L(i) : ''; if (u) switch (u) { case Y: return z; case Z: return B; case ee: return $; case ie: return V; case ae: return U; } return o; }), (s.exports = le); }, 10392: (s) => { s.exports = function getValue(s, o) { return null == s ? void 0 : s[o]; }; }, 75251: (s) => { var o = /\{\n\/\* \[wrapped with (.+)\] \*/, i = /,? & /; s.exports = function getWrapDetails(s) { var u = s.match(o); return u ? u[1].split(i) : []; }; }, 49326: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(31769), _ = i(72428), w = i(56449), x = i(30361), C = i(30294), j = i(77797); s.exports = function hasPath(s, o, i) { for (var L = -1, B = (o = u(o, s)).length, $ = !1; ++L < B; ) { var V = j(o[L]); if (!($ = null != s && i(s, V))) break; s = s[V]; } return $ || ++L != B ? $ : !!(B = null == s ? 0 : s.length) && C(B) && x(V, B) && (w(s) || _(s)); }; }, 49698: (s) => { var o = RegExp( '[\\u200d\\ud800-\\udfff\\u0300-\\u036f\\ufe20-\\ufe2f\\u20d0-\\u20ff\\ufe0e\\ufe0f]' ); s.exports = function hasUnicode(s) { return o.test(s); }; }, 45434: (s) => { var o = /[a-z][A-Z]|[A-Z]{2}[a-z]|[0-9][a-zA-Z]|[a-zA-Z][0-9]|[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]/; s.exports = function hasUnicodeWord(s) { return o.test(s); }; }, 22032: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(81042); s.exports = function hashClear() { (this.__data__ = u ? u(null) : {}), (this.size = 0); }; }, 63862: (s) => { s.exports = function hashDelete(s) { var o = this.has(s) && delete this.__data__[s]; return (this.size -= o ? 1 : 0), o; }; }, 66721: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(81042), _ = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; s.exports = function hashGet(s) { var o = this.__data__; if (u) { var i = o[s]; return '__lodash_hash_undefined__' === i ? void 0 : i; } return _.call(o, s) ? o[s] : void 0; }; }, 12749: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(81042), _ = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; s.exports = function hashHas(s) { var o = this.__data__; return u ? void 0 !== o[s] : _.call(o, s); }; }, 35749: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(81042); s.exports = function hashSet(s, o) { var i = this.__data__; return ( (this.size += this.has(s) ? 0 : 1), (i[s] = u && void 0 === o ? '__lodash_hash_undefined__' : o), this ); }; }, 76189: (s) => { var o = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; s.exports = function initCloneArray(s) { var i = s.length, u = new s.constructor(i); return ( i && 'string' == typeof s[0] && o.call(s, 'index') && ((u.index = s.index), (u.input = s.input)), u ); }; }, 77199: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(49653), _ = i(76169), w = i(73201), x = i(93736), C = i(71961); s.exports = function initCloneByTag(s, o, i) { var j = s.constructor; switch (o) { case '[object ArrayBuffer]': return u(s); case '[object Boolean]': case '[object Date]': return new j(+s); case '[object DataView]': return _(s, i); case '[object Float32Array]': case '[object Float64Array]': case '[object Int8Array]': case '[object Int16Array]': case '[object Int32Array]': case '[object Uint8Array]': case '[object Uint8ClampedArray]': case '[object Uint16Array]': case '[object Uint32Array]': return C(s, i); case '[object Map]': case '[object Set]': return new j(); case '[object Number]': case '[object String]': return new j(s); case '[object RegExp]': return w(s); case '[object Symbol]': return x(s); } }; }, 35529: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(39344), _ = i(28879), w = i(55527); s.exports = function initCloneObject(s) { return 'function' != typeof s.constructor || w(s) ? {} : u(_(s)); }; }, 62060: (s) => { var o = /\{(?:\n\/\* \[wrapped with .+\] \*\/)?\n?/; s.exports = function insertWrapDetails(s, i) { var u = i.length; if (!u) return s; var _ = u - 1; return ( (i[_] = (u > 1 ? '& ' : '') + i[_]), (i = i.join(u > 2 ? ', ' : ' ')), s.replace(o, '{\n/* [wrapped with ' + i + '] */\n') ); }; }, 45891: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(51873), _ = i(72428), w = i(56449), x = u ? u.isConcatSpreadable : void 0; s.exports = function isFlattenable(s) { return w(s) || _(s) || !!(x && s && s[x]); }; }, 30361: (s) => { var o = /^(?:0|[1-9]\d*)$/; s.exports = function isIndex(s, i) { var u = typeof s; return ( !!(i = null == i ? 9007199254740991 : i) && ('number' == u || ('symbol' != u && o.test(s))) && s > -1 && s % 1 == 0 && s < i ); }; }, 36800: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(75288), _ = i(64894), w = i(30361), x = i(23805); s.exports = function isIterateeCall(s, o, i) { if (!x(i)) return !1; var C = typeof o; return ( !!('number' == C ? _(i) && w(o, i.length) : 'string' == C && o in i) && u(i[o], s) ); }; }, 28586: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(56449), _ = i(44394), w = /\.|\[(?:[^[\]]*|(["'])(?:(?!\1)[^\\]|\\.)*?\1)\]/, x = /^\w*$/; s.exports = function isKey(s, o) { if (u(s)) return !1; var i = typeof s; return ( !('number' != i && 'symbol' != i && 'boolean' != i && null != s && !_(s)) || x.test(s) || !w.test(s) || (null != o && s in Object(o)) ); }; }, 74218: (s) => { s.exports = function isKeyable(s) { var o = typeof s; return 'string' == o || 'number' == o || 'symbol' == o || 'boolean' == o ? '__proto__' !== s : null === s; }; }, 85087: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(30980), _ = i(37381), w = i(62284), x = i(53758); s.exports = function isLaziable(s) { var o = w(s), i = x[o]; if ('function' != typeof i || !(o in u.prototype)) return !1; if (s === i) return !0; var C = _(i); return !!C && s === C[0]; }; }, 87296: (s, o, i) => { var u, _ = i(55481), w = (u = /[^.]+$/.exec((_ && _.keys && _.keys.IE_PROTO) || '')) ? 'Symbol(src)_1.' + u : ''; s.exports = function isMasked(s) { return !!w && w in s; }; }, 55527: (s) => { var o = Object.prototype; s.exports = function isPrototype(s) { var i = s && s.constructor; return s === (('function' == typeof i && i.prototype) || o); }; }, 30756: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(23805); s.exports = function isStrictComparable(s) { return s == s && !u(s); }; }, 63702: (s) => { s.exports = function listCacheClear() { (this.__data__ = []), (this.size = 0); }; }, 70080: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(26025), _ = Array.prototype.splice; s.exports = function listCacheDelete(s) { var o = this.__data__, i = u(o, s); return !(i < 0) && (i == o.length - 1 ? o.pop() : _.call(o, i, 1), --this.size, !0); }; }, 24739: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(26025); s.exports = function listCacheGet(s) { var o = this.__data__, i = u(o, s); return i < 0 ? void 0 : o[i][1]; }; }, 48655: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(26025); s.exports = function listCacheHas(s) { return u(this.__data__, s) > -1; }; }, 31175: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(26025); s.exports = function listCacheSet(s, o) { var i = this.__data__, _ = u(i, s); return _ < 0 ? (++this.size, i.push([s, o])) : (i[_][1] = o), this; }; }, 63040: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(21549), _ = i(80079), w = i(68223); s.exports = function mapCacheClear() { (this.size = 0), (this.__data__ = { hash: new u(), map: new (w || _)(), string: new u() }); }; }, 17670: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(12651); s.exports = function mapCacheDelete(s) { var o = u(this, s).delete(s); return (this.size -= o ? 1 : 0), o; }; }, 90289: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(12651); s.exports = function mapCacheGet(s) { return u(this, s).get(s); }; }, 4509: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(12651); s.exports = function mapCacheHas(s) { return u(this, s).has(s); }; }, 72949: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(12651); s.exports = function mapCacheSet(s, o) { var i = u(this, s), _ = i.size; return i.set(s, o), (this.size += i.size == _ ? 0 : 1), this; }; }, 20317: (s) => { s.exports = function mapToArray(s) { var o = -1, i = Array(s.size); return ( s.forEach(function (s, u) { i[++o] = [u, s]; }), i ); }; }, 67197: (s) => { s.exports = function matchesStrictComparable(s, o) { return function (i) { return null != i && i[s] === o && (void 0 !== o || s in Object(i)); }; }; }, 62224: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(50104); s.exports = function memoizeCapped(s) { var o = u(s, function (s) { return 500 === i.size && i.clear(), s; }), i = o.cache; return o; }; }, 3209: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(91596), _ = i(53320), w = i(36306), x = '__lodash_placeholder__', C = 128, j = Math.min; s.exports = function mergeData(s, o) { var i = s[1], L = o[1], B = i | L, $ = B < 131, V = (L == C && 8 == i) || (L == C && 256 == i && s[7].length <= o[8]) || (384 == L && o[7].length <= o[8] && 8 == i); if (!$ && !V) return s; 1 & L && ((s[2] = o[2]), (B |= 1 & i ? 0 : 4)); var U = o[3]; if (U) { var z = s[3]; (s[3] = z ? u(z, U, o[4]) : U), (s[4] = z ? w(s[3], x) : o[4]); } return ( (U = o[5]) && ((z = s[5]), (s[5] = z ? _(z, U, o[6]) : U), (s[6] = z ? w(s[5], x) : o[6])), (U = o[7]) && (s[7] = U), L & C && (s[8] = null == s[8] ? o[8] : j(s[8], o[8])), null == s[9] && (s[9] = o[9]), (s[0] = o[0]), (s[1] = B), s ); }; }, 48152: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(28303), _ = u && new u(); s.exports = _; }, 81042: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(56110)(Object, 'create'); s.exports = u; }, 3650: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(74335)(Object.keys, Object); s.exports = u; }, 90181: (s) => { s.exports = function nativeKeysIn(s) { var o = []; if (null != s) for (var i in Object(s)) o.push(i); return o; }; }, 86009: (s, o, i) => { s = i.nmd(s); var u = i(34840), _ = o && !o.nodeType && o, w = _ && s && !s.nodeType && s, x = w && w.exports === _ && u.process, C = (function () { try { var s = w && w.require && w.require('util').types; return s || (x && x.binding && x.binding('util')); } catch (s) {} })(); s.exports = C; }, 59350: (s) => { var o = Object.prototype.toString; s.exports = function objectToString(s) { return o.call(s); }; }, 74335: (s) => { s.exports = function overArg(s, o) { return function (i) { return s(o(i)); }; }; }, 56757: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(91033), _ = Math.max; s.exports = function overRest(s, o, i) { return ( (o = _(void 0 === o ? s.length - 1 : o, 0)), function () { for (var w = arguments, x = -1, C = _(w.length - o, 0), j = Array(C); ++x < C; ) j[x] = w[o + x]; x = -1; for (var L = Array(o + 1); ++x < o; ) L[x] = w[x]; return (L[o] = i(j)), u(s, this, L); } ); }; }, 68969: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(47422), _ = i(25160); s.exports = function parent(s, o) { return o.length < 2 ? s : u(s, _(o, 0, -1)); }; }, 84629: (s) => { s.exports = {}; }, 68294: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(23007), _ = i(30361), w = Math.min; s.exports = function reorder(s, o) { for (var i = s.length, x = w(o.length, i), C = u(s); x--; ) { var j = o[x]; s[x] = _(j, i) ? C[j] : void 0; } return s; }; }, 36306: (s) => { var o = '__lodash_placeholder__'; s.exports = function replaceHolders(s, i) { for (var u = -1, _ = s.length, w = 0, x = []; ++u < _; ) { var C = s[u]; (C !== i && C !== o) || ((s[u] = o), (x[w++] = u)); } return x; }; }, 9325: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(34840), _ = 'object' == typeof self && self && self.Object === Object && self, w = u || _ || Function('return this')(); s.exports = w; }, 14974: (s) => { s.exports = function safeGet(s, o) { if (('constructor' !== o || 'function' != typeof s[o]) && '__proto__' != o) return s[o]; }; }, 31380: (s) => { s.exports = function setCacheAdd(s) { return this.__data__.set(s, '__lodash_hash_undefined__'), this; }; }, 51459: (s) => { s.exports = function setCacheHas(s) { return this.__data__.has(s); }; }, 54641: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(68882), _ = i(51811)(u); s.exports = _; }, 84247: (s) => { s.exports = function setToArray(s) { var o = -1, i = Array(s.size); return ( s.forEach(function (s) { i[++o] = s; }), i ); }; }, 32865: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(19570), _ = i(51811)(u); s.exports = _; }, 70981: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(75251), _ = i(62060), w = i(32865), x = i(75948); s.exports = function setWrapToString(s, o, i) { var C = o + ''; return w(s, _(C, x(u(C), i))); }; }, 51811: (s) => { var o = Date.now; s.exports = function shortOut(s) { var i = 0, u = 0; return function () { var _ = o(), w = 16 - (_ - u); if (((u = _), w > 0)) { if (++i >= 800) return arguments[0]; } else i = 0; return s.apply(void 0, arguments); }; }; }, 51420: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(80079); s.exports = function stackClear() { (this.__data__ = new u()), (this.size = 0); }; }, 90938: (s) => { s.exports = function stackDelete(s) { var o = this.__data__, i = o.delete(s); return (this.size = o.size), i; }; }, 63605: (s) => { s.exports = function stackGet(s) { return this.__data__.get(s); }; }, 29817: (s) => { s.exports = function stackHas(s) { return this.__data__.has(s); }; }, 80945: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(80079), _ = i(68223), w = i(53661); s.exports = function stackSet(s, o) { var i = this.__data__; if (i instanceof u) { var x = i.__data__; if (!_ || x.length < 199) return x.push([s, o]), (this.size = ++i.size), this; i = this.__data__ = new w(x); } return i.set(s, o), (this.size = i.size), this; }; }, 76959: (s) => { s.exports = function strictIndexOf(s, o, i) { for (var u = i - 1, _ = s.length; ++u < _; ) if (s[u] === o) return u; return -1; }; }, 63912: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(61074), _ = i(49698), w = i(42054); s.exports = function stringToArray(s) { return _(s) ? w(s) : u(s); }; }, 61802: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(62224), _ = /[^.[\]]+|\[(?:(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)|(["'])((?:(?!\2)[^\\]|\\.)*?)\2)\]|(?=(?:\.|\[\])(?:\.|\[\]|$))/g, w = /\\(\\)?/g, x = u(function (s) { var o = []; return ( 46 === s.charCodeAt(0) && o.push(''), s.replace(_, function (s, i, u, _) { o.push(u ? _.replace(w, '$1') : i || s); }), o ); }); s.exports = x; }, 77797: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(44394); s.exports = function toKey(s) { if ('string' == typeof s || u(s)) return s; var o = s + ''; return '0' == o && 1 / s == -1 / 0 ? '-0' : o; }; }, 47473: (s) => { var o = Function.prototype.toString; s.exports = function toSource(s) { if (null != s) { try { return o.call(s); } catch (s) {} try { return s + ''; } catch (s) {} } return ''; }; }, 31800: (s) => { var o = /\s/; s.exports = function trimmedEndIndex(s) { for (var i = s.length; i-- && o.test(s.charAt(i)); ); return i; }; }, 42054: (s) => { var o = '\\ud800-\\udfff', i = '[' + o + ']', u = '[\\u0300-\\u036f\\ufe20-\\ufe2f\\u20d0-\\u20ff]', _ = '\\ud83c[\\udffb-\\udfff]', w = '[^' + o + ']', x = '(?:\\ud83c[\\udde6-\\uddff]){2}', C = '[\\ud800-\\udbff][\\udc00-\\udfff]', j = '(?:' + u + '|' + _ + ')' + '?', L = '[\\ufe0e\\ufe0f]?', B = L + j + ('(?:\\u200d(?:' + [w, x, C].join('|') + ')' + L + j + ')*'), $ = '(?:' + [w + u + '?', u, x, C, i].join('|') + ')', V = RegExp(_ + '(?=' + _ + ')|' + $ + B, 'g'); s.exports = function unicodeToArray(s) { return s.match(V) || []; }; }, 22225: (s) => { var o = '\\ud800-\\udfff', i = '\\u2700-\\u27bf', u = 'a-z\\xdf-\\xf6\\xf8-\\xff', _ = 'A-Z\\xc0-\\xd6\\xd8-\\xde', w = '\\xac\\xb1\\xd7\\xf7\\x00-\\x2f\\x3a-\\x40\\x5b-\\x60\\x7b-\\xbf\\u2000-\\u206f \\t\\x0b\\f\\xa0\\ufeff\\n\\r\\u2028\\u2029\\u1680\\u180e\\u2000\\u2001\\u2002\\u2003\\u2004\\u2005\\u2006\\u2007\\u2008\\u2009\\u200a\\u202f\\u205f\\u3000', x = '[' + w + ']', C = '\\d+', j = '[' + i + ']', L = '[' + u + ']', B = '[^' + o + w + C + i + u + _ + ']', $ = '(?:\\ud83c[\\udde6-\\uddff]){2}', V = '[\\ud800-\\udbff][\\udc00-\\udfff]', U = '[' + _ + ']', z = '(?:' + L + '|' + B + ')', Y = '(?:' + U + '|' + B + ')', Z = "(?:['’](?:d|ll|m|re|s|t|ve))?", ee = "(?:['’](?:D|LL|M|RE|S|T|VE))?", ie = '(?:[\\u0300-\\u036f\\ufe20-\\ufe2f\\u20d0-\\u20ff]|\\ud83c[\\udffb-\\udfff])?', ae = '[\\ufe0e\\ufe0f]?', le = ae + ie + ('(?:\\u200d(?:' + ['[^' + o + ']', $, V].join('|') + ')' + ae + ie + ')*'), ce = '(?:' + [j, $, V].join('|') + ')' + le, pe = RegExp( [ U + '?' + L + '+' + Z + '(?=' + [x, U, '$'].join('|') + ')', Y + '+' + ee + '(?=' + [x, U + z, '$'].join('|') + ')', U + '?' + z + '+' + Z, U + '+' + ee, '\\d*(?:1ST|2ND|3RD|(?![123])\\dTH)(?=\\b|[a-z_])', '\\d*(?:1st|2nd|3rd|(?![123])\\dth)(?=\\b|[A-Z_])', C, ce ].join('|'), 'g' ); s.exports = function unicodeWords(s) { return s.match(pe) || []; }; }, 75948: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(83729), _ = i(15325), w = [ ['ary', 128], ['bind', 1], ['bindKey', 2], ['curry', 8], ['curryRight', 16], ['flip', 512], ['partial', 32], ['partialRight', 64], ['rearg', 256] ]; s.exports = function updateWrapDetails(s, o) { return ( u(w, function (i) { var u = '_.' + i[0]; o & i[1] && !_(s, u) && s.push(u); }), s.sort() ); }; }, 80257: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(30980), _ = i(56017), w = i(23007); s.exports = function wrapperClone(s) { if (s instanceof u) return s.clone(); var o = new _(s.__wrapped__, s.__chain__); return ( (o.__actions__ = w(s.__actions__)), (o.__index__ = s.__index__), (o.__values__ = s.__values__), o ); }; }, 64626: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(66977); s.exports = function ary(s, o, i) { return ( (o = i ? void 0 : o), (o = s && null == o ? s.length : o), u(s, 128, void 0, void 0, void 0, void 0, o) ); }; }, 84058: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(14792), _ = i(45539)(function (s, o, i) { return (o = o.toLowerCase()), s + (i ? u(o) : o); }); s.exports = _; }, 14792: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(13222), _ = i(55808); s.exports = function capitalize(s) { return _(u(s).toLowerCase()); }; }, 32629: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(9999); s.exports = function clone(s) { return u(s, 4); }; }, 37334: (s) => { s.exports = function constant(s) { return function () { return s; }; }; }, 49747: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(66977); function curry(s, o, i) { var _ = u(s, 8, void 0, void 0, void 0, void 0, void 0, (o = i ? void 0 : o)); return (_.placeholder = curry.placeholder), _; } (curry.placeholder = {}), (s.exports = curry); }, 38221: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(23805), _ = i(10124), w = i(99374), x = Math.max, C = Math.min; s.exports = function debounce(s, o, i) { var j, L, B, $, V, U, z = 0, Y = !1, Z = !1, ee = !0; if ('function' != typeof s) throw new TypeError('Expected a function'); function invokeFunc(o) { var i = j, u = L; return (j = L = void 0), (z = o), ($ = s.apply(u, i)); } function shouldInvoke(s) { var i = s - U; return void 0 === U || i >= o || i < 0 || (Z && s - z >= B); } function timerExpired() { var s = _(); if (shouldInvoke(s)) return trailingEdge(s); V = setTimeout( timerExpired, (function remainingWait(s) { var i = o - (s - U); return Z ? C(i, B - (s - z)) : i; })(s) ); } function trailingEdge(s) { return (V = void 0), ee && j ? invokeFunc(s) : ((j = L = void 0), $); } function debounced() { var s = _(), i = shouldInvoke(s); if (((j = arguments), (L = this), (U = s), i)) { if (void 0 === V) return (function leadingEdge(s) { return (z = s), (V = setTimeout(timerExpired, o)), Y ? invokeFunc(s) : $; })(U); if (Z) return clearTimeout(V), (V = setTimeout(timerExpired, o)), invokeFunc(U); } return void 0 === V && (V = setTimeout(timerExpired, o)), $; } return ( (o = w(o) || 0), u(i) && ((Y = !!i.leading), (B = (Z = 'maxWait' in i) ? x(w(i.maxWait) || 0, o) : B), (ee = 'trailing' in i ? !!i.trailing : ee)), (debounced.cancel = function cancel() { void 0 !== V && clearTimeout(V), (z = 0), (j = U = L = V = void 0); }), (debounced.flush = function flush() { return void 0 === V ? $ : trailingEdge(_()); }), debounced ); }; }, 50828: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(24647), _ = i(13222), w = /[\xc0-\xd6\xd8-\xf6\xf8-\xff\u0100-\u017f]/g, x = RegExp('[\\u0300-\\u036f\\ufe20-\\ufe2f\\u20d0-\\u20ff]', 'g'); s.exports = function deburr(s) { return (s = _(s)) && s.replace(w, u).replace(x, ''); }; }, 75288: (s) => { s.exports = function eq(s, o) { return s === o || (s != s && o != o); }; }, 60680: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(13222), _ = /[\\^$.*+?()[\]{}|]/g, w = RegExp(_.source); s.exports = function escapeRegExp(s) { return (s = u(s)) && w.test(s) ? s.replace(_, '\\$&') : s; }; }, 7309: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(62006)(i(24713)); s.exports = u; }, 24713: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(2523), _ = i(15389), w = i(61489), x = Math.max; s.exports = function findIndex(s, o, i) { var C = null == s ? 0 : s.length; if (!C) return -1; var j = null == i ? 0 : w(i); return j < 0 && (j = x(C + j, 0)), u(s, _(o, 3), j); }; }, 35970: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(83120); s.exports = function flatten(s) { return (null == s ? 0 : s.length) ? u(s, 1) : []; }; }, 73424: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(16962), _ = i(2874), w = Array.prototype.push; function baseAry(s, o) { return 2 == o ? function (o, i) { return s(o, i); } : function (o) { return s(o); }; } function cloneArray(s) { for (var o = s ? s.length : 0, i = Array(o); o--; ) i[o] = s[o]; return i; } function wrapImmutable(s, o) { return function () { var i = arguments.length; if (i) { for (var u = Array(i); i--; ) u[i] = arguments[i]; var _ = (u[0] = o.apply(void 0, u)); return s.apply(void 0, u), _; } }; } s.exports = function baseConvert(s, o, i, x) { var C = 'function' == typeof o, j = o === Object(o); if ((j && ((x = i), (i = o), (o = void 0)), null == i)) throw new TypeError(); x || (x = {}); var L = !('cap' in x) || x.cap, B = !('curry' in x) || x.curry, $ = !('fixed' in x) || x.fixed, V = !('immutable' in x) || x.immutable, U = !('rearg' in x) || x.rearg, z = C ? i : _, Y = 'curry' in x && x.curry, Z = 'fixed' in x && x.fixed, ee = 'rearg' in x && x.rearg, ie = C ? i.runInContext() : void 0, ae = C ? i : { ary: s.ary, assign: s.assign, clone: s.clone, curry: s.curry, forEach: s.forEach, isArray: s.isArray, isError: s.isError, isFunction: s.isFunction, isWeakMap: s.isWeakMap, iteratee: s.iteratee, keys: s.keys, rearg: s.rearg, toInteger: s.toInteger, toPath: s.toPath }, le = ae.ary, ce = ae.assign, pe = ae.clone, de = ae.curry, fe = ae.forEach, ye = ae.isArray, be = ae.isError, _e = ae.isFunction, we = ae.isWeakMap, Se = ae.keys, xe = ae.rearg, Pe = ae.toInteger, Te = ae.toPath, Re = Se(u.aryMethod), qe = { castArray: function (s) { return function () { var o = arguments[0]; return ye(o) ? s(cloneArray(o)) : s.apply(void 0, arguments); }; }, iteratee: function (s) { return function () { var o = arguments[1], i = s(arguments[0], o), u = i.length; return L && 'number' == typeof o ? ((o = o > 2 ? o - 2 : 1), u && u <= o ? i : baseAry(i, o)) : i; }; }, mixin: function (s) { return function (o) { var i = this; if (!_e(i)) return s(i, Object(o)); var u = []; return ( fe(Se(o), function (s) { _e(o[s]) && u.push([s, i.prototype[s]]); }), s(i, Object(o)), fe(u, function (s) { var o = s[1]; _e(o) ? (i.prototype[s[0]] = o) : delete i.prototype[s[0]]; }), i ); }; }, nthArg: function (s) { return function (o) { var i = o < 0 ? 1 : Pe(o) + 1; return de(s(o), i); }; }, rearg: function (s) { return function (o, i) { var u = i ? i.length : 0; return de(s(o, i), u); }; }, runInContext: function (o) { return function (i) { return baseConvert(s, o(i), x); }; } }; function castCap(s, o) { if (L) { var i = u.iterateeRearg[s]; if (i) return (function iterateeRearg(s, o) { return overArg(s, function (s) { var i = o.length; return (function baseArity(s, o) { return 2 == o ? function (o, i) { return s.apply(void 0, arguments); } : function (o) { return s.apply(void 0, arguments); }; })(xe(baseAry(s, i), o), i); }); })(o, i); var _ = !C && u.iterateeAry[s]; if (_) return (function iterateeAry(s, o) { return overArg(s, function (s) { return 'function' == typeof s ? baseAry(s, o) : s; }); })(o, _); } return o; } function castFixed(s, o, i) { if ($ && (Z || !u.skipFixed[s])) { var _ = u.methodSpread[s], x = _ && _.start; return void 0 === x ? le(o, i) : (function flatSpread(s, o) { return function () { for (var i = arguments.length, u = i - 1, _ = Array(i); i--; ) _[i] = arguments[i]; var x = _[o], C = _.slice(0, o); return ( x && w.apply(C, x), o != u && w.apply(C, _.slice(o + 1)), s.apply(this, C) ); }; })(o, x); } return o; } function castRearg(s, o, i) { return U && i > 1 && (ee || !u.skipRearg[s]) ? xe(o, u.methodRearg[s] || u.aryRearg[i]) : o; } function cloneByPath(s, o) { for ( var i = -1, u = (o = Te(o)).length, _ = u - 1, w = pe(Object(s)), x = w; null != x && ++i < u; ) { var C = o[i], j = x[C]; null == j || _e(j) || be(j) || we(j) || (x[C] = pe(i == _ ? j : Object(j))), (x = x[C]); } return w; } function createConverter(s, o) { var i = u.aliasToReal[s] || s, _ = u.remap[i] || i, w = x; return function (s) { var u = C ? ie : ae, x = C ? ie[_] : o, j = ce(ce({}, w), s); return baseConvert(u, i, x, j); }; } function overArg(s, o) { return function () { var i = arguments.length; if (!i) return s(); for (var u = Array(i); i--; ) u[i] = arguments[i]; var _ = U ? 0 : i - 1; return (u[_] = o(u[_])), s.apply(void 0, u); }; } function wrap(s, o, i) { var _, w = u.aliasToReal[s] || s, x = o, C = qe[w]; return ( C ? (x = C(o)) : V && (u.mutate.array[w] ? (x = wrapImmutable(o, cloneArray)) : u.mutate.object[w] ? (x = wrapImmutable( o, (function createCloner(s) { return function (o) { return s({}, o); }; })(o) )) : u.mutate.set[w] && (x = wrapImmutable(o, cloneByPath))), fe(Re, function (s) { return ( fe(u.aryMethod[s], function (o) { if (w == o) { var i = u.methodSpread[w], C = i && i.afterRearg; return ( (_ = C ? castFixed(w, castRearg(w, x, s), s) : castRearg(w, castFixed(w, x, s), s)), (_ = (function castCurry(s, o, i) { return Y || (B && i > 1) ? de(o, i) : o; })(0, (_ = castCap(w, _)), s)), !1 ); } }), !_ ); }), _ || (_ = x), _ == o && (_ = Y ? de(_, 1) : function () { return o.apply(this, arguments); }), (_.convert = createConverter(w, o)), (_.placeholder = o.placeholder = i), _ ); } if (!j) return wrap(o, i, z); var $e = i, ze = []; return ( fe(Re, function (s) { fe(u.aryMethod[s], function (s) { var o = $e[u.remap[s] || s]; o && ze.push([s, wrap(s, o, $e)]); }); }), fe(Se($e), function (s) { var o = $e[s]; if ('function' == typeof o) { for (var i = ze.length; i--; ) if (ze[i][0] == s) return; (o.convert = createConverter(s, o)), ze.push([s, o]); } }), fe(ze, function (s) { $e[s[0]] = s[1]; }), ($e.convert = function convertLib(s) { return $e.runInContext.convert(s)(void 0); }), ($e.placeholder = $e), fe(Se($e), function (s) { fe(u.realToAlias[s] || [], function (o) { $e[o] = $e[s]; }); }), $e ); }; }, 16962: (s, o) => { (o.aliasToReal = { each: 'forEach', eachRight: 'forEachRight', entries: 'toPairs', entriesIn: 'toPairsIn', extend: 'assignIn', extendAll: 'assignInAll', extendAllWith: 'assignInAllWith', extendWith: 'assignInWith', first: 'head', conforms: 'conformsTo', matches: 'isMatch', property: 'get', __: 'placeholder', F: 'stubFalse', T: 'stubTrue', all: 'every', allPass: 'overEvery', always: 'constant', any: 'some', anyPass: 'overSome', apply: 'spread', assoc: 'set', assocPath: 'set', complement: 'negate', compose: 'flowRight', contains: 'includes', dissoc: 'unset', dissocPath: 'unset', dropLast: 'dropRight', dropLastWhile: 'dropRightWhile', equals: 'isEqual', identical: 'eq', indexBy: 'keyBy', init: 'initial', invertObj: 'invert', juxt: 'over', omitAll: 'omit', nAry: 'ary', path: 'get', pathEq: 'matchesProperty', pathOr: 'getOr', paths: 'at', pickAll: 'pick', pipe: 'flow', pluck: 'map', prop: 'get', propEq: 'matchesProperty', propOr: 'getOr', props: 'at', symmetricDifference: 'xor', symmetricDifferenceBy: 'xorBy', symmetricDifferenceWith: 'xorWith', takeLast: 'takeRight', takeLastWhile: 'takeRightWhile', unapply: 'rest', unnest: 'flatten', useWith: 'overArgs', where: 'conformsTo', whereEq: 'isMatch', zipObj: 'zipObject' }), (o.aryMethod = { 1: [ 'assignAll', 'assignInAll', 'attempt', 'castArray', 'ceil', 'create', 'curry', 'curryRight', 'defaultsAll', 'defaultsDeepAll', 'floor', 'flow', 'flowRight', 'fromPairs', 'invert', 'iteratee', 'memoize', 'method', 'mergeAll', 'methodOf', 'mixin', 'nthArg', 'over', 'overEvery', 'overSome', 'rest', 'reverse', 'round', 'runInContext', 'spread', 'template', 'trim', 'trimEnd', 'trimStart', 'uniqueId', 'words', 'zipAll' ], 2: [ 'add', 'after', 'ary', 'assign', 'assignAllWith', 'assignIn', 'assignInAllWith', 'at', 'before', 'bind', 'bindAll', 'bindKey', 'chunk', 'cloneDeepWith', 'cloneWith', 'concat', 'conformsTo', 'countBy', 'curryN', 'curryRightN', 'debounce', 'defaults', 'defaultsDeep', 'defaultTo', 'delay', 'difference', 'divide', 'drop', 'dropRight', 'dropRightWhile', 'dropWhile', 'endsWith', 'eq', 'every', 'filter', 'find', 'findIndex', 'findKey', 'findLast', 'findLastIndex', 'findLastKey', 'flatMap', 'flatMapDeep', 'flattenDepth', 'forEach', 'forEachRight', 'forIn', 'forInRight', 'forOwn', 'forOwnRight', 'get', 'groupBy', 'gt', 'gte', 'has', 'hasIn', 'includes', 'indexOf', 'intersection', 'invertBy', 'invoke', 'invokeMap', 'isEqual', 'isMatch', 'join', 'keyBy', 'lastIndexOf', 'lt', 'lte', 'map', 'mapKeys', 'mapValues', 'matchesProperty', 'maxBy', 'meanBy', 'merge', 'mergeAllWith', 'minBy', 'multiply', 'nth', 'omit', 'omitBy', 'overArgs', 'pad', 'padEnd', 'padStart', 'parseInt', 'partial', 'partialRight', 'partition', 'pick', 'pickBy', 'propertyOf', 'pull', 'pullAll', 'pullAt', 'random', 'range', 'rangeRight', 'rearg', 'reject', 'remove', 'repeat', 'restFrom', 'result', 'sampleSize', 'some', 'sortBy', 'sortedIndex', 'sortedIndexOf', 'sortedLastIndex', 'sortedLastIndexOf', 'sortedUniqBy', 'split', 'spreadFrom', 'startsWith', 'subtract', 'sumBy', 'take', 'takeRight', 'takeRightWhile', 'takeWhile', 'tap', 'throttle', 'thru', 'times', 'trimChars', 'trimCharsEnd', 'trimCharsStart', 'truncate', 'union', 'uniqBy', 'uniqWith', 'unset', 'unzipWith', 'without', 'wrap', 'xor', 'zip', 'zipObject', 'zipObjectDeep' ], 3: [ 'assignInWith', 'assignWith', 'clamp', 'differenceBy', 'differenceWith', 'findFrom', 'findIndexFrom', 'findLastFrom', 'findLastIndexFrom', 'getOr', 'includesFrom', 'indexOfFrom', 'inRange', 'intersectionBy', 'intersectionWith', 'invokeArgs', 'invokeArgsMap', 'isEqualWith', 'isMatchWith', 'flatMapDepth', 'lastIndexOfFrom', 'mergeWith', 'orderBy', 'padChars', 'padCharsEnd', 'padCharsStart', 'pullAllBy', 'pullAllWith', 'rangeStep', 'rangeStepRight', 'reduce', 'reduceRight', 'replace', 'set', 'slice', 'sortedIndexBy', 'sortedLastIndexBy', 'transform', 'unionBy', 'unionWith', 'update', 'xorBy', 'xorWith', 'zipWith' ], 4: ['fill', 'setWith', 'updateWith'] }), (o.aryRearg = { 2: [1, 0], 3: [2, 0, 1], 4: [3, 2, 0, 1] }), (o.iterateeAry = { dropRightWhile: 1, dropWhile: 1, every: 1, filter: 1, find: 1, findFrom: 1, findIndex: 1, findIndexFrom: 1, findKey: 1, findLast: 1, findLastFrom: 1, findLastIndex: 1, findLastIndexFrom: 1, findLastKey: 1, flatMap: 1, flatMapDeep: 1, flatMapDepth: 1, forEach: 1, forEachRight: 1, forIn: 1, forInRight: 1, forOwn: 1, forOwnRight: 1, map: 1, mapKeys: 1, mapValues: 1, partition: 1, reduce: 2, reduceRight: 2, reject: 1, remove: 1, some: 1, takeRightWhile: 1, takeWhile: 1, times: 1, transform: 2 }), (o.iterateeRearg = { mapKeys: [1], reduceRight: [1, 0] }), (o.methodRearg = { assignInAllWith: [1, 0], assignInWith: [1, 2, 0], assignAllWith: [1, 0], assignWith: [1, 2, 0], differenceBy: [1, 2, 0], differenceWith: [1, 2, 0], getOr: [2, 1, 0], intersectionBy: [1, 2, 0], intersectionWith: [1, 2, 0], isEqualWith: [1, 2, 0], isMatchWith: [2, 1, 0], mergeAllWith: [1, 0], mergeWith: [1, 2, 0], padChars: [2, 1, 0], padCharsEnd: [2, 1, 0], padCharsStart: [2, 1, 0], pullAllBy: [2, 1, 0], pullAllWith: [2, 1, 0], rangeStep: [1, 2, 0], rangeStepRight: [1, 2, 0], setWith: [3, 1, 2, 0], sortedIndexBy: [2, 1, 0], sortedLastIndexBy: [2, 1, 0], unionBy: [1, 2, 0], unionWith: [1, 2, 0], updateWith: [3, 1, 2, 0], xorBy: [1, 2, 0], xorWith: [1, 2, 0], zipWith: [1, 2, 0] }), (o.methodSpread = { assignAll: { start: 0 }, assignAllWith: { start: 0 }, assignInAll: { start: 0 }, assignInAllWith: { start: 0 }, defaultsAll: { start: 0 }, defaultsDeepAll: { start: 0 }, invokeArgs: { start: 2 }, invokeArgsMap: { start: 2 }, mergeAll: { start: 0 }, mergeAllWith: { start: 0 }, partial: { start: 1 }, partialRight: { start: 1 }, without: { start: 1 }, zipAll: { start: 0 } }), (o.mutate = { array: { fill: !0, pull: !0, pullAll: !0, pullAllBy: !0, pullAllWith: !0, pullAt: !0, remove: !0, reverse: !0 }, object: { assign: !0, assignAll: !0, assignAllWith: !0, assignIn: !0, assignInAll: !0, assignInAllWith: !0, assignInWith: !0, assignWith: !0, defaults: !0, defaultsAll: !0, defaultsDeep: !0, defaultsDeepAll: !0, merge: !0, mergeAll: !0, mergeAllWith: !0, mergeWith: !0 }, set: { set: !0, setWith: !0, unset: !0, update: !0, updateWith: !0 } }), (o.realToAlias = (function () { var s = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, i = o.aliasToReal, u = {}; for (var _ in i) { var w = i[_]; s.call(u, w) ? u[w].push(_) : (u[w] = [_]); } return u; })()), (o.remap = { assignAll: 'assign', assignAllWith: 'assignWith', assignInAll: 'assignIn', assignInAllWith: 'assignInWith', curryN: 'curry', curryRightN: 'curryRight', defaultsAll: 'defaults', defaultsDeepAll: 'defaultsDeep', findFrom: 'find', findIndexFrom: 'findIndex', findLastFrom: 'findLast', findLastIndexFrom: 'findLastIndex', getOr: 'get', includesFrom: 'includes', indexOfFrom: 'indexOf', invokeArgs: 'invoke', invokeArgsMap: 'invokeMap', lastIndexOfFrom: 'lastIndexOf', mergeAll: 'merge', mergeAllWith: 'mergeWith', padChars: 'pad', padCharsEnd: 'padEnd', padCharsStart: 'padStart', propertyOf: 'get', rangeStep: 'range', rangeStepRight: 'rangeRight', restFrom: 'rest', spreadFrom: 'spread', trimChars: 'trim', trimCharsEnd: 'trimEnd', trimCharsStart: 'trimStart', zipAll: 'zip' }), (o.skipFixed = { castArray: !0, flow: !0, flowRight: !0, iteratee: !0, mixin: !0, rearg: !0, runInContext: !0 }), (o.skipRearg = { add: !0, assign: !0, assignIn: !0, bind: !0, bindKey: !0, concat: !0, difference: !0, divide: !0, eq: !0, gt: !0, gte: !0, isEqual: !0, lt: !0, lte: !0, matchesProperty: !0, merge: !0, multiply: !0, overArgs: !0, partial: !0, partialRight: !0, propertyOf: !0, random: !0, range: !0, rangeRight: !0, subtract: !0, zip: !0, zipObject: !0, zipObjectDeep: !0 }); }, 47934: (s, o, i) => { s.exports = { ary: i(64626), assign: i(74733), clone: i(32629), curry: i(49747), forEach: i(83729), isArray: i(56449), isError: i(23546), isFunction: i(1882), isWeakMap: i(47886), iteratee: i(33855), keys: i(88984), rearg: i(84195), toInteger: i(61489), toPath: i(42072) }; }, 56367: (s, o, i) => { s.exports = i(77731); }, 79920: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(73424), _ = i(47934); s.exports = function convert(s, o, i) { return u(_, s, o, i); }; }, 2874: (s) => { s.exports = {}; }, 77731: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(79920)('set', i(63560)); (u.placeholder = i(2874)), (s.exports = u); }, 58156: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(47422); s.exports = function get(s, o, i) { var _ = null == s ? void 0 : u(s, o); return void 0 === _ ? i : _; }; }, 61448: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(20426), _ = i(49326); s.exports = function has(s, o) { return null != s && _(s, o, u); }; }, 80631: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(28077), _ = i(49326); s.exports = function hasIn(s, o) { return null != s && _(s, o, u); }; }, 83488: (s) => { s.exports = function identity(s) { return s; }; }, 72428: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(27534), _ = i(40346), w = Object.prototype, x = w.hasOwnProperty, C = w.propertyIsEnumerable, j = u( (function () { return arguments; })() ) ? u : function (s) { return _(s) && x.call(s, 'callee') && !C.call(s, 'callee'); }; s.exports = j; }, 56449: (s) => { var o = Array.isArray; s.exports = o; }, 64894: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(1882), _ = i(30294); s.exports = function isArrayLike(s) { return null != s && _(s.length) && !u(s); }; }, 83693: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(64894), _ = i(40346); s.exports = function isArrayLikeObject(s) { return _(s) && u(s); }; }, 53812: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(72552), _ = i(40346); s.exports = function isBoolean(s) { return !0 === s || !1 === s || (_(s) && '[object Boolean]' == u(s)); }; }, 3656: (s, o, i) => { s = i.nmd(s); var u = i(9325), _ = i(89935), w = o && !o.nodeType && o, x = w && s && !s.nodeType && s, C = x && x.exports === w ? u.Buffer : void 0, j = (C ? C.isBuffer : void 0) || _; s.exports = j; }, 62193: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(88984), _ = i(5861), w = i(72428), x = i(56449), C = i(64894), j = i(3656), L = i(55527), B = i(37167), $ = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; s.exports = function isEmpty(s) { if (null == s) return !0; if ( C(s) && (x(s) || 'string' == typeof s || 'function' == typeof s.splice || j(s) || B(s) || w(s)) ) return !s.length; var o = _(s); if ('[object Map]' == o || '[object Set]' == o) return !s.size; if (L(s)) return !u(s).length; for (var i in s) if ($.call(s, i)) return !1; return !0; }; }, 2404: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(60270); s.exports = function isEqual(s, o) { return u(s, o); }; }, 23546: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(72552), _ = i(40346), w = i(11331); s.exports = function isError(s) { if (!_(s)) return !1; var o = u(s); return ( '[object Error]' == o || '[object DOMException]' == o || ('string' == typeof s.message && 'string' == typeof s.name && !w(s)) ); }; }, 1882: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(72552), _ = i(23805); s.exports = function isFunction(s) { if (!_(s)) return !1; var o = u(s); return ( '[object Function]' == o || '[object GeneratorFunction]' == o || '[object AsyncFunction]' == o || '[object Proxy]' == o ); }; }, 30294: (s) => { s.exports = function isLength(s) { return 'number' == typeof s && s > -1 && s % 1 == 0 && s <= 9007199254740991; }; }, 87730: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(29172), _ = i(27301), w = i(86009), x = w && w.isMap, C = x ? _(x) : u; s.exports = C; }, 5187: (s) => { s.exports = function isNull(s) { return null === s; }; }, 98023: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(72552), _ = i(40346); s.exports = function isNumber(s) { return 'number' == typeof s || (_(s) && '[object Number]' == u(s)); }; }, 23805: (s) => { s.exports = function isObject(s) { var o = typeof s; return null != s && ('object' == o || 'function' == o); }; }, 40346: (s) => { s.exports = function isObjectLike(s) { return null != s && 'object' == typeof s; }; }, 11331: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(72552), _ = i(28879), w = i(40346), x = Function.prototype, C = Object.prototype, j = x.toString, L = C.hasOwnProperty, B = j.call(Object); s.exports = function isPlainObject(s) { if (!w(s) || '[object Object]' != u(s)) return !1; var o = _(s); if (null === o) return !0; var i = L.call(o, 'constructor') && o.constructor; return 'function' == typeof i && i instanceof i && j.call(i) == B; }; }, 38440: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(16038), _ = i(27301), w = i(86009), x = w && w.isSet, C = x ? _(x) : u; s.exports = C; }, 85015: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(72552), _ = i(56449), w = i(40346); s.exports = function isString(s) { return 'string' == typeof s || (!_(s) && w(s) && '[object String]' == u(s)); }; }, 44394: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(72552), _ = i(40346); s.exports = function isSymbol(s) { return 'symbol' == typeof s || (_(s) && '[object Symbol]' == u(s)); }; }, 37167: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(4901), _ = i(27301), w = i(86009), x = w && w.isTypedArray, C = x ? _(x) : u; s.exports = C; }, 47886: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(5861), _ = i(40346); s.exports = function isWeakMap(s) { return _(s) && '[object WeakMap]' == u(s); }; }, 33855: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(9999), _ = i(15389); s.exports = function iteratee(s) { return _('function' == typeof s ? s : u(s, 1)); }; }, 95950: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(70695), _ = i(88984), w = i(64894); s.exports = function keys(s) { return w(s) ? u(s) : _(s); }; }, 37241: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(70695), _ = i(72903), w = i(64894); s.exports = function keysIn(s) { return w(s) ? u(s, !0) : _(s); }; }, 68090: (s) => { s.exports = function last(s) { var o = null == s ? 0 : s.length; return o ? s[o - 1] : void 0; }; }, 50104: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(53661); function memoize(s, o) { if ('function' != typeof s || (null != o && 'function' != typeof o)) throw new TypeError('Expected a function'); var memoized = function () { var i = arguments, u = o ? o.apply(this, i) : i[0], _ = memoized.cache; if (_.has(u)) return _.get(u); var w = s.apply(this, i); return (memoized.cache = _.set(u, w) || _), w; }; return (memoized.cache = new (memoize.Cache || u)()), memoized; } (memoize.Cache = u), (s.exports = memoize); }, 55364: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(85250), _ = i(20999)(function (s, o, i) { u(s, o, i); }); s.exports = _; }, 6048: (s) => { s.exports = function negate(s) { if ('function' != typeof s) throw new TypeError('Expected a function'); return function () { var o = arguments; switch (o.length) { case 0: return !s.call(this); case 1: return !s.call(this, o[0]); case 2: return !s.call(this, o[0], o[1]); case 3: return !s.call(this, o[0], o[1], o[2]); } return !s.apply(this, o); }; }; }, 63950: (s) => { s.exports = function noop() {}; }, 10124: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(9325); s.exports = function () { return u.Date.now(); }; }, 90179: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(34932), _ = i(9999), w = i(19931), x = i(31769), C = i(21791), j = i(53138), L = i(38816), B = i(83349), $ = L(function (s, o) { var i = {}; if (null == s) return i; var L = !1; (o = u(o, function (o) { return (o = x(o, s)), L || (L = o.length > 1), o; })), C(s, B(s), i), L && (i = _(i, 7, j)); for (var $ = o.length; $--; ) w(i, o[$]); return i; }); s.exports = $; }, 50583: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(47237), _ = i(17255), w = i(28586), x = i(77797); s.exports = function property(s) { return w(s) ? u(x(s)) : _(s); }; }, 84195: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(66977), _ = i(38816), w = _(function (s, o) { return u(s, 256, void 0, void 0, void 0, o); }); s.exports = w; }, 40860: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(40882), _ = i(80909), w = i(15389), x = i(85558), C = i(56449); s.exports = function reduce(s, o, i) { var j = C(s) ? u : x, L = arguments.length < 3; return j(s, w(o, 4), i, L, _); }; }, 63560: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(73170); s.exports = function set(s, o, i) { return null == s ? s : u(s, o, i); }; }, 42426: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(14248), _ = i(15389), w = i(90916), x = i(56449), C = i(36800); s.exports = function some(s, o, i) { var j = x(s) ? u : w; return i && C(s, o, i) && (o = void 0), j(s, _(o, 3)); }; }, 63345: (s) => { s.exports = function stubArray() { return []; }; }, 89935: (s) => { s.exports = function stubFalse() { return !1; }; }, 17400: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(99374), _ = 1 / 0; s.exports = function toFinite(s) { return s ? (s = u(s)) === _ || s === -1 / 0 ? 17976931348623157e292 * (s < 0 ? -1 : 1) : s == s ? s : 0 : 0 === s ? s : 0; }; }, 61489: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(17400); s.exports = function toInteger(s) { var o = u(s), i = o % 1; return o == o ? (i ? o - i : o) : 0; }; }, 80218: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(13222); s.exports = function toLower(s) { return u(s).toLowerCase(); }; }, 99374: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(54128), _ = i(23805), w = i(44394), x = /^[-+]0x[0-9a-f]+$/i, C = /^0b[01]+$/i, j = /^0o[0-7]+$/i, L = parseInt; s.exports = function toNumber(s) { if ('number' == typeof s) return s; if (w(s)) return NaN; if (_(s)) { var o = 'function' == typeof s.valueOf ? s.valueOf() : s; s = _(o) ? o + '' : o; } if ('string' != typeof s) return 0 === s ? s : +s; s = u(s); var i = C.test(s); return i || j.test(s) ? L(s.slice(2), i ? 2 : 8) : x.test(s) ? NaN : +s; }; }, 42072: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(34932), _ = i(23007), w = i(56449), x = i(44394), C = i(61802), j = i(77797), L = i(13222); s.exports = function toPath(s) { return w(s) ? u(s, j) : x(s) ? [s] : _(C(L(s))); }; }, 69884: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(21791), _ = i(37241); s.exports = function toPlainObject(s) { return u(s, _(s)); }; }, 13222: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(77556); s.exports = function toString(s) { return null == s ? '' : u(s); }; }, 55808: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(12507)('toUpperCase'); s.exports = u; }, 66645: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(1733), _ = i(45434), w = i(13222), x = i(22225); s.exports = function words(s, o, i) { return ( (s = w(s)), void 0 === (o = i ? void 0 : o) ? (_(s) ? x(s) : u(s)) : s.match(o) || [] ); }; }, 53758: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(30980), _ = i(56017), w = i(94033), x = i(56449), C = i(40346), j = i(80257), L = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; function lodash(s) { if (C(s) && !x(s) && !(s instanceof u)) { if (s instanceof _) return s; if (L.call(s, '__wrapped__')) return j(s); } return new _(s); } (lodash.prototype = w.prototype), (lodash.prototype.constructor = lodash), (s.exports = lodash); }, 47248: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(16547), _ = i(51234); s.exports = function zipObject(s, o) { return _(s || [], o || [], u); }; }, 43768: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(45981), _ = i(85587); (o.highlight = highlight), (o.highlightAuto = function highlightAuto(s, o) { var i, x, C, j, L = o || {}, B = L.subset || u.listLanguages(), $ = L.prefix, V = B.length, U = -1; null == $ && ($ = w); if ('string' != typeof s) throw _('Expected `string` for value, got `%s`', s); (x = { relevance: 0, language: null, value: [] }), (i = { relevance: 0, language: null, value: [] }); for (; ++U < V; ) (j = B[U]), u.getLanguage(j) && (((C = highlight(j, s, o)).language = j), C.relevance > x.relevance && (x = C), C.relevance > i.relevance && ((x = i), (i = C))); x.language && (i.secondBest = x); return i; }), (o.registerLanguage = function registerLanguage(s, o) { u.registerLanguage(s, o); }), (o.listLanguages = function listLanguages() { return u.listLanguages(); }), (o.registerAlias = function registerAlias(s, o) { var i, _ = s; o && ((_ = {})[s] = o); for (i in _) u.registerAliases(_[i], { languageName: i }); }), (Emitter.prototype.addText = function text(s) { var o, i, u = this.stack; if ('' === s) return; (o = u[u.length - 1]), (i = o.children[o.children.length - 1]) && 'text' === i.type ? (i.value += s) : o.children.push({ type: 'text', value: s }); }), (Emitter.prototype.addKeyword = function addKeyword(s, o) { this.openNode(o), this.addText(s), this.closeNode(); }), (Emitter.prototype.addSublanguage = function addSublanguage(s, o) { var i = this.stack, u = i[i.length - 1], _ = s.rootNode.children, w = o ? { type: 'element', tagName: 'span', properties: { className: [o] }, children: _ } : _; u.children = u.children.concat(w); }), (Emitter.prototype.openNode = function open(s) { var o = this.stack, i = this.options.classPrefix + s, u = o[o.length - 1], _ = { type: 'element', tagName: 'span', properties: { className: [i] }, children: [] }; u.children.push(_), o.push(_); }), (Emitter.prototype.closeNode = function close() { this.stack.pop(); }), (Emitter.prototype.closeAllNodes = noop), (Emitter.prototype.finalize = noop), (Emitter.prototype.toHTML = function toHtmlNoop() { return ''; }); var w = 'hljs-'; function highlight(s, o, i) { var x, C = u.configure({}), j = (i || {}).prefix; if ('string' != typeof s) throw _('Expected `string` for name, got `%s`', s); if (!u.getLanguage(s)) throw _('Unknown language: `%s` is not registered', s); if ('string' != typeof o) throw _('Expected `string` for value, got `%s`', o); if ( (null == j && (j = w), u.configure({ __emitter: Emitter, classPrefix: j }), (x = u.highlight(o, { language: s, ignoreIllegals: !0 })), u.configure(C || {}), x.errorRaised) ) throw x.errorRaised; return { relevance: x.relevance, language: x.language, value: x.emitter.rootNode.children }; } function Emitter(s) { (this.options = s), (this.rootNode = { children: [] }), (this.stack = [this.rootNode]); } function noop() {} }, 92340: (s, o, i) => { const u = i(6048); function coerceElementMatchingCallback(s) { return 'string' == typeof s ? (o) => o.element === s : s.constructor && s.extend ? (o) => o instanceof s : s; } class ArraySlice { constructor(s) { this.elements = s || []; } toValue() { return this.elements.map((s) => s.toValue()); } map(s, o) { return this.elements.map(s, o); } flatMap(s, o) { return this.map(s, o).reduce((s, o) => s.concat(o), []); } compactMap(s, o) { const i = []; return ( this.forEach((u) => { const _ = s.bind(o)(u); _ && i.push(_); }), i ); } filter(s, o) { return ( (s = coerceElementMatchingCallback(s)), new ArraySlice(this.elements.filter(s, o)) ); } reject(s, o) { return ( (s = coerceElementMatchingCallback(s)), new ArraySlice(this.elements.filter(u(s), o)) ); } find(s, o) { return (s = coerceElementMatchingCallback(s)), this.elements.find(s, o); } forEach(s, o) { this.elements.forEach(s, o); } reduce(s, o) { return this.elements.reduce(s, o); } includes(s) { return this.elements.some((o) => o.equals(s)); } shift() { return this.elements.shift(); } unshift(s) { this.elements.unshift(this.refract(s)); } push(s) { return this.elements.push(this.refract(s)), this; } add(s) { this.push(s); } get(s) { return this.elements[s]; } getValue(s) { const o = this.elements[s]; if (o) return o.toValue(); } get length() { return this.elements.length; } get isEmpty() { return 0 === this.elements.length; } get first() { return this.elements[0]; } } 'undefined' != typeof Symbol && (ArraySlice.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function symbol() { return this.elements[Symbol.iterator](); }), (s.exports = ArraySlice); }, 55973: (s) => { class KeyValuePair { constructor(s, o) { (this.key = s), (this.value = o); } clone() { const s = new KeyValuePair(); return ( this.key && (s.key = this.key.clone()), this.value && (s.value = this.value.clone()), s ); } } s.exports = KeyValuePair; }, 3110: (s, o, i) => { const u = i(5187), _ = i(85015), w = i(98023), x = i(53812), C = i(23805), j = i(85105), L = i(86804); class Namespace { constructor(s) { (this.elementMap = {}), (this.elementDetection = []), (this.Element = L.Element), (this.KeyValuePair = L.KeyValuePair), (s && s.noDefault) || this.useDefault(), (this._attributeElementKeys = []), (this._attributeElementArrayKeys = []); } use(s) { return ( s.namespace && s.namespace({ base: this }), s.load && s.load({ base: this }), this ); } useDefault() { return ( this.register('null', L.NullElement) .register('string', L.StringElement) .register('number', L.NumberElement) .register('boolean', L.BooleanElement) .register('array', L.ArrayElement) .register('object', L.ObjectElement) .register('member', L.MemberElement) .register('ref', L.RefElement) .register('link', L.LinkElement), this.detect(u, L.NullElement, !1) .detect(_, L.StringElement, !1) .detect(w, L.NumberElement, !1) .detect(x, L.BooleanElement, !1) .detect(Array.isArray, L.ArrayElement, !1) .detect(C, L.ObjectElement, !1), this ); } register(s, o) { return (this._elements = void 0), (this.elementMap[s] = o), this; } unregister(s) { return (this._elements = void 0), delete this.elementMap[s], this; } detect(s, o, i) { return ( void 0 === i || i ? this.elementDetection.unshift([s, o]) : this.elementDetection.push([s, o]), this ); } toElement(s) { if (s instanceof this.Element) return s; let o; for (let i = 0; i < this.elementDetection.length; i += 1) { const u = this.elementDetection[i][0], _ = this.elementDetection[i][1]; if (u(s)) { o = new _(s); break; } } return o; } getElementClass(s) { const o = this.elementMap[s]; return void 0 === o ? this.Element : o; } fromRefract(s) { return this.serialiser.deserialise(s); } toRefract(s) { return this.serialiser.serialise(s); } get elements() { return ( void 0 === this._elements && ((this._elements = { Element: this.Element }), Object.keys(this.elementMap).forEach((s) => { const o = s[0].toUpperCase() + s.substr(1); this._elements[o] = this.elementMap[s]; })), this._elements ); } get serialiser() { return new j(this); } } (j.prototype.Namespace = Namespace), (s.exports = Namespace); }, 10866: (s, o, i) => { const u = i(6048), _ = i(92340); class ObjectSlice extends _ { map(s, o) { return this.elements.map((i) => s.bind(o)(i.value, i.key, i)); } filter(s, o) { return new ObjectSlice(this.elements.filter((i) => s.bind(o)(i.value, i.key, i))); } reject(s, o) { return this.filter(u(s.bind(o))); } forEach(s, o) { return this.elements.forEach((i, u) => { s.bind(o)(i.value, i.key, i, u); }); } keys() { return this.map((s, o) => o.toValue()); } values() { return this.map((s) => s.toValue()); } } s.exports = ObjectSlice; }, 86804: (s, o, i) => { const u = i(10316), _ = i(41067), w = i(71167), x = i(40239), C = i(12242), j = i(6233), L = i(87726), B = i(61045), $ = i(86303), V = i(14540), U = i(92340), z = i(10866), Y = i(55973); function refract(s) { if (s instanceof u) return s; if ('string' == typeof s) return new w(s); if ('number' == typeof s) return new x(s); if ('boolean' == typeof s) return new C(s); if (null === s) return new _(); if (Array.isArray(s)) return new j(s.map(refract)); if ('object' == typeof s) { return new B(s); } return s; } (u.prototype.ObjectElement = B), (u.prototype.RefElement = V), (u.prototype.MemberElement = L), (u.prototype.refract = refract), (U.prototype.refract = refract), (s.exports = { Element: u, NullElement: _, StringElement: w, NumberElement: x, BooleanElement: C, ArrayElement: j, MemberElement: L, ObjectElement: B, LinkElement: $, RefElement: V, refract, ArraySlice: U, ObjectSlice: z, KeyValuePair: Y }); }, 86303: (s, o, i) => { const u = i(10316); s.exports = class LinkElement extends u { constructor(s, o, i) { super(s || [], o, i), (this.element = 'link'); } get relation() { return this.attributes.get('relation'); } set relation(s) { this.attributes.set('relation', s); } get href() { return this.attributes.get('href'); } set href(s) { this.attributes.set('href', s); } }; }, 14540: (s, o, i) => { const u = i(10316); s.exports = class RefElement extends u { constructor(s, o, i) { super(s || [], o, i), (this.element = 'ref'), this.path || (this.path = 'element'); } get path() { return this.attributes.get('path'); } set path(s) { this.attributes.set('path', s); } }; }, 34035: (s, o, i) => { const u = i(3110), _ = i(86804); (o.g$ = u), (o.KeyValuePair = i(55973)), (o.G6 = _.ArraySlice), (o.ot = _.ObjectSlice), (o.Hg = _.Element), (o.Om = _.StringElement), (o.kT = _.NumberElement), (o.bd = _.BooleanElement), (o.Os = _.NullElement), (o.wE = _.ArrayElement), (o.Sh = _.ObjectElement), (o.Pr = _.MemberElement), (o.sI = _.RefElement), (o.Ft = _.LinkElement), (o.e = _.refract), i(85105), i(75147); }, 6233: (s, o, i) => { const u = i(6048), _ = i(10316), w = i(92340); class ArrayElement extends _ { constructor(s, o, i) { super(s || [], o, i), (this.element = 'array'); } primitive() { return 'array'; } get(s) { return this.content[s]; } getValue(s) { const o = this.get(s); if (o) return o.toValue(); } getIndex(s) { return this.content[s]; } set(s, o) { return (this.content[s] = this.refract(o)), this; } remove(s) { const o = this.content.splice(s, 1); return o.length ? o[0] : null; } map(s, o) { return this.content.map(s, o); } flatMap(s, o) { return this.map(s, o).reduce((s, o) => s.concat(o), []); } compactMap(s, o) { const i = []; return ( this.forEach((u) => { const _ = s.bind(o)(u); _ && i.push(_); }), i ); } filter(s, o) { return new w(this.content.filter(s, o)); } reject(s, o) { return this.filter(u(s), o); } reduce(s, o) { let i, u; void 0 !== o ? ((i = 0), (u = this.refract(o))) : ((i = 1), (u = 'object' === this.primitive() ? this.first.value : this.first)); for (let o = i; o < this.length; o += 1) { const i = this.content[o]; u = 'object' === this.primitive() ? this.refract(s(u, i.value, i.key, i, this)) : this.refract(s(u, i, o, this)); } return u; } forEach(s, o) { this.content.forEach((i, u) => { s.bind(o)(i, this.refract(u)); }); } shift() { return this.content.shift(); } unshift(s) { this.content.unshift(this.refract(s)); } push(s) { return this.content.push(this.refract(s)), this; } add(s) { this.push(s); } findElements(s, o) { const i = o || {}, u = !!i.recursive, _ = void 0 === i.results ? [] : i.results; return ( this.forEach((o, i, w) => { u && void 0 !== o.findElements && o.findElements(s, { results: _, recursive: u }), s(o, i, w) && _.push(o); }), _ ); } find(s) { return new w(this.findElements(s, { recursive: !0 })); } findByElement(s) { return this.find((o) => o.element === s); } findByClass(s) { return this.find((o) => o.classes.includes(s)); } getById(s) { return this.find((o) => o.id.toValue() === s).first; } includes(s) { return this.content.some((o) => o.equals(s)); } contains(s) { return this.includes(s); } empty() { return new this.constructor([]); } 'fantasy-land/empty'() { return this.empty(); } concat(s) { return new this.constructor(this.content.concat(s.content)); } 'fantasy-land/concat'(s) { return this.concat(s); } 'fantasy-land/map'(s) { return new this.constructor(this.map(s)); } 'fantasy-land/chain'(s) { return this.map((o) => s(o), this).reduce((s, o) => s.concat(o), this.empty()); } 'fantasy-land/filter'(s) { return new this.constructor(this.content.filter(s)); } 'fantasy-land/reduce'(s, o) { return this.content.reduce(s, o); } get length() { return this.content.length; } get isEmpty() { return 0 === this.content.length; } get first() { return this.getIndex(0); } get second() { return this.getIndex(1); } get last() { return this.getIndex(this.length - 1); } } (ArrayElement.empty = function empty() { return new this(); }), (ArrayElement['fantasy-land/empty'] = ArrayElement.empty), 'undefined' != typeof Symbol && (ArrayElement.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function symbol() { return this.content[Symbol.iterator](); }), (s.exports = ArrayElement); }, 12242: (s, o, i) => { const u = i(10316); s.exports = class BooleanElement extends u { constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), (this.element = 'boolean'); } primitive() { return 'boolean'; } }; }, 10316: (s, o, i) => { const u = i(2404), _ = i(55973), w = i(92340); class Element { constructor(s, o, i) { o && (this.meta = o), i && (this.attributes = i), (this.content = s); } freeze() { Object.isFrozen(this) || (this._meta && ((this.meta.parent = this), this.meta.freeze()), this._attributes && ((this.attributes.parent = this), this.attributes.freeze()), this.children.forEach((s) => { (s.parent = this), s.freeze(); }, this), this.content && Array.isArray(this.content) && Object.freeze(this.content), Object.freeze(this)); } primitive() {} clone() { const s = new this.constructor(); return ( (s.element = this.element), this.meta.length && (s._meta = this.meta.clone()), this.attributes.length && (s._attributes = this.attributes.clone()), this.content ? this.content.clone ? (s.content = this.content.clone()) : Array.isArray(this.content) ? (s.content = this.content.map((s) => s.clone())) : (s.content = this.content) : (s.content = this.content), s ); } toValue() { return this.content instanceof Element ? this.content.toValue() : this.content instanceof _ ? { key: this.content.key.toValue(), value: this.content.value ? this.content.value.toValue() : void 0 } : this.content && this.content.map ? this.content.map((s) => s.toValue(), this) : this.content; } toRef(s) { if ('' === this.id.toValue()) throw Error('Cannot create reference to an element that does not contain an ID'); const o = new this.RefElement(this.id.toValue()); return s && (o.path = s), o; } findRecursive(...s) { if (arguments.length > 1 && !this.isFrozen) throw new Error( 'Cannot find recursive with multiple element names without first freezing the element. Call `element.freeze()`' ); const o = s.pop(); let i = new w(); const append = (s, o) => (s.push(o), s), checkElement = (s, i) => { i.element === o && s.push(i); const u = i.findRecursive(o); return ( u && u.reduce(append, s), i.content instanceof _ && (i.content.key && checkElement(s, i.content.key), i.content.value && checkElement(s, i.content.value)), s ); }; return ( this.content && (this.content.element && checkElement(i, this.content), Array.isArray(this.content) && this.content.reduce(checkElement, i)), s.isEmpty || (i = i.filter((o) => { let i = o.parents.map((s) => s.element); for (const o in s) { const u = s[o], _ = i.indexOf(u); if (-1 === _) return !1; i = i.splice(0, _); } return !0; })), i ); } set(s) { return (this.content = s), this; } equals(s) { return u(this.toValue(), s); } getMetaProperty(s, o) { if (!this.meta.hasKey(s)) { if (this.isFrozen) { const s = this.refract(o); return s.freeze(), s; } this.meta.set(s, o); } return this.meta.get(s); } setMetaProperty(s, o) { this.meta.set(s, o); } get element() { return this._storedElement || 'element'; } set element(s) { this._storedElement = s; } get content() { return this._content; } set content(s) { if (s instanceof Element) this._content = s; else if (s instanceof w) this.content = s.elements; else if ( 'string' == typeof s || 'number' == typeof s || 'boolean' == typeof s || 'null' === s || null == s ) this._content = s; else if (s instanceof _) this._content = s; else if (Array.isArray(s)) this._content = s.map(this.refract); else { if ('object' != typeof s) throw new Error('Cannot set content to given value'); this._content = Object.keys(s).map((o) => new this.MemberElement(o, s[o])); } } get meta() { if (!this._meta) { if (this.isFrozen) { const s = new this.ObjectElement(); return s.freeze(), s; } this._meta = new this.ObjectElement(); } return this._meta; } set meta(s) { s instanceof this.ObjectElement ? (this._meta = s) : this.meta.set(s || {}); } get attributes() { if (!this._attributes) { if (this.isFrozen) { const s = new this.ObjectElement(); return s.freeze(), s; } this._attributes = new this.ObjectElement(); } return this._attributes; } set attributes(s) { s instanceof this.ObjectElement ? (this._attributes = s) : this.attributes.set(s || {}); } get id() { return this.getMetaProperty('id', ''); } set id(s) { this.setMetaProperty('id', s); } get classes() { return this.getMetaProperty('classes', []); } set classes(s) { this.setMetaProperty('classes', s); } get title() { return this.getMetaProperty('title', ''); } set title(s) { this.setMetaProperty('title', s); } get description() { return this.getMetaProperty('description', ''); } set description(s) { this.setMetaProperty('description', s); } get links() { return this.getMetaProperty('links', []); } set links(s) { this.setMetaProperty('links', s); } get isFrozen() { return Object.isFrozen(this); } get parents() { let { parent: s } = this; const o = new w(); for (; s; ) o.push(s), (s = s.parent); return o; } get children() { if (Array.isArray(this.content)) return new w(this.content); if (this.content instanceof _) { const s = new w([this.content.key]); return this.content.value && s.push(this.content.value), s; } return this.content instanceof Element ? new w([this.content]) : new w(); } get recursiveChildren() { const s = new w(); return ( this.children.forEach((o) => { s.push(o), o.recursiveChildren.forEach((o) => { s.push(o); }); }), s ); } } s.exports = Element; }, 87726: (s, o, i) => { const u = i(55973), _ = i(10316); s.exports = class MemberElement extends _ { constructor(s, o, i, _) { super(new u(), i, _), (this.element = 'member'), (this.key = s), (this.value = o); } get key() { return this.content.key; } set key(s) { this.content.key = this.refract(s); } get value() { return this.content.value; } set value(s) { this.content.value = this.refract(s); } }; }, 41067: (s, o, i) => { const u = i(10316); s.exports = class NullElement extends u { constructor(s, o, i) { super(s || null, o, i), (this.element = 'null'); } primitive() { return 'null'; } set() { return new Error('Cannot set the value of null'); } }; }, 40239: (s, o, i) => { const u = i(10316); s.exports = class NumberElement extends u { constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), (this.element = 'number'); } primitive() { return 'number'; } }; }, 61045: (s, o, i) => { const u = i(6048), _ = i(23805), w = i(6233), x = i(87726), C = i(10866); s.exports = class ObjectElement extends w { constructor(s, o, i) { super(s || [], o, i), (this.element = 'object'); } primitive() { return 'object'; } toValue() { return this.content.reduce( (s, o) => ((s[o.key.toValue()] = o.value ? o.value.toValue() : void 0), s), {} ); } get(s) { const o = this.getMember(s); if (o) return o.value; } getMember(s) { if (void 0 !== s) return this.content.find((o) => o.key.toValue() === s); } remove(s) { let o = null; return ( (this.content = this.content.filter((i) => i.key.toValue() !== s || ((o = i), !1))), o ); } getKey(s) { const o = this.getMember(s); if (o) return o.key; } set(s, o) { if (_(s)) return ( Object.keys(s).forEach((o) => { this.set(o, s[o]); }), this ); const i = s, u = this.getMember(i); return u ? (u.value = o) : this.content.push(new x(i, o)), this; } keys() { return this.content.map((s) => s.key.toValue()); } values() { return this.content.map((s) => s.value.toValue()); } hasKey(s) { return this.content.some((o) => o.key.equals(s)); } items() { return this.content.map((s) => [s.key.toValue(), s.value.toValue()]); } map(s, o) { return this.content.map((i) => s.bind(o)(i.value, i.key, i)); } compactMap(s, o) { const i = []; return ( this.forEach((u, _, w) => { const x = s.bind(o)(u, _, w); x && i.push(x); }), i ); } filter(s, o) { return new C(this.content).filter(s, o); } reject(s, o) { return this.filter(u(s), o); } forEach(s, o) { return this.content.forEach((i) => s.bind(o)(i.value, i.key, i)); } }; }, 71167: (s, o, i) => { const u = i(10316); s.exports = class StringElement extends u { constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), (this.element = 'string'); } primitive() { return 'string'; } get length() { return this.content.length; } }; }, 75147: (s, o, i) => { const u = i(85105); s.exports = class JSON06Serialiser extends u { serialise(s) { if (!(s instanceof this.namespace.elements.Element)) throw new TypeError(`Given element \`${s}\` is not an Element instance`); let o; s._attributes && s.attributes.get('variable') && (o = s.attributes.get('variable')); const i = { element: s.element }; s._meta && s._meta.length > 0 && (i.meta = this.serialiseObject(s.meta)); const u = 'enum' === s.element || -1 !== s.attributes.keys().indexOf('enumerations'); if (u) { const o = this.enumSerialiseAttributes(s); o && (i.attributes = o); } else if (s._attributes && s._attributes.length > 0) { let { attributes: u } = s; u.get('metadata') && ((u = u.clone()), u.set('meta', u.get('metadata')), u.remove('metadata')), 'member' === s.element && o && ((u = u.clone()), u.remove('variable')), u.length > 0 && (i.attributes = this.serialiseObject(u)); } if (u) i.content = this.enumSerialiseContent(s, i); else if (this[`${s.element}SerialiseContent`]) i.content = this[`${s.element}SerialiseContent`](s, i); else if (void 0 !== s.content) { let u; o && s.content.key ? ((u = s.content.clone()), u.key.attributes.set('variable', o), (u = this.serialiseContent(u))) : (u = this.serialiseContent(s.content)), this.shouldSerialiseContent(s, u) && (i.content = u); } else this.shouldSerialiseContent(s, s.content) && s instanceof this.namespace.elements.Array && (i.content = []); return i; } shouldSerialiseContent(s, o) { return ( 'parseResult' === s.element || 'httpRequest' === s.element || 'httpResponse' === s.element || 'category' === s.element || 'link' === s.element || (void 0 !== o && (!Array.isArray(o) || 0 !== o.length)) ); } refSerialiseContent(s, o) { return delete o.attributes, { href: s.toValue(), path: s.path.toValue() }; } sourceMapSerialiseContent(s) { return s.toValue(); } dataStructureSerialiseContent(s) { return [this.serialiseContent(s.content)]; } enumSerialiseAttributes(s) { const o = s.attributes.clone(), i = o.remove('enumerations') || new this.namespace.elements.Array([]), u = o.get('default'); let _ = o.get('samples') || new this.namespace.elements.Array([]); if ( (u && u.content && (u.content.attributes && u.content.attributes.remove('typeAttributes'), o.set('default', new this.namespace.elements.Array([u.content]))), _.forEach((s) => { s.content && s.content.element && s.content.attributes.remove('typeAttributes'); }), s.content && 0 !== i.length && _.unshift(s.content), (_ = _.map((s) => s instanceof this.namespace.elements.Array ? [s] : new this.namespace.elements.Array([s.content]) )), _.length && o.set('samples', _), o.length > 0) ) return this.serialiseObject(o); } enumSerialiseContent(s) { if (s._attributes) { const o = s.attributes.get('enumerations'); if (o && o.length > 0) return o.content.map((s) => { const o = s.clone(); return o.attributes.remove('typeAttributes'), this.serialise(o); }); } if (s.content) { const o = s.content.clone(); return o.attributes.remove('typeAttributes'), [this.serialise(o)]; } return []; } deserialise(s) { if ('string' == typeof s) return new this.namespace.elements.String(s); if ('number' == typeof s) return new this.namespace.elements.Number(s); if ('boolean' == typeof s) return new this.namespace.elements.Boolean(s); if (null === s) return new this.namespace.elements.Null(); if (Array.isArray(s)) return new this.namespace.elements.Array(s.map(this.deserialise, this)); const o = this.namespace.getElementClass(s.element), i = new o(); i.element !== s.element && (i.element = s.element), s.meta && this.deserialiseObject(s.meta, i.meta), s.attributes && this.deserialiseObject(s.attributes, i.attributes); const u = this.deserialiseContent(s.content); if (((void 0 === u && null !== i.content) || (i.content = u), 'enum' === i.element)) { i.content && i.attributes.set('enumerations', i.content); let s = i.attributes.get('samples'); if ((i.attributes.remove('samples'), s)) { const u = s; (s = new this.namespace.elements.Array()), u.forEach((u) => { u.forEach((u) => { const _ = new o(u); (_.element = i.element), s.push(_); }); }); const _ = s.shift(); (i.content = _ ? _.content : void 0), i.attributes.set('samples', s); } else i.content = void 0; let u = i.attributes.get('default'); if (u && u.length > 0) { u = u.get(0); const s = new o(u); (s.element = i.element), i.attributes.set('default', s); } } else if ('dataStructure' === i.element && Array.isArray(i.content)) [i.content] = i.content; else if ('category' === i.element) { const s = i.attributes.get('meta'); s && (i.attributes.set('metadata', s), i.attributes.remove('meta')); } else 'member' === i.element && i.key && i.key._attributes && i.key._attributes.getValue('variable') && (i.attributes.set('variable', i.key.attributes.get('variable')), i.key.attributes.remove('variable')); return i; } serialiseContent(s) { if (s instanceof this.namespace.elements.Element) return this.serialise(s); if (s instanceof this.namespace.KeyValuePair) { const o = { key: this.serialise(s.key) }; return s.value && (o.value = this.serialise(s.value)), o; } return s && s.map ? s.map(this.serialise, this) : s; } deserialiseContent(s) { if (s) { if (s.element) return this.deserialise(s); if (s.key) { const o = new this.namespace.KeyValuePair(this.deserialise(s.key)); return s.value && (o.value = this.deserialise(s.value)), o; } if (s.map) return s.map(this.deserialise, this); } return s; } shouldRefract(s) { return ( !!( (s._attributes && s.attributes.keys().length) || (s._meta && s.meta.keys().length) ) || ('enum' !== s.element && (s.element !== s.primitive() || 'member' === s.element)) ); } convertKeyToRefract(s, o) { return this.shouldRefract(o) ? this.serialise(o) : 'enum' === o.element ? this.serialiseEnum(o) : 'array' === o.element ? o.map((o) => this.shouldRefract(o) || 'default' === s ? this.serialise(o) : 'array' === o.element || 'object' === o.element || 'enum' === o.element ? o.children.map((s) => this.serialise(s)) : o.toValue() ) : 'object' === o.element ? (o.content || []).map(this.serialise, this) : o.toValue(); } serialiseEnum(s) { return s.children.map((s) => this.serialise(s)); } serialiseObject(s) { const o = {}; return ( s.forEach((s, i) => { if (s) { const u = i.toValue(); o[u] = this.convertKeyToRefract(u, s); } }), o ); } deserialiseObject(s, o) { Object.keys(s).forEach((i) => { o.set(i, this.deserialise(s[i])); }); } }; }, 85105: (s) => { s.exports = class JSONSerialiser { constructor(s) { this.namespace = s || new this.Namespace(); } serialise(s) { if (!(s instanceof this.namespace.elements.Element)) throw new TypeError(`Given element \`${s}\` is not an Element instance`); const o = { element: s.element }; s._meta && s._meta.length > 0 && (o.meta = this.serialiseObject(s.meta)), s._attributes && s._attributes.length > 0 && (o.attributes = this.serialiseObject(s.attributes)); const i = this.serialiseContent(s.content); return void 0 !== i && (o.content = i), o; } deserialise(s) { if (!s.element) throw new Error('Given value is not an object containing an element name'); const o = new (this.namespace.getElementClass(s.element))(); o.element !== s.element && (o.element = s.element), s.meta && this.deserialiseObject(s.meta, o.meta), s.attributes && this.deserialiseObject(s.attributes, o.attributes); const i = this.deserialiseContent(s.content); return (void 0 === i && null !== o.content) || (o.content = i), o; } serialiseContent(s) { if (s instanceof this.namespace.elements.Element) return this.serialise(s); if (s instanceof this.namespace.KeyValuePair) { const o = { key: this.serialise(s.key) }; return s.value && (o.value = this.serialise(s.value)), o; } if (s && s.map) { if (0 === s.length) return; return s.map(this.serialise, this); } return s; } deserialiseContent(s) { if (s) { if (s.element) return this.deserialise(s); if (s.key) { const o = new this.namespace.KeyValuePair(this.deserialise(s.key)); return s.value && (o.value = this.deserialise(s.value)), o; } if (s.map) return s.map(this.deserialise, this); } return s; } serialiseObject(s) { const o = {}; if ( (s.forEach((s, i) => { s && (o[i.toValue()] = this.serialise(s)); }), 0 !== Object.keys(o).length) ) return o; } deserialiseObject(s, o) { Object.keys(s).forEach((i) => { o.set(i, this.deserialise(s[i])); }); } }; }, 65606: (s) => { var o, i, u = (s.exports = {}); function defaultSetTimout() { throw new Error('setTimeout has not been defined'); } function defaultClearTimeout() { throw new Error('clearTimeout has not been defined'); } function runTimeout(s) { if (o === setTimeout) return setTimeout(s, 0); if ((o === defaultSetTimout || !o) && setTimeout) return (o = setTimeout), setTimeout(s, 0); try { return o(s, 0); } catch (i) { try { return o.call(null, s, 0); } catch (i) { return o.call(this, s, 0); } } } !(function () { try { o = 'function' == typeof setTimeout ? setTimeout : defaultSetTimout; } catch (s) { o = defaultSetTimout; } try { i = 'function' == typeof clearTimeout ? clearTimeout : defaultClearTimeout; } catch (s) { i = defaultClearTimeout; } })(); var _, w = [], x = !1, C = -1; function cleanUpNextTick() { x && _ && ((x = !1), _.length ? (w = _.concat(w)) : (C = -1), w.length && drainQueue()); } function drainQueue() { if (!x) { var s = runTimeout(cleanUpNextTick); x = !0; for (var o = w.length; o; ) { for (_ = w, w = []; ++C < o; ) _ && _[C].run(); (C = -1), (o = w.length); } (_ = null), (x = !1), (function runClearTimeout(s) { if (i === clearTimeout) return clearTimeout(s); if ((i === defaultClearTimeout || !i) && clearTimeout) return (i = clearTimeout), clearTimeout(s); try { return i(s); } catch (o) { try { return i.call(null, s); } catch (o) { return i.call(this, s); } } })(s); } } function Item(s, o) { (this.fun = s), (this.array = o); } function noop() {} (u.nextTick = function (s) { var o = new Array(arguments.length - 1); if (arguments.length > 1) for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) o[i - 1] = arguments[i]; w.push(new Item(s, o)), 1 !== w.length || x || runTimeout(drainQueue); }), (Item.prototype.run = function () { this.fun.apply(null, this.array); }), (u.title = 'browser'), (u.browser = !0), (u.env = {}), (u.argv = []), (u.version = ''), (u.versions = {}), (u.on = noop), (u.addListener = noop), (u.once = noop), (u.off = noop), (u.removeListener = noop), (u.removeAllListeners = noop), (u.emit = noop), (u.prependListener = noop), (u.prependOnceListener = noop), (u.listeners = function (s) { return []; }), (u.binding = function (s) { throw new Error('process.binding is not supported'); }), (u.cwd = function () { return '/'; }), (u.chdir = function (s) { throw new Error('process.chdir is not supported'); }), (u.umask = function () { return 0; }); }, 2694: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(6925); function emptyFunction() {} function emptyFunctionWithReset() {} (emptyFunctionWithReset.resetWarningCache = emptyFunction), (s.exports = function () { function shim(s, o, i, _, w, x) { if (x !== u) { var C = new Error( 'Calling PropTypes validators directly is not supported by the `prop-types` package. Use PropTypes.checkPropTypes() to call them. Read more at http://fb.me/use-check-prop-types' ); throw ((C.name = 'Invariant Violation'), C); } } function getShim() { return shim; } shim.isRequired = shim; var s = { array: shim, bigint: shim, bool: shim, func: shim, number: shim, object: shim, string: shim, symbol: shim, any: shim, arrayOf: getShim, element: shim, elementType: shim, instanceOf: getShim, node: shim, objectOf: getShim, oneOf: getShim, oneOfType: getShim, shape: getShim, exact: getShim, checkPropTypes: emptyFunctionWithReset, resetWarningCache: emptyFunction }; return (s.PropTypes = s), s; }); }, 5556: (s, o, i) => { s.exports = i(2694)(); }, 6925: (s) => { 'use strict'; s.exports = 'SECRET_DO_NOT_PASS_THIS_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED'; }, 73992: (s, o) => { 'use strict'; var i = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; function decode(s) { try { return decodeURIComponent(s.replace(/\+/g, ' ')); } catch (s) { return null; } } function encode(s) { try { return encodeURIComponent(s); } catch (s) { return null; } } (o.stringify = function querystringify(s, o) { o = o || ''; var u, _, w = []; for (_ in ('string' != typeof o && (o = '?'), s)) if (i.call(s, _)) { if ( ((u = s[_]) || (null != u && !isNaN(u)) || (u = ''), (_ = encode(_)), (u = encode(u)), null === _ || null === u) ) continue; w.push(_ + '=' + u); } return w.length ? o + w.join('&') : ''; }), (o.parse = function querystring(s) { for (var o, i = /([^=?#&]+)=?([^&]*)/g, u = {}; (o = i.exec(s)); ) { var _ = decode(o[1]), w = decode(o[2]); null === _ || null === w || _ in u || (u[_] = w); } return u; }); }, 41859: (s, o, i) => { const u = i(27096), _ = i(78004), w = u.types; s.exports = class RandExp { constructor(s, o) { if ((this._setDefaults(s), s instanceof RegExp)) (this.ignoreCase = s.ignoreCase), (this.multiline = s.multiline), (s = s.source); else { if ('string' != typeof s) throw new Error('Expected a regexp or string'); (this.ignoreCase = o && -1 !== o.indexOf('i')), (this.multiline = o && -1 !== o.indexOf('m')); } this.tokens = u(s); } _setDefaults(s) { (this.max = null != s.max ? s.max : null != RandExp.prototype.max ? RandExp.prototype.max : 100), (this.defaultRange = s.defaultRange ? s.defaultRange : this.defaultRange.clone()), s.randInt && (this.randInt = s.randInt); } gen() { return this._gen(this.tokens, []); } _gen(s, o) { var i, u, _, x, C; switch (s.type) { case w.ROOT: case w.GROUP: if (s.followedBy || s.notFollowedBy) return ''; for ( s.remember && void 0 === s.groupNumber && (s.groupNumber = o.push(null) - 1), u = '', x = 0, C = (i = s.options ? this._randSelect(s.options) : s.stack).length; x < C; x++ ) u += this._gen(i[x], o); return s.remember && (o[s.groupNumber] = u), u; case w.POSITION: return ''; case w.SET: var j = this._expand(s); return j.length ? String.fromCharCode(this._randSelect(j)) : ''; case w.REPETITION: for ( _ = this.randInt(s.min, s.max === 1 / 0 ? s.min + this.max : s.max), u = '', x = 0; x < _; x++ ) u += this._gen(s.value, o); return u; case w.REFERENCE: return o[s.value - 1] || ''; case w.CHAR: var L = this.ignoreCase && this._randBool() ? this._toOtherCase(s.value) : s.value; return String.fromCharCode(L); } } _toOtherCase(s) { return s + (97 <= s && s <= 122 ? -32 : 65 <= s && s <= 90 ? 32 : 0); } _randBool() { return !this.randInt(0, 1); } _randSelect(s) { return s instanceof _ ? s.index(this.randInt(0, s.length - 1)) : s[this.randInt(0, s.length - 1)]; } _expand(s) { if (s.type === u.types.CHAR) return new _(s.value); if (s.type === u.types.RANGE) return new _(s.from, s.to); { let o = new _(); for (let i = 0; i < s.set.length; i++) { let u = this._expand(s.set[i]); if ((o.add(u), this.ignoreCase)) for (let s = 0; s < u.length; s++) { let i = u.index(s), _ = this._toOtherCase(i); i !== _ && o.add(_); } } return s.not ? this.defaultRange.clone().subtract(o) : this.defaultRange.clone().intersect(o); } } randInt(s, o) { return s + Math.floor(Math.random() * (1 + o - s)); } get defaultRange() { return (this._range = this._range || new _(32, 126)); } set defaultRange(s) { this._range = s; } static randexp(s, o) { var i; return ( 'string' == typeof s && (s = new RegExp(s, o)), void 0 === s._randexp ? ((i = new RandExp(s, o)), (s._randexp = i)) : (i = s._randexp)._setDefaults(s), i.gen() ); } static sugar() { RegExp.prototype.gen = function () { return RandExp.randexp(this); }; } }; }, 53209: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(65606), _ = 65536, w = 4294967295; var x = i(92861).Buffer, C = i.g.crypto || i.g.msCrypto; C && C.getRandomValues ? (s.exports = function randomBytes(s, o) { if (s > w) throw new RangeError('requested too many random bytes'); var i = x.allocUnsafe(s); if (s > 0) if (s > _) for (var j = 0; j < s; j += _) C.getRandomValues(i.slice(j, j + _)); else C.getRandomValues(i); if ('function' == typeof o) return u.nextTick(function () { o(null, i); }); return i; }) : (s.exports = function oldBrowser() { throw new Error( 'Secure random number generation is not supported by this browser.\nUse Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11' ); }); }, 25264: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; function _typeof(s) { return ( (_typeof = 'function' == typeof Symbol && 'symbol' == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (s) { return typeof s; } : function (s) { return s && 'function' == typeof Symbol && s.constructor === Symbol && s !== Symbol.prototype ? 'symbol' : typeof s; }), _typeof(s) ); } Object.defineProperty(o, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), (o.CopyToClipboard = void 0); var u = _interopRequireDefault(i(96540)), _ = _interopRequireDefault(i(17965)), w = ['text', 'onCopy', 'options', 'children']; function _interopRequireDefault(s) { return s && s.__esModule ? s : { default: s }; } function ownKeys(s, o) { var i = Object.keys(s); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var u = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); o && (u = u.filter(function (o) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(s, o).enumerable; })), i.push.apply(i, u); } return i; } function _objectSpread(s) { for (var o = 1; o < arguments.length; o++) { var i = null != arguments[o] ? arguments[o] : {}; o % 2 ? ownKeys(Object(i), !0).forEach(function (o) { _defineProperty(s, o, i[o]); }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(s, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(i)) : ownKeys(Object(i)).forEach(function (o) { Object.defineProperty(s, o, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(i, o)); }); } return s; } function _objectWithoutProperties(s, o) { if (null == s) return {}; var i, u, _ = (function _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(s, o) { if (null == s) return {}; var i, u, _ = {}, w = Object.keys(s); for (u = 0; u < w.length; u++) (i = w[u]), o.indexOf(i) >= 0 || (_[i] = s[i]); return _; })(s, o); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var w = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); for (u = 0; u < w.length; u++) (i = w[u]), o.indexOf(i) >= 0 || (Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(s, i) && (_[i] = s[i])); } return _; } function _defineProperties(s, o) { for (var i = 0; i < o.length; i++) { var u = o[i]; (u.enumerable = u.enumerable || !1), (u.configurable = !0), 'value' in u && (u.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(s, u.key, u); } } function _setPrototypeOf(s, o) { return ( (_setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(s, o) { return (s.__proto__ = o), s; }), _setPrototypeOf(s, o) ); } function _createSuper(s) { var o = (function _isNativeReflectConstruct() { if ('undefined' == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ('function' == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return ( Boolean.prototype.valueOf.call(Reflect.construct(Boolean, [], function () {})), !0 ); } catch (s) { return !1; } })(); return function _createSuperInternal() { var i, u = _getPrototypeOf(s); if (o) { var _ = _getPrototypeOf(this).constructor; i = Reflect.construct(u, arguments, _); } else i = u.apply(this, arguments); return (function _possibleConstructorReturn(s, o) { if (o && ('object' === _typeof(o) || 'function' == typeof o)) return o; if (void 0 !== o) throw new TypeError('Derived constructors may only return object or undefined'); return _assertThisInitialized(s); })(this, i); }; } function _assertThisInitialized(s) { if (void 0 === s) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return s; } function _getPrototypeOf(s) { return ( (_getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(s) { return s.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(s); }), _getPrototypeOf(s) ); } function _defineProperty(s, o, i) { return ( o in s ? Object.defineProperty(s, o, { value: i, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : (s[o] = i), s ); } var x = (function (s) { !(function _inherits(s, o) { if ('function' != typeof o && null !== o) throw new TypeError('Super expression must either be null or a function'); (s.prototype = Object.create(o && o.prototype, { constructor: { value: s, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } })), Object.defineProperty(s, 'prototype', { writable: !1 }), o && _setPrototypeOf(s, o); })(CopyToClipboard, s); var o = _createSuper(CopyToClipboard); function CopyToClipboard() { var s; !(function _classCallCheck(s, o) { if (!(s instanceof o)) throw new TypeError('Cannot call a class as a function'); })(this, CopyToClipboard); for (var i = arguments.length, w = new Array(i), x = 0; x < i; x++) w[x] = arguments[x]; return ( _defineProperty( _assertThisInitialized((s = o.call.apply(o, [this].concat(w)))), 'onClick', function (o) { var i = s.props, w = i.text, x = i.onCopy, C = i.children, j = i.options, L = u.default.Children.only(C), B = (0, _.default)(w, j); x && x(w, B), L && L.props && 'function' == typeof L.props.onClick && L.props.onClick(o); } ), s ); } return ( (function _createClass(s, o, i) { return ( o && _defineProperties(s.prototype, o), i && _defineProperties(s, i), Object.defineProperty(s, 'prototype', { writable: !1 }), s ); })(CopyToClipboard, [ { key: 'render', value: function render() { var s = this.props, o = (s.text, s.onCopy, s.options, s.children), i = _objectWithoutProperties(s, w), _ = u.default.Children.only(o); return u.default.cloneElement( _, _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, i), {}, { onClick: this.onClick }) ); } } ]), CopyToClipboard ); })(u.default.PureComponent); (o.CopyToClipboard = x), _defineProperty(x, 'defaultProps', { onCopy: void 0, options: void 0 }); }, 59399: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(25264).CopyToClipboard; (u.CopyToClipboard = u), (s.exports = u); }, 81214: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; function _typeof(s) { return ( (_typeof = 'function' == typeof Symbol && 'symbol' == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (s) { return typeof s; } : function (s) { return s && 'function' == typeof Symbol && s.constructor === Symbol && s !== Symbol.prototype ? 'symbol' : typeof s; }), _typeof(s) ); } Object.defineProperty(o, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), (o.DebounceInput = void 0); var u = _interopRequireDefault(i(96540)), _ = _interopRequireDefault(i(20181)), w = [ 'element', 'onChange', 'value', 'minLength', 'debounceTimeout', 'forceNotifyByEnter', 'forceNotifyOnBlur', 'onKeyDown', 'onBlur', 'inputRef' ]; function _interopRequireDefault(s) { return s && s.__esModule ? s : { default: s }; } function _objectWithoutProperties(s, o) { if (null == s) return {}; var i, u, _ = (function _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(s, o) { if (null == s) return {}; var i, u, _ = {}, w = Object.keys(s); for (u = 0; u < w.length; u++) (i = w[u]), o.indexOf(i) >= 0 || (_[i] = s[i]); return _; })(s, o); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var w = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); for (u = 0; u < w.length; u++) (i = w[u]), o.indexOf(i) >= 0 || (Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(s, i) && (_[i] = s[i])); } return _; } function ownKeys(s, o) { var i = Object.keys(s); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var u = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); o && (u = u.filter(function (o) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(s, o).enumerable; })), i.push.apply(i, u); } return i; } function _objectSpread(s) { for (var o = 1; o < arguments.length; o++) { var i = null != arguments[o] ? arguments[o] : {}; o % 2 ? ownKeys(Object(i), !0).forEach(function (o) { _defineProperty(s, o, i[o]); }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(s, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(i)) : ownKeys(Object(i)).forEach(function (o) { Object.defineProperty(s, o, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(i, o)); }); } return s; } function _defineProperties(s, o) { for (var i = 0; i < o.length; i++) { var u = o[i]; (u.enumerable = u.enumerable || !1), (u.configurable = !0), 'value' in u && (u.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(s, u.key, u); } } function _setPrototypeOf(s, o) { return ( (_setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(s, o) { return (s.__proto__ = o), s; }), _setPrototypeOf(s, o) ); } function _createSuper(s) { var o = (function _isNativeReflectConstruct() { if ('undefined' == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ('function' == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return ( Boolean.prototype.valueOf.call(Reflect.construct(Boolean, [], function () {})), !0 ); } catch (s) { return !1; } })(); return function _createSuperInternal() { var i, u = _getPrototypeOf(s); if (o) { var _ = _getPrototypeOf(this).constructor; i = Reflect.construct(u, arguments, _); } else i = u.apply(this, arguments); return (function _possibleConstructorReturn(s, o) { if (o && ('object' === _typeof(o) || 'function' == typeof o)) return o; if (void 0 !== o) throw new TypeError('Derived constructors may only return object or undefined'); return _assertThisInitialized(s); })(this, i); }; } function _assertThisInitialized(s) { if (void 0 === s) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return s; } function _getPrototypeOf(s) { return ( (_getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(s) { return s.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(s); }), _getPrototypeOf(s) ); } function _defineProperty(s, o, i) { return ( o in s ? Object.defineProperty(s, o, { value: i, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : (s[o] = i), s ); } var x = (function (s) { !(function _inherits(s, o) { if ('function' != typeof o && null !== o) throw new TypeError('Super expression must either be null or a function'); (s.prototype = Object.create(o && o.prototype, { constructor: { value: s, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } })), Object.defineProperty(s, 'prototype', { writable: !1 }), o && _setPrototypeOf(s, o); })(DebounceInput, s); var o = _createSuper(DebounceInput); function DebounceInput(s) { var i; !(function _classCallCheck(s, o) { if (!(s instanceof o)) throw new TypeError('Cannot call a class as a function'); })(this, DebounceInput), _defineProperty( _assertThisInitialized((i = o.call(this, s))), 'onChange', function (s) { s.persist(); var o = i.state.value, u = i.props.minLength; i.setState({ value: s.target.value }, function () { var _ = i.state.value; _.length >= u ? i.notify(s) : o.length > _.length && i.notify( _objectSpread( _objectSpread({}, s), {}, { target: _objectSpread( _objectSpread({}, s.target), {}, { value: '' } ) } ) ); }); } ), _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(i), 'onKeyDown', function (s) { 'Enter' === s.key && i.forceNotify(s); var o = i.props.onKeyDown; o && (s.persist(), o(s)); }), _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(i), 'onBlur', function (s) { i.forceNotify(s); var o = i.props.onBlur; o && (s.persist(), o(s)); }), _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(i), 'createNotifier', function (s) { if (s < 0) i.notify = function () { return null; }; else if (0 === s) i.notify = i.doNotify; else { var o = (0, _.default)(function (s) { (i.isDebouncing = !1), i.doNotify(s); }, s); (i.notify = function (s) { (i.isDebouncing = !0), o(s); }), (i.flush = function () { return o.flush(); }), (i.cancel = function () { (i.isDebouncing = !1), o.cancel(); }); } }), _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(i), 'doNotify', function () { i.props.onChange.apply(void 0, arguments); }), _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(i), 'forceNotify', function (s) { var o = i.props.debounceTimeout; if (i.isDebouncing || !(o > 0)) { i.cancel && i.cancel(); var u = i.state.value, _ = i.props.minLength; u.length >= _ ? i.doNotify(s) : i.doNotify( _objectSpread( _objectSpread({}, s), {}, { target: _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, s.target), {}, { value: u }) } ) ); } }), (i.isDebouncing = !1), (i.state = { value: void 0 === s.value || null === s.value ? '' : s.value }); var u = i.props.debounceTimeout; return i.createNotifier(u), i; } return ( (function _createClass(s, o, i) { return ( o && _defineProperties(s.prototype, o), i && _defineProperties(s, i), Object.defineProperty(s, 'prototype', { writable: !1 }), s ); })(DebounceInput, [ { key: 'componentDidUpdate', value: function componentDidUpdate(s) { if (!this.isDebouncing) { var o = this.props, i = o.value, u = o.debounceTimeout, _ = s.debounceTimeout, w = s.value, x = this.state.value; void 0 !== i && w !== i && x !== i && this.setState({ value: i }), u !== _ && this.createNotifier(u); } } }, { key: 'componentWillUnmount', value: function componentWillUnmount() { this.flush && this.flush(); } }, { key: 'render', value: function render() { var s, o, i = this.props, _ = i.element, x = (i.onChange, i.value, i.minLength, i.debounceTimeout, i.forceNotifyByEnter), C = i.forceNotifyOnBlur, j = i.onKeyDown, L = i.onBlur, B = i.inputRef, $ = _objectWithoutProperties(i, w), V = this.state.value; (s = x ? { onKeyDown: this.onKeyDown } : j ? { onKeyDown: j } : {}), (o = C ? { onBlur: this.onBlur } : L ? { onBlur: L } : {}); var U = B ? { ref: B } : {}; return u.default.createElement( _, _objectSpread( _objectSpread( _objectSpread( _objectSpread({}, $), {}, { onChange: this.onChange, value: V }, s ), o ), U ) ); } } ]), DebounceInput ); })(u.default.PureComponent); (o.DebounceInput = x), _defineProperty(x, 'defaultProps', { element: 'input', type: 'text', onKeyDown: void 0, onBlur: void 0, value: void 0, minLength: 0, debounceTimeout: 100, forceNotifyByEnter: !0, forceNotifyOnBlur: !0, inputRef: void 0 }); }, 24677: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(81214).DebounceInput; (u.DebounceInput = u), (s.exports = u); }, 22551: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(96540), _ = i(69982); function p(s) { for ( var o = 'https://reactjs.org/docs/error-decoder.html?invariant=' + s, i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++ ) o += '&args[]=' + encodeURIComponent(arguments[i]); return ( 'Minified React error #' + s + '; visit ' + o + ' for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.' ); } var w = new Set(), x = {}; function fa(s, o) { ha(s, o), ha(s + 'Capture', o); } function ha(s, o) { for (x[s] = o, s = 0; s < o.length; s++) w.add(o[s]); } var C = !( 'undefined' == typeof window || void 0 === window.document || void 0 === window.document.createElement ), j = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, L = /^[:A-Z_a-z\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6\u00F8-\u02FF\u0370-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD][:A-Z_a-z\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6\u00F8-\u02FF\u0370-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD\-.0-9\u00B7\u0300-\u036F\u203F-\u2040]*$/, B = {}, $ = {}; function v(s, o, i, u, _, w, x) { (this.acceptsBooleans = 2 === o || 3 === o || 4 === o), (this.attributeName = u), (this.attributeNamespace = _), (this.mustUseProperty = i), (this.propertyName = s), (this.type = o), (this.sanitizeURL = w), (this.removeEmptyString = x); } var V = {}; 'children dangerouslySetInnerHTML defaultValue defaultChecked innerHTML suppressContentEditableWarning suppressHydrationWarning style' .split(' ') .forEach(function (s) { V[s] = new v(s, 0, !1, s, null, !1, !1); }), [ ['acceptCharset', 'accept-charset'], ['className', 'class'], ['htmlFor', 'for'], ['httpEquiv', 'http-equiv'] ].forEach(function (s) { var o = s[0]; V[o] = new v(o, 1, !1, s[1], null, !1, !1); }), ['contentEditable', 'draggable', 'spellCheck', 'value'].forEach(function (s) { V[s] = new v(s, 2, !1, s.toLowerCase(), null, !1, !1); }), ['autoReverse', 'externalResourcesRequired', 'focusable', 'preserveAlpha'].forEach( function (s) { V[s] = new v(s, 2, !1, s, null, !1, !1); } ), 'allowFullScreen async autoFocus autoPlay controls default defer disabled disablePictureInPicture disableRemotePlayback formNoValidate hidden loop noModule noValidate open playsInline readOnly required reversed scoped seamless itemScope' .split(' ') .forEach(function (s) { V[s] = new v(s, 3, !1, s.toLowerCase(), null, !1, !1); }), ['checked', 'multiple', 'muted', 'selected'].forEach(function (s) { V[s] = new v(s, 3, !0, s, null, !1, !1); }), ['capture', 'download'].forEach(function (s) { V[s] = new v(s, 4, !1, s, null, !1, !1); }), ['cols', 'rows', 'size', 'span'].forEach(function (s) { V[s] = new v(s, 6, !1, s, null, !1, !1); }), ['rowSpan', 'start'].forEach(function (s) { V[s] = new v(s, 5, !1, s.toLowerCase(), null, !1, !1); }); var U = /[\-:]([a-z])/g; function sa(s) { return s[1].toUpperCase(); } function ta(s, o, i, u) { var _ = V.hasOwnProperty(o) ? V[o] : null; (null !== _ ? 0 !== _.type : u || !(2 < o.length) || ('o' !== o[0] && 'O' !== o[0]) || ('n' !== o[1] && 'N' !== o[1])) && ((function qa(s, o, i, u) { if ( null == o || (function pa(s, o, i, u) { if (null !== i && 0 === i.type) return !1; switch (typeof o) { case 'function': case 'symbol': return !0; case 'boolean': return ( !u && (null !== i ? !i.acceptsBooleans : 'data-' !== (s = s.toLowerCase().slice(0, 5)) && 'aria-' !== s) ); default: return !1; } })(s, o, i, u) ) return !0; if (u) return !1; if (null !== i) switch (i.type) { case 3: return !o; case 4: return !1 === o; case 5: return isNaN(o); case 6: return isNaN(o) || 1 > o; } return !1; })(o, i, _, u) && (i = null), u || null === _ ? (function oa(s) { return ( !!j.call($, s) || (!j.call(B, s) && (L.test(s) ? ($[s] = !0) : ((B[s] = !0), !1))) ); })(o) && (null === i ? s.removeAttribute(o) : s.setAttribute(o, '' + i)) : _.mustUseProperty ? (s[_.propertyName] = null === i ? 3 !== _.type && '' : i) : ((o = _.attributeName), (u = _.attributeNamespace), null === i ? s.removeAttribute(o) : ((i = 3 === (_ = _.type) || (4 === _ && !0 === i) ? '' : '' + i), u ? s.setAttributeNS(u, o, i) : s.setAttribute(o, i)))); } 'accent-height alignment-baseline arabic-form baseline-shift cap-height clip-path clip-rule color-interpolation color-interpolation-filters color-profile color-rendering dominant-baseline enable-background fill-opacity fill-rule flood-color flood-opacity font-family font-size font-size-adjust font-stretch font-style font-variant font-weight glyph-name glyph-orientation-horizontal glyph-orientation-vertical horiz-adv-x horiz-origin-x image-rendering letter-spacing lighting-color marker-end marker-mid marker-start overline-position overline-thickness paint-order panose-1 pointer-events rendering-intent shape-rendering stop-color stop-opacity strikethrough-position strikethrough-thickness stroke-dasharray stroke-dashoffset stroke-linecap stroke-linejoin stroke-miterlimit stroke-opacity stroke-width text-anchor text-decoration text-rendering underline-position underline-thickness unicode-bidi unicode-range units-per-em v-alphabetic v-hanging v-ideographic v-mathematical vector-effect vert-adv-y vert-origin-x vert-origin-y word-spacing writing-mode xmlns:xlink x-height' .split(' ') .forEach(function (s) { var o = s.replace(U, sa); V[o] = new v(o, 1, !1, s, null, !1, !1); }), 'xlink:actuate xlink:arcrole xlink:role xlink:show xlink:title xlink:type' .split(' ') .forEach(function (s) { var o = s.replace(U, sa); V[o] = new v(o, 1, !1, s, 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink', !1, !1); }), ['xml:base', 'xml:lang', 'xml:space'].forEach(function (s) { var o = s.replace(U, sa); V[o] = new v(o, 1, !1, s, 'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace', !1, !1); }), ['tabIndex', 'crossOrigin'].forEach(function (s) { V[s] = new v(s, 1, !1, s.toLowerCase(), null, !1, !1); }), (V.xlinkHref = new v( 'xlinkHref', 1, !1, 'xlink:href', 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink', !0, !1 )), ['src', 'href', 'action', 'formAction'].forEach(function (s) { V[s] = new v(s, 1, !1, s.toLowerCase(), null, !0, !0); }); var z = u.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED, Y = Symbol.for('react.element'), Z = Symbol.for('react.portal'), ee = Symbol.for('react.fragment'), ie = Symbol.for('react.strict_mode'), ae = Symbol.for('react.profiler'), le = Symbol.for('react.provider'), ce = Symbol.for('react.context'), pe = Symbol.for('react.forward_ref'), de = Symbol.for('react.suspense'), fe = Symbol.for('react.suspense_list'), ye = Symbol.for('react.memo'), be = Symbol.for('react.lazy'); Symbol.for('react.scope'), Symbol.for('react.debug_trace_mode'); var _e = Symbol.for('react.offscreen'); Symbol.for('react.legacy_hidden'), Symbol.for('react.cache'), Symbol.for('react.tracing_marker'); var we = Symbol.iterator; function Ka(s) { return null === s || 'object' != typeof s ? null : 'function' == typeof (s = (we && s[we]) || s['@@iterator']) ? s : null; } var Se, xe = Object.assign; function Ma(s) { if (void 0 === Se) try { throw Error(); } catch (s) { var o = s.stack.trim().match(/\n( *(at )?)/); Se = (o && o[1]) || ''; } return '\n' + Se + s; } var Pe = !1; function Oa(s, o) { if (!s || Pe) return ''; Pe = !0; var i = Error.prepareStackTrace; Error.prepareStackTrace = void 0; try { if (o) if ( ((o = function () { throw Error(); }), Object.defineProperty(o.prototype, 'props', { set: function () { throw Error(); } }), 'object' == typeof Reflect && Reflect.construct) ) { try { Reflect.construct(o, []); } catch (s) { var u = s; } Reflect.construct(s, [], o); } else { try { o.call(); } catch (s) { u = s; } s.call(o.prototype); } else { try { throw Error(); } catch (s) { u = s; } s(); } } catch (o) { if (o && u && 'string' == typeof o.stack) { for ( var _ = o.stack.split('\n'), w = u.stack.split('\n'), x = _.length - 1, C = w.length - 1; 1 <= x && 0 <= C && _[x] !== w[C]; ) C--; for (; 1 <= x && 0 <= C; x--, C--) if (_[x] !== w[C]) { if (1 !== x || 1 !== C) do { if ((x--, 0 > --C || _[x] !== w[C])) { var j = '\n' + _[x].replace(' at new ', ' at '); return ( s.displayName && j.includes('') && (j = j.replace('', s.displayName)), j ); } } while (1 <= x && 0 <= C); break; } } } finally { (Pe = !1), (Error.prepareStackTrace = i); } return (s = s ? s.displayName || s.name : '') ? Ma(s) : ''; } function Pa(s) { switch (s.tag) { case 5: return Ma(s.type); case 16: return Ma('Lazy'); case 13: return Ma('Suspense'); case 19: return Ma('SuspenseList'); case 0: case 2: case 15: return (s = Oa(s.type, !1)); case 11: return (s = Oa(s.type.render, !1)); case 1: return (s = Oa(s.type, !0)); default: return ''; } } function Qa(s) { if (null == s) return null; if ('function' == typeof s) return s.displayName || s.name || null; if ('string' == typeof s) return s; switch (s) { case ee: return 'Fragment'; case Z: return 'Portal'; case ae: return 'Profiler'; case ie: return 'StrictMode'; case de: return 'Suspense'; case fe: return 'SuspenseList'; } if ('object' == typeof s) switch (s.$$typeof) { case ce: return (s.displayName || 'Context') + '.Consumer'; case le: return (s._context.displayName || 'Context') + '.Provider'; case pe: var o = s.render; return ( (s = s.displayName) || (s = '' !== (s = o.displayName || o.name || '') ? 'ForwardRef(' + s + ')' : 'ForwardRef'), s ); case ye: return null !== (o = s.displayName || null) ? o : Qa(s.type) || 'Memo'; case be: (o = s._payload), (s = s._init); try { return Qa(s(o)); } catch (s) {} } return null; } function Ra(s) { var o = s.type; switch (s.tag) { case 24: return 'Cache'; case 9: return (o.displayName || 'Context') + '.Consumer'; case 10: return (o._context.displayName || 'Context') + '.Provider'; case 18: return 'DehydratedFragment'; case 11: return ( (s = (s = o.render).displayName || s.name || ''), o.displayName || ('' !== s ? 'ForwardRef(' + s + ')' : 'ForwardRef') ); case 7: return 'Fragment'; case 5: return o; case 4: return 'Portal'; case 3: return 'Root'; case 6: return 'Text'; case 16: return Qa(o); case 8: return o === ie ? 'StrictMode' : 'Mode'; case 22: return 'Offscreen'; case 12: return 'Profiler'; case 21: return 'Scope'; case 13: return 'Suspense'; case 19: return 'SuspenseList'; case 25: return 'TracingMarker'; case 1: case 0: case 17: case 2: case 14: case 15: if ('function' == typeof o) return o.displayName || o.name || null; if ('string' == typeof o) return o; } return null; } function Sa(s) { switch (typeof s) { case 'boolean': case 'number': case 'string': case 'undefined': case 'object': return s; default: return ''; } } function Ta(s) { var o = s.type; return ( (s = s.nodeName) && 'input' === s.toLowerCase() && ('checkbox' === o || 'radio' === o) ); } function Va(s) { s._valueTracker || (s._valueTracker = (function Ua(s) { var o = Ta(s) ? 'checked' : 'value', i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(s.constructor.prototype, o), u = '' + s[o]; if ( !s.hasOwnProperty(o) && void 0 !== i && 'function' == typeof i.get && 'function' == typeof i.set ) { var _ = i.get, w = i.set; return ( Object.defineProperty(s, o, { configurable: !0, get: function () { return _.call(this); }, set: function (s) { (u = '' + s), w.call(this, s); } }), Object.defineProperty(s, o, { enumerable: i.enumerable }), { getValue: function () { return u; }, setValue: function (s) { u = '' + s; }, stopTracking: function () { (s._valueTracker = null), delete s[o]; } } ); } })(s)); } function Wa(s) { if (!s) return !1; var o = s._valueTracker; if (!o) return !0; var i = o.getValue(), u = ''; return ( s && (u = Ta(s) ? (s.checked ? 'true' : 'false') : s.value), (s = u) !== i && (o.setValue(s), !0) ); } function Xa(s) { if (void 0 === (s = s || ('undefined' != typeof document ? document : void 0))) return null; try { return s.activeElement || s.body; } catch (o) { return s.body; } } function Ya(s, o) { var i = o.checked; return xe({}, o, { defaultChecked: void 0, defaultValue: void 0, value: void 0, checked: null != i ? i : s._wrapperState.initialChecked }); } function Za(s, o) { var i = null == o.defaultValue ? '' : o.defaultValue, u = null != o.checked ? o.checked : o.defaultChecked; (i = Sa(null != o.value ? o.value : i)), (s._wrapperState = { initialChecked: u, initialValue: i, controlled: 'checkbox' === o.type || 'radio' === o.type ? null != o.checked : null != o.value }); } function ab(s, o) { null != (o = o.checked) && ta(s, 'checked', o, !1); } function bb(s, o) { ab(s, o); var i = Sa(o.value), u = o.type; if (null != i) 'number' === u ? ((0 === i && '' === s.value) || s.value != i) && (s.value = '' + i) : s.value !== '' + i && (s.value = '' + i); else if ('submit' === u || 'reset' === u) return void s.removeAttribute('value'); o.hasOwnProperty('value') ? cb(s, o.type, i) : o.hasOwnProperty('defaultValue') && cb(s, o.type, Sa(o.defaultValue)), null == o.checked && null != o.defaultChecked && (s.defaultChecked = !!o.defaultChecked); } function db(s, o, i) { if (o.hasOwnProperty('value') || o.hasOwnProperty('defaultValue')) { var u = o.type; if (!(('submit' !== u && 'reset' !== u) || (void 0 !== o.value && null !== o.value))) return; (o = '' + s._wrapperState.initialValue), i || o === s.value || (s.value = o), (s.defaultValue = o); } '' !== (i = s.name) && (s.name = ''), (s.defaultChecked = !!s._wrapperState.initialChecked), '' !== i && (s.name = i); } function cb(s, o, i) { ('number' === o && Xa(s.ownerDocument) === s) || (null == i ? (s.defaultValue = '' + s._wrapperState.initialValue) : s.defaultValue !== '' + i && (s.defaultValue = '' + i)); } var Te = Array.isArray; function fb(s, o, i, u) { if (((s = s.options), o)) { o = {}; for (var _ = 0; _ < i.length; _++) o['$' + i[_]] = !0; for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++) (_ = o.hasOwnProperty('$' + s[i].value)), s[i].selected !== _ && (s[i].selected = _), _ && u && (s[i].defaultSelected = !0); } else { for (i = '' + Sa(i), o = null, _ = 0; _ < s.length; _++) { if (s[_].value === i) return (s[_].selected = !0), void (u && (s[_].defaultSelected = !0)); null !== o || s[_].disabled || (o = s[_]); } null !== o && (o.selected = !0); } } function gb(s, o) { if (null != o.dangerouslySetInnerHTML) throw Error(p(91)); return xe({}, o, { value: void 0, defaultValue: void 0, children: '' + s._wrapperState.initialValue }); } function hb(s, o) { var i = o.value; if (null == i) { if (((i = o.children), (o = o.defaultValue), null != i)) { if (null != o) throw Error(p(92)); if (Te(i)) { if (1 < i.length) throw Error(p(93)); i = i[0]; } o = i; } null == o && (o = ''), (i = o); } s._wrapperState = { initialValue: Sa(i) }; } function ib(s, o) { var i = Sa(o.value), u = Sa(o.defaultValue); null != i && ((i = '' + i) !== s.value && (s.value = i), null == o.defaultValue && s.defaultValue !== i && (s.defaultValue = i)), null != u && (s.defaultValue = '' + u); } function jb(s) { var o = s.textContent; o === s._wrapperState.initialValue && '' !== o && null !== o && (s.value = o); } function kb(s) { switch (s) { case 'svg': return 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'; case 'math': return 'http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML'; default: return 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'; } } function lb(s, o) { return null == s || 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' === s ? kb(o) : 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' === s && 'foreignObject' === o ? 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' : s; } var Re, qe, $e = ((qe = function (s, o) { if ('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' !== s.namespaceURI || 'innerHTML' in s) s.innerHTML = o; else { for ( (Re = Re || document.createElement('div')).innerHTML = '' + o.valueOf().toString() + '', o = Re.firstChild; s.firstChild; ) s.removeChild(s.firstChild); for (; o.firstChild; ) s.appendChild(o.firstChild); } }), 'undefined' != typeof MSApp && MSApp.execUnsafeLocalFunction ? function (s, o, i, u) { MSApp.execUnsafeLocalFunction(function () { return qe(s, o); }); } : qe); function ob(s, o) { if (o) { var i = s.firstChild; if (i && i === s.lastChild && 3 === i.nodeType) return void (i.nodeValue = o); } s.textContent = o; } var ze = { animationIterationCount: !0, aspectRatio: !0, borderImageOutset: !0, borderImageSlice: !0, borderImageWidth: !0, boxFlex: !0, boxFlexGroup: !0, boxOrdinalGroup: !0, columnCount: !0, columns: !0, flex: !0, flexGrow: !0, flexPositive: !0, flexShrink: !0, flexNegative: !0, flexOrder: !0, gridArea: !0, gridRow: !0, gridRowEnd: !0, gridRowSpan: !0, gridRowStart: !0, gridColumn: !0, gridColumnEnd: !0, gridColumnSpan: !0, gridColumnStart: !0, fontWeight: !0, lineClamp: !0, lineHeight: !0, opacity: !0, order: !0, orphans: !0, tabSize: !0, widows: !0, zIndex: !0, zoom: !0, fillOpacity: !0, floodOpacity: !0, stopOpacity: !0, strokeDasharray: !0, strokeDashoffset: !0, strokeMiterlimit: !0, strokeOpacity: !0, strokeWidth: !0 }, We = ['Webkit', 'ms', 'Moz', 'O']; function rb(s, o, i) { return null == o || 'boolean' == typeof o || '' === o ? '' : i || 'number' != typeof o || 0 === o || (ze.hasOwnProperty(s) && ze[s]) ? ('' + o).trim() : o + 'px'; } function sb(s, o) { for (var i in ((s = s.style), o)) if (o.hasOwnProperty(i)) { var u = 0 === i.indexOf('--'), _ = rb(i, o[i], u); 'float' === i && (i = 'cssFloat'), u ? s.setProperty(i, _) : (s[i] = _); } } Object.keys(ze).forEach(function (s) { We.forEach(function (o) { (o = o + s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.substring(1)), (ze[o] = ze[s]); }); }); var He = xe( { menuitem: !0 }, { area: !0, base: !0, br: !0, col: !0, embed: !0, hr: !0, img: !0, input: !0, keygen: !0, link: !0, meta: !0, param: !0, source: !0, track: !0, wbr: !0 } ); function ub(s, o) { if (o) { if (He[s] && (null != o.children || null != o.dangerouslySetInnerHTML)) throw Error(p(137, s)); if (null != o.dangerouslySetInnerHTML) { if (null != o.children) throw Error(p(60)); if ( 'object' != typeof o.dangerouslySetInnerHTML || !('__html' in o.dangerouslySetInnerHTML) ) throw Error(p(61)); } if (null != o.style && 'object' != typeof o.style) throw Error(p(62)); } } function vb(s, o) { if (-1 === s.indexOf('-')) return 'string' == typeof o.is; switch (s) { case 'annotation-xml': case 'color-profile': case 'font-face': case 'font-face-src': case 'font-face-uri': case 'font-face-format': case 'font-face-name': case 'missing-glyph': return !1; default: return !0; } } var Ye = null; function xb(s) { return ( (s = s.target || s.srcElement || window).correspondingUseElement && (s = s.correspondingUseElement), 3 === s.nodeType ? s.parentNode : s ); } var Xe = null, Qe = null, et = null; function Bb(s) { if ((s = Cb(s))) { if ('function' != typeof Xe) throw Error(p(280)); var o = s.stateNode; o && ((o = Db(o)), Xe(s.stateNode, s.type, o)); } } function Eb(s) { Qe ? (et ? et.push(s) : (et = [s])) : (Qe = s); } function Fb() { if (Qe) { var s = Qe, o = et; if (((et = Qe = null), Bb(s), o)) for (s = 0; s < o.length; s++) Bb(o[s]); } } function Gb(s, o) { return s(o); } function Hb() {} var tt = !1; function Jb(s, o, i) { if (tt) return s(o, i); tt = !0; try { return Gb(s, o, i); } finally { (tt = !1), (null !== Qe || null !== et) && (Hb(), Fb()); } } function Kb(s, o) { var i = s.stateNode; if (null === i) return null; var u = Db(i); if (null === u) return null; i = u[o]; e: switch (o) { case 'onClick': case 'onClickCapture': case 'onDoubleClick': case 'onDoubleClickCapture': case 'onMouseDown': case 'onMouseDownCapture': case 'onMouseMove': case 'onMouseMoveCapture': case 'onMouseUp': case 'onMouseUpCapture': case 'onMouseEnter': (u = !u.disabled) || (u = !( 'button' === (s = s.type) || 'input' === s || 'select' === s || 'textarea' === s )), (s = !u); break e; default: s = !1; } if (s) return null; if (i && 'function' != typeof i) throw Error(p(231, o, typeof i)); return i; } var rt = !1; if (C) try { var nt = {}; Object.defineProperty(nt, 'passive', { get: function () { rt = !0; } }), window.addEventListener('test', nt, nt), window.removeEventListener('test', nt, nt); } catch (qe) { rt = !1; } function Nb(s, o, i, u, _, w, x, C, j) { var L = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 3); try { o.apply(i, L); } catch (s) { this.onError(s); } } var st = !1, ot = null, it = !1, at = null, lt = { onError: function (s) { (st = !0), (ot = s); } }; function Tb(s, o, i, u, _, w, x, C, j) { (st = !1), (ot = null), Nb.apply(lt, arguments); } function Vb(s) { var o = s, i = s; if (s.alternate) for (; o.return; ) o = o.return; else { s = o; do { !!(4098 & (o = s).flags) && (i = o.return), (s = o.return); } while (s); } return 3 === o.tag ? i : null; } function Wb(s) { if (13 === s.tag) { var o = s.memoizedState; if ((null === o && null !== (s = s.alternate) && (o = s.memoizedState), null !== o)) return o.dehydrated; } return null; } function Xb(s) { if (Vb(s) !== s) throw Error(p(188)); } function Zb(s) { return null !== (s = (function Yb(s) { var o = s.alternate; if (!o) { if (null === (o = Vb(s))) throw Error(p(188)); return o !== s ? null : s; } for (var i = s, u = o; ; ) { var _ = i.return; if (null === _) break; var w = _.alternate; if (null === w) { if (null !== (u = _.return)) { i = u; continue; } break; } if (_.child === w.child) { for (w = _.child; w; ) { if (w === i) return Xb(_), s; if (w === u) return Xb(_), o; w = w.sibling; } throw Error(p(188)); } if (i.return !== u.return) (i = _), (u = w); else { for (var x = !1, C = _.child; C; ) { if (C === i) { (x = !0), (i = _), (u = w); break; } if (C === u) { (x = !0), (u = _), (i = w); break; } C = C.sibling; } if (!x) { for (C = w.child; C; ) { if (C === i) { (x = !0), (i = w), (u = _); break; } if (C === u) { (x = !0), (u = w), (i = _); break; } C = C.sibling; } if (!x) throw Error(p(189)); } } if (i.alternate !== u) throw Error(p(190)); } if (3 !== i.tag) throw Error(p(188)); return i.stateNode.current === i ? s : o; })(s)) ? $b(s) : null; } function $b(s) { if (5 === s.tag || 6 === s.tag) return s; for (s = s.child; null !== s; ) { var o = $b(s); if (null !== o) return o; s = s.sibling; } return null; } var ct = _.unstable_scheduleCallback, ut = _.unstable_cancelCallback, pt = _.unstable_shouldYield, ht = _.unstable_requestPaint, dt = _.unstable_now, mt = _.unstable_getCurrentPriorityLevel, gt = _.unstable_ImmediatePriority, yt = _.unstable_UserBlockingPriority, vt = _.unstable_NormalPriority, bt = _.unstable_LowPriority, _t = _.unstable_IdlePriority, Et = null, wt = null; var St = Math.clz32 ? Math.clz32 : function nc(s) { return (s >>>= 0), 0 === s ? 32 : (31 - ((xt(s) / kt) | 0)) | 0; }, xt = Math.log, kt = Math.LN2; var Ct = 64, Ot = 4194304; function tc(s) { switch (s & -s) { case 1: return 1; case 2: return 2; case 4: return 4; case 8: return 8; case 16: return 16; case 32: return 32; case 64: case 128: case 256: case 512: case 1024: case 2048: case 4096: case 8192: case 16384: case 32768: case 65536: case 131072: case 262144: case 524288: case 1048576: case 2097152: return 4194240 & s; case 4194304: case 8388608: case 16777216: case 33554432: case 67108864: return 130023424 & s; case 134217728: return 134217728; case 268435456: return 268435456; case 536870912: return 536870912; case 1073741824: return 1073741824; default: return s; } } function uc(s, o) { var i = s.pendingLanes; if (0 === i) return 0; var u = 0, _ = s.suspendedLanes, w = s.pingedLanes, x = 268435455 & i; if (0 !== x) { var C = x & ~_; 0 !== C ? (u = tc(C)) : 0 !== (w &= x) && (u = tc(w)); } else 0 !== (x = i & ~_) ? (u = tc(x)) : 0 !== w && (u = tc(w)); if (0 === u) return 0; if ( 0 !== o && o !== u && !(o & _) && ((_ = u & -u) >= (w = o & -o) || (16 === _ && 4194240 & w)) ) return o; if ((4 & u && (u |= 16 & i), 0 !== (o = s.entangledLanes))) for (s = s.entanglements, o &= u; 0 < o; ) (_ = 1 << (i = 31 - St(o))), (u |= s[i]), (o &= ~_); return u; } function vc(s, o) { switch (s) { case 1: case 2: case 4: return o + 250; case 8: case 16: case 32: case 64: case 128: case 256: case 512: case 1024: case 2048: case 4096: case 8192: case 16384: case 32768: case 65536: case 131072: case 262144: case 524288: case 1048576: case 2097152: return o + 5e3; default: return -1; } } function xc(s) { return 0 !== (s = -1073741825 & s.pendingLanes) ? s : 1073741824 & s ? 1073741824 : 0; } function yc() { var s = Ct; return !(4194240 & (Ct <<= 1)) && (Ct = 64), s; } function zc(s) { for (var o = [], i = 0; 31 > i; i++) o.push(s); return o; } function Ac(s, o, i) { (s.pendingLanes |= o), 536870912 !== o && ((s.suspendedLanes = 0), (s.pingedLanes = 0)), ((s = s.eventTimes)[(o = 31 - St(o))] = i); } function Cc(s, o) { var i = (s.entangledLanes |= o); for (s = s.entanglements; i; ) { var u = 31 - St(i), _ = 1 << u; (_ & o) | (s[u] & o) && (s[u] |= o), (i &= ~_); } } var At = 0; function Dc(s) { return 1 < (s &= -s) ? (4 < s ? (268435455 & s ? 16 : 536870912) : 4) : 1; } var jt, It, Pt, Mt, Tt, Nt = !1, Rt = [], Dt = null, Lt = null, Bt = null, Ft = new Map(), qt = new Map(), $t = [], Vt = 'mousedown mouseup touchcancel touchend touchstart auxclick dblclick pointercancel pointerdown pointerup dragend dragstart drop compositionend compositionstart keydown keypress keyup input textInput copy cut paste click change contextmenu reset submit'.split( ' ' ); function Sc(s, o) { switch (s) { case 'focusin': case 'focusout': Dt = null; break; case 'dragenter': case 'dragleave': Lt = null; break; case 'mouseover': case 'mouseout': Bt = null; break; case 'pointerover': case 'pointerout': Ft.delete(o.pointerId); break; case 'gotpointercapture': case 'lostpointercapture': qt.delete(o.pointerId); } } function Tc(s, o, i, u, _, w) { return null === s || s.nativeEvent !== w ? ((s = { blockedOn: o, domEventName: i, eventSystemFlags: u, nativeEvent: w, targetContainers: [_] }), null !== o && null !== (o = Cb(o)) && It(o), s) : ((s.eventSystemFlags |= u), (o = s.targetContainers), null !== _ && -1 === o.indexOf(_) && o.push(_), s); } function Vc(s) { var o = Wc(s.target); if (null !== o) { var i = Vb(o); if (null !== i) if (13 === (o = i.tag)) { if (null !== (o = Wb(i))) return ( (s.blockedOn = o), void Tt(s.priority, function () { Pt(i); }) ); } else if (3 === o && i.stateNode.current.memoizedState.isDehydrated) return void (s.blockedOn = 3 === i.tag ? i.stateNode.containerInfo : null); } s.blockedOn = null; } function Xc(s) { if (null !== s.blockedOn) return !1; for (var o = s.targetContainers; 0 < o.length; ) { var i = Yc(s.domEventName, s.eventSystemFlags, o[0], s.nativeEvent); if (null !== i) return null !== (o = Cb(i)) && It(o), (s.blockedOn = i), !1; var u = new (i = s.nativeEvent).constructor(i.type, i); (Ye = u), i.target.dispatchEvent(u), (Ye = null), o.shift(); } return !0; } function Zc(s, o, i) { Xc(s) && i.delete(o); } function $c() { (Nt = !1), null !== Dt && Xc(Dt) && (Dt = null), null !== Lt && Xc(Lt) && (Lt = null), null !== Bt && Xc(Bt) && (Bt = null), Ft.forEach(Zc), qt.forEach(Zc); } function ad(s, o) { s.blockedOn === o && ((s.blockedOn = null), Nt || ((Nt = !0), _.unstable_scheduleCallback(_.unstable_NormalPriority, $c))); } function bd(s) { function b(o) { return ad(o, s); } if (0 < Rt.length) { ad(Rt[0], s); for (var o = 1; o < Rt.length; o++) { var i = Rt[o]; i.blockedOn === s && (i.blockedOn = null); } } for ( null !== Dt && ad(Dt, s), null !== Lt && ad(Lt, s), null !== Bt && ad(Bt, s), Ft.forEach(b), qt.forEach(b), o = 0; o < $t.length; o++ ) (i = $t[o]).blockedOn === s && (i.blockedOn = null); for (; 0 < $t.length && null === (o = $t[0]).blockedOn; ) Vc(o), null === o.blockedOn && $t.shift(); } var Ut = z.ReactCurrentBatchConfig, zt = !0; function ed(s, o, i, u) { var _ = At, w = Ut.transition; Ut.transition = null; try { (At = 1), fd(s, o, i, u); } finally { (At = _), (Ut.transition = w); } } function gd(s, o, i, u) { var _ = At, w = Ut.transition; Ut.transition = null; try { (At = 4), fd(s, o, i, u); } finally { (At = _), (Ut.transition = w); } } function fd(s, o, i, u) { if (zt) { var _ = Yc(s, o, i, u); if (null === _) hd(s, o, u, Wt, i), Sc(s, u); else if ( (function Uc(s, o, i, u, _) { switch (o) { case 'focusin': return (Dt = Tc(Dt, s, o, i, u, _)), !0; case 'dragenter': return (Lt = Tc(Lt, s, o, i, u, _)), !0; case 'mouseover': return (Bt = Tc(Bt, s, o, i, u, _)), !0; case 'pointerover': var w = _.pointerId; return Ft.set(w, Tc(Ft.get(w) || null, s, o, i, u, _)), !0; case 'gotpointercapture': return (w = _.pointerId), qt.set(w, Tc(qt.get(w) || null, s, o, i, u, _)), !0; } return !1; })(_, s, o, i, u) ) u.stopPropagation(); else if ((Sc(s, u), 4 & o && -1 < Vt.indexOf(s))) { for (; null !== _; ) { var w = Cb(_); if ( (null !== w && jt(w), null === (w = Yc(s, o, i, u)) && hd(s, o, u, Wt, i), w === _) ) break; _ = w; } null !== _ && u.stopPropagation(); } else hd(s, o, u, null, i); } } var Wt = null; function Yc(s, o, i, u) { if (((Wt = null), null !== (s = Wc((s = xb(u)))))) if (null === (o = Vb(s))) s = null; else if (13 === (i = o.tag)) { if (null !== (s = Wb(o))) return s; s = null; } else if (3 === i) { if (o.stateNode.current.memoizedState.isDehydrated) return 3 === o.tag ? o.stateNode.containerInfo : null; s = null; } else o !== s && (s = null); return (Wt = s), null; } function jd(s) { switch (s) { case 'cancel': case 'click': case 'close': case 'contextmenu': case 'copy': case 'cut': case 'auxclick': case 'dblclick': case 'dragend': case 'dragstart': case 'drop': case 'focusin': case 'focusout': case 'input': case 'invalid': case 'keydown': case 'keypress': case 'keyup': case 'mousedown': case 'mouseup': case 'paste': case 'pause': case 'play': case 'pointercancel': case 'pointerdown': case 'pointerup': case 'ratechange': case 'reset': case 'resize': case 'seeked': case 'submit': case 'touchcancel': case 'touchend': case 'touchstart': case 'volumechange': case 'change': case 'selectionchange': case 'textInput': case 'compositionstart': case 'compositionend': case 'compositionupdate': case 'beforeblur': case 'afterblur': case 'beforeinput': case 'blur': case 'fullscreenchange': case 'focus': case 'hashchange': case 'popstate': case 'select': case 'selectstart': return 1; case 'drag': case 'dragenter': case 'dragexit': case 'dragleave': case 'dragover': case 'mousemove': case 'mouseout': case 'mouseover': case 'pointermove': case 'pointerout': case 'pointerover': case 'scroll': case 'toggle': case 'touchmove': case 'wheel': case 'mouseenter': case 'mouseleave': case 'pointerenter': case 'pointerleave': return 4; case 'message': switch (mt()) { case gt: return 1; case yt: return 4; case vt: case bt: return 16; case _t: return 536870912; default: return 16; } default: return 16; } } var Kt = null, Ht = null, Jt = null; function nd() { if (Jt) return Jt; var s, o, i = Ht, u = i.length, _ = 'value' in Kt ? Kt.value : Kt.textContent, w = _.length; for (s = 0; s < u && i[s] === _[s]; s++); var x = u - s; for (o = 1; o <= x && i[u - o] === _[w - o]; o++); return (Jt = _.slice(s, 1 < o ? 1 - o : void 0)); } function od(s) { var o = s.keyCode; return ( 'charCode' in s ? 0 === (s = s.charCode) && 13 === o && (s = 13) : (s = o), 10 === s && (s = 13), 32 <= s || 13 === s ? s : 0 ); } function pd() { return !0; } function qd() { return !1; } function rd(s) { function b(o, i, u, _, w) { for (var x in ((this._reactName = o), (this._targetInst = u), (this.type = i), (this.nativeEvent = _), (this.target = w), (this.currentTarget = null), s)) s.hasOwnProperty(x) && ((o = s[x]), (this[x] = o ? o(_) : _[x])); return ( (this.isDefaultPrevented = ( null != _.defaultPrevented ? _.defaultPrevented : !1 === _.returnValue ) ? pd : qd), (this.isPropagationStopped = qd), this ); } return ( xe(b.prototype, { preventDefault: function () { this.defaultPrevented = !0; var s = this.nativeEvent; s && (s.preventDefault ? s.preventDefault() : 'unknown' != typeof s.returnValue && (s.returnValue = !1), (this.isDefaultPrevented = pd)); }, stopPropagation: function () { var s = this.nativeEvent; s && (s.stopPropagation ? s.stopPropagation() : 'unknown' != typeof s.cancelBubble && (s.cancelBubble = !0), (this.isPropagationStopped = pd)); }, persist: function () {}, isPersistent: pd }), b ); } var Gt, Yt, Xt, Zt = { eventPhase: 0, bubbles: 0, cancelable: 0, timeStamp: function (s) { return s.timeStamp || Date.now(); }, defaultPrevented: 0, isTrusted: 0 }, Qt = rd(Zt), er = xe({}, Zt, { view: 0, detail: 0 }), tr = rd(er), rr = xe({}, er, { screenX: 0, screenY: 0, clientX: 0, clientY: 0, pageX: 0, pageY: 0, ctrlKey: 0, shiftKey: 0, altKey: 0, metaKey: 0, getModifierState: zd, button: 0, buttons: 0, relatedTarget: function (s) { return void 0 === s.relatedTarget ? s.fromElement === s.srcElement ? s.toElement : s.fromElement : s.relatedTarget; }, movementX: function (s) { return 'movementX' in s ? s.movementX : (s !== Xt && (Xt && 'mousemove' === s.type ? ((Gt = s.screenX - Xt.screenX), (Yt = s.screenY - Xt.screenY)) : (Yt = Gt = 0), (Xt = s)), Gt); }, movementY: function (s) { return 'movementY' in s ? s.movementY : Yt; } }), nr = rd(rr), sr = rd(xe({}, rr, { dataTransfer: 0 })), ir = rd(xe({}, er, { relatedTarget: 0 })), ar = rd(xe({}, Zt, { animationName: 0, elapsedTime: 0, pseudoElement: 0 })), lr = xe({}, Zt, { clipboardData: function (s) { return 'clipboardData' in s ? s.clipboardData : window.clipboardData; } }), cr = rd(lr), ur = rd(xe({}, Zt, { data: 0 })), pr = { Esc: 'Escape', Spacebar: ' ', Left: 'ArrowLeft', Up: 'ArrowUp', Right: 'ArrowRight', Down: 'ArrowDown', Del: 'Delete', Win: 'OS', Menu: 'ContextMenu', Apps: 'ContextMenu', Scroll: 'ScrollLock', MozPrintableKey: 'Unidentified' }, dr = { 8: 'Backspace', 9: 'Tab', 12: 'Clear', 13: 'Enter', 16: 'Shift', 17: 'Control', 18: 'Alt', 19: 'Pause', 20: 'CapsLock', 27: 'Escape', 32: ' ', 33: 'PageUp', 34: 'PageDown', 35: 'End', 36: 'Home', 37: 'ArrowLeft', 38: 'ArrowUp', 39: 'ArrowRight', 40: 'ArrowDown', 45: 'Insert', 46: 'Delete', 112: 'F1', 113: 'F2', 114: 'F3', 115: 'F4', 116: 'F5', 117: 'F6', 118: 'F7', 119: 'F8', 120: 'F9', 121: 'F10', 122: 'F11', 123: 'F12', 144: 'NumLock', 145: 'ScrollLock', 224: 'Meta' }, fr = { Alt: 'altKey', Control: 'ctrlKey', Meta: 'metaKey', Shift: 'shiftKey' }; function Pd(s) { var o = this.nativeEvent; return o.getModifierState ? o.getModifierState(s) : !!(s = fr[s]) && !!o[s]; } function zd() { return Pd; } var mr = xe({}, er, { key: function (s) { if (s.key) { var o = pr[s.key] || s.key; if ('Unidentified' !== o) return o; } return 'keypress' === s.type ? 13 === (s = od(s)) ? 'Enter' : String.fromCharCode(s) : 'keydown' === s.type || 'keyup' === s.type ? dr[s.keyCode] || 'Unidentified' : ''; }, code: 0, location: 0, ctrlKey: 0, shiftKey: 0, altKey: 0, metaKey: 0, repeat: 0, locale: 0, getModifierState: zd, charCode: function (s) { return 'keypress' === s.type ? od(s) : 0; }, keyCode: function (s) { return 'keydown' === s.type || 'keyup' === s.type ? s.keyCode : 0; }, which: function (s) { return 'keypress' === s.type ? od(s) : 'keydown' === s.type || 'keyup' === s.type ? s.keyCode : 0; } }), gr = rd(mr), yr = rd( xe({}, rr, { pointerId: 0, width: 0, height: 0, pressure: 0, tangentialPressure: 0, tiltX: 0, tiltY: 0, twist: 0, pointerType: 0, isPrimary: 0 }) ), vr = rd( xe({}, er, { touches: 0, targetTouches: 0, changedTouches: 0, altKey: 0, metaKey: 0, ctrlKey: 0, shiftKey: 0, getModifierState: zd }) ), br = rd(xe({}, Zt, { propertyName: 0, elapsedTime: 0, pseudoElement: 0 })), _r = xe({}, rr, { deltaX: function (s) { return 'deltaX' in s ? s.deltaX : 'wheelDeltaX' in s ? -s.wheelDeltaX : 0; }, deltaY: function (s) { return 'deltaY' in s ? s.deltaY : 'wheelDeltaY' in s ? -s.wheelDeltaY : 'wheelDelta' in s ? -s.wheelDelta : 0; }, deltaZ: 0, deltaMode: 0 }), Er = rd(_r), wr = [9, 13, 27, 32], Sr = C && 'CompositionEvent' in window, xr = null; C && 'documentMode' in document && (xr = document.documentMode); var kr = C && 'TextEvent' in window && !xr, Cr = C && (!Sr || (xr && 8 < xr && 11 >= xr)), Or = String.fromCharCode(32), Ar = !1; function ge(s, o) { switch (s) { case 'keyup': return -1 !== wr.indexOf(o.keyCode); case 'keydown': return 229 !== o.keyCode; case 'keypress': case 'mousedown': case 'focusout': return !0; default: return !1; } } function he(s) { return 'object' == typeof (s = s.detail) && 'data' in s ? s.data : null; } var jr = !1; var Ir = { color: !0, date: !0, datetime: !0, 'datetime-local': !0, email: !0, month: !0, number: !0, password: !0, range: !0, search: !0, tel: !0, text: !0, time: !0, url: !0, week: !0 }; function me(s) { var o = s && s.nodeName && s.nodeName.toLowerCase(); return 'input' === o ? !!Ir[s.type] : 'textarea' === o; } function ne(s, o, i, u) { Eb(u), 0 < (o = oe(o, 'onChange')).length && ((i = new Qt('onChange', 'change', null, i, u)), s.push({ event: i, listeners: o })); } var Pr = null, Mr = null; function re(s) { se(s, 0); } function te(s) { if (Wa(ue(s))) return s; } function ve(s, o) { if ('change' === s) return o; } var Tr = !1; if (C) { var Nr; if (C) { var Rr = 'oninput' in document; if (!Rr) { var Dr = document.createElement('div'); Dr.setAttribute('oninput', 'return;'), (Rr = 'function' == typeof Dr.oninput); } Nr = Rr; } else Nr = !1; Tr = Nr && (!document.documentMode || 9 < document.documentMode); } function Ae() { Pr && (Pr.detachEvent('onpropertychange', Be), (Mr = Pr = null)); } function Be(s) { if ('value' === s.propertyName && te(Mr)) { var o = []; ne(o, Mr, s, xb(s)), Jb(re, o); } } function Ce(s, o, i) { 'focusin' === s ? (Ae(), (Mr = i), (Pr = o).attachEvent('onpropertychange', Be)) : 'focusout' === s && Ae(); } function De(s) { if ('selectionchange' === s || 'keyup' === s || 'keydown' === s) return te(Mr); } function Ee(s, o) { if ('click' === s) return te(o); } function Fe(s, o) { if ('input' === s || 'change' === s) return te(o); } var Lr = 'function' == typeof Object.is ? Object.is : function Ge(s, o) { return (s === o && (0 !== s || 1 / s == 1 / o)) || (s != s && o != o); }; function Ie(s, o) { if (Lr(s, o)) return !0; if ('object' != typeof s || null === s || 'object' != typeof o || null === o) return !1; var i = Object.keys(s), u = Object.keys(o); if (i.length !== u.length) return !1; for (u = 0; u < i.length; u++) { var _ = i[u]; if (!j.call(o, _) || !Lr(s[_], o[_])) return !1; } return !0; } function Je(s) { for (; s && s.firstChild; ) s = s.firstChild; return s; } function Ke(s, o) { var i, u = Je(s); for (s = 0; u; ) { if (3 === u.nodeType) { if (((i = s + u.textContent.length), s <= o && i >= o)) return { node: u, offset: o - s }; s = i; } e: { for (; u; ) { if (u.nextSibling) { u = u.nextSibling; break e; } u = u.parentNode; } u = void 0; } u = Je(u); } } function Le(s, o) { return ( !(!s || !o) && (s === o || ((!s || 3 !== s.nodeType) && (o && 3 === o.nodeType ? Le(s, o.parentNode) : 'contains' in s ? s.contains(o) : !!s.compareDocumentPosition && !!(16 & s.compareDocumentPosition(o))))) ); } function Me() { for (var s = window, o = Xa(); o instanceof s.HTMLIFrameElement; ) { try { var i = 'string' == typeof o.contentWindow.location.href; } catch (s) { i = !1; } if (!i) break; o = Xa((s = o.contentWindow).document); } return o; } function Ne(s) { var o = s && s.nodeName && s.nodeName.toLowerCase(); return ( o && (('input' === o && ('text' === s.type || 'search' === s.type || 'tel' === s.type || 'url' === s.type || 'password' === s.type)) || 'textarea' === o || 'true' === s.contentEditable) ); } function Oe(s) { var o = Me(), i = s.focusedElem, u = s.selectionRange; if (o !== i && i && i.ownerDocument && Le(i.ownerDocument.documentElement, i)) { if (null !== u && Ne(i)) if (((o = u.start), void 0 === (s = u.end) && (s = o), 'selectionStart' in i)) (i.selectionStart = o), (i.selectionEnd = Math.min(s, i.value.length)); else if ( (s = ((o = i.ownerDocument || document) && o.defaultView) || window).getSelection ) { s = s.getSelection(); var _ = i.textContent.length, w = Math.min(u.start, _); (u = void 0 === u.end ? w : Math.min(u.end, _)), !s.extend && w > u && ((_ = u), (u = w), (w = _)), (_ = Ke(i, w)); var x = Ke(i, u); _ && x && (1 !== s.rangeCount || s.anchorNode !== _.node || s.anchorOffset !== _.offset || s.focusNode !== x.node || s.focusOffset !== x.offset) && ((o = o.createRange()).setStart(_.node, _.offset), s.removeAllRanges(), w > u ? (s.addRange(o), s.extend(x.node, x.offset)) : (o.setEnd(x.node, x.offset), s.addRange(o))); } for (o = [], s = i; (s = s.parentNode); ) 1 === s.nodeType && o.push({ element: s, left: s.scrollLeft, top: s.scrollTop }); for ('function' == typeof i.focus && i.focus(), i = 0; i < o.length; i++) ((s = o[i]).element.scrollLeft = s.left), (s.element.scrollTop = s.top); } } var Br = C && 'documentMode' in document && 11 >= document.documentMode, Fr = null, qr = null, $r = null, Vr = !1; function Ue(s, o, i) { var u = i.window === i ? i.document : 9 === i.nodeType ? i : i.ownerDocument; Vr || null == Fr || Fr !== Xa(u) || ('selectionStart' in (u = Fr) && Ne(u) ? (u = { start: u.selectionStart, end: u.selectionEnd }) : (u = { anchorNode: (u = ( (u.ownerDocument && u.ownerDocument.defaultView) || window ).getSelection()).anchorNode, anchorOffset: u.anchorOffset, focusNode: u.focusNode, focusOffset: u.focusOffset }), ($r && Ie($r, u)) || (($r = u), 0 < (u = oe(qr, 'onSelect')).length && ((o = new Qt('onSelect', 'select', null, o, i)), s.push({ event: o, listeners: u }), (o.target = Fr)))); } function Ve(s, o) { var i = {}; return ( (i[s.toLowerCase()] = o.toLowerCase()), (i['Webkit' + s] = 'webkit' + o), (i['Moz' + s] = 'moz' + o), i ); } var Ur = { animationend: Ve('Animation', 'AnimationEnd'), animationiteration: Ve('Animation', 'AnimationIteration'), animationstart: Ve('Animation', 'AnimationStart'), transitionend: Ve('Transition', 'TransitionEnd') }, zr = {}, Wr = {}; function Ze(s) { if (zr[s]) return zr[s]; if (!Ur[s]) return s; var o, i = Ur[s]; for (o in i) if (i.hasOwnProperty(o) && o in Wr) return (zr[s] = i[o]); return s; } C && ((Wr = document.createElement('div').style), 'AnimationEvent' in window || (delete Ur.animationend.animation, delete Ur.animationiteration.animation, delete Ur.animationstart.animation), 'TransitionEvent' in window || delete Ur.transitionend.transition); var Kr = Ze('animationend'), Hr = Ze('animationiteration'), Jr = Ze('animationstart'), Gr = Ze('transitionend'), Yr = new Map(), Xr = 'abort auxClick cancel canPlay canPlayThrough click close contextMenu copy cut drag dragEnd dragEnter dragExit dragLeave dragOver dragStart drop durationChange emptied encrypted ended error gotPointerCapture input invalid keyDown keyPress keyUp load loadedData loadedMetadata loadStart lostPointerCapture mouseDown mouseMove mouseOut mouseOver mouseUp paste pause play playing pointerCancel pointerDown pointerMove pointerOut pointerOver pointerUp progress rateChange reset resize seeked seeking stalled submit suspend timeUpdate touchCancel touchEnd touchStart volumeChange scroll toggle touchMove waiting wheel'.split( ' ' ); function ff(s, o) { Yr.set(s, o), fa(o, [s]); } for (var Zr = 0; Zr < Xr.length; Zr++) { var Qr = Xr[Zr]; ff(Qr.toLowerCase(), 'on' + (Qr[0].toUpperCase() + Qr.slice(1))); } ff(Kr, 'onAnimationEnd'), ff(Hr, 'onAnimationIteration'), ff(Jr, 'onAnimationStart'), ff('dblclick', 'onDoubleClick'), ff('focusin', 'onFocus'), ff('focusout', 'onBlur'), ff(Gr, 'onTransitionEnd'), ha('onMouseEnter', ['mouseout', 'mouseover']), ha('onMouseLeave', ['mouseout', 'mouseover']), ha('onPointerEnter', ['pointerout', 'pointerover']), ha('onPointerLeave', ['pointerout', 'pointerover']), fa( 'onChange', 'change click focusin focusout input keydown keyup selectionchange'.split(' ') ), fa( 'onSelect', 'focusout contextmenu dragend focusin keydown keyup mousedown mouseup selectionchange'.split( ' ' ) ), fa('onBeforeInput', ['compositionend', 'keypress', 'textInput', 'paste']), fa( 'onCompositionEnd', 'compositionend focusout keydown keypress keyup mousedown'.split(' ') ), fa( 'onCompositionStart', 'compositionstart focusout keydown keypress keyup mousedown'.split(' ') ), fa( 'onCompositionUpdate', 'compositionupdate focusout keydown keypress keyup mousedown'.split(' ') ); var en = 'abort canplay canplaythrough durationchange emptied encrypted ended error loadeddata loadedmetadata loadstart pause play playing progress ratechange resize seeked seeking stalled suspend timeupdate volumechange waiting'.split( ' ' ), tn = new Set('cancel close invalid load scroll toggle'.split(' ').concat(en)); function nf(s, o, i) { var u = s.type || 'unknown-event'; (s.currentTarget = i), (function Ub(s, o, i, u, _, w, x, C, j) { if ((Tb.apply(this, arguments), st)) { if (!st) throw Error(p(198)); var L = ot; (st = !1), (ot = null), it || ((it = !0), (at = L)); } })(u, o, void 0, s), (s.currentTarget = null); } function se(s, o) { o = !!(4 & o); for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { var u = s[i], _ = u.event; u = u.listeners; e: { var w = void 0; if (o) for (var x = u.length - 1; 0 <= x; x--) { var C = u[x], j = C.instance, L = C.currentTarget; if (((C = C.listener), j !== w && _.isPropagationStopped())) break e; nf(_, C, L), (w = j); } else for (x = 0; x < u.length; x++) { if ( ((j = (C = u[x]).instance), (L = C.currentTarget), (C = C.listener), j !== w && _.isPropagationStopped()) ) break e; nf(_, C, L), (w = j); } } } if (it) throw ((s = at), (it = !1), (at = null), s); } function D(s, o) { var i = o[gn]; void 0 === i && (i = o[gn] = new Set()); var u = s + '__bubble'; i.has(u) || (pf(o, s, 2, !1), i.add(u)); } function qf(s, o, i) { var u = 0; o && (u |= 4), pf(i, s, u, o); } var rn = '_reactListening' + Math.random().toString(36).slice(2); function sf(s) { if (!s[rn]) { (s[rn] = !0), w.forEach(function (o) { 'selectionchange' !== o && (tn.has(o) || qf(o, !1, s), qf(o, !0, s)); }); var o = 9 === s.nodeType ? s : s.ownerDocument; null === o || o[rn] || ((o[rn] = !0), qf('selectionchange', !1, o)); } } function pf(s, o, i, u) { switch (jd(o)) { case 1: var _ = ed; break; case 4: _ = gd; break; default: _ = fd; } (i = _.bind(null, o, i, s)), (_ = void 0), !rt || ('touchstart' !== o && 'touchmove' !== o && 'wheel' !== o) || (_ = !0), u ? void 0 !== _ ? s.addEventListener(o, i, { capture: !0, passive: _ }) : s.addEventListener(o, i, !0) : void 0 !== _ ? s.addEventListener(o, i, { passive: _ }) : s.addEventListener(o, i, !1); } function hd(s, o, i, u, _) { var w = u; if (!(1 & o || 2 & o || null === u)) e: for (;;) { if (null === u) return; var x = u.tag; if (3 === x || 4 === x) { var C = u.stateNode.containerInfo; if (C === _ || (8 === C.nodeType && C.parentNode === _)) break; if (4 === x) for (x = u.return; null !== x; ) { var j = x.tag; if ( (3 === j || 4 === j) && ((j = x.stateNode.containerInfo) === _ || (8 === j.nodeType && j.parentNode === _)) ) return; x = x.return; } for (; null !== C; ) { if (null === (x = Wc(C))) return; if (5 === (j = x.tag) || 6 === j) { u = w = x; continue e; } C = C.parentNode; } } u = u.return; } Jb(function () { var u = w, _ = xb(i), x = []; e: { var C = Yr.get(s); if (void 0 !== C) { var j = Qt, L = s; switch (s) { case 'keypress': if (0 === od(i)) break e; case 'keydown': case 'keyup': j = gr; break; case 'focusin': (L = 'focus'), (j = ir); break; case 'focusout': (L = 'blur'), (j = ir); break; case 'beforeblur': case 'afterblur': j = ir; break; case 'click': if (2 === i.button) break e; case 'auxclick': case 'dblclick': case 'mousedown': case 'mousemove': case 'mouseup': case 'mouseout': case 'mouseover': case 'contextmenu': j = nr; break; case 'drag': case 'dragend': case 'dragenter': case 'dragexit': case 'dragleave': case 'dragover': case 'dragstart': case 'drop': j = sr; break; case 'touchcancel': case 'touchend': case 'touchmove': case 'touchstart': j = vr; break; case Kr: case Hr: case Jr: j = ar; break; case Gr: j = br; break; case 'scroll': j = tr; break; case 'wheel': j = Er; break; case 'copy': case 'cut': case 'paste': j = cr; break; case 'gotpointercapture': case 'lostpointercapture': case 'pointercancel': case 'pointerdown': case 'pointermove': case 'pointerout': case 'pointerover': case 'pointerup': j = yr; } var B = !!(4 & o), $ = !B && 'scroll' === s, V = B ? (null !== C ? C + 'Capture' : null) : C; B = []; for (var U, z = u; null !== z; ) { var Y = (U = z).stateNode; if ( (5 === U.tag && null !== Y && ((U = Y), null !== V && null != (Y = Kb(z, V)) && B.push(tf(z, Y, U))), $) ) break; z = z.return; } 0 < B.length && ((C = new j(C, L, null, i, _)), x.push({ event: C, listeners: B })); } } if (!(7 & o)) { if ( ((j = 'mouseout' === s || 'pointerout' === s), (!(C = 'mouseover' === s || 'pointerover' === s) || i === Ye || !(L = i.relatedTarget || i.fromElement) || (!Wc(L) && !L[mn])) && (j || C) && ((C = _.window === _ ? _ : (C = _.ownerDocument) ? C.defaultView || C.parentWindow : window), j ? ((j = u), null !== (L = (L = i.relatedTarget || i.toElement) ? Wc(L) : null) && (L !== ($ = Vb(L)) || (5 !== L.tag && 6 !== L.tag)) && (L = null)) : ((j = null), (L = u)), j !== L)) ) { if ( ((B = nr), (Y = 'onMouseLeave'), (V = 'onMouseEnter'), (z = 'mouse'), ('pointerout' !== s && 'pointerover' !== s) || ((B = yr), (Y = 'onPointerLeave'), (V = 'onPointerEnter'), (z = 'pointer')), ($ = null == j ? C : ue(j)), (U = null == L ? C : ue(L)), ((C = new B(Y, z + 'leave', j, i, _)).target = $), (C.relatedTarget = U), (Y = null), Wc(_) === u && (((B = new B(V, z + 'enter', L, i, _)).target = U), (B.relatedTarget = $), (Y = B)), ($ = Y), j && L) ) e: { for (V = L, z = 0, U = B = j; U; U = vf(U)) z++; for (U = 0, Y = V; Y; Y = vf(Y)) U++; for (; 0 < z - U; ) (B = vf(B)), z--; for (; 0 < U - z; ) (V = vf(V)), U--; for (; z--; ) { if (B === V || (null !== V && B === V.alternate)) break e; (B = vf(B)), (V = vf(V)); } B = null; } else B = null; null !== j && wf(x, C, j, B, !1), null !== L && null !== $ && wf(x, $, L, B, !0); } if ( 'select' === (j = (C = u ? ue(u) : window).nodeName && C.nodeName.toLowerCase()) || ('input' === j && 'file' === C.type) ) var Z = ve; else if (me(C)) if (Tr) Z = Fe; else { Z = De; var ee = Ce; } else (j = C.nodeName) && 'input' === j.toLowerCase() && ('checkbox' === C.type || 'radio' === C.type) && (Z = Ee); switch ( (Z && (Z = Z(s, u)) ? ne(x, Z, i, _) : (ee && ee(s, C, u), 'focusout' === s && (ee = C._wrapperState) && ee.controlled && 'number' === C.type && cb(C, 'number', C.value)), (ee = u ? ue(u) : window), s) ) { case 'focusin': (me(ee) || 'true' === ee.contentEditable) && ((Fr = ee), (qr = u), ($r = null)); break; case 'focusout': $r = qr = Fr = null; break; case 'mousedown': Vr = !0; break; case 'contextmenu': case 'mouseup': case 'dragend': (Vr = !1), Ue(x, i, _); break; case 'selectionchange': if (Br) break; case 'keydown': case 'keyup': Ue(x, i, _); } var ie; if (Sr) e: { switch (s) { case 'compositionstart': var ae = 'onCompositionStart'; break e; case 'compositionend': ae = 'onCompositionEnd'; break e; case 'compositionupdate': ae = 'onCompositionUpdate'; break e; } ae = void 0; } else jr ? ge(s, i) && (ae = 'onCompositionEnd') : 'keydown' === s && 229 === i.keyCode && (ae = 'onCompositionStart'); ae && (Cr && 'ko' !== i.locale && (jr || 'onCompositionStart' !== ae ? 'onCompositionEnd' === ae && jr && (ie = nd()) : ((Ht = 'value' in (Kt = _) ? Kt.value : Kt.textContent), (jr = !0))), 0 < (ee = oe(u, ae)).length && ((ae = new ur(ae, s, null, i, _)), x.push({ event: ae, listeners: ee }), ie ? (ae.data = ie) : null !== (ie = he(i)) && (ae.data = ie))), (ie = kr ? (function je(s, o) { switch (s) { case 'compositionend': return he(o); case 'keypress': return 32 !== o.which ? null : ((Ar = !0), Or); case 'textInput': return (s = o.data) === Or && Ar ? null : s; default: return null; } })(s, i) : (function ke(s, o) { if (jr) return 'compositionend' === s || (!Sr && ge(s, o)) ? ((s = nd()), (Jt = Ht = Kt = null), (jr = !1), s) : null; switch (s) { case 'paste': default: return null; case 'keypress': if (!(o.ctrlKey || o.altKey || o.metaKey) || (o.ctrlKey && o.altKey)) { if (o.char && 1 < o.char.length) return o.char; if (o.which) return String.fromCharCode(o.which); } return null; case 'compositionend': return Cr && 'ko' !== o.locale ? null : o.data; } })(s, i)) && 0 < (u = oe(u, 'onBeforeInput')).length && ((_ = new ur('onBeforeInput', 'beforeinput', null, i, _)), x.push({ event: _, listeners: u }), (_.data = ie)); } se(x, o); }); } function tf(s, o, i) { return { instance: s, listener: o, currentTarget: i }; } function oe(s, o) { for (var i = o + 'Capture', u = []; null !== s; ) { var _ = s, w = _.stateNode; 5 === _.tag && null !== w && ((_ = w), null != (w = Kb(s, i)) && u.unshift(tf(s, w, _)), null != (w = Kb(s, o)) && u.push(tf(s, w, _))), (s = s.return); } return u; } function vf(s) { if (null === s) return null; do { s = s.return; } while (s && 5 !== s.tag); return s || null; } function wf(s, o, i, u, _) { for (var w = o._reactName, x = []; null !== i && i !== u; ) { var C = i, j = C.alternate, L = C.stateNode; if (null !== j && j === u) break; 5 === C.tag && null !== L && ((C = L), _ ? null != (j = Kb(i, w)) && x.unshift(tf(i, j, C)) : _ || (null != (j = Kb(i, w)) && x.push(tf(i, j, C)))), (i = i.return); } 0 !== x.length && s.push({ event: o, listeners: x }); } var nn = /\r\n?/g, sn = /\u0000|\uFFFD/g; function zf(s) { return ('string' == typeof s ? s : '' + s).replace(nn, '\n').replace(sn, ''); } function Af(s, o, i) { if (((o = zf(o)), zf(s) !== o && i)) throw Error(p(425)); } function Bf() {} var on = null, an = null; function Ef(s, o) { return ( 'textarea' === s || 'noscript' === s || 'string' == typeof o.children || 'number' == typeof o.children || ('object' == typeof o.dangerouslySetInnerHTML && null !== o.dangerouslySetInnerHTML && null != o.dangerouslySetInnerHTML.__html) ); } var ln = 'function' == typeof setTimeout ? setTimeout : void 0, cn = 'function' == typeof clearTimeout ? clearTimeout : void 0, un = 'function' == typeof Promise ? Promise : void 0, pn = 'function' == typeof queueMicrotask ? queueMicrotask : void 0 !== un ? function (s) { return un.resolve(null).then(s).catch(If); } : ln; function If(s) { setTimeout(function () { throw s; }); } function Kf(s, o) { var i = o, u = 0; do { var _ = i.nextSibling; if ((s.removeChild(i), _ && 8 === _.nodeType)) if ('/$' === (i = _.data)) { if (0 === u) return s.removeChild(_), void bd(o); u--; } else ('$' !== i && '$?' !== i && '$!' !== i) || u++; i = _; } while (i); bd(o); } function Lf(s) { for (; null != s; s = s.nextSibling) { var o = s.nodeType; if (1 === o || 3 === o) break; if (8 === o) { if ('$' === (o = s.data) || '$!' === o || '$?' === o) break; if ('/$' === o) return null; } } return s; } function Mf(s) { s = s.previousSibling; for (var o = 0; s; ) { if (8 === s.nodeType) { var i = s.data; if ('$' === i || '$!' === i || '$?' === i) { if (0 === o) return s; o--; } else '/$' === i && o++; } s = s.previousSibling; } return null; } var hn = Math.random().toString(36).slice(2), dn = '__reactFiber$' + hn, fn = '__reactProps$' + hn, mn = '__reactContainer$' + hn, gn = '__reactEvents$' + hn, yn = '__reactListeners$' + hn, vn = '__reactHandles$' + hn; function Wc(s) { var o = s[dn]; if (o) return o; for (var i = s.parentNode; i; ) { if ((o = i[mn] || i[dn])) { if (((i = o.alternate), null !== o.child || (null !== i && null !== i.child))) for (s = Mf(s); null !== s; ) { if ((i = s[dn])) return i; s = Mf(s); } return o; } i = (s = i).parentNode; } return null; } function Cb(s) { return !(s = s[dn] || s[mn]) || (5 !== s.tag && 6 !== s.tag && 13 !== s.tag && 3 !== s.tag) ? null : s; } function ue(s) { if (5 === s.tag || 6 === s.tag) return s.stateNode; throw Error(p(33)); } function Db(s) { return s[fn] || null; } var bn = [], _n = -1; function Uf(s) { return { current: s }; } function E(s) { 0 > _n || ((s.current = bn[_n]), (bn[_n] = null), _n--); } function G(s, o) { _n++, (bn[_n] = s.current), (s.current = o); } var En = {}, wn = Uf(En), Sn = Uf(!1), xn = En; function Yf(s, o) { var i = s.type.contextTypes; if (!i) return En; var u = s.stateNode; if (u && u.__reactInternalMemoizedUnmaskedChildContext === o) return u.__reactInternalMemoizedMaskedChildContext; var _, w = {}; for (_ in i) w[_] = o[_]; return ( u && (((s = s.stateNode).__reactInternalMemoizedUnmaskedChildContext = o), (s.__reactInternalMemoizedMaskedChildContext = w)), w ); } function Zf(s) { return null != (s = s.childContextTypes); } function $f() { E(Sn), E(wn); } function ag(s, o, i) { if (wn.current !== En) throw Error(p(168)); G(wn, o), G(Sn, i); } function bg(s, o, i) { var u = s.stateNode; if (((o = o.childContextTypes), 'function' != typeof u.getChildContext)) return i; for (var _ in (u = u.getChildContext())) if (!(_ in o)) throw Error(p(108, Ra(s) || 'Unknown', _)); return xe({}, i, u); } function cg(s) { return ( (s = ((s = s.stateNode) && s.__reactInternalMemoizedMergedChildContext) || En), (xn = wn.current), G(wn, s), G(Sn, Sn.current), !0 ); } function dg(s, o, i) { var u = s.stateNode; if (!u) throw Error(p(169)); i ? ((s = bg(s, o, xn)), (u.__reactInternalMemoizedMergedChildContext = s), E(Sn), E(wn), G(wn, s)) : E(Sn), G(Sn, i); } var kn = null, Cn = !1, On = !1; function hg(s) { null === kn ? (kn = [s]) : kn.push(s); } function jg() { if (!On && null !== kn) { On = !0; var s = 0, o = At; try { var i = kn; for (At = 1; s < i.length; s++) { var u = i[s]; do { u = u(!0); } while (null !== u); } (kn = null), (Cn = !1); } catch (o) { throw (null !== kn && (kn = kn.slice(s + 1)), ct(gt, jg), o); } finally { (At = o), (On = !1); } } return null; } var An = [], jn = 0, In = null, Pn = 0, Mn = [], Tn = 0, Nn = null, Rn = 1, Dn = ''; function tg(s, o) { (An[jn++] = Pn), (An[jn++] = In), (In = s), (Pn = o); } function ug(s, o, i) { (Mn[Tn++] = Rn), (Mn[Tn++] = Dn), (Mn[Tn++] = Nn), (Nn = s); var u = Rn; s = Dn; var _ = 32 - St(u) - 1; (u &= ~(1 << _)), (i += 1); var w = 32 - St(o) + _; if (30 < w) { var x = _ - (_ % 5); (w = (u & ((1 << x) - 1)).toString(32)), (u >>= x), (_ -= x), (Rn = (1 << (32 - St(o) + _)) | (i << _) | u), (Dn = w + s); } else (Rn = (1 << w) | (i << _) | u), (Dn = s); } function vg(s) { null !== s.return && (tg(s, 1), ug(s, 1, 0)); } function wg(s) { for (; s === In; ) (In = An[--jn]), (An[jn] = null), (Pn = An[--jn]), (An[jn] = null); for (; s === Nn; ) (Nn = Mn[--Tn]), (Mn[Tn] = null), (Dn = Mn[--Tn]), (Mn[Tn] = null), (Rn = Mn[--Tn]), (Mn[Tn] = null); } var Ln = null, Bn = null, Fn = !1, qn = null; function Ag(s, o) { var i = Bg(5, null, null, 0); (i.elementType = 'DELETED'), (i.stateNode = o), (i.return = s), null === (o = s.deletions) ? ((s.deletions = [i]), (s.flags |= 16)) : o.push(i); } function Cg(s, o) { switch (s.tag) { case 5: var i = s.type; return ( null !== (o = 1 !== o.nodeType || i.toLowerCase() !== o.nodeName.toLowerCase() ? null : o) && ((s.stateNode = o), (Ln = s), (Bn = Lf(o.firstChild)), !0) ); case 6: return ( null !== (o = '' === s.pendingProps || 3 !== o.nodeType ? null : o) && ((s.stateNode = o), (Ln = s), (Bn = null), !0) ); case 13: return ( null !== (o = 8 !== o.nodeType ? null : o) && ((i = null !== Nn ? { id: Rn, overflow: Dn } : null), (s.memoizedState = { dehydrated: o, treeContext: i, retryLane: 1073741824 }), ((i = Bg(18, null, null, 0)).stateNode = o), (i.return = s), (s.child = i), (Ln = s), (Bn = null), !0) ); default: return !1; } } function Dg(s) { return !(!(1 & s.mode) || 128 & s.flags); } function Eg(s) { if (Fn) { var o = Bn; if (o) { var i = o; if (!Cg(s, o)) { if (Dg(s)) throw Error(p(418)); o = Lf(i.nextSibling); var u = Ln; o && Cg(s, o) ? Ag(u, i) : ((s.flags = (-4097 & s.flags) | 2), (Fn = !1), (Ln = s)); } } else { if (Dg(s)) throw Error(p(418)); (s.flags = (-4097 & s.flags) | 2), (Fn = !1), (Ln = s); } } } function Fg(s) { for (s = s.return; null !== s && 5 !== s.tag && 3 !== s.tag && 13 !== s.tag; ) s = s.return; Ln = s; } function Gg(s) { if (s !== Ln) return !1; if (!Fn) return Fg(s), (Fn = !0), !1; var o; if ( ((o = 3 !== s.tag) && !(o = 5 !== s.tag) && (o = 'head' !== (o = s.type) && 'body' !== o && !Ef(s.type, s.memoizedProps)), o && (o = Bn)) ) { if (Dg(s)) throw (Hg(), Error(p(418))); for (; o; ) Ag(s, o), (o = Lf(o.nextSibling)); } if ((Fg(s), 13 === s.tag)) { if (!(s = null !== (s = s.memoizedState) ? s.dehydrated : null)) throw Error(p(317)); e: { for (s = s.nextSibling, o = 0; s; ) { if (8 === s.nodeType) { var i = s.data; if ('/$' === i) { if (0 === o) { Bn = Lf(s.nextSibling); break e; } o--; } else ('$' !== i && '$!' !== i && '$?' !== i) || o++; } s = s.nextSibling; } Bn = null; } } else Bn = Ln ? Lf(s.stateNode.nextSibling) : null; return !0; } function Hg() { for (var s = Bn; s; ) s = Lf(s.nextSibling); } function Ig() { (Bn = Ln = null), (Fn = !1); } function Jg(s) { null === qn ? (qn = [s]) : qn.push(s); } var $n = z.ReactCurrentBatchConfig; function Lg(s, o, i) { if (null !== (s = i.ref) && 'function' != typeof s && 'object' != typeof s) { if (i._owner) { if ((i = i._owner)) { if (1 !== i.tag) throw Error(p(309)); var u = i.stateNode; } if (!u) throw Error(p(147, s)); var _ = u, w = '' + s; return null !== o && null !== o.ref && 'function' == typeof o.ref && o.ref._stringRef === w ? o.ref : ((o = function (s) { var o = _.refs; null === s ? delete o[w] : (o[w] = s); }), (o._stringRef = w), o); } if ('string' != typeof s) throw Error(p(284)); if (!i._owner) throw Error(p(290, s)); } return s; } function Mg(s, o) { throw ( ((s = Object.prototype.toString.call(o)), Error( p( 31, '[object Object]' === s ? 'object with keys {' + Object.keys(o).join(', ') + '}' : s ) )) ); } function Ng(s) { return (0, s._init)(s._payload); } function Og(s) { function b(o, i) { if (s) { var u = o.deletions; null === u ? ((o.deletions = [i]), (o.flags |= 16)) : u.push(i); } } function c(o, i) { if (!s) return null; for (; null !== i; ) b(o, i), (i = i.sibling); return null; } function d(s, o) { for (s = new Map(); null !== o; ) null !== o.key ? s.set(o.key, o) : s.set(o.index, o), (o = o.sibling); return s; } function e(s, o) { return ((s = Pg(s, o)).index = 0), (s.sibling = null), s; } function f(o, i, u) { return ( (o.index = u), s ? null !== (u = o.alternate) ? (u = u.index) < i ? ((o.flags |= 2), i) : u : ((o.flags |= 2), i) : ((o.flags |= 1048576), i) ); } function g(o) { return s && null === o.alternate && (o.flags |= 2), o; } function h(s, o, i, u) { return null === o || 6 !== o.tag ? (((o = Qg(i, s.mode, u)).return = s), o) : (((o = e(o, i)).return = s), o); } function k(s, o, i, u) { var _ = i.type; return _ === ee ? m(s, o, i.props.children, u, i.key) : null !== o && (o.elementType === _ || ('object' == typeof _ && null !== _ && _.$$typeof === be && Ng(_) === o.type)) ? (((u = e(o, i.props)).ref = Lg(s, o, i)), (u.return = s), u) : (((u = Rg(i.type, i.key, i.props, null, s.mode, u)).ref = Lg(s, o, i)), (u.return = s), u); } function l(s, o, i, u) { return null === o || 4 !== o.tag || o.stateNode.containerInfo !== i.containerInfo || o.stateNode.implementation !== i.implementation ? (((o = Sg(i, s.mode, u)).return = s), o) : (((o = e(o, i.children || [])).return = s), o); } function m(s, o, i, u, _) { return null === o || 7 !== o.tag ? (((o = Tg(i, s.mode, u, _)).return = s), o) : (((o = e(o, i)).return = s), o); } function q(s, o, i) { if (('string' == typeof o && '' !== o) || 'number' == typeof o) return ((o = Qg('' + o, s.mode, i)).return = s), o; if ('object' == typeof o && null !== o) { switch (o.$$typeof) { case Y: return ( ((i = Rg(o.type, o.key, o.props, null, s.mode, i)).ref = Lg(s, null, o)), (i.return = s), i ); case Z: return ((o = Sg(o, s.mode, i)).return = s), o; case be: return q(s, (0, o._init)(o._payload), i); } if (Te(o) || Ka(o)) return ((o = Tg(o, s.mode, i, null)).return = s), o; Mg(s, o); } return null; } function r(s, o, i, u) { var _ = null !== o ? o.key : null; if (('string' == typeof i && '' !== i) || 'number' == typeof i) return null !== _ ? null : h(s, o, '' + i, u); if ('object' == typeof i && null !== i) { switch (i.$$typeof) { case Y: return i.key === _ ? k(s, o, i, u) : null; case Z: return i.key === _ ? l(s, o, i, u) : null; case be: return r(s, o, (_ = i._init)(i._payload), u); } if (Te(i) || Ka(i)) return null !== _ ? null : m(s, o, i, u, null); Mg(s, i); } return null; } function y(s, o, i, u, _) { if (('string' == typeof u && '' !== u) || 'number' == typeof u) return h(o, (s = s.get(i) || null), '' + u, _); if ('object' == typeof u && null !== u) { switch (u.$$typeof) { case Y: return k(o, (s = s.get(null === u.key ? i : u.key) || null), u, _); case Z: return l(o, (s = s.get(null === u.key ? i : u.key) || null), u, _); case be: return y(s, o, i, (0, u._init)(u._payload), _); } if (Te(u) || Ka(u)) return m(o, (s = s.get(i) || null), u, _, null); Mg(o, u); } return null; } function n(o, i, u, _) { for ( var w = null, x = null, C = i, j = (i = 0), L = null; null !== C && j < u.length; j++ ) { C.index > j ? ((L = C), (C = null)) : (L = C.sibling); var B = r(o, C, u[j], _); if (null === B) { null === C && (C = L); break; } s && C && null === B.alternate && b(o, C), (i = f(B, i, j)), null === x ? (w = B) : (x.sibling = B), (x = B), (C = L); } if (j === u.length) return c(o, C), Fn && tg(o, j), w; if (null === C) { for (; j < u.length; j++) null !== (C = q(o, u[j], _)) && ((i = f(C, i, j)), null === x ? (w = C) : (x.sibling = C), (x = C)); return Fn && tg(o, j), w; } for (C = d(o, C); j < u.length; j++) null !== (L = y(C, o, j, u[j], _)) && (s && null !== L.alternate && C.delete(null === L.key ? j : L.key), (i = f(L, i, j)), null === x ? (w = L) : (x.sibling = L), (x = L)); return ( s && C.forEach(function (s) { return b(o, s); }), Fn && tg(o, j), w ); } function t(o, i, u, _) { var w = Ka(u); if ('function' != typeof w) throw Error(p(150)); if (null == (u = w.call(u))) throw Error(p(151)); for ( var x = (w = null), C = i, j = (i = 0), L = null, B = u.next(); null !== C && !B.done; j++, B = u.next() ) { C.index > j ? ((L = C), (C = null)) : (L = C.sibling); var $ = r(o, C, B.value, _); if (null === $) { null === C && (C = L); break; } s && C && null === $.alternate && b(o, C), (i = f($, i, j)), null === x ? (w = $) : (x.sibling = $), (x = $), (C = L); } if (B.done) return c(o, C), Fn && tg(o, j), w; if (null === C) { for (; !B.done; j++, B = u.next()) null !== (B = q(o, B.value, _)) && ((i = f(B, i, j)), null === x ? (w = B) : (x.sibling = B), (x = B)); return Fn && tg(o, j), w; } for (C = d(o, C); !B.done; j++, B = u.next()) null !== (B = y(C, o, j, B.value, _)) && (s && null !== B.alternate && C.delete(null === B.key ? j : B.key), (i = f(B, i, j)), null === x ? (w = B) : (x.sibling = B), (x = B)); return ( s && C.forEach(function (s) { return b(o, s); }), Fn && tg(o, j), w ); } return function J(s, o, i, u) { if ( ('object' == typeof i && null !== i && i.type === ee && null === i.key && (i = i.props.children), 'object' == typeof i && null !== i) ) { switch (i.$$typeof) { case Y: e: { for (var _ = i.key, w = o; null !== w; ) { if (w.key === _) { if ((_ = i.type) === ee) { if (7 === w.tag) { c(s, w.sibling), ((o = e(w, i.props.children)).return = s), (s = o); break e; } } else if ( w.elementType === _ || ('object' == typeof _ && null !== _ && _.$$typeof === be && Ng(_) === w.type) ) { c(s, w.sibling), ((o = e(w, i.props)).ref = Lg(s, w, i)), (o.return = s), (s = o); break e; } c(s, w); break; } b(s, w), (w = w.sibling); } i.type === ee ? (((o = Tg(i.props.children, s.mode, u, i.key)).return = s), (s = o)) : (((u = Rg(i.type, i.key, i.props, null, s.mode, u)).ref = Lg(s, o, i)), (u.return = s), (s = u)); } return g(s); case Z: e: { for (w = i.key; null !== o; ) { if (o.key === w) { if ( 4 === o.tag && o.stateNode.containerInfo === i.containerInfo && o.stateNode.implementation === i.implementation ) { c(s, o.sibling), ((o = e(o, i.children || [])).return = s), (s = o); break e; } c(s, o); break; } b(s, o), (o = o.sibling); } ((o = Sg(i, s.mode, u)).return = s), (s = o); } return g(s); case be: return J(s, o, (w = i._init)(i._payload), u); } if (Te(i)) return n(s, o, i, u); if (Ka(i)) return t(s, o, i, u); Mg(s, i); } return ('string' == typeof i && '' !== i) || 'number' == typeof i ? ((i = '' + i), null !== o && 6 === o.tag ? (c(s, o.sibling), ((o = e(o, i)).return = s), (s = o)) : (c(s, o), ((o = Qg(i, s.mode, u)).return = s), (s = o)), g(s)) : c(s, o); }; } var Vn = Og(!0), Un = Og(!1), zn = Uf(null), Wn = null, Kn = null, Hn = null; function $g() { Hn = Kn = Wn = null; } function ah(s) { var o = zn.current; E(zn), (s._currentValue = o); } function bh(s, o, i) { for (; null !== s; ) { var u = s.alternate; if ( ((s.childLanes & o) !== o ? ((s.childLanes |= o), null !== u && (u.childLanes |= o)) : null !== u && (u.childLanes & o) !== o && (u.childLanes |= o), s === i) ) break; s = s.return; } } function ch(s, o) { (Wn = s), (Hn = Kn = null), null !== (s = s.dependencies) && null !== s.firstContext && (!!(s.lanes & o) && (_s = !0), (s.firstContext = null)); } function eh(s) { var o = s._currentValue; if (Hn !== s) if (((s = { context: s, memoizedValue: o, next: null }), null === Kn)) { if (null === Wn) throw Error(p(308)); (Kn = s), (Wn.dependencies = { lanes: 0, firstContext: s }); } else Kn = Kn.next = s; return o; } var Jn = null; function gh(s) { null === Jn ? (Jn = [s]) : Jn.push(s); } function hh(s, o, i, u) { var _ = o.interleaved; return ( null === _ ? ((i.next = i), gh(o)) : ((i.next = _.next), (_.next = i)), (o.interleaved = i), ih(s, u) ); } function ih(s, o) { s.lanes |= o; var i = s.alternate; for (null !== i && (i.lanes |= o), i = s, s = s.return; null !== s; ) (s.childLanes |= o), null !== (i = s.alternate) && (i.childLanes |= o), (i = s), (s = s.return); return 3 === i.tag ? i.stateNode : null; } var Gn = !1; function kh(s) { s.updateQueue = { baseState: s.memoizedState, firstBaseUpdate: null, lastBaseUpdate: null, shared: { pending: null, interleaved: null, lanes: 0 }, effects: null }; } function lh(s, o) { (s = s.updateQueue), o.updateQueue === s && (o.updateQueue = { baseState: s.baseState, firstBaseUpdate: s.firstBaseUpdate, lastBaseUpdate: s.lastBaseUpdate, shared: s.shared, effects: s.effects }); } function mh(s, o) { return { eventTime: s, lane: o, tag: 0, payload: null, callback: null, next: null }; } function nh(s, o, i) { var u = s.updateQueue; if (null === u) return null; if (((u = u.shared), 2 & Bs)) { var _ = u.pending; return ( null === _ ? (o.next = o) : ((o.next = _.next), (_.next = o)), (u.pending = o), ih(s, i) ); } return ( null === (_ = u.interleaved) ? ((o.next = o), gh(u)) : ((o.next = _.next), (_.next = o)), (u.interleaved = o), ih(s, i) ); } function oh(s, o, i) { if (null !== (o = o.updateQueue) && ((o = o.shared), 4194240 & i)) { var u = o.lanes; (i |= u &= s.pendingLanes), (o.lanes = i), Cc(s, i); } } function ph(s, o) { var i = s.updateQueue, u = s.alternate; if (null !== u && i === (u = u.updateQueue)) { var _ = null, w = null; if (null !== (i = i.firstBaseUpdate)) { do { var x = { eventTime: i.eventTime, lane: i.lane, tag: i.tag, payload: i.payload, callback: i.callback, next: null }; null === w ? (_ = w = x) : (w = w.next = x), (i = i.next); } while (null !== i); null === w ? (_ = w = o) : (w = w.next = o); } else _ = w = o; return ( (i = { baseState: u.baseState, firstBaseUpdate: _, lastBaseUpdate: w, shared: u.shared, effects: u.effects }), void (s.updateQueue = i) ); } null === (s = i.lastBaseUpdate) ? (i.firstBaseUpdate = o) : (s.next = o), (i.lastBaseUpdate = o); } function qh(s, o, i, u) { var _ = s.updateQueue; Gn = !1; var w = _.firstBaseUpdate, x = _.lastBaseUpdate, C = _.shared.pending; if (null !== C) { _.shared.pending = null; var j = C, L = j.next; (j.next = null), null === x ? (w = L) : (x.next = L), (x = j); var B = s.alternate; null !== B && (C = (B = B.updateQueue).lastBaseUpdate) !== x && (null === C ? (B.firstBaseUpdate = L) : (C.next = L), (B.lastBaseUpdate = j)); } if (null !== w) { var $ = _.baseState; for (x = 0, B = L = j = null, C = w; ; ) { var V = C.lane, U = C.eventTime; if ((u & V) === V) { null !== B && (B = B.next = { eventTime: U, lane: 0, tag: C.tag, payload: C.payload, callback: C.callback, next: null }); e: { var z = s, Y = C; switch (((V = o), (U = i), Y.tag)) { case 1: if ('function' == typeof (z = Y.payload)) { $ = z.call(U, $, V); break e; } $ = z; break e; case 3: z.flags = (-65537 & z.flags) | 128; case 0: if ( null == (V = 'function' == typeof (z = Y.payload) ? z.call(U, $, V) : z) ) break e; $ = xe({}, $, V); break e; case 2: Gn = !0; } } null !== C.callback && 0 !== C.lane && ((s.flags |= 64), null === (V = _.effects) ? (_.effects = [C]) : V.push(C)); } else (U = { eventTime: U, lane: V, tag: C.tag, payload: C.payload, callback: C.callback, next: null }), null === B ? ((L = B = U), (j = $)) : (B = B.next = U), (x |= V); if (null === (C = C.next)) { if (null === (C = _.shared.pending)) break; (C = (V = C).next), (V.next = null), (_.lastBaseUpdate = V), (_.shared.pending = null); } } if ( (null === B && (j = $), (_.baseState = j), (_.firstBaseUpdate = L), (_.lastBaseUpdate = B), null !== (o = _.shared.interleaved)) ) { _ = o; do { (x |= _.lane), (_ = _.next); } while (_ !== o); } else null === w && (_.shared.lanes = 0); (Ks |= x), (s.lanes = x), (s.memoizedState = $); } } function sh(s, o, i) { if (((s = o.effects), (o.effects = null), null !== s)) for (o = 0; o < s.length; o++) { var u = s[o], _ = u.callback; if (null !== _) { if (((u.callback = null), (u = i), 'function' != typeof _)) throw Error(p(191, _)); _.call(u); } } } var Yn = {}, Xn = Uf(Yn), Zn = Uf(Yn), Qn = Uf(Yn); function xh(s) { if (s === Yn) throw Error(p(174)); return s; } function yh(s, o) { switch ((G(Qn, o), G(Zn, s), G(Xn, Yn), (s = o.nodeType))) { case 9: case 11: o = (o = o.documentElement) ? o.namespaceURI : lb(null, ''); break; default: o = lb( (o = (s = 8 === s ? o.parentNode : o).namespaceURI || null), (s = s.tagName) ); } E(Xn), G(Xn, o); } function zh() { E(Xn), E(Zn), E(Qn); } function Ah(s) { xh(Qn.current); var o = xh(Xn.current), i = lb(o, s.type); o !== i && (G(Zn, s), G(Xn, i)); } function Bh(s) { Zn.current === s && (E(Xn), E(Zn)); } var es = Uf(0); function Ch(s) { for (var o = s; null !== o; ) { if (13 === o.tag) { var i = o.memoizedState; if ( null !== i && (null === (i = i.dehydrated) || '$?' === i.data || '$!' === i.data) ) return o; } else if (19 === o.tag && void 0 !== o.memoizedProps.revealOrder) { if (128 & o.flags) return o; } else if (null !== o.child) { (o.child.return = o), (o = o.child); continue; } if (o === s) break; for (; null === o.sibling; ) { if (null === o.return || o.return === s) return null; o = o.return; } (o.sibling.return = o.return), (o = o.sibling); } return null; } var ts = []; function Eh() { for (var s = 0; s < ts.length; s++) ts[s]._workInProgressVersionPrimary = null; ts.length = 0; } var rs = z.ReactCurrentDispatcher, ns = z.ReactCurrentBatchConfig, ss = 0, os = null, as = null, ls = null, cs = !1, us = !1, ps = 0, hs = 0; function P() { throw Error(p(321)); } function Mh(s, o) { if (null === o) return !1; for (var i = 0; i < o.length && i < s.length; i++) if (!Lr(s[i], o[i])) return !1; return !0; } function Nh(s, o, i, u, _, w) { if ( ((ss = w), (os = o), (o.memoizedState = null), (o.updateQueue = null), (o.lanes = 0), (rs.current = null === s || null === s.memoizedState ? fs : ms), (s = i(u, _)), us) ) { w = 0; do { if (((us = !1), (ps = 0), 25 <= w)) throw Error(p(301)); (w += 1), (ls = as = null), (o.updateQueue = null), (rs.current = gs), (s = i(u, _)); } while (us); } if ( ((rs.current = ds), (o = null !== as && null !== as.next), (ss = 0), (ls = as = os = null), (cs = !1), o) ) throw Error(p(300)); return s; } function Sh() { var s = 0 !== ps; return (ps = 0), s; } function Th() { var s = { memoizedState: null, baseState: null, baseQueue: null, queue: null, next: null }; return null === ls ? (os.memoizedState = ls = s) : (ls = ls.next = s), ls; } function Uh() { if (null === as) { var s = os.alternate; s = null !== s ? s.memoizedState : null; } else s = as.next; var o = null === ls ? os.memoizedState : ls.next; if (null !== o) (ls = o), (as = s); else { if (null === s) throw Error(p(310)); (s = { memoizedState: (as = s).memoizedState, baseState: as.baseState, baseQueue: as.baseQueue, queue: as.queue, next: null }), null === ls ? (os.memoizedState = ls = s) : (ls = ls.next = s); } return ls; } function Vh(s, o) { return 'function' == typeof o ? o(s) : o; } function Wh(s) { var o = Uh(), i = o.queue; if (null === i) throw Error(p(311)); i.lastRenderedReducer = s; var u = as, _ = u.baseQueue, w = i.pending; if (null !== w) { if (null !== _) { var x = _.next; (_.next = w.next), (w.next = x); } (u.baseQueue = _ = w), (i.pending = null); } if (null !== _) { (w = _.next), (u = u.baseState); var C = (x = null), j = null, L = w; do { var B = L.lane; if ((ss & B) === B) null !== j && (j = j.next = { lane: 0, action: L.action, hasEagerState: L.hasEagerState, eagerState: L.eagerState, next: null }), (u = L.hasEagerState ? L.eagerState : s(u, L.action)); else { var $ = { lane: B, action: L.action, hasEagerState: L.hasEagerState, eagerState: L.eagerState, next: null }; null === j ? ((C = j = $), (x = u)) : (j = j.next = $), (os.lanes |= B), (Ks |= B); } L = L.next; } while (null !== L && L !== w); null === j ? (x = u) : (j.next = C), Lr(u, o.memoizedState) || (_s = !0), (o.memoizedState = u), (o.baseState = x), (o.baseQueue = j), (i.lastRenderedState = u); } if (null !== (s = i.interleaved)) { _ = s; do { (w = _.lane), (os.lanes |= w), (Ks |= w), (_ = _.next); } while (_ !== s); } else null === _ && (i.lanes = 0); return [o.memoizedState, i.dispatch]; } function Xh(s) { var o = Uh(), i = o.queue; if (null === i) throw Error(p(311)); i.lastRenderedReducer = s; var u = i.dispatch, _ = i.pending, w = o.memoizedState; if (null !== _) { i.pending = null; var x = (_ = _.next); do { (w = s(w, x.action)), (x = x.next); } while (x !== _); Lr(w, o.memoizedState) || (_s = !0), (o.memoizedState = w), null === o.baseQueue && (o.baseState = w), (i.lastRenderedState = w); } return [w, u]; } function Yh() {} function Zh(s, o) { var i = os, u = Uh(), _ = o(), w = !Lr(u.memoizedState, _); if ( (w && ((u.memoizedState = _), (_s = !0)), (u = u.queue), $h(ai.bind(null, i, u, s), [s]), u.getSnapshot !== o || w || (null !== ls && 1 & ls.memoizedState.tag)) ) { if (((i.flags |= 2048), bi(9, ci.bind(null, i, u, _, o), void 0, null), null === Fs)) throw Error(p(349)); 30 & ss || di(i, o, _); } return _; } function di(s, o, i) { (s.flags |= 16384), (s = { getSnapshot: o, value: i }), null === (o = os.updateQueue) ? ((o = { lastEffect: null, stores: null }), (os.updateQueue = o), (o.stores = [s])) : null === (i = o.stores) ? (o.stores = [s]) : i.push(s); } function ci(s, o, i, u) { (o.value = i), (o.getSnapshot = u), ei(o) && fi(s); } function ai(s, o, i) { return i(function () { ei(o) && fi(s); }); } function ei(s) { var o = s.getSnapshot; s = s.value; try { var i = o(); return !Lr(s, i); } catch (s) { return !0; } } function fi(s) { var o = ih(s, 1); null !== o && gi(o, s, 1, -1); } function hi(s) { var o = Th(); return ( 'function' == typeof s && (s = s()), (o.memoizedState = o.baseState = s), (s = { pending: null, interleaved: null, lanes: 0, dispatch: null, lastRenderedReducer: Vh, lastRenderedState: s }), (o.queue = s), (s = s.dispatch = ii.bind(null, os, s)), [o.memoizedState, s] ); } function bi(s, o, i, u) { return ( (s = { tag: s, create: o, destroy: i, deps: u, next: null }), null === (o = os.updateQueue) ? ((o = { lastEffect: null, stores: null }), (os.updateQueue = o), (o.lastEffect = s.next = s)) : null === (i = o.lastEffect) ? (o.lastEffect = s.next = s) : ((u = i.next), (i.next = s), (s.next = u), (o.lastEffect = s)), s ); } function ji() { return Uh().memoizedState; } function ki(s, o, i, u) { var _ = Th(); (os.flags |= s), (_.memoizedState = bi(1 | o, i, void 0, void 0 === u ? null : u)); } function li(s, o, i, u) { var _ = Uh(); u = void 0 === u ? null : u; var w = void 0; if (null !== as) { var x = as.memoizedState; if (((w = x.destroy), null !== u && Mh(u, x.deps))) return void (_.memoizedState = bi(o, i, w, u)); } (os.flags |= s), (_.memoizedState = bi(1 | o, i, w, u)); } function mi(s, o) { return ki(8390656, 8, s, o); } function $h(s, o) { return li(2048, 8, s, o); } function ni(s, o) { return li(4, 2, s, o); } function oi(s, o) { return li(4, 4, s, o); } function pi(s, o) { return 'function' == typeof o ? ((s = s()), o(s), function () { o(null); }) : null != o ? ((s = s()), (o.current = s), function () { o.current = null; }) : void 0; } function qi(s, o, i) { return (i = null != i ? i.concat([s]) : null), li(4, 4, pi.bind(null, o, s), i); } function ri() {} function si(s, o) { var i = Uh(); o = void 0 === o ? null : o; var u = i.memoizedState; return null !== u && null !== o && Mh(o, u[1]) ? u[0] : ((i.memoizedState = [s, o]), s); } function ti(s, o) { var i = Uh(); o = void 0 === o ? null : o; var u = i.memoizedState; return null !== u && null !== o && Mh(o, u[1]) ? u[0] : ((s = s()), (i.memoizedState = [s, o]), s); } function ui(s, o, i) { return 21 & ss ? (Lr(i, o) || ((i = yc()), (os.lanes |= i), (Ks |= i), (s.baseState = !0)), o) : (s.baseState && ((s.baseState = !1), (_s = !0)), (s.memoizedState = i)); } function vi(s, o) { var i = At; (At = 0 !== i && 4 > i ? i : 4), s(!0); var u = ns.transition; ns.transition = {}; try { s(!1), o(); } finally { (At = i), (ns.transition = u); } } function wi() { return Uh().memoizedState; } function xi(s, o, i) { var u = yi(s); if ( ((i = { lane: u, action: i, hasEagerState: !1, eagerState: null, next: null }), zi(s)) ) Ai(o, i); else if (null !== (i = hh(s, o, i, u))) { gi(i, s, u, R()), Bi(i, o, u); } } function ii(s, o, i) { var u = yi(s), _ = { lane: u, action: i, hasEagerState: !1, eagerState: null, next: null }; if (zi(s)) Ai(o, _); else { var w = s.alternate; if ( 0 === s.lanes && (null === w || 0 === w.lanes) && null !== (w = o.lastRenderedReducer) ) try { var x = o.lastRenderedState, C = w(x, i); if (((_.hasEagerState = !0), (_.eagerState = C), Lr(C, x))) { var j = o.interleaved; return ( null === j ? ((_.next = _), gh(o)) : ((_.next = j.next), (j.next = _)), void (o.interleaved = _) ); } } catch (s) {} null !== (i = hh(s, o, _, u)) && (gi(i, s, u, (_ = R())), Bi(i, o, u)); } } function zi(s) { var o = s.alternate; return s === os || (null !== o && o === os); } function Ai(s, o) { us = cs = !0; var i = s.pending; null === i ? (o.next = o) : ((o.next = i.next), (i.next = o)), (s.pending = o); } function Bi(s, o, i) { if (4194240 & i) { var u = o.lanes; (i |= u &= s.pendingLanes), (o.lanes = i), Cc(s, i); } } var ds = { readContext: eh, useCallback: P, useContext: P, useEffect: P, useImperativeHandle: P, useInsertionEffect: P, useLayoutEffect: P, useMemo: P, useReducer: P, useRef: P, useState: P, useDebugValue: P, useDeferredValue: P, useTransition: P, useMutableSource: P, useSyncExternalStore: P, useId: P, unstable_isNewReconciler: !1 }, fs = { readContext: eh, useCallback: function (s, o) { return (Th().memoizedState = [s, void 0 === o ? null : o]), s; }, useContext: eh, useEffect: mi, useImperativeHandle: function (s, o, i) { return ( (i = null != i ? i.concat([s]) : null), ki(4194308, 4, pi.bind(null, o, s), i) ); }, useLayoutEffect: function (s, o) { return ki(4194308, 4, s, o); }, useInsertionEffect: function (s, o) { return ki(4, 2, s, o); }, useMemo: function (s, o) { var i = Th(); return (o = void 0 === o ? null : o), (s = s()), (i.memoizedState = [s, o]), s; }, useReducer: function (s, o, i) { var u = Th(); return ( (o = void 0 !== i ? i(o) : o), (u.memoizedState = u.baseState = o), (s = { pending: null, interleaved: null, lanes: 0, dispatch: null, lastRenderedReducer: s, lastRenderedState: o }), (u.queue = s), (s = s.dispatch = xi.bind(null, os, s)), [u.memoizedState, s] ); }, useRef: function (s) { return (s = { current: s }), (Th().memoizedState = s); }, useState: hi, useDebugValue: ri, useDeferredValue: function (s) { return (Th().memoizedState = s); }, useTransition: function () { var s = hi(!1), o = s[0]; return (s = vi.bind(null, s[1])), (Th().memoizedState = s), [o, s]; }, useMutableSource: function () {}, useSyncExternalStore: function (s, o, i) { var u = os, _ = Th(); if (Fn) { if (void 0 === i) throw Error(p(407)); i = i(); } else { if (((i = o()), null === Fs)) throw Error(p(349)); 30 & ss || di(u, o, i); } _.memoizedState = i; var w = { value: i, getSnapshot: o }; return ( (_.queue = w), mi(ai.bind(null, u, w, s), [s]), (u.flags |= 2048), bi(9, ci.bind(null, u, w, i, o), void 0, null), i ); }, useId: function () { var s = Th(), o = Fs.identifierPrefix; if (Fn) { var i = Dn; (o = ':' + o + 'R' + (i = (Rn & ~(1 << (32 - St(Rn) - 1))).toString(32) + i)), 0 < (i = ps++) && (o += 'H' + i.toString(32)), (o += ':'); } else o = ':' + o + 'r' + (i = hs++).toString(32) + ':'; return (s.memoizedState = o); }, unstable_isNewReconciler: !1 }, ms = { readContext: eh, useCallback: si, useContext: eh, useEffect: $h, useImperativeHandle: qi, useInsertionEffect: ni, useLayoutEffect: oi, useMemo: ti, useReducer: Wh, useRef: ji, useState: function () { return Wh(Vh); }, useDebugValue: ri, useDeferredValue: function (s) { return ui(Uh(), as.memoizedState, s); }, useTransition: function () { return [Wh(Vh)[0], Uh().memoizedState]; }, useMutableSource: Yh, useSyncExternalStore: Zh, useId: wi, unstable_isNewReconciler: !1 }, gs = { readContext: eh, useCallback: si, useContext: eh, useEffect: $h, useImperativeHandle: qi, useInsertionEffect: ni, useLayoutEffect: oi, useMemo: ti, useReducer: Xh, useRef: ji, useState: function () { return Xh(Vh); }, useDebugValue: ri, useDeferredValue: function (s) { var o = Uh(); return null === as ? (o.memoizedState = s) : ui(o, as.memoizedState, s); }, useTransition: function () { return [Xh(Vh)[0], Uh().memoizedState]; }, useMutableSource: Yh, useSyncExternalStore: Zh, useId: wi, unstable_isNewReconciler: !1 }; function Ci(s, o) { if (s && s.defaultProps) { for (var i in ((o = xe({}, o)), (s = s.defaultProps))) void 0 === o[i] && (o[i] = s[i]); return o; } return o; } function Di(s, o, i, u) { (i = null == (i = i(u, (o = s.memoizedState))) ? o : xe({}, o, i)), (s.memoizedState = i), 0 === s.lanes && (s.updateQueue.baseState = i); } var ys = { isMounted: function (s) { return !!(s = s._reactInternals) && Vb(s) === s; }, enqueueSetState: function (s, o, i) { s = s._reactInternals; var u = R(), _ = yi(s), w = mh(u, _); (w.payload = o), null != i && (w.callback = i), null !== (o = nh(s, w, _)) && (gi(o, s, _, u), oh(o, s, _)); }, enqueueReplaceState: function (s, o, i) { s = s._reactInternals; var u = R(), _ = yi(s), w = mh(u, _); (w.tag = 1), (w.payload = o), null != i && (w.callback = i), null !== (o = nh(s, w, _)) && (gi(o, s, _, u), oh(o, s, _)); }, enqueueForceUpdate: function (s, o) { s = s._reactInternals; var i = R(), u = yi(s), _ = mh(i, u); (_.tag = 2), null != o && (_.callback = o), null !== (o = nh(s, _, u)) && (gi(o, s, u, i), oh(o, s, u)); } }; function Fi(s, o, i, u, _, w, x) { return 'function' == typeof (s = s.stateNode).shouldComponentUpdate ? s.shouldComponentUpdate(u, w, x) : !o.prototype || !o.prototype.isPureReactComponent || !Ie(i, u) || !Ie(_, w); } function Gi(s, o, i) { var u = !1, _ = En, w = o.contextType; return ( 'object' == typeof w && null !== w ? (w = eh(w)) : ((_ = Zf(o) ? xn : wn.current), (w = (u = null != (u = o.contextTypes)) ? Yf(s, _) : En)), (o = new o(i, w)), (s.memoizedState = null !== o.state && void 0 !== o.state ? o.state : null), (o.updater = ys), (s.stateNode = o), (o._reactInternals = s), u && (((s = s.stateNode).__reactInternalMemoizedUnmaskedChildContext = _), (s.__reactInternalMemoizedMaskedChildContext = w)), o ); } function Hi(s, o, i, u) { (s = o.state), 'function' == typeof o.componentWillReceiveProps && o.componentWillReceiveProps(i, u), 'function' == typeof o.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps && o.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(i, u), o.state !== s && ys.enqueueReplaceState(o, o.state, null); } function Ii(s, o, i, u) { var _ = s.stateNode; (_.props = i), (_.state = s.memoizedState), (_.refs = {}), kh(s); var w = o.contextType; 'object' == typeof w && null !== w ? (_.context = eh(w)) : ((w = Zf(o) ? xn : wn.current), (_.context = Yf(s, w))), (_.state = s.memoizedState), 'function' == typeof (w = o.getDerivedStateFromProps) && (Di(s, o, w, i), (_.state = s.memoizedState)), 'function' == typeof o.getDerivedStateFromProps || 'function' == typeof _.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate || ('function' != typeof _.UNSAFE_componentWillMount && 'function' != typeof _.componentWillMount) || ((o = _.state), 'function' == typeof _.componentWillMount && _.componentWillMount(), 'function' == typeof _.UNSAFE_componentWillMount && _.UNSAFE_componentWillMount(), o !== _.state && ys.enqueueReplaceState(_, _.state, null), qh(s, i, _, u), (_.state = s.memoizedState)), 'function' == typeof _.componentDidMount && (s.flags |= 4194308); } function Ji(s, o) { try { var i = '', u = o; do { (i += Pa(u)), (u = u.return); } while (u); var _ = i; } catch (s) { _ = '\nError generating stack: ' + s.message + '\n' + s.stack; } return { value: s, source: o, stack: _, digest: null }; } function Ki(s, o, i) { return { value: s, source: null, stack: null != i ? i : null, digest: null != o ? o : null }; } function Li(s, o) { try { console.error(o.value); } catch (s) { setTimeout(function () { throw s; }); } } var vs = 'function' == typeof WeakMap ? WeakMap : Map; function Ni(s, o, i) { ((i = mh(-1, i)).tag = 3), (i.payload = { element: null }); var u = o.value; return ( (i.callback = function () { eo || ((eo = !0), (to = u)), Li(0, o); }), i ); } function Qi(s, o, i) { (i = mh(-1, i)).tag = 3; var u = s.type.getDerivedStateFromError; if ('function' == typeof u) { var _ = o.value; (i.payload = function () { return u(_); }), (i.callback = function () { Li(0, o); }); } var w = s.stateNode; return ( null !== w && 'function' == typeof w.componentDidCatch && (i.callback = function () { Li(0, o), 'function' != typeof u && (null === ro ? (ro = new Set([this])) : ro.add(this)); var s = o.stack; this.componentDidCatch(o.value, { componentStack: null !== s ? s : '' }); }), i ); } function Si(s, o, i) { var u = s.pingCache; if (null === u) { u = s.pingCache = new vs(); var _ = new Set(); u.set(o, _); } else void 0 === (_ = u.get(o)) && ((_ = new Set()), u.set(o, _)); _.has(i) || (_.add(i), (s = Ti.bind(null, s, o, i)), o.then(s, s)); } function Ui(s) { do { var o; if ( ((o = 13 === s.tag) && (o = null === (o = s.memoizedState) || null !== o.dehydrated), o) ) return s; s = s.return; } while (null !== s); return null; } function Vi(s, o, i, u, _) { return 1 & s.mode ? ((s.flags |= 65536), (s.lanes = _), s) : (s === o ? (s.flags |= 65536) : ((s.flags |= 128), (i.flags |= 131072), (i.flags &= -52805), 1 === i.tag && (null === i.alternate ? (i.tag = 17) : (((o = mh(-1, 1)).tag = 2), nh(i, o, 1))), (i.lanes |= 1)), s); } var bs = z.ReactCurrentOwner, _s = !1; function Xi(s, o, i, u) { o.child = null === s ? Un(o, null, i, u) : Vn(o, s.child, i, u); } function Yi(s, o, i, u, _) { i = i.render; var w = o.ref; return ( ch(o, _), (u = Nh(s, o, i, u, w, _)), (i = Sh()), null === s || _s ? (Fn && i && vg(o), (o.flags |= 1), Xi(s, o, u, _), o.child) : ((o.updateQueue = s.updateQueue), (o.flags &= -2053), (s.lanes &= ~_), Zi(s, o, _)) ); } function $i(s, o, i, u, _) { if (null === s) { var w = i.type; return 'function' != typeof w || aj(w) || void 0 !== w.defaultProps || null !== i.compare || void 0 !== i.defaultProps ? (((s = Rg(i.type, null, u, o, o.mode, _)).ref = o.ref), (s.return = o), (o.child = s)) : ((o.tag = 15), (o.type = w), bj(s, o, w, u, _)); } if (((w = s.child), !(s.lanes & _))) { var x = w.memoizedProps; if ((i = null !== (i = i.compare) ? i : Ie)(x, u) && s.ref === o.ref) return Zi(s, o, _); } return (o.flags |= 1), ((s = Pg(w, u)).ref = o.ref), (s.return = o), (o.child = s); } function bj(s, o, i, u, _) { if (null !== s) { var w = s.memoizedProps; if (Ie(w, u) && s.ref === o.ref) { if (((_s = !1), (o.pendingProps = u = w), !(s.lanes & _))) return (o.lanes = s.lanes), Zi(s, o, _); 131072 & s.flags && (_s = !0); } } return cj(s, o, i, u, _); } function dj(s, o, i) { var u = o.pendingProps, _ = u.children, w = null !== s ? s.memoizedState : null; if ('hidden' === u.mode) if (1 & o.mode) { if (!(1073741824 & i)) return ( (s = null !== w ? w.baseLanes | i : i), (o.lanes = o.childLanes = 1073741824), (o.memoizedState = { baseLanes: s, cachePool: null, transitions: null }), (o.updateQueue = null), G(Us, Vs), (Vs |= s), null ); (o.memoizedState = { baseLanes: 0, cachePool: null, transitions: null }), (u = null !== w ? w.baseLanes : i), G(Us, Vs), (Vs |= u); } else (o.memoizedState = { baseLanes: 0, cachePool: null, transitions: null }), G(Us, Vs), (Vs |= i); else null !== w ? ((u = w.baseLanes | i), (o.memoizedState = null)) : (u = i), G(Us, Vs), (Vs |= u); return Xi(s, o, _, i), o.child; } function gj(s, o) { var i = o.ref; ((null === s && null !== i) || (null !== s && s.ref !== i)) && ((o.flags |= 512), (o.flags |= 2097152)); } function cj(s, o, i, u, _) { var w = Zf(i) ? xn : wn.current; return ( (w = Yf(o, w)), ch(o, _), (i = Nh(s, o, i, u, w, _)), (u = Sh()), null === s || _s ? (Fn && u && vg(o), (o.flags |= 1), Xi(s, o, i, _), o.child) : ((o.updateQueue = s.updateQueue), (o.flags &= -2053), (s.lanes &= ~_), Zi(s, o, _)) ); } function hj(s, o, i, u, _) { if (Zf(i)) { var w = !0; cg(o); } else w = !1; if ((ch(o, _), null === o.stateNode)) ij(s, o), Gi(o, i, u), Ii(o, i, u, _), (u = !0); else if (null === s) { var x = o.stateNode, C = o.memoizedProps; x.props = C; var j = x.context, L = i.contextType; 'object' == typeof L && null !== L ? (L = eh(L)) : (L = Yf(o, (L = Zf(i) ? xn : wn.current))); var B = i.getDerivedStateFromProps, $ = 'function' == typeof B || 'function' == typeof x.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate; $ || ('function' != typeof x.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps && 'function' != typeof x.componentWillReceiveProps) || ((C !== u || j !== L) && Hi(o, x, u, L)), (Gn = !1); var V = o.memoizedState; (x.state = V), qh(o, u, x, _), (j = o.memoizedState), C !== u || V !== j || Sn.current || Gn ? ('function' == typeof B && (Di(o, i, B, u), (j = o.memoizedState)), (C = Gn || Fi(o, i, C, u, V, j, L)) ? ($ || ('function' != typeof x.UNSAFE_componentWillMount && 'function' != typeof x.componentWillMount) || ('function' == typeof x.componentWillMount && x.componentWillMount(), 'function' == typeof x.UNSAFE_componentWillMount && x.UNSAFE_componentWillMount()), 'function' == typeof x.componentDidMount && (o.flags |= 4194308)) : ('function' == typeof x.componentDidMount && (o.flags |= 4194308), (o.memoizedProps = u), (o.memoizedState = j)), (x.props = u), (x.state = j), (x.context = L), (u = C)) : ('function' == typeof x.componentDidMount && (o.flags |= 4194308), (u = !1)); } else { (x = o.stateNode), lh(s, o), (C = o.memoizedProps), (L = o.type === o.elementType ? C : Ci(o.type, C)), (x.props = L), ($ = o.pendingProps), (V = x.context), 'object' == typeof (j = i.contextType) && null !== j ? (j = eh(j)) : (j = Yf(o, (j = Zf(i) ? xn : wn.current))); var U = i.getDerivedStateFromProps; (B = 'function' == typeof U || 'function' == typeof x.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate) || ('function' != typeof x.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps && 'function' != typeof x.componentWillReceiveProps) || ((C !== $ || V !== j) && Hi(o, x, u, j)), (Gn = !1), (V = o.memoizedState), (x.state = V), qh(o, u, x, _); var z = o.memoizedState; C !== $ || V !== z || Sn.current || Gn ? ('function' == typeof U && (Di(o, i, U, u), (z = o.memoizedState)), (L = Gn || Fi(o, i, L, u, V, z, j) || !1) ? (B || ('function' != typeof x.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate && 'function' != typeof x.componentWillUpdate) || ('function' == typeof x.componentWillUpdate && x.componentWillUpdate(u, z, j), 'function' == typeof x.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate && x.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate(u, z, j)), 'function' == typeof x.componentDidUpdate && (o.flags |= 4), 'function' == typeof x.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate && (o.flags |= 1024)) : ('function' != typeof x.componentDidUpdate || (C === s.memoizedProps && V === s.memoizedState) || (o.flags |= 4), 'function' != typeof x.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate || (C === s.memoizedProps && V === s.memoizedState) || (o.flags |= 1024), (o.memoizedProps = u), (o.memoizedState = z)), (x.props = u), (x.state = z), (x.context = j), (u = L)) : ('function' != typeof x.componentDidUpdate || (C === s.memoizedProps && V === s.memoizedState) || (o.flags |= 4), 'function' != typeof x.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate || (C === s.memoizedProps && V === s.memoizedState) || (o.flags |= 1024), (u = !1)); } return jj(s, o, i, u, w, _); } function jj(s, o, i, u, _, w) { gj(s, o); var x = !!(128 & o.flags); if (!u && !x) return _ && dg(o, i, !1), Zi(s, o, w); (u = o.stateNode), (bs.current = o); var C = x && 'function' != typeof i.getDerivedStateFromError ? null : u.render(); return ( (o.flags |= 1), null !== s && x ? ((o.child = Vn(o, s.child, null, w)), (o.child = Vn(o, null, C, w))) : Xi(s, o, C, w), (o.memoizedState = u.state), _ && dg(o, i, !0), o.child ); } function kj(s) { var o = s.stateNode; o.pendingContext ? ag(0, o.pendingContext, o.pendingContext !== o.context) : o.context && ag(0, o.context, !1), yh(s, o.containerInfo); } function lj(s, o, i, u, _) { return Ig(), Jg(_), (o.flags |= 256), Xi(s, o, i, u), o.child; } var Es, ws, Ss, xs, ks = { dehydrated: null, treeContext: null, retryLane: 0 }; function nj(s) { return { baseLanes: s, cachePool: null, transitions: null }; } function oj(s, o, i) { var u, _ = o.pendingProps, w = es.current, x = !1, C = !!(128 & o.flags); if ( ((u = C) || (u = (null === s || null !== s.memoizedState) && !!(2 & w)), u ? ((x = !0), (o.flags &= -129)) : (null !== s && null === s.memoizedState) || (w |= 1), G(es, 1 & w), null === s) ) return ( Eg(o), null !== (s = o.memoizedState) && null !== (s = s.dehydrated) ? (1 & o.mode ? '$!' === s.data ? (o.lanes = 8) : (o.lanes = 1073741824) : (o.lanes = 1), null) : ((C = _.children), (s = _.fallback), x ? ((_ = o.mode), (x = o.child), (C = { mode: 'hidden', children: C }), 1 & _ || null === x ? (x = pj(C, _, 0, null)) : ((x.childLanes = 0), (x.pendingProps = C)), (s = Tg(s, _, i, null)), (x.return = o), (s.return = o), (x.sibling = s), (o.child = x), (o.child.memoizedState = nj(i)), (o.memoizedState = ks), s) : qj(o, C)) ); if (null !== (w = s.memoizedState) && null !== (u = w.dehydrated)) return (function rj(s, o, i, u, _, w, x) { if (i) return 256 & o.flags ? ((o.flags &= -257), sj(s, o, x, (u = Ki(Error(p(422)))))) : null !== o.memoizedState ? ((o.child = s.child), (o.flags |= 128), null) : ((w = u.fallback), (_ = o.mode), (u = pj({ mode: 'visible', children: u.children }, _, 0, null)), ((w = Tg(w, _, x, null)).flags |= 2), (u.return = o), (w.return = o), (u.sibling = w), (o.child = u), 1 & o.mode && Vn(o, s.child, null, x), (o.child.memoizedState = nj(x)), (o.memoizedState = ks), w); if (!(1 & o.mode)) return sj(s, o, x, null); if ('$!' === _.data) { if ((u = _.nextSibling && _.nextSibling.dataset)) var C = u.dgst; return (u = C), sj(s, o, x, (u = Ki((w = Error(p(419))), u, void 0))); } if (((C = !!(x & s.childLanes)), _s || C)) { if (null !== (u = Fs)) { switch (x & -x) { case 4: _ = 2; break; case 16: _ = 8; break; case 64: case 128: case 256: case 512: case 1024: case 2048: case 4096: case 8192: case 16384: case 32768: case 65536: case 131072: case 262144: case 524288: case 1048576: case 2097152: case 4194304: case 8388608: case 16777216: case 33554432: case 67108864: _ = 32; break; case 536870912: _ = 268435456; break; default: _ = 0; } 0 !== (_ = _ & (u.suspendedLanes | x) ? 0 : _) && _ !== w.retryLane && ((w.retryLane = _), ih(s, _), gi(u, s, _, -1)); } return tj(), sj(s, o, x, (u = Ki(Error(p(421))))); } return '$?' === _.data ? ((o.flags |= 128), (o.child = s.child), (o = uj.bind(null, s)), (_._reactRetry = o), null) : ((s = w.treeContext), (Bn = Lf(_.nextSibling)), (Ln = o), (Fn = !0), (qn = null), null !== s && ((Mn[Tn++] = Rn), (Mn[Tn++] = Dn), (Mn[Tn++] = Nn), (Rn = s.id), (Dn = s.overflow), (Nn = o)), (o = qj(o, u.children)), (o.flags |= 4096), o); })(s, o, C, _, u, w, i); if (x) { (x = _.fallback), (C = o.mode), (u = (w = s.child).sibling); var j = { mode: 'hidden', children: _.children }; return ( 1 & C || o.child === w ? ((_ = Pg(w, j)).subtreeFlags = 14680064 & w.subtreeFlags) : (((_ = o.child).childLanes = 0), (_.pendingProps = j), (o.deletions = null)), null !== u ? (x = Pg(u, x)) : ((x = Tg(x, C, i, null)).flags |= 2), (x.return = o), (_.return = o), (_.sibling = x), (o.child = _), (_ = x), (x = o.child), (C = null === (C = s.child.memoizedState) ? nj(i) : { baseLanes: C.baseLanes | i, cachePool: null, transitions: C.transitions }), (x.memoizedState = C), (x.childLanes = s.childLanes & ~i), (o.memoizedState = ks), _ ); } return ( (s = (x = s.child).sibling), (_ = Pg(x, { mode: 'visible', children: _.children })), !(1 & o.mode) && (_.lanes = i), (_.return = o), (_.sibling = null), null !== s && (null === (i = o.deletions) ? ((o.deletions = [s]), (o.flags |= 16)) : i.push(s)), (o.child = _), (o.memoizedState = null), _ ); } function qj(s, o) { return ( ((o = pj({ mode: 'visible', children: o }, s.mode, 0, null)).return = s), (s.child = o) ); } function sj(s, o, i, u) { return ( null !== u && Jg(u), Vn(o, s.child, null, i), ((s = qj(o, o.pendingProps.children)).flags |= 2), (o.memoizedState = null), s ); } function vj(s, o, i) { s.lanes |= o; var u = s.alternate; null !== u && (u.lanes |= o), bh(s.return, o, i); } function wj(s, o, i, u, _) { var w = s.memoizedState; null === w ? (s.memoizedState = { isBackwards: o, rendering: null, renderingStartTime: 0, last: u, tail: i, tailMode: _ }) : ((w.isBackwards = o), (w.rendering = null), (w.renderingStartTime = 0), (w.last = u), (w.tail = i), (w.tailMode = _)); } function xj(s, o, i) { var u = o.pendingProps, _ = u.revealOrder, w = u.tail; if ((Xi(s, o, u.children, i), 2 & (u = es.current))) (u = (1 & u) | 2), (o.flags |= 128); else { if (null !== s && 128 & s.flags) e: for (s = o.child; null !== s; ) { if (13 === s.tag) null !== s.memoizedState && vj(s, i, o); else if (19 === s.tag) vj(s, i, o); else if (null !== s.child) { (s.child.return = s), (s = s.child); continue; } if (s === o) break e; for (; null === s.sibling; ) { if (null === s.return || s.return === o) break e; s = s.return; } (s.sibling.return = s.return), (s = s.sibling); } u &= 1; } if ((G(es, u), 1 & o.mode)) switch (_) { case 'forwards': for (i = o.child, _ = null; null !== i; ) null !== (s = i.alternate) && null === Ch(s) && (_ = i), (i = i.sibling); null === (i = _) ? ((_ = o.child), (o.child = null)) : ((_ = i.sibling), (i.sibling = null)), wj(o, !1, _, i, w); break; case 'backwards': for (i = null, _ = o.child, o.child = null; null !== _; ) { if (null !== (s = _.alternate) && null === Ch(s)) { o.child = _; break; } (s = _.sibling), (_.sibling = i), (i = _), (_ = s); } wj(o, !0, i, null, w); break; case 'together': wj(o, !1, null, null, void 0); break; default: o.memoizedState = null; } else o.memoizedState = null; return o.child; } function ij(s, o) { !(1 & o.mode) && null !== s && ((s.alternate = null), (o.alternate = null), (o.flags |= 2)); } function Zi(s, o, i) { if ( (null !== s && (o.dependencies = s.dependencies), (Ks |= o.lanes), !(i & o.childLanes)) ) return null; if (null !== s && o.child !== s.child) throw Error(p(153)); if (null !== o.child) { for ( i = Pg((s = o.child), s.pendingProps), o.child = i, i.return = o; null !== s.sibling; ) (s = s.sibling), ((i = i.sibling = Pg(s, s.pendingProps)).return = o); i.sibling = null; } return o.child; } function Dj(s, o) { if (!Fn) switch (s.tailMode) { case 'hidden': o = s.tail; for (var i = null; null !== o; ) null !== o.alternate && (i = o), (o = o.sibling); null === i ? (s.tail = null) : (i.sibling = null); break; case 'collapsed': i = s.tail; for (var u = null; null !== i; ) null !== i.alternate && (u = i), (i = i.sibling); null === u ? o || null === s.tail ? (s.tail = null) : (s.tail.sibling = null) : (u.sibling = null); } } function S(s) { var o = null !== s.alternate && s.alternate.child === s.child, i = 0, u = 0; if (o) for (var _ = s.child; null !== _; ) (i |= _.lanes | _.childLanes), (u |= 14680064 & _.subtreeFlags), (u |= 14680064 & _.flags), (_.return = s), (_ = _.sibling); else for (_ = s.child; null !== _; ) (i |= _.lanes | _.childLanes), (u |= _.subtreeFlags), (u |= _.flags), (_.return = s), (_ = _.sibling); return (s.subtreeFlags |= u), (s.childLanes = i), o; } function Ej(s, o, i) { var u = o.pendingProps; switch ((wg(o), o.tag)) { case 2: case 16: case 15: case 0: case 11: case 7: case 8: case 12: case 9: case 14: return S(o), null; case 1: case 17: return Zf(o.type) && $f(), S(o), null; case 3: return ( (u = o.stateNode), zh(), E(Sn), E(wn), Eh(), u.pendingContext && ((u.context = u.pendingContext), (u.pendingContext = null)), (null !== s && null !== s.child) || (Gg(o) ? (o.flags |= 4) : null === s || (s.memoizedState.isDehydrated && !(256 & o.flags)) || ((o.flags |= 1024), null !== qn && (Fj(qn), (qn = null)))), ws(s, o), S(o), null ); case 5: Bh(o); var _ = xh(Qn.current); if (((i = o.type), null !== s && null != o.stateNode)) Ss(s, o, i, u, _), s.ref !== o.ref && ((o.flags |= 512), (o.flags |= 2097152)); else { if (!u) { if (null === o.stateNode) throw Error(p(166)); return S(o), null; } if (((s = xh(Xn.current)), Gg(o))) { (u = o.stateNode), (i = o.type); var w = o.memoizedProps; switch (((u[dn] = o), (u[fn] = w), (s = !!(1 & o.mode)), i)) { case 'dialog': D('cancel', u), D('close', u); break; case 'iframe': case 'object': case 'embed': D('load', u); break; case 'video': case 'audio': for (_ = 0; _ < en.length; _++) D(en[_], u); break; case 'source': D('error', u); break; case 'img': case 'image': case 'link': D('error', u), D('load', u); break; case 'details': D('toggle', u); break; case 'input': Za(u, w), D('invalid', u); break; case 'select': (u._wrapperState = { wasMultiple: !!w.multiple }), D('invalid', u); break; case 'textarea': hb(u, w), D('invalid', u); } for (var C in (ub(i, w), (_ = null), w)) if (w.hasOwnProperty(C)) { var j = w[C]; 'children' === C ? 'string' == typeof j ? u.textContent !== j && (!0 !== w.suppressHydrationWarning && Af(u.textContent, j, s), (_ = ['children', j])) : 'number' == typeof j && u.textContent !== '' + j && (!0 !== w.suppressHydrationWarning && Af(u.textContent, j, s), (_ = ['children', '' + j])) : x.hasOwnProperty(C) && null != j && 'onScroll' === C && D('scroll', u); } switch (i) { case 'input': Va(u), db(u, w, !0); break; case 'textarea': Va(u), jb(u); break; case 'select': case 'option': break; default: 'function' == typeof w.onClick && (u.onclick = Bf); } (u = _), (o.updateQueue = u), null !== u && (o.flags |= 4); } else { (C = 9 === _.nodeType ? _ : _.ownerDocument), 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' === s && (s = kb(i)), 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' === s ? 'script' === i ? (((s = C.createElement('div')).innerHTML = ''), (s = s.removeChild(s.firstChild))) : 'string' == typeof u.is ? (s = C.createElement(i, { is: u.is })) : ((s = C.createElement(i)), 'select' === i && ((C = s), u.multiple ? (C.multiple = !0) : u.size && (C.size = u.size))) : (s = C.createElementNS(s, i)), (s[dn] = o), (s[fn] = u), Es(s, o, !1, !1), (o.stateNode = s); e: { switch (((C = vb(i, u)), i)) { case 'dialog': D('cancel', s), D('close', s), (_ = u); break; case 'iframe': case 'object': case 'embed': D('load', s), (_ = u); break; case 'video': case 'audio': for (_ = 0; _ < en.length; _++) D(en[_], s); _ = u; break; case 'source': D('error', s), (_ = u); break; case 'img': case 'image': case 'link': D('error', s), D('load', s), (_ = u); break; case 'details': D('toggle', s), (_ = u); break; case 'input': Za(s, u), (_ = Ya(s, u)), D('invalid', s); break; case 'option': default: _ = u; break; case 'select': (s._wrapperState = { wasMultiple: !!u.multiple }), (_ = xe({}, u, { value: void 0 })), D('invalid', s); break; case 'textarea': hb(s, u), (_ = gb(s, u)), D('invalid', s); } for (w in (ub(i, _), (j = _))) if (j.hasOwnProperty(w)) { var L = j[w]; 'style' === w ? sb(s, L) : 'dangerouslySetInnerHTML' === w ? null != (L = L ? L.__html : void 0) && $e(s, L) : 'children' === w ? 'string' == typeof L ? ('textarea' !== i || '' !== L) && ob(s, L) : 'number' == typeof L && ob(s, '' + L) : 'suppressContentEditableWarning' !== w && 'suppressHydrationWarning' !== w && 'autoFocus' !== w && (x.hasOwnProperty(w) ? null != L && 'onScroll' === w && D('scroll', s) : null != L && ta(s, w, L, C)); } switch (i) { case 'input': Va(s), db(s, u, !1); break; case 'textarea': Va(s), jb(s); break; case 'option': null != u.value && s.setAttribute('value', '' + Sa(u.value)); break; case 'select': (s.multiple = !!u.multiple), null != (w = u.value) ? fb(s, !!u.multiple, w, !1) : null != u.defaultValue && fb(s, !!u.multiple, u.defaultValue, !0); break; default: 'function' == typeof _.onClick && (s.onclick = Bf); } switch (i) { case 'button': case 'input': case 'select': case 'textarea': u = !!u.autoFocus; break e; case 'img': u = !0; break e; default: u = !1; } } u && (o.flags |= 4); } null !== o.ref && ((o.flags |= 512), (o.flags |= 2097152)); } return S(o), null; case 6: if (s && null != o.stateNode) xs(s, o, s.memoizedProps, u); else { if ('string' != typeof u && null === o.stateNode) throw Error(p(166)); if (((i = xh(Qn.current)), xh(Xn.current), Gg(o))) { if ( ((u = o.stateNode), (i = o.memoizedProps), (u[dn] = o), (w = u.nodeValue !== i) && null !== (s = Ln)) ) switch (s.tag) { case 3: Af(u.nodeValue, i, !!(1 & s.mode)); break; case 5: !0 !== s.memoizedProps.suppressHydrationWarning && Af(u.nodeValue, i, !!(1 & s.mode)); } w && (o.flags |= 4); } else ((u = (9 === i.nodeType ? i : i.ownerDocument).createTextNode(u))[dn] = o), (o.stateNode = u); } return S(o), null; case 13: if ( (E(es), (u = o.memoizedState), null === s || (null !== s.memoizedState && null !== s.memoizedState.dehydrated)) ) { if (Fn && null !== Bn && 1 & o.mode && !(128 & o.flags)) Hg(), Ig(), (o.flags |= 98560), (w = !1); else if (((w = Gg(o)), null !== u && null !== u.dehydrated)) { if (null === s) { if (!w) throw Error(p(318)); if (!(w = null !== (w = o.memoizedState) ? w.dehydrated : null)) throw Error(p(317)); w[dn] = o; } else Ig(), !(128 & o.flags) && (o.memoizedState = null), (o.flags |= 4); S(o), (w = !1); } else null !== qn && (Fj(qn), (qn = null)), (w = !0); if (!w) return 65536 & o.flags ? o : null; } return 128 & o.flags ? ((o.lanes = i), o) : ((u = null !== u) !== (null !== s && null !== s.memoizedState) && u && ((o.child.flags |= 8192), 1 & o.mode && (null === s || 1 & es.current ? 0 === zs && (zs = 3) : tj())), null !== o.updateQueue && (o.flags |= 4), S(o), null); case 4: return zh(), ws(s, o), null === s && sf(o.stateNode.containerInfo), S(o), null; case 10: return ah(o.type._context), S(o), null; case 19: if ((E(es), null === (w = o.memoizedState))) return S(o), null; if (((u = !!(128 & o.flags)), null === (C = w.rendering))) if (u) Dj(w, !1); else { if (0 !== zs || (null !== s && 128 & s.flags)) for (s = o.child; null !== s; ) { if (null !== (C = Ch(s))) { for ( o.flags |= 128, Dj(w, !1), null !== (u = C.updateQueue) && ((o.updateQueue = u), (o.flags |= 4)), o.subtreeFlags = 0, u = i, i = o.child; null !== i; ) (s = u), ((w = i).flags &= 14680066), null === (C = w.alternate) ? ((w.childLanes = 0), (w.lanes = s), (w.child = null), (w.subtreeFlags = 0), (w.memoizedProps = null), (w.memoizedState = null), (w.updateQueue = null), (w.dependencies = null), (w.stateNode = null)) : ((w.childLanes = C.childLanes), (w.lanes = C.lanes), (w.child = C.child), (w.subtreeFlags = 0), (w.deletions = null), (w.memoizedProps = C.memoizedProps), (w.memoizedState = C.memoizedState), (w.updateQueue = C.updateQueue), (w.type = C.type), (s = C.dependencies), (w.dependencies = null === s ? null : { lanes: s.lanes, firstContext: s.firstContext })), (i = i.sibling); return G(es, (1 & es.current) | 2), o.child; } s = s.sibling; } null !== w.tail && dt() > Zs && ((o.flags |= 128), (u = !0), Dj(w, !1), (o.lanes = 4194304)); } else { if (!u) if (null !== (s = Ch(C))) { if ( ((o.flags |= 128), (u = !0), null !== (i = s.updateQueue) && ((o.updateQueue = i), (o.flags |= 4)), Dj(w, !0), null === w.tail && 'hidden' === w.tailMode && !C.alternate && !Fn) ) return S(o), null; } else 2 * dt() - w.renderingStartTime > Zs && 1073741824 !== i && ((o.flags |= 128), (u = !0), Dj(w, !1), (o.lanes = 4194304)); w.isBackwards ? ((C.sibling = o.child), (o.child = C)) : (null !== (i = w.last) ? (i.sibling = C) : (o.child = C), (w.last = C)); } return null !== w.tail ? ((o = w.tail), (w.rendering = o), (w.tail = o.sibling), (w.renderingStartTime = dt()), (o.sibling = null), (i = es.current), G(es, u ? (1 & i) | 2 : 1 & i), o) : (S(o), null); case 22: case 23: return ( Hj(), (u = null !== o.memoizedState), null !== s && (null !== s.memoizedState) !== u && (o.flags |= 8192), u && 1 & o.mode ? !!(1073741824 & Vs) && (S(o), 6 & o.subtreeFlags && (o.flags |= 8192)) : S(o), null ); case 24: case 25: return null; } throw Error(p(156, o.tag)); } function Ij(s, o) { switch ((wg(o), o.tag)) { case 1: return ( Zf(o.type) && $f(), 65536 & (s = o.flags) ? ((o.flags = (-65537 & s) | 128), o) : null ); case 3: return ( zh(), E(Sn), E(wn), Eh(), 65536 & (s = o.flags) && !(128 & s) ? ((o.flags = (-65537 & s) | 128), o) : null ); case 5: return Bh(o), null; case 13: if ((E(es), null !== (s = o.memoizedState) && null !== s.dehydrated)) { if (null === o.alternate) throw Error(p(340)); Ig(); } return 65536 & (s = o.flags) ? ((o.flags = (-65537 & s) | 128), o) : null; case 19: return E(es), null; case 4: return zh(), null; case 10: return ah(o.type._context), null; case 22: case 23: return Hj(), null; default: return null; } } (Es = function (s, o) { for (var i = o.child; null !== i; ) { if (5 === i.tag || 6 === i.tag) s.appendChild(i.stateNode); else if (4 !== i.tag && null !== i.child) { (i.child.return = i), (i = i.child); continue; } if (i === o) break; for (; null === i.sibling; ) { if (null === i.return || i.return === o) return; i = i.return; } (i.sibling.return = i.return), (i = i.sibling); } }), (ws = function () {}), (Ss = function (s, o, i, u) { var _ = s.memoizedProps; if (_ !== u) { (s = o.stateNode), xh(Xn.current); var w, C = null; switch (i) { case 'input': (_ = Ya(s, _)), (u = Ya(s, u)), (C = []); break; case 'select': (_ = xe({}, _, { value: void 0 })), (u = xe({}, u, { value: void 0 })), (C = []); break; case 'textarea': (_ = gb(s, _)), (u = gb(s, u)), (C = []); break; default: 'function' != typeof _.onClick && 'function' == typeof u.onClick && (s.onclick = Bf); } for (B in (ub(i, u), (i = null), _)) if (!u.hasOwnProperty(B) && _.hasOwnProperty(B) && null != _[B]) if ('style' === B) { var j = _[B]; for (w in j) j.hasOwnProperty(w) && (i || (i = {}), (i[w] = '')); } else 'dangerouslySetInnerHTML' !== B && 'children' !== B && 'suppressContentEditableWarning' !== B && 'suppressHydrationWarning' !== B && 'autoFocus' !== B && (x.hasOwnProperty(B) ? C || (C = []) : (C = C || []).push(B, null)); for (B in u) { var L = u[B]; if ( ((j = null != _ ? _[B] : void 0), u.hasOwnProperty(B) && L !== j && (null != L || null != j)) ) if ('style' === B) if (j) { for (w in j) !j.hasOwnProperty(w) || (L && L.hasOwnProperty(w)) || (i || (i = {}), (i[w] = '')); for (w in L) L.hasOwnProperty(w) && j[w] !== L[w] && (i || (i = {}), (i[w] = L[w])); } else i || (C || (C = []), C.push(B, i)), (i = L); else 'dangerouslySetInnerHTML' === B ? ((L = L ? L.__html : void 0), (j = j ? j.__html : void 0), null != L && j !== L && (C = C || []).push(B, L)) : 'children' === B ? ('string' != typeof L && 'number' != typeof L) || (C = C || []).push(B, '' + L) : 'suppressContentEditableWarning' !== B && 'suppressHydrationWarning' !== B && (x.hasOwnProperty(B) ? (null != L && 'onScroll' === B && D('scroll', s), C || j === L || (C = [])) : (C = C || []).push(B, L)); } i && (C = C || []).push('style', i); var B = C; (o.updateQueue = B) && (o.flags |= 4); } }), (xs = function (s, o, i, u) { i !== u && (o.flags |= 4); }); var Cs = !1, Os = !1, As = 'function' == typeof WeakSet ? WeakSet : Set, js = null; function Lj(s, o) { var i = s.ref; if (null !== i) if ('function' == typeof i) try { i(null); } catch (i) { W(s, o, i); } else i.current = null; } function Mj(s, o, i) { try { i(); } catch (i) { W(s, o, i); } } var Is = !1; function Pj(s, o, i) { var u = o.updateQueue; if (null !== (u = null !== u ? u.lastEffect : null)) { var _ = (u = u.next); do { if ((_.tag & s) === s) { var w = _.destroy; (_.destroy = void 0), void 0 !== w && Mj(o, i, w); } _ = _.next; } while (_ !== u); } } function Qj(s, o) { if (null !== (o = null !== (o = o.updateQueue) ? o.lastEffect : null)) { var i = (o = o.next); do { if ((i.tag & s) === s) { var u = i.create; i.destroy = u(); } i = i.next; } while (i !== o); } } function Rj(s) { var o = s.ref; if (null !== o) { var i = s.stateNode; s.tag, (s = i), 'function' == typeof o ? o(s) : (o.current = s); } } function Sj(s) { var o = s.alternate; null !== o && ((s.alternate = null), Sj(o)), (s.child = null), (s.deletions = null), (s.sibling = null), 5 === s.tag && null !== (o = s.stateNode) && (delete o[dn], delete o[fn], delete o[gn], delete o[yn], delete o[vn]), (s.stateNode = null), (s.return = null), (s.dependencies = null), (s.memoizedProps = null), (s.memoizedState = null), (s.pendingProps = null), (s.stateNode = null), (s.updateQueue = null); } function Tj(s) { return 5 === s.tag || 3 === s.tag || 4 === s.tag; } function Uj(s) { e: for (;;) { for (; null === s.sibling; ) { if (null === s.return || Tj(s.return)) return null; s = s.return; } for ( s.sibling.return = s.return, s = s.sibling; 5 !== s.tag && 6 !== s.tag && 18 !== s.tag; ) { if (2 & s.flags) continue e; if (null === s.child || 4 === s.tag) continue e; (s.child.return = s), (s = s.child); } if (!(2 & s.flags)) return s.stateNode; } } function Vj(s, o, i) { var u = s.tag; if (5 === u || 6 === u) (s = s.stateNode), o ? 8 === i.nodeType ? i.parentNode.insertBefore(s, o) : i.insertBefore(s, o) : (8 === i.nodeType ? (o = i.parentNode).insertBefore(s, i) : (o = i).appendChild(s), null != (i = i._reactRootContainer) || null !== o.onclick || (o.onclick = Bf)); else if (4 !== u && null !== (s = s.child)) for (Vj(s, o, i), s = s.sibling; null !== s; ) Vj(s, o, i), (s = s.sibling); } function Wj(s, o, i) { var u = s.tag; if (5 === u || 6 === u) (s = s.stateNode), o ? i.insertBefore(s, o) : i.appendChild(s); else if (4 !== u && null !== (s = s.child)) for (Wj(s, o, i), s = s.sibling; null !== s; ) Wj(s, o, i), (s = s.sibling); } var Ps = null, Ms = !1; function Yj(s, o, i) { for (i = i.child; null !== i; ) Zj(s, o, i), (i = i.sibling); } function Zj(s, o, i) { if (wt && 'function' == typeof wt.onCommitFiberUnmount) try { wt.onCommitFiberUnmount(Et, i); } catch (s) {} switch (i.tag) { case 5: Os || Lj(i, o); case 6: var u = Ps, _ = Ms; (Ps = null), Yj(s, o, i), (Ms = _), null !== (Ps = u) && (Ms ? ((s = Ps), (i = i.stateNode), 8 === s.nodeType ? s.parentNode.removeChild(i) : s.removeChild(i)) : Ps.removeChild(i.stateNode)); break; case 18: null !== Ps && (Ms ? ((s = Ps), (i = i.stateNode), 8 === s.nodeType ? Kf(s.parentNode, i) : 1 === s.nodeType && Kf(s, i), bd(s)) : Kf(Ps, i.stateNode)); break; case 4: (u = Ps), (_ = Ms), (Ps = i.stateNode.containerInfo), (Ms = !0), Yj(s, o, i), (Ps = u), (Ms = _); break; case 0: case 11: case 14: case 15: if (!Os && null !== (u = i.updateQueue) && null !== (u = u.lastEffect)) { _ = u = u.next; do { var w = _, x = w.destroy; (w = w.tag), void 0 !== x && (2 & w || 4 & w) && Mj(i, o, x), (_ = _.next); } while (_ !== u); } Yj(s, o, i); break; case 1: if (!Os && (Lj(i, o), 'function' == typeof (u = i.stateNode).componentWillUnmount)) try { (u.props = i.memoizedProps), (u.state = i.memoizedState), u.componentWillUnmount(); } catch (s) { W(i, o, s); } Yj(s, o, i); break; case 21: Yj(s, o, i); break; case 22: 1 & i.mode ? ((Os = (u = Os) || null !== i.memoizedState), Yj(s, o, i), (Os = u)) : Yj(s, o, i); break; default: Yj(s, o, i); } } function ak(s) { var o = s.updateQueue; if (null !== o) { s.updateQueue = null; var i = s.stateNode; null === i && (i = s.stateNode = new As()), o.forEach(function (o) { var u = bk.bind(null, s, o); i.has(o) || (i.add(o), o.then(u, u)); }); } } function ck(s, o) { var i = o.deletions; if (null !== i) for (var u = 0; u < i.length; u++) { var _ = i[u]; try { var w = s, x = o, C = x; e: for (; null !== C; ) { switch (C.tag) { case 5: (Ps = C.stateNode), (Ms = !1); break e; case 3: case 4: (Ps = C.stateNode.containerInfo), (Ms = !0); break e; } C = C.return; } if (null === Ps) throw Error(p(160)); Zj(w, x, _), (Ps = null), (Ms = !1); var j = _.alternate; null !== j && (j.return = null), (_.return = null); } catch (s) { W(_, o, s); } } if (12854 & o.subtreeFlags) for (o = o.child; null !== o; ) dk(o, s), (o = o.sibling); } function dk(s, o) { var i = s.alternate, u = s.flags; switch (s.tag) { case 0: case 11: case 14: case 15: if ((ck(o, s), ek(s), 4 & u)) { try { Pj(3, s, s.return), Qj(3, s); } catch (o) { W(s, s.return, o); } try { Pj(5, s, s.return); } catch (o) { W(s, s.return, o); } } break; case 1: ck(o, s), ek(s), 512 & u && null !== i && Lj(i, i.return); break; case 5: if ((ck(o, s), ek(s), 512 & u && null !== i && Lj(i, i.return), 32 & s.flags)) { var _ = s.stateNode; try { ob(_, ''); } catch (o) { W(s, s.return, o); } } if (4 & u && null != (_ = s.stateNode)) { var w = s.memoizedProps, x = null !== i ? i.memoizedProps : w, C = s.type, j = s.updateQueue; if (((s.updateQueue = null), null !== j)) try { 'input' === C && 'radio' === w.type && null != w.name && ab(_, w), vb(C, x); var L = vb(C, w); for (x = 0; x < j.length; x += 2) { var B = j[x], $ = j[x + 1]; 'style' === B ? sb(_, $) : 'dangerouslySetInnerHTML' === B ? $e(_, $) : 'children' === B ? ob(_, $) : ta(_, B, $, L); } switch (C) { case 'input': bb(_, w); break; case 'textarea': ib(_, w); break; case 'select': var V = _._wrapperState.wasMultiple; _._wrapperState.wasMultiple = !!w.multiple; var U = w.value; null != U ? fb(_, !!w.multiple, U, !1) : V !== !!w.multiple && (null != w.defaultValue ? fb(_, !!w.multiple, w.defaultValue, !0) : fb(_, !!w.multiple, w.multiple ? [] : '', !1)); } _[fn] = w; } catch (o) { W(s, s.return, o); } } break; case 6: if ((ck(o, s), ek(s), 4 & u)) { if (null === s.stateNode) throw Error(p(162)); (_ = s.stateNode), (w = s.memoizedProps); try { _.nodeValue = w; } catch (o) { W(s, s.return, o); } } break; case 3: if ((ck(o, s), ek(s), 4 & u && null !== i && i.memoizedState.isDehydrated)) try { bd(o.containerInfo); } catch (o) { W(s, s.return, o); } break; case 4: default: ck(o, s), ek(s); break; case 13: ck(o, s), ek(s), 8192 & (_ = s.child).flags && ((w = null !== _.memoizedState), (_.stateNode.isHidden = w), !w || (null !== _.alternate && null !== _.alternate.memoizedState) || (Xs = dt())), 4 & u && ak(s); break; case 22: if ( ((B = null !== i && null !== i.memoizedState), 1 & s.mode ? ((Os = (L = Os) || B), ck(o, s), (Os = L)) : ck(o, s), ek(s), 8192 & u) ) { if ( ((L = null !== s.memoizedState), (s.stateNode.isHidden = L) && !B && 1 & s.mode) ) for (js = s, B = s.child; null !== B; ) { for ($ = js = B; null !== js; ) { switch (((U = (V = js).child), V.tag)) { case 0: case 11: case 14: case 15: Pj(4, V, V.return); break; case 1: Lj(V, V.return); var z = V.stateNode; if ('function' == typeof z.componentWillUnmount) { (u = V), (i = V.return); try { (o = u), (z.props = o.memoizedProps), (z.state = o.memoizedState), z.componentWillUnmount(); } catch (s) { W(u, i, s); } } break; case 5: Lj(V, V.return); break; case 22: if (null !== V.memoizedState) { gk($); continue; } } null !== U ? ((U.return = V), (js = U)) : gk($); } B = B.sibling; } e: for (B = null, $ = s; ; ) { if (5 === $.tag) { if (null === B) { B = $; try { (_ = $.stateNode), L ? 'function' == typeof (w = _.style).setProperty ? w.setProperty('display', 'none', 'important') : (w.display = 'none') : ((C = $.stateNode), (x = null != (j = $.memoizedProps.style) && j.hasOwnProperty('display') ? j.display : null), (C.style.display = rb('display', x))); } catch (o) { W(s, s.return, o); } } } else if (6 === $.tag) { if (null === B) try { $.stateNode.nodeValue = L ? '' : $.memoizedProps; } catch (o) { W(s, s.return, o); } } else if ( ((22 !== $.tag && 23 !== $.tag) || null === $.memoizedState || $ === s) && null !== $.child ) { ($.child.return = $), ($ = $.child); continue; } if ($ === s) break e; for (; null === $.sibling; ) { if (null === $.return || $.return === s) break e; B === $ && (B = null), ($ = $.return); } B === $ && (B = null), ($.sibling.return = $.return), ($ = $.sibling); } } break; case 19: ck(o, s), ek(s), 4 & u && ak(s); case 21: } } function ek(s) { var o = s.flags; if (2 & o) { try { e: { for (var i = s.return; null !== i; ) { if (Tj(i)) { var u = i; break e; } i = i.return; } throw Error(p(160)); } switch (u.tag) { case 5: var _ = u.stateNode; 32 & u.flags && (ob(_, ''), (u.flags &= -33)), Wj(s, Uj(s), _); break; case 3: case 4: var w = u.stateNode.containerInfo; Vj(s, Uj(s), w); break; default: throw Error(p(161)); } } catch (o) { W(s, s.return, o); } s.flags &= -3; } 4096 & o && (s.flags &= -4097); } function hk(s, o, i) { (js = s), ik(s, o, i); } function ik(s, o, i) { for (var u = !!(1 & s.mode); null !== js; ) { var _ = js, w = _.child; if (22 === _.tag && u) { var x = null !== _.memoizedState || Cs; if (!x) { var C = _.alternate, j = (null !== C && null !== C.memoizedState) || Os; C = Cs; var L = Os; if (((Cs = x), (Os = j) && !L)) for (js = _; null !== js; ) (j = (x = js).child), 22 === x.tag && null !== x.memoizedState ? jk(_) : null !== j ? ((j.return = x), (js = j)) : jk(_); for (; null !== w; ) (js = w), ik(w, o, i), (w = w.sibling); (js = _), (Cs = C), (Os = L); } kk(s); } else 8772 & _.subtreeFlags && null !== w ? ((w.return = _), (js = w)) : kk(s); } } function kk(s) { for (; null !== js; ) { var o = js; if (8772 & o.flags) { var i = o.alternate; try { if (8772 & o.flags) switch (o.tag) { case 0: case 11: case 15: Os || Qj(5, o); break; case 1: var u = o.stateNode; if (4 & o.flags && !Os) if (null === i) u.componentDidMount(); else { var _ = o.elementType === o.type ? i.memoizedProps : Ci(o.type, i.memoizedProps); u.componentDidUpdate( _, i.memoizedState, u.__reactInternalSnapshotBeforeUpdate ); } var w = o.updateQueue; null !== w && sh(o, w, u); break; case 3: var x = o.updateQueue; if (null !== x) { if (((i = null), null !== o.child)) switch (o.child.tag) { case 5: case 1: i = o.child.stateNode; } sh(o, x, i); } break; case 5: var C = o.stateNode; if (null === i && 4 & o.flags) { i = C; var j = o.memoizedProps; switch (o.type) { case 'button': case 'input': case 'select': case 'textarea': j.autoFocus && i.focus(); break; case 'img': j.src && (i.src = j.src); } } break; case 6: case 4: case 12: case 19: case 17: case 21: case 22: case 23: case 25: break; case 13: if (null === o.memoizedState) { var L = o.alternate; if (null !== L) { var B = L.memoizedState; if (null !== B) { var $ = B.dehydrated; null !== $ && bd($); } } } break; default: throw Error(p(163)); } Os || (512 & o.flags && Rj(o)); } catch (s) { W(o, o.return, s); } } if (o === s) { js = null; break; } if (null !== (i = o.sibling)) { (i.return = o.return), (js = i); break; } js = o.return; } } function gk(s) { for (; null !== js; ) { var o = js; if (o === s) { js = null; break; } var i = o.sibling; if (null !== i) { (i.return = o.return), (js = i); break; } js = o.return; } } function jk(s) { for (; null !== js; ) { var o = js; try { switch (o.tag) { case 0: case 11: case 15: var i = o.return; try { Qj(4, o); } catch (s) { W(o, i, s); } break; case 1: var u = o.stateNode; if ('function' == typeof u.componentDidMount) { var _ = o.return; try { u.componentDidMount(); } catch (s) { W(o, _, s); } } var w = o.return; try { Rj(o); } catch (s) { W(o, w, s); } break; case 5: var x = o.return; try { Rj(o); } catch (s) { W(o, x, s); } } } catch (s) { W(o, o.return, s); } if (o === s) { js = null; break; } var C = o.sibling; if (null !== C) { (C.return = o.return), (js = C); break; } js = o.return; } } var Ts, Ns = Math.ceil, Rs = z.ReactCurrentDispatcher, Ds = z.ReactCurrentOwner, Ls = z.ReactCurrentBatchConfig, Bs = 0, Fs = null, qs = null, $s = 0, Vs = 0, Us = Uf(0), zs = 0, Ws = null, Ks = 0, Hs = 0, Js = 0, Gs = null, Ys = null, Xs = 0, Zs = 1 / 0, Qs = null, eo = !1, to = null, ro = null, no = !1, so = null, oo = 0, io = 0, ao = null, lo = -1, co = 0; function R() { return 6 & Bs ? dt() : -1 !== lo ? lo : (lo = dt()); } function yi(s) { return 1 & s.mode ? 2 & Bs && 0 !== $s ? $s & -$s : null !== $n.transition ? (0 === co && (co = yc()), co) : 0 !== (s = At) ? s : (s = void 0 === (s = window.event) ? 16 : jd(s.type)) : 1; } function gi(s, o, i, u) { if (50 < io) throw ((io = 0), (ao = null), Error(p(185))); Ac(s, i, u), (2 & Bs && s === Fs) || (s === Fs && (!(2 & Bs) && (Hs |= i), 4 === zs && Ck(s, $s)), Dk(s, u), 1 === i && 0 === Bs && !(1 & o.mode) && ((Zs = dt() + 500), Cn && jg())); } function Dk(s, o) { var i = s.callbackNode; !(function wc(s, o) { for ( var i = s.suspendedLanes, u = s.pingedLanes, _ = s.expirationTimes, w = s.pendingLanes; 0 < w; ) { var x = 31 - St(w), C = 1 << x, j = _[x]; -1 === j ? (C & i && !(C & u)) || (_[x] = vc(C, o)) : j <= o && (s.expiredLanes |= C), (w &= ~C); } })(s, o); var u = uc(s, s === Fs ? $s : 0); if (0 === u) null !== i && ut(i), (s.callbackNode = null), (s.callbackPriority = 0); else if (((o = u & -u), s.callbackPriority !== o)) { if ((null != i && ut(i), 1 === o)) 0 === s.tag ? (function ig(s) { (Cn = !0), hg(s); })(Ek.bind(null, s)) : hg(Ek.bind(null, s)), pn(function () { !(6 & Bs) && jg(); }), (i = null); else { switch (Dc(u)) { case 1: i = gt; break; case 4: i = yt; break; case 16: default: i = vt; break; case 536870912: i = _t; } i = Fk(i, Gk.bind(null, s)); } (s.callbackPriority = o), (s.callbackNode = i); } } function Gk(s, o) { if (((lo = -1), (co = 0), 6 & Bs)) throw Error(p(327)); var i = s.callbackNode; if (Hk() && s.callbackNode !== i) return null; var u = uc(s, s === Fs ? $s : 0); if (0 === u) return null; if (30 & u || u & s.expiredLanes || o) o = Ik(s, u); else { o = u; var _ = Bs; Bs |= 2; var w = Jk(); for ((Fs === s && $s === o) || ((Qs = null), (Zs = dt() + 500), Kk(s, o)); ; ) try { Lk(); break; } catch (o) { Mk(s, o); } $g(), (Rs.current = w), (Bs = _), null !== qs ? (o = 0) : ((Fs = null), ($s = 0), (o = zs)); } if (0 !== o) { if ((2 === o && 0 !== (_ = xc(s)) && ((u = _), (o = Nk(s, _))), 1 === o)) throw ((i = Ws), Kk(s, 0), Ck(s, u), Dk(s, dt()), i); if (6 === o) Ck(s, u); else { if ( ((_ = s.current.alternate), !( 30 & u || (function Ok(s) { for (var o = s; ; ) { if (16384 & o.flags) { var i = o.updateQueue; if (null !== i && null !== (i = i.stores)) for (var u = 0; u < i.length; u++) { var _ = i[u], w = _.getSnapshot; _ = _.value; try { if (!Lr(w(), _)) return !1; } catch (s) { return !1; } } } if (((i = o.child), 16384 & o.subtreeFlags && null !== i)) (i.return = o), (o = i); else { if (o === s) break; for (; null === o.sibling; ) { if (null === o.return || o.return === s) return !0; o = o.return; } (o.sibling.return = o.return), (o = o.sibling); } } return !0; })(_) || ((o = Ik(s, u)), 2 === o && ((w = xc(s)), 0 !== w && ((u = w), (o = Nk(s, w)))), 1 !== o) )) ) throw ((i = Ws), Kk(s, 0), Ck(s, u), Dk(s, dt()), i); switch (((s.finishedWork = _), (s.finishedLanes = u), o)) { case 0: case 1: throw Error(p(345)); case 2: case 5: Pk(s, Ys, Qs); break; case 3: if ((Ck(s, u), (130023424 & u) === u && 10 < (o = Xs + 500 - dt()))) { if (0 !== uc(s, 0)) break; if (((_ = s.suspendedLanes) & u) !== u) { R(), (s.pingedLanes |= s.suspendedLanes & _); break; } s.timeoutHandle = ln(Pk.bind(null, s, Ys, Qs), o); break; } Pk(s, Ys, Qs); break; case 4: if ((Ck(s, u), (4194240 & u) === u)) break; for (o = s.eventTimes, _ = -1; 0 < u; ) { var x = 31 - St(u); (w = 1 << x), (x = o[x]) > _ && (_ = x), (u &= ~w); } if ( ((u = _), 10 < (u = (120 > (u = dt() - u) ? 120 : 480 > u ? 480 : 1080 > u ? 1080 : 1920 > u ? 1920 : 3e3 > u ? 3e3 : 4320 > u ? 4320 : 1960 * Ns(u / 1960)) - u)) ) { s.timeoutHandle = ln(Pk.bind(null, s, Ys, Qs), u); break; } Pk(s, Ys, Qs); break; default: throw Error(p(329)); } } } return Dk(s, dt()), s.callbackNode === i ? Gk.bind(null, s) : null; } function Nk(s, o) { var i = Gs; return ( s.current.memoizedState.isDehydrated && (Kk(s, o).flags |= 256), 2 !== (s = Ik(s, o)) && ((o = Ys), (Ys = i), null !== o && Fj(o)), s ); } function Fj(s) { null === Ys ? (Ys = s) : Ys.push.apply(Ys, s); } function Ck(s, o) { for ( o &= ~Js, o &= ~Hs, s.suspendedLanes |= o, s.pingedLanes &= ~o, s = s.expirationTimes; 0 < o; ) { var i = 31 - St(o), u = 1 << i; (s[i] = -1), (o &= ~u); } } function Ek(s) { if (6 & Bs) throw Error(p(327)); Hk(); var o = uc(s, 0); if (!(1 & o)) return Dk(s, dt()), null; var i = Ik(s, o); if (0 !== s.tag && 2 === i) { var u = xc(s); 0 !== u && ((o = u), (i = Nk(s, u))); } if (1 === i) throw ((i = Ws), Kk(s, 0), Ck(s, o), Dk(s, dt()), i); if (6 === i) throw Error(p(345)); return ( (s.finishedWork = s.current.alternate), (s.finishedLanes = o), Pk(s, Ys, Qs), Dk(s, dt()), null ); } function Qk(s, o) { var i = Bs; Bs |= 1; try { return s(o); } finally { 0 === (Bs = i) && ((Zs = dt() + 500), Cn && jg()); } } function Rk(s) { null !== so && 0 === so.tag && !(6 & Bs) && Hk(); var o = Bs; Bs |= 1; var i = Ls.transition, u = At; try { if (((Ls.transition = null), (At = 1), s)) return s(); } finally { (At = u), (Ls.transition = i), !(6 & (Bs = o)) && jg(); } } function Hj() { (Vs = Us.current), E(Us); } function Kk(s, o) { (s.finishedWork = null), (s.finishedLanes = 0); var i = s.timeoutHandle; if ((-1 !== i && ((s.timeoutHandle = -1), cn(i)), null !== qs)) for (i = qs.return; null !== i; ) { var u = i; switch ((wg(u), u.tag)) { case 1: null != (u = u.type.childContextTypes) && $f(); break; case 3: zh(), E(Sn), E(wn), Eh(); break; case 5: Bh(u); break; case 4: zh(); break; case 13: case 19: E(es); break; case 10: ah(u.type._context); break; case 22: case 23: Hj(); } i = i.return; } if ( ((Fs = s), (qs = s = Pg(s.current, null)), ($s = Vs = o), (zs = 0), (Ws = null), (Js = Hs = Ks = 0), (Ys = Gs = null), null !== Jn) ) { for (o = 0; o < Jn.length; o++) if (null !== (u = (i = Jn[o]).interleaved)) { i.interleaved = null; var _ = u.next, w = i.pending; if (null !== w) { var x = w.next; (w.next = _), (u.next = x); } i.pending = u; } Jn = null; } return s; } function Mk(s, o) { for (;;) { var i = qs; try { if (($g(), (rs.current = ds), cs)) { for (var u = os.memoizedState; null !== u; ) { var _ = u.queue; null !== _ && (_.pending = null), (u = u.next); } cs = !1; } if ( ((ss = 0), (ls = as = os = null), (us = !1), (ps = 0), (Ds.current = null), null === i || null === i.return) ) { (zs = 1), (Ws = o), (qs = null); break; } e: { var w = s, x = i.return, C = i, j = o; if ( ((o = $s), (C.flags |= 32768), null !== j && 'object' == typeof j && 'function' == typeof j.then) ) { var L = j, B = C, $ = B.tag; if (!(1 & B.mode || (0 !== $ && 11 !== $ && 15 !== $))) { var V = B.alternate; V ? ((B.updateQueue = V.updateQueue), (B.memoizedState = V.memoizedState), (B.lanes = V.lanes)) : ((B.updateQueue = null), (B.memoizedState = null)); } var U = Ui(x); if (null !== U) { (U.flags &= -257), Vi(U, x, C, 0, o), 1 & U.mode && Si(w, L, o), (j = L); var z = (o = U).updateQueue; if (null === z) { var Y = new Set(); Y.add(j), (o.updateQueue = Y); } else z.add(j); break e; } if (!(1 & o)) { Si(w, L, o), tj(); break e; } j = Error(p(426)); } else if (Fn && 1 & C.mode) { var Z = Ui(x); if (null !== Z) { !(65536 & Z.flags) && (Z.flags |= 256), Vi(Z, x, C, 0, o), Jg(Ji(j, C)); break e; } } (w = j = Ji(j, C)), 4 !== zs && (zs = 2), null === Gs ? (Gs = [w]) : Gs.push(w), (w = x); do { switch (w.tag) { case 3: (w.flags |= 65536), (o &= -o), (w.lanes |= o), ph(w, Ni(0, j, o)); break e; case 1: C = j; var ee = w.type, ie = w.stateNode; if ( !( 128 & w.flags || ('function' != typeof ee.getDerivedStateFromError && (null === ie || 'function' != typeof ie.componentDidCatch || (null !== ro && ro.has(ie)))) ) ) { (w.flags |= 65536), (o &= -o), (w.lanes |= o), ph(w, Qi(w, C, o)); break e; } } w = w.return; } while (null !== w); } Sk(i); } catch (s) { (o = s), qs === i && null !== i && (qs = i = i.return); continue; } break; } } function Jk() { var s = Rs.current; return (Rs.current = ds), null === s ? ds : s; } function tj() { (0 !== zs && 3 !== zs && 2 !== zs) || (zs = 4), null === Fs || (!(268435455 & Ks) && !(268435455 & Hs)) || Ck(Fs, $s); } function Ik(s, o) { var i = Bs; Bs |= 2; var u = Jk(); for ((Fs === s && $s === o) || ((Qs = null), Kk(s, o)); ; ) try { Tk(); break; } catch (o) { Mk(s, o); } if (($g(), (Bs = i), (Rs.current = u), null !== qs)) throw Error(p(261)); return (Fs = null), ($s = 0), zs; } function Tk() { for (; null !== qs; ) Uk(qs); } function Lk() { for (; null !== qs && !pt(); ) Uk(qs); } function Uk(s) { var o = Ts(s.alternate, s, Vs); (s.memoizedProps = s.pendingProps), null === o ? Sk(s) : (qs = o), (Ds.current = null); } function Sk(s) { var o = s; do { var i = o.alternate; if (((s = o.return), 32768 & o.flags)) { if (null !== (i = Ij(i, o))) return (i.flags &= 32767), void (qs = i); if (null === s) return (zs = 6), void (qs = null); (s.flags |= 32768), (s.subtreeFlags = 0), (s.deletions = null); } else if (null !== (i = Ej(i, o, Vs))) return void (qs = i); if (null !== (o = o.sibling)) return void (qs = o); qs = o = s; } while (null !== o); 0 === zs && (zs = 5); } function Pk(s, o, i) { var u = At, _ = Ls.transition; try { (Ls.transition = null), (At = 1), (function Wk(s, o, i, u) { do { Hk(); } while (null !== so); if (6 & Bs) throw Error(p(327)); i = s.finishedWork; var _ = s.finishedLanes; if (null === i) return null; if (((s.finishedWork = null), (s.finishedLanes = 0), i === s.current)) throw Error(p(177)); (s.callbackNode = null), (s.callbackPriority = 0); var w = i.lanes | i.childLanes; if ( ((function Bc(s, o) { var i = s.pendingLanes & ~o; (s.pendingLanes = o), (s.suspendedLanes = 0), (s.pingedLanes = 0), (s.expiredLanes &= o), (s.mutableReadLanes &= o), (s.entangledLanes &= o), (o = s.entanglements); var u = s.eventTimes; for (s = s.expirationTimes; 0 < i; ) { var _ = 31 - St(i), w = 1 << _; (o[_] = 0), (u[_] = -1), (s[_] = -1), (i &= ~w); } })(s, w), s === Fs && ((qs = Fs = null), ($s = 0)), (!(2064 & i.subtreeFlags) && !(2064 & i.flags)) || no || ((no = !0), Fk(vt, function () { return Hk(), null; })), (w = !!(15990 & i.flags)), !!(15990 & i.subtreeFlags) || w) ) { (w = Ls.transition), (Ls.transition = null); var x = At; At = 1; var C = Bs; (Bs |= 4), (Ds.current = null), (function Oj(s, o) { if (((on = zt), Ne((s = Me())))) { if ('selectionStart' in s) var i = { start: s.selectionStart, end: s.selectionEnd }; else e: { var u = (i = ((i = s.ownerDocument) && i.defaultView) || window) .getSelection && i.getSelection(); if (u && 0 !== u.rangeCount) { i = u.anchorNode; var _ = u.anchorOffset, w = u.focusNode; u = u.focusOffset; try { i.nodeType, w.nodeType; } catch (s) { i = null; break e; } var x = 0, C = -1, j = -1, L = 0, B = 0, $ = s, V = null; t: for (;;) { for ( var U; $ !== i || (0 !== _ && 3 !== $.nodeType) || (C = x + _), $ !== w || (0 !== u && 3 !== $.nodeType) || (j = x + u), 3 === $.nodeType && (x += $.nodeValue.length), null !== (U = $.firstChild); ) (V = $), ($ = U); for (;;) { if ($ === s) break t; if ( (V === i && ++L === _ && (C = x), V === w && ++B === u && (j = x), null !== (U = $.nextSibling)) ) break; V = ($ = V).parentNode; } $ = U; } i = -1 === C || -1 === j ? null : { start: C, end: j }; } else i = null; } i = i || { start: 0, end: 0 }; } else i = null; for ( an = { focusedElem: s, selectionRange: i }, zt = !1, js = o; null !== js; ) if (((s = (o = js).child), 1028 & o.subtreeFlags && null !== s)) (s.return = o), (js = s); else for (; null !== js; ) { o = js; try { var z = o.alternate; if (1024 & o.flags) switch (o.tag) { case 0: case 11: case 15: case 5: case 6: case 4: case 17: break; case 1: if (null !== z) { var Y = z.memoizedProps, Z = z.memoizedState, ee = o.stateNode, ie = ee.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate( o.elementType === o.type ? Y : Ci(o.type, Y), Z ); ee.__reactInternalSnapshotBeforeUpdate = ie; } break; case 3: var ae = o.stateNode.containerInfo; 1 === ae.nodeType ? (ae.textContent = '') : 9 === ae.nodeType && ae.documentElement && ae.removeChild(ae.documentElement); break; default: throw Error(p(163)); } } catch (s) { W(o, o.return, s); } if (null !== (s = o.sibling)) { (s.return = o.return), (js = s); break; } js = o.return; } return (z = Is), (Is = !1), z; })(s, i), dk(i, s), Oe(an), (zt = !!on), (an = on = null), (s.current = i), hk(i, s, _), ht(), (Bs = C), (At = x), (Ls.transition = w); } else s.current = i; if ( (no && ((no = !1), (so = s), (oo = _)), (w = s.pendingLanes), 0 === w && (ro = null), (function mc(s) { if (wt && 'function' == typeof wt.onCommitFiberRoot) try { wt.onCommitFiberRoot(Et, s, void 0, !(128 & ~s.current.flags)); } catch (s) {} })(i.stateNode), Dk(s, dt()), null !== o) ) for (u = s.onRecoverableError, i = 0; i < o.length; i++) (_ = o[i]), u(_.value, { componentStack: _.stack, digest: _.digest }); if (eo) throw ((eo = !1), (s = to), (to = null), s); return ( !!(1 & oo) && 0 !== s.tag && Hk(), (w = s.pendingLanes), 1 & w ? (s === ao ? io++ : ((io = 0), (ao = s))) : (io = 0), jg(), null ); })(s, o, i, u); } finally { (Ls.transition = _), (At = u); } return null; } function Hk() { if (null !== so) { var s = Dc(oo), o = Ls.transition, i = At; try { if (((Ls.transition = null), (At = 16 > s ? 16 : s), null === so)) var u = !1; else { if (((s = so), (so = null), (oo = 0), 6 & Bs)) throw Error(p(331)); var _ = Bs; for (Bs |= 4, js = s.current; null !== js; ) { var w = js, x = w.child; if (16 & js.flags) { var C = w.deletions; if (null !== C) { for (var j = 0; j < C.length; j++) { var L = C[j]; for (js = L; null !== js; ) { var B = js; switch (B.tag) { case 0: case 11: case 15: Pj(8, B, w); } var $ = B.child; if (null !== $) ($.return = B), (js = $); else for (; null !== js; ) { var V = (B = js).sibling, U = B.return; if ((Sj(B), B === L)) { js = null; break; } if (null !== V) { (V.return = U), (js = V); break; } js = U; } } } var z = w.alternate; if (null !== z) { var Y = z.child; if (null !== Y) { z.child = null; do { var Z = Y.sibling; (Y.sibling = null), (Y = Z); } while (null !== Y); } } js = w; } } if (2064 & w.subtreeFlags && null !== x) (x.return = w), (js = x); else e: for (; null !== js; ) { if (2048 & (w = js).flags) switch (w.tag) { case 0: case 11: case 15: Pj(9, w, w.return); } var ee = w.sibling; if (null !== ee) { (ee.return = w.return), (js = ee); break e; } js = w.return; } } var ie = s.current; for (js = ie; null !== js; ) { var ae = (x = js).child; if (2064 & x.subtreeFlags && null !== ae) (ae.return = x), (js = ae); else e: for (x = ie; null !== js; ) { if (2048 & (C = js).flags) try { switch (C.tag) { case 0: case 11: case 15: Qj(9, C); } } catch (s) { W(C, C.return, s); } if (C === x) { js = null; break e; } var le = C.sibling; if (null !== le) { (le.return = C.return), (js = le); break e; } js = C.return; } } if (((Bs = _), jg(), wt && 'function' == typeof wt.onPostCommitFiberRoot)) try { wt.onPostCommitFiberRoot(Et, s); } catch (s) {} u = !0; } return u; } finally { (At = i), (Ls.transition = o); } } return !1; } function Xk(s, o, i) { (s = nh(s, (o = Ni(0, (o = Ji(i, o)), 1)), 1)), (o = R()), null !== s && (Ac(s, 1, o), Dk(s, o)); } function W(s, o, i) { if (3 === s.tag) Xk(s, s, i); else for (; null !== o; ) { if (3 === o.tag) { Xk(o, s, i); break; } if (1 === o.tag) { var u = o.stateNode; if ( 'function' == typeof o.type.getDerivedStateFromError || ('function' == typeof u.componentDidCatch && (null === ro || !ro.has(u))) ) { (o = nh(o, (s = Qi(o, (s = Ji(i, s)), 1)), 1)), (s = R()), null !== o && (Ac(o, 1, s), Dk(o, s)); break; } } o = o.return; } } function Ti(s, o, i) { var u = s.pingCache; null !== u && u.delete(o), (o = R()), (s.pingedLanes |= s.suspendedLanes & i), Fs === s && ($s & i) === i && (4 === zs || (3 === zs && (130023424 & $s) === $s && 500 > dt() - Xs) ? Kk(s, 0) : (Js |= i)), Dk(s, o); } function Yk(s, o) { 0 === o && (1 & s.mode ? ((o = Ot), !(130023424 & (Ot <<= 1)) && (Ot = 4194304)) : (o = 1)); var i = R(); null !== (s = ih(s, o)) && (Ac(s, o, i), Dk(s, i)); } function uj(s) { var o = s.memoizedState, i = 0; null !== o && (i = o.retryLane), Yk(s, i); } function bk(s, o) { var i = 0; switch (s.tag) { case 13: var u = s.stateNode, _ = s.memoizedState; null !== _ && (i = _.retryLane); break; case 19: u = s.stateNode; break; default: throw Error(p(314)); } null !== u && u.delete(o), Yk(s, i); } function Fk(s, o) { return ct(s, o); } function $k(s, o, i, u) { (this.tag = s), (this.key = i), (this.sibling = this.child = this.return = this.stateNode = this.type = this.elementType = null), (this.index = 0), (this.ref = null), (this.pendingProps = o), (this.dependencies = this.memoizedState = this.updateQueue = this.memoizedProps = null), (this.mode = u), (this.subtreeFlags = this.flags = 0), (this.deletions = null), (this.childLanes = this.lanes = 0), (this.alternate = null); } function Bg(s, o, i, u) { return new $k(s, o, i, u); } function aj(s) { return !(!(s = s.prototype) || !s.isReactComponent); } function Pg(s, o) { var i = s.alternate; return ( null === i ? (((i = Bg(s.tag, o, s.key, s.mode)).elementType = s.elementType), (i.type = s.type), (i.stateNode = s.stateNode), (i.alternate = s), (s.alternate = i)) : ((i.pendingProps = o), (i.type = s.type), (i.flags = 0), (i.subtreeFlags = 0), (i.deletions = null)), (i.flags = 14680064 & s.flags), (i.childLanes = s.childLanes), (i.lanes = s.lanes), (i.child = s.child), (i.memoizedProps = s.memoizedProps), (i.memoizedState = s.memoizedState), (i.updateQueue = s.updateQueue), (o = s.dependencies), (i.dependencies = null === o ? null : { lanes: o.lanes, firstContext: o.firstContext }), (i.sibling = s.sibling), (i.index = s.index), (i.ref = s.ref), i ); } function Rg(s, o, i, u, _, w) { var x = 2; if (((u = s), 'function' == typeof s)) aj(s) && (x = 1); else if ('string' == typeof s) x = 5; else e: switch (s) { case ee: return Tg(i.children, _, w, o); case ie: (x = 8), (_ |= 8); break; case ae: return ((s = Bg(12, i, o, 2 | _)).elementType = ae), (s.lanes = w), s; case de: return ((s = Bg(13, i, o, _)).elementType = de), (s.lanes = w), s; case fe: return ((s = Bg(19, i, o, _)).elementType = fe), (s.lanes = w), s; case _e: return pj(i, _, w, o); default: if ('object' == typeof s && null !== s) switch (s.$$typeof) { case le: x = 10; break e; case ce: x = 9; break e; case pe: x = 11; break e; case ye: x = 14; break e; case be: (x = 16), (u = null); break e; } throw Error(p(130, null == s ? s : typeof s, '')); } return ((o = Bg(x, i, o, _)).elementType = s), (o.type = u), (o.lanes = w), o; } function Tg(s, o, i, u) { return ((s = Bg(7, s, u, o)).lanes = i), s; } function pj(s, o, i, u) { return ( ((s = Bg(22, s, u, o)).elementType = _e), (s.lanes = i), (s.stateNode = { isHidden: !1 }), s ); } function Qg(s, o, i) { return ((s = Bg(6, s, null, o)).lanes = i), s; } function Sg(s, o, i) { return ( ((o = Bg(4, null !== s.children ? s.children : [], s.key, o)).lanes = i), (o.stateNode = { containerInfo: s.containerInfo, pendingChildren: null, implementation: s.implementation }), o ); } function al(s, o, i, u, _) { (this.tag = o), (this.containerInfo = s), (this.finishedWork = this.pingCache = this.current = this.pendingChildren = null), (this.timeoutHandle = -1), (this.callbackNode = this.pendingContext = this.context = null), (this.callbackPriority = 0), (this.eventTimes = zc(0)), (this.expirationTimes = zc(-1)), (this.entangledLanes = this.finishedLanes = this.mutableReadLanes = this.expiredLanes = this.pingedLanes = this.suspendedLanes = this.pendingLanes = 0), (this.entanglements = zc(0)), (this.identifierPrefix = u), (this.onRecoverableError = _), (this.mutableSourceEagerHydrationData = null); } function bl(s, o, i, u, _, w, x, C, j) { return ( (s = new al(s, o, i, C, j)), 1 === o ? ((o = 1), !0 === w && (o |= 8)) : (o = 0), (w = Bg(3, null, null, o)), (s.current = w), (w.stateNode = s), (w.memoizedState = { element: u, isDehydrated: i, cache: null, transitions: null, pendingSuspenseBoundaries: null }), kh(w), s ); } function dl(s) { if (!s) return En; e: { if (Vb((s = s._reactInternals)) !== s || 1 !== s.tag) throw Error(p(170)); var o = s; do { switch (o.tag) { case 3: o = o.stateNode.context; break e; case 1: if (Zf(o.type)) { o = o.stateNode.__reactInternalMemoizedMergedChildContext; break e; } } o = o.return; } while (null !== o); throw Error(p(171)); } if (1 === s.tag) { var i = s.type; if (Zf(i)) return bg(s, i, o); } return o; } function el(s, o, i, u, _, w, x, C, j) { return ( ((s = bl(i, u, !0, s, 0, w, 0, C, j)).context = dl(null)), (i = s.current), ((w = mh((u = R()), (_ = yi(i)))).callback = null != o ? o : null), nh(i, w, _), (s.current.lanes = _), Ac(s, _, u), Dk(s, u), s ); } function fl(s, o, i, u) { var _ = o.current, w = R(), x = yi(_); return ( (i = dl(i)), null === o.context ? (o.context = i) : (o.pendingContext = i), ((o = mh(w, x)).payload = { element: s }), null !== (u = void 0 === u ? null : u) && (o.callback = u), null !== (s = nh(_, o, x)) && (gi(s, _, x, w), oh(s, _, x)), x ); } function gl(s) { return (s = s.current).child ? (s.child.tag, s.child.stateNode) : null; } function hl(s, o) { if (null !== (s = s.memoizedState) && null !== s.dehydrated) { var i = s.retryLane; s.retryLane = 0 !== i && i < o ? i : o; } } function il(s, o) { hl(s, o), (s = s.alternate) && hl(s, o); } Ts = function (s, o, i) { if (null !== s) if (s.memoizedProps !== o.pendingProps || Sn.current) _s = !0; else { if (!(s.lanes & i || 128 & o.flags)) return ( (_s = !1), (function yj(s, o, i) { switch (o.tag) { case 3: kj(o), Ig(); break; case 5: Ah(o); break; case 1: Zf(o.type) && cg(o); break; case 4: yh(o, o.stateNode.containerInfo); break; case 10: var u = o.type._context, _ = o.memoizedProps.value; G(zn, u._currentValue), (u._currentValue = _); break; case 13: if (null !== (u = o.memoizedState)) return null !== u.dehydrated ? (G(es, 1 & es.current), (o.flags |= 128), null) : i & o.child.childLanes ? oj(s, o, i) : (G(es, 1 & es.current), null !== (s = Zi(s, o, i)) ? s.sibling : null); G(es, 1 & es.current); break; case 19: if (((u = !!(i & o.childLanes)), 128 & s.flags)) { if (u) return xj(s, o, i); o.flags |= 128; } if ( (null !== (_ = o.memoizedState) && ((_.rendering = null), (_.tail = null), (_.lastEffect = null)), G(es, es.current), u) ) break; return null; case 22: case 23: return (o.lanes = 0), dj(s, o, i); } return Zi(s, o, i); })(s, o, i) ); _s = !!(131072 & s.flags); } else (_s = !1), Fn && 1048576 & o.flags && ug(o, Pn, o.index); switch (((o.lanes = 0), o.tag)) { case 2: var u = o.type; ij(s, o), (s = o.pendingProps); var _ = Yf(o, wn.current); ch(o, i), (_ = Nh(null, o, u, s, _, i)); var w = Sh(); return ( (o.flags |= 1), 'object' == typeof _ && null !== _ && 'function' == typeof _.render && void 0 === _.$$typeof ? ((o.tag = 1), (o.memoizedState = null), (o.updateQueue = null), Zf(u) ? ((w = !0), cg(o)) : (w = !1), (o.memoizedState = null !== _.state && void 0 !== _.state ? _.state : null), kh(o), (_.updater = ys), (o.stateNode = _), (_._reactInternals = o), Ii(o, u, s, i), (o = jj(null, o, u, !0, w, i))) : ((o.tag = 0), Fn && w && vg(o), Xi(null, o, _, i), (o = o.child)), o ); case 16: u = o.elementType; e: { switch ( (ij(s, o), (s = o.pendingProps), (u = (_ = u._init)(u._payload)), (o.type = u), (_ = o.tag = (function Zk(s) { if ('function' == typeof s) return aj(s) ? 1 : 0; if (null != s) { if ((s = s.$$typeof) === pe) return 11; if (s === ye) return 14; } return 2; })(u)), (s = Ci(u, s)), _) ) { case 0: o = cj(null, o, u, s, i); break e; case 1: o = hj(null, o, u, s, i); break e; case 11: o = Yi(null, o, u, s, i); break e; case 14: o = $i(null, o, u, Ci(u.type, s), i); break e; } throw Error(p(306, u, '')); } return o; case 0: return ( (u = o.type), (_ = o.pendingProps), cj(s, o, u, (_ = o.elementType === u ? _ : Ci(u, _)), i) ); case 1: return ( (u = o.type), (_ = o.pendingProps), hj(s, o, u, (_ = o.elementType === u ? _ : Ci(u, _)), i) ); case 3: e: { if ((kj(o), null === s)) throw Error(p(387)); (u = o.pendingProps), (_ = (w = o.memoizedState).element), lh(s, o), qh(o, u, null, i); var x = o.memoizedState; if (((u = x.element), w.isDehydrated)) { if ( ((w = { element: u, isDehydrated: !1, cache: x.cache, pendingSuspenseBoundaries: x.pendingSuspenseBoundaries, transitions: x.transitions }), (o.updateQueue.baseState = w), (o.memoizedState = w), 256 & o.flags) ) { o = lj(s, o, u, i, (_ = Ji(Error(p(423)), o))); break e; } if (u !== _) { o = lj(s, o, u, i, (_ = Ji(Error(p(424)), o))); break e; } for ( Bn = Lf(o.stateNode.containerInfo.firstChild), Ln = o, Fn = !0, qn = null, i = Un(o, null, u, i), o.child = i; i; ) (i.flags = (-3 & i.flags) | 4096), (i = i.sibling); } else { if ((Ig(), u === _)) { o = Zi(s, o, i); break e; } Xi(s, o, u, i); } o = o.child; } return o; case 5: return ( Ah(o), null === s && Eg(o), (u = o.type), (_ = o.pendingProps), (w = null !== s ? s.memoizedProps : null), (x = _.children), Ef(u, _) ? (x = null) : null !== w && Ef(u, w) && (o.flags |= 32), gj(s, o), Xi(s, o, x, i), o.child ); case 6: return null === s && Eg(o), null; case 13: return oj(s, o, i); case 4: return ( yh(o, o.stateNode.containerInfo), (u = o.pendingProps), null === s ? (o.child = Vn(o, null, u, i)) : Xi(s, o, u, i), o.child ); case 11: return ( (u = o.type), (_ = o.pendingProps), Yi(s, o, u, (_ = o.elementType === u ? _ : Ci(u, _)), i) ); case 7: return Xi(s, o, o.pendingProps, i), o.child; case 8: case 12: return Xi(s, o, o.pendingProps.children, i), o.child; case 10: e: { if ( ((u = o.type._context), (_ = o.pendingProps), (w = o.memoizedProps), (x = _.value), G(zn, u._currentValue), (u._currentValue = x), null !== w) ) if (Lr(w.value, x)) { if (w.children === _.children && !Sn.current) { o = Zi(s, o, i); break e; } } else for (null !== (w = o.child) && (w.return = o); null !== w; ) { var C = w.dependencies; if (null !== C) { x = w.child; for (var j = C.firstContext; null !== j; ) { if (j.context === u) { if (1 === w.tag) { (j = mh(-1, i & -i)).tag = 2; var L = w.updateQueue; if (null !== L) { var B = (L = L.shared).pending; null === B ? (j.next = j) : ((j.next = B.next), (B.next = j)), (L.pending = j); } } (w.lanes |= i), null !== (j = w.alternate) && (j.lanes |= i), bh(w.return, i, o), (C.lanes |= i); break; } j = j.next; } } else if (10 === w.tag) x = w.type === o.type ? null : w.child; else if (18 === w.tag) { if (null === (x = w.return)) throw Error(p(341)); (x.lanes |= i), null !== (C = x.alternate) && (C.lanes |= i), bh(x, i, o), (x = w.sibling); } else x = w.child; if (null !== x) x.return = w; else for (x = w; null !== x; ) { if (x === o) { x = null; break; } if (null !== (w = x.sibling)) { (w.return = x.return), (x = w); break; } x = x.return; } w = x; } Xi(s, o, _.children, i), (o = o.child); } return o; case 9: return ( (_ = o.type), (u = o.pendingProps.children), ch(o, i), (u = u((_ = eh(_)))), (o.flags |= 1), Xi(s, o, u, i), o.child ); case 14: return (_ = Ci((u = o.type), o.pendingProps)), $i(s, o, u, (_ = Ci(u.type, _)), i); case 15: return bj(s, o, o.type, o.pendingProps, i); case 17: return ( (u = o.type), (_ = o.pendingProps), (_ = o.elementType === u ? _ : Ci(u, _)), ij(s, o), (o.tag = 1), Zf(u) ? ((s = !0), cg(o)) : (s = !1), ch(o, i), Gi(o, u, _), Ii(o, u, _, i), jj(null, o, u, !0, s, i) ); case 19: return xj(s, o, i); case 22: return dj(s, o, i); } throw Error(p(156, o.tag)); }; var uo = 'function' == typeof reportError ? reportError : function (s) { console.error(s); }; function ll(s) { this._internalRoot = s; } function ml(s) { this._internalRoot = s; } function nl(s) { return !(!s || (1 !== s.nodeType && 9 !== s.nodeType && 11 !== s.nodeType)); } function ol(s) { return !( !s || (1 !== s.nodeType && 9 !== s.nodeType && 11 !== s.nodeType && (8 !== s.nodeType || ' react-mount-point-unstable ' !== s.nodeValue)) ); } function pl() {} function rl(s, o, i, u, _) { var w = i._reactRootContainer; if (w) { var x = w; if ('function' == typeof _) { var C = _; _ = function () { var s = gl(x); C.call(s); }; } fl(o, x, s, _); } else x = (function ql(s, o, i, u, _) { if (_) { if ('function' == typeof u) { var w = u; u = function () { var s = gl(x); w.call(s); }; } var x = el(o, u, s, 0, null, !1, 0, '', pl); return ( (s._reactRootContainer = x), (s[mn] = x.current), sf(8 === s.nodeType ? s.parentNode : s), Rk(), x ); } for (; (_ = s.lastChild); ) s.removeChild(_); if ('function' == typeof u) { var C = u; u = function () { var s = gl(j); C.call(s); }; } var j = bl(s, 0, !1, null, 0, !1, 0, '', pl); return ( (s._reactRootContainer = j), (s[mn] = j.current), sf(8 === s.nodeType ? s.parentNode : s), Rk(function () { fl(o, j, i, u); }), j ); })(i, o, s, _, u); return gl(x); } (ml.prototype.render = ll.prototype.render = function (s) { var o = this._internalRoot; if (null === o) throw Error(p(409)); fl(s, o, null, null); }), (ml.prototype.unmount = ll.prototype.unmount = function () { var s = this._internalRoot; if (null !== s) { this._internalRoot = null; var o = s.containerInfo; Rk(function () { fl(null, s, null, null); }), (o[mn] = null); } }), (ml.prototype.unstable_scheduleHydration = function (s) { if (s) { var o = Mt(); s = { blockedOn: null, target: s, priority: o }; for (var i = 0; i < $t.length && 0 !== o && o < $t[i].priority; i++); $t.splice(i, 0, s), 0 === i && Vc(s); } }), (jt = function (s) { switch (s.tag) { case 3: var o = s.stateNode; if (o.current.memoizedState.isDehydrated) { var i = tc(o.pendingLanes); 0 !== i && (Cc(o, 1 | i), Dk(o, dt()), !(6 & Bs) && ((Zs = dt() + 500), jg())); } break; case 13: Rk(function () { var o = ih(s, 1); if (null !== o) { var i = R(); gi(o, s, 1, i); } }), il(s, 1); } }), (It = function (s) { if (13 === s.tag) { var o = ih(s, 134217728); if (null !== o) gi(o, s, 134217728, R()); il(s, 134217728); } }), (Pt = function (s) { if (13 === s.tag) { var o = yi(s), i = ih(s, o); if (null !== i) gi(i, s, o, R()); il(s, o); } }), (Mt = function () { return At; }), (Tt = function (s, o) { var i = At; try { return (At = s), o(); } finally { At = i; } }), (Xe = function (s, o, i) { switch (o) { case 'input': if ((bb(s, i), (o = i.name), 'radio' === i.type && null != o)) { for (i = s; i.parentNode; ) i = i.parentNode; for ( i = i.querySelectorAll( 'input[name=' + JSON.stringify('' + o) + '][type="radio"]' ), o = 0; o < i.length; o++ ) { var u = i[o]; if (u !== s && u.form === s.form) { var _ = Db(u); if (!_) throw Error(p(90)); Wa(u), bb(u, _); } } } break; case 'textarea': ib(s, i); break; case 'select': null != (o = i.value) && fb(s, !!i.multiple, o, !1); } }), (Gb = Qk), (Hb = Rk); var po = { usingClientEntryPoint: !1, Events: [Cb, ue, Db, Eb, Fb, Qk] }, ho = { findFiberByHostInstance: Wc, bundleType: 0, version: '18.3.1', rendererPackageName: 'react-dom' }, fo = { bundleType: ho.bundleType, version: ho.version, rendererPackageName: ho.rendererPackageName, rendererConfig: ho.rendererConfig, overrideHookState: null, overrideHookStateDeletePath: null, overrideHookStateRenamePath: null, overrideProps: null, overridePropsDeletePath: null, overridePropsRenamePath: null, setErrorHandler: null, setSuspenseHandler: null, scheduleUpdate: null, currentDispatcherRef: z.ReactCurrentDispatcher, findHostInstanceByFiber: function (s) { return null === (s = Zb(s)) ? null : s.stateNode; }, findFiberByHostInstance: ho.findFiberByHostInstance || function jl() { return null; }, findHostInstancesForRefresh: null, scheduleRefresh: null, scheduleRoot: null, setRefreshHandler: null, getCurrentFiber: null, reconcilerVersion: '18.3.1-next-f1338f8080-20240426' }; if ('undefined' != typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__) { var mo = __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__; if (!mo.isDisabled && mo.supportsFiber) try { (Et = mo.inject(fo)), (wt = mo); } catch (qe) {} } (o.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED = po), (o.createPortal = function (s, o) { var i = 2 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : null; if (!nl(o)) throw Error(p(200)); return (function cl(s, o, i) { var u = 3 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : null; return { $$typeof: Z, key: null == u ? null : '' + u, children: s, containerInfo: o, implementation: i }; })(s, o, null, i); }), (o.createRoot = function (s, o) { if (!nl(s)) throw Error(p(299)); var i = !1, u = '', _ = uo; return ( null != o && (!0 === o.unstable_strictMode && (i = !0), void 0 !== o.identifierPrefix && (u = o.identifierPrefix), void 0 !== o.onRecoverableError && (_ = o.onRecoverableError)), (o = bl(s, 1, !1, null, 0, i, 0, u, _)), (s[mn] = o.current), sf(8 === s.nodeType ? s.parentNode : s), new ll(o) ); }), (o.findDOMNode = function (s) { if (null == s) return null; if (1 === s.nodeType) return s; var o = s._reactInternals; if (void 0 === o) { if ('function' == typeof s.render) throw Error(p(188)); throw ((s = Object.keys(s).join(',')), Error(p(268, s))); } return (s = null === (s = Zb(o)) ? null : s.stateNode); }), (o.flushSync = function (s) { return Rk(s); }), (o.hydrate = function (s, o, i) { if (!ol(o)) throw Error(p(200)); return rl(null, s, o, !0, i); }), (o.hydrateRoot = function (s, o, i) { if (!nl(s)) throw Error(p(405)); var u = (null != i && i.hydratedSources) || null, _ = !1, w = '', x = uo; if ( (null != i && (!0 === i.unstable_strictMode && (_ = !0), void 0 !== i.identifierPrefix && (w = i.identifierPrefix), void 0 !== i.onRecoverableError && (x = i.onRecoverableError)), (o = el(o, null, s, 1, null != i ? i : null, _, 0, w, x)), (s[mn] = o.current), sf(s), u) ) for (s = 0; s < u.length; s++) (_ = (_ = (i = u[s])._getVersion)(i._source)), null == o.mutableSourceEagerHydrationData ? (o.mutableSourceEagerHydrationData = [i, _]) : o.mutableSourceEagerHydrationData.push(i, _); return new ml(o); }), (o.render = function (s, o, i) { if (!ol(o)) throw Error(p(200)); return rl(null, s, o, !1, i); }), (o.unmountComponentAtNode = function (s) { if (!ol(s)) throw Error(p(40)); return ( !!s._reactRootContainer && (Rk(function () { rl(null, null, s, !1, function () { (s._reactRootContainer = null), (s[mn] = null); }); }), !0) ); }), (o.unstable_batchedUpdates = Qk), (o.unstable_renderSubtreeIntoContainer = function (s, o, i, u) { if (!ol(i)) throw Error(p(200)); if (null == s || void 0 === s._reactInternals) throw Error(p(38)); return rl(s, o, i, !1, u); }), (o.version = '18.3.1-next-f1338f8080-20240426'); }, 40961: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; !(function checkDCE() { if ( 'undefined' != typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ && 'function' == typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.checkDCE ) try { __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.checkDCE(checkDCE); } catch (s) { console.error(s); } })(), (s.exports = i(22551)); }, 2209: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u, _ = i(9404), w = function productionTypeChecker() { invariant(!1, 'ImmutablePropTypes type checking code is stripped in production.'); }; w.isRequired = w; var x = function getProductionTypeChecker() { return w; }; function getPropType(s) { var o = typeof s; return Array.isArray(s) ? 'array' : s instanceof RegExp ? 'object' : s instanceof _.Iterable ? 'Immutable.' + s.toSource().split(' ')[0] : o; } function createChainableTypeChecker(s) { function checkType(o, i, u, _, w, x) { for (var C = arguments.length, j = Array(C > 6 ? C - 6 : 0), L = 6; L < C; L++) j[L - 6] = arguments[L]; return ( (x = x || u), (_ = _ || '<>'), null != i[u] ? s.apply(void 0, [i, u, _, w, x].concat(j)) : o ? new Error('Required ' + w + ' `' + x + '` was not specified in `' + _ + '`.') : void 0 ); } var o = checkType.bind(null, !1); return (o.isRequired = checkType.bind(null, !0)), o; } function createIterableSubclassTypeChecker(s, o) { return (function createImmutableTypeChecker(s, o) { return createChainableTypeChecker(function validate(i, u, _, w, x) { var C = i[u]; if (!o(C)) { var j = getPropType(C); return new Error( 'Invalid ' + w + ' `' + x + '` of type `' + j + '` supplied to `' + _ + '`, expected `' + s + '`.' ); } return null; }); })('Iterable.' + s, function (s) { return _.Iterable.isIterable(s) && o(s); }); } ((u = { listOf: x, mapOf: x, orderedMapOf: x, setOf: x, orderedSetOf: x, stackOf: x, iterableOf: x, recordOf: x, shape: x, contains: x, mapContains: x, orderedMapContains: x, list: w, map: w, orderedMap: w, set: w, orderedSet: w, stack: w, seq: w, record: w, iterable: w }).iterable.indexed = createIterableSubclassTypeChecker('Indexed', _.Iterable.isIndexed)), (u.iterable.keyed = createIterableSubclassTypeChecker('Keyed', _.Iterable.isKeyed)), (s.exports = u); }, 15287: (s, o) => { 'use strict'; var i = Symbol.for('react.element'), u = Symbol.for('react.portal'), _ = Symbol.for('react.fragment'), w = Symbol.for('react.strict_mode'), x = Symbol.for('react.profiler'), C = Symbol.for('react.provider'), j = Symbol.for('react.context'), L = Symbol.for('react.forward_ref'), B = Symbol.for('react.suspense'), $ = Symbol.for('react.memo'), V = Symbol.for('react.lazy'), U = Symbol.iterator; var z = { isMounted: function () { return !1; }, enqueueForceUpdate: function () {}, enqueueReplaceState: function () {}, enqueueSetState: function () {} }, Y = Object.assign, Z = {}; function E(s, o, i) { (this.props = s), (this.context = o), (this.refs = Z), (this.updater = i || z); } function F() {} function G(s, o, i) { (this.props = s), (this.context = o), (this.refs = Z), (this.updater = i || z); } (E.prototype.isReactComponent = {}), (E.prototype.setState = function (s, o) { if ('object' != typeof s && 'function' != typeof s && null != s) throw Error( 'setState(...): takes an object of state variables to update or a function which returns an object of state variables.' ); this.updater.enqueueSetState(this, s, o, 'setState'); }), (E.prototype.forceUpdate = function (s) { this.updater.enqueueForceUpdate(this, s, 'forceUpdate'); }), (F.prototype = E.prototype); var ee = (G.prototype = new F()); (ee.constructor = G), Y(ee, E.prototype), (ee.isPureReactComponent = !0); var ie = Array.isArray, ae = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, le = { current: null }, ce = { key: !0, ref: !0, __self: !0, __source: !0 }; function M(s, o, u) { var _, w = {}, x = null, C = null; if (null != o) for (_ in (void 0 !== o.ref && (C = o.ref), void 0 !== o.key && (x = '' + o.key), o)) ae.call(o, _) && !ce.hasOwnProperty(_) && (w[_] = o[_]); var j = arguments.length - 2; if (1 === j) w.children = u; else if (1 < j) { for (var L = Array(j), B = 0; B < j; B++) L[B] = arguments[B + 2]; w.children = L; } if (s && s.defaultProps) for (_ in (j = s.defaultProps)) void 0 === w[_] && (w[_] = j[_]); return { $$typeof: i, type: s, key: x, ref: C, props: w, _owner: le.current }; } function O(s) { return 'object' == typeof s && null !== s && s.$$typeof === i; } var pe = /\/+/g; function Q(s, o) { return 'object' == typeof s && null !== s && null != s.key ? (function escape(s) { var o = { '=': '=0', ':': '=2' }; return ( '$' + s.replace(/[=:]/g, function (s) { return o[s]; }) ); })('' + s.key) : o.toString(36); } function R(s, o, _, w, x) { var C = typeof s; ('undefined' !== C && 'boolean' !== C) || (s = null); var j = !1; if (null === s) j = !0; else switch (C) { case 'string': case 'number': j = !0; break; case 'object': switch (s.$$typeof) { case i: case u: j = !0; } } if (j) return ( (x = x((j = s))), (s = '' === w ? '.' + Q(j, 0) : w), ie(x) ? ((_ = ''), null != s && (_ = s.replace(pe, '$&/') + '/'), R(x, o, _, '', function (s) { return s; })) : null != x && (O(x) && (x = (function N(s, o) { return { $$typeof: i, type: s.type, key: o, ref: s.ref, props: s.props, _owner: s._owner }; })( x, _ + (!x.key || (j && j.key === x.key) ? '' : ('' + x.key).replace(pe, '$&/') + '/') + s )), o.push(x)), 1 ); if (((j = 0), (w = '' === w ? '.' : w + ':'), ie(s))) for (var L = 0; L < s.length; L++) { var B = w + Q((C = s[L]), L); j += R(C, o, _, B, x); } else if ( ((B = (function A(s) { return null === s || 'object' != typeof s ? null : 'function' == typeof (s = (U && s[U]) || s['@@iterator']) ? s : null; })(s)), 'function' == typeof B) ) for (s = B.call(s), L = 0; !(C = s.next()).done; ) j += R((C = C.value), o, _, (B = w + Q(C, L++)), x); else if ('object' === C) throw ( ((o = String(s)), Error( 'Objects are not valid as a React child (found: ' + ('[object Object]' === o ? 'object with keys {' + Object.keys(s).join(', ') + '}' : o) + '). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead.' )) ); return j; } function S(s, o, i) { if (null == s) return s; var u = [], _ = 0; return ( R(s, u, '', '', function (s) { return o.call(i, s, _++); }), u ); } function T(s) { if (-1 === s._status) { var o = s._result; (o = o()).then( function (o) { (0 !== s._status && -1 !== s._status) || ((s._status = 1), (s._result = o)); }, function (o) { (0 !== s._status && -1 !== s._status) || ((s._status = 2), (s._result = o)); } ), -1 === s._status && ((s._status = 0), (s._result = o)); } if (1 === s._status) return s._result.default; throw s._result; } var de = { current: null }, fe = { transition: null }, ye = { ReactCurrentDispatcher: de, ReactCurrentBatchConfig: fe, ReactCurrentOwner: le }; function X() { throw Error('act(...) is not supported in production builds of React.'); } (o.Children = { map: S, forEach: function (s, o, i) { S( s, function () { o.apply(this, arguments); }, i ); }, count: function (s) { var o = 0; return ( S(s, function () { o++; }), o ); }, toArray: function (s) { return ( S(s, function (s) { return s; }) || [] ); }, only: function (s) { if (!O(s)) throw Error( 'React.Children.only expected to receive a single React element child.' ); return s; } }), (o.Component = E), (o.Fragment = _), (o.Profiler = x), (o.PureComponent = G), (o.StrictMode = w), (o.Suspense = B), (o.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED = ye), (o.act = X), (o.cloneElement = function (s, o, u) { if (null == s) throw Error( 'React.cloneElement(...): The argument must be a React element, but you passed ' + s + '.' ); var _ = Y({}, s.props), w = s.key, x = s.ref, C = s._owner; if (null != o) { if ( (void 0 !== o.ref && ((x = o.ref), (C = le.current)), void 0 !== o.key && (w = '' + o.key), s.type && s.type.defaultProps) ) var j = s.type.defaultProps; for (L in o) ae.call(o, L) && !ce.hasOwnProperty(L) && (_[L] = void 0 === o[L] && void 0 !== j ? j[L] : o[L]); } var L = arguments.length - 2; if (1 === L) _.children = u; else if (1 < L) { j = Array(L); for (var B = 0; B < L; B++) j[B] = arguments[B + 2]; _.children = j; } return { $$typeof: i, type: s.type, key: w, ref: x, props: _, _owner: C }; }), (o.createContext = function (s) { return ( ((s = { $$typeof: j, _currentValue: s, _currentValue2: s, _threadCount: 0, Provider: null, Consumer: null, _defaultValue: null, _globalName: null }).Provider = { $$typeof: C, _context: s }), (s.Consumer = s) ); }), (o.createElement = M), (o.createFactory = function (s) { var o = M.bind(null, s); return (o.type = s), o; }), (o.createRef = function () { return { current: null }; }), (o.forwardRef = function (s) { return { $$typeof: L, render: s }; }), (o.isValidElement = O), (o.lazy = function (s) { return { $$typeof: V, _payload: { _status: -1, _result: s }, _init: T }; }), (o.memo = function (s, o) { return { $$typeof: $, type: s, compare: void 0 === o ? null : o }; }), (o.startTransition = function (s) { var o = fe.transition; fe.transition = {}; try { s(); } finally { fe.transition = o; } }), (o.unstable_act = X), (o.useCallback = function (s, o) { return de.current.useCallback(s, o); }), (o.useContext = function (s) { return de.current.useContext(s); }), (o.useDebugValue = function () {}), (o.useDeferredValue = function (s) { return de.current.useDeferredValue(s); }), (o.useEffect = function (s, o) { return de.current.useEffect(s, o); }), (o.useId = function () { return de.current.useId(); }), (o.useImperativeHandle = function (s, o, i) { return de.current.useImperativeHandle(s, o, i); }), (o.useInsertionEffect = function (s, o) { return de.current.useInsertionEffect(s, o); }), (o.useLayoutEffect = function (s, o) { return de.current.useLayoutEffect(s, o); }), (o.useMemo = function (s, o) { return de.current.useMemo(s, o); }), (o.useReducer = function (s, o, i) { return de.current.useReducer(s, o, i); }), (o.useRef = function (s) { return de.current.useRef(s); }), (o.useState = function (s) { return de.current.useState(s); }), (o.useSyncExternalStore = function (s, o, i) { return de.current.useSyncExternalStore(s, o, i); }), (o.useTransition = function () { return de.current.useTransition(); }), (o.version = '18.3.1'); }, 96540: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; s.exports = i(15287); }, 86048: (s) => { 'use strict'; var o = {}; function createErrorType(s, i, u) { u || (u = Error); var _ = (function (s) { function NodeError(o, u, _) { return ( s.call( this, (function getMessage(s, o, u) { return 'string' == typeof i ? i : i(s, o, u); })(o, u, _) ) || this ); } return ( (function _inheritsLoose(s, o) { (s.prototype = Object.create(o.prototype)), (s.prototype.constructor = s), (s.__proto__ = o); })(NodeError, s), NodeError ); })(u); (_.prototype.name = u.name), (_.prototype.code = s), (o[s] = _); } function oneOf(s, o) { if (Array.isArray(s)) { var i = s.length; return ( (s = s.map(function (s) { return String(s); })), i > 2 ? 'one of '.concat(o, ' ').concat(s.slice(0, i - 1).join(', '), ', or ') + s[i - 1] : 2 === i ? 'one of '.concat(o, ' ').concat(s[0], ' or ').concat(s[1]) : 'of '.concat(o, ' ').concat(s[0]) ); } return 'of '.concat(o, ' ').concat(String(s)); } createErrorType( 'ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE', function (s, o) { return 'The value "' + o + '" is invalid for option "' + s + '"'; }, TypeError ), createErrorType( 'ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE', function (s, o, i) { var u, _; if ( ('string' == typeof o && (function startsWith(s, o, i) { return s.substr(!i || i < 0 ? 0 : +i, o.length) === o; })(o, 'not ') ? ((u = 'must not be'), (o = o.replace(/^not /, ''))) : (u = 'must be'), (function endsWith(s, o, i) { return ( (void 0 === i || i > s.length) && (i = s.length), s.substring(i - o.length, i) === o ); })(s, ' argument')) ) _ = 'The '.concat(s, ' ').concat(u, ' ').concat(oneOf(o, 'type')); else { var w = (function includes(s, o, i) { return ( 'number' != typeof i && (i = 0), !(i + o.length > s.length) && -1 !== s.indexOf(o, i) ); })(s, '.') ? 'property' : 'argument'; _ = 'The "' .concat(s, '" ') .concat(w, ' ') .concat(u, ' ') .concat(oneOf(o, 'type')); } return (_ += '. Received type '.concat(typeof i)); }, TypeError ), createErrorType('ERR_STREAM_PUSH_AFTER_EOF', 'stream.push() after EOF'), createErrorType('ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED', function (s) { return 'The ' + s + ' method is not implemented'; }), createErrorType('ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE', 'Premature close'), createErrorType('ERR_STREAM_DESTROYED', function (s) { return 'Cannot call ' + s + ' after a stream was destroyed'; }), createErrorType('ERR_MULTIPLE_CALLBACK', 'Callback called multiple times'), createErrorType('ERR_STREAM_CANNOT_PIPE', 'Cannot pipe, not readable'), createErrorType('ERR_STREAM_WRITE_AFTER_END', 'write after end'), createErrorType( 'ERR_STREAM_NULL_VALUES', 'May not write null values to stream', TypeError ), createErrorType( 'ERR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING', function (s) { return 'Unknown encoding: ' + s; }, TypeError ), createErrorType( 'ERR_STREAM_UNSHIFT_AFTER_END_EVENT', 'stream.unshift() after end event' ), (s.exports.F = o); }, 25382: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(65606), _ = Object.keys || function (s) { var o = []; for (var i in s) o.push(i); return o; }; s.exports = Duplex; var w = i(45412), x = i(16708); i(56698)(Duplex, w); for (var C = _(x.prototype), j = 0; j < C.length; j++) { var L = C[j]; Duplex.prototype[L] || (Duplex.prototype[L] = x.prototype[L]); } function Duplex(s) { if (!(this instanceof Duplex)) return new Duplex(s); w.call(this, s), x.call(this, s), (this.allowHalfOpen = !0), s && (!1 === s.readable && (this.readable = !1), !1 === s.writable && (this.writable = !1), !1 === s.allowHalfOpen && ((this.allowHalfOpen = !1), this.once('end', onend))); } function onend() { this._writableState.ended || u.nextTick(onEndNT, this); } function onEndNT(s) { s.end(); } Object.defineProperty(Duplex.prototype, 'writableHighWaterMark', { enumerable: !1, get: function get() { return this._writableState.highWaterMark; } }), Object.defineProperty(Duplex.prototype, 'writableBuffer', { enumerable: !1, get: function get() { return this._writableState && this._writableState.getBuffer(); } }), Object.defineProperty(Duplex.prototype, 'writableLength', { enumerable: !1, get: function get() { return this._writableState.length; } }), Object.defineProperty(Duplex.prototype, 'destroyed', { enumerable: !1, get: function get() { return ( void 0 !== this._readableState && void 0 !== this._writableState && this._readableState.destroyed && this._writableState.destroyed ); }, set: function set(s) { void 0 !== this._readableState && void 0 !== this._writableState && ((this._readableState.destroyed = s), (this._writableState.destroyed = s)); } }); }, 63600: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; s.exports = PassThrough; var u = i(74610); function PassThrough(s) { if (!(this instanceof PassThrough)) return new PassThrough(s); u.call(this, s); } i(56698)(PassThrough, u), (PassThrough.prototype._transform = function (s, o, i) { i(null, s); }); }, 45412: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u, _ = i(65606); (s.exports = Readable), (Readable.ReadableState = ReadableState); i(37007).EventEmitter; var w = function EElistenerCount(s, o) { return s.listeners(o).length; }, x = i(40345), C = i(48287).Buffer, j = (void 0 !== i.g ? i.g : 'undefined' != typeof window ? window : 'undefined' != typeof self ? self : {} ).Uint8Array || function () {}; var L, B = i(79838); L = B && B.debuglog ? B.debuglog('stream') : function debug() {}; var $, V, U, z = i(80345), Y = i(75896), Z = i(65291).getHighWaterMark, ee = i(86048).F, ie = ee.ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, ae = ee.ERR_STREAM_PUSH_AFTER_EOF, le = ee.ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, ce = ee.ERR_STREAM_UNSHIFT_AFTER_END_EVENT; i(56698)(Readable, x); var pe = Y.errorOrDestroy, de = ['error', 'close', 'destroy', 'pause', 'resume']; function ReadableState(s, o, _) { (u = u || i(25382)), (s = s || {}), 'boolean' != typeof _ && (_ = o instanceof u), (this.objectMode = !!s.objectMode), _ && (this.objectMode = this.objectMode || !!s.readableObjectMode), (this.highWaterMark = Z(this, s, 'readableHighWaterMark', _)), (this.buffer = new z()), (this.length = 0), (this.pipes = null), (this.pipesCount = 0), (this.flowing = null), (this.ended = !1), (this.endEmitted = !1), (this.reading = !1), (this.sync = !0), (this.needReadable = !1), (this.emittedReadable = !1), (this.readableListening = !1), (this.resumeScheduled = !1), (this.paused = !0), (this.emitClose = !1 !== s.emitClose), (this.autoDestroy = !!s.autoDestroy), (this.destroyed = !1), (this.defaultEncoding = s.defaultEncoding || 'utf8'), (this.awaitDrain = 0), (this.readingMore = !1), (this.decoder = null), (this.encoding = null), s.encoding && ($ || ($ = i(83141).I), (this.decoder = new $(s.encoding)), (this.encoding = s.encoding)); } function Readable(s) { if (((u = u || i(25382)), !(this instanceof Readable))) return new Readable(s); var o = this instanceof u; (this._readableState = new ReadableState(s, this, o)), (this.readable = !0), s && ('function' == typeof s.read && (this._read = s.read), 'function' == typeof s.destroy && (this._destroy = s.destroy)), x.call(this); } function readableAddChunk(s, o, i, u, _) { L('readableAddChunk', o); var w, x = s._readableState; if (null === o) (x.reading = !1), (function onEofChunk(s, o) { if ((L('onEofChunk'), o.ended)) return; if (o.decoder) { var i = o.decoder.end(); i && i.length && (o.buffer.push(i), (o.length += o.objectMode ? 1 : i.length)); } (o.ended = !0), o.sync ? emitReadable(s) : ((o.needReadable = !1), o.emittedReadable || ((o.emittedReadable = !0), emitReadable_(s))); })(s, x); else if ( (_ || (w = (function chunkInvalid(s, o) { var i; (function _isUint8Array(s) { return C.isBuffer(s) || s instanceof j; })(o) || 'string' == typeof o || void 0 === o || s.objectMode || (i = new ie('chunk', ['string', 'Buffer', 'Uint8Array'], o)); return i; })(x, o)), w) ) pe(s, w); else if (x.objectMode || (o && o.length > 0)) if ( ('string' == typeof o || x.objectMode || Object.getPrototypeOf(o) === C.prototype || (o = (function _uint8ArrayToBuffer(s) { return C.from(s); })(o)), u) ) x.endEmitted ? pe(s, new ce()) : addChunk(s, x, o, !0); else if (x.ended) pe(s, new ae()); else { if (x.destroyed) return !1; (x.reading = !1), x.decoder && !i ? ((o = x.decoder.write(o)), x.objectMode || 0 !== o.length ? addChunk(s, x, o, !1) : maybeReadMore(s, x)) : addChunk(s, x, o, !1); } else u || ((x.reading = !1), maybeReadMore(s, x)); return !x.ended && (x.length < x.highWaterMark || 0 === x.length); } function addChunk(s, o, i, u) { o.flowing && 0 === o.length && !o.sync ? ((o.awaitDrain = 0), s.emit('data', i)) : ((o.length += o.objectMode ? 1 : i.length), u ? o.buffer.unshift(i) : o.buffer.push(i), o.needReadable && emitReadable(s)), maybeReadMore(s, o); } Object.defineProperty(Readable.prototype, 'destroyed', { enumerable: !1, get: function get() { return void 0 !== this._readableState && this._readableState.destroyed; }, set: function set(s) { this._readableState && (this._readableState.destroyed = s); } }), (Readable.prototype.destroy = Y.destroy), (Readable.prototype._undestroy = Y.undestroy), (Readable.prototype._destroy = function (s, o) { o(s); }), (Readable.prototype.push = function (s, o) { var i, u = this._readableState; return ( u.objectMode ? (i = !0) : 'string' == typeof s && ((o = o || u.defaultEncoding) !== u.encoding && ((s = C.from(s, o)), (o = '')), (i = !0)), readableAddChunk(this, s, o, !1, i) ); }), (Readable.prototype.unshift = function (s) { return readableAddChunk(this, s, null, !0, !1); }), (Readable.prototype.isPaused = function () { return !1 === this._readableState.flowing; }), (Readable.prototype.setEncoding = function (s) { $ || ($ = i(83141).I); var o = new $(s); (this._readableState.decoder = o), (this._readableState.encoding = this._readableState.decoder.encoding); for (var u = this._readableState.buffer.head, _ = ''; null !== u; ) (_ += o.write(u.data)), (u = u.next); return ( this._readableState.buffer.clear(), '' !== _ && this._readableState.buffer.push(_), (this._readableState.length = _.length), this ); }); var fe = 1073741824; function howMuchToRead(s, o) { return s <= 0 || (0 === o.length && o.ended) ? 0 : o.objectMode ? 1 : s != s ? o.flowing && o.length ? o.buffer.head.data.length : o.length : (s > o.highWaterMark && (o.highWaterMark = (function computeNewHighWaterMark(s) { return ( s >= fe ? (s = fe) : (s--, (s |= s >>> 1), (s |= s >>> 2), (s |= s >>> 4), (s |= s >>> 8), (s |= s >>> 16), s++), s ); })(s)), s <= o.length ? s : o.ended ? o.length : ((o.needReadable = !0), 0)); } function emitReadable(s) { var o = s._readableState; L('emitReadable', o.needReadable, o.emittedReadable), (o.needReadable = !1), o.emittedReadable || (L('emitReadable', o.flowing), (o.emittedReadable = !0), _.nextTick(emitReadable_, s)); } function emitReadable_(s) { var o = s._readableState; L('emitReadable_', o.destroyed, o.length, o.ended), o.destroyed || (!o.length && !o.ended) || (s.emit('readable'), (o.emittedReadable = !1)), (o.needReadable = !o.flowing && !o.ended && o.length <= o.highWaterMark), flow(s); } function maybeReadMore(s, o) { o.readingMore || ((o.readingMore = !0), _.nextTick(maybeReadMore_, s, o)); } function maybeReadMore_(s, o) { for ( ; !o.reading && !o.ended && (o.length < o.highWaterMark || (o.flowing && 0 === o.length)); ) { var i = o.length; if ((L('maybeReadMore read 0'), s.read(0), i === o.length)) break; } o.readingMore = !1; } function updateReadableListening(s) { var o = s._readableState; (o.readableListening = s.listenerCount('readable') > 0), o.resumeScheduled && !o.paused ? (o.flowing = !0) : s.listenerCount('data') > 0 && s.resume(); } function nReadingNextTick(s) { L('readable nexttick read 0'), s.read(0); } function resume_(s, o) { L('resume', o.reading), o.reading || s.read(0), (o.resumeScheduled = !1), s.emit('resume'), flow(s), o.flowing && !o.reading && s.read(0); } function flow(s) { var o = s._readableState; for (L('flow', o.flowing); o.flowing && null !== s.read(); ); } function fromList(s, o) { return 0 === o.length ? null : (o.objectMode ? (i = o.buffer.shift()) : !s || s >= o.length ? ((i = o.decoder ? o.buffer.join('') : 1 === o.buffer.length ? o.buffer.first() : o.buffer.concat(o.length)), o.buffer.clear()) : (i = o.buffer.consume(s, o.decoder)), i); var i; } function endReadable(s) { var o = s._readableState; L('endReadable', o.endEmitted), o.endEmitted || ((o.ended = !0), _.nextTick(endReadableNT, o, s)); } function endReadableNT(s, o) { if ( (L('endReadableNT', s.endEmitted, s.length), !s.endEmitted && 0 === s.length && ((s.endEmitted = !0), (o.readable = !1), o.emit('end'), s.autoDestroy)) ) { var i = o._writableState; (!i || (i.autoDestroy && i.finished)) && o.destroy(); } } function indexOf(s, o) { for (var i = 0, u = s.length; i < u; i++) if (s[i] === o) return i; return -1; } (Readable.prototype.read = function (s) { L('read', s), (s = parseInt(s, 10)); var o = this._readableState, i = s; if ( (0 !== s && (o.emittedReadable = !1), 0 === s && o.needReadable && ((0 !== o.highWaterMark ? o.length >= o.highWaterMark : o.length > 0) || o.ended)) ) return ( L('read: emitReadable', o.length, o.ended), 0 === o.length && o.ended ? endReadable(this) : emitReadable(this), null ); if (0 === (s = howMuchToRead(s, o)) && o.ended) return 0 === o.length && endReadable(this), null; var u, _ = o.needReadable; return ( L('need readable', _), (0 === o.length || o.length - s < o.highWaterMark) && L('length less than watermark', (_ = !0)), o.ended || o.reading ? L('reading or ended', (_ = !1)) : _ && (L('do read'), (o.reading = !0), (o.sync = !0), 0 === o.length && (o.needReadable = !0), this._read(o.highWaterMark), (o.sync = !1), o.reading || (s = howMuchToRead(i, o))), null === (u = s > 0 ? fromList(s, o) : null) ? ((o.needReadable = o.length <= o.highWaterMark), (s = 0)) : ((o.length -= s), (o.awaitDrain = 0)), 0 === o.length && (o.ended || (o.needReadable = !0), i !== s && o.ended && endReadable(this)), null !== u && this.emit('data', u), u ); }), (Readable.prototype._read = function (s) { pe(this, new le('_read()')); }), (Readable.prototype.pipe = function (s, o) { var i = this, u = this._readableState; switch (u.pipesCount) { case 0: u.pipes = s; break; case 1: u.pipes = [u.pipes, s]; break; default: u.pipes.push(s); } (u.pipesCount += 1), L('pipe count=%d opts=%j', u.pipesCount, o); var x = (!o || !1 !== o.end) && s !== _.stdout && s !== _.stderr ? onend : unpipe; function onunpipe(o, _) { L('onunpipe'), o === i && _ && !1 === _.hasUnpiped && ((_.hasUnpiped = !0), (function cleanup() { L('cleanup'), s.removeListener('close', onclose), s.removeListener('finish', onfinish), s.removeListener('drain', C), s.removeListener('error', onerror), s.removeListener('unpipe', onunpipe), i.removeListener('end', onend), i.removeListener('end', unpipe), i.removeListener('data', ondata), (j = !0), !u.awaitDrain || (s._writableState && !s._writableState.needDrain) || C(); })()); } function onend() { L('onend'), s.end(); } u.endEmitted ? _.nextTick(x) : i.once('end', x), s.on('unpipe', onunpipe); var C = (function pipeOnDrain(s) { return function pipeOnDrainFunctionResult() { var o = s._readableState; L('pipeOnDrain', o.awaitDrain), o.awaitDrain && o.awaitDrain--, 0 === o.awaitDrain && w(s, 'data') && ((o.flowing = !0), flow(s)); }; })(i); s.on('drain', C); var j = !1; function ondata(o) { L('ondata'); var _ = s.write(o); L('dest.write', _), !1 === _ && (((1 === u.pipesCount && u.pipes === s) || (u.pipesCount > 1 && -1 !== indexOf(u.pipes, s))) && !j && (L('false write response, pause', u.awaitDrain), u.awaitDrain++), i.pause()); } function onerror(o) { L('onerror', o), unpipe(), s.removeListener('error', onerror), 0 === w(s, 'error') && pe(s, o); } function onclose() { s.removeListener('finish', onfinish), unpipe(); } function onfinish() { L('onfinish'), s.removeListener('close', onclose), unpipe(); } function unpipe() { L('unpipe'), i.unpipe(s); } return ( i.on('data', ondata), (function prependListener(s, o, i) { if ('function' == typeof s.prependListener) return s.prependListener(o, i); s._events && s._events[o] ? Array.isArray(s._events[o]) ? s._events[o].unshift(i) : (s._events[o] = [i, s._events[o]]) : s.on(o, i); })(s, 'error', onerror), s.once('close', onclose), s.once('finish', onfinish), s.emit('pipe', i), u.flowing || (L('pipe resume'), i.resume()), s ); }), (Readable.prototype.unpipe = function (s) { var o = this._readableState, i = { hasUnpiped: !1 }; if (0 === o.pipesCount) return this; if (1 === o.pipesCount) return ( (s && s !== o.pipes) || (s || (s = o.pipes), (o.pipes = null), (o.pipesCount = 0), (o.flowing = !1), s && s.emit('unpipe', this, i)), this ); if (!s) { var u = o.pipes, _ = o.pipesCount; (o.pipes = null), (o.pipesCount = 0), (o.flowing = !1); for (var w = 0; w < _; w++) u[w].emit('unpipe', this, { hasUnpiped: !1 }); return this; } var x = indexOf(o.pipes, s); return ( -1 === x || (o.pipes.splice(x, 1), (o.pipesCount -= 1), 1 === o.pipesCount && (o.pipes = o.pipes[0]), s.emit('unpipe', this, i)), this ); }), (Readable.prototype.on = function (s, o) { var i = x.prototype.on.call(this, s, o), u = this._readableState; return ( 'data' === s ? ((u.readableListening = this.listenerCount('readable') > 0), !1 !== u.flowing && this.resume()) : 'readable' === s && (u.endEmitted || u.readableListening || ((u.readableListening = u.needReadable = !0), (u.flowing = !1), (u.emittedReadable = !1), L('on readable', u.length, u.reading), u.length ? emitReadable(this) : u.reading || _.nextTick(nReadingNextTick, this))), i ); }), (Readable.prototype.addListener = Readable.prototype.on), (Readable.prototype.removeListener = function (s, o) { var i = x.prototype.removeListener.call(this, s, o); return 'readable' === s && _.nextTick(updateReadableListening, this), i; }), (Readable.prototype.removeAllListeners = function (s) { var o = x.prototype.removeAllListeners.apply(this, arguments); return ( ('readable' !== s && void 0 !== s) || _.nextTick(updateReadableListening, this), o ); }), (Readable.prototype.resume = function () { var s = this._readableState; return ( s.flowing || (L('resume'), (s.flowing = !s.readableListening), (function resume(s, o) { o.resumeScheduled || ((o.resumeScheduled = !0), _.nextTick(resume_, s, o)); })(this, s)), (s.paused = !1), this ); }), (Readable.prototype.pause = function () { return ( L('call pause flowing=%j', this._readableState.flowing), !1 !== this._readableState.flowing && (L('pause'), (this._readableState.flowing = !1), this.emit('pause')), (this._readableState.paused = !0), this ); }), (Readable.prototype.wrap = function (s) { var o = this, i = this._readableState, u = !1; for (var _ in (s.on('end', function () { if ((L('wrapped end'), i.decoder && !i.ended)) { var s = i.decoder.end(); s && s.length && o.push(s); } o.push(null); }), s.on('data', function (_) { (L('wrapped data'), i.decoder && (_ = i.decoder.write(_)), i.objectMode && null == _) || ((i.objectMode || (_ && _.length)) && (o.push(_) || ((u = !0), s.pause()))); }), s)) void 0 === this[_] && 'function' == typeof s[_] && (this[_] = (function methodWrap(o) { return function methodWrapReturnFunction() { return s[o].apply(s, arguments); }; })(_)); for (var w = 0; w < de.length; w++) s.on(de[w], this.emit.bind(this, de[w])); return ( (this._read = function (o) { L('wrapped _read', o), u && ((u = !1), s.resume()); }), this ); }), 'function' == typeof Symbol && (Readable.prototype[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return void 0 === V && (V = i(2955)), V(this); }), Object.defineProperty(Readable.prototype, 'readableHighWaterMark', { enumerable: !1, get: function get() { return this._readableState.highWaterMark; } }), Object.defineProperty(Readable.prototype, 'readableBuffer', { enumerable: !1, get: function get() { return this._readableState && this._readableState.buffer; } }), Object.defineProperty(Readable.prototype, 'readableFlowing', { enumerable: !1, get: function get() { return this._readableState.flowing; }, set: function set(s) { this._readableState && (this._readableState.flowing = s); } }), (Readable._fromList = fromList), Object.defineProperty(Readable.prototype, 'readableLength', { enumerable: !1, get: function get() { return this._readableState.length; } }), 'function' == typeof Symbol && (Readable.from = function (s, o) { return void 0 === U && (U = i(55157)), U(Readable, s, o); }); }, 74610: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; s.exports = Transform; var u = i(86048).F, _ = u.ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, w = u.ERR_MULTIPLE_CALLBACK, x = u.ERR_TRANSFORM_ALREADY_TRANSFORMING, C = u.ERR_TRANSFORM_WITH_LENGTH_0, j = i(25382); function afterTransform(s, o) { var i = this._transformState; i.transforming = !1; var u = i.writecb; if (null === u) return this.emit('error', new w()); (i.writechunk = null), (i.writecb = null), null != o && this.push(o), u(s); var _ = this._readableState; (_.reading = !1), (_.needReadable || _.length < _.highWaterMark) && this._read(_.highWaterMark); } function Transform(s) { if (!(this instanceof Transform)) return new Transform(s); j.call(this, s), (this._transformState = { afterTransform: afterTransform.bind(this), needTransform: !1, transforming: !1, writecb: null, writechunk: null, writeencoding: null }), (this._readableState.needReadable = !0), (this._readableState.sync = !1), s && ('function' == typeof s.transform && (this._transform = s.transform), 'function' == typeof s.flush && (this._flush = s.flush)), this.on('prefinish', prefinish); } function prefinish() { var s = this; 'function' != typeof this._flush || this._readableState.destroyed ? done(this, null, null) : this._flush(function (o, i) { done(s, o, i); }); } function done(s, o, i) { if (o) return s.emit('error', o); if ((null != i && s.push(i), s._writableState.length)) throw new C(); if (s._transformState.transforming) throw new x(); return s.push(null); } i(56698)(Transform, j), (Transform.prototype.push = function (s, o) { return (this._transformState.needTransform = !1), j.prototype.push.call(this, s, o); }), (Transform.prototype._transform = function (s, o, i) { i(new _('_transform()')); }), (Transform.prototype._write = function (s, o, i) { var u = this._transformState; if (((u.writecb = i), (u.writechunk = s), (u.writeencoding = o), !u.transforming)) { var _ = this._readableState; (u.needTransform || _.needReadable || _.length < _.highWaterMark) && this._read(_.highWaterMark); } }), (Transform.prototype._read = function (s) { var o = this._transformState; null === o.writechunk || o.transforming ? (o.needTransform = !0) : ((o.transforming = !0), this._transform(o.writechunk, o.writeencoding, o.afterTransform)); }), (Transform.prototype._destroy = function (s, o) { j.prototype._destroy.call(this, s, function (s) { o(s); }); }); }, 16708: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u, _ = i(65606); function CorkedRequest(s) { var o = this; (this.next = null), (this.entry = null), (this.finish = function () { !(function onCorkedFinish(s, o, i) { var u = s.entry; s.entry = null; for (; u; ) { var _ = u.callback; o.pendingcb--, _(i), (u = u.next); } o.corkedRequestsFree.next = s; })(o, s); }); } (s.exports = Writable), (Writable.WritableState = WritableState); var w = { deprecate: i(94643) }, x = i(40345), C = i(48287).Buffer, j = (void 0 !== i.g ? i.g : 'undefined' != typeof window ? window : 'undefined' != typeof self ? self : {} ).Uint8Array || function () {}; var L, B = i(75896), $ = i(65291).getHighWaterMark, V = i(86048).F, U = V.ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, z = V.ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, Y = V.ERR_MULTIPLE_CALLBACK, Z = V.ERR_STREAM_CANNOT_PIPE, ee = V.ERR_STREAM_DESTROYED, ie = V.ERR_STREAM_NULL_VALUES, ae = V.ERR_STREAM_WRITE_AFTER_END, le = V.ERR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING, ce = B.errorOrDestroy; function nop() {} function WritableState(s, o, w) { (u = u || i(25382)), (s = s || {}), 'boolean' != typeof w && (w = o instanceof u), (this.objectMode = !!s.objectMode), w && (this.objectMode = this.objectMode || !!s.writableObjectMode), (this.highWaterMark = $(this, s, 'writableHighWaterMark', w)), (this.finalCalled = !1), (this.needDrain = !1), (this.ending = !1), (this.ended = !1), (this.finished = !1), (this.destroyed = !1); var x = !1 === s.decodeStrings; (this.decodeStrings = !x), (this.defaultEncoding = s.defaultEncoding || 'utf8'), (this.length = 0), (this.writing = !1), (this.corked = 0), (this.sync = !0), (this.bufferProcessing = !1), (this.onwrite = function (s) { !(function onwrite(s, o) { var i = s._writableState, u = i.sync, w = i.writecb; if ('function' != typeof w) throw new Y(); if ( ((function onwriteStateUpdate(s) { (s.writing = !1), (s.writecb = null), (s.length -= s.writelen), (s.writelen = 0); })(i), o) ) !(function onwriteError(s, o, i, u, w) { --o.pendingcb, i ? (_.nextTick(w, u), _.nextTick(finishMaybe, s, o), (s._writableState.errorEmitted = !0), ce(s, u)) : (w(u), (s._writableState.errorEmitted = !0), ce(s, u), finishMaybe(s, o)); })(s, i, u, o, w); else { var x = needFinish(i) || s.destroyed; x || i.corked || i.bufferProcessing || !i.bufferedRequest || clearBuffer(s, i), u ? _.nextTick(afterWrite, s, i, x, w) : afterWrite(s, i, x, w); } })(o, s); }), (this.writecb = null), (this.writelen = 0), (this.bufferedRequest = null), (this.lastBufferedRequest = null), (this.pendingcb = 0), (this.prefinished = !1), (this.errorEmitted = !1), (this.emitClose = !1 !== s.emitClose), (this.autoDestroy = !!s.autoDestroy), (this.bufferedRequestCount = 0), (this.corkedRequestsFree = new CorkedRequest(this)); } function Writable(s) { var o = this instanceof (u = u || i(25382)); if (!o && !L.call(Writable, this)) return new Writable(s); (this._writableState = new WritableState(s, this, o)), (this.writable = !0), s && ('function' == typeof s.write && (this._write = s.write), 'function' == typeof s.writev && (this._writev = s.writev), 'function' == typeof s.destroy && (this._destroy = s.destroy), 'function' == typeof s.final && (this._final = s.final)), x.call(this); } function doWrite(s, o, i, u, _, w, x) { (o.writelen = u), (o.writecb = x), (o.writing = !0), (o.sync = !0), o.destroyed ? o.onwrite(new ee('write')) : i ? s._writev(_, o.onwrite) : s._write(_, w, o.onwrite), (o.sync = !1); } function afterWrite(s, o, i, u) { i || (function onwriteDrain(s, o) { 0 === o.length && o.needDrain && ((o.needDrain = !1), s.emit('drain')); })(s, o), o.pendingcb--, u(), finishMaybe(s, o); } function clearBuffer(s, o) { o.bufferProcessing = !0; var i = o.bufferedRequest; if (s._writev && i && i.next) { var u = o.bufferedRequestCount, _ = new Array(u), w = o.corkedRequestsFree; w.entry = i; for (var x = 0, C = !0; i; ) (_[x] = i), i.isBuf || (C = !1), (i = i.next), (x += 1); (_.allBuffers = C), doWrite(s, o, !0, o.length, _, '', w.finish), o.pendingcb++, (o.lastBufferedRequest = null), w.next ? ((o.corkedRequestsFree = w.next), (w.next = null)) : (o.corkedRequestsFree = new CorkedRequest(o)), (o.bufferedRequestCount = 0); } else { for (; i; ) { var j = i.chunk, L = i.encoding, B = i.callback; if ( (doWrite(s, o, !1, o.objectMode ? 1 : j.length, j, L, B), (i = i.next), o.bufferedRequestCount--, o.writing) ) break; } null === i && (o.lastBufferedRequest = null); } (o.bufferedRequest = i), (o.bufferProcessing = !1); } function needFinish(s) { return ( s.ending && 0 === s.length && null === s.bufferedRequest && !s.finished && !s.writing ); } function callFinal(s, o) { s._final(function (i) { o.pendingcb--, i && ce(s, i), (o.prefinished = !0), s.emit('prefinish'), finishMaybe(s, o); }); } function finishMaybe(s, o) { var i = needFinish(o); if ( i && ((function prefinish(s, o) { o.prefinished || o.finalCalled || ('function' != typeof s._final || o.destroyed ? ((o.prefinished = !0), s.emit('prefinish')) : (o.pendingcb++, (o.finalCalled = !0), _.nextTick(callFinal, s, o))); })(s, o), 0 === o.pendingcb && ((o.finished = !0), s.emit('finish'), o.autoDestroy)) ) { var u = s._readableState; (!u || (u.autoDestroy && u.endEmitted)) && s.destroy(); } return i; } i(56698)(Writable, x), (WritableState.prototype.getBuffer = function getBuffer() { for (var s = this.bufferedRequest, o = []; s; ) o.push(s), (s = s.next); return o; }), (function () { try { Object.defineProperty(WritableState.prototype, 'buffer', { get: w.deprecate( function writableStateBufferGetter() { return this.getBuffer(); }, '_writableState.buffer is deprecated. Use _writableState.getBuffer instead.', 'DEP0003' ) }); } catch (s) {} })(), 'function' == typeof Symbol && Symbol.hasInstance && 'function' == typeof Function.prototype[Symbol.hasInstance] ? ((L = Function.prototype[Symbol.hasInstance]), Object.defineProperty(Writable, Symbol.hasInstance, { value: function value(s) { return ( !!L.call(this, s) || (this === Writable && s && s._writableState instanceof WritableState) ); } })) : (L = function realHasInstance(s) { return s instanceof this; }), (Writable.prototype.pipe = function () { ce(this, new Z()); }), (Writable.prototype.write = function (s, o, i) { var u = this._writableState, w = !1, x = !u.objectMode && (function _isUint8Array(s) { return C.isBuffer(s) || s instanceof j; })(s); return ( x && !C.isBuffer(s) && (s = (function _uint8ArrayToBuffer(s) { return C.from(s); })(s)), 'function' == typeof o && ((i = o), (o = null)), x ? (o = 'buffer') : o || (o = u.defaultEncoding), 'function' != typeof i && (i = nop), u.ending ? (function writeAfterEnd(s, o) { var i = new ae(); ce(s, i), _.nextTick(o, i); })(this, i) : (x || (function validChunk(s, o, i, u) { var w; return ( null === i ? (w = new ie()) : 'string' == typeof i || o.objectMode || (w = new U('chunk', ['string', 'Buffer'], i)), !w || (ce(s, w), _.nextTick(u, w), !1) ); })(this, u, s, i)) && (u.pendingcb++, (w = (function writeOrBuffer(s, o, i, u, _, w) { if (!i) { var x = (function decodeChunk(s, o, i) { s.objectMode || !1 === s.decodeStrings || 'string' != typeof o || (o = C.from(o, i)); return o; })(o, u, _); u !== x && ((i = !0), (_ = 'buffer'), (u = x)); } var j = o.objectMode ? 1 : u.length; o.length += j; var L = o.length < o.highWaterMark; L || (o.needDrain = !0); if (o.writing || o.corked) { var B = o.lastBufferedRequest; (o.lastBufferedRequest = { chunk: u, encoding: _, isBuf: i, callback: w, next: null }), B ? (B.next = o.lastBufferedRequest) : (o.bufferedRequest = o.lastBufferedRequest), (o.bufferedRequestCount += 1); } else doWrite(s, o, !1, j, u, _, w); return L; })(this, u, x, s, o, i))), w ); }), (Writable.prototype.cork = function () { this._writableState.corked++; }), (Writable.prototype.uncork = function () { var s = this._writableState; s.corked && (s.corked--, s.writing || s.corked || s.bufferProcessing || !s.bufferedRequest || clearBuffer(this, s)); }), (Writable.prototype.setDefaultEncoding = function setDefaultEncoding(s) { if ( ('string' == typeof s && (s = s.toLowerCase()), !( [ 'hex', 'utf8', 'utf-8', 'ascii', 'binary', 'base64', 'ucs2', 'ucs-2', 'utf16le', 'utf-16le', 'raw' ].indexOf((s + '').toLowerCase()) > -1 )) ) throw new le(s); return (this._writableState.defaultEncoding = s), this; }), Object.defineProperty(Writable.prototype, 'writableBuffer', { enumerable: !1, get: function get() { return this._writableState && this._writableState.getBuffer(); } }), Object.defineProperty(Writable.prototype, 'writableHighWaterMark', { enumerable: !1, get: function get() { return this._writableState.highWaterMark; } }), (Writable.prototype._write = function (s, o, i) { i(new z('_write()')); }), (Writable.prototype._writev = null), (Writable.prototype.end = function (s, o, i) { var u = this._writableState; return ( 'function' == typeof s ? ((i = s), (s = null), (o = null)) : 'function' == typeof o && ((i = o), (o = null)), null != s && this.write(s, o), u.corked && ((u.corked = 1), this.uncork()), u.ending || (function endWritable(s, o, i) { (o.ending = !0), finishMaybe(s, o), i && (o.finished ? _.nextTick(i) : s.once('finish', i)); (o.ended = !0), (s.writable = !1); })(this, u, i), this ); }), Object.defineProperty(Writable.prototype, 'writableLength', { enumerable: !1, get: function get() { return this._writableState.length; } }), Object.defineProperty(Writable.prototype, 'destroyed', { enumerable: !1, get: function get() { return void 0 !== this._writableState && this._writableState.destroyed; }, set: function set(s) { this._writableState && (this._writableState.destroyed = s); } }), (Writable.prototype.destroy = B.destroy), (Writable.prototype._undestroy = B.undestroy), (Writable.prototype._destroy = function (s, o) { o(s); }); }, 2955: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u, _ = i(65606); function _defineProperty(s, o, i) { return ( (o = (function _toPropertyKey(s) { var o = (function _toPrimitive(s, o) { if ('object' != typeof s || null === s) return s; var i = s[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (void 0 !== i) { var u = i.call(s, o || 'default'); if ('object' != typeof u) return u; throw new TypeError('@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.'); } return ('string' === o ? String : Number)(s); })(s, 'string'); return 'symbol' == typeof o ? o : String(o); })(o)) in s ? Object.defineProperty(s, o, { value: i, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : (s[o] = i), s ); } var w = i(86238), x = Symbol('lastResolve'), C = Symbol('lastReject'), j = Symbol('error'), L = Symbol('ended'), B = Symbol('lastPromise'), $ = Symbol('handlePromise'), V = Symbol('stream'); function createIterResult(s, o) { return { value: s, done: o }; } function readAndResolve(s) { var o = s[x]; if (null !== o) { var i = s[V].read(); null !== i && ((s[B] = null), (s[x] = null), (s[C] = null), o(createIterResult(i, !1))); } } function onReadable(s) { _.nextTick(readAndResolve, s); } var U = Object.getPrototypeOf(function () {}), z = Object.setPrototypeOf( (_defineProperty( (u = { get stream() { return this[V]; }, next: function next() { var s = this, o = this[j]; if (null !== o) return Promise.reject(o); if (this[L]) return Promise.resolve(createIterResult(void 0, !0)); if (this[V].destroyed) return new Promise(function (o, i) { _.nextTick(function () { s[j] ? i(s[j]) : o(createIterResult(void 0, !0)); }); }); var i, u = this[B]; if (u) i = new Promise( (function wrapForNext(s, o) { return function (i, u) { s.then(function () { o[L] ? i(createIterResult(void 0, !0)) : o[$](i, u); }, u); }; })(u, this) ); else { var w = this[V].read(); if (null !== w) return Promise.resolve(createIterResult(w, !1)); i = new Promise(this[$]); } return (this[B] = i), i; } }), Symbol.asyncIterator, function () { return this; } ), _defineProperty(u, 'return', function _return() { var s = this; return new Promise(function (o, i) { s[V].destroy(null, function (s) { s ? i(s) : o(createIterResult(void 0, !0)); }); }); }), u), U ); s.exports = function createReadableStreamAsyncIterator(s) { var o, i = Object.create( z, (_defineProperty((o = {}), V, { value: s, writable: !0 }), _defineProperty(o, x, { value: null, writable: !0 }), _defineProperty(o, C, { value: null, writable: !0 }), _defineProperty(o, j, { value: null, writable: !0 }), _defineProperty(o, L, { value: s._readableState.endEmitted, writable: !0 }), _defineProperty(o, $, { value: function value(s, o) { var u = i[V].read(); u ? ((i[B] = null), (i[x] = null), (i[C] = null), s(createIterResult(u, !1))) : ((i[x] = s), (i[C] = o)); }, writable: !0 }), o) ); return ( (i[B] = null), w(s, function (s) { if (s && 'ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE' !== s.code) { var o = i[C]; return ( null !== o && ((i[B] = null), (i[x] = null), (i[C] = null), o(s)), void (i[j] = s) ); } var u = i[x]; null !== u && ((i[B] = null), (i[x] = null), (i[C] = null), u(createIterResult(void 0, !0))), (i[L] = !0); }), s.on('readable', onReadable.bind(null, i)), i ); }; }, 80345: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; function ownKeys(s, o) { var i = Object.keys(s); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var u = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); o && (u = u.filter(function (o) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(s, o).enumerable; })), i.push.apply(i, u); } return i; } function _objectSpread(s) { for (var o = 1; o < arguments.length; o++) { var i = null != arguments[o] ? arguments[o] : {}; o % 2 ? ownKeys(Object(i), !0).forEach(function (o) { _defineProperty(s, o, i[o]); }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(s, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(i)) : ownKeys(Object(i)).forEach(function (o) { Object.defineProperty(s, o, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(i, o)); }); } return s; } function _defineProperty(s, o, i) { return ( (o = _toPropertyKey(o)) in s ? Object.defineProperty(s, o, { value: i, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : (s[o] = i), s ); } function _defineProperties(s, o) { for (var i = 0; i < o.length; i++) { var u = o[i]; (u.enumerable = u.enumerable || !1), (u.configurable = !0), 'value' in u && (u.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(s, _toPropertyKey(u.key), u); } } function _toPropertyKey(s) { var o = (function _toPrimitive(s, o) { if ('object' != typeof s || null === s) return s; var i = s[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (void 0 !== i) { var u = i.call(s, o || 'default'); if ('object' != typeof u) return u; throw new TypeError('@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.'); } return ('string' === o ? String : Number)(s); })(s, 'string'); return 'symbol' == typeof o ? o : String(o); } var u = i(48287).Buffer, _ = i(15340).inspect, w = (_ && _.custom) || 'inspect'; s.exports = (function () { function BufferList() { !(function _classCallCheck(s, o) { if (!(s instanceof o)) throw new TypeError('Cannot call a class as a function'); })(this, BufferList), (this.head = null), (this.tail = null), (this.length = 0); } return ( (function _createClass(s, o, i) { return ( o && _defineProperties(s.prototype, o), i && _defineProperties(s, i), Object.defineProperty(s, 'prototype', { writable: !1 }), s ); })(BufferList, [ { key: 'push', value: function push(s) { var o = { data: s, next: null }; this.length > 0 ? (this.tail.next = o) : (this.head = o), (this.tail = o), ++this.length; } }, { key: 'unshift', value: function unshift(s) { var o = { data: s, next: this.head }; 0 === this.length && (this.tail = o), (this.head = o), ++this.length; } }, { key: 'shift', value: function shift() { if (0 !== this.length) { var s = this.head.data; return ( 1 === this.length ? (this.head = this.tail = null) : (this.head = this.head.next), --this.length, s ); } } }, { key: 'clear', value: function clear() { (this.head = this.tail = null), (this.length = 0); } }, { key: 'join', value: function join(s) { if (0 === this.length) return ''; for (var o = this.head, i = '' + o.data; (o = o.next); ) i += s + o.data; return i; } }, { key: 'concat', value: function concat(s) { if (0 === this.length) return u.alloc(0); for (var o, i, _, w = u.allocUnsafe(s >>> 0), x = this.head, C = 0; x; ) (o = x.data), (i = w), (_ = C), u.prototype.copy.call(o, i, _), (C += x.data.length), (x = x.next); return w; } }, { key: 'consume', value: function consume(s, o) { var i; return ( s < this.head.data.length ? ((i = this.head.data.slice(0, s)), (this.head.data = this.head.data.slice(s))) : (i = s === this.head.data.length ? this.shift() : o ? this._getString(s) : this._getBuffer(s)), i ); } }, { key: 'first', value: function first() { return this.head.data; } }, { key: '_getString', value: function _getString(s) { var o = this.head, i = 1, u = o.data; for (s -= u.length; (o = o.next); ) { var _ = o.data, w = s > _.length ? _.length : s; if ((w === _.length ? (u += _) : (u += _.slice(0, s)), 0 === (s -= w))) { w === _.length ? (++i, o.next ? (this.head = o.next) : (this.head = this.tail = null)) : ((this.head = o), (o.data = _.slice(w))); break; } ++i; } return (this.length -= i), u; } }, { key: '_getBuffer', value: function _getBuffer(s) { var o = u.allocUnsafe(s), i = this.head, _ = 1; for (i.data.copy(o), s -= i.data.length; (i = i.next); ) { var w = i.data, x = s > w.length ? w.length : s; if ((w.copy(o, o.length - s, 0, x), 0 === (s -= x))) { x === w.length ? (++_, i.next ? (this.head = i.next) : (this.head = this.tail = null)) : ((this.head = i), (i.data = w.slice(x))); break; } ++_; } return (this.length -= _), o; } }, { key: w, value: function value(s, o) { return _( this, _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, o), {}, { depth: 0, customInspect: !1 }) ); } } ]), BufferList ); })(); }, 75896: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(65606); function emitErrorAndCloseNT(s, o) { emitErrorNT(s, o), emitCloseNT(s); } function emitCloseNT(s) { (s._writableState && !s._writableState.emitClose) || (s._readableState && !s._readableState.emitClose) || s.emit('close'); } function emitErrorNT(s, o) { s.emit('error', o); } s.exports = { destroy: function destroy(s, o) { var i = this, _ = this._readableState && this._readableState.destroyed, w = this._writableState && this._writableState.destroyed; return _ || w ? (o ? o(s) : s && (this._writableState ? this._writableState.errorEmitted || ((this._writableState.errorEmitted = !0), u.nextTick(emitErrorNT, this, s)) : u.nextTick(emitErrorNT, this, s)), this) : (this._readableState && (this._readableState.destroyed = !0), this._writableState && (this._writableState.destroyed = !0), this._destroy(s || null, function (s) { !o && s ? i._writableState ? i._writableState.errorEmitted ? u.nextTick(emitCloseNT, i) : ((i._writableState.errorEmitted = !0), u.nextTick(emitErrorAndCloseNT, i, s)) : u.nextTick(emitErrorAndCloseNT, i, s) : o ? (u.nextTick(emitCloseNT, i), o(s)) : u.nextTick(emitCloseNT, i); }), this); }, undestroy: function undestroy() { this._readableState && ((this._readableState.destroyed = !1), (this._readableState.reading = !1), (this._readableState.ended = !1), (this._readableState.endEmitted = !1)), this._writableState && ((this._writableState.destroyed = !1), (this._writableState.ended = !1), (this._writableState.ending = !1), (this._writableState.finalCalled = !1), (this._writableState.prefinished = !1), (this._writableState.finished = !1), (this._writableState.errorEmitted = !1)); }, errorOrDestroy: function errorOrDestroy(s, o) { var i = s._readableState, u = s._writableState; (i && i.autoDestroy) || (u && u.autoDestroy) ? s.destroy(o) : s.emit('error', o); } }; }, 86238: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(86048).F.ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE; function noop() {} s.exports = function eos(s, o, i) { if ('function' == typeof o) return eos(s, null, o); o || (o = {}), (i = (function once(s) { var o = !1; return function () { if (!o) { o = !0; for (var i = arguments.length, u = new Array(i), _ = 0; _ < i; _++) u[_] = arguments[_]; s.apply(this, u); } }; })(i || noop)); var _ = o.readable || (!1 !== o.readable && s.readable), w = o.writable || (!1 !== o.writable && s.writable), x = function onlegacyfinish() { s.writable || j(); }, C = s._writableState && s._writableState.finished, j = function onfinish() { (w = !1), (C = !0), _ || i.call(s); }, L = s._readableState && s._readableState.endEmitted, B = function onend() { (_ = !1), (L = !0), w || i.call(s); }, $ = function onerror(o) { i.call(s, o); }, V = function onclose() { var o; return _ && !L ? ((s._readableState && s._readableState.ended) || (o = new u()), i.call(s, o)) : w && !C ? ((s._writableState && s._writableState.ended) || (o = new u()), i.call(s, o)) : void 0; }, U = function onrequest() { s.req.on('finish', j); }; return ( !(function isRequest(s) { return s.setHeader && 'function' == typeof s.abort; })(s) ? w && !s._writableState && (s.on('end', x), s.on('close', x)) : (s.on('complete', j), s.on('abort', V), s.req ? U() : s.on('request', U)), s.on('end', B), s.on('finish', j), !1 !== o.error && s.on('error', $), s.on('close', V), function () { s.removeListener('complete', j), s.removeListener('abort', V), s.removeListener('request', U), s.req && s.req.removeListener('finish', j), s.removeListener('end', x), s.removeListener('close', x), s.removeListener('finish', j), s.removeListener('end', B), s.removeListener('error', $), s.removeListener('close', V); } ); }; }, 55157: (s) => { s.exports = function () { throw new Error('Readable.from is not available in the browser'); }; }, 57758: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u; var _ = i(86048).F, w = _.ERR_MISSING_ARGS, x = _.ERR_STREAM_DESTROYED; function noop(s) { if (s) throw s; } function call(s) { s(); } function pipe(s, o) { return s.pipe(o); } s.exports = function pipeline() { for (var s = arguments.length, o = new Array(s), _ = 0; _ < s; _++) o[_] = arguments[_]; var C, j = (function popCallback(s) { return s.length ? ('function' != typeof s[s.length - 1] ? noop : s.pop()) : noop; })(o); if ((Array.isArray(o[0]) && (o = o[0]), o.length < 2)) throw new w('streams'); var L = o.map(function (s, _) { var w = _ < o.length - 1; return (function destroyer(s, o, _, w) { w = (function once(s) { var o = !1; return function () { o || ((o = !0), s.apply(void 0, arguments)); }; })(w); var C = !1; s.on('close', function () { C = !0; }), void 0 === u && (u = i(86238)), u(s, { readable: o, writable: _ }, function (s) { if (s) return w(s); (C = !0), w(); }); var j = !1; return function (o) { if (!C && !j) return ( (j = !0), (function isRequest(s) { return s.setHeader && 'function' == typeof s.abort; })(s) ? s.abort() : 'function' == typeof s.destroy ? s.destroy() : void w(o || new x('pipe')) ); }; })(s, w, _ > 0, function (s) { C || (C = s), s && L.forEach(call), w || (L.forEach(call), j(C)); }); }); return o.reduce(pipe); }; }, 65291: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(86048).F.ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE; s.exports = { getHighWaterMark: function getHighWaterMark(s, o, i, _) { var w = (function highWaterMarkFrom(s, o, i) { return null != s.highWaterMark ? s.highWaterMark : o ? s[i] : null; })(o, _, i); if (null != w) { if (!isFinite(w) || Math.floor(w) !== w || w < 0) throw new u(_ ? i : 'highWaterMark', w); return Math.floor(w); } return s.objectMode ? 16 : 16384; } }; }, 40345: (s, o, i) => { s.exports = i(37007).EventEmitter; }, 84977: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(o, '__esModule', { value: !0 }); var u = (function _interopRequireDefault(s) { return s && s.__esModule ? s : { default: s }; })(i(9404)), _ = i(55674); (o.default = function (s) { var o = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : u.default.Map, i = Object.keys(s); return function () { var u = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : o(), w = arguments[1]; return u.withMutations(function (o) { i.forEach(function (i) { var u = (0, s[i])(o.get(i), w); (0, _.validateNextState)(u, i, w), o.set(i, u); }); }); }; }), (s.exports = o.default); }, 89593: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; o.H = void 0; var u = (function _interopRequireDefault(s) { return s && s.__esModule ? s : { default: s }; })(i(84977)); o.H = u.default; }, 48590: (s, o) => { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(o, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), (o.default = function (s) { return s && '@@redux/INIT' === s.type ? 'initialState argument passed to createStore' : 'previous state received by the reducer'; }), (s.exports = o.default); }, 82261: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(o, '__esModule', { value: !0 }); var u = _interopRequireDefault(i(9404)), _ = _interopRequireDefault(i(48590)); function _interopRequireDefault(s) { return s && s.__esModule ? s : { default: s }; } (o.default = function (s, o, i) { var w = Object.keys(o); if (!w.length) return 'Store does not have a valid reducer. Make sure the argument passed to combineReducers is an object whose values are reducers.'; var x = (0, _.default)(i); if ( u.default.isImmutable ? !u.default.isImmutable(s) : !u.default.Iterable.isIterable(s) ) return ( 'The ' + x + ' is of unexpected type. Expected argument to be an instance of Immutable.Collection or Immutable.Record with the following properties: "' + w.join('", "') + '".' ); var C = s .toSeq() .keySeq() .toArray() .filter(function (s) { return !o.hasOwnProperty(s); }); return C.length > 0 ? 'Unexpected ' + (1 === C.length ? 'property' : 'properties') + ' "' + C.join('", "') + '" found in ' + x + '. Expected to find one of the known reducer property names instead: "' + w.join('", "') + '". Unexpected properties will be ignored.' : null; }), (s.exports = o.default); }, 55674: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(o, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), (o.validateNextState = o.getUnexpectedInvocationParameterMessage = o.getStateName = void 0); var u = _interopRequireDefault(i(48590)), _ = _interopRequireDefault(i(82261)), w = _interopRequireDefault(i(27374)); function _interopRequireDefault(s) { return s && s.__esModule ? s : { default: s }; } (o.getStateName = u.default), (o.getUnexpectedInvocationParameterMessage = _.default), (o.validateNextState = w.default); }, 27374: (s, o) => { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(o, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), (o.default = function (s, o, i) { if (void 0 === s) throw new Error( 'Reducer "' + o + '" returned undefined when handling "' + i.type + '" action. To ignore an action, you must explicitly return the previous state.' ); }), (s.exports = o.default); }, 75208: (s) => { 'use strict'; var o, i = ''; s.exports = function repeat(s, u) { if ('string' != typeof s) throw new TypeError('expected a string'); if (1 === u) return s; if (2 === u) return s + s; var _ = s.length * u; if (o !== s || void 0 === o) (o = s), (i = ''); else if (i.length >= _) return i.substr(0, _); for (; _ > i.length && u > 1; ) 1 & u && (i += s), (u >>= 1), (s += s); return (i = (i += s).substr(0, _)); }; }, 92063: (s) => { 'use strict'; s.exports = function required(s, o) { if (((o = o.split(':')[0]), !(s = +s))) return !1; switch (o) { case 'http': case 'ws': return 80 !== s; case 'https': case 'wss': return 443 !== s; case 'ftp': return 21 !== s; case 'gopher': return 70 !== s; case 'file': return !1; } return 0 !== s; }; }, 27096: (s, o, i) => { const u = i(87586), _ = i(6205), w = i(10023), x = i(8048); (s.exports = (s) => { var o, i, C = 0, j = { type: _.ROOT, stack: [] }, L = j, B = j.stack, $ = [], repeatErr = (o) => { u.error(s, 'Nothing to repeat at column ' + (o - 1)); }, V = u.strToChars(s); for (o = V.length; C < o; ) switch ((i = V[C++])) { case '\\': switch ((i = V[C++])) { case 'b': B.push(x.wordBoundary()); break; case 'B': B.push(x.nonWordBoundary()); break; case 'w': B.push(w.words()); break; case 'W': B.push(w.notWords()); break; case 'd': B.push(w.ints()); break; case 'D': B.push(w.notInts()); break; case 's': B.push(w.whitespace()); break; case 'S': B.push(w.notWhitespace()); break; default: /\d/.test(i) ? B.push({ type: _.REFERENCE, value: parseInt(i, 10) }) : B.push({ type: _.CHAR, value: i.charCodeAt(0) }); } break; case '^': B.push(x.begin()); break; case '$': B.push(x.end()); break; case '[': var U; '^' === V[C] ? ((U = !0), C++) : (U = !1); var z = u.tokenizeClass(V.slice(C), s); (C += z[1]), B.push({ type: _.SET, set: z[0], not: U }); break; case '.': B.push(w.anyChar()); break; case '(': var Y = { type: _.GROUP, stack: [], remember: !0 }; '?' === (i = V[C]) && ((i = V[C + 1]), (C += 2), '=' === i ? (Y.followedBy = !0) : '!' === i ? (Y.notFollowedBy = !0) : ':' !== i && u.error( s, `Invalid group, character '${i}' after '?' at column ` + (C - 1) ), (Y.remember = !1)), B.push(Y), $.push(L), (L = Y), (B = Y.stack); break; case ')': 0 === $.length && u.error(s, 'Unmatched ) at column ' + (C - 1)), (B = (L = $.pop()).options ? L.options[L.options.length - 1] : L.stack); break; case '|': L.options || ((L.options = [L.stack]), delete L.stack); var Z = []; L.options.push(Z), (B = Z); break; case '{': var ee, ie, ae = /^(\d+)(,(\d+)?)?\}/.exec(V.slice(C)); null !== ae ? (0 === B.length && repeatErr(C), (ee = parseInt(ae[1], 10)), (ie = ae[2] ? (ae[3] ? parseInt(ae[3], 10) : 1 / 0) : ee), (C += ae[0].length), B.push({ type: _.REPETITION, min: ee, max: ie, value: B.pop() })) : B.push({ type: _.CHAR, value: 123 }); break; case '?': 0 === B.length && repeatErr(C), B.push({ type: _.REPETITION, min: 0, max: 1, value: B.pop() }); break; case '+': 0 === B.length && repeatErr(C), B.push({ type: _.REPETITION, min: 1, max: 1 / 0, value: B.pop() }); break; case '*': 0 === B.length && repeatErr(C), B.push({ type: _.REPETITION, min: 0, max: 1 / 0, value: B.pop() }); break; default: B.push({ type: _.CHAR, value: i.charCodeAt(0) }); } return 0 !== $.length && u.error(s, 'Unterminated group'), j; }), (s.exports.types = _); }, 8048: (s, o, i) => { const u = i(6205); (o.wordBoundary = () => ({ type: u.POSITION, value: 'b' })), (o.nonWordBoundary = () => ({ type: u.POSITION, value: 'B' })), (o.begin = () => ({ type: u.POSITION, value: '^' })), (o.end = () => ({ type: u.POSITION, value: '$' })); }, 10023: (s, o, i) => { const u = i(6205), INTS = () => [{ type: u.RANGE, from: 48, to: 57 }], WORDS = () => [ { type: u.CHAR, value: 95 }, { type: u.RANGE, from: 97, to: 122 }, { type: u.RANGE, from: 65, to: 90 } ].concat(INTS()), WHITESPACE = () => [ { type: u.CHAR, value: 9 }, { type: u.CHAR, value: 10 }, { type: u.CHAR, value: 11 }, { type: u.CHAR, value: 12 }, { type: u.CHAR, value: 13 }, { type: u.CHAR, value: 32 }, { type: u.CHAR, value: 160 }, { type: u.CHAR, value: 5760 }, { type: u.RANGE, from: 8192, to: 8202 }, { type: u.CHAR, value: 8232 }, { type: u.CHAR, value: 8233 }, { type: u.CHAR, value: 8239 }, { type: u.CHAR, value: 8287 }, { type: u.CHAR, value: 12288 }, { type: u.CHAR, value: 65279 } ]; (o.words = () => ({ type: u.SET, set: WORDS(), not: !1 })), (o.notWords = () => ({ type: u.SET, set: WORDS(), not: !0 })), (o.ints = () => ({ type: u.SET, set: INTS(), not: !1 })), (o.notInts = () => ({ type: u.SET, set: INTS(), not: !0 })), (o.whitespace = () => ({ type: u.SET, set: WHITESPACE(), not: !1 })), (o.notWhitespace = () => ({ type: u.SET, set: WHITESPACE(), not: !0 })), (o.anyChar = () => ({ type: u.SET, set: [ { type: u.CHAR, value: 10 }, { type: u.CHAR, value: 13 }, { type: u.CHAR, value: 8232 }, { type: u.CHAR, value: 8233 } ], not: !0 })); }, 6205: (s) => { s.exports = { ROOT: 0, GROUP: 1, POSITION: 2, SET: 3, RANGE: 4, REPETITION: 5, REFERENCE: 6, CHAR: 7 }; }, 87586: (s, o, i) => { const u = i(6205), _ = i(10023), w = { 0: 0, t: 9, n: 10, v: 11, f: 12, r: 13 }; (o.strToChars = function (s) { return (s = s.replace( /(\[\\b\])|(\\)?\\(?:u([A-F0-9]{4})|x([A-F0-9]{2})|(0?[0-7]{2})|c([@A-Z[\\\]^?])|([0tnvfr]))/g, function (s, o, i, u, _, x, C, j) { if (i) return s; var L = o ? 8 : u ? parseInt(u, 16) : _ ? parseInt(_, 16) : x ? parseInt(x, 8) : C ? '@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^ ?'.indexOf(C) : w[j], B = String.fromCharCode(L); return /[[\]{}^$.|?*+()]/.test(B) && (B = '\\' + B), B; } )); }), (o.tokenizeClass = (s, i) => { for ( var w, x, C = [], j = /\\(?:(w)|(d)|(s)|(W)|(D)|(S))|((?:(?:\\)(.)|([^\]\\]))-(?:\\)?([^\]]))|(\])|(?:\\)?([^])/g; null != (w = j.exec(s)); ) if (w[1]) C.push(_.words()); else if (w[2]) C.push(_.ints()); else if (w[3]) C.push(_.whitespace()); else if (w[4]) C.push(_.notWords()); else if (w[5]) C.push(_.notInts()); else if (w[6]) C.push(_.notWhitespace()); else if (w[7]) C.push({ type: u.RANGE, from: (w[8] || w[9]).charCodeAt(0), to: w[10].charCodeAt(0) }); else { if (!(x = w[12])) return [C, j.lastIndex]; C.push({ type: u.CHAR, value: x.charCodeAt(0) }); } o.error(i, 'Unterminated character class'); }), (o.error = (s, o) => { throw new SyntaxError('Invalid regular expression: /' + s + '/: ' + o); }); }, 92861: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(48287), _ = u.Buffer; function copyProps(s, o) { for (var i in s) o[i] = s[i]; } function SafeBuffer(s, o, i) { return _(s, o, i); } _.from && _.alloc && _.allocUnsafe && _.allocUnsafeSlow ? (s.exports = u) : (copyProps(u, o), (o.Buffer = SafeBuffer)), (SafeBuffer.prototype = Object.create(_.prototype)), copyProps(_, SafeBuffer), (SafeBuffer.from = function (s, o, i) { if ('number' == typeof s) throw new TypeError('Argument must not be a number'); return _(s, o, i); }), (SafeBuffer.alloc = function (s, o, i) { if ('number' != typeof s) throw new TypeError('Argument must be a number'); var u = _(s); return ( void 0 !== o ? ('string' == typeof i ? u.fill(o, i) : u.fill(o)) : u.fill(0), u ); }), (SafeBuffer.allocUnsafe = function (s) { if ('number' != typeof s) throw new TypeError('Argument must be a number'); return _(s); }), (SafeBuffer.allocUnsafeSlow = function (s) { if ('number' != typeof s) throw new TypeError('Argument must be a number'); return u.SlowBuffer(s); }); }, 29844: (s, o) => { 'use strict'; function f(s, o) { var i = s.length; s.push(o); e: for (; 0 < i; ) { var u = (i - 1) >>> 1, _ = s[u]; if (!(0 < g(_, o))) break e; (s[u] = o), (s[i] = _), (i = u); } } function h(s) { return 0 === s.length ? null : s[0]; } function k(s) { if (0 === s.length) return null; var o = s[0], i = s.pop(); if (i !== o) { s[0] = i; e: for (var u = 0, _ = s.length, w = _ >>> 1; u < w; ) { var x = 2 * (u + 1) - 1, C = s[x], j = x + 1, L = s[j]; if (0 > g(C, i)) j < _ && 0 > g(L, C) ? ((s[u] = L), (s[j] = i), (u = j)) : ((s[u] = C), (s[x] = i), (u = x)); else { if (!(j < _ && 0 > g(L, i))) break e; (s[u] = L), (s[j] = i), (u = j); } } } return o; } function g(s, o) { var i = s.sortIndex - o.sortIndex; return 0 !== i ? i : s.id - o.id; } if ('object' == typeof performance && 'function' == typeof performance.now) { var i = performance; o.unstable_now = function () { return i.now(); }; } else { var u = Date, _ = u.now(); o.unstable_now = function () { return u.now() - _; }; } var w = [], x = [], C = 1, j = null, L = 3, B = !1, $ = !1, V = !1, U = 'function' == typeof setTimeout ? setTimeout : null, z = 'function' == typeof clearTimeout ? clearTimeout : null, Y = 'undefined' != typeof setImmediate ? setImmediate : null; function G(s) { for (var o = h(x); null !== o; ) { if (null === o.callback) k(x); else { if (!(o.startTime <= s)) break; k(x), (o.sortIndex = o.expirationTime), f(w, o); } o = h(x); } } function H(s) { if (((V = !1), G(s), !$)) if (null !== h(w)) ($ = !0), I(J); else { var o = h(x); null !== o && K(H, o.startTime - s); } } function J(s, i) { ($ = !1), V && ((V = !1), z(ae), (ae = -1)), (B = !0); var u = L; try { for (G(i), j = h(w); null !== j && (!(j.expirationTime > i) || (s && !M())); ) { var _ = j.callback; if ('function' == typeof _) { (j.callback = null), (L = j.priorityLevel); var C = _(j.expirationTime <= i); (i = o.unstable_now()), 'function' == typeof C ? (j.callback = C) : j === h(w) && k(w), G(i); } else k(w); j = h(w); } if (null !== j) var U = !0; else { var Y = h(x); null !== Y && K(H, Y.startTime - i), (U = !1); } return U; } finally { (j = null), (L = u), (B = !1); } } 'undefined' != typeof navigator && void 0 !== navigator.scheduling && void 0 !== navigator.scheduling.isInputPending && navigator.scheduling.isInputPending.bind(navigator.scheduling); var Z, ee = !1, ie = null, ae = -1, le = 5, ce = -1; function M() { return !(o.unstable_now() - ce < le); } function R() { if (null !== ie) { var s = o.unstable_now(); ce = s; var i = !0; try { i = ie(!0, s); } finally { i ? Z() : ((ee = !1), (ie = null)); } } else ee = !1; } if ('function' == typeof Y) Z = function () { Y(R); }; else if ('undefined' != typeof MessageChannel) { var pe = new MessageChannel(), de = pe.port2; (pe.port1.onmessage = R), (Z = function () { de.postMessage(null); }); } else Z = function () { U(R, 0); }; function I(s) { (ie = s), ee || ((ee = !0), Z()); } function K(s, i) { ae = U(function () { s(o.unstable_now()); }, i); } (o.unstable_IdlePriority = 5), (o.unstable_ImmediatePriority = 1), (o.unstable_LowPriority = 4), (o.unstable_NormalPriority = 3), (o.unstable_Profiling = null), (o.unstable_UserBlockingPriority = 2), (o.unstable_cancelCallback = function (s) { s.callback = null; }), (o.unstable_continueExecution = function () { $ || B || (($ = !0), I(J)); }), (o.unstable_forceFrameRate = function (s) { 0 > s || 125 < s ? console.error( 'forceFrameRate takes a positive int between 0 and 125, forcing frame rates higher than 125 fps is not supported' ) : (le = 0 < s ? Math.floor(1e3 / s) : 5); }), (o.unstable_getCurrentPriorityLevel = function () { return L; }), (o.unstable_getFirstCallbackNode = function () { return h(w); }), (o.unstable_next = function (s) { switch (L) { case 1: case 2: case 3: var o = 3; break; default: o = L; } var i = L; L = o; try { return s(); } finally { L = i; } }), (o.unstable_pauseExecution = function () {}), (o.unstable_requestPaint = function () {}), (o.unstable_runWithPriority = function (s, o) { switch (s) { case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: break; default: s = 3; } var i = L; L = s; try { return o(); } finally { L = i; } }), (o.unstable_scheduleCallback = function (s, i, u) { var _ = o.unstable_now(); switch ( ('object' == typeof u && null !== u ? (u = 'number' == typeof (u = u.delay) && 0 < u ? _ + u : _) : (u = _), s) ) { case 1: var j = -1; break; case 2: j = 250; break; case 5: j = 1073741823; break; case 4: j = 1e4; break; default: j = 5e3; } return ( (s = { id: C++, callback: i, priorityLevel: s, startTime: u, expirationTime: (j = u + j), sortIndex: -1 }), u > _ ? ((s.sortIndex = u), f(x, s), null === h(w) && s === h(x) && (V ? (z(ae), (ae = -1)) : (V = !0), K(H, u - _))) : ((s.sortIndex = j), f(w, s), $ || B || (($ = !0), I(J))), s ); }), (o.unstable_shouldYield = M), (o.unstable_wrapCallback = function (s) { var o = L; return function () { var i = L; L = o; try { return s.apply(this, arguments); } finally { L = i; } }; }); }, 69982: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; s.exports = i(29844); }, 20334: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(48287).Buffer; class NonError extends Error { constructor(s) { super(NonError._prepareSuperMessage(s)), Object.defineProperty(this, 'name', { value: 'NonError', configurable: !0, writable: !0 }), Error.captureStackTrace && Error.captureStackTrace(this, NonError); } static _prepareSuperMessage(s) { try { return JSON.stringify(s); } catch { return String(s); } } } const _ = [ { property: 'name', enumerable: !1 }, { property: 'message', enumerable: !1 }, { property: 'stack', enumerable: !1 }, { property: 'code', enumerable: !0 } ], w = Symbol('.toJSON called'), destroyCircular = ({ from: s, seen: o, to_: i, forceEnumerable: x, maxDepth: C, depth: j }) => { const L = i || (Array.isArray(s) ? [] : {}); if ((o.push(s), j >= C)) return L; if ('function' == typeof s.toJSON && !0 !== s[w]) return ((s) => { s[w] = !0; const o = s.toJSON(); return delete s[w], o; })(s); for (const [i, _] of Object.entries(s)) 'function' == typeof u && u.isBuffer(_) ? (L[i] = '[object Buffer]') : 'function' != typeof _ && (_ && 'object' == typeof _ ? o.includes(s[i]) ? (L[i] = '[Circular]') : (j++, (L[i] = destroyCircular({ from: s[i], seen: o.slice(), forceEnumerable: x, maxDepth: C, depth: j }))) : (L[i] = _)); for (const { property: o, enumerable: i } of _) 'string' == typeof s[o] && Object.defineProperty(L, o, { value: s[o], enumerable: !!x || i, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }); return L; }; s.exports = { serializeError: (s, o = {}) => { const { maxDepth: i = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY } = o; return 'object' == typeof s && null !== s ? destroyCircular({ from: s, seen: [], forceEnumerable: !0, maxDepth: i, depth: 0 }) : 'function' == typeof s ? `[Function: ${s.name || 'anonymous'}]` : s; }, deserializeError: (s, o = {}) => { const { maxDepth: i = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY } = o; if (s instanceof Error) return s; if ('object' == typeof s && null !== s && !Array.isArray(s)) { const o = new Error(); return destroyCircular({ from: s, seen: [], to_: o, maxDepth: i, depth: 0 }), o; } return new NonError(s); } }; }, 90392: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(92861).Buffer; function Hash(s, o) { (this._block = u.alloc(s)), (this._finalSize = o), (this._blockSize = s), (this._len = 0); } (Hash.prototype.update = function (s, o) { 'string' == typeof s && ((o = o || 'utf8'), (s = u.from(s, o))); for ( var i = this._block, _ = this._blockSize, w = s.length, x = this._len, C = 0; C < w; ) { for (var j = x % _, L = Math.min(w - C, _ - j), B = 0; B < L; B++) i[j + B] = s[C + B]; (C += L), (x += L) % _ == 0 && this._update(i); } return (this._len += w), this; }), (Hash.prototype.digest = function (s) { var o = this._len % this._blockSize; (this._block[o] = 128), this._block.fill(0, o + 1), o >= this._finalSize && (this._update(this._block), this._block.fill(0)); var i = 8 * this._len; if (i <= 4294967295) this._block.writeUInt32BE(i, this._blockSize - 4); else { var u = (4294967295 & i) >>> 0, _ = (i - u) / 4294967296; this._block.writeUInt32BE(_, this._blockSize - 8), this._block.writeUInt32BE(u, this._blockSize - 4); } this._update(this._block); var w = this._hash(); return s ? w.toString(s) : w; }), (Hash.prototype._update = function () { throw new Error('_update must be implemented by subclass'); }), (s.exports = Hash); }, 62802: (s, o, i) => { var u = (s.exports = function SHA(s) { s = s.toLowerCase(); var o = u[s]; if (!o) throw new Error(s + ' is not supported (we accept pull requests)'); return new o(); }); (u.sha = i(27816)), (u.sha1 = i(63737)), (u.sha224 = i(26710)), (u.sha256 = i(24107)), (u.sha384 = i(32827)), (u.sha512 = i(82890)); }, 27816: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(56698), _ = i(90392), w = i(92861).Buffer, x = [1518500249, 1859775393, -1894007588, -899497514], C = new Array(80); function Sha() { this.init(), (this._w = C), _.call(this, 64, 56); } function rotl30(s) { return (s << 30) | (s >>> 2); } function ft(s, o, i, u) { return 0 === s ? (o & i) | (~o & u) : 2 === s ? (o & i) | (o & u) | (i & u) : o ^ i ^ u; } u(Sha, _), (Sha.prototype.init = function () { return ( (this._a = 1732584193), (this._b = 4023233417), (this._c = 2562383102), (this._d = 271733878), (this._e = 3285377520), this ); }), (Sha.prototype._update = function (s) { for ( var o, i = this._w, u = 0 | this._a, _ = 0 | this._b, w = 0 | this._c, C = 0 | this._d, j = 0 | this._e, L = 0; L < 16; ++L ) i[L] = s.readInt32BE(4 * L); for (; L < 80; ++L) i[L] = i[L - 3] ^ i[L - 8] ^ i[L - 14] ^ i[L - 16]; for (var B = 0; B < 80; ++B) { var $ = ~~(B / 20), V = 0 | ((((o = u) << 5) | (o >>> 27)) + ft($, _, w, C) + j + i[B] + x[$]); (j = C), (C = w), (w = rotl30(_)), (_ = u), (u = V); } (this._a = (u + this._a) | 0), (this._b = (_ + this._b) | 0), (this._c = (w + this._c) | 0), (this._d = (C + this._d) | 0), (this._e = (j + this._e) | 0); }), (Sha.prototype._hash = function () { var s = w.allocUnsafe(20); return ( s.writeInt32BE(0 | this._a, 0), s.writeInt32BE(0 | this._b, 4), s.writeInt32BE(0 | this._c, 8), s.writeInt32BE(0 | this._d, 12), s.writeInt32BE(0 | this._e, 16), s ); }), (s.exports = Sha); }, 63737: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(56698), _ = i(90392), w = i(92861).Buffer, x = [1518500249, 1859775393, -1894007588, -899497514], C = new Array(80); function Sha1() { this.init(), (this._w = C), _.call(this, 64, 56); } function rotl5(s) { return (s << 5) | (s >>> 27); } function rotl30(s) { return (s << 30) | (s >>> 2); } function ft(s, o, i, u) { return 0 === s ? (o & i) | (~o & u) : 2 === s ? (o & i) | (o & u) | (i & u) : o ^ i ^ u; } u(Sha1, _), (Sha1.prototype.init = function () { return ( (this._a = 1732584193), (this._b = 4023233417), (this._c = 2562383102), (this._d = 271733878), (this._e = 3285377520), this ); }), (Sha1.prototype._update = function (s) { for ( var o, i = this._w, u = 0 | this._a, _ = 0 | this._b, w = 0 | this._c, C = 0 | this._d, j = 0 | this._e, L = 0; L < 16; ++L ) i[L] = s.readInt32BE(4 * L); for (; L < 80; ++L) i[L] = ((o = i[L - 3] ^ i[L - 8] ^ i[L - 14] ^ i[L - 16]) << 1) | (o >>> 31); for (var B = 0; B < 80; ++B) { var $ = ~~(B / 20), V = (rotl5(u) + ft($, _, w, C) + j + i[B] + x[$]) | 0; (j = C), (C = w), (w = rotl30(_)), (_ = u), (u = V); } (this._a = (u + this._a) | 0), (this._b = (_ + this._b) | 0), (this._c = (w + this._c) | 0), (this._d = (C + this._d) | 0), (this._e = (j + this._e) | 0); }), (Sha1.prototype._hash = function () { var s = w.allocUnsafe(20); return ( s.writeInt32BE(0 | this._a, 0), s.writeInt32BE(0 | this._b, 4), s.writeInt32BE(0 | this._c, 8), s.writeInt32BE(0 | this._d, 12), s.writeInt32BE(0 | this._e, 16), s ); }), (s.exports = Sha1); }, 26710: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(56698), _ = i(24107), w = i(90392), x = i(92861).Buffer, C = new Array(64); function Sha224() { this.init(), (this._w = C), w.call(this, 64, 56); } u(Sha224, _), (Sha224.prototype.init = function () { return ( (this._a = 3238371032), (this._b = 914150663), (this._c = 812702999), (this._d = 4144912697), (this._e = 4290775857), (this._f = 1750603025), (this._g = 1694076839), (this._h = 3204075428), this ); }), (Sha224.prototype._hash = function () { var s = x.allocUnsafe(28); return ( s.writeInt32BE(this._a, 0), s.writeInt32BE(this._b, 4), s.writeInt32BE(this._c, 8), s.writeInt32BE(this._d, 12), s.writeInt32BE(this._e, 16), s.writeInt32BE(this._f, 20), s.writeInt32BE(this._g, 24), s ); }), (s.exports = Sha224); }, 24107: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(56698), _ = i(90392), w = i(92861).Buffer, x = [ 1116352408, 1899447441, 3049323471, 3921009573, 961987163, 1508970993, 2453635748, 2870763221, 3624381080, 310598401, 607225278, 1426881987, 1925078388, 2162078206, 2614888103, 3248222580, 3835390401, 4022224774, 264347078, 604807628, 770255983, 1249150122, 1555081692, 1996064986, 2554220882, 2821834349, 2952996808, 3210313671, 3336571891, 3584528711, 113926993, 338241895, 666307205, 773529912, 1294757372, 1396182291, 1695183700, 1986661051, 2177026350, 2456956037, 2730485921, 2820302411, 3259730800, 3345764771, 3516065817, 3600352804, 4094571909, 275423344, 430227734, 506948616, 659060556, 883997877, 958139571, 1322822218, 1537002063, 1747873779, 1955562222, 2024104815, 2227730452, 2361852424, 2428436474, 2756734187, 3204031479, 3329325298 ], C = new Array(64); function Sha256() { this.init(), (this._w = C), _.call(this, 64, 56); } function ch(s, o, i) { return i ^ (s & (o ^ i)); } function maj(s, o, i) { return (s & o) | (i & (s | o)); } function sigma0(s) { return ((s >>> 2) | (s << 30)) ^ ((s >>> 13) | (s << 19)) ^ ((s >>> 22) | (s << 10)); } function sigma1(s) { return ((s >>> 6) | (s << 26)) ^ ((s >>> 11) | (s << 21)) ^ ((s >>> 25) | (s << 7)); } function gamma0(s) { return ((s >>> 7) | (s << 25)) ^ ((s >>> 18) | (s << 14)) ^ (s >>> 3); } u(Sha256, _), (Sha256.prototype.init = function () { return ( (this._a = 1779033703), (this._b = 3144134277), (this._c = 1013904242), (this._d = 2773480762), (this._e = 1359893119), (this._f = 2600822924), (this._g = 528734635), (this._h = 1541459225), this ); }), (Sha256.prototype._update = function (s) { for ( var o, i = this._w, u = 0 | this._a, _ = 0 | this._b, w = 0 | this._c, C = 0 | this._d, j = 0 | this._e, L = 0 | this._f, B = 0 | this._g, $ = 0 | this._h, V = 0; V < 16; ++V ) i[V] = s.readInt32BE(4 * V); for (; V < 64; ++V) i[V] = 0 | (((((o = i[V - 2]) >>> 17) | (o << 15)) ^ ((o >>> 19) | (o << 13)) ^ (o >>> 10)) + i[V - 7] + gamma0(i[V - 15]) + i[V - 16]); for (var U = 0; U < 64; ++U) { var z = ($ + sigma1(j) + ch(j, L, B) + x[U] + i[U]) | 0, Y = (sigma0(u) + maj(u, _, w)) | 0; ($ = B), (B = L), (L = j), (j = (C + z) | 0), (C = w), (w = _), (_ = u), (u = (z + Y) | 0); } (this._a = (u + this._a) | 0), (this._b = (_ + this._b) | 0), (this._c = (w + this._c) | 0), (this._d = (C + this._d) | 0), (this._e = (j + this._e) | 0), (this._f = (L + this._f) | 0), (this._g = (B + this._g) | 0), (this._h = ($ + this._h) | 0); }), (Sha256.prototype._hash = function () { var s = w.allocUnsafe(32); return ( s.writeInt32BE(this._a, 0), s.writeInt32BE(this._b, 4), s.writeInt32BE(this._c, 8), s.writeInt32BE(this._d, 12), s.writeInt32BE(this._e, 16), s.writeInt32BE(this._f, 20), s.writeInt32BE(this._g, 24), s.writeInt32BE(this._h, 28), s ); }), (s.exports = Sha256); }, 32827: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(56698), _ = i(82890), w = i(90392), x = i(92861).Buffer, C = new Array(160); function Sha384() { this.init(), (this._w = C), w.call(this, 128, 112); } u(Sha384, _), (Sha384.prototype.init = function () { return ( (this._ah = 3418070365), (this._bh = 1654270250), (this._ch = 2438529370), (this._dh = 355462360), (this._eh = 1731405415), (this._fh = 2394180231), (this._gh = 3675008525), (this._hh = 1203062813), (this._al = 3238371032), (this._bl = 914150663), (this._cl = 812702999), (this._dl = 4144912697), (this._el = 4290775857), (this._fl = 1750603025), (this._gl = 1694076839), (this._hl = 3204075428), this ); }), (Sha384.prototype._hash = function () { var s = x.allocUnsafe(48); function writeInt64BE(o, i, u) { s.writeInt32BE(o, u), s.writeInt32BE(i, u + 4); } return ( writeInt64BE(this._ah, this._al, 0), writeInt64BE(this._bh, this._bl, 8), writeInt64BE(this._ch, this._cl, 16), writeInt64BE(this._dh, this._dl, 24), writeInt64BE(this._eh, this._el, 32), writeInt64BE(this._fh, this._fl, 40), s ); }), (s.exports = Sha384); }, 82890: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(56698), _ = i(90392), w = i(92861).Buffer, x = [ 1116352408, 3609767458, 1899447441, 602891725, 3049323471, 3964484399, 3921009573, 2173295548, 961987163, 4081628472, 1508970993, 3053834265, 2453635748, 2937671579, 2870763221, 3664609560, 3624381080, 2734883394, 310598401, 1164996542, 607225278, 1323610764, 1426881987, 3590304994, 1925078388, 4068182383, 2162078206, 991336113, 2614888103, 633803317, 3248222580, 3479774868, 3835390401, 2666613458, 4022224774, 944711139, 264347078, 2341262773, 604807628, 2007800933, 770255983, 1495990901, 1249150122, 1856431235, 1555081692, 3175218132, 1996064986, 2198950837, 2554220882, 3999719339, 2821834349, 766784016, 2952996808, 2566594879, 3210313671, 3203337956, 3336571891, 1034457026, 3584528711, 2466948901, 113926993, 3758326383, 338241895, 168717936, 666307205, 1188179964, 773529912, 1546045734, 1294757372, 1522805485, 1396182291, 2643833823, 1695183700, 2343527390, 1986661051, 1014477480, 2177026350, 1206759142, 2456956037, 344077627, 2730485921, 1290863460, 2820302411, 3158454273, 3259730800, 3505952657, 3345764771, 106217008, 3516065817, 3606008344, 3600352804, 1432725776, 4094571909, 1467031594, 275423344, 851169720, 430227734, 3100823752, 506948616, 1363258195, 659060556, 3750685593, 883997877, 3785050280, 958139571, 3318307427, 1322822218, 3812723403, 1537002063, 2003034995, 1747873779, 3602036899, 1955562222, 1575990012, 2024104815, 1125592928, 2227730452, 2716904306, 2361852424, 442776044, 2428436474, 593698344, 2756734187, 3733110249, 3204031479, 2999351573, 3329325298, 3815920427, 3391569614, 3928383900, 3515267271, 566280711, 3940187606, 3454069534, 4118630271, 4000239992, 116418474, 1914138554, 174292421, 2731055270, 289380356, 3203993006, 460393269, 320620315, 685471733, 587496836, 852142971, 1086792851, 1017036298, 365543100, 1126000580, 2618297676, 1288033470, 3409855158, 1501505948, 4234509866, 1607167915, 987167468, 1816402316, 1246189591 ], C = new Array(160); function Sha512() { this.init(), (this._w = C), _.call(this, 128, 112); } function Ch(s, o, i) { return i ^ (s & (o ^ i)); } function maj(s, o, i) { return (s & o) | (i & (s | o)); } function sigma0(s, o) { return ((s >>> 28) | (o << 4)) ^ ((o >>> 2) | (s << 30)) ^ ((o >>> 7) | (s << 25)); } function sigma1(s, o) { return ((s >>> 14) | (o << 18)) ^ ((s >>> 18) | (o << 14)) ^ ((o >>> 9) | (s << 23)); } function Gamma0(s, o) { return ((s >>> 1) | (o << 31)) ^ ((s >>> 8) | (o << 24)) ^ (s >>> 7); } function Gamma0l(s, o) { return ((s >>> 1) | (o << 31)) ^ ((s >>> 8) | (o << 24)) ^ ((s >>> 7) | (o << 25)); } function Gamma1(s, o) { return ((s >>> 19) | (o << 13)) ^ ((o >>> 29) | (s << 3)) ^ (s >>> 6); } function Gamma1l(s, o) { return ((s >>> 19) | (o << 13)) ^ ((o >>> 29) | (s << 3)) ^ ((s >>> 6) | (o << 26)); } function getCarry(s, o) { return s >>> 0 < o >>> 0 ? 1 : 0; } u(Sha512, _), (Sha512.prototype.init = function () { return ( (this._ah = 1779033703), (this._bh = 3144134277), (this._ch = 1013904242), (this._dh = 2773480762), (this._eh = 1359893119), (this._fh = 2600822924), (this._gh = 528734635), (this._hh = 1541459225), (this._al = 4089235720), (this._bl = 2227873595), (this._cl = 4271175723), (this._dl = 1595750129), (this._el = 2917565137), (this._fl = 725511199), (this._gl = 4215389547), (this._hl = 327033209), this ); }), (Sha512.prototype._update = function (s) { for ( var o = this._w, i = 0 | this._ah, u = 0 | this._bh, _ = 0 | this._ch, w = 0 | this._dh, C = 0 | this._eh, j = 0 | this._fh, L = 0 | this._gh, B = 0 | this._hh, $ = 0 | this._al, V = 0 | this._bl, U = 0 | this._cl, z = 0 | this._dl, Y = 0 | this._el, Z = 0 | this._fl, ee = 0 | this._gl, ie = 0 | this._hl, ae = 0; ae < 32; ae += 2 ) (o[ae] = s.readInt32BE(4 * ae)), (o[ae + 1] = s.readInt32BE(4 * ae + 4)); for (; ae < 160; ae += 2) { var le = o[ae - 30], ce = o[ae - 30 + 1], pe = Gamma0(le, ce), de = Gamma0l(ce, le), fe = Gamma1((le = o[ae - 4]), (ce = o[ae - 4 + 1])), ye = Gamma1l(ce, le), be = o[ae - 14], _e = o[ae - 14 + 1], we = o[ae - 32], Se = o[ae - 32 + 1], xe = (de + _e) | 0, Pe = (pe + be + getCarry(xe, de)) | 0; (Pe = ((Pe = (Pe + fe + getCarry((xe = (xe + ye) | 0), ye)) | 0) + we + getCarry((xe = (xe + Se) | 0), Se)) | 0), (o[ae] = Pe), (o[ae + 1] = xe); } for (var Te = 0; Te < 160; Te += 2) { (Pe = o[Te]), (xe = o[Te + 1]); var Re = maj(i, u, _), qe = maj($, V, U), $e = sigma0(i, $), ze = sigma0($, i), We = sigma1(C, Y), He = sigma1(Y, C), Ye = x[Te], Xe = x[Te + 1], Qe = Ch(C, j, L), et = Ch(Y, Z, ee), tt = (ie + He) | 0, rt = (B + We + getCarry(tt, ie)) | 0; rt = ((rt = ((rt = (rt + Qe + getCarry((tt = (tt + et) | 0), et)) | 0) + Ye + getCarry((tt = (tt + Xe) | 0), Xe)) | 0) + Pe + getCarry((tt = (tt + xe) | 0), xe)) | 0; var nt = (ze + qe) | 0, st = ($e + Re + getCarry(nt, ze)) | 0; (B = L), (ie = ee), (L = j), (ee = Z), (j = C), (Z = Y), (C = (w + rt + getCarry((Y = (z + tt) | 0), z)) | 0), (w = _), (z = U), (_ = u), (U = V), (u = i), (V = $), (i = (rt + st + getCarry(($ = (tt + nt) | 0), tt)) | 0); } (this._al = (this._al + $) | 0), (this._bl = (this._bl + V) | 0), (this._cl = (this._cl + U) | 0), (this._dl = (this._dl + z) | 0), (this._el = (this._el + Y) | 0), (this._fl = (this._fl + Z) | 0), (this._gl = (this._gl + ee) | 0), (this._hl = (this._hl + ie) | 0), (this._ah = (this._ah + i + getCarry(this._al, $)) | 0), (this._bh = (this._bh + u + getCarry(this._bl, V)) | 0), (this._ch = (this._ch + _ + getCarry(this._cl, U)) | 0), (this._dh = (this._dh + w + getCarry(this._dl, z)) | 0), (this._eh = (this._eh + C + getCarry(this._el, Y)) | 0), (this._fh = (this._fh + j + getCarry(this._fl, Z)) | 0), (this._gh = (this._gh + L + getCarry(this._gl, ee)) | 0), (this._hh = (this._hh + B + getCarry(this._hl, ie)) | 0); }), (Sha512.prototype._hash = function () { var s = w.allocUnsafe(64); function writeInt64BE(o, i, u) { s.writeInt32BE(o, u), s.writeInt32BE(i, u + 4); } return ( writeInt64BE(this._ah, this._al, 0), writeInt64BE(this._bh, this._bl, 8), writeInt64BE(this._ch, this._cl, 16), writeInt64BE(this._dh, this._dl, 24), writeInt64BE(this._eh, this._el, 32), writeInt64BE(this._fh, this._fl, 40), writeInt64BE(this._gh, this._gl, 48), writeInt64BE(this._hh, this._hl, 56), s ); }), (s.exports = Sha512); }, 8068: (s) => { 'use strict'; var o = (() => { var s = Object.defineProperty, o = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, i = Object.getOwnPropertyNames, u = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols, _ = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, w = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable, __defNormalProp = (o, i, u) => i in o ? s(o, i, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: u }) : (o[i] = u), __spreadValues = (s, o) => { for (var i in o || (o = {})) _.call(o, i) && __defNormalProp(s, i, o[i]); if (u) for (var i of u(o)) w.call(o, i) && __defNormalProp(s, i, o[i]); return s; }, __publicField = (s, o, i) => ( __defNormalProp(s, 'symbol' != typeof o ? o + '' : o, i), i ), x = {}; ((o, i) => { for (var u in i) s(o, u, { get: i[u], enumerable: !0 }); })(x, { DEFAULT_OPTIONS: () => j, DEFAULT_UUID_LENGTH: () => C, default: () => $ }); var C = 6, j = { dictionary: 'alphanum', shuffle: !0, debug: !1, length: C, counter: 0 }, L = class _ShortUniqueId { constructor(s = {}) { __publicField(this, 'counter'), __publicField(this, 'debug'), __publicField(this, 'dict'), __publicField(this, 'version'), __publicField(this, 'dictIndex', 0), __publicField(this, 'dictRange', []), __publicField(this, 'lowerBound', 0), __publicField(this, 'upperBound', 0), __publicField(this, 'dictLength', 0), __publicField(this, 'uuidLength'), __publicField(this, '_digit_first_ascii', 48), __publicField(this, '_digit_last_ascii', 58), __publicField(this, '_alpha_lower_first_ascii', 97), __publicField(this, '_alpha_lower_last_ascii', 123), __publicField(this, '_hex_last_ascii', 103), __publicField(this, '_alpha_upper_first_ascii', 65), __publicField(this, '_alpha_upper_last_ascii', 91), __publicField(this, '_number_dict_ranges', { digits: [this._digit_first_ascii, this._digit_last_ascii] }), __publicField(this, '_alpha_dict_ranges', { lowerCase: [this._alpha_lower_first_ascii, this._alpha_lower_last_ascii], upperCase: [this._alpha_upper_first_ascii, this._alpha_upper_last_ascii] }), __publicField(this, '_alpha_lower_dict_ranges', { lowerCase: [this._alpha_lower_first_ascii, this._alpha_lower_last_ascii] }), __publicField(this, '_alpha_upper_dict_ranges', { upperCase: [this._alpha_upper_first_ascii, this._alpha_upper_last_ascii] }), __publicField(this, '_alphanum_dict_ranges', { digits: [this._digit_first_ascii, this._digit_last_ascii], lowerCase: [this._alpha_lower_first_ascii, this._alpha_lower_last_ascii], upperCase: [this._alpha_upper_first_ascii, this._alpha_upper_last_ascii] }), __publicField(this, '_alphanum_lower_dict_ranges', { digits: [this._digit_first_ascii, this._digit_last_ascii], lowerCase: [this._alpha_lower_first_ascii, this._alpha_lower_last_ascii] }), __publicField(this, '_alphanum_upper_dict_ranges', { digits: [this._digit_first_ascii, this._digit_last_ascii], upperCase: [this._alpha_upper_first_ascii, this._alpha_upper_last_ascii] }), __publicField(this, '_hex_dict_ranges', { decDigits: [this._digit_first_ascii, this._digit_last_ascii], alphaDigits: [this._alpha_lower_first_ascii, this._hex_last_ascii] }), __publicField(this, '_dict_ranges', { _number_dict_ranges: this._number_dict_ranges, _alpha_dict_ranges: this._alpha_dict_ranges, _alpha_lower_dict_ranges: this._alpha_lower_dict_ranges, _alpha_upper_dict_ranges: this._alpha_upper_dict_ranges, _alphanum_dict_ranges: this._alphanum_dict_ranges, _alphanum_lower_dict_ranges: this._alphanum_lower_dict_ranges, _alphanum_upper_dict_ranges: this._alphanum_upper_dict_ranges, _hex_dict_ranges: this._hex_dict_ranges }), __publicField(this, 'log', (...s) => { const o = [...s]; if ( ((o[0] = `[short-unique-id] ${s[0]}`), !0 === this.debug && 'undefined' != typeof console && null !== console) ) return console.log(...o); }), __publicField(this, '_normalizeDictionary', (s, o) => { let i; if (s && Array.isArray(s) && s.length > 1) i = s; else { let o; (i = []), (this.dictIndex = o = 0); const u = `_${s}_dict_ranges`, _ = this._dict_ranges[u]; Object.keys(_).forEach((s) => { const u = s; for ( this.dictRange = _[u], this.lowerBound = this.dictRange[0], this.upperBound = this.dictRange[1], this.dictIndex = o = this.lowerBound; this.lowerBound <= this.upperBound ? o < this.upperBound : o > this.upperBound; this.dictIndex = this.lowerBound <= this.upperBound ? (o += 1) : (o -= 1) ) i.push(String.fromCharCode(this.dictIndex)); }); } if (o) { const s = 0.5; i = i.sort(() => Math.random() - s); } return i; }), __publicField(this, 'setDictionary', (s, o) => { (this.dict = this._normalizeDictionary(s, o)), (this.dictLength = this.dict.length), this.setCounter(0); }), __publicField(this, 'seq', () => this.sequentialUUID()), __publicField(this, 'sequentialUUID', () => { let s, o, i = ''; s = this.counter; do { (o = s % this.dictLength), (s = Math.trunc(s / this.dictLength)), (i += this.dict[o]); } while (0 !== s); return (this.counter += 1), i; }), __publicField(this, 'rnd', (s = this.uuidLength || C) => this.randomUUID(s)), __publicField(this, 'randomUUID', (s = this.uuidLength || C) => { let o, i, u; if (null == s || s < 1) throw new Error('Invalid UUID Length Provided'); for (o = '', u = 0; u < s; u += 1) (i = parseInt((Math.random() * this.dictLength).toFixed(0), 10) % this.dictLength), (o += this.dict[i]); return o; }), __publicField(this, 'fmt', (s, o) => this.formattedUUID(s, o)), __publicField(this, 'formattedUUID', (s, o) => { const i = { $r: this.randomUUID, $s: this.sequentialUUID, $t: this.stamp }; return s.replace(/\$[rs]\d{0,}|\$t0|\$t[1-9]\d{1,}/g, (s) => { const u = s.slice(0, 2), _ = parseInt(s.slice(2), 10); return '$s' === u ? i[u]().padStart(_, '0') : '$t' === u && o ? i[u](_, o) : i[u](_); }); }), __publicField(this, 'availableUUIDs', (s = this.uuidLength) => parseFloat(Math.pow([...new Set(this.dict)].length, s).toFixed(0)) ), __publicField( this, 'approxMaxBeforeCollision', (s = this.availableUUIDs(this.uuidLength)) => parseFloat(Math.sqrt((Math.PI / 2) * s).toFixed(20)) ), __publicField( this, 'collisionProbability', (s = this.availableUUIDs(this.uuidLength), o = this.uuidLength) => parseFloat( (this.approxMaxBeforeCollision(s) / this.availableUUIDs(o)).toFixed(20) ) ), __publicField( this, 'uniqueness', (s = this.availableUUIDs(this.uuidLength)) => { const o = parseFloat( (1 - this.approxMaxBeforeCollision(s) / s).toFixed(20) ); return o > 1 ? 1 : o < 0 ? 0 : o; } ), __publicField(this, 'getVersion', () => this.version), __publicField(this, 'stamp', (s, o) => { const i = Math.floor(+(o || new Date()) / 1e3).toString(16); if ('number' == typeof s && 0 === s) return i; if ('number' != typeof s || s < 10) throw new Error( [ 'Param finalLength must be a number greater than or equal to 10,', 'or 0 if you want the raw hexadecimal timestamp' ].join('\n') ); const u = s - 9, _ = Math.round(Math.random() * (u > 15 ? 15 : u)), w = this.randomUUID(u); return `${w.substring(0, _)}${i}${w.substring(_)}${_.toString(16)}`; }), __publicField(this, 'parseStamp', (s, o) => { if (o && !/t0|t[1-9]\d{1,}/.test(o)) throw new Error( 'Cannot extract date from a formated UUID with no timestamp in the format' ); const i = o ? o .replace(/\$[rs]\d{0,}|\$t0|\$t[1-9]\d{1,}/g, (s) => { const o = { $r: (s) => [...Array(s)].map(() => 'r').join(''), $s: (s) => [...Array(s)].map(() => 's').join(''), $t: (s) => [...Array(s)].map(() => 't').join('') }, i = s.slice(0, 2), u = parseInt(s.slice(2), 10); return o[i](u); }) .replace(/^(.*?)(t{8,})(.*)$/g, (o, i, u) => s.substring(i.length, i.length + u.length) ) : s; if (8 === i.length) return new Date(1e3 * parseInt(i, 16)); if (i.length < 10) throw new Error('Stamp length invalid'); const u = parseInt(i.substring(i.length - 1), 16); return new Date(1e3 * parseInt(i.substring(u, u + 8), 16)); }), __publicField(this, 'setCounter', (s) => { this.counter = s; }), __publicField(this, 'validate', (s, o) => { const i = o ? this._normalizeDictionary(o) : this.dict; return s.split('').every((s) => i.includes(s)); }); const o = __spreadValues(__spreadValues({}, j), s); (this.counter = 0), (this.debug = !1), (this.dict = []), (this.version = '5.2.0'); const { dictionary: i, shuffle: u, length: _, counter: w } = o; return ( (this.uuidLength = _), this.setDictionary(i, u), this.setCounter(w), (this.debug = o.debug), this.log(this.dict), this.log( `Generator instantiated with Dictionary Size ${this.dictLength} and counter set to ${this.counter}` ), (this.log = this.log.bind(this)), (this.setDictionary = this.setDictionary.bind(this)), (this.setCounter = this.setCounter.bind(this)), (this.seq = this.seq.bind(this)), (this.sequentialUUID = this.sequentialUUID.bind(this)), (this.rnd = this.rnd.bind(this)), (this.randomUUID = this.randomUUID.bind(this)), (this.fmt = this.fmt.bind(this)), (this.formattedUUID = this.formattedUUID.bind(this)), (this.availableUUIDs = this.availableUUIDs.bind(this)), (this.approxMaxBeforeCollision = this.approxMaxBeforeCollision.bind(this)), (this.collisionProbability = this.collisionProbability.bind(this)), (this.uniqueness = this.uniqueness.bind(this)), (this.getVersion = this.getVersion.bind(this)), (this.stamp = this.stamp.bind(this)), (this.parseStamp = this.parseStamp.bind(this)), this ); } }; __publicField(L, 'default', L); var B, $ = L; return ( (B = x), ((u, w, x, C) => { if ((w && 'object' == typeof w) || 'function' == typeof w) for (let j of i(w)) _.call(u, j) || j === x || s(u, j, { get: () => w[j], enumerable: !(C = o(w, j)) || C.enumerable }); return u; })(s({}, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), B) ); })(); (s.exports = o.default), 'undefined' != typeof window && (o = o.default); }, 88310: (s, o, i) => { s.exports = Stream; var u = i(37007).EventEmitter; function Stream() { u.call(this); } i(56698)(Stream, u), (Stream.Readable = i(45412)), (Stream.Writable = i(16708)), (Stream.Duplex = i(25382)), (Stream.Transform = i(74610)), (Stream.PassThrough = i(63600)), (Stream.finished = i(86238)), (Stream.pipeline = i(57758)), (Stream.Stream = Stream), (Stream.prototype.pipe = function (s, o) { var i = this; function ondata(o) { s.writable && !1 === s.write(o) && i.pause && i.pause(); } function ondrain() { i.readable && i.resume && i.resume(); } i.on('data', ondata), s.on('drain', ondrain), s._isStdio || (o && !1 === o.end) || (i.on('end', onend), i.on('close', onclose)); var _ = !1; function onend() { _ || ((_ = !0), s.end()); } function onclose() { _ || ((_ = !0), 'function' == typeof s.destroy && s.destroy()); } function onerror(s) { if ((cleanup(), 0 === u.listenerCount(this, 'error'))) throw s; } function cleanup() { i.removeListener('data', ondata), s.removeListener('drain', ondrain), i.removeListener('end', onend), i.removeListener('close', onclose), i.removeListener('error', onerror), s.removeListener('error', onerror), i.removeListener('end', cleanup), i.removeListener('close', cleanup), s.removeListener('close', cleanup); } return ( i.on('error', onerror), s.on('error', onerror), i.on('end', cleanup), i.on('close', cleanup), s.on('close', cleanup), s.emit('pipe', i), s ); }); }, 83141: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(92861).Buffer, _ = u.isEncoding || function (s) { switch ((s = '' + s) && s.toLowerCase()) { case 'hex': case 'utf8': case 'utf-8': case 'ascii': case 'binary': case 'base64': case 'ucs2': case 'ucs-2': case 'utf16le': case 'utf-16le': case 'raw': return !0; default: return !1; } }; function StringDecoder(s) { var o; switch ( ((this.encoding = (function normalizeEncoding(s) { var o = (function _normalizeEncoding(s) { if (!s) return 'utf8'; for (var o; ; ) switch (s) { case 'utf8': case 'utf-8': return 'utf8'; case 'ucs2': case 'ucs-2': case 'utf16le': case 'utf-16le': return 'utf16le'; case 'latin1': case 'binary': return 'latin1'; case 'base64': case 'ascii': case 'hex': return s; default: if (o) return; (s = ('' + s).toLowerCase()), (o = !0); } })(s); if ('string' != typeof o && (u.isEncoding === _ || !_(s))) throw new Error('Unknown encoding: ' + s); return o || s; })(s)), this.encoding) ) { case 'utf16le': (this.text = utf16Text), (this.end = utf16End), (o = 4); break; case 'utf8': (this.fillLast = utf8FillLast), (o = 4); break; case 'base64': (this.text = base64Text), (this.end = base64End), (o = 3); break; default: return (this.write = simpleWrite), void (this.end = simpleEnd); } (this.lastNeed = 0), (this.lastTotal = 0), (this.lastChar = u.allocUnsafe(o)); } function utf8CheckByte(s) { return s <= 127 ? 0 : s >> 5 == 6 ? 2 : s >> 4 == 14 ? 3 : s >> 3 == 30 ? 4 : s >> 6 == 2 ? -1 : -2; } function utf8FillLast(s) { var o = this.lastTotal - this.lastNeed, i = (function utf8CheckExtraBytes(s, o, i) { if (128 != (192 & o[0])) return (s.lastNeed = 0), '�'; if (s.lastNeed > 1 && o.length > 1) { if (128 != (192 & o[1])) return (s.lastNeed = 1), '�'; if (s.lastNeed > 2 && o.length > 2 && 128 != (192 & o[2])) return (s.lastNeed = 2), '�'; } })(this, s); return void 0 !== i ? i : this.lastNeed <= s.length ? (s.copy(this.lastChar, o, 0, this.lastNeed), this.lastChar.toString(this.encoding, 0, this.lastTotal)) : (s.copy(this.lastChar, o, 0, s.length), void (this.lastNeed -= s.length)); } function utf16Text(s, o) { if ((s.length - o) % 2 == 0) { var i = s.toString('utf16le', o); if (i) { var u = i.charCodeAt(i.length - 1); if (u >= 55296 && u <= 56319) return ( (this.lastNeed = 2), (this.lastTotal = 4), (this.lastChar[0] = s[s.length - 2]), (this.lastChar[1] = s[s.length - 1]), i.slice(0, -1) ); } return i; } return ( (this.lastNeed = 1), (this.lastTotal = 2), (this.lastChar[0] = s[s.length - 1]), s.toString('utf16le', o, s.length - 1) ); } function utf16End(s) { var o = s && s.length ? this.write(s) : ''; if (this.lastNeed) { var i = this.lastTotal - this.lastNeed; return o + this.lastChar.toString('utf16le', 0, i); } return o; } function base64Text(s, o) { var i = (s.length - o) % 3; return 0 === i ? s.toString('base64', o) : ((this.lastNeed = 3 - i), (this.lastTotal = 3), 1 === i ? (this.lastChar[0] = s[s.length - 1]) : ((this.lastChar[0] = s[s.length - 2]), (this.lastChar[1] = s[s.length - 1])), s.toString('base64', o, s.length - i)); } function base64End(s) { var o = s && s.length ? this.write(s) : ''; return this.lastNeed ? o + this.lastChar.toString('base64', 0, 3 - this.lastNeed) : o; } function simpleWrite(s) { return s.toString(this.encoding); } function simpleEnd(s) { return s && s.length ? this.write(s) : ''; } (o.I = StringDecoder), (StringDecoder.prototype.write = function (s) { if (0 === s.length) return ''; var o, i; if (this.lastNeed) { if (void 0 === (o = this.fillLast(s))) return ''; (i = this.lastNeed), (this.lastNeed = 0); } else i = 0; return i < s.length ? (o ? o + this.text(s, i) : this.text(s, i)) : o || ''; }), (StringDecoder.prototype.end = function utf8End(s) { var o = s && s.length ? this.write(s) : ''; return this.lastNeed ? o + '�' : o; }), (StringDecoder.prototype.text = function utf8Text(s, o) { var i = (function utf8CheckIncomplete(s, o, i) { var u = o.length - 1; if (u < i) return 0; var _ = utf8CheckByte(o[u]); if (_ >= 0) return _ > 0 && (s.lastNeed = _ - 1), _; if (--u < i || -2 === _) return 0; if (((_ = utf8CheckByte(o[u])), _ >= 0)) return _ > 0 && (s.lastNeed = _ - 2), _; if (--u < i || -2 === _) return 0; if (((_ = utf8CheckByte(o[u])), _ >= 0)) return _ > 0 && (2 === _ ? (_ = 0) : (s.lastNeed = _ - 3)), _; return 0; })(this, s, o); if (!this.lastNeed) return s.toString('utf8', o); this.lastTotal = i; var u = s.length - (i - this.lastNeed); return s.copy(this.lastChar, 0, u), s.toString('utf8', o, u); }), (StringDecoder.prototype.fillLast = function (s) { if (this.lastNeed <= s.length) return ( s.copy(this.lastChar, this.lastTotal - this.lastNeed, 0, this.lastNeed), this.lastChar.toString(this.encoding, 0, this.lastTotal) ); s.copy(this.lastChar, this.lastTotal - this.lastNeed, 0, s.length), (this.lastNeed -= s.length); }); }, 69883: (s, o) => { 'use strict'; (o.parse = function parse(s, o) { if ('string' != typeof s) throw new TypeError('argument str must be a string'); var i = {}, _ = s.length; if (_ < 2) return i; var w = (o && o.decode) || decode, x = 0, C = 0, j = 0; do { if (-1 === (C = s.indexOf('=', x))) break; if (-1 === (j = s.indexOf(';', x))) j = _; else if (C > j) { x = s.lastIndexOf(';', C - 1) + 1; continue; } var L = startIndex(s, x, C), B = endIndex(s, C, L), $ = s.slice(L, B); if (!u.call(i, $)) { var V = startIndex(s, C + 1, j), U = endIndex(s, j, V); 34 === s.charCodeAt(V) && 34 === s.charCodeAt(U - 1) && (V++, U--); var z = s.slice(V, U); i[$] = tryDecode(z, w); } x = j + 1; } while (x < _); return i; }), (o.serialize = function serialize(s, o, u) { var j = (u && u.encode) || encodeURIComponent; if ('function' != typeof j) throw new TypeError('option encode is invalid'); if (!_.test(s)) throw new TypeError('argument name is invalid'); var L = j(o); if (!w.test(L)) throw new TypeError('argument val is invalid'); var B = s + '=' + L; if (!u) return B; if (null != u.maxAge) { var $ = Math.floor(u.maxAge); if (!isFinite($)) throw new TypeError('option maxAge is invalid'); B += '; Max-Age=' + $; } if (u.domain) { if (!x.test(u.domain)) throw new TypeError('option domain is invalid'); B += '; Domain=' + u.domain; } if (u.path) { if (!C.test(u.path)) throw new TypeError('option path is invalid'); B += '; Path=' + u.path; } if (u.expires) { var V = u.expires; if ( !(function isDate(s) { return '[object Date]' === i.call(s); })(V) || isNaN(V.valueOf()) ) throw new TypeError('option expires is invalid'); B += '; Expires=' + V.toUTCString(); } u.httpOnly && (B += '; HttpOnly'); u.secure && (B += '; Secure'); u.partitioned && (B += '; Partitioned'); if (u.priority) { switch ('string' == typeof u.priority ? u.priority.toLowerCase() : u.priority) { case 'low': B += '; Priority=Low'; break; case 'medium': B += '; Priority=Medium'; break; case 'high': B += '; Priority=High'; break; default: throw new TypeError('option priority is invalid'); } } if (u.sameSite) { switch ('string' == typeof u.sameSite ? u.sameSite.toLowerCase() : u.sameSite) { case !0: B += '; SameSite=Strict'; break; case 'lax': B += '; SameSite=Lax'; break; case 'strict': B += '; SameSite=Strict'; break; case 'none': B += '; SameSite=None'; break; default: throw new TypeError('option sameSite is invalid'); } } return B; }); var i = Object.prototype.toString, u = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, _ = /^[!#$%&'*+\-.^_`|~0-9A-Za-z]+$/, w = /^("?)[\u0021\u0023-\u002B\u002D-\u003A\u003C-\u005B\u005D-\u007E]*\1$/, x = /^([.]?[a-z0-9]([a-z0-9-]{0,61}[a-z0-9])?)([.][a-z0-9]([a-z0-9-]{0,61}[a-z0-9])?)*$/i, C = /^[\u0020-\u003A\u003D-\u007E]*$/; function startIndex(s, o, i) { do { var u = s.charCodeAt(o); if (32 !== u && 9 !== u) return o; } while (++o < i); return i; } function endIndex(s, o, i) { for (; o > i; ) { var u = s.charCodeAt(--o); if (32 !== u && 9 !== u) return o + 1; } return i; } function decode(s) { return -1 !== s.indexOf('%') ? decodeURIComponent(s) : s; } function tryDecode(s, o) { try { return o(s); } catch (o) { return s; } } }, 16426: (s) => { s.exports = function () { var s = document.getSelection(); if (!s.rangeCount) return function () {}; for (var o = document.activeElement, i = [], u = 0; u < s.rangeCount; u++) i.push(s.getRangeAt(u)); switch (o.tagName.toUpperCase()) { case 'INPUT': case 'TEXTAREA': o.blur(); break; default: o = null; } return ( s.removeAllRanges(), function () { 'Caret' === s.type && s.removeAllRanges(), s.rangeCount || i.forEach(function (o) { s.addRange(o); }), o && o.focus(); } ); }; }, 61160: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(92063), _ = i(73992), w = /^[\x00-\x20\u00a0\u1680\u2000-\u200a\u2028\u2029\u202f\u205f\u3000\ufeff]+/, x = /[\n\r\t]/g, C = /^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9+-.]*:\/\//, j = /:\d+$/, L = /^([a-z][a-z0-9.+-]*:)?(\/\/)?([\\/]+)?([\S\s]*)/i, B = /^[a-zA-Z]:/; function trimLeft(s) { return (s || '').toString().replace(w, ''); } var $ = [ ['#', 'hash'], ['?', 'query'], function sanitize(s, o) { return isSpecial(o.protocol) ? s.replace(/\\/g, '/') : s; }, ['/', 'pathname'], ['@', 'auth', 1], [NaN, 'host', void 0, 1, 1], [/:(\d*)$/, 'port', void 0, 1], [NaN, 'hostname', void 0, 1, 1] ], V = { hash: 1, query: 1 }; function lolcation(s) { var o, u = ('undefined' != typeof window ? window : void 0 !== i.g ? i.g : 'undefined' != typeof self ? self : {} ).location || {}, _ = {}, w = typeof (s = s || u); if ('blob:' === s.protocol) _ = new Url(unescape(s.pathname), {}); else if ('string' === w) for (o in ((_ = new Url(s, {})), V)) delete _[o]; else if ('object' === w) { for (o in s) o in V || (_[o] = s[o]); void 0 === _.slashes && (_.slashes = C.test(s.href)); } return _; } function isSpecial(s) { return ( 'file:' === s || 'ftp:' === s || 'http:' === s || 'https:' === s || 'ws:' === s || 'wss:' === s ); } function extractProtocol(s, o) { (s = (s = trimLeft(s)).replace(x, '')), (o = o || {}); var i, u = L.exec(s), _ = u[1] ? u[1].toLowerCase() : '', w = !!u[2], C = !!u[3], j = 0; return ( w ? C ? ((i = u[2] + u[3] + u[4]), (j = u[2].length + u[3].length)) : ((i = u[2] + u[4]), (j = u[2].length)) : C ? ((i = u[3] + u[4]), (j = u[3].length)) : (i = u[4]), 'file:' === _ ? j >= 2 && (i = i.slice(2)) : isSpecial(_) ? (i = u[4]) : _ ? w && (i = i.slice(2)) : j >= 2 && isSpecial(o.protocol) && (i = u[4]), { protocol: _, slashes: w || isSpecial(_), slashesCount: j, rest: i } ); } function Url(s, o, i) { if (((s = (s = trimLeft(s)).replace(x, '')), !(this instanceof Url))) return new Url(s, o, i); var w, C, j, L, V, U, z = $.slice(), Y = typeof o, Z = this, ee = 0; for ( 'object' !== Y && 'string' !== Y && ((i = o), (o = null)), i && 'function' != typeof i && (i = _.parse), w = !(C = extractProtocol(s || '', (o = lolcation(o)))).protocol && !C.slashes, Z.slashes = C.slashes || (w && o.slashes), Z.protocol = C.protocol || o.protocol || '', s = C.rest, (('file:' === C.protocol && (2 !== C.slashesCount || B.test(s))) || (!C.slashes && (C.protocol || C.slashesCount < 2 || !isSpecial(Z.protocol)))) && (z[3] = [/(.*)/, 'pathname']); ee < z.length; ee++ ) 'function' != typeof (L = z[ee]) ? ((j = L[0]), (U = L[1]), j != j ? (Z[U] = s) : 'string' == typeof j ? ~(V = '@' === j ? s.lastIndexOf(j) : s.indexOf(j)) && ('number' == typeof L[2] ? ((Z[U] = s.slice(0, V)), (s = s.slice(V + L[2]))) : ((Z[U] = s.slice(V)), (s = s.slice(0, V)))) : (V = j.exec(s)) && ((Z[U] = V[1]), (s = s.slice(0, V.index))), (Z[U] = Z[U] || (w && L[3] && o[U]) || ''), L[4] && (Z[U] = Z[U].toLowerCase())) : (s = L(s, Z)); i && (Z.query = i(Z.query)), w && o.slashes && '/' !== Z.pathname.charAt(0) && ('' !== Z.pathname || '' !== o.pathname) && (Z.pathname = (function resolve(s, o) { if ('' === s) return o; for ( var i = (o || '/').split('/').slice(0, -1).concat(s.split('/')), u = i.length, _ = i[u - 1], w = !1, x = 0; u--; ) '.' === i[u] ? i.splice(u, 1) : '..' === i[u] ? (i.splice(u, 1), x++) : x && (0 === u && (w = !0), i.splice(u, 1), x--); return w && i.unshift(''), ('.' !== _ && '..' !== _) || i.push(''), i.join('/'); })(Z.pathname, o.pathname)), '/' !== Z.pathname.charAt(0) && isSpecial(Z.protocol) && (Z.pathname = '/' + Z.pathname), u(Z.port, Z.protocol) || ((Z.host = Z.hostname), (Z.port = '')), (Z.username = Z.password = ''), Z.auth && (~(V = Z.auth.indexOf(':')) ? ((Z.username = Z.auth.slice(0, V)), (Z.username = encodeURIComponent(decodeURIComponent(Z.username))), (Z.password = Z.auth.slice(V + 1)), (Z.password = encodeURIComponent(decodeURIComponent(Z.password)))) : (Z.username = encodeURIComponent(decodeURIComponent(Z.auth))), (Z.auth = Z.password ? Z.username + ':' + Z.password : Z.username)), (Z.origin = 'file:' !== Z.protocol && isSpecial(Z.protocol) && Z.host ? Z.protocol + '//' + Z.host : 'null'), (Z.href = Z.toString()); } (Url.prototype = { set: function set(s, o, i) { var w = this; switch (s) { case 'query': 'string' == typeof o && o.length && (o = (i || _.parse)(o)), (w[s] = o); break; case 'port': (w[s] = o), u(o, w.protocol) ? o && (w.host = w.hostname + ':' + o) : ((w.host = w.hostname), (w[s] = '')); break; case 'hostname': (w[s] = o), w.port && (o += ':' + w.port), (w.host = o); break; case 'host': (w[s] = o), j.test(o) ? ((o = o.split(':')), (w.port = o.pop()), (w.hostname = o.join(':'))) : ((w.hostname = o), (w.port = '')); break; case 'protocol': (w.protocol = o.toLowerCase()), (w.slashes = !i); break; case 'pathname': case 'hash': if (o) { var x = 'pathname' === s ? '/' : '#'; w[s] = o.charAt(0) !== x ? x + o : o; } else w[s] = o; break; case 'username': case 'password': w[s] = encodeURIComponent(o); break; case 'auth': var C = o.indexOf(':'); ~C ? ((w.username = o.slice(0, C)), (w.username = encodeURIComponent(decodeURIComponent(w.username))), (w.password = o.slice(C + 1)), (w.password = encodeURIComponent(decodeURIComponent(w.password)))) : (w.username = encodeURIComponent(decodeURIComponent(o))); } for (var L = 0; L < $.length; L++) { var B = $[L]; B[4] && (w[B[1]] = w[B[1]].toLowerCase()); } return ( (w.auth = w.password ? w.username + ':' + w.password : w.username), (w.origin = 'file:' !== w.protocol && isSpecial(w.protocol) && w.host ? w.protocol + '//' + w.host : 'null'), (w.href = w.toString()), w ); }, toString: function toString(s) { (s && 'function' == typeof s) || (s = _.stringify); var o, i = this, u = i.host, w = i.protocol; w && ':' !== w.charAt(w.length - 1) && (w += ':'); var x = w + ((i.protocol && i.slashes) || isSpecial(i.protocol) ? '//' : ''); return ( i.username ? ((x += i.username), i.password && (x += ':' + i.password), (x += '@')) : i.password ? ((x += ':' + i.password), (x += '@')) : 'file:' !== i.protocol && isSpecial(i.protocol) && !u && '/' !== i.pathname && (x += '@'), (':' === u[u.length - 1] || (j.test(i.hostname) && !i.port)) && (u += ':'), (x += u + i.pathname), (o = 'object' == typeof i.query ? s(i.query) : i.query) && (x += '?' !== o.charAt(0) ? '?' + o : o), i.hash && (x += i.hash), x ); } }), (Url.extractProtocol = extractProtocol), (Url.location = lolcation), (Url.trimLeft = trimLeft), (Url.qs = _), (s.exports = Url); }, 77154: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(96540); var _ = 'function' == typeof Object.is ? Object.is : function n(s, o) { return (s === o && (0 !== s || 1 / s == 1 / o)) || (s != s && o != o); }, w = u.useSyncExternalStore, x = u.useRef, C = u.useEffect, j = u.useMemo, L = u.useDebugValue; o.useSyncExternalStoreWithSelector = function (s, o, i, u, B) { var $ = x(null); if (null === $.current) { var V = { hasValue: !1, value: null }; $.current = V; } else V = $.current; $ = j( function () { function a(o) { if (!x) { if (((x = !0), (s = o), (o = u(o)), void 0 !== B && V.hasValue)) { var i = V.value; if (B(i, o)) return (w = i); } return (w = o); } if (((i = w), _(s, o))) return i; var C = u(o); return void 0 !== B && B(i, C) ? i : ((s = o), (w = C)); } var s, w, x = !1, C = void 0 === i ? null : i; return [ function () { return a(o()); }, null === C ? void 0 : function () { return a(C()); } ]; }, [o, i, u, B] ); var U = w(s, $[0], $[1]); return ( C( function () { (V.hasValue = !0), (V.value = U); }, [U] ), L(U), U ); }; }, 78418: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; s.exports = i(77154); }, 94643: (s, o, i) => { function config(s) { try { if (!i.g.localStorage) return !1; } catch (s) { return !1; } var o = i.g.localStorage[s]; return null != o && 'true' === String(o).toLowerCase(); } s.exports = function deprecate(s, o) { if (config('noDeprecation')) return s; var i = !1; return function deprecated() { if (!i) { if (config('throwDeprecation')) throw new Error(o); config('traceDeprecation') ? console.trace(o) : console.warn(o), (i = !0); } return s.apply(this, arguments); }; }; }, 26657: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(75208), _ = function isClosingTag(s) { return /<\/+[^>]+>/.test(s); }, w = function isSelfClosingTag(s) { return /<[^>]+\/>/.test(s); }; function getType(s) { return _(s) ? 'ClosingTag' : (function isOpeningTag(s) { return ( (function isTag(s) { return /<[^>!]+>/.test(s); })(s) && !_(s) && !w(s) ); })(s) ? 'OpeningTag' : w(s) ? 'SelfClosingTag' : 'Text'; } s.exports = function (s) { var o = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}, i = o.indentor, _ = o.textNodesOnSameLine, w = 0, x = []; i = i || ' '; var C = (function lexer(s) { return (function splitOnTags(s) { return s.split(/(<\/?[^>]+>)/g).filter(function (s) { return '' !== s.trim(); }); })(s).map(function (s) { return { value: s, type: getType(s) }; }); })(s).map(function (s, o, C) { var j = s.value, L = s.type; 'ClosingTag' === L && w--; var B = u(i, w), $ = B + j; if (('OpeningTag' === L && w++, _)) { var V = C[o - 1], U = C[o - 2]; 'ClosingTag' === L && 'Text' === V.type && 'OpeningTag' === U.type && (($ = '' + B + U.value + V.value + j), x.push(o - 2, o - 1)); } return $; }); return ( x.forEach(function (s) { return (C[s] = null); }), C.filter(function (s) { return !!s; }).join('\n') ); }; }, 31499: (s) => { var o = { '&': '&', '"': '"', "'": ''', '<': '<', '>': '>' }; s.exports = function escapeForXML(s) { return s && s.replace ? s.replace(/([&"<>'])/g, function (s, i) { return o[i]; }) : s; }; }, 19123: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(65606), _ = i(31499), w = i(88310).Stream; function resolve(s, o, i) { var u, w = (function create_indent(s, o) { return new Array(o || 0).join(s || ''); })(o, (i = i || 0)), x = s; if ('object' == typeof s && (x = s[(u = Object.keys(s)[0])]) && x._elem) return ( (x._elem.name = u), (x._elem.icount = i), (x._elem.indent = o), (x._elem.indents = w), (x._elem.interrupt = x), x._elem ); var C, j = [], L = []; function get_attributes(s) { Object.keys(s).forEach(function (o) { j.push( (function attribute(s, o) { return s + '="' + _(o) + '"'; })(o, s[o]) ); }); } switch (typeof x) { case 'object': if (null === x) break; x._attr && get_attributes(x._attr), x._cdata && L.push(('/g, ']]]]>') + ']]>'), x.forEach && ((C = !1), L.push(''), x.forEach(function (s) { 'object' == typeof s ? '_attr' == Object.keys(s)[0] ? get_attributes(s._attr) : L.push(resolve(s, o, i + 1)) : (L.pop(), (C = !0), L.push(_(s))); }), C || L.push('')); break; default: L.push(_(x)); } return { name: u, interrupt: !1, attributes: j, content: L, icount: i, indents: w, indent: o }; } function format(s, o, i) { if ('object' != typeof o) return s(!1, o); var u = o.interrupt ? 1 : o.content.length; function proceed() { for (; o.content.length; ) { var _ = o.content.shift(); if (void 0 !== _) { if (interrupt(_)) return; format(s, _); } } s( !1, (u > 1 ? o.indents : '') + (o.name ? '' : '') + (o.indent && !i ? '\n' : '') ), i && i(); } function interrupt(o) { return ( !!o.interrupt && ((o.interrupt.append = s), (o.interrupt.end = proceed), (o.interrupt = !1), s(!0), !0) ); } if ( (s( !1, o.indents + (o.name ? '<' + o.name : '') + (o.attributes.length ? ' ' + o.attributes.join(' ') : '') + (u ? (o.name ? '>' : '') : o.name ? '/>' : '') + (o.indent && u > 1 ? '\n' : '') ), !u) ) return s(!1, o.indent ? '\n' : ''); interrupt(o) || proceed(); } (s.exports = function xml(s, o) { 'object' != typeof o && (o = { indent: o }); var i = o.stream ? new w() : null, _ = '', x = !1, C = o.indent ? (!0 === o.indent ? ' ' : o.indent) : '', j = !0; function delay(s) { j ? u.nextTick(s) : s(); } function append(s, o) { if ((void 0 !== o && (_ += o), s && !x && ((i = i || new w()), (x = !0)), s && x)) { var u = _; delay(function () { i.emit('data', u); }), (_ = ''); } } function add(s, o) { format(append, resolve(s, C, C ? 1 : 0), o); } function end() { if (i) { var s = _; delay(function () { i.emit('data', s), i.emit('end'), (i.readable = !1), i.emit('close'); }); } } return ( delay(function () { j = !1; }), o.declaration && (function addXmlDeclaration(s) { var o = { version: '1.0', encoding: s.encoding || 'UTF-8' }; s.standalone && (o.standalone = s.standalone), add({ '?xml': { _attr: o } }), (_ = _.replace('/>', '?>')); })(o.declaration), s && s.forEach ? s.forEach(function (o, i) { var u; i + 1 === s.length && (u = end), add(o, u); }) : add(s, end), i ? ((i.readable = !0), i) : _ ); }), (s.exports.element = s.exports.Element = function element() { var s = { _elem: resolve(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)), push: function (s) { if (!this.append) throw new Error('not assigned to a parent!'); var o = this, i = this._elem.indent; format( this.append, resolve(s, i, this._elem.icount + (i ? 1 : 0)), function () { o.append(!0); } ); }, close: function (s) { void 0 !== s && this.push(s), this.end && this.end(); } }; return s; }); }, 86215: function (s, o) { var i, u, _; (u = []), (i = (function () { 'use strict'; var isNativeSmoothScrollEnabledOn = function (s) { return ( s && 'getComputedStyle' in window && 'smooth' === window.getComputedStyle(s)['scroll-behavior'] ); }; if ('undefined' == typeof window || !('document' in window)) return {}; var makeScroller = function (s, o, i) { var u; (o = o || 999), i || 0 === i || (i = 9); var setScrollTimeoutId = function (s) { u = s; }, stopScroll = function () { clearTimeout(u), setScrollTimeoutId(0); }, getTopWithEdgeOffset = function (o) { return Math.max(0, s.getTopOf(o) - i); }, scrollToY = function (i, u, _) { if ( (stopScroll(), 0 === u || (u && u < 0) || isNativeSmoothScrollEnabledOn(s.body)) ) s.toY(i), _ && _(); else { var w = s.getY(), x = Math.max(0, i) - w, C = new Date().getTime(); (u = u || Math.min(Math.abs(x), o)), (function loopScroll() { setScrollTimeoutId( setTimeout(function () { var o = Math.min(1, (new Date().getTime() - C) / u), i = Math.max( 0, Math.floor(w + x * (o < 0.5 ? 2 * o * o : o * (4 - 2 * o) - 1)) ); s.toY(i), o < 1 && s.getHeight() + i < s.body.scrollHeight ? loopScroll() : (setTimeout(stopScroll, 99), _ && _()); }, 9) ); })(); } }, scrollToElem = function (s, o, i) { scrollToY(getTopWithEdgeOffset(s), o, i); }, scrollIntoView = function (o, u, _) { var w = o.getBoundingClientRect().height, x = s.getTopOf(o) + w, C = s.getHeight(), j = s.getY(), L = j + C; getTopWithEdgeOffset(o) < j || w + i > C ? scrollToElem(o, u, _) : x + i > L ? scrollToY(x - C + i, u, _) : _ && _(); }, scrollToCenterOf = function (o, i, u, _) { scrollToY( Math.max( 0, s.getTopOf(o) - s.getHeight() / 2 + (u || o.getBoundingClientRect().height / 2) ), i, _ ); }; return { setup: function (s, u) { return ( (0 === s || s) && (o = s), (0 === u || u) && (i = u), { defaultDuration: o, edgeOffset: i } ); }, to: scrollToElem, toY: scrollToY, intoView: scrollIntoView, center: scrollToCenterOf, stop: stopScroll, moving: function () { return !!u; }, getY: s.getY, getTopOf: s.getTopOf }; }, s = document.documentElement, getDocY = function () { return window.scrollY || s.scrollTop; }, o = makeScroller({ body: document.scrollingElement || document.body, toY: function (s) { window.scrollTo(0, s); }, getY: getDocY, getHeight: function () { return window.innerHeight || s.clientHeight; }, getTopOf: function (o) { return o.getBoundingClientRect().top + getDocY() - s.offsetTop; } }); if ( ((o.createScroller = function (o, i, u) { return makeScroller( { body: o, toY: function (s) { o.scrollTop = s; }, getY: function () { return o.scrollTop; }, getHeight: function () { return Math.min(o.clientHeight, window.innerHeight || s.clientHeight); }, getTopOf: function (s) { return s.offsetTop; } }, i, u ); }), 'addEventListener' in window && !window.noZensmooth && !isNativeSmoothScrollEnabledOn(document.body)) ) { var i = 'history' in window && 'pushState' in history, u = i && 'scrollRestoration' in history; u && (history.scrollRestoration = 'auto'), window.addEventListener( 'load', function () { u && (setTimeout(function () { history.scrollRestoration = 'manual'; }, 9), window.addEventListener( 'popstate', function (s) { s.state && 'zenscrollY' in s.state && o.toY(s.state.zenscrollY); }, !1 )), window.location.hash && setTimeout(function () { var s = o.setup().edgeOffset; if (s) { var i = document.getElementById(window.location.href.split('#')[1]); if (i) { var u = Math.max(0, o.getTopOf(i) - s), _ = o.getY() - u; 0 <= _ && _ < 9 && window.scrollTo(0, u); } } }, 9); }, !1 ); var _ = new RegExp('(^|\\s)noZensmooth(\\s|$)'); window.addEventListener( 'click', function (s) { for (var w = s.target; w && 'A' !== w.tagName; ) w = w.parentNode; if ( !(!w || 1 !== s.which || s.shiftKey || s.metaKey || s.ctrlKey || s.altKey) ) { if (u) { var x = history.state && 'object' == typeof history.state ? history.state : {}; x.zenscrollY = o.getY(); try { history.replaceState(x, ''); } catch (s) {} } var C = w.getAttribute('href') || ''; if (0 === C.indexOf('#') && !_.test(w.className)) { var j = 0, L = document.getElementById(C.substring(1)); if ('#' !== C) { if (!L) return; j = o.getTopOf(L); } s.preventDefault(); var onDone = function () { window.location = C; }, B = o.setup().edgeOffset; B && ((j = Math.max(0, j - B)), i && (onDone = function () { history.pushState({}, '', C); })), o.toY(j, null, onDone); } } }, !1 ); } return o; })()), void 0 === (_ = 'function' == typeof i ? i.apply(o, u) : i) || (s.exports = _); }, 15340: () => {}, 79838: () => {}, 48675: (s, o, i) => { s.exports = i(20850); }, 7666: (s, o, i) => { var u = i(84851), _ = i(953); function _extends() { var o; return ( (s.exports = _extends = u ? _((o = u)).call(o) : function (s) { for (var o = 1; o < arguments.length; o++) { var i = arguments[o]; for (var u in i) ({}).hasOwnProperty.call(i, u) && (s[u] = i[u]); } return s; }), (s.exports.__esModule = !0), (s.exports.default = s.exports), _extends.apply(null, arguments) ); } (s.exports = _extends), (s.exports.__esModule = !0), (s.exports.default = s.exports); }, 46942: (s, o) => { var i; !(function () { 'use strict'; var u = {}.hasOwnProperty; function classNames() { for (var s = '', o = 0; o < arguments.length; o++) { var i = arguments[o]; i && (s = appendClass(s, parseValue(i))); } return s; } function parseValue(s) { if ('string' == typeof s || 'number' == typeof s) return s; if ('object' != typeof s) return ''; if (Array.isArray(s)) return classNames.apply(null, s); if ( s.toString !== Object.prototype.toString && !s.toString.toString().includes('[native code]') ) return s.toString(); var o = ''; for (var i in s) u.call(s, i) && s[i] && (o = appendClass(o, i)); return o; } function appendClass(s, o) { return o ? (s ? s + ' ' + o : s + o) : s; } s.exports ? ((classNames.default = classNames), (s.exports = classNames)) : void 0 === (i = function () { return classNames; }.apply(o, [])) || (s.exports = i); })(); }, 68623: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(694); s.exports = u; }, 93700: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(19709); s.exports = u; }, 462: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(40975); s.exports = u; }, 37257: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; i(96605), i(64502), i(36371), i(99363), i(7057); var u = i(92046); s.exports = u.AggregateError; }, 32567: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; i(79307); var u = i(61747); s.exports = u('Function', 'bind'); }, 23034: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(88280), _ = i(32567), w = Function.prototype; s.exports = function (s) { var o = s.bind; return s === w || (u(w, s) && o === w.bind) ? _ : o; }; }, 9748: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; i(71340); var u = i(92046); s.exports = u.Object.assign; }, 20850: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; s.exports = i(46076); }, 953: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; s.exports = i(53375); }, 84851: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; s.exports = i(85401); }, 46076: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; i(91599); var u = i(68623); s.exports = u; }, 53375: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(93700); s.exports = u; }, 85401: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(462); s.exports = u; }, 82159: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(62250), _ = i(4640), w = TypeError; s.exports = function (s) { if (u(s)) return s; throw new w(_(s) + ' is not a function'); }; }, 10043: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(54018), _ = String, w = TypeError; s.exports = function (s) { if (u(s)) return s; throw new w("Can't set " + _(s) + ' as a prototype'); }; }, 42156: (s) => { 'use strict'; s.exports = function () {}; }, 36624: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(46285), _ = String, w = TypeError; s.exports = function (s) { if (u(s)) return s; throw new w(_(s) + ' is not an object'); }; }, 74436: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(4993), _ = i(34849), w = i(20575), createMethod = function (s) { return function (o, i, x) { var C = u(o), j = w(C); if (0 === j) return !s && -1; var L, B = _(x, j); if (s && i != i) { for (; j > B; ) if ((L = C[B++]) != L) return !0; } else for (; j > B; B++) if ((s || B in C) && C[B] === i) return s || B || 0; return !s && -1; }; }; s.exports = { includes: createMethod(!0), indexOf: createMethod(!1) }; }, 93427: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(1907); s.exports = u([].slice); }, 45807: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(1907), _ = u({}.toString), w = u(''.slice); s.exports = function (s) { return w(_(s), 8, -1); }; }, 73948: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(52623), _ = i(62250), w = i(45807), x = i(76264)('toStringTag'), C = Object, j = 'Arguments' === w( (function () { return arguments; })() ); s.exports = u ? w : function (s) { var o, i, u; return void 0 === s ? 'Undefined' : null === s ? 'Null' : 'string' == typeof (i = (function (s, o) { try { return s[o]; } catch (s) {} })((o = C(s)), x)) ? i : j ? w(o) : 'Object' === (u = w(o)) && _(o.callee) ? 'Arguments' : u; }; }, 19595: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(49724), _ = i(11042), w = i(13846), x = i(74284); s.exports = function (s, o, i) { for (var C = _(o), j = x.f, L = w.f, B = 0; B < C.length; B++) { var $ = C[B]; u(s, $) || (i && u(i, $)) || j(s, $, L(o, $)); } }; }, 57382: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(98828); s.exports = !u(function () { function F() {} return (F.prototype.constructor = null), Object.getPrototypeOf(new F()) !== F.prototype; }); }, 59550: (s) => { 'use strict'; s.exports = function (s, o) { return { value: s, done: o }; }; }, 61626: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(39447), _ = i(74284), w = i(75817); s.exports = u ? function (s, o, i) { return _.f(s, o, w(1, i)); } : function (s, o, i) { return (s[o] = i), s; }; }, 75817: (s) => { 'use strict'; s.exports = function (s, o) { return { enumerable: !(1 & s), configurable: !(2 & s), writable: !(4 & s), value: o }; }; }, 68055: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(61626); s.exports = function (s, o, i, _) { return _ && _.enumerable ? (s[o] = i) : u(s, o, i), s; }; }, 2532: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(45951), _ = Object.defineProperty; s.exports = function (s, o) { try { _(u, s, { value: o, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }); } catch (i) { u[s] = o; } return o; }; }, 39447: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(98828); s.exports = !u(function () { return ( 7 !== Object.defineProperty({}, 1, { get: function () { return 7; } })[1] ); }); }, 49552: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(45951), _ = i(46285), w = u.document, x = _(w) && _(w.createElement); s.exports = function (s) { return x ? w.createElement(s) : {}; }; }, 19287: (s) => { 'use strict'; s.exports = { CSSRuleList: 0, CSSStyleDeclaration: 0, CSSValueList: 0, ClientRectList: 0, DOMRectList: 0, DOMStringList: 0, DOMTokenList: 1, DataTransferItemList: 0, FileList: 0, HTMLAllCollection: 0, HTMLCollection: 0, HTMLFormElement: 0, HTMLSelectElement: 0, MediaList: 0, MimeTypeArray: 0, NamedNodeMap: 0, NodeList: 1, PaintRequestList: 0, Plugin: 0, PluginArray: 0, SVGLengthList: 0, SVGNumberList: 0, SVGPathSegList: 0, SVGPointList: 0, SVGStringList: 0, SVGTransformList: 0, SourceBufferList: 0, StyleSheetList: 0, TextTrackCueList: 0, TextTrackList: 0, TouchList: 0 }; }, 80376: (s) => { 'use strict'; s.exports = [ 'constructor', 'hasOwnProperty', 'isPrototypeOf', 'propertyIsEnumerable', 'toLocaleString', 'toString', 'valueOf' ]; }, 96794: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(45951).navigator, _ = u && u.userAgent; s.exports = _ ? String(_) : ''; }, 20798: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u, _, w = i(45951), x = i(96794), C = w.process, j = w.Deno, L = (C && C.versions) || (j && j.version), B = L && L.v8; B && (_ = (u = B.split('.'))[0] > 0 && u[0] < 4 ? 1 : +(u[0] + u[1])), !_ && x && (!(u = x.match(/Edge\/(\d+)/)) || u[1] >= 74) && (u = x.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)/)) && (_ = +u[1]), (s.exports = _); }, 85762: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(1907), _ = Error, w = u(''.replace), x = String(new _('zxcasd').stack), C = /\n\s*at [^:]*:[^\n]*/, j = C.test(x); s.exports = function (s, o) { if (j && 'string' == typeof s && !_.prepareStackTrace) for (; o--; ) s = w(s, C, ''); return s; }; }, 85884: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(61626), _ = i(85762), w = i(23888), x = Error.captureStackTrace; s.exports = function (s, o, i, C) { w && (x ? x(s, o) : u(s, 'stack', _(i, C))); }; }, 23888: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(98828), _ = i(75817); s.exports = !u(function () { var s = new Error('a'); return !('stack' in s) || (Object.defineProperty(s, 'stack', _(1, 7)), 7 !== s.stack); }); }, 11091: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(45951), _ = i(76024), w = i(92361), x = i(62250), C = i(13846).f, j = i(7463), L = i(92046), B = i(28311), $ = i(61626), V = i(49724); i(36128); var wrapConstructor = function (s) { var Wrapper = function (o, i, u) { if (this instanceof Wrapper) { switch (arguments.length) { case 0: return new s(); case 1: return new s(o); case 2: return new s(o, i); } return new s(o, i, u); } return _(s, this, arguments); }; return (Wrapper.prototype = s.prototype), Wrapper; }; s.exports = function (s, o) { var i, _, U, z, Y, Z, ee, ie, ae, le = s.target, ce = s.global, pe = s.stat, de = s.proto, fe = ce ? u : pe ? u[le] : u[le] && u[le].prototype, ye = ce ? L : L[le] || $(L, le, {})[le], be = ye.prototype; for (z in o) (_ = !(i = j(ce ? z : le + (pe ? '.' : '#') + z, s.forced)) && fe && V(fe, z)), (Z = ye[z]), _ && (ee = s.dontCallGetSet ? (ae = C(fe, z)) && ae.value : fe[z]), (Y = _ && ee ? ee : o[z]), (i || de || typeof Z != typeof Y) && ((ie = s.bind && _ ? B(Y, u) : s.wrap && _ ? wrapConstructor(Y) : de && x(Y) ? w(Y) : Y), (s.sham || (Y && Y.sham) || (Z && Z.sham)) && $(ie, 'sham', !0), $(ye, z, ie), de && (V(L, (U = le + 'Prototype')) || $(L, U, {}), $(L[U], z, Y), s.real && be && (i || !be[z]) && $(be, z, Y))); }; }, 98828: (s) => { 'use strict'; s.exports = function (s) { try { return !!s(); } catch (s) { return !0; } }; }, 76024: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(41505), _ = Function.prototype, w = _.apply, x = _.call; s.exports = ('object' == typeof Reflect && Reflect.apply) || (u ? x.bind(w) : function () { return x.apply(w, arguments); }); }, 28311: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(92361), _ = i(82159), w = i(41505), x = u(u.bind); s.exports = function (s, o) { return ( _(s), void 0 === o ? s : w ? x(s, o) : function () { return s.apply(o, arguments); } ); }; }, 41505: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(98828); s.exports = !u(function () { var s = function () {}.bind(); return 'function' != typeof s || s.hasOwnProperty('prototype'); }); }, 44673: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(1907), _ = i(82159), w = i(46285), x = i(49724), C = i(93427), j = i(41505), L = Function, B = u([].concat), $ = u([].join), V = {}; s.exports = j ? L.bind : function bind(s) { var o = _(this), i = o.prototype, u = C(arguments, 1), j = function bound() { var i = B(u, C(arguments)); return this instanceof j ? (function (s, o, i) { if (!x(V, o)) { for (var u = [], _ = 0; _ < o; _++) u[_] = 'a[' + _ + ']'; V[o] = L('C,a', 'return new C(' + $(u, ',') + ')'); } return V[o](s, i); })(o, i.length, i) : o.apply(s, i); }; return w(i) && (j.prototype = i), j; }; }, 13930: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(41505), _ = Function.prototype.call; s.exports = u ? _.bind(_) : function () { return _.apply(_, arguments); }; }, 36833: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(39447), _ = i(49724), w = Function.prototype, x = u && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, C = _(w, 'name'), j = C && 'something' === function something() {}.name, L = C && (!u || (u && x(w, 'name').configurable)); s.exports = { EXISTS: C, PROPER: j, CONFIGURABLE: L }; }, 51871: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(1907), _ = i(82159); s.exports = function (s, o, i) { try { return u(_(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(s, o)[i])); } catch (s) {} }; }, 92361: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(45807), _ = i(1907); s.exports = function (s) { if ('Function' === u(s)) return _(s); }; }, 1907: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(41505), _ = Function.prototype, w = _.call, x = u && _.bind.bind(w, w); s.exports = u ? x : function (s) { return function () { return w.apply(s, arguments); }; }; }, 61747: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(45951), _ = i(92046); s.exports = function (s, o) { var i = _[s + 'Prototype'], w = i && i[o]; if (w) return w; var x = u[s], C = x && x.prototype; return C && C[o]; }; }, 85582: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(92046), _ = i(45951), w = i(62250), aFunction = function (s) { return w(s) ? s : void 0; }; s.exports = function (s, o) { return arguments.length < 2 ? aFunction(u[s]) || aFunction(_[s]) : (u[s] && u[s][o]) || (_[s] && _[s][o]); }; }, 73448: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(73948), _ = i(29367), w = i(87136), x = i(93742), C = i(76264)('iterator'); s.exports = function (s) { if (!w(s)) return _(s, C) || _(s, '@@iterator') || x[u(s)]; }; }, 10300: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(13930), _ = i(82159), w = i(36624), x = i(4640), C = i(73448), j = TypeError; s.exports = function (s, o) { var i = arguments.length < 2 ? C(s) : o; if (_(i)) return w(u(i, s)); throw new j(x(s) + ' is not iterable'); }; }, 29367: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(82159), _ = i(87136); s.exports = function (s, o) { var i = s[o]; return _(i) ? void 0 : u(i); }; }, 45951: function (s, o, i) { 'use strict'; var check = function (s) { return s && s.Math === Math && s; }; s.exports = check('object' == typeof globalThis && globalThis) || check('object' == typeof window && window) || check('object' == typeof self && self) || check('object' == typeof i.g && i.g) || check('object' == typeof this && this) || (function () { return this; })() || Function('return this')(); }, 49724: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(1907), _ = i(39298), w = u({}.hasOwnProperty); s.exports = Object.hasOwn || function hasOwn(s, o) { return w(_(s), o); }; }, 38530: (s) => { 'use strict'; s.exports = {}; }, 62416: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(85582); s.exports = u('document', 'documentElement'); }, 73648: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(39447), _ = i(98828), w = i(49552); s.exports = !u && !_(function () { return ( 7 !== Object.defineProperty(w('div'), 'a', { get: function () { return 7; } }).a ); }); }, 16946: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(1907), _ = i(98828), w = i(45807), x = Object, C = u(''.split); s.exports = _(function () { return !x('z').propertyIsEnumerable(0); }) ? function (s) { return 'String' === w(s) ? C(s, '') : x(s); } : x; }, 34084: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(62250), _ = i(46285), w = i(79192); s.exports = function (s, o, i) { var x, C; return ( w && u((x = o.constructor)) && x !== i && _((C = x.prototype)) && C !== i.prototype && w(s, C), s ); }; }, 39259: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(46285), _ = i(61626); s.exports = function (s, o) { u(o) && 'cause' in o && _(s, 'cause', o.cause); }; }, 64932: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u, _, w, x = i(40551), C = i(45951), j = i(46285), L = i(61626), B = i(49724), $ = i(36128), V = i(92522), U = i(38530), z = 'Object already initialized', Y = C.TypeError, Z = C.WeakMap; if (x || $.state) { var ee = $.state || ($.state = new Z()); (ee.get = ee.get), (ee.has = ee.has), (ee.set = ee.set), (u = function (s, o) { if (ee.has(s)) throw new Y(z); return (o.facade = s), ee.set(s, o), o; }), (_ = function (s) { return ee.get(s) || {}; }), (w = function (s) { return ee.has(s); }); } else { var ie = V('state'); (U[ie] = !0), (u = function (s, o) { if (B(s, ie)) throw new Y(z); return (o.facade = s), L(s, ie, o), o; }), (_ = function (s) { return B(s, ie) ? s[ie] : {}; }), (w = function (s) { return B(s, ie); }); } s.exports = { set: u, get: _, has: w, enforce: function (s) { return w(s) ? _(s) : u(s, {}); }, getterFor: function (s) { return function (o) { var i; if (!j(o) || (i = _(o)).type !== s) throw new Y('Incompatible receiver, ' + s + ' required'); return i; }; } }; }, 37812: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(76264), _ = i(93742), w = u('iterator'), x = Array.prototype; s.exports = function (s) { return void 0 !== s && (_.Array === s || x[w] === s); }; }, 62250: (s) => { 'use strict'; var o = 'object' == typeof document && document.all; s.exports = void 0 === o && void 0 !== o ? function (s) { return 'function' == typeof s || s === o; } : function (s) { return 'function' == typeof s; }; }, 7463: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(98828), _ = i(62250), w = /#|\.prototype\./, isForced = function (s, o) { var i = C[x(s)]; return i === L || (i !== j && (_(o) ? u(o) : !!o)); }, x = (isForced.normalize = function (s) { return String(s).replace(w, '.').toLowerCase(); }), C = (isForced.data = {}), j = (isForced.NATIVE = 'N'), L = (isForced.POLYFILL = 'P'); s.exports = isForced; }, 87136: (s) => { 'use strict'; s.exports = function (s) { return null == s; }; }, 46285: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(62250); s.exports = function (s) { return 'object' == typeof s ? null !== s : u(s); }; }, 54018: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(46285); s.exports = function (s) { return u(s) || null === s; }; }, 7376: (s) => { 'use strict'; s.exports = !0; }, 25594: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(85582), _ = i(62250), w = i(88280), x = i(51175), C = Object; s.exports = x ? function (s) { return 'symbol' == typeof s; } : function (s) { var o = u('Symbol'); return _(o) && w(o.prototype, C(s)); }; }, 24823: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(28311), _ = i(13930), w = i(36624), x = i(4640), C = i(37812), j = i(20575), L = i(88280), B = i(10300), $ = i(73448), V = i(40154), U = TypeError, Result = function (s, o) { (this.stopped = s), (this.result = o); }, z = Result.prototype; s.exports = function (s, o, i) { var Y, Z, ee, ie, ae, le, ce, pe = i && i.that, de = !(!i || !i.AS_ENTRIES), fe = !(!i || !i.IS_RECORD), ye = !(!i || !i.IS_ITERATOR), be = !(!i || !i.INTERRUPTED), _e = u(o, pe), stop = function (s) { return Y && V(Y, 'normal', s), new Result(!0, s); }, callFn = function (s) { return de ? (w(s), be ? _e(s[0], s[1], stop) : _e(s[0], s[1])) : be ? _e(s, stop) : _e(s); }; if (fe) Y = s.iterator; else if (ye) Y = s; else { if (!(Z = $(s))) throw new U(x(s) + ' is not iterable'); if (C(Z)) { for (ee = 0, ie = j(s); ie > ee; ee++) if ((ae = callFn(s[ee])) && L(z, ae)) return ae; return new Result(!1); } Y = B(s, Z); } for (le = fe ? s.next : Y.next; !(ce = _(le, Y)).done; ) { try { ae = callFn(ce.value); } catch (s) { V(Y, 'throw', s); } if ('object' == typeof ae && ae && L(z, ae)) return ae; } return new Result(!1); }; }, 40154: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(13930), _ = i(36624), w = i(29367); s.exports = function (s, o, i) { var x, C; _(s); try { if (!(x = w(s, 'return'))) { if ('throw' === o) throw i; return i; } x = u(x, s); } catch (s) { (C = !0), (x = s); } if ('throw' === o) throw i; if (C) throw x; return _(x), i; }; }, 47181: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(95116).IteratorPrototype, _ = i(58075), w = i(75817), x = i(14840), C = i(93742), returnThis = function () { return this; }; s.exports = function (s, o, i, j) { var L = o + ' Iterator'; return ( (s.prototype = _(u, { next: w(+!j, i) })), x(s, L, !1, !0), (C[L] = returnThis), s ); }; }, 60183: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(11091), _ = i(13930), w = i(7376), x = i(36833), C = i(62250), j = i(47181), L = i(15972), B = i(79192), $ = i(14840), V = i(61626), U = i(68055), z = i(76264), Y = i(93742), Z = i(95116), ee = x.PROPER, ie = x.CONFIGURABLE, ae = Z.IteratorPrototype, le = Z.BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS, ce = z('iterator'), pe = 'keys', de = 'values', fe = 'entries', returnThis = function () { return this; }; s.exports = function (s, o, i, x, z, Z, ye) { j(i, o, x); var be, _e, we, getIterationMethod = function (s) { if (s === z && Re) return Re; if (!le && s && s in Pe) return Pe[s]; switch (s) { case pe: return function keys() { return new i(this, s); }; case de: return function values() { return new i(this, s); }; case fe: return function entries() { return new i(this, s); }; } return function () { return new i(this); }; }, Se = o + ' Iterator', xe = !1, Pe = s.prototype, Te = Pe[ce] || Pe['@@iterator'] || (z && Pe[z]), Re = (!le && Te) || getIterationMethod(z), qe = ('Array' === o && Pe.entries) || Te; if ( (qe && (be = L(qe.call(new s()))) !== Object.prototype && be.next && (w || L(be) === ae || (B ? B(be, ae) : C(be[ce]) || U(be, ce, returnThis)), $(be, Se, !0, !0), w && (Y[Se] = returnThis)), ee && z === de && Te && Te.name !== de && (!w && ie ? V(Pe, 'name', de) : ((xe = !0), (Re = function values() { return _(Te, this); }))), z) ) if ( ((_e = { values: getIterationMethod(de), keys: Z ? Re : getIterationMethod(pe), entries: getIterationMethod(fe) }), ye) ) for (we in _e) (le || xe || !(we in Pe)) && U(Pe, we, _e[we]); else u({ target: o, proto: !0, forced: le || xe }, _e); return (w && !ye) || Pe[ce] === Re || U(Pe, ce, Re, { name: z }), (Y[o] = Re), _e; }; }, 95116: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u, _, w, x = i(98828), C = i(62250), j = i(46285), L = i(58075), B = i(15972), $ = i(68055), V = i(76264), U = i(7376), z = V('iterator'), Y = !1; [].keys && ('next' in (w = [].keys()) ? (_ = B(B(w))) !== Object.prototype && (u = _) : (Y = !0)), !j(u) || x(function () { var s = {}; return u[z].call(s) !== s; }) ? (u = {}) : U && (u = L(u)), C(u[z]) || $(u, z, function () { return this; }), (s.exports = { IteratorPrototype: u, BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS: Y }); }, 93742: (s) => { 'use strict'; s.exports = {}; }, 20575: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(3121); s.exports = function (s) { return u(s.length); }; }, 41176: (s) => { 'use strict'; var o = Math.ceil, i = Math.floor; s.exports = Math.trunc || function trunc(s) { var u = +s; return (u > 0 ? i : o)(u); }; }, 32096: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(90160); s.exports = function (s, o) { return void 0 === s ? (arguments.length < 2 ? '' : o) : u(s); }; }, 29538: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(39447), _ = i(1907), w = i(13930), x = i(98828), C = i(2875), j = i(87170), L = i(22574), B = i(39298), $ = i(16946), V = Object.assign, U = Object.defineProperty, z = _([].concat); s.exports = !V || x(function () { if ( u && 1 !== V( { b: 1 }, V( U({}, 'a', { enumerable: !0, get: function () { U(this, 'b', { value: 3, enumerable: !1 }); } }), { b: 2 } ) ).b ) return !0; var s = {}, o = {}, i = Symbol('assign detection'), _ = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrst'; return ( (s[i] = 7), _.split('').forEach(function (s) { o[s] = s; }), 7 !== V({}, s)[i] || C(V({}, o)).join('') !== _ ); }) ? function assign(s, o) { for (var i = B(s), _ = arguments.length, x = 1, V = j.f, U = L.f; _ > x; ) for ( var Y, Z = $(arguments[x++]), ee = V ? z(C(Z), V(Z)) : C(Z), ie = ee.length, ae = 0; ie > ae; ) (Y = ee[ae++]), (u && !w(U, Z, Y)) || (i[Y] = Z[Y]); return i; } : V; }, 58075: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u, _ = i(36624), w = i(42220), x = i(80376), C = i(38530), j = i(62416), L = i(49552), B = i(92522), $ = 'prototype', V = 'script', U = B('IE_PROTO'), EmptyConstructor = function () {}, scriptTag = function (s) { return '<' + V + '>' + s + ''; }, NullProtoObjectViaActiveX = function (s) { s.write(scriptTag('')), s.close(); var o = s.parentWindow.Object; return (s = null), o; }, NullProtoObject = function () { try { u = new ActiveXObject('htmlfile'); } catch (s) {} var s, o, i; NullProtoObject = 'undefined' != typeof document ? document.domain && u ? NullProtoObjectViaActiveX(u) : ((o = L('iframe')), (i = 'java' + V + ':'), (o.style.display = 'none'), j.appendChild(o), (o.src = String(i)), (s = o.contentWindow.document).open(), s.write(scriptTag('document.F=Object')), s.close(), s.F) : NullProtoObjectViaActiveX(u); for (var _ = x.length; _--; ) delete NullProtoObject[$][x[_]]; return NullProtoObject(); }; (C[U] = !0), (s.exports = Object.create || function create(s, o) { var i; return ( null !== s ? ((EmptyConstructor[$] = _(s)), (i = new EmptyConstructor()), (EmptyConstructor[$] = null), (i[U] = s)) : (i = NullProtoObject()), void 0 === o ? i : w.f(i, o) ); }); }, 42220: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(39447), _ = i(58661), w = i(74284), x = i(36624), C = i(4993), j = i(2875); o.f = u && !_ ? Object.defineProperties : function defineProperties(s, o) { x(s); for (var i, u = C(o), _ = j(o), L = _.length, B = 0; L > B; ) w.f(s, (i = _[B++]), u[i]); return s; }; }, 74284: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(39447), _ = i(73648), w = i(58661), x = i(36624), C = i(70470), j = TypeError, L = Object.defineProperty, B = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, $ = 'enumerable', V = 'configurable', U = 'writable'; o.f = u ? w ? function defineProperty(s, o, i) { if ( (x(s), (o = C(o)), x(i), 'function' == typeof s && 'prototype' === o && 'value' in i && U in i && !i[U]) ) { var u = B(s, o); u && u[U] && ((s[o] = i.value), (i = { configurable: V in i ? i[V] : u[V], enumerable: $ in i ? i[$] : u[$], writable: !1 })); } return L(s, o, i); } : L : function defineProperty(s, o, i) { if ((x(s), (o = C(o)), x(i), _)) try { return L(s, o, i); } catch (s) {} if ('get' in i || 'set' in i) throw new j('Accessors not supported'); return 'value' in i && (s[o] = i.value), s; }; }, 13846: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(39447), _ = i(13930), w = i(22574), x = i(75817), C = i(4993), j = i(70470), L = i(49724), B = i(73648), $ = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; o.f = u ? $ : function getOwnPropertyDescriptor(s, o) { if (((s = C(s)), (o = j(o)), B)) try { return $(s, o); } catch (s) {} if (L(s, o)) return x(!_(w.f, s, o), s[o]); }; }, 24443: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(23045), _ = i(80376).concat('length', 'prototype'); o.f = Object.getOwnPropertyNames || function getOwnPropertyNames(s) { return u(s, _); }; }, 87170: (s, o) => { 'use strict'; o.f = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols; }, 15972: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(49724), _ = i(62250), w = i(39298), x = i(92522), C = i(57382), j = x('IE_PROTO'), L = Object, B = L.prototype; s.exports = C ? L.getPrototypeOf : function (s) { var o = w(s); if (u(o, j)) return o[j]; var i = o.constructor; return _(i) && o instanceof i ? i.prototype : o instanceof L ? B : null; }; }, 88280: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(1907); s.exports = u({}.isPrototypeOf); }, 23045: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(1907), _ = i(49724), w = i(4993), x = i(74436).indexOf, C = i(38530), j = u([].push); s.exports = function (s, o) { var i, u = w(s), L = 0, B = []; for (i in u) !_(C, i) && _(u, i) && j(B, i); for (; o.length > L; ) _(u, (i = o[L++])) && (~x(B, i) || j(B, i)); return B; }; }, 2875: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(23045), _ = i(80376); s.exports = Object.keys || function keys(s) { return u(s, _); }; }, 22574: (s, o) => { 'use strict'; var i = {}.propertyIsEnumerable, u = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, _ = u && !i.call({ 1: 2 }, 1); o.f = _ ? function propertyIsEnumerable(s) { var o = u(this, s); return !!o && o.enumerable; } : i; }, 79192: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(51871), _ = i(46285), w = i(74239), x = i(10043); s.exports = Object.setPrototypeOf || ('__proto__' in {} ? (function () { var s, o = !1, i = {}; try { (s = u(Object.prototype, '__proto__', 'set'))(i, []), (o = i instanceof Array); } catch (s) {} return function setPrototypeOf(i, u) { return w(i), x(u), _(i) ? (o ? s(i, u) : (i.__proto__ = u), i) : i; }; })() : void 0); }, 54878: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(52623), _ = i(73948); s.exports = u ? {}.toString : function toString() { return '[object ' + _(this) + ']'; }; }, 60581: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(13930), _ = i(62250), w = i(46285), x = TypeError; s.exports = function (s, o) { var i, C; if ('string' === o && _((i = s.toString)) && !w((C = u(i, s)))) return C; if (_((i = s.valueOf)) && !w((C = u(i, s)))) return C; if ('string' !== o && _((i = s.toString)) && !w((C = u(i, s)))) return C; throw new x("Can't convert object to primitive value"); }; }, 11042: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(85582), _ = i(1907), w = i(24443), x = i(87170), C = i(36624), j = _([].concat); s.exports = u('Reflect', 'ownKeys') || function ownKeys(s) { var o = w.f(C(s)), i = x.f; return i ? j(o, i(s)) : o; }; }, 92046: (s) => { 'use strict'; s.exports = {}; }, 54829: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(74284).f; s.exports = function (s, o, i) { i in s || u(s, i, { configurable: !0, get: function () { return o[i]; }, set: function (s) { o[i] = s; } }); }; }, 74239: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(87136), _ = TypeError; s.exports = function (s) { if (u(s)) throw new _("Can't call method on " + s); return s; }; }, 14840: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(52623), _ = i(74284).f, w = i(61626), x = i(49724), C = i(54878), j = i(76264)('toStringTag'); s.exports = function (s, o, i, L) { var B = i ? s : s && s.prototype; B && (x(B, j) || _(B, j, { configurable: !0, value: o }), L && !u && w(B, 'toString', C)); }; }, 92522: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(85816), _ = i(6499), w = u('keys'); s.exports = function (s) { return w[s] || (w[s] = _(s)); }; }, 36128: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(7376), _ = i(45951), w = i(2532), x = '__core-js_shared__', C = (s.exports = _[x] || w(x, {})); (C.versions || (C.versions = [])).push({ version: '3.39.0', mode: u ? 'pure' : 'global', copyright: '© 2014-2024 Denis Pushkarev (zloirock.ru)', license: 'https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/blob/v3.39.0/LICENSE', source: 'https://github.com/zloirock/core-js' }); }, 85816: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(36128); s.exports = function (s, o) { return u[s] || (u[s] = o || {}); }; }, 11470: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(1907), _ = i(65482), w = i(90160), x = i(74239), C = u(''.charAt), j = u(''.charCodeAt), L = u(''.slice), createMethod = function (s) { return function (o, i) { var u, B, $ = w(x(o)), V = _(i), U = $.length; return V < 0 || V >= U ? s ? '' : void 0 : (u = j($, V)) < 55296 || u > 56319 || V + 1 === U || (B = j($, V + 1)) < 56320 || B > 57343 ? s ? C($, V) : u : s ? L($, V, V + 2) : B - 56320 + ((u - 55296) << 10) + 65536; }; }; s.exports = { codeAt: createMethod(!1), charAt: createMethod(!0) }; }, 19846: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(20798), _ = i(98828), w = i(45951).String; s.exports = !!Object.getOwnPropertySymbols && !_(function () { var s = Symbol('symbol detection'); return !w(s) || !(Object(s) instanceof Symbol) || (!Symbol.sham && u && u < 41); }); }, 34849: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(65482), _ = Math.max, w = Math.min; s.exports = function (s, o) { var i = u(s); return i < 0 ? _(i + o, 0) : w(i, o); }; }, 4993: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(16946), _ = i(74239); s.exports = function (s) { return u(_(s)); }; }, 65482: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(41176); s.exports = function (s) { var o = +s; return o != o || 0 === o ? 0 : u(o); }; }, 3121: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(65482), _ = Math.min; s.exports = function (s) { var o = u(s); return o > 0 ? _(o, 9007199254740991) : 0; }; }, 39298: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(74239), _ = Object; s.exports = function (s) { return _(u(s)); }; }, 46028: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(13930), _ = i(46285), w = i(25594), x = i(29367), C = i(60581), j = i(76264), L = TypeError, B = j('toPrimitive'); s.exports = function (s, o) { if (!_(s) || w(s)) return s; var i, j = x(s, B); if (j) { if ((void 0 === o && (o = 'default'), (i = u(j, s, o)), !_(i) || w(i))) return i; throw new L("Can't convert object to primitive value"); } return void 0 === o && (o = 'number'), C(s, o); }; }, 70470: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(46028), _ = i(25594); s.exports = function (s) { var o = u(s, 'string'); return _(o) ? o : o + ''; }; }, 52623: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = {}; (u[i(76264)('toStringTag')] = 'z'), (s.exports = '[object z]' === String(u)); }, 90160: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(73948), _ = String; s.exports = function (s) { if ('Symbol' === u(s)) throw new TypeError('Cannot convert a Symbol value to a string'); return _(s); }; }, 4640: (s) => { 'use strict'; var o = String; s.exports = function (s) { try { return o(s); } catch (s) { return 'Object'; } }; }, 6499: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(1907), _ = 0, w = Math.random(), x = u((1).toString); s.exports = function (s) { return 'Symbol(' + (void 0 === s ? '' : s) + ')_' + x(++_ + w, 36); }; }, 51175: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(19846); s.exports = u && !Symbol.sham && 'symbol' == typeof Symbol.iterator; }, 58661: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(39447), _ = i(98828); s.exports = u && _(function () { return ( 42 !== Object.defineProperty(function () {}, 'prototype', { value: 42, writable: !1 }) .prototype ); }); }, 40551: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(45951), _ = i(62250), w = u.WeakMap; s.exports = _(w) && /native code/.test(String(w)); }, 76264: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(45951), _ = i(85816), w = i(49724), x = i(6499), C = i(19846), j = i(51175), L = u.Symbol, B = _('wks'), $ = j ? L.for || L : (L && L.withoutSetter) || x; s.exports = function (s) { return w(B, s) || (B[s] = C && w(L, s) ? L[s] : $('Symbol.' + s)), B[s]; }; }, 19358: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(85582), _ = i(49724), w = i(61626), x = i(88280), C = i(79192), j = i(19595), L = i(54829), B = i(34084), $ = i(32096), V = i(39259), U = i(85884), z = i(39447), Y = i(7376); s.exports = function (s, o, i, Z) { var ee = 'stackTraceLimit', ie = Z ? 2 : 1, ae = s.split('.'), le = ae[ae.length - 1], ce = u.apply(null, ae); if (ce) { var pe = ce.prototype; if ((!Y && _(pe, 'cause') && delete pe.cause, !i)) return ce; var de = u('Error'), fe = o(function (s, o) { var i = $(Z ? o : s, void 0), u = Z ? new ce(s) : new ce(); return ( void 0 !== i && w(u, 'message', i), U(u, fe, u.stack, 2), this && x(pe, this) && B(u, this, fe), arguments.length > ie && V(u, arguments[ie]), u ); }); if ( ((fe.prototype = pe), 'Error' !== le ? C ? C(fe, de) : j(fe, de, { name: !0 }) : z && ee in ce && (L(fe, ce, ee), L(fe, ce, 'prepareStackTrace')), j(fe, ce), !Y) ) try { pe.name !== le && w(pe, 'name', le), (pe.constructor = fe); } catch (s) {} return fe; } }; }, 36371: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(11091), _ = i(85582), w = i(76024), x = i(98828), C = i(19358), j = 'AggregateError', L = _(j), B = !x(function () { return 1 !== L([1]).errors[0]; }) && x(function () { return 7 !== L([1], j, { cause: 7 }).cause; }); u( { global: !0, constructor: !0, arity: 2, forced: B }, { AggregateError: C( j, function (s) { return function AggregateError(o, i) { return w(s, this, arguments); }; }, B, !0 ) } ); }, 82048: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(11091), _ = i(88280), w = i(15972), x = i(79192), C = i(19595), j = i(58075), L = i(61626), B = i(75817), $ = i(39259), V = i(85884), U = i(24823), z = i(32096), Y = i(76264)('toStringTag'), Z = Error, ee = [].push, ie = function AggregateError(s, o) { var i, u = _(ae, this); x ? (i = x(new Z(), u ? w(this) : ae)) : ((i = u ? this : j(ae)), L(i, Y, 'Error')), void 0 !== o && L(i, 'message', z(o)), V(i, ie, i.stack, 1), arguments.length > 2 && $(i, arguments[2]); var C = []; return U(s, ee, { that: C }), L(i, 'errors', C), i; }; x ? x(ie, Z) : C(ie, Z, { name: !0 }); var ae = (ie.prototype = j(Z.prototype, { constructor: B(1, ie), message: B(1, ''), name: B(1, 'AggregateError') })); u({ global: !0, constructor: !0, arity: 2 }, { AggregateError: ie }); }, 64502: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; i(82048); }, 99363: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(4993), _ = i(42156), w = i(93742), x = i(64932), C = i(74284).f, j = i(60183), L = i(59550), B = i(7376), $ = i(39447), V = 'Array Iterator', U = x.set, z = x.getterFor(V); s.exports = j( Array, 'Array', function (s, o) { U(this, { type: V, target: u(s), index: 0, kind: o }); }, function () { var s = z(this), o = s.target, i = s.index++; if (!o || i >= o.length) return (s.target = null), L(void 0, !0); switch (s.kind) { case 'keys': return L(i, !1); case 'values': return L(o[i], !1); } return L([i, o[i]], !1); }, 'values' ); var Y = (w.Arguments = w.Array); if ((_('keys'), _('values'), _('entries'), !B && $ && 'values' !== Y.name)) try { C(Y, 'name', { value: 'values' }); } catch (s) {} }, 96605: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(11091), _ = i(45951), w = i(76024), x = i(19358), C = 'WebAssembly', j = _[C], L = 7 !== new Error('e', { cause: 7 }).cause, exportGlobalErrorCauseWrapper = function (s, o) { var i = {}; (i[s] = x(s, o, L)), u({ global: !0, constructor: !0, arity: 1, forced: L }, i); }, exportWebAssemblyErrorCauseWrapper = function (s, o) { if (j && j[s]) { var i = {}; (i[s] = x(C + '.' + s, o, L)), u({ target: C, stat: !0, constructor: !0, arity: 1, forced: L }, i); } }; exportGlobalErrorCauseWrapper('Error', function (s) { return function Error(o) { return w(s, this, arguments); }; }), exportGlobalErrorCauseWrapper('EvalError', function (s) { return function EvalError(o) { return w(s, this, arguments); }; }), exportGlobalErrorCauseWrapper('RangeError', function (s) { return function RangeError(o) { return w(s, this, arguments); }; }), exportGlobalErrorCauseWrapper('ReferenceError', function (s) { return function ReferenceError(o) { return w(s, this, arguments); }; }), exportGlobalErrorCauseWrapper('SyntaxError', function (s) { return function SyntaxError(o) { return w(s, this, arguments); }; }), exportGlobalErrorCauseWrapper('TypeError', function (s) { return function TypeError(o) { return w(s, this, arguments); }; }), exportGlobalErrorCauseWrapper('URIError', function (s) { return function URIError(o) { return w(s, this, arguments); }; }), exportWebAssemblyErrorCauseWrapper('CompileError', function (s) { return function CompileError(o) { return w(s, this, arguments); }; }), exportWebAssemblyErrorCauseWrapper('LinkError', function (s) { return function LinkError(o) { return w(s, this, arguments); }; }), exportWebAssemblyErrorCauseWrapper('RuntimeError', function (s) { return function RuntimeError(o) { return w(s, this, arguments); }; }); }, 79307: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(11091), _ = i(44673); u({ target: 'Function', proto: !0, forced: Function.bind !== _ }, { bind: _ }); }, 71340: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(11091), _ = i(29538); u({ target: 'Object', stat: !0, arity: 2, forced: Object.assign !== _ }, { assign: _ }); }, 7057: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(11470).charAt, _ = i(90160), w = i(64932), x = i(60183), C = i(59550), j = 'String Iterator', L = w.set, B = w.getterFor(j); x( String, 'String', function (s) { L(this, { type: j, string: _(s), index: 0 }); }, function next() { var s, o = B(this), i = o.string, _ = o.index; return _ >= i.length ? C(void 0, !0) : ((s = u(i, _)), (o.index += s.length), C(s, !1)); } ); }, 91599: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; i(64502); }, 12560: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; i(99363); var u = i(19287), _ = i(45951), w = i(14840), x = i(93742); for (var C in u) w(_[C], C), (x[C] = x.Array); }, 694: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; i(91599); var u = i(37257); i(12560), (s.exports = u); }, 19709: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(23034); s.exports = u; }, 40975: (s, o, i) => { 'use strict'; var u = i(9748); s.exports = u; } }, u = {}; function __webpack_require__(s) { var o = u[s]; if (void 0 !== o) return o.exports; var _ = (u[s] = { id: s, loaded: !1, exports: {} }); return i[s].call(_.exports, _, _.exports, __webpack_require__), (_.loaded = !0), _.exports; } (__webpack_require__.n = (s) => { var o = s && s.__esModule ? () => s.default : () => s; return __webpack_require__.d(o, { a: o }), o; }), (o = Object.getPrototypeOf ? (s) => Object.getPrototypeOf(s) : (s) => s.__proto__), (__webpack_require__.t = function (i, u) { if ((1 & u && (i = this(i)), 8 & u)) return i; if ('object' == typeof i && i) { if (4 & u && i.__esModule) return i; if (16 & u && 'function' == typeof i.then) return i; } var _ = Object.create(null); __webpack_require__.r(_); var w = {}; s = s || [null, o({}), o([]), o(o)]; for (var x = 2 & u && i; 'object' == typeof x && !~s.indexOf(x); x = o(x)) Object.getOwnPropertyNames(x).forEach((s) => (w[s] = () => i[s])); return (w.default = () => i), __webpack_require__.d(_, w), _; }), (__webpack_require__.d = (s, o) => { for (var i in o) __webpack_require__.o(o, i) && !__webpack_require__.o(s, i) && Object.defineProperty(s, i, { enumerable: !0, get: o[i] }); }), (__webpack_require__.g = (function () { if ('object' == typeof globalThis) return globalThis; try { return this || new Function('return this')(); } catch (s) { if ('object' == typeof window) return window; } })()), (__webpack_require__.o = (s, o) => Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, o)), (__webpack_require__.r = (s) => { 'undefined' != typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag && Object.defineProperty(s, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' }), Object.defineProperty(s, '__esModule', { value: !0 }); }), (__webpack_require__.nmd = (s) => ((s.paths = []), s.children || (s.children = []), s)); var _ = {}; return ( (() => { 'use strict'; __webpack_require__.d(_, { default: () => WI }); var s = {}; __webpack_require__.r(s), __webpack_require__.d(s, { CLEAR: () => ot, CLEAR_BY: () => it, NEW_AUTH_ERR: () => st, NEW_SPEC_ERR: () => rt, NEW_SPEC_ERR_BATCH: () => nt, NEW_THROWN_ERR: () => et, NEW_THROWN_ERR_BATCH: () => tt, clear: () => clear, clearBy: () => clearBy, newAuthErr: () => newAuthErr, newSpecErr: () => newSpecErr, newSpecErrBatch: () => newSpecErrBatch, newThrownErr: () => newThrownErr, newThrownErrBatch: () => newThrownErrBatch }); var o = {}; __webpack_require__.r(o), __webpack_require__.d(o, { AUTHORIZE: () => Nt, AUTHORIZE_OAUTH2: () => Lt, CONFIGURE_AUTH: () => Ft, LOGOUT: () => Rt, PRE_AUTHORIZE_OAUTH2: () => Dt, RESTORE_AUTHORIZATION: () => qt, SHOW_AUTH_POPUP: () => Tt, VALIDATE: () => Bt, authPopup: () => authPopup, authorize: () => authorize, authorizeAccessCodeWithBasicAuthentication: () => authorizeAccessCodeWithBasicAuthentication, authorizeAccessCodeWithFormParams: () => authorizeAccessCodeWithFormParams, authorizeApplication: () => authorizeApplication, authorizeOauth2: () => authorizeOauth2, authorizeOauth2WithPersistOption: () => authorizeOauth2WithPersistOption, authorizePassword: () => authorizePassword, authorizeRequest: () => authorizeRequest, authorizeWithPersistOption: () => authorizeWithPersistOption, configureAuth: () => configureAuth, logout: () => logout, logoutWithPersistOption: () => logoutWithPersistOption, persistAuthorizationIfNeeded: () => persistAuthorizationIfNeeded, preAuthorizeImplicit: () => preAuthorizeImplicit, restoreAuthorization: () => restoreAuthorization, showDefinitions: () => showDefinitions }); var i = {}; __webpack_require__.r(i), __webpack_require__.d(i, { authorized: () => Ht, definitionsForRequirements: () => definitionsForRequirements, definitionsToAuthorize: () => Kt, getConfigs: () => Jt, getDefinitionsByNames: () => getDefinitionsByNames, isAuthorized: () => isAuthorized, shownDefinitions: () => Wt }); var u = {}; __webpack_require__.r(u), __webpack_require__.d(u, { TOGGLE_CONFIGS: () => yn, UPDATE_CONFIGS: () => gn, downloadConfig: () => downloadConfig, getConfigByUrl: () => getConfigByUrl, loaded: () => actions_loaded, toggle: () => toggle, update: () => update }); var w = {}; __webpack_require__.r(w), __webpack_require__.d(w, { get: () => get }); var x = {}; __webpack_require__.r(x), __webpack_require__.d(x, { transform: () => transform }); var C = {}; __webpack_require__.r(C), __webpack_require__.d(C, { transform: () => parameter_oneof_transform }); var j = {}; __webpack_require__.r(j), __webpack_require__.d(j, { allErrors: () => Mn, lastError: () => Tn }); var L = {}; __webpack_require__.r(L), __webpack_require__.d(L, { SHOW: () => Fn, UPDATE_FILTER: () => Ln, UPDATE_LAYOUT: () => Dn, UPDATE_MODE: () => Bn, changeMode: () => changeMode, show: () => actions_show, updateFilter: () => updateFilter, updateLayout: () => updateLayout }); var B = {}; __webpack_require__.r(B), __webpack_require__.d(B, { current: () => current, currentFilter: () => currentFilter, isShown: () => isShown, showSummary: () => $n, whatMode: () => whatMode }); var $ = {}; __webpack_require__.r($), __webpack_require__.d($, { taggedOperations: () => taggedOperations }); var V = {}; __webpack_require__.r(V), __webpack_require__.d(V, { requestSnippetGenerator_curl_bash: () => requestSnippetGenerator_curl_bash, requestSnippetGenerator_curl_cmd: () => requestSnippetGenerator_curl_cmd, requestSnippetGenerator_curl_powershell: () => requestSnippetGenerator_curl_powershell }); var U = {}; __webpack_require__.r(U), __webpack_require__.d(U, { getActiveLanguage: () => zn, getDefaultExpanded: () => Wn, getGenerators: () => Un, getSnippetGenerators: () => getSnippetGenerators }); var z = {}; __webpack_require__.r(z), __webpack_require__.d(z, { JsonSchemaArrayItemFile: () => JsonSchemaArrayItemFile, JsonSchemaArrayItemText: () => JsonSchemaArrayItemText, JsonSchemaForm: () => JsonSchemaForm, JsonSchema_array: () => JsonSchema_array, JsonSchema_boolean: () => JsonSchema_boolean, JsonSchema_object: () => JsonSchema_object, JsonSchema_string: () => JsonSchema_string }); var Y = {}; __webpack_require__.r(Y), __webpack_require__.d(Y, { allowTryItOutFor: () => allowTryItOutFor, basePath: () => Ks, canExecuteScheme: () => canExecuteScheme, consumes: () => $s, consumesOptionsFor: () => consumesOptionsFor, contentTypeValues: () => contentTypeValues, currentProducesFor: () => currentProducesFor, definitions: () => Ws, externalDocs: () => Rs, findDefinition: () => findDefinition, getOAS3RequiredRequestBodyContentType: () => getOAS3RequiredRequestBodyContentType, getParameter: () => getParameter, hasHost: () => to, host: () => Hs, info: () => Ns, isMediaTypeSchemaPropertiesEqual: () => isMediaTypeSchemaPropertiesEqual, isOAS3: () => Ts, lastError: () => ks, mutatedRequestFor: () => mutatedRequestFor, mutatedRequests: () => eo, operationScheme: () => operationScheme, operationWithMeta: () => operationWithMeta, operations: () => qs, operationsWithRootInherited: () => Gs, operationsWithTags: () => Xs, parameterInclusionSettingFor: () => parameterInclusionSettingFor, parameterValues: () => parameterValues, parameterWithMeta: () => parameterWithMeta, parameterWithMetaByIdentity: () => parameterWithMetaByIdentity, parametersIncludeIn: () => parametersIncludeIn, parametersIncludeType: () => parametersIncludeType, paths: () => Bs, produces: () => Vs, producesOptionsFor: () => producesOptionsFor, requestFor: () => requestFor, requests: () => Qs, responseFor: () => responseFor, responses: () => Zs, schemes: () => Js, security: () => Us, securityDefinitions: () => zs, semver: () => Ls, spec: () => spec, specJS: () => Is, specJson: () => js, specJsonWithResolvedSubtrees: () => Ms, specResolved: () => Ps, specResolvedSubtree: () => specResolvedSubtree, specSource: () => As, specStr: () => Os, tagDetails: () => tagDetails, taggedOperations: () => selectors_taggedOperations, tags: () => Ys, url: () => Cs, validOperationMethods: () => Fs, validateBeforeExecute: () => validateBeforeExecute, validationErrors: () => validationErrors, version: () => Ds }); var Z = {}; __webpack_require__.r(Z), __webpack_require__.d(Z, { CLEAR_REQUEST: () => wo, CLEAR_RESPONSE: () => Eo, CLEAR_VALIDATE_PARAMS: () => So, LOG_REQUEST: () => _o, SET_MUTATED_REQUEST: () => bo, SET_REQUEST: () => vo, SET_RESPONSE: () => yo, SET_SCHEME: () => Oo, UPDATE_EMPTY_PARAM_INCLUSION: () => mo, UPDATE_JSON: () => ho, UPDATE_OPERATION_META_VALUE: () => xo, UPDATE_PARAM: () => fo, UPDATE_RESOLVED: () => ko, UPDATE_RESOLVED_SUBTREE: () => Co, UPDATE_SPEC: () => uo, UPDATE_URL: () => po, VALIDATE_PARAMS: () => go, changeConsumesValue: () => changeConsumesValue, changeParam: () => changeParam, changeParamByIdentity: () => changeParamByIdentity, changeProducesValue: () => changeProducesValue, clearRequest: () => clearRequest, clearResponse: () => clearResponse, clearValidateParams: () => clearValidateParams, execute: () => actions_execute, executeRequest: () => executeRequest, invalidateResolvedSubtreeCache: () => invalidateResolvedSubtreeCache, logRequest: () => logRequest, parseToJson: () => parseToJson, requestResolvedSubtree: () => requestResolvedSubtree, resolveSpec: () => resolveSpec, setMutatedRequest: () => setMutatedRequest, setRequest: () => setRequest, setResponse: () => setResponse, setScheme: () => setScheme, updateEmptyParamInclusion: () => updateEmptyParamInclusion, updateJsonSpec: () => updateJsonSpec, updateResolved: () => updateResolved, updateResolvedSubtree: () => updateResolvedSubtree, updateSpec: () => updateSpec, updateUrl: () => updateUrl, validateParams: () => validateParams }); var ee = {}; __webpack_require__.r(ee), __webpack_require__.d(ee, { executeRequest: () => wrap_actions_executeRequest, updateJsonSpec: () => wrap_actions_updateJsonSpec, updateSpec: () => wrap_actions_updateSpec, validateParams: () => wrap_actions_validateParams }); var ie = {}; __webpack_require__.r(ie), __webpack_require__.d(ie, { JsonPatchError: () => Ro, _areEquals: () => _areEquals, applyOperation: () => applyOperation, applyPatch: () => applyPatch, applyReducer: () => applyReducer, deepClone: () => Do, getValueByPointer: () => getValueByPointer, validate: () => validate, validator: () => validator }); var ae = {}; __webpack_require__.r(ae), __webpack_require__.d(ae, { compare: () => compare, generate: () => generate, observe: () => observe, unobserve: () => unobserve }); var le = {}; __webpack_require__.r(le), __webpack_require__.d(le, { hasElementSourceMap: () => hasElementSourceMap, includesClasses: () => includesClasses, includesSymbols: () => includesSymbols, isAnnotationElement: () => zu, isArrayElement: () => qu, isBooleanElement: () => Bu, isCommentElement: () => Wu, isElement: () => Nu, isLinkElement: () => Vu, isMemberElement: () => $u, isNullElement: () => Lu, isNumberElement: () => Du, isObjectElement: () => Fu, isParseResultElement: () => Ku, isPrimitiveElement: () => isPrimitiveElement, isRefElement: () => Uu, isSourceMapElement: () => Hu, isStringElement: () => Ru }); var ce = {}; __webpack_require__.r(ce), __webpack_require__.d(ce, { isJSONReferenceElement: () => Nf, isJSONSchemaElement: () => Tf, isLinkDescriptionElement: () => Df, isMediaElement: () => Rf }); var pe = {}; __webpack_require__.r(pe), __webpack_require__.d(pe, { isBooleanJsonSchemaElement: () => isBooleanJsonSchemaElement, isCallbackElement: () => Im, isComponentsElement: () => Pm, isContactElement: () => Mm, isExampleElement: () => Tm, isExternalDocumentationElement: () => Nm, isHeaderElement: () => Rm, isInfoElement: () => Dm, isLicenseElement: () => Lm, isLinkElement: () => Bm, isMediaTypeElement: () => eg, isOpenApi3_0Element: () => qm, isOpenapiElement: () => Fm, isOperationElement: () => $m, isParameterElement: () => Vm, isPathItemElement: () => Um, isPathsElement: () => zm, isReferenceElement: () => Wm, isRequestBodyElement: () => Km, isResponseElement: () => Hm, isResponsesElement: () => Jm, isSchemaElement: () => Gm, isSecurityRequirementElement: () => Ym, isSecuritySchemeElement: () => Xm, isServerElement: () => Zm, isServerVariableElement: () => Qm, isServersElement: () => rg }); var de = {}; __webpack_require__.r(de), __webpack_require__.d(de, { isBooleanJsonSchemaElement: () => predicates_isBooleanJsonSchemaElement, isCallbackElement: () => T_, isComponentsElement: () => N_, isContactElement: () => R_, isExampleElement: () => D_, isExternalDocumentationElement: () => L_, isHeaderElement: () => B_, isInfoElement: () => F_, isJsonSchemaDialectElement: () => q_, isLicenseElement: () => $_, isLinkElement: () => V_, isMediaTypeElement: () => sE, isOpenApi3_1Element: () => z_, isOpenapiElement: () => U_, isOperationElement: () => W_, isParameterElement: () => K_, isPathItemElement: () => H_, isPathItemElementExternal: () => isPathItemElementExternal, isPathsElement: () => J_, isReferenceElement: () => G_, isReferenceElementExternal: () => isReferenceElementExternal, isRequestBodyElement: () => Y_, isResponseElement: () => X_, isResponsesElement: () => Z_, isSchemaElement: () => Q_, isSecurityRequirementElement: () => eE, isSecuritySchemeElement: () => tE, isServerElement: () => rE, isServerVariableElement: () => nE }); var fe = {}; __webpack_require__.r(fe), __webpack_require__.d(fe, { cookie: () => parameter_builders_cookie, header: () => parameter_builders_header, path: () => parameter_builders_path, query: () => parameter_builders_query }); var ye = {}; __webpack_require__.r(ye), __webpack_require__.d(ye, { Button: () => Button, Col: () => Col, Collapse: () => Collapse, Container: () => Container, Input: () => Input, Link: () => layout_utils_Link, Row: () => Row, Select: () => Select, TextArea: () => TextArea }); var be = {}; __webpack_require__.r(be), __webpack_require__.d(be, { basePath: () => KO, consumes: () => HO, definitions: () => VO, findDefinition: () => $O, hasHost: () => UO, host: () => WO, produces: () => JO, schemes: () => GO, securityDefinitions: () => zO, validOperationMethods: () => wrap_selectors_validOperationMethods }); var _e = {}; __webpack_require__.r(_e), __webpack_require__.d(_e, { definitionsToAuthorize: () => YO }); var we = {}; __webpack_require__.r(we), __webpack_require__.d(we, { callbacksOperations: () => QO, findSchema: () => findSchema, isOAS3: () => selectors_isOAS3, isOAS30: () => selectors_isOAS30, isSwagger2: () => selectors_isSwagger2, servers: () => ZO }); var Se = {}; __webpack_require__.r(Se), __webpack_require__.d(Se, { CLEAR_REQUEST_BODY_VALIDATE_ERROR: () => bA, CLEAR_REQUEST_BODY_VALUE: () => _A, SET_REQUEST_BODY_VALIDATE_ERROR: () => vA, UPDATE_ACTIVE_EXAMPLES_MEMBER: () => fA, UPDATE_REQUEST_BODY_INCLUSION: () => dA, UPDATE_REQUEST_BODY_VALUE: () => pA, UPDATE_REQUEST_BODY_VALUE_RETAIN_FLAG: () => hA, UPDATE_REQUEST_CONTENT_TYPE: () => mA, UPDATE_RESPONSE_CONTENT_TYPE: () => gA, UPDATE_SELECTED_SERVER: () => uA, UPDATE_SERVER_VARIABLE_VALUE: () => yA, clearRequestBodyValidateError: () => clearRequestBodyValidateError, clearRequestBodyValue: () => clearRequestBodyValue, initRequestBodyValidateError: () => initRequestBodyValidateError, setActiveExamplesMember: () => setActiveExamplesMember, setRequestBodyInclusion: () => setRequestBodyInclusion, setRequestBodyValidateError: () => setRequestBodyValidateError, setRequestBodyValue: () => setRequestBodyValue, setRequestContentType: () => setRequestContentType, setResponseContentType: () => setResponseContentType, setRetainRequestBodyValueFlag: () => setRetainRequestBodyValueFlag, setSelectedServer: () => setSelectedServer, setServerVariableValue: () => setServerVariableValue }); var xe = {}; __webpack_require__.r(xe), __webpack_require__.d(xe, { activeExamplesMember: () => jA, hasUserEditedBody: () => CA, requestBodyErrors: () => AA, requestBodyInclusionSetting: () => OA, requestBodyValue: () => xA, requestContentType: () => IA, responseContentType: () => PA, selectDefaultRequestBodyValue: () => selectDefaultRequestBodyValue, selectedServer: () => SA, serverEffectiveValue: () => NA, serverVariableValue: () => MA, serverVariables: () => TA, shouldRetainRequestBodyValue: () => kA, validOperationMethods: () => DA, validateBeforeExecute: () => RA, validateShallowRequired: () => validateShallowRequired }); var Pe = __webpack_require__(96540); function formatProdErrorMessage(s) { return `Minified Redux error #${s}; visit https://redux.js.org/Errors?code=${s} for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors. `; } var Te = (() => ('function' == typeof Symbol && Symbol.observable) || '@@observable')(), randomString = () => Math.random().toString(36).substring(7).split('').join('.'), Re = { INIT: `@@redux/INIT${randomString()}`, REPLACE: `@@redux/REPLACE${randomString()}`, PROBE_UNKNOWN_ACTION: () => `@@redux/PROBE_UNKNOWN_ACTION${randomString()}` }; function isPlainObject(s) { if ('object' != typeof s || null === s) return !1; let o = s; for (; null !== Object.getPrototypeOf(o); ) o = Object.getPrototypeOf(o); return Object.getPrototypeOf(s) === o || null === Object.getPrototypeOf(s); } function createStore(s, o, i) { if ('function' != typeof s) throw new Error(formatProdErrorMessage(2)); if ( ('function' == typeof o && 'function' == typeof i) || ('function' == typeof i && 'function' == typeof arguments[3]) ) throw new Error(formatProdErrorMessage(0)); if (('function' == typeof o && void 0 === i && ((i = o), (o = void 0)), void 0 !== i)) { if ('function' != typeof i) throw new Error(formatProdErrorMessage(1)); return i(createStore)(s, o); } let u = s, _ = o, w = new Map(), x = w, C = 0, j = !1; function ensureCanMutateNextListeners() { x === w && ((x = new Map()), w.forEach((s, o) => { x.set(o, s); })); } function getState() { if (j) throw new Error(formatProdErrorMessage(3)); return _; } function subscribe(s) { if ('function' != typeof s) throw new Error(formatProdErrorMessage(4)); if (j) throw new Error(formatProdErrorMessage(5)); let o = !0; ensureCanMutateNextListeners(); const i = C++; return ( x.set(i, s), function unsubscribe() { if (o) { if (j) throw new Error(formatProdErrorMessage(6)); (o = !1), ensureCanMutateNextListeners(), x.delete(i), (w = null); } } ); } function dispatch(s) { if (!isPlainObject(s)) throw new Error(formatProdErrorMessage(7)); if (void 0 === s.type) throw new Error(formatProdErrorMessage(8)); if ('string' != typeof s.type) throw new Error(formatProdErrorMessage(17)); if (j) throw new Error(formatProdErrorMessage(9)); try { (j = !0), (_ = u(_, s)); } finally { j = !1; } return ( (w = x).forEach((s) => { s(); }), s ); } dispatch({ type: Re.INIT }); return { dispatch, subscribe, getState, replaceReducer: function replaceReducer(s) { if ('function' != typeof s) throw new Error(formatProdErrorMessage(10)); (u = s), dispatch({ type: Re.REPLACE }); }, [Te]: function observable() { const s = subscribe; return { subscribe(o) { if ('object' != typeof o || null === o) throw new Error(formatProdErrorMessage(11)); function observeState() { const s = o; s.next && s.next(getState()); } observeState(); return { unsubscribe: s(observeState) }; }, [Te]() { return this; } }; } }; } function bindActionCreator(s, o) { return function (...i) { return o(s.apply(this, i)); }; } function compose(...s) { return 0 === s.length ? (s) => s : 1 === s.length ? s[0] : s.reduce( (s, o) => (...i) => s(o(...i)) ); } var qe = __webpack_require__(9404), $e = __webpack_require__.n(qe), ze = __webpack_require__(81919), We = __webpack_require__.n(ze), He = __webpack_require__(89593), Ye = __webpack_require__(20334), Xe = __webpack_require__(55364), Qe = __webpack_require__.n(Xe); const et = 'err_new_thrown_err', tt = 'err_new_thrown_err_batch', rt = 'err_new_spec_err', nt = 'err_new_spec_err_batch', st = 'err_new_auth_err', ot = 'err_clear', it = 'err_clear_by'; function newThrownErr(s) { return { type: et, payload: (0, Ye.serializeError)(s) }; } function newThrownErrBatch(s) { return { type: tt, payload: s }; } function newSpecErr(s) { return { type: rt, payload: s }; } function newSpecErrBatch(s) { return { type: nt, payload: s }; } function newAuthErr(s) { return { type: st, payload: s }; } function clear(s = {}) { return { type: ot, payload: s }; } function clearBy(s = () => !0) { return { type: it, payload: s }; } const at = (function makeWindow() { var s = { location: {}, history: {}, open: () => {}, close: () => {}, File: function () {}, FormData: function () {} }; if ('undefined' == typeof window) return s; try { s = window; for (var o of ['File', 'Blob', 'FormData']) o in window && (s[o] = window[o]); } catch (s) { console.error(s); } return s; })(); var lt = __webpack_require__(16750), ct = (__webpack_require__(84058), __webpack_require__(55808), __webpack_require__(50104)), ut = __webpack_require__.n(ct), pt = __webpack_require__(7309), ht = __webpack_require__.n(pt), dt = __webpack_require__(42426), mt = __webpack_require__.n(dt), gt = __webpack_require__(75288), yt = __webpack_require__.n(gt), vt = __webpack_require__(1882), bt = __webpack_require__.n(vt), _t = __webpack_require__(2205), Et = __webpack_require__.n(_t), wt = __webpack_require__(53209), St = __webpack_require__.n(wt), xt = __webpack_require__(62802), kt = __webpack_require__.n(xt); const Ct = $e().Set.of( 'type', 'format', 'items', 'default', 'maximum', 'exclusiveMaximum', 'minimum', 'exclusiveMinimum', 'maxLength', 'minLength', 'pattern', 'maxItems', 'minItems', 'uniqueItems', 'enum', 'multipleOf' ); function getParameterSchema(s, { isOAS3: o } = {}) { if (!$e().Map.isMap(s)) return { schema: $e().Map(), parameterContentMediaType: null }; if (!o) return 'body' === s.get('in') ? { schema: s.get('schema', $e().Map()), parameterContentMediaType: null } : { schema: s.filter((s, o) => Ct.includes(o)), parameterContentMediaType: null }; if (s.get('content')) { const o = s.get('content', $e().Map({})).keySeq().first(); return { schema: s.getIn(['content', o, 'schema'], $e().Map()), parameterContentMediaType: o }; } return { schema: s.get('schema') ? s.get('schema', $e().Map()) : $e().Map(), parameterContentMediaType: null }; } var Ot = __webpack_require__(48287).Buffer; const At = 'default', isImmutable = (s) => $e().Iterable.isIterable(s); function objectify(s) { return isObject(s) ? (isImmutable(s) ? s.toJS() : s) : {}; } function fromJSOrdered(s) { if (isImmutable(s)) return s; if (s instanceof at.File) return s; if (!isObject(s)) return s; if (Array.isArray(s)) return $e().Seq(s).map(fromJSOrdered).toList(); if (bt()(s.entries)) { const o = (function createObjWithHashedKeys(s) { if (!bt()(s.entries)) return s; const o = {}, i = '_**[]', u = {}; for (let _ of s.entries()) if (o[_[0]] || (u[_[0]] && u[_[0]].containsMultiple)) { if (!u[_[0]]) { (u[_[0]] = { containsMultiple: !0, length: 1 }), (o[`${_[0]}${i}${u[_[0]].length}`] = o[_[0]]), delete o[_[0]]; } (u[_[0]].length += 1), (o[`${_[0]}${i}${u[_[0]].length}`] = _[1]); } else o[_[0]] = _[1]; return o; })(s); return $e().OrderedMap(o).map(fromJSOrdered); } return $e().OrderedMap(s).map(fromJSOrdered); } function normalizeArray(s) { return Array.isArray(s) ? s : [s]; } function isFn(s) { return 'function' == typeof s; } function isObject(s) { return !!s && 'object' == typeof s; } function isFunc(s) { return 'function' == typeof s; } function isArray(s) { return Array.isArray(s); } const jt = ut(); function objMap(s, o) { return Object.keys(s).reduce((i, u) => ((i[u] = o(s[u], u)), i), {}); } function objReduce(s, o) { return Object.keys(s).reduce((i, u) => { let _ = o(s[u], u); return _ && 'object' == typeof _ && Object.assign(i, _), i; }, {}); } function systemThunkMiddleware(s) { return ({ dispatch: o, getState: i }) => (o) => (i) => 'function' == typeof i ? i(s()) : o(i); } function validateValueBySchema(s, o, i, u, _) { if (!o) return []; let w = [], x = o.get('nullable'), C = o.get('required'), j = o.get('maximum'), L = o.get('minimum'), B = o.get('type'), $ = o.get('format'), V = o.get('maxLength'), U = o.get('minLength'), z = o.get('uniqueItems'), Y = o.get('maxItems'), Z = o.get('minItems'), ee = o.get('pattern'); const ie = i || !0 === C, ae = null != s, le = ie || (ae && 'array' === B) || !(!ie && !ae), ce = x && null === s; if (ie && !ae && !ce && !u && !B) return w.push('Required field is not provided'), w; if (ce || !B || !le) return []; let pe = 'string' === B && s, de = 'array' === B && Array.isArray(s) && s.length, fe = 'array' === B && $e().List.isList(s) && s.count(); const ye = [ pe, de, fe, 'array' === B && 'string' == typeof s && s, 'file' === B && s instanceof at.File, 'boolean' === B && (s || !1 === s), 'number' === B && (s || 0 === s), 'integer' === B && (s || 0 === s), 'object' === B && 'object' == typeof s && null !== s, 'object' === B && 'string' == typeof s && s ].some((s) => !!s); if (ie && !ye && !u) return w.push('Required field is not provided'), w; if ('object' === B && (null === _ || 'application/json' === _)) { let i = s; if ('string' == typeof s) try { i = JSON.parse(s); } catch (s) { return w.push('Parameter string value must be valid JSON'), w; } o && o.has('required') && isFunc(C.isList) && C.isList() && C.forEach((s) => { void 0 === i[s] && w.push({ propKey: s, error: 'Required property not found' }); }), o && o.has('properties') && o.get('properties').forEach((s, o) => { const x = validateValueBySchema(i[o], s, !1, u, _); w.push(...x.map((s) => ({ propKey: o, error: s }))); }); } if (ee) { let o = ((s, o) => { if (!new RegExp(o).test(s)) return 'Value must follow pattern ' + o; })(s, ee); o && w.push(o); } if (Z && 'array' === B) { let o = ((s, o) => { if ((!s && o >= 1) || (s && s.length < o)) return `Array must contain at least ${o} item${1 === o ? '' : 's'}`; })(s, Z); o && w.push(o); } if (Y && 'array' === B) { let o = ((s, o) => { if (s && s.length > o) return `Array must not contain more then ${o} item${1 === o ? '' : 's'}`; })(s, Y); o && w.push({ needRemove: !0, error: o }); } if (z && 'array' === B) { let o = ((s, o) => { if (s && ('true' === o || !0 === o)) { const o = (0, qe.fromJS)(s), i = o.toSet(); if (s.length > i.size) { let s = (0, qe.Set)(); if ( (o.forEach((i, u) => { o.filter((s) => (isFunc(s.equals) ? s.equals(i) : s === i)).size > 1 && (s = s.add(u)); }), 0 !== s.size) ) return s.map((s) => ({ index: s, error: 'No duplicates allowed.' })).toArray(); } } })(s, z); o && w.push(...o); } if (V || 0 === V) { let o = ((s, o) => { if (s.length > o) return `Value must be no longer than ${o} character${1 !== o ? 's' : ''}`; })(s, V); o && w.push(o); } if (U) { let o = ((s, o) => { if (s.length < o) return `Value must be at least ${o} character${1 !== o ? 's' : ''}`; })(s, U); o && w.push(o); } if (j || 0 === j) { let o = ((s, o) => { if (s > o) return `Value must be less than ${o}`; })(s, j); o && w.push(o); } if (L || 0 === L) { let o = ((s, o) => { if (s < o) return `Value must be greater than ${o}`; })(s, L); o && w.push(o); } if ('string' === B) { let o; if ( ((o = 'date-time' === $ ? ((s) => { if (isNaN(Date.parse(s))) return 'Value must be a DateTime'; })(s) : 'uuid' === $ ? ((s) => { if ( ((s = s.toString().toLowerCase()), !/^[{(]?[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}[)}]?$/.test( s )) ) return 'Value must be a Guid'; })(s) : ((s) => { if (s && 'string' != typeof s) return 'Value must be a string'; })(s)), !o) ) return w; w.push(o); } else if ('boolean' === B) { let o = ((s) => { if ('true' !== s && 'false' !== s && !0 !== s && !1 !== s) return 'Value must be a boolean'; })(s); if (!o) return w; w.push(o); } else if ('number' === B) { let o = ((s) => { if (!/^-?\d+(\.?\d+)?$/.test(s)) return 'Value must be a number'; })(s); if (!o) return w; w.push(o); } else if ('integer' === B) { let o = ((s) => { if (!/^-?\d+$/.test(s)) return 'Value must be an integer'; })(s); if (!o) return w; w.push(o); } else if ('array' === B) { if (!de && !fe) return w; s && s.forEach((s, i) => { const x = validateValueBySchema(s, o.get('items'), !1, u, _); w.push(...x.map((s) => ({ index: i, error: s }))); }); } else if ('file' === B) { let o = ((s) => { if (s && !(s instanceof at.File)) return 'Value must be a file'; })(s); if (!o) return w; w.push(o); } return w; } const utils_btoa = (s) => { let o; return (o = s instanceof Ot ? s : Ot.from(s.toString(), 'utf-8')), o.toString('base64'); }, It = { operationsSorter: { alpha: (s, o) => s.get('path').localeCompare(o.get('path')), method: (s, o) => s.get('method').localeCompare(o.get('method')) }, tagsSorter: { alpha: (s, o) => s.localeCompare(o) } }, buildFormData = (s) => { let o = []; for (let i in s) { let u = s[i]; void 0 !== u && '' !== u && o.push([i, '=', encodeURIComponent(u).replace(/%20/g, '+')].join('')); } return o.join('&'); }, shallowEqualKeys = (s, o, i) => !!ht()(i, (i) => yt()(s[i], o[i])); function sanitizeUrl(s) { return 'string' != typeof s || '' === s ? '' : (0, lt.J)(s); } function requiresValidationURL(s) { return !( !s || s.indexOf('localhost') >= 0 || s.indexOf('') >= 0 || 'none' === s ); } const createDeepLinkPath = (s) => 'string' == typeof s || s instanceof String ? s.trim().replace(/\s/g, '%20') : '', escapeDeepLinkPath = (s) => Et()(createDeepLinkPath(s).replace(/%20/g, '_')), getExtensions = (s) => s.filter((s, o) => /^x-/.test(o)), getCommonExtensions = (s) => s.filter((s, o) => /^pattern|maxLength|minLength|maximum|minimum/.test(o)); function deeplyStripKey(s, o, i = () => !0) { if ('object' != typeof s || Array.isArray(s) || null === s || !o) return s; const u = Object.assign({}, s); return ( Object.keys(u).forEach((s) => { s === o && i(u[s], s) ? delete u[s] : (u[s] = deeplyStripKey(u[s], o, i)); }), u ); } function stringify(s) { if ('string' == typeof s) return s; if ((s && s.toJS && (s = s.toJS()), 'object' == typeof s && null !== s)) try { return JSON.stringify(s, null, 2); } catch (o) { return String(s); } return null == s ? '' : s.toString(); } function paramToIdentifier(s, { returnAll: o = !1, allowHashes: i = !0 } = {}) { if (!$e().Map.isMap(s)) throw new Error('paramToIdentifier: received a non-Im.Map parameter as input'); const u = s.get('name'), _ = s.get('in'); let w = []; return ( s && s.hashCode && _ && u && i && w.push(`${_}.${u}.hash-${s.hashCode()}`), _ && u && w.push(`${_}.${u}`), w.push(u), o ? w : w[0] || '' ); } function paramToValue(s, o) { return paramToIdentifier(s, { returnAll: !0 }) .map((s) => o[s]) .filter((s) => void 0 !== s)[0]; } function b64toB64UrlEncoded(s) { return s.replace(/\+/g, '-').replace(/\//g, '_').replace(/=/g, ''); } const isEmptyValue = (s) => !s || !(!isImmutable(s) || !s.isEmpty()), idFn = (s) => s; function createStoreWithMiddleware(s, o, i) { let u = [systemThunkMiddleware(i)]; return createStore( s, o, (at.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION_COMPOSE__ || compose)( (function applyMiddleware(...s) { return (o) => (i, u) => { const _ = o(i, u); let dispatch = () => { throw new Error(formatProdErrorMessage(15)); }; const w = { getState: _.getState, dispatch: (s, ...o) => dispatch(s, ...o) }, x = s.map((s) => s(w)); return (dispatch = compose(...x)(_.dispatch)), { ..._, dispatch }; }; })(...u) ) ); } class Store { constructor(s = {}) { We()( this, { state: {}, plugins: [], system: { configs: {}, fn: {}, components: {}, rootInjects: {}, statePlugins: {} }, boundSystem: {}, toolbox: {} }, s ), (this.getSystem = this._getSystem.bind(this)), (this.store = (function configureStore(s, o, i) { return createStoreWithMiddleware(s, o, i); })(idFn, (0, qe.fromJS)(this.state), this.getSystem)), this.buildSystem(!1), this.register(this.plugins); } getStore() { return this.store; } register(s, o = !0) { var i = combinePlugins(s, this.getSystem()); systemExtend(this.system, i), o && this.buildSystem(); callAfterLoad.call(this.system, s, this.getSystem()) && this.buildSystem(); } buildSystem(s = !0) { let o = this.getStore().dispatch, i = this.getStore().getState; (this.boundSystem = Object.assign( {}, this.getRootInjects(), this.getWrappedAndBoundActions(o), this.getWrappedAndBoundSelectors(i, this.getSystem), this.getStateThunks(i), this.getFn(), this.getConfigs() )), s && this.rebuildReducer(); } _getSystem() { return this.boundSystem; } getRootInjects() { return Object.assign( { getSystem: this.getSystem, getStore: this.getStore.bind(this), getComponents: this.getComponents.bind(this), getState: this.getStore().getState, getConfigs: this._getConfigs.bind(this), Im: $e(), React: Pe }, this.system.rootInjects || {} ); } _getConfigs() { return this.system.configs; } getConfigs() { return { configs: this.system.configs }; } setConfigs(s) { this.system.configs = s; } rebuildReducer() { this.store.replaceReducer( (function buildReducer(s) { return (function allReducers(s) { let o = Object.keys(s).reduce( (o, i) => ( (o[i] = (function makeReducer(s) { return (o = new qe.Map(), i) => { if (!s) return o; let u = s[i.type]; if (u) { const s = wrapWithTryCatch(u)(o, i); return null === s ? o : s; } return o; }; })(s[i])), o ), {} ); if (!Object.keys(o).length) return idFn; return (0, He.H)(o); })(objMap(s, (s) => s.reducers)); })(this.system.statePlugins) ); } getType(s) { let o = s[0].toUpperCase() + s.slice(1); return objReduce(this.system.statePlugins, (i, u) => { let _ = i[s]; if (_) return { [u + o]: _ }; }); } getSelectors() { return this.getType('selectors'); } getActions() { return objMap(this.getType('actions'), (s) => objReduce(s, (s, o) => { if (isFn(s)) return { [o]: s }; }) ); } getWrappedAndBoundActions(s) { return objMap(this.getBoundActions(s), (s, o) => { let i = this.system.statePlugins[o.slice(0, -7)].wrapActions; return i ? objMap(s, (s, o) => { let u = i[o]; return u ? (Array.isArray(u) || (u = [u]), u.reduce((s, o) => { let newAction = (...i) => o(s, this.getSystem())(...i); if (!isFn(newAction)) throw new TypeError( 'wrapActions needs to return a function that returns a new function (ie the wrapped action)' ); return wrapWithTryCatch(newAction); }, s || Function.prototype)) : s; }) : s; }); } getWrappedAndBoundSelectors(s, o) { return objMap(this.getBoundSelectors(s, o), (o, i) => { let u = [i.slice(0, -9)], _ = this.system.statePlugins[u].wrapSelectors; return _ ? objMap(o, (o, i) => { let w = _[i]; return w ? (Array.isArray(w) || (w = [w]), w.reduce((o, i) => { let wrappedSelector = (..._) => i(o, this.getSystem())(s().getIn(u), ..._); if (!isFn(wrappedSelector)) throw new TypeError( 'wrapSelector needs to return a function that returns a new function (ie the wrapped action)' ); return wrappedSelector; }, o || Function.prototype)) : o; }) : o; }); } getStates(s) { return Object.keys(this.system.statePlugins).reduce( (o, i) => ((o[i] = s.get(i)), o), {} ); } getStateThunks(s) { return Object.keys(this.system.statePlugins).reduce( (o, i) => ((o[i] = () => s().get(i)), o), {} ); } getFn() { return { fn: this.system.fn }; } getComponents(s) { const o = this.system.components[s]; return Array.isArray(o) ? o.reduce((s, o) => o(s, this.getSystem())) : void 0 !== s ? this.system.components[s] : this.system.components; } getBoundSelectors(s, o) { return objMap(this.getSelectors(), (i, u) => { let _ = [u.slice(0, -9)]; return objMap(i, (i) => (...u) => { let w = wrapWithTryCatch(i).apply(null, [s().getIn(_), ...u]); return 'function' == typeof w && (w = wrapWithTryCatch(w)(o())), w; }); }); } getBoundActions(s) { s = s || this.getStore().dispatch; const o = this.getActions(), process = (s) => 'function' != typeof s ? objMap(s, (s) => process(s)) : (...o) => { var i = null; try { i = s(...o); } catch (s) { i = { type: et, error: !0, payload: (0, Ye.serializeError)(s) }; } finally { return i; } }; return objMap(o, (o) => (function bindActionCreators(s, o) { if ('function' == typeof s) return bindActionCreator(s, o); if ('object' != typeof s || null === s) throw new Error(formatProdErrorMessage(16)); const i = {}; for (const u in s) { const _ = s[u]; 'function' == typeof _ && (i[u] = bindActionCreator(_, o)); } return i; })(process(o), s) ); } getMapStateToProps() { return () => Object.assign({}, this.getSystem()); } getMapDispatchToProps(s) { return (o) => We()({}, this.getWrappedAndBoundActions(o), this.getFn(), s); } } function combinePlugins(s, o) { return isObject(s) && !isArray(s) ? Qe()({}, s) : isFunc(s) ? combinePlugins(s(o), o) : isArray(s) ? s .map((s) => combinePlugins(s, o)) .reduce(systemExtend, { components: o.getComponents() }) : {}; } function callAfterLoad(s, o, { hasLoaded: i } = {}) { let u = i; return ( isObject(s) && !isArray(s) && 'function' == typeof s.afterLoad && ((u = !0), wrapWithTryCatch(s.afterLoad).call(this, o)), isFunc(s) ? callAfterLoad.call(this, s(o), o, { hasLoaded: u }) : isArray(s) ? s.map((s) => callAfterLoad.call(this, s, o, { hasLoaded: u })) : u ); } function systemExtend(s = {}, o = {}) { if (!isObject(s)) return {}; if (!isObject(o)) return s; o.wrapComponents && (objMap(o.wrapComponents, (i, u) => { const _ = s.components && s.components[u]; _ && Array.isArray(_) ? ((s.components[u] = _.concat([i])), delete o.wrapComponents[u]) : _ && ((s.components[u] = [_, i]), delete o.wrapComponents[u]); }), Object.keys(o.wrapComponents).length || delete o.wrapComponents); const { statePlugins: i } = s; if (isObject(i)) for (let s in i) { const u = i[s]; if (!isObject(u)) continue; const { wrapActions: _, wrapSelectors: w } = u; if (isObject(_)) for (let i in _) { let u = _[i]; Array.isArray(u) || ((u = [u]), (_[i] = u)), o && o.statePlugins && o.statePlugins[s] && o.statePlugins[s].wrapActions && o.statePlugins[s].wrapActions[i] && (o.statePlugins[s].wrapActions[i] = _[i].concat( o.statePlugins[s].wrapActions[i] )); } if (isObject(w)) for (let i in w) { let u = w[i]; Array.isArray(u) || ((u = [u]), (w[i] = u)), o && o.statePlugins && o.statePlugins[s] && o.statePlugins[s].wrapSelectors && o.statePlugins[s].wrapSelectors[i] && (o.statePlugins[s].wrapSelectors[i] = w[i].concat( o.statePlugins[s].wrapSelectors[i] )); } } return We()(s, o); } function wrapWithTryCatch(s, { logErrors: o = !0 } = {}) { return 'function' != typeof s ? s : function (...i) { try { return s.call(this, ...i); } catch (s) { return o && console.error(s), null; } }; } var Pt = __webpack_require__(61160), Mt = __webpack_require__.n(Pt); const Tt = 'show_popup', Nt = 'authorize', Rt = 'logout', Dt = 'pre_authorize_oauth2', Lt = 'authorize_oauth2', Bt = 'validate', Ft = 'configure_auth', qt = 'restore_authorization'; function showDefinitions(s) { return { type: Tt, payload: s }; } function authorize(s) { return { type: Nt, payload: s }; } const authorizeWithPersistOption = (s) => ({ authActions: o }) => { o.authorize(s), o.persistAuthorizationIfNeeded(); }; function logout(s) { return { type: Rt, payload: s }; } const logoutWithPersistOption = (s) => ({ authActions: o }) => { o.logout(s), o.persistAuthorizationIfNeeded(); }, preAuthorizeImplicit = (s) => ({ authActions: o, errActions: i }) => { let { auth: u, token: _, isValid: w } = s, { schema: x, name: C } = u, j = x.get('flow'); delete at.swaggerUIRedirectOauth2, 'accessCode' === j || w || i.newAuthErr({ authId: C, source: 'auth', level: 'warning', message: "Authorization may be unsafe, passed state was changed in server Passed state wasn't returned from auth server" }), _.error ? i.newAuthErr({ authId: C, source: 'auth', level: 'error', message: JSON.stringify(_) }) : o.authorizeOauth2WithPersistOption({ auth: u, token: _ }); }; function authorizeOauth2(s) { return { type: Lt, payload: s }; } const authorizeOauth2WithPersistOption = (s) => ({ authActions: o }) => { o.authorizeOauth2(s), o.persistAuthorizationIfNeeded(); }, authorizePassword = (s) => ({ authActions: o }) => { let { schema: i, name: u, username: _, password: w, passwordType: x, clientId: C, clientSecret: j } = s, L = { grant_type: 'password', scope: s.scopes.join(' '), username: _, password: w }, B = {}; switch (x) { case 'request-body': !(function setClientIdAndSecret(s, o, i) { o && Object.assign(s, { client_id: o }); i && Object.assign(s, { client_secret: i }); })(L, C, j); break; case 'basic': B.Authorization = 'Basic ' + utils_btoa(C + ':' + j); break; default: console.warn( `Warning: invalid passwordType ${x} was passed, not including client id and secret` ); } return o.authorizeRequest({ body: buildFormData(L), url: i.get('tokenUrl'), name: u, headers: B, query: {}, auth: s }); }; const authorizeApplication = (s) => ({ authActions: o }) => { let { schema: i, scopes: u, name: _, clientId: w, clientSecret: x } = s, C = { Authorization: 'Basic ' + utils_btoa(w + ':' + x) }, j = { grant_type: 'client_credentials', scope: u.join(' ') }; return o.authorizeRequest({ body: buildFormData(j), name: _, url: i.get('tokenUrl'), auth: s, headers: C }); }, authorizeAccessCodeWithFormParams = ({ auth: s, redirectUrl: o }) => ({ authActions: i }) => { let { schema: u, name: _, clientId: w, clientSecret: x, codeVerifier: C } = s, j = { grant_type: 'authorization_code', code: s.code, client_id: w, client_secret: x, redirect_uri: o, code_verifier: C }; return i.authorizeRequest({ body: buildFormData(j), name: _, url: u.get('tokenUrl'), auth: s }); }, authorizeAccessCodeWithBasicAuthentication = ({ auth: s, redirectUrl: o }) => ({ authActions: i }) => { let { schema: u, name: _, clientId: w, clientSecret: x, codeVerifier: C } = s, j = { Authorization: 'Basic ' + utils_btoa(w + ':' + x) }, L = { grant_type: 'authorization_code', code: s.code, client_id: w, redirect_uri: o, code_verifier: C }; return i.authorizeRequest({ body: buildFormData(L), name: _, url: u.get('tokenUrl'), auth: s, headers: j }); }, authorizeRequest = (s) => ({ fn: o, getConfigs: i, authActions: u, errActions: _, oas3Selectors: w, specSelectors: x, authSelectors: C }) => { let j, { body: L, query: B = {}, headers: $ = {}, name: V, url: U, auth: z } = s, { additionalQueryStringParams: Y } = C.getConfigs() || {}; if (x.isOAS3()) { let s = w.serverEffectiveValue(w.selectedServer()); j = Mt()(U, s, !0); } else j = Mt()(U, x.url(), !0); 'object' == typeof Y && (j.query = Object.assign({}, j.query, Y)); const Z = j.toString(); let ee = Object.assign( { Accept: 'application/json, text/plain, */*', 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest' }, $ ); o.fetch({ url: Z, method: 'post', headers: ee, query: B, body: L, requestInterceptor: i().requestInterceptor, responseInterceptor: i().responseInterceptor }) .then(function (s) { let o = JSON.parse(s.data), i = o && (o.error || ''), w = o && (o.parseError || ''); s.ok ? i || w ? _.newAuthErr({ authId: V, level: 'error', source: 'auth', message: JSON.stringify(o) }) : u.authorizeOauth2WithPersistOption({ auth: z, token: o }) : _.newAuthErr({ authId: V, level: 'error', source: 'auth', message: s.statusText }); }) .catch((s) => { let o = new Error(s).message; if (s.response && s.response.data) { const i = s.response.data; try { const s = 'string' == typeof i ? JSON.parse(i) : i; s.error && (o += `, error: ${s.error}`), s.error_description && (o += `, description: ${s.error_description}`); } catch (s) {} } _.newAuthErr({ authId: V, level: 'error', source: 'auth', message: o }); }); }; function configureAuth(s) { return { type: Ft, payload: s }; } function restoreAuthorization(s) { return { type: qt, payload: s }; } const persistAuthorizationIfNeeded = () => ({ authSelectors: s, getConfigs: o }) => { if (!o().persistAuthorization) return; const i = s.authorized().toJS(); localStorage.setItem('authorized', JSON.stringify(i)); }, authPopup = (s, o) => () => { (at.swaggerUIRedirectOauth2 = o), at.open(s); }, $t = { [Tt]: (s, { payload: o }) => s.set('showDefinitions', o), [Nt]: (s, { payload: o }) => { let i = (0, qe.fromJS)(o), u = s.get('authorized') || (0, qe.Map)(); return ( i.entrySeq().forEach(([o, i]) => { if (!isFunc(i.getIn)) return s.set('authorized', u); let _ = i.getIn(['schema', 'type']); if ('apiKey' === _ || 'http' === _) u = u.set(o, i); else if ('basic' === _) { let s = i.getIn(['value', 'username']), _ = i.getIn(['value', 'password']); (u = u.setIn([o, 'value'], { username: s, header: 'Basic ' + utils_btoa(s + ':' + _) })), (u = u.setIn([o, 'schema'], i.get('schema'))); } }), s.set('authorized', u) ); }, [Lt]: (s, { payload: o }) => { let i, { auth: u, token: _ } = o; (u.token = Object.assign({}, _)), (i = (0, qe.fromJS)(u)); let w = s.get('authorized') || (0, qe.Map)(); return (w = w.set(i.get('name'), i)), s.set('authorized', w); }, [Rt]: (s, { payload: o }) => { let i = s.get('authorized').withMutations((s) => { o.forEach((o) => { s.delete(o); }); }); return s.set('authorized', i); }, [Ft]: (s, { payload: o }) => s.set('configs', o), [qt]: (s, { payload: o }) => s.set('authorized', (0, qe.fromJS)(o.authorized)) }; function assertIsFunction(s, o = 'expected a function, instead received ' + typeof s) { if ('function' != typeof s) throw new TypeError(o); } var ensureIsArray = (s) => (Array.isArray(s) ? s : [s]); function getDependencies(s) { const o = Array.isArray(s[0]) ? s[0] : s; return ( (function assertIsArrayOfFunctions( s, o = 'expected all items to be functions, instead received the following types: ' ) { if (!s.every((s) => 'function' == typeof s)) { const i = s .map((s) => 'function' == typeof s ? `function ${s.name || 'unnamed'}()` : typeof s ) .join(', '); throw new TypeError(`${o}[${i}]`); } })( o, 'createSelector expects all input-selectors to be functions, but received the following types: ' ), o ); } Symbol(), Object.getPrototypeOf({}); var Vt = 'undefined' != typeof WeakRef ? WeakRef : class { constructor(s) { this.value = s; } deref() { return this.value; } }; function weakMapMemoize(s, o = {}) { let i = { s: 0, v: void 0, o: null, p: null }; const { resultEqualityCheck: u } = o; let _, w = 0; function memoized() { let o = i; const { length: x } = arguments; for (let s = 0, i = x; s < i; s++) { const i = arguments[s]; if ('function' == typeof i || ('object' == typeof i && null !== i)) { let s = o.o; null === s && (o.o = s = new WeakMap()); const u = s.get(i); void 0 === u ? ((o = { s: 0, v: void 0, o: null, p: null }), s.set(i, o)) : (o = u); } else { let s = o.p; null === s && (o.p = s = new Map()); const u = s.get(i); void 0 === u ? ((o = { s: 0, v: void 0, o: null, p: null }), s.set(i, o)) : (o = u); } } const C = o; let j; if (1 === o.s) j = o.v; else if (((j = s.apply(null, arguments)), w++, u)) { const s = _?.deref?.() ?? _; null != s && u(s, j) && ((j = s), 0 !== w && w--); _ = ('object' == typeof j && null !== j) || 'function' == typeof j ? new Vt(j) : j; } return (C.s = 1), (C.v = j), j; } return ( (memoized.clearCache = () => { (i = { s: 0, v: void 0, o: null, p: null }), memoized.resetResultsCount(); }), (memoized.resultsCount = () => w), (memoized.resetResultsCount = () => { w = 0; }), memoized ); } function createSelectorCreator(s, ...o) { const i = 'function' == typeof s ? { memoize: s, memoizeOptions: o } : s, createSelector2 = (...s) => { let o, u = 0, _ = 0, w = {}, x = s.pop(); 'object' == typeof x && ((w = x), (x = s.pop())), assertIsFunction( x, `createSelector expects an output function after the inputs, but received: [${typeof x}]` ); const C = { ...i, ...w }, { memoize: j, memoizeOptions: L = [], argsMemoize: B = weakMapMemoize, argsMemoizeOptions: $ = [], devModeChecks: V = {} } = C, U = ensureIsArray(L), z = ensureIsArray($), Y = getDependencies(s), Z = j( function recomputationWrapper() { return u++, x.apply(null, arguments); }, ...U ); const ee = B( function dependenciesChecker() { _++; const s = (function collectInputSelectorResults(s, o) { const i = [], { length: u } = s; for (let _ = 0; _ < u; _++) i.push(s[_].apply(null, o)); return i; })(Y, arguments); return (o = Z.apply(null, s)), o; }, ...z ); return Object.assign(ee, { resultFunc: x, memoizedResultFunc: Z, dependencies: Y, dependencyRecomputations: () => _, resetDependencyRecomputations: () => { _ = 0; }, lastResult: () => o, recomputations: () => u, resetRecomputations: () => { u = 0; }, memoize: j, argsMemoize: B }); }; return ( Object.assign(createSelector2, { withTypes: () => createSelector2 }), createSelector2 ); } var Ut = createSelectorCreator(weakMapMemoize), zt = Object.assign( (s, o = Ut) => { !(function assertIsObject(s, o = 'expected an object, instead received ' + typeof s) { if ('object' != typeof s) throw new TypeError(o); })( s, 'createStructuredSelector expects first argument to be an object where each property is a selector, instead received a ' + typeof s ); const i = Object.keys(s); return o( i.map((o) => s[o]), (...s) => s.reduce((s, o, u) => ((s[i[u]] = o), s), {}) ); }, { withTypes: () => zt } ); const state = (s) => s, Wt = Ut(state, (s) => s.get('showDefinitions')), Kt = Ut(state, () => ({ specSelectors: s }) => { let o = s.securityDefinitions() || (0, qe.Map)({}), i = (0, qe.List)(); return ( o.entrySeq().forEach(([s, o]) => { let u = (0, qe.Map)(); (u = u.set(s, o)), (i = i.push(u)); }), i ); }), getDefinitionsByNames = (s, o) => ({ specSelectors: s }) => { console.warn( 'WARNING: getDefinitionsByNames is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version.' ); let i = s.securityDefinitions(), u = (0, qe.List)(); return ( o.valueSeq().forEach((s) => { let o = (0, qe.Map)(); s.entrySeq().forEach(([s, u]) => { let _, w = i.get(s); 'oauth2' === w.get('type') && u.size && ((_ = w.get('scopes')), _.keySeq().forEach((s) => { u.contains(s) || (_ = _.delete(s)); }), (w = w.set('allowedScopes', _))), (o = o.set(s, w)); }), (u = u.push(o)); }), u ); }, definitionsForRequirements = (s, o = (0, qe.List)()) => ({ authSelectors: s }) => { const i = s.definitionsToAuthorize() || (0, qe.List)(); let u = (0, qe.List)(); return ( i.forEach((s) => { let i = o.find((o) => o.get(s.keySeq().first())); i && (s.forEach((o, u) => { if ('oauth2' === o.get('type')) { const _ = i.get(u); let w = o.get('scopes'); qe.List.isList(_) && qe.Map.isMap(w) && (w.keySeq().forEach((s) => { _.contains(s) || (w = w.delete(s)); }), (s = s.set(u, o.set('scopes', w)))); } }), (u = u.push(s))); }), u ); }, Ht = Ut(state, (s) => s.get('authorized') || (0, qe.Map)()), isAuthorized = (s, o) => ({ authSelectors: s }) => { let i = s.authorized(); return qe.List.isList(o) ? !!o.toJS().filter( (s) => -1 === Object.keys(s) .map((s) => !!i.get(s)) .indexOf(!1) ).length : null; }, Jt = Ut(state, (s) => s.get('configs')), execute = (s, { authSelectors: o, specSelectors: i }) => ({ path: u, method: _, operation: w, extras: x }) => { let C = { authorized: o.authorized() && o.authorized().toJS(), definitions: i.securityDefinitions() && i.securityDefinitions().toJS(), specSecurity: i.security() && i.security().toJS() }; return s({ path: u, method: _, operation: w, securities: C, ...x }); }, loaded = (s, o) => (i) => { const { getConfigs: u, authActions: _ } = o, w = u(); if ((s(i), w.persistAuthorization)) { const s = localStorage.getItem('authorized'); s && _.restoreAuthorization({ authorized: JSON.parse(s) }); } }, wrap_actions_authorize = (s, o) => (i) => { s(i); if (o.getConfigs().persistAuthorization) try { const [{ schema: s, value: o }] = Object.values(i), u = 'apiKey' === s.get('type'), _ = 'cookie' === s.get('in'); u && _ && (document.cookie = `${s.get('name')}=${o}; SameSite=None; Secure`); } catch (s) { console.error('Error persisting cookie based apiKey in document.cookie.', s); } }, wrap_actions_logout = (s, o) => (i) => { const u = o.getConfigs(), _ = o.authSelectors.authorized(); try { u.persistAuthorization && Array.isArray(i) && i.forEach((s) => { const o = _.get(s, {}), i = 'apiKey' === o.getIn(['schema', 'type']), u = 'cookie' === o.getIn(['schema', 'in']); if (i && u) { const s = o.getIn(['schema', 'name']); document.cookie = `${s}=; Max-Age=-99999999`; } }); } catch (s) { console.error('Error deleting cookie based apiKey from document.cookie.', s); } s(i); }; var Gt = __webpack_require__(90179), Yt = __webpack_require__.n(Gt); class LockAuthIcon extends Pe.Component { mapStateToProps(s, o) { return { state: s, ownProps: Yt()(o, Object.keys(o.getSystem())) }; } render() { const { getComponent: s, ownProps: o } = this.props, i = s('LockIcon'); return Pe.createElement(i, o); } } const Xt = LockAuthIcon; class UnlockAuthIcon extends Pe.Component { mapStateToProps(s, o) { return { state: s, ownProps: Yt()(o, Object.keys(o.getSystem())) }; } render() { const { getComponent: s, ownProps: o } = this.props, i = s('UnlockIcon'); return Pe.createElement(i, o); } } const Zt = UnlockAuthIcon; function auth() { return { afterLoad(s) { (this.rootInjects = this.rootInjects || {}), (this.rootInjects.initOAuth = s.authActions.configureAuth), (this.rootInjects.preauthorizeApiKey = preauthorizeApiKey.bind(null, s)), (this.rootInjects.preauthorizeBasic = preauthorizeBasic.bind(null, s)); }, components: { LockAuthIcon: Xt, UnlockAuthIcon: Zt, LockAuthOperationIcon: Xt, UnlockAuthOperationIcon: Zt }, statePlugins: { auth: { reducers: $t, actions: o, selectors: i, wrapActions: { authorize: wrap_actions_authorize, logout: wrap_actions_logout } }, configs: { wrapActions: { loaded } }, spec: { wrapActions: { execute } } } }; } function preauthorizeBasic(s, o, i, u) { const { authActions: { authorize: _ }, specSelectors: { specJson: w, isOAS3: x } } = s, C = x() ? ['components', 'securitySchemes'] : ['securityDefinitions'], j = w().getIn([...C, o]); return j ? _({ [o]: { value: { username: i, password: u }, schema: j.toJS() } }) : null; } function preauthorizeApiKey(s, o, i) { const { authActions: { authorize: u }, specSelectors: { specJson: _, isOAS3: w } } = s, x = w() ? ['components', 'securitySchemes'] : ['securityDefinitions'], C = _().getIn([...x, o]); return C ? u({ [o]: { value: i, schema: C.toJS() } }) : null; } function isNothing(s) { return null == s; } var Qt = function repeat(s, o) { var i, u = ''; for (i = 0; i < o; i += 1) u += s; return u; }, er = function isNegativeZero(s) { return 0 === s && Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY === 1 / s; }, tr = { isNothing, isObject: function js_yaml_isObject(s) { return 'object' == typeof s && null !== s; }, toArray: function toArray(s) { return Array.isArray(s) ? s : isNothing(s) ? [] : [s]; }, repeat: Qt, isNegativeZero: er, extend: function extend(s, o) { var i, u, _, w; if (o) for (i = 0, u = (w = Object.keys(o)).length; i < u; i += 1) s[(_ = w[i])] = o[_]; return s; } }; function formatError(s, o) { var i = '', u = s.reason || '(unknown reason)'; return s.mark ? (s.mark.name && (i += 'in "' + s.mark.name + '" '), (i += '(' + (s.mark.line + 1) + ':' + (s.mark.column + 1) + ')'), !o && s.mark.snippet && (i += '\n\n' + s.mark.snippet), u + ' ' + i) : u; } function YAMLException$1(s, o) { Error.call(this), (this.name = 'YAMLException'), (this.reason = s), (this.mark = o), (this.message = formatError(this, !1)), Error.captureStackTrace ? Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor) : (this.stack = new Error().stack || ''); } (YAMLException$1.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype)), (YAMLException$1.prototype.constructor = YAMLException$1), (YAMLException$1.prototype.toString = function toString(s) { return this.name + ': ' + formatError(this, s); }); var rr = YAMLException$1; function getLine(s, o, i, u, _) { var w = '', x = '', C = Math.floor(_ / 2) - 1; return ( u - o > C && (o = u - C + (w = ' ... ').length), i - u > C && (i = u + C - (x = ' ...').length), { str: w + s.slice(o, i).replace(/\t/g, '→') + x, pos: u - o + w.length } ); } function padStart(s, o) { return tr.repeat(' ', o - s.length) + s; } var nr = function makeSnippet(s, o) { if (((o = Object.create(o || null)), !s.buffer)) return null; o.maxLength || (o.maxLength = 79), 'number' != typeof o.indent && (o.indent = 1), 'number' != typeof o.linesBefore && (o.linesBefore = 3), 'number' != typeof o.linesAfter && (o.linesAfter = 2); for (var i, u = /\r?\n|\r|\0/g, _ = [0], w = [], x = -1; (i = u.exec(s.buffer)); ) w.push(i.index), _.push(i.index + i[0].length), s.position <= i.index && x < 0 && (x = _.length - 2); x < 0 && (x = _.length - 1); var C, j, L = '', B = Math.min(s.line + o.linesAfter, w.length).toString().length, $ = o.maxLength - (o.indent + B + 3); for (C = 1; C <= o.linesBefore && !(x - C < 0); C++) (j = getLine(s.buffer, _[x - C], w[x - C], s.position - (_[x] - _[x - C]), $)), (L = tr.repeat(' ', o.indent) + padStart((s.line - C + 1).toString(), B) + ' | ' + j.str + '\n' + L); for ( j = getLine(s.buffer, _[x], w[x], s.position, $), L += tr.repeat(' ', o.indent) + padStart((s.line + 1).toString(), B) + ' | ' + j.str + '\n', L += tr.repeat('-', o.indent + B + 3 + j.pos) + '^\n', C = 1; C <= o.linesAfter && !(x + C >= w.length); C++ ) (j = getLine(s.buffer, _[x + C], w[x + C], s.position - (_[x] - _[x + C]), $)), (L += tr.repeat(' ', o.indent) + padStart((s.line + C + 1).toString(), B) + ' | ' + j.str + '\n'); return L.replace(/\n$/, ''); }, sr = [ 'kind', 'multi', 'resolve', 'construct', 'instanceOf', 'predicate', 'represent', 'representName', 'defaultStyle', 'styleAliases' ], ir = ['scalar', 'sequence', 'mapping']; var ar = function Type$1(s, o) { if ( ((o = o || {}), Object.keys(o).forEach(function (o) { if (-1 === sr.indexOf(o)) throw new rr( 'Unknown option "' + o + '" is met in definition of "' + s + '" YAML type.' ); }), (this.options = o), (this.tag = s), (this.kind = o.kind || null), (this.resolve = o.resolve || function () { return !0; }), (this.construct = o.construct || function (s) { return s; }), (this.instanceOf = o.instanceOf || null), (this.predicate = o.predicate || null), (this.represent = o.represent || null), (this.representName = o.representName || null), (this.defaultStyle = o.defaultStyle || null), (this.multi = o.multi || !1), (this.styleAliases = (function compileStyleAliases(s) { var o = {}; return ( null !== s && Object.keys(s).forEach(function (i) { s[i].forEach(function (s) { o[String(s)] = i; }); }), o ); })(o.styleAliases || null)), -1 === ir.indexOf(this.kind)) ) throw new rr( 'Unknown kind "' + this.kind + '" is specified for "' + s + '" YAML type.' ); }; function compileList(s, o) { var i = []; return ( s[o].forEach(function (s) { var o = i.length; i.forEach(function (i, u) { i.tag === s.tag && i.kind === s.kind && i.multi === s.multi && (o = u); }), (i[o] = s); }), i ); } function Schema$1(s) { return this.extend(s); } Schema$1.prototype.extend = function extend(s) { var o = [], i = []; if (s instanceof ar) i.push(s); else if (Array.isArray(s)) i = i.concat(s); else { if (!s || (!Array.isArray(s.implicit) && !Array.isArray(s.explicit))) throw new rr( 'Schema.extend argument should be a Type, [ Type ], or a schema definition ({ implicit: [...], explicit: [...] })' ); s.implicit && (o = o.concat(s.implicit)), s.explicit && (i = i.concat(s.explicit)); } o.forEach(function (s) { if (!(s instanceof ar)) throw new rr( 'Specified list of YAML types (or a single Type object) contains a non-Type object.' ); if (s.loadKind && 'scalar' !== s.loadKind) throw new rr( 'There is a non-scalar type in the implicit list of a schema. Implicit resolving of such types is not supported.' ); if (s.multi) throw new rr( 'There is a multi type in the implicit list of a schema. Multi tags can only be listed as explicit.' ); }), i.forEach(function (s) { if (!(s instanceof ar)) throw new rr( 'Specified list of YAML types (or a single Type object) contains a non-Type object.' ); }); var u = Object.create(Schema$1.prototype); return ( (u.implicit = (this.implicit || []).concat(o)), (u.explicit = (this.explicit || []).concat(i)), (u.compiledImplicit = compileList(u, 'implicit')), (u.compiledExplicit = compileList(u, 'explicit')), (u.compiledTypeMap = (function compileMap() { var s, o, i = { scalar: {}, sequence: {}, mapping: {}, fallback: {}, multi: { scalar: [], sequence: [], mapping: [], fallback: [] } }; function collectType(s) { s.multi ? (i.multi[s.kind].push(s), i.multi.fallback.push(s)) : (i[s.kind][s.tag] = i.fallback[s.tag] = s); } for (s = 0, o = arguments.length; s < o; s += 1) arguments[s].forEach(collectType); return i; })(u.compiledImplicit, u.compiledExplicit)), u ); }; var lr = Schema$1, cr = new ar('tag:yaml.org,2002:str', { kind: 'scalar', construct: function (s) { return null !== s ? s : ''; } }), ur = new ar('tag:yaml.org,2002:seq', { kind: 'sequence', construct: function (s) { return null !== s ? s : []; } }), pr = new ar('tag:yaml.org,2002:map', { kind: 'mapping', construct: function (s) { return null !== s ? s : {}; } }), dr = new lr({ explicit: [cr, ur, pr] }); var fr = new ar('tag:yaml.org,2002:null', { kind: 'scalar', resolve: function resolveYamlNull(s) { if (null === s) return !0; var o = s.length; return ( (1 === o && '~' === s) || (4 === o && ('null' === s || 'Null' === s || 'NULL' === s)) ); }, construct: function constructYamlNull() { return null; }, predicate: function isNull(s) { return null === s; }, represent: { canonical: function () { return '~'; }, lowercase: function () { return 'null'; }, uppercase: function () { return 'NULL'; }, camelcase: function () { return 'Null'; }, empty: function () { return ''; } }, defaultStyle: 'lowercase' }); var mr = new ar('tag:yaml.org,2002:bool', { kind: 'scalar', resolve: function resolveYamlBoolean(s) { if (null === s) return !1; var o = s.length; return ( (4 === o && ('true' === s || 'True' === s || 'TRUE' === s)) || (5 === o && ('false' === s || 'False' === s || 'FALSE' === s)) ); }, construct: function constructYamlBoolean(s) { return 'true' === s || 'True' === s || 'TRUE' === s; }, predicate: function isBoolean(s) { return '[object Boolean]' === Object.prototype.toString.call(s); }, represent: { lowercase: function (s) { return s ? 'true' : 'false'; }, uppercase: function (s) { return s ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'; }, camelcase: function (s) { return s ? 'True' : 'False'; } }, defaultStyle: 'lowercase' }); function isOctCode(s) { return 48 <= s && s <= 55; } function isDecCode(s) { return 48 <= s && s <= 57; } var gr = new ar('tag:yaml.org,2002:int', { kind: 'scalar', resolve: function resolveYamlInteger(s) { if (null === s) return !1; var o, i, u = s.length, _ = 0, w = !1; if (!u) return !1; if ((('-' !== (o = s[_]) && '+' !== o) || (o = s[++_]), '0' === o)) { if (_ + 1 === u) return !0; if ('b' === (o = s[++_])) { for (_++; _ < u; _++) if ('_' !== (o = s[_])) { if ('0' !== o && '1' !== o) return !1; w = !0; } return w && '_' !== o; } if ('x' === o) { for (_++; _ < u; _++) if ('_' !== (o = s[_])) { if ( !( (48 <= (i = s.charCodeAt(_)) && i <= 57) || (65 <= i && i <= 70) || (97 <= i && i <= 102) ) ) return !1; w = !0; } return w && '_' !== o; } if ('o' === o) { for (_++; _ < u; _++) if ('_' !== (o = s[_])) { if (!isOctCode(s.charCodeAt(_))) return !1; w = !0; } return w && '_' !== o; } } if ('_' === o) return !1; for (; _ < u; _++) if ('_' !== (o = s[_])) { if (!isDecCode(s.charCodeAt(_))) return !1; w = !0; } return !(!w || '_' === o); }, construct: function constructYamlInteger(s) { var o, i = s, u = 1; if ( (-1 !== i.indexOf('_') && (i = i.replace(/_/g, '')), ('-' !== (o = i[0]) && '+' !== o) || ('-' === o && (u = -1), (o = (i = i.slice(1))[0])), '0' === i) ) return 0; if ('0' === o) { if ('b' === i[1]) return u * parseInt(i.slice(2), 2); if ('x' === i[1]) return u * parseInt(i.slice(2), 16); if ('o' === i[1]) return u * parseInt(i.slice(2), 8); } return u * parseInt(i, 10); }, predicate: function isInteger(s) { return ( '[object Number]' === Object.prototype.toString.call(s) && s % 1 == 0 && !tr.isNegativeZero(s) ); }, represent: { binary: function (s) { return s >= 0 ? '0b' + s.toString(2) : '-0b' + s.toString(2).slice(1); }, octal: function (s) { return s >= 0 ? '0o' + s.toString(8) : '-0o' + s.toString(8).slice(1); }, decimal: function (s) { return s.toString(10); }, hexadecimal: function (s) { return s >= 0 ? '0x' + s.toString(16).toUpperCase() : '-0x' + s.toString(16).toUpperCase().slice(1); } }, defaultStyle: 'decimal', styleAliases: { binary: [2, 'bin'], octal: [8, 'oct'], decimal: [10, 'dec'], hexadecimal: [16, 'hex'] } }), yr = new RegExp( '^(?:[-+]?(?:[0-9][0-9_]*)(?:\\.[0-9_]*)?(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?|\\.[0-9_]+(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?|[-+]?\\.(?:inf|Inf|INF)|\\.(?:nan|NaN|NAN))$' ); var vr = /^[-+]?[0-9]+e/; var br = new ar('tag:yaml.org,2002:float', { kind: 'scalar', resolve: function resolveYamlFloat(s) { return null !== s && !(!yr.test(s) || '_' === s[s.length - 1]); }, construct: function constructYamlFloat(s) { var o, i; return ( (i = '-' === (o = s.replace(/_/g, '').toLowerCase())[0] ? -1 : 1), '+-'.indexOf(o[0]) >= 0 && (o = o.slice(1)), '.inf' === o ? 1 === i ? Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY : Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY : '.nan' === o ? NaN : i * parseFloat(o, 10) ); }, predicate: function isFloat(s) { return ( '[object Number]' === Object.prototype.toString.call(s) && (s % 1 != 0 || tr.isNegativeZero(s)) ); }, represent: function representYamlFloat(s, o) { var i; if (isNaN(s)) switch (o) { case 'lowercase': return '.nan'; case 'uppercase': return '.NAN'; case 'camelcase': return '.NaN'; } else if (Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY === s) switch (o) { case 'lowercase': return '.inf'; case 'uppercase': return '.INF'; case 'camelcase': return '.Inf'; } else if (Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY === s) switch (o) { case 'lowercase': return '-.inf'; case 'uppercase': return '-.INF'; case 'camelcase': return '-.Inf'; } else if (tr.isNegativeZero(s)) return '-0.0'; return (i = s.toString(10)), vr.test(i) ? i.replace('e', '.e') : i; }, defaultStyle: 'lowercase' }), _r = dr.extend({ implicit: [fr, mr, gr, br] }), Er = _r, wr = new RegExp('^([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])-([0-9][0-9])-([0-9][0-9])$'), Sr = new RegExp( '^([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])-([0-9][0-9]?)-([0-9][0-9]?)(?:[Tt]|[ \\t]+)([0-9][0-9]?):([0-9][0-9]):([0-9][0-9])(?:\\.([0-9]*))?(?:[ \\t]*(Z|([-+])([0-9][0-9]?)(?::([0-9][0-9]))?))?$' ); var xr = new ar('tag:yaml.org,2002:timestamp', { kind: 'scalar', resolve: function resolveYamlTimestamp(s) { return null !== s && (null !== wr.exec(s) || null !== Sr.exec(s)); }, construct: function constructYamlTimestamp(s) { var o, i, u, _, w, x, C, j, L = 0, B = null; if ((null === (o = wr.exec(s)) && (o = Sr.exec(s)), null === o)) throw new Error('Date resolve error'); if (((i = +o[1]), (u = +o[2] - 1), (_ = +o[3]), !o[4])) return new Date(Date.UTC(i, u, _)); if (((w = +o[4]), (x = +o[5]), (C = +o[6]), o[7])) { for (L = o[7].slice(0, 3); L.length < 3; ) L += '0'; L = +L; } return ( o[9] && ((B = 6e4 * (60 * +o[10] + +(o[11] || 0))), '-' === o[9] && (B = -B)), (j = new Date(Date.UTC(i, u, _, w, x, C, L))), B && j.setTime(j.getTime() - B), j ); }, instanceOf: Date, represent: function representYamlTimestamp(s) { return s.toISOString(); } }); var kr = new ar('tag:yaml.org,2002:merge', { kind: 'scalar', resolve: function resolveYamlMerge(s) { return '<<' === s || null === s; } }), Cr = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=\n\r'; var Or = new ar('tag:yaml.org,2002:binary', { kind: 'scalar', resolve: function resolveYamlBinary(s) { if (null === s) return !1; var o, i, u = 0, _ = s.length, w = Cr; for (i = 0; i < _; i++) if (!((o = w.indexOf(s.charAt(i))) > 64)) { if (o < 0) return !1; u += 6; } return u % 8 == 0; }, construct: function constructYamlBinary(s) { var o, i, u = s.replace(/[\r\n=]/g, ''), _ = u.length, w = Cr, x = 0, C = []; for (o = 0; o < _; o++) o % 4 == 0 && o && (C.push((x >> 16) & 255), C.push((x >> 8) & 255), C.push(255 & x)), (x = (x << 6) | w.indexOf(u.charAt(o))); return ( 0 === (i = (_ % 4) * 6) ? (C.push((x >> 16) & 255), C.push((x >> 8) & 255), C.push(255 & x)) : 18 === i ? (C.push((x >> 10) & 255), C.push((x >> 2) & 255)) : 12 === i && C.push((x >> 4) & 255), new Uint8Array(C) ); }, predicate: function isBinary(s) { return '[object Uint8Array]' === Object.prototype.toString.call(s); }, represent: function representYamlBinary(s) { var o, i, u = '', _ = 0, w = s.length, x = Cr; for (o = 0; o < w; o++) o % 3 == 0 && o && ((u += x[(_ >> 18) & 63]), (u += x[(_ >> 12) & 63]), (u += x[(_ >> 6) & 63]), (u += x[63 & _])), (_ = (_ << 8) + s[o]); return ( 0 === (i = w % 3) ? ((u += x[(_ >> 18) & 63]), (u += x[(_ >> 12) & 63]), (u += x[(_ >> 6) & 63]), (u += x[63 & _])) : 2 === i ? ((u += x[(_ >> 10) & 63]), (u += x[(_ >> 4) & 63]), (u += x[(_ << 2) & 63]), (u += x[64])) : 1 === i && ((u += x[(_ >> 2) & 63]), (u += x[(_ << 4) & 63]), (u += x[64]), (u += x[64])), u ); } }), Ar = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, jr = Object.prototype.toString; var Ir = new ar('tag:yaml.org,2002:omap', { kind: 'sequence', resolve: function resolveYamlOmap(s) { if (null === s) return !0; var o, i, u, _, w, x = [], C = s; for (o = 0, i = C.length; o < i; o += 1) { if (((u = C[o]), (w = !1), '[object Object]' !== jr.call(u))) return !1; for (_ in u) if (Ar.call(u, _)) { if (w) return !1; w = !0; } if (!w) return !1; if (-1 !== x.indexOf(_)) return !1; x.push(_); } return !0; }, construct: function constructYamlOmap(s) { return null !== s ? s : []; } }), Pr = Object.prototype.toString; var Mr = new ar('tag:yaml.org,2002:pairs', { kind: 'sequence', resolve: function resolveYamlPairs(s) { if (null === s) return !0; var o, i, u, _, w, x = s; for (w = new Array(x.length), o = 0, i = x.length; o < i; o += 1) { if (((u = x[o]), '[object Object]' !== Pr.call(u))) return !1; if (1 !== (_ = Object.keys(u)).length) return !1; w[o] = [_[0], u[_[0]]]; } return !0; }, construct: function constructYamlPairs(s) { if (null === s) return []; var o, i, u, _, w, x = s; for (w = new Array(x.length), o = 0, i = x.length; o < i; o += 1) (u = x[o]), (_ = Object.keys(u)), (w[o] = [_[0], u[_[0]]]); return w; } }), Tr = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var Nr = new ar('tag:yaml.org,2002:set', { kind: 'mapping', resolve: function resolveYamlSet(s) { if (null === s) return !0; var o, i = s; for (o in i) if (Tr.call(i, o) && null !== i[o]) return !1; return !0; }, construct: function constructYamlSet(s) { return null !== s ? s : {}; } }), Rr = Er.extend({ implicit: [xr, kr], explicit: [Or, Ir, Mr, Nr] }), Dr = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, Lr = /[\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F\x7F-\x84\x86-\x9F\uFFFE\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF]/, Br = /[\x85\u2028\u2029]/, Fr = /[,\[\]\{\}]/, qr = /^(?:!|!!|![a-z\-]+!)$/i, $r = /^(?:!|[^,\[\]\{\}])(?:%[0-9a-f]{2}|[0-9a-z\-#;\/\?:@&=\+\$,_\.!~\*'\(\)\[\]])*$/i; function _class(s) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(s); } function is_EOL(s) { return 10 === s || 13 === s; } function is_WHITE_SPACE(s) { return 9 === s || 32 === s; } function is_WS_OR_EOL(s) { return 9 === s || 32 === s || 10 === s || 13 === s; } function is_FLOW_INDICATOR(s) { return 44 === s || 91 === s || 93 === s || 123 === s || 125 === s; } function fromHexCode(s) { var o; return 48 <= s && s <= 57 ? s - 48 : 97 <= (o = 32 | s) && o <= 102 ? o - 97 + 10 : -1; } function simpleEscapeSequence(s) { return 48 === s ? '\0' : 97 === s ? '' : 98 === s ? '\b' : 116 === s || 9 === s ? '\t' : 110 === s ? '\n' : 118 === s ? '\v' : 102 === s ? '\f' : 114 === s ? '\r' : 101 === s ? '' : 32 === s ? ' ' : 34 === s ? '"' : 47 === s ? '/' : 92 === s ? '\\' : 78 === s ? '…' : 95 === s ? ' ' : 76 === s ? '\u2028' : 80 === s ? '\u2029' : ''; } function charFromCodepoint(s) { return s <= 65535 ? String.fromCharCode(s) : String.fromCharCode(55296 + ((s - 65536) >> 10), 56320 + ((s - 65536) & 1023)); } for (var Vr = new Array(256), Ur = new Array(256), zr = 0; zr < 256; zr++) (Vr[zr] = simpleEscapeSequence(zr) ? 1 : 0), (Ur[zr] = simpleEscapeSequence(zr)); function State$1(s, o) { (this.input = s), (this.filename = o.filename || null), (this.schema = o.schema || Rr), (this.onWarning = o.onWarning || null), (this.legacy = o.legacy || !1), (this.json = o.json || !1), (this.listener = o.listener || null), (this.implicitTypes = this.schema.compiledImplicit), (this.typeMap = this.schema.compiledTypeMap), (this.length = s.length), (this.position = 0), (this.line = 0), (this.lineStart = 0), (this.lineIndent = 0), (this.firstTabInLine = -1), (this.documents = []); } function generateError(s, o) { var i = { name: s.filename, buffer: s.input.slice(0, -1), position: s.position, line: s.line, column: s.position - s.lineStart }; return (i.snippet = nr(i)), new rr(o, i); } function throwError(s, o) { throw generateError(s, o); } function throwWarning(s, o) { s.onWarning && s.onWarning.call(null, generateError(s, o)); } var Wr = { YAML: function handleYamlDirective(s, o, i) { var u, _, w; null !== s.version && throwError(s, 'duplication of %YAML directive'), 1 !== i.length && throwError(s, 'YAML directive accepts exactly one argument'), null === (u = /^([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)$/.exec(i[0])) && throwError(s, 'ill-formed argument of the YAML directive'), (_ = parseInt(u[1], 10)), (w = parseInt(u[2], 10)), 1 !== _ && throwError(s, 'unacceptable YAML version of the document'), (s.version = i[0]), (s.checkLineBreaks = w < 2), 1 !== w && 2 !== w && throwWarning(s, 'unsupported YAML version of the document'); }, TAG: function handleTagDirective(s, o, i) { var u, _; 2 !== i.length && throwError(s, 'TAG directive accepts exactly two arguments'), (u = i[0]), (_ = i[1]), qr.test(u) || throwError(s, 'ill-formed tag handle (first argument) of the TAG directive'), Dr.call(s.tagMap, u) && throwError(s, 'there is a previously declared suffix for "' + u + '" tag handle'), $r.test(_) || throwError(s, 'ill-formed tag prefix (second argument) of the TAG directive'); try { _ = decodeURIComponent(_); } catch (o) { throwError(s, 'tag prefix is malformed: ' + _); } s.tagMap[u] = _; } }; function captureSegment(s, o, i, u) { var _, w, x, C; if (o < i) { if (((C = s.input.slice(o, i)), u)) for (_ = 0, w = C.length; _ < w; _ += 1) 9 === (x = C.charCodeAt(_)) || (32 <= x && x <= 1114111) || throwError(s, 'expected valid JSON character'); else Lr.test(C) && throwError(s, 'the stream contains non-printable characters'); s.result += C; } } function mergeMappings(s, o, i, u) { var _, w, x, C; for ( tr.isObject(i) || throwError(s, 'cannot merge mappings; the provided source object is unacceptable'), x = 0, C = (_ = Object.keys(i)).length; x < C; x += 1 ) (w = _[x]), Dr.call(o, w) || ((o[w] = i[w]), (u[w] = !0)); } function storeMappingPair(s, o, i, u, _, w, x, C, j) { var L, B; if (Array.isArray(_)) for (L = 0, B = (_ = Array.prototype.slice.call(_)).length; L < B; L += 1) Array.isArray(_[L]) && throwError(s, 'nested arrays are not supported inside keys'), 'object' == typeof _ && '[object Object]' === _class(_[L]) && (_[L] = '[object Object]'); if ( ('object' == typeof _ && '[object Object]' === _class(_) && (_ = '[object Object]'), (_ = String(_)), null === o && (o = {}), 'tag:yaml.org,2002:merge' === u) ) if (Array.isArray(w)) for (L = 0, B = w.length; L < B; L += 1) mergeMappings(s, o, w[L], i); else mergeMappings(s, o, w, i); else s.json || Dr.call(i, _) || !Dr.call(o, _) || ((s.line = x || s.line), (s.lineStart = C || s.lineStart), (s.position = j || s.position), throwError(s, 'duplicated mapping key')), '__proto__' === _ ? Object.defineProperty(o, _, { configurable: !0, enumerable: !0, writable: !0, value: w }) : (o[_] = w), delete i[_]; return o; } function readLineBreak(s) { var o; 10 === (o = s.input.charCodeAt(s.position)) ? s.position++ : 13 === o ? (s.position++, 10 === s.input.charCodeAt(s.position) && s.position++) : throwError(s, 'a line break is expected'), (s.line += 1), (s.lineStart = s.position), (s.firstTabInLine = -1); } function skipSeparationSpace(s, o, i) { for (var u = 0, _ = s.input.charCodeAt(s.position); 0 !== _; ) { for (; is_WHITE_SPACE(_); ) 9 === _ && -1 === s.firstTabInLine && (s.firstTabInLine = s.position), (_ = s.input.charCodeAt(++s.position)); if (o && 35 === _) do { _ = s.input.charCodeAt(++s.position); } while (10 !== _ && 13 !== _ && 0 !== _); if (!is_EOL(_)) break; for ( readLineBreak(s), _ = s.input.charCodeAt(s.position), u++, s.lineIndent = 0; 32 === _; ) s.lineIndent++, (_ = s.input.charCodeAt(++s.position)); } return ( -1 !== i && 0 !== u && s.lineIndent < i && throwWarning(s, 'deficient indentation'), u ); } function testDocumentSeparator(s) { var o, i = s.position; return !( (45 !== (o = s.input.charCodeAt(i)) && 46 !== o) || o !== s.input.charCodeAt(i + 1) || o !== s.input.charCodeAt(i + 2) || ((i += 3), 0 !== (o = s.input.charCodeAt(i)) && !is_WS_OR_EOL(o)) ); } function writeFoldedLines(s, o) { 1 === o ? (s.result += ' ') : o > 1 && (s.result += tr.repeat('\n', o - 1)); } function readBlockSequence(s, o) { var i, u, _ = s.tag, w = s.anchor, x = [], C = !1; if (-1 !== s.firstTabInLine) return !1; for ( null !== s.anchor && (s.anchorMap[s.anchor] = x), u = s.input.charCodeAt(s.position); 0 !== u && (-1 !== s.firstTabInLine && ((s.position = s.firstTabInLine), throwError(s, 'tab characters must not be used in indentation')), 45 === u) && is_WS_OR_EOL(s.input.charCodeAt(s.position + 1)); ) if (((C = !0), s.position++, skipSeparationSpace(s, !0, -1) && s.lineIndent <= o)) x.push(null), (u = s.input.charCodeAt(s.position)); else if ( ((i = s.line), composeNode(s, o, 3, !1, !0), x.push(s.result), skipSeparationSpace(s, !0, -1), (u = s.input.charCodeAt(s.position)), (s.line === i || s.lineIndent > o) && 0 !== u) ) throwError(s, 'bad indentation of a sequence entry'); else if (s.lineIndent < o) break; return !!C && ((s.tag = _), (s.anchor = w), (s.kind = 'sequence'), (s.result = x), !0); } function readTagProperty(s) { var o, i, u, _, w = !1, x = !1; if (33 !== (_ = s.input.charCodeAt(s.position))) return !1; if ( (null !== s.tag && throwError(s, 'duplication of a tag property'), 60 === (_ = s.input.charCodeAt(++s.position)) ? ((w = !0), (_ = s.input.charCodeAt(++s.position))) : 33 === _ ? ((x = !0), (i = '!!'), (_ = s.input.charCodeAt(++s.position))) : (i = '!'), (o = s.position), w) ) { do { _ = s.input.charCodeAt(++s.position); } while (0 !== _ && 62 !== _); s.position < s.length ? ((u = s.input.slice(o, s.position)), (_ = s.input.charCodeAt(++s.position))) : throwError(s, 'unexpected end of the stream within a verbatim tag'); } else { for (; 0 !== _ && !is_WS_OR_EOL(_); ) 33 === _ && (x ? throwError(s, 'tag suffix cannot contain exclamation marks') : ((i = s.input.slice(o - 1, s.position + 1)), qr.test(i) || throwError(s, 'named tag handle cannot contain such characters'), (x = !0), (o = s.position + 1))), (_ = s.input.charCodeAt(++s.position)); (u = s.input.slice(o, s.position)), Fr.test(u) && throwError(s, 'tag suffix cannot contain flow indicator characters'); } u && !$r.test(u) && throwError(s, 'tag name cannot contain such characters: ' + u); try { u = decodeURIComponent(u); } catch (o) { throwError(s, 'tag name is malformed: ' + u); } return ( w ? (s.tag = u) : Dr.call(s.tagMap, i) ? (s.tag = s.tagMap[i] + u) : '!' === i ? (s.tag = '!' + u) : '!!' === i ? (s.tag = 'tag:yaml.org,2002:' + u) : throwError(s, 'undeclared tag handle "' + i + '"'), !0 ); } function readAnchorProperty(s) { var o, i; if (38 !== (i = s.input.charCodeAt(s.position))) return !1; for ( null !== s.anchor && throwError(s, 'duplication of an anchor property'), i = s.input.charCodeAt(++s.position), o = s.position; 0 !== i && !is_WS_OR_EOL(i) && !is_FLOW_INDICATOR(i); ) i = s.input.charCodeAt(++s.position); return ( s.position === o && throwError(s, 'name of an anchor node must contain at least one character'), (s.anchor = s.input.slice(o, s.position)), !0 ); } function composeNode(s, o, i, u, _) { var w, x, C, j, L, B, $, V, U, z = 1, Y = !1, Z = !1; if ( (null !== s.listener && s.listener('open', s), (s.tag = null), (s.anchor = null), (s.kind = null), (s.result = null), (w = x = C = 4 === i || 3 === i), u && skipSeparationSpace(s, !0, -1) && ((Y = !0), s.lineIndent > o ? (z = 1) : s.lineIndent === o ? (z = 0) : s.lineIndent < o && (z = -1)), 1 === z) ) for (; readTagProperty(s) || readAnchorProperty(s); ) skipSeparationSpace(s, !0, -1) ? ((Y = !0), (C = w), s.lineIndent > o ? (z = 1) : s.lineIndent === o ? (z = 0) : s.lineIndent < o && (z = -1)) : (C = !1); if ( (C && (C = Y || _), (1 !== z && 4 !== i) || ((V = 1 === i || 2 === i ? o : o + 1), (U = s.position - s.lineStart), 1 === z ? (C && (readBlockSequence(s, U) || (function readBlockMapping(s, o, i) { var u, _, w, x, C, j, L, B = s.tag, $ = s.anchor, V = {}, U = Object.create(null), z = null, Y = null, Z = null, ee = !1, ie = !1; if (-1 !== s.firstTabInLine) return !1; for ( null !== s.anchor && (s.anchorMap[s.anchor] = V), L = s.input.charCodeAt(s.position); 0 !== L; ) { if ( (ee || -1 === s.firstTabInLine || ((s.position = s.firstTabInLine), throwError(s, 'tab characters must not be used in indentation')), (u = s.input.charCodeAt(s.position + 1)), (w = s.line), (63 !== L && 58 !== L) || !is_WS_OR_EOL(u)) ) { if ( ((x = s.line), (C = s.lineStart), (j = s.position), !composeNode(s, i, 2, !1, !0)) ) break; if (s.line === w) { for (L = s.input.charCodeAt(s.position); is_WHITE_SPACE(L); ) L = s.input.charCodeAt(++s.position); if (58 === L) is_WS_OR_EOL((L = s.input.charCodeAt(++s.position))) || throwError( s, 'a whitespace character is expected after the key-value separator within a block mapping' ), ee && (storeMappingPair(s, V, U, z, Y, null, x, C, j), (z = Y = Z = null)), (ie = !0), (ee = !1), (_ = !1), (z = s.tag), (Y = s.result); else { if (!ie) return (s.tag = B), (s.anchor = $), !0; throwError( s, 'can not read an implicit mapping pair; a colon is missed' ); } } else { if (!ie) return (s.tag = B), (s.anchor = $), !0; throwError( s, 'can not read a block mapping entry; a multiline key may not be an implicit key' ); } } else 63 === L ? (ee && (storeMappingPair(s, V, U, z, Y, null, x, C, j), (z = Y = Z = null)), (ie = !0), (ee = !0), (_ = !0)) : ee ? ((ee = !1), (_ = !0)) : throwError( s, 'incomplete explicit mapping pair; a key node is missed; or followed by a non-tabulated empty line' ), (s.position += 1), (L = u); if ( ((s.line === w || s.lineIndent > o) && (ee && ((x = s.line), (C = s.lineStart), (j = s.position)), composeNode(s, o, 4, !0, _) && (ee ? (Y = s.result) : (Z = s.result)), ee || (storeMappingPair(s, V, U, z, Y, Z, x, C, j), (z = Y = Z = null)), skipSeparationSpace(s, !0, -1), (L = s.input.charCodeAt(s.position))), (s.line === w || s.lineIndent > o) && 0 !== L) ) throwError(s, 'bad indentation of a mapping entry'); else if (s.lineIndent < o) break; } return ( ee && storeMappingPair(s, V, U, z, Y, null, x, C, j), ie && ((s.tag = B), (s.anchor = $), (s.kind = 'mapping'), (s.result = V)), ie ); })(s, U, V))) || (function readFlowCollection(s, o) { var i, u, _, w, x, C, j, L, B, $, V, U, z = !0, Y = s.tag, Z = s.anchor, ee = Object.create(null); if (91 === (U = s.input.charCodeAt(s.position))) (x = 93), (L = !1), (w = []); else { if (123 !== U) return !1; (x = 125), (L = !0), (w = {}); } for ( null !== s.anchor && (s.anchorMap[s.anchor] = w), U = s.input.charCodeAt(++s.position); 0 !== U; ) { if ( (skipSeparationSpace(s, !0, o), (U = s.input.charCodeAt(s.position)) === x) ) return ( s.position++, (s.tag = Y), (s.anchor = Z), (s.kind = L ? 'mapping' : 'sequence'), (s.result = w), !0 ); z ? 44 === U && throwError(s, "expected the node content, but found ','") : throwError(s, 'missed comma between flow collection entries'), (V = null), (C = j = !1), 63 === U && is_WS_OR_EOL(s.input.charCodeAt(s.position + 1)) && ((C = j = !0), s.position++, skipSeparationSpace(s, !0, o)), (i = s.line), (u = s.lineStart), (_ = s.position), composeNode(s, o, 1, !1, !0), ($ = s.tag), (B = s.result), skipSeparationSpace(s, !0, o), (U = s.input.charCodeAt(s.position)), (!j && s.line !== i) || 58 !== U || ((C = !0), (U = s.input.charCodeAt(++s.position)), skipSeparationSpace(s, !0, o), composeNode(s, o, 1, !1, !0), (V = s.result)), L ? storeMappingPair(s, w, ee, $, B, V, i, u, _) : C ? w.push(storeMappingPair(s, null, ee, $, B, V, i, u, _)) : w.push(B), skipSeparationSpace(s, !0, o), 44 === (U = s.input.charCodeAt(s.position)) ? ((z = !0), (U = s.input.charCodeAt(++s.position))) : (z = !1); } throwError(s, 'unexpected end of the stream within a flow collection'); })(s, V) ? (Z = !0) : ((x && (function readBlockScalar(s, o) { var i, u, _, w, x, C = 1, j = !1, L = !1, B = o, $ = 0, V = !1; if (124 === (w = s.input.charCodeAt(s.position))) u = !1; else { if (62 !== w) return !1; u = !0; } for (s.kind = 'scalar', s.result = ''; 0 !== w; ) if (43 === (w = s.input.charCodeAt(++s.position)) || 45 === w) 1 === C ? (C = 43 === w ? 3 : 2) : throwError(s, 'repeat of a chomping mode identifier'); else { if (!((_ = 48 <= (x = w) && x <= 57 ? x - 48 : -1) >= 0)) break; 0 === _ ? throwError( s, 'bad explicit indentation width of a block scalar; it cannot be less than one' ) : L ? throwError(s, 'repeat of an indentation width identifier') : ((B = o + _ - 1), (L = !0)); } if (is_WHITE_SPACE(w)) { do { w = s.input.charCodeAt(++s.position); } while (is_WHITE_SPACE(w)); if (35 === w) do { w = s.input.charCodeAt(++s.position); } while (!is_EOL(w) && 0 !== w); } for (; 0 !== w; ) { for ( readLineBreak(s), s.lineIndent = 0, w = s.input.charCodeAt(s.position); (!L || s.lineIndent < B) && 32 === w; ) s.lineIndent++, (w = s.input.charCodeAt(++s.position)); if ((!L && s.lineIndent > B && (B = s.lineIndent), is_EOL(w))) $++; else { if (s.lineIndent < B) { 3 === C ? (s.result += tr.repeat('\n', j ? 1 + $ : $)) : 1 === C && j && (s.result += '\n'); break; } for ( u ? is_WHITE_SPACE(w) ? ((V = !0), (s.result += tr.repeat('\n', j ? 1 + $ : $))) : V ? ((V = !1), (s.result += tr.repeat('\n', $ + 1))) : 0 === $ ? j && (s.result += ' ') : (s.result += tr.repeat('\n', $)) : (s.result += tr.repeat('\n', j ? 1 + $ : $)), j = !0, L = !0, $ = 0, i = s.position; !is_EOL(w) && 0 !== w; ) w = s.input.charCodeAt(++s.position); captureSegment(s, i, s.position, !1); } } return !0; })(s, V)) || (function readSingleQuotedScalar(s, o) { var i, u, _; if (39 !== (i = s.input.charCodeAt(s.position))) return !1; for ( s.kind = 'scalar', s.result = '', s.position++, u = _ = s.position; 0 !== (i = s.input.charCodeAt(s.position)); ) if (39 === i) { if ( (captureSegment(s, u, s.position, !0), 39 !== (i = s.input.charCodeAt(++s.position))) ) return !0; (u = s.position), s.position++, (_ = s.position); } else is_EOL(i) ? (captureSegment(s, u, _, !0), writeFoldedLines(s, skipSeparationSpace(s, !1, o)), (u = _ = s.position)) : s.position === s.lineStart && testDocumentSeparator(s) ? throwError( s, 'unexpected end of the document within a single quoted scalar' ) : (s.position++, (_ = s.position)); throwError(s, 'unexpected end of the stream within a single quoted scalar'); })(s, V) || (function readDoubleQuotedScalar(s, o) { var i, u, _, w, x, C, j; if (34 !== (C = s.input.charCodeAt(s.position))) return !1; for ( s.kind = 'scalar', s.result = '', s.position++, i = u = s.position; 0 !== (C = s.input.charCodeAt(s.position)); ) { if (34 === C) return captureSegment(s, i, s.position, !0), s.position++, !0; if (92 === C) { if ( (captureSegment(s, i, s.position, !0), is_EOL((C = s.input.charCodeAt(++s.position)))) ) skipSeparationSpace(s, !1, o); else if (C < 256 && Vr[C]) (s.result += Ur[C]), s.position++; else if ( (x = 120 === (j = C) ? 2 : 117 === j ? 4 : 85 === j ? 8 : 0) > 0 ) { for (_ = x, w = 0; _ > 0; _--) (x = fromHexCode((C = s.input.charCodeAt(++s.position)))) >= 0 ? (w = (w << 4) + x) : throwError(s, 'expected hexadecimal character'); (s.result += charFromCodepoint(w)), s.position++; } else throwError(s, 'unknown escape sequence'); i = u = s.position; } else is_EOL(C) ? (captureSegment(s, i, u, !0), writeFoldedLines(s, skipSeparationSpace(s, !1, o)), (i = u = s.position)) : s.position === s.lineStart && testDocumentSeparator(s) ? throwError( s, 'unexpected end of the document within a double quoted scalar' ) : (s.position++, (u = s.position)); } throwError(s, 'unexpected end of the stream within a double quoted scalar'); })(s, V) ? (Z = !0) : !(function readAlias(s) { var o, i, u; if (42 !== (u = s.input.charCodeAt(s.position))) return !1; for ( u = s.input.charCodeAt(++s.position), o = s.position; 0 !== u && !is_WS_OR_EOL(u) && !is_FLOW_INDICATOR(u); ) u = s.input.charCodeAt(++s.position); return ( s.position === o && throwError( s, 'name of an alias node must contain at least one character' ), (i = s.input.slice(o, s.position)), Dr.call(s.anchorMap, i) || throwError(s, 'unidentified alias "' + i + '"'), (s.result = s.anchorMap[i]), skipSeparationSpace(s, !0, -1), !0 ); })(s) ? (function readPlainScalar(s, o, i) { var u, _, w, x, C, j, L, B, $ = s.kind, V = s.result; if ( is_WS_OR_EOL((B = s.input.charCodeAt(s.position))) || is_FLOW_INDICATOR(B) || 35 === B || 38 === B || 42 === B || 33 === B || 124 === B || 62 === B || 39 === B || 34 === B || 37 === B || 64 === B || 96 === B ) return !1; if ( (63 === B || 45 === B) && (is_WS_OR_EOL((u = s.input.charCodeAt(s.position + 1))) || (i && is_FLOW_INDICATOR(u))) ) return !1; for ( s.kind = 'scalar', s.result = '', _ = w = s.position, x = !1; 0 !== B; ) { if (58 === B) { if ( is_WS_OR_EOL((u = s.input.charCodeAt(s.position + 1))) || (i && is_FLOW_INDICATOR(u)) ) break; } else if (35 === B) { if (is_WS_OR_EOL(s.input.charCodeAt(s.position - 1))) break; } else { if ( (s.position === s.lineStart && testDocumentSeparator(s)) || (i && is_FLOW_INDICATOR(B)) ) break; if (is_EOL(B)) { if ( ((C = s.line), (j = s.lineStart), (L = s.lineIndent), skipSeparationSpace(s, !1, -1), s.lineIndent >= o) ) { (x = !0), (B = s.input.charCodeAt(s.position)); continue; } (s.position = w), (s.line = C), (s.lineStart = j), (s.lineIndent = L); break; } } x && (captureSegment(s, _, w, !1), writeFoldedLines(s, s.line - C), (_ = w = s.position), (x = !1)), is_WHITE_SPACE(B) || (w = s.position + 1), (B = s.input.charCodeAt(++s.position)); } return ( captureSegment(s, _, w, !1), !!s.result || ((s.kind = $), (s.result = V), !1) ); })(s, V, 1 === i) && ((Z = !0), null === s.tag && (s.tag = '?')) : ((Z = !0), (null === s.tag && null === s.anchor) || throwError(s, 'alias node should not have any properties')), null !== s.anchor && (s.anchorMap[s.anchor] = s.result)) : 0 === z && (Z = C && readBlockSequence(s, U))), null === s.tag) ) null !== s.anchor && (s.anchorMap[s.anchor] = s.result); else if ('?' === s.tag) { for ( null !== s.result && 'scalar' !== s.kind && throwError( s, 'unacceptable node kind for ! tag; it should be "scalar", not "' + s.kind + '"' ), j = 0, L = s.implicitTypes.length; j < L; j += 1 ) if (($ = s.implicitTypes[j]).resolve(s.result)) { (s.result = $.construct(s.result)), (s.tag = $.tag), null !== s.anchor && (s.anchorMap[s.anchor] = s.result); break; } } else if ('!' !== s.tag) { if (Dr.call(s.typeMap[s.kind || 'fallback'], s.tag)) $ = s.typeMap[s.kind || 'fallback'][s.tag]; else for ( $ = null, j = 0, L = (B = s.typeMap.multi[s.kind || 'fallback']).length; j < L; j += 1 ) if (s.tag.slice(0, B[j].tag.length) === B[j].tag) { $ = B[j]; break; } $ || throwError(s, 'unknown tag !<' + s.tag + '>'), null !== s.result && $.kind !== s.kind && throwError( s, 'unacceptable node kind for !<' + s.tag + '> tag; it should be "' + $.kind + '", not "' + s.kind + '"' ), $.resolve(s.result, s.tag) ? ((s.result = $.construct(s.result, s.tag)), null !== s.anchor && (s.anchorMap[s.anchor] = s.result)) : throwError(s, 'cannot resolve a node with !<' + s.tag + '> explicit tag'); } return ( null !== s.listener && s.listener('close', s), null !== s.tag || null !== s.anchor || Z ); } function readDocument(s) { var o, i, u, _, w = s.position, x = !1; for ( s.version = null, s.checkLineBreaks = s.legacy, s.tagMap = Object.create(null), s.anchorMap = Object.create(null); 0 !== (_ = s.input.charCodeAt(s.position)) && (skipSeparationSpace(s, !0, -1), (_ = s.input.charCodeAt(s.position)), !(s.lineIndent > 0 || 37 !== _)); ) { for ( x = !0, _ = s.input.charCodeAt(++s.position), o = s.position; 0 !== _ && !is_WS_OR_EOL(_); ) _ = s.input.charCodeAt(++s.position); for ( u = [], (i = s.input.slice(o, s.position)).length < 1 && throwError(s, 'directive name must not be less than one character in length'); 0 !== _; ) { for (; is_WHITE_SPACE(_); ) _ = s.input.charCodeAt(++s.position); if (35 === _) { do { _ = s.input.charCodeAt(++s.position); } while (0 !== _ && !is_EOL(_)); break; } if (is_EOL(_)) break; for (o = s.position; 0 !== _ && !is_WS_OR_EOL(_); ) _ = s.input.charCodeAt(++s.position); u.push(s.input.slice(o, s.position)); } 0 !== _ && readLineBreak(s), Dr.call(Wr, i) ? Wr[i](s, i, u) : throwWarning(s, 'unknown document directive "' + i + '"'); } skipSeparationSpace(s, !0, -1), 0 === s.lineIndent && 45 === s.input.charCodeAt(s.position) && 45 === s.input.charCodeAt(s.position + 1) && 45 === s.input.charCodeAt(s.position + 2) ? ((s.position += 3), skipSeparationSpace(s, !0, -1)) : x && throwError(s, 'directives end mark is expected'), composeNode(s, s.lineIndent - 1, 4, !1, !0), skipSeparationSpace(s, !0, -1), s.checkLineBreaks && Br.test(s.input.slice(w, s.position)) && throwWarning(s, 'non-ASCII line breaks are interpreted as content'), s.documents.push(s.result), s.position === s.lineStart && testDocumentSeparator(s) ? 46 === s.input.charCodeAt(s.position) && ((s.position += 3), skipSeparationSpace(s, !0, -1)) : s.position < s.length - 1 && throwError(s, 'end of the stream or a document separator is expected'); } function loadDocuments(s, o) { (o = o || {}), 0 !== (s = String(s)).length && (10 !== s.charCodeAt(s.length - 1) && 13 !== s.charCodeAt(s.length - 1) && (s += '\n'), 65279 === s.charCodeAt(0) && (s = s.slice(1))); var i = new State$1(s, o), u = s.indexOf('\0'); for ( -1 !== u && ((i.position = u), throwError(i, 'null byte is not allowed in input')), i.input += '\0'; 32 === i.input.charCodeAt(i.position); ) (i.lineIndent += 1), (i.position += 1); for (; i.position < i.length - 1; ) readDocument(i); return i.documents; } var Kr = { loadAll: function loadAll$1(s, o, i) { null !== o && 'object' == typeof o && void 0 === i && ((i = o), (o = null)); var u = loadDocuments(s, i); if ('function' != typeof o) return u; for (var _ = 0, w = u.length; _ < w; _ += 1) o(u[_]); }, load: function load$1(s, o) { var i = loadDocuments(s, o); if (0 !== i.length) { if (1 === i.length) return i[0]; throw new rr('expected a single document in the stream, but found more'); } } }, Hr = Object.prototype.toString, Jr = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, Gr = 65279, Yr = { 0: '\\0', 7: '\\a', 8: '\\b', 9: '\\t', 10: '\\n', 11: '\\v', 12: '\\f', 13: '\\r', 27: '\\e', 34: '\\"', 92: '\\\\', 133: '\\N', 160: '\\_', 8232: '\\L', 8233: '\\P' }, Xr = [ 'y', 'Y', 'yes', 'Yes', 'YES', 'on', 'On', 'ON', 'n', 'N', 'no', 'No', 'NO', 'off', 'Off', 'OFF' ], Zr = /^[-+]?[0-9_]+(?::[0-9_]+)+(?:\.[0-9_]*)?$/; function encodeHex(s) { var o, i, u; if (((o = s.toString(16).toUpperCase()), s <= 255)) (i = 'x'), (u = 2); else if (s <= 65535) (i = 'u'), (u = 4); else { if (!(s <= 4294967295)) throw new rr('code point within a string may not be greater than 0xFFFFFFFF'); (i = 'U'), (u = 8); } return '\\' + i + tr.repeat('0', u - o.length) + o; } function State(s) { (this.schema = s.schema || Rr), (this.indent = Math.max(1, s.indent || 2)), (this.noArrayIndent = s.noArrayIndent || !1), (this.skipInvalid = s.skipInvalid || !1), (this.flowLevel = tr.isNothing(s.flowLevel) ? -1 : s.flowLevel), (this.styleMap = (function compileStyleMap(s, o) { var i, u, _, w, x, C, j; if (null === o) return {}; for (i = {}, _ = 0, w = (u = Object.keys(o)).length; _ < w; _ += 1) (x = u[_]), (C = String(o[x])), '!!' === x.slice(0, 2) && (x = 'tag:yaml.org,2002:' + x.slice(2)), (j = s.compiledTypeMap.fallback[x]) && Jr.call(j.styleAliases, C) && (C = j.styleAliases[C]), (i[x] = C); return i; })(this.schema, s.styles || null)), (this.sortKeys = s.sortKeys || !1), (this.lineWidth = s.lineWidth || 80), (this.noRefs = s.noRefs || !1), (this.noCompatMode = s.noCompatMode || !1), (this.condenseFlow = s.condenseFlow || !1), (this.quotingType = '"' === s.quotingType ? 2 : 1), (this.forceQuotes = s.forceQuotes || !1), (this.replacer = 'function' == typeof s.replacer ? s.replacer : null), (this.implicitTypes = this.schema.compiledImplicit), (this.explicitTypes = this.schema.compiledExplicit), (this.tag = null), (this.result = ''), (this.duplicates = []), (this.usedDuplicates = null); } function indentString(s, o) { for (var i, u = tr.repeat(' ', o), _ = 0, w = -1, x = '', C = s.length; _ < C; ) -1 === (w = s.indexOf('\n', _)) ? ((i = s.slice(_)), (_ = C)) : ((i = s.slice(_, w + 1)), (_ = w + 1)), i.length && '\n' !== i && (x += u), (x += i); return x; } function generateNextLine(s, o) { return '\n' + tr.repeat(' ', s.indent * o); } function isWhitespace(s) { return 32 === s || 9 === s; } function isPrintable(s) { return ( (32 <= s && s <= 126) || (161 <= s && s <= 55295 && 8232 !== s && 8233 !== s) || (57344 <= s && s <= 65533 && s !== Gr) || (65536 <= s && s <= 1114111) ); } function isNsCharOrWhitespace(s) { return isPrintable(s) && s !== Gr && 13 !== s && 10 !== s; } function isPlainSafe(s, o, i) { var u = isNsCharOrWhitespace(s), _ = u && !isWhitespace(s); return ( ((i ? u : u && 44 !== s && 91 !== s && 93 !== s && 123 !== s && 125 !== s) && 35 !== s && !(58 === o && !_)) || (isNsCharOrWhitespace(o) && !isWhitespace(o) && 35 === s) || (58 === o && _) ); } function codePointAt(s, o) { var i, u = s.charCodeAt(o); return u >= 55296 && u <= 56319 && o + 1 < s.length && (i = s.charCodeAt(o + 1)) >= 56320 && i <= 57343 ? 1024 * (u - 55296) + i - 56320 + 65536 : u; } function needIndentIndicator(s) { return /^\n* /.test(s); } function chooseScalarStyle(s, o, i, u, _, w, x, C) { var j, L = 0, B = null, $ = !1, V = !1, U = -1 !== u, z = -1, Y = (function isPlainSafeFirst(s) { return ( isPrintable(s) && s !== Gr && !isWhitespace(s) && 45 !== s && 63 !== s && 58 !== s && 44 !== s && 91 !== s && 93 !== s && 123 !== s && 125 !== s && 35 !== s && 38 !== s && 42 !== s && 33 !== s && 124 !== s && 61 !== s && 62 !== s && 39 !== s && 34 !== s && 37 !== s && 64 !== s && 96 !== s ); })(codePointAt(s, 0)) && (function isPlainSafeLast(s) { return !isWhitespace(s) && 58 !== s; })(codePointAt(s, s.length - 1)); if (o || x) for (j = 0; j < s.length; L >= 65536 ? (j += 2) : j++) { if (!isPrintable((L = codePointAt(s, j)))) return 5; (Y = Y && isPlainSafe(L, B, C)), (B = L); } else { for (j = 0; j < s.length; L >= 65536 ? (j += 2) : j++) { if (10 === (L = codePointAt(s, j))) ($ = !0), U && ((V = V || (j - z - 1 > u && ' ' !== s[z + 1])), (z = j)); else if (!isPrintable(L)) return 5; (Y = Y && isPlainSafe(L, B, C)), (B = L); } V = V || (U && j - z - 1 > u && ' ' !== s[z + 1]); } return $ || V ? i > 9 && needIndentIndicator(s) ? 5 : x ? 2 === w ? 5 : 2 : V ? 4 : 3 : !Y || x || _(s) ? 2 === w ? 5 : 2 : 1; } function writeScalar(s, o, i, u, _) { s.dump = (function () { if (0 === o.length) return 2 === s.quotingType ? '""' : "''"; if (!s.noCompatMode && (-1 !== Xr.indexOf(o) || Zr.test(o))) return 2 === s.quotingType ? '"' + o + '"' : "'" + o + "'"; var w = s.indent * Math.max(1, i), x = -1 === s.lineWidth ? -1 : Math.max(Math.min(s.lineWidth, 40), s.lineWidth - w), C = u || (s.flowLevel > -1 && i >= s.flowLevel); switch ( chooseScalarStyle( o, C, s.indent, x, function testAmbiguity(o) { return (function testImplicitResolving(s, o) { var i, u; for (i = 0, u = s.implicitTypes.length; i < u; i += 1) if (s.implicitTypes[i].resolve(o)) return !0; return !1; })(s, o); }, s.quotingType, s.forceQuotes && !u, _ ) ) { case 1: return o; case 2: return "'" + o.replace(/'/g, "''") + "'"; case 3: return '|' + blockHeader(o, s.indent) + dropEndingNewline(indentString(o, w)); case 4: return ( '>' + blockHeader(o, s.indent) + dropEndingNewline( indentString( (function foldString(s, o) { var i, u, _ = /(\n+)([^\n]*)/g, w = ((C = s.indexOf('\n')), (C = -1 !== C ? C : s.length), (_.lastIndex = C), foldLine(s.slice(0, C), o)), x = '\n' === s[0] || ' ' === s[0]; var C; for (; (u = _.exec(s)); ) { var j = u[1], L = u[2]; (i = ' ' === L[0]), (w += j + (x || i || '' === L ? '' : '\n') + foldLine(L, o)), (x = i); } return w; })(o, x), w ) ) ); case 5: return ( '"' + (function escapeString(s) { for (var o, i = '', u = 0, _ = 0; _ < s.length; u >= 65536 ? (_ += 2) : _++) (u = codePointAt(s, _)), !(o = Yr[u]) && isPrintable(u) ? ((i += s[_]), u >= 65536 && (i += s[_ + 1])) : (i += o || encodeHex(u)); return i; })(o) + '"' ); default: throw new rr('impossible error: invalid scalar style'); } })(); } function blockHeader(s, o) { var i = needIndentIndicator(s) ? String(o) : '', u = '\n' === s[s.length - 1]; return i + (u && ('\n' === s[s.length - 2] || '\n' === s) ? '+' : u ? '' : '-') + '\n'; } function dropEndingNewline(s) { return '\n' === s[s.length - 1] ? s.slice(0, -1) : s; } function foldLine(s, o) { if ('' === s || ' ' === s[0]) return s; for (var i, u, _ = / [^ ]/g, w = 0, x = 0, C = 0, j = ''; (i = _.exec(s)); ) (C = i.index) - w > o && ((u = x > w ? x : C), (j += '\n' + s.slice(w, u)), (w = u + 1)), (x = C); return ( (j += '\n'), s.length - w > o && x > w ? (j += s.slice(w, x) + '\n' + s.slice(x + 1)) : (j += s.slice(w)), j.slice(1) ); } function writeBlockSequence(s, o, i, u) { var _, w, x, C = '', j = s.tag; for (_ = 0, w = i.length; _ < w; _ += 1) (x = i[_]), s.replacer && (x = s.replacer.call(i, String(_), x)), (writeNode(s, o + 1, x, !0, !0, !1, !0) || (void 0 === x && writeNode(s, o + 1, null, !0, !0, !1, !0))) && ((u && '' === C) || (C += generateNextLine(s, o)), s.dump && 10 === s.dump.charCodeAt(0) ? (C += '-') : (C += '- '), (C += s.dump)); (s.tag = j), (s.dump = C || '[]'); } function detectType(s, o, i) { var u, _, w, x, C, j; for (w = 0, x = (_ = i ? s.explicitTypes : s.implicitTypes).length; w < x; w += 1) if ( ((C = _[w]).instanceOf || C.predicate) && (!C.instanceOf || ('object' == typeof o && o instanceof C.instanceOf)) && (!C.predicate || C.predicate(o)) ) { if ( (i ? C.multi && C.representName ? (s.tag = C.representName(o)) : (s.tag = C.tag) : (s.tag = '?'), C.represent) ) { if ( ((j = s.styleMap[C.tag] || C.defaultStyle), '[object Function]' === Hr.call(C.represent)) ) u = C.represent(o, j); else { if (!Jr.call(C.represent, j)) throw new rr('!<' + C.tag + '> tag resolver accepts not "' + j + '" style'); u = C.represent[j](o, j); } s.dump = u; } return !0; } return !1; } function writeNode(s, o, i, u, _, w, x) { (s.tag = null), (s.dump = i), detectType(s, i, !1) || detectType(s, i, !0); var C, j = Hr.call(s.dump), L = u; u && (u = s.flowLevel < 0 || s.flowLevel > o); var B, $, V = '[object Object]' === j || '[object Array]' === j; if ( (V && ($ = -1 !== (B = s.duplicates.indexOf(i))), ((null !== s.tag && '?' !== s.tag) || $ || (2 !== s.indent && o > 0)) && (_ = !1), $ && s.usedDuplicates[B]) ) s.dump = '*ref_' + B; else { if ( (V && $ && !s.usedDuplicates[B] && (s.usedDuplicates[B] = !0), '[object Object]' === j) ) u && 0 !== Object.keys(s.dump).length ? (!(function writeBlockMapping(s, o, i, u) { var _, w, x, C, j, L, B = '', $ = s.tag, V = Object.keys(i); if (!0 === s.sortKeys) V.sort(); else if ('function' == typeof s.sortKeys) V.sort(s.sortKeys); else if (s.sortKeys) throw new rr('sortKeys must be a boolean or a function'); for (_ = 0, w = V.length; _ < w; _ += 1) (L = ''), (u && '' === B) || (L += generateNextLine(s, o)), (C = i[(x = V[_])]), s.replacer && (C = s.replacer.call(i, x, C)), writeNode(s, o + 1, x, !0, !0, !0) && ((j = (null !== s.tag && '?' !== s.tag) || (s.dump && s.dump.length > 1024)) && (s.dump && 10 === s.dump.charCodeAt(0) ? (L += '?') : (L += '? ')), (L += s.dump), j && (L += generateNextLine(s, o)), writeNode(s, o + 1, C, !0, j) && (s.dump && 10 === s.dump.charCodeAt(0) ? (L += ':') : (L += ': '), (B += L += s.dump))); (s.tag = $), (s.dump = B || '{}'); })(s, o, s.dump, _), $ && (s.dump = '&ref_' + B + s.dump)) : (!(function writeFlowMapping(s, o, i) { var u, _, w, x, C, j = '', L = s.tag, B = Object.keys(i); for (u = 0, _ = B.length; u < _; u += 1) (C = ''), '' !== j && (C += ', '), s.condenseFlow && (C += '"'), (x = i[(w = B[u])]), s.replacer && (x = s.replacer.call(i, w, x)), writeNode(s, o, w, !1, !1) && (s.dump.length > 1024 && (C += '? '), (C += s.dump + (s.condenseFlow ? '"' : '') + ':' + (s.condenseFlow ? '' : ' ')), writeNode(s, o, x, !1, !1) && (j += C += s.dump)); (s.tag = L), (s.dump = '{' + j + '}'); })(s, o, s.dump), $ && (s.dump = '&ref_' + B + ' ' + s.dump)); else if ('[object Array]' === j) u && 0 !== s.dump.length ? (s.noArrayIndent && !x && o > 0 ? writeBlockSequence(s, o - 1, s.dump, _) : writeBlockSequence(s, o, s.dump, _), $ && (s.dump = '&ref_' + B + s.dump)) : (!(function writeFlowSequence(s, o, i) { var u, _, w, x = '', C = s.tag; for (u = 0, _ = i.length; u < _; u += 1) (w = i[u]), s.replacer && (w = s.replacer.call(i, String(u), w)), (writeNode(s, o, w, !1, !1) || (void 0 === w && writeNode(s, o, null, !1, !1))) && ('' !== x && (x += ',' + (s.condenseFlow ? '' : ' ')), (x += s.dump)); (s.tag = C), (s.dump = '[' + x + ']'); })(s, o, s.dump), $ && (s.dump = '&ref_' + B + ' ' + s.dump)); else { if ('[object String]' !== j) { if ('[object Undefined]' === j) return !1; if (s.skipInvalid) return !1; throw new rr('unacceptable kind of an object to dump ' + j); } '?' !== s.tag && writeScalar(s, s.dump, o, w, L); } null !== s.tag && '?' !== s.tag && ((C = encodeURI('!' === s.tag[0] ? s.tag.slice(1) : s.tag).replace(/!/g, '%21')), (C = '!' === s.tag[0] ? '!' + C : 'tag:yaml.org,2002:' === C.slice(0, 18) ? '!!' + C.slice(18) : '!<' + C + '>'), (s.dump = C + ' ' + s.dump)); } return !0; } function getDuplicateReferences(s, o) { var i, u, _ = [], w = []; for (inspectNode(s, _, w), i = 0, u = w.length; i < u; i += 1) o.duplicates.push(_[w[i]]); o.usedDuplicates = new Array(u); } function inspectNode(s, o, i) { var u, _, w; if (null !== s && 'object' == typeof s) if (-1 !== (_ = o.indexOf(s))) -1 === i.indexOf(_) && i.push(_); else if ((o.push(s), Array.isArray(s))) for (_ = 0, w = s.length; _ < w; _ += 1) inspectNode(s[_], o, i); else for (_ = 0, w = (u = Object.keys(s)).length; _ < w; _ += 1) inspectNode(s[u[_]], o, i); } var Qr = function dump$1(s, o) { var i = new State((o = o || {})); i.noRefs || getDuplicateReferences(s, i); var u = s; return ( i.replacer && (u = i.replacer.call({ '': u }, '', u)), writeNode(i, 0, u, !0, !0) ? i.dump + '\n' : '' ); }; function renamed(s, o) { return function () { throw new Error( 'Function yaml.' + s + ' is removed in js-yaml 4. Use yaml.' + o + ' instead, which is now safe by default.' ); }; } var en = ar, tn = lr, rn = dr, nn = _r, sn = Er, on = Rr, an = Kr.load, ln = Kr.loadAll, cn = { dump: Qr }.dump, un = rr, pn = { binary: Or, float: br, map: pr, null: fr, pairs: Mr, set: Nr, timestamp: xr, bool: mr, int: gr, merge: kr, omap: Ir, seq: ur, str: cr }, hn = renamed('safeLoad', 'load'), dn = renamed('safeLoadAll', 'loadAll'), fn = renamed('safeDump', 'dump'); const mn = { Type: en, Schema: tn, FAILSAFE_SCHEMA: rn, JSON_SCHEMA: nn, CORE_SCHEMA: sn, DEFAULT_SCHEMA: on, load: an, loadAll: ln, dump: cn, YAMLException: un, types: pn, safeLoad: hn, safeLoadAll: dn, safeDump: fn }, gn = 'configs_update', yn = 'configs_toggle'; function update(s, o) { return { type: gn, payload: { [s]: o } }; } function toggle(s) { return { type: yn, payload: s }; } const actions_loaded = () => () => {}, downloadConfig = (s) => (o) => { const { fn: { fetch: i } } = o; return i(s); }, getConfigByUrl = (s, o) => (i) => { const { specActions: u, configsActions: _ } = i; if (s) return _.downloadConfig(s).then(next, next); function next(_) { _ instanceof Error || _.status >= 400 ? (u.updateLoadingStatus('failedConfig'), u.updateLoadingStatus('failedConfig'), u.updateUrl(''), console.error(_.statusText + ' ' + s.url), o(null)) : o( ((s, o) => { try { return mn.load(s); } catch (s) { return o && o.errActions.newThrownErr(new Error(s)), {}; } })(_.text, i) ); } }, get = (s, o) => s.getIn(Array.isArray(o) ? o : [o]), vn = { [gn]: (s, o) => s.merge((0, qe.fromJS)(o.payload)), [yn]: (s, o) => { const i = o.payload, u = s.get(i); return s.set(i, !u); } }; function configsPlugin() { return { statePlugins: { configs: { reducers: vn, actions: u, selectors: w } } }; } const setHash = (s) => s ? history.pushState(null, null, `#${s}`) : (window.location.hash = ''); var bn = __webpack_require__(86215), _n = __webpack_require__.n(bn); const En = 'layout_scroll_to', wn = 'layout_clear_scroll'; const Sn = { fn: { getScrollParent: function getScrollParent(s, o) { const i = document.documentElement; let u = getComputedStyle(s); const _ = 'absolute' === u.position, w = o ? /(auto|scroll|hidden)/ : /(auto|scroll)/; if ('fixed' === u.position) return i; for (let o = s; (o = o.parentElement); ) if ( ((u = getComputedStyle(o)), (!_ || 'static' !== u.position) && w.test(u.overflow + u.overflowY + u.overflowX)) ) return o; return i; } }, statePlugins: { layout: { actions: { scrollToElement: (s, o) => (i) => { try { (o = o || i.fn.getScrollParent(s)), _n().createScroller(o).to(s); } catch (s) { console.error(s); } }, scrollTo: (s) => ({ type: En, payload: Array.isArray(s) ? s : [s] }), clearScrollTo: () => ({ type: wn }), readyToScroll: (s, o) => (i) => { const u = i.layoutSelectors.getScrollToKey(); $e().is(u, (0, qe.fromJS)(s)) && (i.layoutActions.scrollToElement(o), i.layoutActions.clearScrollTo()); }, parseDeepLinkHash: (s) => ({ layoutActions: o, layoutSelectors: i, getConfigs: u }) => { if (u().deepLinking && s) { let u = s.slice(1); '!' === u[0] && (u = u.slice(1)), '/' === u[0] && (u = u.slice(1)); const _ = u.split('/').map((s) => s || ''), w = i.isShownKeyFromUrlHashArray(_), [x, C = '', j = ''] = w; if ('operations' === x) { const s = i.isShownKeyFromUrlHashArray([C]); C.indexOf('_') > -1 && (console.warn( 'Warning: escaping deep link whitespace with `_` will be unsupported in v4.0, use `%20` instead.' ), o.show( s.map((s) => s.replace(/_/g, ' ')), !0 )), o.show(s, !0); } (C.indexOf('_') > -1 || j.indexOf('_') > -1) && (console.warn( 'Warning: escaping deep link whitespace with `_` will be unsupported in v4.0, use `%20` instead.' ), o.show( w.map((s) => s.replace(/_/g, ' ')), !0 )), o.show(w, !0), o.scrollTo(w); } } }, selectors: { getScrollToKey: (s) => s.get('scrollToKey'), isShownKeyFromUrlHashArray(s, o) { const [i, u] = o; return u ? ['operations', i, u] : i ? ['operations-tag', i] : []; }, urlHashArrayFromIsShownKey(s, o) { let [i, u, _] = o; return 'operations' == i ? [u, _] : 'operations-tag' == i ? [u] : []; } }, reducers: { [En]: (s, o) => s.set('scrollToKey', $e().fromJS(o.payload)), [wn]: (s) => s.delete('scrollToKey') }, wrapActions: { show: (s, { getConfigs: o, layoutSelectors: i }) => (...u) => { if ((s(...u), o().deepLinking)) try { let [s, o] = u; s = Array.isArray(s) ? s : [s]; const _ = i.urlHashArrayFromIsShownKey(s); if (!_.length) return; const [w, x] = _; if (!o) return setHash('/'); 2 === _.length ? setHash( createDeepLinkPath( `/${encodeURIComponent(w)}/${encodeURIComponent(x)}` ) ) : 1 === _.length && setHash(createDeepLinkPath(`/${encodeURIComponent(w)}`)); } catch (s) { console.error(s); } } } } } }; var xn = __webpack_require__(2209), kn = __webpack_require__.n(xn); const operation_wrapper = (s, o) => class OperationWrapper extends Pe.Component { onLoad = (s) => { const { operation: i } = this.props, { tag: u, operationId: _ } = i.toObject(); let { isShownKey: w } = i.toObject(); (w = w || ['operations', u, _]), o.layoutActions.readyToScroll(w, s); }; render() { return Pe.createElement( 'span', { ref: this.onLoad }, Pe.createElement(s, this.props) ); } }, operation_tag_wrapper = (s, o) => class OperationTagWrapper extends Pe.Component { onLoad = (s) => { const { tag: i } = this.props, u = ['operations-tag', i]; o.layoutActions.readyToScroll(u, s); }; render() { return Pe.createElement( 'span', { ref: this.onLoad }, Pe.createElement(s, this.props) ); } }; function deep_linking() { return [ Sn, { statePlugins: { configs: { wrapActions: { loaded: (s, o) => (...i) => { s(...i); const u = decodeURIComponent(window.location.hash); o.layoutActions.parseDeepLinkHash(u); } } } }, wrapComponents: { operation: operation_wrapper, OperationTag: operation_tag_wrapper } } ]; } var Cn = __webpack_require__(40860), On = __webpack_require__.n(Cn); function transform(s) { return s.map((s) => { let o = 'is not of a type(s)', i = s.get('message').indexOf(o); if (i > -1) { let o = s .get('message') .slice(i + 19) .split(','); return s.set( 'message', s.get('message').slice(0, i) + (function makeNewMessage(s) { return s.reduce( (s, o, i, u) => i === u.length - 1 && u.length > 1 ? s + 'or ' + o : u[i + 1] && u.length > 2 ? s + o + ', ' : u[i + 1] ? s + o + ' ' : s + o, 'should be a' ); })(o) ); } return s; }); } var An = __webpack_require__(58156), jn = __webpack_require__.n(An); function parameter_oneof_transform(s, { jsSpec: o }) { return s; } const In = [x, C]; function transformErrors(s) { let o = { jsSpec: {} }, i = On()( In, (s, i) => { try { return i.transform(s, o).filter((s) => !!s); } catch (o) { return console.error('Transformer error:', o), s; } }, s ); return i.filter((s) => !!s).map((s) => (!s.get('line') && s.get('path'), s)); } let Pn = { line: 0, level: 'error', message: 'Unknown error' }; const Mn = Ut( (s) => s, (s) => s.get('errors', (0, qe.List)()) ), Tn = Ut(Mn, (s) => s.last()); function err(o) { return { statePlugins: { err: { reducers: { [et]: (s, { payload: o }) => { let i = Object.assign(Pn, o, { type: 'thrown' }); return s .update('errors', (s) => (s || (0, qe.List)()).push((0, qe.fromJS)(i))) .update('errors', (s) => transformErrors(s)); }, [tt]: (s, { payload: o }) => ( (o = o.map((s) => (0, qe.fromJS)(Object.assign(Pn, s, { type: 'thrown' })))), s .update('errors', (s) => (s || (0, qe.List)()).concat((0, qe.fromJS)(o))) .update('errors', (s) => transformErrors(s)) ), [rt]: (s, { payload: o }) => { let i = (0, qe.fromJS)(o); return ( (i = i.set('type', 'spec')), s .update('errors', (s) => (s || (0, qe.List)()).push((0, qe.fromJS)(i)).sortBy((s) => s.get('line')) ) .update('errors', (s) => transformErrors(s)) ); }, [nt]: (s, { payload: o }) => ( (o = o.map((s) => (0, qe.fromJS)(Object.assign(Pn, s, { type: 'spec' })))), s .update('errors', (s) => (s || (0, qe.List)()).concat((0, qe.fromJS)(o))) .update('errors', (s) => transformErrors(s)) ), [st]: (s, { payload: o }) => { let i = (0, qe.fromJS)(Object.assign({}, o)); return ( (i = i.set('type', 'auth')), s .update('errors', (s) => (s || (0, qe.List)()).push((0, qe.fromJS)(i))) .update('errors', (s) => transformErrors(s)) ); }, [ot]: (s, { payload: o }) => { if (!o || !s.get('errors')) return s; let i = s.get('errors').filter((s) => s.keySeq().every((i) => { const u = s.get(i), _ = o[i]; return !_ || u !== _; }) ); return s.merge({ errors: i }); }, [it]: (s, { payload: o }) => { if (!o || 'function' != typeof o) return s; let i = s.get('errors').filter((s) => o(s)); return s.merge({ errors: i }); } }, actions: s, selectors: j } } }; } function opsFilter(s, o) { return s.filter((s, i) => -1 !== i.indexOf(o)); } function filter() { return { fn: { opsFilter } }; } var Nn = __webpack_require__(7666), Rn = __webpack_require__.n(Nn); const arrow_up = ({ className: s = null, width: o = 20, height: i = 20, ...u }) => Pe.createElement( 'svg', Rn()( { xmlns: 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', viewBox: '0 0 20 20', className: s, width: o, height: i, 'aria-hidden': 'true', focusable: 'false' }, u ), Pe.createElement('path', { d: 'M 17.418 14.908 C 17.69 15.176 18.127 15.176 18.397 14.908 C 18.667 14.64 18.668 14.207 18.397 13.939 L 10.489 6.109 C 10.219 5.841 9.782 5.841 9.51 6.109 L 1.602 13.939 C 1.332 14.207 1.332 14.64 1.602 14.908 C 1.873 15.176 2.311 15.176 2.581 14.908 L 10 7.767 L 17.418 14.908 Z' }) ), arrow_down = ({ className: s = null, width: o = 20, height: i = 20, ...u }) => Pe.createElement( 'svg', Rn()( { xmlns: 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', viewBox: '0 0 20 20', className: s, width: o, height: i, 'aria-hidden': 'true', focusable: 'false' }, u ), Pe.createElement('path', { d: 'M17.418 6.109c.272-.268.709-.268.979 0s.271.701 0 .969l-7.908 7.83c-.27.268-.707.268-.979 0l-7.908-7.83c-.27-.268-.27-.701 0-.969.271-.268.709-.268.979 0L10 13.25l7.418-7.141z' }) ), arrow = ({ className: s = null, width: o = 20, height: i = 20, ...u }) => Pe.createElement( 'svg', Rn()( { xmlns: 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', viewBox: '0 0 20 20', className: s, width: o, height: i, 'aria-hidden': 'true', focusable: 'false' }, u ), Pe.createElement('path', { d: 'M13.25 10L6.109 2.58c-.268-.27-.268-.707 0-.979.268-.27.701-.27.969 0l7.83 7.908c. 0 .979l-7.83 7.908c-.268.271-.701.27-.969 0-.268-.269-.268-.707 0-.979L13.25 10z' }) ), components_close = ({ className: s = null, width: o = 20, height: i = 20, ...u }) => Pe.createElement( 'svg', Rn()( { xmlns: 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', viewBox: '0 0 20 20', className: s, width: o, height: i, 'aria-hidden': 'true', focusable: 'false' }, u ), Pe.createElement('path', { d: 'M14.348 14.849c-.469.469-1.229.469-1.697 0L10 11.819l-2.651 3.029c-.469.469-1.229.469-1.697 0-.469-.469-.469-1.229 0-1.697l2.758-3.15-2.759-3.152c-.469-.469-.469-1.228 0-1.697.469-.469 1.228-.469 1.697 0L10 8.183l2.651-3.031c.469-.469 1.228-.469 1.697 0 .469.469.469 1.229 0 1.697l-2.758 3.152 2.758 3.15c.469.469.469 1.229 0 1.698z' }) ), copy = ({ className: s = null, width: o = 15, height: i = 16, ...u }) => Pe.createElement( 'svg', Rn()( { xmlns: 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', viewBox: '0 0 15 16', className: s, width: o, height: i, 'aria-hidden': 'true', focusable: 'false' }, u ), Pe.createElement( 'g', { transform: 'translate(2, -1)' }, Pe.createElement('path', { fill: '#ffffff', fillRule: 'evenodd', d: 'M2 13h4v1H2v-1zm5-6H2v1h5V7zm2 3V8l-3 3 3 3v-2h5v-2H9zM4.5 9H2v1h2.5V9zM2 12h2.5v-1H2v1zm9 1h1v2c-.02.28-.11.52-.3.7-.19.18-.42.28-.7.3H1c-.55 0-1-.45-1-1V4c0-.55.45-1 1-1h3c0-1.11.89-2 2-2 1.11 0 2 .89 2 2h3c.55 0 1 .45 1 1v5h-1V6H1v9h10v-2zM2 5h8c0-.55-.45-1-1-1H8c-.55 0-1-.45-1-1s-.45-1-1-1-1 .45-1 1-.45 1-1 1H3c-.55 0-1 .45-1 1z' }) ) ), lock = ({ className: s = null, width: o = 20, height: i = 20, ...u }) => Pe.createElement( 'svg', Rn()( { xmlns: 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', viewBox: '0 0 20 20', className: s, width: o, height: i, 'aria-hidden': 'true', focusable: 'false' }, u ), Pe.createElement('path', { d: 'M15.8 8H14V5.6C14 2.703 12.665 1 10 1 7.334 1 6 2.703 6 5.6V8H4c-.553 0-1 .646-1 1.199V17c0 .549.428 1.139.951 1.307l1.197.387C5.672 18.861 6.55 19 7.1 19h5.8c.549 0 1.428-.139 1.951-.307l1.196-.387c.524-.167.953-.757.953-1.306V9.199C17 8.646 16.352 8 15.8 8zM12 8H8V5.199C8 3.754 8.797 3 10 3c1.203 0 2 .754 2 2.199V8z' }) ), unlock = ({ className: s = null, width: o = 20, height: i = 20, ...u }) => Pe.createElement( 'svg', Rn()( { xmlns: 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', viewBox: '0 0 20 20', className: s, width: o, height: i, 'aria-hidden': 'true', focusable: 'false' }, u ), Pe.createElement('path', { d: 'M15.8 8H14V5.6C14 2.703 12.665 1 10 1 7.334 1 6 2.703 6 5.6V6h2v-.801C8 3.754 8.797 3 10 3c1.203 0 2 .754 2 2.199V8H4c-.553 0-1 .646-1 1.199V17c0 .549.428 1.139.951 1.307l1.197.387C5.672 18.861 6.55 19 7.1 19h5.8c.549 0 1.428-.139 1.951-.307l1.196-.387c.524-.167.953-.757.953-1.306V9.199C17 8.646 16.352 8 15.8 8z' }) ), icons = () => ({ components: { ArrowUpIcon: arrow_up, ArrowDownIcon: arrow_down, ArrowIcon: arrow, CloseIcon: components_close, CopyIcon: copy, LockIcon: lock, UnlockIcon: unlock } }), Dn = 'layout_update_layout', Ln = 'layout_update_filter', Bn = 'layout_update_mode', Fn = 'layout_show'; function updateLayout(s) { return { type: Dn, payload: s }; } function updateFilter(s) { return { type: Ln, payload: s }; } function actions_show(s, o = !0) { return (s = normalizeArray(s)), { type: Fn, payload: { thing: s, shown: o } }; } function changeMode(s, o = '') { return (s = normalizeArray(s)), { type: Bn, payload: { thing: s, mode: o } }; } const qn = { [Dn]: (s, o) => s.set('layout', o.payload), [Ln]: (s, o) => s.set('filter', o.payload), [Fn]: (s, o) => { const i = o.payload.shown, u = (0, qe.fromJS)(o.payload.thing); return s.update('shown', (0, qe.fromJS)({}), (s) => s.set(u, i)); }, [Bn]: (s, o) => { let i = o.payload.thing, u = o.payload.mode; return s.setIn(['modes'].concat(i), (u || '') + ''); } }, current = (s) => s.get('layout'), currentFilter = (s) => s.get('filter'), isShown = (s, o, i) => ( (o = normalizeArray(o)), s.get('shown', (0, qe.fromJS)({})).get((0, qe.fromJS)(o), i) ), whatMode = (s, o, i = '') => ((o = normalizeArray(o)), s.getIn(['modes', ...o], i)), $n = Ut( (s) => s, (s) => !isShown(s, 'editor') ), taggedOperations = (s, o) => (i, ...u) => { let _ = s(i, ...u); const { fn: w, layoutSelectors: x, getConfigs: C } = o.getSystem(), j = C(), { maxDisplayedTags: L } = j; let B = x.currentFilter(); return B && !0 !== B && (_ = w.opsFilter(_, B)), L >= 0 && (_ = _.slice(0, L)), _; }; function plugins_layout() { return { statePlugins: { layout: { reducers: qn, actions: L, selectors: B }, spec: { wrapSelectors: $ } } }; } function logs({ configs: s }) { const o = { debug: 0, info: 1, log: 2, warn: 3, error: 4 }, getLevel = (s) => o[s] || -1; let { logLevel: i } = s, u = getLevel(i); function log(s, ...o) { getLevel(s) >= u && console[s](...o); } return ( (log.warn = log.bind(null, 'warn')), (log.error = log.bind(null, 'error')), (log.info = log.bind(null, 'info')), (log.debug = log.bind(null, 'debug')), { rootInjects: { log } } ); } let Vn = !1; function on_complete() { return { statePlugins: { spec: { wrapActions: { updateSpec: (s) => (...o) => ((Vn = !0), s(...o)), updateJsonSpec: (s, o) => (...i) => { const u = o.getConfigs().onComplete; return Vn && 'function' == typeof u && (setTimeout(u, 0), (Vn = !1)), s(...i); } } } } }; } const extractKey = (s) => { const o = '_**[]'; return s.indexOf(o) < 0 ? s : s.split(o)[0].trim(); }, escapeShell = (s) => '-d ' === s || /^[_\/-]/g.test(s) ? s : "'" + s.replace(/'/g, "'\\''") + "'", escapeCMD = (s) => '-d ' === (s = s .replace(/\^/g, '^^') .replace(/\\"/g, '\\\\"') .replace(/"/g, '""') .replace(/\n/g, '^\n')) ? s.replace(/-d /g, '-d ^\n') : /^[_\/-]/g.test(s) ? s : '"' + s + '"', escapePowershell = (s) => { if ('-d ' === s) return s; if (/\n/.test(s)) { return `@"\n${s.replace(/`/g, '``').replace(/\$/g, '`$')}\n"@`; } if (!/^[_\/-]/.test(s)) { return `'${s.replace(/'/g, "''")}'`; } return s; }; const curlify = (s, o, i, u = '') => { let _ = !1, w = ''; const addWords = (...s) => (w += ' ' + s.map(o).join(' ')), addWordsWithoutLeadingSpace = (...s) => (w += s.map(o).join(' ')), addNewLine = () => (w += ` ${i}`), addIndent = (s = 1) => (w += ' '.repeat(s)); let x = s.get('headers'); w += 'curl' + u; const C = s.get('curlOptions'); if ( (qe.List.isList(C) && !C.isEmpty() && addWords(...s.get('curlOptions')), addWords('-X', s.get('method')), addNewLine(), addIndent(), addWordsWithoutLeadingSpace(`${s.get('url')}`), x && x.size) ) for (let o of s.get('headers').entries()) { addNewLine(), addIndent(); let [s, i] = o; addWordsWithoutLeadingSpace('-H', `${s}: ${i}`), (_ = _ || (/^content-type$/i.test(s) && /^multipart\/form-data$/i.test(i))); } const j = s.get('body'); if (j) if (_ && ['POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH'].includes(s.get('method'))) for (let [s, o] of j.entrySeq()) { let i = extractKey(s); addNewLine(), addIndent(), addWordsWithoutLeadingSpace('-F'), o instanceof at.File && 'string' == typeof o.valueOf() ? addWords(`${i}=${o.data}${o.type ? `;type=${o.type}` : ''}`) : o instanceof at.File ? addWords(`${i}=@${o.name}${o.type ? `;type=${o.type}` : ''}`) : addWords(`${i}=${o}`); } else if (j instanceof at.File) addNewLine(), addIndent(), addWordsWithoutLeadingSpace(`--data-binary '@${j.name}'`); else { addNewLine(), addIndent(), addWordsWithoutLeadingSpace('-d '); let o = j; qe.Map.isMap(o) ? addWordsWithoutLeadingSpace( (function getStringBodyOfMap(s) { let o = []; for (let [i, u] of s.get('body').entrySeq()) { let s = extractKey(i); u instanceof at.File ? o.push( ` "${s}": {\n "name": "${u.name}"${u.type ? `,\n "type": "${u.type}"` : ''}\n }` ) : o.push( ` "${s}": ${JSON.stringify(u, null, 2).replace(/(\r\n|\r|\n)/g, '\n ')}` ); } return `{\n${o.join(',\n')}\n}`; })(s) ) : ('string' != typeof o && (o = JSON.stringify(o)), addWordsWithoutLeadingSpace(o)); } else j || 'POST' !== s.get('method') || (addNewLine(), addIndent(), addWordsWithoutLeadingSpace("-d ''")); return w; }, requestSnippetGenerator_curl_powershell = (s) => curlify(s, escapePowershell, '`\n', '.exe'), requestSnippetGenerator_curl_bash = (s) => curlify(s, escapeShell, '\\\n'), requestSnippetGenerator_curl_cmd = (s) => curlify(s, escapeCMD, '^\n'), request_snippets_selectors_state = (s) => s || (0, qe.Map)(), Un = Ut(request_snippets_selectors_state, (s) => { const o = s.get('languages'), i = s.get('generators', (0, qe.Map)()); return !o || o.isEmpty() ? i : i.filter((s, i) => o.includes(i)); }), getSnippetGenerators = (s) => ({ fn: o }) => Un(s) .map((s, i) => { const u = ((s) => o[`requestSnippetGenerator_${s}`])(i); return 'function' != typeof u ? null : s.set('fn', u); }) .filter((s) => s), zn = Ut(request_snippets_selectors_state, (s) => s.get('activeLanguage')), Wn = Ut(request_snippets_selectors_state, (s) => s.get('defaultExpanded')); var Kn = __webpack_require__(46942), Hn = __webpack_require__.n(Kn), Jn = __webpack_require__(59399); const Gn = { cursor: 'pointer', lineHeight: 1, display: 'inline-flex', backgroundColor: 'rgb(250, 250, 250)', paddingBottom: '0', paddingTop: '0', border: '1px solid rgb(51, 51, 51)', borderRadius: '4px 4px 0 0', boxShadow: 'none', borderBottom: 'none' }, Yn = { cursor: 'pointer', lineHeight: 1, display: 'inline-flex', backgroundColor: 'rgb(51, 51, 51)', boxShadow: 'none', border: '1px solid rgb(51, 51, 51)', paddingBottom: '0', paddingTop: '0', borderRadius: '4px 4px 0 0', marginTop: '-5px', marginRight: '-5px', marginLeft: '-5px', zIndex: '9999', borderBottom: 'none' }, request_snippets = ({ request: s, requestSnippetsSelectors: o, getComponent: i }) => { const u = (0, Pe.useRef)(null), _ = i('ArrowUpIcon'), w = i('ArrowDownIcon'), x = i('SyntaxHighlighter', !0), [C, j] = (0, Pe.useState)(o.getSnippetGenerators()?.keySeq().first()), [L, B] = (0, Pe.useState)(o?.getDefaultExpanded()), $ = o.getSnippetGenerators(), V = $.get(C), U = V.get('fn')(s), handleSetIsExpanded = () => { B(!L); }, handleGetBtnStyle = (s) => (s === C ? Yn : Gn), handlePreventYScrollingBeyondElement = (s) => { const { target: o, deltaY: i } = s, { scrollHeight: u, offsetHeight: _, scrollTop: w } = o; u > _ && ((0 === w && i < 0) || (_ + w >= u && i > 0)) && s.preventDefault(); }; return ( (0, Pe.useEffect)(() => {}, []), (0, Pe.useEffect)(() => { const s = Array.from(u.current.childNodes).filter( (s) => !!s.nodeType && s.classList?.contains('curl-command') ); return ( s.forEach((s) => s.addEventListener('mousewheel', handlePreventYScrollingBeyondElement, { passive: !1 }) ), () => { s.forEach((s) => s.removeEventListener('mousewheel', handlePreventYScrollingBeyondElement) ); } ); }, [s]), Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'request-snippets', ref: u }, Pe.createElement( 'div', { style: { width: '100%', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'flex-start', alignItems: 'center', marginBottom: '15px' } }, Pe.createElement( 'h4', { onClick: () => handleSetIsExpanded(), style: { cursor: 'pointer' } }, 'Snippets' ), Pe.createElement( 'button', { onClick: () => handleSetIsExpanded(), style: { border: 'none', background: 'none' }, title: L ? 'Collapse operation' : 'Expand operation' }, L ? Pe.createElement(w, { className: 'arrow', width: '10', height: '10' }) : Pe.createElement(_, { className: 'arrow', width: '10', height: '10' }) ) ), L && Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'curl-command' }, Pe.createElement( 'div', { style: { paddingLeft: '15px', paddingRight: '10px', width: '100%', display: 'flex' } }, $.entrySeq().map(([s, o]) => Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: Hn()('btn', { active: s === C }), style: handleGetBtnStyle(s), key: s, onClick: () => ((s) => { C !== s && j(s); })(s) }, Pe.createElement( 'h4', { style: s === C ? { color: 'white' } : {} }, o.get('title') ) ) ) ), Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'copy-to-clipboard' }, Pe.createElement( Jn.CopyToClipboard, { text: U }, Pe.createElement('button', null) ) ), Pe.createElement( 'div', null, Pe.createElement( x, { language: V.get('syntax'), className: 'curl microlight', renderPlainText: ({ children: s, PlainTextViewer: o }) => Pe.createElement(o, { className: 'curl' }, s) }, U ) ) ) ) ); }, plugins_request_snippets = () => ({ components: { RequestSnippets: request_snippets }, fn: V, statePlugins: { requestSnippets: { selectors: U } } }); class ModelCollapse extends Pe.Component { static defaultProps = { collapsedContent: '{...}', expanded: !1, title: null, onToggle: () => {}, hideSelfOnExpand: !1, specPath: $e().List([]) }; constructor(s, o) { super(s, o); let { expanded: i, collapsedContent: u } = this.props; this.state = { expanded: i, collapsedContent: u || ModelCollapse.defaultProps.collapsedContent }; } componentDidMount() { const { hideSelfOnExpand: s, expanded: o, modelName: i } = this.props; s && o && this.props.onToggle(i, o); } UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(s) { this.props.expanded !== s.expanded && this.setState({ expanded: s.expanded }); } toggleCollapsed = () => { this.props.onToggle && this.props.onToggle(this.props.modelName, !this.state.expanded), this.setState({ expanded: !this.state.expanded }); }; onLoad = (s) => { if (s && this.props.layoutSelectors) { const o = this.props.layoutSelectors.getScrollToKey(); $e().is(o, this.props.specPath) && this.toggleCollapsed(), this.props.layoutActions.readyToScroll(this.props.specPath, s.parentElement); } }; render() { const { title: s, classes: o } = this.props; return this.state.expanded && this.props.hideSelfOnExpand ? Pe.createElement('span', { className: o || '' }, this.props.children) : Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: o || '', ref: this.onLoad }, Pe.createElement( 'button', { 'aria-expanded': this.state.expanded, className: 'model-box-control', onClick: this.toggleCollapsed }, s && Pe.createElement('span', { className: 'pointer' }, s), Pe.createElement('span', { className: 'model-toggle' + (this.state.expanded ? '' : ' collapsed') }), !this.state.expanded && Pe.createElement('span', null, this.state.collapsedContent) ), this.state.expanded && this.props.children ); } } const useTabs = ({ initialTab: s, isExecute: o, schema: i, example: u }) => { const _ = (0, Pe.useMemo)(() => ({ example: 'example', model: 'model' }), []), w = (0, Pe.useMemo)(() => Object.keys(_), [_]).includes(s) && i && !o ? s : _.example, x = ((s) => { const o = (0, Pe.useRef)(); return ( (0, Pe.useEffect)(() => { o.current = s; }), o.current ); })(o), [C, j] = (0, Pe.useState)(w), L = (0, Pe.useCallback)((s) => { j(s.target.dataset.name); }, []); return ( (0, Pe.useEffect)(() => { x && !o && u && j(_.example); }, [x, o, u]), { activeTab: C, onTabChange: L, tabs: _ } ); }, model_example = ({ schema: s, example: o, isExecute: i = !1, specPath: u, includeWriteOnly: _ = !1, includeReadOnly: w = !1, getComponent: x, getConfigs: C, specSelectors: j }) => { const { defaultModelRendering: L, defaultModelExpandDepth: B } = C(), $ = x('ModelWrapper'), V = x('HighlightCode', !0), U = St()(5).toString('base64'), z = St()(5).toString('base64'), Y = St()(5).toString('base64'), Z = St()(5).toString('base64'), ee = j.isOAS3(), { activeTab: ie, tabs: ae, onTabChange: le } = useTabs({ initialTab: L, isExecute: i, schema: s, example: o }); return Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'model-example' }, Pe.createElement( 'ul', { className: 'tab', role: 'tablist' }, Pe.createElement( 'li', { className: Hn()('tabitem', { active: ie === ae.example }), role: 'presentation' }, Pe.createElement( 'button', { 'aria-controls': z, 'aria-selected': ie === ae.example, className: 'tablinks', 'data-name': 'example', id: U, onClick: le, role: 'tab' }, i ? 'Edit Value' : 'Example Value' ) ), s && Pe.createElement( 'li', { className: Hn()('tabitem', { active: ie === ae.model }), role: 'presentation' }, Pe.createElement( 'button', { 'aria-controls': Z, 'aria-selected': ie === ae.model, className: Hn()('tablinks', { inactive: i }), 'data-name': 'model', id: Y, onClick: le, role: 'tab' }, ee ? 'Schema' : 'Model' ) ) ), ie === ae.example && Pe.createElement( 'div', { 'aria-hidden': ie !== ae.example, 'aria-labelledby': U, 'data-name': 'examplePanel', id: z, role: 'tabpanel', tabIndex: '0' }, o || Pe.createElement(V, null, '(no example available') ), ie === ae.model && Pe.createElement( 'div', { 'aria-hidden': ie === ae.example, 'aria-labelledby': Y, 'data-name': 'modelPanel', id: Z, role: 'tabpanel', tabIndex: '0' }, Pe.createElement($, { schema: s, getComponent: x, getConfigs: C, specSelectors: j, expandDepth: B, specPath: u, includeReadOnly: w, includeWriteOnly: _ }) ) ); }; class ModelWrapper extends Pe.Component { onToggle = (s, o) => { this.props.layoutActions && this.props.layoutActions.show(this.props.fullPath, o); }; render() { let { getComponent: s, getConfigs: o } = this.props; const i = s('Model'); let u; return ( this.props.layoutSelectors && (u = this.props.layoutSelectors.isShown(this.props.fullPath)), Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'model-box' }, Pe.createElement( i, Rn()({}, this.props, { getConfigs: o, expanded: u, depth: 1, onToggle: this.onToggle, expandDepth: this.props.expandDepth || 0 }) ) ) ); } } function _typeof(s) { return ( (_typeof = 'function' == typeof Symbol && 'symbol' == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (s) { return typeof s; } : function (s) { return s && 'function' == typeof Symbol && s.constructor === Symbol && s !== Symbol.prototype ? 'symbol' : typeof s; }), _typeof(s) ); } function _defineProperties(s, o) { for (var i = 0; i < o.length; i++) { var u = o[i]; (u.enumerable = u.enumerable || !1), (u.configurable = !0), 'value' in u && (u.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(s, u.key, u); } } function _defineProperty(s, o, i) { return ( o in s ? Object.defineProperty(s, o, { value: i, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : (s[o] = i), s ); } function ownKeys(s, o) { var i = Object.keys(s); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var u = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); o && (u = u.filter(function (o) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(s, o).enumerable; })), i.push.apply(i, u); } return i; } function _getPrototypeOf(s) { return ( (_getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(s) { return s.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(s); }), _getPrototypeOf(s) ); } function _setPrototypeOf(s, o) { return ( (_setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(s, o) { return (s.__proto__ = o), s; }), _setPrototypeOf(s, o) ); } function _possibleConstructorReturn(s, o) { return !o || ('object' != typeof o && 'function' != typeof o) ? (function _assertThisInitialized(s) { if (void 0 === s) throw new ReferenceError( "this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called" ); return s; })(s) : o; } var Xn = {}; function react_immutable_pure_component_es_get(s, o, i) { return (function isInvalid(s) { return null == s; })(s) ? i : (function isMapLike(s) { return ( null !== s && 'object' === _typeof(s) && 'function' == typeof s.get && 'function' == typeof s.has ); })(s) ? s.has(o) ? s.get(o) : i : hasOwnProperty.call(s, o) ? s[o] : i; } function getIn(s, o, i) { for (var u = 0; u !== o.length; ) if ((s = react_immutable_pure_component_es_get(s, o[u++], Xn)) === Xn) return i; return s; } function check(s) { var o = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}, i = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : {}, u = (function createChecker(s, o) { return function (i) { if ('string' == typeof i) return (0, qe.is)(o[i], s[i]); if (Array.isArray(i)) return (0, qe.is)(getIn(o, i), getIn(s, i)); throw new TypeError('Invalid key: expected Array or string: ' + i); }; })(o, i), _ = s || Object.keys( (function _objectSpread2(s) { for (var o = 1; o < arguments.length; o++) { var i = null != arguments[o] ? arguments[o] : {}; o % 2 ? ownKeys(i, !0).forEach(function (o) { _defineProperty(s, o, i[o]); }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(s, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(i)) : ownKeys(i).forEach(function (o) { Object.defineProperty(s, o, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(i, o)); }); } return s; })({}, i, {}, o) ); return _.every(u); } const Zn = (function (s) { function ImmutablePureComponent() { return ( (function _classCallCheck(s, o) { if (!(s instanceof o)) throw new TypeError('Cannot call a class as a function'); })(this, ImmutablePureComponent), _possibleConstructorReturn( this, _getPrototypeOf(ImmutablePureComponent).apply(this, arguments) ) ); } return ( (function _inherits(s, o) { if ('function' != typeof o && null !== o) throw new TypeError('Super expression must either be null or a function'); (s.prototype = Object.create(o && o.prototype, { constructor: { value: s, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } })), o && _setPrototypeOf(s, o); })(ImmutablePureComponent, s), (function _createClass(s, o, i) { return o && _defineProperties(s.prototype, o), i && _defineProperties(s, i), s; })(ImmutablePureComponent, [ { key: 'shouldComponentUpdate', value: function shouldComponentUpdate(s) { var o = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}; return ( !check(this.updateOnProps, this.props, s, 'updateOnProps') || !check(this.updateOnStates, this.state, o, 'updateOnStates') ); } } ]), ImmutablePureComponent ); })(Pe.Component); var Qn, es = __webpack_require__(5556), ts = __webpack_require__.n(es); function _extends() { return ( (_extends = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function (s) { for (var o = 1; o < arguments.length; o++) { var i = arguments[o]; for (var u in i) ({}).hasOwnProperty.call(i, u) && (s[u] = i[u]); } return s; }), _extends.apply(null, arguments) ); } const rolling_load = (s) => Pe.createElement( 'svg', _extends( { xmlns: 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', width: 200, height: 200, className: 'rolling-load_svg__lds-rolling', preserveAspectRatio: 'xMidYMid', style: { backgroundImage: 'none', backgroundPosition: 'initial initial', backgroundRepeat: 'initial initial' }, viewBox: '0 0 100 100' }, s ), Qn || (Qn = Pe.createElement( 'circle', { cx: 50, cy: 50, r: 35, fill: 'none', stroke: '#555', strokeDasharray: '164.93361431346415 56.97787143782138', strokeWidth: 10 }, Pe.createElement('animateTransform', { attributeName: 'transform', begin: '0s', calcMode: 'linear', dur: '1s', keyTimes: '0;1', repeatCount: 'indefinite', type: 'rotate', values: '0 50 50;360 50 50' }) )) ), decodeRefName = (s) => { const o = s.replace(/~1/g, '/').replace(/~0/g, '~'); try { return decodeURIComponent(o); } catch { return o; } }; class Model extends Zn { static propTypes = { schema: kn().map.isRequired, getComponent: ts().func.isRequired, getConfigs: ts().func.isRequired, specSelectors: ts().object.isRequired, name: ts().string, displayName: ts().string, isRef: ts().bool, required: ts().bool, expandDepth: ts().number, depth: ts().number, specPath: kn().list.isRequired, includeReadOnly: ts().bool, includeWriteOnly: ts().bool }; getModelName = (s) => -1 !== s.indexOf('#/definitions/') ? decodeRefName(s.replace(/^.*#\/definitions\//, '')) : -1 !== s.indexOf('#/components/schemas/') ? decodeRefName(s.replace(/^.*#\/components\/schemas\//, '')) : void 0; getRefSchema = (s) => { let { specSelectors: o } = this.props; return o.findDefinition(s); }; render() { let { getComponent: s, getConfigs: o, specSelectors: i, schema: u, required: _, name: w, isRef: x, specPath: C, displayName: j, includeReadOnly: L, includeWriteOnly: B } = this.props; const $ = s('ObjectModel'), V = s('ArrayModel'), U = s('PrimitiveModel'); let z = 'object', Y = u && u.get('$$ref'), Z = u && u.get('$ref'); if ((!w && Y && (w = this.getModelName(Y)), Z)) { const s = this.getModelName(Z), o = this.getRefSchema(s); qe.Map.isMap(o) ? ((u = o.mergeDeep(u)), Y || ((u = u.set('$$ref', Z)), (Y = Z))) : qe.Map.isMap(u) && 1 === u.size && ((u = null), (w = Z)); } if (!u) return Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'model model-title' }, Pe.createElement('span', { className: 'model-title__text' }, j || w), !Z && Pe.createElement(rolling_load, { height: '20px', width: '20px' }) ); const ee = i.isOAS3() && u.get('deprecated'); switch (((x = void 0 !== x ? x : !!Y), (z = (u && u.get('type')) || z), z)) { case 'object': return Pe.createElement( $, Rn()({ className: 'object' }, this.props, { specPath: C, getConfigs: o, schema: u, name: w, deprecated: ee, isRef: x, includeReadOnly: L, includeWriteOnly: B }) ); case 'array': return Pe.createElement( V, Rn()({ className: 'array' }, this.props, { getConfigs: o, schema: u, name: w, deprecated: ee, required: _, includeReadOnly: L, includeWriteOnly: B }) ); default: return Pe.createElement( U, Rn()({}, this.props, { getComponent: s, getConfigs: o, schema: u, name: w, deprecated: ee, required: _ }) ); } } } class Models extends Pe.Component { getSchemaBasePath = () => this.props.specSelectors.isOAS3() ? ['components', 'schemas'] : ['definitions']; getCollapsedContent = () => ' '; handleToggle = (s, o) => { const { layoutActions: i } = this.props; i.show([...this.getSchemaBasePath(), s], o), o && this.props.specActions.requestResolvedSubtree([...this.getSchemaBasePath(), s]); }; onLoadModels = (s) => { s && this.props.layoutActions.readyToScroll(this.getSchemaBasePath(), s); }; onLoadModel = (s) => { if (s) { const o = s.getAttribute('data-name'); this.props.layoutActions.readyToScroll([...this.getSchemaBasePath(), o], s); } }; render() { let { specSelectors: s, getComponent: o, layoutSelectors: i, layoutActions: u, getConfigs: _ } = this.props, w = s.definitions(), { docExpansion: x, defaultModelsExpandDepth: C } = _(); if (!w.size || C < 0) return null; const j = this.getSchemaBasePath(); let L = i.isShown(j, C > 0 && 'none' !== x); const B = s.isOAS3(), $ = o('ModelWrapper'), V = o('Collapse'), U = o('ModelCollapse'), z = o('JumpToPath', !0), Y = o('ArrowUpIcon'), Z = o('ArrowDownIcon'); return Pe.createElement( 'section', { className: L ? 'models is-open' : 'models', ref: this.onLoadModels }, Pe.createElement( 'h4', null, Pe.createElement( 'button', { 'aria-expanded': L, className: 'models-control', onClick: () => u.show(j, !L) }, Pe.createElement('span', null, B ? 'Schemas' : 'Models'), L ? Pe.createElement(Y, null) : Pe.createElement(Z, null) ) ), Pe.createElement( V, { isOpened: L }, w .entrySeq() .map(([w]) => { const x = [...j, w], L = $e().List(x), B = s.specResolvedSubtree(x), V = s.specJson().getIn(x), Y = qe.Map.isMap(B) ? B : $e().Map(), Z = qe.Map.isMap(V) ? V : $e().Map(), ee = Y.get('title') || Z.get('title') || w, ie = i.isShown(x, !1); ie && 0 === Y.size && Z.size > 0 && this.props.specActions.requestResolvedSubtree(x); const ae = Pe.createElement($, { name: w, expandDepth: C, schema: Y || $e().Map(), displayName: ee, fullPath: x, specPath: L, getComponent: o, specSelectors: s, getConfigs: _, layoutSelectors: i, layoutActions: u, includeReadOnly: !0, includeWriteOnly: !0 }), le = Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'model-box' }, Pe.createElement('span', { className: 'model model-title' }, ee) ); return Pe.createElement( 'div', { id: `model-${w}`, className: 'model-container', key: `models-section-${w}`, 'data-name': w, ref: this.onLoadModel }, Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'models-jump-to-path' }, Pe.createElement(z, { specPath: L }) ), Pe.createElement( U, { classes: 'model-box', collapsedContent: this.getCollapsedContent(w), onToggle: this.handleToggle, title: le, displayName: ee, modelName: w, specPath: L, layoutSelectors: i, layoutActions: u, hideSelfOnExpand: !0, expanded: C > 0 && ie }, ae ) ); }) .toArray() ) ); } } const enum_model = ({ value: s, getComponent: o }) => { let i = o('ModelCollapse'), u = Pe.createElement('span', null, 'Array [ ', s.count(), ' ]'); return Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'prop-enum' }, 'Enum:', Pe.createElement('br', null), Pe.createElement(i, { collapsedContent: u }, '[ ', s.map(String).join(', '), ' ]') ); }; class ObjectModel extends Pe.Component { render() { let { schema: s, name: o, displayName: i, isRef: u, getComponent: _, getConfigs: w, depth: x, onToggle: C, expanded: j, specPath: L, ...B } = this.props, { specSelectors: $, expandDepth: V, includeReadOnly: U, includeWriteOnly: z } = B; const { isOAS3: Y } = $; if (!s) return null; const { showExtensions: Z } = w(); let ee = s.get('description'), ie = s.get('properties'), ae = s.get('additionalProperties'), le = s.get('title') || i || o, ce = s.get('required'), pe = s.filter( (s, o) => -1 !== ['maxProperties', 'minProperties', 'nullable', 'example'].indexOf(o) ), de = s.get('deprecated'), fe = s.getIn(['externalDocs', 'url']), ye = s.getIn(['externalDocs', 'description']); const be = _('JumpToPath', !0), _e = _('Markdown', !0), we = _('Model'), Se = _('ModelCollapse'), xe = _('Property'), Te = _('Link'), JumpToPathSection = () => Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'model-jump-to-path' }, Pe.createElement(be, { specPath: L }) ), Re = Pe.createElement( 'span', null, Pe.createElement('span', null, '{'), '...', Pe.createElement('span', null, '}'), u ? Pe.createElement(JumpToPathSection, null) : '' ), $e = $.isOAS3() ? s.get('allOf') : null, ze = $.isOAS3() ? s.get('anyOf') : null, We = $.isOAS3() ? s.get('oneOf') : null, He = $.isOAS3() ? s.get('not') : null, Ye = le && Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'model-title' }, u && s.get('$$ref') && Pe.createElement('span', { className: 'model-hint' }, s.get('$$ref')), Pe.createElement('span', { className: 'model-title__text' }, le) ); return Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'model' }, Pe.createElement( Se, { modelName: o, title: Ye, onToggle: C, expanded: !!j || x <= V, collapsedContent: Re }, Pe.createElement('span', { className: 'brace-open object' }, '{'), u ? Pe.createElement(JumpToPathSection, null) : null, Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'inner-object' }, Pe.createElement( 'table', { className: 'model' }, Pe.createElement( 'tbody', null, ee ? Pe.createElement( 'tr', { className: 'description' }, Pe.createElement('td', null, 'description:'), Pe.createElement('td', null, Pe.createElement(_e, { source: ee })) ) : null, fe && Pe.createElement( 'tr', { className: 'external-docs' }, Pe.createElement('td', null, 'externalDocs:'), Pe.createElement( 'td', null, Pe.createElement( Te, { target: '_blank', href: sanitizeUrl(fe) }, ye || fe ) ) ), de ? Pe.createElement( 'tr', { className: 'property' }, Pe.createElement('td', null, 'deprecated:'), Pe.createElement('td', null, 'true') ) : null, ie && ie.size ? ie .entrySeq() .filter( ([, s]) => (!s.get('readOnly') || U) && (!s.get('writeOnly') || z) ) .map(([s, i]) => { let u = Y() && i.get('deprecated'), C = qe.List.isList(ce) && ce.contains(s), j = ['property-row']; return ( u && j.push('deprecated'), C && j.push('required'), Pe.createElement( 'tr', { key: s, className: j.join(' ') }, Pe.createElement( 'td', null, s, C && Pe.createElement('span', { className: 'star' }, '*') ), Pe.createElement( 'td', null, Pe.createElement( we, Rn()({ key: `object-${o}-${s}_${i}` }, B, { required: C, getComponent: _, specPath: L.push('properties', s), getConfigs: w, schema: i, depth: x + 1 }) ) ) ) ); }) .toArray() : null, Z ? Pe.createElement('tr', null, Pe.createElement('td', null, ' ')) : null, Z ? s .entrySeq() .map(([s, o]) => { if ('x-' !== s.slice(0, 2)) return; const i = o ? (o.toJS ? o.toJS() : o) : null; return Pe.createElement( 'tr', { key: s, className: 'extension' }, Pe.createElement('td', null, s), Pe.createElement('td', null, JSON.stringify(i)) ); }) .toArray() : null, ae && ae.size ? Pe.createElement( 'tr', null, Pe.createElement('td', null, '< * >:'), Pe.createElement( 'td', null, Pe.createElement( we, Rn()({}, B, { required: !1, getComponent: _, specPath: L.push('additionalProperties'), getConfigs: w, schema: ae, depth: x + 1 }) ) ) ) : null, $e ? Pe.createElement( 'tr', null, Pe.createElement('td', null, 'allOf ->'), Pe.createElement( 'td', null, $e.map((s, o) => Pe.createElement( 'div', { key: o }, Pe.createElement( we, Rn()({}, B, { required: !1, getComponent: _, specPath: L.push('allOf', o), getConfigs: w, schema: s, depth: x + 1 }) ) ) ) ) ) : null, ze ? Pe.createElement( 'tr', null, Pe.createElement('td', null, 'anyOf ->'), Pe.createElement( 'td', null, ze.map((s, o) => Pe.createElement( 'div', { key: o }, Pe.createElement( we, Rn()({}, B, { required: !1, getComponent: _, specPath: L.push('anyOf', o), getConfigs: w, schema: s, depth: x + 1 }) ) ) ) ) ) : null, We ? Pe.createElement( 'tr', null, Pe.createElement('td', null, 'oneOf ->'), Pe.createElement( 'td', null, We.map((s, o) => Pe.createElement( 'div', { key: o }, Pe.createElement( we, Rn()({}, B, { required: !1, getComponent: _, specPath: L.push('oneOf', o), getConfigs: w, schema: s, depth: x + 1 }) ) ) ) ) ) : null, He ? Pe.createElement( 'tr', null, Pe.createElement('td', null, 'not ->'), Pe.createElement( 'td', null, Pe.createElement( 'div', null, Pe.createElement( we, Rn()({}, B, { required: !1, getComponent: _, specPath: L.push('not'), getConfigs: w, schema: He, depth: x + 1 }) ) ) ) ) : null ) ) ), Pe.createElement('span', { className: 'brace-close' }, '}') ), pe.size ? pe.entrySeq().map(([s, o]) => Pe.createElement(xe, { key: `${s}-${o}`, propKey: s, propVal: o, propClass: 'property' }) ) : null ); } } class ArrayModel extends Pe.Component { render() { let { getComponent: s, getConfigs: o, schema: i, depth: u, expandDepth: _, name: w, displayName: x, specPath: C } = this.props, j = i.get('description'), L = i.get('items'), B = i.get('title') || x || w, $ = i.filter( (s, o) => -1 === ['type', 'items', 'description', '$$ref', 'externalDocs'].indexOf(o) ), V = i.getIn(['externalDocs', 'url']), U = i.getIn(['externalDocs', 'description']); const z = s('Markdown', !0), Y = s('ModelCollapse'), Z = s('Model'), ee = s('Property'), ie = s('Link'), ae = B && Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'model-title' }, Pe.createElement('span', { className: 'model-title__text' }, B) ); return Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'model' }, Pe.createElement( Y, { title: ae, expanded: u <= _, collapsedContent: '[...]' }, '[', $.size ? $.entrySeq().map(([s, o]) => Pe.createElement(ee, { key: `${s}-${o}`, propKey: s, propVal: o, propClass: 'property' }) ) : null, j ? Pe.createElement(z, { source: j }) : $.size ? Pe.createElement('div', { className: 'markdown' }) : null, V && Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'external-docs' }, Pe.createElement(ie, { target: '_blank', href: sanitizeUrl(V) }, U || V) ), Pe.createElement( 'span', null, Pe.createElement( Z, Rn()({}, this.props, { getConfigs: o, specPath: C.push('items'), name: null, schema: L, required: !1, depth: u + 1 }) ) ), ']' ) ); } } const rs = 'property primitive'; class Primitive extends Pe.Component { render() { let { schema: s, getComponent: o, getConfigs: i, name: u, displayName: _, depth: w, expandDepth: x } = this.props; const { showExtensions: C } = i(); if (!s || !s.get) return Pe.createElement('div', null); let j = s.get('type'), L = s.get('format'), B = s.get('xml'), $ = s.get('enum'), V = s.get('title') || _ || u, U = s.get('description'), z = getExtensions(s), Y = s .filter( (s, o) => -1 === ['enum', 'type', 'format', 'description', '$$ref', 'externalDocs'].indexOf(o) ) .filterNot((s, o) => z.has(o)), Z = s.getIn(['externalDocs', 'url']), ee = s.getIn(['externalDocs', 'description']); const ie = o('Markdown', !0), ae = o('EnumModel'), le = o('Property'), ce = o('ModelCollapse'), pe = o('Link'), de = V && Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'model-title' }, Pe.createElement('span', { className: 'model-title__text' }, V) ); return Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'model' }, Pe.createElement( ce, { title: de, expanded: w <= x, collapsedContent: '[...]' }, Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'prop' }, u && w > 1 && Pe.createElement('span', { className: 'prop-name' }, V), Pe.createElement('span', { className: 'prop-type' }, j), L && Pe.createElement('span', { className: 'prop-format' }, '($', L, ')'), Y.size ? Y.entrySeq().map(([s, o]) => Pe.createElement(le, { key: `${s}-${o}`, propKey: s, propVal: o, propClass: rs }) ) : null, C && z.size ? z.entrySeq().map(([s, o]) => Pe.createElement(le, { key: `${s}-${o}`, propKey: s, propVal: o, propClass: rs }) ) : null, U ? Pe.createElement(ie, { source: U }) : null, Z && Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'external-docs' }, Pe.createElement(pe, { target: '_blank', href: sanitizeUrl(Z) }, ee || Z) ), B && B.size ? Pe.createElement( 'span', null, Pe.createElement('br', null), Pe.createElement('span', { className: rs }, 'xml:'), B.entrySeq() .map(([s, o]) => Pe.createElement( 'span', { key: `${s}-${o}`, className: rs }, Pe.createElement('br', null), '   ', s, ': ', String(o) ) ) .toArray() ) : null, $ && Pe.createElement(ae, { value: $, getComponent: o }) ) ) ); } } class Schemes extends Pe.Component { UNSAFE_componentWillMount() { let { schemes: s } = this.props; this.setScheme(s.first()); } UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(s) { (this.props.currentScheme && s.schemes.includes(this.props.currentScheme)) || this.setScheme(s.schemes.first()); } onChange = (s) => { this.setScheme(s.target.value); }; setScheme = (s) => { let { path: o, method: i, specActions: u } = this.props; u.setScheme(s, o, i); }; render() { let { schemes: s, currentScheme: o } = this.props; return Pe.createElement( 'label', { htmlFor: 'schemes' }, Pe.createElement('span', { className: 'schemes-title' }, 'Schemes'), Pe.createElement( 'select', { onChange: this.onChange, value: o, id: 'schemes' }, s .valueSeq() .map((s) => Pe.createElement('option', { value: s, key: s }, s)) .toArray() ) ); } } class SchemesContainer extends Pe.Component { render() { const { specActions: s, specSelectors: o, getComponent: i } = this.props, u = o.operationScheme(), _ = o.schemes(), w = i('schemes'); return _ && _.size ? Pe.createElement(w, { currentScheme: u, schemes: _, specActions: s }) : null; } } var ns = __webpack_require__(24677), ss = __webpack_require__.n(ns); const os = { value: '', onChange: () => {}, schema: {}, keyName: '', required: !1, errors: (0, qe.List)() }; class JsonSchemaForm extends Pe.Component { static defaultProps = os; componentDidMount() { const { dispatchInitialValue: s, value: o, onChange: i } = this.props; s ? i(o) : !1 === s && i(''); } render() { let { schema: s, errors: o, value: i, onChange: u, getComponent: _, fn: w, disabled: x } = this.props; const C = s && s.get ? s.get('format') : null, j = s && s.get ? s.get('type') : null; let getComponentSilently = (s) => _(s, !1, { failSilently: !0 }), L = j ? getComponentSilently(C ? `JsonSchema_${j}_${C}` : `JsonSchema_${j}`) : _('JsonSchema_string'); return ( L || (L = _('JsonSchema_string')), Pe.createElement( L, Rn()({}, this.props, { errors: o, fn: w, getComponent: _, value: i, onChange: u, schema: s, disabled: x }) ) ); } } class JsonSchema_string extends Pe.Component { static defaultProps = os; onChange = (s) => { const o = this.props.schema && 'file' === this.props.schema.get('type') ? s.target.files[0] : s.target.value; this.props.onChange(o, this.props.keyName); }; onEnumChange = (s) => this.props.onChange(s); render() { let { getComponent: s, value: o, schema: i, errors: u, required: _, description: w, disabled: x } = this.props; const C = i && i.get ? i.get('enum') : null, j = i && i.get ? i.get('format') : null, L = i && i.get ? i.get('type') : null, B = i && i.get ? i.get('in') : null; if ((o || (o = ''), (u = u.toJS ? u.toJS() : []), C)) { const i = s('Select'); return Pe.createElement(i, { className: u.length ? 'invalid' : '', title: u.length ? u : '', allowedValues: [...C], value: o, allowEmptyValue: !_, disabled: x, onChange: this.onEnumChange }); } const $ = x || (B && 'formData' === B && !('FormData' in window)), V = s('Input'); return L && 'file' === L ? Pe.createElement(V, { type: 'file', className: u.length ? 'invalid' : '', title: u.length ? u : '', onChange: this.onChange, disabled: $ }) : Pe.createElement(ss(), { type: j && 'password' === j ? 'password' : 'text', className: u.length ? 'invalid' : '', title: u.length ? u : '', value: o, minLength: 0, debounceTimeout: 350, placeholder: w, onChange: this.onChange, disabled: $ }); } } class JsonSchema_array extends Pe.PureComponent { static defaultProps = os; constructor(s, o) { super(s, o), (this.state = { value: valueOrEmptyList(s.value), schema: s.schema }); } UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(s) { const o = valueOrEmptyList(s.value); o !== this.state.value && this.setState({ value: o }), s.schema !== this.state.schema && this.setState({ schema: s.schema }); } onChange = () => { this.props.onChange(this.state.value); }; onItemChange = (s, o) => { this.setState(({ value: i }) => ({ value: i.set(o, s) }), this.onChange); }; removeItem = (s) => { this.setState(({ value: o }) => ({ value: o.delete(s) }), this.onChange); }; addItem = () => { const { fn: s } = this.props; let o = valueOrEmptyList(this.state.value); this.setState( () => ({ value: o.push( s.getSampleSchema(this.state.schema.get('items'), !1, { includeWriteOnly: !0 }) ) }), this.onChange ); }; onEnumChange = (s) => { this.setState(() => ({ value: s }), this.onChange); }; render() { let { getComponent: s, required: o, schema: i, errors: u, fn: _, disabled: w } = this.props; u = u.toJS ? u.toJS() : Array.isArray(u) ? u : []; const x = u.filter((s) => 'string' == typeof s), C = u.filter((s) => void 0 !== s.needRemove).map((s) => s.error), j = this.state.value, L = !!(j && j.count && j.count() > 0), B = i.getIn(['items', 'enum']), $ = i.getIn(['items', 'type']), V = i.getIn(['items', 'format']), U = i.get('items'); let z, Y = !1, Z = 'file' === $ || ('string' === $ && 'binary' === V); if ( ($ && V ? (z = s(`JsonSchema_${$}_${V}`)) : ('boolean' !== $ && 'array' !== $ && 'object' !== $) || (z = s(`JsonSchema_${$}`)), z || Z || (Y = !0), B) ) { const i = s('Select'); return Pe.createElement(i, { className: u.length ? 'invalid' : '', title: u.length ? u : '', multiple: !0, value: j, disabled: w, allowedValues: B, allowEmptyValue: !o, onChange: this.onEnumChange }); } const ee = s('Button'); return Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'json-schema-array' }, L ? j.map((o, i) => { const x = (0, qe.fromJS)([ ...u.filter((s) => s.index === i).map((s) => s.error) ]); return Pe.createElement( 'div', { key: i, className: 'json-schema-form-item' }, Z ? Pe.createElement(JsonSchemaArrayItemFile, { value: o, onChange: (s) => this.onItemChange(s, i), disabled: w, errors: x, getComponent: s }) : Y ? Pe.createElement(JsonSchemaArrayItemText, { value: o, onChange: (s) => this.onItemChange(s, i), disabled: w, errors: x }) : Pe.createElement( z, Rn()({}, this.props, { value: o, onChange: (s) => this.onItemChange(s, i), disabled: w, errors: x, schema: U, getComponent: s, fn: _ }) ), w ? null : Pe.createElement( ee, { className: `btn btn-sm json-schema-form-item-remove ${C.length ? 'invalid' : null}`, title: C.length ? C : '', onClick: () => this.removeItem(i) }, ' - ' ) ); }) : null, w ? null : Pe.createElement( ee, { className: `btn btn-sm json-schema-form-item-add ${x.length ? 'invalid' : null}`, title: x.length ? x : '', onClick: this.addItem }, 'Add ', $ ? `${$} ` : '', 'item' ) ); } } class JsonSchemaArrayItemText extends Pe.Component { static defaultProps = os; onChange = (s) => { const o = s.target.value; this.props.onChange(o, this.props.keyName); }; render() { let { value: s, errors: o, description: i, disabled: u } = this.props; return ( s || (s = ''), (o = o.toJS ? o.toJS() : []), Pe.createElement(ss(), { type: 'text', className: o.length ? 'invalid' : '', title: o.length ? o : '', value: s, minLength: 0, debounceTimeout: 350, placeholder: i, onChange: this.onChange, disabled: u }) ); } } class JsonSchemaArrayItemFile extends Pe.Component { static defaultProps = os; onFileChange = (s) => { const o = s.target.files[0]; this.props.onChange(o, this.props.keyName); }; render() { let { getComponent: s, errors: o, disabled: i } = this.props; const u = s('Input'), _ = i || !('FormData' in window); return Pe.createElement(u, { type: 'file', className: o.length ? 'invalid' : '', title: o.length ? o : '', onChange: this.onFileChange, disabled: _ }); } } class JsonSchema_boolean extends Pe.Component { static defaultProps = os; onEnumChange = (s) => this.props.onChange(s); render() { let { getComponent: s, value: o, errors: i, schema: u, required: _, disabled: w } = this.props; i = i.toJS ? i.toJS() : []; let x = u && u.get ? u.get('enum') : null, C = !x || !_, j = !x && ['true', 'false']; const L = s('Select'); return Pe.createElement(L, { className: i.length ? 'invalid' : '', title: i.length ? i : '', value: String(o), disabled: w, allowedValues: x ? [...x] : j, allowEmptyValue: C, onChange: this.onEnumChange }); } } const stringifyObjectErrors = (s) => s.map((s) => { const o = void 0 !== s.propKey ? s.propKey : s.index; let i = 'string' == typeof s ? s : 'string' == typeof s.error ? s.error : null; if (!o && i) return i; let u = s.error, _ = `/${s.propKey}`; for (; 'object' == typeof u; ) { const s = void 0 !== u.propKey ? u.propKey : u.index; if (void 0 === s) break; if (((_ += `/${s}`), !u.error)) break; u = u.error; } return `${_}: ${u}`; }); class JsonSchema_object extends Pe.PureComponent { constructor() { super(); } static defaultProps = os; onChange = (s) => { this.props.onChange(s); }; handleOnChange = (s) => { const o = s.target.value; this.onChange(o); }; render() { let { getComponent: s, value: o, errors: i, disabled: u } = this.props; const _ = s('TextArea'); return ( (i = i.toJS ? i.toJS() : Array.isArray(i) ? i : []), Pe.createElement( 'div', null, Pe.createElement(_, { className: Hn()({ invalid: i.length }), title: i.length ? stringifyObjectErrors(i).join(', ') : '', value: stringify(o), disabled: u, onChange: this.handleOnChange }) ) ); } } function valueOrEmptyList(s) { return qe.List.isList(s) ? s : Array.isArray(s) ? (0, qe.fromJS)(s) : (0, qe.List)(); } const json_schema_5 = () => ({ components: { modelExample: model_example, ModelWrapper, ModelCollapse, Model, Models, EnumModel: enum_model, ObjectModel, ArrayModel, PrimitiveModel: Primitive, schemes: Schemes, SchemesContainer, ...z } }); var as = __webpack_require__(19123), ls = __webpack_require__.n(as), cs = __webpack_require__(41859), us = __webpack_require__.n(cs), ps = __webpack_require__(62193), hs = __webpack_require__.n(ps); const shallowArrayEquals = (s) => (o) => Array.isArray(s) && Array.isArray(o) && s.length === o.length && s.every((s, i) => s === o[i]), list = (...s) => s; class Cache extends Map { delete(s) { const o = Array.from(this.keys()).find(shallowArrayEquals(s)); return super.delete(o); } get(s) { const o = Array.from(this.keys()).find(shallowArrayEquals(s)); return super.get(o); } has(s) { return -1 !== Array.from(this.keys()).findIndex(shallowArrayEquals(s)); } } const utils_memoizeN = (s, o = list) => { const { Cache: i } = ut(); ut().Cache = Cache; const u = ut()(s, o); return (ut().Cache = i), u; }, ds = { string: (s) => s.pattern ? ((s) => { try { return new (us())(s).gen(); } catch (s) { return 'string'; } })(s.pattern) : 'string', string_email: () => 'user@example.com', 'string_date-time': () => new Date().toISOString(), string_date: () => new Date().toISOString().substring(0, 10), string_uuid: () => '3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6', string_hostname: () => 'example.com', string_ipv4: () => '', string_ipv6: () => '2001:0db8:5b96:0000:0000:426f:8e17:642a', number: () => 0, number_float: () => 0, integer: () => 0, boolean: (s) => 'boolean' != typeof s.default || s.default }, primitive = (s) => { s = objectify(s); let { type: o, format: i } = s, u = ds[`${o}_${i}`] || ds[o]; return isFunc(u) ? u(s) : 'Unknown Type: ' + s.type; }, sanitizeRef = (s) => deeplyStripKey(s, '$$ref', (s) => 'string' == typeof s && s.indexOf('#') > -1), fs = ['maxProperties', 'minProperties'], ms = ['minItems', 'maxItems'], gs = ['minimum', 'maximum', 'exclusiveMinimum', 'exclusiveMaximum'], ys = ['minLength', 'maxLength'], mergeJsonSchema = (s, o, i = {}) => { const u = { ...s }; if ( (['example', 'default', 'enum', 'xml', 'type', ...fs, ...ms, ...gs, ...ys].forEach( (s) => ((s) => { void 0 === u[s] && void 0 !== o[s] && (u[s] = o[s]); })(s) ), void 0 !== o.required && Array.isArray(o.required) && ((void 0 !== u.required && u.required.length) || (u.required = []), o.required.forEach((s) => { u.required.includes(s) || u.required.push(s); })), o.properties) ) { u.properties || (u.properties = {}); let s = objectify(o.properties); for (let _ in s) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, _) && ((s[_] && s[_].deprecated) || (s[_] && s[_].readOnly && !i.includeReadOnly) || (s[_] && s[_].writeOnly && !i.includeWriteOnly) || u.properties[_] || ((u.properties[_] = s[_]), !o.required && Array.isArray(o.required) && -1 !== o.required.indexOf(_) && (u.required ? u.required.push(_) : (u.required = [_])))); } return ( o.items && (u.items || (u.items = {}), (u.items = mergeJsonSchema(u.items, o.items, i))), u ); }, sampleFromSchemaGeneric = (s, o = {}, i = void 0, u = !1) => { s && isFunc(s.toJS) && (s = s.toJS()); let _ = void 0 !== i || (s && void 0 !== s.example) || (s && void 0 !== s.default); const w = !_ && s && s.oneOf && s.oneOf.length > 0, x = !_ && s && s.anyOf && s.anyOf.length > 0; if (!_ && (w || x)) { const i = objectify(w ? s.oneOf[0] : s.anyOf[0]); if ( (!(s = mergeJsonSchema(s, i, o)).xml && i.xml && (s.xml = i.xml), void 0 !== s.example && void 0 !== i.example) ) _ = !0; else if (i.properties) { s.properties || (s.properties = {}); let u = objectify(i.properties); for (let _ in u) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(u, _) && ((u[_] && u[_].deprecated) || (u[_] && u[_].readOnly && !o.includeReadOnly) || (u[_] && u[_].writeOnly && !o.includeWriteOnly) || s.properties[_] || ((s.properties[_] = u[_]), !i.required && Array.isArray(i.required) && -1 !== i.required.indexOf(_) && (s.required ? s.required.push(_) : (s.required = [_])))); } } const C = {}; let { xml: j, type: L, example: B, properties: $, additionalProperties: V, items: U } = s || {}, { includeReadOnly: z, includeWriteOnly: Y } = o; j = j || {}; let Z, { name: ee, prefix: ie, namespace: ae } = j, le = {}; if (u && ((ee = ee || 'notagname'), (Z = (ie ? ie + ':' : '') + ee), ae)) { C[ie ? 'xmlns:' + ie : 'xmlns'] = ae; } u && (le[Z] = []); const schemaHasAny = (o) => o.some((o) => Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, o)); s && !L && ($ || V || schemaHasAny(fs) ? (L = 'object') : U || schemaHasAny(ms) ? (L = 'array') : schemaHasAny(gs) ? ((L = 'number'), (s.type = 'number')) : _ || s.enum || ((L = 'string'), (s.type = 'string'))); const handleMinMaxItems = (o) => { if ((null != s?.maxItems && (o = o.slice(0, s?.maxItems)), null != s?.minItems)) { let i = 0; for (; o.length < s?.minItems; ) o.push(o[i++ % o.length]); } return o; }, ce = objectify($); let pe, de = 0; const hasExceededMaxProperties = () => s && null !== s.maxProperties && void 0 !== s.maxProperties && de >= s.maxProperties, canAddProperty = (o) => !s || null === s.maxProperties || void 0 === s.maxProperties || (!hasExceededMaxProperties() && (!((o) => !(s && s.required && s.required.length && s.required.includes(o)))(o) || s.maxProperties - de - (() => { if (!s || !s.required) return 0; let o = 0; return ( u ? s.required.forEach((s) => (o += void 0 === le[s] ? 0 : 1)) : s.required.forEach( (s) => (o += void 0 === le[Z]?.find((o) => void 0 !== o[s]) ? 0 : 1) ), s.required.length - o ); })() > 0)); if ( ((pe = u ? (i, _ = void 0) => { if (s && ce[i]) { if (((ce[i].xml = ce[i].xml || {}), ce[i].xml.attribute)) { const s = Array.isArray(ce[i].enum) ? ce[i].enum[0] : void 0, o = ce[i].example, u = ce[i].default; return void (C[ce[i].xml.name || i] = void 0 !== o ? o : void 0 !== u ? u : void 0 !== s ? s : primitive(ce[i])); } ce[i].xml.name = ce[i].xml.name || i; } else ce[i] || !1 === V || (ce[i] = { xml: { name: i } }); let w = sampleFromSchemaGeneric((s && ce[i]) || void 0, o, _, u); canAddProperty(i) && (de++, Array.isArray(w) ? (le[Z] = le[Z].concat(w)) : le[Z].push(w)); } : (i, _) => { if (canAddProperty(i)) { if ( Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, 'discriminator') && s.discriminator && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s.discriminator, 'mapping') && s.discriminator.mapping && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, '$$ref') && s.$$ref && s.discriminator.propertyName === i ) { for (let o in s.discriminator.mapping) if (-1 !== s.$$ref.search(s.discriminator.mapping[o])) { le[i] = o; break; } } else le[i] = sampleFromSchemaGeneric(ce[i], o, _, u); de++; } }), _) ) { let _; if (((_ = sanitizeRef(void 0 !== i ? i : void 0 !== B ? B : s.default)), !u)) { if ('number' == typeof _ && 'string' === L) return `${_}`; if ('string' != typeof _ || 'string' === L) return _; try { return JSON.parse(_); } catch (s) { return _; } } if ((s || (L = Array.isArray(_) ? 'array' : typeof _), 'array' === L)) { if (!Array.isArray(_)) { if ('string' == typeof _) return _; _ = [_]; } const i = s ? s.items : void 0; i && ((i.xml = i.xml || j || {}), (i.xml.name = i.xml.name || j.name)); let w = _.map((s) => sampleFromSchemaGeneric(i, o, s, u)); return ( (w = handleMinMaxItems(w)), j.wrapped ? ((le[Z] = w), hs()(C) || le[Z].push({ _attr: C })) : (le = w), le ); } if ('object' === L) { if ('string' == typeof _) return _; for (let o in _) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(_, o) && ((s && ce[o] && ce[o].readOnly && !z) || (s && ce[o] && ce[o].writeOnly && !Y) || (s && ce[o] && ce[o].xml && ce[o].xml.attribute ? (C[ce[o].xml.name || o] = _[o]) : pe(o, _[o]))); return hs()(C) || le[Z].push({ _attr: C }), le; } return (le[Z] = hs()(C) ? _ : [{ _attr: C }, _]), le; } if ('object' === L) { for (let s in ce) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(ce, s) && ((ce[s] && ce[s].deprecated) || (ce[s] && ce[s].readOnly && !z) || (ce[s] && ce[s].writeOnly && !Y) || pe(s)); if ((u && C && le[Z].push({ _attr: C }), hasExceededMaxProperties())) return le; if (!0 === V) u ? le[Z].push({ additionalProp: 'Anything can be here' }) : (le.additionalProp1 = {}), de++; else if (V) { const i = objectify(V), _ = sampleFromSchemaGeneric(i, o, void 0, u); if (u && i.xml && i.xml.name && 'notagname' !== i.xml.name) le[Z].push(_); else { const o = null !== s.minProperties && void 0 !== s.minProperties && de < s.minProperties ? s.minProperties - de : 3; for (let s = 1; s <= o; s++) { if (hasExceededMaxProperties()) return le; if (u) { const o = {}; (o['additionalProp' + s] = _.notagname), le[Z].push(o); } else le['additionalProp' + s] = _; de++; } } } return le; } if ('array' === L) { if (!U) return; let i; if ( (u && ((U.xml = U.xml || s?.xml || {}), (U.xml.name = U.xml.name || j.name)), Array.isArray(U.anyOf)) ) i = U.anyOf.map((s) => sampleFromSchemaGeneric(mergeJsonSchema(s, U, o), o, void 0, u) ); else if (Array.isArray(U.oneOf)) i = U.oneOf.map((s) => sampleFromSchemaGeneric(mergeJsonSchema(s, U, o), o, void 0, u) ); else { if (!(!u || (u && j.wrapped))) return sampleFromSchemaGeneric(U, o, void 0, u); i = [sampleFromSchemaGeneric(U, o, void 0, u)]; } return ( (i = handleMinMaxItems(i)), u && j.wrapped ? ((le[Z] = i), hs()(C) || le[Z].push({ _attr: C }), le) : i ); } let fe; if (s && Array.isArray(s.enum)) fe = normalizeArray(s.enum)[0]; else { if (!s) return; if (((fe = primitive(s)), 'number' == typeof fe)) { let o = s.minimum; null != o && (s.exclusiveMinimum && o++, (fe = o)); let i = s.maximum; null != i && (s.exclusiveMaximum && i--, (fe = i)); } if ( 'string' == typeof fe && (null !== s.maxLength && void 0 !== s.maxLength && (fe = fe.slice(0, s.maxLength)), null !== s.minLength && void 0 !== s.minLength) ) { let o = 0; for (; fe.length < s.minLength; ) fe += fe[o++ % fe.length]; } } if ('file' !== L) return u ? ((le[Z] = hs()(C) ? fe : [{ _attr: C }, fe]), le) : fe; }, inferSchema = (s) => (s.schema && (s = s.schema), s.properties && (s.type = 'object'), s), createXMLExample = (s, o, i) => { const u = sampleFromSchemaGeneric(s, o, i, !0); if (u) return 'string' == typeof u ? u : ls()(u, { declaration: !0, indent: '\t' }); }, sampleFromSchema = (s, o, i) => sampleFromSchemaGeneric(s, o, i, !1), resolver = (s, o, i) => [s, JSON.stringify(o), JSON.stringify(i)], vs = utils_memoizeN(createXMLExample, resolver), bs = utils_memoizeN(sampleFromSchema, resolver), _s = [{ when: /json/, shouldStringifyTypes: ['string'] }], Es = ['object'], get_json_sample_schema = (s) => (o, i, u, _) => { const { fn: w } = s(), x = w.memoizedSampleFromSchema(o, i, _), C = typeof x, j = _s.reduce((s, o) => (o.when.test(u) ? [...s, ...o.shouldStringifyTypes] : s), Es); return mt()(j, (s) => s === C) ? JSON.stringify(x, null, 2) : x; }, get_yaml_sample_schema = (s) => (o, i, u, _) => { const { fn: w } = s(), x = w.getJsonSampleSchema(o, i, u, _); let C; try { (C = mn.dump(mn.load(x), { lineWidth: -1 }, { schema: nn })), '\n' === C[C.length - 1] && (C = C.slice(0, C.length - 1)); } catch (s) { return console.error(s), 'error: could not generate yaml example'; } return C.replace(/\t/g, ' '); }, get_xml_sample_schema = (s) => (o, i, u) => { const { fn: _ } = s(); if ((o && !o.xml && (o.xml = {}), o && !o.xml.name)) { if (!o.$$ref && (o.type || o.items || o.properties || o.additionalProperties)) return '\n\x3c!-- XML example cannot be generated; root element name is undefined --\x3e'; if (o.$$ref) { let s = o.$$ref.match(/\S*\/(\S+)$/); o.xml.name = s[1]; } } return _.memoizedCreateXMLExample(o, i, u); }, get_sample_schema = (s) => (o, i = '', u = {}, _ = void 0) => { const { fn: w } = s(); return ( 'function' == typeof o?.toJS && (o = o.toJS()), 'function' == typeof _?.toJS && (_ = _.toJS()), /xml/.test(i) ? w.getXmlSampleSchema(o, u, _) : /(yaml|yml)/.test(i) ? w.getYamlSampleSchema(o, u, i, _) : w.getJsonSampleSchema(o, u, i, _) ); }, json_schema_5_samples = ({ getSystem: s }) => { const o = get_json_sample_schema(s), i = get_yaml_sample_schema(s), u = get_xml_sample_schema(s), _ = get_sample_schema(s); return { fn: { jsonSchema5: { inferSchema, sampleFromSchema, sampleFromSchemaGeneric, createXMLExample, memoizedSampleFromSchema: bs, memoizedCreateXMLExample: vs, getJsonSampleSchema: o, getYamlSampleSchema: i, getXmlSampleSchema: u, getSampleSchema: _, mergeJsonSchema }, inferSchema, sampleFromSchema, sampleFromSchemaGeneric, createXMLExample, memoizedSampleFromSchema: bs, memoizedCreateXMLExample: vs, getJsonSampleSchema: o, getYamlSampleSchema: i, getXmlSampleSchema: u, getSampleSchema: _, mergeJsonSchema } }; }; var ws = __webpack_require__(37334), Ss = __webpack_require__.n(ws); const xs = ['get', 'put', 'post', 'delete', 'options', 'head', 'patch', 'trace'], spec_selectors_state = (s) => s || (0, qe.Map)(), ks = Ut(spec_selectors_state, (s) => s.get('lastError')), Cs = Ut(spec_selectors_state, (s) => s.get('url')), Os = Ut(spec_selectors_state, (s) => s.get('spec') || ''), As = Ut(spec_selectors_state, (s) => s.get('specSource') || 'not-editor'), js = Ut(spec_selectors_state, (s) => s.get('json', (0, qe.Map)())), Is = Ut(js, (s) => s.toJS()), Ps = Ut(spec_selectors_state, (s) => s.get('resolved', (0, qe.Map)())), specResolvedSubtree = (s, o) => s.getIn(['resolvedSubtrees', ...o], void 0), mergerFn = (s, o) => qe.Map.isMap(s) && qe.Map.isMap(o) ? o.get('$$ref') ? o : (0, qe.OrderedMap)().mergeWith(mergerFn, s, o) : o, Ms = Ut(spec_selectors_state, (s) => (0, qe.OrderedMap)().mergeWith(mergerFn, s.get('json'), s.get('resolvedSubtrees')) ), spec = (s) => js(s), Ts = Ut(spec, () => !1), Ns = Ut(spec, (s) => returnSelfOrNewMap(s && s.get('info'))), Rs = Ut(spec, (s) => returnSelfOrNewMap(s && s.get('externalDocs'))), Ds = Ut(Ns, (s) => s && s.get('version')), Ls = Ut(Ds, (s) => /v?([0-9]*)\.([0-9]*)\.([0-9]*)/i.exec(s).slice(1)), Bs = Ut(Ms, (s) => s.get('paths')), Fs = Ss()(['get', 'put', 'post', 'delete', 'options', 'head', 'patch']), qs = Ut(Bs, (s) => { if (!s || s.size < 1) return (0, qe.List)(); let o = (0, qe.List)(); return s && s.forEach ? (s.forEach((s, i) => { if (!s || !s.forEach) return {}; s.forEach((s, u) => { xs.indexOf(u) < 0 || (o = o.push( (0, qe.fromJS)({ path: i, method: u, operation: s, id: `${u}-${i}` }) )); }); }), o) : (0, qe.List)(); }), $s = Ut(spec, (s) => (0, qe.Set)(s.get('consumes'))), Vs = Ut(spec, (s) => (0, qe.Set)(s.get('produces'))), Us = Ut(spec, (s) => s.get('security', (0, qe.List)())), zs = Ut(spec, (s) => s.get('securityDefinitions')), findDefinition = (s, o) => { const i = s.getIn(['resolvedSubtrees', 'definitions', o], null), u = s.getIn(['json', 'definitions', o], null); return i || u || null; }, Ws = Ut(spec, (s) => { const o = s.get('definitions'); return qe.Map.isMap(o) ? o : (0, qe.Map)(); }), Ks = Ut(spec, (s) => s.get('basePath')), Hs = Ut(spec, (s) => s.get('host')), Js = Ut(spec, (s) => s.get('schemes', (0, qe.Map)())), Gs = Ut([qs, $s, Vs], (s, o, i) => s.map((s) => s.update('operation', (s) => { if (s) { if (!qe.Map.isMap(s)) return; return s.withMutations( (s) => ( s.get('consumes') || s.update('consumes', (s) => (0, qe.Set)(s).merge(o)), s.get('produces') || s.update('produces', (s) => (0, qe.Set)(s).merge(i)), s ) ); } return (0, qe.Map)(); }) ) ), Ys = Ut(spec, (s) => { const o = s.get('tags', (0, qe.List)()); return qe.List.isList(o) ? o.filter((s) => qe.Map.isMap(s)) : (0, qe.List)(); }), tagDetails = (s, o) => (Ys(s) || (0, qe.List)()) .filter(qe.Map.isMap) .find((s) => s.get('name') === o, (0, qe.Map)()), Xs = Ut(Gs, Ys, (s, o) => s.reduce( (s, o) => { let i = (0, qe.Set)(o.getIn(['operation', 'tags'])); return i.count() < 1 ? s.update('default', (0, qe.List)(), (s) => s.push(o)) : i.reduce((s, i) => s.update(i, (0, qe.List)(), (s) => s.push(o)), s); }, o.reduce((s, o) => s.set(o.get('name'), (0, qe.List)()), (0, qe.OrderedMap)()) ) ), selectors_taggedOperations = (s) => ({ getConfigs: o }) => { let { tagsSorter: i, operationsSorter: u } = o(); return Xs(s) .sortBy( (s, o) => o, (s, o) => { let u = 'function' == typeof i ? i : It.tagsSorter[i]; return u ? u(s, o) : null; } ) .map((o, i) => { let _ = 'function' == typeof u ? u : It.operationsSorter[u], w = _ ? o.sort(_) : o; return (0, qe.Map)({ tagDetails: tagDetails(s, i), operations: w }); }); }, Zs = Ut(spec_selectors_state, (s) => s.get('responses', (0, qe.Map)())), Qs = Ut(spec_selectors_state, (s) => s.get('requests', (0, qe.Map)())), eo = Ut(spec_selectors_state, (s) => s.get('mutatedRequests', (0, qe.Map)())), responseFor = (s, o, i) => Zs(s).getIn([o, i], null), requestFor = (s, o, i) => Qs(s).getIn([o, i], null), mutatedRequestFor = (s, o, i) => eo(s).getIn([o, i], null), allowTryItOutFor = () => !0, parameterWithMetaByIdentity = (s, o, i) => { const u = Ms(s).getIn(['paths', ...o, 'parameters'], (0, qe.OrderedMap)()), _ = s.getIn(['meta', 'paths', ...o, 'parameters'], (0, qe.OrderedMap)()); return u .map((s) => { const o = _.get(`${i.get('in')}.${i.get('name')}`), u = _.get(`${i.get('in')}.${i.get('name')}.hash-${i.hashCode()}`); return (0, qe.OrderedMap)().merge(s, o, u); }) .find( (s) => s.get('in') === i.get('in') && s.get('name') === i.get('name'), (0, qe.OrderedMap)() ); }, parameterInclusionSettingFor = (s, o, i, u) => { const _ = `${u}.${i}`; return s.getIn(['meta', 'paths', ...o, 'parameter_inclusions', _], !1); }, parameterWithMeta = (s, o, i, u) => { const _ = Ms(s) .getIn(['paths', ...o, 'parameters'], (0, qe.OrderedMap)()) .find((s) => s.get('in') === u && s.get('name') === i, (0, qe.OrderedMap)()); return parameterWithMetaByIdentity(s, o, _); }, operationWithMeta = (s, o, i) => { const u = Ms(s).getIn(['paths', o, i], (0, qe.OrderedMap)()), _ = s.getIn(['meta', 'paths', o, i], (0, qe.OrderedMap)()), w = u .get('parameters', (0, qe.List)()) .map((u) => parameterWithMetaByIdentity(s, [o, i], u)); return (0, qe.OrderedMap)().merge(u, _).set('parameters', w); }; function getParameter(s, o, i, u) { return ( (o = o || []), s .getIn(['meta', 'paths', ...o, 'parameters'], (0, qe.fromJS)([])) .find((s) => qe.Map.isMap(s) && s.get('name') === i && s.get('in') === u) || (0, qe.Map)() ); } const to = Ut(spec, (s) => { const o = s.get('host'); return 'string' == typeof o && o.length > 0 && '/' !== o[0]; }); function parameterValues(s, o, i) { return ( (o = o || []), operationWithMeta(s, ...o) .get('parameters', (0, qe.List)()) .reduce( (s, o) => { let u = i && 'body' === o.get('in') ? o.get('value_xml') : o.get('value'); return ( qe.List.isList(u) && (u = u.filter((s) => '' !== s)), s.set(paramToIdentifier(o, { allowHashes: !1 }), u) ); }, (0, qe.fromJS)({}) ) ); } function parametersIncludeIn(s, o = '') { if (qe.List.isList(s)) return s.some((s) => qe.Map.isMap(s) && s.get('in') === o); } function parametersIncludeType(s, o = '') { if (qe.List.isList(s)) return s.some((s) => qe.Map.isMap(s) && s.get('type') === o); } function contentTypeValues(s, o) { o = o || []; let i = Ms(s).getIn(['paths', ...o], (0, qe.fromJS)({})), u = s.getIn(['meta', 'paths', ...o], (0, qe.fromJS)({})), _ = currentProducesFor(s, o); const w = i.get('parameters') || new qe.List(), x = u.get('consumes_value') ? u.get('consumes_value') : parametersIncludeType(w, 'file') ? 'multipart/form-data' : parametersIncludeType(w, 'formData') ? 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' : void 0; return (0, qe.fromJS)({ requestContentType: x, responseContentType: _ }); } function currentProducesFor(s, o) { o = o || []; const i = Ms(s).getIn(['paths', ...o], null); if (null === i) return; const u = s.getIn(['meta', 'paths', ...o, 'produces_value'], null), _ = i.getIn(['produces', 0], null); return u || _ || 'application/json'; } function producesOptionsFor(s, o) { o = o || []; const i = Ms(s), u = i.getIn(['paths', ...o], null); if (null === u) return; const [_] = o, w = u.get('produces', null), x = i.getIn(['paths', _, 'produces'], null), C = i.getIn(['produces'], null); return w || x || C; } function consumesOptionsFor(s, o) { o = o || []; const i = Ms(s), u = i.getIn(['paths', ...o], null); if (null === u) return; const [_] = o, w = u.get('consumes', null), x = i.getIn(['paths', _, 'consumes'], null), C = i.getIn(['consumes'], null); return w || x || C; } const operationScheme = (s, o, i) => { let u = s.get('url').match(/^([a-z][a-z0-9+\-.]*):/), _ = Array.isArray(u) ? u[1] : null; return s.getIn(['scheme', o, i]) || s.getIn(['scheme', '_defaultScheme']) || _ || ''; }, canExecuteScheme = (s, o, i) => ['http', 'https'].indexOf(operationScheme(s, o, i)) > -1, validationErrors = (s, o) => { o = o || []; const i = s.getIn(['meta', 'paths', ...o, 'parameters'], (0, qe.fromJS)([])), u = []; if (0 === i.length) return u; const getErrorsWithPaths = (s, o = []) => { const getNestedErrorsWithPaths = (s, o) => { const i = [...o, s.get('propKey') || s.get('index')]; return qe.Map.isMap(s.get('error')) ? getErrorsWithPaths(s.get('error'), i) : { error: s.get('error'), path: i }; }; return qe.List.isList(s) ? s.map((s) => qe.Map.isMap(s) ? getNestedErrorsWithPaths(s, o) : { error: s, path: o } ) : getNestedErrorsWithPaths(s, o); }; return ( i.forEach((s, o) => { const i = o.split('.').slice(1, -1).join('.'), _ = s.get('errors'); if (_ && _.count()) { getErrorsWithPaths(_).forEach(({ error: s, path: o }) => { u.push( ((s, o, i) => `For '${i}'${(o = o.reduce((s, o) => ('number' == typeof o ? `${s}[${o}]` : s ? `${s}.${o}` : o), '')) ? ` at path '${o}'` : ''}: ${s}.`)( s, o, i ) ); }); } }), u ); }, validateBeforeExecute = (s, o) => 0 === validationErrors(s, o).length, getOAS3RequiredRequestBodyContentType = (s, o) => { let i = { requestBody: !1, requestContentType: {} }, u = s.getIn(['resolvedSubtrees', 'paths', ...o, 'requestBody'], (0, qe.fromJS)([])); return ( u.size < 1 || (u.getIn(['required']) && (i.requestBody = u.getIn(['required'])), u .getIn(['content']) .entrySeq() .forEach((s) => { const o = s[0]; if (s[1].getIn(['schema', 'required'])) { const u = s[1].getIn(['schema', 'required']).toJS(); i.requestContentType[o] = u; } })), i ); }, isMediaTypeSchemaPropertiesEqual = (s, o, i, u) => { if ((i || u) && i === u) return !0; let _ = s.getIn( ['resolvedSubtrees', 'paths', ...o, 'requestBody', 'content'], (0, qe.fromJS)([]) ); if (_.size < 2 || !i || !u) return !1; let w = _.getIn([i, 'schema', 'properties'], (0, qe.fromJS)([])), x = _.getIn([u, 'schema', 'properties'], (0, qe.fromJS)([])); return !!w.equals(x); }; function returnSelfOrNewMap(s) { return qe.Map.isMap(s) ? s : new qe.Map(); } var ro = __webpack_require__(85015), no = __webpack_require__.n(ro), so = __webpack_require__(38221), oo = __webpack_require__.n(so), io = __webpack_require__(63560), ao = __webpack_require__.n(io), lo = __webpack_require__(56367), co = __webpack_require__.n(lo); const uo = 'spec_update_spec', po = 'spec_update_url', ho = 'spec_update_json', fo = 'spec_update_param', mo = 'spec_update_empty_param_inclusion', go = 'spec_validate_param', yo = 'spec_set_response', vo = 'spec_set_request', bo = 'spec_set_mutated_request', _o = 'spec_log_request', Eo = 'spec_clear_response', wo = 'spec_clear_request', So = 'spec_clear_validate_param', xo = 'spec_update_operation_meta_value', ko = 'spec_update_resolved', Co = 'spec_update_resolved_subtree', Oo = 'set_scheme', toStr = (s) => (no()(s) ? s : ''); function updateSpec(s) { const o = toStr(s).replace(/\t/g, ' '); if ('string' == typeof s) return { type: uo, payload: o }; } function updateResolved(s) { return { type: ko, payload: s }; } function updateUrl(s) { return { type: po, payload: s }; } function updateJsonSpec(s) { return { type: ho, payload: s }; } const parseToJson = (s) => ({ specActions: o, specSelectors: i, errActions: u }) => { let { specStr: _ } = i, w = null; try { (s = s || _()), u.clear({ source: 'parser' }), (w = mn.load(s, { schema: nn })); } catch (s) { return ( console.error(s), u.newSpecErr({ source: 'parser', level: 'error', message: s.reason, line: s.mark && s.mark.line ? s.mark.line + 1 : void 0 }) ); } return w && 'object' == typeof w ? o.updateJsonSpec(w) : {}; }; let Ao = !1; const resolveSpec = (s, o) => ({ specActions: i, specSelectors: u, errActions: _, fn: { fetch: w, resolve: x, AST: C = {} }, getConfigs: j }) => { Ao || (console.warn( 'specActions.resolveSpec is deprecated since v3.10.0 and will be removed in v4.0.0; use requestResolvedSubtree instead!' ), (Ao = !0)); const { modelPropertyMacro: L, parameterMacro: B, requestInterceptor: $, responseInterceptor: V } = j(); void 0 === s && (s = u.specJson()), void 0 === o && (o = u.url()); let U = C.getLineNumberForPath ? C.getLineNumberForPath : () => {}, z = u.specStr(); return x({ fetch: w, spec: s, baseDoc: String(new URL(o, document.baseURI)), modelPropertyMacro: L, parameterMacro: B, requestInterceptor: $, responseInterceptor: V }).then(({ spec: s, errors: o }) => { if ((_.clear({ type: 'thrown' }), Array.isArray(o) && o.length > 0)) { let s = o.map( (s) => ( console.error(s), (s.line = s.fullPath ? U(z, s.fullPath) : null), (s.path = s.fullPath ? s.fullPath.join('.') : null), (s.level = 'error'), (s.type = 'thrown'), (s.source = 'resolver'), Object.defineProperty(s, 'message', { enumerable: !0, value: s.message }), s ) ); _.newThrownErrBatch(s); } return i.updateResolved(s); }); }; let jo = []; const Io = oo()(() => { const s = jo.reduce( (s, { path: o, system: i }) => (s.has(i) || s.set(i, []), s.get(i).push(o), s), new Map() ); (jo = []), s.forEach(async (s, o) => { if (!o) return void console.error( "debResolveSubtrees: don't have a system to operate on, aborting." ); if (!o.fn.resolveSubtree) return void console.error( 'Error: Swagger-Client did not provide a `resolveSubtree` method, doing nothing.' ); const { errActions: i, errSelectors: u, fn: { resolveSubtree: _, fetch: w, AST: x = {} }, specSelectors: C, specActions: j } = o, L = x.getLineNumberForPath ?? Ss()(void 0), B = C.specStr(), { modelPropertyMacro: $, parameterMacro: V, requestInterceptor: U, responseInterceptor: z } = o.getConfigs(); try { const o = await s.reduce( async (s, o) => { let { resultMap: x, specWithCurrentSubtrees: j } = await s; const { errors: Y, spec: Z } = await _(j, o, { baseDoc: String(new URL(C.url(), document.baseURI)), modelPropertyMacro: $, parameterMacro: V, requestInterceptor: U, responseInterceptor: z }); if ( (u.allErrors().size && i.clearBy( (s) => 'thrown' !== s.get('type') || 'resolver' !== s.get('source') || !s.get('fullPath').every((s, i) => s === o[i] || void 0 === o[i]) ), Array.isArray(Y) && Y.length > 0) ) { let s = Y.map( (s) => ( (s.line = s.fullPath ? L(B, s.fullPath) : null), (s.path = s.fullPath ? s.fullPath.join('.') : null), (s.level = 'error'), (s.type = 'thrown'), (s.source = 'resolver'), Object.defineProperty(s, 'message', { enumerable: !0, value: s.message }), s ) ); i.newThrownErrBatch(s); } return ( Z && C.isOAS3() && 'components' === o[0] && 'securitySchemes' === o[1] && (await Promise.all( Object.values(Z) .filter((s) => 'openIdConnect' === s.type) .map(async (s) => { const o = { url: s.openIdConnectUrl, requestInterceptor: U, responseInterceptor: z }; try { const i = await w(o); i instanceof Error || i.status >= 400 ? console.error(i.statusText + ' ' + o.url) : (s.openIdConnectData = JSON.parse(i.text)); } catch (s) { console.error(s); } }) )), ao()(x, o, Z), (j = co()(o, Z, j)), { resultMap: x, specWithCurrentSubtrees: j } ); }, Promise.resolve({ resultMap: (C.specResolvedSubtree([]) || (0, qe.Map)()).toJS(), specWithCurrentSubtrees: C.specJS() }) ); j.updateResolvedSubtree([], o.resultMap); } catch (s) { console.error(s); } }); }, 35), requestResolvedSubtree = (s) => (o) => { jo.find(({ path: i, system: u }) => u === o && i.toString() === s.toString()) || (jo.push({ path: s, system: o }), Io()); }; function changeParam(s, o, i, u, _) { return { type: fo, payload: { path: s, value: u, paramName: o, paramIn: i, isXml: _ } }; } function changeParamByIdentity(s, o, i, u) { return { type: fo, payload: { path: s, param: o, value: i, isXml: u } }; } const updateResolvedSubtree = (s, o) => ({ type: Co, payload: { path: s, value: o } }), invalidateResolvedSubtreeCache = () => ({ type: Co, payload: { path: [], value: (0, qe.Map)() } }), validateParams = (s, o) => ({ type: go, payload: { pathMethod: s, isOAS3: o } }), updateEmptyParamInclusion = (s, o, i, u) => ({ type: mo, payload: { pathMethod: s, paramName: o, paramIn: i, includeEmptyValue: u } }); function clearValidateParams(s) { return { type: So, payload: { pathMethod: s } }; } function changeConsumesValue(s, o) { return { type: xo, payload: { path: s, value: o, key: 'consumes_value' } }; } function changeProducesValue(s, o) { return { type: xo, payload: { path: s, value: o, key: 'produces_value' } }; } const setResponse = (s, o, i) => ({ payload: { path: s, method: o, res: i }, type: yo }), setRequest = (s, o, i) => ({ payload: { path: s, method: o, req: i }, type: vo }), setMutatedRequest = (s, o, i) => ({ payload: { path: s, method: o, req: i }, type: bo }), logRequest = (s) => ({ payload: s, type: _o }), executeRequest = (s) => ({ fn: o, specActions: i, specSelectors: u, getConfigs: _, oas3Selectors: w }) => { let { pathName: x, method: C, operation: j } = s, { requestInterceptor: L, responseInterceptor: B } = _(), $ = j.toJS(); if ( (j && j.get('parameters') && j .get('parameters') .filter((s) => s && !0 === s.get('allowEmptyValue')) .forEach((o) => { if (u.parameterInclusionSettingFor([x, C], o.get('name'), o.get('in'))) { s.parameters = s.parameters || {}; const i = paramToValue(o, s.parameters); (!i || (i && 0 === i.size)) && (s.parameters[o.get('name')] = ''); } }), (s.contextUrl = Mt()(u.url()).toString()), $ && $.operationId ? (s.operationId = $.operationId) : $ && x && C && (s.operationId = o.opId($, x, C)), u.isOAS3()) ) { const o = `${x}:${C}`; s.server = w.selectedServer(o) || w.selectedServer(); const i = w.serverVariables({ server: s.server, namespace: o }).toJS(), u = w.serverVariables({ server: s.server }).toJS(); (s.serverVariables = Object.keys(i).length ? i : u), (s.requestContentType = w.requestContentType(x, C)), (s.responseContentType = w.responseContentType(x, C) || '*/*'); const _ = w.requestBodyValue(x, C), j = w.requestBodyInclusionSetting(x, C); _ && _.toJS ? (s.requestBody = _.map((s) => (qe.Map.isMap(s) ? s.get('value') : s)) .filter( (s, o) => (Array.isArray(s) ? 0 !== s.length : !isEmptyValue(s)) || j.get(o) ) .toJS()) : (s.requestBody = _); } let V = Object.assign({}, s); (V = o.buildRequest(V)), i.setRequest(s.pathName, s.method, V); (s.requestInterceptor = async (o) => { let u = await L.apply(void 0, [o]), _ = Object.assign({}, u); return i.setMutatedRequest(s.pathName, s.method, _), u; }), (s.responseInterceptor = B); const U = Date.now(); return o .execute(s) .then((o) => { (o.duration = Date.now() - U), i.setResponse(s.pathName, s.method, o); }) .catch((o) => { 'Failed to fetch' === o.message && ((o.name = ''), (o.message = '**Failed to fetch.** \n**Possible Reasons:** \n - CORS \n - Network Failure \n - URL scheme must be "http" or "https" for CORS request.')), i.setResponse(s.pathName, s.method, { error: !0, err: o }); }); }, actions_execute = ({ path: s, method: o, ...i } = {}) => (u) => { let { fn: { fetch: _ }, specSelectors: w, specActions: x } = u, C = w.specJsonWithResolvedSubtrees().toJS(), j = w.operationScheme(s, o), { requestContentType: L, responseContentType: B } = w .contentTypeValues([s, o]) .toJS(), $ = /xml/i.test(L), V = w.parameterValues([s, o], $).toJS(); return x.executeRequest({ ...i, fetch: _, spec: C, pathName: s, method: o, parameters: V, requestContentType: L, scheme: j, responseContentType: B }); }; function clearResponse(s, o) { return { type: Eo, payload: { path: s, method: o } }; } function clearRequest(s, o) { return { type: wo, payload: { path: s, method: o } }; } function setScheme(s, o, i) { return { type: Oo, payload: { scheme: s, path: o, method: i } }; } const Po = { [uo]: (s, o) => ('string' == typeof o.payload ? s.set('spec', o.payload) : s), [po]: (s, o) => s.set('url', o.payload + ''), [ho]: (s, o) => s.set('json', fromJSOrdered(o.payload)), [ko]: (s, o) => s.setIn(['resolved'], fromJSOrdered(o.payload)), [Co]: (s, o) => { const { value: i, path: u } = o.payload; return s.setIn(['resolvedSubtrees', ...u], fromJSOrdered(i)); }, [fo]: (s, { payload: o }) => { let { path: i, paramName: u, paramIn: _, param: w, value: x, isXml: C } = o, j = w ? paramToIdentifier(w) : `${_}.${u}`; const L = C ? 'value_xml' : 'value'; return s.setIn(['meta', 'paths', ...i, 'parameters', j, L], (0, qe.fromJS)(x)); }, [mo]: (s, { payload: o }) => { let { pathMethod: i, paramName: u, paramIn: _, includeEmptyValue: w } = o; if (!u || !_) return ( console.warn( 'Warning: UPDATE_EMPTY_PARAM_INCLUSION could not generate a paramKey.' ), s ); const x = `${_}.${u}`; return s.setIn(['meta', 'paths', ...i, 'parameter_inclusions', x], w); }, [go]: (s, { payload: { pathMethod: o, isOAS3: i } }) => { const u = Ms(s).getIn(['paths', ...o]), _ = parameterValues(s, o).toJS(); return s.updateIn(['meta', 'paths', ...o, 'parameters'], (0, qe.fromJS)({}), (w) => u.get('parameters', (0, qe.List)()).reduce((u, w) => { const x = paramToValue(w, _), C = parameterInclusionSettingFor(s, o, w.get('name'), w.get('in')), j = ((s, o, { isOAS3: i = !1, bypassRequiredCheck: u = !1 } = {}) => { let _ = s.get('required'), { schema: w, parameterContentMediaType: x } = getParameterSchema(s, { isOAS3: i }); return validateValueBySchema(o, w, _, u, x); })(w, x, { bypassRequiredCheck: C, isOAS3: i }); return u.setIn([paramToIdentifier(w), 'errors'], (0, qe.fromJS)(j)); }, w) ); }, [So]: (s, { payload: { pathMethod: o } }) => s.updateIn(['meta', 'paths', ...o, 'parameters'], (0, qe.fromJS)([]), (s) => s.map((s) => s.set('errors', (0, qe.fromJS)([]))) ), [yo]: (s, { payload: { res: o, path: i, method: u } }) => { let _; (_ = o.error ? Object.assign( { error: !0, name: o.err.name, message: o.err.message, statusCode: o.err.statusCode }, o.err.response ) : o), (_.headers = _.headers || {}); let w = s.setIn(['responses', i, u], fromJSOrdered(_)); return ( at.Blob && _.data instanceof at.Blob && (w = w.setIn(['responses', i, u, 'text'], _.data)), w ); }, [vo]: (s, { payload: { req: o, path: i, method: u } }) => s.setIn(['requests', i, u], fromJSOrdered(o)), [bo]: (s, { payload: { req: o, path: i, method: u } }) => s.setIn(['mutatedRequests', i, u], fromJSOrdered(o)), [xo]: (s, { payload: { path: o, value: i, key: u } }) => { let _ = ['paths', ...o], w = ['meta', 'paths', ...o]; return s.getIn(['json', ..._]) || s.getIn(['resolved', ..._]) || s.getIn(['resolvedSubtrees', ..._]) ? s.setIn([...w, u], (0, qe.fromJS)(i)) : s; }, [Eo]: (s, { payload: { path: o, method: i } }) => s.deleteIn(['responses', o, i]), [wo]: (s, { payload: { path: o, method: i } }) => s.deleteIn(['requests', o, i]), [Oo]: (s, { payload: { scheme: o, path: i, method: u } }) => i && u ? s.setIn(['scheme', i, u], o) : i || u ? void 0 : s.setIn(['scheme', '_defaultScheme'], o) }, wrap_actions_updateSpec = (s, { specActions: o }) => (...i) => { s(...i), o.parseToJson(...i); }, wrap_actions_updateJsonSpec = (s, { specActions: o }) => (...i) => { s(...i), o.invalidateResolvedSubtreeCache(); const [u] = i, _ = jn()(u, ['paths']) || {}; Object.keys(_).forEach((s) => { jn()(_, [s]).$ref && o.requestResolvedSubtree(['paths', s]); }), o.requestResolvedSubtree(['components', 'securitySchemes']); }, wrap_actions_executeRequest = (s, { specActions: o }) => (i) => (o.logRequest(i), s(i)), wrap_actions_validateParams = (s, { specSelectors: o }) => (i) => s(i, o.isOAS3()), plugins_spec = () => ({ statePlugins: { spec: { wrapActions: { ...ee }, reducers: { ...Po }, actions: { ...Z }, selectors: { ...Y } } } }); var Mo = (function () { var extendStatics = function (s, o) { return ( (extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf || ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (s, o) { s.__proto__ = o; }) || function (s, o) { for (var i in o) o.hasOwnProperty(i) && (s[i] = o[i]); }), extendStatics(s, o) ); }; return function (s, o) { function __() { this.constructor = s; } extendStatics(s, o), (s.prototype = null === o ? Object.create(o) : ((__.prototype = o.prototype), new __())); }; })(), To = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; function module_helpers_hasOwnProperty(s, o) { return To.call(s, o); } function _objectKeys(s) { if (Array.isArray(s)) { for (var o = new Array(s.length), i = 0; i < o.length; i++) o[i] = '' + i; return o; } if (Object.keys) return Object.keys(s); var u = []; for (var _ in s) module_helpers_hasOwnProperty(s, _) && u.push(_); return u; } function _deepClone(s) { switch (typeof s) { case 'object': return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(s)); case 'undefined': return null; default: return s; } } function helpers_isInteger(s) { for (var o, i = 0, u = s.length; i < u; ) { if (!((o = s.charCodeAt(i)) >= 48 && o <= 57)) return !1; i++; } return !0; } function escapePathComponent(s) { return -1 === s.indexOf('/') && -1 === s.indexOf('~') ? s : s.replace(/~/g, '~0').replace(/\//g, '~1'); } function unescapePathComponent(s) { return s.replace(/~1/g, '/').replace(/~0/g, '~'); } function hasUndefined(s) { if (void 0 === s) return !0; if (s) if (Array.isArray(s)) { for (var o = 0, i = s.length; o < i; o++) if (hasUndefined(s[o])) return !0; } else if ('object' == typeof s) for (var u = _objectKeys(s), _ = u.length, w = 0; w < _; w++) if (hasUndefined(s[u[w]])) return !0; return !1; } function patchErrorMessageFormatter(s, o) { var i = [s]; for (var u in o) { var _ = 'object' == typeof o[u] ? JSON.stringify(o[u], null, 2) : o[u]; void 0 !== _ && i.push(u + ': ' + _); } return i.join('\n'); } var No = (function (s) { function PatchError(o, i, u, _, w) { var x = this.constructor, C = s.call( this, patchErrorMessageFormatter(o, { name: i, index: u, operation: _, tree: w }) ) || this; return ( (C.name = i), (C.index = u), (C.operation = _), (C.tree = w), Object.setPrototypeOf(C, x.prototype), (C.message = patchErrorMessageFormatter(o, { name: i, index: u, operation: _, tree: w })), C ); } return Mo(PatchError, s), PatchError; })(Error), Ro = No, Do = _deepClone, Lo = { add: function (s, o, i) { return (s[o] = this.value), { newDocument: i }; }, remove: function (s, o, i) { var u = s[o]; return delete s[o], { newDocument: i, removed: u }; }, replace: function (s, o, i) { var u = s[o]; return (s[o] = this.value), { newDocument: i, removed: u }; }, move: function (s, o, i) { var u = getValueByPointer(i, this.path); u && (u = _deepClone(u)); var _ = applyOperation(i, { op: 'remove', path: this.from }).removed; return ( applyOperation(i, { op: 'add', path: this.path, value: _ }), { newDocument: i, removed: u } ); }, copy: function (s, o, i) { var u = getValueByPointer(i, this.from); return ( applyOperation(i, { op: 'add', path: this.path, value: _deepClone(u) }), { newDocument: i } ); }, test: function (s, o, i) { return { newDocument: i, test: _areEquals(s[o], this.value) }; }, _get: function (s, o, i) { return (this.value = s[o]), { newDocument: i }; } }, Bo = { add: function (s, o, i) { return ( helpers_isInteger(o) ? s.splice(o, 0, this.value) : (s[o] = this.value), { newDocument: i, index: o } ); }, remove: function (s, o, i) { return { newDocument: i, removed: s.splice(o, 1)[0] }; }, replace: function (s, o, i) { var u = s[o]; return (s[o] = this.value), { newDocument: i, removed: u }; }, move: Lo.move, copy: Lo.copy, test: Lo.test, _get: Lo._get }; function getValueByPointer(s, o) { if ('' == o) return s; var i = { op: '_get', path: o }; return applyOperation(s, i), i.value; } function applyOperation(s, o, i, u, _, w) { if ( (void 0 === i && (i = !1), void 0 === u && (u = !0), void 0 === _ && (_ = !0), void 0 === w && (w = 0), i && ('function' == typeof i ? i(o, 0, s, o.path) : validator(o, 0)), '' === o.path) ) { var x = { newDocument: s }; if ('add' === o.op) return (x.newDocument = o.value), x; if ('replace' === o.op) return (x.newDocument = o.value), (x.removed = s), x; if ('move' === o.op || 'copy' === o.op) return ( (x.newDocument = getValueByPointer(s, o.from)), 'move' === o.op && (x.removed = s), x ); if ('test' === o.op) { if (((x.test = _areEquals(s, o.value)), !1 === x.test)) throw new Ro('Test operation failed', 'TEST_OPERATION_FAILED', w, o, s); return (x.newDocument = s), x; } if ('remove' === o.op) return (x.removed = s), (x.newDocument = null), x; if ('_get' === o.op) return (o.value = s), x; if (i) throw new Ro( 'Operation `op` property is not one of operations defined in RFC-6902', 'OPERATION_OP_INVALID', w, o, s ); return x; } u || (s = _deepClone(s)); var C = (o.path || '').split('/'), j = s, L = 1, B = C.length, $ = void 0, V = void 0, U = void 0; for (U = 'function' == typeof i ? i : validator; ; ) { if ( ((V = C[L]) && -1 != V.indexOf('~') && (V = unescapePathComponent(V)), _ && ('__proto__' == V || ('prototype' == V && L > 0 && 'constructor' == C[L - 1]))) ) throw new TypeError( 'JSON-Patch: modifying `__proto__` or `constructor/prototype` prop is banned for security reasons, if this was on purpose, please set `banPrototypeModifications` flag false and pass it to this function. More info in fast-json-patch README' ); if ( (i && void 0 === $ && (void 0 === j[V] ? ($ = C.slice(0, L).join('/')) : L == B - 1 && ($ = o.path), void 0 !== $ && U(o, 0, s, $)), L++, Array.isArray(j)) ) { if ('-' === V) V = j.length; else { if (i && !helpers_isInteger(V)) throw new Ro( 'Expected an unsigned base-10 integer value, making the new referenced value the array element with the zero-based index', 'OPERATION_PATH_ILLEGAL_ARRAY_INDEX', w, o, s ); helpers_isInteger(V) && (V = ~~V); } if (L >= B) { if (i && 'add' === o.op && V > j.length) throw new Ro( 'The specified index MUST NOT be greater than the number of elements in the array', 'OPERATION_VALUE_OUT_OF_BOUNDS', w, o, s ); if (!1 === (x = Bo[o.op].call(o, j, V, s)).test) throw new Ro('Test operation failed', 'TEST_OPERATION_FAILED', w, o, s); return x; } } else if (L >= B) { if (!1 === (x = Lo[o.op].call(o, j, V, s)).test) throw new Ro('Test operation failed', 'TEST_OPERATION_FAILED', w, o, s); return x; } if (((j = j[V]), i && L < B && (!j || 'object' != typeof j))) throw new Ro( 'Cannot perform operation at the desired path', 'OPERATION_PATH_UNRESOLVABLE', w, o, s ); } } function applyPatch(s, o, i, u, _) { if ((void 0 === u && (u = !0), void 0 === _ && (_ = !0), i && !Array.isArray(o))) throw new Ro('Patch sequence must be an array', 'SEQUENCE_NOT_AN_ARRAY'); u || (s = _deepClone(s)); for (var w = new Array(o.length), x = 0, C = o.length; x < C; x++) (w[x] = applyOperation(s, o[x], i, !0, _, x)), (s = w[x].newDocument); return (w.newDocument = s), w; } function applyReducer(s, o, i) { var u = applyOperation(s, o); if (!1 === u.test) throw new Ro('Test operation failed', 'TEST_OPERATION_FAILED', i, o, s); return u.newDocument; } function validator(s, o, i, u) { if ('object' != typeof s || null === s || Array.isArray(s)) throw new Ro('Operation is not an object', 'OPERATION_NOT_AN_OBJECT', o, s, i); if (!Lo[s.op]) throw new Ro( 'Operation `op` property is not one of operations defined in RFC-6902', 'OPERATION_OP_INVALID', o, s, i ); if ('string' != typeof s.path) throw new Ro( 'Operation `path` property is not a string', 'OPERATION_PATH_INVALID', o, s, i ); if (0 !== s.path.indexOf('/') && s.path.length > 0) throw new Ro( 'Operation `path` property must start with "/"', 'OPERATION_PATH_INVALID', o, s, i ); if (('move' === s.op || 'copy' === s.op) && 'string' != typeof s.from) throw new Ro( 'Operation `from` property is not present (applicable in `move` and `copy` operations)', 'OPERATION_FROM_REQUIRED', o, s, i ); if (('add' === s.op || 'replace' === s.op || 'test' === s.op) && void 0 === s.value) throw new Ro( 'Operation `value` property is not present (applicable in `add`, `replace` and `test` operations)', 'OPERATION_VALUE_REQUIRED', o, s, i ); if (('add' === s.op || 'replace' === s.op || 'test' === s.op) && hasUndefined(s.value)) throw new Ro( 'Operation `value` property is not present (applicable in `add`, `replace` and `test` operations)', 'OPERATION_VALUE_CANNOT_CONTAIN_UNDEFINED', o, s, i ); if (i) if ('add' == s.op) { var _ = s.path.split('/').length, w = u.split('/').length; if (_ !== w + 1 && _ !== w) throw new Ro( 'Cannot perform an `add` operation at the desired path', 'OPERATION_PATH_CANNOT_ADD', o, s, i ); } else if ('replace' === s.op || 'remove' === s.op || '_get' === s.op) { if (s.path !== u) throw new Ro( 'Cannot perform the operation at a path that does not exist', 'OPERATION_PATH_UNRESOLVABLE', o, s, i ); } else if ('move' === s.op || 'copy' === s.op) { var x = validate([{ op: '_get', path: s.from, value: void 0 }], i); if (x && 'OPERATION_PATH_UNRESOLVABLE' === x.name) throw new Ro( 'Cannot perform the operation from a path that does not exist', 'OPERATION_FROM_UNRESOLVABLE', o, s, i ); } } function validate(s, o, i) { try { if (!Array.isArray(s)) throw new Ro('Patch sequence must be an array', 'SEQUENCE_NOT_AN_ARRAY'); if (o) applyPatch(_deepClone(o), _deepClone(s), i || !0); else { i = i || validator; for (var u = 0; u < s.length; u++) i(s[u], u, o, void 0); } } catch (s) { if (s instanceof Ro) return s; throw s; } } function _areEquals(s, o) { if (s === o) return !0; if (s && o && 'object' == typeof s && 'object' == typeof o) { var i, u, _, w = Array.isArray(s), x = Array.isArray(o); if (w && x) { if ((u = s.length) != o.length) return !1; for (i = u; 0 != i--; ) if (!_areEquals(s[i], o[i])) return !1; return !0; } if (w != x) return !1; var C = Object.keys(s); if ((u = C.length) !== Object.keys(o).length) return !1; for (i = u; 0 != i--; ) if (!o.hasOwnProperty(C[i])) return !1; for (i = u; 0 != i--; ) if (!_areEquals(s[(_ = C[i])], o[_])) return !1; return !0; } return s != s && o != o; } var Fo = new WeakMap(), qo = function qo(s) { (this.observers = new Map()), (this.obj = s); }, $o = function $o(s, o) { (this.callback = s), (this.observer = o); }; function unobserve(s, o) { o.unobserve(); } function observe(s, o) { var i, u = (function getMirror(s) { return Fo.get(s); })(s); if (u) { var _ = (function getObserverFromMirror(s, o) { return s.observers.get(o); })(u, o); i = _ && _.observer; } else (u = new qo(s)), Fo.set(s, u); if (i) return i; if (((i = {}), (u.value = _deepClone(s)), o)) { (i.callback = o), (i.next = null); var dirtyCheck = function () { generate(i); }, fastCheck = function () { clearTimeout(i.next), (i.next = setTimeout(dirtyCheck)); }; 'undefined' != typeof window && (window.addEventListener('mouseup', fastCheck), window.addEventListener('keyup', fastCheck), window.addEventListener('mousedown', fastCheck), window.addEventListener('keydown', fastCheck), window.addEventListener('change', fastCheck)); } return ( (i.patches = []), (i.object = s), (i.unobserve = function () { generate(i), clearTimeout(i.next), (function removeObserverFromMirror(s, o) { s.observers.delete(o.callback); })(u, i), 'undefined' != typeof window && (window.removeEventListener('mouseup', fastCheck), window.removeEventListener('keyup', fastCheck), window.removeEventListener('mousedown', fastCheck), window.removeEventListener('keydown', fastCheck), window.removeEventListener('change', fastCheck)); }), u.observers.set(o, new $o(o, i)), i ); } function generate(s, o) { void 0 === o && (o = !1); var i = Fo.get(s.object); _generate(i.value, s.object, s.patches, '', o), s.patches.length && applyPatch(i.value, s.patches); var u = s.patches; return u.length > 0 && ((s.patches = []), s.callback && s.callback(u)), u; } function _generate(s, o, i, u, _) { if (o !== s) { 'function' == typeof o.toJSON && (o = o.toJSON()); for ( var w = _objectKeys(o), x = _objectKeys(s), C = !1, j = x.length - 1; j >= 0; j-- ) { var L = s[($ = x[j])]; if ( !module_helpers_hasOwnProperty(o, $) || (void 0 === o[$] && void 0 !== L && !1 === Array.isArray(o)) ) Array.isArray(s) === Array.isArray(o) ? (_ && i.push({ op: 'test', path: u + '/' + escapePathComponent($), value: _deepClone(L) }), i.push({ op: 'remove', path: u + '/' + escapePathComponent($) }), (C = !0)) : (_ && i.push({ op: 'test', path: u, value: s }), i.push({ op: 'replace', path: u, value: o }), !0); else { var B = o[$]; 'object' == typeof L && null != L && 'object' == typeof B && null != B && Array.isArray(L) === Array.isArray(B) ? _generate(L, B, i, u + '/' + escapePathComponent($), _) : L !== B && (_ && i.push({ op: 'test', path: u + '/' + escapePathComponent($), value: _deepClone(L) }), i.push({ op: 'replace', path: u + '/' + escapePathComponent($), value: _deepClone(B) })); } } if (C || w.length != x.length) for (j = 0; j < w.length; j++) { var $; module_helpers_hasOwnProperty(s, ($ = w[j])) || void 0 === o[$] || i.push({ op: 'add', path: u + '/' + escapePathComponent($), value: _deepClone(o[$]) }); } } } function compare(s, o, i) { void 0 === i && (i = !1); var u = []; return _generate(s, o, u, '', i), u; } Object.assign({}, ie, ae, { JsonPatchError: No, deepClone: _deepClone, escapePathComponent, unescapePathComponent }); var Vo = __webpack_require__(14744), Uo = __webpack_require__.n(Vo); const zo = { add: function add(s, o) { return { op: 'add', path: s, value: o }; }, replace, remove: function remove(s) { return { op: 'remove', path: s }; }, merge: function lib_merge(s, o) { return { type: 'mutation', op: 'merge', path: s, value: o }; }, mergeDeep: function mergeDeep(s, o) { return { type: 'mutation', op: 'mergeDeep', path: s, value: o }; }, context: function context(s, o) { return { type: 'context', path: s, value: o }; }, getIn: function lib_getIn(s, o) { return o.reduce((s, o) => (void 0 !== o && s ? s[o] : s), s); }, applyPatch: function lib_applyPatch(s, o, i) { if ( ((i = i || {}), 'merge' === (o = { ...o, path: o.path && normalizeJSONPath(o.path) }).op) ) { const i = getInByJsonPath(s, o.path); Object.assign(i, o.value), applyPatch(s, [replace(o.path, i)]); } else if ('mergeDeep' === o.op) { const i = getInByJsonPath(s, o.path), u = Uo()(i, o.value); s = applyPatch(s, [replace(o.path, u)]).newDocument; } else if ('add' === o.op && '' === o.path && lib_isObject(o.value)) { applyPatch( s, Object.keys(o.value).reduce( (s, i) => ( s.push({ op: 'add', path: `/${normalizeJSONPath(i)}`, value: o.value[i] }), s ), [] ) ); } else if ('replace' === o.op && '' === o.path) { let { value: u } = o; i.allowMetaPatches && o.meta && isAdditiveMutation(o) && (Array.isArray(o.value) || lib_isObject(o.value)) && (u = { ...u, ...o.meta }), (s = u); } else if ( (applyPatch(s, [o]), i.allowMetaPatches && o.meta && isAdditiveMutation(o) && (Array.isArray(o.value) || lib_isObject(o.value))) ) { const i = { ...getInByJsonPath(s, o.path), ...o.meta }; applyPatch(s, [replace(o.path, i)]); } return s; }, parentPathMatch: function parentPathMatch(s, o) { if (!Array.isArray(o)) return !1; for (let i = 0, u = o.length; i < u; i += 1) if (o[i] !== s[i]) return !1; return !0; }, flatten, fullyNormalizeArray: function fullyNormalizeArray(s) { return cleanArray(flatten(lib_normalizeArray(s))); }, normalizeArray: lib_normalizeArray, isPromise: function isPromise(s) { return lib_isObject(s) && lib_isFunction(s.then); }, forEachNew: function forEachNew(s, o) { try { return forEachNewPatch(s, forEach, o); } catch (s) { return s; } }, forEachNewPrimitive: function forEachNewPrimitive(s, o) { try { return forEachNewPatch(s, forEachPrimitive, o); } catch (s) { return s; } }, isJsonPatch, isContextPatch: function isContextPatch(s) { return isPatch(s) && 'context' === s.type; }, isPatch, isMutation, isAdditiveMutation, isGenerator: function isGenerator(s) { return '[object GeneratorFunction]' === Object.prototype.toString.call(s); }, isFunction: lib_isFunction, isObject: lib_isObject, isError: function lib_isError(s) { return s instanceof Error; } }; function normalizeJSONPath(s) { return Array.isArray(s) ? s.length < 1 ? '' : `/${s.map((s) => (s + '').replace(/~/g, '~0').replace(/\//g, '~1')).join('/')}` : s; } function replace(s, o, i) { return { op: 'replace', path: s, value: o, meta: i }; } function forEachNewPatch(s, o, i) { return cleanArray( flatten(s.filter(isAdditiveMutation).map((s) => o(s.value, i, s.path)) || []) ); } function forEachPrimitive(s, o, i) { return ( (i = i || []), Array.isArray(s) ? s.map((s, u) => forEachPrimitive(s, o, i.concat(u))) : lib_isObject(s) ? Object.keys(s).map((u) => forEachPrimitive(s[u], o, i.concat(u))) : o(s, i[i.length - 1], i) ); } function forEach(s, o, i) { let u = []; if ((i = i || []).length > 0) { const _ = o(s, i[i.length - 1], i); _ && (u = u.concat(_)); } if (Array.isArray(s)) { const _ = s.map((s, u) => forEach(s, o, i.concat(u))); _ && (u = u.concat(_)); } else if (lib_isObject(s)) { const _ = Object.keys(s).map((u) => forEach(s[u], o, i.concat(u))); _ && (u = u.concat(_)); } return (u = flatten(u)), u; } function lib_normalizeArray(s) { return Array.isArray(s) ? s : [s]; } function flatten(s) { return [].concat(...s.map((s) => (Array.isArray(s) ? flatten(s) : s))); } function cleanArray(s) { return s.filter((s) => void 0 !== s); } function lib_isObject(s) { return s && 'object' == typeof s; } function lib_isFunction(s) { return s && 'function' == typeof s; } function isJsonPatch(s) { if (isPatch(s)) { const { op: o } = s; return 'add' === o || 'remove' === o || 'replace' === o; } return !1; } function isMutation(s) { return isJsonPatch(s) || (isPatch(s) && 'mutation' === s.type); } function isAdditiveMutation(s) { return ( isMutation(s) && ('add' === s.op || 'replace' === s.op || 'merge' === s.op || 'mergeDeep' === s.op) ); } function isPatch(s) { return s && 'object' == typeof s; } function getInByJsonPath(s, o) { try { return getValueByPointer(s, o); } catch (s) { return console.error(s), {}; } } var Wo = __webpack_require__(48675); const Ko = class ApiDOMAggregateError extends Wo { constructor(s, o, i) { if ( (super(s, o, i), (this.name = this.constructor.name), 'string' == typeof o && (this.message = o), 'function' == typeof Error.captureStackTrace ? Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor) : (this.stack = new Error(o).stack), null != i && 'object' == typeof i && Object.hasOwn(i, 'cause') && !('cause' in this)) ) { const { cause: s } = i; (this.cause = s), s instanceof Error && 'stack' in s && (this.stack = `${this.stack}\nCAUSE: ${s.stack}`); } } }; class ApiDOMError extends Error { static [Symbol.hasInstance](s) { return ( super[Symbol.hasInstance](s) || Function.prototype[Symbol.hasInstance].call(Ko, s) ); } constructor(s, o) { if ( (super(s, o), (this.name = this.constructor.name), 'string' == typeof s && (this.message = s), 'function' == typeof Error.captureStackTrace ? Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor) : (this.stack = new Error(s).stack), null != o && 'object' == typeof o && Object.hasOwn(o, 'cause') && !('cause' in this)) ) { const { cause: s } = o; (this.cause = s), s instanceof Error && 'stack' in s && (this.stack = `${this.stack}\nCAUSE: ${s.stack}`); } } } const Ho = ApiDOMError; const Jo = class ApiDOMStructuredError extends Ho { constructor(s, o) { if ((super(s, o), null != o && 'object' == typeof o)) { const { cause: s, ...i } = o; Object.assign(this, i); } } }; var Go = __webpack_require__(65606); function _isPlaceholder(s) { return null != s && 'object' == typeof s && !0 === s['@@functional/placeholder']; } function _curry1(s) { return function f1(o) { return 0 === arguments.length || _isPlaceholder(o) ? f1 : s.apply(this, arguments); }; } function _curry2(s) { return function f2(o, i) { switch (arguments.length) { case 0: return f2; case 1: return _isPlaceholder(o) ? f2 : _curry1(function (i) { return s(o, i); }); default: return _isPlaceholder(o) && _isPlaceholder(i) ? f2 : _isPlaceholder(o) ? _curry1(function (o) { return s(o, i); }) : _isPlaceholder(i) ? _curry1(function (i) { return s(o, i); }) : s(o, i); } }; } function _curry3(s) { return function f3(o, i, u) { switch (arguments.length) { case 0: return f3; case 1: return _isPlaceholder(o) ? f3 : _curry2(function (i, u) { return s(o, i, u); }); case 2: return _isPlaceholder(o) && _isPlaceholder(i) ? f3 : _isPlaceholder(o) ? _curry2(function (o, u) { return s(o, i, u); }) : _isPlaceholder(i) ? _curry2(function (i, u) { return s(o, i, u); }) : _curry1(function (u) { return s(o, i, u); }); default: return _isPlaceholder(o) && _isPlaceholder(i) && _isPlaceholder(u) ? f3 : _isPlaceholder(o) && _isPlaceholder(i) ? _curry2(function (o, i) { return s(o, i, u); }) : _isPlaceholder(o) && _isPlaceholder(u) ? _curry2(function (o, u) { return s(o, i, u); }) : _isPlaceholder(i) && _isPlaceholder(u) ? _curry2(function (i, u) { return s(o, i, u); }) : _isPlaceholder(o) ? _curry1(function (o) { return s(o, i, u); }) : _isPlaceholder(i) ? _curry1(function (i) { return s(o, i, u); }) : _isPlaceholder(u) ? _curry1(function (u) { return s(o, i, u); }) : s(o, i, u); } }; } const Yo = Number.isInteger || function _isInteger(s) { return (s | 0) === s; }; function _isString(s) { return '[object String]' === Object.prototype.toString.call(s); } function _nth(s, o) { var i = s < 0 ? o.length + s : s; return _isString(o) ? o.charAt(i) : o[i]; } function _path(s, o) { for (var i = o, u = 0; u < s.length; u += 1) { if (null == i) return; var _ = s[u]; i = Yo(_) ? _nth(_, i) : i[_]; } return i; } const Xo = _curry3(function pathSatisfies(s, o, i) { return s(_path(o, i)); }); function _cloneRegExp(s) { return new RegExp( s.source, s.flags ? s.flags : (s.global ? 'g' : '') + (s.ignoreCase ? 'i' : '') + (s.multiline ? 'm' : '') + (s.sticky ? 'y' : '') + (s.unicode ? 'u' : '') + (s.dotAll ? 's' : '') ); } function _arrayFromIterator(s) { for (var o, i = []; !(o = s.next()).done; ) i.push(o.value); return i; } function _includesWith(s, o, i) { for (var u = 0, _ = i.length; u < _; ) { if (s(o, i[u])) return !0; u += 1; } return !1; } function _has(s, o) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o, s); } const Zo = 'function' == typeof Object.is ? Object.is : function _objectIs(s, o) { return s === o ? 0 !== s || 1 / s == 1 / o : s != s && o != o; }; var Qo = Object.prototype.toString; const _i = (function () { return '[object Arguments]' === Qo.call(arguments) ? function _isArguments(s) { return '[object Arguments]' === Qo.call(s); } : function _isArguments(s) { return _has('callee', s); }; })(); var Ei = !{ toString: null }.propertyIsEnumerable('toString'), Oi = [ 'constructor', 'valueOf', 'isPrototypeOf', 'toString', 'propertyIsEnumerable', 'hasOwnProperty', 'toLocaleString' ], Pi = (function () { return arguments.propertyIsEnumerable('length'); })(), Mi = function contains(s, o) { for (var i = 0; i < s.length; ) { if (s[i] === o) return !0; i += 1; } return !1; }, Ri = 'function' != typeof Object.keys || Pi ? _curry1(function keys(s) { if (Object(s) !== s) return []; var o, i, u = [], _ = Pi && _i(s); for (o in s) !_has(o, s) || (_ && 'length' === o) || (u[u.length] = o); if (Ei) for (i = Oi.length - 1; i >= 0; ) _has((o = Oi[i]), s) && !Mi(u, o) && (u[u.length] = o), (i -= 1); return u; }) : _curry1(function keys(s) { return Object(s) !== s ? [] : Object.keys(s); }); const Wi = Ri; const ea = _curry1(function type(s) { return null === s ? 'Null' : void 0 === s ? 'Undefined' : Object.prototype.toString.call(s).slice(8, -1); }); function _uniqContentEquals(s, o, i, u) { var _ = _arrayFromIterator(s); function eq(s, o) { return _equals(s, o, i.slice(), u.slice()); } return !_includesWith( function (s, o) { return !_includesWith(eq, o, s); }, _arrayFromIterator(o), _ ); } function _equals(s, o, i, u) { if (Zo(s, o)) return !0; var _ = ea(s); if (_ !== ea(o)) return !1; if ( 'function' == typeof s['fantasy-land/equals'] || 'function' == typeof o['fantasy-land/equals'] ) return ( 'function' == typeof s['fantasy-land/equals'] && s['fantasy-land/equals'](o) && 'function' == typeof o['fantasy-land/equals'] && o['fantasy-land/equals'](s) ); if ('function' == typeof s.equals || 'function' == typeof o.equals) return ( 'function' == typeof s.equals && s.equals(o) && 'function' == typeof o.equals && o.equals(s) ); switch (_) { case 'Arguments': case 'Array': case 'Object': if ( 'function' == typeof s.constructor && 'Promise' === (function _functionName(s) { var o = String(s).match(/^function (\w*)/); return null == o ? '' : o[1]; })(s.constructor) ) return s === o; break; case 'Boolean': case 'Number': case 'String': if (typeof s != typeof o || !Zo(s.valueOf(), o.valueOf())) return !1; break; case 'Date': if (!Zo(s.valueOf(), o.valueOf())) return !1; break; case 'Error': return s.name === o.name && s.message === o.message; case 'RegExp': if ( s.source !== o.source || s.global !== o.global || s.ignoreCase !== o.ignoreCase || s.multiline !== o.multiline || s.sticky !== o.sticky || s.unicode !== o.unicode ) return !1; } for (var w = i.length - 1; w >= 0; ) { if (i[w] === s) return u[w] === o; w -= 1; } switch (_) { case 'Map': return ( s.size === o.size && _uniqContentEquals(s.entries(), o.entries(), i.concat([s]), u.concat([o])) ); case 'Set': return ( s.size === o.size && _uniqContentEquals(s.values(), o.values(), i.concat([s]), u.concat([o])) ); case 'Arguments': case 'Array': case 'Object': case 'Boolean': case 'Number': case 'String': case 'Date': case 'Error': case 'RegExp': case 'Int8Array': case 'Uint8Array': case 'Uint8ClampedArray': case 'Int16Array': case 'Uint16Array': case 'Int32Array': case 'Uint32Array': case 'Float32Array': case 'Float64Array': case 'ArrayBuffer': break; default: return !1; } var x = Wi(s); if (x.length !== Wi(o).length) return !1; var C = i.concat([s]), j = u.concat([o]); for (w = x.length - 1; w >= 0; ) { var L = x[w]; if (!_has(L, o) || !_equals(o[L], s[L], C, j)) return !1; w -= 1; } return !0; } const ra = _curry2(function equals(s, o) { return _equals(s, o, [], []); }); function _includes(s, o) { return ( (function _indexOf(s, o, i) { var u, _; if ('function' == typeof s.indexOf) switch (typeof o) { case 'number': if (0 === o) { for (u = 1 / o; i < s.length; ) { if (0 === (_ = s[i]) && 1 / _ === u) return i; i += 1; } return -1; } if (o != o) { for (; i < s.length; ) { if ('number' == typeof (_ = s[i]) && _ != _) return i; i += 1; } return -1; } return s.indexOf(o, i); case 'string': case 'boolean': case 'function': case 'undefined': return s.indexOf(o, i); case 'object': if (null === o) return s.indexOf(o, i); } for (; i < s.length; ) { if (ra(s[i], o)) return i; i += 1; } return -1; })(o, s, 0) >= 0 ); } function _map(s, o) { for (var i = 0, u = o.length, _ = Array(u); i < u; ) (_[i] = s(o[i])), (i += 1); return _; } function _quote(s) { return ( '"' + s .replace(/\\/g, '\\\\') .replace(/[\b]/g, '\\b') .replace(/\f/g, '\\f') .replace(/\n/g, '\\n') .replace(/\r/g, '\\r') .replace(/\t/g, '\\t') .replace(/\v/g, '\\v') .replace(/\0/g, '\\0') .replace(/"/g, '\\"') + '"' ); } var na = function pad(s) { return (s < 10 ? '0' : '') + s; }; const ia = 'function' == typeof Date.prototype.toISOString ? function _toISOString(s) { return s.toISOString(); } : function _toISOString(s) { return ( s.getUTCFullYear() + '-' + na(s.getUTCMonth() + 1) + '-' + na(s.getUTCDate()) + 'T' + na(s.getUTCHours()) + ':' + na(s.getUTCMinutes()) + ':' + na(s.getUTCSeconds()) + '.' + (s.getUTCMilliseconds() / 1e3).toFixed(3).slice(2, 5) + 'Z' ); }; function _complement(s) { return function () { return !s.apply(this, arguments); }; } function _arrayReduce(s, o, i) { for (var u = 0, _ = i.length; u < _; ) (o = s(o, i[u])), (u += 1); return o; } const aa = Array.isArray || function _isArray(s) { return ( null != s && s.length >= 0 && '[object Array]' === Object.prototype.toString.call(s) ); }; function _dispatchable(s, o, i) { return function () { if (0 === arguments.length) return i(); var u = arguments[arguments.length - 1]; if (!aa(u)) { for (var _ = 0; _ < s.length; ) { if ('function' == typeof u[s[_]]) return u[s[_]].apply(u, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0, -1)); _ += 1; } if ( (function _isTransformer(s) { return null != s && 'function' == typeof s['@@transducer/step']; })(u) ) return o.apply(null, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0, -1))(u); } return i.apply(this, arguments); }; } function _isObject(s) { return '[object Object]' === Object.prototype.toString.call(s); } const _xfBase_init = function () { return this.xf['@@transducer/init'](); }, _xfBase_result = function (s) { return this.xf['@@transducer/result'](s); }; var la = (function () { function XFilter(s, o) { (this.xf = o), (this.f = s); } return ( (XFilter.prototype['@@transducer/init'] = _xfBase_init), (XFilter.prototype['@@transducer/result'] = _xfBase_result), (XFilter.prototype['@@transducer/step'] = function (s, o) { return this.f(o) ? this.xf['@@transducer/step'](s, o) : s; }), XFilter ); })(); function _xfilter(s) { return function (o) { return new la(s, o); }; } var ca = _curry2( _dispatchable(['fantasy-land/filter', 'filter'], _xfilter, function (s, o) { return _isObject(o) ? _arrayReduce( function (i, u) { return s(o[u]) && (i[u] = o[u]), i; }, {}, Wi(o) ) : (function _filter(s, o) { for (var i = 0, u = o.length, _ = []; i < u; ) s(o[i]) && (_[_.length] = o[i]), (i += 1); return _; })(s, o); }) ); const ua = ca; const da = _curry2(function reject(s, o) { return ua(_complement(s), o); }); function _toString_toString(s, o) { var i = function recur(i) { var u = o.concat([s]); return _includes(i, u) ? '' : _toString_toString(i, u); }, mapPairs = function (s, o) { return _map(function (o) { return _quote(o) + ': ' + i(s[o]); }, o.slice().sort()); }; switch (Object.prototype.toString.call(s)) { case '[object Arguments]': return '(function() { return arguments; }(' + _map(i, s).join(', ') + '))'; case '[object Array]': return ( '[' + _map(i, s) .concat( mapPairs( s, da(function (s) { return /^\d+$/.test(s); }, Wi(s)) ) ) .join(', ') + ']' ); case '[object Boolean]': return 'object' == typeof s ? 'new Boolean(' + i(s.valueOf()) + ')' : s.toString(); case '[object Date]': return 'new Date(' + (isNaN(s.valueOf()) ? i(NaN) : _quote(ia(s))) + ')'; case '[object Map]': return 'new Map(' + i(Array.from(s)) + ')'; case '[object Null]': return 'null'; case '[object Number]': return 'object' == typeof s ? 'new Number(' + i(s.valueOf()) + ')' : 1 / s == -1 / 0 ? '-0' : s.toString(10); case '[object Set]': return 'new Set(' + i(Array.from(s).sort()) + ')'; case '[object String]': return 'object' == typeof s ? 'new String(' + i(s.valueOf()) + ')' : _quote(s); case '[object Undefined]': return 'undefined'; default: if ('function' == typeof s.toString) { var u = s.toString(); if ('[object Object]' !== u) return u; } return '{' + mapPairs(s, Wi(s)).join(', ') + '}'; } } const ma = _curry1(function toString(s) { return _toString_toString(s, []); }); var ga = _curry2(function test(s, o) { if ( !(function _isRegExp(s) { return '[object RegExp]' === Object.prototype.toString.call(s); })(s) ) throw new TypeError( '‘test’ requires a value of type RegExp as its first argument; received ' + ma(s) ); return _cloneRegExp(s).test(o); }); const ya = ga; function _arity(s, o) { switch (s) { case 0: return function () { return o.apply(this, arguments); }; case 1: return function (s) { return o.apply(this, arguments); }; case 2: return function (s, i) { return o.apply(this, arguments); }; case 3: return function (s, i, u) { return o.apply(this, arguments); }; case 4: return function (s, i, u, _) { return o.apply(this, arguments); }; case 5: return function (s, i, u, _, w) { return o.apply(this, arguments); }; case 6: return function (s, i, u, _, w, x) { return o.apply(this, arguments); }; case 7: return function (s, i, u, _, w, x, C) { return o.apply(this, arguments); }; case 8: return function (s, i, u, _, w, x, C, j) { return o.apply(this, arguments); }; case 9: return function (s, i, u, _, w, x, C, j, L) { return o.apply(this, arguments); }; case 10: return function (s, i, u, _, w, x, C, j, L, B) { return o.apply(this, arguments); }; default: throw new Error( 'First argument to _arity must be a non-negative integer no greater than ten' ); } } function _pipe(s, o) { return function () { return o.call(this, s.apply(this, arguments)); }; } const va = _curry1(function isArrayLike(s) { return ( !!aa(s) || (!!s && 'object' == typeof s && !_isString(s) && (0 === s.length || (s.length > 0 && s.hasOwnProperty(0) && s.hasOwnProperty(s.length - 1)))) ); }); var ba = 'undefined' != typeof Symbol ? Symbol.iterator : '@@iterator'; function _createReduce(s, o, i) { return function _reduce(u, _, w) { if (va(w)) return s(u, _, w); if (null == w) return _; if ('function' == typeof w['fantasy-land/reduce']) return o(u, _, w, 'fantasy-land/reduce'); if (null != w[ba]) return i(u, _, w[ba]()); if ('function' == typeof w.next) return i(u, _, w); if ('function' == typeof w.reduce) return o(u, _, w, 'reduce'); throw new TypeError('reduce: list must be array or iterable'); }; } function _xArrayReduce(s, o, i) { for (var u = 0, _ = i.length; u < _; ) { if ((o = s['@@transducer/step'](o, i[u])) && o['@@transducer/reduced']) { o = o['@@transducer/value']; break; } u += 1; } return s['@@transducer/result'](o); } var _a = _curry2(function bind(s, o) { return _arity(s.length, function () { return s.apply(o, arguments); }); }); const Ea = _a; function _xIterableReduce(s, o, i) { for (var u = i.next(); !u.done; ) { if ((o = s['@@transducer/step'](o, u.value)) && o['@@transducer/reduced']) { o = o['@@transducer/value']; break; } u = i.next(); } return s['@@transducer/result'](o); } function _xMethodReduce(s, o, i, u) { return s['@@transducer/result'](i[u](Ea(s['@@transducer/step'], s), o)); } const wa = _createReduce(_xArrayReduce, _xMethodReduce, _xIterableReduce); var xa = (function () { function XWrap(s) { this.f = s; } return ( (XWrap.prototype['@@transducer/init'] = function () { throw new Error('init not implemented on XWrap'); }), (XWrap.prototype['@@transducer/result'] = function (s) { return s; }), (XWrap.prototype['@@transducer/step'] = function (s, o) { return this.f(s, o); }), XWrap ); })(); function _xwrap(s) { return new xa(s); } var ka = _curry3(function (s, o, i) { return wa('function' == typeof s ? _xwrap(s) : s, o, i); }); const Ca = ka; function _checkForMethod(s, o) { return function () { var i = arguments.length; if (0 === i) return o(); var u = arguments[i - 1]; return aa(u) || 'function' != typeof u[s] ? o.apply(this, arguments) : u[s].apply(u, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0, i - 1)); }; } var Aa = _curry3( _checkForMethod('slice', function slice(s, o, i) { return Array.prototype.slice.call(i, s, o); }) ); const ja = Aa; const Ia = _curry1(_checkForMethod('tail', ja(1, 1 / 0))); function pipe() { if (0 === arguments.length) throw new Error('pipe requires at least one argument'); return _arity(arguments[0].length, Ca(_pipe, arguments[0], Ia(arguments))); } const Na = _curry2(function defaultTo(s, o) { return null == o || o != o ? s : o; }); const Da = _curry2(function prop(s, o) { if (null != o) return Yo(s) ? _nth(s, o) : o[s]; }); const La = _curry3(function propOr(s, o, i) { return Na(s, Da(o, i)); }); var Ba = _curry1(function (s) { return _nth(-1, s); }); const Fa = Ba; function _curryN(s, o, i) { return function () { for (var u = [], _ = 0, w = s, x = 0, C = !1; x < o.length || _ < arguments.length; ) { var j; x < o.length && (!_isPlaceholder(o[x]) || _ >= arguments.length) ? (j = o[x]) : ((j = arguments[_]), (_ += 1)), (u[x] = j), _isPlaceholder(j) ? (C = !0) : (w -= 1), (x += 1); } return !C && w <= 0 ? i.apply(this, u) : _arity(Math.max(0, w), _curryN(s, u, i)); }; } var $a = _curry2(function curryN(s, o) { return 1 === s ? _curry1(o) : _arity(s, _curryN(s, [], o)); }); const za = $a; var Ha = _curry1(function curry(s) { return za(s.length, s); }); const Ja = Ha; function _isFunction(s) { var o = Object.prototype.toString.call(s); return ( '[object Function]' === o || '[object AsyncFunction]' === o || '[object GeneratorFunction]' === o || '[object AsyncGeneratorFunction]' === o ); } const Ga = _curry2(function invoker(s, o) { return za(s + 1, function () { var i = arguments[s]; if (null != i && _isFunction(i[o])) return i[o].apply(i, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0, s)); throw new TypeError(ma(i) + ' does not have a method named "' + o + '"'); }); }); const tl = Ga(1, 'split'); function dropLastWhile(s, o) { for (var i = o.length - 1; i >= 0 && s(o[i]); ) i -= 1; return ja(0, i + 1, o); } var sl = (function () { function XDropLastWhile(s, o) { (this.f = s), (this.retained = []), (this.xf = o); } return ( (XDropLastWhile.prototype['@@transducer/init'] = _xfBase_init), (XDropLastWhile.prototype['@@transducer/result'] = function (s) { return (this.retained = null), this.xf['@@transducer/result'](s); }), (XDropLastWhile.prototype['@@transducer/step'] = function (s, o) { return this.f(o) ? this.retain(s, o) : this.flush(s, o); }), (XDropLastWhile.prototype.flush = function (s, o) { return ( (s = wa(this.xf, s, this.retained)), (this.retained = []), this.xf['@@transducer/step'](s, o) ); }), (XDropLastWhile.prototype.retain = function (s, o) { return this.retained.push(o), s; }), XDropLastWhile ); })(); function _xdropLastWhile(s) { return function (o) { return new sl(s, o); }; } const ul = _curry2(_dispatchable([], _xdropLastWhile, dropLastWhile)); const yl = Ga(1, 'join'); var vl = _curry1(function flip(s) { return za(s.length, function (o, i) { var u = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0); return (u[0] = i), (u[1] = o), s.apply(this, u); }); }); const _l = vl(_curry2(_includes)); const El = Ja(function (s, o) { return pipe(tl(''), ul(_l(s)), yl(''))(o); }); function _iterableReduce(s, o, i) { for (var u = i.next(); !u.done; ) (o = s(o, u.value)), (u = i.next()); return o; } function _methodReduce(s, o, i, u) { return i[u](s, o); } const wl = _createReduce(_arrayReduce, _methodReduce, _iterableReduce); var Sl = (function () { function XMap(s, o) { (this.xf = o), (this.f = s); } return ( (XMap.prototype['@@transducer/init'] = _xfBase_init), (XMap.prototype['@@transducer/result'] = _xfBase_result), (XMap.prototype['@@transducer/step'] = function (s, o) { return this.xf['@@transducer/step'](s, this.f(o)); }), XMap ); })(); var xl = _curry2( _dispatchable( ['fantasy-land/map', 'map'], function _xmap(s) { return function (o) { return new Sl(s, o); }; }, function map(s, o) { switch (Object.prototype.toString.call(o)) { case '[object Function]': return za(o.length, function () { return s.call(this, o.apply(this, arguments)); }); case '[object Object]': return _arrayReduce( function (i, u) { return (i[u] = s(o[u])), i; }, {}, Wi(o) ); default: return _map(s, o); } } ) ); const kl = xl; const Cl = _curry2(function ap(s, o) { return 'function' == typeof o['fantasy-land/ap'] ? o['fantasy-land/ap'](s) : 'function' == typeof s.ap ? s.ap(o) : 'function' == typeof s ? function (i) { return s(i)(o(i)); } : wl( function (s, i) { return (function _concat(s, o) { var i; o = o || []; var u = (s = s || []).length, _ = o.length, w = []; for (i = 0; i < u; ) (w[w.length] = s[i]), (i += 1); for (i = 0; i < _; ) (w[w.length] = o[i]), (i += 1); return w; })(s, kl(i, o)); }, [], s ); }); var Ol = _curry2(function liftN(s, o) { var i = za(s, o); return za(s, function () { return _arrayReduce(Cl, kl(i, arguments[0]), Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); }); }); const Al = Ol; var Il = _curry1(function lift(s) { return Al(s.length, s); }); const Pl = Il; const Ml = Pl( _curry1(function not(s) { return !s; }) ); const Tl = _curry1(function always(s) { return function () { return s; }; }); const Nl = Tl(void 0); const Rl = ra(Nl()); const Dl = Ml(Rl); const Ll = _curry2(function max(s, o) { if (s === o) return o; function safeMax(s, o) { if (s > o != o > s) return o > s ? o : s; } var i = safeMax(s, o); if (void 0 !== i) return i; var u = safeMax(typeof s, typeof o); if (void 0 !== u) return u === typeof s ? s : o; var _ = ma(s), w = safeMax(_, ma(o)); return void 0 !== w && w === _ ? s : o; }); var Bl = _curry2(function pluck(s, o) { return kl(Da(s), o); }); const Fl = Bl; const $l = _curry1(function anyPass(s) { return za(Ca(Ll, 0, Fl('length', s)), function () { for (var o = 0, i = s.length; o < i; ) { if (s[o].apply(this, arguments)) return !0; o += 1; } return !1; }); }); var identical = function (s, o) { switch (arguments.length) { case 0: return identical; case 1: return function unaryIdentical(o) { return 0 === arguments.length ? unaryIdentical : Zo(s, o); }; default: return Zo(s, o); } }; const Vl = identical; const Ul = za(1, pipe(ea, Vl('GeneratorFunction'))); const zl = za(1, pipe(ea, Vl('AsyncFunction'))); const Wl = $l([pipe(ea, Vl('Function')), Ul, zl]); var Kl = _curry3(function replace(s, o, i) { return i.replace(s, o); }); const Hl = Kl; const Jl = za(1, pipe(ea, Vl('RegExp'))); const Gl = _curry3(function when(s, o, i) { return s(i) ? o(i) : i; }); const Yl = za(1, pipe(ea, Vl('String'))); const Xl = Gl(Yl, Hl(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\-]/g, '\\$&')); var Zl = function checkValue(s, o) { if ('string' != typeof s && !(s instanceof String)) throw TypeError('`'.concat(o, '` must be a string')); }; const Ql = function replaceAll(s, o, i) { !(function checkArguments(s, o, i) { if (null == i || null == s || null == o) throw TypeError('Input values must not be `null` or `undefined`'); })(s, o, i), Zl(i, 'str'), Zl(o, 'replaceValue'), (function checkSearchValue(s) { if (!('string' == typeof s || s instanceof String || s instanceof RegExp)) throw TypeError('`searchValue` must be a string or an regexp'); })(s); var u = new RegExp(Jl(s) ? s : Xl(s), 'g'); return Hl(u, o, i); }; var ec = za(3, Ql), rc = Ga(2, 'replaceAll'); const sc = Wl(String.prototype.replaceAll) ? rc : ec, isWindows = () => Xo(ya(/^win/), ['platform'], Go), getProtocol = (s) => { try { const o = new URL(s); return El(':', o.protocol); } catch { return; } }, oc = (pipe(getProtocol, Dl), (s) => { if (Go.browser) return !1; const o = getProtocol(s); return Rl(o) || 'file' === o || /^[a-zA-Z]$/.test(o); }), isHttpUrl = (s) => { const o = getProtocol(s); return 'http' === o || 'https' === o; }, toFileSystemPath = (s, o) => { const i = [/%23/g, '#', /%24/g, '$', /%26/g, '&', /%2C/g, ',', /%40/g, '@'], u = La(!1, 'keepFileProtocol', o), _ = La(isWindows, 'isWindows', o); let w = decodeURI(s); for (let s = 0; s < i.length; s += 2) w = w.replace(i[s], i[s + 1]); let x = 'file://' === w.substring(0, 7).toLowerCase(); return ( x && ((w = '/' === w[7] ? w.substring(8) : w.substring(7)), _() && '/' === w[1] && (w = `${w[0]}:${w.substring(1)}`), u ? (w = `file:///${w}`) : ((x = !1), (w = _() ? w : `/${w}`))), _() && !x && ((w = sc('/', '\\', w)), ':\\' === w.substring(1, 3) && (w = w[0].toUpperCase() + w.substring(1))), w ); }, getHash = (s) => { const o = s.indexOf('#'); return -1 !== o ? s.substring(o) : '#'; }, stripHash = (s) => { const o = s.indexOf('#'); let i = s; return o >= 0 && (i = s.substring(0, o)), i; }, url_cwd = () => { if (Go.browser) return stripHash(globalThis.location.href); const s = Go.cwd(), o = Fa(s); return ['/', '\\'].includes(o) ? s : s + (isWindows() ? '\\' : '/'); }, resolve = (s, o) => { const i = new URL(o, new URL(s, 'resolve://')); if ('resolve:' === i.protocol) { const { pathname: s, search: o, hash: u } = i; return s + o + u; } return i.toString(); }, sanitize = (s) => { if (oc(s)) return ((s) => { const o = [/\?/g, '%3F', /#/g, '%23']; let i = s; isWindows() && (i = i.replace(/\\/g, '/')), (i = encodeURI(i)); for (let s = 0; s < o.length; s += 2) i = i.replace(o[s], o[s + 1]); return i; })(toFileSystemPath(s)); try { return new URL(s).toString(); } catch { return encodeURI(decodeURI(s)).replace(/%5B/g, '[').replace(/%5D/g, ']'); } }, unsanitize = (s) => (oc(s) ? toFileSystemPath(s) : decodeURI(s)), { fetch: ic, Response: ac, Headers: lc, Request: cc, FormData: pc, File: hc, Blob: dc } = globalThis; function _array_like_to_array(s, o) { (null == o || o > s.length) && (o = s.length); for (var i = 0, u = new Array(o); i < o; i++) u[i] = s[i]; return u; } function legacy_defineProperties(s, o) { for (var i = 0; i < o.length; i++) { var u = o[i]; (u.enumerable = u.enumerable || !1), (u.configurable = !0), 'value' in u && (u.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(s, u.key, u); } } function _instanceof(s, o) { return null != o && 'undefined' != typeof Symbol && o[Symbol.hasInstance] ? !!o[Symbol.hasInstance](s) : s instanceof o; } function _sliced_to_array(s, o) { return ( (function _array_with_holes(s) { if (Array.isArray(s)) return s; })(s) || (function _iterable_to_array_limit(s, o) { var i = null == s ? null : ('undefined' != typeof Symbol && s[Symbol.iterator]) || s['@@iterator']; if (null != i) { var u, _, w = [], x = !0, C = !1; try { for ( i = i.call(s); !(x = (u = i.next()).done) && (w.push(u.value), !o || w.length !== o); x = !0 ); } catch (s) { (C = !0), (_ = s); } finally { try { x || null == i.return || i.return(); } finally { if (C) throw _; } } return w; } })(s, o) || (function _unsupported_iterable_to_array(s, o) { if (!s) return; if ('string' == typeof s) return _array_like_to_array(s, o); var i = Object.prototype.toString.call(s).slice(8, -1); 'Object' === i && s.constructor && (i = s.constructor.name); if ('Map' === i || 'Set' === i) return Array.from(i); if ('Arguments' === i || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(i)) return _array_like_to_array(s, o); })(s, o) || (function _non_iterable_rest() { throw new TypeError( 'Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.' ); })() ); } function _type_of(s) { return s && 'undefined' != typeof Symbol && s.constructor === Symbol ? 'symbol' : typeof s; } void 0 === globalThis.fetch && (globalThis.fetch = ic), void 0 === globalThis.Headers && (globalThis.Headers = lc), void 0 === globalThis.Request && (globalThis.Request = cc), void 0 === globalThis.Response && (globalThis.Response = ac), void 0 === globalThis.FormData && (globalThis.FormData = pc), void 0 === globalThis.File && (globalThis.File = hc), void 0 === globalThis.Blob && (globalThis.Blob = dc); var __typeError = function (s) { throw TypeError(s); }, __accessCheck = function (s, o, i) { return o.has(s) || __typeError('Cannot ' + i); }, __privateGet = function (s, o, i) { return __accessCheck(s, o, 'read from private field'), i ? i.call(s) : o.get(s); }, __privateAdd = function (s, o, i) { return o.has(s) ? __typeError('Cannot add the same private member more than once') : _instanceof(o, WeakSet) ? o.add(s) : o.set(s, i); }, __privateSet = function (s, o, i, u) { return __accessCheck(s, o, 'write to private field'), u ? u.call(s, i) : o.set(s, i), i; }, to_string = function (s) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(s); }, is_typed_array = function (s) { return ArrayBuffer.isView(s) && !_instanceof(s, DataView); }, fc = Array.isArray, gc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, bc = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable, _c = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols, Ec = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; function own_enumerable_keys(s) { for (var o = Object.keys(s), i = _c(s), u = 0; u < i.length; u++) bc.call(s, i[u]) && o.push(i[u]); return o; } function is_writable(s, o) { var i; return !(null === (i = gc(s, o)) || void 0 === i ? void 0 : i.writable); } function legacy_copy(s, o) { if ('object' === (void 0 === s ? 'undefined' : _type_of(s)) && null !== s) { var i; if (fc(s)) i = []; else if ('[object Date]' === to_string(s)) i = new Date(s.getTime ? s.getTime() : s); else if ( (function (s) { return '[object RegExp]' === to_string(s); })(s) ) i = new RegExp(s); else if ( (function (s) { return '[object Error]' === to_string(s); })(s) ) i = { message: s.message }; else if ( (function (s) { return '[object Boolean]' === to_string(s); })(s) || (function (s) { return '[object Number]' === to_string(s); })(s) || (function (s) { return '[object String]' === to_string(s); })(s) ) i = Object(s); else { if (is_typed_array(s)) return s.slice(); i = Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(s)); } var u = o.includeSymbols ? own_enumerable_keys : Object.keys, _ = !0, w = !1, x = void 0; try { for (var C, j = u(s)[Symbol.iterator](); !(_ = (C = j.next()).done); _ = !0) { var L = C.value; i[L] = s[L]; } } catch (s) { (w = !0), (x = s); } finally { try { _ || null == j.return || j.return(); } finally { if (w) throw x; } } return i; } return s; } var kc, Oc, jc = { includeSymbols: !1, immutable: !1 }; function walk(s, o) { var i = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : jc, u = [], _ = [], w = !0, x = i.includeSymbols ? own_enumerable_keys : Object.keys, C = !!i.immutable; return (function walker(s) { var j = C ? legacy_copy(s, i) : s, L = {}, B = !0, $ = { node: j, node_: s, path: [].concat(u), parent: _[_.length - 1], parents: _, key: u[u.length - 1], isRoot: 0 === u.length, level: u.length, circular: void 0, isLeaf: !1, notLeaf: !0, notRoot: !0, isFirst: !1, isLast: !1, update: function update(s) { var o = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] && arguments[1]; $.isRoot || ($.parent.node[$.key] = s), ($.node = s), o && (B = !1); }, delete: function _delete(s) { delete $.parent.node[$.key], s && (B = !1); }, remove: function remove(s) { fc($.parent.node) ? $.parent.node.splice($.key, 1) : delete $.parent.node[$.key], s && (B = !1); }, keys: null, before: function before(s) { L.before = s; }, after: function after(s) { L.after = s; }, pre: function pre(s) { L.pre = s; }, post: function post(s) { L.post = s; }, stop: function stop() { w = !1; }, block: function block() { B = !1; } }; if (!w) return $; function update_state() { if ('object' === _type_of($.node) && null !== $.node) { ($.keys && $.node_ === $.node) || ($.keys = x($.node)), ($.isLeaf = 0 === $.keys.length); for (var o = 0; o < _.length; o++) if (_[o].node_ === s) { $.circular = _[o]; break; } } else ($.isLeaf = !0), ($.keys = null); ($.notLeaf = !$.isLeaf), ($.notRoot = !$.isRoot); } update_state(); var V = o.call($, $.node); if ((void 0 !== V && $.update && $.update(V), L.before && L.before.call($, $.node), !B)) return $; if ('object' === _type_of($.node) && null !== $.node && !$.circular) { var U; _.push($), update_state(); var z = !0, Y = !1, Z = void 0; try { for ( var ee, ie = Object.entries(null !== (U = $.keys) && void 0 !== U ? U : [])[ Symbol.iterator ](); !(z = (ee = ie.next()).done); z = !0 ) { var ae, le = _sliced_to_array(ee.value, 2), ce = le[0], pe = le[1]; u.push(pe), L.pre && L.pre.call($, $.node[pe], pe); var de = walker($.node[pe]); C && Ec.call($.node, pe) && !is_writable($.node, pe) && ($.node[pe] = de.node), (de.isLast = !!(null === (ae = $.keys) || void 0 === ae ? void 0 : ae.length) && +ce == $.keys.length - 1), (de.isFirst = 0 == +ce), L.post && L.post.call($, de), u.pop(); } } catch (s) { (Y = !0), (Z = s); } finally { try { z || null == ie.return || ie.return(); } finally { if (Y) throw Z; } } _.pop(); } return L.after && L.after.call($, $.node), $; })(s).node; } var Ic = (function () { function Traverse(s) { var o = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : jc; !(function _class_call_check(s, o) { if (!(s instanceof o)) throw new TypeError('Cannot call a class as a function'); })(this, Traverse), __privateAdd(this, kc), __privateAdd(this, Oc), __privateSet(this, kc, s), __privateSet(this, Oc, o); } return ( (function _create_class(s, o, i) { return ( o && legacy_defineProperties(s.prototype, o), i && legacy_defineProperties(s, i), s ); })(Traverse, [ { key: 'get', value: function get(s) { for (var o = __privateGet(this, kc), i = 0; o && i < s.length; i++) { var u = s[i]; if ( !Ec.call(o, u) || (!__privateGet(this, Oc).includeSymbols && 'symbol' === (void 0 === u ? 'undefined' : _type_of(u))) ) return; o = o[u]; } return o; } }, { key: 'has', value: function has(s) { for (var o = __privateGet(this, kc), i = 0; o && i < s.length; i++) { var u = s[i]; if ( !Ec.call(o, u) || (!__privateGet(this, Oc).includeSymbols && 'symbol' === (void 0 === u ? 'undefined' : _type_of(u))) ) return !1; o = o[u]; } return !0; } }, { key: 'set', value: function set(s, o) { var i = __privateGet(this, kc), u = 0; for (u = 0; u < s.length - 1; u++) { var _ = s[u]; Ec.call(i, _) || (i[_] = {}), (i = i[_]); } return (i[s[u]] = o), o; } }, { key: 'map', value: function map(s) { return walk(__privateGet(this, kc), s, { immutable: !0, includeSymbols: !!__privateGet(this, Oc).includeSymbols }); } }, { key: 'forEach', value: function forEach(s) { return ( __privateSet(this, kc, walk(__privateGet(this, kc), s, __privateGet(this, Oc))), __privateGet(this, kc) ); } }, { key: 'reduce', value: function reduce(s, o) { var i = 1 === arguments.length, u = i ? __privateGet(this, kc) : o; return ( this.forEach(function (o) { (this.isRoot && i) || (u = s.call(this, u, o)); }), u ); } }, { key: 'paths', value: function paths() { var s = []; return ( this.forEach(function () { s.push(this.path); }), s ); } }, { key: 'nodes', value: function nodes() { var s = []; return ( this.forEach(function () { s.push(this.node); }), s ); } }, { key: 'clone', value: function clone() { var s = [], o = [], i = __privateGet(this, Oc); return is_typed_array(__privateGet(this, kc)) ? __privateGet(this, kc).slice() : (function clone(u) { for (var _ = 0; _ < s.length; _++) if (s[_] === u) return o[_]; if ('object' === (void 0 === u ? 'undefined' : _type_of(u)) && null !== u) { var w = legacy_copy(u, i); s.push(u), o.push(w); var x = i.includeSymbols ? own_enumerable_keys : Object.keys, C = !0, j = !1, L = void 0; try { for ( var B, $ = x(u)[Symbol.iterator](); !(C = (B = $.next()).done); C = !0 ) { var V = B.value; w[V] = clone(u[V]); } } catch (s) { (j = !0), (L = s); } finally { try { C || null == $.return || $.return(); } finally { if (j) throw L; } } return s.pop(), o.pop(), w; } return u; })(__privateGet(this, kc)); } } ]), Traverse ); })(); (kc = new WeakMap()), (Oc = new WeakMap()); var traverse = function (s, o) { return new Ic(s, o); }; (traverse.get = function (s, o, i) { return new Ic(s, i).get(o); }), (traverse.set = function (s, o, i, u) { return new Ic(s, u).set(o, i); }), (traverse.has = function (s, o, i) { return new Ic(s, i).has(o); }), (traverse.map = function (s, o, i) { return new Ic(s, i).map(o); }), (traverse.forEach = function (s, o, i) { return new Ic(s, i).forEach(o); }), (traverse.reduce = function (s, o, i, u) { return new Ic(s, u).reduce(o, i); }), (traverse.paths = function (s, o) { return new Ic(s, o).paths(); }), (traverse.nodes = function (s, o) { return new Ic(s, o).nodes(); }), (traverse.clone = function (s, o) { return new Ic(s, o).clone(); }); var Pc = traverse; const Mc = 'application/json, application/yaml', Nc = 'https://swagger.io', Rc = Object.freeze({ url: '/' }), Lc = ['properties'], Fc = ['properties'], qc = [ 'definitions', 'parameters', 'responses', 'securityDefinitions', 'components/schemas', 'components/responses', 'components/parameters', 'components/securitySchemes' ], Kc = ['schema/example', 'items/example']; function isFreelyNamed(s) { const o = s[s.length - 1], i = s[s.length - 2], u = s.join('/'); return ( (Lc.indexOf(o) > -1 && -1 === Fc.indexOf(i)) || qc.indexOf(u) > -1 || Kc.some((s) => u.indexOf(s) > -1) ); } function absolutifyPointer(s, o) { const [i, u] = s.split('#'), _ = null != o ? o : '', w = null != i ? i : ''; let x; if (isHttpUrl(_)) x = resolve(_, w); else { const s = resolve(Nc, _), o = resolve(s, w).replace(Nc, ''); x = w.startsWith('/') ? o : o.substring(1); } return u ? `${x}#${u}` : x; } const Hc = /^([a-z]+:\/\/|\/\/)/i; class JSONRefError extends Jo {} const Jc = {}, Gc = new WeakMap(), Qc = [ (s) => 'paths' === s[0] && 'responses' === s[3] && 'examples' === s[5], (s) => 'paths' === s[0] && 'responses' === s[3] && 'content' === s[5] && 'example' === s[7], (s) => 'paths' === s[0] && 'responses' === s[3] && 'content' === s[5] && 'examples' === s[7] && 'value' === s[9], (s) => 'paths' === s[0] && 'requestBody' === s[3] && 'content' === s[4] && 'example' === s[6], (s) => 'paths' === s[0] && 'requestBody' === s[3] && 'content' === s[4] && 'examples' === s[6] && 'value' === s[8], (s) => 'paths' === s[0] && 'parameters' === s[2] && 'example' === s[4], (s) => 'paths' === s[0] && 'parameters' === s[3] && 'example' === s[5], (s) => 'paths' === s[0] && 'parameters' === s[2] && 'examples' === s[4] && 'value' === s[6], (s) => 'paths' === s[0] && 'parameters' === s[3] && 'examples' === s[5] && 'value' === s[7], (s) => 'paths' === s[0] && 'parameters' === s[2] && 'content' === s[4] && 'example' === s[6], (s) => 'paths' === s[0] && 'parameters' === s[2] && 'content' === s[4] && 'examples' === s[6] && 'value' === s[8], (s) => 'paths' === s[0] && 'parameters' === s[3] && 'content' === s[4] && 'example' === s[7], (s) => 'paths' === s[0] && 'parameters' === s[3] && 'content' === s[5] && 'examples' === s[7] && 'value' === s[9] ], eu = { key: '$ref', plugin: (s, o, i, u) => { const _ = u.getInstance(), w = i.slice(0, -1); if (isFreelyNamed(w) || ((s) => Qc.some((o) => o(s)))(w)) return; const { baseDoc: x } = u.getContext(i); if ('string' != typeof s) return new JSONRefError('$ref: must be a string (JSON-Ref)', { $ref: s, baseDoc: x, fullPath: i }); const C = refs_split(s), j = C[0], L = C[1] || ''; let B, $, V; try { B = x || j ? absoluteify(j, x) : null; } catch (o) { return wrapError(o, { pointer: L, $ref: s, basePath: B, fullPath: i }); } if ( (function pointerAlreadyInPath(s, o, i, u) { let _ = Gc.get(u); _ || ((_ = {}), Gc.set(u, _)); const w = (function arrayToJsonPointer(s) { if (0 === s.length) return ''; return `/${s.map(escapeJsonPointerToken).join('/')}`; })(i), x = `${o || ''}#${s}`, C = w.replace(/allOf\/\d+\/?/g, ''), j = u.contextTree.get([]).baseDoc; if (o === j && pointerIsAParent(C, s)) return !0; let L = ''; const B = i.some( (s) => ( (L = `${L}/${escapeJsonPointerToken(s)}`), _[L] && _[L].some((s) => pointerIsAParent(s, x) || pointerIsAParent(x, s)) ) ); if (B) return !0; return void (_[C] = (_[C] || []).concat(x)); })(L, B, w, u) && !_.useCircularStructures ) { const o = absolutifyPointer(s, B); return s === o ? null : zo.replace(i, o); } if ( (null == B ? ((V = jsonPointerToArray(L)), ($ = u.get(V)), void 0 === $ && ($ = new JSONRefError(`Could not resolve reference: ${s}`, { pointer: L, $ref: s, baseDoc: x, fullPath: i }))) : (($ = extractFromDoc(B, L)), ($ = null != $.__value ? $.__value : $.catch((o) => { throw wrapError(o, { pointer: L, $ref: s, baseDoc: x, fullPath: i }); }))), $ instanceof Error) ) return [zo.remove(i), $]; const U = absolutifyPointer(s, B), z = zo.replace(w, $, { $$ref: U }); if (B && B !== x) return [z, zo.context(w, { baseDoc: B })]; try { if ( !(function patchValueAlreadyInPath(s, o) { const i = [s]; return ( o.path.reduce((s, o) => (i.push(s[o]), s[o]), s), pointToAncestor(o.value) ); function pointToAncestor(s) { return ( zo.isObject(s) && (i.indexOf(s) >= 0 || Object.keys(s).some((o) => pointToAncestor(s[o]))) ); } })(u.state, z) || _.useCircularStructures ) return z; } catch (s) { return null; } } }, tu = Object.assign(eu, { docCache: Jc, absoluteify, clearCache: function clearCache(s) { void 0 !== s ? delete Jc[s] : Object.keys(Jc).forEach((s) => { delete Jc[s]; }); }, JSONRefError, wrapError, getDoc, split: refs_split, extractFromDoc, fetchJSON: function fetchJSON(s) { return fetch(s, { headers: { Accept: Mc }, loadSpec: !0 }) .then((s) => s.text()) .then((s) => mn.load(s)); }, extract, jsonPointerToArray, unescapeJsonPointerToken }), ru = tu; function absoluteify(s, o) { if (!Hc.test(s)) { if (!o) throw new JSONRefError( `Tried to resolve a relative URL, without having a basePath. path: '${s}' basePath: '${o}'` ); return resolve(o, s); } return s; } function wrapError(s, o) { let i; return ( (i = s && s.response && s.response.body ? `${s.response.body.code} ${s.response.body.message}` : s.message), new JSONRefError(`Could not resolve reference: ${i}`, { ...o, cause: s }) ); } function refs_split(s) { return (s + '').split('#'); } function extractFromDoc(s, o) { const i = Jc[s]; if (i && !zo.isPromise(i)) try { const s = extract(o, i); return Object.assign(Promise.resolve(s), { __value: s }); } catch (s) { return Promise.reject(s); } return getDoc(s).then((s) => extract(o, s)); } function getDoc(s) { const o = Jc[s]; return o ? zo.isPromise(o) ? o : Promise.resolve(o) : ((Jc[s] = tu.fetchJSON(s).then((o) => ((Jc[s] = o), o))), Jc[s]); } function extract(s, o) { const i = jsonPointerToArray(s); if (i.length < 1) return o; const u = zo.getIn(o, i); if (void 0 === u) throw new JSONRefError(`Could not resolve pointer: ${s} does not exist in document`, { pointer: s }); return u; } function jsonPointerToArray(s) { if ('string' != typeof s) throw new TypeError('Expected a string, got a ' + typeof s); return ( '/' === s[0] && (s = s.substr(1)), '' === s ? [] : s.split('/').map(unescapeJsonPointerToken) ); } function unescapeJsonPointerToken(s) { if ('string' != typeof s) return s; return new URLSearchParams(`=${s.replace(/~1/g, '/').replace(/~0/g, '~')}`).get(''); } function escapeJsonPointerToken(s) { return new URLSearchParams([['', s.replace(/~/g, '~0').replace(/\//g, '~1')]]) .toString() .slice(1); } const pointerBoundaryChar = (s) => !s || '/' === s || '#' === s; function pointerIsAParent(s, o) { if (pointerBoundaryChar(o)) return !0; const i = s.charAt(o.length), u = o.slice(-1); return 0 === s.indexOf(o) && (!i || '/' === i || '#' === i) && '#' !== u; } const nu = { key: 'allOf', plugin: (s, o, i, u, _) => { if (_.meta && _.meta.$$ref) return; const w = i.slice(0, -1); if (isFreelyNamed(w)) return; if (!Array.isArray(s)) { const s = new TypeError('allOf must be an array'); return (s.fullPath = i), s; } let x = !1, C = _.value; if ( (w.forEach((s) => { C && (C = C[s]); }), (C = { ...C }), 0 === Object.keys(C).length) ) return; delete C.allOf; const j = []; return ( j.push(u.replace(w, {})), s.forEach((s, o) => { if (!u.isObject(s)) { if (x) return null; x = !0; const s = new TypeError('Elements in allOf must be objects'); return (s.fullPath = i), j.push(s); } j.push(u.mergeDeep(w, s)); const _ = (function generateAbsoluteRefPatches( s, o, { specmap: i, getBaseUrlForNodePath: u = (s) => i.getContext([...o, ...s]).baseDoc, targetKeys: _ = ['$ref', '$$ref'] } = {} ) { const w = []; return ( Pc(s).forEach(function callback() { if (_.includes(this.key) && 'string' == typeof this.node) { const s = this.path, _ = o.concat(this.path), x = absolutifyPointer(this.node, u(s)); w.push(i.replace(_, x)); } }), w ); })(s, i.slice(0, -1), { getBaseUrlForNodePath: (s) => u.getContext([...i, o, ...s]).baseDoc, specmap: u }); j.push(..._); }), C.example && j.push(u.remove([].concat(w, 'example'))), j.push(u.mergeDeep(w, C)), C.$$ref || j.push(u.remove([].concat(w, '$$ref'))), j ); } }, su = { key: 'parameters', plugin: (s, o, i, u) => { if (Array.isArray(s) && s.length) { const o = Object.assign([], s), _ = i.slice(0, -1), w = { ...zo.getIn(u.spec, _) }; for (let _ = 0; _ < s.length; _ += 1) { const x = s[_]; try { o[_].default = u.parameterMacro(w, x); } catch (s) { const o = new Error(s); return (o.fullPath = i), o; } } return zo.replace(i, o); } return zo.replace(i, s); } }, ou = { key: 'properties', plugin: (s, o, i, u) => { const _ = { ...s }; for (const o in s) try { _[o].default = u.modelPropertyMacro(_[o]); } catch (s) { const o = new Error(s); return (o.fullPath = i), o; } return zo.replace(i, _); } }; class ContextTree { constructor(s) { this.root = context_tree_createNode(s || {}); } set(s, o) { const i = this.getParent(s, !0); if (!i) return void context_tree_updateNode(this.root, o, null); const u = s[s.length - 1], { children: _ } = i; _[u] ? context_tree_updateNode(_[u], o, i) : (_[u] = context_tree_createNode(o, i)); } get(s) { if ((s = s || []).length < 1) return this.root.value; let o, i, u = this.root; for (let _ = 0; _ < s.length && ((i = s[_]), (o = u.children), o[i]); _ += 1) u = o[i]; return u && u.protoValue; } getParent(s, o) { return !s || s.length < 1 ? null : s.length < 2 ? this.root : s.slice(0, -1).reduce((s, i) => { if (!s) return s; const { children: u } = s; return !u[i] && o && (u[i] = context_tree_createNode(null, s)), u[i]; }, this.root); } } function context_tree_createNode(s, o) { return context_tree_updateNode({ children: {} }, s, o); } function context_tree_updateNode(s, o, i) { return ( (s.value = o || {}), (s.protoValue = i ? { ...i.protoValue, ...s.value } : s.value), Object.keys(s.children).forEach((o) => { const i = s.children[o]; s.children[o] = context_tree_updateNode(i, i.value, s); }), s ); } const specmap_noop = () => {}; class SpecMap { static getPluginName(s) { return s.pluginName; } static getPatchesOfType(s, o) { return s.filter(o); } constructor(s) { Object.assign( this, { spec: '', debugLevel: 'info', plugins: [], pluginHistory: {}, errors: [], mutations: [], promisedPatches: [], state: {}, patches: [], context: {}, contextTree: new ContextTree(), showDebug: !1, allPatches: [], pluginProp: 'specMap', libMethods: Object.assign(Object.create(this), zo, { getInstance: () => this }), allowMetaPatches: !1 }, s ), (this.get = this._get.bind(this)), (this.getContext = this._getContext.bind(this)), (this.hasRun = this._hasRun.bind(this)), (this.wrappedPlugins = this.plugins .map(this.wrapPlugin.bind(this)) .filter(zo.isFunction)), this.patches.push(zo.add([], this.spec)), this.patches.push(zo.context([], this.context)), this.updatePatches(this.patches); } debug(s, ...o) { this.debugLevel === s && console.log(...o); } verbose(s, ...o) { 'verbose' === this.debugLevel && console.log(`[${s}] `, ...o); } wrapPlugin(s, o) { const { pathDiscriminator: i } = this; let u, _ = null; return ( s[this.pluginProp] ? ((_ = s), (u = s[this.pluginProp])) : zo.isFunction(s) ? (u = s) : zo.isObject(s) && (u = (function createKeyBasedPlugin(s) { const isSubPath = (s, o) => !Array.isArray(s) || s.every((s, i) => s === o[i]); return function* generator(o, u) { const _ = {}; for (const [s, i] of o.filter(zo.isAdditiveMutation).entries()) { if (!(s < 3e3)) return; yield* traverse(i.value, i.path, i); } function* traverse(o, w, x) { if (zo.isObject(o)) { const C = w.length - 1, j = w[C], L = w.indexOf('properties'), B = 'properties' === j && C === L, $ = u.allowMetaPatches && _[o.$$ref]; for (const C of Object.keys(o)) { const j = o[C], L = w.concat(C), V = zo.isObject(j), U = o.$$ref; if ( ($ || (V && (u.allowMetaPatches && U && (_[U] = !0), yield* traverse(j, L, x))), !B && C === s.key) ) { const o = isSubPath(i, w); (i && !o) || (yield s.plugin(j, C, L, u, x)); } } } else s.key === w[w.length - 1] && (yield s.plugin(o, s.key, w, u)); } }; })(s)), Object.assign(u.bind(_), { pluginName: s.name || o, isGenerator: zo.isGenerator(u) }) ); } nextPlugin() { return this.wrappedPlugins.find((s) => this.getMutationsForPlugin(s).length > 0); } nextPromisedPatch() { if (this.promisedPatches.length > 0) return Promise.race(this.promisedPatches.map((s) => s.value)); } getPluginHistory(s) { const o = this.constructor.getPluginName(s); return this.pluginHistory[o] || []; } getPluginRunCount(s) { return this.getPluginHistory(s).length; } getPluginHistoryTip(s) { const o = this.getPluginHistory(s); return (o && o[o.length - 1]) || {}; } getPluginMutationIndex(s) { const o = this.getPluginHistoryTip(s).mutationIndex; return 'number' != typeof o ? -1 : o; } updatePluginHistory(s, o) { const i = this.constructor.getPluginName(s); (this.pluginHistory[i] = this.pluginHistory[i] || []), this.pluginHistory[i].push(o); } updatePatches(s) { zo.normalizeArray(s).forEach((s) => { if (s instanceof Error) this.errors.push(s); else try { if (!zo.isObject(s)) return void this.debug('updatePatches', 'Got a non-object patch', s); if ((this.showDebug && this.allPatches.push(s), zo.isPromise(s.value))) return this.promisedPatches.push(s), void this.promisedPatchThen(s); if (zo.isContextPatch(s)) return void this.setContext(s.path, s.value); zo.isMutation(s) && this.updateMutations(s); } catch (s) { console.error(s), this.errors.push(s); } }); } updateMutations(s) { 'object' == typeof s.value && !Array.isArray(s.value) && this.allowMetaPatches && (s.value = { ...s.value }); const o = zo.applyPatch(this.state, s, { allowMetaPatches: this.allowMetaPatches }); o && (this.mutations.push(s), (this.state = o)); } removePromisedPatch(s) { const o = this.promisedPatches.indexOf(s); o < 0 ? this.debug("Tried to remove a promisedPatch that isn't there!") : this.promisedPatches.splice(o, 1); } promisedPatchThen(s) { return ( (s.value = s.value .then((o) => { const i = { ...s, value: o }; this.removePromisedPatch(s), this.updatePatches(i); }) .catch((o) => { this.removePromisedPatch(s), this.updatePatches(o); })), s.value ); } getMutations(s, o) { return ( (s = s || 0), 'number' != typeof o && (o = this.mutations.length), this.mutations.slice(s, o) ); } getCurrentMutations() { return this.getMutationsForPlugin(this.getCurrentPlugin()); } getMutationsForPlugin(s) { const o = this.getPluginMutationIndex(s); return this.getMutations(o + 1); } getCurrentPlugin() { return this.currentPlugin; } getLib() { return this.libMethods; } _get(s) { return zo.getIn(this.state, s); } _getContext(s) { return this.contextTree.get(s); } setContext(s, o) { return this.contextTree.set(s, o); } _hasRun(s) { return this.getPluginRunCount(this.getCurrentPlugin()) > (s || 0); } dispatch() { const s = this, o = this.nextPlugin(); if (!o) { const s = this.nextPromisedPatch(); if (s) return s.then(() => this.dispatch()).catch(() => this.dispatch()); const o = { spec: this.state, errors: this.errors }; return this.showDebug && (o.patches = this.allPatches), Promise.resolve(o); } if ( ((s.pluginCount = s.pluginCount || new WeakMap()), s.pluginCount.set(o, (s.pluginCount.get(o) || 0) + 1), s.pluginCount[o] > 100) ) return Promise.resolve({ spec: s.state, errors: s.errors.concat(new Error("We've reached a hard limit of 100 plugin runs")) }); if (o !== this.currentPlugin && this.promisedPatches.length) { const s = this.promisedPatches.map((s) => s.value); return Promise.all(s.map((s) => s.then(specmap_noop, specmap_noop))).then(() => this.dispatch() ); } return (function executePlugin() { s.currentPlugin = o; const i = s.getCurrentMutations(), u = s.mutations.length - 1; try { if (o.isGenerator) for (const u of o(i, s.getLib())) updatePatches(u); else { updatePatches(o(i, s.getLib())); } } catch (s) { console.error(s), updatePatches([Object.assign(Object.create(s), { plugin: o })]); } finally { s.updatePluginHistory(o, { mutationIndex: u }); } return s.dispatch(); })(); function updatePatches(i) { i && ((i = zo.fullyNormalizeArray(i)), s.updatePatches(i, o)); } } } const iu = { refs: ru, allOf: nu, parameters: su, properties: ou }; function makeFetchJSON(s, o = {}) { const { requestInterceptor: i, responseInterceptor: u } = o, _ = s.withCredentials ? 'include' : 'same-origin'; return (o) => s({ url: o, loadSpec: !0, requestInterceptor: i, responseInterceptor: u, headers: { Accept: Mc }, credentials: _ }).then((s) => s.body); } function isFile(s, o) { return ( o || 'undefined' == typeof navigator || (o = navigator), o && 'ReactNative' === o.product ? !(!s || 'object' != typeof s || 'string' != typeof s.uri) : ('undefined' != typeof File && s instanceof File) || ('undefined' != typeof Blob && s instanceof Blob) || !!ArrayBuffer.isView(s) || (null !== s && 'object' == typeof s && 'function' == typeof s.pipe) ); } function isArrayOfFile(s, o) { return Array.isArray(s) && s.some((s) => isFile(s, o)); } class FileWithData extends File { constructor(s, o = '', i = {}) { super([s], o, i), (this.data = s); } valueOf() { return this.data; } toString() { return this.valueOf(); } } const isRfc3986Reserved = (s) => ":/?#[]@!$&'()*+,;=".indexOf(s) > -1, isRfc3986Unreserved = (s) => /^[a-z0-9\-._~]+$/i.test(s); function encodeCharacters(s, o = 'reserved') { return [...s] .map((s) => { if (isRfc3986Unreserved(s)) return s; if (isRfc3986Reserved(s) && 'unsafe' === o) return s; const i = new TextEncoder(); return Array.from(i.encode(s)) .map((s) => `0${s.toString(16).toUpperCase()}`.slice(-2)) .map((s) => `%${s}`) .join(''); }) .join(''); } function stylize(s) { const { value: o } = s; return Array.isArray(o) ? (function encodeArray({ key: s, value: o, style: i, explode: u, escape: _ }) { if ('simple' === i) return o.map((s) => valueEncoder(s, _)).join(','); if ('label' === i) return `.${o.map((s) => valueEncoder(s, _)).join('.')}`; if ('matrix' === i) return o .map((s) => valueEncoder(s, _)) .reduce((o, i) => (!o || u ? `${o || ''};${s}=${i}` : `${o},${i}`), ''); if ('form' === i) { const i = u ? `&${s}=` : ','; return o.map((s) => valueEncoder(s, _)).join(i); } if ('spaceDelimited' === i) { const i = u ? `${s}=` : ''; return o.map((s) => valueEncoder(s, _)).join(` ${i}`); } if ('pipeDelimited' === i) { const i = u ? `${s}=` : ''; return o.map((s) => valueEncoder(s, _)).join(`|${i}`); } return; })(s) : 'object' == typeof o ? (function encodeObject({ key: s, value: o, style: i, explode: u, escape: _ }) { const w = Object.keys(o); if ('simple' === i) return w.reduce((s, i) => { const w = valueEncoder(o[i], _); return `${s ? `${s},` : ''}${i}${u ? '=' : ','}${w}`; }, ''); if ('label' === i) return w.reduce((s, i) => { const w = valueEncoder(o[i], _); return `${s ? `${s}.` : '.'}${i}${u ? '=' : '.'}${w}`; }, ''); if ('matrix' === i && u) return w.reduce( (s, i) => `${s ? `${s};` : ';'}${i}=${valueEncoder(o[i], _)}`, '' ); if ('matrix' === i) return w.reduce((i, u) => { const w = valueEncoder(o[u], _); return `${i ? `${i},` : `;${s}=`}${u},${w}`; }, ''); if ('form' === i) return w.reduce((s, i) => { const w = valueEncoder(o[i], _); return `${s ? `${s}${u ? '&' : ','}` : ''}${i}${u ? '=' : ','}${w}`; }, ''); return; })(s) : (function encodePrimitive({ key: s, value: o, style: i, escape: u }) { if ('simple' === i) return valueEncoder(o, u); if ('label' === i) return `.${valueEncoder(o, u)}`; if ('matrix' === i) return `;${s}=${valueEncoder(o, u)}`; if ('form' === i) return valueEncoder(o, u); if ('deepObject' === i) return valueEncoder(o, u); return; })(s); } function valueEncoder(s, o = !1) { return ( Array.isArray(s) || (null !== s && 'object' == typeof s) ? (s = JSON.stringify(s)) : ('number' != typeof s && 'boolean' != typeof s) || (s = String(s)), o && s.length > 0 ? encodeCharacters(s, o) : s ); } const au = { form: ',', spaceDelimited: '%20', pipeDelimited: '|' }, lu = { csv: ',', ssv: '%20', tsv: '%09', pipes: '|' }; function formatKeyValue(s, o, i = !1) { const { collectionFormat: u, allowEmptyValue: _, serializationOption: w, encoding: x } = o, C = 'object' != typeof o || Array.isArray(o) ? o : o.value, j = i ? (s) => s.toString() : (s) => encodeURIComponent(s), L = j(s); if (void 0 === C && _) return [[L, '']]; if (isFile(C) || isArrayOfFile(C)) return [[L, C]]; if (w) return formatKeyValueBySerializationOption(s, C, i, w); if (x) { if ( [typeof x.style, typeof x.explode, typeof x.allowReserved].some( (s) => 'undefined' !== s ) ) { const { style: o, explode: u, allowReserved: _ } = x; return formatKeyValueBySerializationOption(s, C, i, { style: o, explode: u, allowReserved: _ }); } if ('string' == typeof x.contentType) { if (x.contentType.startsWith('application/json')) { const s = j('string' == typeof C ? C : JSON.stringify(C)); return [[L, new FileWithData(s, 'blob', { type: x.contentType })]]; } const s = j(String(C)); return [[L, new FileWithData(s, 'blob', { type: x.contentType })]]; } return 'object' != typeof C ? [[L, j(C)]] : Array.isArray(C) && C.every((s) => 'object' != typeof s) ? [[L, C.map(j).join(',')]] : [[L, j(JSON.stringify(C))]]; } return 'object' != typeof C ? [[L, j(C)]] : Array.isArray(C) ? 'multi' === u ? [[L, C.map(j)]] : [[L, C.map(j).join(lu[u || 'csv'])]] : [[L, '']]; } function formatKeyValueBySerializationOption(s, o, i, u) { const _ = u.style || 'form', w = void 0 === u.explode ? 'form' === _ : u.explode, x = !i && (u && u.allowReserved ? 'unsafe' : 'reserved'), encodeFn = (s) => valueEncoder(s, x), C = i ? (s) => s : (s) => encodeFn(s); return 'object' != typeof o ? [[C(s), encodeFn(o)]] : Array.isArray(o) ? w ? [[C(s), o.map(encodeFn)]] : [[C(s), o.map(encodeFn).join(au[_])]] : 'deepObject' === _ ? Object.keys(o).map((i) => [C(`${s}[${i}]`), encodeFn(o[i])]) : w ? Object.keys(o).map((s) => [C(s), encodeFn(o[s])]) : [ [ C(s), Object.keys(o) .map((s) => [`${C(s)},${encodeFn(o[s])}`]) .join(',') ] ]; } function encodeFormOrQuery(s) { return ((s, { encode: o = !0 } = {}) => { const buildNestedParams = (s, o, i) => ( null == i ? s.append(o, '') : Array.isArray(i) ? i.reduce((i, u) => buildNestedParams(s, o, u), s) : i instanceof Date ? s.append(o, i.toISOString()) : 'object' == typeof i ? Object.entries(i).reduce( (i, [u, _]) => buildNestedParams(s, `${o}[${u}]`, _), s ) : s.append(o, i), s ), i = Object.entries(s).reduce( (s, [o, i]) => buildNestedParams(s, o, i), new URLSearchParams() ), u = String(i); return o ? u : decodeURIComponent(u); })( Object.keys(s).reduce((o, i) => { for (const [u, _] of formatKeyValue(i, s[i])) o[u] = _ instanceof FileWithData ? _.valueOf() : _; return o; }, {}), { encode: !1 } ); } function serializeRequest(s = {}) { const { url: o = '', query: i, form: u } = s; if (u) { const o = Object.keys(u).some((s) => { const { value: o } = u[s]; return isFile(o) || isArrayOfFile(o); }), i = s.headers['content-type'] || s.headers['Content-Type']; if (o || /multipart\/form-data/i.test(i)) { const o = (function request_buildFormData(s) { return Object.entries(s).reduce((s, [o, i]) => { for (const [u, _] of formatKeyValue(o, i, !0)) if (Array.isArray(_)) for (const o of _) if (ArrayBuffer.isView(o)) { const i = new Blob([o]); s.append(u, i); } else s.append(u, o); else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(_)) { const o = new Blob([_]); s.append(u, o); } else s.append(u, _); return s; }, new FormData()); })(s.form); (s.formdata = o), (s.body = o); } else s.body = encodeFormOrQuery(u); delete s.form; } if (i) { const [u, _] = o.split('?'); let w = ''; if (_) { const s = new URLSearchParams(_); Object.keys(i).forEach((o) => s.delete(o)), (w = String(s)); } const x = ((...s) => { const o = s.filter((s) => s).join('&'); return o ? `?${o}` : ''; })(w, encodeFormOrQuery(i)); (s.url = u + x), delete s.query; } return s; } function serializeHeaders(s = {}) { return 'function' != typeof s.entries ? {} : Array.from(s.entries()).reduce( (s, [o, i]) => ( (s[o] = (function serializeHeaderValue(s) { return s.includes(', ') ? s.split(', ') : s; })(i)), s ), {} ); } function serializeResponse(s, o, { loadSpec: i = !1 } = {}) { const u = { ok: s.ok, url: s.url || o, status: s.status, statusText: s.statusText, headers: serializeHeaders(s.headers) }, _ = u.headers['content-type'], w = i || ((s = '') => /(json|xml|yaml|text)\b/.test(s))(_); return (w ? s.text : s.blob || s.buffer).call(s).then((s) => { if (((u.text = s), (u.data = s), w)) try { const o = (function parseBody(s, o) { return o && (0 === o.indexOf('application/json') || o.indexOf('+json') > 0) ? JSON.parse(s) : mn.load(s); })(s, _); (u.body = o), (u.obj = o); } catch (s) { u.parseError = s; } return u; }); } async function http_http(s, o = {}) { 'object' == typeof s && (s = (o = s).url), (o.headers = o.headers || {}), (o = serializeRequest(o)).headers && Object.keys(o.headers).forEach((s) => { const i = o.headers[s]; 'string' == typeof i && (o.headers[s] = i.replace(/\n+/g, ' ')); }), o.requestInterceptor && (o = (await o.requestInterceptor(o)) || o); const i = o.headers['content-type'] || o.headers['Content-Type']; let u; /multipart\/form-data/i.test(i) && (delete o.headers['content-type'], delete o.headers['Content-Type']); try { (u = await (o.userFetch || fetch)(o.url, o)), (u = await serializeResponse(u, s, o)), o.responseInterceptor && (u = (await o.responseInterceptor(u)) || u); } catch (s) { if (!u) throw s; const o = new Error(u.statusText || `response status is ${u.status}`); throw ((o.status = u.status), (o.statusCode = u.status), (o.responseError = s), o); } if (!u.ok) { const s = new Error(u.statusText || `response status is ${u.status}`); throw ((s.status = u.status), (s.statusCode = u.status), (s.response = u), s); } return u; } const options_retrievalURI = (s) => { var o, i; const { baseDoc: u, url: _ } = s, w = null !== (o = null != u ? u : _) && void 0 !== o ? o : ''; return 'string' == typeof (null === (i = globalThis.document) || void 0 === i ? void 0 : i.baseURI) ? String(new URL(w, globalThis.document.baseURI)) : w; }, options_httpClient = (s) => { const { fetch: o, http: i } = s; return o || i || http_http; }; async function resolveGenericStrategy(s) { const { spec: o, mode: i, allowMetaPatches: u = !0, pathDiscriminator: _, modelPropertyMacro: w, parameterMacro: x, requestInterceptor: C, responseInterceptor: j, skipNormalization: L = !1, useCircularStructures: B, strategies: $ } = s, V = options_retrievalURI(s), U = options_httpClient(s), z = $.find((s) => s.match(o)); return (async function doResolve(s) { V && (iu.refs.docCache[V] = s); iu.refs.fetchJSON = makeFetchJSON(U, { requestInterceptor: C, responseInterceptor: j }); const o = [iu.refs]; 'function' == typeof x && o.push(iu.parameters); 'function' == typeof w && o.push(iu.properties); 'strict' !== i && o.push(iu.allOf); const $ = await (function mapSpec(s) { return new SpecMap(s).dispatch(); })({ spec: s, context: { baseDoc: V }, plugins: o, allowMetaPatches: u, pathDiscriminator: _, parameterMacro: x, modelPropertyMacro: w, useCircularStructures: B }); L || ($.spec = z.normalize($.spec)); return $; })(o); } const replace_special_chars_with_underscore = (s) => s.replace(/\W/gi, '_'); function opId(s, o, i = '', { v2OperationIdCompatibilityMode: u } = {}) { if (!s || 'object' != typeof s) return null; return (s.operationId || '').replace(/\s/g, '').length ? replace_special_chars_with_underscore(s.operationId) : (function idFromPathMethod(s, o, { v2OperationIdCompatibilityMode: i } = {}) { if (i) { let i = `${o.toLowerCase()}_${s}`.replace( /[\s!@#$%^&*()_+=[{\]};:<>|./?,\\'""-]/g, '_' ); return ( (i = i || `${s.substring(1)}_${o}`), i .replace(/((_){2,})/g, '_') .replace(/^(_)*/g, '') .replace(/([_])*$/g, '') ); } return `${o.toLowerCase()}${replace_special_chars_with_underscore(s)}`; })(o, i, { v2OperationIdCompatibilityMode: u }); } function normalize(s) { const { spec: o } = s, { paths: i } = o, u = {}; if (!i || o.$$normalized) return s; for (const s in i) { const _ = i[s]; if (null == _ || !['object', 'function'].includes(typeof _)) continue; const w = _.parameters; for (const i in _) { const x = _[i]; if (null == x || !['object', 'function'].includes(typeof x)) continue; const C = opId(x, s, i); if (C) { u[C] ? u[C].push(x) : (u[C] = [x]); const s = u[C]; if (s.length > 1) s.forEach((s, o) => { (s.__originalOperationId = s.__originalOperationId || s.operationId), (s.operationId = `${C}${o + 1}`); }); else if (void 0 !== x.operationId) { const o = s[0]; (o.__originalOperationId = o.__originalOperationId || x.operationId), (o.operationId = C); } } if ('parameters' !== i) { const s = [], i = {}; for (const u in o) ('produces' !== u && 'consumes' !== u && 'security' !== u) || ((i[u] = o[u]), s.push(i)); if ((w && ((i.parameters = w), s.push(i)), s.length)) for (const o of s) for (const s in o) if (x[s]) { if ('parameters' === s) for (const i of o[s]) { x[s].some( (s) => (s.name && s.name === i.name) || (s.$ref && s.$ref === i.$ref) || (s.$$ref && s.$$ref === i.$$ref) || s === i ) || x[s].push(i); } } else x[s] = o[s]; } } } return (o.$$normalized = !0), s; } const cu = { name: 'generic', match: () => !0, normalize(s) { const { spec: o } = normalize({ spec: s }); return o; }, resolve: async (s) => resolveGenericStrategy(s) }, uu = cu; const isOpenAPI30 = (s) => { try { const { openapi: o } = s; return 'string' == typeof o && /^3\.0\.([0123])(?:-rc[012])?$/.test(o); } catch { return !1; } }, isOpenAPI31 = (s) => { try { const { openapi: o } = s; return 'string' == typeof o && /^3\.1\.(?:[1-9]\d*|0)$/.test(o); } catch { return !1; } }, isOpenAPI3 = (s) => isOpenAPI30(s) || isOpenAPI31(s), pu = { name: 'openapi-2', match: (s) => ((s) => { try { const { swagger: o } = s; return '2.0' === o; } catch { return !1; } })(s), normalize(s) { const { spec: o } = normalize({ spec: s }); return o; }, resolve: async (s) => (async function resolveOpenAPI2Strategy(s) { return resolveGenericStrategy(s); })(s) }, hu = pu; const du = { name: 'openapi-3-0', match: (s) => isOpenAPI30(s), normalize(s) { const { spec: o } = normalize({ spec: s }); return o; }, resolve: async (s) => (async function resolveOpenAPI30Strategy(s) { return resolveGenericStrategy(s); })(s) }, fu = du; const mu = _curry2(function and(s, o) { return s && o; }); const gu = _curry2(function both(s, o) { return _isFunction(s) ? function _both() { return s.apply(this, arguments) && o.apply(this, arguments); } : Pl(mu)(s, o); }); const yu = ra(null); const vu = Ml(yu); function isOfTypeObject_typeof(s) { return ( (isOfTypeObject_typeof = 'function' == typeof Symbol && 'symbol' == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (s) { return typeof s; } : function (s) { return s && 'function' == typeof Symbol && s.constructor === Symbol && s !== Symbol.prototype ? 'symbol' : typeof s; }), isOfTypeObject_typeof(s) ); } const bu = function isOfTypeObject(s) { return 'object' === isOfTypeObject_typeof(s); }; const _u = za(1, gu(vu, bu)); var Eu = pipe(ea, Vl('Object')), wu = pipe(ma, ra(ma(Object))), Su = Xo(gu(Wl, wu), ['constructor']), xu = za(1, function (s) { if (!_u(s) || !Eu(s)) return !1; var o = Object.getPrototypeOf(s); return !!yu(o) || Su(o); }); const ku = xu; var Cu = __webpack_require__(34035); function _reduced(s) { return s && s['@@transducer/reduced'] ? s : { '@@transducer/value': s, '@@transducer/reduced': !0 }; } var Ou = (function () { function XAll(s, o) { (this.xf = o), (this.f = s), (this.all = !0); } return ( (XAll.prototype['@@transducer/init'] = _xfBase_init), (XAll.prototype['@@transducer/result'] = function (s) { return ( this.all && (s = this.xf['@@transducer/step'](s, !0)), this.xf['@@transducer/result'](s) ); }), (XAll.prototype['@@transducer/step'] = function (s, o) { return ( this.f(o) || ((this.all = !1), (s = _reduced(this.xf['@@transducer/step'](s, !1)))), s ); }), XAll ); })(); function _xall(s) { return function (o) { return new Ou(s, o); }; } var Au = _curry2( _dispatchable(['all'], _xall, function all(s, o) { for (var i = 0; i < o.length; ) { if (!s(o[i])) return !1; i += 1; } return !0; }) ); const ju = Au; class Annotation extends Cu.Om { constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), (this.element = 'annotation'); } get code() { return this.attributes.get('code'); } set code(s) { this.attributes.set('code', s); } } const Iu = Annotation; class Comment extends Cu.Om { constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), (this.element = 'comment'); } } const Pu = Comment; class ParseResult extends Cu.wE { constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), (this.element = 'parseResult'); } get api() { return this.children.filter((s) => s.classes.contains('api')).first; } get results() { return this.children.filter((s) => s.classes.contains('result')); } get result() { return this.results.first; } get annotations() { return this.children.filter((s) => 'annotation' === s.element); } get warnings() { return this.children.filter( (s) => 'annotation' === s.element && s.classes.contains('warning') ); } get errors() { return this.children.filter( (s) => 'annotation' === s.element && s.classes.contains('error') ); } get isEmpty() { return this.children.reject((s) => 'annotation' === s.element).isEmpty; } replaceResult(s) { const { result: o } = this; if (Rl(o)) return !1; const i = this.content.findIndex((s) => s === o); return -1 !== i && ((this.content[i] = s), !0); } } const Mu = ParseResult; class SourceMap extends Cu.wE { constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), (this.element = 'sourceMap'); } get positionStart() { return this.children.filter((s) => s.classes.contains('position')).get(0); } get positionEnd() { return this.children.filter((s) => s.classes.contains('position')).get(1); } set position(s) { if (void 0 === s) return; const o = new Cu.wE([s.start.row, s.start.column, s.start.char]), i = new Cu.wE([s.end.row, s.end.column, s.end.char]); o.classes.push('position'), i.classes.push('position'), this.push(o).push(i); } } const Tu = SourceMap, hasMethod = (s, o) => 'object' == typeof o && null !== o && s in o && 'function' == typeof o[s], hasBasicElementProps = (s) => 'object' == typeof s && null != s && '_storedElement' in s && 'string' == typeof s._storedElement && '_content' in s, primitiveEq = (s, o) => 'object' == typeof o && null !== o && 'primitive' in o && 'function' == typeof o.primitive && o.primitive() === s, hasClass = (s, o) => 'object' == typeof o && null !== o && 'classes' in o && (Array.isArray(o.classes) || o.classes instanceof Cu.wE) && o.classes.includes(s), isElementType = (s, o) => 'object' == typeof o && null !== o && 'element' in o && o.element === s, helpers = (s) => s({ hasMethod, hasBasicElementProps, primitiveEq, isElementType, hasClass }), Nu = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, primitiveEq: o }) => (i) => i instanceof Cu.Hg || (s(i) && o(void 0, i)) ), Ru = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, primitiveEq: o }) => (i) => i instanceof Cu.Om || (s(i) && o('string', i)) ), Du = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, primitiveEq: o }) => (i) => i instanceof Cu.kT || (s(i) && o('number', i)) ), Lu = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, primitiveEq: o }) => (i) => i instanceof Cu.Os || (s(i) && o('null', i)) ), Bu = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, primitiveEq: o }) => (i) => i instanceof Cu.bd || (s(i) && o('boolean', i)) ), Fu = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, primitiveEq: o, hasMethod: i }) => (u) => u instanceof Cu.Sh || (s(u) && o('object', u) && i('keys', u) && i('values', u) && i('items', u)) ), qu = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, primitiveEq: o, hasMethod: i }) => (u) => (u instanceof Cu.wE && !(u instanceof Cu.Sh)) || (s(u) && o('array', u) && i('push', u) && i('unshift', u) && i('map', u) && i('reduce', u)) ), $u = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof Cu.Pr || (s(u) && o('member', u) && i(void 0, u)) ), Vu = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof Cu.Ft || (s(u) && o('link', u) && i(void 0, u)) ), Uu = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof Cu.sI || (s(u) && o('ref', u) && i(void 0, u)) ), zu = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof Iu || (s(u) && o('annotation', u) && i('array', u)) ), Wu = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof Pu || (s(u) && o('comment', u) && i('string', u)) ), Ku = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof Mu || (s(u) && o('parseResult', u) && i('array', u)) ), Hu = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof Tu || (s(u) && o('sourceMap', u) && i('array', u)) ), isPrimitiveElement = (s) => isElementType('object', s) || isElementType('array', s) || isElementType('boolean', s) || isElementType('number', s) || isElementType('string', s) || isElementType('null', s) || isElementType('member', s), hasElementSourceMap = (s) => Hu(s.meta.get('sourceMap')), includesSymbols = (s, o) => { if (0 === s.length) return !0; const i = o.attributes.get('symbols'); return !!qu(i) && ju(_l(i.toValue()), s); }, includesClasses = (s, o) => 0 === s.length || ju(_l(o.classes.toValue()), s); const es_T = function () { return !0; }; const es_F = function () { return !1; }, getVisitFn = (s, o, i) => { const u = s[o]; if (null != u) { if (!i && 'function' == typeof u) return u; const s = i ? u.leave : u.enter; if ('function' == typeof s) return s; } else { const u = i ? s.leave : s.enter; if (null != u) { if ('function' == typeof u) return u; const s = u[o]; if ('function' == typeof s) return s; } } return null; }, Ju = {}, getNodeType = (s) => (null == s ? void 0 : s.type), isNode = (s) => 'string' == typeof getNodeType(s), cloneNode = (s) => Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(s), Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(s)), mergeAll = ( s, { visitFnGetter: o = getVisitFn, nodeTypeGetter: i = getNodeType, breakSymbol: u = Ju, deleteNodeSymbol: _ = null, skipVisitingNodeSymbol: w = !1, exposeEdits: x = !1 } = {} ) => { const C = Symbol('skip'), j = new Array(s.length).fill(C); return { enter(L, B, $, V, U, z) { let Y = L, Z = !1; const ee = { ...z, replaceWith(s, o) { z.replaceWith(s, o), (Y = s); } }; for (let L = 0; L < s.length; L += 1) if (j[L] === C) { const C = o(s[L], i(Y), !1); if ('function' == typeof C) { const o = C.call(s[L], Y, B, $, V, U, ee); if ('function' == typeof (null == o ? void 0 : o.then)) throw new Jo('Async visitor not supported in sync mode', { visitor: s[L], visitFn: C }); if (o === w) j[L] = Y; else if (o === u) j[L] = u; else { if (o === _) return o; if (void 0 !== o) { if (!x) return o; (Y = o), (Z = !0); } } } } return Z ? Y : void 0; }, leave(_, x, L, B, $, V) { let U = _; const z = { ...V, replaceWith(s, o) { V.replaceWith(s, o), (U = s); } }; for (let _ = 0; _ < s.length; _ += 1) if (j[_] === C) { const C = o(s[_], i(U), !0); if ('function' == typeof C) { const o = C.call(s[_], U, x, L, B, $, z); if ('function' == typeof (null == o ? void 0 : o.then)) throw new Jo('Async visitor not supported in sync mode', { visitor: s[_], visitFn: C }); if (o === u) j[_] = u; else if (void 0 !== o && o !== w) return o; } } else j[_] === U && (j[_] = C); } }; }; mergeAll[Symbol.for('nodejs.util.promisify.custom')] = ( s, { visitFnGetter: o = getVisitFn, nodeTypeGetter: i = getNodeType, breakSymbol: u = Ju, deleteNodeSymbol: _ = null, skipVisitingNodeSymbol: w = !1, exposeEdits: x = !1 } = {} ) => { const C = Symbol('skip'), j = new Array(s.length).fill(C); return { async enter(L, B, $, V, U, z) { let Y = L, Z = !1; const ee = { ...z, replaceWith(s, o) { z.replaceWith(s, o), (Y = s); } }; for (let L = 0; L < s.length; L += 1) if (j[L] === C) { const C = o(s[L], i(Y), !1); if ('function' == typeof C) { const o = await C.call(s[L], Y, B, $, V, U, ee); if (o === w) j[L] = Y; else if (o === u) j[L] = u; else { if (o === _) return o; if (void 0 !== o) { if (!x) return o; (Y = o), (Z = !0); } } } } return Z ? Y : void 0; }, async leave(_, x, L, B, $, V) { let U = _; const z = { ...V, replaceWith(s, o) { V.replaceWith(s, o), (U = s); } }; for (let _ = 0; _ < s.length; _ += 1) if (j[_] === C) { const C = o(s[_], i(U), !0); if ('function' == typeof C) { const o = await C.call(s[_], U, x, L, B, $, z); if (o === u) j[_] = u; else if (void 0 !== o && o !== w) return o; } } else j[_] === U && (j[_] = C); } }; }; const visit = ( s, o, { keyMap: i = null, state: u = {}, breakSymbol: _ = Ju, deleteNodeSymbol: w = null, skipVisitingNodeSymbol: x = !1, visitFnGetter: C = getVisitFn, nodeTypeGetter: j = getNodeType, nodePredicate: L = isNode, nodeCloneFn: B = cloneNode, detectCycles: $ = !0 } = {} ) => { const V = i || {}; let U, z, Y = Array.isArray(s), Z = [s], ee = -1, ie = [], ae = s; const le = [], ce = []; do { ee += 1; const s = ee === Z.length; let i; const fe = s && 0 !== ie.length; if (s) { if (((i = 0 === ce.length ? void 0 : le.pop()), (ae = z), (z = ce.pop()), fe)) if (Y) { ae = ae.slice(); let s = 0; for (const [o, i] of ie) { const u = o - s; i === w ? (ae.splice(u, 1), (s += 1)) : (ae[u] = i); } } else { ae = B(ae); for (const [s, o] of ie) ae[s] = o; } (ee = U.index), (Z = U.keys), (ie = U.edits), (Y = U.inArray), (U = U.prev); } else if (z !== w && void 0 !== z) { if (((i = Y ? ee : Z[ee]), (ae = z[i]), ae === w || void 0 === ae)) continue; le.push(i); } let ye; if (!Array.isArray(ae)) { var pe; if (!L(ae)) throw new Jo(`Invalid AST Node: ${String(ae)}`, { node: ae }); if ($ && ce.includes(ae)) { le.pop(); continue; } const w = C(o, j(ae), s); if (w) { for (const [s, i] of Object.entries(u)) o[s] = i; const _ = { replaceWith(o, u) { 'function' == typeof u ? u(o, ae, i, z, le, ce) : z && (z[i] = o), s || (ae = o); } }; ye = w.call(o, ae, i, z, le, ce, _); } if ('function' == typeof (null === (pe = ye) || void 0 === pe ? void 0 : pe.then)) throw new Jo('Async visitor not supported in sync mode', { visitor: o, visitFn: w }); if (ye === _) break; if (ye === x) { if (!s) { le.pop(); continue; } } else if (void 0 !== ye && (ie.push([i, ye]), !s)) { if (!L(ye)) { le.pop(); continue; } ae = ye; } } var de; if ((void 0 === ye && fe && ie.push([i, ae]), !s)) (U = { inArray: Y, index: ee, keys: Z, edits: ie, prev: U }), (Y = Array.isArray(ae)), (Z = Y ? ae : null !== (de = V[j(ae)]) && void 0 !== de ? de : []), (ee = -1), (ie = []), z !== w && void 0 !== z && ce.push(z), (z = ae); } while (void 0 !== U); return 0 !== ie.length ? ie[ie.length - 1][1] : s; }; visit[Symbol.for('nodejs.util.promisify.custom')] = async ( s, o, { keyMap: i = null, state: u = {}, breakSymbol: _ = Ju, deleteNodeSymbol: w = null, skipVisitingNodeSymbol: x = !1, visitFnGetter: C = getVisitFn, nodeTypeGetter: j = getNodeType, nodePredicate: L = isNode, nodeCloneFn: B = cloneNode, detectCycles: $ = !0 } = {} ) => { const V = i || {}; let U, z, Y = Array.isArray(s), Z = [s], ee = -1, ie = [], ae = s; const le = [], ce = []; do { ee += 1; const s = ee === Z.length; let i; const de = s && 0 !== ie.length; if (s) { if (((i = 0 === ce.length ? void 0 : le.pop()), (ae = z), (z = ce.pop()), de)) if (Y) { ae = ae.slice(); let s = 0; for (const [o, i] of ie) { const u = o - s; i === w ? (ae.splice(u, 1), (s += 1)) : (ae[u] = i); } } else { ae = B(ae); for (const [s, o] of ie) ae[s] = o; } (ee = U.index), (Z = U.keys), (ie = U.edits), (Y = U.inArray), (U = U.prev); } else if (z !== w && void 0 !== z) { if (((i = Y ? ee : Z[ee]), (ae = z[i]), ae === w || void 0 === ae)) continue; le.push(i); } let fe; if (!Array.isArray(ae)) { if (!L(ae)) throw new Jo(`Invalid AST Node: ${String(ae)}`, { node: ae }); if ($ && ce.includes(ae)) { le.pop(); continue; } const w = C(o, j(ae), s); if (w) { for (const [s, i] of Object.entries(u)) o[s] = i; const _ = { replaceWith(o, u) { 'function' == typeof u ? u(o, ae, i, z, le, ce) : z && (z[i] = o), s || (ae = o); } }; fe = await w.call(o, ae, i, z, le, ce, _); } if (fe === _) break; if (fe === x) { if (!s) { le.pop(); continue; } } else if (void 0 !== fe && (ie.push([i, fe]), !s)) { if (!L(fe)) { le.pop(); continue; } ae = fe; } } var pe; if ((void 0 === fe && de && ie.push([i, ae]), !s)) (U = { inArray: Y, index: ee, keys: Z, edits: ie, prev: U }), (Y = Array.isArray(ae)), (Z = Y ? ae : null !== (pe = V[j(ae)]) && void 0 !== pe ? pe : []), (ee = -1), (ie = []), z !== w && void 0 !== z && ce.push(z), (z = ae); } while (void 0 !== U); return 0 !== ie.length ? ie[ie.length - 1][1] : s; }; const Gu = class CloneError extends Jo { value; constructor(s, o) { super(s, o), void 0 !== o && (this.value = o.value); } }; const Yu = class DeepCloneError extends Gu {}; const Xu = class ShallowCloneError extends Gu {}, cloneDeep = (s, o = {}) => { const { visited: i = new WeakMap() } = o, u = { ...o, visited: i }; if (i.has(s)) return i.get(s); if (s instanceof Cu.KeyValuePair) { const { key: o, value: _ } = s, w = Nu(o) ? cloneDeep(o, u) : o, x = Nu(_) ? cloneDeep(_, u) : _, C = new Cu.KeyValuePair(w, x); return i.set(s, C), C; } if (s instanceof Cu.ot) { const mapper = (s) => cloneDeep(s, u), o = [...s].map(mapper), _ = new Cu.ot(o); return i.set(s, _), _; } if (s instanceof Cu.G6) { const mapper = (s) => cloneDeep(s, u), o = [...s].map(mapper), _ = new Cu.G6(o); return i.set(s, _), _; } if (Nu(s)) { const o = cloneShallow(s); if ((i.set(s, o), s.content)) if (Nu(s.content)) o.content = cloneDeep(s.content, u); else if (s.content instanceof Cu.KeyValuePair) o.content = cloneDeep(s.content, u); else if (Array.isArray(s.content)) { const mapper = (s) => cloneDeep(s, u); o.content = s.content.map(mapper); } else o.content = s.content; else o.content = s.content; return o; } throw new Yu("Value provided to cloneDeep function couldn't be cloned", { value: s }); }; cloneDeep.safe = (s) => { try { return cloneDeep(s); } catch { return s; } }; const cloneShallowKeyValuePair = (s) => { const { key: o, value: i } = s; return new Cu.KeyValuePair(o, i); }, cloneShallowElement = (s) => { const o = new s.constructor(); if ( ((o.element = s.element), s.meta.length > 0 && (o._meta = cloneDeep(s.meta)), s.attributes.length > 0 && (o._attributes = cloneDeep(s.attributes)), Nu(s.content)) ) { const i = s.content; o.content = cloneShallowElement(i); } else Array.isArray(s.content) ? (o.content = [...s.content]) : s.content instanceof Cu.KeyValuePair ? (o.content = cloneShallowKeyValuePair(s.content)) : (o.content = s.content); return o; }, cloneShallow = (s) => { if (s instanceof Cu.KeyValuePair) return cloneShallowKeyValuePair(s); if (s instanceof Cu.ot) return ((s) => { const o = [...s]; return new Cu.ot(o); })(s); if (s instanceof Cu.G6) return ((s) => { const o = [...s]; return new Cu.G6(o); })(s); if (Nu(s)) return cloneShallowElement(s); throw new Xu("Value provided to cloneShallow function couldn't be cloned", { value: s }); }; cloneShallow.safe = (s) => { try { return cloneShallow(s); } catch { return s; } }; const visitor_getNodeType = (s) => Fu(s) ? 'ObjectElement' : qu(s) ? 'ArrayElement' : $u(s) ? 'MemberElement' : Ru(s) ? 'StringElement' : Bu(s) ? 'BooleanElement' : Du(s) ? 'NumberElement' : Lu(s) ? 'NullElement' : Vu(s) ? 'LinkElement' : Uu(s) ? 'RefElement' : void 0, visitor_cloneNode = (s) => (Nu(s) ? cloneShallow(s) : cloneNode(s)), Zu = pipe(visitor_getNodeType, Yl), Qu = { ObjectElement: ['content'], ArrayElement: ['content'], MemberElement: ['key', 'value'], StringElement: [], BooleanElement: [], NumberElement: [], NullElement: [], RefElement: [], LinkElement: [], Annotation: [], Comment: [], ParseResultElement: ['content'], SourceMap: ['content'] }; class PredicateVisitor { result; predicate; returnOnTrue; returnOnFalse; constructor({ predicate: s = es_F, returnOnTrue: o, returnOnFalse: i } = {}) { (this.result = []), (this.predicate = s), (this.returnOnTrue = o), (this.returnOnFalse = i); } enter(s) { return this.predicate(s) ? (this.result.push(s), this.returnOnTrue) : this.returnOnFalse; } } const visitor_visit = (s, o, { keyMap: i = Qu, ...u } = {}) => visit(s, o, { keyMap: i, nodeTypeGetter: visitor_getNodeType, nodePredicate: Zu, nodeCloneFn: visitor_cloneNode, ...u }); visitor_visit[Symbol.for('nodejs.util.promisify.custom')] = async ( s, o, { keyMap: i = Qu, ...u } = {} ) => visit[Symbol.for('nodejs.util.promisify.custom')](s, o, { keyMap: i, nodeTypeGetter: visitor_getNodeType, nodePredicate: Zu, nodeCloneFn: visitor_cloneNode, ...u }); const nodeTypeGetter = (s) => 'string' == typeof (null == s ? void 0 : s.type) ? s.type : visitor_getNodeType(s), ep = { EphemeralObject: ['content'], EphemeralArray: ['content'], ...Qu }, value_visitor_visit = (s, o, { keyMap: i = ep, ...u } = {}) => visitor_visit(s, o, { keyMap: i, nodeTypeGetter, nodePredicate: es_T, detectCycles: !1, deleteNodeSymbol: Symbol.for('delete-node'), skipVisitingNodeSymbol: Symbol.for('skip-visiting-node'), ...u }); value_visitor_visit[Symbol.for('nodejs.util.promisify.custom')] = async ( s, { keyMap: o = ep, ...i } = {} ) => visitor_visit[Symbol.for('nodejs.util.promisify.custom')](s, visitor, { keyMap: o, nodeTypeGetter, nodePredicate: es_T, detectCycles: !1, deleteNodeSymbol: Symbol.for('delete-node'), skipVisitingNodeSymbol: Symbol.for('skip-visiting-node'), ...i }); const tp = class EphemeralArray { type = 'EphemeralArray'; content = []; reference = void 0; constructor(s) { (this.content = s), (this.reference = []); } toReference() { return this.reference; } toArray() { return this.reference.push(...this.content), this.reference; } }; const rp = class EphemeralObject { type = 'EphemeralObject'; content = []; reference = void 0; constructor(s) { (this.content = s), (this.reference = {}); } toReference() { return this.reference; } toObject() { return Object.assign(this.reference, Object.fromEntries(this.content)); } }; class Visitor { ObjectElement = { enter: (s) => { if (this.references.has(s)) return this.references.get(s).toReference(); const o = new rp(s.content); return this.references.set(s, o), o; } }; EphemeralObject = { leave: (s) => s.toObject() }; MemberElement = { enter: (s) => [s.key, s.value] }; ArrayElement = { enter: (s) => { if (this.references.has(s)) return this.references.get(s).toReference(); const o = new tp(s.content); return this.references.set(s, o), o; } }; EphemeralArray = { leave: (s) => s.toArray() }; references = new WeakMap(); BooleanElement(s) { return s.toValue(); } NumberElement(s) { return s.toValue(); } StringElement(s) { return s.toValue(); } NullElement() { return null; } RefElement(s, ...o) { var i; const u = o[3]; return 'EphemeralObject' === (null === (i = u[u.length - 1]) || void 0 === i ? void 0 : i.type) ? Symbol.for('delete-node') : String(s.toValue()); } LinkElement(s) { return Ru(s.href) ? s.href.toValue() : ''; } } const serializers_value = (s) => Nu(s) ? Ru(s) || Du(s) || Bu(s) || Lu(s) ? s.toValue() : value_visitor_visit(s, new Visitor()) : s; var np = _curry3(function mergeWithKey(s, o, i) { var u, _ = {}; for (u in ((i = i || {}), (o = o || {}))) _has(u, o) && (_[u] = _has(u, i) ? s(u, o[u], i[u]) : o[u]); for (u in i) _has(u, i) && !_has(u, _) && (_[u] = i[u]); return _; }); const sp = np; var op = _curry3(function mergeDeepWithKey(s, o, i) { return sp( function (o, i, u) { return _isObject(i) && _isObject(u) ? mergeDeepWithKey(s, i, u) : s(o, i, u); }, o, i ); }); const ip = op; const lp = _curry2(function mergeDeepRight(s, o) { return ip( function (s, o, i) { return i; }, s, o ); }); const cp = _curry2(_path); const up = ja(0, -1); var pp = _curry2(function apply(s, o) { return s.apply(this, o); }); const hp = pp; const dp = Ml(Wl); var fp = _curry1(function empty(s) { return null != s && 'function' == typeof s['fantasy-land/empty'] ? s['fantasy-land/empty']() : null != s && null != s.constructor && 'function' == typeof s.constructor['fantasy-land/empty'] ? s.constructor['fantasy-land/empty']() : null != s && 'function' == typeof s.empty ? s.empty() : null != s && null != s.constructor && 'function' == typeof s.constructor.empty ? s.constructor.empty() : aa(s) ? [] : _isString(s) ? '' : _isObject(s) ? {} : _i(s) ? (function () { return arguments; })() : (function _isTypedArray(s) { var o = Object.prototype.toString.call(s); return ( '[object Uint8ClampedArray]' === o || '[object Int8Array]' === o || '[object Uint8Array]' === o || '[object Int16Array]' === o || '[object Uint16Array]' === o || '[object Int32Array]' === o || '[object Uint32Array]' === o || '[object Float32Array]' === o || '[object Float64Array]' === o || '[object BigInt64Array]' === o || '[object BigUint64Array]' === o ); })(s) ? s.constructor.from('') : void 0; }); const mp = fp; const gp = _curry1(function isEmpty(s) { return null != s && ra(s, mp(s)); }); const yp = za(1, Wl(Array.isArray) ? Array.isArray : pipe(ea, Vl('Array'))); const vp = gu(yp, gp); var bp = za(3, function (s, o, i) { var u = cp(s, i), _ = cp(up(s), i); if (!dp(u) && !vp(s)) { var w = Ea(u, _); return hp(w, o); } }); const _p = bp; class Namespace extends Cu.g$ { constructor() { super(), this.register('annotation', Iu), this.register('comment', Pu), this.register('parseResult', Mu), this.register('sourceMap', Tu); } } const Ep = new Namespace(), createNamespace = (s) => { const o = new Namespace(); return ku(s) && o.use(s), o; }, wp = Ep, toolbox = () => ({ predicates: { ...le }, namespace: wp }), Sp = { toolboxCreator: toolbox, visitorOptions: { nodeTypeGetter: visitor_getNodeType, exposeEdits: !0 } }, dispatchPluginsSync = (s, o, i = {}) => { if (0 === o.length) return s; const u = lp(Sp, i), { toolboxCreator: _, visitorOptions: w } = u, x = _(), C = o.map((s) => s(x)), j = mergeAll(C.map(La({}, 'visitor')), { ...w }); C.forEach(_p(['pre'], [])); const L = visitor_visit(s, j, w); return C.forEach(_p(['post'], [])), L; }; dispatchPluginsSync[Symbol.for('nodejs.util.promisify.custom')] = async (s, o, i = {}) => { if (0 === o.length) return s; const u = lp(Sp, i), { toolboxCreator: _, visitorOptions: w } = u, x = _(), C = o.map((s) => s(x)), j = mergeAll[Symbol.for('nodejs.util.promisify.custom')], L = visitor_visit[Symbol.for('nodejs.util.promisify.custom')], B = j(C.map(La({}, 'visitor')), { ...w }); await Promise.allSettled(C.map(_p(['pre'], []))); const $ = await L(s, B, w); return await Promise.allSettled(C.map(_p(['post'], []))), $; }; const refract = (s, { Type: o, plugins: i = [] }) => { const u = new o(s); return ( Nu(s) && (s.meta.length > 0 && (u.meta = cloneDeep(s.meta)), s.attributes.length > 0 && (u.attributes = cloneDeep(s.attributes))), dispatchPluginsSync(u, i, { toolboxCreator: toolbox, visitorOptions: { nodeTypeGetter: visitor_getNodeType } }) ); }, createRefractor = (s) => (o, i = {}) => refract(o, { ...i, Type: s }); (Cu.Sh.refract = createRefractor(Cu.Sh)), (Cu.wE.refract = createRefractor(Cu.wE)), (Cu.Om.refract = createRefractor(Cu.Om)), (Cu.bd.refract = createRefractor(Cu.bd)), (Cu.Os.refract = createRefractor(Cu.Os)), (Cu.kT.refract = createRefractor(Cu.kT)), (Cu.Ft.refract = createRefractor(Cu.Ft)), (Cu.sI.refract = createRefractor(Cu.sI)), (Iu.refract = createRefractor(Iu)), (Pu.refract = createRefractor(Pu)), (Mu.refract = createRefractor(Mu)), (Tu.refract = createRefractor(Tu)); const computeEdges = (s, o = new WeakMap()) => ( $u(s) ? (o.set(s.key, s), computeEdges(s.key, o), o.set(s.value, s), computeEdges(s.value, o)) : s.children.forEach((i) => { o.set(i, s), computeEdges(i, o); }), o ); const xp = class Transcluder_Transcluder { element; edges; constructor({ element: s }) { this.element = s; } transclude(s, o) { var i; if (s === this.element) return o; if (s === o) return this.element; this.edges = null !== (i = this.edges) && void 0 !== i ? i : computeEdges(this.element); const u = this.edges.get(s); return Rl(u) ? void 0 : (Fu(u) ? ((s, o, i) => { const u = i.get(s); Fu(u) && (u.content = u.map((_, w, x) => x === s ? (i.delete(s), i.set(o, u), o) : x )); })(s, o, this.edges) : qu(u) ? ((s, o, i) => { const u = i.get(s); qu(u) && (u.content = u.map((_) => _ === s ? (i.delete(s), i.set(o, u), o) : _ )); })(s, o, this.edges) : $u(u) && ((s, o, i) => { const u = i.get(s); $u(u) && (u.key === s && ((u.key = o), i.delete(s), i.set(o, u)), u.value === s && ((u.value = o), i.delete(s), i.set(o, u))); })(s, o, this.edges), this.element); } }, kp = pipe(Hl(/~/g, '~0'), Hl(/\//g, '~1'), encodeURIComponent); const Cp = class JsonPointerError extends Jo {}; const Op = class CompilationJsonPointerError extends Cp { tokens; constructor(s, o) { super(s, o), void 0 !== o && (this.tokens = [...o.tokens]); } }, es_compile = (s) => { try { return 0 === s.length ? '' : `/${s.map(kp).join('/')}`; } catch (o) { throw new Op('JSON Pointer compilation of tokens encountered an error.', { tokens: s, cause: o }); } }; var Ap = _curry2(function converge(s, o) { return za(Ca(Ll, 0, Fl('length', o)), function () { var i = arguments, u = this; return s.apply( u, _map(function (s) { return s.apply(u, i); }, o) ); }); }); const jp = Ap; function _identity(s) { return s; } const Ip = _curry1(_identity); var Pp = gu(za(1, pipe(ea, Vl('Number'))), isFinite); var Mp = za(1, Pp); var Tp = gu( Wl(Number.isFinite) ? za(1, Ea(Number.isFinite, Number)) : Mp, jp(ra, [Math.floor, Ip]) ); var Np = za(1, Tp); const Rp = Wl(Number.isInteger) ? za(1, Ea(Number.isInteger, Number)) : Np; var Dp = (function () { function XTake(s, o) { (this.xf = o), (this.n = s), (this.i = 0); } return ( (XTake.prototype['@@transducer/init'] = _xfBase_init), (XTake.prototype['@@transducer/result'] = _xfBase_result), (XTake.prototype['@@transducer/step'] = function (s, o) { this.i += 1; var i = 0 === this.n ? s : this.xf['@@transducer/step'](s, o); return this.n >= 0 && this.i >= this.n ? _reduced(i) : i; }), XTake ); })(); function _xtake(s) { return function (o) { return new Dp(s, o); }; } const Lp = _curry2( _dispatchable(['take'], _xtake, function take(s, o) { return ja(0, s < 0 ? 1 / 0 : s, o); }) ); var Bp = _curry2(function (s, o) { return ra(Lp(s.length, o), s); }); const Fp = Bp; const qp = ra(''); var $p = (function () { function XDropWhile(s, o) { (this.xf = o), (this.f = s); } return ( (XDropWhile.prototype['@@transducer/init'] = _xfBase_init), (XDropWhile.prototype['@@transducer/result'] = _xfBase_result), (XDropWhile.prototype['@@transducer/step'] = function (s, o) { if (this.f) { if (this.f(o)) return s; this.f = null; } return this.xf['@@transducer/step'](s, o); }), XDropWhile ); })(); function _xdropWhile(s) { return function (o) { return new $p(s, o); }; } const Vp = _curry2( _dispatchable(['dropWhile'], _xdropWhile, function dropWhile(s, o) { for (var i = 0, u = o.length; i < u && s(o[i]); ) i += 1; return ja(i, 1 / 0, o); }) ); const Up = Ja(function (s, o) { return pipe(tl(''), Vp(_l(s)), yl(''))(o); }), zp = pipe(Hl(/~1/g, '/'), Hl(/~0/g, '~'), (s) => { try { return decodeURIComponent(s); } catch { return s; } }); const Wp = class InvalidJsonPointerError extends Cp { pointer; constructor(s, o) { super(s, o), void 0 !== o && (this.pointer = o.pointer); } }, uriToPointer = (s) => { const o = ((s) => { const o = s.indexOf('#'); return -1 !== o ? s.substring(o) : '#'; })(s); return Up('#', o); }, es_parse = (s) => { if (qp(s)) return []; if (!Fp('/', s)) throw new Wp(`Invalid JSON Pointer "${s}". JSON Pointers must begin with "/"`, { pointer: s }); try { const o = pipe(tl('/'), kl(zp))(s); return Ia(o); } catch (o) { throw new Wp(`JSON Pointer parsing of "${s}" encountered an error.`, { pointer: s, cause: o }); } }; const Kp = class EvaluationJsonPointerError extends Cp { pointer; tokens; failedToken; failedTokenPosition; element; constructor(s, o) { super(s, o), void 0 !== o && ((this.pointer = o.pointer), Array.isArray(o.tokens) && (this.tokens = [...o.tokens]), (this.failedToken = o.failedToken), (this.failedTokenPosition = o.failedTokenPosition), (this.element = o.element)); } }, es_evaluate = (s, o) => { let i; try { i = es_parse(s); } catch (i) { throw new Kp(`JSON Pointer evaluation failed while parsing the pointer "${s}".`, { pointer: s, element: cloneDeep(o), cause: i }); } return i.reduce((o, u, _) => { if (Fu(o)) { if (!o.hasKey(u)) throw new Kp( `JSON Pointer evaluation failed while evaluating token "${u}" against an ObjectElement`, { pointer: s, tokens: i, failedToken: u, failedTokenPosition: _, element: cloneDeep(o) } ); return o.get(u); } if (qu(o)) { if (!(u in o.content) || !Rp(Number(u))) throw new Kp( `JSON Pointer evaluation failed while evaluating token "${u}" against an ArrayElement`, { pointer: s, tokens: i, failedToken: u, failedTokenPosition: _, element: cloneDeep(o) } ); return o.get(Number(u)); } throw new Kp( `JSON Pointer evaluation failed while evaluating token "${u}" against an unexpected Element`, { pointer: s, tokens: i, failedToken: u, failedTokenPosition: _, element: cloneDeep(o) } ); }, o); }; class Callback extends Cu.Sh { constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), (this.element = 'callback'); } } const Hp = Callback; class Components extends Cu.Sh { constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), (this.element = 'components'); } get schemas() { return this.get('schemas'); } set schemas(s) { this.set('schemas', s); } get responses() { return this.get('responses'); } set responses(s) { this.set('responses', s); } get parameters() { return this.get('parameters'); } set parameters(s) { this.set('parameters', s); } get examples() { return this.get('examples'); } set examples(s) { this.set('examples', s); } get requestBodies() { return this.get('requestBodies'); } set requestBodies(s) { this.set('requestBodies', s); } get headers() { return this.get('headers'); } set headers(s) { this.set('headers', s); } get securitySchemes() { return this.get('securitySchemes'); } set securitySchemes(s) { this.set('securitySchemes', s); } get links() { return this.get('links'); } set links(s) { this.set('links', s); } get callbacks() { return this.get('callbacks'); } set callbacks(s) { this.set('callbacks', s); } } const Jp = Components; class Contact extends Cu.Sh { constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), (this.element = 'contact'); } get name() { return this.get('name'); } set name(s) { this.set('name', s); } get url() { return this.get('url'); } set url(s) { this.set('url', s); } get email() { return this.get('email'); } set email(s) { this.set('email', s); } } const Gp = Contact; class Discriminator extends Cu.Sh { constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), (this.element = 'discriminator'); } get propertyName() { return this.get('propertyName'); } set propertyName(s) { this.set('propertyName', s); } get mapping() { return this.get('mapping'); } set mapping(s) { this.set('mapping', s); } } const Yp = Discriminator; class Encoding extends Cu.Sh { constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), (this.element = 'encoding'); } get contentType() { return this.get('contentType'); } set contentType(s) { this.set('contentType', s); } get headers() { return this.get('headers'); } set headers(s) { this.set('headers', s); } get style() { return this.get('style'); } set style(s) { this.set('style', s); } get explode() { return this.get('explode'); } set explode(s) { this.set('explode', s); } get allowedReserved() { return this.get('allowedReserved'); } set allowedReserved(s) { this.set('allowedReserved', s); } } const Xp = Encoding; class Example extends Cu.Sh { constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), (this.element = 'example'); } get summary() { return this.get('summary'); } set summary(s) { this.set('summary', s); } get description() { return this.get('description'); } set description(s) { this.set('description', s); } get value() { return this.get('value'); } set value(s) { this.set('value', s); } get externalValue() { return this.get('externalValue'); } set externalValue(s) { this.set('externalValue', s); } } const Zp = Example; class ExternalDocumentation extends Cu.Sh { constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), (this.element = 'externalDocumentation'); } get description() { return this.get('description'); } set description(s) { this.set('description', s); } get url() { return this.get('url'); } set url(s) { this.set('url', s); } } const Qp = ExternalDocumentation; class Header extends Cu.Sh { constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), (this.element = 'header'); } get required() { return this.hasKey('required') ? this.get('required') : new Cu.bd(!1); } set required(s) { this.set('required', s); } get deprecated() { return this.hasKey('deprecated') ? this.get('deprecated') : new Cu.bd(!1); } set deprecated(s) { this.set('deprecated', s); } get allowEmptyValue() { return this.get('allowEmptyValue'); } set allowEmptyValue(s) { this.set('allowEmptyValue', s); } get style() { return this.get('style'); } set style(s) { this.set('style', s); } get explode() { return this.get('explode'); } set explode(s) { this.set('explode', s); } get allowReserved() { return this.get('allowReserved'); } set allowReserved(s) { this.set('allowReserved', s); } get schema() { return this.get('schema'); } set schema(s) { this.set('schema', s); } get example() { return this.get('example'); } set example(s) { this.set('example', s); } get examples() { return this.get('examples'); } set examples(s) { this.set('examples', s); } get contentProp() { return this.get('content'); } set contentProp(s) { this.set('content', s); } } Object.defineProperty(Header.prototype, 'description', { get() { return this.get('description'); }, set(s) { this.set('description', s); }, enumerable: !0 }); const th = Header; class Info extends Cu.Sh { constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), (this.element = 'info'), this.classes.push('info'); } get title() { return this.get('title'); } set title(s) { this.set('title', s); } get description() { return this.get('description'); } set description(s) { this.set('description', s); } get termsOfService() { return this.get('termsOfService'); } set termsOfService(s) { this.set('termsOfService', s); } get contact() { return this.get('contact'); } set contact(s) { this.set('contact', s); } get license() { return this.get('license'); } set license(s) { this.set('license', s); } get version() { return this.get('version'); } set version(s) { this.set('version', s); } } const rh = Info; class License extends Cu.Sh { constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), (this.element = 'license'); } get name() { return this.get('name'); } set name(s) { this.set('name', s); } get url() { return this.get('url'); } set url(s) { this.set('url', s); } } const uh = License; class Link extends Cu.Sh { constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), (this.element = 'link'); } get operationRef() { return this.get('operationRef'); } set operationRef(s) { this.set('operationRef', s); } get operationId() { return this.get('operationId'); } set operationId(s) { this.set('operationId', s); } get operation() { var s, o; return Ru(this.operationRef) ? null === (s = this.operationRef) || void 0 === s ? void 0 : s.meta.get('operation') : Ru(this.operationId) ? null === (o = this.operationId) || void 0 === o ? void 0 : o.meta.get('operation') : void 0; } set operation(s) { this.set('operation', s); } get parameters() { return this.get('parameters'); } set parameters(s) { this.set('parameters', s); } get requestBody() { return this.get('requestBody'); } set requestBody(s) { this.set('requestBody', s); } get description() { return this.get('description'); } set description(s) { this.set('description', s); } get server() { return this.get('server'); } set server(s) { this.set('server', s); } } const dh = Link; class MediaType extends Cu.Sh { constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), (this.element = 'mediaType'); } get schema() { return this.get('schema'); } set schema(s) { this.set('schema', s); } get example() { return this.get('example'); } set example(s) { this.set('example', s); } get examples() { return this.get('examples'); } set examples(s) { this.set('examples', s); } get encoding() { return this.get('encoding'); } set encoding(s) { this.set('encoding', s); } } const fh = MediaType; class OAuthFlow extends Cu.Sh { constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), (this.element = 'oAuthFlow'); } get authorizationUrl() { return this.get('authorizationUrl'); } set authorizationUrl(s) { this.set('authorizationUrl', s); } get tokenUrl() { return this.get('tokenUrl'); } set tokenUrl(s) { this.set('tokenUrl', s); } get refreshUrl() { return this.get('refreshUrl'); } set refreshUrl(s) { this.set('refreshUrl', s); } get scopes() { return this.get('scopes'); } set scopes(s) { this.set('scopes', s); } } const vh = OAuthFlow; class OAuthFlows extends Cu.Sh { constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), (this.element = 'oAuthFlows'); } get implicit() { return this.get('implicit'); } set implicit(s) { this.set('implicit', s); } get password() { return this.get('password'); } set password(s) { this.set('password', s); } get clientCredentials() { return this.get('clientCredentials'); } set clientCredentials(s) { this.set('clientCredentials', s); } get authorizationCode() { return this.get('authorizationCode'); } set authorizationCode(s) { this.set('authorizationCode', s); } } const _h = OAuthFlows; class Openapi extends Cu.Om { constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), (this.element = 'openapi'), this.classes.push('spec-version'), this.classes.push('version'); } } const wh = Openapi; class OpenApi3_0 extends Cu.Sh { constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), (this.element = 'openApi3_0'), this.classes.push('api'); } get openapi() { return this.get('openapi'); } set openapi(s) { this.set('openapi', s); } get info() { return this.get('info'); } set info(s) { this.set('info', s); } get servers() { return this.get('servers'); } set servers(s) { this.set('servers', s); } get paths() { return this.get('paths'); } set paths(s) { this.set('paths', s); } get components() { return this.get('components'); } set components(s) { this.set('components', s); } get security() { return this.get('security'); } set security(s) { this.set('security', s); } get tags() { return this.get('tags'); } set tags(s) { this.set('tags', s); } get externalDocs() { return this.get('externalDocs'); } set externalDocs(s) { this.set('externalDocs', s); } } const Oh = OpenApi3_0; class Operation extends Cu.Sh { constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), (this.element = 'operation'); } get tags() { return this.get('tags'); } set tags(s) { this.set('tags', s); } get summary() { return this.get('summary'); } set summary(s) { this.set('summary', s); } get description() { return this.get('description'); } set description(s) { this.set('description', s); } set externalDocs(s) { this.set('externalDocs', s); } get externalDocs() { return this.get('externalDocs'); } get operationId() { return this.get('operationId'); } set operationId(s) { this.set('operationId', s); } get parameters() { return this.get('parameters'); } set parameters(s) { this.set('parameters', s); } get requestBody() { return this.get('requestBody'); } set requestBody(s) { this.set('requestBody', s); } get responses() { return this.get('responses'); } set responses(s) { this.set('responses', s); } get callbacks() { return this.get('callbacks'); } set callbacks(s) { this.set('callbacks', s); } get deprecated() { return this.hasKey('deprecated') ? this.get('deprecated') : new Cu.bd(!1); } set deprecated(s) { this.set('deprecated', s); } get security() { return this.get('security'); } set security(s) { this.set('security', s); } get servers() { return this.get('severs'); } set servers(s) { this.set('servers', s); } } const jh = Operation; class Parameter extends Cu.Sh { constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), (this.element = 'parameter'); } get name() { return this.get('name'); } set name(s) { this.set('name', s); } get in() { return this.get('in'); } set in(s) { this.set('in', s); } get required() { return this.hasKey('required') ? this.get('required') : new Cu.bd(!1); } set required(s) { this.set('required', s); } get deprecated() { return this.hasKey('deprecated') ? this.get('deprecated') : new Cu.bd(!1); } set deprecated(s) { this.set('deprecated', s); } get allowEmptyValue() { return this.get('allowEmptyValue'); } set allowEmptyValue(s) { this.set('allowEmptyValue', s); } get style() { return this.get('style'); } set style(s) { this.set('style', s); } get explode() { return this.get('explode'); } set explode(s) { this.set('explode', s); } get allowReserved() { return this.get('allowReserved'); } set allowReserved(s) { this.set('allowReserved', s); } get schema() { return this.get('schema'); } set schema(s) { this.set('schema', s); } get example() { return this.get('example'); } set example(s) { this.set('example', s); } get examples() { return this.get('examples'); } set examples(s) { this.set('examples', s); } get contentProp() { return this.get('content'); } set contentProp(s) { this.set('content', s); } } Object.defineProperty(Parameter.prototype, 'description', { get() { return this.get('description'); }, set(s) { this.set('description', s); }, enumerable: !0 }); const Ih = Parameter; class PathItem extends Cu.Sh { constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), (this.element = 'pathItem'); } get $ref() { return this.get('$ref'); } set $ref(s) { this.set('$ref', s); } get summary() { return this.get('summary'); } set summary(s) { this.set('summary', s); } get description() { return this.get('description'); } set description(s) { this.set('description', s); } get GET() { return this.get('get'); } set GET(s) { this.set('GET', s); } get PUT() { return this.get('put'); } set PUT(s) { this.set('PUT', s); } get POST() { return this.get('post'); } set POST(s) { this.set('POST', s); } get DELETE() { return this.get('delete'); } set DELETE(s) { this.set('DELETE', s); } get OPTIONS() { return this.get('options'); } set OPTIONS(s) { this.set('OPTIONS', s); } get HEAD() { return this.get('head'); } set HEAD(s) { this.set('HEAD', s); } get PATCH() { return this.get('patch'); } set PATCH(s) { this.set('PATCH', s); } get TRACE() { return this.get('trace'); } set TRACE(s) { this.set('TRACE', s); } get servers() { return this.get('servers'); } set servers(s) { this.set('servers', s); } get parameters() { return this.get('parameters'); } set parameters(s) { this.set('parameters', s); } } const Ph = PathItem; class Paths extends Cu.Sh { constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), (this.element = 'paths'); } } const Rh = Paths; class Reference extends Cu.Sh { constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), (this.element = 'reference'), this.classes.push('openapi-reference'); } get $ref() { return this.get('$ref'); } set $ref(s) { this.set('$ref', s); } } const Dh = Reference; class RequestBody extends Cu.Sh { constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), (this.element = 'requestBody'); } get description() { return this.get('description'); } set description(s) { this.set('description', s); } get contentProp() { return this.get('content'); } set contentProp(s) { this.set('content', s); } get required() { return this.hasKey('required') ? this.get('required') : new Cu.bd(!1); } set required(s) { this.set('required', s); } } const Lh = RequestBody; class Response_Response extends Cu.Sh { constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), (this.element = 'response'); } get description() { return this.get('description'); } set description(s) { this.set('description', s); } get headers() { return this.get('headers'); } set headers(s) { this.set('headers', s); } get contentProp() { return this.get('content'); } set contentProp(s) { this.set('content', s); } get links() { return this.get('links'); } set links(s) { this.set('links', s); } } const Fh = Response_Response; class Responses extends Cu.Sh { constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), (this.element = 'responses'); } get default() { return this.get('default'); } set default(s) { this.set('default', s); } } const Kh = Responses; const Hh = class UnsupportedOperationError extends Ho {}; class JSONSchema extends Cu.Sh { constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), (this.element = 'JSONSchemaDraft4'); } get idProp() { return this.get('id'); } set idProp(s) { this.set('id', s); } get $schema() { return this.get('$schema'); } set $schema(s) { this.set('$schema', s); } get multipleOf() { return this.get('multipleOf'); } set multipleOf(s) { this.set('multipleOf', s); } get maximum() { return this.get('maximum'); } set maximum(s) { this.set('maximum', s); } get exclusiveMaximum() { return this.get('exclusiveMaximum'); } set exclusiveMaximum(s) { this.set('exclusiveMaximum', s); } get minimum() { return this.get('minimum'); } set minimum(s) { this.set('minimum', s); } get exclusiveMinimum() { return this.get('exclusiveMinimum'); } set exclusiveMinimum(s) { this.set('exclusiveMinimum', s); } get maxLength() { return this.get('maxLength'); } set maxLength(s) { this.set('maxLength', s); } get minLength() { return this.get('minLength'); } set minLength(s) { this.set('minLength', s); } get pattern() { return this.get('pattern'); } set pattern(s) { this.set('pattern', s); } get additionalItems() { return this.get('additionalItems'); } set additionalItems(s) { this.set('additionalItems', s); } get items() { return this.get('items'); } set items(s) { this.set('items', s); } get maxItems() { return this.get('maxItems'); } set maxItems(s) { this.set('maxItems', s); } get minItems() { return this.get('minItems'); } set minItems(s) { this.set('minItems', s); } get uniqueItems() { return this.get('uniqueItems'); } set uniqueItems(s) { this.set('uniqueItems', s); } get maxProperties() { return this.get('maxProperties'); } set maxProperties(s) { this.set('maxProperties', s); } get minProperties() { return this.get('minProperties'); } set minProperties(s) { this.set('minProperties', s); } get required() { return this.get('required'); } set required(s) { this.set('required', s); } get properties() { return this.get('properties'); } set properties(s) { this.set('properties', s); } get additionalProperties() { return this.get('additionalProperties'); } set additionalProperties(s) { this.set('additionalProperties', s); } get patternProperties() { return this.get('patternProperties'); } set patternProperties(s) { this.set('patternProperties', s); } get dependencies() { return this.get('dependencies'); } set dependencies(s) { this.set('dependencies', s); } get enum() { return this.get('enum'); } set enum(s) { this.set('enum', s); } get type() { return this.get('type'); } set type(s) { this.set('type', s); } get allOf() { return this.get('allOf'); } set allOf(s) { this.set('allOf', s); } get anyOf() { return this.get('anyOf'); } set anyOf(s) { this.set('anyOf', s); } get oneOf() { return this.get('oneOf'); } set oneOf(s) { this.set('oneOf', s); } get not() { return this.get('not'); } set not(s) { this.set('not', s); } get definitions() { return this.get('definitions'); } set definitions(s) { this.set('definitions', s); } get title() { return this.get('title'); } set title(s) { this.set('title', s); } get description() { return this.get('description'); } set description(s) { this.set('description', s); } get default() { return this.get('default'); } set default(s) { this.set('default', s); } get format() { return this.get('format'); } set format(s) { this.set('format', s); } get base() { return this.get('base'); } set base(s) { this.set('base', s); } get links() { return this.get('links'); } set links(s) { this.set('links', s); } get media() { return this.get('media'); } set media(s) { this.set('media', s); } get readOnly() { return this.get('readOnly'); } set readOnly(s) { this.set('readOnly', s); } } const Jh = JSONSchema; class JSONReference extends Cu.Sh { constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), (this.element = 'JSONReference'), this.classes.push('json-reference'); } get $ref() { return this.get('$ref'); } set $ref(s) { this.set('$ref', s); } } const Gh = JSONReference; class Media extends Cu.Sh { constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), (this.element = 'media'); } get binaryEncoding() { return this.get('binaryEncoding'); } set binaryEncoding(s) { this.set('binaryEncoding', s); } get type() { return this.get('type'); } set type(s) { this.set('type', s); } } const Qh = Media; class LinkDescription extends Cu.Sh { constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), (this.element = 'linkDescription'); } get href() { return this.get('href'); } set href(s) { this.set('href', s); } get rel() { return this.get('rel'); } set rel(s) { this.set('rel', s); } get title() { return this.get('title'); } set title(s) { this.set('title', s); } get targetSchema() { return this.get('targetSchema'); } set targetSchema(s) { this.set('targetSchema', s); } get mediaType() { return this.get('mediaType'); } set mediaType(s) { this.set('mediaType', s); } get method() { return this.get('method'); } set method(s) { this.set('method', s); } get encType() { return this.get('encType'); } set encType(s) { this.set('encType', s); } get schema() { return this.get('schema'); } set schema(s) { this.set('schema', s); } } const td = LinkDescription; var sd = _curry2(function mapObjIndexed(s, o) { return _arrayReduce( function (i, u) { return (i[u] = s(o[u], u, o)), i; }, {}, Wi(o) ); }); const id = sd; const ld = _curry1(function isNil(s) { return null == s; }); var cd = _curry2(function hasPath(s, o) { if (0 === s.length || ld(o)) return !1; for (var i = o, u = 0; u < s.length; ) { if (ld(i) || !_has(s[u], i)) return !1; (i = i[s[u]]), (u += 1); } return !0; }); const ud = cd; var dd = _curry2(function has(s, o) { return ud([s], o); }); const md = dd; const yd = _curry3(function propSatisfies(s, o, i) { return s(Da(o, i)); }), dereference = (s, o) => { const i = Na(s, o); return id((s) => { if (ku(s) && md('$ref', s) && yd(Yl, '$ref', s)) { const o = cp(['$ref'], s), u = Up('#/', o); return cp(u.split('/'), i); } return ku(s) ? dereference(s, i) : s; }, s); }, emptyElement = (s) => { const o = s.meta.length > 0 ? cloneDeep(s.meta) : void 0, i = s.attributes.length > 0 ? cloneDeep(s.attributes) : void 0; return new s.constructor(void 0, o, i); }, cloneUnlessOtherwiseSpecified = (s, o) => o.clone && o.isMergeableElement(s) ? deepmerge(emptyElement(s), s, o) : s, getMetaMergeFunction = (s) => 'function' != typeof s.customMetaMerge ? (s) => cloneDeep(s) : s.customMetaMerge, getAttributesMergeFunction = (s) => 'function' != typeof s.customAttributesMerge ? (s) => cloneDeep(s) : s.customAttributesMerge, vd = { clone: !0, isMergeableElement: (s) => Fu(s) || qu(s), arrayElementMerge: (s, o, i) => s.concat(o)['fantasy-land/map']((s) => cloneUnlessOtherwiseSpecified(s, i)), objectElementMerge: (s, o, i) => { const u = Fu(s) ? emptyElement(s) : emptyElement(o); return ( Fu(s) && s.forEach((s, o, _) => { const w = cloneShallow(_); (w.value = cloneUnlessOtherwiseSpecified(s, i)), u.content.push(w); }), o.forEach((o, _, w) => { const x = serializers_value(_); let C; if (Fu(s) && s.hasKey(x) && i.isMergeableElement(o)) { const u = s.get(x); (C = cloneShallow(w)), (C.value = ((s, o) => { if ('function' != typeof o.customMerge) return deepmerge; const i = o.customMerge(s, o); return 'function' == typeof i ? i : deepmerge; })(_, i)(u, o)); } else (C = cloneShallow(w)), (C.value = cloneUnlessOtherwiseSpecified(o, i)); u.remove(x), u.content.push(C); }), u ); }, customMerge: void 0, customMetaMerge: void 0, customAttributesMerge: void 0 }; function deepmerge(s, o, i) { var u, _, w; const x = { ...vd, ...i }; (x.isMergeableElement = null !== (u = x.isMergeableElement) && void 0 !== u ? u : vd.isMergeableElement), (x.arrayElementMerge = null !== (_ = x.arrayElementMerge) && void 0 !== _ ? _ : vd.arrayElementMerge), (x.objectElementMerge = null !== (w = x.objectElementMerge) && void 0 !== w ? w : vd.objectElementMerge); const C = qu(o); if (!(C === qu(s))) return cloneUnlessOtherwiseSpecified(o, x); const j = C && 'function' == typeof x.arrayElementMerge ? x.arrayElementMerge(s, o, x) : x.objectElementMerge(s, o, x); return ( (j.meta = getMetaMergeFunction(x)(s.meta, o.meta)), (j.attributes = getAttributesMergeFunction(x)(s.attributes, o.attributes)), j ); } deepmerge.all = (s, o) => { if (!Array.isArray(s)) throw new TypeError('First argument of deepmerge should be an array.'); return 0 === s.length ? new Cu.Sh() : s.reduce((s, i) => deepmerge(s, i, o), emptyElement(s[0])); }; const _d = class Visitor_Visitor { element; constructor(s) { Object.assign(this, s); } copyMetaAndAttributes(s, o) { (s.meta.length > 0 || o.meta.length > 0) && ((o.meta = deepmerge(o.meta, s.meta)), hasElementSourceMap(s) && o.meta.set('sourceMap', s.meta.get('sourceMap'))), (s.attributes.length > 0 || s.meta.length > 0) && (o.attributes = deepmerge(o.attributes, s.attributes)); } }; const Ed = class FallbackVisitor extends _d { enter(s) { return (this.element = cloneDeep(s)), Ju; } }, copyProps = (s, o, i = []) => { const u = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(o); for (let s of i) delete u[s]; Object.defineProperties(s, u); }, protoChain = (s, o = [s]) => { const i = Object.getPrototypeOf(s); return null === i ? o : protoChain(i, [...o, i]); }, hardMixProtos = (s, o, i = []) => { var u; const _ = null !== (u = ((...s) => { if (0 === s.length) return; let o; const i = s.map((s) => protoChain(s)); for (; i.every((s) => s.length > 0); ) { const s = i.map((s) => s.pop()), u = s[0]; if (!s.every((s) => s === u)) break; o = u; } return o; })(...s)) && void 0 !== u ? u : Object.prototype, w = Object.create(_), x = protoChain(_); for (let o of s) { let s = protoChain(o); for (let o = s.length - 1; o >= 0; o--) { let u = s[o]; -1 === x.indexOf(u) && (copyProps(w, u, ['constructor', ...i]), x.push(u)); } } return (w.constructor = o), w; }, unique = (s) => s.filter((o, i) => s.indexOf(o) == i), getIngredientWithProp = (s, o) => { const i = o.map((s) => protoChain(s)); let u = 0, _ = !0; for (; _; ) { _ = !1; for (let w = o.length - 1; w >= 0; w--) { const o = i[w][u]; if (null != o && ((_ = !0), null != Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o, s))) return i[w][0]; } u++; } }, proxyMix = (s, o = Object.prototype) => new Proxy( {}, { getPrototypeOf: () => o, setPrototypeOf() { throw Error('Cannot set prototype of Proxies created by ts-mixer'); }, getOwnPropertyDescriptor: (o, i) => Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(getIngredientWithProp(i, s) || {}, i), defineProperty() { throw new Error('Cannot define new properties on Proxies created by ts-mixer'); }, has: (i, u) => void 0 !== getIngredientWithProp(u, s) || void 0 !== o[u], get: (i, u) => (getIngredientWithProp(u, s) || o)[u], set(o, i, u) { const _ = getIngredientWithProp(i, s); if (void 0 === _) throw new Error('Cannot set new properties on Proxies created by ts-mixer'); return (_[i] = u), !0; }, deleteProperty() { throw new Error('Cannot delete properties on Proxies created by ts-mixer'); }, ownKeys: () => s .map(Object.getOwnPropertyNames) .reduce((s, o) => o.concat(s.filter((s) => o.indexOf(s) < 0))) } ), wd = null, Sd = 'copy', xd = 'copy', kd = 'deep', Cd = new WeakMap(), getMixinsForClass = (s) => Cd.get(s), mergeObjectsOfDecorators = (s, o) => { var i, u; const _ = unique([...Object.getOwnPropertyNames(s), ...Object.getOwnPropertyNames(o)]), w = {}; for (let x of _) w[x] = unique([ ...(null !== (i = null == s ? void 0 : s[x]) && void 0 !== i ? i : []), ...(null !== (u = null == o ? void 0 : o[x]) && void 0 !== u ? u : []) ]); return w; }, mergePropertyAndMethodDecorators = (s, o) => { var i, u, _, w; return { property: mergeObjectsOfDecorators( null !== (i = null == s ? void 0 : s.property) && void 0 !== i ? i : {}, null !== (u = null == o ? void 0 : o.property) && void 0 !== u ? u : {} ), method: mergeObjectsOfDecorators( null !== (_ = null == s ? void 0 : s.method) && void 0 !== _ ? _ : {}, null !== (w = null == o ? void 0 : o.method) && void 0 !== w ? w : {} ) }; }, mergeDecorators = (s, o) => { var i, u, _, w, x, C; return { class: unique([ ...(null !== (i = null == s ? void 0 : s.class) && void 0 !== i ? i : []), ...(null !== (u = null == o ? void 0 : o.class) && void 0 !== u ? u : []) ]), static: mergePropertyAndMethodDecorators( null !== (_ = null == s ? void 0 : s.static) && void 0 !== _ ? _ : {}, null !== (w = null == o ? void 0 : o.static) && void 0 !== w ? w : {} ), instance: mergePropertyAndMethodDecorators( null !== (x = null == s ? void 0 : s.instance) && void 0 !== x ? x : {}, null !== (C = null == o ? void 0 : o.instance) && void 0 !== C ? C : {} ) }; }, Od = new Map(), deepDecoratorSearch = (...s) => { const o = ((...s) => { var o; const i = new Set(), u = new Set([...s]); for (; u.size > 0; ) for (let s of u) { const _ = protoChain(s.prototype).map((s) => s.constructor), w = [ ..._, ...(null !== (o = getMixinsForClass(s)) && void 0 !== o ? o : []) ].filter((s) => !i.has(s)); for (let s of w) u.add(s); i.add(s), u.delete(s); } return [...i]; })(...s) .map((s) => Od.get(s)) .filter((s) => !!s); return 0 == o.length ? {} : 1 == o.length ? o[0] : o.reduce((s, o) => mergeDecorators(s, o)); }, getDecoratorsForClass = (s) => { let o = Od.get(s); return o || ((o = {}), Od.set(s, o)), o; }; function Mixin(...s) { var o, i, u; const _ = s.map((s) => s.prototype), w = wd; if (null !== w) { const s = _.map((s) => s[w]).filter((s) => 'function' == typeof s), combinedInitFunction = function (...o) { for (let i of s) i.apply(this, o); }, o = { [w]: combinedInitFunction }; _.push(o); } function MixedClass(...o) { for (const i of s) copyProps(this, new i(...o)); null !== w && 'function' == typeof this[w] && this[w].apply(this, o); } var x, C; (MixedClass.prototype = 'copy' === xd ? hardMixProtos(_, MixedClass) : ((x = _), (C = MixedClass), proxyMix([...x, { constructor: C }]))), Object.setPrototypeOf( MixedClass, 'copy' === Sd ? hardMixProtos(s, null, ['prototype']) : proxyMix(s, Function.prototype) ); let j = MixedClass; if ('none' !== kd) { const _ = 'deep' === kd ? deepDecoratorSearch(...s) : ((...s) => { const o = s.map((s) => getDecoratorsForClass(s)); return 0 === o.length ? {} : 1 === o.length ? o[0] : o.reduce((s, o) => mergeDecorators(s, o)); })(...s); for (let s of null !== (o = null == _ ? void 0 : _.class) && void 0 !== o ? o : []) { const o = s(j); o && (j = o); } applyPropAndMethodDecorators( null !== (i = null == _ ? void 0 : _.static) && void 0 !== i ? i : {}, j ), applyPropAndMethodDecorators( null !== (u = null == _ ? void 0 : _.instance) && void 0 !== u ? u : {}, j.prototype ); } var L, B; return (L = j), (B = s), Cd.set(L, B), j; } const applyPropAndMethodDecorators = (s, o) => { const i = s.property, u = s.method; if (i) for (let s in i) for (let u of i[s]) u(o, s); if (u) for (let s in u) for (let i of u[s]) i(o, s, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o, s)); }; const Ad = _curry2(function pick(s, o) { for (var i = {}, u = 0; u < s.length; ) s[u] in o && (i[s[u]] = o[s[u]]), (u += 1); return i; }); const Id = class SpecificationVisitor extends _d { specObj; passingOptionsNames = ['specObj']; constructor({ specObj: s, ...o }) { super({ ...o }), (this.specObj = s); } retrievePassingOptions() { return Ad(this.passingOptionsNames, this); } retrieveFixedFields(s) { const o = cp(['visitors', ...s, 'fixedFields'], this.specObj); return 'object' == typeof o && null !== o ? Object.keys(o) : []; } retrieveVisitor(s) { return Xo(Wl, ['visitors', ...s], this.specObj) ? cp(['visitors', ...s], this.specObj) : cp(['visitors', ...s, '$visitor'], this.specObj); } retrieveVisitorInstance(s, o = {}) { const i = this.retrievePassingOptions(); return new (this.retrieveVisitor(s))({ ...i, ...o }); } toRefractedElement(s, o, i = {}) { const u = this.retrieveVisitorInstance(s, i); return u instanceof Ed && (null == u ? void 0 : u.constructor) === Ed ? cloneDeep(o) : (visitor_visit(o, u, i), u.element); } }; const Md = class FixedFieldsVisitor extends Id { specPath; ignoredFields; constructor({ specPath: s, ignoredFields: o, ...i }) { super({ ...i }), (this.specPath = s), (this.ignoredFields = o || []); } ObjectElement(s) { const o = this.specPath(s), i = this.retrieveFixedFields(o); return ( s.forEach((s, u, _) => { if ( Ru(u) && i.includes(serializers_value(u)) && !this.ignoredFields.includes(serializers_value(u)) ) { const i = this.toRefractedElement([...o, 'fixedFields', serializers_value(u)], s), w = new Cu.Pr(cloneDeep(u), i); this.copyMetaAndAttributes(_, w), w.classes.push('fixed-field'), this.element.content.push(w); } else this.ignoredFields.includes(serializers_value(u)) || this.element.content.push(cloneDeep(_)); }), this.copyMetaAndAttributes(s, this.element), Ju ); } }; class JSONSchemaVisitor extends Mixin(Md, Ed) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Jh()), (this.specPath = Tl(['document', 'objects', 'JSONSchema'])); } } const Td = JSONSchemaVisitor; const Nd = class ParentSchemaAwareVisitor { parent; constructor({ parent: s }) { this.parent = s; } }, isJSONReferenceLikeElement = (s) => Fu(s) && s.hasKey('$ref'); class ItemsVisitor extends Mixin(Id, Nd, Ed) { ObjectElement(s) { const o = isJSONReferenceLikeElement(s) ? ['document', 'objects', 'JSONReference'] : ['document', 'objects', 'JSONSchema']; return (this.element = this.toRefractedElement(o, s)), Ju; } ArrayElement(s) { return ( (this.element = new Cu.wE()), this.element.classes.push('json-schema-items'), s.forEach((s) => { const o = isJSONReferenceLikeElement(s) ? ['document', 'objects', 'JSONReference'] : ['document', 'objects', 'JSONSchema'], i = this.toRefractedElement(o, s); this.element.push(i); }), this.copyMetaAndAttributes(s, this.element), Ju ); } } const Rd = ItemsVisitor; const Dd = class RequiredVisitor extends Ed { ArrayElement(s) { const o = this.enter(s); return this.element.classes.push('json-schema-required'), o; } }; const Ld = _curry1(function allPass(s) { return za(Ca(Ll, 0, Fl('length', s)), function () { for (var o = 0, i = s.length; o < i; ) { if (!s[o].apply(this, arguments)) return !1; o += 1; } return !0; }); }); const Bd = _curry1(function isNotEmpty(s) { return !gp(s); }); const Fd = _curry2(function or(s, o) { return s || o; }); var $d = Ml( za( 1, gu( vu, _curry2(function either(s, o) { return _isFunction(s) ? function _either() { return s.apply(this, arguments) || o.apply(this, arguments); } : Pl(Fd)(s, o); })(bu, Wl) ) ) ); const Vd = Ld([Yl, $d, Bd]); const Ud = class PatternedFieldsVisitor extends Id { specPath; ignoredFields; fieldPatternPredicate = es_F; constructor({ specPath: s, ignoredFields: o, fieldPatternPredicate: i, ...u }) { super({ ...u }), (this.specPath = s), (this.ignoredFields = o || []), 'function' == typeof i && (this.fieldPatternPredicate = i); } ObjectElement(s) { return ( s.forEach((s, o, i) => { if ( !this.ignoredFields.includes(serializers_value(o)) && this.fieldPatternPredicate(serializers_value(o)) ) { const u = this.specPath(s), _ = this.toRefractedElement(u, s), w = new Cu.Pr(cloneDeep(o), _); this.copyMetaAndAttributes(i, w), w.classes.push('patterned-field'), this.element.content.push(w); } else this.ignoredFields.includes(serializers_value(o)) || this.element.content.push(cloneDeep(i)); }), this.copyMetaAndAttributes(s, this.element), Ju ); } }; const Wd = class MapVisitor extends Ud { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.fieldPatternPredicate = Vd); } }; class PropertiesVisitor extends Mixin(Wd, Nd, Ed) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Cu.Sh()), this.element.classes.push('json-schema-properties'), (this.specPath = (s) => isJSONReferenceLikeElement(s) ? ['document', 'objects', 'JSONReference'] : ['document', 'objects', 'JSONSchema']); } } const Kd = PropertiesVisitor; class PatternPropertiesVisitor extends Mixin(Wd, Nd, Ed) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Cu.Sh()), this.element.classes.push('json-schema-patternProperties'), (this.specPath = (s) => isJSONReferenceLikeElement(s) ? ['document', 'objects', 'JSONReference'] : ['document', 'objects', 'JSONSchema']); } } const Hd = PatternPropertiesVisitor; class DependenciesVisitor extends Mixin(Wd, Nd, Ed) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Cu.Sh()), this.element.classes.push('json-schema-dependencies'), (this.specPath = (s) => isJSONReferenceLikeElement(s) ? ['document', 'objects', 'JSONReference'] : ['document', 'objects', 'JSONSchema']); } } const Jd = DependenciesVisitor; const Gd = class EnumVisitor extends Ed { ArrayElement(s) { const o = this.enter(s); return this.element.classes.push('json-schema-enum'), o; } }; const Yd = class TypeVisitor extends Ed { StringElement(s) { const o = this.enter(s); return this.element.classes.push('json-schema-type'), o; } ArrayElement(s) { const o = this.enter(s); return this.element.classes.push('json-schema-type'), o; } }; class AllOfVisitor extends Mixin(Id, Nd, Ed) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Cu.wE()), this.element.classes.push('json-schema-allOf'); } ArrayElement(s) { return ( s.forEach((s) => { const o = isJSONReferenceLikeElement(s) ? ['document', 'objects', 'JSONReference'] : ['document', 'objects', 'JSONSchema'], i = this.toRefractedElement(o, s); this.element.push(i); }), this.copyMetaAndAttributes(s, this.element), Ju ); } } const Xd = AllOfVisitor; class AnyOfVisitor extends Mixin(Id, Nd, Ed) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Cu.wE()), this.element.classes.push('json-schema-anyOf'); } ArrayElement(s) { return ( s.forEach((s) => { const o = isJSONReferenceLikeElement(s) ? ['document', 'objects', 'JSONReference'] : ['document', 'objects', 'JSONSchema'], i = this.toRefractedElement(o, s); this.element.push(i); }), this.copyMetaAndAttributes(s, this.element), Ju ); } } const Zd = AnyOfVisitor; class OneOfVisitor extends Mixin(Id, Nd, Ed) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Cu.wE()), this.element.classes.push('json-schema-oneOf'); } ArrayElement(s) { return ( s.forEach((s) => { const o = isJSONReferenceLikeElement(s) ? ['document', 'objects', 'JSONReference'] : ['document', 'objects', 'JSONSchema'], i = this.toRefractedElement(o, s); this.element.push(i); }), this.copyMetaAndAttributes(s, this.element), Ju ); } } const Qd = OneOfVisitor; class DefinitionsVisitor extends Mixin(Wd, Nd, Ed) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Cu.Sh()), this.element.classes.push('json-schema-definitions'), (this.specPath = (s) => isJSONReferenceLikeElement(s) ? ['document', 'objects', 'JSONReference'] : ['document', 'objects', 'JSONSchema']); } } const ef = DefinitionsVisitor; class LinksVisitor extends Mixin(Id, Nd, Ed) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Cu.wE()), this.element.classes.push('json-schema-links'); } ArrayElement(s) { return ( s.forEach((s) => { const o = this.toRefractedElement(['document', 'objects', 'LinkDescription'], s); this.element.push(o); }), this.copyMetaAndAttributes(s, this.element), Ju ); } } const rf = LinksVisitor; class JSONReferenceVisitor extends Mixin(Md, Ed) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Gh()), (this.specPath = Tl(['document', 'objects', 'JSONReference'])); } ObjectElement(s) { const o = Md.prototype.ObjectElement.call(this, s); return Ru(this.element.$ref) && this.element.classes.push('reference-element'), o; } } const of = JSONReferenceVisitor; const af = class $RefVisitor extends Ed { StringElement(s) { const o = this.enter(s); return this.element.classes.push('reference-value'), o; } }; const lf = _curry3(function ifElse(s, o, i) { return za(Math.max(s.length, o.length, i.length), function _ifElse() { return s.apply(this, arguments) ? o.apply(this, arguments) : i.apply(this, arguments); }); }); const cf = _curry1(function comparator(s) { return function (o, i) { return s(o, i) ? -1 : s(i, o) ? 1 : 0; }; }); var uf = _curry2(function sort(s, o) { return Array.prototype.slice.call(o, 0).sort(s); }); const hf = uf; var df = _curry1(function (s) { return _nth(0, s); }); const mf = df; const gf = _curry1(_reduced); const yf = Ml(ld); const bf = gu(yp, Bd); function _toConsumableArray(s) { return ( (function _arrayWithoutHoles(s) { if (Array.isArray(s)) return _arrayLikeToArray(s); })(s) || (function _iterableToArray(s) { if ( ('undefined' != typeof Symbol && null != s[Symbol.iterator]) || null != s['@@iterator'] ) return Array.from(s); })(s) || (function _unsupportedIterableToArray(s, o) { if (s) { if ('string' == typeof s) return _arrayLikeToArray(s, o); var i = {}.toString.call(s).slice(8, -1); return ( 'Object' === i && s.constructor && (i = s.constructor.name), 'Map' === i || 'Set' === i ? Array.from(s) : 'Arguments' === i || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(i) ? _arrayLikeToArray(s, o) : void 0 ); } })(s) || (function _nonIterableSpread() { throw new TypeError( 'Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.' ); })() ); } function _arrayLikeToArray(s, o) { (null == o || o > s.length) && (o = s.length); for (var i = 0, u = Array(o); i < o; i++) u[i] = s[i]; return u; } var _f = pipe( hf( cf(function (s, o) { return s.length > o.length; }) ), mf, Da('length') ), Sf = Ja(function (s, o, i) { var u = i.apply(void 0, _toConsumableArray(s)); return yf(u) ? gf(u) : o; }); const xf = lf( bf, function dispatchImpl(s) { var o = _f(s); return za(o, function () { for (var o = arguments.length, i = new Array(o), u = 0; u < o; u++) i[u] = arguments[u]; return Ca(Sf(i), void 0, s); }); }, Nl ); const kf = class AlternatingVisitor extends Id { alternator; constructor({ alternator: s, ...o }) { super({ ...o }), (this.alternator = s); } enter(s) { const o = this.alternator.map(({ predicate: s, specPath: o }) => lf(s, Tl(o), Nl)), i = xf(o)(s); return (this.element = this.toRefractedElement(i, s)), Ju; } }; const Cf = class SchemaOrReferenceVisitor extends kf { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.alternator = [ { predicate: isJSONReferenceLikeElement, specPath: ['document', 'objects', 'JSONReference'] }, { predicate: es_T, specPath: ['document', 'objects', 'JSONSchema'] } ]); } }; class MediaVisitor extends Mixin(Md, Ed) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Qh()), (this.specPath = Tl(['document', 'objects', 'Media'])); } } const Of = MediaVisitor; class LinkDescriptionVisitor extends Mixin(Md, Ed) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new td()), (this.specPath = Tl(['document', 'objects', 'LinkDescription'])); } } const jf = { visitors: { value: Ed, JSONSchemaOrJSONReferenceVisitor: Cf, document: { objects: { JSONSchema: { $visitor: Td, fixedFields: { id: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, $schema: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, multipleOf: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, maximum: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, exclusiveMaximum: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, minimum: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, exclusiveMinimum: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, maxLength: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, minLength: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, pattern: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, additionalItems: Cf, items: Rd, maxItems: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, minItems: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, uniqueItems: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, maxProperties: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, minProperties: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, required: Dd, properties: Kd, additionalProperties: Cf, patternProperties: Hd, dependencies: Jd, enum: Gd, type: Yd, allOf: Xd, anyOf: Zd, oneOf: Qd, not: Cf, definitions: ef, title: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, description: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, default: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, format: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, base: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, links: rf, media: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/Media' }, readOnly: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' } } }, JSONReference: { $visitor: of, fixedFields: { $ref: af } }, Media: { $visitor: Of, fixedFields: { binaryEncoding: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, type: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' } } }, LinkDescription: { $visitor: LinkDescriptionVisitor, fixedFields: { href: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, rel: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, title: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, targetSchema: Cf, mediaType: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, method: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, encType: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, schema: Cf } } } } } }, traversal_visitor_getNodeType = (s) => { if (Nu(s)) return `${s.element.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.element.slice(1)}Element`; }, Pf = { JSONSchemaDraft4Element: ['content'], JSONReferenceElement: ['content'], MediaElement: ['content'], LinkDescriptionElement: ['content'], ...Qu }, Tf = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof Jh || (s(u) && o('JSONSchemaDraft4', u) && i('object', u)) ), Nf = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof Gh || (s(u) && o('JSONReference', u) && i('object', u)) ), Rf = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof Qh || (s(u) && o('media', u) && i('object', u)) ), Df = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof td || (s(u) && o('linkDescription', u) && i('object', u)) ), Ff = { namespace: (s) => { const { base: o } = s; return ( o.register('jSONSchemaDraft4', Jh), o.register('jSONReference', Gh), o.register('media', Qh), o.register('linkDescription', td), o ); } }, Vf = Ff, refractor_toolbox = () => { const s = createNamespace(Vf); return { predicates: { ...ce, isStringElement: Ru }, namespace: s }; }, refractor_refract = ( s, { specPath: o = ['visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'JSONSchema', '$visitor'], plugins: i = [], specificationObj: u = jf } = {} ) => { const _ = (0, Cu.e)(s), w = dereference(u), x = new (cp(o, w))({ specObj: w }); return ( visitor_visit(_, x), dispatchPluginsSync(x.element, i, { toolboxCreator: refractor_toolbox, visitorOptions: { keyMap: Pf, nodeTypeGetter: traversal_visitor_getNodeType } }) ); }, refractor_createRefractor = (s) => (o, i = {}) => refractor_refract(o, { specPath: s, ...i }); (Jh.refract = refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'JSONSchema', '$visitor' ])), (Gh.refract = refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'JSONReference', '$visitor' ])), (Qh.refract = refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'Media', '$visitor' ])), (td.refract = refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'LinkDescription', '$visitor' ])); const Wf = class Schema_Schema extends Jh { constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), (this.element = 'schema'), this.classes.push('json-schema-draft-4'); } get idProp() { throw new Hh('idProp getter in Schema class is not not supported.'); } set idProp(s) { throw new Hh('idProp setter in Schema class is not not supported.'); } get $schema() { throw new Hh('$schema getter in Schema class is not not supported.'); } set $schema(s) { throw new Hh('$schema setter in Schema class is not not supported.'); } get additionalItems() { return this.get('additionalItems'); } set additionalItems(s) { this.set('additionalItems', s); } get items() { return this.get('items'); } set items(s) { this.set('items', s); } get additionalProperties() { return this.get('additionalProperties'); } set additionalProperties(s) { this.set('additionalProperties', s); } get patternProperties() { throw new Hh('patternProperties getter in Schema class is not not supported.'); } set patternProperties(s) { throw new Hh('patternProperties setter in Schema class is not not supported.'); } get dependencies() { throw new Hh('dependencies getter in Schema class is not not supported.'); } set dependencies(s) { throw new Hh('dependencies setter in Schema class is not not supported.'); } get type() { return this.get('type'); } set type(s) { this.set('type', s); } get not() { return this.get('not'); } set not(s) { this.set('not', s); } get definitions() { throw new Hh('definitions getter in Schema class is not not supported.'); } set definitions(s) { throw new Hh('definitions setter in Schema class is not not supported.'); } get base() { throw new Hh('base getter in Schema class is not not supported.'); } set base(s) { throw new Hh('base setter in Schema class is not not supported.'); } get links() { throw new Hh('links getter in Schema class is not not supported.'); } set links(s) { throw new Hh('links setter in Schema class is not not supported.'); } get media() { throw new Hh('media getter in Schema class is not not supported.'); } set media(s) { throw new Hh('media setter in Schema class is not not supported.'); } get nullable() { return this.get('nullable'); } set nullable(s) { this.set('nullable', s); } get discriminator() { return this.get('discriminator'); } set discriminator(s) { this.set('discriminator', s); } get writeOnly() { return this.get('writeOnly'); } set writeOnly(s) { this.set('writeOnly', s); } get xml() { return this.get('xml'); } set xml(s) { this.set('xml', s); } get externalDocs() { return this.get('externalDocs'); } set externalDocs(s) { this.set('externalDocs', s); } get example() { return this.get('example'); } set example(s) { this.set('example', s); } get deprecated() { return this.get('deprecated'); } set deprecated(s) { this.set('deprecated', s); } }; class SecurityRequirement extends Cu.Sh { constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), (this.element = 'securityRequirement'); } } const Hf = SecurityRequirement; class SecurityScheme extends Cu.Sh { constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), (this.element = 'securityScheme'); } get type() { return this.get('type'); } set type(s) { this.set('type', s); } get description() { return this.get('description'); } set description(s) { this.set('description', s); } get name() { return this.get('name'); } set name(s) { this.set('name', s); } get in() { return this.get('in'); } set in(s) { this.set('in', s); } get scheme() { return this.get('scheme'); } set scheme(s) { this.set('scheme', s); } get bearerFormat() { return this.get('bearerFormat'); } set bearerFormat(s) { this.set('bearerFormat', s); } get flows() { return this.get('flows'); } set flows(s) { this.set('flows', s); } get openIdConnectUrl() { return this.get('openIdConnectUrl'); } set openIdConnectUrl(s) { this.set('openIdConnectUrl', s); } } const Jf = SecurityScheme; class Server extends Cu.Sh { constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), (this.element = 'server'); } get url() { return this.get('url'); } set url(s) { this.set('url', s); } get description() { return this.get('description'); } set description(s) { this.set('description', s); } get variables() { return this.get('variables'); } set variables(s) { this.set('variables', s); } } const Gf = Server; class ServerVariable extends Cu.Sh { constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), (this.element = 'serverVariable'); } get enum() { return this.get('enum'); } set enum(s) { this.set('enum', s); } get default() { return this.get('default'); } set default(s) { this.set('default', s); } get description() { return this.get('description'); } set description(s) { this.set('description', s); } } const Xf = ServerVariable; class Tag extends Cu.Sh { constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), (this.element = 'tag'); } get name() { return this.get('name'); } set name(s) { this.set('name', s); } get description() { return this.get('description'); } set description(s) { this.set('description', s); } get externalDocs() { return this.get('externalDocs'); } set externalDocs(s) { this.set('externalDocs', s); } } const Qf = Tag; class Xml extends Cu.Sh { constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), (this.element = 'xml'); } get name() { return this.get('name'); } set name(s) { this.set('name', s); } get namespace() { return this.get('namespace'); } set namespace(s) { this.set('namespace', s); } get prefix() { return this.get('prefix'); } set prefix(s) { this.set('prefix', s); } get attribute() { return this.get('attribute'); } set attribute(s) { this.set('attribute', s); } get wrapped() { return this.get('wrapped'); } set wrapped(s) { this.set('wrapped', s); } } const em = Xml; const tm = class visitors_Visitor_Visitor { element; constructor(s = {}) { Object.assign(this, s); } copyMetaAndAttributes(s, o) { (s.meta.length > 0 || o.meta.length > 0) && ((o.meta = deepmerge(o.meta, s.meta)), hasElementSourceMap(s) && o.meta.set('sourceMap', s.meta.get('sourceMap'))), (s.attributes.length > 0 || s.meta.length > 0) && (o.attributes = deepmerge(o.attributes, s.attributes)); } }; const rm = class FallbackVisitor_FallbackVisitor extends tm { enter(s) { return (this.element = cloneDeep(s)), Ju; } }; const nm = class SpecificationVisitor_SpecificationVisitor extends tm { specObj; passingOptionsNames = ['specObj', 'openApiGenericElement', 'openApiSemanticElement']; openApiGenericElement; openApiSemanticElement; constructor({ specObj: s, passingOptionsNames: o, openApiGenericElement: i, openApiSemanticElement: u, ..._ }) { super({ ..._ }), (this.specObj = s), (this.openApiGenericElement = i), (this.openApiSemanticElement = u), Array.isArray(o) && (this.passingOptionsNames = o); } retrievePassingOptions() { return Ad(this.passingOptionsNames, this); } retrieveFixedFields(s) { const o = cp(['visitors', ...s, 'fixedFields'], this.specObj); return 'object' == typeof o && null !== o ? Object.keys(o) : []; } retrieveVisitor(s) { return Xo(Wl, ['visitors', ...s], this.specObj) ? cp(['visitors', ...s], this.specObj) : cp(['visitors', ...s, '$visitor'], this.specObj); } retrieveVisitorInstance(s, o = {}) { const i = this.retrievePassingOptions(); return new (this.retrieveVisitor(s))({ ...i, ...o }); } toRefractedElement(s, o, i = {}) { const u = this.retrieveVisitorInstance(s, i); return u instanceof rm && (null == u ? void 0 : u.constructor) === rm ? cloneDeep(o) : (visitor_visit(o, u, i), u.element); } }, isReferenceLikeElement = (s) => Fu(s) && s.hasKey('$ref'), sm = Fu, om = Fu, isOpenApiExtension = (s) => Ru(s.key) && Fp('x-', serializers_value(s.key)); const im = class FixedFieldsVisitor_FixedFieldsVisitor extends nm { specPath; ignoredFields; canSupportSpecificationExtensions = !0; specificationExtensionPredicate = isOpenApiExtension; constructor({ specPath: s, ignoredFields: o, canSupportSpecificationExtensions: i, specificationExtensionPredicate: u, ..._ }) { super({ ..._ }), (this.specPath = s), (this.ignoredFields = o || []), 'boolean' == typeof i && (this.canSupportSpecificationExtensions = i), 'function' == typeof u && (this.specificationExtensionPredicate = u); } ObjectElement(s) { const o = this.specPath(s), i = this.retrieveFixedFields(o); return ( s.forEach((s, u, _) => { if ( Ru(u) && i.includes(serializers_value(u)) && !this.ignoredFields.includes(serializers_value(u)) ) { const i = this.toRefractedElement([...o, 'fixedFields', serializers_value(u)], s), w = new Cu.Pr(cloneDeep(u), i); this.copyMetaAndAttributes(_, w), w.classes.push('fixed-field'), this.element.content.push(w); } else if ( this.canSupportSpecificationExtensions && this.specificationExtensionPredicate(_) ) { const s = this.toRefractedElement(['document', 'extension'], _); this.element.content.push(s); } else this.ignoredFields.includes(serializers_value(u)) || this.element.content.push(cloneDeep(_)); }), this.copyMetaAndAttributes(s, this.element), Ju ); } }; class OpenApi3_0Visitor extends Mixin(im, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Oh()), (this.specPath = Tl(['document', 'objects', 'OpenApi'])), (this.canSupportSpecificationExtensions = !0); } ObjectElement(s) { return im.prototype.ObjectElement.call(this, s); } } const am = OpenApi3_0Visitor; class OpenapiVisitor extends Mixin(nm, rm) { StringElement(s) { const o = new wh(serializers_value(s)); return this.copyMetaAndAttributes(s, o), (this.element = o), Ju; } } const lm = OpenapiVisitor; const cm = class SpecificationExtensionVisitor extends nm { MemberElement(s) { return ( (this.element = cloneDeep(s)), this.element.classes.push('specification-extension'), Ju ); } }; class InfoVisitor extends Mixin(im, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new rh()), (this.specPath = Tl(['document', 'objects', 'Info'])), (this.canSupportSpecificationExtensions = !0); } } const um = InfoVisitor; const pm = class VersionVisitor extends rm { StringElement(s) { const o = super.enter(s); return ( this.element.classes.push('api-version'), this.element.classes.push('version'), o ); } }; class ContactVisitor extends Mixin(im, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Gp()), (this.specPath = Tl(['document', 'objects', 'Contact'])), (this.canSupportSpecificationExtensions = !0); } } const hm = ContactVisitor; class LicenseVisitor extends Mixin(im, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new uh()), (this.specPath = Tl(['document', 'objects', 'License'])), (this.canSupportSpecificationExtensions = !0); } } const dm = LicenseVisitor; class LinkVisitor extends Mixin(im, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new dh()), (this.specPath = Tl(['document', 'objects', 'Link'])), (this.canSupportSpecificationExtensions = !0); } ObjectElement(s) { const o = im.prototype.ObjectElement.call(this, s); return ( (Ru(this.element.operationId) || Ru(this.element.operationRef)) && this.element.classes.push('reference-element'), o ); } } const fm = LinkVisitor; const mm = class OperationRefVisitor extends rm { StringElement(s) { const o = super.enter(s); return this.element.classes.push('reference-value'), o; } }; const gm = class OperationIdVisitor extends rm { StringElement(s) { const o = super.enter(s); return this.element.classes.push('reference-value'), o; } }; const ym = class PatternedFieldsVisitor_PatternedFieldsVisitor extends nm { specPath; ignoredFields; fieldPatternPredicate = es_F; canSupportSpecificationExtensions = !1; specificationExtensionPredicate = isOpenApiExtension; constructor({ specPath: s, ignoredFields: o, fieldPatternPredicate: i, canSupportSpecificationExtensions: u, specificationExtensionPredicate: _, ...w }) { super({ ...w }), (this.specPath = s), (this.ignoredFields = o || []), 'function' == typeof i && (this.fieldPatternPredicate = i), 'boolean' == typeof u && (this.canSupportSpecificationExtensions = u), 'function' == typeof _ && (this.specificationExtensionPredicate = _); } ObjectElement(s) { return ( s.forEach((s, o, i) => { if ( this.canSupportSpecificationExtensions && this.specificationExtensionPredicate(i) ) { const s = this.toRefractedElement(['document', 'extension'], i); this.element.content.push(s); } else if ( !this.ignoredFields.includes(serializers_value(o)) && this.fieldPatternPredicate(serializers_value(o)) ) { const u = this.specPath(s), _ = this.toRefractedElement(u, s), w = new Cu.Pr(cloneDeep(o), _); this.copyMetaAndAttributes(i, w), w.classes.push('patterned-field'), this.element.content.push(w); } else this.ignoredFields.includes(serializers_value(o)) || this.element.content.push(cloneDeep(i)); }), this.copyMetaAndAttributes(s, this.element), Ju ); } }; const vm = class MapVisitor_MapVisitor extends ym { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.fieldPatternPredicate = Vd); } }; class LinkParameters extends Cu.Sh { static primaryClass = 'link-parameters'; constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), this.classes.push(LinkParameters.primaryClass); } } const bm = LinkParameters; class ParametersVisitor extends Mixin(vm, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new bm()), (this.specPath = Tl(['value'])); } } const _m = ParametersVisitor; class ServerVisitor extends Mixin(im, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Gf()), (this.specPath = Tl(['document', 'objects', 'Server'])), (this.canSupportSpecificationExtensions = !0); } } const Em = ServerVisitor; const wm = class UrlVisitor extends rm { StringElement(s) { const o = super.enter(s); return this.element.classes.push('server-url'), o; } }; class Servers extends Cu.wE { static primaryClass = 'servers'; constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), this.classes.push(Servers.primaryClass); } } const Sm = Servers; class ServersVisitor extends Mixin(nm, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Sm()); } ArrayElement(s) { return ( s.forEach((s) => { const o = sm(s) ? ['document', 'objects', 'Server'] : ['value'], i = this.toRefractedElement(o, s); this.element.push(i); }), this.copyMetaAndAttributes(s, this.element), Ju ); } } const xm = ServersVisitor; class ServerVariableVisitor extends Mixin(im, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Xf()), (this.specPath = Tl(['document', 'objects', 'ServerVariable'])), (this.canSupportSpecificationExtensions = !0); } } const km = ServerVariableVisitor; class ServerVariables extends Cu.Sh { static primaryClass = 'server-variables'; constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), this.classes.push(ServerVariables.primaryClass); } } const Cm = ServerVariables; class VariablesVisitor extends Mixin(vm, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Cm()), (this.specPath = Tl(['document', 'objects', 'ServerVariable'])); } } const Om = VariablesVisitor; class MediaTypeVisitor extends Mixin(im, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new fh()), (this.specPath = Tl(['document', 'objects', 'MediaType'])), (this.canSupportSpecificationExtensions = !0); } } const Am = MediaTypeVisitor; const jm = class AlternatingVisitor_AlternatingVisitor extends nm { alternator; constructor({ alternator: s, ...o }) { super({ ...o }), (this.alternator = s || []); } enter(s) { const o = this.alternator.map(({ predicate: s, specPath: o }) => lf(s, Tl(o), Nl)), i = xf(o)(s); return (this.element = this.toRefractedElement(i, s)), Ju; } }, Im = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof Hp || (s(u) && o('callback', u) && i('object', u)) ), Pm = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof Jp || (s(u) && o('components', u) && i('object', u)) ), Mm = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof Gp || (s(u) && o('contact', u) && i('object', u)) ), Tm = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof Zp || (s(u) && o('example', u) && i('object', u)) ), Nm = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof Qp || (s(u) && o('externalDocumentation', u) && i('object', u)) ), Rm = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof th || (s(u) && o('header', u) && i('object', u)) ), Dm = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof rh || (s(u) && o('info', u) && i('object', u)) ), Lm = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof uh || (s(u) && o('license', u) && i('object', u)) ), Bm = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof dh || (s(u) && o('link', u) && i('object', u)) ), Fm = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof wh || (s(u) && o('openapi', u) && i('string', u)) ), qm = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i, hasClass: u }) => (_) => _ instanceof Oh || (s(_) && o('openApi3_0', _) && i('object', _) && u('api', _)) ), $m = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof jh || (s(u) && o('operation', u) && i('object', u)) ), Vm = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof Ih || (s(u) && o('parameter', u) && i('object', u)) ), Um = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof Ph || (s(u) && o('pathItem', u) && i('object', u)) ), zm = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof Rh || (s(u) && o('paths', u) && i('object', u)) ), Wm = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof Dh || (s(u) && o('reference', u) && i('object', u)) ), Km = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof Lh || (s(u) && o('requestBody', u) && i('object', u)) ), Hm = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof Fh || (s(u) && o('response', u) && i('object', u)) ), Jm = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof Kh || (s(u) && o('responses', u) && i('object', u)) ), Gm = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof Wf || (s(u) && o('schema', u) && i('object', u)) ), isBooleanJsonSchemaElement = (s) => Bu(s) && s.classes.includes('boolean-json-schema'), Ym = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof Hf || (s(u) && o('securityRequirement', u) && i('object', u)) ), Xm = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof Jf || (s(u) && o('securityScheme', u) && i('object', u)) ), Zm = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof Gf || (s(u) && o('server', u) && i('object', u)) ), Qm = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof Xf || (s(u) && o('serverVariable', u) && i('object', u)) ), eg = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof fh || (s(u) && o('mediaType', u) && i('object', u)) ), rg = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i, hasClass: u }) => (_) => _ instanceof Sm || (s(_) && o('array', _) && i('array', _) && u('servers', _)) ); class SchemaVisitor extends Mixin(jm, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.alternator = [ { predicate: isReferenceLikeElement, specPath: ['document', 'objects', 'Reference'] }, { predicate: es_T, specPath: ['document', 'objects', 'Schema'] } ]); } ObjectElement(s) { const o = jm.prototype.enter.call(this, s); return ( Wm(this.element) && this.element.setMetaProperty('referenced-element', 'schema'), o ); } } const ng = SchemaVisitor; class ExamplesVisitor extends Mixin(vm, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Cu.Sh()), this.element.classes.push('examples'), (this.specPath = (s) => isReferenceLikeElement(s) ? ['document', 'objects', 'Reference'] : ['document', 'objects', 'Example']), (this.canSupportSpecificationExtensions = !0); } ObjectElement(s) { const o = vm.prototype.ObjectElement.call(this, s); return ( this.element.filter(Wm).forEach((s) => { s.setMetaProperty('referenced-element', 'example'); }), o ); } } const sg = ExamplesVisitor; class MediaTypeExamples extends Cu.Sh { static primaryClass = 'media-type-examples'; constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), this.classes.push(MediaTypeExamples.primaryClass), this.classes.push('examples'); } } const og = MediaTypeExamples; const lg = class ExamplesVisitor_ExamplesVisitor extends sg { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new og()); } }; class MediaTypeEncoding extends Cu.Sh { static primaryClass = 'media-type-encoding'; constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), this.classes.push(MediaTypeEncoding.primaryClass); } } const pg = MediaTypeEncoding; class EncodingVisitor extends Mixin(vm, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new pg()), (this.specPath = Tl(['document', 'objects', 'Encoding'])); } } const fg = EncodingVisitor; class SecurityRequirementVisitor extends Mixin(vm, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Hf()), (this.specPath = Tl(['value'])); } } const mg = SecurityRequirementVisitor; class Security extends Cu.wE { static primaryClass = 'security'; constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), this.classes.push(Security.primaryClass); } } const gg = Security; class SecurityVisitor extends Mixin(nm, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new gg()); } ArrayElement(s) { return ( s.forEach((s) => { if (Fu(s)) { const o = this.toRefractedElement( ['document', 'objects', 'SecurityRequirement'], s ); this.element.push(o); } else this.element.push(cloneDeep(s)); }), this.copyMetaAndAttributes(s, this.element), Ju ); } } const yg = SecurityVisitor; class ComponentsVisitor extends Mixin(im, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Jp()), (this.specPath = Tl(['document', 'objects', 'Components'])), (this.canSupportSpecificationExtensions = !0); } } const _g = ComponentsVisitor; class TagVisitor extends Mixin(im, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Qf()), (this.specPath = Tl(['document', 'objects', 'Tag'])), (this.canSupportSpecificationExtensions = !0); } } const xg = TagVisitor; class ReferenceVisitor extends Mixin(im, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Dh()), (this.specPath = Tl(['document', 'objects', 'Reference'])), (this.canSupportSpecificationExtensions = !1); } ObjectElement(s) { const o = im.prototype.ObjectElement.call(this, s); return Ru(this.element.$ref) && this.element.classes.push('reference-element'), o; } } const kg = ReferenceVisitor; const qg = class $RefVisitor_$RefVisitor extends rm { StringElement(s) { const o = super.enter(s); return this.element.classes.push('reference-value'), o; } }; class ParameterVisitor extends Mixin(im, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Ih()), (this.specPath = Tl(['document', 'objects', 'Parameter'])), (this.canSupportSpecificationExtensions = !0); } ObjectElement(s) { const o = im.prototype.ObjectElement.call(this, s); return ( Fu(this.element.contentProp) && this.element.contentProp.filter(eg).forEach((s, o) => { s.setMetaProperty('media-type', serializers_value(o)); }), o ); } } const Vg = ParameterVisitor; class SchemaVisitor_SchemaVisitor extends Mixin(jm, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.alternator = [ { predicate: isReferenceLikeElement, specPath: ['document', 'objects', 'Reference'] }, { predicate: es_T, specPath: ['document', 'objects', 'Schema'] } ]); } ObjectElement(s) { const o = jm.prototype.enter.call(this, s); return ( Wm(this.element) && this.element.setMetaProperty('referenced-element', 'schema'), o ); } } const Ug = SchemaVisitor_SchemaVisitor; class HeaderVisitor extends Mixin(im, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new th()), (this.specPath = Tl(['document', 'objects', 'Header'])), (this.canSupportSpecificationExtensions = !0); } } const zg = HeaderVisitor; class header_SchemaVisitor_SchemaVisitor extends Mixin(jm, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.alternator = [ { predicate: isReferenceLikeElement, specPath: ['document', 'objects', 'Reference'] }, { predicate: es_T, specPath: ['document', 'objects', 'Schema'] } ]); } ObjectElement(s) { const o = jm.prototype.enter.call(this, s); return ( Wm(this.element) && this.element.setMetaProperty('referenced-element', 'schema'), o ); } } const Wg = header_SchemaVisitor_SchemaVisitor; class HeaderExamples extends Cu.Sh { static primaryClass = 'header-examples'; constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), this.classes.push(HeaderExamples.primaryClass), this.classes.push('examples'); } } const Kg = HeaderExamples; const Yg = class header_ExamplesVisitor_ExamplesVisitor extends sg { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Kg()); } }; class ContentVisitor extends Mixin(vm, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Cu.Sh()), this.element.classes.push('content'), (this.specPath = Tl(['document', 'objects', 'MediaType'])); } } const Xg = ContentVisitor; class HeaderContent extends Cu.Sh { static primaryClass = 'header-content'; constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), this.classes.push(HeaderContent.primaryClass), this.classes.push('content'); } } const Zg = HeaderContent; const ey = class ContentVisitor_ContentVisitor extends Xg { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Zg()); } }; class schema_SchemaVisitor extends Mixin(im, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Wf()), (this.specPath = Tl(['document', 'objects', 'Schema'])), (this.canSupportSpecificationExtensions = !0); } } const ty = schema_SchemaVisitor, { allOf: ry } = jf.visitors.document.objects.JSONSchema.fixedFields; const ny = class AllOfVisitor_AllOfVisitor extends ry { ArrayElement(s) { const o = ry.prototype.ArrayElement.call(this, s); return ( this.element.filter(Wm).forEach((s) => { s.setMetaProperty('referenced-element', 'schema'); }), o ); } }, { anyOf: sy } = jf.visitors.document.objects.JSONSchema.fixedFields; const oy = class AnyOfVisitor_AnyOfVisitor extends sy { ArrayElement(s) { const o = sy.prototype.ArrayElement.call(this, s); return ( this.element.filter(Wm).forEach((s) => { s.setMetaProperty('referenced-element', 'schema'); }), o ); } }, { oneOf: iy } = jf.visitors.document.objects.JSONSchema.fixedFields; const ay = class OneOfVisitor_OneOfVisitor extends iy { ArrayElement(s) { const o = iy.prototype.ArrayElement.call(this, s); return ( this.element.filter(Wm).forEach((s) => { s.setMetaProperty('referenced-element', 'schema'); }), o ); } }, { items: ly } = jf.visitors.document.objects.JSONSchema.fixedFields; const cy = class ItemsVisitor_ItemsVisitor extends ly { ObjectElement(s) { const o = ly.prototype.ObjectElement.call(this, s); return ( Wm(this.element) && this.element.setMetaProperty('referenced-element', 'schema'), o ); } ArrayElement(s) { return this.enter(s); } }, { properties: uy } = jf.visitors.document.objects.JSONSchema.fixedFields; const py = class PropertiesVisitor_PropertiesVisitor extends uy { ObjectElement(s) { const o = uy.prototype.ObjectElement.call(this, s); return ( this.element.filter(Wm).forEach((s) => { s.setMetaProperty('referenced-element', 'schema'); }), o ); } }, { type: hy } = jf.visitors.document.objects.JSONSchema.fixedFields; const dy = class TypeVisitor_TypeVisitor extends hy { ArrayElement(s) { return this.enter(s); } }, { JSONSchemaOrJSONReferenceVisitor: fy } = jf.visitors; const my = class SchemaOrReferenceVisitor_SchemaOrReferenceVisitor extends fy { ObjectElement(s) { const o = fy.prototype.enter.call(this, s); return ( Wm(this.element) && this.element.setMetaProperty('referenced-element', 'schema'), o ); } }; class DiscriminatorVisitor extends Mixin(im, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Yp()), (this.specPath = Tl(['document', 'objects', 'Discriminator'])), (this.canSupportSpecificationExtensions = !1); } } const gy = DiscriminatorVisitor; class DiscriminatorMapping extends Cu.Sh { static primaryClass = 'discriminator-mapping'; constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), this.classes.push(DiscriminatorMapping.primaryClass); } } const yy = DiscriminatorMapping; class MappingVisitor extends Mixin(vm, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new yy()), (this.specPath = Tl(['value'])); } } const vy = MappingVisitor; class XmlVisitor extends Mixin(im, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new em()), (this.specPath = Tl(['document', 'objects', 'XML'])), (this.canSupportSpecificationExtensions = !0); } } const by = XmlVisitor; class ParameterExamples extends Cu.Sh { static primaryClass = 'parameter-examples'; constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), this.classes.push(ParameterExamples.primaryClass), this.classes.push('examples'); } } const _y = ParameterExamples; const Ey = class parameter_ExamplesVisitor_ExamplesVisitor extends sg { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new _y()); } }; class ParameterContent extends Cu.Sh { static primaryClass = 'parameter-content'; constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), this.classes.push(ParameterContent.primaryClass), this.classes.push('content'); } } const wy = ParameterContent; const Sy = class parameter_ContentVisitor_ContentVisitor extends Xg { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new wy()); } }; class ComponentsSchemas extends Cu.Sh { static primaryClass = 'components-schemas'; constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), this.classes.push(ComponentsSchemas.primaryClass); } } const xy = ComponentsSchemas; class SchemasVisitor extends Mixin(vm, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new xy()), (this.specPath = (s) => isReferenceLikeElement(s) ? ['document', 'objects', 'Reference'] : ['document', 'objects', 'Schema']); } ObjectElement(s) { const o = vm.prototype.ObjectElement.call(this, s); return ( this.element.filter(Wm).forEach((s) => { s.setMetaProperty('referenced-element', 'schema'); }), o ); } } const ky = SchemasVisitor; class ComponentsResponses extends Cu.Sh { static primaryClass = 'components-responses'; constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), this.classes.push(ComponentsResponses.primaryClass); } } const Cy = ComponentsResponses; class ResponsesVisitor extends Mixin(vm, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Cy()), (this.specPath = (s) => isReferenceLikeElement(s) ? ['document', 'objects', 'Reference'] : ['document', 'objects', 'Response']); } ObjectElement(s) { const o = vm.prototype.ObjectElement.call(this, s); return ( this.element.filter(Wm).forEach((s) => { s.setMetaProperty('referenced-element', 'response'); }), this.element.filter(Hm).forEach((s, o) => { s.setMetaProperty('http-status-code', serializers_value(o)); }), o ); } } const Oy = ResponsesVisitor; class ComponentsParameters extends Cu.Sh { static primaryClass = 'components-parameters'; constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), this.classes.push(ComponentsParameters.primaryClass), this.classes.push('parameters'); } } const Ay = ComponentsParameters; class ParametersVisitor_ParametersVisitor extends Mixin(vm, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Ay()), (this.specPath = (s) => isReferenceLikeElement(s) ? ['document', 'objects', 'Reference'] : ['document', 'objects', 'Parameter']); } ObjectElement(s) { const o = vm.prototype.ObjectElement.call(this, s); return ( this.element.filter(Wm).forEach((s) => { s.setMetaProperty('referenced-element', 'parameter'); }), o ); } } const jy = ParametersVisitor_ParametersVisitor; class ComponentsExamples extends Cu.Sh { static primaryClass = 'components-examples'; constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), this.classes.push(ComponentsExamples.primaryClass), this.classes.push('examples'); } } const Iy = ComponentsExamples; class components_ExamplesVisitor_ExamplesVisitor extends Mixin(vm, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Iy()), (this.specPath = (s) => isReferenceLikeElement(s) ? ['document', 'objects', 'Reference'] : ['document', 'objects', 'Example']); } ObjectElement(s) { const o = vm.prototype.ObjectElement.call(this, s); return ( this.element.filter(Wm).forEach((s) => { s.setMetaProperty('referenced-element', 'example'); }), o ); } } const Py = components_ExamplesVisitor_ExamplesVisitor; class ComponentsRequestBodies extends Cu.Sh { static primaryClass = 'components-request-bodies'; constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), this.classes.push(ComponentsRequestBodies.primaryClass); } } const My = ComponentsRequestBodies; class RequestBodiesVisitor extends Mixin(vm, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new My()), (this.specPath = (s) => isReferenceLikeElement(s) ? ['document', 'objects', 'Reference'] : ['document', 'objects', 'RequestBody']); } ObjectElement(s) { const o = vm.prototype.ObjectElement.call(this, s); return ( this.element.filter(Wm).forEach((s) => { s.setMetaProperty('referenced-element', 'requestBody'); }), o ); } } const Ty = RequestBodiesVisitor; class ComponentsHeaders extends Cu.Sh { static primaryClass = 'components-headers'; constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), this.classes.push(ComponentsHeaders.primaryClass); } } const Ny = ComponentsHeaders; class HeadersVisitor extends Mixin(vm, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Ny()), (this.specPath = (s) => isReferenceLikeElement(s) ? ['document', 'objects', 'Reference'] : ['document', 'objects', 'Header']); } ObjectElement(s) { const o = vm.prototype.ObjectElement.call(this, s); return ( this.element.filter(Wm).forEach((s) => { s.setMetaProperty('referenced-element', 'header'); }), this.element.filter(Rm).forEach((s, o) => { s.setMetaProperty('header-name', serializers_value(o)); }), o ); } } const Ry = HeadersVisitor; class ComponentsSecuritySchemes extends Cu.Sh { static primaryClass = 'components-security-schemes'; constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), this.classes.push(ComponentsSecuritySchemes.primaryClass); } } const Dy = ComponentsSecuritySchemes; class SecuritySchemesVisitor extends Mixin(vm, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Dy()), (this.specPath = (s) => isReferenceLikeElement(s) ? ['document', 'objects', 'Reference'] : ['document', 'objects', 'SecurityScheme']); } ObjectElement(s) { const o = vm.prototype.ObjectElement.call(this, s); return ( this.element.filter(Wm).forEach((s) => { s.setMetaProperty('referenced-element', 'securityScheme'); }), o ); } } const Ly = SecuritySchemesVisitor; class ComponentsLinks extends Cu.Sh { static primaryClass = 'components-links'; constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), this.classes.push(ComponentsLinks.primaryClass); } } const By = ComponentsLinks; class LinksVisitor_LinksVisitor extends Mixin(vm, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new By()), (this.specPath = (s) => isReferenceLikeElement(s) ? ['document', 'objects', 'Reference'] : ['document', 'objects', 'Link']); } ObjectElement(s) { const o = vm.prototype.ObjectElement.call(this, s); return ( this.element.filter(Wm).forEach((s) => { s.setMetaProperty('referenced-element', 'link'); }), o ); } } const Fy = LinksVisitor_LinksVisitor; class ComponentsCallbacks extends Cu.Sh { static primaryClass = 'components-callbacks'; constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), this.classes.push(ComponentsCallbacks.primaryClass); } } const qy = ComponentsCallbacks; class CallbacksVisitor extends Mixin(vm, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new qy()), (this.specPath = (s) => isReferenceLikeElement(s) ? ['document', 'objects', 'Reference'] : ['document', 'objects', 'Callback']); } ObjectElement(s) { const o = vm.prototype.ObjectElement.call(this, s); return ( this.element.filter(Wm).forEach((s) => { s.setMetaProperty('referenced-element', 'callback'); }), o ); } } const $y = CallbacksVisitor; class ExampleVisitor extends Mixin(im, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Zp()), (this.specPath = Tl(['document', 'objects', 'Example'])), (this.canSupportSpecificationExtensions = !0); } ObjectElement(s) { const o = im.prototype.ObjectElement.call(this, s); return ( Ru(this.element.externalValue) && this.element.classes.push('reference-element'), o ); } } const Vy = ExampleVisitor; const Uy = class ExternalValueVisitor extends rm { StringElement(s) { const o = super.enter(s); return this.element.classes.push('reference-value'), o; } }; class ExternalDocumentationVisitor extends Mixin(im, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Qp()), (this.specPath = Tl(['document', 'objects', 'ExternalDocumentation'])), (this.canSupportSpecificationExtensions = !0); } } const zy = ExternalDocumentationVisitor; class encoding_EncodingVisitor extends Mixin(im, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Xp()), (this.specPath = Tl(['document', 'objects', 'Encoding'])), (this.canSupportSpecificationExtensions = !0); } ObjectElement(s) { const o = im.prototype.ObjectElement.call(this, s); return ( Fu(this.element.headers) && this.element.headers.filter(Rm).forEach((s, o) => { s.setMetaProperty('header-name', serializers_value(o)); }), o ); } } const Wy = encoding_EncodingVisitor; class EncodingHeaders extends Cu.Sh { static primaryClass = 'encoding-headers'; constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), this.classes.push(EncodingHeaders.primaryClass); } } const Ky = EncodingHeaders; class HeadersVisitor_HeadersVisitor extends Mixin(vm, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Ky()), (this.specPath = (s) => isReferenceLikeElement(s) ? ['document', 'objects', 'Reference'] : ['document', 'objects', 'Header']); } ObjectElement(s) { const o = vm.prototype.ObjectElement.call(this, s); return ( this.element.filter(Wm).forEach((s) => { s.setMetaProperty('referenced-element', 'header'); }), this.element.forEach((s, o) => { if (!Rm(s)) return; const i = serializers_value(o); s.setMetaProperty('headerName', i); }), o ); } } const Hy = HeadersVisitor_HeadersVisitor; class PathsVisitor extends Mixin(ym, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Rh()), (this.specPath = Tl(['document', 'objects', 'PathItem'])), (this.canSupportSpecificationExtensions = !0), (this.fieldPatternPredicate = es_T); } ObjectElement(s) { const o = ym.prototype.ObjectElement.call(this, s); return ( this.element.filter(Um).forEach((s, o) => { o.classes.push('openapi-path-template'), o.classes.push('path-template'), s.setMetaProperty('path', cloneDeep(o)); }), o ); } } const Jy = PathsVisitor; class RequestBodyVisitor extends Mixin(im, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Lh()), (this.specPath = Tl(['document', 'objects', 'RequestBody'])); } ObjectElement(s) { const o = im.prototype.ObjectElement.call(this, s); return ( Fu(this.element.contentProp) && this.element.contentProp.filter(eg).forEach((s, o) => { s.setMetaProperty('media-type', serializers_value(o)); }), o ); } } const Gy = RequestBodyVisitor; class RequestBodyContent extends Cu.Sh { static primaryClass = 'request-body-content'; constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), this.classes.push(RequestBodyContent.primaryClass), this.classes.push('content'); } } const Yy = RequestBodyContent; const Xy = class request_body_ContentVisitor_ContentVisitor extends Xg { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Yy()); } }; class CallbackVisitor extends Mixin(ym, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Hp()), (this.specPath = Tl(['document', 'objects', 'PathItem'])), (this.canSupportSpecificationExtensions = !0), (this.fieldPatternPredicate = (s) => /{(?[^}]{1,2083})}/.test(String(s))); } ObjectElement(s) { const o = vm.prototype.ObjectElement.call(this, s); return ( this.element.filter(Um).forEach((s, o) => { s.setMetaProperty('runtime-expression', serializers_value(o)); }), o ); } } const Zy = CallbackVisitor; class ResponseVisitor extends Mixin(im, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Fh()), (this.specPath = Tl(['document', 'objects', 'Response'])); } ObjectElement(s) { const o = im.prototype.ObjectElement.call(this, s); return ( Fu(this.element.contentProp) && this.element.contentProp.filter(eg).forEach((s, o) => { s.setMetaProperty('media-type', serializers_value(o)); }), Fu(this.element.headers) && this.element.headers.filter(Rm).forEach((s, o) => { s.setMetaProperty('header-name', serializers_value(o)); }), o ); } } const Qy = ResponseVisitor; class ResponseHeaders extends Cu.Sh { static primaryClass = 'response-headers'; constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), this.classes.push(ResponseHeaders.primaryClass); } } const ev = ResponseHeaders; class response_HeadersVisitor_HeadersVisitor extends Mixin(vm, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new ev()), (this.specPath = (s) => isReferenceLikeElement(s) ? ['document', 'objects', 'Reference'] : ['document', 'objects', 'Header']); } ObjectElement(s) { const o = vm.prototype.ObjectElement.call(this, s); return ( this.element.filter(Wm).forEach((s) => { s.setMetaProperty('referenced-element', 'header'); }), this.element.forEach((s, o) => { if (!Rm(s)) return; const i = serializers_value(o); s.setMetaProperty('header-name', i); }), o ); } } const tv = response_HeadersVisitor_HeadersVisitor; class ResponseContent extends Cu.Sh { static primaryClass = 'response-content'; constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), this.classes.push(ResponseContent.primaryClass), this.classes.push('content'); } } const rv = ResponseContent; const nv = class response_ContentVisitor_ContentVisitor extends Xg { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new rv()); } }; class ResponseLinks extends Cu.Sh { static primaryClass = 'response-links'; constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), this.classes.push(ResponseLinks.primaryClass); } } const sv = ResponseLinks; class response_LinksVisitor_LinksVisitor extends Mixin(vm, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new sv()), (this.specPath = (s) => isReferenceLikeElement(s) ? ['document', 'objects', 'Reference'] : ['document', 'objects', 'Link']); } ObjectElement(s) { const o = vm.prototype.ObjectElement.call(this, s); return ( this.element.filter(Wm).forEach((s) => { s.setMetaProperty('referenced-element', 'link'); }), o ); } } const ov = response_LinksVisitor_LinksVisitor; function _isNumber(s) { return '[object Number]' === Object.prototype.toString.call(s); } var iv = _curry2(function range(s, o) { if (!_isNumber(s) || !_isNumber(o)) throw new TypeError('Both arguments to range must be numbers'); for ( var i = Array(s < o ? o - s : 0), u = s < 0 ? o + Math.abs(s) : o - s, _ = 0; _ < u; ) (i[_] = _ + s), (_ += 1); return i; }); const av = iv; function hasOrAdd(s, o, i) { var u, _ = typeof s; switch (_) { case 'string': case 'number': return 0 === s && 1 / s == -1 / 0 ? !!i._items['-0'] || (o && (i._items['-0'] = !0), !1) : null !== i._nativeSet ? o ? ((u = i._nativeSet.size), i._nativeSet.add(s), i._nativeSet.size === u) : i._nativeSet.has(s) : _ in i._items ? s in i._items[_] || (o && (i._items[_][s] = !0), !1) : (o && ((i._items[_] = {}), (i._items[_][s] = !0)), !1); case 'boolean': if (_ in i._items) { var w = s ? 1 : 0; return !!i._items[_][w] || (o && (i._items[_][w] = !0), !1); } return o && (i._items[_] = s ? [!1, !0] : [!0, !1]), !1; case 'function': return null !== i._nativeSet ? o ? ((u = i._nativeSet.size), i._nativeSet.add(s), i._nativeSet.size === u) : i._nativeSet.has(s) : _ in i._items ? !!_includes(s, i._items[_]) || (o && i._items[_].push(s), !1) : (o && (i._items[_] = [s]), !1); case 'undefined': return !!i._items[_] || (o && (i._items[_] = !0), !1); case 'object': if (null === s) return !!i._items.null || (o && (i._items.null = !0), !1); default: return (_ = Object.prototype.toString.call(s)) in i._items ? !!_includes(s, i._items[_]) || (o && i._items[_].push(s), !1) : (o && (i._items[_] = [s]), !1); } } const lv = (function () { function _Set() { (this._nativeSet = 'function' == typeof Set ? new Set() : null), (this._items = {}); } return ( (_Set.prototype.add = function (s) { return !hasOrAdd(s, !0, this); }), (_Set.prototype.has = function (s) { return hasOrAdd(s, !1, this); }), _Set ); })(); var cv = _curry2(function difference(s, o) { for (var i = [], u = 0, _ = s.length, w = o.length, x = new lv(), C = 0; C < w; C += 1) x.add(o[C]); for (; u < _; ) x.add(s[u]) && (i[i.length] = s[u]), (u += 1); return i; }); const uv = cv; class MixedFieldsVisitor extends Mixin(im, ym) { specPathFixedFields; specPathPatternedFields; constructor({ specPathFixedFields: s, specPathPatternedFields: o, ...i }) { super({ ...i }), (this.specPathFixedFields = s), (this.specPathPatternedFields = o); } ObjectElement(s) { const { specPath: o, ignoredFields: i } = this; try { this.specPath = this.specPathFixedFields; const o = this.retrieveFixedFields(this.specPath(s)); (this.ignoredFields = [...i, ...uv(s.keys(), o)]), im.prototype.ObjectElement.call(this, s), (this.specPath = this.specPathPatternedFields), (this.ignoredFields = o), ym.prototype.ObjectElement.call(this, s); } catch (s) { throw ((this.specPath = o), s); } return Ju; } } const pv = MixedFieldsVisitor; class responses_ResponsesVisitor extends Mixin(pv, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Kh()), (this.specPathFixedFields = Tl(['document', 'objects', 'Responses'])), (this.canSupportSpecificationExtensions = !0), (this.specPathPatternedFields = (s) => isReferenceLikeElement(s) ? ['document', 'objects', 'Reference'] : ['document', 'objects', 'Response']), (this.fieldPatternPredicate = (s) => new RegExp(`^(1XX|2XX|3XX|4XX|5XX|${av(100, 600).join('|')})$`).test(String(s))); } ObjectElement(s) { const o = pv.prototype.ObjectElement.call(this, s); return ( this.element.filter(Wm).forEach((s) => { s.setMetaProperty('referenced-element', 'response'); }), this.element.filter(Hm).forEach((s, o) => { const i = cloneDeep(o); this.fieldPatternPredicate(serializers_value(i)) && s.setMetaProperty('http-status-code', i); }), o ); } } const hv = responses_ResponsesVisitor; class DefaultVisitor extends Mixin(jm, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.alternator = [ { predicate: isReferenceLikeElement, specPath: ['document', 'objects', 'Reference'] }, { predicate: es_T, specPath: ['document', 'objects', 'Response'] } ]); } ObjectElement(s) { const o = jm.prototype.enter.call(this, s); return ( Wm(this.element) ? this.element.setMetaProperty('referenced-element', 'response') : Hm(this.element) && this.element.setMetaProperty('http-status-code', 'default'), o ); } } const dv = DefaultVisitor; class OperationVisitor extends Mixin(im, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new jh()), (this.specPath = Tl(['document', 'objects', 'Operation'])); } } const fv = OperationVisitor; class OperationTags extends Cu.wE { static primaryClass = 'operation-tags'; constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), this.classes.push(OperationTags.primaryClass); } } const mv = OperationTags; const gv = class TagsVisitor extends rm { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new mv()); } ArrayElement(s) { return (this.element = this.element.concat(cloneDeep(s))), Ju; } }; class OperationParameters extends Cu.wE { static primaryClass = 'operation-parameters'; constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), this.classes.push(OperationParameters.primaryClass), this.classes.push('parameters'); } } const yv = OperationParameters; class open_api_3_0_ParametersVisitor_ParametersVisitor extends Mixin(nm, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Cu.wE()), this.element.classes.push('parameters'); } ArrayElement(s) { return ( s.forEach((s) => { const o = isReferenceLikeElement(s) ? ['document', 'objects', 'Reference'] : ['document', 'objects', 'Parameter'], i = this.toRefractedElement(o, s); Wm(i) && i.setMetaProperty('referenced-element', 'parameter'), this.element.push(i); }), this.copyMetaAndAttributes(s, this.element), Ju ); } } const vv = open_api_3_0_ParametersVisitor_ParametersVisitor; const bv = class operation_ParametersVisitor_ParametersVisitor extends vv { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new yv()); } }; const _v = class RequestBodyVisitor_RequestBodyVisitor extends jm { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.alternator = [ { predicate: isReferenceLikeElement, specPath: ['document', 'objects', 'Reference'] }, { predicate: es_T, specPath: ['document', 'objects', 'RequestBody'] } ]); } ObjectElement(s) { const o = jm.prototype.enter.call(this, s); return ( Wm(this.element) && this.element.setMetaProperty('referenced-element', 'requestBody'), o ); } }; class OperationCallbacks extends Cu.Sh { static primaryClass = 'operation-callbacks'; constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), this.classes.push(OperationCallbacks.primaryClass); } } const Ev = OperationCallbacks; class CallbacksVisitor_CallbacksVisitor extends Mixin(vm, rm) { specPath; constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Ev()), (this.specPath = (s) => isReferenceLikeElement(s) ? ['document', 'objects', 'Reference'] : ['document', 'objects', 'Callback']); } ObjectElement(s) { const o = vm.prototype.ObjectElement.call(this, s); return ( this.element.filter(Wm).forEach((s) => { s.setMetaProperty('referenced-element', 'callback'); }), o ); } } const wv = CallbacksVisitor_CallbacksVisitor; class OperationSecurity extends Cu.wE { static primaryClass = 'operation-security'; constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), this.classes.push(OperationSecurity.primaryClass), this.classes.push('security'); } } const Sv = OperationSecurity; class SecurityVisitor_SecurityVisitor extends Mixin(nm, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Sv()); } ArrayElement(s) { return ( s.forEach((s) => { const o = Fu(s) ? ['document', 'objects', 'SecurityRequirement'] : ['value'], i = this.toRefractedElement(o, s); this.element.push(i); }), this.copyMetaAndAttributes(s, this.element), Ju ); } } const xv = SecurityVisitor_SecurityVisitor; class OperationServers extends Cu.wE { static primaryClass = 'operation-servers'; constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), this.classes.push(OperationServers.primaryClass), this.classes.push('servers'); } } const kv = OperationServers; const Cv = class ServersVisitor_ServersVisitor extends xm { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new kv()); } }; class PathItemVisitor extends Mixin(im, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Ph()), (this.specPath = Tl(['document', 'objects', 'PathItem'])); } ObjectElement(s) { const o = im.prototype.ObjectElement.call(this, s); return ( this.element.filter($m).forEach((s, o) => { const i = cloneDeep(o); (i.content = serializers_value(i).toUpperCase()), s.setMetaProperty('http-method', i); }), Ru(this.element.$ref) && this.element.classes.push('reference-element'), o ); } } const Ov = PathItemVisitor; const Av = class path_item_$RefVisitor_$RefVisitor extends rm { StringElement(s) { const o = super.enter(s); return this.element.classes.push('reference-value'), o; } }; class PathItemServers extends Cu.wE { static primaryClass = 'path-item-servers'; constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), this.classes.push(PathItemServers.primaryClass), this.classes.push('servers'); } } const jv = PathItemServers; const Iv = class path_item_ServersVisitor_ServersVisitor extends xm { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new jv()); } }; class PathItemParameters extends Cu.wE { static primaryClass = 'path-item-parameters'; constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), this.classes.push(PathItemParameters.primaryClass), this.classes.push('parameters'); } } const Pv = PathItemParameters; const Mv = class path_item_ParametersVisitor_ParametersVisitor extends vv { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Pv()); } }; class SecuritySchemeVisitor extends Mixin(im, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Jf()), (this.specPath = Tl(['document', 'objects', 'SecurityScheme'])), (this.canSupportSpecificationExtensions = !0); } } const Tv = SecuritySchemeVisitor; class OAuthFlowsVisitor extends Mixin(im, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new _h()), (this.specPath = Tl(['document', 'objects', 'OAuthFlows'])), (this.canSupportSpecificationExtensions = !0); } } const Nv = OAuthFlowsVisitor; class OAuthFlowVisitor extends Mixin(im, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new vh()), (this.specPath = Tl(['document', 'objects', 'OAuthFlow'])), (this.canSupportSpecificationExtensions = !0); } } const Rv = OAuthFlowVisitor; class OAuthFlowScopes extends Cu.Sh { static primaryClass = 'oauth-flow-scopes'; constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), this.classes.push(OAuthFlowScopes.primaryClass); } } const Dv = OAuthFlowScopes; class ScopesVisitor extends Mixin(vm, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Dv()), (this.specPath = Tl(['value'])); } } const Lv = ScopesVisitor; class Tags extends Cu.wE { static primaryClass = 'tags'; constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), this.classes.push(Tags.primaryClass); } } const Bv = Tags; class TagsVisitor_TagsVisitor extends Mixin(nm, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Bv()); } ArrayElement(s) { return ( s.forEach((s) => { const o = om(s) ? ['document', 'objects', 'Tag'] : ['value'], i = this.toRefractedElement(o, s); this.element.push(i); }), this.copyMetaAndAttributes(s, this.element), Ju ); } } const Fv = TagsVisitor_TagsVisitor, { fixedFields: qv } = jf.visitors.document.objects.JSONSchema, $v = { visitors: { value: rm, document: { objects: { OpenApi: { $visitor: am, fixedFields: { openapi: lm, info: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/Info' }, servers: xm, paths: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/Paths' }, components: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/Components' }, security: yg, tags: Fv, externalDocs: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/ExternalDocumentation' } } }, Info: { $visitor: um, fixedFields: { title: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, description: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, termsOfService: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, contact: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/Contact' }, license: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/License' }, version: pm } }, Contact: { $visitor: hm, fixedFields: { name: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, url: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, email: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' } } }, License: { $visitor: dm, fixedFields: { name: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, url: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' } } }, Server: { $visitor: Em, fixedFields: { url: wm, description: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, variables: Om } }, ServerVariable: { $visitor: km, fixedFields: { enum: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, default: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, description: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' } } }, Components: { $visitor: _g, fixedFields: { schemas: ky, responses: Oy, parameters: jy, examples: Py, requestBodies: Ty, headers: Ry, securitySchemes: Ly, links: Fy, callbacks: $y } }, Paths: { $visitor: Jy }, PathItem: { $visitor: Ov, fixedFields: { $ref: Av, summary: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, description: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, get: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/Operation' }, put: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/Operation' }, post: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/Operation' }, delete: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/Operation' }, options: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/Operation' }, head: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/Operation' }, patch: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/Operation' }, trace: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/Operation' }, servers: Iv, parameters: Mv } }, Operation: { $visitor: fv, fixedFields: { tags: gv, summary: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, description: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, externalDocs: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/ExternalDocumentation' }, operationId: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, parameters: bv, requestBody: _v, responses: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/Responses' }, callbacks: wv, deprecated: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, security: xv, servers: Cv } }, ExternalDocumentation: { $visitor: zy, fixedFields: { description: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, url: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' } } }, Parameter: { $visitor: Vg, fixedFields: { name: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, in: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, description: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, required: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, deprecated: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, allowEmptyValue: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, style: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, explode: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, allowReserved: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, schema: Ug, example: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, examples: Ey, content: Sy } }, RequestBody: { $visitor: Gy, fixedFields: { description: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, content: Xy, required: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' } } }, MediaType: { $visitor: Am, fixedFields: { schema: ng, example: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, examples: lg, encoding: fg } }, Encoding: { $visitor: Wy, fixedFields: { contentType: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, headers: Hy, style: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, explode: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, allowReserved: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' } } }, Responses: { $visitor: hv, fixedFields: { default: dv } }, Response: { $visitor: Qy, fixedFields: { description: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, headers: tv, content: nv, links: ov } }, Callback: { $visitor: Zy }, Example: { $visitor: Vy, fixedFields: { summary: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, description: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, value: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, externalValue: Uy } }, Link: { $visitor: fm, fixedFields: { operationRef: mm, operationId: gm, parameters: _m, requestBody: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, description: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, server: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/Server' } } }, Header: { $visitor: zg, fixedFields: { description: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, required: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, deprecated: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, allowEmptyValue: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, style: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, explode: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, allowReserved: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, schema: Wg, example: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, examples: Yg, content: ey } }, Tag: { $visitor: xg, fixedFields: { name: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, description: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, externalDocs: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/ExternalDocumentation' } } }, Reference: { $visitor: kg, fixedFields: { $ref: qg } }, JSONSchema: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/Schema' }, JSONReference: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/Reference' }, Schema: { $visitor: ty, fixedFields: { title: qv.title, multipleOf: qv.multipleOf, maximum: qv.maximum, exclusiveMaximum: qv.exclusiveMaximum, minimum: qv.minimum, exclusiveMinimum: qv.exclusiveMinimum, maxLength: qv.maxLength, minLength: qv.minLength, pattern: qv.pattern, maxItems: qv.maxItems, minItems: qv.minItems, uniqueItems: qv.uniqueItems, maxProperties: qv.maxProperties, minProperties: qv.minProperties, required: qv.required, enum: qv.enum, type: dy, allOf: ny, anyOf: oy, oneOf: ay, not: my, items: cy, properties: py, additionalProperties: my, description: qv.description, format: qv.format, default: qv.default, nullable: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, discriminator: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/Discriminator' }, writeOnly: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, xml: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/XML' }, externalDocs: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/ExternalDocumentation' }, example: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, deprecated: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' } } }, Discriminator: { $visitor: gy, fixedFields: { propertyName: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, mapping: vy } }, XML: { $visitor: by, fixedFields: { name: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, namespace: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, prefix: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, attribute: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, wrapped: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' } } }, SecurityScheme: { $visitor: Tv, fixedFields: { type: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, description: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, name: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, in: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, scheme: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, bearerFormat: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, flows: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/OAuthFlows' }, openIdConnectUrl: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' } } }, OAuthFlows: { $visitor: Nv, fixedFields: { implicit: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/OAuthFlow' }, password: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/OAuthFlow' }, clientCredentials: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/OAuthFlow' }, authorizationCode: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/OAuthFlow' } } }, OAuthFlow: { $visitor: Rv, fixedFields: { authorizationUrl: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, tokenUrl: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, refreshUrl: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, scopes: Lv } }, SecurityRequirement: { $visitor: mg } }, extension: { $visitor: cm } } } }, es_traversal_visitor_getNodeType = (s) => { if (Nu(s)) return `${s.element.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.element.slice(1)}Element`; }, Vv = { CallbackElement: ['content'], ComponentsElement: ['content'], ContactElement: ['content'], DiscriminatorElement: ['content'], Encoding: ['content'], Example: ['content'], ExternalDocumentationElement: ['content'], HeaderElement: ['content'], InfoElement: ['content'], LicenseElement: ['content'], MediaTypeElement: ['content'], OAuthFlowElement: ['content'], OAuthFlowsElement: ['content'], OpenApi3_0Element: ['content'], OperationElement: ['content'], ParameterElement: ['content'], PathItemElement: ['content'], PathsElement: ['content'], ReferenceElement: ['content'], RequestBodyElement: ['content'], ResponseElement: ['content'], ResponsesElement: ['content'], SchemaElement: ['content'], SecurityRequirementElement: ['content'], SecuritySchemeElement: ['content'], ServerElement: ['content'], ServerVariableElement: ['content'], TagElement: ['content'], ...Qu }, Uv = { namespace: (s) => { const { base: o } = s; return ( o.register('callback', Hp), o.register('components', Jp), o.register('contact', Gp), o.register('discriminator', Yp), o.register('encoding', Xp), o.register('example', Zp), o.register('externalDocumentation', Qp), o.register('header', th), o.register('info', rh), o.register('license', uh), o.register('link', dh), o.register('mediaType', fh), o.register('oAuthFlow', vh), o.register('oAuthFlows', _h), o.register('openapi', wh), o.register('openApi3_0', Oh), o.register('operation', jh), o.register('parameter', Ih), o.register('pathItem', Ph), o.register('paths', Rh), o.register('reference', Dh), o.register('requestBody', Lh), o.register('response', Fh), o.register('responses', Kh), o.register('schema', Wf), o.register('securityRequirement', Hf), o.register('securityScheme', Jf), o.register('server', Gf), o.register('serverVariable', Xf), o.register('tag', Qf), o.register('xml', em), o ); } }, zv = Uv, es_refractor_toolbox = () => { const s = createNamespace(zv); return { predicates: { ...pe, isElement: Nu, isStringElement: Ru, isArrayElement: qu, isObjectElement: Fu, isMemberElement: $u, includesClasses, hasElementSourceMap }, namespace: s }; }, es_refractor_refract = ( s, { specPath: o = ['visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'OpenApi', '$visitor'], plugins: i = [] } = {} ) => { const u = (0, Cu.e)(s), _ = dereference($v), w = new (cp(o, _))({ specObj: _ }); return ( visitor_visit(u, w), dispatchPluginsSync(w.element, i, { toolboxCreator: es_refractor_toolbox, visitorOptions: { keyMap: Vv, nodeTypeGetter: es_traversal_visitor_getNodeType } }) ); }, es_refractor_createRefractor = (s) => (o, i = {}) => es_refractor_refract(o, { specPath: s, ...i }); (Hp.refract = es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'Callback', '$visitor' ])), (Jp.refract = es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'Components', '$visitor' ])), (Gp.refract = es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'Contact', '$visitor' ])), (Zp.refract = es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'Example', '$visitor' ])), (Yp.refract = es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'Discriminator', '$visitor' ])), (Xp.refract = es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'Encoding', '$visitor' ])), (Qp.refract = es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'ExternalDocumentation', '$visitor' ])), (th.refract = es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'Header', '$visitor' ])), (rh.refract = es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'Info', '$visitor' ])), (uh.refract = es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'License', '$visitor' ])), (dh.refract = es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'Link', '$visitor' ])), (fh.refract = es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'MediaType', '$visitor' ])), (vh.refract = es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'OAuthFlow', '$visitor' ])), (_h.refract = es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'OAuthFlows', '$visitor' ])), (wh.refract = es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'OpenApi', 'fixedFields', 'openapi' ])), (Oh.refract = es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'OpenApi', '$visitor' ])), (jh.refract = es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'Operation', '$visitor' ])), (Ih.refract = es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'Parameter', '$visitor' ])), (Ph.refract = es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'PathItem', '$visitor' ])), (Rh.refract = es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'Paths', '$visitor' ])), (Dh.refract = es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'Reference', '$visitor' ])), (Lh.refract = es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'RequestBody', '$visitor' ])), (Fh.refract = es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'Response', '$visitor' ])), (Kh.refract = es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'Responses', '$visitor' ])), (Wf.refract = es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'Schema', '$visitor' ])), (Hf.refract = es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'SecurityRequirement', '$visitor' ])), (Jf.refract = es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'SecurityScheme', '$visitor' ])), (Gf.refract = es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'Server', '$visitor' ])), (Xf.refract = es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'ServerVariable', '$visitor' ])), (Qf.refract = es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'Tag', '$visitor' ])), (em.refract = es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'XML', '$visitor' ])); const Wv = class Callback_Callback extends Hp {}; const Kv = class Components_Components extends Jp { get pathItems() { return this.get('pathItems'); } set pathItems(s) { this.set('pathItems', s); } }; const Hv = class Contact_Contact extends Gp {}; const Jv = class Discriminator_Discriminator extends Yp {}; const Gv = class Encoding_Encoding extends Xp {}; const Yv = class Example_Example extends Zp {}; const Xv = class ExternalDocumentation_ExternalDocumentation extends Qp {}; const Zv = class Header_Header extends th { get schema() { return this.get('schema'); } set schema(s) { this.set('schema', s); } }; const Qv = class Info_Info extends rh { get license() { return this.get('license'); } set license(s) { this.set('license', s); } get summary() { return this.get('summary'); } set summary(s) { this.set('summary', s); } }; class JsonSchemaDialect extends Cu.Om { static default = new JsonSchemaDialect('https://spec.openapis.org/oas/3.1/dialect/base'); constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), (this.element = 'jsonSchemaDialect'); } } const eb = JsonSchemaDialect; const tb = class License_License extends uh { get identifier() { return this.get('identifier'); } set identifier(s) { this.set('identifier', s); } }; const nb = class Link_Link extends dh {}; const pb = class MediaType_MediaType extends fh { get schema() { return this.get('schema'); } set schema(s) { this.set('schema', s); } }; const mb = class OAuthFlow_OAuthFlow extends vh {}; const yb = class OAuthFlows_OAuthFlows extends _h {}; const _b = class Openapi_Openapi extends wh {}; class OpenApi3_1 extends Cu.Sh { constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), (this.element = 'openApi3_1'), this.classes.push('api'); } get openapi() { return this.get('openapi'); } set openapi(s) { this.set('openapi', s); } get info() { return this.get('info'); } set info(s) { this.set('info', s); } get jsonSchemaDialect() { return this.get('jsonSchemaDialect'); } set jsonSchemaDialect(s) { this.set('jsonSchemaDialect', s); } get servers() { return this.get('servers'); } set servers(s) { this.set('servers', s); } get paths() { return this.get('paths'); } set paths(s) { this.set('paths', s); } get components() { return this.get('components'); } set components(s) { this.set('components', s); } get security() { return this.get('security'); } set security(s) { this.set('security', s); } get tags() { return this.get('tags'); } set tags(s) { this.set('tags', s); } get externalDocs() { return this.get('externalDocs'); } set externalDocs(s) { this.set('externalDocs', s); } get webhooks() { return this.get('webhooks'); } set webhooks(s) { this.set('webhooks', s); } } const wb = OpenApi3_1; const Sb = class Operation_Operation extends jh { get requestBody() { return this.get('requestBody'); } set requestBody(s) { this.set('requestBody', s); } }; const Ob = class Parameter_Parameter extends Ih { get schema() { return this.get('schema'); } set schema(s) { this.set('schema', s); } }; const Ab = class PathItem_PathItem extends Ph { get GET() { return this.get('get'); } set GET(s) { this.set('GET', s); } get PUT() { return this.get('put'); } set PUT(s) { this.set('PUT', s); } get POST() { return this.get('post'); } set POST(s) { this.set('POST', s); } get DELETE() { return this.get('delete'); } set DELETE(s) { this.set('DELETE', s); } get OPTIONS() { return this.get('options'); } set OPTIONS(s) { this.set('OPTIONS', s); } get HEAD() { return this.get('head'); } set HEAD(s) { this.set('HEAD', s); } get PATCH() { return this.get('patch'); } set PATCH(s) { this.set('PATCH', s); } get TRACE() { return this.get('trace'); } set TRACE(s) { this.set('TRACE', s); } }; const Ib = class Paths_Paths extends Rh {}; class Reference_Reference extends Dh {} Object.defineProperty(Reference_Reference.prototype, 'description', { get() { return this.get('description'); }, set(s) { this.set('description', s); }, enumerable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(Reference_Reference.prototype, 'summary', { get() { return this.get('summary'); }, set(s) { this.set('summary', s); }, enumerable: !0 }); const Pb = Reference_Reference; const Mb = class RequestBody_RequestBody extends Lh {}; const Rb = class elements_Response_Response extends Fh {}; const Lb = class Responses_Responses extends Kh {}; class elements_Schema_Schema extends Cu.Sh { constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), (this.element = 'schema'); } get $schema() { return this.get('$schema'); } set $schema(s) { this.set('$schema', s); } get $vocabulary() { return this.get('$vocabulary'); } set $vocabulary(s) { this.set('$vocabulary', s); } get $id() { return this.get('$id'); } set $id(s) { this.set('$id', s); } get $anchor() { return this.get('$anchor'); } set $anchor(s) { this.set('$anchor', s); } get $dynamicAnchor() { return this.get('$dynamicAnchor'); } set $dynamicAnchor(s) { this.set('$dynamicAnchor', s); } get $dynamicRef() { return this.get('$dynamicRef'); } set $dynamicRef(s) { this.set('$dynamicRef', s); } get $ref() { return this.get('$ref'); } set $ref(s) { this.set('$ref', s); } get $defs() { return this.get('$defs'); } set $defs(s) { this.set('$defs', s); } get $comment() { return this.get('$comment'); } set $comment(s) { this.set('$comment', s); } get allOf() { return this.get('allOf'); } set allOf(s) { this.set('allOf', s); } get anyOf() { return this.get('anyOf'); } set anyOf(s) { this.set('anyOf', s); } get oneOf() { return this.get('oneOf'); } set oneOf(s) { this.set('oneOf', s); } get not() { return this.get('not'); } set not(s) { this.set('not', s); } get if() { return this.get('if'); } set if(s) { this.set('if', s); } get then() { return this.get('then'); } set then(s) { this.set('then', s); } get else() { return this.get('else'); } set else(s) { this.set('else', s); } get dependentSchemas() { return this.get('dependentSchemas'); } set dependentSchemas(s) { this.set('dependentSchemas', s); } get prefixItems() { return this.get('prefixItems'); } set prefixItems(s) { this.set('prefixItems', s); } get items() { return this.get('items'); } set items(s) { this.set('items', s); } get containsProp() { return this.get('contains'); } set containsProp(s) { this.set('contains', s); } get properties() { return this.get('properties'); } set properties(s) { this.set('properties', s); } get patternProperties() { return this.get('patternProperties'); } set patternProperties(s) { this.set('patternProperties', s); } get additionalProperties() { return this.get('additionalProperties'); } set additionalProperties(s) { this.set('additionalProperties', s); } get propertyNames() { return this.get('propertyNames'); } set propertyNames(s) { this.set('propertyNames', s); } get unevaluatedItems() { return this.get('unevaluatedItems'); } set unevaluatedItems(s) { this.set('unevaluatedItems', s); } get unevaluatedProperties() { return this.get('unevaluatedProperties'); } set unevaluatedProperties(s) { this.set('unevaluatedProperties', s); } get type() { return this.get('type'); } set type(s) { this.set('type', s); } get enum() { return this.get('enum'); } set enum(s) { this.set('enum', s); } get const() { return this.get('const'); } set const(s) { this.set('const', s); } get multipleOf() { return this.get('multipleOf'); } set multipleOf(s) { this.set('multipleOf', s); } get maximum() { return this.get('maximum'); } set maximum(s) { this.set('maximum', s); } get exclusiveMaximum() { return this.get('exclusiveMaximum'); } set exclusiveMaximum(s) { this.set('exclusiveMaximum', s); } get minimum() { return this.get('minimum'); } set minimum(s) { this.set('minimum', s); } get exclusiveMinimum() { return this.get('exclusiveMinimum'); } set exclusiveMinimum(s) { this.set('exclusiveMinimum', s); } get maxLength() { return this.get('maxLength'); } set maxLength(s) { this.set('maxLength', s); } get minLength() { return this.get('minLength'); } set minLength(s) { this.set('minLength', s); } get pattern() { return this.get('pattern'); } set pattern(s) { this.set('pattern', s); } get maxItems() { return this.get('maxItems'); } set maxItems(s) { this.set('maxItems', s); } get minItems() { return this.get('minItems'); } set minItems(s) { this.set('minItems', s); } get uniqueItems() { return this.get('uniqueItems'); } set uniqueItems(s) { this.set('uniqueItems', s); } get maxContains() { return this.get('maxContains'); } set maxContains(s) { this.set('maxContains', s); } get minContains() { return this.get('minContains'); } set minContains(s) { this.set('minContains', s); } get maxProperties() { return this.get('maxProperties'); } set maxProperties(s) { this.set('maxProperties', s); } get minProperties() { return this.get('minProperties'); } set minProperties(s) { this.set('minProperties', s); } get required() { return this.get('required'); } set required(s) { this.set('required', s); } get dependentRequired() { return this.get('dependentRequired'); } set dependentRequired(s) { this.set('dependentRequired', s); } get title() { return this.get('title'); } set title(s) { this.set('title', s); } get description() { return this.get('description'); } set description(s) { this.set('description', s); } get default() { return this.get('default'); } set default(s) { this.set('default', s); } get deprecated() { return this.get('deprecated'); } set deprecated(s) { this.set('deprecated', s); } get readOnly() { return this.get('readOnly'); } set readOnly(s) { this.set('readOnly', s); } get writeOnly() { return this.get('writeOnly'); } set writeOnly(s) { this.set('writeOnly', s); } get examples() { return this.get('examples'); } set examples(s) { this.set('examples', s); } get format() { return this.get('format'); } set format(s) { this.set('format', s); } get contentEncoding() { return this.get('contentEncoding'); } set contentEncoding(s) { this.set('contentEncoding', s); } get contentMediaType() { return this.get('contentMediaType'); } set contentMediaType(s) { this.set('contentMediaType', s); } get contentSchema() { return this.get('contentSchema'); } set contentSchema(s) { this.set('contentSchema', s); } get discriminator() { return this.get('discriminator'); } set discriminator(s) { this.set('discriminator', s); } get xml() { return this.get('xml'); } set xml(s) { this.set('xml', s); } get externalDocs() { return this.get('externalDocs'); } set externalDocs(s) { this.set('externalDocs', s); } get example() { return this.get('example'); } set example(s) { this.set('example', s); } } const qb = elements_Schema_Schema; const zb = class SecurityRequirement_SecurityRequirement extends Hf {}; const Qb = class SecurityScheme_SecurityScheme extends Jf {}; const e_ = class Server_Server extends Gf {}; const t_ = class ServerVariable_ServerVariable extends Xf {}; const r_ = class Tag_Tag extends Qf {}; const n_ = class Xml_Xml extends em {}; class OpenApi3_1Visitor extends Mixin(im, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new wb()), (this.specPath = Tl(['document', 'objects', 'OpenApi'])), (this.canSupportSpecificationExtensions = !0), (this.openApiSemanticElement = this.element); } ObjectElement(s) { return (this.openApiGenericElement = s), im.prototype.ObjectElement.call(this, s); } } const s_ = OpenApi3_1Visitor, { visitors: { document: { objects: { Info: { $visitor: o_ } } } } } = $v; const i_ = class info_InfoVisitor extends o_ { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Qv()); } }, { visitors: { document: { objects: { Contact: { $visitor: a_ } } } } } = $v; const l_ = class contact_ContactVisitor extends a_ { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Hv()); } }, { visitors: { document: { objects: { License: { $visitor: c_ } } } } } = $v; const u_ = class license_LicenseVisitor extends c_ { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new tb()); } }, { visitors: { document: { objects: { Link: { $visitor: p_ } } } } } = $v; const h_ = class link_LinkVisitor extends p_ { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new nb()); } }; class JsonSchemaDialectVisitor extends Mixin(nm, rm) { StringElement(s) { const o = new eb(serializers_value(s)); return this.copyMetaAndAttributes(s, o), (this.element = o), Ju; } } const d_ = JsonSchemaDialectVisitor, { visitors: { document: { objects: { Server: { $visitor: f_ } } } } } = $v; const m_ = class server_ServerVisitor extends f_ { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new e_()); } }, { visitors: { document: { objects: { ServerVariable: { $visitor: g_ } } } } } = $v; const y_ = class server_variable_ServerVariableVisitor extends g_ { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new t_()); } }, { visitors: { document: { objects: { MediaType: { $visitor: v_ } } } } } = $v; const b_ = class media_type_MediaTypeVisitor extends v_ { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new pb()); } }, { visitors: { document: { objects: { SecurityRequirement: { $visitor: E_ } } } } } = $v; const w_ = class security_requirement_SecurityRequirementVisitor extends E_ { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new zb()); } }, { visitors: { document: { objects: { Components: { $visitor: S_ } } } } } = $v; const x_ = class components_ComponentsVisitor extends S_ { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Kv()); } }, { visitors: { document: { objects: { Tag: { $visitor: k_ } } } } } = $v; const C_ = class tag_TagVisitor extends k_ { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new r_()); } }, { visitors: { document: { objects: { Reference: { $visitor: O_ } } } } } = $v; const A_ = class reference_ReferenceVisitor extends O_ { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Pb()); } }, { visitors: { document: { objects: { Parameter: { $visitor: j_ } } } } } = $v; const I_ = class parameter_ParameterVisitor extends j_ { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Ob()); } }, { visitors: { document: { objects: { Header: { $visitor: P_ } } } } } = $v; const M_ = class header_HeaderVisitor extends P_ { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Zv()); } }, T_ = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof Wv || (s(u) && o('callback', u) && i('object', u)) ), N_ = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof Kv || (s(u) && o('components', u) && i('object', u)) ), R_ = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof Hv || (s(u) && o('contact', u) && i('object', u)) ), D_ = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof Yv || (s(u) && o('example', u) && i('object', u)) ), L_ = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof Xv || (s(u) && o('externalDocumentation', u) && i('object', u)) ), B_ = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof Zv || (s(u) && o('header', u) && i('object', u)) ), F_ = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof Qv || (s(u) && o('info', u) && i('object', u)) ), q_ = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof eb || (s(u) && o('jsonSchemaDialect', u) && i('string', u)) ), $_ = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof tb || (s(u) && o('license', u) && i('object', u)) ), V_ = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof nb || (s(u) && o('link', u) && i('object', u)) ), U_ = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof _b || (s(u) && o('openapi', u) && i('string', u)) ), z_ = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i, hasClass: u }) => (_) => _ instanceof wb || (s(_) && o('openApi3_1', _) && i('object', _) && u('api', _)) ), W_ = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof Sb || (s(u) && o('operation', u) && i('object', u)) ), K_ = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof Ob || (s(u) && o('parameter', u) && i('object', u)) ), H_ = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof Ab || (s(u) && o('pathItem', u) && i('object', u)) ), isPathItemElementExternal = (s) => { if (!H_(s)) return !1; if (!Ru(s.$ref)) return !1; const o = serializers_value(s.$ref); return 'string' == typeof o && o.length > 0 && !o.startsWith('#'); }, J_ = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof Ib || (s(u) && o('paths', u) && i('object', u)) ), G_ = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof Pb || (s(u) && o('reference', u) && i('object', u)) ), isReferenceElementExternal = (s) => { if (!G_(s)) return !1; if (!Ru(s.$ref)) return !1; const o = serializers_value(s.$ref); return 'string' == typeof o && o.length > 0 && !o.startsWith('#'); }, Y_ = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof Mb || (s(u) && o('requestBody', u) && i('object', u)) ), X_ = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof Rb || (s(u) && o('response', u) && i('object', u)) ), Z_ = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof Lb || (s(u) && o('responses', u) && i('object', u)) ), Q_ = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof qb || (s(u) && o('schema', u) && i('object', u)) ), predicates_isBooleanJsonSchemaElement = (s) => Bu(s) && s.classes.includes('boolean-json-schema'), eE = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof zb || (s(u) && o('securityRequirement', u) && i('object', u)) ), tE = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof Qb || (s(u) && o('securityScheme', u) && i('object', u)) ), rE = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof e_ || (s(u) && o('server', u) && i('object', u)) ), nE = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof t_ || (s(u) && o('serverVariable', u) && i('object', u)) ), sE = helpers( ({ hasBasicElementProps: s, isElementType: o, primitiveEq: i }) => (u) => u instanceof pb || (s(u) && o('mediaType', u) && i('object', u)) ); const oE = class ParentSchemaAwareVisitor_ParentSchemaAwareVisitor { parent; constructor({ parent: s }) { this.parent = s; } }; class open_api_3_1_schema_SchemaVisitor extends Mixin(im, oE, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new qb()), (this.specPath = Tl(['document', 'objects', 'Schema'])), (this.canSupportSpecificationExtensions = !0), (this.jsonSchemaDefaultDialect = eb.default), this.passingOptionsNames.push('parent'); } ObjectElement(s) { this.handle$schema(s), this.handle$id(s), (this.parent = this.element); const o = im.prototype.ObjectElement.call(this, s); return ( Ru(this.element.$ref) && (this.element.classes.push('reference-element'), this.element.setMetaProperty('referenced-element', 'schema')), o ); } BooleanElement(s) { const o = super.enter(s); return this.element.classes.push('boolean-json-schema'), o; } getJsonSchemaDialect() { let s; return ( (s = void 0 !== this.openApiSemanticElement && q_(this.openApiSemanticElement.jsonSchemaDialect) ? serializers_value(this.openApiSemanticElement.jsonSchemaDialect) : void 0 !== this.openApiGenericElement && Ru(this.openApiGenericElement.get('jsonSchemaDialect')) ? serializers_value(this.openApiGenericElement.get('jsonSchemaDialect')) : serializers_value(this.jsonSchemaDefaultDialect)), s ); } handle$schema(s) { if (Rl(this.parent) && !Ru(s.get('$schema'))) this.element.setMetaProperty('inherited$schema', this.getJsonSchemaDialect()); else if (Q_(this.parent) && !Ru(s.get('$schema'))) { const s = Na( serializers_value(this.parent.meta.get('inherited$schema')), serializers_value(this.parent.$schema) ); this.element.setMetaProperty('inherited$schema', s); } } handle$id(s) { const o = void 0 !== this.parent ? cloneDeep(this.parent.getMetaProperty('inherited$id', [])) : new Cu.wE(), i = serializers_value(s.get('$id')); Vd(i) && o.push(i), this.element.setMetaProperty('inherited$id', o); } } const iE = open_api_3_1_schema_SchemaVisitor; const aE = class $vocabularyVisitor extends rm { ObjectElement(s) { const o = super.enter(s); return this.element.classes.push('json-schema-$vocabulary'), o; } }; const lE = class $refVisitor extends rm { StringElement(s) { const o = super.enter(s); return this.element.classes.push('reference-value'), o; } }; class $defsVisitor extends Mixin(vm, oE, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Cu.Sh()), this.element.classes.push('json-schema-$defs'), (this.specPath = Tl(['document', 'objects', 'Schema'])), this.passingOptionsNames.push('parent'); } } const cE = $defsVisitor; class schema_AllOfVisitor_AllOfVisitor extends Mixin(nm, oE, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Cu.wE()), this.element.classes.push('json-schema-allOf'), this.passingOptionsNames.push('parent'); } ArrayElement(s) { return ( s.forEach((s) => { if (Fu(s)) { const o = this.toRefractedElement(['document', 'objects', 'Schema'], s); this.element.push(o); } else { const o = cloneDeep(s); this.element.push(o); } }), this.copyMetaAndAttributes(s, this.element), Ju ); } } const uE = schema_AllOfVisitor_AllOfVisitor; class schema_AnyOfVisitor_AnyOfVisitor extends Mixin(nm, oE, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Cu.wE()), this.element.classes.push('json-schema-anyOf'), this.passingOptionsNames.push('parent'); } ArrayElement(s) { return ( s.forEach((s) => { if (Fu(s)) { const o = this.toRefractedElement(['document', 'objects', 'Schema'], s); this.element.push(o); } else { const o = cloneDeep(s); this.element.push(o); } }), this.copyMetaAndAttributes(s, this.element), Ju ); } } const pE = schema_AnyOfVisitor_AnyOfVisitor; class schema_OneOfVisitor_OneOfVisitor extends Mixin(nm, oE, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Cu.wE()), this.element.classes.push('json-schema-oneOf'), this.passingOptionsNames.push('parent'); } ArrayElement(s) { return ( s.forEach((s) => { if (Fu(s)) { const o = this.toRefractedElement(['document', 'objects', 'Schema'], s); this.element.push(o); } else { const o = cloneDeep(s); this.element.push(o); } }), this.copyMetaAndAttributes(s, this.element), Ju ); } } const hE = schema_OneOfVisitor_OneOfVisitor; class DependentSchemasVisitor extends Mixin(vm, oE, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Cu.Sh()), this.element.classes.push('json-schema-dependentSchemas'), (this.specPath = Tl(['document', 'objects', 'Schema'])), this.passingOptionsNames.push('parent'); } } const dE = DependentSchemasVisitor; class PrefixItemsVisitor extends Mixin(nm, oE, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Cu.wE()), this.element.classes.push('json-schema-prefixItems'), this.passingOptionsNames.push('parent'); } ArrayElement(s) { return ( s.forEach((s) => { if (Fu(s)) { const o = this.toRefractedElement(['document', 'objects', 'Schema'], s); this.element.push(o); } else { const o = cloneDeep(s); this.element.push(o); } }), this.copyMetaAndAttributes(s, this.element), Ju ); } } const fE = PrefixItemsVisitor; class schema_PropertiesVisitor_PropertiesVisitor extends Mixin(vm, oE, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Cu.Sh()), this.element.classes.push('json-schema-properties'), (this.specPath = Tl(['document', 'objects', 'Schema'])), this.passingOptionsNames.push('parent'); } } const mE = schema_PropertiesVisitor_PropertiesVisitor; class PatternPropertiesVisitor_PatternPropertiesVisitor extends Mixin(vm, oE, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Cu.Sh()), this.element.classes.push('json-schema-patternProperties'), (this.specPath = Tl(['document', 'objects', 'Schema'])), this.passingOptionsNames.push('parent'); } } const gE = PatternPropertiesVisitor_PatternPropertiesVisitor; const yE = class schema_TypeVisitor_TypeVisitor extends rm { StringElement(s) { const o = super.enter(s); return this.element.classes.push('json-schema-type'), o; } ArrayElement(s) { const o = super.enter(s); return this.element.classes.push('json-schema-type'), o; } }; const vE = class EnumVisitor_EnumVisitor extends rm { ArrayElement(s) { const o = super.enter(s); return this.element.classes.push('json-schema-enum'), o; } }; const bE = class DependentRequiredVisitor extends rm { ObjectElement(s) { const o = super.enter(s); return this.element.classes.push('json-schema-dependentRequired'), o; } }; const _E = class schema_ExamplesVisitor_ExamplesVisitor extends rm { ArrayElement(s) { const o = super.enter(s); return this.element.classes.push('json-schema-examples'), o; } }, { visitors: { document: { objects: { Discriminator: { $visitor: EE } } } } } = $v; const wE = class distriminator_DiscriminatorVisitor extends EE { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Jv()), (this.canSupportSpecificationExtensions = !0); } }, { visitors: { document: { objects: { XML: { $visitor: SE } } } } } = $v; const xE = class xml_XmlVisitor extends SE { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new n_()); } }; class SchemasVisitor_SchemasVisitor extends Mixin(vm, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new xy()), (this.specPath = Tl(['document', 'objects', 'Schema'])); } } const kE = SchemasVisitor_SchemasVisitor; class ComponentsPathItems extends Cu.Sh { static primaryClass = 'components-path-items'; constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), this.classes.push(ComponentsPathItems.primaryClass); } } const CE = ComponentsPathItems; class PathItemsVisitor extends Mixin(vm, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new CE()), (this.specPath = (s) => isReferenceLikeElement(s) ? ['document', 'objects', 'Reference'] : ['document', 'objects', 'PathItem']); } ObjectElement(s) { const o = vm.prototype.ObjectElement.call(this, s); return ( this.element.filter(G_).forEach((s) => { s.setMetaProperty('referenced-element', 'pathItem'); }), o ); } } const OE = PathItemsVisitor, { visitors: { document: { objects: { Example: { $visitor: AE } } } } } = $v; const jE = class example_ExampleVisitor extends AE { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Yv()); } }, { visitors: { document: { objects: { ExternalDocumentation: { $visitor: IE } } } } } = $v; const PE = class external_documentation_ExternalDocumentationVisitor extends IE { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Xv()); } }, { visitors: { document: { objects: { Encoding: { $visitor: ME } } } } } = $v; const TE = class open_api_3_1_encoding_EncodingVisitor extends ME { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Gv()); } }, { visitors: { document: { objects: { Paths: { $visitor: NE } } } } } = $v; const RE = class paths_PathsVisitor extends NE { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Ib()); } }, { visitors: { document: { objects: { RequestBody: { $visitor: DE } } } } } = $v; const LE = class request_body_RequestBodyVisitor extends DE { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Mb()); } }, { visitors: { document: { objects: { Callback: { $visitor: BE } } } } } = $v; const FE = class callback_CallbackVisitor extends BE { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Wv()), (this.specPath = (s) => isReferenceLikeElement(s) ? ['document', 'objects', 'Reference'] : ['document', 'objects', 'PathItem']); } ObjectElement(s) { const o = BE.prototype.ObjectElement.call(this, s); return ( this.element.filter(G_).forEach((s) => { s.setMetaProperty('referenced-element', 'pathItem'); }), o ); } }, { visitors: { document: { objects: { Response: { $visitor: qE } } } } } = $v; const $E = class response_ResponseVisitor extends qE { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Rb()); } }, { visitors: { document: { objects: { Responses: { $visitor: VE } } } } } = $v; const UE = class open_api_3_1_responses_ResponsesVisitor extends VE { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Lb()); } }, { visitors: { document: { objects: { Operation: { $visitor: zE } } } } } = $v; const WE = class operation_OperationVisitor extends zE { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Sb()); } }, { visitors: { document: { objects: { PathItem: { $visitor: KE } } } } } = $v; const HE = class path_item_PathItemVisitor extends KE { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Ab()); } }, { visitors: { document: { objects: { SecurityScheme: { $visitor: JE } } } } } = $v; const GE = class security_scheme_SecuritySchemeVisitor extends JE { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new Qb()); } }, { visitors: { document: { objects: { OAuthFlows: { $visitor: YE } } } } } = $v; const XE = class oauth_flows_OAuthFlowsVisitor extends YE { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new yb()); } }, { visitors: { document: { objects: { OAuthFlow: { $visitor: ZE } } } } } = $v; const QE = class oauth_flow_OAuthFlowVisitor extends ZE { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new mb()); } }; class Webhooks extends Cu.Sh { static primaryClass = 'webhooks'; constructor(s, o, i) { super(s, o, i), this.classes.push(Webhooks.primaryClass); } } const ew = Webhooks; class WebhooksVisitor extends Mixin(vm, rm) { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.element = new ew()), (this.specPath = (s) => isReferenceLikeElement(s) ? ['document', 'objects', 'Reference'] : ['document', 'objects', 'PathItem']); } ObjectElement(s) { const o = vm.prototype.ObjectElement.call(this, s); return ( this.element.filter(G_).forEach((s) => { s.setMetaProperty('referenced-element', 'pathItem'); }), this.element.filter(H_).forEach((s, o) => { s.setMetaProperty('webhook-name', serializers_value(o)); }), o ); } } const tw = WebhooksVisitor, rw = { visitors: { value: $v.visitors.value, document: { objects: { OpenApi: { $visitor: s_, fixedFields: { openapi: $v.visitors.document.objects.OpenApi.fixedFields.openapi, info: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/Info' }, jsonSchemaDialect: d_, servers: $v.visitors.document.objects.OpenApi.fixedFields.servers, paths: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/Paths' }, webhooks: tw, components: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/Components' }, security: $v.visitors.document.objects.OpenApi.fixedFields.security, tags: $v.visitors.document.objects.OpenApi.fixedFields.tags, externalDocs: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/ExternalDocumentation' } } }, Info: { $visitor: i_, fixedFields: { title: $v.visitors.document.objects.Info.fixedFields.title, description: $v.visitors.document.objects.Info.fixedFields.description, summary: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, termsOfService: $v.visitors.document.objects.Info.fixedFields.termsOfService, contact: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/Contact' }, license: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/License' }, version: $v.visitors.document.objects.Info.fixedFields.version } }, Contact: { $visitor: l_, fixedFields: { name: $v.visitors.document.objects.Contact.fixedFields.name, url: $v.visitors.document.objects.Contact.fixedFields.url, email: $v.visitors.document.objects.Contact.fixedFields.email } }, License: { $visitor: u_, fixedFields: { name: $v.visitors.document.objects.License.fixedFields.name, identifier: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, url: $v.visitors.document.objects.License.fixedFields.url } }, Server: { $visitor: m_, fixedFields: { url: $v.visitors.document.objects.Server.fixedFields.url, description: $v.visitors.document.objects.Server.fixedFields.description, variables: $v.visitors.document.objects.Server.fixedFields.variables } }, ServerVariable: { $visitor: y_, fixedFields: { enum: $v.visitors.document.objects.ServerVariable.fixedFields.enum, default: $v.visitors.document.objects.ServerVariable.fixedFields.default, description: $v.visitors.document.objects.ServerVariable.fixedFields.description } }, Components: { $visitor: x_, fixedFields: { schemas: kE, responses: $v.visitors.document.objects.Components.fixedFields.responses, parameters: $v.visitors.document.objects.Components.fixedFields.parameters, examples: $v.visitors.document.objects.Components.fixedFields.examples, requestBodies: $v.visitors.document.objects.Components.fixedFields.requestBodies, headers: $v.visitors.document.objects.Components.fixedFields.headers, securitySchemes: $v.visitors.document.objects.Components.fixedFields.securitySchemes, links: $v.visitors.document.objects.Components.fixedFields.links, callbacks: $v.visitors.document.objects.Components.fixedFields.callbacks, pathItems: OE } }, Paths: { $visitor: RE }, PathItem: { $visitor: HE, fixedFields: { $ref: $v.visitors.document.objects.PathItem.fixedFields.$ref, summary: $v.visitors.document.objects.PathItem.fixedFields.summary, description: $v.visitors.document.objects.PathItem.fixedFields.description, get: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/Operation' }, put: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/Operation' }, post: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/Operation' }, delete: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/Operation' }, options: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/Operation' }, head: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/Operation' }, patch: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/Operation' }, trace: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/Operation' }, servers: $v.visitors.document.objects.PathItem.fixedFields.servers, parameters: $v.visitors.document.objects.PathItem.fixedFields.parameters } }, Operation: { $visitor: WE, fixedFields: { tags: $v.visitors.document.objects.Operation.fixedFields.tags, summary: $v.visitors.document.objects.Operation.fixedFields.summary, description: $v.visitors.document.objects.Operation.fixedFields.description, externalDocs: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/ExternalDocumentation' }, operationId: $v.visitors.document.objects.Operation.fixedFields.operationId, parameters: $v.visitors.document.objects.Operation.fixedFields.parameters, requestBody: $v.visitors.document.objects.Operation.fixedFields.requestBody, responses: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/Responses' }, callbacks: $v.visitors.document.objects.Operation.fixedFields.callbacks, deprecated: $v.visitors.document.objects.Operation.fixedFields.deprecated, security: $v.visitors.document.objects.Operation.fixedFields.security, servers: $v.visitors.document.objects.Operation.fixedFields.servers } }, ExternalDocumentation: { $visitor: PE, fixedFields: { description: $v.visitors.document.objects.ExternalDocumentation.fixedFields.description, url: $v.visitors.document.objects.ExternalDocumentation.fixedFields.url } }, Parameter: { $visitor: I_, fixedFields: { name: $v.visitors.document.objects.Parameter.fixedFields.name, in: $v.visitors.document.objects.Parameter.fixedFields.in, description: $v.visitors.document.objects.Parameter.fixedFields.description, required: $v.visitors.document.objects.Parameter.fixedFields.required, deprecated: $v.visitors.document.objects.Parameter.fixedFields.deprecated, allowEmptyValue: $v.visitors.document.objects.Parameter.fixedFields.allowEmptyValue, style: $v.visitors.document.objects.Parameter.fixedFields.style, explode: $v.visitors.document.objects.Parameter.fixedFields.explode, allowReserved: $v.visitors.document.objects.Parameter.fixedFields.allowReserved, schema: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/Schema' }, example: $v.visitors.document.objects.Parameter.fixedFields.example, examples: $v.visitors.document.objects.Parameter.fixedFields.examples, content: $v.visitors.document.objects.Parameter.fixedFields.content } }, RequestBody: { $visitor: LE, fixedFields: { description: $v.visitors.document.objects.RequestBody.fixedFields.description, content: $v.visitors.document.objects.RequestBody.fixedFields.content, required: $v.visitors.document.objects.RequestBody.fixedFields.required } }, MediaType: { $visitor: b_, fixedFields: { schema: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/Schema' }, example: $v.visitors.document.objects.MediaType.fixedFields.example, examples: $v.visitors.document.objects.MediaType.fixedFields.examples, encoding: $v.visitors.document.objects.MediaType.fixedFields.encoding } }, Encoding: { $visitor: TE, fixedFields: { contentType: $v.visitors.document.objects.Encoding.fixedFields.contentType, headers: $v.visitors.document.objects.Encoding.fixedFields.headers, style: $v.visitors.document.objects.Encoding.fixedFields.style, explode: $v.visitors.document.objects.Encoding.fixedFields.explode, allowReserved: $v.visitors.document.objects.Encoding.fixedFields.allowReserved } }, Responses: { $visitor: UE, fixedFields: { default: $v.visitors.document.objects.Responses.fixedFields.default } }, Response: { $visitor: $E, fixedFields: { description: $v.visitors.document.objects.Response.fixedFields.description, headers: $v.visitors.document.objects.Response.fixedFields.headers, content: $v.visitors.document.objects.Response.fixedFields.content, links: $v.visitors.document.objects.Response.fixedFields.links } }, Callback: { $visitor: FE }, Example: { $visitor: jE, fixedFields: { summary: $v.visitors.document.objects.Example.fixedFields.summary, description: $v.visitors.document.objects.Example.fixedFields.description, value: $v.visitors.document.objects.Example.fixedFields.value, externalValue: $v.visitors.document.objects.Example.fixedFields.externalValue } }, Link: { $visitor: h_, fixedFields: { operationRef: $v.visitors.document.objects.Link.fixedFields.operationRef, operationId: $v.visitors.document.objects.Link.fixedFields.operationId, parameters: $v.visitors.document.objects.Link.fixedFields.parameters, requestBody: $v.visitors.document.objects.Link.fixedFields.requestBody, description: $v.visitors.document.objects.Link.fixedFields.description, server: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/Server' } } }, Header: { $visitor: M_, fixedFields: { description: $v.visitors.document.objects.Header.fixedFields.description, required: $v.visitors.document.objects.Header.fixedFields.required, deprecated: $v.visitors.document.objects.Header.fixedFields.deprecated, allowEmptyValue: $v.visitors.document.objects.Header.fixedFields.allowEmptyValue, style: $v.visitors.document.objects.Header.fixedFields.style, explode: $v.visitors.document.objects.Header.fixedFields.explode, allowReserved: $v.visitors.document.objects.Header.fixedFields.allowReserved, schema: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/Schema' }, example: $v.visitors.document.objects.Header.fixedFields.example, examples: $v.visitors.document.objects.Header.fixedFields.examples, content: $v.visitors.document.objects.Header.fixedFields.content } }, Tag: { $visitor: C_, fixedFields: { name: $v.visitors.document.objects.Tag.fixedFields.name, description: $v.visitors.document.objects.Tag.fixedFields.description, externalDocs: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/ExternalDocumentation' } } }, Reference: { $visitor: A_, fixedFields: { $ref: $v.visitors.document.objects.Reference.fixedFields.$ref, summary: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, description: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' } } }, Schema: { $visitor: iE, fixedFields: { $schema: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, $vocabulary: aE, $id: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, $anchor: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, $dynamicAnchor: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, $dynamicRef: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, $ref: lE, $defs: cE, $comment: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, allOf: uE, anyOf: pE, oneOf: hE, not: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/Schema' }, if: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/Schema' }, then: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/Schema' }, else: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/Schema' }, dependentSchemas: dE, prefixItems: fE, items: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/Schema' }, contains: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/Schema' }, properties: mE, patternProperties: gE, additionalProperties: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/Schema' }, propertyNames: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/Schema' }, unevaluatedItems: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/Schema' }, unevaluatedProperties: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/Schema' }, type: yE, enum: vE, const: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, multipleOf: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, maximum: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, exclusiveMaximum: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, minimum: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, exclusiveMinimum: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, maxLength: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, minLength: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, pattern: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, maxItems: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, minItems: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, uniqueItems: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, maxContains: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, minContains: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, maxProperties: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, minProperties: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, required: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, dependentRequired: bE, title: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, description: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, default: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, deprecated: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, readOnly: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, writeOnly: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, examples: _E, format: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, contentEncoding: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, contentMediaType: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' }, contentSchema: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/Schema' }, discriminator: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/Discriminator' }, xml: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/XML' }, externalDocs: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/ExternalDocumentation' }, example: { $ref: '#/visitors/value' } } }, Discriminator: { $visitor: wE, fixedFields: { propertyName: $v.visitors.document.objects.Discriminator.fixedFields.propertyName, mapping: $v.visitors.document.objects.Discriminator.fixedFields.mapping } }, XML: { $visitor: xE, fixedFields: { name: $v.visitors.document.objects.XML.fixedFields.name, namespace: $v.visitors.document.objects.XML.fixedFields.namespace, prefix: $v.visitors.document.objects.XML.fixedFields.prefix, attribute: $v.visitors.document.objects.XML.fixedFields.attribute, wrapped: $v.visitors.document.objects.XML.fixedFields.wrapped } }, SecurityScheme: { $visitor: GE, fixedFields: { type: $v.visitors.document.objects.SecurityScheme.fixedFields.type, description: $v.visitors.document.objects.SecurityScheme.fixedFields.description, name: $v.visitors.document.objects.SecurityScheme.fixedFields.name, in: $v.visitors.document.objects.SecurityScheme.fixedFields.in, scheme: $v.visitors.document.objects.SecurityScheme.fixedFields.scheme, bearerFormat: $v.visitors.document.objects.SecurityScheme.fixedFields.bearerFormat, flows: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/OAuthFlows' }, openIdConnectUrl: $v.visitors.document.objects.SecurityScheme.fixedFields.openIdConnectUrl } }, OAuthFlows: { $visitor: XE, fixedFields: { implicit: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/OAuthFlow' }, password: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/OAuthFlow' }, clientCredentials: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/OAuthFlow' }, authorizationCode: { $ref: '#/visitors/document/objects/OAuthFlow' } } }, OAuthFlow: { $visitor: QE, fixedFields: { authorizationUrl: $v.visitors.document.objects.OAuthFlow.fixedFields.authorizationUrl, tokenUrl: $v.visitors.document.objects.OAuthFlow.fixedFields.tokenUrl, refreshUrl: $v.visitors.document.objects.OAuthFlow.fixedFields.refreshUrl, scopes: $v.visitors.document.objects.OAuthFlow.fixedFields.scopes } }, SecurityRequirement: { $visitor: w_ } }, extension: { $visitor: $v.visitors.document.extension.$visitor } } } }, apidom_ns_openapi_3_1_es_traversal_visitor_getNodeType = (s) => { if (Nu(s)) return `${s.element.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.element.slice(1)}Element`; }, nw = { CallbackElement: ['content'], ComponentsElement: ['content'], ContactElement: ['content'], DiscriminatorElement: ['content'], Encoding: ['content'], Example: ['content'], ExternalDocumentationElement: ['content'], HeaderElement: ['content'], InfoElement: ['content'], LicenseElement: ['content'], MediaTypeElement: ['content'], OAuthFlowElement: ['content'], OAuthFlowsElement: ['content'], OpenApi3_1Element: ['content'], OperationElement: ['content'], ParameterElement: ['content'], PathItemElement: ['content'], PathsElement: ['content'], ReferenceElement: ['content'], RequestBodyElement: ['content'], ResponseElement: ['content'], ResponsesElement: ['content'], SchemaElement: ['content'], SecurityRequirementElement: ['content'], SecuritySchemeElement: ['content'], ServerElement: ['content'], ServerVariableElement: ['content'], TagElement: ['content'], ...Qu }, sw = { namespace: (s) => { const { base: o } = s; return ( o.register('callback', Wv), o.register('components', Kv), o.register('contact', Hv), o.register('discriminator', Jv), o.register('encoding', Gv), o.register('example', Yv), o.register('externalDocumentation', Xv), o.register('header', Zv), o.register('info', Qv), o.register('jsonSchemaDialect', eb), o.register('license', tb), o.register('link', nb), o.register('mediaType', pb), o.register('oAuthFlow', mb), o.register('oAuthFlows', yb), o.register('openapi', _b), o.register('openApi3_1', wb), o.register('operation', Sb), o.register('parameter', Ob), o.register('pathItem', Ab), o.register('paths', Ib), o.register('reference', Pb), o.register('requestBody', Mb), o.register('response', Rb), o.register('responses', Lb), o.register('schema', qb), o.register('securityRequirement', zb), o.register('securityScheme', Qb), o.register('server', e_), o.register('serverVariable', t_), o.register('tag', r_), o.register('xml', n_), o ); } }, ow = sw, ancestorLineageToJSONPointer = (s) => { const o = s.reduce((o, i, u) => { if ($u(i)) { const s = String(serializers_value(i.key)); o.push(s); } else if (qu(s[u - 2])) { const _ = String(s[u - 2].content.indexOf(i)); o.push(_); } return o; }, []); return es_compile(o); }, apidom_ns_openapi_3_1_es_refractor_toolbox = () => { const s = createNamespace(ow); return { predicates: { ...de, isElement: Nu, isStringElement: Ru, isArrayElement: qu, isObjectElement: Fu, isMemberElement: $u, isServersElement: rg, includesClasses, hasElementSourceMap }, ancestorLineageToJSONPointer, namespace: s }; }, apidom_ns_openapi_3_1_es_refractor_refract = ( s, { specPath: o = ['visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'OpenApi', '$visitor'], plugins: i = [] } = {} ) => { const u = (0, Cu.e)(s), _ = dereference(rw), w = new (cp(o, _))({ specObj: _ }); return ( visitor_visit(u, w), dispatchPluginsSync(w.element, i, { toolboxCreator: apidom_ns_openapi_3_1_es_refractor_toolbox, visitorOptions: { keyMap: nw, nodeTypeGetter: apidom_ns_openapi_3_1_es_traversal_visitor_getNodeType } }) ); }, apidom_ns_openapi_3_1_es_refractor_createRefractor = (s) => (o, i = {}) => apidom_ns_openapi_3_1_es_refractor_refract(o, { specPath: s, ...i }); (Wv.refract = apidom_ns_openapi_3_1_es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'Callback', '$visitor' ])), (Kv.refract = apidom_ns_openapi_3_1_es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'Components', '$visitor' ])), (Hv.refract = apidom_ns_openapi_3_1_es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'Contact', '$visitor' ])), (Yv.refract = apidom_ns_openapi_3_1_es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'Example', '$visitor' ])), (Jv.refract = apidom_ns_openapi_3_1_es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'Discriminator', '$visitor' ])), (Gv.refract = apidom_ns_openapi_3_1_es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'Encoding', '$visitor' ])), (Xv.refract = apidom_ns_openapi_3_1_es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'ExternalDocumentation', '$visitor' ])), (Zv.refract = apidom_ns_openapi_3_1_es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'Header', '$visitor' ])), (Qv.refract = apidom_ns_openapi_3_1_es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'Info', '$visitor' ])), (eb.refract = apidom_ns_openapi_3_1_es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'OpenApi', 'fixedFields', 'jsonSchemaDialect' ])), (tb.refract = apidom_ns_openapi_3_1_es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'License', '$visitor' ])), (nb.refract = apidom_ns_openapi_3_1_es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'Link', '$visitor' ])), (pb.refract = apidom_ns_openapi_3_1_es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'MediaType', '$visitor' ])), (mb.refract = apidom_ns_openapi_3_1_es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'OAuthFlow', '$visitor' ])), (yb.refract = apidom_ns_openapi_3_1_es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'OAuthFlows', '$visitor' ])), (_b.refract = apidom_ns_openapi_3_1_es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'OpenApi', 'fixedFields', 'openapi' ])), (wb.refract = apidom_ns_openapi_3_1_es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'OpenApi', '$visitor' ])), (Sb.refract = apidom_ns_openapi_3_1_es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'Operation', '$visitor' ])), (Ob.refract = apidom_ns_openapi_3_1_es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'Parameter', '$visitor' ])), (Ab.refract = apidom_ns_openapi_3_1_es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'PathItem', '$visitor' ])), (Ib.refract = apidom_ns_openapi_3_1_es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'Paths', '$visitor' ])), (Pb.refract = apidom_ns_openapi_3_1_es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'Reference', '$visitor' ])), (Mb.refract = apidom_ns_openapi_3_1_es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'RequestBody', '$visitor' ])), (Rb.refract = apidom_ns_openapi_3_1_es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'Response', '$visitor' ])), (Lb.refract = apidom_ns_openapi_3_1_es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'Responses', '$visitor' ])), (qb.refract = apidom_ns_openapi_3_1_es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'Schema', '$visitor' ])), (zb.refract = apidom_ns_openapi_3_1_es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'SecurityRequirement', '$visitor' ])), (Qb.refract = apidom_ns_openapi_3_1_es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'SecurityScheme', '$visitor' ])), (e_.refract = apidom_ns_openapi_3_1_es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'Server', '$visitor' ])), (t_.refract = apidom_ns_openapi_3_1_es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'ServerVariable', '$visitor' ])), (r_.refract = apidom_ns_openapi_3_1_es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'Tag', '$visitor' ])), (n_.refract = apidom_ns_openapi_3_1_es_refractor_createRefractor([ 'visitors', 'document', 'objects', 'XML', '$visitor' ])); const iw = class NotImplementedError extends Hh {}; const aw = class MediaTypes extends Array { unknownMediaType = 'application/octet-stream'; filterByFormat() { throw new iw('filterByFormat method in MediaTypes class is not yet implemented.'); } findBy() { throw new iw('findBy method in MediaTypes class is not yet implemented.'); } latest() { throw new iw('latest method in MediaTypes class is not yet implemented.'); } }; class OpenAPIMediaTypes extends aw { filterByFormat(s = 'generic') { const o = 'generic' === s ? 'openapi;version' : s; return this.filter((s) => s.includes(o)); } findBy(s = '3.1.0', o = 'generic') { const i = 'generic' === o ? `vnd.oai.openapi;version=${s}` : `vnd.oai.openapi+${o};version=${s}`; return this.find((s) => s.includes(i)) || this.unknownMediaType; } latest(s = 'generic') { return Fa(this.filterByFormat(s)); } } const lw = new OpenAPIMediaTypes( 'application/vnd.oai.openapi;version=3.1.0', 'application/vnd.oai.openapi+json;version=3.1.0', 'application/vnd.oai.openapi+yaml;version=3.1.0' ); const cw = class es_Reference_Reference { uri; depth; value; refSet; errors; constructor({ uri: s, depth: o = 0, refSet: i, value: u }) { (this.uri = s), (this.value = u), (this.depth = o), (this.refSet = i), (this.errors = []); } }; const uw = class ReferenceSet { rootRef; refs; circular; constructor({ refs: s = [], circular: o = !1 } = {}) { (this.refs = []), (this.circular = o), s.forEach(this.add.bind(this)); } get size() { return this.refs.length; } add(s) { return ( this.has(s) || (this.refs.push(s), (this.rootRef = void 0 === this.rootRef ? s : this.rootRef), (s.refSet = this)), this ); } merge(s) { for (const o of s.values()) this.add(o); return this; } has(s) { const o = Yl(s) ? s : s.uri; return Dl(this.find((s) => s.uri === o)); } find(s) { return this.refs.find(s); } *values() { yield* this.refs; } clean() { this.refs.forEach((s) => { s.refSet = void 0; }), (this.rootRef = void 0), (this.refs.length = 0); } }, pw = { parse: { mediaType: 'text/plain', parsers: [], parserOpts: {} }, resolve: { baseURI: '', resolvers: [], resolverOpts: {}, strategies: [], strategyOpts: {}, internal: !0, external: !0, maxDepth: 1 / 0 }, dereference: { strategies: [], strategyOpts: {}, refSet: null, maxDepth: 1 / 0, circular: 'ignore', circularReplacer: Ip, immutable: !0 }, bundle: { strategies: [], refSet: null, maxDepth: 1 / 0 } }; const hw = _curry2(function lens(s, o) { return function (i) { return function (u) { return kl( function (s) { return o(s, u); }, i(s(u)) ); }; }; }); var dw = _curry3(function assocPath(s, o, i) { if (0 === s.length) return o; var u = s[0]; if (s.length > 1) { var _ = !ld(i) && _has(u, i) && 'object' == typeof i[u] ? i[u] : Yo(s[1]) ? [] : {}; o = assocPath(Array.prototype.slice.call(s, 1), o, _); } return (function _assoc(s, o, i) { if (Yo(s) && aa(i)) { var u = [].concat(i); return (u[s] = o), u; } var _ = {}; for (var w in i) _[w] = i[w]; return (_[s] = o), _; })(u, o, i); }); const fw = dw; var Identity = function (s) { return { value: s, map: function (o) { return Identity(o(s)); } }; }, mw = _curry3(function over(s, o, i) { return s(function (s) { return Identity(o(s)); })(i).value; }); const gw = mw, yw = hw(cp(['resolve', 'baseURI']), fw(['resolve', 'baseURI'])), baseURIDefault = (s) => (qp(s) ? url_cwd() : s), util_merge = (s, o) => { const i = lp(s, o); return gw(yw, baseURIDefault, i); }; const vw = class File_File { uri; mediaType; data; parseResult; constructor({ uri: s, mediaType: o = 'text/plain', data: i, parseResult: u }) { (this.uri = s), (this.mediaType = o), (this.data = i), (this.parseResult = u); } get extension() { return Yl(this.uri) ? ((s) => { const o = s.lastIndexOf('.'); return o >= 0 ? s.substring(o).toLowerCase() : ''; })(this.uri) : ''; } toString() { if ('string' == typeof this.data) return this.data; if ( this.data instanceof ArrayBuffer || ['ArrayBuffer'].includes(ea(this.data)) || ArrayBuffer.isView(this.data) ) { return new TextDecoder('utf-8').decode(this.data); } return String(this.data); } }; const bw = class PluginError extends Ho { plugin; constructor(s, o) { super(s, { cause: o.cause }), (this.plugin = o.plugin); } }, plugins_filter = async (s, o, i) => { const u = await Promise.all(i.map(_p([s], o))); return i.filter((s, o) => u[o]); }, run = async (s, o, i) => { let u; for (const _ of i) try { const i = await _[s].call(_, ...o); return { plugin: _, result: i }; } catch (s) { u = new bw('Error while running plugin', { cause: s, plugin: _ }); } return Promise.reject(u); }; const _w = class DereferenceError extends Ho {}; const Ew = class UnmatchedDereferenceStrategyError extends _w {}, dereferenceApiDOM = async (s, o) => { let i = s, u = !1; if (!Ku(s)) { const o = cloneShallow(s); o.classes.push('result'), (i = new Mu([o])), (u = !0); } const _ = new vw({ uri: o.resolve.baseURI, parseResult: i, mediaType: o.parse.mediaType }), w = await plugins_filter('canDereference', [_, o], o.dereference.strategies); if (gp(w)) throw new Ew(_.uri); try { const { result: s } = await run('dereference', [_, o], w); return u ? s.get(0) : s; } catch (s) { throw new _w(`Error while dereferencing file "${_.uri}"`, { cause: s }); } }; const ww = class ParseError extends Ho {}; const Sw = class ParserError extends ww {}; const xw = class Parser { name; allowEmpty; sourceMap; fileExtensions; mediaTypes; constructor({ name: s, allowEmpty: o = !0, sourceMap: i = !1, fileExtensions: u = [], mediaTypes: _ = [] }) { (this.name = s), (this.allowEmpty = o), (this.sourceMap = i), (this.fileExtensions = u), (this.mediaTypes = _); } }; const kw = class BinaryParser extends xw { constructor(s) { super({ ...(null != s ? s : {}), name: 'binary' }); } canParse(s) { return 0 === this.fileExtensions.length || this.fileExtensions.includes(s.extension); } parse(s) { try { const o = unescape(encodeURIComponent(s.toString())), i = btoa(o), u = new Mu(); if (0 !== i.length) { const s = new Cu.Om(i); s.classes.push('result'), u.push(s); } return u; } catch (o) { throw new Sw(`Error parsing "${s.uri}"`, { cause: o }); } } }; const Cw = class ResolveStrategy { name; constructor({ name: s }) { this.name = s; } }; const Ow = class OpenAPI3_1ResolveStrategy extends Cw { constructor(s) { super({ ...(null != s ? s : {}), name: 'openapi-3-1' }); } canResolve(s, o) { const i = o.dereference.strategies.find((s) => 'openapi-3-1' === s.name); return void 0 !== i && i.canDereference(s, o); } async resolve(s, o) { const i = o.dereference.strategies.find((s) => 'openapi-3-1' === s.name); if (void 0 === i) throw new Ew('"openapi-3-1" dereference strategy is not available.'); const u = new uw(), _ = util_merge(o, { resolve: { internal: !1 }, dereference: { refSet: u } }); return await i.dereference(s, _), u; } }; const Aw = class Resolver { name; constructor({ name: s }) { this.name = s; } }; const jw = class HTTPResolver extends Aw { timeout; redirects; withCredentials; constructor(s) { const { name: o = 'http-resolver', timeout: i = 5e3, redirects: u = 5, withCredentials: _ = !1 } = null != s ? s : {}; super({ name: o }), (this.timeout = i), (this.redirects = u), (this.withCredentials = _); } canRead(s) { return isHttpUrl(s.uri); } }; const Iw = class ResolveError extends Ho {}; const Pw = class ResolverError extends Iw {}, { AbortController: Mw, AbortSignal: Tw } = globalThis; void 0 === globalThis.AbortController && (globalThis.AbortController = Mw), void 0 === globalThis.AbortSignal && (globalThis.AbortSignal = Tw); const Nw = class HTTPResolverSwaggerClient extends jw { swaggerHTTPClient = http_http; swaggerHTTPClientConfig; constructor({ swaggerHTTPClient: s = http_http, swaggerHTTPClientConfig: o = {}, ...i } = {}) { super({ ...i, name: 'http-swagger-client' }), (this.swaggerHTTPClient = s), (this.swaggerHTTPClientConfig = o); } getHttpClient() { return this.swaggerHTTPClient; } async read(s) { const o = this.getHttpClient(), i = new AbortController(), { signal: u } = i, _ = setTimeout(() => { i.abort(); }, this.timeout), w = this.getHttpClient().withCredentials || this.withCredentials ? 'include' : 'same-origin', x = 0 === this.redirects ? 'error' : 'follow', C = this.redirects > 0 ? this.redirects : void 0; try { return ( await o({ url: s.uri, signal: u, userFetch: async (s, o) => { let i = await fetch(s, o); try { i.headers.delete('Content-Type'); } catch { (i = new Response(i.body, { ...i, headers: new Headers(i.headers) })), i.headers.delete('Content-Type'); } return i; }, credentials: w, redirect: x, follow: C, ...this.swaggerHTTPClientConfig }) ).text.arrayBuffer(); } catch (o) { throw new Pw(`Error downloading "${s.uri}"`, { cause: o }); } finally { clearTimeout(_); } } }, from = (s, o = wp) => { if (Yl(s)) try { return o.fromRefract(JSON.parse(s)); } catch {} return ku(s) && md('element', s) ? o.fromRefract(s) : o.toElement(s); }; const Rw = class JSONParser extends xw { constructor(s = {}) { super({ name: 'json-swagger-client', mediaTypes: ['application/json'], ...s }); } async canParse(s) { const o = 0 === this.fileExtensions.length || this.fileExtensions.includes(s.extension), i = this.mediaTypes.includes(s.mediaType); if (!o) return !1; if (i) return !0; if (!i) try { return JSON.parse(s.toString()), !0; } catch (s) { return !1; } return !1; } async parse(s) { if (this.sourceMap) throw new Sw("json-swagger-client parser plugin doesn't support sourceMaps option"); const o = new Mu(), i = s.toString(); if (this.allowEmpty && '' === i.trim()) return o; try { const s = from(JSON.parse(i)); return s.classes.push('result'), o.push(s), o; } catch (o) { throw new Sw(`Error parsing "${s.uri}"`, { cause: o }); } } }; const Dw = class YAMLParser extends xw { constructor(s = {}) { super({ name: 'yaml-1-2-swagger-client', mediaTypes: ['text/yaml', 'application/yaml'], ...s }); } async canParse(s) { const o = 0 === this.fileExtensions.length || this.fileExtensions.includes(s.extension), i = this.mediaTypes.includes(s.mediaType); if (!o) return !1; if (i) return !0; if (!i) try { return mn.load(s.toString(), { schema: nn }), !0; } catch (s) { return !1; } return !1; } async parse(s) { if (this.sourceMap) throw new Sw( "yaml-1-2-swagger-client parser plugin doesn't support sourceMaps option" ); const o = new Mu(), i = s.toString(); try { const s = mn.load(i, { schema: nn }); if (this.allowEmpty && void 0 === s) return o; const u = from(s); return u.classes.push('result'), o.push(u), o; } catch (o) { throw new Sw(`Error parsing "${s.uri}"`, { cause: o }); } } }; const Lw = class OpenAPIJSON3_1Parser extends xw { detectionRegExp = /"openapi"\s*:\s*"(?3\.1\.(?:[1-9]\d*|0))"/; constructor(s = {}) { super({ name: 'openapi-json-3-1-swagger-client', mediaTypes: new OpenAPIMediaTypes( ...lw.filterByFormat('generic'), ...lw.filterByFormat('json') ), ...s }); } async canParse(s) { const o = 0 === this.fileExtensions.length || this.fileExtensions.includes(s.extension), i = this.mediaTypes.includes(s.mediaType); if (!o) return !1; if (i) return !0; if (!i) try { const o = s.toString(); return JSON.parse(o), this.detectionRegExp.test(o); } catch (s) { return !1; } return !1; } async parse(s) { if (this.sourceMap) throw new Sw( "openapi-json-3-1-swagger-client parser plugin doesn't support sourceMaps option" ); const o = new Mu(), i = s.toString(); if (this.allowEmpty && '' === i.trim()) return o; try { const s = JSON.parse(i), u = wb.refract(s, this.refractorOpts); return u.classes.push('result'), o.push(u), o; } catch (o) { throw new Sw(`Error parsing "${s.uri}"`, { cause: o }); } } }; const Bw = class OpenAPIYAML31Parser extends xw { detectionRegExp = /(?^(["']?)openapi\2\s*:\s*(["']?)(?3\.1\.(?:[1-9]\d*|0))\3(?:\s+|$))|(?"openapi"\s*:\s*"(?3\.1\.(?:[1-9]\d*|0))")/m; constructor(s = {}) { super({ name: 'openapi-yaml-3-1-swagger-client', mediaTypes: new OpenAPIMediaTypes( ...lw.filterByFormat('generic'), ...lw.filterByFormat('yaml') ), ...s }); } async canParse(s) { const o = 0 === this.fileExtensions.length || this.fileExtensions.includes(s.extension), i = this.mediaTypes.includes(s.mediaType); if (!o) return !1; if (i) return !0; if (!i) try { const o = s.toString(); return mn.load(o), this.detectionRegExp.test(o); } catch (s) { return !1; } return !1; } async parse(s) { if (this.sourceMap) throw new Sw( "openapi-yaml-3-1-swagger-client parser plugin doesn't support sourceMaps option" ); const o = new Mu(), i = s.toString(); try { const s = mn.load(i, { schema: nn }); if (this.allowEmpty && void 0 === s) return o; const u = wb.refract(s, this.refractorOpts); return u.classes.push('result'), o.push(u), o; } catch (o) { throw new Sw(`Error parsing "${s.uri}"`, { cause: o }); } } }; const Fw = _curry3(function propEq(s, o, i) { return ra(s, Da(o, i)); }); const qw = class DereferenceStrategy { name; constructor({ name: s }) { this.name = s; } }; var $w = _curry2(function none(s, o) { return ju(_complement(s), o); }); const Vw = $w; var Uw = __webpack_require__(8068); const zw = class ElementIdentityError extends Jo { value; constructor(s, o) { super(s, o), void 0 !== o && (this.value = o.value); } }; class IdentityManager { uuid; identityMap; constructor({ length: s = 6 } = {}) { (this.uuid = new Uw({ length: s })), (this.identityMap = new WeakMap()); } identify(s) { if (!Nu(s)) throw new zw( 'Cannot not identify the element. `element` is neither structurally compatible nor a subclass of an Element class.', { value: s } ); if (s.meta.hasKey('id') && Ru(s.meta.get('id')) && !s.meta.get('id').equals('')) return s.id; if (this.identityMap.has(s)) return this.identityMap.get(s); const o = new Cu.Om(this.generateId()); return this.identityMap.set(s, o), o; } forget(s) { return !!this.identityMap.has(s) && (this.identityMap.delete(s), !0); } generateId() { return this.uuid.randomUUID(); } } new IdentityManager(); const Ww = _curry3(function pathOr(s, o, i) { return Na(s, _path(o, i)); }), traversal_find = (s, o) => { const i = new PredicateVisitor({ predicate: s, returnOnTrue: Ju }); return visitor_visit(o, i), Ww(void 0, [0], i.result); }; const Kw = class JsonSchema$anchorError extends Ho {}; const Hw = class EvaluationJsonSchema$anchorError extends Kw {}; const Jw = class InvalidJsonSchema$anchorError extends Kw { constructor(s) { super(`Invalid JSON Schema $anchor "${s}".`); } }, isAnchor = (s) => /^[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9.-]*$/.test(s), uriToAnchor = (s) => { const o = getHash(s); return Up('#', o); }, $anchor_evaluate = (s, o) => { const i = ((s) => { if (!isAnchor(s)) throw new Jw(s); return s; })(s), u = traversal_find((s) => Q_(s) && serializers_value(s.$anchor) === i, o); if (Rl(u)) throw new Hw(`Evaluation failed on token: "${i}"`); return u; }, traversal_filter = (s, o) => { const i = new PredicateVisitor({ predicate: s }); return visitor_visit(o, i), new Cu.G6(i.result); }; const Gw = class JsonSchemaUriError extends Ho {}; const Yw = class EvaluationJsonSchemaUriError extends Gw {}, resolveSchema$refField = (s, o) => { if (void 0 === o.$ref) return; const i = getHash(serializers_value(o.$ref)), u = serializers_value(o.meta.get('inherited$id')), _ = Ca((s, o) => resolve(s, sanitize(stripHash(o))), s, [ ...u, serializers_value(o.$ref) ]); return `${_}${'#' === i ? '' : i}`; }, refractToSchemaElement = (s) => { if (refractToSchemaElement.cache.has(s)) return refractToSchemaElement.cache.get(s); const o = qb.refract(s); return refractToSchemaElement.cache.set(s, o), o; }; refractToSchemaElement.cache = new WeakMap(); const maybeRefractToSchemaElement = (s) => isPrimitiveElement(s) ? refractToSchemaElement(s) : s, uri_evaluate = (s, o) => { const { cache: i } = uri_evaluate, u = stripHash(s), isSchemaElementWith$id = (s) => Q_(s) && void 0 !== s.$id; if (!i.has(o)) { const s = traversal_filter(isSchemaElementWith$id, o); i.set(o, Array.from(s)); } const _ = i.get(o).find((s) => { const o = ((s, o) => { if (void 0 === o.$id) return; const i = serializers_value(o.meta.get('inherited$id')); return Ca((s, o) => resolve(s, sanitize(stripHash(o))), s, [ ...i, serializers_value(o.$id) ]); })(u, s); return o === u; }); if (Rl(_)) throw new Yw(`Evaluation failed on URI: "${s}"`); let w, x; return ( isAnchor(uriToAnchor(s)) ? ((w = $anchor_evaluate), (x = uriToAnchor(s))) : ((w = es_evaluate), (x = uriToPointer(s))), w(x, _) ); }; uri_evaluate.cache = new WeakMap(); const Xw = class MaximumDereferenceDepthError extends _w {}; const Zw = class MaximumResolveDepthError extends Iw {}; const Qw = class UnmatchedResolverError extends Pw {}, _swagger_api_apidom_reference_es_parse = async (s, o) => { const i = new vw({ uri: sanitize(stripHash(s)), mediaType: o.parse.mediaType }), u = await (async (s, o) => { const i = o.resolve.resolvers.map((s) => { const i = Object.create(s); return Object.assign(i, o.resolve.resolverOpts); }), u = await plugins_filter('canRead', [s, o], i); if (gp(u)) throw new Qw(s.uri); try { const { result: o } = await run('read', [s], u); return o; } catch (o) { throw new Iw(`Error while reading file "${s.uri}"`, { cause: o }); } })(i, o); return (async (s, o) => { const i = o.parse.parsers.map((s) => { const i = Object.create(s); return Object.assign(i, o.parse.parserOpts); }), u = await plugins_filter('canParse', [s, o], i); if (gp(u)) throw new Qw(s.uri); try { const { plugin: i, result: _ } = await run('parse', [s, o], u); return !i.allowEmpty && _.isEmpty ? Promise.reject(new ww(`Error while parsing file "${s.uri}". File is empty.`)) : _; } catch (o) { throw new ww(`Error while parsing file "${s.uri}"`, { cause: o }); } })(new vw({ ...i, data: u }), o); }; class AncestorLineage extends Array { includesCycle(s) { return this.filter((o) => o.has(s)).length > 1; } includes(s, o) { return s instanceof Set ? super.includes(s, o) : this.some((o) => o.has(s)); } findItem(s) { for (const o of this) for (const i of o) if (Nu(i) && s(i)) return i; } } const eS = visitor_visit[Symbol.for('nodejs.util.promisify.custom')], tS = new IdentityManager(), mutationReplacer = (s, o, i, u) => { $u(u) ? (u.value = s) : Array.isArray(u) && (u[i] = s); }; class OpenAPI3_1DereferenceVisitor { indirections; namespace; reference; options; ancestors; refractCache; constructor({ reference: s, namespace: o, options: i, indirections: u = [], ancestors: _ = new AncestorLineage(), refractCache: w = new Map() }) { (this.indirections = u), (this.namespace = o), (this.reference = s), (this.options = i), (this.ancestors = new AncestorLineage(..._)), (this.refractCache = w); } toBaseURI(s) { return resolve(this.reference.uri, sanitize(stripHash(s))); } async toReference(s) { if (this.reference.depth >= this.options.resolve.maxDepth) throw new Zw( `Maximum resolution depth of ${this.options.resolve.maxDepth} has been exceeded by file "${this.reference.uri}"` ); const o = this.toBaseURI(s), { refSet: i } = this.reference; if (i.has(o)) return i.find(Fw(o, 'uri')); const u = await _swagger_api_apidom_reference_es_parse(unsanitize(o), { ...this.options, parse: { ...this.options.parse, mediaType: 'text/plain' } }), _ = new cw({ uri: o, value: cloneDeep(u), depth: this.reference.depth + 1 }); if ((i.add(_), this.options.dereference.immutable)) { const s = new cw({ uri: `immutable://${o}`, value: u, depth: this.reference.depth + 1 }); i.add(s); } return _; } toAncestorLineage(s) { const o = new Set(s.filter(Nu)); return [new AncestorLineage(...this.ancestors, o), o]; } async ReferenceElement(s, o, i, u, _, w) { if (this.indirections.includes(s)) return !1; const [x, C] = this.toAncestorLineage([..._, i]), j = this.toBaseURI(serializers_value(s.$ref)), L = stripHash(this.reference.uri) === j, B = !L; if (!this.options.resolve.internal && L) return !1; if (!this.options.resolve.external && B) return !1; const $ = await this.toReference(serializers_value(s.$ref)), V = resolve(j, serializers_value(s.$ref)); this.indirections.push(s); const U = uriToPointer(V); let z = es_evaluate(U, $.value.result); if (((z.id = tS.identify(z)), isPrimitiveElement(z))) { const o = serializers_value(s.meta.get('referenced-element')), i = `${o}-${serializers_value(tS.identify(z))}`; if (this.refractCache.has(i)) z = this.refractCache.get(i); else if (isReferenceLikeElement(z)) (z = Pb.refract(z)), z.setMetaProperty('referenced-element', o), this.refractCache.set(i, z); else { (z = this.namespace.getElementClass(o).refract(z)), this.refractCache.set(i, z); } } if (s === z) throw new Ho('Recursive Reference Object detected'); if (this.indirections.length > this.options.dereference.maxDepth) throw new Xw( `Maximum dereference depth of "${this.options.dereference.maxDepth}" has been exceeded in file "${this.reference.uri}"` ); if (x.includes(z)) { if ((($.refSet.circular = !0), 'error' === this.options.dereference.circular)) throw new Ho('Circular reference detected'); if ('replace' === this.options.dereference.circular) { var Y, Z; const o = new Cu.sI(z.id, { type: 'reference', uri: $.uri, $ref: serializers_value(s.$ref) }), u = ( null !== (Y = null === (Z = this.options.dereference.strategyOpts['openapi-3-1']) || void 0 === Z ? void 0 : Z.circularReplacer) && void 0 !== Y ? Y : this.options.dereference.circularReplacer )(o); return w.replaceWith(u, mutationReplacer), !i && u; } } const ee = stripHash($.refSet.rootRef.uri) !== $.uri, ie = ['error', 'replace'].includes(this.options.dereference.circular); if ((B || ee || G_(z) || ie) && !x.includesCycle(z)) { C.add(s); const o = new OpenAPI3_1DereferenceVisitor({ reference: $, namespace: this.namespace, indirections: [...this.indirections], options: this.options, refractCache: this.refractCache, ancestors: x }); (z = await eS(z, o, { keyMap: nw, nodeTypeGetter: apidom_ns_openapi_3_1_es_traversal_visitor_getNodeType })), C.delete(s); } this.indirections.pop(); const ae = cloneShallow(z); return ( ae.setMetaProperty('id', tS.generateId()), ae.setMetaProperty('ref-fields', { $ref: serializers_value(s.$ref), description: serializers_value(s.description), summary: serializers_value(s.summary) }), ae.setMetaProperty('ref-origin', $.uri), ae.setMetaProperty('ref-referencing-element-id', cloneDeep(tS.identify(s))), Fu(z) && Fu(ae) && (s.hasKey('description') && 'description' in z && (ae.remove('description'), ae.set('description', s.get('description'))), s.hasKey('summary') && 'summary' in z && (ae.remove('summary'), ae.set('summary', s.get('summary')))), w.replaceWith(ae, mutationReplacer), !i && ae ); } async PathItemElement(s, o, i, u, _, w) { if (!Ru(s.$ref)) return; if (this.indirections.includes(s)) return !1; const [x, C] = this.toAncestorLineage([..._, i]), j = this.toBaseURI(serializers_value(s.$ref)), L = stripHash(this.reference.uri) === j, B = !L; if (!this.options.resolve.internal && L) return; if (!this.options.resolve.external && B) return; const $ = await this.toReference(serializers_value(s.$ref)), V = resolve(j, serializers_value(s.$ref)); this.indirections.push(s); const U = uriToPointer(V); let z = es_evaluate(U, $.value.result); if (((z.id = tS.identify(z)), isPrimitiveElement(z))) { const s = `path-item-${serializers_value(tS.identify(z))}`; this.refractCache.has(s) ? (z = this.refractCache.get(s)) : ((z = Ab.refract(z)), this.refractCache.set(s, z)); } if (s === z) throw new Ho('Recursive Path Item Object reference detected'); if (this.indirections.length > this.options.dereference.maxDepth) throw new Xw( `Maximum dereference depth of "${this.options.dereference.maxDepth}" has been exceeded in file "${this.reference.uri}"` ); if (x.includes(z)) { if ((($.refSet.circular = !0), 'error' === this.options.dereference.circular)) throw new Ho('Circular reference detected'); if ('replace' === this.options.dereference.circular) { var Y, Z; const o = new Cu.sI(z.id, { type: 'path-item', uri: $.uri, $ref: serializers_value(s.$ref) }), u = ( null !== (Y = null === (Z = this.options.dereference.strategyOpts['openapi-3-1']) || void 0 === Z ? void 0 : Z.circularReplacer) && void 0 !== Y ? Y : this.options.dereference.circularReplacer )(o); return w.replaceWith(u, mutationReplacer), !i && u; } } const ee = stripHash($.refSet.rootRef.uri) !== $.uri, ie = ['error', 'replace'].includes(this.options.dereference.circular); if ((B || ee || (H_(z) && Ru(z.$ref)) || ie) && !x.includesCycle(z)) { C.add(s); const o = new OpenAPI3_1DereferenceVisitor({ reference: $, namespace: this.namespace, indirections: [...this.indirections], options: this.options, refractCache: this.refractCache, ancestors: x }); (z = await eS(z, o, { keyMap: nw, nodeTypeGetter: apidom_ns_openapi_3_1_es_traversal_visitor_getNodeType })), C.delete(s); } if ((this.indirections.pop(), H_(z))) { const o = new Ab([...z.content], cloneDeep(z.meta), cloneDeep(z.attributes)); o.setMetaProperty('id', tS.generateId()), s.forEach((s, i, u) => { o.remove(serializers_value(i)), o.content.push(u); }), o.remove('$ref'), o.setMetaProperty('ref-fields', { $ref: serializers_value(s.$ref) }), o.setMetaProperty('ref-origin', $.uri), o.setMetaProperty('ref-referencing-element-id', cloneDeep(tS.identify(s))), (z = o); } return w.replaceWith(z, mutationReplacer), i ? void 0 : z; } async LinkElement(s, o, i, u, _, w) { if (!Ru(s.operationRef) && !Ru(s.operationId)) return; if (Ru(s.operationRef) && Ru(s.operationId)) throw new Ho( 'LinkElement operationRef and operationId fields are mutually exclusive.' ); let x; if (Ru(s.operationRef)) { var C; const o = uriToPointer(serializers_value(s.operationRef)), u = this.toBaseURI(serializers_value(s.operationRef)), _ = stripHash(this.reference.uri) === u, j = !_; if (!this.options.resolve.internal && _) return; if (!this.options.resolve.external && j) return; const L = await this.toReference(serializers_value(s.operationRef)); if (((x = es_evaluate(o, L.value.result)), isPrimitiveElement(x))) { const s = `operation-${serializers_value(tS.identify(x))}`; this.refractCache.has(s) ? (x = this.refractCache.get(s)) : ((x = Sb.refract(x)), this.refractCache.set(s, x)); } (x = cloneShallow(x)), x.setMetaProperty('ref-origin', L.uri); const B = cloneShallow(s); return ( null === (C = B.operationRef) || void 0 === C || C.meta.set('operation', x), w.replaceWith(B, mutationReplacer), i ? void 0 : B ); } if (Ru(s.operationId)) { var j; const o = serializers_value(s.operationId), u = await this.toReference(unsanitize(this.reference.uri)); if ( ((x = traversal_find( (s) => W_(s) && Nu(s.operationId) && s.operationId.equals(o), u.value.result )), Rl(x)) ) throw new Ho(`OperationElement(operationId=${o}) not found.`); const _ = cloneShallow(s); return ( null === (j = _.operationId) || void 0 === j || j.meta.set('operation', x), w.replaceWith(_, mutationReplacer), i ? void 0 : _ ); } } async ExampleElement(s, o, i, u, _, w) { if (!Ru(s.externalValue)) return; if (s.hasKey('value') && Ru(s.externalValue)) throw new Ho('ExampleElement value and externalValue fields are mutually exclusive.'); const x = this.toBaseURI(serializers_value(s.externalValue)), C = stripHash(this.reference.uri) === x, j = !C; if (!this.options.resolve.internal && C) return; if (!this.options.resolve.external && j) return; const L = await this.toReference(serializers_value(s.externalValue)), B = cloneShallow(L.value.result); B.setMetaProperty('ref-origin', L.uri); const $ = cloneShallow(s); return ($.value = B), w.replaceWith($, mutationReplacer), i ? void 0 : $; } async SchemaElement(s, o, i, u, _, w) { if (!Ru(s.$ref)) return; if (this.indirections.includes(s)) return !1; const [x, C] = this.toAncestorLineage([..._, i]); let j = await this.toReference(unsanitize(this.reference.uri)), { uri: L } = j; const B = resolveSchema$refField(L, s), $ = stripHash(B), V = new vw({ uri: $ }), U = Vw((s) => s.canRead(V), this.options.resolve.resolvers), z = !U; let Y, Z = stripHash(this.reference.uri) === B, ee = !Z; this.indirections.push(s); try { if (U || z) { L = this.toBaseURI(B); const s = B, o = maybeRefractToSchemaElement(j.value.result); if ( ((Y = uri_evaluate(s, o)), (Y = maybeRefractToSchemaElement(Y)), (Y.id = tS.identify(Y)), !this.options.resolve.internal && Z) ) return; if (!this.options.resolve.external && ee) return; } else { if ( ((L = this.toBaseURI(B)), (Z = stripHash(this.reference.uri) === L), (ee = !Z), !this.options.resolve.internal && Z) ) return; if (!this.options.resolve.external && ee) return; j = await this.toReference(unsanitize(B)); const s = uriToPointer(B), o = maybeRefractToSchemaElement(j.value.result); (Y = es_evaluate(s, o)), (Y = maybeRefractToSchemaElement(Y)), (Y.id = tS.identify(Y)); } } catch (s) { if (!(z && s instanceof Yw)) throw s; if (isAnchor(uriToAnchor(B))) { if ( ((Z = stripHash(this.reference.uri) === L), (ee = !Z), !this.options.resolve.internal && Z) ) return; if (!this.options.resolve.external && ee) return; j = await this.toReference(unsanitize(B)); const s = uriToAnchor(B), o = maybeRefractToSchemaElement(j.value.result); (Y = $anchor_evaluate(s, o)), (Y = maybeRefractToSchemaElement(Y)), (Y.id = tS.identify(Y)); } else { if ( ((L = this.toBaseURI(B)), (Z = stripHash(this.reference.uri) === L), (ee = !Z), !this.options.resolve.internal && Z) ) return; if (!this.options.resolve.external && ee) return; j = await this.toReference(unsanitize(B)); const s = uriToPointer(B), o = maybeRefractToSchemaElement(j.value.result); (Y = es_evaluate(s, o)), (Y = maybeRefractToSchemaElement(Y)), (Y.id = tS.identify(Y)); } } if (s === Y) throw new Ho('Recursive Schema Object reference detected'); if (this.indirections.length > this.options.dereference.maxDepth) throw new Xw( `Maximum dereference depth of "${this.options.dereference.maxDepth}" has been exceeded in file "${this.reference.uri}"` ); if (x.includes(Y)) { if (((j.refSet.circular = !0), 'error' === this.options.dereference.circular)) throw new Ho('Circular reference detected'); if ('replace' === this.options.dereference.circular) { var ie, ae; const o = new Cu.sI(Y.id, { type: 'json-schema', uri: j.uri, $ref: serializers_value(s.$ref) }), u = ( null !== (ie = null === (ae = this.options.dereference.strategyOpts['openapi-3-1']) || void 0 === ae ? void 0 : ae.circularReplacer) && void 0 !== ie ? ie : this.options.dereference.circularReplacer )(o); return w.replaceWith(u, mutationReplacer), !i && u; } } const le = stripHash(j.refSet.rootRef.uri) !== j.uri, ce = ['error', 'replace'].includes(this.options.dereference.circular); if ((ee || le || (Q_(Y) && Ru(Y.$ref)) || ce) && !x.includesCycle(Y)) { C.add(s); const o = new OpenAPI3_1DereferenceVisitor({ reference: j, namespace: this.namespace, indirections: [...this.indirections], options: this.options, refractCache: this.refractCache, ancestors: x }); (Y = await eS(Y, o, { keyMap: nw, nodeTypeGetter: apidom_ns_openapi_3_1_es_traversal_visitor_getNodeType })), C.delete(s); } if ((this.indirections.pop(), predicates_isBooleanJsonSchemaElement(Y))) { const o = cloneDeep(Y); return ( o.setMetaProperty('id', tS.generateId()), o.setMetaProperty('ref-fields', { $ref: serializers_value(s.$ref) }), o.setMetaProperty('ref-origin', j.uri), o.setMetaProperty('ref-referencing-element-id', cloneDeep(tS.identify(s))), w.replaceWith(o, mutationReplacer), !i && o ); } if (Q_(Y)) { const o = new qb([...Y.content], cloneDeep(Y.meta), cloneDeep(Y.attributes)); o.setMetaProperty('id', tS.generateId()), s.forEach((s, i, u) => { o.remove(serializers_value(i)), o.content.push(u); }), o.remove('$ref'), o.setMetaProperty('ref-fields', { $ref: serializers_value(s.$ref) }), o.setMetaProperty('ref-origin', j.uri), o.setMetaProperty('ref-referencing-element-id', cloneDeep(tS.identify(s))), (Y = o); } return w.replaceWith(Y, mutationReplacer), i ? void 0 : Y; } } const rS = OpenAPI3_1DereferenceVisitor, nS = visitor_visit[Symbol.for('nodejs.util.promisify.custom')]; const sS = class OpenAPI3_1DereferenceStrategy extends qw { constructor(s) { super({ ...(null != s ? s : {}), name: 'openapi-3-1' }); } canDereference(s) { var o; return 'text/plain' !== s.mediaType ? lw.includes(s.mediaType) : z_(null === (o = s.parseResult) || void 0 === o ? void 0 : o.result); } async dereference(s, o) { var i; const u = createNamespace(ow), _ = null !== (i = o.dereference.refSet) && void 0 !== i ? i : new uw(), w = new uw(); let x, C = _; _.has(s.uri) ? (x = _.find(Fw(s.uri, 'uri'))) : ((x = new cw({ uri: s.uri, value: s.parseResult })), _.add(x)), o.dereference.immutable && (_.refs .map((s) => new cw({ ...s, value: cloneDeep(s.value) })) .forEach((s) => w.add(s)), (x = w.find((o) => o.uri === s.uri)), (C = w)); const j = new rS({ reference: x, namespace: u, options: o }), L = await nS(C.rootRef.value, j, { keyMap: nw, nodeTypeGetter: apidom_ns_openapi_3_1_es_traversal_visitor_getNodeType }); return ( o.dereference.immutable && w.refs .filter((s) => s.uri.startsWith('immutable://')) .map((s) => new cw({ ...s, uri: s.uri.replace(/^immutable:\/\//, '') })) .forEach((s) => _.add(s)), null === o.dereference.refSet && _.clean(), w.clean(), L ); } }, to_path = (s) => { const o = ((s) => s.slice(2))(s); return o.reduce((s, i, u) => { if ($u(i)) { const o = String(serializers_value(i.key)); s.push(o); } else if (qu(o[u - 2])) { const _ = o[u - 2].content.indexOf(i); s.push(_); } return s; }, []); }; const oS = class ModelPropertyMacroVisitor { modelPropertyMacro; options; SchemaElement = { leave: (s, o, i, u, _) => { void 0 !== s.properties && Fu(s.properties) && s.properties.forEach((o) => { if (Fu(o)) try { const s = this.modelPropertyMacro(serializers_value(o)); o.set('default', s); } catch (o) { var u, w; const x = new Error(o, { cause: o }); (x.fullPath = [...to_path([..._, i, s]), 'properties']), null === (u = this.options.dereference.dereferenceOpts) || void 0 === u || null === (u = u.errors) || void 0 === u || null === (w = u.push) || void 0 === w || w.call(u, x); } }); } }; constructor({ modelPropertyMacro: s, options: o }) { (this.modelPropertyMacro = s), (this.options = o); } }; const iS = class all_of_AllOfVisitor { options; SchemaElement = { leave(s, o, i, u, _) { if (void 0 === s.allOf) return; if (!qu(s.allOf)) { var w, x; const o = new TypeError('allOf must be an array'); return ( (o.fullPath = [...to_path([..._, i, s]), 'allOf']), void ( null === (w = this.options.dereference.dereferenceOpts) || void 0 === w || null === (w = w.errors) || void 0 === w || null === (x = w.push) || void 0 === x || x.call(w, o) ) ); } if (s.allOf.isEmpty) return void s.remove('allOf'); if (!s.allOf.content.every(Q_)) { var C, j; const o = new TypeError('Elements in allOf must be objects'); return ( (o.fullPath = [...to_path([..._, i, s]), 'allOf']), void ( null === (C = this.options.dereference.dereferenceOpts) || void 0 === C || null === (C = C.errors) || void 0 === C || null === (j = C.push) || void 0 === j || j.call(C, o) ) ); } for (; s.hasKey('allOf'); ) { const { allOf: o } = s; s.remove('allOf'); const i = deepmerge.all([...o.content, s]); if ((s.hasKey('$$ref') || i.remove('$$ref'), s.hasKey('example'))) { const o = i.getMember('example'); o && (o.value = s.get('example')); } if (s.hasKey('examples')) { const o = i.getMember('examples'); o && (o.value = s.get('examples')); } s.content = i.content; } } }; constructor({ options: s }) { this.options = s; } }; const aS = class ParameterMacroVisitor { parameterMacro; options; #e; OperationElement = { enter: (s) => { this.#e = s; }, leave: () => { this.#e = void 0; } }; ParameterElement = { leave: (s, o, i, u, _) => { const w = this.#e ? serializers_value(this.#e) : null, x = serializers_value(s); try { const o = this.parameterMacro(w, x); s.set('default', o); } catch (s) { var C, j; const o = new Error(s, { cause: s }); (o.fullPath = to_path([..._, i])), null === (C = this.options.dereference.dereferenceOpts) || void 0 === C || null === (C = C.errors) || void 0 === C || null === (j = C.push) || void 0 === j || j.call(C, o); } } }; constructor({ parameterMacro: s, options: o }) { (this.parameterMacro = s), (this.options = o); } }, get_root_cause = (s) => { if (null == s.cause) return s; let { cause: o } = s; for (; null != o.cause; ) o = o.cause; return o; }; const lS = class SchemaRefError extends Jo {}, { wrapError: cS } = ru, uS = visitor_visit[Symbol.for('nodejs.util.promisify.custom')], pS = new IdentityManager(), dereference_mutationReplacer = (s, o, i, u) => { $u(u) ? (u.value = s) : Array.isArray(u) && (u[i] = s); }; class OpenAPI3_1SwaggerClientDereferenceVisitor extends rS { useCircularStructures; allowMetaPatches; basePath; constructor({ allowMetaPatches: s = !0, useCircularStructures: o = !1, basePath: i = null, ...u }) { super(u), (this.allowMetaPatches = s), (this.useCircularStructures = o), (this.basePath = i); } async ReferenceElement(s, o, i, u, _, w) { try { if (this.indirections.includes(s)) return !1; const [o, u] = this.toAncestorLineage([..._, i]), L = this.toBaseURI(serializers_value(s.$ref)), B = stripHash(this.reference.uri) === L, $ = !B; if (!this.options.resolve.internal && B) return !1; if (!this.options.resolve.external && $) return !1; const V = await this.toReference(serializers_value(s.$ref)), U = resolve(L, serializers_value(s.$ref)); this.indirections.push(s); const z = uriToPointer(U); let Y = es_evaluate(z, V.value.result); if (((Y.id = pS.identify(Y)), isPrimitiveElement(Y))) { const o = serializers_value(s.meta.get('referenced-element')), i = `${o}-${serializers_value(pS.identify(Y))}`; if (this.refractCache.has(i)) Y = this.refractCache.get(i); else if (isReferenceLikeElement(Y)) (Y = Pb.refract(Y)), Y.setMetaProperty('referenced-element', o), this.refractCache.set(i, Y); else { (Y = this.namespace.getElementClass(o).refract(Y)), this.refractCache.set(i, Y); } } if (s === Y) throw new Ho('Recursive Reference Object detected'); if (this.indirections.length > this.options.dereference.maxDepth) throw new Xw( `Maximum dereference depth of "${this.options.dereference.maxDepth}" has been exceeded in file "${this.reference.uri}"` ); if (o.includes(Y)) { if (((V.refSet.circular = !0), 'error' === this.options.dereference.circular)) throw new Ho('Circular reference detected'); if ('replace' === this.options.dereference.circular) { var x, C; const o = new Cu.sI(Y.id, { type: 'reference', uri: V.uri, $ref: serializers_value(s.$ref), baseURI: U, referencingElement: s }), u = ( null !== (x = null === (C = this.options.dereference.strategyOpts['openapi-3-1']) || void 0 === C ? void 0 : C.circularReplacer) && void 0 !== x ? x : this.options.dereference.circularReplacer )(o); return w.replaceWith(o, dereference_mutationReplacer), !i && u; } } const Z = stripHash(V.refSet.rootRef.uri) !== V.uri, ee = ['error', 'replace'].includes(this.options.dereference.circular); if (($ || Z || G_(Y) || ee) && !o.includesCycle(Y)) { var j; u.add(s); const w = new OpenAPI3_1SwaggerClientDereferenceVisitor({ reference: V, namespace: this.namespace, indirections: [...this.indirections], options: this.options, refractCache: this.refractCache, ancestors: o, allowMetaPatches: this.allowMetaPatches, useCircularStructures: this.useCircularStructures, basePath: null !== (j = this.basePath) && void 0 !== j ? j : [...to_path([..._, i, s]), '$ref'] }); (Y = await uS(Y, w, { keyMap: nw, nodeTypeGetter: apidom_ns_openapi_3_1_es_traversal_visitor_getNodeType })), u.delete(s); } this.indirections.pop(); const ie = cloneShallow(Y); if ( (ie.setMetaProperty('ref-fields', { $ref: serializers_value(s.$ref), description: serializers_value(s.description), summary: serializers_value(s.summary) }), ie.setMetaProperty('ref-origin', V.uri), ie.setMetaProperty('ref-referencing-element-id', cloneDeep(pS.identify(s))), Fu(Y) && (s.hasKey('description') && 'description' in Y && (ie.remove('description'), ie.set('description', s.get('description'))), s.hasKey('summary') && 'summary' in Y && (ie.remove('summary'), ie.set('summary', s.get('summary')))), this.allowMetaPatches && Fu(ie) && !ie.hasKey('$$ref')) ) { const s = resolve(L, U); ie.set('$$ref', s); } return w.replaceWith(ie, dereference_mutationReplacer), !i && ie; } catch (o) { var L, B, $; const u = get_root_cause(o), w = cS(u, { baseDoc: this.reference.uri, $ref: serializers_value(s.$ref), pointer: uriToPointer(serializers_value(s.$ref)), fullPath: null !== (L = this.basePath) && void 0 !== L ? L : [...to_path([..._, i, s]), '$ref'] }); return void ( null === (B = this.options.dereference.dereferenceOpts) || void 0 === B || null === (B = B.errors) || void 0 === B || null === ($ = B.push) || void 0 === $ || $.call(B, w) ); } } async PathItemElement(s, o, i, u, _, w) { try { if (!Ru(s.$ref)) return; if (this.indirections.includes(s)) return !1; if (includesClasses(['cycle'], s.$ref)) return !1; const [o, u] = this.toAncestorLineage([..._, i]), L = this.toBaseURI(serializers_value(s.$ref)), B = stripHash(this.reference.uri) === L, $ = !B; if (!this.options.resolve.internal && B) return; if (!this.options.resolve.external && $) return; const V = await this.toReference(serializers_value(s.$ref)), U = resolve(L, serializers_value(s.$ref)); this.indirections.push(s); const z = uriToPointer(U); let Y = es_evaluate(z, V.value.result); if (((Y.id = pS.identify(Y)), isPrimitiveElement(Y))) { const s = `path-item-${serializers_value(pS.identify(Y))}`; this.refractCache.has(s) ? (Y = this.refractCache.get(s)) : ((Y = Ab.refract(Y)), this.refractCache.set(s, Y)); } if (s === Y) throw new Ho('Recursive Path Item Object reference detected'); if (this.indirections.length > this.options.dereference.maxDepth) throw new Xw( `Maximum dereference depth of "${this.options.dereference.maxDepth}" has been exceeded in file "${this.reference.uri}"` ); if (o.includes(Y)) { if (((V.refSet.circular = !0), 'error' === this.options.dereference.circular)) throw new Ho('Circular reference detected'); if ('replace' === this.options.dereference.circular) { var x, C; const o = new Cu.sI(Y.id, { type: 'path-item', uri: V.uri, $ref: serializers_value(s.$ref), baseURI: U, referencingElement: s }), u = ( null !== (x = null === (C = this.options.dereference.strategyOpts['openapi-3-1']) || void 0 === C ? void 0 : C.circularReplacer) && void 0 !== x ? x : this.options.dereference.circularReplacer )(o); return w.replaceWith(o, dereference_mutationReplacer), !i && u; } } const Z = stripHash(V.refSet.rootRef.uri) !== V.uri, ee = ['error', 'replace'].includes(this.options.dereference.circular); if (($ || Z || (H_(Y) && Ru(Y.$ref)) || ee) && !o.includesCycle(Y)) { var j; u.add(s); const w = new OpenAPI3_1SwaggerClientDereferenceVisitor({ reference: V, namespace: this.namespace, indirections: [...this.indirections], options: this.options, ancestors: o, allowMetaPatches: this.allowMetaPatches, useCircularStructures: this.useCircularStructures, basePath: null !== (j = this.basePath) && void 0 !== j ? j : [...to_path([..._, i, s]), '$ref'] }); (Y = await uS(Y, w, { keyMap: nw, nodeTypeGetter: apidom_ns_openapi_3_1_es_traversal_visitor_getNodeType })), u.delete(s); } if ((this.indirections.pop(), H_(Y))) { const o = new Ab([...Y.content], cloneDeep(Y.meta), cloneDeep(Y.attributes)); if ( (s.forEach((s, i, u) => { o.remove(serializers_value(i)), o.content.push(u); }), o.remove('$ref'), o.setMetaProperty('ref-fields', { $ref: serializers_value(s.$ref) }), o.setMetaProperty('ref-origin', V.uri), o.setMetaProperty('ref-referencing-element-id', cloneDeep(pS.identify(s))), this.allowMetaPatches && void 0 === o.get('$$ref')) ) { const s = resolve(L, U); o.set('$$ref', s); } Y = o; } return w.replaceWith(Y, dereference_mutationReplacer), i ? void 0 : Y; } catch (o) { var L, B, $; const u = get_root_cause(o), w = cS(u, { baseDoc: this.reference.uri, $ref: serializers_value(s.$ref), pointer: uriToPointer(serializers_value(s.$ref)), fullPath: null !== (L = this.basePath) && void 0 !== L ? L : [...to_path([..._, i, s]), '$ref'] }); return void ( null === (B = this.options.dereference.dereferenceOpts) || void 0 === B || null === (B = B.errors) || void 0 === B || null === ($ = B.push) || void 0 === $ || $.call(B, w) ); } } async SchemaElement(s, o, i, u, _, w) { try { if (!Ru(s.$ref)) return; if (this.indirections.includes(s)) return !1; const [o, u] = this.toAncestorLineage([..._, i]); let L = await this.toReference(unsanitize(this.reference.uri)), { uri: B } = L; const $ = resolveSchema$refField(B, s), V = stripHash($), U = new vw({ uri: V }), z = !this.options.resolve.resolvers.some((s) => s.canRead(U)), Y = !z; let Z, ee = stripHash(this.reference.uri) === $, ie = !ee; this.indirections.push(s); try { if (z || Y) { B = this.toBaseURI($); const s = $, o = maybeRefractToSchemaElement(L.value.result); if ( ((Z = uri_evaluate(s, o)), (Z = maybeRefractToSchemaElement(Z)), (Z.id = pS.identify(Z)), !this.options.resolve.internal && ee) ) return; if (!this.options.resolve.external && ie) return; } else { if ( ((B = this.toBaseURI($)), (ee = stripHash(this.reference.uri) === B), (ie = !ee), !this.options.resolve.internal && ee) ) return; if (!this.options.resolve.external && ie) return; L = await this.toReference(unsanitize($)); const s = uriToPointer($), o = maybeRefractToSchemaElement(L.value.result); (Z = es_evaluate(s, o)), (Z = maybeRefractToSchemaElement(Z)), (Z.id = pS.identify(Z)); } } catch (s) { if (!(Y && s instanceof Yw)) throw s; if (isAnchor(uriToAnchor($))) { if ( ((ee = stripHash(this.reference.uri) === B), (ie = !ee), !this.options.resolve.internal && ee) ) return; if (!this.options.resolve.external && ie) return; L = await this.toReference(unsanitize($)); const s = uriToAnchor($), o = maybeRefractToSchemaElement(L.value.result); (Z = $anchor_evaluate(s, o)), (Z = maybeRefractToSchemaElement(Z)), (Z.id = pS.identify(Z)); } else { if ( ((B = this.toBaseURI(serializers_value($))), (ee = stripHash(this.reference.uri) === B), (ie = !ee), !this.options.resolve.internal && ee) ) return; if (!this.options.resolve.external && ie) return; L = await this.toReference(unsanitize($)); const s = uriToPointer($), o = maybeRefractToSchemaElement(L.value.result); (Z = es_evaluate(s, o)), (Z = maybeRefractToSchemaElement(Z)), (Z.id = pS.identify(Z)); } } if (s === Z) throw new Ho('Recursive Schema Object reference detected'); if (this.indirections.length > this.options.dereference.maxDepth) throw new Xw( `Maximum dereference depth of "${this.options.dereference.maxDepth}" has been exceeded in file "${this.reference.uri}"` ); if (o.includes(Z)) { if (((L.refSet.circular = !0), 'error' === this.options.dereference.circular)) throw new Ho('Circular reference detected'); if ('replace' === this.options.dereference.circular) { var x, C; const o = new Cu.sI(Z.id, { type: 'json-schema', uri: L.uri, $ref: serializers_value(s.$ref), baseURI: resolve(B, $), referencingElement: s }), u = ( null !== (x = null === (C = this.options.dereference.strategyOpts['openapi-3-1']) || void 0 === C ? void 0 : C.circularReplacer) && void 0 !== x ? x : this.options.dereference.circularReplacer )(o); return w.replaceWith(u, dereference_mutationReplacer), !i && u; } } const ae = stripHash(L.refSet.rootRef.uri) !== L.uri, le = ['error', 'replace'].includes(this.options.dereference.circular); if ((ie || ae || (Q_(Z) && Ru(Z.$ref)) || le) && !o.includesCycle(Z)) { var j; u.add(s); const w = new OpenAPI3_1SwaggerClientDereferenceVisitor({ reference: L, namespace: this.namespace, indirections: [...this.indirections], options: this.options, useCircularStructures: this.useCircularStructures, allowMetaPatches: this.allowMetaPatches, ancestors: o, basePath: null !== (j = this.basePath) && void 0 !== j ? j : [...to_path([..._, i, s]), '$ref'] }); (Z = await uS(Z, w, { keyMap: nw, nodeTypeGetter: apidom_ns_openapi_3_1_es_traversal_visitor_getNodeType })), u.delete(s); } if ((this.indirections.pop(), predicates_isBooleanJsonSchemaElement(Z))) { const o = cloneDeep(Z); return ( o.setMetaProperty('ref-fields', { $ref: serializers_value(s.$ref) }), o.setMetaProperty('ref-origin', L.uri), o.setMetaProperty('ref-referencing-element-id', cloneDeep(pS.identify(s))), w.replaceWith(o, dereference_mutationReplacer), !i && o ); } if (Q_(Z)) { const o = new qb([...Z.content], cloneDeep(Z.meta), cloneDeep(Z.attributes)); if ( (s.forEach((s, i, u) => { o.remove(serializers_value(i)), o.content.push(u); }), o.remove('$ref'), o.setMetaProperty('ref-fields', { $ref: serializers_value(s.$ref) }), o.setMetaProperty('ref-origin', L.uri), o.setMetaProperty('ref-referencing-element-id', cloneDeep(pS.identify(s))), this.allowMetaPatches && void 0 === o.get('$$ref')) ) { const s = resolve(B, $); o.set('$$ref', s); } Z = o; } return w.replaceWith(Z, dereference_mutationReplacer), i ? void 0 : Z; } catch (o) { var L, B, $; const u = get_root_cause(o), w = new lS(`Could not resolve reference: ${u.message}`, { baseDoc: this.reference.uri, $ref: serializers_value(s.$ref), fullPath: null !== (L = this.basePath) && void 0 !== L ? L : [...to_path([..._, i, s]), '$ref'], cause: u }); return void ( null === (B = this.options.dereference.dereferenceOpts) || void 0 === B || null === (B = B.errors) || void 0 === B || null === ($ = B.push) || void 0 === $ || $.call(B, w) ); } } async LinkElement() {} async ExampleElement(s, o, i, u, _, w) { try { return await super.ExampleElement(s, o, i, u, _, w); } catch (o) { var x, C, j; const u = get_root_cause(o), w = cS(u, { baseDoc: this.reference.uri, externalValue: serializers_value(s.externalValue), fullPath: null !== (x = this.basePath) && void 0 !== x ? x : [...to_path([..._, i, s]), 'externalValue'] }); return void ( null === (C = this.options.dereference.dereferenceOpts) || void 0 === C || null === (C = C.errors) || void 0 === C || null === (j = C.push) || void 0 === j || j.call(C, w) ); } } } const hS = OpenAPI3_1SwaggerClientDereferenceVisitor, dS = mergeAll[Symbol.for('nodejs.util.promisify.custom')]; const fS = class RootVisitor { constructor({ parameterMacro: s, modelPropertyMacro: o, mode: i, options: u, ..._ }) { const w = []; w.push(new hS({ ..._, options: u })), 'function' == typeof o && w.push(new oS({ modelPropertyMacro: o, options: u })), 'strict' !== i && w.push(new iS({ options: u })), 'function' == typeof s && w.push(new aS({ parameterMacro: s, options: u })); const x = dS(w, { nodeTypeGetter: apidom_ns_openapi_3_1_es_traversal_visitor_getNodeType }); Object.assign(this, x); } }, mS = visitor_visit[Symbol.for('nodejs.util.promisify.custom')]; const gS = class OpenAPI3_1SwaggerClientDereferenceStrategy extends sS { allowMetaPatches; parameterMacro; modelPropertyMacro; mode; ancestors; constructor({ allowMetaPatches: s = !1, parameterMacro: o = null, modelPropertyMacro: i = null, mode: u = 'non-strict', ancestors: _ = [], ...w } = {}) { super({ ...w }), (this.name = 'openapi-3-1-swagger-client'), (this.allowMetaPatches = s), (this.parameterMacro = o), (this.modelPropertyMacro = i), (this.mode = u), (this.ancestors = [..._]); } async dereference(s, o) { var i; const u = createNamespace(ow), _ = null !== (i = o.dereference.refSet) && void 0 !== i ? i : new uw(), w = new uw(); let x, C = _; _.has(s.uri) ? (x = _.find((o) => o.uri === s.uri)) : ((x = new cw({ uri: s.uri, value: s.parseResult })), _.add(x)), o.dereference.immutable && (_.refs .map((s) => new cw({ ...s, value: cloneDeep(s.value) })) .forEach((s) => w.add(s)), (x = w.find((o) => o.uri === s.uri)), (C = w)); const j = new fS({ reference: x, namespace: u, options: o, allowMetaPatches: this.allowMetaPatches, ancestors: this.ancestors, modelPropertyMacro: this.modelPropertyMacro, mode: this.mode, parameterMacro: this.parameterMacro }), L = await mS(C.rootRef.value, j, { keyMap: nw, nodeTypeGetter: apidom_ns_openapi_3_1_es_traversal_visitor_getNodeType }); return ( o.dereference.immutable && w.refs .filter((s) => s.uri.startsWith('immutable://')) .map((s) => new cw({ ...s, uri: s.uri.replace(/^immutable:\/\//, '') })) .forEach((s) => _.add(s)), null === o.dereference.refSet && _.clean(), w.clean(), L ); } }, circularReplacer = (s) => { const o = serializers_value(s.meta.get('baseURI')), i = s.meta.get('referencingElement'); return new Cu.Sh({ $ref: o }, cloneDeep(i.meta), cloneDeep(i.attributes)); }, resolveOpenAPI31Strategy = async (s) => { const { spec: o, timeout: i, redirects: u, requestInterceptor: _, responseInterceptor: w, pathDiscriminator: x = [], allowMetaPatches: C = !1, useCircularStructures: j = !1, skipNormalization: L = !1, parameterMacro: B = null, modelPropertyMacro: $ = null, mode: V = 'non-strict', strategies: U } = s; try { const { cache: z } = resolveOpenAPI31Strategy, Y = U.find((s) => s.match(o)), Z = isHttpUrl(url_cwd()) ? url_cwd() : Nc, ee = options_retrievalURI(s), ie = resolve(Z, ee); let ae; z.has(o) ? (ae = z.get(o)) : ((ae = wb.refract(o)), ae.classes.push('result'), z.set(o, ae)); const le = new Mu([ae]), ce = es_compile(x), pe = '' === ce ? '' : `#${ce}`, de = es_evaluate(ce, ae), fe = new cw({ uri: ie, value: le }), ye = new uw({ refs: [fe] }); '' !== ce && (ye.rootRef = void 0); const be = [new Set([de])], _e = [], we = await (async (s, o = {}) => { const i = util_merge(pw, o); return dereferenceApiDOM(s, i); })(de, { resolve: { baseURI: `${ie}${pe}`, resolvers: [new Nw({ timeout: i || 1e4, redirects: u || 10 })], resolverOpts: { swaggerHTTPClientConfig: { requestInterceptor: _, responseInterceptor: w } }, strategies: [new Ow()] }, parse: { mediaType: lw.latest(), parsers: [ new Lw({ allowEmpty: !1, sourceMap: !1 }), new Bw({ allowEmpty: !1, sourceMap: !1 }), new Rw({ allowEmpty: !1, sourceMap: !1 }), new Dw({ allowEmpty: !1, sourceMap: !1 }), new kw({ allowEmpty: !1, sourceMap: !1 }) ] }, dereference: { maxDepth: 100, strategies: [ new gS({ allowMetaPatches: C, useCircularStructures: j, parameterMacro: B, modelPropertyMacro: $, mode: V, ancestors: be }) ], refSet: ye, dereferenceOpts: { errors: _e }, immutable: !1, circular: j ? 'ignore' : 'replace', circularReplacer: j ? pw.dereference.circularReplacer : circularReplacer } }), Se = ((s, o, i) => new xp({ element: i }).transclude(s, o))(de, we, ae), xe = L ? Se : Y.normalize(Se); return { spec: serializers_value(xe), errors: _e }; } catch (s) { if (s instanceof Wp || s instanceof Kp) return { spec: null, errors: [] }; throw s; } }; resolveOpenAPI31Strategy.cache = new WeakMap(); const yS = resolveOpenAPI31Strategy; function _clone(s, o, i) { if ( (i || (i = new vS()), (function _isPrimitive(s) { var o = typeof s; return null == s || ('object' != o && 'function' != o); })(s)) ) return s; var u = function copy(u) { var _ = i.get(s); if (_) return _; for (var w in (i.set(s, u), s)) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, w) && (u[w] = o ? _clone(s[w], !0, i) : s[w]); return u; }; switch (ea(s)) { case 'Object': return u(Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(s))); case 'Array': return u(Array(s.length)); case 'Date': return new Date(s.valueOf()); case 'RegExp': return _cloneRegExp(s); case 'Int8Array': case 'Uint8Array': case 'Uint8ClampedArray': case 'Int16Array': case 'Uint16Array': case 'Int32Array': case 'Uint32Array': case 'Float32Array': case 'Float64Array': case 'BigInt64Array': case 'BigUint64Array': return s.slice(); default: return s; } } var vS = (function () { function _ObjectMap() { (this.map = {}), (this.length = 0); } return ( (_ObjectMap.prototype.set = function (s, o) { var i = this.hash(s), u = this.map[i]; u || (this.map[i] = u = []), u.push([s, o]), (this.length += 1); }), (_ObjectMap.prototype.hash = function (s) { var o = []; for (var i in s) o.push(Object.prototype.toString.call(s[i])); return o.join(); }), (_ObjectMap.prototype.get = function (s) { if (this.length <= 180) for (var o in this.map) for (var i = this.map[o], u = 0; u < i.length; u += 1) { if ((w = i[u])[0] === s) return w[1]; } else { var _ = this.hash(s); if ((i = this.map[_])) for (u = 0; u < i.length; u += 1) { var w; if ((w = i[u])[0] === s) return w[1]; } } }), _ObjectMap ); })(), bS = (function () { function XReduceBy(s, o, i, u) { (this.valueFn = s), (this.valueAcc = o), (this.keyFn = i), (this.xf = u), (this.inputs = {}); } return ( (XReduceBy.prototype['@@transducer/init'] = _xfBase_init), (XReduceBy.prototype['@@transducer/result'] = function (s) { var o; for (o in this.inputs) if ( _has(o, this.inputs) && (s = this.xf['@@transducer/step'](s, this.inputs[o]))['@@transducer/reduced'] ) { s = s['@@transducer/value']; break; } return (this.inputs = null), this.xf['@@transducer/result'](s); }), (XReduceBy.prototype['@@transducer/step'] = function (s, o) { var i = this.keyFn(o); return ( (this.inputs[i] = this.inputs[i] || [i, _clone(this.valueAcc, !1)]), (this.inputs[i][1] = this.valueFn(this.inputs[i][1], o)), s ); }), XReduceBy ); })(); function _xreduceBy(s, o, i) { return function (u) { return new bS(s, o, i, u); }; } var _S = _curryN( 4, [], _dispatchable([], _xreduceBy, function reduceBy(s, o, i, u) { var _ = _xwrap(function (u, _) { var w = i(_), x = s(_has(w, u) ? u[w] : _clone(o, !1), _); return x && x['@@transducer/reduced'] ? _reduced(u) : ((u[w] = x), u); }); return wa(_, {}, u); }) ); const ES = _curry2( _checkForMethod( 'groupBy', _S(function (s, o) { return s.push(o), s; }, []) ) ); const wS = class NormalizeStorage { internalStore; constructor(s, o, i) { (this.storageElement = s), (this.storageField = o), (this.storageSubField = i); } get store() { if (!this.internalStore) { let s = this.storageElement.get(this.storageField); Fu(s) || ((s = new Cu.Sh()), this.storageElement.set(this.storageField, s)); let o = s.get(this.storageSubField); qu(o) || ((o = new Cu.wE()), s.set(this.storageSubField, o)), (this.internalStore = o); } return this.internalStore; } append(s) { this.includes(s) || this.store.push(s); } includes(s) { return this.store.includes(s); } }, removeSpaces = (s) => s.replace(/\s/g, ''), normalize_operation_ids_replaceSpecialCharsWithUnderscore = (s) => s.replace(/\W/gi, '_'), normalizeOperationId = (s, o, i) => { const u = removeSpaces(s); return u.length > 0 ? normalize_operation_ids_replaceSpecialCharsWithUnderscore(u) : ((s, o) => `${normalize_operation_ids_replaceSpecialCharsWithUnderscore(removeSpaces(o.toLowerCase()))}${normalize_operation_ids_replaceSpecialCharsWithUnderscore(removeSpaces(s))}`)( o, i ); }, normalize_operation_ids = ({ storageField: s = 'x-normalized', operationIdNormalizer: o = normalizeOperationId } = {}) => (i) => { const { predicates: u, ancestorLineageToJSONPointer: _, namespace: w } = i, x = [], C = [], j = []; let L; return { visitor: { OpenApi3_1Element: { enter(o) { L = new wS(o, s, 'operation-ids'); }, leave() { const s = ES((s) => serializers_value(s.operationId), C); Object.entries(s).forEach(([s, o]) => { Array.isArray(o) && (o.length <= 1 || o.forEach((o, i) => { const u = `${s}${i + 1}`; o.operationId = new w.elements.String(u); })); }), j.forEach((s) => { if (void 0 === s.operationId) return; const o = String(serializers_value(s.operationId)), i = C.find( (s) => serializers_value(s.meta.get('originalOperationId')) === o ); void 0 !== i && ((s.operationId = cloneDeep.safe(i.operationId)), s.meta.set('originalOperationId', o), s.set('__originalOperationId', o)); }), (C.length = 0), (j.length = 0), (L = void 0); } }, PathItemElement: { enter(s) { const o = Na('path', serializers_value(s.meta.get('path'))); x.push(o); }, leave() { x.pop(); } }, OperationElement: { enter(s, i, u, j, B) { if (void 0 === s.operationId) return; const $ = _([...B, u, s]); if (L.includes($)) return; const V = String(serializers_value(s.operationId)), U = Fa(x), z = Na('method', serializers_value(s.meta.get('http-method'))), Y = o(V, U, z); V !== Y && ((s.operationId = new w.elements.String(Y)), s.set('__originalOperationId', V), s.meta.set('originalOperationId', V), C.push(s), L.append($)); } }, LinkElement: { leave(s) { u.isLinkElement(s) && void 0 !== s.operationId && j.push(s); } } } }; }; var SS = (function () { function XUniqWith(s, o) { (this.xf = o), (this.pred = s), (this.items = []); } return ( (XUniqWith.prototype['@@transducer/init'] = _xfBase_init), (XUniqWith.prototype['@@transducer/result'] = _xfBase_result), (XUniqWith.prototype['@@transducer/step'] = function (s, o) { return _includesWith(this.pred, o, this.items) ? s : (this.items.push(o), this.xf['@@transducer/step'](s, o)); }), XUniqWith ); })(); function _xuniqWith(s) { return function (o) { return new SS(s, o); }; } var xS = _curry2( _dispatchable([], _xuniqWith, function (s, o) { for (var i, u = 0, _ = o.length, w = []; u < _; ) _includesWith(s, (i = o[u]), w) || (w[w.length] = i), (u += 1); return w; }) ); const kS = xS, normalize_parameters = ({ storageField: s = 'x-normalized' } = {}) => (o) => { const { predicates: i, ancestorLineageToJSONPointer: u } = o, parameterEquals = (s, o) => !!i.isParameterElement(s) && !!i.isParameterElement(o) && !!i.isStringElement(s.name) && !!i.isStringElement(s.in) && !!i.isStringElement(o.name) && !!i.isStringElement(o.in) && serializers_value(s.name) === serializers_value(o.name) && serializers_value(s.in) === serializers_value(o.in), _ = []; let w; return { visitor: { OpenApi3_1Element: { enter(o) { w = new wS(o, s, 'parameters'); }, leave() { w = void 0; } }, PathItemElement: { enter(s, o, u, w, x) { if (x.some(i.isComponentsElement)) return; const { parameters: C } = s; i.isArrayElement(C) ? _.push([...C.content]) : _.push([]); }, leave() { _.pop(); } }, OperationElement: { leave(s, o, i, x, C) { const j = Fa(_); if (!Array.isArray(j) || 0 === j.length) return; const L = u([...C, i, s]); if (w.includes(L)) return; const B = Ww([], ['parameters', 'content'], s), $ = kS(parameterEquals, [...B, ...j]); (s.parameters = new yv($)), w.append(L); } } } }; }, normalize_security_requirements = ({ storageField: s = 'x-normalized' } = {}) => (o) => { const { predicates: i, ancestorLineageToJSONPointer: u } = o; let _, w; return { visitor: { OpenApi3_1Element: { enter(o) { (w = new wS(o, s, 'security-requirements')), i.isArrayElement(o.security) && (_ = o.security); }, leave() { (w = void 0), (_ = void 0); } }, OperationElement: { leave(s, o, x, C, j) { if (j.some(i.isComponentsElement)) return; const L = u([...j, x, s]); if (w.includes(L)) return; var B; void 0 === s.security && void 0 !== _ && ((s.security = new Sv( null === (B = _) || void 0 === B ? void 0 : B.content )), w.append(L)); } } } }; }, normalize_parameter_examples = ({ storageField: s = 'x-normalized' } = {}) => (o) => { const { predicates: i, ancestorLineageToJSONPointer: u } = o; let _; return { visitor: { OpenApi3_1Element: { enter(o) { _ = new wS(o, s, 'parameter-examples'); }, leave() { _ = void 0; } }, ParameterElement: { leave(s, o, w, x, C) { var j, L; if (C.some(i.isComponentsElement)) return; if (void 0 === s.schema || !i.isSchemaElement(s.schema)) return; if ( void 0 === (null === (j = s.schema) || void 0 === j ? void 0 : j.example) && void 0 === (null === (L = s.schema) || void 0 === L ? void 0 : L.examples) ) return; const B = u([...C, w, s]); if (!_.includes(B)) { if (void 0 !== s.examples && i.isObjectElement(s.examples)) { const o = s.examples.map((s) => cloneDeep.safe(s.value)); return ( void 0 !== s.schema.examples && (s.schema.set('examples', o), _.append(B)), void ( void 0 !== s.schema.example && (s.schema.set('example', o[0]), _.append(B)) ) ); } void 0 !== s.example && (void 0 !== s.schema.examples && (s.schema.set('examples', [cloneDeep(s.example)]), _.append(B)), void 0 !== s.schema.example && (s.schema.set('example', cloneDeep(s.example)), _.append(B))); } } } } }; }, normalize_header_examples = ({ storageField: s = 'x-normalized' } = {}) => (o) => { const { predicates: i, ancestorLineageToJSONPointer: u } = o; let _; return { visitor: { OpenApi3_1Element: { enter(o) { _ = new wS(o, s, 'header-examples'); }, leave() { _ = void 0; } }, HeaderElement: { leave(s, o, w, x, C) { var j, L; if (C.some(i.isComponentsElement)) return; if (void 0 === s.schema || !i.isSchemaElement(s.schema)) return; if ( void 0 === (null === (j = s.schema) || void 0 === j ? void 0 : j.example) && void 0 === (null === (L = s.schema) || void 0 === L ? void 0 : L.examples) ) return; const B = u([...C, w, s]); if (!_.includes(B)) { if (void 0 !== s.examples && i.isObjectElement(s.examples)) { const o = s.examples.map((s) => cloneDeep.safe(s.value)); return ( void 0 !== s.schema.examples && (s.schema.set('examples', o), _.append(B)), void ( void 0 !== s.schema.example && (s.schema.set('example', o[0]), _.append(B)) ) ); } void 0 !== s.example && (void 0 !== s.schema.examples && (s.schema.set('examples', [cloneDeep(s.example)]), _.append(B)), void 0 !== s.schema.example && (s.schema.set('example', cloneDeep(s.example)), _.append(B))); } } } } }; }, openapi_3_1_apidom_normalize = (s) => { if (!Fu(s)) return s; const o = [ normalize_operation_ids({ operationIdNormalizer: (s, o, i) => opId({ operationId: s }, o, i, { v2OperationIdCompatibilityMode: !1 }) }), normalize_parameters(), normalize_security_requirements(), normalize_parameter_examples(), normalize_header_examples() ]; return dispatchPluginsSync(s, o, { toolboxCreator: apidom_ns_openapi_3_1_es_refractor_toolbox, visitorOptions: { keyMap: nw, nodeTypeGetter: apidom_ns_openapi_3_1_es_traversal_visitor_getNodeType } }); }, CS = { name: 'openapi-3-1-apidom', match: (s) => isOpenAPI31(s), normalize(s) { if (!Nu(s) && ku(s) && !s.$$normalized) { const i = ((o = openapi_3_1_apidom_normalize), (s) => { const i = wb.refract(s); i.classes.push('result'); const u = o(i), _ = serializers_value(u); return yS.cache.set(_, u), serializers_value(u); })(s); return (i.$$normalized = !0), i; } var o; return Nu(s) ? openapi_3_1_apidom_normalize(s) : s; }, resolve: async (s) => yS(s) }, OS = CS, makeResolve = (s) => async (o) => (async (s) => { const { spec: o, requestInterceptor: i, responseInterceptor: u } = s, _ = options_retrievalURI(s), w = options_httpClient(s), x = o || (await makeFetchJSON(w, { requestInterceptor: i, responseInterceptor: u })(_)), C = { ...s, spec: x }; return s.strategies.find((s) => s.match(x)).resolve(C); })({ ...s, ...o }), AS = makeResolve({ strategies: [fu, hu, uu] }); var jS = __webpack_require__(69883); const IS = function fnparser() { const s = TS, o = MS, i = this, u = 'parser.js: Parser(): '; (i.ast = void 0), (i.stats = void 0), (i.trace = void 0), (i.callbacks = []); let _, w, x, C, j, L, B, $ = 0, V = 0, U = 0, z = 0, Y = 0, Z = new (function systemData() { (this.state = s.ACTIVE), (this.phraseLength = 0), (this.refresh = () => { (this.state = s.ACTIVE), (this.phraseLength = 0); }); })(); i.parse = (ee, ie, ae, le) => { const ce = `${u}parse(): `; ($ = 0), (V = 0), (U = 0), (z = 0), (Y = 0), (_ = void 0), (w = void 0), (x = void 0), (C = void 0), Z.refresh(), (j = void 0), (L = void 0), (B = void 0), (C = o.stringToChars(ae)), (_ = ee.rules), (w = ee.udts); const pe = ie.toLowerCase(); let de; for (const s in _) if (_.hasOwnProperty(s) && pe === _[s].lower) { de = _[s].index; break; } if (void 0 === de) throw new Error(`${ce}start rule name '${startRule}' not recognized`); (() => { const s = `${u}initializeCallbacks(): `; let o, x; for (j = [], L = [], o = 0; o < _.length; o += 1) j[o] = void 0; for (o = 0; o < w.length; o += 1) L[o] = void 0; const C = []; for (o = 0; o < _.length; o += 1) C.push(_[o].lower); for (o = 0; o < w.length; o += 1) C.push(w[o].lower); for (const u in i.callbacks) if (i.callbacks.hasOwnProperty(u)) { if (((o = C.indexOf(u.toLowerCase())), o < 0)) throw new Error(`${s}syntax callback '${u}' not a rule or udt name`); if ( ((x = i.callbacks[u] ? i.callbacks[u] : void 0), 'function' != typeof x && void 0 !== x) ) throw new Error( `${s}syntax callback[${u}] must be function reference or falsy)` ); o < _.length ? (j[o] = x) : (L[o - _.length] = x); } })(), i.trace && i.trace.init(_, w, C), i.stats && i.stats.init(_, w), i.ast && i.ast.init(_, w, C), (B = le), (x = [{ type: s.RNM, index: de }]), opExecute(0, 0), (x = void 0); let fe = !1; switch (Z.state) { case s.ACTIVE: throw new Error(`${ce}final state should never be 'ACTIVE'`); case s.NOMATCH: fe = !1; break; case s.EMPTY: case s.MATCH: fe = Z.phraseLength === C.length; break; default: throw new Error('unrecognized state'); } return { success: fe, state: Z.state, stateName: s.idName(Z.state), length: C.length, matched: Z.phraseLength, maxMatched: Y, maxTreeDepth: U, nodeHits: z }; }; const validateRnmCallbackResult = (o, i, _, w) => { if (i.phraseLength > _) { let s = `${u}opRNM(${o.name}): callback function error: `; throw ( ((s += `sysData.phraseLength: ${i.phraseLength}`), (s += ` must be <= remaining chars: ${_}`), new Error(s)) ); } switch (i.state) { case s.ACTIVE: if (!w) throw new Error( `${u}opRNM(${o.name}): callback function return error. ACTIVE state not allowed.` ); break; case s.EMPTY: i.phraseLength = 0; break; case s.MATCH: 0 === i.phraseLength && (i.state = s.EMPTY); break; case s.NOMATCH: i.phraseLength = 0; break; default: throw new Error( `${u}opRNM(${o.name}): callback function return error. Unrecognized return state: ${i.state}` ); } }, opUDT = (o, j) => { let V, U, z; const Y = x[o], ee = w[Y.index]; (Z.UdtIndex = ee.index), $ || ((z = i.ast && i.ast.udtDefined(Y.index)), z && ((U = _.length + Y.index), (V = i.ast.getLength()), i.ast.down(U, ee.name))); const ie = C.length - j; L[Y.index](Z, C, j, B), ((o, i, _) => { if (i.phraseLength > _) { let s = `${u}opUDT(${o.name}): callback function error: `; throw ( ((s += `sysData.phraseLength: ${i.phraseLength}`), (s += ` must be <= remaining chars: ${_}`), new Error(s)) ); } switch (i.state) { case s.ACTIVE: throw new Error(`${u}opUDT(${o.name}) ACTIVE state return not allowed.`); case s.EMPTY: if (!o.empty) throw new Error(`${u}opUDT(${o.name}) may not return EMPTY.`); i.phraseLength = 0; break; case s.MATCH: if (0 === i.phraseLength) { if (!o.empty) throw new Error(`${u}opUDT(${o.name}) may not return EMPTY.`); i.state = s.EMPTY; } break; case s.NOMATCH: i.phraseLength = 0; break; default: throw new Error( `${u}opUDT(${o.name}): callback function return error. Unrecognized return state: ${i.state}` ); } })(ee, Z, ie), $ || (z && (Z.state === s.NOMATCH ? i.ast.setLength(V) : i.ast.up(U, ee.name, j, Z.phraseLength))); }, opExecute = (o, w) => { const L = `${u}opExecute(): `, ee = x[o]; switch ( ((z += 1), V > U && (U = V), (V += 1), Z.refresh(), i.trace && i.trace.down(ee, w), ee.type) ) { case s.ALT: ((o, i) => { const u = x[o]; for ( let o = 0; o < u.children.length && (opExecute(u.children[o], i), Z.state === s.NOMATCH); o += 1 ); })(o, w); break; case s.CAT: ((o, u) => { let _, w, C, j; const L = x[o]; i.ast && (w = i.ast.getLength()), (_ = !0), (C = u), (j = 0); for (let o = 0; o < L.children.length; o += 1) { if ((opExecute(L.children[o], C), Z.state === s.NOMATCH)) { _ = !1; break; } (C += Z.phraseLength), (j += Z.phraseLength); } _ ? ((Z.state = 0 === j ? s.EMPTY : s.MATCH), (Z.phraseLength = j)) : ((Z.state = s.NOMATCH), (Z.phraseLength = 0), i.ast && i.ast.setLength(w)); })(o, w); break; case s.REP: ((o, u) => { let _, w, j, L; const B = x[o]; if (0 === B.max) return (Z.state = s.EMPTY), void (Z.phraseLength = 0); for ( w = u, j = 0, L = 0, i.ast && (_ = i.ast.getLength()); !(w >= C.length) && (opExecute(o + 1, w), Z.state !== s.NOMATCH) && Z.state !== s.EMPTY && ((L += 1), (j += Z.phraseLength), (w += Z.phraseLength), L !== B.max); ); Z.state === s.EMPTY || L >= B.min ? ((Z.state = 0 === j ? s.EMPTY : s.MATCH), (Z.phraseLength = j)) : ((Z.state = s.NOMATCH), (Z.phraseLength = 0), i.ast && i.ast.setLength(_)); })(o, w); break; case s.RNM: ((o, u) => { let w, L, V; const U = x[o], z = _[U.index], Y = j[z.index]; if ( ($ || ((L = i.ast && i.ast.ruleDefined(U.index)), L && ((w = i.ast.getLength()), i.ast.down(U.index, _[U.index].name))), Y) ) { const o = C.length - u; Y(Z, C, u, B), validateRnmCallbackResult(z, Z, o, !0), Z.state === s.ACTIVE && ((V = x), (x = z.opcodes), opExecute(0, u), (x = V), Y(Z, C, u, B), validateRnmCallbackResult(z, Z, o, !1)); } else (V = x), (x = z.opcodes), opExecute(0, u, Z), (x = V); $ || (L && (Z.state === s.NOMATCH ? i.ast.setLength(w) : i.ast.up(U.index, z.name, u, Z.phraseLength))); })(o, w); break; case s.TRG: ((o, i) => { const u = x[o]; (Z.state = s.NOMATCH), i < C.length && u.min <= C[i] && C[i] <= u.max && ((Z.state = s.MATCH), (Z.phraseLength = 1)); })(o, w); break; case s.TBS: ((o, i) => { const u = x[o], _ = u.string.length; if (((Z.state = s.NOMATCH), i + _ <= C.length)) { for (let s = 0; s < _; s += 1) if (C[i + s] !== u.string[s]) return; (Z.state = s.MATCH), (Z.phraseLength = _); } })(o, w); break; case s.TLS: ((o, i) => { let u; const _ = x[o]; Z.state = s.NOMATCH; const w = _.string.length; if (0 !== w) { if (i + w <= C.length) { for (let s = 0; s < w; s += 1) if ( ((u = C[i + s]), u >= 65 && u <= 90 && (u += 32), u !== _.string[s]) ) return; (Z.state = s.MATCH), (Z.phraseLength = w); } } else Z.state = s.EMPTY; })(o, w); break; case s.UDT: opUDT(o, w); break; case s.AND: ((o, i) => { switch ( (($ += 1), opExecute(o + 1, i), ($ -= 1), (Z.phraseLength = 0), Z.state) ) { case s.EMPTY: case s.MATCH: Z.state = s.EMPTY; break; case s.NOMATCH: Z.state = s.NOMATCH; break; default: throw new Error(`opAND: invalid state ${Z.state}`); } })(o, w); break; case s.NOT: ((o, i) => { switch ( (($ += 1), opExecute(o + 1, i), ($ -= 1), (Z.phraseLength = 0), Z.state) ) { case s.EMPTY: case s.MATCH: Z.state = s.NOMATCH; break; case s.NOMATCH: Z.state = s.EMPTY; break; default: throw new Error(`opNOT: invalid state ${Z.state}`); } })(o, w); break; default: throw new Error(`${L}unrecognized operator`); } $ || (w + Z.phraseLength > Y && (Y = w + Z.phraseLength)), i.stats && i.stats.collect(ee, Z), i.trace && i.trace.up(ee, Z.state, w, Z.phraseLength), (V -= 1); }; }, PS = function fnast() { const s = TS, o = MS, i = this; let u, _, w, x = 0; const C = [], j = [], L = []; function indent(s) { let o = ''; for (; s-- > 0; ) o += ' '; return o; } (i.callbacks = []), (i.init = (s, o, B) => { let $; (j.length = 0), (L.length = 0), (x = 0), (u = s), (_ = o), (w = B); const V = []; for ($ = 0; $ < u.length; $ += 1) V.push(u[$].lower); for ($ = 0; $ < _.length; $ += 1) V.push(_[$].lower); for (x = u.length + _.length, $ = 0; $ < x; $ += 1) C[$] = void 0; for (const s in i.callbacks) if (i.callbacks.hasOwnProperty(s)) { const o = s.toLowerCase(); if ((($ = V.indexOf(o)), $ < 0)) throw new Error( `parser.js: Ast()): init: node '${s}' not a rule or udt name` ); C[$] = i.callbacks[s]; } }), (i.ruleDefined = (s) => !!C[s]), (i.udtDefined = (s) => !!C[u.length + s]), (i.down = (o, i) => { const u = L.length; return ( j.push(u), L.push({ name: i, thisIndex: u, thatIndex: void 0, state: s.SEM_PRE, callbackIndex: o, phraseIndex: void 0, phraseLength: void 0, stack: j.length }), u ); }), (i.up = (o, i, u, _) => { const w = L.length, x = j.pop(); return ( L.push({ name: i, thisIndex: w, thatIndex: x, state: s.SEM_POST, callbackIndex: o, phraseIndex: u, phraseLength: _, stack: j.length }), (L[x].thatIndex = w), (L[x].phraseIndex = u), (L[x].phraseLength = _), w ); }), (i.translate = (o) => { let i, u; for (let _ = 0; _ < L.length; _ += 1) (u = L[_]), (i = C[u.callbackIndex]), i && (u.state === s.SEM_PRE ? i(s.SEM_PRE, w, u.phraseIndex, u.phraseLength, o) : i && i(s.SEM_POST, w, u.phraseIndex, u.phraseLength, o)); }), (i.setLength = (s) => { (L.length = s), (j.length = s > 0 ? L[s - 1].stack : 0); }), (i.getLength = () => L.length), (i.toXml = () => { let i = '', u = 0; return ( (i += '\n'), (i += `\n`), (i += '\x3c!-- input string --\x3e\n'), (i += indent(u + 2)), (i += o.charsToString(w)), (i += '\n'), L.forEach((_) => { _.state === s.SEM_PRE ? ((u += 1), (i += indent(u)), (i += `\n`), (i += indent(u + 2)), (i += o.charsToString(w, _.phraseIndex, _.phraseLength)), (i += '\n')) : ((i += indent(u)), (i += `\x3c!-- name="${_.name}" --\x3e\n`), (u -= 1)); }), (i += '\n'), i ); }); }, MS = { stringToChars: (s) => [...s].map((s) => s.codePointAt(0)), charsToString: (s, o, i) => { let u = s; for (; !(void 0 === o || o < 0); ) { if (void 0 === i) { u = s.slice(o); break; } if (i <= 0) return ''; u = s.slice(o, o + i); break; } return String.fromCodePoint(...u); } }, TS = { ALT: 1, CAT: 2, REP: 3, RNM: 4, TRG: 5, TBS: 6, TLS: 7, UDT: 11, AND: 12, NOT: 13, ACTIVE: 100, MATCH: 101, EMPTY: 102, NOMATCH: 103, SEM_PRE: 200, SEM_POST: 201, SEM_OK: 300, idName: (s) => { switch (s) { case TS.ALT: return 'ALT'; case TS.CAT: return 'CAT'; case TS.REP: return 'REP'; case TS.RNM: return 'RNM'; case TS.TRG: return 'TRG'; case TS.TBS: return 'TBS'; case TS.TLS: return 'TLS'; case TS.UDT: return 'UDT'; case TS.AND: return 'AND'; case TS.NOT: return 'NOT'; case TS.ACTIVE: return 'ACTIVE'; case TS.EMPTY: return 'EMPTY'; case TS.MATCH: return 'MATCH'; case TS.NOMATCH: return 'NOMATCH'; case TS.SEM_PRE: return 'SEM_PRE'; case TS.SEM_POST: return 'SEM_POST'; case TS.SEM_OK: return 'SEM_OK'; default: return 'UNRECOGNIZED STATE'; } } }; const server_url_template = (s, o, i, u, _) => { if (s === TS.SEM_PRE) { if (!1 === Array.isArray(_)) throw new Error("parser's user data must be an array"); _.push(['server-url-template', MS.charsToString(o, i, u)]); } return TS.SEM_OK; }, callbacks_server_variable = (s, o, i, u, _) => { if (s === TS.SEM_PRE) { if (!1 === Array.isArray(_)) throw new Error("parser's user data must be an array"); _.push(['server-variable', MS.charsToString(o, i, u)]); } return TS.SEM_OK; }, server_variable_name = (s, o, i, u, _) => { if (s === TS.SEM_PRE) { if (!1 === Array.isArray(_)) throw new Error("parser's user data must be an array"); _.push(['server-variable-name', MS.charsToString(o, i, u)]); } return TS.SEM_OK; }, callbacks_literals = (s, o, i, u, _) => { if (s === TS.SEM_PRE) { if (!1 === Array.isArray(_)) throw new Error("parser's user data must be an array"); _.push(['literals', MS.charsToString(o, i, u)]); } return TS.SEM_OK; }, NS = new (function grammar() { (this.grammarObject = 'grammarObject'), (this.rules = []), (this.rules[0] = { name: 'server-url-template', lower: 'server-url-template', index: 0, isBkr: !1 }), (this.rules[1] = { name: 'server-variable', lower: 'server-variable', index: 1, isBkr: !1 }), (this.rules[2] = { name: 'server-variable-name', lower: 'server-variable-name', index: 2, isBkr: !1 }), (this.rules[3] = { name: 'literals', lower: 'literals', index: 3, isBkr: !1 }), (this.rules[4] = { name: 'ALPHA', lower: 'alpha', index: 4, isBkr: !1 }), (this.rules[5] = { name: 'DIGIT', lower: 'digit', index: 5, isBkr: !1 }), (this.rules[6] = { name: 'HEXDIG', lower: 'hexdig', index: 6, isBkr: !1 }), (this.rules[7] = { name: 'pct-encoded', lower: 'pct-encoded', index: 7, isBkr: !1 }), (this.rules[8] = { name: 'unreserved', lower: 'unreserved', index: 8, isBkr: !1 }), (this.rules[9] = { name: 'sub-delims', lower: 'sub-delims', index: 9, isBkr: !1 }), (this.rules[10] = { name: 'ucschar', lower: 'ucschar', index: 10, isBkr: !1 }), (this.rules[11] = { name: 'iprivate', lower: 'iprivate', index: 11, isBkr: !1 }), (this.udts = []), (this.rules[0].opcodes = []), (this.rules[0].opcodes[0] = { type: 3, min: 1, max: 1 / 0 }), (this.rules[0].opcodes[1] = { type: 1, children: [2, 3] }), (this.rules[0].opcodes[2] = { type: 4, index: 3 }), (this.rules[0].opcodes[3] = { type: 4, index: 1 }), (this.rules[1].opcodes = []), (this.rules[1].opcodes[0] = { type: 2, children: [1, 2, 3] }), (this.rules[1].opcodes[1] = { type: 7, string: [123] }), (this.rules[1].opcodes[2] = { type: 4, index: 2 }), (this.rules[1].opcodes[3] = { type: 7, string: [125] }), (this.rules[2].opcodes = []), (this.rules[2].opcodes[0] = { type: 3, min: 1, max: 1 / 0 }), (this.rules[2].opcodes[1] = { type: 1, children: [2, 3, 4, 5, 6] }), (this.rules[2].opcodes[2] = { type: 4, index: 8 }), (this.rules[2].opcodes[3] = { type: 4, index: 7 }), (this.rules[2].opcodes[4] = { type: 4, index: 9 }), (this.rules[2].opcodes[5] = { type: 7, string: [58] }), (this.rules[2].opcodes[6] = { type: 7, string: [64] }), (this.rules[3].opcodes = []), (this.rules[3].opcodes[0] = { type: 3, min: 1, max: 1 / 0 }), (this.rules[3].opcodes[1] = { type: 1, children: [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14] }), (this.rules[3].opcodes[2] = { type: 6, string: [33] }), (this.rules[3].opcodes[3] = { type: 5, min: 35, max: 36 }), (this.rules[3].opcodes[4] = { type: 6, string: [38] }), (this.rules[3].opcodes[5] = { type: 5, min: 40, max: 59 }), (this.rules[3].opcodes[6] = { type: 6, string: [61] }), (this.rules[3].opcodes[7] = { type: 5, min: 63, max: 91 }), (this.rules[3].opcodes[8] = { type: 6, string: [93] }), (this.rules[3].opcodes[9] = { type: 6, string: [95] }), (this.rules[3].opcodes[10] = { type: 5, min: 97, max: 122 }), (this.rules[3].opcodes[11] = { type: 6, string: [126] }), (this.rules[3].opcodes[12] = { type: 4, index: 10 }), (this.rules[3].opcodes[13] = { type: 4, index: 11 }), (this.rules[3].opcodes[14] = { type: 4, index: 7 }), (this.rules[4].opcodes = []), (this.rules[4].opcodes[0] = { type: 1, children: [1, 2] }), (this.rules[4].opcodes[1] = { type: 5, min: 65, max: 90 }), (this.rules[4].opcodes[2] = { type: 5, min: 97, max: 122 }), (this.rules[5].opcodes = []), (this.rules[5].opcodes[0] = { type: 5, min: 48, max: 57 }), (this.rules[6].opcodes = []), (this.rules[6].opcodes[0] = { type: 1, children: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] }), (this.rules[6].opcodes[1] = { type: 4, index: 5 }), (this.rules[6].opcodes[2] = { type: 7, string: [97] }), (this.rules[6].opcodes[3] = { type: 7, string: [98] }), (this.rules[6].opcodes[4] = { type: 7, string: [99] }), (this.rules[6].opcodes[5] = { type: 7, string: [100] }), (this.rules[6].opcodes[6] = { type: 7, string: [101] }), (this.rules[6].opcodes[7] = { type: 7, string: [102] }), (this.rules[7].opcodes = []), (this.rules[7].opcodes[0] = { type: 2, children: [1, 2, 3] }), (this.rules[7].opcodes[1] = { type: 7, string: [37] }), (this.rules[7].opcodes[2] = { type: 4, index: 6 }), (this.rules[7].opcodes[3] = { type: 4, index: 6 }), (this.rules[8].opcodes = []), (this.rules[8].opcodes[0] = { type: 1, children: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] }), (this.rules[8].opcodes[1] = { type: 4, index: 4 }), (this.rules[8].opcodes[2] = { type: 4, index: 5 }), (this.rules[8].opcodes[3] = { type: 7, string: [45] }), (this.rules[8].opcodes[4] = { type: 7, string: [46] }), (this.rules[8].opcodes[5] = { type: 7, string: [95] }), (this.rules[8].opcodes[6] = { type: 7, string: [126] }), (this.rules[9].opcodes = []), (this.rules[9].opcodes[0] = { type: 1, children: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11] }), (this.rules[9].opcodes[1] = { type: 7, string: [33] }), (this.rules[9].opcodes[2] = { type: 7, string: [36] }), (this.rules[9].opcodes[3] = { type: 7, string: [38] }), (this.rules[9].opcodes[4] = { type: 7, string: [39] }), (this.rules[9].opcodes[5] = { type: 7, string: [40] }), (this.rules[9].opcodes[6] = { type: 7, string: [41] }), (this.rules[9].opcodes[7] = { type: 7, string: [42] }), (this.rules[9].opcodes[8] = { type: 7, string: [43] }), (this.rules[9].opcodes[9] = { type: 7, string: [44] }), (this.rules[9].opcodes[10] = { type: 7, string: [59] }), (this.rules[9].opcodes[11] = { type: 7, string: [61] }), (this.rules[10].opcodes = []), (this.rules[10].opcodes[0] = { type: 1, children: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17] }), (this.rules[10].opcodes[1] = { type: 5, min: 160, max: 55295 }), (this.rules[10].opcodes[2] = { type: 5, min: 63744, max: 64975 }), (this.rules[10].opcodes[3] = { type: 5, min: 65008, max: 65519 }), (this.rules[10].opcodes[4] = { type: 5, min: 65536, max: 131069 }), (this.rules[10].opcodes[5] = { type: 5, min: 131072, max: 196605 }), (this.rules[10].opcodes[6] = { type: 5, min: 196608, max: 262141 }), (this.rules[10].opcodes[7] = { type: 5, min: 262144, max: 327677 }), (this.rules[10].opcodes[8] = { type: 5, min: 327680, max: 393213 }), (this.rules[10].opcodes[9] = { type: 5, min: 393216, max: 458749 }), (this.rules[10].opcodes[10] = { type: 5, min: 458752, max: 524285 }), (this.rules[10].opcodes[11] = { type: 5, min: 524288, max: 589821 }), (this.rules[10].opcodes[12] = { type: 5, min: 589824, max: 655357 }), (this.rules[10].opcodes[13] = { type: 5, min: 655360, max: 720893 }), (this.rules[10].opcodes[14] = { type: 5, min: 720896, max: 786429 }), (this.rules[10].opcodes[15] = { type: 5, min: 786432, max: 851965 }), (this.rules[10].opcodes[16] = { type: 5, min: 851968, max: 917501 }), (this.rules[10].opcodes[17] = { type: 5, min: 921600, max: 983037 }), (this.rules[11].opcodes = []), (this.rules[11].opcodes[0] = { type: 1, children: [1, 2, 3] }), (this.rules[11].opcodes[1] = { type: 5, min: 57344, max: 63743 }), (this.rules[11].opcodes[2] = { type: 5, min: 983040, max: 1048573 }), (this.rules[11].opcodes[3] = { type: 5, min: 1048576, max: 1114109 }), (this.toString = function toString() { let s = ''; return ( (s += '; OpenAPI Server URL templating ABNF syntax\n'), (s += 'server-url-template = 1*( literals / server-variable )\n'), (s += 'server-variable = "{" server-variable-name "}"\n'), (s += 'server-variable-name = 1*( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" / "@" )\n'), (s += 'literals = 1*( %x21 / %x23-24 / %x26 / %x28-3B / %x3D / %x3F-5B\n'), (s += ' / %x5D / %x5F / %x61-7A / %x7E / ucschar / iprivate\n'), (s += ' / pct-encoded)\n'), (s += ' ; any Unicode character except: CTL, SP,\n'), (s += ' ; DQUOTE, "\'", "%" (aside from pct-encoded),\n'), (s += ' ; "<", ">", "\\", "^", "`", "{", "|", "}"\n'), (s += '\n'), (s += '; Characters definitions (from RFC 6570)\n'), (s += 'ALPHA = %x41-5A / %x61-7A ; A-Z / a-z\n'), (s += 'DIGIT = %x30-39 ; 0-9\n'), (s += 'HEXDIG = DIGIT / "A" / "B" / "C" / "D" / "E" / "F"\n'), (s += ' ; case-insensitive\n'), (s += '\n'), (s += 'pct-encoded = "%" HEXDIG HEXDIG\n'), (s += 'unreserved = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~"\n'), (s += 'sub-delims = "!" / "$" / "&" / "\'" / "(" / ")"\n'), (s += ' / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "="\n'), (s += '\n'), (s += 'ucschar = %xA0-D7FF / %xF900-FDCF / %xFDF0-FFEF\n'), (s += ' / %x10000-1FFFD / %x20000-2FFFD / %x30000-3FFFD\n'), (s += ' / %x40000-4FFFD / %x50000-5FFFD / %x60000-6FFFD\n'), (s += ' / %x70000-7FFFD / %x80000-8FFFD / %x90000-9FFFD\n'), (s += ' / %xA0000-AFFFD / %xB0000-BFFFD / %xC0000-CFFFD\n'), (s += ' / %xD0000-DFFFD / %xE1000-EFFFD\n'), (s += '\n'), (s += 'iprivate = %xE000-F8FF / %xF0000-FFFFD / %x100000-10FFFD\n'), '; OpenAPI Server URL templating ABNF syntax\nserver-url-template = 1*( literals / server-variable )\nserver-variable = "{" server-variable-name "}"\nserver-variable-name = 1*( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" / "@" )\nliterals = 1*( %x21 / %x23-24 / %x26 / %x28-3B / %x3D / %x3F-5B\n / %x5D / %x5F / %x61-7A / %x7E / ucschar / iprivate\n / pct-encoded)\n ; any Unicode character except: CTL, SP,\n ; DQUOTE, "\'", "%" (aside from pct-encoded),\n ; "<", ">", "\\", "^", "`", "{", "|", "}"\n\n; Characters definitions (from RFC 6570)\nALPHA = %x41-5A / %x61-7A ; A-Z / a-z\nDIGIT = %x30-39 ; 0-9\nHEXDIG = DIGIT / "A" / "B" / "C" / "D" / "E" / "F"\n ; case-insensitive\n\npct-encoded = "%" HEXDIG HEXDIG\nunreserved = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~"\nsub-delims = "!" / "$" / "&" / "\'" / "(" / ")"\n / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "="\n\nucschar = %xA0-D7FF / %xF900-FDCF / %xFDF0-FFEF\n / %x10000-1FFFD / %x20000-2FFFD / %x30000-3FFFD\n / %x40000-4FFFD / %x50000-5FFFD / %x60000-6FFFD\n / %x70000-7FFFD / %x80000-8FFFD / %x90000-9FFFD\n / %xA0000-AFFFD / %xB0000-BFFFD / %xC0000-CFFFD\n / %xD0000-DFFFD / %xE1000-EFFFD\n\niprivate = %xE000-F8FF / %xF0000-FFFFD / %x100000-10FFFD\n' ); }); })(), openapi_server_url_templating_es_parse = (s) => { const o = new IS(); (o.ast = new PS()), (o.ast.callbacks['server-url-template'] = server_url_template), (o.ast.callbacks['server-variable'] = callbacks_server_variable), (o.ast.callbacks['server-variable-name'] = server_variable_name), (o.ast.callbacks.literals = callbacks_literals); return { result: o.parse(NS, 'server-url-template', s), ast: o.ast }; }, openapi_server_url_templating_es_test = (s, { strict: o = !1 } = {}) => { try { const i = openapi_server_url_templating_es_parse(s); if (!i.result.success) return !1; const u = []; i.ast.translate(u); const _ = u.some(([s]) => 'server-variable' === s); if (!o && !_) try { return new URL(s, 'https://vladimirgorej.com'), !0; } catch { return !1; } return !o || _; } catch { return !1; } }, encodeServerVariable = (s) => ((s) => { try { return 'string' == typeof s && decodeURIComponent(s) !== s; } catch { return !1; } })(s) ? s : encodeURIComponent(s).replace(/%5B/g, '[').replace(/%5D/g, ']'), RS = ['literals', 'server-variable-name'], es_substitute = (s, o, i = {}) => { const u = { ...{ encoder: encodeServerVariable }, ...i }, _ = openapi_server_url_templating_es_parse(s); if (!_.result.success) return s; const w = []; _.ast.translate(w); const x = w .filter(([s]) => RS.includes(s)) .map(([s, i]) => 'server-variable-name' === s ? Object.hasOwn(o, i) ? u.encoder(o[i], i) : `{${i}}` : i ); return x.join(''); }; const callbacks_slash = (s, o, i, u, _) => ( s === TS.SEM_PRE ? _.push(['slash', MS.charsToString(o, i, u)]) : TS.SEM_POST, TS.SEM_OK ), path_template = (s, o, i, u, _) => { if (s === TS.SEM_PRE) { if (!1 === Array.isArray(_)) throw new Error("parser's user data must be an array"); _.push(['path-template', MS.charsToString(o, i, u)]); } return TS.SEM_OK; }, callbacks_path = (s, o, i, u, _) => ( s === TS.SEM_PRE ? _.push(['path', MS.charsToString(o, i, u)]) : TS.SEM_POST, TS.SEM_OK ), path_literal = (s, o, i, u, _) => ( s === TS.SEM_PRE ? _.push(['path-literal', MS.charsToString(o, i, u)]) : TS.SEM_POST, TS.SEM_OK ), callbacks_query = (s, o, i, u, _) => ( s === TS.SEM_PRE ? _.push(['query', MS.charsToString(o, i, u)]) : TS.SEM_POST, TS.SEM_OK ), query_marker = (s, o, i, u, _) => ( s === TS.SEM_PRE ? _.push(['query-marker', MS.charsToString(o, i, u)]) : TS.SEM_POST, TS.SEM_OK ), callbacks_fragment = (s, o, i, u, _) => ( s === TS.SEM_PRE ? _.push(['fragment', MS.charsToString(o, i, u)]) : TS.SEM_POST, TS.SEM_OK ), fragment_marker = (s, o, i, u, _) => ( s === TS.SEM_PRE ? _.push(['fragment-marker', MS.charsToString(o, i, u)]) : TS.SEM_POST, TS.SEM_OK ), template_expression = (s, o, i, u, _) => ( s === TS.SEM_PRE ? _.push(['template-expression', MS.charsToString(o, i, u)]) : TS.SEM_POST, TS.SEM_OK ), template_expression_param_name = (s, o, i, u, _) => ( s === TS.SEM_PRE ? _.push(['template-expression-param-name', MS.charsToString(o, i, u)]) : TS.SEM_POST, TS.SEM_OK ), DS = new (function path_templating_grammar() { (this.grammarObject = 'grammarObject'), (this.rules = []), (this.rules[0] = { name: 'path-template', lower: 'path-template', index: 0, isBkr: !1 }), (this.rules[1] = { name: 'path', lower: 'path', index: 1, isBkr: !1 }), (this.rules[2] = { name: 'path-segment', lower: 'path-segment', index: 2, isBkr: !1 }), (this.rules[3] = { name: 'query', lower: 'query', index: 3, isBkr: !1 }), (this.rules[4] = { name: 'query-literal', lower: 'query-literal', index: 4, isBkr: !1 }), (this.rules[5] = { name: 'query-marker', lower: 'query-marker', index: 5, isBkr: !1 }), (this.rules[6] = { name: 'fragment', lower: 'fragment', index: 6, isBkr: !1 }), (this.rules[7] = { name: 'fragment-literal', lower: 'fragment-literal', index: 7, isBkr: !1 }), (this.rules[8] = { name: 'fragment-marker', lower: 'fragment-marker', index: 8, isBkr: !1 }), (this.rules[9] = { name: 'slash', lower: 'slash', index: 9, isBkr: !1 }), (this.rules[10] = { name: 'path-literal', lower: 'path-literal', index: 10, isBkr: !1 }), (this.rules[11] = { name: 'template-expression', lower: 'template-expression', index: 11, isBkr: !1 }), (this.rules[12] = { name: 'template-expression-param-name', lower: 'template-expression-param-name', index: 12, isBkr: !1 }), (this.rules[13] = { name: 'unreserved', lower: 'unreserved', index: 13, isBkr: !1 }), (this.rules[14] = { name: 'pct-encoded', lower: 'pct-encoded', index: 14, isBkr: !1 }), (this.rules[15] = { name: 'sub-delims', lower: 'sub-delims', index: 15, isBkr: !1 }), (this.rules[16] = { name: 'ALPHA', lower: 'alpha', index: 16, isBkr: !1 }), (this.rules[17] = { name: 'DIGIT', lower: 'digit', index: 17, isBkr: !1 }), (this.rules[18] = { name: 'HEXDIG', lower: 'hexdig', index: 18, isBkr: !1 }), (this.udts = []), (this.rules[0].opcodes = []), (this.rules[0].opcodes[0] = { type: 2, children: [1, 2, 6] }), (this.rules[0].opcodes[1] = { type: 4, index: 1 }), (this.rules[0].opcodes[2] = { type: 3, min: 0, max: 1 }), (this.rules[0].opcodes[3] = { type: 2, children: [4, 5] }), (this.rules[0].opcodes[4] = { type: 4, index: 5 }), (this.rules[0].opcodes[5] = { type: 4, index: 3 }), (this.rules[0].opcodes[6] = { type: 3, min: 0, max: 1 }), (this.rules[0].opcodes[7] = { type: 2, children: [8, 9] }), (this.rules[0].opcodes[8] = { type: 4, index: 8 }), (this.rules[0].opcodes[9] = { type: 4, index: 6 }), (this.rules[1].opcodes = []), (this.rules[1].opcodes[0] = { type: 2, children: [1, 2, 6] }), (this.rules[1].opcodes[1] = { type: 4, index: 9 }), (this.rules[1].opcodes[2] = { type: 3, min: 0, max: 1 / 0 }), (this.rules[1].opcodes[3] = { type: 2, children: [4, 5] }), (this.rules[1].opcodes[4] = { type: 4, index: 2 }), (this.rules[1].opcodes[5] = { type: 4, index: 9 }), (this.rules[1].opcodes[6] = { type: 3, min: 0, max: 1 }), (this.rules[1].opcodes[7] = { type: 4, index: 2 }), (this.rules[2].opcodes = []), (this.rules[2].opcodes[0] = { type: 3, min: 1, max: 1 / 0 }), (this.rules[2].opcodes[1] = { type: 1, children: [2, 3] }), (this.rules[2].opcodes[2] = { type: 4, index: 10 }), (this.rules[2].opcodes[3] = { type: 4, index: 11 }), (this.rules[3].opcodes = []), (this.rules[3].opcodes[0] = { type: 3, min: 0, max: 1 / 0 }), (this.rules[3].opcodes[1] = { type: 4, index: 4 }), (this.rules[4].opcodes = []), (this.rules[4].opcodes[0] = { type: 3, min: 1, max: 1 / 0 }), (this.rules[4].opcodes[1] = { type: 1, children: [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] }), (this.rules[4].opcodes[2] = { type: 4, index: 13 }), (this.rules[4].opcodes[3] = { type: 4, index: 14 }), (this.rules[4].opcodes[4] = { type: 4, index: 15 }), (this.rules[4].opcodes[5] = { type: 7, string: [58] }), (this.rules[4].opcodes[6] = { type: 7, string: [64] }), (this.rules[4].opcodes[7] = { type: 7, string: [47] }), (this.rules[4].opcodes[8] = { type: 7, string: [63] }), (this.rules[4].opcodes[9] = { type: 7, string: [38] }), (this.rules[4].opcodes[10] = { type: 7, string: [61] }), (this.rules[5].opcodes = []), (this.rules[5].opcodes[0] = { type: 7, string: [63] }), (this.rules[6].opcodes = []), (this.rules[6].opcodes[0] = { type: 3, min: 0, max: 1 / 0 }), (this.rules[6].opcodes[1] = { type: 4, index: 7 }), (this.rules[7].opcodes = []), (this.rules[7].opcodes[0] = { type: 3, min: 1, max: 1 / 0 }), (this.rules[7].opcodes[1] = { type: 1, children: [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] }), (this.rules[7].opcodes[2] = { type: 4, index: 13 }), (this.rules[7].opcodes[3] = { type: 4, index: 14 }), (this.rules[7].opcodes[4] = { type: 4, index: 15 }), (this.rules[7].opcodes[5] = { type: 7, string: [58] }), (this.rules[7].opcodes[6] = { type: 7, string: [64] }), (this.rules[7].opcodes[7] = { type: 7, string: [47] }), (this.rules[7].opcodes[8] = { type: 7, string: [63] }), (this.rules[8].opcodes = []), (this.rules[8].opcodes[0] = { type: 7, string: [35] }), (this.rules[9].opcodes = []), (this.rules[9].opcodes[0] = { type: 7, string: [47] }), (this.rules[10].opcodes = []), (this.rules[10].opcodes[0] = { type: 3, min: 1, max: 1 / 0 }), (this.rules[10].opcodes[1] = { type: 1, children: [2, 3, 4, 5, 6] }), (this.rules[10].opcodes[2] = { type: 4, index: 13 }), (this.rules[10].opcodes[3] = { type: 4, index: 14 }), (this.rules[10].opcodes[4] = { type: 4, index: 15 }), (this.rules[10].opcodes[5] = { type: 7, string: [58] }), (this.rules[10].opcodes[6] = { type: 7, string: [64] }), (this.rules[11].opcodes = []), (this.rules[11].opcodes[0] = { type: 2, children: [1, 2, 3] }), (this.rules[11].opcodes[1] = { type: 7, string: [123] }), (this.rules[11].opcodes[2] = { type: 4, index: 12 }), (this.rules[11].opcodes[3] = { type: 7, string: [125] }), (this.rules[12].opcodes = []), (this.rules[12].opcodes[0] = { type: 3, min: 1, max: 1 / 0 }), (this.rules[12].opcodes[1] = { type: 1, children: [2, 3, 4, 5, 6] }), (this.rules[12].opcodes[2] = { type: 4, index: 13 }), (this.rules[12].opcodes[3] = { type: 4, index: 14 }), (this.rules[12].opcodes[4] = { type: 4, index: 15 }), (this.rules[12].opcodes[5] = { type: 7, string: [58] }), (this.rules[12].opcodes[6] = { type: 7, string: [64] }), (this.rules[13].opcodes = []), (this.rules[13].opcodes[0] = { type: 1, children: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] }), (this.rules[13].opcodes[1] = { type: 4, index: 16 }), (this.rules[13].opcodes[2] = { type: 4, index: 17 }), (this.rules[13].opcodes[3] = { type: 7, string: [45] }), (this.rules[13].opcodes[4] = { type: 7, string: [46] }), (this.rules[13].opcodes[5] = { type: 7, string: [95] }), (this.rules[13].opcodes[6] = { type: 7, string: [126] }), (this.rules[14].opcodes = []), (this.rules[14].opcodes[0] = { type: 2, children: [1, 2, 3] }), (this.rules[14].opcodes[1] = { type: 7, string: [37] }), (this.rules[14].opcodes[2] = { type: 4, index: 18 }), (this.rules[14].opcodes[3] = { type: 4, index: 18 }), (this.rules[15].opcodes = []), (this.rules[15].opcodes[0] = { type: 1, children: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11] }), (this.rules[15].opcodes[1] = { type: 7, string: [33] }), (this.rules[15].opcodes[2] = { type: 7, string: [36] }), (this.rules[15].opcodes[3] = { type: 7, string: [38] }), (this.rules[15].opcodes[4] = { type: 7, string: [39] }), (this.rules[15].opcodes[5] = { type: 7, string: [40] }), (this.rules[15].opcodes[6] = { type: 7, string: [41] }), (this.rules[15].opcodes[7] = { type: 7, string: [42] }), (this.rules[15].opcodes[8] = { type: 7, string: [43] }), (this.rules[15].opcodes[9] = { type: 7, string: [44] }), (this.rules[15].opcodes[10] = { type: 7, string: [59] }), (this.rules[15].opcodes[11] = { type: 7, string: [61] }), (this.rules[16].opcodes = []), (this.rules[16].opcodes[0] = { type: 1, children: [1, 2] }), (this.rules[16].opcodes[1] = { type: 5, min: 65, max: 90 }), (this.rules[16].opcodes[2] = { type: 5, min: 97, max: 122 }), (this.rules[17].opcodes = []), (this.rules[17].opcodes[0] = { type: 5, min: 48, max: 57 }), (this.rules[18].opcodes = []), (this.rules[18].opcodes[0] = { type: 1, children: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] }), (this.rules[18].opcodes[1] = { type: 4, index: 17 }), (this.rules[18].opcodes[2] = { type: 7, string: [97] }), (this.rules[18].opcodes[3] = { type: 7, string: [98] }), (this.rules[18].opcodes[4] = { type: 7, string: [99] }), (this.rules[18].opcodes[5] = { type: 7, string: [100] }), (this.rules[18].opcodes[6] = { type: 7, string: [101] }), (this.rules[18].opcodes[7] = { type: 7, string: [102] }), (this.toString = function toString() { let s = ''; return ( (s += '; OpenAPI Path Templating ABNF syntax\n'), (s += 'path-template = path [ query-marker query ] [ fragment-marker fragment ]\n'), (s += 'path = slash *( path-segment slash ) [ path-segment ]\n'), (s += 'path-segment = 1*( path-literal / template-expression )\n'), (s += 'query = *( query-literal )\n'), (s += 'query-literal = 1*( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" / "@" / "/" / "?" / "&" / "=" )\n'), (s += 'query-marker = "?"\n'), (s += 'fragment = *( fragment-literal )\n'), (s += 'fragment-literal = 1*( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" / "@" / "/" / "?" )\n'), (s += 'fragment-marker = "#"\n'), (s += 'slash = "/"\n'), (s += 'path-literal = 1*( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" / "@" )\n'), (s += 'template-expression = "{" template-expression-param-name "}"\n'), (s += 'template-expression-param-name = 1*( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" / "@" )\n'), (s += '\n'), (s += '; Characters definitions (from RFC 3986)\n'), (s += 'unreserved = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~"\n'), (s += 'pct-encoded = "%" HEXDIG HEXDIG\n'), (s += 'sub-delims = "!" / "$" / "&" / "\'" / "(" / ")"\n'), (s += ' / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "="\n'), (s += 'ALPHA = %x41-5A / %x61-7A ; A-Z / a-z\n'), (s += 'DIGIT = %x30-39 ; 0-9\n'), (s += 'HEXDIG = DIGIT / "A" / "B" / "C" / "D" / "E" / "F"\n'), '; OpenAPI Path Templating ABNF syntax\npath-template = path [ query-marker query ] [ fragment-marker fragment ]\npath = slash *( path-segment slash ) [ path-segment ]\npath-segment = 1*( path-literal / template-expression )\nquery = *( query-literal )\nquery-literal = 1*( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" / "@" / "/" / "?" / "&" / "=" )\nquery-marker = "?"\nfragment = *( fragment-literal )\nfragment-literal = 1*( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" / "@" / "/" / "?" )\nfragment-marker = "#"\nslash = "/"\npath-literal = 1*( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" / "@" )\ntemplate-expression = "{" template-expression-param-name "}"\ntemplate-expression-param-name = 1*( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" / "@" )\n\n; Characters definitions (from RFC 3986)\nunreserved = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~"\npct-encoded = "%" HEXDIG HEXDIG\nsub-delims = "!" / "$" / "&" / "\'" / "(" / ")"\n / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "="\nALPHA = %x41-5A / %x61-7A ; A-Z / a-z\nDIGIT = %x30-39 ; 0-9\nHEXDIG = DIGIT / "A" / "B" / "C" / "D" / "E" / "F"\n' ); }); })(), openapi_path_templating_es_parse = (s) => { const o = new IS(); (o.ast = new PS()), (o.ast.callbacks['path-template'] = path_template), (o.ast.callbacks.path = callbacks_path), (o.ast.callbacks.query = callbacks_query), (o.ast.callbacks['query-marker'] = query_marker), (o.ast.callbacks.fragment = callbacks_fragment), (o.ast.callbacks['fragment-marker'] = fragment_marker), (o.ast.callbacks.slash = callbacks_slash), (o.ast.callbacks['path-literal'] = path_literal), (o.ast.callbacks['template-expression'] = template_expression), (o.ast.callbacks['template-expression-param-name'] = template_expression_param_name); return { result: o.parse(DS, 'path-template', s), ast: o.ast }; }, encodePathComponent = (s) => ((s) => { try { return 'string' == typeof s && decodeURIComponent(s) !== s; } catch { return !1; } })(s) ? s : encodeURIComponent(s).replace(/%5B/g, '[').replace(/%5D/g, ']'), LS = [ 'slash', 'path-literal', 'query-marker', 'query-literal', 'template-expression-param-name' ], openapi_path_templating_es_resolve = (s, o, i = {}) => { const u = { ...{ encoder: encodePathComponent }, ...i }, _ = openapi_path_templating_es_parse(s); if (!_.result.success) return s; const w = []; _.ast.translate(w); const x = w .filter(([s]) => LS.includes(s)) .map(([s, i]) => 'template-expression-param-name' === s ? Object.hasOwn(o, i) ? u.encoder(o[i], i) : `{${i}}` : i ); return x.join(''); }, BS = { body: function bodyBuilder({ req: s, value: o }) { void 0 !== o && (s.body = o); }, header: function headerBuilder({ req: s, parameter: o, value: i }) { (s.headers = s.headers || {}), void 0 !== i && (s.headers[o.name] = i); }, query: function queryBuilder({ req: s, value: o, parameter: i }) { (s.query = s.query || {}), !1 === o && 'boolean' === i.type && (o = 'false'); 0 === o && ['number', 'integer'].indexOf(i.type) > -1 && (o = '0'); if (o) s.query[i.name] = { collectionFormat: i.collectionFormat, value: o }; else if (i.allowEmptyValue && void 0 !== o) { const o = i.name; (s.query[o] = s.query[o] || {}), (s.query[o].allowEmptyValue = !0); } }, path: function pathBuilder({ req: s, value: o, parameter: i, baseURL: u }) { if (void 0 !== o) { const _ = s.url.replace(u, ''), w = openapi_path_templating_es_resolve(_, { [i.name]: o }); s.url = u + w; } }, formData: function formDataBuilder({ req: s, value: o, parameter: i }) { !1 === o && 'boolean' === i.type && (o = 'false'); 0 === o && ['number', 'integer'].indexOf(i.type) > -1 && (o = '0'); if (o) (s.form = s.form || {}), (s.form[i.name] = { collectionFormat: i.collectionFormat, value: o }); else if (i.allowEmptyValue && void 0 !== o) { s.form = s.form || {}; const o = i.name; (s.form[o] = s.form[o] || {}), (s.form[o].allowEmptyValue = !0); } } }; function serialize(s, o) { return o.includes('application/json') ? 'string' == typeof s ? s : (Array.isArray(s) && (s = s.map((s) => { try { return JSON.parse(s); } catch (o) { return s; } })), JSON.stringify(s)) : String(s); } function parameter_builders_path({ req: s, value: o, parameter: i, baseURL: u }) { const { name: _, style: w, explode: x, content: C } = i; if (void 0 === o) return; const j = s.url.replace(u, ''); let L; if (C) { const s = Object.keys(C)[0]; L = openapi_path_templating_es_resolve( j, { [_]: o }, { encoder: (o) => encodeCharacters(serialize(o, s)) } ); } else L = openapi_path_templating_es_resolve( j, { [_]: o }, { encoder: (s) => stylize({ key: i.name, value: s, style: w || 'simple', explode: x || !1, escape: 'reserved' }) } ); s.url = u + L; } function parameter_builders_query({ req: s, value: o, parameter: i }) { if (((s.query = s.query || {}), void 0 !== o && i.content)) { const u = serialize(o, Object.keys(i.content)[0]); if (u) s.query[i.name] = u; else if (i.allowEmptyValue) { const o = i.name; (s.query[o] = s.query[o] || {}), (s.query[o].allowEmptyValue = !0); } } else if ((!1 === o && (o = 'false'), 0 === o && (o = '0'), o)) { const { style: u, explode: _, allowReserved: w } = i; s.query[i.name] = { value: o, serializationOption: { style: u, explode: _, allowReserved: w } }; } else if (i.allowEmptyValue && void 0 !== o) { const o = i.name; (s.query[o] = s.query[o] || {}), (s.query[o].allowEmptyValue = !0); } } const FS = ['accept', 'authorization', 'content-type']; function parameter_builders_header({ req: s, parameter: o, value: i }) { if (((s.headers = s.headers || {}), !(FS.indexOf(o.name.toLowerCase()) > -1))) if (void 0 !== i && o.content) { const u = Object.keys(o.content)[0]; s.headers[o.name] = serialize(i, u); } else void 0 === i || (Array.isArray(i) && 0 === i.length) || (s.headers[o.name] = stylize({ key: o.name, value: i, style: o.style || 'simple', explode: void 0 !== o.explode && o.explode, escape: !1 })); } function parameter_builders_cookie({ req: s, parameter: o, value: i }) { s.headers = s.headers || {}; const u = typeof i; if (void 0 !== i && o.content) { const u = Object.keys(o.content)[0]; s.headers.Cookie = `${o.name}=${serialize(i, u)}`; } else if (void 0 !== i && (!Array.isArray(i) || 0 !== i.length)) { const _ = 'object' === u && !Array.isArray(i) && o.explode ? '' : `${o.name}=`; s.headers.Cookie = _ + stylize({ key: o.name, value: i, escape: !1, style: o.style || 'form', explode: void 0 !== o.explode && o.explode }); } } const qS = 'undefined' != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : 'undefined' != typeof self ? self : window, { btoa: $S } = qS, VS = $S; function buildRequest(s, o) { const { operation: i, requestBody: u, securities: _, spec: w, attachContentTypeForEmptyPayload: x } = s; let { requestContentType: C } = s; o = (function applySecurities({ request: s, securities: o = {}, operation: i = {}, spec: u }) { var _; const w = { ...s }, { authorized: x = {} } = o, C = i.security || u.security || [], j = x && !!Object.keys(x).length, L = (null == u || null === (_ = u.components) || void 0 === _ ? void 0 : _.securitySchemes) || {}; if ( ((w.headers = w.headers || {}), (w.query = w.query || {}), !Object.keys(o).length || !j || !C || (Array.isArray(i.security) && !i.security.length)) ) return s; return ( C.forEach((s) => { Object.keys(s).forEach((s) => { const o = x[s], i = L[s]; if (!o) return; const u = o.value || o, { type: _ } = i; if (o) if ('apiKey' === _) 'query' === i.in && (w.query[i.name] = u), 'header' === i.in && (w.headers[i.name] = u), 'cookie' === i.in && (w.cookies[i.name] = u); else if ('http' === _) { if (/^basic$/i.test(i.scheme)) { const s = u.username || '', o = u.password || '', i = VS(`${s}:${o}`); w.headers.Authorization = `Basic ${i}`; } /^bearer$/i.test(i.scheme) && (w.headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${u}`); } else if ('oauth2' === _ || 'openIdConnect' === _) { const s = o.token || {}, u = s[i['x-tokenName'] || 'access_token']; let _ = s.token_type; (_ && 'bearer' !== _.toLowerCase()) || (_ = 'Bearer'), (w.headers.Authorization = `${_} ${u}`); } }); }), w ); })({ request: o, securities: _, operation: i, spec: w }); const j = i.requestBody || {}, L = Object.keys(j.content || {}), B = C && L.indexOf(C) > -1; if (u || x) { if (C && B) o.headers['Content-Type'] = C; else if (!C) { const s = L[0]; s && ((o.headers['Content-Type'] = s), (C = s)); } } else C && B && (o.headers['Content-Type'] = C); if (!s.responseContentType && i.responses) { const s = Object.entries(i.responses) .filter(([s, o]) => { const i = parseInt(s, 10); return i >= 200 && i < 300 && ku(o.content); }) .reduce((s, [, o]) => s.concat(Object.keys(o.content)), []); s.length > 0 && (o.headers.accept = s.join(', ')); } if (u) if (C) { if (L.indexOf(C) > -1) if ('application/x-www-form-urlencoded' === C || 'multipart/form-data' === C) if ('object' == typeof u) { var $, V; const s = null !== ($ = null === (V = j.content[C]) || void 0 === V ? void 0 : V.encoding) && void 0 !== $ ? $ : {}; (o.form = {}), Object.keys(u).forEach((i) => { let _; try { _ = JSON.parse(u[i]); } catch { _ = u[i]; } o.form[i] = { value: _, encoding: s[i] || {} }; }); } else if ('string' == typeof u) { var U, z; const s = null !== (U = null === (z = j.content[C]) || void 0 === z ? void 0 : z.encoding) && void 0 !== U ? U : {}; try { o.form = {}; const i = JSON.parse(u); Object.entries(i).forEach(([i, u]) => { o.form[i] = { value: u, encoding: s[i] || {} }; }); } catch { o.form = u; } } else o.form = u; else o.body = u; } else o.body = u; return o; } function build_request_buildRequest(s, o) { const { spec: i, operation: u, securities: _, requestContentType: w, responseContentType: x, attachContentTypeForEmptyPayload: C } = s; if ( ((o = (function build_request_applySecurities({ request: s, securities: o = {}, operation: i = {}, spec: u }) { const _ = { ...s }, { authorized: w = {}, specSecurity: x = [] } = o, C = i.security || x, j = w && !!Object.keys(w).length, L = u.securityDefinitions; if ( ((_.headers = _.headers || {}), (_.query = _.query || {}), !Object.keys(o).length || !j || !C || (Array.isArray(i.security) && !i.security.length)) ) return s; return ( C.forEach((s) => { Object.keys(s).forEach((s) => { const o = w[s]; if (!o) return; const { token: i } = o, u = o.value || o, x = L[s], { type: C } = x, j = x['x-tokenName'] || 'access_token', B = i && i[j]; let $ = i && i.token_type; if (o) if ('apiKey' === C) { const s = 'query' === x.in ? 'query' : 'headers'; (_[s] = _[s] || {}), (_[s][x.name] = u); } else if ('basic' === C) if (u.header) _.headers.authorization = u.header; else { const s = u.username || '', o = u.password || ''; (u.base64 = VS(`${s}:${o}`)), (_.headers.authorization = `Basic ${u.base64}`); } else 'oauth2' === C && B && (($ = $ && 'bearer' !== $.toLowerCase() ? $ : 'Bearer'), (_.headers.authorization = `${$} ${B}`)); }); }), _ ); })({ request: o, securities: _, operation: u, spec: i })), o.body || o.form || C) ) w ? (o.headers['Content-Type'] = w) : Array.isArray(u.consumes) ? ([o.headers['Content-Type']] = u.consumes) : Array.isArray(i.consumes) ? ([o.headers['Content-Type']] = i.consumes) : u.parameters && u.parameters.filter((s) => 'file' === s.type).length ? (o.headers['Content-Type'] = 'multipart/form-data') : u.parameters && u.parameters.filter((s) => 'formData' === s.in).length && (o.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); else if (w) { const s = u.parameters && u.parameters.filter((s) => 'body' === s.in).length > 0, i = u.parameters && u.parameters.filter((s) => 'formData' === s.in).length > 0; (s || i) && (o.headers['Content-Type'] = w); } return ( !x && Array.isArray(u.produces) && u.produces.length > 0 && (o.headers.accept = u.produces.join(', ')), o ); } function idFromPathMethodLegacy(s, o) { return `${o.toLowerCase()}-${s}`; } const arrayOrEmpty = (s) => (Array.isArray(s) ? s : []), parseURIReference = (s) => { try { return new URL(s); } catch { const o = new URL(s, Nc), i = String(s).startsWith('/') ? o.pathname : o.pathname.substring(1); return { hash: o.hash, host: '', hostname: '', href: '', origin: '', password: '', pathname: i, port: '', protocol: '', search: o.search, searchParams: o.searchParams }; } }; class OperationNotFoundError extends Jo {} const US = { buildRequest: execute_buildRequest }; function execute_execute({ http: s, fetch: o, spec: i, operationId: u, pathName: _, method: w, parameters: x, securities: C, ...j }) { const L = s || o || http_http; _ && w && !u && (u = idFromPathMethodLegacy(_, w)); const B = US.buildRequest({ spec: i, operationId: u, parameters: x, securities: C, http: L, ...j }); return ( B.body && (ku(B.body) || Array.isArray(B.body)) && (B.body = JSON.stringify(B.body)), L(B) ); } function execute_buildRequest(s) { var o; const { spec: i, operationId: u, responseContentType: _, scheme: w, requestInterceptor: x, responseInterceptor: C, contextUrl: j, userFetch: L, server: B, serverVariables: $, http: V, signal: U, serverVariableEncoder: z } = s; let { parameters: Y, parameterBuilders: Z, baseURL: ee } = s; const ie = isOpenAPI3(i); Z || (Z = ie ? fe : BS); let ae = { url: '', credentials: V && V.withCredentials ? 'include' : 'same-origin', headers: {}, cookies: {} }; U && (ae.signal = U), x && (ae.requestInterceptor = x), C && (ae.responseInterceptor = C), L && (ae.userFetch = L); const le = (function getOperationRaw(s, o) { return s && s.paths ? (function findOperation(s, o) { return ( (function eachOperation(s, o, i) { if (!s || 'object' != typeof s || !s.paths || 'object' != typeof s.paths) return null; const { paths: u } = s; for (const _ in u) for (const w in u[_]) { if ('PARAMETERS' === w.toUpperCase()) continue; const x = u[_][w]; if (!x || 'object' != typeof x) continue; const C = { spec: s, pathName: _, method: w.toUpperCase(), operation: x }, j = o(C); if (i && j) return C; } })(s, o, !0) || null ); })(s, ({ pathName: s, method: i, operation: u }) => { if (!u || 'object' != typeof u) return !1; const _ = u.operationId; return [opId(u, s, i), idFromPathMethodLegacy(s, i), _].some((s) => s && s === o); }) : null; })(i, u); if (!le) throw new OperationNotFoundError(`Operation ${u} not found`); const { operation: ce = {}, method: pe, pathName: de } = le; if ( ((ee = null !== (o = ee) && void 0 !== o ? o : (function baseUrl(s) { const o = isOpenAPI3(s.spec); return o ? (function oas3BaseUrl({ spec: s, pathName: o, method: i, server: u, contextUrl: _, serverVariables: w = {}, serverVariableEncoder: x }) { var C, j; let L, B = [], $ = ''; const V = null == s || null === (C = s.paths) || void 0 === C || null === (C = C[o]) || void 0 === C || null === (C = C[(i || '').toLowerCase()]) || void 0 === C ? void 0 : C.servers, U = null == s || null === (j = s.paths) || void 0 === j || null === (j = j[o]) || void 0 === j ? void 0 : j.servers, z = null == s ? void 0 : s.servers; (B = isNonEmptyServerList(V) ? V : isNonEmptyServerList(U) ? U : isNonEmptyServerList(z) ? z : [Rc]), u && ((L = B.find((s) => s.url === u)), L && ($ = u)); $ || (([L] = B), ($ = L.url)); if (openapi_server_url_templating_es_test($, { strict: !0 })) { const s = Object.entries({ ...L.variables }).reduce( (s, [o, i]) => ((s[o] = i.default), s), {} ); $ = es_substitute( $, { ...s, ...w }, { encoder: 'function' == typeof x ? x : Ip } ); } return (function buildOas3UrlWithContext(s = '', o = '') { const i = parseURIReference(s && o ? resolve(o, s) : s), u = parseURIReference(o), _ = stripNonAlpha(i.protocol) || stripNonAlpha(u.protocol), w = i.host || u.host, x = i.pathname; let C; C = _ && w ? `${_}://${w + x}` : x; return '/' === C[C.length - 1] ? C.slice(0, -1) : C; })($, _); })(s) : (function swagger2BaseUrl({ spec: s, scheme: o, contextUrl: i = '' }) { const u = parseURIReference(i), _ = Array.isArray(s.schemes) ? s.schemes[0] : null, w = o || _ || stripNonAlpha(u.protocol) || 'http', x = s.host || u.host || '', C = s.basePath || ''; let j; j = w && x ? `${w}://${x + C}` : C; return '/' === j[j.length - 1] ? j.slice(0, -1) : j; })(s); })({ spec: i, scheme: w, contextUrl: j, server: B, serverVariables: $, pathName: de, method: pe, serverVariableEncoder: z })), (ae.url += ee), !u) ) return delete ae.cookies, ae; (ae.url += de), (ae.method = `${pe}`.toUpperCase()), (Y = Y || {}); const ye = i.paths[de] || {}; _ && (ae.headers.accept = _); const be = ((s) => { const o = {}; s.forEach((s) => { o[s.in] || (o[s.in] = {}), (o[s.in][s.name] = s); }); const i = []; return ( Object.keys(o).forEach((s) => { Object.keys(o[s]).forEach((u) => { i.push(o[s][u]); }); }), i ); })([].concat(arrayOrEmpty(ce.parameters)).concat(arrayOrEmpty(ye.parameters))); be.forEach((s) => { const o = Z[s.in]; let u; if ( ('body' === s.in && s.schema && s.schema.properties && (u = Y), (u = s && s.name && Y[s.name]), void 0 === u ? (u = s && s.name && Y[`${s.in}.${s.name}`]) : ((s, o) => o.filter((o) => o.name === s))(s.name, be).length > 1 && console.warn( `Parameter '${s.name}' is ambiguous because the defined spec has more than one parameter with the name: '${s.name}' and the passed-in parameter values did not define an 'in' value.` ), null !== u) ) { if ( (void 0 !== s.default && void 0 === u && (u = s.default), void 0 === u && s.required && !s.allowEmptyValue) ) throw new Error(`Required parameter ${s.name} is not provided`); if (ie && s.schema && 'object' === s.schema.type && 'string' == typeof u) try { u = JSON.parse(u); } catch (s) { throw new Error('Could not parse object parameter value string as JSON'); } o && o({ req: ae, parameter: s, value: u, operation: ce, spec: i, baseURL: ee }); } }); const _e = { ...s, operation: ce }; if ( ((ae = ie ? buildRequest(_e, ae) : build_request_buildRequest(_e, ae)), ae.cookies && Object.keys(ae.cookies).length) ) { const s = Object.keys(ae.cookies).reduce((s, o) => { const i = ae.cookies[o]; return s + (s ? '&' : '') + jS.serialize(o, i); }, ''); ae.headers.Cookie = s; } return ae.cookies && delete ae.cookies, serializeRequest(ae); } const stripNonAlpha = (s) => (s ? s.replace(/\W/g, '') : null); const isNonEmptyServerList = (s) => Array.isArray(s) && s.length > 0; const makeResolveSubtree = (s) => async (o, i, u = {}) => (async (s, o, i = {}) => { const { returnEntireTree: u, baseDoc: _, requestInterceptor: w, responseInterceptor: x, parameterMacro: C, modelPropertyMacro: j, useCircularStructures: L, strategies: B } = i, $ = { spec: s, pathDiscriminator: o, baseDoc: _, requestInterceptor: w, responseInterceptor: x, parameterMacro: C, modelPropertyMacro: j, useCircularStructures: L, strategies: B }, V = B.find((o) => o.match(s)).normalize(s), U = await AS({ spec: V, ...$, allowMetaPatches: !0, skipNormalization: !isOpenAPI31(s) }); return ( !u && Array.isArray(o) && o.length && (U.spec = o.reduce((s, o) => (null == s ? void 0 : s[o]), U.spec) || null), U ); })(o, i, { ...s, ...u }), zS = (makeResolveSubtree({ strategies: [fu, hu, uu] }), (s, o) => (...i) => { s(...i); const u = o.getConfigs().withCredentials; o.fn.fetch.withCredentials = u; }); function swagger_client({ configs: s, getConfigs: o }) { return { fn: { fetch: ((i = http_http), (u = s.preFetch), (_ = s.postFetch), (_ = _ || ((s) => s)), (u = u || ((s) => s)), (s) => ( 'string' == typeof s && (s = { url: s }), (s = serializeRequest(s)), (s = u(s)), _(i(s)) )), buildRequest: execute_buildRequest, execute: execute_execute, resolve: makeResolve({ strategies: [OS, fu, hu, uu] }), resolveSubtree: async (s, i, u = {}) => { const _ = o(), w = { modelPropertyMacro: _.modelPropertyMacro, parameterMacro: _.parameterMacro, requestInterceptor: _.requestInterceptor, responseInterceptor: _.responseInterceptor, strategies: [OS, fu, hu, uu] }; return makeResolveSubtree(w)(s, i, u); }, serializeRes: serializeResponse, opId }, statePlugins: { configs: { wrapActions: { loaded: zS } } } }; var i, u, _; } function util() { return { fn: { shallowEqualKeys } }; } var WS = __webpack_require__(40961), KS = __webpack_require__(78418), HS = Pe, JS = Symbol.for('react-redux-context'), GS = 'undefined' != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : {}; function getContext() { if (!HS.createContext) return {}; const s = GS[JS] ?? (GS[JS] = new Map()); let o = s.get(HS.createContext); return o || ((o = HS.createContext(null)), s.set(HS.createContext, o)), o; } var YS = getContext(), notInitialized = () => { throw new Error('uSES not initialized!'); }; var XS = Symbol.for('react.element'), ZS = Symbol.for('react.portal'), QS = Symbol.for('react.fragment'), ex = Symbol.for('react.strict_mode'), tx = Symbol.for('react.profiler'), rx = Symbol.for('react.provider'), nx = Symbol.for('react.context'), sx = Symbol.for('react.server_context'), ox = Symbol.for('react.forward_ref'), ix = Symbol.for('react.suspense'), ax = Symbol.for('react.suspense_list'), lx = Symbol.for('react.memo'), cx = Symbol.for('react.lazy'), ux = (Symbol.for('react.offscreen'), Symbol.for('react.client.reference'), ox), px = lx; function typeOf(s) { if ('object' == typeof s && null !== s) { const o = s.$$typeof; switch (o) { case XS: { const i = s.type; switch (i) { case QS: case tx: case ex: case ix: case ax: return i; default: { const s = i && i.$$typeof; switch (s) { case sx: case nx: case ox: case cx: case lx: case rx: return s; default: return o; } } } } case ZS: return o; } } } function pureFinalPropsSelectorFactory( s, o, i, u, { areStatesEqual: _, areOwnPropsEqual: w, areStatePropsEqual: x } ) { let C, j, L, B, $, V = !1; function handleSubsequentCalls(V, U) { const z = !w(U, j), Y = !_(V, C, U, j); return ( (C = V), (j = U), z && Y ? (function handleNewPropsAndNewState() { return (L = s(C, j)), o.dependsOnOwnProps && (B = o(u, j)), ($ = i(L, B, j)), $; })() : z ? (function handleNewProps() { return ( s.dependsOnOwnProps && (L = s(C, j)), o.dependsOnOwnProps && (B = o(u, j)), ($ = i(L, B, j)), $ ); })() : Y ? (function handleNewState() { const o = s(C, j), u = !x(o, L); return (L = o), u && ($ = i(L, B, j)), $; })() : $ ); } return function pureFinalPropsSelector(_, w) { return V ? handleSubsequentCalls(_, w) : (function handleFirstCall(_, w) { return ( (C = _), (j = w), (L = s(C, j)), (B = o(u, j)), ($ = i(L, B, j)), (V = !0), $ ); })(_, w); }; } function wrapMapToPropsConstant(s) { return function initConstantSelector(o) { const i = s(o); function constantSelector() { return i; } return (constantSelector.dependsOnOwnProps = !1), constantSelector; }; } function getDependsOnOwnProps(s) { return s.dependsOnOwnProps ? Boolean(s.dependsOnOwnProps) : 1 !== s.length; } function wrapMapToPropsFunc(s, o) { return function initProxySelector(o, { displayName: i }) { const u = function mapToPropsProxy(s, o) { return u.dependsOnOwnProps ? u.mapToProps(s, o) : u.mapToProps(s, void 0); }; return ( (u.dependsOnOwnProps = !0), (u.mapToProps = function detectFactoryAndVerify(o, i) { (u.mapToProps = s), (u.dependsOnOwnProps = getDependsOnOwnProps(s)); let _ = u(o, i); return ( 'function' == typeof _ && ((u.mapToProps = _), (u.dependsOnOwnProps = getDependsOnOwnProps(_)), (_ = u(o, i))), _ ); }), u ); }; } function createInvalidArgFactory(s, o) { return (i, u) => { throw new Error( `Invalid value of type ${typeof s} for ${o} argument when connecting component ${u.wrappedComponentName}.` ); }; } function defaultMergeProps(s, o, i) { return { ...i, ...s, ...o }; } function defaultNoopBatch(s) { s(); } var hx = { notify() {}, get: () => [] }; function createSubscription(s, o) { let i, u = hx, _ = 0, w = !1; function handleChangeWrapper() { x.onStateChange && x.onStateChange(); } function trySubscribe() { _++, i || ((i = o ? o.addNestedSub(handleChangeWrapper) : s.subscribe(handleChangeWrapper)), (u = (function createListenerCollection() { let s = null, o = null; return { clear() { (s = null), (o = null); }, notify() { defaultNoopBatch(() => { let o = s; for (; o; ) o.callback(), (o = o.next); }); }, get() { const o = []; let i = s; for (; i; ) o.push(i), (i = i.next); return o; }, subscribe(i) { let u = !0; const _ = (o = { callback: i, next: null, prev: o }); return ( _.prev ? (_.prev.next = _) : (s = _), function unsubscribe() { u && null !== s && ((u = !1), _.next ? (_.next.prev = _.prev) : (o = _.prev), _.prev ? (_.prev.next = _.next) : (s = _.next)); } ); } }; })())); } function tryUnsubscribe() { _--, i && 0 === _ && (i(), (i = void 0), u.clear(), (u = hx)); } const x = { addNestedSub: function addNestedSub(s) { trySubscribe(); const o = u.subscribe(s); let i = !1; return () => { i || ((i = !0), o(), tryUnsubscribe()); }; }, notifyNestedSubs: function notifyNestedSubs() { u.notify(); }, handleChangeWrapper, isSubscribed: function isSubscribed() { return w; }, trySubscribe: function trySubscribeSelf() { w || ((w = !0), trySubscribe()); }, tryUnsubscribe: function tryUnsubscribeSelf() { w && ((w = !1), tryUnsubscribe()); }, getListeners: () => u }; return x; } var dx = !( 'undefined' == typeof window || void 0 === window.document || void 0 === window.document.createElement ), fx = 'undefined' != typeof navigator && 'ReactNative' === navigator.product, mx = dx || fx ? HS.useLayoutEffect : HS.useEffect; function is(s, o) { return s === o ? 0 !== s || 0 !== o || 1 / s == 1 / o : s != s && o != o; } function shallowEqual(s, o) { if (is(s, o)) return !0; if ('object' != typeof s || null === s || 'object' != typeof o || null === o) return !1; const i = Object.keys(s), u = Object.keys(o); if (i.length !== u.length) return !1; for (let u = 0; u < i.length; u++) if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o, i[u]) || !is(s[i[u]], o[i[u]])) return !1; return !0; } var gx = { childContextTypes: !0, contextType: !0, contextTypes: !0, defaultProps: !0, displayName: !0, getDefaultProps: !0, getDerivedStateFromError: !0, getDerivedStateFromProps: !0, mixins: !0, propTypes: !0, type: !0 }, yx = { name: !0, length: !0, prototype: !0, caller: !0, callee: !0, arguments: !0, arity: !0 }, vx = { $$typeof: !0, compare: !0, defaultProps: !0, displayName: !0, propTypes: !0, type: !0 }, bx = { [ux]: { $$typeof: !0, render: !0, defaultProps: !0, displayName: !0, propTypes: !0 }, [px]: vx }; function getStatics(s) { return (function isMemo(s) { return typeOf(s) === lx; })(s) ? vx : bx[s.$$typeof] || gx; } var _x = Object.defineProperty, Ex = Object.getOwnPropertyNames, wx = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols, Sx = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, xx = Object.getPrototypeOf, kx = Object.prototype; function hoistNonReactStatics(s, o) { if ('string' != typeof o) { if (kx) { const i = xx(o); i && i !== kx && hoistNonReactStatics(s, i); } let i = Ex(o); wx && (i = i.concat(wx(o))); const u = getStatics(s), _ = getStatics(o); for (let w = 0; w < i.length; ++w) { const x = i[w]; if (!(yx[x] || (_ && _[x]) || (u && u[x]))) { const i = Sx(o, x); try { _x(s, x, i); } catch (s) {} } } } return s; } var Cx = notInitialized, Ox = [null, null]; function captureWrapperProps(s, o, i, u, _, w) { (s.current = u), (i.current = !1), _.current && ((_.current = null), w()); } function strictEqual(s, o) { return s === o; } var Ax = function connect( s, o, i, { pure: u, areStatesEqual: _ = strictEqual, areOwnPropsEqual: w = shallowEqual, areStatePropsEqual: x = shallowEqual, areMergedPropsEqual: C = shallowEqual, forwardRef: j = !1, context: L = YS } = {} ) { const B = L, $ = (function mapStateToPropsFactory(s) { return s ? 'function' == typeof s ? wrapMapToPropsFunc(s) : createInvalidArgFactory(s, 'mapStateToProps') : wrapMapToPropsConstant(() => ({})); })(s), V = (function mapDispatchToPropsFactory(s) { return s && 'object' == typeof s ? wrapMapToPropsConstant((o) => (function react_redux_bindActionCreators(s, o) { const i = {}; for (const u in s) { const _ = s[u]; 'function' == typeof _ && (i[u] = (...s) => o(_(...s))); } return i; })(s, o) ) : s ? 'function' == typeof s ? wrapMapToPropsFunc(s) : createInvalidArgFactory(s, 'mapDispatchToProps') : wrapMapToPropsConstant((s) => ({ dispatch: s })); })(o), U = (function mergePropsFactory(s) { return s ? 'function' == typeof s ? (function wrapMergePropsFunc(s) { return function initMergePropsProxy( o, { displayName: i, areMergedPropsEqual: u } ) { let _, w = !1; return function mergePropsProxy(o, i, x) { const C = s(o, i, x); return w ? u(C, _) || (_ = C) : ((w = !0), (_ = C)), _; }; }; })(s) : createInvalidArgFactory(s, 'mergeProps') : () => defaultMergeProps; })(i), z = Boolean(s); return (s) => { const o = s.displayName || s.name || 'Component', i = `Connect(${o})`, u = { shouldHandleStateChanges: z, displayName: i, wrappedComponentName: o, WrappedComponent: s, initMapStateToProps: $, initMapDispatchToProps: V, initMergeProps: U, areStatesEqual: _, areStatePropsEqual: x, areOwnPropsEqual: w, areMergedPropsEqual: C }; function ConnectFunction(o) { const [i, _, w] = HS.useMemo(() => { const { reactReduxForwardedRef: s, ...i } = o; return [o.context, s, i]; }, [o]), x = HS.useMemo(() => B, [i, B]), C = HS.useContext(x), j = Boolean(o.store) && Boolean(o.store.getState) && Boolean(o.store.dispatch), L = Boolean(C) && Boolean(C.store); const $ = j ? o.store : C.store, V = L ? C.getServerState : $.getState, U = HS.useMemo( () => (function finalPropsSelectorFactory( s, { initMapStateToProps: o, initMapDispatchToProps: i, initMergeProps: u, ..._ } ) { return pureFinalPropsSelectorFactory(o(s, _), i(s, _), u(s, _), s, _); })($.dispatch, u), [$] ), [Y, Z] = HS.useMemo(() => { if (!z) return Ox; const s = createSubscription($, j ? void 0 : C.subscription), o = s.notifyNestedSubs.bind(s); return [s, o]; }, [$, j, C]), ee = HS.useMemo(() => (j ? C : { ...C, subscription: Y }), [j, C, Y]), ie = HS.useRef(void 0), ae = HS.useRef(w), le = HS.useRef(void 0), ce = HS.useRef(!1), pe = HS.useRef(!1), de = HS.useRef(void 0); mx( () => ( (pe.current = !0), () => { pe.current = !1; } ), [] ); const fe = HS.useMemo( () => () => (le.current && w === ae.current ? le.current : U($.getState(), w)), [$, w] ), ye = HS.useMemo( () => (s) => Y ? (function subscribeUpdates(s, o, i, u, _, w, x, C, j, L, B) { if (!s) return () => {}; let $ = !1, V = null; const checkForUpdates = () => { if ($ || !C.current) return; const s = o.getState(); let i, U; try { i = u(s, _.current); } catch (s) { (U = s), (V = s); } U || (V = null), i === w.current ? x.current || L() : ((w.current = i), (j.current = i), (x.current = !0), B()); }; return ( (i.onStateChange = checkForUpdates), i.trySubscribe(), checkForUpdates(), () => { if ((($ = !0), i.tryUnsubscribe(), (i.onStateChange = null), V)) throw V; } ); })(z, $, Y, U, ae, ie, ce, pe, le, Z, s) : () => {}, [Y] ); let be; !(function useIsomorphicLayoutEffectWithArgs(s, o, i) { mx(() => s(...o), i); })(captureWrapperProps, [ae, ie, ce, w, le, Z]); try { be = Cx(ye, fe, V ? () => U(V(), w) : fe); } catch (s) { throw ( (de.current && (s.message += `\nThe error may be correlated with this previous error:\n${de.current.stack}\n\n`), s) ); } mx(() => { (de.current = void 0), (le.current = void 0), (ie.current = be); }); const _e = HS.useMemo(() => HS.createElement(s, { ...be, ref: _ }), [_, s, be]); return HS.useMemo( () => (z ? HS.createElement(x.Provider, { value: ee }, _e) : _e), [x, _e, ee] ); } const L = HS.memo(ConnectFunction); if (((L.WrappedComponent = s), (L.displayName = ConnectFunction.displayName = i), j)) { const o = HS.forwardRef(function forwardConnectRef(s, o) { return HS.createElement(L, { ...s, reactReduxForwardedRef: o }); }); return (o.displayName = i), (o.WrappedComponent = s), hoistNonReactStatics(o, s); } return hoistNonReactStatics(L, s); }; }; var jx = function Provider({ store: s, context: o, children: i, serverState: u, stabilityCheck: _ = 'once', identityFunctionCheck: w = 'once' }) { const x = HS.useMemo(() => { const o = createSubscription(s); return { store: s, subscription: o, getServerState: u ? () => u : void 0, stabilityCheck: _, identityFunctionCheck: w }; }, [s, u, _, w]), C = HS.useMemo(() => s.getState(), [s]); mx(() => { const { subscription: o } = x; return ( (o.onStateChange = o.notifyNestedSubs), o.trySubscribe(), C !== s.getState() && o.notifyNestedSubs(), () => { o.tryUnsubscribe(), (o.onStateChange = void 0); } ); }, [x, C]); const j = o || YS; return HS.createElement(j.Provider, { value: x }, i); }; var Ix; (Ix = KS.useSyncExternalStoreWithSelector), ((s) => { Cx = s; })(Pe.useSyncExternalStore); var Px = __webpack_require__(83488), Mx = __webpack_require__.n(Px); const withSystem = (s) => (o) => { const { fn: i } = s(); class WithSystem extends Pe.Component { render() { return Pe.createElement(o, Rn()({}, s(), this.props, this.context)); } } return (WithSystem.displayName = `WithSystem(${i.getDisplayName(o)})`), WithSystem; }, withRoot = (s, o) => (i) => { const { fn: u } = s(); class WithRoot extends Pe.Component { render() { return Pe.createElement( jx, { store: o }, Pe.createElement(i, Rn()({}, this.props, this.context)) ); } } return (WithRoot.displayName = `WithRoot(${u.getDisplayName(i)})`), WithRoot; }, withConnect = (s, o, i) => compose( i ? withRoot(s, i) : Mx(), Ax((i, u) => { const _ = { ...u, ...s() }, w = o.prototype?.mapStateToProps || ((s) => ({ state: s })); return w(i, _); }), withSystem(s) )(o), handleProps = (s, o, i, u) => { for (const _ in o) { const w = o[_]; 'function' == typeof w && w(i[_], u[_], s()); } }, withMappedContainer = (s, o, i) => (o, u) => { const { fn: _ } = s(), w = i(o, 'root'); class WithMappedContainer extends Pe.Component { constructor(o, i) { super(o, i), handleProps(s, u, o, {}); } UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(o) { handleProps(s, u, o, this.props); } render() { const s = Yt()(this.props, u ? Object.keys(u) : []); return Pe.createElement(w, s); } } return ( (WithMappedContainer.displayName = `WithMappedContainer(${_.getDisplayName(w)})`), WithMappedContainer ); }, render = (s, o, i, u) => (_) => { const w = i(s, o, u)('App', 'root'), { createRoot: x } = WS; x(_).render(Pe.createElement(w, null)); }, getComponent = (s, o, i) => (u, _, w = {}) => { if ('string' != typeof u) throw new TypeError('Need a string, to fetch a component. Was given a ' + typeof u); const x = i(u); return x ? _ ? 'root' === _ ? withConnect(s, x, o()) : withConnect(s, x) : x : (w.failSilently || s().log.warn('Could not find component:', u), null); }, getDisplayName = (s) => s.displayName || s.name || 'Component', view = ({ getComponents: s, getStore: o, getSystem: i }) => { const u = ((s) => jt(s, (...s) => JSON.stringify(s)))(getComponent(i, o, s)), _ = ((s) => utils_memoizeN(s, (...s) => s))(withMappedContainer(i, 0, u)); return { rootInjects: { getComponent: u, makeMappedContainer: _, render: render(i, o, getComponent, s) }, fn: { getDisplayName } }; }, view_legacy = ({ React: s, getSystem: o, getStore: i, getComponents: u }) => { const _ = {}, w = parseInt(s?.version, 10); return ( w >= 16 && w < 18 && (_.render = ((s, o, i, u) => (_) => { const w = i(s, o, u)('App', 'root'); WS.render(Pe.createElement(w, null), _); })(o, i, getComponent, u)), { rootInjects: _ } ); }; function downloadUrlPlugin(s) { let { fn: o } = s; const i = { download: (s) => ({ errActions: i, specSelectors: u, specActions: _, getConfigs: w }) => { let { fetch: x } = o; const C = w(); function next(o) { if (o instanceof Error || o.status >= 400) return ( _.updateLoadingStatus('failed'), i.newThrownErr( Object.assign(new Error((o.message || o.statusText) + ' ' + s), { source: 'fetch' }) ), void ( !o.status && o instanceof Error && (function checkPossibleFailReasons() { try { let o; if ( ('URL' in at ? (o = new URL(s)) : ((o = document.createElement('a')), (o.href = s)), 'https:' !== o.protocol && 'https:' === at.location.protocol) ) { const s = Object.assign( new Error( `Possible mixed-content issue? The page was loaded over https:// but a ${o.protocol}// URL was specified. Check that you are not attempting to load mixed content.` ), { source: 'fetch' } ); return void i.newThrownErr(s); } if (o.origin !== at.location.origin) { const s = Object.assign( new Error( `Possible cross-origin (CORS) issue? The URL origin (${o.origin}) does not match the page (${at.location.origin}). Check the server returns the correct 'Access-Control-Allow-*' headers.` ), { source: 'fetch' } ); i.newThrownErr(s); } } catch (s) { return; } })() ) ); _.updateLoadingStatus('success'), _.updateSpec(o.text), u.url() !== s && _.updateUrl(s); } (s = s || u.url()), _.updateLoadingStatus('loading'), i.clear({ source: 'fetch' }), x({ url: s, loadSpec: !0, requestInterceptor: C.requestInterceptor || ((s) => s), responseInterceptor: C.responseInterceptor || ((s) => s), credentials: 'same-origin', headers: { Accept: 'application/json,*/*' } }).then(next, next); }, updateLoadingStatus: (s) => { let o = [null, 'loading', 'failed', 'success', 'failedConfig']; return ( -1 === o.indexOf(s) && console.error(`Error: ${s} is not one of ${JSON.stringify(o)}`), { type: 'spec_update_loading_status', payload: s } ); } }; let u = { loadingStatus: Ut( (s) => s || (0, qe.Map)(), (s) => s.get('loadingStatus') || null ) }; return { statePlugins: { spec: { actions: i, reducers: { spec_update_loading_status: (s, o) => 'string' == typeof o.payload ? s.set('loadingStatus', o.payload) : s }, selectors: u } } }; } function arrayLikeToArray_arrayLikeToArray(s, o) { (null == o || o > s.length) && (o = s.length); for (var i = 0, u = Array(o); i < o; i++) u[i] = s[i]; return u; } function toConsumableArray_toConsumableArray(s) { return ( (function arrayWithoutHoles_arrayWithoutHoles(s) { if (Array.isArray(s)) return arrayLikeToArray_arrayLikeToArray(s); })(s) || (function iterableToArray_iterableToArray(s) { if ( ('undefined' != typeof Symbol && null != s[Symbol.iterator]) || null != s['@@iterator'] ) return Array.from(s); })(s) || (function unsupportedIterableToArray_unsupportedIterableToArray(s, o) { if (s) { if ('string' == typeof s) return arrayLikeToArray_arrayLikeToArray(s, o); var i = {}.toString.call(s).slice(8, -1); return ( 'Object' === i && s.constructor && (i = s.constructor.name), 'Map' === i || 'Set' === i ? Array.from(s) : 'Arguments' === i || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(i) ? arrayLikeToArray_arrayLikeToArray(s, o) : void 0 ); } })(s) || (function nonIterableSpread_nonIterableSpread() { throw new TypeError( 'Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.' ); })() ); } function typeof_typeof(s) { return ( (typeof_typeof = 'function' == typeof Symbol && 'symbol' == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (s) { return typeof s; } : function (s) { return s && 'function' == typeof Symbol && s.constructor === Symbol && s !== Symbol.prototype ? 'symbol' : typeof s; }), typeof_typeof(s) ); } function toPropertyKey(s) { var o = (function toPrimitive(s, o) { if ('object' != typeof_typeof(s) || !s) return s; var i = s[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (void 0 !== i) { var u = i.call(s, o || 'default'); if ('object' != typeof_typeof(u)) return u; throw new TypeError('@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.'); } return ('string' === o ? String : Number)(s); })(s, 'string'); return 'symbol' == typeof_typeof(o) ? o : o + ''; } function defineProperty_defineProperty(s, o, i) { return ( (o = toPropertyKey(o)) in s ? Object.defineProperty(s, o, { value: i, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : (s[o] = i), s ); } function extends_extends() { return ( (extends_extends = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function (s) { for (var o = 1; o < arguments.length; o++) { var i = arguments[o]; for (var u in i) ({}).hasOwnProperty.call(i, u) && (s[u] = i[u]); } return s; }), extends_extends.apply(null, arguments) ); } function create_element_ownKeys(s, o) { var i = Object.keys(s); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var u = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); o && (u = u.filter(function (o) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(s, o).enumerable; })), i.push.apply(i, u); } return i; } function _objectSpread(s) { for (var o = 1; o < arguments.length; o++) { var i = null != arguments[o] ? arguments[o] : {}; o % 2 ? create_element_ownKeys(Object(i), !0).forEach(function (o) { defineProperty_defineProperty(s, o, i[o]); }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(s, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(i)) : create_element_ownKeys(Object(i)).forEach(function (o) { Object.defineProperty(s, o, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(i, o)); }); } return s; } var Tx = {}; function createStyleObject(s) { var o = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}, i = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : void 0; return (function getClassNameCombinations(s) { if (0 === s.length || 1 === s.length) return s; var o = s.join('.'); return ( Tx[o] || (Tx[o] = (function powerSetPermutations(s) { var o = s.length; return 0 === o || 1 === o ? s : 2 === o ? [ s[0], s[1], ''.concat(s[0], '.').concat(s[1]), ''.concat(s[1], '.').concat(s[0]) ] : 3 === o ? [ s[0], s[1], s[2], ''.concat(s[0], '.').concat(s[1]), ''.concat(s[0], '.').concat(s[2]), ''.concat(s[1], '.').concat(s[0]), ''.concat(s[1], '.').concat(s[2]), ''.concat(s[2], '.').concat(s[0]), ''.concat(s[2], '.').concat(s[1]), ''.concat(s[0], '.').concat(s[1], '.').concat(s[2]), ''.concat(s[0], '.').concat(s[2], '.').concat(s[1]), ''.concat(s[1], '.').concat(s[0], '.').concat(s[2]), ''.concat(s[1], '.').concat(s[2], '.').concat(s[0]), ''.concat(s[2], '.').concat(s[0], '.').concat(s[1]), ''.concat(s[2], '.').concat(s[1], '.').concat(s[0]) ] : o >= 4 ? [ s[0], s[1], s[2], s[3], ''.concat(s[0], '.').concat(s[1]), ''.concat(s[0], '.').concat(s[2]), ''.concat(s[0], '.').concat(s[3]), ''.concat(s[1], '.').concat(s[0]), ''.concat(s[1], '.').concat(s[2]), ''.concat(s[1], '.').concat(s[3]), ''.concat(s[2], '.').concat(s[0]), ''.concat(s[2], '.').concat(s[1]), ''.concat(s[2], '.').concat(s[3]), ''.concat(s[3], '.').concat(s[0]), ''.concat(s[3], '.').concat(s[1]), ''.concat(s[3], '.').concat(s[2]), ''.concat(s[0], '.').concat(s[1], '.').concat(s[2]), ''.concat(s[0], '.').concat(s[1], '.').concat(s[3]), ''.concat(s[0], '.').concat(s[2], '.').concat(s[1]), ''.concat(s[0], '.').concat(s[2], '.').concat(s[3]), ''.concat(s[0], '.').concat(s[3], '.').concat(s[1]), ''.concat(s[0], '.').concat(s[3], '.').concat(s[2]), ''.concat(s[1], '.').concat(s[0], '.').concat(s[2]), ''.concat(s[1], '.').concat(s[0], '.').concat(s[3]), ''.concat(s[1], '.').concat(s[2], '.').concat(s[0]), ''.concat(s[1], '.').concat(s[2], '.').concat(s[3]), ''.concat(s[1], '.').concat(s[3], '.').concat(s[0]), ''.concat(s[1], '.').concat(s[3], '.').concat(s[2]), ''.concat(s[2], '.').concat(s[0], '.').concat(s[1]), ''.concat(s[2], '.').concat(s[0], '.').concat(s[3]), ''.concat(s[2], '.').concat(s[1], '.').concat(s[0]), ''.concat(s[2], '.').concat(s[1], '.').concat(s[3]), ''.concat(s[2], '.').concat(s[3], '.').concat(s[0]), ''.concat(s[2], '.').concat(s[3], '.').concat(s[1]), ''.concat(s[3], '.').concat(s[0], '.').concat(s[1]), ''.concat(s[3], '.').concat(s[0], '.').concat(s[2]), ''.concat(s[3], '.').concat(s[1], '.').concat(s[0]), ''.concat(s[3], '.').concat(s[1], '.').concat(s[2]), ''.concat(s[3], '.').concat(s[2], '.').concat(s[0]), ''.concat(s[3], '.').concat(s[2], '.').concat(s[1]), ''.concat(s[0], '.').concat(s[1], '.').concat(s[2], '.').concat(s[3]), ''.concat(s[0], '.').concat(s[1], '.').concat(s[3], '.').concat(s[2]), ''.concat(s[0], '.').concat(s[2], '.').concat(s[1], '.').concat(s[3]), ''.concat(s[0], '.').concat(s[2], '.').concat(s[3], '.').concat(s[1]), ''.concat(s[0], '.').concat(s[3], '.').concat(s[1], '.').concat(s[2]), ''.concat(s[0], '.').concat(s[3], '.').concat(s[2], '.').concat(s[1]), ''.concat(s[1], '.').concat(s[0], '.').concat(s[2], '.').concat(s[3]), ''.concat(s[1], '.').concat(s[0], '.').concat(s[3], '.').concat(s[2]), ''.concat(s[1], '.').concat(s[2], '.').concat(s[0], '.').concat(s[3]), ''.concat(s[1], '.').concat(s[2], '.').concat(s[3], '.').concat(s[0]), ''.concat(s[1], '.').concat(s[3], '.').concat(s[0], '.').concat(s[2]), ''.concat(s[1], '.').concat(s[3], '.').concat(s[2], '.').concat(s[0]), ''.concat(s[2], '.').concat(s[0], '.').concat(s[1], '.').concat(s[3]), ''.concat(s[2], '.').concat(s[0], '.').concat(s[3], '.').concat(s[1]), ''.concat(s[2], '.').concat(s[1], '.').concat(s[0], '.').concat(s[3]), ''.concat(s[2], '.').concat(s[1], '.').concat(s[3], '.').concat(s[0]), ''.concat(s[2], '.').concat(s[3], '.').concat(s[0], '.').concat(s[1]), ''.concat(s[2], '.').concat(s[3], '.').concat(s[1], '.').concat(s[0]), ''.concat(s[3], '.').concat(s[0], '.').concat(s[1], '.').concat(s[2]), ''.concat(s[3], '.').concat(s[0], '.').concat(s[2], '.').concat(s[1]), ''.concat(s[3], '.').concat(s[1], '.').concat(s[0], '.').concat(s[2]), ''.concat(s[3], '.').concat(s[1], '.').concat(s[2], '.').concat(s[0]), ''.concat(s[3], '.').concat(s[2], '.').concat(s[0], '.').concat(s[1]), ''.concat(s[3], '.').concat(s[2], '.').concat(s[1], '.').concat(s[0]) ] : void 0; })(s)), Tx[o] ); })( s.filter(function (s) { return 'token' !== s; }) ).reduce(function (s, o) { return _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, s), i[o]); }, o); } function createClassNameString(s) { return s.join(' '); } function createElement(s) { var o = s.node, i = s.stylesheet, u = s.style, _ = void 0 === u ? {} : u, w = s.useInlineStyles, x = s.key, C = o.properties, j = o.type, L = o.tagName, B = o.value; if ('text' === j) return B; if (L) { var $, V = (function createChildren(s, o) { var i = 0; return function (u) { return ( (i += 1), u.map(function (u, _) { return createElement({ node: u, stylesheet: s, useInlineStyles: o, key: 'code-segment-'.concat(i, '-').concat(_) }); }) ); }; })(i, w); if (w) { var U = Object.keys(i).reduce(function (s, o) { return ( o.split('.').forEach(function (o) { s.includes(o) || s.push(o); }), s ); }, []), z = C.className && C.className.includes('token') ? ['token'] : [], Y = C.className && z.concat( C.className.filter(function (s) { return !U.includes(s); }) ); $ = _objectSpread( _objectSpread({}, C), {}, { className: createClassNameString(Y) || void 0, style: createStyleObject(C.className, Object.assign({}, C.style, _), i) } ); } else $ = _objectSpread( _objectSpread({}, C), {}, { className: createClassNameString(C.className) } ); var Z = V(o.children); return Pe.createElement(L, extends_extends({ key: x }, $), Z); } } var Nx = [ 'language', 'children', 'style', 'customStyle', 'codeTagProps', 'useInlineStyles', 'showLineNumbers', 'showInlineLineNumbers', 'startingLineNumber', 'lineNumberContainerStyle', 'lineNumberStyle', 'wrapLines', 'wrapLongLines', 'lineProps', 'renderer', 'PreTag', 'CodeTag', 'code', 'astGenerator' ]; function highlight_ownKeys(s, o) { var i = Object.keys(s); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var u = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); o && (u = u.filter(function (o) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(s, o).enumerable; })), i.push.apply(i, u); } return i; } function highlight_objectSpread(s) { for (var o = 1; o < arguments.length; o++) { var i = null != arguments[o] ? arguments[o] : {}; o % 2 ? highlight_ownKeys(Object(i), !0).forEach(function (o) { defineProperty_defineProperty(s, o, i[o]); }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(s, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(i)) : highlight_ownKeys(Object(i)).forEach(function (o) { Object.defineProperty(s, o, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(i, o)); }); } return s; } var Rx = /\n/g; function AllLineNumbers(s) { var o = s.codeString, i = s.codeStyle, u = s.containerStyle, _ = void 0 === u ? { float: 'left', paddingRight: '10px' } : u, w = s.numberStyle, x = void 0 === w ? {} : w, C = s.startingLineNumber; return Pe.createElement( 'code', { style: Object.assign({}, i, _) }, (function getAllLineNumbers(s) { var o = s.lines, i = s.startingLineNumber, u = s.style; return o.map(function (s, o) { var _ = o + i; return Pe.createElement( 'span', { key: 'line-'.concat(o), className: 'react-syntax-highlighter-line-number', style: 'function' == typeof u ? u(_) : u }, ''.concat(_, '\n') ); }); })({ lines: o.replace(/\n$/, '').split('\n'), style: x, startingLineNumber: C }) ); } function getInlineLineNumber(s, o) { return { type: 'element', tagName: 'span', properties: { key: 'line-number--'.concat(s), className: ['comment', 'linenumber', 'react-syntax-highlighter-line-number'], style: o }, children: [{ type: 'text', value: s }] }; } function assembleLineNumberStyles(s, o, i) { var u, _ = { display: 'inline-block', minWidth: ((u = i), ''.concat(u.toString().length, '.25em')), paddingRight: '1em', textAlign: 'right', userSelect: 'none' }, w = 'function' == typeof s ? s(o) : s; return highlight_objectSpread(highlight_objectSpread({}, _), w); } function createLineElement(s) { var o = s.children, i = s.lineNumber, u = s.lineNumberStyle, _ = s.largestLineNumber, w = s.showInlineLineNumbers, x = s.lineProps, C = void 0 === x ? {} : x, j = s.className, L = void 0 === j ? [] : j, B = s.showLineNumbers, $ = s.wrapLongLines, V = s.wrapLines, U = void 0 !== V && V ? highlight_objectSpread({}, 'function' == typeof C ? C(i) : C) : {}; if ( ((U.className = U.className ? [].concat( toConsumableArray_toConsumableArray(U.className.trim().split(/\s+/)), toConsumableArray_toConsumableArray(L) ) : L), i && w) ) { var z = assembleLineNumberStyles(u, i, _); o.unshift(getInlineLineNumber(i, z)); } return ( $ & B && (U.style = highlight_objectSpread({ display: 'flex' }, U.style)), { type: 'element', tagName: 'span', properties: U, children: o } ); } function flattenCodeTree(s) { for ( var o = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : [], i = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : [], u = 0; u < s.length; u++ ) { var _ = s[u]; if ('text' === _.type) i.push( createLineElement({ children: [_], className: toConsumableArray_toConsumableArray(new Set(o)) }) ); else if (_.children) { var w = o.concat(_.properties.className); flattenCodeTree(_.children, w).forEach(function (s) { return i.push(s); }); } } return i; } function processLines(s, o, i, u, _, w, x, C, j) { var L, B = flattenCodeTree(s.value), $ = [], V = -1, U = 0; function createLine(s, w) { var L = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : []; return o || L.length > 0 ? (function createWrappedLine(s, w) { return createLineElement({ children: s, lineNumber: w, lineNumberStyle: C, largestLineNumber: x, showInlineLineNumbers: _, lineProps: i, className: arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : [], showLineNumbers: u, wrapLongLines: j, wrapLines: o }); })(s, w, L) : (function createUnwrappedLine(s, o) { if (u && o && _) { var i = assembleLineNumberStyles(C, o, x); s.unshift(getInlineLineNumber(o, i)); } return s; })(s, w); } for ( var z = function _loop() { var s = B[U], o = s.children[0].value, i = (function getNewLines(s) { return s.match(Rx); })(o); if (i) { var _ = o.split('\n'); _.forEach(function (o, i) { var x = u && $.length + w, C = { type: 'text', value: ''.concat(o, '\n') }; if (0 === i) { var j = createLine( B.slice(V + 1, U).concat( createLineElement({ children: [C], className: s.properties.className }) ), x ); $.push(j); } else if (i === _.length - 1) { var L = B[U + 1] && B[U + 1].children && B[U + 1].children[0], z = { type: 'text', value: ''.concat(o) }; if (L) { var Y = createLineElement({ children: [z], className: s.properties.className }); B.splice(U + 1, 0, Y); } else { var Z = createLine([z], x, s.properties.className); $.push(Z); } } else { var ee = createLine([C], x, s.properties.className); $.push(ee); } }), (V = U); } U++; }; U < B.length; ) z(); if (V !== B.length - 1) { var Y = B.slice(V + 1, B.length); if (Y && Y.length) { var Z = createLine(Y, u && $.length + w); $.push(Z); } } return o ? $ : (L = []).concat.apply(L, $); } function defaultRenderer(s) { var o = s.rows, i = s.stylesheet, u = s.useInlineStyles; return o.map(function (s, o) { return createElement({ node: s, stylesheet: i, useInlineStyles: u, key: 'code-segement'.concat(o) }); }); } function isHighlightJs(s) { return s && void 0 !== s.highlightAuto; } var Dx = __webpack_require__(43768), Lx = (function highlight(s, o) { return function SyntaxHighlighter(i) { var u = i.language, _ = i.children, w = i.style, x = void 0 === w ? o : w, C = i.customStyle, j = void 0 === C ? {} : C, L = i.codeTagProps, B = void 0 === L ? { className: u ? 'language-'.concat(u) : void 0, style: highlight_objectSpread( highlight_objectSpread({}, x['code[class*="language-"]']), x['code[class*="language-'.concat(u, '"]')] ) } : L, $ = i.useInlineStyles, V = void 0 === $ || $, U = i.showLineNumbers, z = void 0 !== U && U, Y = i.showInlineLineNumbers, Z = void 0 === Y || Y, ee = i.startingLineNumber, ie = void 0 === ee ? 1 : ee, ae = i.lineNumberContainerStyle, le = i.lineNumberStyle, ce = void 0 === le ? {} : le, pe = i.wrapLines, de = i.wrapLongLines, fe = void 0 !== de && de, ye = i.lineProps, be = void 0 === ye ? {} : ye, _e = i.renderer, we = i.PreTag, Se = void 0 === we ? 'pre' : we, xe = i.CodeTag, Te = void 0 === xe ? 'code' : xe, Re = i.code, qe = void 0 === Re ? (Array.isArray(_) ? _[0] : _) || '' : Re, $e = i.astGenerator, ze = (function _objectWithoutProperties(s, o) { if (null == s) return {}; var i, u, _ = (function _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(s, o) { if (null == s) return {}; var i = {}; for (var u in s) if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(s, u)) { if (o.includes(u)) continue; i[u] = s[u]; } return i; })(s, o); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var w = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); for (u = 0; u < w.length; u++) (i = w[u]), o.includes(i) || ({}.propertyIsEnumerable.call(s, i) && (_[i] = s[i])); } return _; })(i, Nx); $e = $e || s; var We = z ? Pe.createElement(AllLineNumbers, { containerStyle: ae, codeStyle: B.style || {}, numberStyle: ce, startingLineNumber: ie, codeString: qe }) : null, He = x.hljs || x['pre[class*="language-"]'] || { backgroundColor: '#fff' }, Ye = isHighlightJs($e) ? 'hljs' : 'prismjs', Xe = V ? Object.assign({}, ze, { style: Object.assign({}, He, j) }) : Object.assign({}, ze, { className: ze.className ? ''.concat(Ye, ' ').concat(ze.className) : Ye, style: Object.assign({}, j) }); if ( ((B.style = highlight_objectSpread( fe ? { whiteSpace: 'pre-wrap' } : { whiteSpace: 'pre' }, B.style )), !$e) ) return Pe.createElement(Se, Xe, We, Pe.createElement(Te, B, qe)); ((void 0 === pe && _e) || fe) && (pe = !0), (_e = _e || defaultRenderer); var Qe = [{ type: 'text', value: qe }], et = (function getCodeTree(s) { var o = s.astGenerator, i = s.language, u = s.code, _ = s.defaultCodeValue; if (isHighlightJs(o)) { var w = (function (s, o) { return -1 !== s.listLanguages().indexOf(o); })(o, i); return 'text' === i ? { value: _, language: 'text' } : w ? o.highlight(i, u) : o.highlightAuto(u); } try { return i && 'text' !== i ? { value: o.highlight(u, i) } : { value: _ }; } catch (s) { return { value: _ }; } })({ astGenerator: $e, language: u, code: qe, defaultCodeValue: Qe }); null === et.language && (et.value = Qe); var tt = et.value.length; 1 === tt && 'text' === et.value[0].type && (tt = et.value[0].value.split('\n').length); var rt = processLines(et, pe, be, z, Z, ie, tt + ie, ce, fe); return Pe.createElement( Se, Xe, Pe.createElement( Te, B, !Z && We, _e({ rows: rt, stylesheet: x, useInlineStyles: V }) ) ); }; })(Dx, {}); Lx.registerLanguage = Dx.registerLanguage; const Bx = Lx; var Fx = __webpack_require__(95089); const qx = __webpack_require__.n(Fx)(); var $x = __webpack_require__(65772); const Vx = __webpack_require__.n($x)(); var Ux = __webpack_require__(17285); const zx = __webpack_require__.n(Ux)(); var Wx = __webpack_require__(35344); const Kx = __webpack_require__.n(Wx)(); var Hx = __webpack_require__(17533); const Jx = __webpack_require__.n(Hx)(); var Gx = __webpack_require__(73402); const Yx = __webpack_require__.n(Gx)(); var Xx = __webpack_require__(26571); const Zx = __webpack_require__.n(Xx)(), after_load = () => { Bx.registerLanguage('json', Vx), Bx.registerLanguage('js', qx), Bx.registerLanguage('xml', zx), Bx.registerLanguage('yaml', Jx), Bx.registerLanguage('http', Yx), Bx.registerLanguage('bash', Kx), Bx.registerLanguage('powershell', Zx), Bx.registerLanguage('javascript', qx); }, Qx = { hljs: { display: 'block', overflowX: 'auto', padding: '0.5em', background: '#333', color: 'white' }, 'hljs-name': { fontWeight: 'bold' }, 'hljs-strong': { fontWeight: 'bold' }, 'hljs-code': { fontStyle: 'italic', color: '#888' }, 'hljs-emphasis': { fontStyle: 'italic' }, 'hljs-tag': { color: '#62c8f3' }, 'hljs-variable': { color: '#ade5fc' }, 'hljs-template-variable': { color: '#ade5fc' }, 'hljs-selector-id': { color: '#ade5fc' }, 'hljs-selector-class': { color: '#ade5fc' }, 'hljs-string': { color: '#a2fca2' }, 'hljs-bullet': { color: '#d36363' }, 'hljs-type': { color: '#ffa' }, 'hljs-title': { color: '#ffa' }, 'hljs-section': { color: '#ffa' }, 'hljs-attribute': { color: '#ffa' }, 'hljs-quote': { color: '#ffa' }, 'hljs-built_in': { color: '#ffa' }, 'hljs-builtin-name': { color: '#ffa' }, 'hljs-number': { color: '#d36363' }, 'hljs-symbol': { color: '#d36363' }, 'hljs-keyword': { color: '#fcc28c' }, 'hljs-selector-tag': { color: '#fcc28c' }, 'hljs-literal': { color: '#fcc28c' }, 'hljs-comment': { color: '#888' }, 'hljs-deletion': { color: '#333', backgroundColor: '#fc9b9b' }, 'hljs-regexp': { color: '#c6b4f0' }, 'hljs-link': { color: '#c6b4f0' }, 'hljs-meta': { color: '#fc9b9b' }, 'hljs-addition': { backgroundColor: '#a2fca2', color: '#333' } }, tk = { agate: Qx, arta: { hljs: { display: 'block', overflowX: 'auto', padding: '0.5em', background: '#222', color: '#aaa' }, 'hljs-subst': { color: '#aaa' }, 'hljs-section': { color: '#fff', fontWeight: 'bold' }, 'hljs-comment': { color: '#444' }, 'hljs-quote': { color: '#444' }, 'hljs-meta': { color: '#444' }, 'hljs-string': { color: '#ffcc33' }, 'hljs-symbol': { color: '#ffcc33' }, 'hljs-bullet': { color: '#ffcc33' }, 'hljs-regexp': { color: '#ffcc33' }, 'hljs-number': { color: '#00cc66' }, 'hljs-addition': { color: '#00cc66' }, 'hljs-built_in': { color: 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'#660e7a' }, 'hljs-addition': { background: '#baeeba' }, 'hljs-deletion': { background: '#ffc8bd' }, 'hljs-emphasis': { fontStyle: 'italic' }, 'hljs-strong': { fontWeight: 'bold' } } }, rk = Qx, components_SyntaxHighlighter = ({ language: s, className: o = '', getConfigs: i, syntaxHighlighting: u = {}, children: _ = '' }) => { const w = i().syntaxHighlight.theme, { styles: x, defaultStyle: C } = u, j = x?.[w] ?? C; return Pe.createElement(Bx, { language: s, className: o, style: j }, _); }; var nk = __webpack_require__(5419), sk = __webpack_require__.n(nk); const components_HighlightCode = ({ fileName: s = 'response.txt', className: o, downloadable: i, getComponent: u, canCopy: _, language: w, children: x }) => { const C = (0, Pe.useRef)(null), j = u('SyntaxHighlighter', !0), handlePreventYScrollingBeyondElement = (s) => { const { target: o, deltaY: i } = s, { scrollHeight: u, offsetHeight: _, scrollTop: w } = o; u > _ && ((0 === w && i < 0) || (_ + w >= u && i > 0)) && s.preventDefault(); }; return ( (0, Pe.useEffect)(() => { const s = Array.from(C.current.childNodes).filter( (s) => !!s.nodeType && s.classList.contains('microlight') ); return ( s.forEach((s) => s.addEventListener('mousewheel', handlePreventYScrollingBeyondElement, { passive: !1 }) ), () => { s.forEach((s) => s.removeEventListener('mousewheel', handlePreventYScrollingBeyondElement) ); } ); }, [x, o, w]), Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'highlight-code', ref: C }, _ && Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'copy-to-clipboard' }, Pe.createElement( Jn.CopyToClipboard, { text: x }, Pe.createElement('button', null) ) ), i ? Pe.createElement( 'button', { className: 'download-contents', onClick: () => { sk()(x, s); } }, 'Download' ) : null, Pe.createElement( j, { language: w, className: Hn()(o, 'microlight'), renderPlainText: ({ children: s, PlainTextViewer: i }) => Pe.createElement(i, { className: o }, s) }, x ) ) ); }, components_PlainTextViewer = ({ className: s = '', children: o }) => Pe.createElement('pre', { className: Hn()('microlight', s) }, o), wrap_components_SyntaxHighlighter = (s, o) => ({ renderPlainText: i, children: u, ..._ }) => { const w = o.getConfigs().syntaxHighlight.activated, x = o.getComponent('PlainTextViewer'); return w || 'function' != typeof i ? w ? Pe.createElement(s, _, u) : Pe.createElement(x, null, u) : i({ children: u, PlainTextViewer: x }); }, SyntaxHighlightingPlugin1 = () => ({ afterLoad: after_load, rootInjects: { syntaxHighlighting: { styles: tk, defaultStyle: rk } }, components: { SyntaxHighlighter: components_SyntaxHighlighter, HighlightCode: components_HighlightCode, PlainTextViewer: components_PlainTextViewer } }), SyntaxHighlightingPlugin2 = () => ({ wrapComponents: { SyntaxHighlighter: wrap_components_SyntaxHighlighter } }), syntax_highlighting = () => [SyntaxHighlightingPlugin1, SyntaxHighlightingPlugin2], versions_after_load = () => { const { GIT_DIRTY: s, GIT_COMMIT: o, PACKAGE_VERSION: i, BUILD_TIME: u } = { PACKAGE_VERSION: '5.18.2', GIT_COMMIT: 'g1dd1f7cc', GIT_DIRTY: !0, BUILD_TIME: 'Thu, 07 Nov 2024 14:01:17 GMT' }; (at.versions = at.versions || {}), (at.versions.swaggerUI = { version: i, gitRevision: o, gitDirty: s, buildTimestamp: u }); }, versions = () => ({ afterLoad: versions_after_load }); var ok = __webpack_require__(47248), lk = __webpack_require__.n(ok); const uk = console.error, withErrorBoundary = (s) => (o) => { const { getComponent: i, fn: u } = s(), _ = i('ErrorBoundary'), w = u.getDisplayName(o); class WithErrorBoundary extends Pe.Component { render() { return Pe.createElement( _, { targetName: w, getComponent: i, fn: u }, Pe.createElement(o, Rn()({}, this.props, this.context)) ); } } var x; return ( (WithErrorBoundary.displayName = `WithErrorBoundary(${w})`), (x = o).prototype && x.prototype.isReactComponent && (WithErrorBoundary.prototype.mapStateToProps = o.prototype.mapStateToProps), WithErrorBoundary ); }, fallback = ({ name: s }) => Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'fallback' }, '😱 ', Pe.createElement( 'i', null, 'Could not render ', 't' === s ? 'this component' : s, ', see the console.' ) ); class ErrorBoundary extends Pe.Component { static defaultProps = { targetName: 'this component', getComponent: () => fallback, fn: { componentDidCatch: uk }, children: null }; static getDerivedStateFromError(s) { return { hasError: !0, error: s }; } constructor(...s) { super(...s), (this.state = { hasError: !1, error: null }); } componentDidCatch(s, o) { this.props.fn.componentDidCatch(s, o); } render() { const { getComponent: s, targetName: o, children: i } = this.props; if (this.state.hasError) { const i = s('Fallback'); return Pe.createElement(i, { name: o }); } return i; } } const pk = ErrorBoundary, safe_render = ({ componentList: s = [], fullOverride: o = !1 } = {}) => ({ getSystem: i }) => { const u = o ? s : [ 'App', 'BaseLayout', 'VersionPragmaFilter', 'InfoContainer', 'ServersContainer', 'SchemesContainer', 'AuthorizeBtnContainer', 'FilterContainer', 'Operations', 'OperationContainer', 'parameters', 'responses', 'OperationServers', 'Models', 'ModelWrapper', ...s ], _ = lk()( u, Array(u.length).fill((s, { fn: o }) => o.withErrorBoundary(s)) ); return { fn: { componentDidCatch: uk, withErrorBoundary: withErrorBoundary(i) }, components: { ErrorBoundary: pk, Fallback: fallback }, wrapComponents: _ }; }; class App extends Pe.Component { getLayout() { const { getComponent: s, layoutSelectors: o } = this.props, i = o.current(), u = s(i, !0); return u || (() => Pe.createElement('h1', null, ' No layout defined for "', i, '" ')); } render() { const s = this.getLayout(); return Pe.createElement(s, null); } } const fk = App; class AuthorizationPopup extends Pe.Component { close = () => { let { authActions: s } = this.props; s.showDefinitions(!1); }; render() { let { authSelectors: s, authActions: o, getComponent: i, errSelectors: u, specSelectors: _, fn: { AST: w = {} } } = this.props, x = s.shownDefinitions(); const C = i('auths'), j = i('CloseIcon'); return Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'dialog-ux' }, Pe.createElement('div', { className: 'backdrop-ux' }), Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'modal-ux' }, Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'modal-dialog-ux' }, Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'modal-ux-inner' }, Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'modal-ux-header' }, Pe.createElement('h3', null, 'Available authorizations'), Pe.createElement( 'button', { type: 'button', className: 'close-modal', onClick: this.close }, Pe.createElement(j, null) ) ), Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'modal-ux-content' }, x.valueSeq().map((x, j) => Pe.createElement(C, { key: j, AST: w, definitions: x, getComponent: i, errSelectors: u, authSelectors: s, authActions: o, specSelectors: _ }) ) ) ) ) ) ); } } class AuthorizeBtn extends Pe.Component { render() { let { isAuthorized: s, showPopup: o, onClick: i, getComponent: u } = this.props; const _ = u('authorizationPopup', !0), w = u('LockAuthIcon', !0), x = u('UnlockAuthIcon', !0); return Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'auth-wrapper' }, Pe.createElement( 'button', { className: s ? 'btn authorize locked' : 'btn authorize unlocked', onClick: i }, Pe.createElement('span', null, 'Authorize'), s ? Pe.createElement(w, null) : Pe.createElement(x, null) ), o && Pe.createElement(_, null) ); } } class AuthorizeBtnContainer extends Pe.Component { render() { const { authActions: s, authSelectors: o, specSelectors: i, getComponent: u } = this.props, _ = i.securityDefinitions(), w = o.definitionsToAuthorize(), x = u('authorizeBtn'); return _ ? Pe.createElement(x, { onClick: () => s.showDefinitions(w), isAuthorized: !!o.authorized().size, showPopup: !!o.shownDefinitions(), getComponent: u }) : null; } } class AuthorizeOperationBtn extends Pe.Component { onClick = (s) => { s.stopPropagation(); let { onClick: o } = this.props; o && o(); }; render() { let { isAuthorized: s, getComponent: o } = this.props; const i = o('LockAuthOperationIcon', !0), u = o('UnlockAuthOperationIcon', !0); return Pe.createElement( 'button', { className: 'authorization__btn', 'aria-label': s ? 'authorization button locked' : 'authorization button unlocked', onClick: this.onClick }, s ? Pe.createElement(i, { className: 'locked' }) : Pe.createElement(u, { className: 'unlocked' }) ); } } class Auths extends Pe.Component { constructor(s, o) { super(s, o), (this.state = {}); } onAuthChange = (s) => { let { name: o } = s; this.setState({ [o]: s }); }; submitAuth = (s) => { s.preventDefault(); let { authActions: o } = this.props; o.authorizeWithPersistOption(this.state); }; logoutClick = (s) => { s.preventDefault(); let { authActions: o, definitions: i } = this.props, u = i.map((s, o) => o).toArray(); this.setState(u.reduce((s, o) => ((s[o] = ''), s), {})), o.logoutWithPersistOption(u); }; close = (s) => { s.preventDefault(); let { authActions: o } = this.props; o.showDefinitions(!1); }; render() { let { definitions: s, getComponent: o, authSelectors: i, errSelectors: u } = this.props; const _ = o('AuthItem'), w = o('oauth2', !0), x = o('Button'); let C = i.authorized(), j = s.filter((s, o) => !!C.get(o)), L = s.filter((s) => 'oauth2' !== s.get('type')), B = s.filter((s) => 'oauth2' === s.get('type')); return Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'auth-container' }, !!L.size && Pe.createElement( 'form', { onSubmit: this.submitAuth }, L.map((s, i) => Pe.createElement(_, { key: i, schema: s, name: i, getComponent: o, onAuthChange: this.onAuthChange, authorized: C, errSelectors: u }) ).toArray(), Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'auth-btn-wrapper' }, L.size === j.size ? Pe.createElement( x, { className: 'btn modal-btn auth', onClick: this.logoutClick, 'aria-label': 'Remove authorization' }, 'Logout' ) : Pe.createElement( x, { type: 'submit', className: 'btn modal-btn auth authorize', 'aria-label': 'Apply credentials' }, 'Authorize' ), Pe.createElement( x, { className: 'btn modal-btn auth btn-done', onClick: this.close }, 'Close' ) ) ), B && B.size ? Pe.createElement( 'div', null, Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'scope-def' }, Pe.createElement( 'p', null, 'Scopes are used to grant an application different levels of access to data on behalf of the end user. Each API may declare one or more scopes.' ), Pe.createElement( 'p', null, 'API requires the following scopes. Select which ones you want to grant to Swagger UI.' ) ), s .filter((s) => 'oauth2' === s.get('type')) .map((s, o) => Pe.createElement( 'div', { key: o }, Pe.createElement(w, { authorized: C, schema: s, name: o }) ) ) .toArray() ) : null ); } } class auth_item_Auths extends Pe.Component { render() { let { schema: s, name: o, getComponent: i, onAuthChange: u, authorized: _, errSelectors: w } = this.props; const x = i('apiKeyAuth'), C = i('basicAuth'); let j; const L = s.get('type'); switch (L) { case 'apiKey': j = Pe.createElement(x, { key: o, schema: s, name: o, errSelectors: w, authorized: _, getComponent: i, onChange: u }); break; case 'basic': j = Pe.createElement(C, { key: o, schema: s, name: o, errSelectors: w, authorized: _, getComponent: i, onChange: u }); break; default: j = Pe.createElement('div', { key: o }, 'Unknown security definition type ', L); } return Pe.createElement('div', { key: `${o}-jump` }, j); } } class AuthError extends Pe.Component { render() { let { error: s } = this.props, o = s.get('level'), i = s.get('message'), u = s.get('source'); return Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'errors' }, Pe.createElement('b', null, u, ' ', o), Pe.createElement('span', null, i) ); } } class ApiKeyAuth extends Pe.Component { constructor(s, o) { super(s, o); let { name: i, schema: u } = this.props, _ = this.getValue(); this.state = { name: i, schema: u, value: _ }; } getValue() { let { name: s, authorized: o } = this.props; return o && o.getIn([s, 'value']); } onChange = (s) => { let { onChange: o } = this.props, i = s.target.value, u = Object.assign({}, this.state, { value: i }); this.setState(u), o(u); }; render() { let { schema: s, getComponent: o, errSelectors: i, name: u } = this.props; const _ = o('Input'), w = o('Row'), x = o('Col'), C = o('authError'), j = o('Markdown', !0), L = o('JumpToPath', !0); let B = this.getValue(), $ = i.allErrors().filter((s) => s.get('authId') === u); return Pe.createElement( 'div', null, Pe.createElement( 'h4', null, Pe.createElement('code', null, u || s.get('name')), ' (apiKey)', Pe.createElement(L, { path: ['securityDefinitions', u] }) ), B && Pe.createElement('h6', null, 'Authorized'), Pe.createElement(w, null, Pe.createElement(j, { source: s.get('description') })), Pe.createElement( w, null, Pe.createElement('p', null, 'Name: ', Pe.createElement('code', null, s.get('name'))) ), Pe.createElement( w, null, Pe.createElement('p', null, 'In: ', Pe.createElement('code', null, s.get('in'))) ), Pe.createElement( w, null, Pe.createElement('label', { htmlFor: 'api_key_value' }, 'Value:'), B ? Pe.createElement('code', null, ' ****** ') : Pe.createElement( x, null, Pe.createElement(_, { id: 'api_key_value', type: 'text', onChange: this.onChange, autoFocus: !0 }) ) ), $.valueSeq().map((s, o) => Pe.createElement(C, { error: s, key: o })) ); } } class BasicAuth extends Pe.Component { constructor(s, o) { super(s, o); let { schema: i, name: u } = this.props, _ = this.getValue().username; this.state = { name: u, schema: i, value: _ ? { username: _ } : {} }; } getValue() { let { authorized: s, name: o } = this.props; return (s && s.getIn([o, 'value'])) || {}; } onChange = (s) => { let { onChange: o } = this.props, { value: i, name: u } = s.target, _ = this.state.value; (_[u] = i), this.setState({ value: _ }), o(this.state); }; render() { let { schema: s, getComponent: o, name: i, errSelectors: u } = this.props; const _ = o('Input'), w = o('Row'), x = o('Col'), C = o('authError'), j = o('JumpToPath', !0), L = o('Markdown', !0); let B = this.getValue().username, $ = u.allErrors().filter((s) => s.get('authId') === i); return Pe.createElement( 'div', null, Pe.createElement( 'h4', null, 'Basic authorization', Pe.createElement(j, { path: ['securityDefinitions', i] }) ), B && Pe.createElement('h6', null, 'Authorized'), Pe.createElement(w, null, Pe.createElement(L, { source: s.get('description') })), Pe.createElement( w, null, Pe.createElement('label', { htmlFor: 'auth_username' }, 'Username:'), B ? Pe.createElement('code', null, ' ', B, ' ') : Pe.createElement( x, null, Pe.createElement(_, { id: 'auth_username', type: 'text', required: 'required', name: 'username', onChange: this.onChange, autoFocus: !0 }) ) ), Pe.createElement( w, null, Pe.createElement('label', { htmlFor: 'auth_password' }, 'Password:'), B ? Pe.createElement('code', null, ' ****** ') : Pe.createElement( x, null, Pe.createElement(_, { id: 'auth_password', autoComplete: 'new-password', name: 'password', type: 'password', onChange: this.onChange }) ) ), $.valueSeq().map((s, o) => Pe.createElement(C, { error: s, key: o })) ); } } function example_Example(s) { const { example: o, showValue: i, getComponent: u } = s, _ = u('Markdown', !0), w = u('HighlightCode', !0); return o ? Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'example' }, o.get('description') ? Pe.createElement( 'section', { className: 'example__section' }, Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'example__section-header' }, 'Example Description' ), Pe.createElement( 'p', null, Pe.createElement(_, { source: o.get('description') }) ) ) : null, i && o.has('value') ? Pe.createElement( 'section', { className: 'example__section' }, Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'example__section-header' }, 'Example Value' ), Pe.createElement(w, null, stringify(o.get('value'))) ) : null ) : null; } class ExamplesSelect extends Pe.PureComponent { static defaultProps = { examples: $e().Map({}), onSelect: (...s) => console.log('DEBUG: ExamplesSelect was not given an onSelect callback', ...s), currentExampleKey: null, showLabels: !0 }; _onSelect = (s, { isSyntheticChange: o = !1 } = {}) => { 'function' == typeof this.props.onSelect && this.props.onSelect(s, { isSyntheticChange: o }); }; _onDomSelect = (s) => { if ('function' == typeof this.props.onSelect) { const o = s.target.selectedOptions[0].getAttribute('value'); this._onSelect(o, { isSyntheticChange: !1 }); } }; getCurrentExample = () => { const { examples: s, currentExampleKey: o } = this.props, i = s.get(o), u = s.keySeq().first(), _ = s.get(u); return i || _ || Map({}); }; componentDidMount() { const { onSelect: s, examples: o } = this.props; if ('function' == typeof s) { const s = o.first(), i = o.keyOf(s); this._onSelect(i, { isSyntheticChange: !0 }); } } UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(s) { const { currentExampleKey: o, examples: i } = s; if (i !== this.props.examples && !i.has(o)) { const s = i.first(), o = i.keyOf(s); this._onSelect(o, { isSyntheticChange: !0 }); } } render() { const { examples: s, currentExampleKey: o, isValueModified: i, isModifiedValueAvailable: u, showLabels: _ } = this.props; return Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'examples-select' }, _ ? Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'examples-select__section-label' }, 'Examples: ' ) : null, Pe.createElement( 'select', { className: 'examples-select-element', onChange: this._onDomSelect, value: u && i ? '__MODIFIED__VALUE__' : o || '' }, u ? Pe.createElement('option', { value: '__MODIFIED__VALUE__' }, '[Modified value]') : null, s .map((s, o) => Pe.createElement('option', { key: o, value: o }, s.get('summary') || o) ) .valueSeq() ) ); } } const stringifyUnlessList = (s) => (qe.List.isList(s) ? s : stringify(s)); class ExamplesSelectValueRetainer extends Pe.PureComponent { static defaultProps = { userHasEditedBody: !1, examples: (0, qe.Map)({}), currentNamespace: '__DEFAULT__NAMESPACE__', setRetainRequestBodyValueFlag: () => {}, onSelect: (...s) => console.log('ExamplesSelectValueRetainer: no `onSelect` function was provided', ...s), updateValue: (...s) => console.log( 'ExamplesSelectValueRetainer: no `updateValue` function was provided', ...s ) }; constructor(s) { super(s); const o = this._getCurrentExampleValue(); this.state = { [s.currentNamespace]: (0, qe.Map)({ lastUserEditedValue: this.props.currentUserInputValue, lastDownstreamValue: o, isModifiedValueSelected: this.props.userHasEditedBody || this.props.currentUserInputValue !== o }) }; } componentWillUnmount() { this.props.setRetainRequestBodyValueFlag(!1); } _getStateForCurrentNamespace = () => { const { currentNamespace: s } = this.props; return (this.state[s] || (0, qe.Map)()).toObject(); }; _setStateForCurrentNamespace = (s) => { const { currentNamespace: o } = this.props; return this._setStateForNamespace(o, s); }; _setStateForNamespace = (s, o) => { const i = (this.state[s] || (0, qe.Map)()).mergeDeep(o); return this.setState({ [s]: i }); }; _isCurrentUserInputSameAsExampleValue = () => { const { currentUserInputValue: s } = this.props; return this._getCurrentExampleValue() === s; }; _getValueForExample = (s, o) => { const { examples: i } = o || this.props; return stringifyUnlessList((i || (0, qe.Map)({})).getIn([s, 'value'])); }; _getCurrentExampleValue = (s) => { const { currentKey: o } = s || this.props; return this._getValueForExample(o, s || this.props); }; _onExamplesSelect = (s, { isSyntheticChange: o } = {}, ...i) => { const { onSelect: u, updateValue: _, currentUserInputValue: w, userHasEditedBody: x } = this.props, { lastUserEditedValue: C } = this._getStateForCurrentNamespace(), j = this._getValueForExample(s); if ('__MODIFIED__VALUE__' === s) return ( _(stringifyUnlessList(C)), this._setStateForCurrentNamespace({ isModifiedValueSelected: !0 }) ); 'function' == typeof u && u(s, { isSyntheticChange: o }, ...i), this._setStateForCurrentNamespace({ lastDownstreamValue: j, isModifiedValueSelected: (o && x) || (!!w && w !== j) }), o || ('function' == typeof _ && _(stringifyUnlessList(j))); }; UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(s) { const { currentUserInputValue: o, examples: i, onSelect: u, userHasEditedBody: _ } = s, { lastUserEditedValue: w, lastDownstreamValue: x } = this._getStateForCurrentNamespace(), C = this._getValueForExample(s.currentKey, s), j = i.filter((s) => s.get('value') === o || stringify(s.get('value')) === o); if (j.size) { let o; (o = j.has(s.currentKey) ? s.currentKey : j.keySeq().first()), u(o, { isSyntheticChange: !0 }); } else o !== this.props.currentUserInputValue && o !== w && o !== x && (this.props.setRetainRequestBodyValueFlag(!0), this._setStateForNamespace(s.currentNamespace, { lastUserEditedValue: s.currentUserInputValue, isModifiedValueSelected: _ || o !== C })); } render() { const { currentUserInputValue: s, examples: o, currentKey: i, getComponent: u, userHasEditedBody: _ } = this.props, { lastDownstreamValue: w, lastUserEditedValue: x, isModifiedValueSelected: C } = this._getStateForCurrentNamespace(), j = u('ExamplesSelect'); return Pe.createElement(j, { examples: o, currentExampleKey: i, onSelect: this._onExamplesSelect, isModifiedValueAvailable: !!x && x !== w, isValueModified: (void 0 !== s && C && s !== this._getCurrentExampleValue()) || _ }); } } function oauth2_authorize_authorize({ auth: s, authActions: o, errActions: i, configs: u, authConfigs: _ = {}, currentServer: w }) { let { schema: x, scopes: C, name: j, clientId: L } = s, B = x.get('flow'), $ = []; switch (B) { case 'password': return void o.authorizePassword(s); case 'application': case 'clientCredentials': case 'client_credentials': return void o.authorizeApplication(s); case 'accessCode': case 'authorizationCode': case 'authorization_code': $.push('response_type=code'); break; case 'implicit': $.push('response_type=token'); } 'string' == typeof L && $.push('client_id=' + encodeURIComponent(L)); let V = u.oauth2RedirectUrl; if (void 0 === V) return void i.newAuthErr({ authId: j, source: 'validation', level: 'error', message: 'oauth2RedirectUrl configuration is not passed. Oauth2 authorization cannot be performed.' }); $.push('redirect_uri=' + encodeURIComponent(V)); let U = []; if ( (Array.isArray(C) ? (U = C) : $e().List.isList(C) && (U = C.toArray()), U.length > 0) ) { let s = _.scopeSeparator || ' '; $.push('scope=' + encodeURIComponent(U.join(s))); } let z = utils_btoa(new Date()); if ( ($.push('state=' + encodeURIComponent(z)), void 0 !== _.realm && $.push('realm=' + encodeURIComponent(_.realm)), ('authorizationCode' === B || 'authorization_code' === B || 'accessCode' === B) && _.usePkceWithAuthorizationCodeGrant) ) { const o = (function generateCodeVerifier() { return b64toB64UrlEncoded(St()(32).toString('base64')); })(), i = (function createCodeChallenge(s) { return b64toB64UrlEncoded(kt()('sha256').update(s).digest('base64')); })(o); $.push('code_challenge=' + i), $.push('code_challenge_method=S256'), (s.codeVerifier = o); } let { additionalQueryStringParams: Y } = _; for (let s in Y) void 0 !== Y[s] && $.push([s, Y[s]].map(encodeURIComponent).join('=')); const Z = x.get('authorizationUrl'); let ee; ee = w ? Mt()(sanitizeUrl(Z), w, !0).toString() : sanitizeUrl(Z); let ie, ae = [ee, $.join('&')].join(-1 === Z.indexOf('?') ? '?' : '&'); (ie = 'implicit' === B ? o.preAuthorizeImplicit : _.useBasicAuthenticationWithAccessCodeGrant ? o.authorizeAccessCodeWithBasicAuthentication : o.authorizeAccessCodeWithFormParams), o.authPopup(ae, { auth: s, state: z, redirectUrl: V, callback: ie, errCb: i.newAuthErr }); } class Oauth2 extends Pe.Component { constructor(s, o) { super(s, o); let { name: i, schema: u, authorized: _, authSelectors: w } = this.props, x = _ && _.get(i), C = w.getConfigs() || {}, j = (x && x.get('username')) || '', L = (x && x.get('clientId')) || C.clientId || '', B = (x && x.get('clientSecret')) || C.clientSecret || '', $ = (x && x.get('passwordType')) || 'basic', V = (x && x.get('scopes')) || C.scopes || []; 'string' == typeof V && (V = V.split(C.scopeSeparator || ' ')), (this.state = { appName: C.appName, name: i, schema: u, scopes: V, clientId: L, clientSecret: B, username: j, password: '', passwordType: $ }); } close = (s) => { s.preventDefault(); let { authActions: o } = this.props; o.showDefinitions(!1); }; authorize = () => { let { authActions: s, errActions: o, getConfigs: i, authSelectors: u, oas3Selectors: _ } = this.props, w = i(), x = u.getConfigs(); o.clear({ authId: name, type: 'auth', source: 'auth' }), oauth2_authorize_authorize({ auth: this.state, currentServer: _.serverEffectiveValue(_.selectedServer()), authActions: s, errActions: o, configs: w, authConfigs: x }); }; onScopeChange = (s) => { let { target: o } = s, { checked: i } = o, u = o.dataset.value; if (i && -1 === this.state.scopes.indexOf(u)) { let s = this.state.scopes.concat([u]); this.setState({ scopes: s }); } else !i && this.state.scopes.indexOf(u) > -1 && this.setState({ scopes: this.state.scopes.filter((s) => s !== u) }); }; onInputChange = (s) => { let { target: { dataset: { name: o }, value: i } } = s, u = { [o]: i }; this.setState(u); }; selectScopes = (s) => { s.target.dataset.all ? this.setState({ scopes: Array.from( ( this.props.schema.get('allowedScopes') || this.props.schema.get('scopes') ).keys() ) }) : this.setState({ scopes: [] }); }; logout = (s) => { s.preventDefault(); let { authActions: o, errActions: i, name: u } = this.props; i.clear({ authId: u, type: 'auth', source: 'auth' }), o.logoutWithPersistOption([u]); }; render() { let { schema: s, getComponent: o, authSelectors: i, errSelectors: u, name: _, specSelectors: w } = this.props; const x = o('Input'), C = o('Row'), j = o('Col'), L = o('Button'), B = o('authError'), $ = o('JumpToPath', !0), V = o('Markdown', !0), U = o('InitializedInput'), { isOAS3: z } = w; let Y = z() ? s.get('openIdConnectUrl') : null; const Z = 'implicit', ee = 'password', ie = z() ? (Y ? 'authorization_code' : 'authorizationCode') : 'accessCode', ae = z() ? (Y ? 'client_credentials' : 'clientCredentials') : 'application'; let le = !!(i.getConfigs() || {}).usePkceWithAuthorizationCodeGrant, ce = s.get('flow'), pe = ce === ie && le ? ce + ' with PKCE' : ce, de = s.get('allowedScopes') || s.get('scopes'), fe = !!i.authorized().get(_), ye = u.allErrors().filter((s) => s.get('authId') === _), be = !ye.filter((s) => 'validation' === s.get('source')).size, _e = s.get('description'); return Pe.createElement( 'div', null, Pe.createElement( 'h4', null, _, ' (OAuth2, ', pe, ') ', Pe.createElement($, { path: ['securityDefinitions', _] }) ), this.state.appName ? Pe.createElement('h5', null, 'Application: ', this.state.appName, ' ') : null, _e && Pe.createElement(V, { source: s.get('description') }), fe && Pe.createElement('h6', null, 'Authorized'), Y && Pe.createElement( 'p', null, 'OpenID Connect URL: ', Pe.createElement('code', null, Y) ), (ce === Z || ce === ie) && Pe.createElement( 'p', null, 'Authorization URL: ', Pe.createElement('code', null, s.get('authorizationUrl')) ), (ce === ee || ce === ie || ce === ae) && Pe.createElement( 'p', null, 'Token URL:', Pe.createElement('code', null, ' ', s.get('tokenUrl')) ), Pe.createElement( 'p', { className: 'flow' }, 'Flow: ', Pe.createElement('code', null, pe) ), ce !== ee ? null : Pe.createElement( C, null, Pe.createElement( C, null, Pe.createElement('label', { htmlFor: 'oauth_username' }, 'username:'), fe ? Pe.createElement('code', null, ' ', this.state.username, ' ') : Pe.createElement( j, { tablet: 10, desktop: 10 }, Pe.createElement('input', { id: 'oauth_username', type: 'text', 'data-name': 'username', onChange: this.onInputChange, autoFocus: !0 }) ) ), Pe.createElement( C, null, Pe.createElement('label', { htmlFor: 'oauth_password' }, 'password:'), fe ? Pe.createElement('code', null, ' ****** ') : Pe.createElement( j, { tablet: 10, desktop: 10 }, Pe.createElement('input', { id: 'oauth_password', type: 'password', 'data-name': 'password', onChange: this.onInputChange }) ) ), Pe.createElement( C, null, Pe.createElement( 'label', { htmlFor: 'password_type' }, 'Client credentials location:' ), fe ? Pe.createElement('code', null, ' ', this.state.passwordType, ' ') : Pe.createElement( j, { tablet: 10, desktop: 10 }, Pe.createElement( 'select', { id: 'password_type', 'data-name': 'passwordType', onChange: this.onInputChange }, Pe.createElement( 'option', { value: 'basic' }, 'Authorization header' ), Pe.createElement('option', { value: 'request-body' }, 'Request body') ) ) ) ), (ce === ae || ce === Z || ce === ie || ce === ee) && (!fe || (fe && this.state.clientId)) && Pe.createElement( C, null, Pe.createElement('label', { htmlFor: `client_id_${ce}` }, 'client_id:'), fe ? Pe.createElement('code', null, ' ****** ') : Pe.createElement( j, { tablet: 10, desktop: 10 }, Pe.createElement(U, { id: `client_id_${ce}`, type: 'text', required: ce === ee, initialValue: this.state.clientId, 'data-name': 'clientId', onChange: this.onInputChange }) ) ), (ce === ae || ce === ie || ce === ee) && Pe.createElement( C, null, Pe.createElement('label', { htmlFor: `client_secret_${ce}` }, 'client_secret:'), fe ? Pe.createElement('code', null, ' ****** ') : Pe.createElement( j, { tablet: 10, desktop: 10 }, Pe.createElement(U, { id: `client_secret_${ce}`, initialValue: this.state.clientSecret, type: 'password', 'data-name': 'clientSecret', onChange: this.onInputChange }) ) ), !fe && de && de.size ? Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'scopes' }, Pe.createElement( 'h2', null, 'Scopes:', Pe.createElement( 'a', { onClick: this.selectScopes, 'data-all': !0 }, 'select all' ), Pe.createElement('a', { onClick: this.selectScopes }, 'select none') ), de .map((s, o) => Pe.createElement( C, { key: o }, Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'checkbox' }, Pe.createElement(x, { 'data-value': o, id: `${o}-${ce}-checkbox-${this.state.name}`, disabled: fe, checked: this.state.scopes.includes(o), type: 'checkbox', onChange: this.onScopeChange }), Pe.createElement( 'label', { htmlFor: `${o}-${ce}-checkbox-${this.state.name}` }, Pe.createElement('span', { className: 'item' }), Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'text' }, Pe.createElement('p', { className: 'name' }, o), Pe.createElement('p', { className: 'description' }, s) ) ) ) ) ) .toArray() ) : null, ye.valueSeq().map((s, o) => Pe.createElement(B, { error: s, key: o })), Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'auth-btn-wrapper' }, be && (fe ? Pe.createElement( L, { className: 'btn modal-btn auth authorize', onClick: this.logout, 'aria-label': 'Remove authorization' }, 'Logout' ) : Pe.createElement( L, { className: 'btn modal-btn auth authorize', onClick: this.authorize, 'aria-label': 'Apply given OAuth2 credentials' }, 'Authorize' )), Pe.createElement( L, { className: 'btn modal-btn auth btn-done', onClick: this.close }, 'Close' ) ) ); } } class Clear extends Pe.Component { onClick = () => { let { specActions: s, path: o, method: i } = this.props; s.clearResponse(o, i), s.clearRequest(o, i); }; render() { return Pe.createElement( 'button', { className: 'btn btn-clear opblock-control__btn', onClick: this.onClick }, 'Clear' ); } } const live_response_Headers = ({ headers: s }) => Pe.createElement( 'div', null, Pe.createElement('h5', null, 'Response headers'), Pe.createElement('pre', { className: 'microlight' }, s) ), Duration = ({ duration: s }) => Pe.createElement( 'div', null, Pe.createElement('h5', null, 'Request duration'), Pe.createElement('pre', { className: 'microlight' }, s, ' ms') ); class LiveResponse extends Pe.Component { shouldComponentUpdate(s) { return ( this.props.response !== s.response || this.props.path !== s.path || this.props.method !== s.method || this.props.displayRequestDuration !== s.displayRequestDuration ); } render() { const { response: s, getComponent: o, getConfigs: i, displayRequestDuration: u, specSelectors: _, path: w, method: x } = this.props, { showMutatedRequest: C, requestSnippetsEnabled: j } = i(), L = C ? _.mutatedRequestFor(w, x) : _.requestFor(w, x), B = s.get('status'), $ = L.get('url'), V = s.get('headers').toJS(), U = s.get('notDocumented'), z = s.get('error'), Y = s.get('text'), Z = s.get('duration'), ee = Object.keys(V), ie = V['content-type'] || V['Content-Type'], ae = o('responseBody'), le = ee.map((s) => { var o = Array.isArray(V[s]) ? V[s].join() : V[s]; return Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'headerline', key: s }, ' ', s, ': ', o, ' ' ); }), ce = 0 !== le.length, pe = o('Markdown', !0), de = o('RequestSnippets', !0), fe = o('curl', !0); return Pe.createElement( 'div', null, L && j ? Pe.createElement(de, { request: L }) : Pe.createElement(fe, { request: L }), $ && Pe.createElement( 'div', null, Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'request-url' }, Pe.createElement('h4', null, 'Request URL'), Pe.createElement('pre', { className: 'microlight' }, $) ) ), Pe.createElement('h4', null, 'Server response'), Pe.createElement( 'table', { className: 'responses-table live-responses-table' }, Pe.createElement( 'thead', null, Pe.createElement( 'tr', { className: 'responses-header' }, Pe.createElement('td', { className: 'col_header response-col_status' }, 'Code'), Pe.createElement( 'td', { className: 'col_header response-col_description' }, 'Details' ) ) ), Pe.createElement( 'tbody', null, Pe.createElement( 'tr', { className: 'response' }, Pe.createElement( 'td', { className: 'response-col_status' }, B, U ? Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'response-undocumented' }, Pe.createElement('i', null, ' Undocumented ') ) : null ), Pe.createElement( 'td', { className: 'response-col_description' }, z ? Pe.createElement(pe, { source: `${'' !== s.get('name') ? `${s.get('name')}: ` : ''}${s.get('message')}` }) : null, Y ? Pe.createElement(ae, { content: Y, contentType: ie, url: $, headers: V, getConfigs: i, getComponent: o }) : null, ce ? Pe.createElement(live_response_Headers, { headers: le }) : null, u && Z ? Pe.createElement(Duration, { duration: Z }) : null ) ) ) ) ); } } class OnlineValidatorBadge extends Pe.Component { constructor(s, o) { super(s, o); let { getConfigs: i } = s, { validatorUrl: u } = i(); this.state = { url: this.getDefinitionUrl(), validatorUrl: void 0 === u ? 'https://validator.swagger.io/validator' : u }; } getDefinitionUrl = () => { let { specSelectors: s } = this.props; return new (Mt())(s.url(), at.location).toString(); }; UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(s) { let { getConfigs: o } = s, { validatorUrl: i } = o(); this.setState({ url: this.getDefinitionUrl(), validatorUrl: void 0 === i ? 'https://validator.swagger.io/validator' : i }); } render() { let { getConfigs: s } = this.props, { spec: o } = s(), i = sanitizeUrl(this.state.validatorUrl); return 'object' == typeof o && Object.keys(o).length ? null : this.state.url && requiresValidationURL(this.state.validatorUrl) && requiresValidationURL(this.state.url) ? Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'float-right' }, Pe.createElement( 'a', { target: '_blank', rel: 'noopener noreferrer', href: `${i}/debug?url=${encodeURIComponent(this.state.url)}` }, Pe.createElement(ValidatorImage, { src: `${i}?url=${encodeURIComponent(this.state.url)}`, alt: 'Online validator badge' }) ) ) : null; } } class ValidatorImage extends Pe.Component { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.state = { loaded: !1, error: !1 }); } componentDidMount() { const s = new Image(); (s.onload = () => { this.setState({ loaded: !0 }); }), (s.onerror = () => { this.setState({ error: !0 }); }), (s.src = this.props.src); } UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(s) { if (s.src !== this.props.src) { const o = new Image(); (o.onload = () => { this.setState({ loaded: !0 }); }), (o.onerror = () => { this.setState({ error: !0 }); }), (o.src = s.src); } } render() { return this.state.error ? Pe.createElement('img', { alt: 'Error' }) : this.state.loaded ? Pe.createElement('img', { src: this.props.src, alt: this.props.alt }) : null; } } class Operations extends Pe.Component { render() { let { specSelectors: s } = this.props; const o = s.taggedOperations(); return 0 === o.size ? Pe.createElement('h3', null, ' No operations defined in spec!') : Pe.createElement( 'div', null, o.map(this.renderOperationTag).toArray(), o.size < 1 ? Pe.createElement('h3', null, ' No operations defined in spec! ') : null ); } renderOperationTag = (s, o) => { const { specSelectors: i, getComponent: u, oas3Selectors: _, layoutSelectors: w, layoutActions: x, getConfigs: C } = this.props, j = i.validOperationMethods(), L = u('OperationContainer', !0), B = u('OperationTag'), $ = s.get('operations'); return Pe.createElement( B, { key: 'operation-' + o, tagObj: s, tag: o, oas3Selectors: _, layoutSelectors: w, layoutActions: x, getConfigs: C, getComponent: u, specUrl: i.url() }, Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'operation-tag-content' }, $.map((s) => { const i = s.get('path'), u = s.get('method'), _ = $e().List(['paths', i, u]); return -1 === j.indexOf(u) ? null : Pe.createElement(L, { key: `${i}-${u}`, specPath: _, op: s, path: i, method: u, tag: o }); }).toArray() ) ); }; } function isAbsoluteUrl(s) { return s.match(/^(?:[a-z]+:)?\/\//i); } function buildBaseUrl(s, o) { return s ? isAbsoluteUrl(s) ? (function addProtocol(s) { return s.match(/^\/\//i) ? `${window.location.protocol}${s}` : s; })(s) : new URL(s, o).href : o; } function safeBuildUrl(s, o, { selectedServer: i = '' } = {}) { try { return (function buildUrl(s, o, { selectedServer: i = '' } = {}) { if (!s) return; if (isAbsoluteUrl(s)) return s; const u = buildBaseUrl(i, o); return isAbsoluteUrl(u) ? new URL(s, u).href : new URL(s, window.location.href).href; })(s, o, { selectedServer: i }); } catch { return; } } class OperationTag extends Pe.Component { static defaultProps = { tagObj: $e().fromJS({}), tag: '' }; render() { const { tagObj: s, tag: o, children: i, oas3Selectors: u, layoutSelectors: _, layoutActions: w, getConfigs: x, getComponent: C, specUrl: j } = this.props; let { docExpansion: L, deepLinking: B } = x(); const $ = C('Collapse'), V = C('Markdown', !0), U = C('DeepLink'), z = C('Link'), Y = C('ArrowUpIcon'), Z = C('ArrowDownIcon'); let ee, ie = s.getIn(['tagDetails', 'description'], null), ae = s.getIn(['tagDetails', 'externalDocs', 'description']), le = s.getIn(['tagDetails', 'externalDocs', 'url']); ee = isFunc(u) && isFunc(u.selectedServer) ? safeBuildUrl(le, j, { selectedServer: u.selectedServer() }) : le; let ce = ['operations-tag', o], pe = _.isShown(ce, 'full' === L || 'list' === L); return Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: pe ? 'opblock-tag-section is-open' : 'opblock-tag-section' }, Pe.createElement( 'h3', { onClick: () => w.show(ce, !pe), className: ie ? 'opblock-tag' : 'opblock-tag no-desc', id: ce.map((s) => escapeDeepLinkPath(s)).join('-'), 'data-tag': o, 'data-is-open': pe }, Pe.createElement(U, { enabled: B, isShown: pe, path: createDeepLinkPath(o), text: o }), ie ? Pe.createElement('small', null, Pe.createElement(V, { source: ie })) : Pe.createElement('small', null), ee ? Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'info__externaldocs' }, Pe.createElement( 'small', null, Pe.createElement( z, { href: sanitizeUrl(ee), onClick: (s) => s.stopPropagation(), target: '_blank' }, ae || ee ) ) ) : null, Pe.createElement( 'button', { 'aria-expanded': pe, className: 'expand-operation', title: pe ? 'Collapse operation' : 'Expand operation', onClick: () => w.show(ce, !pe) }, pe ? Pe.createElement(Y, { className: 'arrow' }) : Pe.createElement(Z, { className: 'arrow' }) ) ), Pe.createElement($, { isOpened: pe }, i) ); } } class operation_Operation extends Pe.PureComponent { static defaultProps = { operation: null, response: null, request: null, specPath: (0, qe.List)(), summary: '' }; render() { let { specPath: s, response: o, request: i, toggleShown: u, onTryoutClick: _, onResetClick: w, onCancelClick: x, onExecute: C, fn: j, getComponent: L, getConfigs: B, specActions: $, specSelectors: V, authActions: U, authSelectors: z, oas3Actions: Y, oas3Selectors: Z } = this.props, ee = this.props.operation, { deprecated: ie, isShown: ae, path: le, method: ce, op: pe, tag: de, operationId: fe, allowTryItOut: ye, displayRequestDuration: be, tryItOutEnabled: _e, executeInProgress: we } = ee.toJS(), { description: Se, externalDocs: xe, schemes: Te } = pe; const Re = xe ? safeBuildUrl(xe.url, V.url(), { selectedServer: Z.selectedServer() }) : ''; let qe = ee.getIn(['op']), ze = qe.get('responses'), We = (function getList(s, o) { if (!$e().Iterable.isIterable(s)) return $e().List(); let i = s.getIn(Array.isArray(o) ? o : [o]); return $e().List.isList(i) ? i : $e().List(); })(qe, ['parameters']), He = V.operationScheme(le, ce), Ye = ['operations', de, fe], Xe = getExtensions(qe); const Qe = L('responses'), et = L('parameters'), tt = L('execute'), rt = L('clear'), nt = L('Collapse'), st = L('Markdown', !0), ot = L('schemes'), it = L('OperationServers'), at = L('OperationExt'), lt = L('OperationSummary'), ct = L('Link'), { showExtensions: ut } = B(); if (ze && o && o.size > 0) { let s = !ze.get(String(o.get('status'))) && !ze.get('default'); o = o.set('notDocumented', s); } let pt = [le, ce]; const ht = V.validationErrors([le, ce]); return Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: ie ? 'opblock opblock-deprecated' : ae ? `opblock opblock-${ce} is-open` : `opblock opblock-${ce}`, id: escapeDeepLinkPath(Ye.join('-')) }, Pe.createElement(lt, { operationProps: ee, isShown: ae, toggleShown: u, getComponent: L, authActions: U, authSelectors: z, specPath: s }), Pe.createElement( nt, { isOpened: ae }, Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'opblock-body' }, (qe && qe.size) || null === qe ? null : Pe.createElement(rolling_load, { height: '32px', width: '32px', className: 'opblock-loading-animation' }), ie && Pe.createElement( 'h4', { className: 'opblock-title_normal' }, ' Warning: Deprecated' ), Se && Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'opblock-description-wrapper' }, Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'opblock-description' }, Pe.createElement(st, { source: Se }) ) ), Re ? Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'opblock-external-docs-wrapper' }, Pe.createElement( 'h4', { className: 'opblock-title_normal' }, 'Find more details' ), Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'opblock-external-docs' }, xe.description && Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'opblock-external-docs__description' }, Pe.createElement(st, { source: xe.description }) ), Pe.createElement( ct, { target: '_blank', className: 'opblock-external-docs__link', href: sanitizeUrl(Re) }, Re ) ) ) : null, qe && qe.size ? Pe.createElement(et, { parameters: We, specPath: s.push('parameters'), operation: qe, onChangeKey: pt, onTryoutClick: _, onResetClick: w, onCancelClick: x, tryItOutEnabled: _e, allowTryItOut: ye, fn: j, getComponent: L, specActions: $, specSelectors: V, pathMethod: [le, ce], getConfigs: B, oas3Actions: Y, oas3Selectors: Z }) : null, _e ? Pe.createElement(it, { getComponent: L, path: le, method: ce, operationServers: qe.get('servers'), pathServers: V.paths().getIn([le, 'servers']), getSelectedServer: Z.selectedServer, setSelectedServer: Y.setSelectedServer, setServerVariableValue: Y.setServerVariableValue, getServerVariable: Z.serverVariableValue, getEffectiveServerValue: Z.serverEffectiveValue }) : null, _e && ye && Te && Te.size ? Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'opblock-schemes' }, Pe.createElement(ot, { schemes: Te, path: le, method: ce, specActions: $, currentScheme: He }) ) : null, !_e || !ye || ht.length <= 0 ? null : Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'validation-errors errors-wrapper' }, 'Please correct the following validation errors and try again.', Pe.createElement( 'ul', null, ht.map((s, o) => Pe.createElement('li', { key: o }, ' ', s, ' ')) ) ), Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: _e && o && ye ? 'btn-group' : 'execute-wrapper' }, _e && ye ? Pe.createElement(tt, { operation: qe, specActions: $, specSelectors: V, oas3Selectors: Z, oas3Actions: Y, path: le, method: ce, onExecute: C, disabled: we }) : null, _e && o && ye ? Pe.createElement(rt, { specActions: $, path: le, method: ce }) : null ), we ? Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'loading-container' }, Pe.createElement('div', { className: 'loading' }) ) : null, ze ? Pe.createElement(Qe, { responses: ze, request: i, tryItOutResponse: o, getComponent: L, getConfigs: B, specSelectors: V, oas3Actions: Y, oas3Selectors: Z, specActions: $, produces: V.producesOptionsFor([le, ce]), producesValue: V.currentProducesFor([le, ce]), specPath: s.push('responses'), path: le, method: ce, displayRequestDuration: be, fn: j }) : null, ut && Xe.size ? Pe.createElement(at, { extensions: Xe, getComponent: L }) : null ) ) ); } } class OperationContainer extends Pe.PureComponent { constructor(s, o) { super(s, o); const { tryItOutEnabled: i } = s.getConfigs(); this.state = { tryItOutEnabled: i, executeInProgress: !1 }; } static defaultProps = { showSummary: !0, response: null, allowTryItOut: !0, displayOperationId: !1, displayRequestDuration: !1 }; mapStateToProps(s, o) { const { op: i, layoutSelectors: u, getConfigs: _ } = o, { docExpansion: w, deepLinking: x, displayOperationId: C, displayRequestDuration: j, supportedSubmitMethods: L } = _(), B = u.showSummary(), $ = i.getIn(['operation', '__originalOperationId']) || i.getIn(['operation', 'operationId']) || opId(i.get('operation'), o.path, o.method) || i.get('id'), V = ['operations', o.tag, $], U = L.indexOf(o.method) >= 0 && (void 0 === o.allowTryItOut ? o.specSelectors.allowTryItOutFor(o.path, o.method) : o.allowTryItOut), z = i.getIn(['operation', 'security']) || o.specSelectors.security(); return { operationId: $, isDeepLinkingEnabled: x, showSummary: B, displayOperationId: C, displayRequestDuration: j, allowTryItOut: U, security: z, isAuthorized: o.authSelectors.isAuthorized(z), isShown: u.isShown(V, 'full' === w), jumpToKey: `paths.${o.path}.${o.method}`, response: o.specSelectors.responseFor(o.path, o.method), request: o.specSelectors.requestFor(o.path, o.method) }; } componentDidMount() { const { isShown: s } = this.props, o = this.getResolvedSubtree(); s && void 0 === o && this.requestResolvedSubtree(); } UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(s) { const { response: o, isShown: i } = s, u = this.getResolvedSubtree(); o !== this.props.response && this.setState({ executeInProgress: !1 }), i && void 0 === u && this.requestResolvedSubtree(); } toggleShown = () => { let { layoutActions: s, tag: o, operationId: i, isShown: u } = this.props; const _ = this.getResolvedSubtree(); u || void 0 !== _ || this.requestResolvedSubtree(), s.show(['operations', o, i], !u); }; onCancelClick = () => { this.setState({ tryItOutEnabled: !this.state.tryItOutEnabled }); }; onTryoutClick = () => { this.setState({ tryItOutEnabled: !this.state.tryItOutEnabled }); }; onResetClick = (s) => { const o = this.props.oas3Selectors.selectDefaultRequestBodyValue(...s); this.props.oas3Actions.setRequestBodyValue({ value: o, pathMethod: s }); }; onExecute = () => { this.setState({ executeInProgress: !0 }); }; getResolvedSubtree = () => { const { specSelectors: s, path: o, method: i, specPath: u } = this.props; return u ? s.specResolvedSubtree(u.toJS()) : s.specResolvedSubtree(['paths', o, i]); }; requestResolvedSubtree = () => { const { specActions: s, path: o, method: i, specPath: u } = this.props; return u ? s.requestResolvedSubtree(u.toJS()) : s.requestResolvedSubtree(['paths', o, i]); }; render() { let { op: s, tag: o, path: i, method: u, security: _, isAuthorized: w, operationId: x, showSummary: C, isShown: j, jumpToKey: L, allowTryItOut: B, response: $, request: V, displayOperationId: U, displayRequestDuration: z, isDeepLinkingEnabled: Y, specPath: Z, specSelectors: ee, specActions: ie, getComponent: ae, getConfigs: le, layoutSelectors: ce, layoutActions: pe, authActions: de, authSelectors: fe, oas3Actions: ye, oas3Selectors: be, fn: _e } = this.props; const we = ae('operation'), Se = this.getResolvedSubtree() || (0, qe.Map)(), xe = (0, qe.fromJS)({ op: Se, tag: o, path: i, summary: s.getIn(['operation', 'summary']) || '', deprecated: Se.get('deprecated') || s.getIn(['operation', 'deprecated']) || !1, method: u, security: _, isAuthorized: w, operationId: x, originalOperationId: Se.getIn(['operation', '__originalOperationId']), showSummary: C, isShown: j, jumpToKey: L, allowTryItOut: B, request: V, displayOperationId: U, displayRequestDuration: z, isDeepLinkingEnabled: Y, executeInProgress: this.state.executeInProgress, tryItOutEnabled: this.state.tryItOutEnabled }); return Pe.createElement(we, { operation: xe, response: $, request: V, isShown: j, toggleShown: this.toggleShown, onTryoutClick: this.onTryoutClick, onResetClick: this.onResetClick, onCancelClick: this.onCancelClick, onExecute: this.onExecute, specPath: Z, specActions: ie, specSelectors: ee, oas3Actions: ye, oas3Selectors: be, layoutActions: pe, layoutSelectors: ce, authActions: de, authSelectors: fe, getComponent: ae, getConfigs: le, fn: _e }); } } var mk = __webpack_require__(13222), yk = __webpack_require__.n(mk); class OperationSummary extends Pe.PureComponent { static defaultProps = { operationProps: null, specPath: (0, qe.List)(), summary: '' }; render() { let { isShown: s, toggleShown: o, getComponent: i, authActions: u, authSelectors: _, operationProps: w, specPath: x } = this.props, { summary: C, isAuthorized: j, method: L, op: B, showSummary: $, path: V, operationId: U, originalOperationId: z, displayOperationId: Y } = w.toJS(), { summary: Z } = B, ee = w.get('security'); const ie = i('authorizeOperationBtn', !0), ae = i('OperationSummaryMethod'), le = i('OperationSummaryPath'), ce = i('JumpToPath', !0), pe = i('CopyToClipboardBtn', !0), de = i('ArrowUpIcon'), fe = i('ArrowDownIcon'), ye = ee && !!ee.count(), be = ye && 1 === ee.size && ee.first().isEmpty(), _e = !ye || be; return Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: `opblock-summary opblock-summary-${L}` }, Pe.createElement( 'button', { 'aria-expanded': s, className: 'opblock-summary-control', onClick: o }, Pe.createElement(ae, { method: L }), Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'opblock-summary-path-description-wrapper' }, Pe.createElement(le, { getComponent: i, operationProps: w, specPath: x }), $ ? Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'opblock-summary-description' }, yk()(Z || C) ) : null ), Y && (z || U) ? Pe.createElement('span', { className: 'opblock-summary-operation-id' }, z || U) : null ), Pe.createElement(pe, { textToCopy: `${x.get(1)}` }), _e ? null : Pe.createElement(ie, { isAuthorized: j, onClick: () => { const s = _.definitionsForRequirements(ee); u.showDefinitions(s); } }), Pe.createElement(ce, { path: x }), Pe.createElement( 'button', { 'aria-label': `${L} ${V.replace(/\//g, '​/')}`, className: 'opblock-control-arrow', 'aria-expanded': s, tabIndex: '-1', onClick: o }, s ? Pe.createElement(de, { className: 'arrow' }) : Pe.createElement(fe, { className: 'arrow' }) ) ); } } class OperationSummaryMethod extends Pe.PureComponent { static defaultProps = { operationProps: null }; render() { let { method: s } = this.props; return Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'opblock-summary-method' }, s.toUpperCase() ); } } class OperationSummaryPath extends Pe.PureComponent { render() { let { getComponent: s, operationProps: o } = this.props, { deprecated: i, isShown: u, path: _, tag: w, operationId: x, isDeepLinkingEnabled: C } = o.toJS(); const j = _.split(/(?=\/)/g); for (let s = 1; s < j.length; s += 2) j.splice(s, 0, Pe.createElement('wbr', { key: s })); const L = s('DeepLink'); return Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: i ? 'opblock-summary-path__deprecated' : 'opblock-summary-path', 'data-path': _ }, Pe.createElement(L, { enabled: C, isShown: u, path: createDeepLinkPath(`${w}/${x}`), text: j }) ); } } const operation_extensions = ({ extensions: s, getComponent: o }) => { let i = o('OperationExtRow'); return Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'opblock-section' }, Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'opblock-section-header' }, Pe.createElement('h4', null, 'Extensions') ), Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'table-container' }, Pe.createElement( 'table', null, Pe.createElement( 'thead', null, Pe.createElement( 'tr', null, Pe.createElement('td', { className: 'col_header' }, 'Field'), Pe.createElement('td', { className: 'col_header' }, 'Value') ) ), Pe.createElement( 'tbody', null, s .entrySeq() .map(([s, o]) => Pe.createElement(i, { key: `${s}-${o}`, xKey: s, xVal: o })) ) ) ) ); }, operation_extension_row = ({ xKey: s, xVal: o }) => { const i = o ? (o.toJS ? o.toJS() : o) : null; return Pe.createElement( 'tr', null, Pe.createElement('td', null, s), Pe.createElement('td', null, JSON.stringify(i)) ); }; function createHtmlReadyId(s, o = '_') { return s.replace(/[^\w-]/g, o); } class responses_Responses extends Pe.Component { static defaultProps = { tryItOutResponse: null, produces: (0, qe.fromJS)(['application/json']), displayRequestDuration: !1 }; onChangeProducesWrapper = (s) => this.props.specActions.changeProducesValue([this.props.path, this.props.method], s); onResponseContentTypeChange = ({ controlsAcceptHeader: s, value: o }) => { const { oas3Actions: i, path: u, method: _ } = this.props; s && i.setResponseContentType({ value: o, path: u, method: _ }); }; render() { let { responses: s, tryItOutResponse: o, getComponent: i, getConfigs: u, specSelectors: _, fn: w, producesValue: x, displayRequestDuration: C, specPath: j, path: L, method: B, oas3Selectors: $, oas3Actions: V } = this.props, U = (function defaultStatusCode(s) { let o = s.keySeq(); return o.contains(At) ? At : o .filter((s) => '2' === (s + '')[0]) .sort() .first(); })(s); const z = i('contentType'), Y = i('liveResponse'), Z = i('response'); let ee = this.props.produces && this.props.produces.size ? this.props.produces : responses_Responses.defaultProps.produces; const ie = _.isOAS3() ? (function getAcceptControllingResponse(s) { if (!$e().OrderedMap.isOrderedMap(s)) return null; if (!s.size) return null; const o = s.find( (s, o) => o.startsWith('2') && Object.keys(s.get('content') || {}).length > 0 ), i = s.get('default') || $e().OrderedMap(), u = (i.get('content') || $e().OrderedMap()).keySeq().toJS().length ? i : null; return o || u; })(s) : null, ae = createHtmlReadyId(`${B}${L}_responses`), le = `${ae}_select`; return Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'responses-wrapper' }, Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'opblock-section-header' }, Pe.createElement('h4', null, 'Responses'), _.isOAS3() ? null : Pe.createElement( 'label', { htmlFor: le }, Pe.createElement('span', null, 'Response content type'), Pe.createElement(z, { value: x, ariaControls: ae, ariaLabel: 'Response content type', className: 'execute-content-type', contentTypes: ee, controlId: le, onChange: this.onChangeProducesWrapper }) ) ), Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'responses-inner' }, o ? Pe.createElement( 'div', null, Pe.createElement(Y, { response: o, getComponent: i, getConfigs: u, specSelectors: _, path: this.props.path, method: this.props.method, displayRequestDuration: C }), Pe.createElement('h4', null, 'Responses') ) : null, Pe.createElement( 'table', { 'aria-live': 'polite', className: 'responses-table', id: ae, role: 'region' }, Pe.createElement( 'thead', null, Pe.createElement( 'tr', { className: 'responses-header' }, Pe.createElement( 'td', { className: 'col_header response-col_status' }, 'Code' ), Pe.createElement( 'td', { className: 'col_header response-col_description' }, 'Description' ), _.isOAS3() ? Pe.createElement( 'td', { className: 'col col_header response-col_links' }, 'Links' ) : null ) ), Pe.createElement( 'tbody', null, s .entrySeq() .map(([s, C]) => { let z = o && o.get('status') == s ? 'response_current' : ''; return Pe.createElement(Z, { key: s, path: L, method: B, specPath: j.push(s), isDefault: U === s, fn: w, className: z, code: s, response: C, specSelectors: _, controlsAcceptHeader: C === ie, onContentTypeChange: this.onResponseContentTypeChange, contentType: x, getConfigs: u, activeExamplesKey: $.activeExamplesMember(L, B, 'responses', s), oas3Actions: V, getComponent: i }); }) .toArray() ) ) ) ); } } function getKnownSyntaxHighlighterLanguage(s) { const o = (function canJsonParse(s) { try { return !!JSON.parse(s); } catch (s) { return null; } })(s); return o ? 'json' : null; } class response_Response extends Pe.Component { constructor(s, o) { super(s, o), (this.state = { responseContentType: '' }); } static defaultProps = { response: (0, qe.fromJS)({}), onContentTypeChange: () => {} }; _onContentTypeChange = (s) => { const { onContentTypeChange: o, controlsAcceptHeader: i } = this.props; this.setState({ responseContentType: s }), o({ value: s, controlsAcceptHeader: i }); }; getTargetExamplesKey = () => { const { response: s, contentType: o, activeExamplesKey: i } = this.props, u = this.state.responseContentType || o, _ = s .getIn(['content', u], (0, qe.Map)({})) .get('examples', null) .keySeq() .first(); return i || _; }; render() { let { path: s, method: o, code: i, response: u, className: _, specPath: w, fn: x, getComponent: C, getConfigs: j, specSelectors: L, contentType: B, controlsAcceptHeader: $, oas3Actions: V } = this.props, { inferSchema: U, getSampleSchema: z } = x, Y = L.isOAS3(); const { showExtensions: Z } = j(); let ee = Z ? getExtensions(u) : null, ie = u.get('headers'), ae = u.get('links'); const le = C('ResponseExtension'), ce = C('headers'), pe = C('HighlightCode', !0), de = C('modelExample'), fe = C('Markdown', !0), ye = C('operationLink'), be = C('contentType'), _e = C('ExamplesSelect'), we = C('Example'); var Se, xe; const Te = this.state.responseContentType || B, Re = u.getIn(['content', Te], (0, qe.Map)({})), $e = Re.get('examples', null); if (Y) { const s = Re.get('schema'); (Se = s ? U(s.toJS()) : null), (xe = s ? (0, qe.List)(['content', this.state.responseContentType, 'schema']) : w); } else (Se = u.get('schema')), (xe = u.has('schema') ? w.push('schema') : w); let ze, We, He = !1, Ye = { includeReadOnly: !0 }; if (Y) if (((We = Re.get('schema')?.toJS()), qe.Map.isMap($e) && !$e.isEmpty())) { const s = this.getTargetExamplesKey(), getMediaTypeExample = (s) => s.get('value'); (ze = getMediaTypeExample($e.get(s, (0, qe.Map)({})))), void 0 === ze && (ze = getMediaTypeExample($e.values().next().value)), (He = !0); } else void 0 !== Re.get('example') && ((ze = Re.get('example')), (He = !0)); else { (We = Se), (Ye = { ...Ye, includeWriteOnly: !0 }); const s = u.getIn(['examples', Te]); s && ((ze = s), (He = !0)); } const Xe = ((s, o) => { if (null == s) return null; const i = getKnownSyntaxHighlighterLanguage(s) ? 'json' : null; return Pe.createElement( 'div', null, Pe.createElement(o, { className: 'example', language: i }, stringify(s)) ); })(z(We, Te, Ye, He ? ze : void 0), pe); return Pe.createElement( 'tr', { className: 'response ' + (_ || ''), 'data-code': i }, Pe.createElement('td', { className: 'response-col_status' }, i), Pe.createElement( 'td', { className: 'response-col_description' }, Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'response-col_description__inner' }, Pe.createElement(fe, { source: u.get('description') }) ), Z && ee.size ? ee .entrySeq() .map(([s, o]) => Pe.createElement(le, { key: `${s}-${o}`, xKey: s, xVal: o })) : null, Y && u.get('content') ? Pe.createElement( 'section', { className: 'response-controls' }, Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: Hn()('response-control-media-type', { 'response-control-media-type--accept-controller': $ }) }, Pe.createElement( 'small', { className: 'response-control-media-type__title' }, 'Media type' ), Pe.createElement(be, { value: this.state.responseContentType, contentTypes: u.get('content') ? u.get('content').keySeq() : (0, qe.Seq)(), onChange: this._onContentTypeChange, ariaLabel: 'Media Type' }), $ ? Pe.createElement( 'small', { className: 'response-control-media-type__accept-message' }, 'Controls ', Pe.createElement('code', null, 'Accept'), ' header.' ) : null ), qe.Map.isMap($e) && !$e.isEmpty() ? Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'response-control-examples' }, Pe.createElement( 'small', { className: 'response-control-examples__title' }, 'Examples' ), Pe.createElement(_e, { examples: $e, currentExampleKey: this.getTargetExamplesKey(), onSelect: (u) => V.setActiveExamplesMember({ name: u, pathMethod: [s, o], contextType: 'responses', contextName: i }), showLabels: !1 }) ) : null ) : null, Xe || Se ? Pe.createElement(de, { specPath: xe, getComponent: C, getConfigs: j, specSelectors: L, schema: fromJSOrdered(Se), example: Xe, includeReadOnly: !0 }) : null, Y && $e ? Pe.createElement(we, { example: $e.get(this.getTargetExamplesKey(), (0, qe.Map)({})), getComponent: C, getConfigs: j, omitValue: !0 }) : null, ie ? Pe.createElement(ce, { headers: ie, getComponent: C }) : null ), Y ? Pe.createElement( 'td', { className: 'response-col_links' }, ae ? ae .toSeq() .entrySeq() .map(([s, o]) => Pe.createElement(ye, { key: s, name: s, link: o, getComponent: C }) ) : Pe.createElement('i', null, 'No links') ) : null ); } } const response_extension = ({ xKey: s, xVal: o }) => Pe.createElement('div', { className: 'response__extension' }, s, ': ', String(o)); var vk = __webpack_require__(26657), _k = __webpack_require__.n(vk), wk = __webpack_require__(80218), xk = __webpack_require__.n(wk); class ResponseBody extends Pe.PureComponent { state = { parsedContent: null }; updateParsedContent = (s) => { const { content: o } = this.props; if (s !== o) if (o && o instanceof Blob) { var i = new FileReader(); (i.onload = () => { this.setState({ parsedContent: i.result }); }), i.readAsText(o); } else this.setState({ parsedContent: o.toString() }); }; componentDidMount() { this.updateParsedContent(null); } componentDidUpdate(s) { this.updateParsedContent(s.content); } render() { let { content: s, contentType: o, url: i, headers: u = {}, getComponent: _ } = this.props; const { parsedContent: w } = this.state, x = _('HighlightCode', !0), C = 'response_' + new Date().getTime(); let j, L; if ( ((i = i || ''), (/^application\/octet-stream/i.test(o) || (u['Content-Disposition'] && /attachment/i.test(u['Content-Disposition'])) || (u['content-disposition'] && /attachment/i.test(u['content-disposition'])) || (u['Content-Description'] && /File Transfer/i.test(u['Content-Description'])) || (u['content-description'] && /File Transfer/i.test(u['content-description']))) && (s.size > 0 || s.length > 0)) ) if ('Blob' in window) { let _ = o || 'text/html', w = s instanceof Blob ? s : new Blob([s], { type: _ }), x = window.URL.createObjectURL(w), C = [_, i.substr(i.lastIndexOf('/') + 1), x].join(':'), j = u['content-disposition'] || u['Content-Disposition']; if (void 0 !== j) { let s = (function extractFileNameFromContentDispositionHeader(s) { let o; if ( ([ /filename\*=[^']+'\w*'"([^"]+)";?/i, /filename\*=[^']+'\w*'([^;]+);?/i, /filename="([^;]*);?"/i, /filename=([^;]*);?/i ].some((i) => ((o = i.exec(s)), null !== o)), null !== o && o.length > 1) ) try { return decodeURIComponent(o[1]); } catch (s) { console.error(s); } return null; })(j); null !== s && (C = s); } L = at.navigator && at.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob ? Pe.createElement( 'div', null, Pe.createElement( 'a', { href: x, onClick: () => at.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(w, C) }, 'Download file' ) ) : Pe.createElement( 'div', null, Pe.createElement('a', { href: x, download: C }, 'Download file') ); } else L = Pe.createElement( 'pre', { className: 'microlight' }, 'Download headers detected but your browser does not support downloading binary via XHR (Blob).' ); else if (/json/i.test(o)) { let o = null; getKnownSyntaxHighlighterLanguage(s) && (o = 'json'); try { j = JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(s), null, ' '); } catch (o) { j = "can't parse JSON. Raw result:\n\n" + s; } L = Pe.createElement( x, { language: o, downloadable: !0, fileName: `${C}.json`, canCopy: !0 }, j ); } else /xml/i.test(o) ? ((j = _k()(s, { textNodesOnSameLine: !0, indentor: ' ' })), (L = Pe.createElement( x, { downloadable: !0, fileName: `${C}.xml`, canCopy: !0 }, j ))) : (L = 'text/html' === xk()(o) || /text\/plain/.test(o) ? Pe.createElement( x, { downloadable: !0, fileName: `${C}.html`, canCopy: !0 }, s ) : 'text/csv' === xk()(o) || /text\/csv/.test(o) ? Pe.createElement( x, { downloadable: !0, fileName: `${C}.csv`, canCopy: !0 }, s ) : /^image\//i.test(o) ? o.includes('svg') ? Pe.createElement('div', null, ' ', s, ' ') : Pe.createElement('img', { src: window.URL.createObjectURL(s) }) : /^audio\//i.test(o) ? Pe.createElement( 'pre', { className: 'microlight' }, Pe.createElement( 'audio', { controls: !0, key: i }, Pe.createElement('source', { src: i, type: o }) ) ) : 'string' == typeof s ? Pe.createElement( x, { downloadable: !0, fileName: `${C}.txt`, canCopy: !0 }, s ) : s.size > 0 ? w ? Pe.createElement( 'div', null, Pe.createElement( 'p', { className: 'i' }, 'Unrecognized response type; displaying content as text.' ), Pe.createElement( x, { downloadable: !0, fileName: `${C}.txt`, canCopy: !0 }, w ) ) : Pe.createElement( 'p', { className: 'i' }, 'Unrecognized response type; unable to display.' ) : null); return L ? Pe.createElement('div', null, Pe.createElement('h5', null, 'Response body'), L) : null; } } class Parameters extends Pe.Component { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.state = { callbackVisible: !1, parametersVisible: !0 }); } static defaultProps = { onTryoutClick: Function.prototype, onCancelClick: Function.prototype, tryItOutEnabled: !1, allowTryItOut: !0, onChangeKey: [], specPath: [] }; onChange = (s, o, i) => { let { specActions: { changeParamByIdentity: u }, onChangeKey: _ } = this.props; u(_, s, o, i); }; onChangeConsumesWrapper = (s) => { let { specActions: { changeConsumesValue: o }, onChangeKey: i } = this.props; o(i, s); }; toggleTab = (s) => 'parameters' === s ? this.setState({ parametersVisible: !0, callbackVisible: !1 }) : 'callbacks' === s ? this.setState({ callbackVisible: !0, parametersVisible: !1 }) : void 0; onChangeMediaType = ({ value: s, pathMethod: o }) => { let { specActions: i, oas3Selectors: u, oas3Actions: _ } = this.props; const w = u.hasUserEditedBody(...o), x = u.shouldRetainRequestBodyValue(...o); _.setRequestContentType({ value: s, pathMethod: o }), _.initRequestBodyValidateError({ pathMethod: o }), w || (x || _.setRequestBodyValue({ value: void 0, pathMethod: o }), i.clearResponse(...o), i.clearRequest(...o), i.clearValidateParams(o)); }; render() { let { onTryoutClick: s, onResetClick: o, parameters: i, allowTryItOut: u, tryItOutEnabled: _, specPath: w, fn: x, getComponent: C, getConfigs: j, specSelectors: L, specActions: B, pathMethod: $, oas3Actions: V, oas3Selectors: U, operation: z } = this.props; const Y = C('parameterRow'), Z = C('TryItOutButton'), ee = C('contentType'), ie = C('Callbacks', !0), ae = C('RequestBody', !0), le = _ && u, ce = L.isOAS3(), pe = `${createHtmlReadyId(`${$[1]}${$[0]}_requests`)}_select`, de = z.get('requestBody'), fe = Object.values( i.reduce((s, o) => { const i = o.get('in'); return (s[i] ??= []), s[i].push(o), s; }, {}) ).reduce((s, o) => s.concat(o), []); return Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'opblock-section' }, Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'opblock-section-header' }, ce ? Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'tab-header' }, Pe.createElement( 'div', { onClick: () => this.toggleTab('parameters'), className: `tab-item ${this.state.parametersVisible && 'active'}` }, Pe.createElement( 'h4', { className: 'opblock-title' }, Pe.createElement('span', null, 'Parameters') ) ), z.get('callbacks') ? Pe.createElement( 'div', { onClick: () => this.toggleTab('callbacks'), className: `tab-item ${this.state.callbackVisible && 'active'}` }, Pe.createElement( 'h4', { className: 'opblock-title' }, Pe.createElement('span', null, 'Callbacks') ) ) : null ) : Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'tab-header' }, Pe.createElement('h4', { className: 'opblock-title' }, 'Parameters') ), u ? Pe.createElement(Z, { isOAS3: L.isOAS3(), hasUserEditedBody: U.hasUserEditedBody(...$), enabled: _, onCancelClick: this.props.onCancelClick, onTryoutClick: s, onResetClick: () => o($) }) : null ), this.state.parametersVisible ? Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'parameters-container' }, fe.length ? Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'table-container' }, Pe.createElement( 'table', { className: 'parameters' }, Pe.createElement( 'thead', null, Pe.createElement( 'tr', null, Pe.createElement( 'th', { className: 'col_header parameters-col_name' }, 'Name' ), Pe.createElement( 'th', { className: 'col_header parameters-col_description' }, 'Description' ) ) ), Pe.createElement( 'tbody', null, fe.map((s, o) => Pe.createElement(Y, { fn: x, specPath: w.push(o.toString()), getComponent: C, getConfigs: j, rawParam: s, param: L.parameterWithMetaByIdentity($, s), key: `${s.get('in')}.${s.get('name')}`, onChange: this.onChange, onChangeConsumes: this.onChangeConsumesWrapper, specSelectors: L, specActions: B, oas3Actions: V, oas3Selectors: U, pathMethod: $, isExecute: le }) ) ) ) ) : Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'opblock-description-wrapper' }, Pe.createElement('p', null, 'No parameters') ) ) : null, this.state.callbackVisible ? Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'callbacks-container opblock-description-wrapper' }, Pe.createElement(ie, { callbacks: (0, qe.Map)(z.get('callbacks')), specPath: w.slice(0, -1).push('callbacks') }) ) : null, ce && de && this.state.parametersVisible && Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'opblock-section opblock-section-request-body' }, Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'opblock-section-header' }, Pe.createElement( 'h4', { className: `opblock-title parameter__name ${de.get('required') && 'required'}` }, 'Request body' ), Pe.createElement( 'label', { id: pe }, Pe.createElement(ee, { value: U.requestContentType(...$), contentTypes: de.get('content', (0, qe.List)()).keySeq(), onChange: (s) => { this.onChangeMediaType({ value: s, pathMethod: $ }); }, className: 'body-param-content-type', ariaLabel: 'Request content type', controlId: pe }) ) ), Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'opblock-description-wrapper' }, Pe.createElement(ae, { setRetainRequestBodyValueFlag: (s) => V.setRetainRequestBodyValueFlag({ value: s, pathMethod: $ }), userHasEditedBody: U.hasUserEditedBody(...$), specPath: w.slice(0, -1).push('requestBody'), requestBody: de, requestBodyValue: U.requestBodyValue(...$), requestBodyInclusionSetting: U.requestBodyInclusionSetting(...$), requestBodyErrors: U.requestBodyErrors(...$), isExecute: le, getConfigs: j, activeExamplesKey: U.activeExamplesMember(...$, 'requestBody', 'requestBody'), updateActiveExamplesKey: (s) => { this.props.oas3Actions.setActiveExamplesMember({ name: s, pathMethod: this.props.pathMethod, contextType: 'requestBody', contextName: 'requestBody' }); }, onChange: (s, o) => { if (o) { const i = U.requestBodyValue(...$), u = qe.Map.isMap(i) ? i : (0, qe.Map)(); return V.setRequestBodyValue({ pathMethod: $, value: u.setIn(o, s) }); } V.setRequestBodyValue({ value: s, pathMethod: $ }); }, onChangeIncludeEmpty: (s, o) => { V.setRequestBodyInclusion({ pathMethod: $, value: o, name: s }); }, contentType: U.requestContentType(...$) }) ) ) ); } } const parameter_extension = ({ xKey: s, xVal: o }) => Pe.createElement('div', { className: 'parameter__extension' }, s, ': ', String(o)), Ak = { onChange: () => {}, isIncludedOptions: {} }; class ParameterIncludeEmpty extends Pe.Component { static defaultProps = Ak; componentDidMount() { const { isIncludedOptions: s, onChange: o } = this.props, { shouldDispatchInit: i, defaultValue: u } = s; i && o(u); } onCheckboxChange = (s) => { const { onChange: o } = this.props; o(s.target.checked); }; render() { let { isIncluded: s, isDisabled: o } = this.props; return Pe.createElement( 'div', null, Pe.createElement( 'label', { htmlFor: 'include_empty_value', className: Hn()('parameter__empty_value_toggle', { disabled: o }) }, Pe.createElement('input', { id: 'include_empty_value', type: 'checkbox', disabled: o, checked: !o && s, onChange: this.onCheckboxChange }), 'Send empty value' ) ); } } class ParameterRow extends Pe.Component { constructor(s, o) { super(s, o), this.setDefaultValue(); } UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(s) { let o, { specSelectors: i, pathMethod: u, rawParam: _ } = s, w = i.isOAS3(), x = i.parameterWithMetaByIdentity(u, _) || new qe.Map(); if (((x = x.isEmpty() ? _ : x), w)) { let { schema: s } = getParameterSchema(x, { isOAS3: w }); o = s ? s.get('enum') : void 0; } else o = x ? x.get('enum') : void 0; let C, j = x ? x.get('value') : void 0; void 0 !== j ? (C = j) : _.get('required') && o && o.size && (C = o.first()), void 0 !== C && C !== j && this.onChangeWrapper( (function numberToString(s) { return 'number' == typeof s ? s.toString() : s; })(C) ), this.setDefaultValue(); } onChangeWrapper = (s, o = !1) => { let i, { onChange: u, rawParam: _ } = this.props; return (i = '' === s || (s && 0 === s.size) ? null : s), u(_, i, o); }; _onExampleSelect = (s) => { this.props.oas3Actions.setActiveExamplesMember({ name: s, pathMethod: this.props.pathMethod, contextType: 'parameters', contextName: this.getParamKey() }); }; onChangeIncludeEmpty = (s) => { let { specActions: o, param: i, pathMethod: u } = this.props; const _ = i.get('name'), w = i.get('in'); return o.updateEmptyParamInclusion(u, _, w, s); }; setDefaultValue = () => { let { specSelectors: s, pathMethod: o, rawParam: i, oas3Selectors: u, fn: _ } = this.props; const w = s.parameterWithMetaByIdentity(o, i) || (0, qe.Map)(); let { schema: x } = getParameterSchema(w, { isOAS3: s.isOAS3() }); const C = w .get('content', (0, qe.Map)()) .keySeq() .first(), j = x ? _.getSampleSchema(x.toJS(), C, { includeWriteOnly: !0 }) : null; if (w && void 0 === w.get('value') && 'body' !== w.get('in')) { let i; if (s.isSwagger2()) i = void 0 !== w.get('x-example') ? w.get('x-example') : void 0 !== w.getIn(['schema', 'example']) ? w.getIn(['schema', 'example']) : x && x.getIn(['default']); else if (s.isOAS3()) { x = this.composeJsonSchema(x); const s = u.activeExamplesMember(...o, 'parameters', this.getParamKey()); i = void 0 !== w.getIn(['examples', s, 'value']) ? w.getIn(['examples', s, 'value']) : void 0 !== w.getIn(['content', C, 'example']) ? w.getIn(['content', C, 'example']) : void 0 !== w.get('example') ? w.get('example') : void 0 !== (x && x.get('example')) ? x && x.get('example') : void 0 !== (x && x.get('default')) ? x && x.get('default') : w.get('default'); } void 0 === i || qe.List.isList(i) || (i = stringify(i)), void 0 !== i ? this.onChangeWrapper(i) : x && 'object' === x.get('type') && j && !w.get('examples') && this.onChangeWrapper(qe.List.isList(j) ? j : stringify(j)); } }; getParamKey() { const { param: s } = this.props; return s ? `${s.get('name')}-${s.get('in')}` : null; } composeJsonSchema(s) { const { fn: o } = this.props, i = s.get('oneOf')?.get(0)?.toJS(), u = s.get('anyOf')?.get(0)?.toJS(); return (0, qe.fromJS)(o.mergeJsonSchema(s.toJS(), i ?? u ?? {})); } render() { let { param: s, rawParam: o, getComponent: i, getConfigs: u, isExecute: _, fn: w, onChangeConsumes: x, specSelectors: C, pathMethod: j, specPath: L, oas3Selectors: B } = this.props, $ = C.isOAS3(); const { showExtensions: V, showCommonExtensions: U } = u(); if ((s || (s = o), !o)) return null; const z = i('JsonSchemaForm'), Y = i('ParamBody'); let Z = s.get('in'), ee = 'body' !== Z ? null : Pe.createElement(Y, { getComponent: i, getConfigs: u, fn: w, param: s, consumes: C.consumesOptionsFor(j), consumesValue: C.contentTypeValues(j).get('requestContentType'), onChange: this.onChangeWrapper, onChangeConsumes: x, isExecute: _, specSelectors: C, pathMethod: j }); const ie = i('modelExample'), ae = i('Markdown', !0), le = i('ParameterExt'), ce = i('ParameterIncludeEmpty'), pe = i('ExamplesSelectValueRetainer'), de = i('Example'); let { schema: fe } = getParameterSchema(s, { isOAS3: $ }), ye = C.parameterWithMetaByIdentity(j, o) || (0, qe.Map)(); $ && (fe = this.composeJsonSchema(fe)); let be, _e, we, Se, xe = fe ? fe.get('format') : null, Te = fe ? fe.get('type') : null, Re = fe ? fe.getIn(['items', 'type']) : null, $e = 'formData' === Z, ze = 'FormData' in at, We = s.get('required'), He = ye ? ye.get('value') : '', Ye = U ? getCommonExtensions(fe) : null, Xe = V ? getExtensions(s) : null, Qe = !1; return ( void 0 !== s && fe && (be = fe.get('items')), void 0 !== be ? ((_e = be.get('enum')), (we = be.get('default'))) : fe && (_e = fe.get('enum')), _e && _e.size && _e.size > 0 && (Qe = !0), void 0 !== s && (fe && (we = fe.get('default')), void 0 === we && (we = s.get('default')), (Se = s.get('example')), void 0 === Se && (Se = s.get('x-example'))), Pe.createElement( 'tr', { 'data-param-name': s.get('name'), 'data-param-in': s.get('in') }, Pe.createElement( 'td', { className: 'parameters-col_name' }, Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: We ? 'parameter__name required' : 'parameter__name' }, s.get('name'), We ? Pe.createElement('span', null, ' *') : null ), Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'parameter__type' }, Te, Re && `[${Re}]`, xe && Pe.createElement('span', { className: 'prop-format' }, '($', xe, ')') ), Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'parameter__deprecated' }, $ && s.get('deprecated') ? 'deprecated' : null ), Pe.createElement('div', { className: 'parameter__in' }, '(', s.get('in'), ')') ), Pe.createElement( 'td', { className: 'parameters-col_description' }, s.get('description') ? Pe.createElement(ae, { source: s.get('description') }) : null, (!ee && _) || !Qe ? null : Pe.createElement(ae, { className: 'parameter__enum', source: 'Available values : ' + _e .map(function (s) { return s; }) .toArray() .map(String) .join(', ') }), (!ee && _) || void 0 === we ? null : Pe.createElement(ae, { className: 'parameter__default', source: 'Default value : ' + we }), (!ee && _) || void 0 === Se ? null : Pe.createElement(ae, { source: 'Example : ' + Se }), $e && !ze && Pe.createElement('div', null, 'Error: your browser does not support FormData'), $ && s.get('examples') ? Pe.createElement( 'section', { className: 'parameter-controls' }, Pe.createElement(pe, { examples: s.get('examples'), onSelect: this._onExampleSelect, updateValue: this.onChangeWrapper, getComponent: i, defaultToFirstExample: !0, currentKey: B.activeExamplesMember( ...j, 'parameters', this.getParamKey() ), currentUserInputValue: He }) ) : null, ee ? null : Pe.createElement(z, { fn: w, getComponent: i, value: He, required: We, disabled: !_, description: s.get('name'), onChange: this.onChangeWrapper, errors: ye.get('errors'), schema: fe }), ee && fe ? Pe.createElement(ie, { getComponent: i, specPath: L.push('schema'), getConfigs: u, isExecute: _, specSelectors: C, schema: fe, example: ee, includeWriteOnly: !0 }) : null, !ee && _ && s.get('allowEmptyValue') ? Pe.createElement(ce, { onChange: this.onChangeIncludeEmpty, isIncluded: C.parameterInclusionSettingFor(j, s.get('name'), s.get('in')), isDisabled: !isEmptyValue(He) }) : null, $ && s.get('examples') ? Pe.createElement(de, { example: s.getIn([ 'examples', B.activeExamplesMember(...j, 'parameters', this.getParamKey()) ]), getComponent: i, getConfigs: u }) : null, U && Ye.size ? Ye.entrySeq().map(([s, o]) => Pe.createElement(le, { key: `${s}-${o}`, xKey: s, xVal: o }) ) : null, V && Xe.size ? Xe.entrySeq().map(([s, o]) => Pe.createElement(le, { key: `${s}-${o}`, xKey: s, xVal: o }) ) : null ) ) ); } } class Execute extends Pe.Component { handleValidateParameters = () => { let { specSelectors: s, specActions: o, path: i, method: u } = this.props; return o.validateParams([i, u]), s.validateBeforeExecute([i, u]); }; handleValidateRequestBody = () => { let { path: s, method: o, specSelectors: i, oas3Selectors: u, oas3Actions: _ } = this.props, w = { missingBodyValue: !1, missingRequiredKeys: [] }; _.clearRequestBodyValidateError({ path: s, method: o }); let x = i.getOAS3RequiredRequestBodyContentType([s, o]), C = u.requestBodyValue(s, o), j = u.validateBeforeExecute([s, o]), L = u.requestContentType(s, o); if (!j) return ( (w.missingBodyValue = !0), _.setRequestBodyValidateError({ path: s, method: o, validationErrors: w }), !1 ); if (!x) return !0; let B = u.validateShallowRequired({ oas3RequiredRequestBodyContentType: x, oas3RequestContentType: L, oas3RequestBodyValue: C }); return ( !B || B.length < 1 || (B.forEach((s) => { w.missingRequiredKeys.push(s); }), _.setRequestBodyValidateError({ path: s, method: o, validationErrors: w }), !1) ); }; handleValidationResultPass = () => { let { specActions: s, operation: o, path: i, method: u } = this.props; this.props.onExecute && this.props.onExecute(), s.execute({ operation: o, path: i, method: u }); }; handleValidationResultFail = () => { let { specActions: s, path: o, method: i } = this.props; s.clearValidateParams([o, i]), setTimeout(() => { s.validateParams([o, i]); }, 40); }; handleValidationResult = (s) => { s ? this.handleValidationResultPass() : this.handleValidationResultFail(); }; onClick = () => { let s = this.handleValidateParameters(), o = this.handleValidateRequestBody(), i = s && o; this.handleValidationResult(i); }; onChangeProducesWrapper = (s) => this.props.specActions.changeProducesValue([this.props.path, this.props.method], s); render() { const { disabled: s } = this.props; return Pe.createElement( 'button', { className: 'btn execute opblock-control__btn', onClick: this.onClick, disabled: s }, 'Execute' ); } } class headers_Headers extends Pe.Component { render() { let { headers: s, getComponent: o } = this.props; const i = o('Property'), u = o('Markdown', !0); return s && s.size ? Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'headers-wrapper' }, Pe.createElement('h4', { className: 'headers__title' }, 'Headers:'), Pe.createElement( 'table', { className: 'headers' }, Pe.createElement( 'thead', null, Pe.createElement( 'tr', { className: 'header-row' }, Pe.createElement('th', { className: 'header-col' }, 'Name'), Pe.createElement('th', { className: 'header-col' }, 'Description'), Pe.createElement('th', { className: 'header-col' }, 'Type') ) ), Pe.createElement( 'tbody', null, s .entrySeq() .map(([s, o]) => { if (!$e().Map.isMap(o)) return null; const _ = o.get('description'), w = o.getIn(['schema']) ? o.getIn(['schema', 'type']) : o.getIn(['type']), x = o.getIn(['schema', 'example']); return Pe.createElement( 'tr', { key: s }, Pe.createElement('td', { className: 'header-col' }, s), Pe.createElement( 'td', { className: 'header-col' }, _ ? Pe.createElement(u, { source: _ }) : null ), Pe.createElement( 'td', { className: 'header-col' }, w, ' ', x ? Pe.createElement(i, { propKey: 'Example', propVal: x, propClass: 'header-example' }) : null ) ); }) .toArray() ) ) ) : null; } } class Errors extends Pe.Component { render() { let { editorActions: s, errSelectors: o, layoutSelectors: i, layoutActions: u, getComponent: _ } = this.props; const w = _('Collapse'); if (s && s.jumpToLine) var x = s.jumpToLine; let C = o .allErrors() .filter((s) => 'thrown' === s.get('type') || 'error' === s.get('level')); if (!C || C.count() < 1) return null; let j = i.isShown(['errorPane'], !0), L = C.sortBy((s) => s.get('line')); return Pe.createElement( 'pre', { className: 'errors-wrapper' }, Pe.createElement( 'hgroup', { className: 'error' }, Pe.createElement('h4', { className: 'errors__title' }, 'Errors'), Pe.createElement( 'button', { className: 'btn errors__clear-btn', onClick: () => u.show(['errorPane'], !j) }, j ? 'Hide' : 'Show' ) ), Pe.createElement( w, { isOpened: j, animated: !0 }, Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'errors' }, L.map((s, o) => { let i = s.get('type'); return 'thrown' === i || 'auth' === i ? Pe.createElement(ThrownErrorItem, { key: o, error: s.get('error') || s, jumpToLine: x }) : 'spec' === i ? Pe.createElement(SpecErrorItem, { key: o, error: s, jumpToLine: x }) : void 0; }) ) ) ); } } const ThrownErrorItem = ({ error: s, jumpToLine: o }) => { if (!s) return null; let i = s.get('line'); return Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'error-wrapper' }, s ? Pe.createElement( 'div', null, Pe.createElement( 'h4', null, s.get('source') && s.get('level') ? toTitleCase(s.get('source')) + ' ' + s.get('level') : '', s.get('path') ? Pe.createElement('small', null, ' at ', s.get('path')) : null ), Pe.createElement('span', { className: 'message thrown' }, s.get('message')), Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'error-line' }, i && o ? Pe.createElement('a', { onClick: o.bind(null, i) }, 'Jump to line ', i) : null ) ) : null ); }, SpecErrorItem = ({ error: s, jumpToLine: o = null }) => { let i = null; return ( s.get('path') ? (i = qe.List.isList(s.get('path')) ? Pe.createElement('small', null, 'at ', s.get('path').join('.')) : Pe.createElement('small', null, 'at ', s.get('path'))) : s.get('line') && !o && (i = Pe.createElement('small', null, 'on line ', s.get('line'))), Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'error-wrapper' }, s ? Pe.createElement( 'div', null, Pe.createElement( 'h4', null, toTitleCase(s.get('source')) + ' ' + s.get('level'), ' ', i ), Pe.createElement('span', { className: 'message' }, s.get('message')), Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'error-line' }, o ? Pe.createElement( 'a', { onClick: o.bind(null, s.get('line')) }, 'Jump to line ', s.get('line') ) : null ) ) : null ) ); }; function toTitleCase(s) { return (s || '') .split(' ') .map((s) => s[0].toUpperCase() + s.slice(1)) .join(' '); } const content_type_noop = () => {}; class ContentType extends Pe.Component { static defaultProps = { onChange: content_type_noop, value: null, contentTypes: (0, qe.fromJS)(['application/json']) }; componentDidMount() { this.props.contentTypes && this.props.onChange(this.props.contentTypes.first()); } UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(s) { s.contentTypes && s.contentTypes.size && (s.contentTypes.includes(s.value) || s.onChange(s.contentTypes.first())); } onChangeWrapper = (s) => this.props.onChange(s.target.value); render() { let { ariaControls: s, ariaLabel: o, className: i, contentTypes: u, controlId: _, value: w } = this.props; return u && u.size ? Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'content-type-wrapper ' + (i || '') }, Pe.createElement( 'select', { 'aria-controls': s, 'aria-label': o, className: 'content-type', id: _, onChange: this.onChangeWrapper, value: w || '' }, u.map((s) => Pe.createElement('option', { key: s, value: s }, s)).toArray() ) ) : null; } } function xclass(...s) { return s .filter((s) => !!s) .join(' ') .trim(); } class Container extends Pe.Component { render() { let { fullscreen: s, full: o, ...i } = this.props; if (s) return Pe.createElement('section', i); let u = 'swagger-container' + (o ? '-full' : ''); return Pe.createElement('section', Rn()({}, i, { className: xclass(i.className, u) })); } } const Bk = { mobile: '', tablet: '-tablet', desktop: '-desktop', large: '-hd' }; class Col extends Pe.Component { render() { const { hide: s, keepContents: o, mobile: i, tablet: u, desktop: _, large: w, ...x } = this.props; if (s && !o) return Pe.createElement('span', null); let C = []; for (let s in Bk) { if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(Bk, s)) continue; let o = Bk[s]; if (s in this.props) { let i = this.props[s]; if (i < 1) { C.push('none' + o); continue; } C.push('block' + o), C.push('col-' + i + o); } } s && C.push('hidden'); let j = xclass(x.className, ...C); return Pe.createElement('section', Rn()({}, x, { className: j })); } } class Row extends Pe.Component { render() { return Pe.createElement( 'div', Rn()({}, this.props, { className: xclass(this.props.className, 'wrapper') }) ); } } class Button extends Pe.Component { static defaultProps = { className: '' }; render() { return Pe.createElement( 'button', Rn()({}, this.props, { className: xclass(this.props.className, 'button') }) ); } } const TextArea = (s) => Pe.createElement('textarea', s), Input = (s) => Pe.createElement('input', s); class Select extends Pe.Component { static defaultProps = { multiple: !1, allowEmptyValue: !0 }; constructor(s, o) { let i; super(s, o), (i = s.value ? s.value : s.multiple ? [''] : ''), (this.state = { value: i }); } onChange = (s) => { let o, { onChange: i, multiple: u } = this.props, _ = [].slice.call(s.target.options); (o = u ? _.filter(function (s) { return s.selected; }).map(function (s) { return s.value; }) : s.target.value), this.setState({ value: o }), i && i(o); }; UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(s) { s.value !== this.props.value && this.setState({ value: s.value }); } render() { let { allowedValues: s, multiple: o, allowEmptyValue: i, disabled: u } = this.props, _ = this.state.value?.toJS?.() || this.state.value; return Pe.createElement( 'select', { className: this.props.className, multiple: o, value: _, onChange: this.onChange, disabled: u }, i ? Pe.createElement('option', { value: '' }, '--') : null, s.map(function (s, o) { return Pe.createElement('option', { key: o, value: String(s) }, String(s)); }) ); } } class layout_utils_Link extends Pe.Component { render() { return Pe.createElement( 'a', Rn()({}, this.props, { rel: 'noopener noreferrer', className: xclass(this.props.className, 'link') }) ); } } const NoMargin = ({ children: s }) => Pe.createElement('div', { className: 'no-margin' }, ' ', s, ' '); class Collapse extends Pe.Component { static defaultProps = { isOpened: !1, animated: !1 }; renderNotAnimated() { return this.props.isOpened ? Pe.createElement(NoMargin, null, this.props.children) : Pe.createElement('noscript', null); } render() { let { animated: s, isOpened: o, children: i } = this.props; return s ? ((i = o ? i : null), Pe.createElement(NoMargin, null, i)) : this.renderNotAnimated(); } } class Overview extends Pe.Component { constructor(...s) { super(...s), (this.setTagShown = this._setTagShown.bind(this)); } _setTagShown(s, o) { this.props.layoutActions.show(s, o); } showOp(s, o) { let { layoutActions: i } = this.props; i.show(s, o); } render() { let { specSelectors: s, layoutSelectors: o, layoutActions: i, getComponent: u } = this.props, _ = s.taggedOperations(); const w = u('Collapse'); return Pe.createElement( 'div', null, Pe.createElement('h4', { className: 'overview-title' }, 'Overview'), _.map((s, u) => { let _ = s.get('operations'), x = ['overview-tags', u], C = o.isShown(x, !0); return Pe.createElement( 'div', { key: 'overview-' + u }, Pe.createElement( 'h4', { onClick: () => i.show(x, !C), className: 'link overview-tag' }, ' ', C ? '-' : '+', u ), Pe.createElement( w, { isOpened: C, animated: !0 }, _.map((s) => { let { path: u, method: _, id: w } = s.toObject(), x = 'operations', C = w, j = o.isShown([x, C]); return Pe.createElement(OperationLink, { key: w, path: u, method: _, id: u + '-' + _, shown: j, showOpId: C, showOpIdPrefix: x, href: `#operation-${C}`, onClick: i.show }); }).toArray() ) ); }).toArray(), _.size < 1 && Pe.createElement('h3', null, ' No operations defined in spec! ') ); } } class OperationLink extends Pe.Component { constructor(s) { super(s), (this.onClick = this._onClick.bind(this)); } _onClick() { let { showOpId: s, showOpIdPrefix: o, onClick: i, shown: u } = this.props; i([o, s], !u); } render() { let { id: s, method: o, shown: i, href: u } = this.props; return Pe.createElement( layout_utils_Link, { href: u, onClick: this.onClick, className: 'block opblock-link ' + (i ? 'shown' : '') }, Pe.createElement( 'div', null, Pe.createElement('small', { className: `bold-label-${o}` }, o.toUpperCase()), Pe.createElement('span', { className: 'bold-label' }, s) ) ); } } class InitializedInput extends Pe.Component { componentDidMount() { this.props.initialValue && (this.inputRef.value = this.props.initialValue); } render() { const { value: s, defaultValue: o, initialValue: i, ...u } = this.props; return Pe.createElement('input', Rn()({}, u, { ref: (s) => (this.inputRef = s) })); } } class InfoBasePath extends Pe.Component { render() { const { host: s, basePath: o } = this.props; return Pe.createElement('pre', { className: 'base-url' }, '[ Base URL: ', s, o, ' ]'); } } class InfoUrl extends Pe.PureComponent { render() { const { url: s, getComponent: o } = this.props, i = o('Link'); return Pe.createElement( i, { target: '_blank', href: sanitizeUrl(s) }, Pe.createElement('span', { className: 'url' }, ' ', s) ); } } class info_Info extends Pe.Component { render() { const { info: s, url: o, host: i, basePath: u, getComponent: _, externalDocs: w, selectedServer: x, url: C } = this.props, j = s.get('version'), L = s.get('description'), B = s.get('title'), $ = safeBuildUrl(s.get('termsOfService'), C, { selectedServer: x }), V = s.get('contact'), U = s.get('license'), z = safeBuildUrl(w && w.get('url'), C, { selectedServer: x }), Y = w && w.get('description'), Z = _('Markdown', !0), ee = _('Link'), ie = _('VersionStamp'), ae = _('OpenAPIVersion'), le = _('InfoUrl'), ce = _('InfoBasePath'), pe = _('License'), de = _('Contact'); return Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'info' }, Pe.createElement( 'hgroup', { className: 'main' }, Pe.createElement( 'h2', { className: 'title' }, B, Pe.createElement( 'span', null, j && Pe.createElement(ie, { version: j }), Pe.createElement(ae, { oasVersion: '2.0' }) ) ), i || u ? Pe.createElement(ce, { host: i, basePath: u }) : null, o && Pe.createElement(le, { getComponent: _, url: o }) ), Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'description' }, Pe.createElement(Z, { source: L }) ), $ && Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'info__tos' }, Pe.createElement( ee, { target: '_blank', href: sanitizeUrl($) }, 'Terms of service' ) ), V?.size > 0 && Pe.createElement(de, { getComponent: _, data: V, selectedServer: x, url: o }), U?.size > 0 && Pe.createElement(pe, { getComponent: _, license: U, selectedServer: x, url: o }), z ? Pe.createElement( ee, { className: 'info__extdocs', target: '_blank', href: sanitizeUrl(z) }, Y || z ) : null ); } } const qk = info_Info; class InfoContainer extends Pe.Component { render() { const { specSelectors: s, getComponent: o, oas3Selectors: i } = this.props, u = s.info(), _ = s.url(), w = s.basePath(), x = s.host(), C = s.externalDocs(), j = i.selectedServer(), L = o('info'); return Pe.createElement( 'div', null, u && u.count() ? Pe.createElement(L, { info: u, url: _, host: x, basePath: w, externalDocs: C, getComponent: o, selectedServer: j }) : null ); } } class contact_Contact extends Pe.Component { render() { const { data: s, getComponent: o, selectedServer: i, url: u } = this.props, _ = s.get('name', 'the developer'), w = safeBuildUrl(s.get('url'), u, { selectedServer: i }), x = s.get('email'), C = o('Link'); return Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'info__contact' }, w && Pe.createElement( 'div', null, Pe.createElement(C, { href: sanitizeUrl(w), target: '_blank' }, _, ' - Website') ), x && Pe.createElement( C, { href: sanitizeUrl(`mailto:${x}`) }, w ? `Send email to ${_}` : `Contact ${_}` ) ); } } const Vk = contact_Contact; class license_License extends Pe.Component { render() { const { license: s, getComponent: o, selectedServer: i, url: u } = this.props, _ = s.get('name', 'License'), w = safeBuildUrl(s.get('url'), u, { selectedServer: i }), x = o('Link'); return Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'info__license' }, w ? Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'info__license__url' }, Pe.createElement(x, { target: '_blank', href: sanitizeUrl(w) }, _) ) : Pe.createElement('span', null, _) ); } } const zk = license_License; class JumpToPath extends Pe.Component { render() { return null; } } class CopyToClipboardBtn extends Pe.Component { render() { let { getComponent: s } = this.props; const o = s('CopyIcon'); return Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'view-line-link copy-to-clipboard', title: 'Copy to clipboard' }, Pe.createElement( Jn.CopyToClipboard, { text: this.props.textToCopy }, Pe.createElement(o, null) ) ); } } class Footer extends Pe.Component { render() { return Pe.createElement('div', { className: 'footer' }); } } class FilterContainer extends Pe.Component { onFilterChange = (s) => { const { target: { value: o } } = s; this.props.layoutActions.updateFilter(o); }; render() { const { specSelectors: s, layoutSelectors: o, getComponent: i } = this.props, u = i('Col'), _ = 'loading' === s.loadingStatus(), w = 'failed' === s.loadingStatus(), x = o.currentFilter(), C = ['operation-filter-input']; return ( w && C.push('failed'), _ && C.push('loading'), Pe.createElement( 'div', null, !1 === x ? null : Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'filter-container' }, Pe.createElement( u, { className: 'filter wrapper', mobile: 12 }, Pe.createElement('input', { className: C.join(' '), placeholder: 'Filter by tag', type: 'text', onChange: this.onFilterChange, value: 'string' == typeof x ? x : '', disabled: _ }) ) ) ) ); } } const eC = Function.prototype; class ParamBody extends Pe.PureComponent { static defaultProp = { consumes: (0, qe.fromJS)(['application/json']), param: (0, qe.fromJS)({}), onChange: eC, onChangeConsumes: eC }; constructor(s, o) { super(s, o), (this.state = { isEditBox: !1, value: '' }); } componentDidMount() { this.updateValues.call(this, this.props); } UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(s) { this.updateValues.call(this, s); } updateValues = (s) => { let { param: o, isExecute: i, consumesValue: u = '' } = s, _ = /xml/i.test(u), w = /json/i.test(u), x = _ ? o.get('value_xml') : o.get('value'); if (void 0 !== x) { let s = !x && w ? '{}' : x; this.setState({ value: s }), this.onChange(s, { isXml: _, isEditBox: i }); } else _ ? this.onChange(this.sample('xml'), { isXml: _, isEditBox: i }) : this.onChange(this.sample(), { isEditBox: i }); }; sample = (s) => { let { param: o, fn: i } = this.props, u = i.inferSchema(o.toJS()); return i.getSampleSchema(u, s, { includeWriteOnly: !0 }); }; onChange = (s, { isEditBox: o, isXml: i }) => { this.setState({ value: s, isEditBox: o }), this._onChange(s, i); }; _onChange = (s, o) => { (this.props.onChange || eC)(s, o); }; handleOnChange = (s) => { const { consumesValue: o } = this.props, i = /xml/i.test(o), u = s.target.value; this.onChange(u, { isXml: i, isEditBox: this.state.isEditBox }); }; toggleIsEditBox = () => this.setState((s) => ({ isEditBox: !s.isEditBox })); render() { let { onChangeConsumes: s, param: o, isExecute: i, specSelectors: u, pathMethod: _, getComponent: w } = this.props; const x = w('Button'), C = w('TextArea'), j = w('HighlightCode', !0), L = w('contentType'); let B = (u ? u.parameterWithMetaByIdentity(_, o) : o).get('errors', (0, qe.List)()), $ = u.contentTypeValues(_).get('requestContentType'), V = this.props.consumes && this.props.consumes.size ? this.props.consumes : ParamBody.defaultProp.consumes, { value: U, isEditBox: z } = this.state, Y = null; getKnownSyntaxHighlighterLanguage(U) && (Y = 'json'); const Z = `${createHtmlReadyId(`${_[1]}${_[0]}_parameters`)}_select`; return Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'body-param', 'data-param-name': o.get('name'), 'data-param-in': o.get('in') }, z && i ? Pe.createElement(C, { className: 'body-param__text' + (B.count() ? ' invalid' : ''), value: U, onChange: this.handleOnChange }) : U && Pe.createElement(j, { className: 'body-param__example', language: Y }, U), Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'body-param-options' }, i ? Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'body-param-edit' }, Pe.createElement( x, { className: z ? 'btn cancel body-param__example-edit' : 'btn edit body-param__example-edit', onClick: this.toggleIsEditBox }, z ? 'Cancel' : 'Edit' ) ) : null, Pe.createElement( 'label', { htmlFor: Z }, Pe.createElement('span', null, 'Parameter content type'), Pe.createElement(L, { value: $, contentTypes: V, onChange: s, className: 'body-param-content-type', ariaLabel: 'Parameter content type', controlId: Z }) ) ) ); } } class Curl extends Pe.Component { render() { const { request: s, getComponent: o } = this.props, i = requestSnippetGenerator_curl_bash(s), u = o('SyntaxHighlighter', !0); return Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'curl-command' }, Pe.createElement('h4', null, 'Curl'), Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'copy-to-clipboard' }, Pe.createElement(Jn.CopyToClipboard, { text: i }, Pe.createElement('button', null)) ), Pe.createElement( 'div', null, Pe.createElement( u, { language: 'bash', className: 'curl microlight', renderPlainText: ({ children: s, PlainTextViewer: o }) => Pe.createElement(o, { className: 'curl' }, s) }, i ) ) ); } } const property = ({ propKey: s, propVal: o, propClass: i }) => Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: i }, Pe.createElement('br', null), s, ': ', String(o) ); class TryItOutButton extends Pe.Component { static defaultProps = { onTryoutClick: Function.prototype, onCancelClick: Function.prototype, onResetClick: Function.prototype, enabled: !1, hasUserEditedBody: !1, isOAS3: !1 }; render() { const { onTryoutClick: s, onCancelClick: o, onResetClick: i, enabled: u, hasUserEditedBody: _, isOAS3: w } = this.props, x = w && _; return Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: x ? 'try-out btn-group' : 'try-out' }, u ? Pe.createElement( 'button', { className: 'btn try-out__btn cancel', onClick: o }, 'Cancel' ) : Pe.createElement( 'button', { className: 'btn try-out__btn', onClick: s }, 'Try it out ' ), x && Pe.createElement( 'button', { className: 'btn try-out__btn reset', onClick: i }, 'Reset' ) ); } } class VersionPragmaFilter extends Pe.PureComponent { static defaultProps = { alsoShow: null, children: null, bypass: !1 }; render() { const { bypass: s, isSwagger2: o, isOAS3: i, alsoShow: u } = this.props; return s ? Pe.createElement('div', null, this.props.children) : o && i ? Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'version-pragma' }, u, Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'version-pragma__message version-pragma__message--ambiguous' }, Pe.createElement( 'div', null, Pe.createElement('h3', null, 'Unable to render this definition'), Pe.createElement( 'p', null, Pe.createElement('code', null, 'swagger'), ' and ', Pe.createElement('code', null, 'openapi'), ' fields cannot be present in the same Swagger or OpenAPI definition. Please remove one of the fields.' ), Pe.createElement( 'p', null, 'Supported version fields are ', Pe.createElement('code', null, 'swagger: ', '"2.0"'), ' and those that match ', Pe.createElement('code', null, 'openapi: 3.0.n'), ' (for example, ', Pe.createElement('code', null, 'openapi: 3.0.0'), ').' ) ) ) ) : o || i ? Pe.createElement('div', null, this.props.children) : Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'version-pragma' }, u, Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'version-pragma__message version-pragma__message--missing' }, Pe.createElement( 'div', null, Pe.createElement('h3', null, 'Unable to render this definition'), Pe.createElement( 'p', null, 'The provided definition does not specify a valid version field.' ), Pe.createElement( 'p', null, 'Please indicate a valid Swagger or OpenAPI version field. Supported version fields are ', Pe.createElement('code', null, 'swagger: ', '"2.0"'), ' and those that match ', Pe.createElement('code', null, 'openapi: 3.0.n'), ' (for example, ', Pe.createElement('code', null, 'openapi: 3.0.0'), ').' ) ) ) ); } } const version_stamp = ({ version: s }) => Pe.createElement( 'small', null, Pe.createElement('pre', { className: 'version' }, ' ', s, ' ') ), openapi_version = ({ oasVersion: s }) => Pe.createElement( 'small', { className: 'version-stamp' }, Pe.createElement('pre', { className: 'version' }, 'OAS ', s) ), deep_link = ({ enabled: s, path: o, text: i }) => Pe.createElement( 'a', { className: 'nostyle', onClick: s ? (s) => s.preventDefault() : null, href: s ? `#/${o}` : null }, Pe.createElement('span', null, i) ), svg_assets = () => Pe.createElement( 'div', null, Pe.createElement( 'svg', { xmlns: 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', xmlnsXlink: 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink', className: 'svg-assets' }, Pe.createElement( 'defs', null, Pe.createElement( 'symbol', { viewBox: '0 0 20 20', id: 'unlocked' }, Pe.createElement('path', { d: 'M15.8 8H14V5.6C14 2.703 12.665 1 10 1 7.334 1 6 2.703 6 5.6V6h2v-.801C8 3.754 8.797 3 10 3c1.203 0 2 .754 2 2.199V8H4c-.553 0-1 .646-1 1.199V17c0 .549.428 1.139.951 1.307l1.197.387C5.672 18.861 6.55 19 7.1 19h5.8c.549 0 1.428-.139 1.951-.307l1.196-.387c.524-.167.953-.757.953-1.306V9.199C17 8.646 16.352 8 15.8 8z' }) ), Pe.createElement( 'symbol', { viewBox: '0 0 20 20', id: 'locked' }, Pe.createElement('path', { d: 'M15.8 8H14V5.6C14 2.703 12.665 1 10 1 7.334 1 6 2.703 6 5.6V8H4c-.553 0-1 .646-1 1.199V17c0 .549.428 1.139.951 1.307l1.197.387C5.672 18.861 6.55 19 7.1 19h5.8c.549 0 1.428-.139 1.951-.307l1.196-.387c.524-.167.953-.757.953-1.306V9.199C17 8.646 16.352 8 15.8 8zM12 8H8V5.199C8 3.754 8.797 3 10 3c1.203 0 2 .754 2 2.199V8z' }) ), Pe.createElement( 'symbol', { viewBox: '0 0 20 20', id: 'close' }, Pe.createElement('path', { d: 'M14.348 14.849c-.469.469-1.229.469-1.697 0L10 11.819l-2.651 3.029c-.469.469-1.229.469-1.697 0-.469-.469-.469-1.229 0-1.697l2.758-3.15-2.759-3.152c-.469-.469-.469-1.228 0-1.697.469-.469 1.228-.469 1.697 0L10 8.183l2.651-3.031c.469-.469 1.228-.469 1.697 0 .469.469.469 1.229 0 1.697l-2.758 3.152 2.758 3.15c.469.469.469 1.229 0 1.698z' }) ), Pe.createElement( 'symbol', { viewBox: '0 0 20 20', id: 'large-arrow' }, Pe.createElement('path', { d: 'M13.25 10L6.109 2.58c-.268-.27-.268-.707 0-.979.268-.27.701-.27.969 0l7.83 7.908c. 0 .979l-7.83 7.908c-.268.271-.701.27-.969 0-.268-.269-.268-.707 0-.979L13.25 10z' }) ), Pe.createElement( 'symbol', { viewBox: '0 0 20 20', id: 'large-arrow-down' }, Pe.createElement('path', { d: 'M17.418 6.109c.272-.268.709-.268.979 0s.271.701 0 .969l-7.908 7.83c-.27.268-.707.268-.979 0l-7.908-7.83c-.27-.268-.27-.701 0-.969.271-.268.709-.268.979 0L10 13.25l7.418-7.141z' }) ), Pe.createElement( 'symbol', { viewBox: '0 0 20 20', id: 'large-arrow-up' }, Pe.createElement('path', { d: 'M 17.418 14.908 C 17.69 15.176 18.127 15.176 18.397 14.908 C 18.667 14.64 18.668 14.207 18.397 13.939 L 10.489 6.109 C 10.219 5.841 9.782 5.841 9.51 6.109 L 1.602 13.939 C 1.332 14.207 1.332 14.64 1.602 14.908 C 1.873 15.176 2.311 15.176 2.581 14.908 L 10 7.767 L 17.418 14.908 Z' }) ), Pe.createElement( 'symbol', { viewBox: '0 0 24 24', id: 'jump-to' }, Pe.createElement('path', { d: 'M19 7v4H5.83l3.58-3.59L8 6l-6 6 6 6 1.41-1.41L5.83 13H21V7z' }) ), Pe.createElement( 'symbol', { viewBox: '0 0 24 24', id: 'expand' }, Pe.createElement('path', { d: 'M10 18h4v-2h-4v2zM3 6v2h18V6H3zm3 7h12v-2H6v2z' }) ), Pe.createElement( 'symbol', { viewBox: '0 0 15 16', id: 'copy' }, Pe.createElement( 'g', { transform: 'translate(2, -1)' }, Pe.createElement('path', { fill: '#ffffff', fillRule: 'evenodd', d: 'M2 13h4v1H2v-1zm5-6H2v1h5V7zm2 3V8l-3 3 3 3v-2h5v-2H9zM4.5 9H2v1h2.5V9zM2 12h2.5v-1H2v1zm9 1h1v2c-.02.28-.11.52-.3.7-.19.18-.42.28-.7.3H1c-.55 0-1-.45-1-1V4c0-.55.45-1 1-1h3c0-1.11.89-2 2-2 1.11 0 2 .89 2 2h3c.55 0 1 .45 1 1v5h-1V6H1v9h10v-2zM2 5h8c0-.55-.45-1-1-1H8c-.55 0-1-.45-1-1s-.45-1-1-1-1 .45-1 1-.45 1-1 1H3c-.55 0-1 .45-1 1z' }) ) ) ) ) ); var tC; function decodeEntity(s) { return ( ((tC = tC || document.createElement('textarea')).innerHTML = '&' + s + ';'), tC.value ); } var rC = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; function index_browser_has(s, o) { return !!s && rC.call(s, o); } function index_browser_assign(s) { return ( [].slice.call(arguments, 1).forEach(function (o) { if (o) { if ('object' != typeof o) throw new TypeError(o + 'must be object'); Object.keys(o).forEach(function (i) { s[i] = o[i]; }); } }), s ); } var nC = /\\([\\!"#$%&'()*+,.\/:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~-])/g; function unescapeMd(s) { return s.indexOf('\\') < 0 ? s : s.replace(nC, '$1'); } function isValidEntityCode(s) { return ( !(s >= 55296 && s <= 57343) && !(s >= 64976 && s <= 65007) && !!(65535 & ~s && 65534 != (65535 & s)) && !(s >= 0 && s <= 8) && 11 !== s && !(s >= 14 && s <= 31) && !(s >= 127 && s <= 159) && !(s > 1114111) ); } function fromCodePoint(s) { if (s > 65535) { var o = 55296 + ((s -= 65536) >> 10), i = 56320 + (1023 & s); return String.fromCharCode(o, i); } return String.fromCharCode(s); } var sC = /&([a-z#][a-z0-9]{1,31});/gi, oC = /^#((?:x[a-f0-9]{1,8}|[0-9]{1,8}))/i; function replaceEntityPattern(s, o) { var i = 0, u = decodeEntity(o); return o !== u ? u : 35 === o.charCodeAt(0) && oC.test(o) && isValidEntityCode( (i = 'x' === o[1].toLowerCase() ? parseInt(o.slice(2), 16) : parseInt(o.slice(1), 10)) ) ? fromCodePoint(i) : s; } function replaceEntities(s) { return s.indexOf('&') < 0 ? s : s.replace(sC, replaceEntityPattern); } var iC = /[&<>"]/, aC = /[&<>"]/g, lC = { '&': '&', '<': '<', '>': '>', '"': '"' }; function replaceUnsafeChar(s) { return lC[s]; } function escapeHtml(s) { return iC.test(s) ? s.replace(aC, replaceUnsafeChar) : s; } var cC = {}; function nextToken(s, o) { return ++o >= s.length - 2 ? o : 'paragraph_open' === s[o].type && s[o].tight && 'inline' === s[o + 1].type && 0 === s[o + 1].content.length && 'paragraph_close' === s[o + 2].type && s[o + 2].tight ? nextToken(s, o + 2) : o; } (cC.blockquote_open = function () { return '
\n'; }), (cC.blockquote_close = function (s, o) { return '
' + uC(s, o); }), (cC.code = function (s, o) { return s[o].block ? '
' + escapeHtml(s[o].content) + '
' + uC(s, o) : '' + escapeHtml(s[o].content) + ''; }), (cC.fence = function (s, o, i, u, _) { var w, x, C = s[o], j = '', L = i.langPrefix; if (C.params) { if ( ((x = (w = C.params.split(/\s+/g)).join(' ')), index_browser_has(_.rules.fence_custom, w[0])) ) return _.rules.fence_custom[w[0]](s, o, i, u, _); j = ' class="' + L + escapeHtml(replaceEntities(unescapeMd(x))) + '"'; } return ( '
' +
							((i.highlight && i.highlight.apply(i.highlight, [C.content].concat(w))) ||
								escapeHtml(C.content)) +
' + uC(s, o) ); }), (cC.fence_custom = {}), (cC.heading_open = function (s, o) { return ''; }), (cC.heading_close = function (s, o) { return '\n'; }), (cC.hr = function (s, o, i) { return (i.xhtmlOut ? '
' : '
') + uC(s, o); }), (cC.bullet_list_open = function () { return '
    \n'; }), (cC.bullet_list_close = function (s, o) { return '
' + uC(s, o); }), (cC.list_item_open = function () { return '
  • '; }), (cC.list_item_close = function () { return '
  • \n'; }), (cC.ordered_list_open = function (s, o) { var i = s[o]; return ' 1 ? ' start="' + i.order + '"' : '') + '>\n'; }), (cC.ordered_list_close = function (s, o) { return '' + uC(s, o); }), (cC.paragraph_open = function (s, o) { return s[o].tight ? '' : '

    '; }), (cC.paragraph_close = function (s, o) { var i = !(s[o].tight && o && 'inline' === s[o - 1].type && !s[o - 1].content); return (s[o].tight ? '' : '

    ') + (i ? uC(s, o) : ''); }), (cC.link_open = function (s, o, i) { var u = s[o].title ? ' title="' + escapeHtml(replaceEntities(s[o].title)) + '"' : '', _ = i.linkTarget ? ' target="' + i.linkTarget + '"' : ''; return ''; }), (cC.link_close = function () { return ''; }), (cC.image = function (s, o, i) { var u = ' src="' + escapeHtml(s[o].src) + '"', _ = s[o].title ? ' title="' + escapeHtml(replaceEntities(s[o].title)) + '"' : ''; return ( '' ); }), (cC.table_open = function () { return '\n'; }), (cC.table_close = function () { return '
    \n'; }), (cC.thead_open = function () { return '\n'; }), (cC.thead_close = function () { return '\n'; }), (cC.tbody_open = function () { return '\n'; }), (cC.tbody_close = function () { return '\n'; }), (cC.tr_open = function () { return ''; }), (cC.tr_close = function () { return '\n'; }), (cC.th_open = function (s, o) { var i = s[o]; return ''; }), (cC.th_close = function () { return ''; }), (cC.td_open = function (s, o) { var i = s[o]; return ''; }), (cC.td_close = function () { return ''; }), (cC.strong_open = function () { return ''; }), (cC.strong_close = function () { return ''; }), (cC.em_open = function () { return ''; }), (cC.em_close = function () { return ''; }), (cC.del_open = function () { return ''; }), (cC.del_close = function () { return ''; }), (cC.ins_open = function () { return ''; }), (cC.ins_close = function () { return ''; }), (cC.mark_open = function () { return ''; }), (cC.mark_close = function () { return ''; }), (cC.sub = function (s, o) { return '' + escapeHtml(s[o].content) + ''; }), (cC.sup = function (s, o) { return '' + escapeHtml(s[o].content) + ''; }), (cC.hardbreak = function (s, o, i) { return i.xhtmlOut ? '
    \n' : '
    \n'; }), (cC.softbreak = function (s, o, i) { return i.breaks ? (i.xhtmlOut ? '
    \n' : '
    \n') : '\n'; }), (cC.text = function (s, o) { return escapeHtml(s[o].content); }), (cC.htmlblock = function (s, o) { return s[o].content; }), (cC.htmltag = function (s, o) { return s[o].content; }), (cC.abbr_open = function (s, o) { return ''; }), (cC.abbr_close = function () { return ''; }), (cC.footnote_ref = function (s, o) { var i = Number(s[o].id + 1).toString(), u = 'fnref' + i; return ( s[o].subId > 0 && (u += ':' + s[o].subId), '[' + i + ']' ); }), (cC.footnote_block_open = function (s, o, i) { return ( (i.xhtmlOut ? '
    \n' : '
    \n') + '
      \n' ); }), (cC.footnote_block_close = function () { return '
    \n'; }), (cC.footnote_open = function (s, o) { return '
  • '; }), (cC.footnote_close = function () { return '
  • \n'; }), (cC.footnote_anchor = function (s, o) { var i = 'fnref' + Number(s[o].id + 1).toString(); return ( s[o].subId > 0 && (i += ':' + s[o].subId), ' ' ); }), (cC.dl_open = function () { return '
    \n'; }), (cC.dt_open = function () { return '
    '; }), (cC.dd_open = function () { return '
    '; }), (cC.dl_close = function () { return '
    \n'; }), (cC.dt_close = function () { return '\n'; }), (cC.dd_close = function () { return '\n'; }); var uC = (cC.getBreak = function getBreak(s, o) { return (o = nextToken(s, o)) < s.length && 'list_item_close' === s[o].type ? '' : '\n'; }); function Renderer() { (this.rules = index_browser_assign({}, cC)), (this.getBreak = cC.getBreak); } function Ruler() { (this.__rules__ = []), (this.__cache__ = null); } function StateInline(s, o, i, u, _) { (this.src = s), (this.env = u), (this.options = i), (this.parser = o), (this.tokens = _), (this.pos = 0), (this.posMax = this.src.length), (this.level = 0), (this.pending = ''), (this.pendingLevel = 0), (this.cache = []), (this.isInLabel = !1), (this.linkLevel = 0), (this.linkContent = ''), (this.labelUnmatchedScopes = 0); } function parseLinkLabel(s, o) { var i, u, _, w = -1, x = s.posMax, C = s.pos, j = s.isInLabel; if (s.isInLabel) return -1; if (s.labelUnmatchedScopes) return s.labelUnmatchedScopes--, -1; for (s.pos = o + 1, s.isInLabel = !0, i = 1; s.pos < x; ) { if (91 === (_ = s.src.charCodeAt(s.pos))) i++; else if (93 === _ && 0 === --i) { u = !0; break; } s.parser.skipToken(s); } return ( u ? ((w = s.pos), (s.labelUnmatchedScopes = 0)) : (s.labelUnmatchedScopes = i - 1), (s.pos = C), (s.isInLabel = j), w ); } function parseAbbr(s, o, i, u) { var _, w, x, C, j, L; if (42 !== s.charCodeAt(0)) return -1; if (91 !== s.charCodeAt(1)) return -1; if (-1 === s.indexOf(']:')) return -1; if ( (w = parseLinkLabel((_ = new StateInline(s, o, i, u, [])), 1)) < 0 || 58 !== s.charCodeAt(w + 1) ) return -1; for (C = _.posMax, x = w + 2; x < C && 10 !== _.src.charCodeAt(x); x++); return ( (j = s.slice(2, w)), 0 === (L = s.slice(w + 2, x).trim()).length ? -1 : (u.abbreviations || (u.abbreviations = {}), void 0 === u.abbreviations[':' + j] && (u.abbreviations[':' + j] = L), x) ); } function normalizeLink(s) { var o = replaceEntities(s); try { o = decodeURI(o); } catch (s) {} return encodeURI(o); } function parseLinkDestination(s, o) { var i, u, _, w = o, x = s.posMax; if (60 === s.src.charCodeAt(o)) { for (o++; o < x; ) { if (10 === (i = s.src.charCodeAt(o))) return !1; if (62 === i) return ( (_ = normalizeLink(unescapeMd(s.src.slice(w + 1, o)))), !!s.parser.validateLink(_) && ((s.pos = o + 1), (s.linkContent = _), !0) ); 92 === i && o + 1 < x ? (o += 2) : o++; } return !1; } for (u = 0; o < x && 32 !== (i = s.src.charCodeAt(o)) && !(i < 32 || 127 === i); ) if (92 === i && o + 1 < x) o += 2; else { if (40 === i && ++u > 1) break; if (41 === i && --u < 0) break; o++; } return ( w !== o && ((_ = unescapeMd(s.src.slice(w, o))), !!s.parser.validateLink(_) && ((s.linkContent = _), (s.pos = o), !0)) ); } function parseLinkTitle(s, o) { var i, u = o, _ = s.posMax, w = s.src.charCodeAt(o); if (34 !== w && 39 !== w && 40 !== w) return !1; for (o++, 40 === w && (w = 41); o < _; ) { if ((i = s.src.charCodeAt(o)) === w) return (s.pos = o + 1), (s.linkContent = unescapeMd(s.src.slice(u + 1, o))), !0; 92 === i && o + 1 < _ ? (o += 2) : o++; } return !1; } function normalizeReference(s) { return s.trim().replace(/\s+/g, ' ').toUpperCase(); } function parseReference(s, o, i, u) { var _, w, x, C, j, L, B, $, V; if (91 !== s.charCodeAt(0)) return -1; if (-1 === s.indexOf(']:')) return -1; if ( (w = parseLinkLabel((_ = new StateInline(s, o, i, u, [])), 0)) < 0 || 58 !== s.charCodeAt(w + 1) ) return -1; for ( C = _.posMax, x = w + 2; x < C && (32 === (j = _.src.charCodeAt(x)) || 10 === j); x++ ); if (!parseLinkDestination(_, x)) return -1; for ( B = _.linkContent, L = x = _.pos, x += 1; x < C && (32 === (j = _.src.charCodeAt(x)) || 10 === j); x++ ); for ( x < C && L !== x && parseLinkTitle(_, x) ? (($ = _.linkContent), (x = _.pos)) : (($ = ''), (x = L)); x < C && 32 === _.src.charCodeAt(x); ) x++; return x < C && 10 !== _.src.charCodeAt(x) ? -1 : ((V = normalizeReference(s.slice(1, w))), void 0 === u.references[V] && (u.references[V] = { title: $, href: B }), x); } (Renderer.prototype.renderInline = function (s, o, i) { for (var u = this.rules, _ = s.length, w = 0, x = ''; _--; ) x += u[s[w].type](s, w++, o, i, this); return x; }), (Renderer.prototype.render = function (s, o, i) { for (var u = this.rules, _ = s.length, w = -1, x = ''; ++w < _; ) 'inline' === s[w].type ? (x += this.renderInline(s[w].children, o, i)) : (x += u[s[w].type](s, w, o, i, this)); return x; }), (Ruler.prototype.__find__ = function (s) { for (var o = this.__rules__.length, i = -1; o--; ) if (this.__rules__[++i].name === s) return i; return -1; }), (Ruler.prototype.__compile__ = function () { var s = this, o = ['']; s.__rules__.forEach(function (s) { s.enabled && s.alt.forEach(function (s) { o.indexOf(s) < 0 && o.push(s); }); }), (s.__cache__ = {}), o.forEach(function (o) { (s.__cache__[o] = []), s.__rules__.forEach(function (i) { i.enabled && ((o && i.alt.indexOf(o) < 0) || s.__cache__[o].push(i.fn)); }); }); }), (Ruler.prototype.at = function (s, o, i) { var u = this.__find__(s), _ = i || {}; if (-1 === u) throw new Error('Parser rule not found: ' + s); (this.__rules__[u].fn = o), (this.__rules__[u].alt = _.alt || []), (this.__cache__ = null); }), (Ruler.prototype.before = function (s, o, i, u) { var _ = this.__find__(s), w = u || {}; if (-1 === _) throw new Error('Parser rule not found: ' + s); this.__rules__.splice(_, 0, { name: o, enabled: !0, fn: i, alt: w.alt || [] }), (this.__cache__ = null); }), (Ruler.prototype.after = function (s, o, i, u) { var _ = this.__find__(s), w = u || {}; if (-1 === _) throw new Error('Parser rule not found: ' + s); this.__rules__.splice(_ + 1, 0, { name: o, enabled: !0, fn: i, alt: w.alt || [] }), (this.__cache__ = null); }), (Ruler.prototype.push = function (s, o, i) { var u = i || {}; this.__rules__.push({ name: s, enabled: !0, fn: o, alt: u.alt || [] }), (this.__cache__ = null); }), (Ruler.prototype.enable = function (s, o) { (s = Array.isArray(s) ? s : [s]), o && this.__rules__.forEach(function (s) { s.enabled = !1; }), s.forEach(function (s) { var o = this.__find__(s); if (o < 0) throw new Error('Rules manager: invalid rule name ' + s); this.__rules__[o].enabled = !0; }, this), (this.__cache__ = null); }), (Ruler.prototype.disable = function (s) { (s = Array.isArray(s) ? s : [s]).forEach(function (s) { var o = this.__find__(s); if (o < 0) throw new Error('Rules manager: invalid rule name ' + s); this.__rules__[o].enabled = !1; }, this), (this.__cache__ = null); }), (Ruler.prototype.getRules = function (s) { return null === this.__cache__ && this.__compile__(), this.__cache__[s] || []; }), (StateInline.prototype.pushPending = function () { this.tokens.push({ type: 'text', content: this.pending, level: this.pendingLevel }), (this.pending = ''); }), (StateInline.prototype.push = function (s) { this.pending && this.pushPending(), this.tokens.push(s), (this.pendingLevel = this.level); }), (StateInline.prototype.cacheSet = function (s, o) { for (var i = this.cache.length; i <= s; i++) this.cache.push(0); this.cache[s] = o; }), (StateInline.prototype.cacheGet = function (s) { return s < this.cache.length ? this.cache[s] : 0; }); var pC = ' \n()[]\'".,!?-'; function regEscape(s) { return s.replace(/([-()\[\]{}+?*.$\^|,:#= s.length) && !yC.test(s[o]); } function replaceAt(s, o, i) { return s.substr(0, o) + i + s.substr(o + 1); } var vC = [ [ 'block', function block(s) { s.inlineMode ? s.tokens.push({ type: 'inline', content: s.src.replace(/\n/g, ' ').trim(), level: 0, lines: [0, 1], children: [] }) : s.block.parse(s.src, s.options, s.env, s.tokens); } ], [ 'abbr', function abbr(s) { var o, i, u, _, w = s.tokens; if (!s.inlineMode) for (o = 1, i = w.length - 1; o < i; o++) if ( 'paragraph_open' === w[o - 1].type && 'inline' === w[o].type && 'paragraph_close' === w[o + 1].type ) { for ( u = w[o].content; u.length && !((_ = parseAbbr(u, s.inline, s.options, s.env)) < 0); ) u = u.slice(_).trim(); (w[o].content = u), u.length || ((w[o - 1].tight = !0), (w[o + 1].tight = !0)); } } ], [ 'references', function references(s) { var o, i, u, _, w = s.tokens; if (((s.env.references = s.env.references || {}), !s.inlineMode)) for (o = 1, i = w.length - 1; o < i; o++) if ( 'inline' === w[o].type && 'paragraph_open' === w[o - 1].type && 'paragraph_close' === w[o + 1].type ) { for ( u = w[o].content; u.length && !((_ = parseReference(u, s.inline, s.options, s.env)) < 0); ) u = u.slice(_).trim(); (w[o].content = u), u.length || ((w[o - 1].tight = !0), (w[o + 1].tight = !0)); } } ], [ 'inline', function inline(s) { var o, i, u, _ = s.tokens; for (i = 0, u = _.length; i < u; i++) 'inline' === (o = _[i]).type && s.inline.parse(o.content, s.options, s.env, o.children); } ], [ 'footnote_tail', function footnote_block(s) { var o, i, u, _, w, x, C, j, L, B = 0, $ = !1, V = {}; if ( s.env.footnotes && ((s.tokens = s.tokens.filter(function (s) { return 'footnote_reference_open' === s.type ? (($ = !0), (j = []), (L = s.label), !1) : 'footnote_reference_close' === s.type ? (($ = !1), (V[':' + L] = j), !1) : ($ && j.push(s), !$); })), s.env.footnotes.list) ) { for ( x = s.env.footnotes.list, s.tokens.push({ type: 'footnote_block_open', level: B++ }), o = 0, i = x.length; o < i; o++ ) { for ( s.tokens.push({ type: 'footnote_open', id: o, level: B++ }), x[o].tokens ? ((C = []).push({ type: 'paragraph_open', tight: !1, level: B++ }), C.push({ type: 'inline', content: '', level: B, children: x[o].tokens }), C.push({ type: 'paragraph_close', tight: !1, level: --B })) : x[o].label && (C = V[':' + x[o].label]), s.tokens = s.tokens.concat(C), w = 'paragraph_close' === s.tokens[s.tokens.length - 1].type ? s.tokens.pop() : null, _ = x[o].count > 0 ? x[o].count : 1, u = 0; u < _; u++ ) s.tokens.push({ type: 'footnote_anchor', id: o, subId: u, level: B }); w && s.tokens.push(w), s.tokens.push({ type: 'footnote_close', level: --B }); } s.tokens.push({ type: 'footnote_block_close', level: --B }); } } ], [ 'abbr2', function abbr2(s) { var o, i, u, _, w, x, C, j, L, B, $, V, U = s.tokens; if (s.env.abbreviations) for ( s.env.abbrRegExp || ((V = '(^|[' + pC.split('').map(regEscape).join('') + '])(' + Object.keys(s.env.abbreviations) .map(function (s) { return s.substr(1); }) .sort(function (s, o) { return o.length - s.length; }) .map(regEscape) .join('|') + ')($|[' + pC.split('').map(regEscape).join('') + '])'), (s.env.abbrRegExp = new RegExp(V, 'g'))), B = s.env.abbrRegExp, i = 0, u = U.length; i < u; i++ ) if ('inline' === U[i].type) for (o = (_ = U[i].children).length - 1; o >= 0; o--) if ('text' === (w = _[o]).type) { for ( j = 0, x = w.content, B.lastIndex = 0, L = w.level, C = []; ($ = B.exec(x)); ) B.lastIndex > j && C.push({ type: 'text', content: x.slice(j, $.index + $[1].length), level: L }), C.push({ type: 'abbr_open', title: s.env.abbreviations[':' + $[2]], level: L++ }), C.push({ type: 'text', content: $[2], level: L }), C.push({ type: 'abbr_close', level: --L }), (j = B.lastIndex - $[3].length); C.length && (j < x.length && C.push({ type: 'text', content: x.slice(j), level: L }), (U[i].children = _ = [].concat(_.slice(0, o), C, _.slice(o + 1)))); } } ], [ 'replacements', function index_browser_replace(s) { var o, i, u, _, w; if (s.options.typographer) for (w = s.tokens.length - 1; w >= 0; w--) if ('inline' === s.tokens[w].type) for (o = (_ = s.tokens[w].children).length - 1; o >= 0; o--) 'text' === (i = _[o]).type && ((u = replaceScopedAbbr((u = i.content))), hC.test(u) && (u = u .replace(/\+-/g, '±') .replace(/\.{2,}/g, '…') .replace(/([?!])…/g, '$1..') .replace(/([?!]){4,}/g, '$1$1$1') .replace(/,{2,}/g, ',') .replace(/(^|[^-])---([^-]|$)/gm, '$1—$2') .replace(/(^|\s)--(\s|$)/gm, '$1–$2') .replace(/(^|[^-\s])--([^-\s]|$)/gm, '$1–$2')), (i.content = u)); } ], [ 'smartquotes', function smartquotes(s) { var o, i, u, _, w, x, C, j, L, B, $, V, U, z, Y, Z, ee; if (s.options.typographer) for (ee = [], Y = s.tokens.length - 1; Y >= 0; Y--) if ('inline' === s.tokens[Y].type) for (Z = s.tokens[Y].children, ee.length = 0, o = 0; o < Z.length; o++) if ('text' === (i = Z[o]).type && !mC.test(i.text)) { for (C = Z[o].level, U = ee.length - 1; U >= 0 && !(ee[U].level <= C); U--); (ee.length = U + 1), (w = 0), (x = (u = i.content).length); e: for (; w < x && ((gC.lastIndex = w), (_ = gC.exec(u))); ) if ( ((j = !isLetter(u, _.index - 1)), (w = _.index + 1), (z = "'" === _[0]), (L = !isLetter(u, w)) || j) ) { if ((($ = !L), (V = !j))) for ( U = ee.length - 1; U >= 0 && ((B = ee[U]), !(ee[U].level < C)); U-- ) if (B.single === z && ee[U].level === C) { (B = ee[U]), z ? ((Z[B.token].content = replaceAt( Z[B.token].content, B.pos, s.options.quotes[2] )), (i.content = replaceAt( i.content, _.index, s.options.quotes[3] ))) : ((Z[B.token].content = replaceAt( Z[B.token].content, B.pos, s.options.quotes[0] )), (i.content = replaceAt( i.content, _.index, s.options.quotes[1] ))), (ee.length = U); continue e; } $ ? ee.push({ token: o, pos: _.index, single: z, level: C }) : V && z && (i.content = replaceAt(i.content, _.index, '’')); } else z && (i.content = replaceAt(i.content, _.index, '’')); } } ] ]; function Core() { (this.options = {}), (this.ruler = new Ruler()); for (var s = 0; s < vC.length; s++) this.ruler.push(vC[s][0], vC[s][1]); } function StateBlock(s, o, i, u, _) { var w, x, C, j, L, B, $; for ( this.src = s, this.parser = o, this.options = i, this.env = u, this.tokens = _, this.bMarks = [], this.eMarks = [], this.tShift = [], this.blkIndent = 0, this.line = 0, this.lineMax = 0, this.tight = !1, this.parentType = 'root', this.ddIndent = -1, this.level = 0, this.result = '', B = 0, $ = !1, C = j = B = 0, L = (x = this.src).length; j < L; j++ ) { if (((w = x.charCodeAt(j)), !$)) { if (32 === w) { B++; continue; } $ = !0; } (10 !== w && j !== L - 1) || (10 !== w && j++, this.bMarks.push(C), this.eMarks.push(j), this.tShift.push(B), ($ = !1), (B = 0), (C = j + 1)); } this.bMarks.push(x.length), this.eMarks.push(x.length), this.tShift.push(0), (this.lineMax = this.bMarks.length - 1); } function skipBulletListMarker(s, o) { var i, u, _; return (u = s.bMarks[o] + s.tShift[o]) >= (_ = s.eMarks[o]) || (42 !== (i = s.src.charCodeAt(u++)) && 45 !== i && 43 !== i) || (u < _ && 32 !== s.src.charCodeAt(u)) ? -1 : u; } function skipOrderedListMarker(s, o) { var i, u = s.bMarks[o] + s.tShift[o], _ = s.eMarks[o]; if (u + 1 >= _) return -1; if ((i = s.src.charCodeAt(u++)) < 48 || i > 57) return -1; for (;;) { if (u >= _) return -1; if (!((i = s.src.charCodeAt(u++)) >= 48 && i <= 57)) { if (41 === i || 46 === i) break; return -1; } } return u < _ && 32 !== s.src.charCodeAt(u) ? -1 : u; } (Core.prototype.process = function (s) { var o, i, u; for (o = 0, i = (u = this.ruler.getRules('')).length; o < i; o++) u[o](s); }), (StateBlock.prototype.isEmpty = function isEmpty(s) { return this.bMarks[s] + this.tShift[s] >= this.eMarks[s]; }), (StateBlock.prototype.skipEmptyLines = function skipEmptyLines(s) { for ( var o = this.lineMax; s < o && !(this.bMarks[s] + this.tShift[s] < this.eMarks[s]); s++ ); return s; }), (StateBlock.prototype.skipSpaces = function skipSpaces(s) { for (var o = this.src.length; s < o && 32 === this.src.charCodeAt(s); s++); return s; }), (StateBlock.prototype.skipChars = function skipChars(s, o) { for (var i = this.src.length; s < i && this.src.charCodeAt(s) === o; s++); return s; }), (StateBlock.prototype.skipCharsBack = function skipCharsBack(s, o, i) { if (s <= i) return s; for (; s > i; ) if (o !== this.src.charCodeAt(--s)) return s + 1; return s; }), (StateBlock.prototype.getLines = function getLines(s, o, i, u) { var _, w, x, C, j, L = s; if (s >= o) return ''; if (L + 1 === o) return ( (w = this.bMarks[L] + Math.min(this.tShift[L], i)), (x = u ? this.eMarks[L] + 1 : this.eMarks[L]), this.src.slice(w, x) ); for (C = new Array(o - s), _ = 0; L < o; L++, _++) (j = this.tShift[L]) > i && (j = i), j < 0 && (j = 0), (w = this.bMarks[L] + j), (x = L + 1 < o || u ? this.eMarks[L] + 1 : this.eMarks[L]), (C[_] = this.src.slice(w, x)); return C.join(''); }); var bC = {}; [ 'article', 'aside', 'button', 'blockquote', 'body', 'canvas', 'caption', 'col', 'colgroup', 'dd', 'div', 'dl', 'dt', 'embed', 'fieldset', 'figcaption', 'figure', 'footer', 'form', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'header', 'hgroup', 'hr', 'iframe', 'li', 'map', 'object', 'ol', 'output', 'p', 'pre', 'progress', 'script', 'section', 'style', 'table', 'tbody', 'td', 'textarea', 'tfoot', 'th', 'tr', 'thead', 'ul', 'video' ].forEach(function (s) { bC[s] = !0; }); var _C = /^<([a-zA-Z]{1,15})[\s\/>]/, EC = /^<\/([a-zA-Z]{1,15})[\s>]/; function index_browser_getLine(s, o) { var i = s.bMarks[o] + s.blkIndent, u = s.eMarks[o]; return s.src.substr(i, u - i); } function skipMarker(s, o) { var i, u, _ = s.bMarks[o] + s.tShift[o], w = s.eMarks[o]; return _ >= w || (126 !== (u = s.src.charCodeAt(_++)) && 58 !== u) || _ === (i = s.skipSpaces(_)) || i >= w ? -1 : i; } var wC = [ [ 'code', function code(s, o, i) { var u, _; if (s.tShift[o] - s.blkIndent < 4) return !1; for (_ = u = o + 1; u < i; ) if (s.isEmpty(u)) u++; else { if (!(s.tShift[u] - s.blkIndent >= 4)) break; _ = ++u; } return ( (s.line = u), s.tokens.push({ type: 'code', content: s.getLines(o, _, 4 + s.blkIndent, !0), block: !0, lines: [o, s.line], level: s.level }), !0 ); } ], [ 'fences', function fences(s, o, i, u) { var _, w, x, C, j, L = !1, B = s.bMarks[o] + s.tShift[o], $ = s.eMarks[o]; if (B + 3 > $) return !1; if (126 !== (_ = s.src.charCodeAt(B)) && 96 !== _) return !1; if (((j = B), (w = (B = s.skipChars(B, _)) - j) < 3)) return !1; if ((x = s.src.slice(B, $).trim()).indexOf('`') >= 0) return !1; if (u) return !0; for ( C = o; !(++C >= i) && !( (B = j = s.bMarks[C] + s.tShift[C]) < ($ = s.eMarks[C]) && s.tShift[C] < s.blkIndent ); ) if ( s.src.charCodeAt(B) === _ && !( s.tShift[C] - s.blkIndent >= 4 || (B = s.skipChars(B, _)) - j < w || (B = s.skipSpaces(B)) < $ ) ) { L = !0; break; } return ( (w = s.tShift[o]), (s.line = C + (L ? 1 : 0)), s.tokens.push({ type: 'fence', params: x, content: s.getLines(o + 1, C, w, !0), lines: [o, s.line], level: s.level }), !0 ); }, ['paragraph', 'blockquote', 'list'] ], [ 'blockquote', function blockquote(s, o, i, u) { var _, w, x, C, j, L, B, $, V, U, z, Y = s.bMarks[o] + s.tShift[o], Z = s.eMarks[o]; if (Y > Z) return !1; if (62 !== s.src.charCodeAt(Y++)) return !1; if (s.level >= s.options.maxNesting) return !1; if (u) return !0; for ( 32 === s.src.charCodeAt(Y) && Y++, j = s.blkIndent, s.blkIndent = 0, C = [s.bMarks[o]], s.bMarks[o] = Y, w = (Y = Y < Z ? s.skipSpaces(Y) : Y) >= Z, x = [s.tShift[o]], s.tShift[o] = Y - s.bMarks[o], $ = s.parser.ruler.getRules('blockquote'), _ = o + 1; _ < i && !((Y = s.bMarks[_] + s.tShift[_]) >= (Z = s.eMarks[_])); _++ ) if (62 !== s.src.charCodeAt(Y++)) { if (w) break; for (z = !1, V = 0, U = $.length; V < U; V++) if ($[V](s, _, i, !0)) { z = !0; break; } if (z) break; C.push(s.bMarks[_]), x.push(s.tShift[_]), (s.tShift[_] = -1337); } else 32 === s.src.charCodeAt(Y) && Y++, C.push(s.bMarks[_]), (s.bMarks[_] = Y), (w = (Y = Y < Z ? s.skipSpaces(Y) : Y) >= Z), x.push(s.tShift[_]), (s.tShift[_] = Y - s.bMarks[_]); for ( L = s.parentType, s.parentType = 'blockquote', s.tokens.push({ type: 'blockquote_open', lines: (B = [o, 0]), level: s.level++ }), s.parser.tokenize(s, o, _), s.tokens.push({ type: 'blockquote_close', level: --s.level }), s.parentType = L, B[1] = s.line, V = 0; V < x.length; V++ ) (s.bMarks[V + o] = C[V]), (s.tShift[V + o] = x[V]); return (s.blkIndent = j), !0; }, ['paragraph', 'blockquote', 'list'] ], [ 'hr', function hr(s, o, i, u) { var _, w, x, C = s.bMarks[o], j = s.eMarks[o]; if ((C += s.tShift[o]) > j) return !1; if (42 !== (_ = s.src.charCodeAt(C++)) && 45 !== _ && 95 !== _) return !1; for (w = 1; C < j; ) { if ((x = s.src.charCodeAt(C++)) !== _ && 32 !== x) return !1; x === _ && w++; } return ( !(w < 3) && (u || ((s.line = o + 1), s.tokens.push({ type: 'hr', lines: [o, s.line], level: s.level })), !0) ); }, ['paragraph', 'blockquote', 'list'] ], [ 'list', function index_browser_list(s, o, i, u) { var _, w, x, C, j, L, B, $, V, U, z, Y, Z, ee, ie, ae, le, ce, pe, de, fe, ye = !0; if (($ = skipOrderedListMarker(s, o)) >= 0) Y = !0; else { if (!(($ = skipBulletListMarker(s, o)) >= 0)) return !1; Y = !1; } if (s.level >= s.options.maxNesting) return !1; if (((z = s.src.charCodeAt($ - 1)), u)) return !0; for ( ee = s.tokens.length, Y ? ((B = s.bMarks[o] + s.tShift[o]), (U = Number(s.src.substr(B, $ - B - 1))), s.tokens.push({ type: 'ordered_list_open', order: U, lines: (ae = [o, 0]), level: s.level++ })) : s.tokens.push({ type: 'bullet_list_open', lines: (ae = [o, 0]), level: s.level++ }), _ = o, ie = !1, ce = s.parser.ruler.getRules('list'); !( !(_ < i) || ((V = (Z = s.skipSpaces($)) >= s.eMarks[_] ? 1 : Z - $) > 4 && (V = 1), V < 1 && (V = 1), (w = $ - s.bMarks[_] + V), s.tokens.push({ type: 'list_item_open', lines: (le = [o, 0]), level: s.level++ }), (C = s.blkIndent), (j = s.tight), (x = s.tShift[o]), (L = s.parentType), (s.tShift[o] = Z - s.bMarks[o]), (s.blkIndent = w), (s.tight = !0), (s.parentType = 'list'), s.parser.tokenize(s, o, i, !0), (s.tight && !ie) || (ye = !1), (ie = s.line - o > 1 && s.isEmpty(s.line - 1)), (s.blkIndent = C), (s.tShift[o] = x), (s.tight = j), (s.parentType = L), s.tokens.push({ type: 'list_item_close', level: --s.level }), (_ = o = s.line), (le[1] = _), (Z = s.bMarks[o]), _ >= i) || s.isEmpty(_) || s.tShift[_] < s.blkIndent ); ) { for (fe = !1, pe = 0, de = ce.length; pe < de; pe++) if (ce[pe](s, _, i, !0)) { fe = !0; break; } if (fe) break; if (Y) { if (($ = skipOrderedListMarker(s, _)) < 0) break; } else if (($ = skipBulletListMarker(s, _)) < 0) break; if (z !== s.src.charCodeAt($ - 1)) break; } return ( s.tokens.push({ type: Y ? 'ordered_list_close' : 'bullet_list_close', level: --s.level }), (ae[1] = _), (s.line = _), ye && (function markTightParagraphs(s, o) { var i, u, _ = s.level + 2; for (i = o + 2, u = s.tokens.length - 2; i < u; i++) s.tokens[i].level === _ && 'paragraph_open' === s.tokens[i].type && ((s.tokens[i + 2].tight = !0), (s.tokens[i].tight = !0), (i += 2)); })(s, ee), !0 ); }, ['paragraph', 'blockquote'] ], [ 'footnote', function footnote(s, o, i, u) { var _, w, x, C, j, L = s.bMarks[o] + s.tShift[o], B = s.eMarks[o]; if (L + 4 > B) return !1; if (91 !== s.src.charCodeAt(L)) return !1; if (94 !== s.src.charCodeAt(L + 1)) return !1; if (s.level >= s.options.maxNesting) return !1; for (C = L + 2; C < B; C++) { if (32 === s.src.charCodeAt(C)) return !1; if (93 === s.src.charCodeAt(C)) break; } return ( C !== L + 2 && !(C + 1 >= B || 58 !== s.src.charCodeAt(++C)) && (u || (C++, s.env.footnotes || (s.env.footnotes = {}), s.env.footnotes.refs || (s.env.footnotes.refs = {}), (j = s.src.slice(L + 2, C - 2)), (s.env.footnotes.refs[':' + j] = -1), s.tokens.push({ type: 'footnote_reference_open', label: j, level: s.level++ }), (_ = s.bMarks[o]), (w = s.tShift[o]), (x = s.parentType), (s.tShift[o] = s.skipSpaces(C) - C), (s.bMarks[o] = C), (s.blkIndent += 4), (s.parentType = 'footnote'), s.tShift[o] < s.blkIndent && ((s.tShift[o] += s.blkIndent), (s.bMarks[o] -= s.blkIndent)), s.parser.tokenize(s, o, i, !0), (s.parentType = x), (s.blkIndent -= 4), (s.tShift[o] = w), (s.bMarks[o] = _), s.tokens.push({ type: 'footnote_reference_close', level: --s.level })), !0) ); }, ['paragraph'] ], [ 'heading', function heading(s, o, i, u) { var _, w, x, C = s.bMarks[o] + s.tShift[o], j = s.eMarks[o]; if (C >= j) return !1; if (35 !== (_ = s.src.charCodeAt(C)) || C >= j) return !1; for (w = 1, _ = s.src.charCodeAt(++C); 35 === _ && C < j && w <= 6; ) w++, (_ = s.src.charCodeAt(++C)); return ( !(w > 6 || (C < j && 32 !== _)) && (u || ((j = s.skipCharsBack(j, 32, C)), (x = s.skipCharsBack(j, 35, C)) > C && 32 === s.src.charCodeAt(x - 1) && (j = x), (s.line = o + 1), s.tokens.push({ type: 'heading_open', hLevel: w, lines: [o, s.line], level: s.level }), C < j && s.tokens.push({ type: 'inline', content: s.src.slice(C, j).trim(), level: s.level + 1, lines: [o, s.line], children: [] }), s.tokens.push({ type: 'heading_close', hLevel: w, level: s.level })), !0) ); }, ['paragraph', 'blockquote'] ], [ 'lheading', function lheading(s, o, i) { var u, _, w, x = o + 1; return ( !(x >= i) && !(s.tShift[x] < s.blkIndent) && !(s.tShift[x] - s.blkIndent > 3) && !((_ = s.bMarks[x] + s.tShift[x]) >= (w = s.eMarks[x])) && (45 === (u = s.src.charCodeAt(_)) || 61 === u) && ((_ = s.skipChars(_, u)), !((_ = s.skipSpaces(_)) < w) && ((_ = s.bMarks[o] + s.tShift[o]), (s.line = x + 1), s.tokens.push({ type: 'heading_open', hLevel: 61 === u ? 1 : 2, lines: [o, s.line], level: s.level }), s.tokens.push({ type: 'inline', content: s.src.slice(_, s.eMarks[o]).trim(), level: s.level + 1, lines: [o, s.line - 1], children: [] }), s.tokens.push({ type: 'heading_close', hLevel: 61 === u ? 1 : 2, level: s.level }), !0)) ); } ], [ 'htmlblock', function htmlblock(s, o, i, u) { var _, w, x, C = s.bMarks[o], j = s.eMarks[o], L = s.tShift[o]; if (((C += L), !s.options.html)) return !1; if (L > 3 || C + 2 >= j) return !1; if (60 !== s.src.charCodeAt(C)) return !1; if (33 === (_ = s.src.charCodeAt(C + 1)) || 63 === _) { if (u) return !0; } else { if ( 47 !== _ && !(function isLetter$1(s) { var o = 32 | s; return o >= 97 && o <= 122; })(_) ) return !1; if (47 === _) { if (!(w = s.src.slice(C, j).match(EC))) return !1; } else if (!(w = s.src.slice(C, j).match(_C))) return !1; if (!0 !== bC[w[1].toLowerCase()]) return !1; if (u) return !0; } for (x = o + 1; x < s.lineMax && !s.isEmpty(x); ) x++; return ( (s.line = x), s.tokens.push({ type: 'htmlblock', level: s.level, lines: [o, s.line], content: s.getLines(o, x, 0, !0) }), !0 ); }, ['paragraph', 'blockquote'] ], [ 'table', function table(s, o, i, u) { var _, w, x, C, j, L, B, $, V, U, z; if (o + 2 > i) return !1; if (((j = o + 1), s.tShift[j] < s.blkIndent)) return !1; if ((x = s.bMarks[j] + s.tShift[j]) >= s.eMarks[j]) return !1; if (124 !== (_ = s.src.charCodeAt(x)) && 45 !== _ && 58 !== _) return !1; if (((w = index_browser_getLine(s, o + 1)), !/^[-:| ]+$/.test(w))) return !1; if ((L = w.split('|')) <= 2) return !1; for ($ = [], C = 0; C < L.length; C++) { if (!(V = L[C].trim())) { if (0 === C || C === L.length - 1) continue; return !1; } if (!/^:?-+:?$/.test(V)) return !1; 58 === V.charCodeAt(V.length - 1) ? $.push(58 === V.charCodeAt(0) ? 'center' : 'right') : 58 === V.charCodeAt(0) ? $.push('left') : $.push(''); } if (-1 === (w = index_browser_getLine(s, o).trim()).indexOf('|')) return !1; if (((L = w.replace(/^\||\|$/g, '').split('|')), $.length !== L.length)) return !1; if (u) return !0; for ( s.tokens.push({ type: 'table_open', lines: (U = [o, 0]), level: s.level++ }), s.tokens.push({ type: 'thead_open', lines: [o, o + 1], level: s.level++ }), s.tokens.push({ type: 'tr_open', lines: [o, o + 1], level: s.level++ }), C = 0; C < L.length; C++ ) s.tokens.push({ type: 'th_open', align: $[C], lines: [o, o + 1], level: s.level++ }), s.tokens.push({ type: 'inline', content: L[C].trim(), lines: [o, o + 1], level: s.level, children: [] }), s.tokens.push({ type: 'th_close', level: --s.level }); for ( s.tokens.push({ type: 'tr_close', level: --s.level }), s.tokens.push({ type: 'thead_close', level: --s.level }), s.tokens.push({ type: 'tbody_open', lines: (z = [o + 2, 0]), level: s.level++ }), j = o + 2; j < i && !(s.tShift[j] < s.blkIndent) && -1 !== (w = index_browser_getLine(s, j).trim()).indexOf('|'); j++ ) { for ( L = w.replace(/^\||\|$/g, '').split('|'), s.tokens.push({ type: 'tr_open', level: s.level++ }), C = 0; C < L.length; C++ ) s.tokens.push({ type: 'td_open', align: $[C], level: s.level++ }), (B = L[C].substring( 124 === L[C].charCodeAt(0) ? 1 : 0, 124 === L[C].charCodeAt(L[C].length - 1) ? L[C].length - 1 : L[C].length ).trim()), s.tokens.push({ type: 'inline', content: B, level: s.level, children: [] }), s.tokens.push({ type: 'td_close', level: --s.level }); s.tokens.push({ type: 'tr_close', level: --s.level }); } return ( s.tokens.push({ type: 'tbody_close', level: --s.level }), s.tokens.push({ type: 'table_close', level: --s.level }), (U[1] = z[1] = j), (s.line = j), !0 ); }, ['paragraph'] ], [ 'deflist', function deflist(s, o, i, u) { var _, w, x, C, j, L, B, $, V, U, z, Y, Z, ee; if (u) return !(s.ddIndent < 0) && skipMarker(s, o) >= 0; if (((B = o + 1), s.isEmpty(B) && ++B > i)) return !1; if (s.tShift[B] < s.blkIndent) return !1; if ((_ = skipMarker(s, B)) < 0) return !1; if (s.level >= s.options.maxNesting) return !1; (L = s.tokens.length), s.tokens.push({ type: 'dl_open', lines: (j = [o, 0]), level: s.level++ }), (x = o), (w = B); e: for (;;) { for ( ee = !0, Z = !1, s.tokens.push({ type: 'dt_open', lines: [x, x], level: s.level++ }), s.tokens.push({ type: 'inline', content: s.getLines(x, x + 1, s.blkIndent, !1).trim(), level: s.level + 1, lines: [x, x], children: [] }), s.tokens.push({ type: 'dt_close', level: --s.level }); ; ) { if ( (s.tokens.push({ type: 'dd_open', lines: (C = [B, 0]), level: s.level++ }), (Y = s.tight), (V = s.ddIndent), ($ = s.blkIndent), (z = s.tShift[w]), (U = s.parentType), (s.blkIndent = s.ddIndent = s.tShift[w] + 2), (s.tShift[w] = _ - s.bMarks[w]), (s.tight = !0), (s.parentType = 'deflist'), s.parser.tokenize(s, w, i, !0), (s.tight && !Z) || (ee = !1), (Z = s.line - w > 1 && s.isEmpty(s.line - 1)), (s.tShift[w] = z), (s.tight = Y), (s.parentType = U), (s.blkIndent = $), (s.ddIndent = V), s.tokens.push({ type: 'dd_close', level: --s.level }), (C[1] = B = s.line), B >= i) ) break e; if (s.tShift[B] < s.blkIndent) break e; if ((_ = skipMarker(s, B)) < 0) break; w = B; } if (B >= i) break; if (((x = B), s.isEmpty(x))) break; if (s.tShift[x] < s.blkIndent) break; if ((w = x + 1) >= i) break; if ((s.isEmpty(w) && w++, w >= i)) break; if (s.tShift[w] < s.blkIndent) break; if ((_ = skipMarker(s, w)) < 0) break; } return ( s.tokens.push({ type: 'dl_close', level: --s.level }), (j[1] = B), (s.line = B), ee && (function markTightParagraphs$1(s, o) { var i, u, _ = s.level + 2; for (i = o + 2, u = s.tokens.length - 2; i < u; i++) s.tokens[i].level === _ && 'paragraph_open' === s.tokens[i].type && ((s.tokens[i + 2].tight = !0), (s.tokens[i].tight = !0), (i += 2)); })(s, L), !0 ); }, ['paragraph'] ], [ 'paragraph', function paragraph(s, o) { var i, u, _, w, x, C, j = o + 1; if (j < (i = s.lineMax) && !s.isEmpty(j)) for (C = s.parser.ruler.getRules('paragraph'); j < i && !s.isEmpty(j); j++) if (!(s.tShift[j] - s.blkIndent > 3)) { for (_ = !1, w = 0, x = C.length; w < x; w++) if (C[w](s, j, i, !0)) { _ = !0; break; } if (_) break; } return ( (u = s.getLines(o, j, s.blkIndent, !1).trim()), (s.line = j), u.length && (s.tokens.push({ type: 'paragraph_open', tight: !1, lines: [o, s.line], level: s.level }), s.tokens.push({ type: 'inline', content: u, level: s.level + 1, lines: [o, s.line], children: [] }), s.tokens.push({ type: 'paragraph_close', tight: !1, level: s.level })), !0 ); } ] ]; function ParserBlock() { this.ruler = new Ruler(); for (var s = 0; s < wC.length; s++) this.ruler.push(wC[s][0], wC[s][1], { alt: (wC[s][2] || []).slice() }); } ParserBlock.prototype.tokenize = function (s, o, i) { for ( var u, _ = this.ruler.getRules(''), w = _.length, x = o, C = !1; x < i && ((s.line = x = s.skipEmptyLines(x)), !(x >= i)) && !(s.tShift[x] < s.blkIndent); ) { for (u = 0; u < w && !_[u](s, x, i, !1); u++); if ( ((s.tight = !C), s.isEmpty(s.line - 1) && (C = !0), (x = s.line) < i && s.isEmpty(x)) ) { if (((C = !0), ++x < i && 'list' === s.parentType && s.isEmpty(x))) break; s.line = x; } } }; var SC = /[\n\t]/g, xC = /\r[\n\u0085]|[\u2424\u2028\u0085]/g, kC = /\u00a0/g; function isTerminatorChar(s) { switch (s) { case 10: case 92: case 96: case 42: case 95: case 94: case 91: case 93: case 33: case 38: case 60: case 62: case 123: case 125: case 36: case 37: case 64: case 126: case 43: case 61: case 58: return !0; default: return !1; } } ParserBlock.prototype.parse = function (s, o, i, u) { var _, w = 0, x = 0; if (!s) return []; (s = (s = s.replace(kC, ' ')).replace(xC, '\n')).indexOf('\t') >= 0 && (s = s.replace(SC, function (o, i) { var u; return 10 === s.charCodeAt(i) ? ((w = i + 1), (x = 0), o) : ((u = ' '.slice((i - w - x) % 4)), (x = i - w + 1), u); })), (_ = new StateBlock(s, this, o, i, u)), this.tokenize(_, _.line, _.lineMax); }; for (var CC = [], OC = 0; OC < 256; OC++) CC.push(0); function isAlphaNum(s) { return (s >= 48 && s <= 57) || (s >= 65 && s <= 90) || (s >= 97 && s <= 122); } function scanDelims(s, o) { var i, u, _, w = o, x = !0, C = !0, j = s.posMax, L = s.src.charCodeAt(o); for (i = o > 0 ? s.src.charCodeAt(o - 1) : -1; w < j && s.src.charCodeAt(w) === L; ) w++; return ( w >= j && (x = !1), (_ = w - o) >= 4 ? (x = C = !1) : ((32 !== (u = w < j ? s.src.charCodeAt(w) : -1) && 10 !== u) || (x = !1), (32 !== i && 10 !== i) || (C = !1), 95 === L && (isAlphaNum(i) && (x = !1), isAlphaNum(u) && (C = !1))), { can_open: x, can_close: C, delims: _ } ); } '\\!"#$%&\'()*+,./:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~-'.split('').forEach(function (s) { CC[s.charCodeAt(0)] = 1; }); var AC = /\\([ \\!"#$%&'()*+,.\/:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~-])/g; var jC = /\\([ \\!"#$%&'()*+,.\/:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~-])/g; var IC = [ 'coap', 'doi', 'javascript', 'aaa', 'aaas', 'about', 'acap', 'cap', 'cid', 'crid', 'data', 'dav', 'dict', 'dns', 'file', 'ftp', 'geo', 'go', 'gopher', 'h323', 'http', 'https', 'iax', 'icap', 'im', 'imap', 'info', 'ipp', 'iris', 'iris.beep', 'iris.xpc', 'iris.xpcs', 'iris.lwz', 'ldap', 'mailto', 'mid', 'msrp', 'msrps', 'mtqp', 'mupdate', 'news', 'nfs', 'ni', 'nih', 'nntp', 'opaquelocktoken', 'pop', 'pres', 'rtsp', 'service', 'session', 'shttp', 'sieve', 'sip', 'sips', 'sms', 'snmp', 'soap.beep', 'soap.beeps', 'tag', 'tel', 'telnet', 'tftp', 'thismessage', 'tn3270', 'tip', 'tv', 'urn', 'vemmi', 'ws', 'wss', 'xcon', 'xcon-userid', 'xmlrpc.beep', 'xmlrpc.beeps', 'xmpp', 'z39.50r', 'z39.50s', 'adiumxtra', 'afp', 'afs', 'aim', 'apt', 'attachment', 'aw', 'beshare', 'bitcoin', 'bolo', 'callto', 'chrome', 'chrome-extension', 'com-eventbrite-attendee', 'content', 'cvs', 'dlna-playsingle', 'dlna-playcontainer', 'dtn', 'dvb', 'ed2k', 'facetime', 'feed', 'finger', 'fish', 'gg', 'git', 'gizmoproject', 'gtalk', 'hcp', 'icon', 'ipn', 'irc', 'irc6', 'ircs', 'itms', 'jar', 'jms', 'keyparc', 'lastfm', 'ldaps', 'magnet', 'maps', 'market', 'message', 'mms', 'ms-help', 'msnim', 'mumble', 'mvn', 'notes', 'oid', 'palm', 'paparazzi', 'platform', 'proxy', 'psyc', 'query', 'res', 'resource', 'rmi', 'rsync', 'rtmp', 'secondlife', 'sftp', 'sgn', 'skype', 'smb', 'soldat', 'spotify', 'ssh', 'steam', 'svn', 'teamspeak', 'things', 'udp', 'unreal', 'ut2004', 'ventrilo', 'view-source', 'webcal', 'wtai', 'wyciwyg', 'xfire', 'xri', 'ymsgr' ], PC = /^<([a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*)>/, MC = /^<([a-zA-Z.\-]{1,25}):([^<>\x00-\x20]*)>/; function replace$1(s, o) { return ( (s = s.source), (o = o || ''), function self(i, u) { return i ? ((u = u.source || u), (s = s.replace(i, u)), self) : new RegExp(s, o); } ); } var TC = replace$1(/(?:unquoted|single_quoted|double_quoted)/)( 'unquoted', /[^"'=<>`\x00-\x20]+/ )('single_quoted', /'[^']*'/)('double_quoted', /"[^"]*"/)(), NC = replace$1(/(?:\s+attr_name(?:\s*=\s*attr_value)?)/)( 'attr_name', /[a-zA-Z_:][a-zA-Z0-9:._-]*/ )('attr_value', TC)(), RC = replace$1(/<[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*attribute*\s*\/?>/)('attribute', NC)(), DC = replace$1(/^(?:open_tag|close_tag|comment|processing|declaration|cdata)/)( 'open_tag', RC )('close_tag', /<\/[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*\s*>/)( 'comment', /|/ )('processing', /<[?].*?[?]>/)('declaration', /]*>/)( 'cdata', // )(); var LC = /^&#((?:x[a-f0-9]{1,8}|[0-9]{1,8}));/i, BC = /^&([a-z][a-z0-9]{1,31});/i; var FC = [ [ 'text', function index_browser_text(s, o) { for (var i = s.pos; i < s.posMax && !isTerminatorChar(s.src.charCodeAt(i)); ) i++; return i !== s.pos && (o || (s.pending += s.src.slice(s.pos, i)), (s.pos = i), !0); } ], [ 'newline', function newline(s, o) { var i, u, _ = s.pos; if (10 !== s.src.charCodeAt(_)) return !1; if (((i = s.pending.length - 1), (u = s.posMax), !o)) if (i >= 0 && 32 === s.pending.charCodeAt(i)) if (i >= 1 && 32 === s.pending.charCodeAt(i - 1)) { for (var w = i - 2; w >= 0; w--) if (32 !== s.pending.charCodeAt(w)) { s.pending = s.pending.substring(0, w + 1); break; } s.push({ type: 'hardbreak', level: s.level }); } else (s.pending = s.pending.slice(0, -1)), s.push({ type: 'softbreak', level: s.level }); else s.push({ type: 'softbreak', level: s.level }); for (_++; _ < u && 32 === s.src.charCodeAt(_); ) _++; return (s.pos = _), !0; } ], [ 'escape', function index_browser_escape(s, o) { var i, u = s.pos, _ = s.posMax; if (92 !== s.src.charCodeAt(u)) return !1; if (++u < _) { if ((i = s.src.charCodeAt(u)) < 256 && 0 !== CC[i]) return o || (s.pending += s.src[u]), (s.pos += 2), !0; if (10 === i) { for ( o || s.push({ type: 'hardbreak', level: s.level }), u++; u < _ && 32 === s.src.charCodeAt(u); ) u++; return (s.pos = u), !0; } } return o || (s.pending += '\\'), s.pos++, !0; } ], [ 'backticks', function backticks(s, o) { var i, u, _, w, x, C = s.pos; if (96 !== s.src.charCodeAt(C)) return !1; for (i = C, C++, u = s.posMax; C < u && 96 === s.src.charCodeAt(C); ) C++; for (_ = s.src.slice(i, C), w = x = C; -1 !== (w = s.src.indexOf('`', x)); ) { for (x = w + 1; x < u && 96 === s.src.charCodeAt(x); ) x++; if (x - w === _.length) return ( o || s.push({ type: 'code', content: s.src .slice(C, w) .replace(/[ \n]+/g, ' ') .trim(), block: !1, level: s.level }), (s.pos = x), !0 ); } return o || (s.pending += _), (s.pos += _.length), !0; } ], [ 'del', function del(s, o) { var i, u, _, w, x, C = s.posMax, j = s.pos; if (126 !== s.src.charCodeAt(j)) return !1; if (o) return !1; if (j + 4 >= C) return !1; if (126 !== s.src.charCodeAt(j + 1)) return !1; if (s.level >= s.options.maxNesting) return !1; if ( ((w = j > 0 ? s.src.charCodeAt(j - 1) : -1), (x = s.src.charCodeAt(j + 2)), 126 === w) ) return !1; if (126 === x) return !1; if (32 === x || 10 === x) return !1; for (u = j + 2; u < C && 126 === s.src.charCodeAt(u); ) u++; if (u > j + 3) return (s.pos += u - j), o || (s.pending += s.src.slice(j, u)), !0; for (s.pos = j + 2, _ = 1; s.pos + 1 < C; ) { if ( 126 === s.src.charCodeAt(s.pos) && 126 === s.src.charCodeAt(s.pos + 1) && ((w = s.src.charCodeAt(s.pos - 1)), 126 !== (x = s.pos + 2 < C ? s.src.charCodeAt(s.pos + 2) : -1) && 126 !== w && (32 !== w && 10 !== w ? _-- : 32 !== x && 10 !== x && _++, _ <= 0)) ) { i = !0; break; } s.parser.skipToken(s); } return i ? ((s.posMax = s.pos), (s.pos = j + 2), o || (s.push({ type: 'del_open', level: s.level++ }), s.parser.tokenize(s), s.push({ type: 'del_close', level: --s.level })), (s.pos = s.posMax + 2), (s.posMax = C), !0) : ((s.pos = j), !1); } ], [ 'ins', function ins(s, o) { var i, u, _, w, x, C = s.posMax, j = s.pos; if (43 !== s.src.charCodeAt(j)) return !1; if (o) return !1; if (j + 4 >= C) return !1; if (43 !== s.src.charCodeAt(j + 1)) return !1; if (s.level >= s.options.maxNesting) return !1; if ( ((w = j > 0 ? s.src.charCodeAt(j - 1) : -1), (x = s.src.charCodeAt(j + 2)), 43 === w) ) return !1; if (43 === x) return !1; if (32 === x || 10 === x) return !1; for (u = j + 2; u < C && 43 === s.src.charCodeAt(u); ) u++; if (u !== j + 2) return (s.pos += u - j), o || (s.pending += s.src.slice(j, u)), !0; for (s.pos = j + 2, _ = 1; s.pos + 1 < C; ) { if ( 43 === s.src.charCodeAt(s.pos) && 43 === s.src.charCodeAt(s.pos + 1) && ((w = s.src.charCodeAt(s.pos - 1)), 43 !== (x = s.pos + 2 < C ? s.src.charCodeAt(s.pos + 2) : -1) && 43 !== w && (32 !== w && 10 !== w ? _-- : 32 !== x && 10 !== x && _++, _ <= 0)) ) { i = !0; break; } s.parser.skipToken(s); } return i ? ((s.posMax = s.pos), (s.pos = j + 2), o || (s.push({ type: 'ins_open', level: s.level++ }), s.parser.tokenize(s), s.push({ type: 'ins_close', level: --s.level })), (s.pos = s.posMax + 2), (s.posMax = C), !0) : ((s.pos = j), !1); } ], [ 'mark', function mark(s, o) { var i, u, _, w, x, C = s.posMax, j = s.pos; if (61 !== s.src.charCodeAt(j)) return !1; if (o) return !1; if (j + 4 >= C) return !1; if (61 !== s.src.charCodeAt(j + 1)) return !1; if (s.level >= s.options.maxNesting) return !1; if ( ((w = j > 0 ? s.src.charCodeAt(j - 1) : -1), (x = s.src.charCodeAt(j + 2)), 61 === w) ) return !1; if (61 === x) return !1; if (32 === x || 10 === x) return !1; for (u = j + 2; u < C && 61 === s.src.charCodeAt(u); ) u++; if (u !== j + 2) return (s.pos += u - j), o || (s.pending += s.src.slice(j, u)), !0; for (s.pos = j + 2, _ = 1; s.pos + 1 < C; ) { if ( 61 === s.src.charCodeAt(s.pos) && 61 === s.src.charCodeAt(s.pos + 1) && ((w = s.src.charCodeAt(s.pos - 1)), 61 !== (x = s.pos + 2 < C ? s.src.charCodeAt(s.pos + 2) : -1) && 61 !== w && (32 !== w && 10 !== w ? _-- : 32 !== x && 10 !== x && _++, _ <= 0)) ) { i = !0; break; } s.parser.skipToken(s); } return i ? ((s.posMax = s.pos), (s.pos = j + 2), o || (s.push({ type: 'mark_open', level: s.level++ }), s.parser.tokenize(s), s.push({ type: 'mark_close', level: --s.level })), (s.pos = s.posMax + 2), (s.posMax = C), !0) : ((s.pos = j), !1); } ], [ 'emphasis', function emphasis(s, o) { var i, u, _, w, x, C, j, L = s.posMax, B = s.pos, $ = s.src.charCodeAt(B); if (95 !== $ && 42 !== $) return !1; if (o) return !1; if (((i = (j = scanDelims(s, B)).delims), !j.can_open)) return (s.pos += i), o || (s.pending += s.src.slice(B, s.pos)), !0; if (s.level >= s.options.maxNesting) return !1; for (s.pos = B + i, C = [i]; s.pos < L; ) if (s.src.charCodeAt(s.pos) !== $) s.parser.skipToken(s); else { if (((u = (j = scanDelims(s, s.pos)).delims), j.can_close)) { for (w = C.pop(), x = u; w !== x; ) { if (x < w) { C.push(w - x); break; } if (((x -= w), 0 === C.length)) break; (s.pos += w), (w = C.pop()); } if (0 === C.length) { (i = w), (_ = !0); break; } s.pos += u; continue; } j.can_open && C.push(u), (s.pos += u); } return _ ? ((s.posMax = s.pos), (s.pos = B + i), o || ((2 !== i && 3 !== i) || s.push({ type: 'strong_open', level: s.level++ }), (1 !== i && 3 !== i) || s.push({ type: 'em_open', level: s.level++ }), s.parser.tokenize(s), (1 !== i && 3 !== i) || s.push({ type: 'em_close', level: --s.level }), (2 !== i && 3 !== i) || s.push({ type: 'strong_close', level: --s.level })), (s.pos = s.posMax + i), (s.posMax = L), !0) : ((s.pos = B), !1); } ], [ 'sub', function sub(s, o) { var i, u, _ = s.posMax, w = s.pos; if (126 !== s.src.charCodeAt(w)) return !1; if (o) return !1; if (w + 2 >= _) return !1; if (s.level >= s.options.maxNesting) return !1; for (s.pos = w + 1; s.pos < _; ) { if (126 === s.src.charCodeAt(s.pos)) { i = !0; break; } s.parser.skipToken(s); } return i && w + 1 !== s.pos ? (u = s.src.slice(w + 1, s.pos)).match(/(^|[^\\])(\\\\)*\s/) ? ((s.pos = w), !1) : ((s.posMax = s.pos), (s.pos = w + 1), o || s.push({ type: 'sub', level: s.level, content: u.replace(AC, '$1') }), (s.pos = s.posMax + 1), (s.posMax = _), !0) : ((s.pos = w), !1); } ], [ 'sup', function sup(s, o) { var i, u, _ = s.posMax, w = s.pos; if (94 !== s.src.charCodeAt(w)) return !1; if (o) return !1; if (w + 2 >= _) return !1; if (s.level >= s.options.maxNesting) return !1; for (s.pos = w + 1; s.pos < _; ) { if (94 === s.src.charCodeAt(s.pos)) { i = !0; break; } s.parser.skipToken(s); } return i && w + 1 !== s.pos ? (u = s.src.slice(w + 1, s.pos)).match(/(^|[^\\])(\\\\)*\s/) ? ((s.pos = w), !1) : ((s.posMax = s.pos), (s.pos = w + 1), o || s.push({ type: 'sup', level: s.level, content: u.replace(jC, '$1') }), (s.pos = s.posMax + 1), (s.posMax = _), !0) : ((s.pos = w), !1); } ], [ 'links', function links(s, o) { var i, u, _, w, x, C, j, L, B = !1, $ = s.pos, V = s.posMax, U = s.pos, z = s.src.charCodeAt(U); if ((33 === z && ((B = !0), (z = s.src.charCodeAt(++U))), 91 !== z)) return !1; if (s.level >= s.options.maxNesting) return !1; if (((i = U + 1), (u = parseLinkLabel(s, U)) < 0)) return !1; if ((C = u + 1) < V && 40 === s.src.charCodeAt(C)) { for (C++; C < V && (32 === (L = s.src.charCodeAt(C)) || 10 === L); C++); if (C >= V) return !1; for ( U = C, parseLinkDestination(s, C) ? ((w = s.linkContent), (C = s.pos)) : (w = ''), U = C; C < V && (32 === (L = s.src.charCodeAt(C)) || 10 === L); C++ ); if (C < V && U !== C && parseLinkTitle(s, C)) for ( x = s.linkContent, C = s.pos; C < V && (32 === (L = s.src.charCodeAt(C)) || 10 === L); C++ ); else x = ''; if (C >= V || 41 !== s.src.charCodeAt(C)) return (s.pos = $), !1; C++; } else { if (s.linkLevel > 0) return !1; for (; C < V && (32 === (L = s.src.charCodeAt(C)) || 10 === L); C++); if ( (C < V && 91 === s.src.charCodeAt(C) && ((U = C + 1), (C = parseLinkLabel(s, C)) >= 0 ? (_ = s.src.slice(U, C++)) : (C = U - 1)), _ || (void 0 === _ && (C = u + 1), (_ = s.src.slice(i, u))), !(j = s.env.references[normalizeReference(_)])) ) return (s.pos = $), !1; (w = j.href), (x = j.title); } return ( o || ((s.pos = i), (s.posMax = u), B ? s.push({ type: 'image', src: w, title: x, alt: s.src.substr(i, u - i), level: s.level }) : (s.push({ type: 'link_open', href: w, title: x, level: s.level++ }), s.linkLevel++, s.parser.tokenize(s), s.linkLevel--, s.push({ type: 'link_close', level: --s.level }))), (s.pos = C), (s.posMax = V), !0 ); } ], [ 'footnote_inline', function footnote_inline(s, o) { var i, u, _, w, x = s.posMax, C = s.pos; return ( !(C + 2 >= x) && 94 === s.src.charCodeAt(C) && 91 === s.src.charCodeAt(C + 1) && !(s.level >= s.options.maxNesting) && ((i = C + 2), !((u = parseLinkLabel(s, C + 1)) < 0) && (o || (s.env.footnotes || (s.env.footnotes = {}), s.env.footnotes.list || (s.env.footnotes.list = []), (_ = s.env.footnotes.list.length), (s.pos = i), (s.posMax = u), s.push({ type: 'footnote_ref', id: _, level: s.level }), s.linkLevel++, (w = s.tokens.length), s.parser.tokenize(s), (s.env.footnotes.list[_] = { tokens: s.tokens.splice(w) }), s.linkLevel--), (s.pos = u + 1), (s.posMax = x), !0)) ); } ], [ 'footnote_ref', function footnote_ref(s, o) { var i, u, _, w, x = s.posMax, C = s.pos; if (C + 3 > x) return !1; if (!s.env.footnotes || !s.env.footnotes.refs) return !1; if (91 !== s.src.charCodeAt(C)) return !1; if (94 !== s.src.charCodeAt(C + 1)) return !1; if (s.level >= s.options.maxNesting) return !1; for (u = C + 2; u < x; u++) { if (32 === s.src.charCodeAt(u)) return !1; if (10 === s.src.charCodeAt(u)) return !1; if (93 === s.src.charCodeAt(u)) break; } return ( u !== C + 2 && !(u >= x) && (u++, (i = s.src.slice(C + 2, u - 1)), void 0 !== s.env.footnotes.refs[':' + i] && (o || (s.env.footnotes.list || (s.env.footnotes.list = []), s.env.footnotes.refs[':' + i] < 0 ? ((_ = s.env.footnotes.list.length), (s.env.footnotes.list[_] = { label: i, count: 0 }), (s.env.footnotes.refs[':' + i] = _)) : (_ = s.env.footnotes.refs[':' + i]), (w = s.env.footnotes.list[_].count), s.env.footnotes.list[_].count++, s.push({ type: 'footnote_ref', id: _, subId: w, level: s.level })), (s.pos = u), (s.posMax = x), !0)) ); } ], [ 'autolink', function autolink(s, o) { var i, u, _, w, x, C = s.pos; return ( 60 === s.src.charCodeAt(C) && !((i = s.src.slice(C)).indexOf('>') < 0) && ((u = i.match(MC)) ? !(IC.indexOf(u[1].toLowerCase()) < 0) && ((x = normalizeLink((w = u[0].slice(1, -1)))), !!s.parser.validateLink(w) && (o || (s.push({ type: 'link_open', href: x, level: s.level }), s.push({ type: 'text', content: w, level: s.level + 1 }), s.push({ type: 'link_close', level: s.level })), (s.pos += u[0].length), !0)) : !!(_ = i.match(PC)) && ((x = normalizeLink('mailto:' + (w = _[0].slice(1, -1)))), !!s.parser.validateLink(x) && (o || (s.push({ type: 'link_open', href: x, level: s.level }), s.push({ type: 'text', content: w, level: s.level + 1 }), s.push({ type: 'link_close', level: s.level })), (s.pos += _[0].length), !0))) ); } ], [ 'htmltag', function htmltag(s, o) { var i, u, _, w = s.pos; return ( !!s.options.html && ((_ = s.posMax), !(60 !== s.src.charCodeAt(w) || w + 2 >= _) && !( 33 !== (i = s.src.charCodeAt(w + 1)) && 63 !== i && 47 !== i && !(function isLetter$2(s) { var o = 32 | s; return o >= 97 && o <= 122; })(i) ) && !!(u = s.src.slice(w).match(DC)) && (o || s.push({ type: 'htmltag', content: s.src.slice(w, w + u[0].length), level: s.level }), (s.pos += u[0].length), !0)) ); } ], [ 'entity', function entity(s, o) { var i, u, _ = s.pos, w = s.posMax; if (38 !== s.src.charCodeAt(_)) return !1; if (_ + 1 < w) if (35 === s.src.charCodeAt(_ + 1)) { if ((u = s.src.slice(_).match(LC))) return ( o || ((i = 'x' === u[1][0].toLowerCase() ? parseInt(u[1].slice(1), 16) : parseInt(u[1], 10)), (s.pending += isValidEntityCode(i) ? fromCodePoint(i) : fromCodePoint(65533))), (s.pos += u[0].length), !0 ); } else if ((u = s.src.slice(_).match(BC))) { var x = decodeEntity(u[1]); if (u[1] !== x) return o || (s.pending += x), (s.pos += u[0].length), !0; } return o || (s.pending += '&'), s.pos++, !0; } ] ]; function ParserInline() { this.ruler = new Ruler(); for (var s = 0; s < FC.length; s++) this.ruler.push(FC[s][0], FC[s][1]); this.validateLink = validateLink; } function validateLink(s) { var o = s.trim().toLowerCase(); return ( -1 === (o = replaceEntities(o)).indexOf(':') || -1 === ['vbscript', 'javascript', 'file', 'data'].indexOf(o.split(':')[0]) ); } (ParserInline.prototype.skipToken = function (s) { var o, i, u = this.ruler.getRules(''), _ = u.length, w = s.pos; if ((i = s.cacheGet(w)) > 0) s.pos = i; else { for (o = 0; o < _; o++) if (u[o](s, !0)) return void s.cacheSet(w, s.pos); s.pos++, s.cacheSet(w, s.pos); } }), (ParserInline.prototype.tokenize = function (s) { for (var o, i, u = this.ruler.getRules(''), _ = u.length, w = s.posMax; s.pos < w; ) { for (i = 0; i < _ && !(o = u[i](s, !1)); i++); if (o) { if (s.pos >= w) break; } else s.pending += s.src[s.pos++]; } s.pending && s.pushPending(); }), (ParserInline.prototype.parse = function (s, o, i, u) { var _ = new StateInline(s, this, o, i, u); this.tokenize(_); }); var qC = { default: { options: { html: !1, xhtmlOut: !1, breaks: !1, langPrefix: 'language-', linkTarget: '', typographer: !1, quotes: '“”‘’', highlight: null, maxNesting: 20 }, components: { core: { rules: [ 'block', 'inline', 'references', 'replacements', 'smartquotes', 'references', 'abbr2', 'footnote_tail' ] }, block: { rules: [ 'blockquote', 'code', 'fences', 'footnote', 'heading', 'hr', 'htmlblock', 'lheading', 'list', 'paragraph', 'table' ] }, inline: { rules: [ 'autolink', 'backticks', 'del', 'emphasis', 'entity', 'escape', 'footnote_ref', 'htmltag', 'links', 'newline', 'text' ] } } }, full: { options: { html: !1, xhtmlOut: !1, breaks: !1, langPrefix: 'language-', linkTarget: '', typographer: !1, quotes: '“”‘’', highlight: null, maxNesting: 20 }, components: { core: {}, block: {}, inline: {} } }, commonmark: { options: { html: !0, xhtmlOut: !0, breaks: !1, langPrefix: 'language-', linkTarget: '', typographer: !1, quotes: '“”‘’', highlight: null, maxNesting: 20 }, components: { core: { rules: ['block', 'inline', 'references', 'abbr2'] }, block: { rules: [ 'blockquote', 'code', 'fences', 'heading', 'hr', 'htmlblock', 'lheading', 'list', 'paragraph' ] }, inline: { rules: [ 'autolink', 'backticks', 'emphasis', 'entity', 'escape', 'htmltag', 'links', 'newline', 'text' ] } } } }; function StateCore(s, o, i) { (this.src = o), (this.env = i), (this.options = s.options), (this.tokens = []), (this.inlineMode = !1), (this.inline = s.inline), (this.block = s.block), (this.renderer = s.renderer), (this.typographer = s.typographer); } function Remarkable(s, o) { 'string' != typeof s && ((o = s), (s = 'default')), o && null != o.linkify && console.warn( "linkify option is removed. Use linkify plugin instead:\n\nimport Remarkable from 'remarkable';\nimport linkify from 'remarkable/linkify';\nnew Remarkable().use(linkify)\n" ), (this.inline = new ParserInline()), (this.block = new ParserBlock()), (this.core = new Core()), (this.renderer = new Renderer()), (this.ruler = new Ruler()), (this.options = {}), this.configure(qC[s]), this.set(o || {}); } (Remarkable.prototype.set = function (s) { index_browser_assign(this.options, s); }), (Remarkable.prototype.configure = function (s) { var o = this; if (!s) throw new Error('Wrong `remarkable` preset, check name/content'); s.options && o.set(s.options), s.components && Object.keys(s.components).forEach(function (i) { s.components[i].rules && o[i].ruler.enable(s.components[i].rules, !0); }); }), (Remarkable.prototype.use = function (s, o) { return s(this, o), this; }), (Remarkable.prototype.parse = function (s, o) { var i = new StateCore(this, s, o); return this.core.process(i), i.tokens; }), (Remarkable.prototype.render = function (s, o) { return (o = o || {}), this.renderer.render(this.parse(s, o), this.options, o); }), (Remarkable.prototype.parseInline = function (s, o) { var i = new StateCore(this, s, o); return (i.inlineMode = !0), this.core.process(i), i.tokens; }), (Remarkable.prototype.renderInline = function (s, o) { return (o = o || {}), this.renderer.render(this.parseInline(s, o), this.options, o); }); function indexOf(s, o) { if (Array.prototype.indexOf) return s.indexOf(o); for (var i = 0, u = s.length; i < u; i++) if (s[i] === o) return i; return -1; } function utils_remove(s, o) { for (var i = s.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) !0 === o(s[i]) && s.splice(i, 1); } function throwUnhandledCaseError(s) { throw new Error("Unhandled case for value: '".concat(s, "'")); } var $C = (function () { function HtmlTag(s) { void 0 === s && (s = {}), (this.tagName = ''), (this.attrs = {}), (this.innerHTML = ''), (this.whitespaceRegex = /\s+/), (this.tagName = s.tagName || ''), (this.attrs = s.attrs || {}), (this.innerHTML = s.innerHtml || s.innerHTML || ''); } return ( (HtmlTag.prototype.setTagName = function (s) { return (this.tagName = s), this; }), (HtmlTag.prototype.getTagName = function () { return this.tagName || ''; }), (HtmlTag.prototype.setAttr = function (s, o) { return (this.getAttrs()[s] = o), this; }), (HtmlTag.prototype.getAttr = function (s) { return this.getAttrs()[s]; }), (HtmlTag.prototype.setAttrs = function (s) { return Object.assign(this.getAttrs(), s), this; }), (HtmlTag.prototype.getAttrs = function () { return this.attrs || (this.attrs = {}); }), (HtmlTag.prototype.setClass = function (s) { return this.setAttr('class', s); }), (HtmlTag.prototype.addClass = function (s) { for ( var o, i = this.getClass(), u = this.whitespaceRegex, _ = i ? i.split(u) : [], w = s.split(u); (o = w.shift()); ) -1 === indexOf(_, o) && _.push(o); return (this.getAttrs().class = _.join(' ')), this; }), (HtmlTag.prototype.removeClass = function (s) { for ( var o, i = this.getClass(), u = this.whitespaceRegex, _ = i ? i.split(u) : [], w = s.split(u); _.length && (o = w.shift()); ) { var x = indexOf(_, o); -1 !== x && _.splice(x, 1); } return (this.getAttrs().class = _.join(' ')), this; }), (HtmlTag.prototype.getClass = function () { return this.getAttrs().class || ''; }), (HtmlTag.prototype.hasClass = function (s) { return -1 !== (' ' + this.getClass() + ' ').indexOf(' ' + s + ' '); }), (HtmlTag.prototype.setInnerHTML = function (s) { return (this.innerHTML = s), this; }), (HtmlTag.prototype.setInnerHtml = function (s) { return this.setInnerHTML(s); }), (HtmlTag.prototype.getInnerHTML = function () { return this.innerHTML || ''; }), (HtmlTag.prototype.getInnerHtml = function () { return this.getInnerHTML(); }), (HtmlTag.prototype.toAnchorString = function () { var s = this.getTagName(), o = this.buildAttrsStr(); return ['<', s, (o = o ? ' ' + o : ''), '>', this.getInnerHtml(), ''].join( '' ); }), (HtmlTag.prototype.buildAttrsStr = function () { if (!this.attrs) return ''; var s = this.getAttrs(), o = []; for (var i in s) s.hasOwnProperty(i) && o.push(i + '="' + s[i] + '"'); return o.join(' '); }), HtmlTag ); })(); var VC = (function () { function AnchorTagBuilder(s) { void 0 === s && (s = {}), (this.newWindow = !1), (this.truncate = {}), (this.className = ''), (this.newWindow = s.newWindow || !1), (this.truncate = s.truncate || {}), (this.className = s.className || ''); } return ( (AnchorTagBuilder.prototype.build = function (s) { return new $C({ tagName: 'a', attrs: this.createAttrs(s), innerHtml: this.processAnchorText(s.getAnchorText()) }); }), (AnchorTagBuilder.prototype.createAttrs = function (s) { var o = { href: s.getAnchorHref() }, i = this.createCssClass(s); return ( i && (o.class = i), this.newWindow && ((o.target = '_blank'), (o.rel = 'noopener noreferrer')), this.truncate && this.truncate.length && this.truncate.length < s.getAnchorText().length && (o.title = s.getAnchorHref()), o ); }), (AnchorTagBuilder.prototype.createCssClass = function (s) { var o = this.className; if (o) { for (var i = [o], u = s.getCssClassSuffixes(), _ = 0, w = u.length; _ < w; _++) i.push(o + '-' + u[_]); return i.join(' '); } return ''; }), (AnchorTagBuilder.prototype.processAnchorText = function (s) { return (s = this.doTruncate(s)); }), (AnchorTagBuilder.prototype.doTruncate = function (s) { var o = this.truncate; if (!o || !o.length) return s; var i = o.length, u = o.location; return 'smart' === u ? (function truncateSmart(s, o, i) { var u, _; null == i ? ((i = '…'), (_ = 3), (u = 8)) : ((_ = i.length), (u = i.length)); var buildUrl = function (s) { var o = ''; return ( s.scheme && s.host && (o += s.scheme + '://'), s.host && (o += s.host), s.path && (o += '/' + s.path), s.query && (o += '?' + s.query), s.fragment && (o += '#' + s.fragment), o ); }, buildSegment = function (s, o) { var u = o / 2, _ = Math.ceil(u), w = -1 * Math.floor(u), x = ''; return w < 0 && (x = s.substr(w)), s.substr(0, _) + i + x; }; if (s.length <= o) return s; var w = o - _, x = (function (s) { var o = {}, i = s, u = i.match(/^([a-z]+):\/\//i); return ( u && ((o.scheme = u[1]), (i = i.substr(u[0].length))), (u = i.match(/^(.*?)(?=(\?|#|\/|$))/i)) && ((o.host = u[1]), (i = i.substr(u[0].length))), (u = i.match(/^\/(.*?)(?=(\?|#|$))/i)) && ((o.path = u[1]), (i = i.substr(u[0].length))), (u = i.match(/^\?(.*?)(?=(#|$))/i)) && ((o.query = u[1]), (i = i.substr(u[0].length))), (u = i.match(/^#(.*?)$/i)) && (o.fragment = u[1]), o ); })(s); if (x.query) { var C = x.query.match(/^(.*?)(?=(\?|\#))(.*?)$/i); C && ((x.query = x.query.substr(0, C[1].length)), (s = buildUrl(x))); } if (s.length <= o) return s; if ( (x.host && ((x.host = x.host.replace(/^www\./, '')), (s = buildUrl(x))), s.length <= o) ) return s; var j = ''; if ((x.host && (j += x.host), j.length >= w)) return x.host.length == o ? (x.host.substr(0, o - _) + i).substr(0, w + u) : buildSegment(j, w).substr(0, w + u); var L = ''; if ((x.path && (L += '/' + x.path), x.query && (L += '?' + x.query), L)) { if ((j + L).length >= w) return (j + L).length == o ? (j + L).substr(0, o) : (j + buildSegment(L, w - j.length)).substr(0, w + u); j += L; } if (x.fragment) { var B = '#' + x.fragment; if ((j + B).length >= w) return (j + B).length == o ? (j + B).substr(0, o) : (j + buildSegment(B, w - j.length)).substr(0, w + u); j += B; } if (x.scheme && x.host) { var $ = x.scheme + '://'; if ((j + $).length < w) return ($ + j).substr(0, o); } if (j.length <= o) return j; var V = ''; return ( w > 0 && (V = j.substr(-1 * Math.floor(w / 2))), (j.substr(0, Math.ceil(w / 2)) + i + V).substr(0, w + u) ); })(s, i) : 'middle' === u ? (function truncateMiddle(s, o, i) { if (s.length <= o) return s; var u, _; null == i ? ((i = '…'), (u = 8), (_ = 3)) : ((u = i.length), (_ = i.length)); var w = o - _, x = ''; return ( w > 0 && (x = s.substr(-1 * Math.floor(w / 2))), (s.substr(0, Math.ceil(w / 2)) + i + x).substr(0, w + u) ); })(s, i) : (function truncateEnd(s, o, i) { return (function ellipsis(s, o, i) { var u; return ( s.length > o && (null == i ? ((i = '…'), (u = 3)) : (u = i.length), (s = s.substring(0, o - u) + i)), s ); })(s, o, i); })(s, i); }), AnchorTagBuilder ); })(), UC = (function () { function Match(s) { (this.__jsduckDummyDocProp = null), (this.matchedText = ''), (this.offset = 0), (this.tagBuilder = s.tagBuilder), (this.matchedText = s.matchedText), (this.offset = s.offset); } return ( (Match.prototype.getMatchedText = function () { return this.matchedText; }), (Match.prototype.setOffset = function (s) { this.offset = s; }), (Match.prototype.getOffset = function () { return this.offset; }), (Match.prototype.getCssClassSuffixes = function () { return [this.getType()]; }), (Match.prototype.buildTag = function () { return this.tagBuilder.build(this); }), Match ); })(), extendStatics = function (s, o) { return ( (extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf || ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (s, o) { s.__proto__ = o; }) || function (s, o) { for (var i in o) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o, i) && (s[i] = o[i]); }), extendStatics(s, o) ); }; function tslib_es6_extends(s, o) { if ('function' != typeof o && null !== o) throw new TypeError( 'Class extends value ' + String(o) + ' is not a constructor or null' ); function __() { this.constructor = s; } extendStatics(s, o), (s.prototype = null === o ? Object.create(o) : ((__.prototype = o.prototype), new __())); } var __assign = function () { return ( (__assign = Object.assign || function __assign(s) { for (var o, i = 1, u = arguments.length; i < u; i++) for (var _ in (o = arguments[i])) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o, _) && (s[_] = o[_]); return s; }), __assign.apply(this, arguments) ); }; Object.create; Object.create; 'function' == typeof SuppressedError && SuppressedError; var zC, WC = (function (s) { function EmailMatch(o) { var i = s.call(this, o) || this; return (i.email = ''), (i.email = o.email), i; } return ( tslib_es6_extends(EmailMatch, s), (EmailMatch.prototype.getType = function () { return 'email'; }), (EmailMatch.prototype.getEmail = function () { return this.email; }), (EmailMatch.prototype.getAnchorHref = function () { return 'mailto:' + this.email; }), (EmailMatch.prototype.getAnchorText = function () { return this.email; }), EmailMatch ); })(UC), KC = (function (s) { function HashtagMatch(o) { var i = s.call(this, o) || this; return ( (i.serviceName = ''), (i.hashtag = ''), (i.serviceName = o.serviceName), (i.hashtag = o.hashtag), i ); } return ( tslib_es6_extends(HashtagMatch, s), (HashtagMatch.prototype.getType = function () { return 'hashtag'; }), (HashtagMatch.prototype.getServiceName = function () { return this.serviceName; }), (HashtagMatch.prototype.getHashtag = function () { return this.hashtag; }), (HashtagMatch.prototype.getAnchorHref = function () { var s = this.serviceName, o = this.hashtag; switch (s) { case 'twitter': return 'https://twitter.com/hashtag/' + o; case 'facebook': return 'https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/' + o; case 'instagram': return 'https://instagram.com/explore/tags/' + o; case 'tiktok': return 'https://www.tiktok.com/tag/' + o; default: throw new Error('Unknown service name to point hashtag to: ' + s); } }), (HashtagMatch.prototype.getAnchorText = function () { return '#' + this.hashtag; }), HashtagMatch ); })(UC), HC = (function (s) { function MentionMatch(o) { var i = s.call(this, o) || this; return ( (i.serviceName = 'twitter'), (i.mention = ''), (i.mention = o.mention), (i.serviceName = o.serviceName), i ); } return ( tslib_es6_extends(MentionMatch, s), (MentionMatch.prototype.getType = function () { return 'mention'; }), (MentionMatch.prototype.getMention = function () { return this.mention; }), (MentionMatch.prototype.getServiceName = function () { return this.serviceName; }), (MentionMatch.prototype.getAnchorHref = function () { switch (this.serviceName) { case 'twitter': return 'https://twitter.com/' + this.mention; case 'instagram': return 'https://instagram.com/' + this.mention; case 'soundcloud': return 'https://soundcloud.com/' + this.mention; case 'tiktok': return 'https://www.tiktok.com/@' + this.mention; default: throw new Error( 'Unknown service name to point mention to: ' + this.serviceName ); } }), (MentionMatch.prototype.getAnchorText = function () { return '@' + this.mention; }), (MentionMatch.prototype.getCssClassSuffixes = function () { var o = s.prototype.getCssClassSuffixes.call(this), i = this.getServiceName(); return i && o.push(i), o; }), MentionMatch ); })(UC), JC = (function (s) { function PhoneMatch(o) { var i = s.call(this, o) || this; return ( (i.number = ''), (i.plusSign = !1), (i.number = o.number), (i.plusSign = o.plusSign), i ); } return ( tslib_es6_extends(PhoneMatch, s), (PhoneMatch.prototype.getType = function () { return 'phone'; }), (PhoneMatch.prototype.getPhoneNumber = function () { return this.number; }), (PhoneMatch.prototype.getNumber = function () { return this.getPhoneNumber(); }), (PhoneMatch.prototype.getAnchorHref = function () { return 'tel:' + (this.plusSign ? '+' : '') + this.number; }), (PhoneMatch.prototype.getAnchorText = function () { return this.matchedText; }), PhoneMatch ); })(UC), GC = (function (s) { function UrlMatch(o) { var i = s.call(this, o) || this; return ( (i.url = ''), (i.urlMatchType = 'scheme'), (i.protocolUrlMatch = !1), (i.protocolRelativeMatch = !1), (i.stripPrefix = { scheme: !0, www: !0 }), (i.stripTrailingSlash = !0), (i.decodePercentEncoding = !0), (i.schemePrefixRegex = /^(https?:\/\/)?/i), (i.wwwPrefixRegex = /^(https?:\/\/)?(www\.)?/i), (i.protocolRelativeRegex = /^\/\//), (i.protocolPrepended = !1), (i.urlMatchType = o.urlMatchType), (i.url = o.url), (i.protocolUrlMatch = o.protocolUrlMatch), (i.protocolRelativeMatch = o.protocolRelativeMatch), (i.stripPrefix = o.stripPrefix), (i.stripTrailingSlash = o.stripTrailingSlash), (i.decodePercentEncoding = o.decodePercentEncoding), i ); } return ( tslib_es6_extends(UrlMatch, s), (UrlMatch.prototype.getType = function () { return 'url'; }), (UrlMatch.prototype.getUrlMatchType = function () { return this.urlMatchType; }), (UrlMatch.prototype.getUrl = function () { var s = this.url; return ( this.protocolRelativeMatch || this.protocolUrlMatch || this.protocolPrepended || ((s = this.url = 'http://' + s), (this.protocolPrepended = !0)), s ); }), (UrlMatch.prototype.getAnchorHref = function () { return this.getUrl().replace(/&/g, '&'); }), (UrlMatch.prototype.getAnchorText = function () { var s = this.getMatchedText(); return ( this.protocolRelativeMatch && (s = this.stripProtocolRelativePrefix(s)), this.stripPrefix.scheme && (s = this.stripSchemePrefix(s)), this.stripPrefix.www && (s = this.stripWwwPrefix(s)), this.stripTrailingSlash && (s = this.removeTrailingSlash(s)), this.decodePercentEncoding && (s = this.removePercentEncoding(s)), s ); }), (UrlMatch.prototype.stripSchemePrefix = function (s) { return s.replace(this.schemePrefixRegex, ''); }), (UrlMatch.prototype.stripWwwPrefix = function (s) { return s.replace(this.wwwPrefixRegex, '$1'); }), (UrlMatch.prototype.stripProtocolRelativePrefix = function (s) { return s.replace(this.protocolRelativeRegex, ''); }), (UrlMatch.prototype.removeTrailingSlash = function (s) { return '/' === s.charAt(s.length - 1) && (s = s.slice(0, -1)), s; }), (UrlMatch.prototype.removePercentEncoding = function (s) { var o = s .replace(/%22/gi, '"') .replace(/%26/gi, '&') .replace(/%27/gi, ''') .replace(/%3C/gi, '<') .replace(/%3E/gi, '>'); try { return decodeURIComponent(o); } catch (s) { return o; } }), UrlMatch ); })(UC), YC = function YC(s) { (this.__jsduckDummyDocProp = null), (this.tagBuilder = s.tagBuilder); }, XC = /[A-Za-z]/, ZC = /[\d]/, QC = /[\D]/, eO = /\s/, tO = /['"]/, rO = /[\x00-\x1F\x7F]/, nO = /A-Za-z\xAA\xB5\xBA\xC0-\xD6\xD8-\xF6\xF8-\u02C1\u02C6-\u02D1\u02E0-\u02E4\u02EC\u02EE\u0370-\u0374\u0376\u0377\u037A-\u037D\u037F\u0386\u0388-\u038A\u038C\u038E-\u03A1\u03A3-\u03F5\u03F7-\u0481\u048A-\u052F\u0531-\u0556\u0559\u0561-\u0587\u05D0-\u05EA\u05F0-\u05F2\u0620-\u064A\u066E\u066F\u0671-\u06D3\u06D5\u06E5\u06E6\u06EE\u06EF\u06FA-\u06FC\u06FF\u0710\u0712-\u072F\u074D-\u07A5\u07B1\u07CA-\u07EA\u07F4\u07F5\u07FA\u0800-\u0815\u081A\u0824\u0828\u0840-\u0858\u08A0-\u08B4\u08B6-\u08BD\u0904-\u0939\u093D\u0950\u0958-\u0961\u0971-\u0980\u0985-\u098C\u098F\u0990\u0993-\u09A8\u09AA-\u09B0\u09B2\u09B6-\u09B9\u09BD\u09CE\u09DC\u09DD\u09DF-\u09E1\u09F0\u09F1\u0A05-\u0A0A\u0A0F\u0A10\u0A13-\u0A28\u0A2A-\u0A30\u0A32\u0A33\u0A35\u0A36\u0A38\u0A39\u0A59-\u0A5C\u0A5E\u0A72-\u0A74\u0A85-\u0A8D\u0A8F-\u0A91\u0A93-\u0AA8\u0AAA-\u0AB0\u0AB2\u0AB3\u0AB5-\u0AB9\u0ABD\u0AD0\u0AE0\u0AE1\u0AF9\u0B05-\u0B0C\u0B0F\u0B10\u0B13-\u0B28\u0B2A-\u0B30\u0B32\u0B33\u0B35-\u0B39\u0B3D\u0B5C\u0B5D\u0B5F-\u0B61\u0B71\u0B83\u0B85-\u0B8A\u0B8E-\u0B90\u0B92-\u0B95\u0B99\u0B9A\u0B9C\u0B9E\u0B9F\u0BA3\u0BA4\u0BA8-\u0BAA\u0BAE-\u0BB9\u0BD0\u0C05-\u0C0C\u0C0E-\u0C10\u0C12-\u0C28\u0C2A-\u0C39\u0C3D\u0C58-\u0C5A\u0C60\u0C61\u0C80\u0C85-\u0C8C\u0C8E-\u0C90\u0C92-\u0CA8\u0CAA-\u0CB3\u0CB5-\u0CB9\u0CBD\u0CDE\u0CE0\u0CE1\u0CF1\u0CF2\u0D05-\u0D0C\u0D0E-\u0D10\u0D12-\u0D3A\u0D3D\u0D4E\u0D54-\u0D56\u0D5F-\u0D61\u0D7A-\u0D7F\u0D85-\u0D96\u0D9A-\u0DB1\u0DB3-\u0DBB\u0DBD\u0DC0-\u0DC6\u0E01-\u0E30\u0E32\u0E33\u0E40-\u0E46\u0E81\u0E82\u0E84\u0E87\u0E88\u0E8A\u0E8D\u0E94-\u0E97\u0E99-\u0E9F\u0EA1-\u0EA3\u0EA5\u0EA7\u0EAA\u0EAB\u0EAD-\u0EB0\u0EB2\u0EB3\u0EBD\u0EC0-\u0EC4\u0EC6\u0EDC-\u0EDF\u0F00\u0F40-\u0F47\u0F49-\u0F6C\u0F88-\u0F8C\u1000-\u102A\u103F\u1050-\u1055\u105A-\u105D\u1061\u1065\u1066\u106E-\u1070\u1075-\u1081\u108E\u10A0-\u10C5\u10C7\u10CD\u10D0-\u10FA\u10FC-\u1248\u124A-\u124D\u1250-\u1256\u1258\u125A-\u125D\u1260-\u1288\u128A-\u128D\u1290-\u12B0\u12B2-\u12B5\u12B8-\u12BE\u12C0\u12C2-\u12C5\u12C8-\u12D6\u12D8-\u1310\u1312-\u1315\u1318-\u135A\u1380-\u138F\u13A0-\u13F5\u13F8-\u13FD\u1401-\u166C\u166F-\u167F\u1681-\u169A\u16A0-\u16EA\u16F1-\u16F8\u1700-\u170C\u170E-\u1711\u1720-\u1731\u1740-\u1751\u1760-\u176C\u176E-\u1770\u1780-\u17B3\u17D7\u17DC\u1820-\u1877\u1880-\u1884\u1887-\u18A8\u18AA\u18B0-\u18F5\u1900-\u191E\u1950-\u196D\u1970-\u1974\u1980-\u19AB\u19B0-\u19C9\u1A00-\u1A16\u1A20-\u1A54\u1AA7\u1B05-\u1B33\u1B45-\u1B4B\u1B83-\u1BA0\u1BAE\u1BAF\u1BBA-\u1BE5\u1C00-\u1C23\u1C4D-\u1C4F\u1C5A-\u1C7D\u1C80-\u1C88\u1CE9-\u1CEC\u1CEE-\u1CF1\u1CF5\u1CF6\u1D00-\u1DBF\u1E00-\u1F15\u1F18-\u1F1D\u1F20-\u1F45\u1F48-\u1F4D\u1F50-\u1F57\u1F59\u1F5B\u1F5D\u1F5F-\u1F7D\u1F80-\u1FB4\u1FB6-\u1FBC\u1FBE\u1FC2-\u1FC4\u1FC6-\u1FCC\u1FD0-\u1FD3\u1FD6-\u1FDB\u1FE0-\u1FEC\u1FF2-\u1FF4\u1FF6-\u1FFC\u2071\u207F\u2090-\u209C\u2102\u2107\u210A-\u2113\u2115\u2119-\u211D\u2124\u2126\u2128\u212A-\u212D\u212F-\u2139\u213C-\u213F\u2145-\u2149\u214E\u2183\u2184\u2C00-\u2C2E\u2C30-\u2C5E\u2C60-\u2CE4\u2CEB-\u2CEE\u2CF2\u2CF3\u2D00-\u2D25\u2D27\u2D2D\u2D30-\u2D67\u2D6F\u2D80-\u2D96\u2DA0-\u2DA6\u2DA8-\u2DAE\u2DB0-\u2DB6\u2DB8-\u2DBE\u2DC0-\u2DC6\u2DC8-\u2DCE\u2DD0-\u2DD6\u2DD8-\u2DDE\u2E2F\u3005\u3006\u3031-\u3035\u303B\u303C\u3041-\u3096\u309D-\u309F\u30A1-\u30FA\u30FC-\u30FF\u3105-\u312D\u3131-\u318E\u31A0-\u31BA\u31F0-\u31FF\u3400-\u4DB5\u4E00-\u9FD5\uA000-\uA48C\uA4D0-\uA4FD\uA500-\uA60C\uA610-\uA61F\uA62A\uA62B\uA640-\uA66E\uA67F-\uA69D\uA6A0-\uA6E5\uA717-\uA71F\uA722-\uA788\uA78B-\uA7AE\uA7B0-\uA7B7\uA7F7-\uA801\uA803-\uA805\uA807-\uA80A\uA80C-\uA822\uA840-\uA873\uA882-\uA8B3\uA8F2-\uA8F7\uA8FB\uA8FD\uA90A-\uA925\uA930-\uA946\uA960-\uA97C\uA984-\uA9B2\uA9CF\uA9E0-\uA9E4\uA9E6-\uA9EF\uA9FA-\uA9FE\uAA00-\uAA28\uAA40-\uAA42\uAA44-\uAA4B\uAA60-\uAA76\uAA7A\uAA7E-\uAAAF\uAAB1\uAAB5\uAAB6\uAAB9-\uAABD\uAAC0\uAAC2\uAADB-\uAADD\uAAE0-\uAAEA\uAAF2-\uAAF4\uAB01-\uAB06\uAB09-\uAB0E\uAB11-\uAB16\uAB20-\uAB26\uAB28-\uAB2E\uAB30-\uAB5A\uAB5C-\uAB65\uAB70-\uABE2\uAC00-\uD7A3\uD7B0-\uD7C6\uD7CB-\uD7FB\uF900-\uFA6D\uFA70-\uFAD9\uFB00-\uFB06\uFB13-\uFB17\uFB1D\uFB1F-\uFB28\uFB2A-\uFB36\uFB38-\uFB3C\uFB3E\uFB40\uFB41\uFB43\uFB44\uFB46-\uFBB1\uFBD3-\uFD3D\uFD50-\uFD8F\uFD92-\uFDC7\uFDF0-\uFDFB\uFE70-\uFE74\uFE76-\uFEFC\uFF21-\uFF3A\uFF41-\uFF5A\uFF66-\uFFBE\uFFC2-\uFFC7\uFFCA-\uFFCF\uFFD2-\uFFD7\uFFDA-\uFFDC/ .source, sO = nO + /\u2700-\u27bf\udde6-\uddff\ud800-\udbff\udc00-\udfff\ufe0e\ufe0f\u0300-\u036f\ufe20-\ufe23\u20d0-\u20f0\ud83c\udffb-\udfff\u200d\u3299\u3297\u303d\u3030\u24c2\ud83c\udd70-\udd71\udd7e-\udd7f\udd8e\udd91-\udd9a\udde6-\uddff\ude01-\ude02\ude1a\ude2f\ude32-\ude3a\ude50-\ude51\u203c\u2049\u25aa-\u25ab\u25b6\u25c0\u25fb-\u25fe\u00a9\u00ae\u2122\u2139\udc04\u2600-\u26FF\u2b05\u2b06\u2b07\u2b1b\u2b1c\u2b50\u2b55\u231a\u231b\u2328\u23cf\u23e9-\u23f3\u23f8-\u23fa\udccf\u2935\u2934\u2190-\u21ff/ .source + /\u0300-\u036F\u0483-\u0489\u0591-\u05BD\u05BF\u05C1\u05C2\u05C4\u05C5\u05C7\u0610-\u061A\u064B-\u065F\u0670\u06D6-\u06DC\u06DF-\u06E4\u06E7\u06E8\u06EA-\u06ED\u0711\u0730-\u074A\u07A6-\u07B0\u07EB-\u07F3\u0816-\u0819\u081B-\u0823\u0825-\u0827\u0829-\u082D\u0859-\u085B\u08D4-\u08E1\u08E3-\u0903\u093A-\u093C\u093E-\u094F\u0951-\u0957\u0962\u0963\u0981-\u0983\u09BC\u09BE-\u09C4\u09C7\u09C8\u09CB-\u09CD\u09D7\u09E2\u09E3\u0A01-\u0A03\u0A3C\u0A3E-\u0A42\u0A47\u0A48\u0A4B-\u0A4D\u0A51\u0A70\u0A71\u0A75\u0A81-\u0A83\u0ABC\u0ABE-\u0AC5\u0AC7-\u0AC9\u0ACB-\u0ACD\u0AE2\u0AE3\u0B01-\u0B03\u0B3C\u0B3E-\u0B44\u0B47\u0B48\u0B4B-\u0B4D\u0B56\u0B57\u0B62\u0B63\u0B82\u0BBE-\u0BC2\u0BC6-\u0BC8\u0BCA-\u0BCD\u0BD7\u0C00-\u0C03\u0C3E-\u0C44\u0C46-\u0C48\u0C4A-\u0C4D\u0C55\u0C56\u0C62\u0C63\u0C81-\u0C83\u0CBC\u0CBE-\u0CC4\u0CC6-\u0CC8\u0CCA-\u0CCD\u0CD5\u0CD6\u0CE2\u0CE3\u0D01-\u0D03\u0D3E-\u0D44\u0D46-\u0D48\u0D4A-\u0D4D\u0D57\u0D62\u0D63\u0D82\u0D83\u0DCA\u0DCF-\u0DD4\u0DD6\u0DD8-\u0DDF\u0DF2\u0DF3\u0E31\u0E34-\u0E3A\u0E47-\u0E4E\u0EB1\u0EB4-\u0EB9\u0EBB\u0EBC\u0EC8-\u0ECD\u0F18\u0F19\u0F35\u0F37\u0F39\u0F3E\u0F3F\u0F71-\u0F84\u0F86\u0F87\u0F8D-\u0F97\u0F99-\u0FBC\u0FC6\u102B-\u103E\u1056-\u1059\u105E-\u1060\u1062-\u1064\u1067-\u106D\u1071-\u1074\u1082-\u108D\u108F\u109A-\u109D\u135D-\u135F\u1712-\u1714\u1732-\u1734\u1752\u1753\u1772\u1773\u17B4-\u17D3\u17DD\u180B-\u180D\u1885\u1886\u18A9\u1920-\u192B\u1930-\u193B\u1A17-\u1A1B\u1A55-\u1A5E\u1A60-\u1A7C\u1A7F\u1AB0-\u1ABE\u1B00-\u1B04\u1B34-\u1B44\u1B6B-\u1B73\u1B80-\u1B82\u1BA1-\u1BAD\u1BE6-\u1BF3\u1C24-\u1C37\u1CD0-\u1CD2\u1CD4-\u1CE8\u1CED\u1CF2-\u1CF4\u1CF8\u1CF9\u1DC0-\u1DF5\u1DFB-\u1DFF\u20D0-\u20F0\u2CEF-\u2CF1\u2D7F\u2DE0-\u2DFF\u302A-\u302F\u3099\u309A\uA66F-\uA672\uA674-\uA67D\uA69E\uA69F\uA6F0\uA6F1\uA802\uA806\uA80B\uA823-\uA827\uA880\uA881\uA8B4-\uA8C5\uA8E0-\uA8F1\uA926-\uA92D\uA947-\uA953\uA980-\uA983\uA9B3-\uA9C0\uA9E5\uAA29-\uAA36\uAA43\uAA4C\uAA4D\uAA7B-\uAA7D\uAAB0\uAAB2-\uAAB4\uAAB7\uAAB8\uAABE\uAABF\uAAC1\uAAEB-\uAAEF\uAAF5\uAAF6\uABE3-\uABEA\uABEC\uABED\uFB1E\uFE00-\uFE0F\uFE20-\uFE2F/ .source, oO = /0-9\u0660-\u0669\u06F0-\u06F9\u07C0-\u07C9\u0966-\u096F\u09E6-\u09EF\u0A66-\u0A6F\u0AE6-\u0AEF\u0B66-\u0B6F\u0BE6-\u0BEF\u0C66-\u0C6F\u0CE6-\u0CEF\u0D66-\u0D6F\u0DE6-\u0DEF\u0E50-\u0E59\u0ED0-\u0ED9\u0F20-\u0F29\u1040-\u1049\u1090-\u1099\u17E0-\u17E9\u1810-\u1819\u1946-\u194F\u19D0-\u19D9\u1A80-\u1A89\u1A90-\u1A99\u1B50-\u1B59\u1BB0-\u1BB9\u1C40-\u1C49\u1C50-\u1C59\uA620-\uA629\uA8D0-\uA8D9\uA900-\uA909\uA9D0-\uA9D9\uA9F0-\uA9F9\uAA50-\uAA59\uABF0-\uABF9\uFF10-\uFF19/ .source, iO = sO + oO, aO = sO + oO, lO = new RegExp('['.concat(aO, ']')), cO = '(?:[' + oO + ']{1,3}\\.){3}[' + oO + ']{1,3}', uO = '[' + aO + '](?:[' + aO + '\\-_]{0,61}[' + aO + '])?', getDomainLabelStr = function (s) { return '(?=(' + uO + '))\\' + s; }, getDomainNameStr = function (s) { return ( '(?:' + getDomainLabelStr(s) + '(?:\\.' + getDomainLabelStr(s + 1) + '){0,126}|' + cO + ')' ); }, pO = (new RegExp('[' + aO + '.\\-]*[' + aO + '\\-]'), lO), hO = 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s|staples|storage|support|surgery|systems|temasek|theater|theatre|tickets|tiffany|toshiba|trading|walmart|wanggou|watches|weather|website|wedding|whoswho|windows|winners|xfinity|yamaxun|youtube|zuerich|католик|اتصالات|البحرين|الجزائر|العليان|پاکستان|كاثوليك|இந்தியா|abarth|abbott|abbvie|africa|agency|airbus|airtel|alipay|alsace|alstom|amazon|anquan|aramco|author|bayern|beauty|berlin|bharti|bostik|boston|broker|camera|career|casino|center|chanel|chrome|church|circle|claims|clinic|coffee|comsec|condos|coupon|credit|cruise|dating|datsun|dealer|degree|dental|design|direct|doctor|dunlop|dupont|durban|emerck|energy|estate|events|expert|family|flickr|futbol|gallup|garden|george|giving|global|google|gratis|health|hermes|hiphop|hockey|hotels|hughes|imamat|insure|intuit|jaguar|joburg|juegos|kaufen|kinder|kindle|kosher|lancia|latino|lawyer|lefrak|living|locker|london|luxury|madrid|maison|makeup|market|mattel|mobile|monash|mormon|moscow|museum|mutual|nagoya|natura|nissan|nissay|norton|nowruz|office|olayan|online|oracle|orange|otsuka|pfizer|photos|physio|pictet|quebec|racing|realty|reisen|repair|report|review|rocher|rogers|ryukyu|safety|sakura|sanofi|school|schule|search|secure|select|shouji|soccer|social|stream|studio|supply|suzuki|swatch|sydney|taipei|taobao|target|tattoo|tennis|tienda|tjmaxx|tkmaxx|toyota|travel|unicom|viajes|viking|villas|virgin|vision|voting|voyage|vuelos|walter|webcam|xihuan|yachts|yandex|zappos|москва|онлайн|ابوظبي|ارامكو|الاردن|المغرب|امارات|فلسطين|مليسيا|भारतम्|இலங்கை|ファッション|actor|adult|aetna|amfam|amica|apple|archi|audio|autos|azure|baidu|beats|bible|bingo|black|boats|bosch|build|canon|cards|chase|cheap|cisco|citic|click|cloud|coach|codes|crown|cymru|dabur|dance|deals|delta|drive|dubai|earth|edeka|email|epson|faith|fedex|final|forex|forum|gallo|games|gifts|gives|glass|globo|gmail|green|gripe|group|gucci|guide|homes|honda|horse|house|hyatt|ikano|irish|jetzt|koeln|kyoto|lamer|lease|legal|lexus|lilly|linde|lipsy|loans|locus|lotte|lotto|macys|mango|media|miami|money|movie|music|nexus|nikon|ninja|nokia|nowtv|omega|osaka|paris|parts|party|phone|photo|pizza|place|poker|praxi|press|prime|promo|quest|radio|rehab|reise|ricoh|rocks|rodeo|rugby|salon|sener|seven|sharp|shell|shoes|skype|sling|smart|smile|solar|space|sport|stada|store|study|style|sucks|swiss|tatar|tires|tirol|tmall|today|tokyo|tools|toray|total|tours|trade|trust|tunes|tushu|ubank|vegas|video|vodka|volvo|wales|watch|weber|weibo|works|world|xerox|yahoo|ישראל|ایران|بازار|بھارت|سودان|سورية|همراه|भारोत|संगठन|বাংলা|భారత్|ഭാരതം|嘉里大酒店|aarp|able|adac|aero|akdn|ally|amex|arab|army|arpa|arte|asda|asia|audi|auto|baby|band|bank|bbva|beer|best|bike|bing|blog|blue|bofa|bond|book|buzz|cafe|call|camp|care|cars|casa|case|cash|cbre|cern|chat|citi|city|club|cool|coop|cyou|data|date|dclk|deal|dell|desi|diet|dish|docs|dvag|erni|fage|fail|fans|farm|fast|fiat|fido|film|fire|fish|flir|food|ford|free|fund|game|gbiz|gent|ggee|gift|gmbh|gold|golf|goog|guge|guru|hair|haus|hdfc|help|here|hgtv|host|hsbc|icbc|ieee|imdb|immo|info|itau|java|jeep|jobs|jprs|kddi|kids|kiwi|kpmg|kred|land|lego|lgbt|lidl|life|like|limo|link|live|loan|loft|love|ltda|luxe|maif|meet|meme|menu|mini|mint|mobi|moda|moto|name|navy|news|next|nico|nike|ollo|open|page|pars|pccw|pics|ping|pink|play|plus|pohl|porn|post|prod|prof|qpon|read|reit|rent|rest|rich|room|rsvp|ruhr|safe|sale|sarl|save|saxo|scot|seat|seek|sexy|shaw|shia|shop|show|silk|sina|site|skin|sncf|sohu|song|sony|spot|star|surf|talk|taxi|team|tech|teva|tiaa|tips|town|toys|tube|vana|visa|viva|vivo|vote|voto|wang|weir|wien|wiki|wine|work|xbox|yoga|zara|zero|zone|дети|сайт|بارت|بيتك|ڀارت|تونس|شبكة|عراق|عمان|موقع|भारत|ভারত|ভাৰত|ਭਾਰਤ|ભારત|ଭାରତ|ಭಾರತ|ලංකා|アマゾン|グーグル|クラウド|ポイント|组织机构|電訊盈科|香格里拉|aaa|abb|abc|aco|ads|aeg|afl|aig|anz|aol|app|art|aws|axa|bar|bbc|bbt|bcg|bcn|bet|bid|bio|biz|bms|bmw|bom|boo|bot|box|buy|bzh|cab|cal|cam|car|cat|cba|cbn|cbs|ceo|cfa|cfd|com|cpa|crs|dad|day|dds|dev|dhl|diy|dnp|dog|dot|dtv|dvr|eat|eco|edu|esq|eus|fan|fit|fly|foo|fox|frl|ftr|fun|fyi|gal|gap|gay|gdn|gea|gle|gmo|gmx|goo|gop|got|gov|hbo|hiv|hkt|hot|how|ibm|ice|icu|ifm|inc|ing|ink|int|ist|itv|jcb|jio|jll|jmp|jnj|jot|joy|kfh|kia|kim|kpn|krd|lat|law|lds|llc|llp|lol|lpl|ltd|man|map|mba|med|men|mil|mit|mlb|mls|mma|moe|moi|mom|mov|msd|mtn|mtr|nab|nba|nec|net|new|nfl|ngo|nhk|now|nra|nrw|ntt|nyc|obi|one|ong|onl|ooo|org|ott|ovh|pay|pet|phd|pid|pin|pnc|pro|pru|pub|pwc|red|ren|ril|rio|rip|run|rwe|sap|sas|sbi|sbs|sca|scb|ses|sew|sex|sfr|ski|sky|soy|spa|srl|stc|tab|tax|tci|tdk|tel|thd|tjx|top|trv|tui|tvs|ubs|uno|uol|ups|vet|vig|vin|vip|wed|win|wme|wow|wtc|wtf|xin|xxx|xyz|you|yun|zip|бел|ком|қаз|мкд|мон|орг|рус|срб|укр|հայ|קום|عرب|قطر|كوم|مصر|कॉम|नेट|คอม|ไทย|ລາວ|ストア|セール|みんな|中文网|亚马逊|天主教|我爱你|新加坡|淡马锡|诺基亚|飞利浦|ac|ad|ae|af|ag|ai|al|am|ao|aq|ar|as|at|au|aw|ax|az|ba|bb|bd|be|bf|bg|bh|bi|bj|bm|bn|bo|br|bs|bt|bv|bw|by|bz|ca|cc|cd|cf|cg|ch|ci|ck|cl|cm|cn|co|cr|cu|cv|cw|cx|cy|cz|de|dj|dk|dm|do|dz|ec|ee|eg|er|es|et|eu|fi|fj|fk|fm|fo|fr|ga|gb|gd|ge|gf|gg|gh|gi|gl|gm|gn|gp|gq|gr|gs|gt|gu|gw|gy|hk|hm|hn|hr|ht|hu|id|ie|il|im|in|io|iq|ir|is|it|je|jm|jo|jp|ke|kg|kh|ki|km|kn|kp|kr|kw|ky|kz|la|lb|lc|li|lk|lr|ls|lt|lu|lv|ly|ma|mc|md|me|mg|mh|mk|ml|mm|mn|mo|mp|mq|mr|ms|mt|mu|mv|mw|mx|my|mz|na|nc|ne|nf|ng|ni|nl|no|np|nr|nu|nz|om|pa|pe|pf|pg|ph|pk|pl|pm|pn|pr|ps|pt|pw|py|qa|re|ro|rs|ru|rw|sa|sb|sc|sd|se|sg|sh|si|sj|sk|sl|sm|sn|so|sr|ss|st|su|sv|sx|sy|sz|tc|td|tf|tg|th|tj|tk|tl|tm|tn|to|tr|tt|tv|tw|tz|ua|ug|uk|us|uy|uz|va|vc|ve|vg|vi|vn|vu|wf|ws|ye|yt|za|zm|zw|ελ|ευ|бг|ею|рф|გე|닷넷|닷컴|삼성|한국|コム|世界|中信|中国|中國|企业|佛山|信息|健康|八卦|公司|公益|台湾|台灣|商城|商店|商标|嘉里|在线|大拿|娱乐|家電|广东|微博|慈善|手机|招聘|政务|政府|新闻|时尚|書籍|机构|游戏|澳門|点看|移动|网址|网店|网站|网络|联通|谷歌|购物|通販|集团|食品|餐厅|香港)/, dO = new RegExp('['.concat(aO, "!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]")), fO = new RegExp('^'.concat(hO.source, '$')), mO = (function (s) { function EmailMatcher() { var o = (null !== s && s.apply(this, arguments)) || this; return (o.localPartCharRegex = dO), (o.strictTldRegex = fO), o; } return ( tslib_es6_extends(EmailMatcher, s), (EmailMatcher.prototype.parseMatches = function (s) { for ( var o = this.tagBuilder, i = this.localPartCharRegex, u = this.strictTldRegex, _ = [], w = s.length, x = new gO(), C = { m: 'a', a: 'i', i: 'l', l: 't', t: 'o', o: ':' }, j = 0, L = 0, B = x; j < w; ) { var $ = s.charAt(j); switch (L) { case 0: stateNonEmailAddress($); break; case 1: stateMailTo(s.charAt(j - 1), $); break; case 2: stateLocalPart($); break; case 3: stateLocalPartDot($); break; case 4: stateAtSign($); break; case 5: stateDomainChar($); break; case 6: stateDomainHyphen($); break; case 7: stateDomainDot($); break; default: throwUnhandledCaseError(L); } j++; } return captureMatchIfValidAndReset(), _; function stateNonEmailAddress(s) { 'm' === s ? beginEmailMatch(1) : i.test(s) && beginEmailMatch(); } function stateMailTo(s, o) { ':' === s ? i.test(o) ? ((L = 2), (B = new gO(__assign(__assign({}, B), { hasMailtoPrefix: !0 })))) : resetToNonEmailMatchState() : C[s] === o || (i.test(o) ? (L = 2) : '.' === o ? (L = 3) : '@' === o ? (L = 4) : resetToNonEmailMatchState()); } function stateLocalPart(s) { '.' === s ? (L = 3) : '@' === s ? (L = 4) : i.test(s) || resetToNonEmailMatchState(); } function stateLocalPartDot(s) { '.' === s || '@' === s ? resetToNonEmailMatchState() : i.test(s) ? (L = 2) : resetToNonEmailMatchState(); } function stateAtSign(s) { pO.test(s) ? (L = 5) : resetToNonEmailMatchState(); } function stateDomainChar(s) { '.' === s ? (L = 7) : '-' === s ? (L = 6) : pO.test(s) || captureMatchIfValidAndReset(); } function stateDomainHyphen(s) { '-' === s || '.' === s ? captureMatchIfValidAndReset() : pO.test(s) ? (L = 5) : captureMatchIfValidAndReset(); } function stateDomainDot(s) { '.' === s || '-' === s ? captureMatchIfValidAndReset() : pO.test(s) ? ((L = 5), (B = new gO(__assign(__assign({}, B), { hasDomainDot: !0 })))) : captureMatchIfValidAndReset(); } function beginEmailMatch(s) { void 0 === s && (s = 2), (L = s), (B = new gO({ idx: j })); } function resetToNonEmailMatchState() { (L = 0), (B = x); } function captureMatchIfValidAndReset() { if (B.hasDomainDot) { var i = s.slice(B.idx, j); /[-.]$/.test(i) && (i = i.slice(0, -1)); var w = B.hasMailtoPrefix ? i.slice(7) : i; (function doesEmailHaveValidTld(s) { var o = s.split('.').pop() || '', i = o.toLowerCase(); return u.test(i); })(w) && _.push(new WC({ tagBuilder: o, matchedText: i, offset: B.idx, email: w })); } resetToNonEmailMatchState(); } }), EmailMatcher ); })(YC), gO = function gO(s) { void 0 === s && (s = {}), (this.idx = void 0 !== s.idx ? s.idx : -1), (this.hasMailtoPrefix = !!s.hasMailtoPrefix), (this.hasDomainDot = !!s.hasDomainDot); }, yO = (function () { function UrlMatchValidator() {} return ( (UrlMatchValidator.isValid = function (s, o) { return !( (o && !this.isValidUriScheme(o)) || this.urlMatchDoesNotHaveProtocolOrDot(s, o) || (this.urlMatchDoesNotHaveAtLeastOneWordChar(s, o) && !this.isValidIpAddress(s)) || this.containsMultipleDots(s) ); }), (UrlMatchValidator.isValidIpAddress = function (s) { var o = new RegExp(this.hasFullProtocolRegex.source + this.ipRegex.source); return null !== s.match(o); }), (UrlMatchValidator.containsMultipleDots = function (s) { var o = s; return ( this.hasFullProtocolRegex.test(s) && (o = s.split('://')[1]), o.split('/')[0].indexOf('..') > -1 ); }), (UrlMatchValidator.isValidUriScheme = function (s) { var o = s.match(this.uriSchemeRegex), i = o && o[0].toLowerCase(); return 'javascript:' !== i && 'vbscript:' !== i; }), (UrlMatchValidator.urlMatchDoesNotHaveProtocolOrDot = function (s, o) { return !(!s || (o && this.hasFullProtocolRegex.test(o)) || -1 !== s.indexOf('.')); }), (UrlMatchValidator.urlMatchDoesNotHaveAtLeastOneWordChar = function (s, o) { return ( !(!s || !o) && !this.hasFullProtocolRegex.test(o) && !this.hasWordCharAfterProtocolRegex.test(s) ); }), (UrlMatchValidator.hasFullProtocolRegex = /^[A-Za-z][-.+A-Za-z0-9]*:\/\//), (UrlMatchValidator.uriSchemeRegex = /^[A-Za-z][-.+A-Za-z0-9]*:/), (UrlMatchValidator.hasWordCharAfterProtocolRegex = new RegExp( ':[^\\s]*?[' + nO + ']' )), (UrlMatchValidator.ipRegex = /[0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?\.[0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?\.[0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?\.[0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?(:[0-9]*)?\/?$/), UrlMatchValidator ); })(), vO = ((zC = new RegExp( '[/?#](?:[' + aO + "\\-+&@#/%=~_()|'$*\\[\\]{}?!:,.;^✓]*[" + aO + "\\-+&@#/%=~_()|'$*\\[\\]{}✓])?" )), new RegExp( [ '(?:', '(', /(?:[A-Za-z][-.+A-Za-z0-9]{0,63}:(?![A-Za-z][-.+A-Za-z0-9]{0,63}:\/\/)(?!\d+\/?)(?:\/\/)?)/ .source, getDomainNameStr(2), ')', '|', '(', '(//)?', /(?:www\.)/.source, getDomainNameStr(6), ')', '|', '(', '(//)?', getDomainNameStr(10) + '\\.', hO.source, '(?![-' + iO + '])', ')', ')', '(?::[0-9]+)?', '(?:' + zC.source + ')?' ].join(''), 'gi' )), bO = new RegExp('[' + aO + ']'), _O = (function (s) { function UrlMatcher(o) { var i = s.call(this, o) || this; return ( (i.stripPrefix = { scheme: !0, www: !0 }), (i.stripTrailingSlash = !0), (i.decodePercentEncoding = !0), (i.matcherRegex = vO), (i.wordCharRegExp = bO), (i.stripPrefix = o.stripPrefix), (i.stripTrailingSlash = o.stripTrailingSlash), (i.decodePercentEncoding = o.decodePercentEncoding), i ); } return ( tslib_es6_extends(UrlMatcher, s), (UrlMatcher.prototype.parseMatches = function (s) { for ( var o, i = this.matcherRegex, u = this.stripPrefix, _ = this.stripTrailingSlash, w = this.decodePercentEncoding, x = this.tagBuilder, C = [], _loop_1 = function () { var i = o[0], L = o[1], B = o[4], $ = o[5], V = o[9], U = o.index, z = $ || V, Y = s.charAt(U - 1); if (!yO.isValid(i, L)) return 'continue'; if (U > 0 && '@' === Y) return 'continue'; if (U > 0 && z && j.wordCharRegExp.test(Y)) return 'continue'; if ( (/\?$/.test(i) && (i = i.substr(0, i.length - 1)), j.matchHasUnbalancedClosingParen(i)) ) i = i.substr(0, i.length - 1); else { var Z = j.matchHasInvalidCharAfterTld(i, L); Z > -1 && (i = i.substr(0, Z)); } var ee = ['http://', 'https://'].find(function (s) { return !!L && -1 !== L.indexOf(s); }); if (ee) { var ie = i.indexOf(ee); (i = i.substr(ie)), (L = L.substr(ie)), (U += ie); } var ae = L ? 'scheme' : B ? 'www' : 'tld', le = !!L; C.push( new GC({ tagBuilder: x, matchedText: i, offset: U, urlMatchType: ae, url: i, protocolUrlMatch: le, protocolRelativeMatch: !!z, stripPrefix: u, stripTrailingSlash: _, decodePercentEncoding: w }) ); }, j = this; null !== (o = i.exec(s)); ) _loop_1(); return C; }), (UrlMatcher.prototype.matchHasUnbalancedClosingParen = function (s) { var o, i = s.charAt(s.length - 1); if (')' === i) o = '('; else if (']' === i) o = '['; else { if ('}' !== i) return !1; o = '{'; } for (var u = 0, _ = 0, w = s.length - 1; _ < w; _++) { var x = s.charAt(_); x === o ? u++ : x === i && (u = Math.max(u - 1, 0)); } return 0 === u; }), (UrlMatcher.prototype.matchHasInvalidCharAfterTld = function (s, o) { if (!s) return -1; var i = 0; o && ((i = s.indexOf(':')), (s = s.slice(i))); var u = new RegExp('^((.?//)?[-.' + aO + ']*[-' + aO + ']\\.[-' + aO + ']+)').exec( s ); return null === u ? -1 : ((i += u[1].length), (s = s.slice(u[1].length)), /^[^-.A-Za-z0-9:\/?#]/.test(s) ? i : -1); }), UrlMatcher ); })(YC), EO = new RegExp('[_'.concat(aO, ']')), wO = (function (s) { function HashtagMatcher(o) { var i = s.call(this, o) || this; return (i.serviceName = 'twitter'), (i.serviceName = o.serviceName), i; } return ( tslib_es6_extends(HashtagMatcher, s), (HashtagMatcher.prototype.parseMatches = function (s) { for ( var o = this.tagBuilder, i = this.serviceName, u = [], _ = s.length, w = 0, x = -1, C = 0; w < _; ) { var j = s.charAt(w); switch (C) { case 0: stateNone(j); break; case 1: stateNonHashtagWordChar(j); break; case 2: stateHashtagHashChar(j); break; case 3: stateHashtagTextChar(j); break; default: throwUnhandledCaseError(C); } w++; } return captureMatchIfValid(), u; function stateNone(s) { '#' === s ? ((C = 2), (x = w)) : lO.test(s) && (C = 1); } function stateNonHashtagWordChar(s) { lO.test(s) || (C = 0); } function stateHashtagHashChar(s) { C = EO.test(s) ? 3 : lO.test(s) ? 1 : 0; } function stateHashtagTextChar(s) { EO.test(s) || (captureMatchIfValid(), (x = -1), (C = lO.test(s) ? 1 : 0)); } function captureMatchIfValid() { if (x > -1 && w - x <= 140) { var _ = s.slice(x, w), C = new KC({ tagBuilder: o, matchedText: _, offset: x, serviceName: i, hashtag: _.slice(1) }); u.push(C); } } }), HashtagMatcher ); })(YC), SO = ['twitter', 'facebook', 'instagram', 'tiktok'], xO = new RegExp( '' .concat( /(?:(?:(?:(\+)?\d{1,3}[-\040.]?)?\(?\d{3}\)?[-\040.]?\d{3}[-\040.]?\d{4})|(?:(\+)(?:9[976]\d|8[987530]\d|6[987]\d|5[90]\d|42\d|3[875]\d|2[98654321]\d|9[8543210]|8[6421]|6[6543210]|5[87654321]|4[987654310]|3[9643210]|2[70]|7|1)[-\040.]?(?:\d[-\040.]?){6,12}\d+))([,;]+[0-9]+#?)*/ .source, '|' ) .concat( /(0([1-9]{1}-?[1-9]\d{3}|[1-9]{2}-?\d{3}|[1-9]{2}\d{1}-?\d{2}|[1-9]{2}\d{2}-?\d{1})-?\d{4}|0[789]0-?\d{4}-?\d{4}|050-?\d{4}-?\d{4})/ .source ), 'g' ), kO = (function (s) { function PhoneMatcher() { var o = (null !== s && s.apply(this, arguments)) || this; return (o.matcherRegex = xO), o; } return ( tslib_es6_extends(PhoneMatcher, s), (PhoneMatcher.prototype.parseMatches = function (s) { for ( var o, i = this.matcherRegex, u = this.tagBuilder, _ = []; null !== (o = i.exec(s)); ) { var w = o[0], x = w.replace(/[^0-9,;#]/g, ''), C = !(!o[1] && !o[2]), j = 0 == o.index ? '' : s.substr(o.index - 1, 1), L = s.substr(o.index + w.length, 1), B = !j.match(/\d/) && !L.match(/\d/); this.testMatch(o[3]) && this.testMatch(w) && B && _.push( new JC({ tagBuilder: u, matchedText: w, offset: o.index, number: x, plusSign: C }) ); } return _; }), (PhoneMatcher.prototype.testMatch = function (s) { return QC.test(s); }), PhoneMatcher ); })(YC), CO = new RegExp('@[_'.concat(aO, ']{1,50}(?![_').concat(aO, '])'), 'g'), OO = new RegExp('@[_.'.concat(aO, ']{1,30}(?![_').concat(aO, '])'), 'g'), AO = new RegExp('@[-_.'.concat(aO, ']{1,50}(?![-_').concat(aO, '])'), 'g'), jO = new RegExp( '@[_.'.concat(aO, ']{1,23}[_').concat(aO, '](?![_').concat(aO, '])'), 'g' ), IO = new RegExp('[^' + aO + ']'), PO = (function (s) { function MentionMatcher(o) { var i = s.call(this, o) || this; return ( (i.serviceName = 'twitter'), (i.matcherRegexes = { twitter: CO, instagram: OO, soundcloud: AO, tiktok: jO }), (i.nonWordCharRegex = IO), (i.serviceName = o.serviceName), i ); } return ( tslib_es6_extends(MentionMatcher, s), (MentionMatcher.prototype.parseMatches = function (s) { var o, i = this.serviceName, u = this.matcherRegexes[this.serviceName], _ = this.nonWordCharRegex, w = this.tagBuilder, x = []; if (!u) return x; for (; null !== (o = u.exec(s)); ) { var C = o.index, j = s.charAt(C - 1); if (0 === C || _.test(j)) { var L = o[0].replace(/\.+$/g, ''), B = L.slice(1); x.push( new HC({ tagBuilder: w, matchedText: L, offset: C, serviceName: i, mention: B }) ); } } return x; }), MentionMatcher ); })(YC); function parseHtml(s, o) { for ( var i = o.onOpenTag, u = o.onCloseTag, _ = o.onText, w = o.onComment, x = o.onDoctype, C = new MO(), j = 0, L = s.length, B = 0, $ = 0, V = C; j < L; ) { var U = s.charAt(j); switch (B) { case 0: stateData(U); break; case 1: stateTagOpen(U); break; case 2: stateEndTagOpen(U); break; case 3: stateTagName(U); break; case 4: stateBeforeAttributeName(U); break; case 5: stateAttributeName(U); break; case 6: stateAfterAttributeName(U); break; case 7: stateBeforeAttributeValue(U); break; case 8: stateAttributeValueDoubleQuoted(U); break; case 9: stateAttributeValueSingleQuoted(U); break; case 10: stateAttributeValueUnquoted(U); break; case 11: stateAfterAttributeValueQuoted(U); break; case 12: stateSelfClosingStartTag(U); break; case 13: stateMarkupDeclarationOpen(U); break; case 14: stateCommentStart(U); break; case 15: stateCommentStartDash(U); break; case 16: stateComment(U); break; case 17: stateCommentEndDash(U); break; case 18: stateCommentEnd(U); break; case 19: stateCommentEndBang(U); break; case 20: stateDoctype(U); break; default: throwUnhandledCaseError(B); } j++; } function stateData(s) { '<' === s && startNewTag(); } function stateTagOpen(s) { '!' === s ? (B = 13) : '/' === s ? ((B = 2), (V = new MO(__assign(__assign({}, V), { isClosing: !0 })))) : '<' === s ? startNewTag() : XC.test(s) ? ((B = 3), (V = new MO(__assign(__assign({}, V), { isOpening: !0 })))) : ((B = 0), (V = C)); } function stateTagName(s) { eO.test(s) ? ((V = new MO(__assign(__assign({}, V), { name: captureTagName() }))), (B = 4)) : '<' === s ? startNewTag() : '/' === s ? ((V = new MO(__assign(__assign({}, V), { name: captureTagName() }))), (B = 12)) : '>' === s ? ((V = new MO(__assign(__assign({}, V), { name: captureTagName() }))), emitTagAndPreviousTextNode()) : XC.test(s) || ZC.test(s) || ':' === s || resetToDataState(); } function stateEndTagOpen(s) { '>' === s ? resetToDataState() : XC.test(s) ? (B = 3) : resetToDataState(); } function stateBeforeAttributeName(s) { eO.test(s) || ('/' === s ? (B = 12) : '>' === s ? emitTagAndPreviousTextNode() : '<' === s ? startNewTag() : '=' === s || tO.test(s) || rO.test(s) ? resetToDataState() : (B = 5)); } function stateAttributeName(s) { eO.test(s) ? (B = 6) : '/' === s ? (B = 12) : '=' === s ? (B = 7) : '>' === s ? emitTagAndPreviousTextNode() : '<' === s ? startNewTag() : tO.test(s) && resetToDataState(); } function stateAfterAttributeName(s) { eO.test(s) || ('/' === s ? (B = 12) : '=' === s ? (B = 7) : '>' === s ? emitTagAndPreviousTextNode() : '<' === s ? startNewTag() : tO.test(s) ? resetToDataState() : (B = 5)); } function stateBeforeAttributeValue(s) { eO.test(s) || ('"' === s ? (B = 8) : "'" === s ? (B = 9) : /[>=`]/.test(s) ? resetToDataState() : '<' === s ? startNewTag() : (B = 10)); } function stateAttributeValueDoubleQuoted(s) { '"' === s && (B = 11); } function stateAttributeValueSingleQuoted(s) { "'" === s && (B = 11); } function stateAttributeValueUnquoted(s) { eO.test(s) ? (B = 4) : '>' === s ? emitTagAndPreviousTextNode() : '<' === s && startNewTag(); } function stateAfterAttributeValueQuoted(s) { eO.test(s) ? (B = 4) : '/' === s ? (B = 12) : '>' === s ? emitTagAndPreviousTextNode() : '<' === s ? startNewTag() : ((B = 4), (function reconsumeCurrentCharacter() { j--; })()); } function stateSelfClosingStartTag(s) { '>' === s ? ((V = new MO(__assign(__assign({}, V), { isClosing: !0 }))), emitTagAndPreviousTextNode()) : (B = 4); } function stateMarkupDeclarationOpen(o) { '--' === s.substr(j, 2) ? ((j += 2), (V = new MO(__assign(__assign({}, V), { type: 'comment' }))), (B = 14)) : 'DOCTYPE' === s.substr(j, 7).toUpperCase() ? ((j += 7), (V = new MO(__assign(__assign({}, V), { type: 'doctype' }))), (B = 20)) : resetToDataState(); } function stateCommentStart(s) { '-' === s ? (B = 15) : '>' === s ? resetToDataState() : (B = 16); } function stateCommentStartDash(s) { '-' === s ? (B = 18) : '>' === s ? resetToDataState() : (B = 16); } function stateComment(s) { '-' === s && (B = 17); } function stateCommentEndDash(s) { B = '-' === s ? 18 : 16; } function stateCommentEnd(s) { '>' === s ? emitTagAndPreviousTextNode() : '!' === s ? (B = 19) : '-' === s || (B = 16); } function stateCommentEndBang(s) { '-' === s ? (B = 17) : '>' === s ? emitTagAndPreviousTextNode() : (B = 16); } function stateDoctype(s) { '>' === s ? emitTagAndPreviousTextNode() : '<' === s && startNewTag(); } function resetToDataState() { (B = 0), (V = C); } function startNewTag() { (B = 1), (V = new MO({ idx: j })); } function emitTagAndPreviousTextNode() { var o = s.slice($, V.idx); o && _(o, $), 'comment' === V.type ? w(V.idx) : 'doctype' === V.type ? x(V.idx) : (V.isOpening && i(V.name, V.idx), V.isClosing && u(V.name, V.idx)), resetToDataState(), ($ = j + 1); } function captureTagName() { var o = V.idx + (V.isClosing ? 2 : 1); return s.slice(o, j).toLowerCase(); } $ < j && (function emitText() { var o = s.slice($, j); _(o, $), ($ = j + 1); })(); } var MO = function MO(s) { void 0 === s && (s = {}), (this.idx = void 0 !== s.idx ? s.idx : -1), (this.type = s.type || 'tag'), (this.name = s.name || ''), (this.isOpening = !!s.isOpening), (this.isClosing = !!s.isClosing); }, TO = (function () { function Autolinker(s) { void 0 === s && (s = {}), (this.version = Autolinker.version), (this.urls = {}), (this.email = !0), (this.phone = !0), (this.hashtag = !1), (this.mention = !1), (this.newWindow = !0), (this.stripPrefix = { scheme: !0, www: !0 }), (this.stripTrailingSlash = !0), (this.decodePercentEncoding = !0), (this.truncate = { length: 0, location: 'end' }), (this.className = ''), (this.replaceFn = null), (this.context = void 0), (this.sanitizeHtml = !1), (this.matchers = null), (this.tagBuilder = null), (this.urls = this.normalizeUrlsCfg(s.urls)), (this.email = 'boolean' == typeof s.email ? s.email : this.email), (this.phone = 'boolean' == typeof s.phone ? s.phone : this.phone), (this.hashtag = s.hashtag || this.hashtag), (this.mention = s.mention || this.mention), (this.newWindow = 'boolean' == typeof s.newWindow ? s.newWindow : this.newWindow), (this.stripPrefix = this.normalizeStripPrefixCfg(s.stripPrefix)), (this.stripTrailingSlash = 'boolean' == typeof s.stripTrailingSlash ? s.stripTrailingSlash : this.stripTrailingSlash), (this.decodePercentEncoding = 'boolean' == typeof s.decodePercentEncoding ? s.decodePercentEncoding : this.decodePercentEncoding), (this.sanitizeHtml = s.sanitizeHtml || !1); var o = this.mention; if (!1 !== o && -1 === ['twitter', 'instagram', 'soundcloud', 'tiktok'].indexOf(o)) throw new Error("invalid `mention` cfg '".concat(o, "' - see docs")); var i = this.hashtag; if (!1 !== i && -1 === SO.indexOf(i)) throw new Error("invalid `hashtag` cfg '".concat(i, "' - see docs")); (this.truncate = this.normalizeTruncateCfg(s.truncate)), (this.className = s.className || this.className), (this.replaceFn = s.replaceFn || this.replaceFn), (this.context = s.context || this); } return ( (Autolinker.link = function (s, o) { return new Autolinker(o).link(s); }), (Autolinker.parse = function (s, o) { return new Autolinker(o).parse(s); }), (Autolinker.prototype.normalizeUrlsCfg = function (s) { return ( null == s && (s = !0), 'boolean' == typeof s ? { schemeMatches: s, wwwMatches: s, tldMatches: s } : { schemeMatches: 'boolean' != typeof s.schemeMatches || s.schemeMatches, wwwMatches: 'boolean' != typeof s.wwwMatches || s.wwwMatches, tldMatches: 'boolean' != typeof s.tldMatches || s.tldMatches } ); }), (Autolinker.prototype.normalizeStripPrefixCfg = function (s) { return ( null == s && (s = !0), 'boolean' == typeof s ? { scheme: s, www: s } : { scheme: 'boolean' != typeof s.scheme || s.scheme, www: 'boolean' != typeof s.www || s.www } ); }), (Autolinker.prototype.normalizeTruncateCfg = function (s) { return 'number' == typeof s ? { length: s, location: 'end' } : (function defaults(s, o) { for (var i in o) o.hasOwnProperty(i) && void 0 === s[i] && (s[i] = o[i]); return s; })(s || {}, { length: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, location: 'end' }); }), (Autolinker.prototype.parse = function (s) { var o = this, i = ['a', 'style', 'script'], u = 0, _ = []; return ( parseHtml(s, { onOpenTag: function (s) { i.indexOf(s) >= 0 && u++; }, onText: function (s, i) { if (0 === u) { var w = (function splitAndCapture(s, o) { if (!o.global) throw new Error("`splitRegex` must have the 'g' flag set"); for (var i, u = [], _ = 0; (i = o.exec(s)); ) u.push(s.substring(_, i.index)), u.push(i[0]), (_ = i.index + i[0].length); return u.push(s.substring(_)), u; })(s, /( | |<|<|>|>|"|"|')/gi), x = i; w.forEach(function (s, i) { if (i % 2 == 0) { var u = o.parseText(s, x); _.push.apply(_, u); } x += s.length; }); } }, onCloseTag: function (s) { i.indexOf(s) >= 0 && (u = Math.max(u - 1, 0)); }, onComment: function (s) {}, onDoctype: function (s) {} }), (_ = this.compactMatches(_)), (_ = this.removeUnwantedMatches(_)) ); }), (Autolinker.prototype.compactMatches = function (s) { s.sort(function (s, o) { return s.getOffset() - o.getOffset(); }); for (var o = 0; o < s.length - 1; ) { var i = s[o], u = i.getOffset(), _ = i.getMatchedText().length, w = u + _; if (o + 1 < s.length) { if (s[o + 1].getOffset() === u) { var x = s[o + 1].getMatchedText().length > _ ? o : o + 1; s.splice(x, 1); continue; } if (s[o + 1].getOffset() < w) { s.splice(o + 1, 1); continue; } } o++; } return s; }), (Autolinker.prototype.removeUnwantedMatches = function (s) { return ( this.hashtag || utils_remove(s, function (s) { return 'hashtag' === s.getType(); }), this.email || utils_remove(s, function (s) { return 'email' === s.getType(); }), this.phone || utils_remove(s, function (s) { return 'phone' === s.getType(); }), this.mention || utils_remove(s, function (s) { return 'mention' === s.getType(); }), this.urls.schemeMatches || utils_remove(s, function (s) { return 'url' === s.getType() && 'scheme' === s.getUrlMatchType(); }), this.urls.wwwMatches || utils_remove(s, function (s) { return 'url' === s.getType() && 'www' === s.getUrlMatchType(); }), this.urls.tldMatches || utils_remove(s, function (s) { return 'url' === s.getType() && 'tld' === s.getUrlMatchType(); }), s ); }), (Autolinker.prototype.parseText = function (s, o) { void 0 === o && (o = 0), (o = o || 0); for (var i = this.getMatchers(), u = [], _ = 0, w = i.length; _ < w; _++) { for (var x = i[_].parseMatches(s), C = 0, j = x.length; C < j; C++) x[C].setOffset(o + x[C].getOffset()); u.push.apply(u, x); } return u; }), (Autolinker.prototype.link = function (s) { if (!s) return ''; this.sanitizeHtml && (s = s.replace(//g, '>')); for (var o = this.parse(s), i = [], u = 0, _ = 0, w = o.length; _ < w; _++) { var x = o[_]; i.push(s.substring(u, x.getOffset())), i.push(this.createMatchReturnVal(x)), (u = x.getOffset() + x.getMatchedText().length); } return i.push(s.substring(u)), i.join(''); }), (Autolinker.prototype.createMatchReturnVal = function (s) { var o; return ( this.replaceFn && (o = this.replaceFn.call(this.context, s)), 'string' == typeof o ? o : !1 === o ? s.getMatchedText() : o instanceof $C ? o.toAnchorString() : s.buildTag().toAnchorString() ); }), (Autolinker.prototype.getMatchers = function () { if (this.matchers) return this.matchers; var s = this.getTagBuilder(), o = [ new wO({ tagBuilder: s, serviceName: this.hashtag }), new mO({ tagBuilder: s }), new kO({ tagBuilder: s }), new PO({ tagBuilder: s, serviceName: this.mention }), new _O({ tagBuilder: s, stripPrefix: this.stripPrefix, stripTrailingSlash: this.stripTrailingSlash, decodePercentEncoding: this.decodePercentEncoding }) ]; return (this.matchers = o); }), (Autolinker.prototype.getTagBuilder = function () { var s = this.tagBuilder; return ( s || (s = this.tagBuilder = new VC({ newWindow: this.newWindow, truncate: this.truncate, className: this.className })), s ); }), (Autolinker.version = '3.16.2'), (Autolinker.AnchorTagBuilder = VC), (Autolinker.HtmlTag = $C), (Autolinker.matcher = { Email: mO, Hashtag: wO, Matcher: YC, Mention: PO, Phone: kO, Url: _O }), (Autolinker.match = { Email: WC, Hashtag: KC, Match: UC, Mention: HC, Phone: JC, Url: GC }), Autolinker ); })(); const NO = TO; var RO = /www|@|\:\/\//; function isLinkOpen(s) { return /^\s]/i.test(s); } function isLinkClose(s) { return /^<\/a\s*>/i.test(s); } function createLinkifier() { var s = [], o = new NO({ stripPrefix: !1, url: !0, email: !0, replaceFn: function (o) { switch (o.getType()) { case 'url': s.push({ text: o.matchedText, url: o.getUrl() }); break; case 'email': s.push({ text: o.matchedText, url: 'mailto:' + o.getEmail().replace(/^mailto:/i, '') }); } return !1; } }); return { links: s, autolinker: o }; } function parseTokens(s) { var o, i, u, _, w, x, C, j, L, B, $, V, U, z = s.tokens, Y = null; for (i = 0, u = z.length; i < u; i++) if ('inline' === z[i].type) for ($ = 0, o = (_ = z[i].children).length - 1; o >= 0; o--) if ('link_close' !== (w = _[o]).type) { if ( ('htmltag' === w.type && (isLinkOpen(w.content) && $ > 0 && $--, isLinkClose(w.content) && $++), !($ > 0) && 'text' === w.type && RO.test(w.content)) ) { if ( (Y || ((V = (Y = createLinkifier()).links), (U = Y.autolinker)), (x = w.content), (V.length = 0), U.link(x), !V.length) ) continue; for (C = [], B = w.level, j = 0; j < V.length; j++) s.inline.validateLink(V[j].url) && ((L = x.indexOf(V[j].text)) && C.push({ type: 'text', content: x.slice(0, L), level: B }), C.push({ type: 'link_open', href: V[j].url, title: '', level: B++ }), C.push({ type: 'text', content: V[j].text, level: B }), C.push({ type: 'link_close', level: --B }), (x = x.slice(L + V[j].text.length))); x.length && C.push({ type: 'text', content: x, level: B }), (z[i].children = _ = [].concat(_.slice(0, o), C, _.slice(o + 1))); } } else for (o--; _[o].level !== w.level && 'link_open' !== _[o].type; ) o--; } function linkify(s) { s.core.ruler.push('linkify', parseTokens); } var DO = __webpack_require__(42838), LO = __webpack_require__.n(DO); LO().addHook && LO().addHook('beforeSanitizeElements', function (s) { return s.href && s.setAttribute('rel', 'noopener noreferrer'), s; }); const BO = function Markdown({ source: s, className: o = '', getConfigs: i = () => ({ useUnsafeMarkdown: !1 }) }) { if ('string' != typeof s) return null; const u = new Remarkable({ html: !0, typographer: !0, breaks: !0, linkTarget: '_blank' }).use(linkify); u.core.ruler.disable(['replacements', 'smartquotes']); const { useUnsafeMarkdown: _ } = i(), w = u.render(s), x = sanitizer(w, { useUnsafeMarkdown: _ }); return s && w && x ? Pe.createElement('div', { className: Hn()(o, 'markdown'), dangerouslySetInnerHTML: { __html: x } }) : null; }; function sanitizer(s, { useUnsafeMarkdown: o = !1 } = {}) { const i = o, u = o ? [] : ['style', 'class']; return ( o && !sanitizer.hasWarnedAboutDeprecation && (console.warn( 'useUnsafeMarkdown display configuration parameter is deprecated since >3.26.0 and will be removed in v4.0.0.' ), (sanitizer.hasWarnedAboutDeprecation = !0)), LO().sanitize(s, { ADD_ATTR: ['target'], FORBID_TAGS: ['style', 'form'], ALLOW_DATA_ATTR: i, FORBID_ATTR: u }) ); } sanitizer.hasWarnedAboutDeprecation = !1; class BaseLayout extends Pe.Component { render() { const { errSelectors: s, specSelectors: o, getComponent: i } = this.props, u = i('SvgAssets'), _ = i('InfoContainer', !0), w = i('VersionPragmaFilter'), x = i('operations', !0), C = i('Models', !0), j = i('Webhooks', !0), L = i('Row'), B = i('Col'), $ = i('errors', !0), V = i('ServersContainer', !0), U = i('SchemesContainer', !0), z = i('AuthorizeBtnContainer', !0), Y = i('FilterContainer', !0), Z = o.isSwagger2(), ee = o.isOAS3(), ie = o.isOAS31(), ae = !o.specStr(), le = o.loadingStatus(); let ce = null; if ( ('loading' === le && (ce = Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'info' }, Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'loading-container' }, Pe.createElement('div', { className: 'loading' }) ) )), 'failed' === le && (ce = Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'info' }, Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'loading-container' }, Pe.createElement( 'h4', { className: 'title' }, 'Failed to load API definition.' ), Pe.createElement($, null) ) )), 'failedConfig' === le) ) { const o = s.lastError(), i = o ? o.get('message') : ''; ce = Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'info failed-config' }, Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'loading-container' }, Pe.createElement( 'h4', { className: 'title' }, 'Failed to load remote configuration.' ), Pe.createElement('p', null, i) ) ); } if ( (!ce && ae && (ce = Pe.createElement('h4', null, 'No API definition provided.')), ce) ) return Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'swagger-ui' }, Pe.createElement('div', { className: 'loading-container' }, ce) ); const pe = o.servers(), de = o.schemes(), fe = pe && pe.size, ye = de && de.size, be = !!o.securityDefinitions(); return Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'swagger-ui' }, Pe.createElement(u, null), Pe.createElement( w, { isSwagger2: Z, isOAS3: ee, alsoShow: Pe.createElement($, null) }, Pe.createElement($, null), Pe.createElement( L, { className: 'information-container' }, Pe.createElement(B, { mobile: 12 }, Pe.createElement(_, null)) ), fe || ye || be ? Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'scheme-container' }, Pe.createElement( B, { className: 'schemes wrapper', mobile: 12 }, fe || ye ? Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'schemes-server-container' }, fe ? Pe.createElement(V, null) : null, ye ? Pe.createElement(U, null) : null ) : null, be ? Pe.createElement(z, null) : null ) ) : null, Pe.createElement(Y, null), Pe.createElement( L, null, Pe.createElement(B, { mobile: 12, desktop: 12 }, Pe.createElement(x, null)) ), ie && Pe.createElement( L, { className: 'webhooks-container' }, Pe.createElement(B, { mobile: 12, desktop: 12 }, Pe.createElement(j, null)) ), Pe.createElement( L, null, Pe.createElement(B, { mobile: 12, desktop: 12 }, Pe.createElement(C, null)) ) ) ); } } const core_components = () => ({ components: { App: fk, authorizationPopup: AuthorizationPopup, authorizeBtn: AuthorizeBtn, AuthorizeBtnContainer, authorizeOperationBtn: AuthorizeOperationBtn, auths: Auths, AuthItem: auth_item_Auths, authError: AuthError, oauth2: Oauth2, apiKeyAuth: ApiKeyAuth, basicAuth: BasicAuth, clear: Clear, liveResponse: LiveResponse, InitializedInput, info: qk, InfoContainer, InfoUrl, InfoBasePath, Contact: Vk, License: zk, JumpToPath, CopyToClipboardBtn, onlineValidatorBadge: OnlineValidatorBadge, operations: Operations, operation: operation_Operation, OperationSummary, OperationSummaryMethod, OperationSummaryPath, responses: responses_Responses, response: response_Response, ResponseExtension: response_extension, responseBody: ResponseBody, parameters: Parameters, parameterRow: ParameterRow, execute: Execute, headers: headers_Headers, errors: Errors, contentType: ContentType, overview: Overview, footer: Footer, FilterContainer, ParamBody, curl: Curl, Property: property, TryItOutButton, Markdown: BO, BaseLayout, VersionPragmaFilter, VersionStamp: version_stamp, OperationExt: operation_extensions, OperationExtRow: operation_extension_row, ParameterExt: parameter_extension, ParameterIncludeEmpty, OperationTag, OperationContainer, OpenAPIVersion: openapi_version, DeepLink: deep_link, SvgAssets: svg_assets, Example: example_Example, ExamplesSelect, ExamplesSelectValueRetainer } }), form_components = () => ({ components: { ...ye } }), base = () => [ configsPlugin, util, logs, view, view_legacy, plugins_spec, err, icons, plugins_layout, json_schema_5, json_schema_5_samples, core_components, form_components, swagger_client, auth, downloadUrlPlugin, deep_linking, filter, on_complete, plugins_request_snippets, syntax_highlighting, versions, safe_render() ], FO = (0, qe.Map)(); function onlyOAS3(s) { return (o, i) => (...u) => { if (i.getSystem().specSelectors.isOAS3()) { const o = s(...u); return 'function' == typeof o ? o(i) : o; } return o(...u); }; } const qO = onlyOAS3(Ss()(null)), $O = onlyOAS3((s, o) => (s) => s.getSystem().specSelectors.findSchema(o)), VO = onlyOAS3(() => (s) => { const o = s.getSystem().specSelectors.specJson().getIn(['components', 'schemas']); return qe.Map.isMap(o) ? o : FO; }), UO = onlyOAS3(() => (s) => s.getSystem().specSelectors.specJson().hasIn(['servers', 0])), zO = onlyOAS3(Ut(Ms, (s) => s.getIn(['components', 'securitySchemes']) || null)), wrap_selectors_validOperationMethods = (s, o) => (i, ...u) => o.specSelectors.isOAS3() ? o.oas3Selectors.validOperationMethods() : s(...u), WO = qO, KO = qO, HO = qO, JO = qO, GO = qO; const YO = (function wrap_selectors_onlyOAS3(s) { return (o, i) => (...u) => { if (i.getSystem().specSelectors.isOAS3()) { let o = i .getState() .getIn(['spec', 'resolvedSubtrees', 'components', 'securitySchemes']); return s(i, o, ...u); } return o(...u); }; })( Ut( (s) => s, ({ specSelectors: s }) => s.securityDefinitions(), (s, o) => { let i = (0, qe.List)(); return o ? (o.entrySeq().forEach(([s, o]) => { const u = o.get('type'); if ( ('oauth2' === u && o .get('flows') .entrySeq() .forEach(([u, _]) => { let w = (0, qe.fromJS)({ flow: u, authorizationUrl: _.get('authorizationUrl'), tokenUrl: _.get('tokenUrl'), scopes: _.get('scopes'), type: o.get('type'), description: o.get('description') }); i = i.push(new qe.Map({ [s]: w.filter((s) => void 0 !== s) })); }), ('http' !== u && 'apiKey' !== u) || (i = i.push(new qe.Map({ [s]: o }))), 'openIdConnect' === u && o.get('openIdConnectData')) ) { let u = o.get('openIdConnectData'); ( u.get('grant_types_supported') || ['authorization_code', 'implicit'] ).forEach((_) => { let w = u.get('scopes_supported') && u.get('scopes_supported').reduce((s, o) => s.set(o, ''), new qe.Map()), x = (0, qe.fromJS)({ flow: _, authorizationUrl: u.get('authorization_endpoint'), tokenUrl: u.get('token_endpoint'), scopes: w, type: 'oauth2', openIdConnectUrl: o.get('openIdConnectUrl') }); i = i.push(new qe.Map({ [s]: x.filter((s) => void 0 !== s) })); }); } }), i) : i; } ) ); function OAS3ComponentWrapFactory(s) { return (o, i) => (u) => 'function' == typeof i.specSelectors?.isOAS3 ? i.specSelectors.isOAS3() ? Pe.createElement(s, Rn()({}, u, i, { Ori: o })) : Pe.createElement(o, u) : (console.warn("OAS3 wrapper: couldn't get spec"), null); } const XO = (0, qe.Map)(), selectors_isSwagger2 = () => (s) => (function isSwagger2(s) { const o = s.get('swagger'); return 'string' == typeof o && '2.0' === o; })(s.getSystem().specSelectors.specJson()), selectors_isOAS30 = () => (s) => (function isOAS30(s) { const o = s.get('openapi'); return 'string' == typeof o && /^3\.0\.([0123])(?:-rc[012])?$/.test(o); })(s.getSystem().specSelectors.specJson()), selectors_isOAS3 = () => (s) => s.getSystem().specSelectors.isOAS30(); function selectors_onlyOAS3(s) { return (o, ...i) => (u) => { if (u.specSelectors.isOAS3()) { const _ = s(o, ...i); return 'function' == typeof _ ? _(u) : _; } return null; }; } const ZO = selectors_onlyOAS3(() => (s) => s.specSelectors.specJson().get('servers', XO)), findSchema = (s, o) => { const i = s.getIn(['resolvedSubtrees', 'components', 'schemas', o], null), u = s.getIn(['json', 'components', 'schemas', o], null); return i || u || null; }, QO = selectors_onlyOAS3((s, { callbacks: o, specPath: i }) => (s) => { const u = s.specSelectors.validOperationMethods(); return qe.Map.isMap(o) ? o .reduce( (s, o, _) => { if (!qe.Map.isMap(o)) return s; const w = o.reduce( (s, o, w) => { if (!qe.Map.isMap(o)) return s; const x = o .entrySeq() .filter(([s]) => u.includes(s)) .map(([s, o]) => ({ operation: (0, qe.Map)({ operation: o }), method: s, path: w, callbackName: _, specPath: i.concat([_, w, s]) })); return s.concat(x); }, (0, qe.List)() ); return s.concat(w); }, (0, qe.List)() ) .groupBy((s) => s.callbackName) .map((s) => s.toArray()) .toObject() : {}; }), callbacks = ({ callbacks: s, specPath: o, specSelectors: i, getComponent: u }) => { const _ = i.callbacksOperations({ callbacks: s, specPath: o }), w = Object.keys(_), x = u('OperationContainer', !0); return 0 === w.length ? Pe.createElement('span', null, 'No callbacks') : Pe.createElement( 'div', null, w.map((s) => Pe.createElement( 'div', { key: `${s}` }, Pe.createElement('h2', null, s), _[s].map((o) => Pe.createElement(x, { key: `${s}-${o.path}-${o.method}`, op: o.operation, tag: 'callbacks', method: o.method, path: o.path, specPath: o.specPath, allowTryItOut: !1 }) ) ) ) ); }, getDefaultRequestBodyValue = (s, o, i, u) => { const _ = s.getIn(['content', o]) ?? (0, qe.OrderedMap)(), w = _.get('schema', (0, qe.OrderedMap)()).toJS(), x = void 0 !== _.get('examples'), C = _.get('example'), j = x ? _.getIn(['examples', i, 'value']) : C; return stringify(u.getSampleSchema(w, o, { includeWriteOnly: !0 }, j)); }, components_request_body = ({ userHasEditedBody: s, requestBody: o, requestBodyValue: i, requestBodyInclusionSetting: u, requestBodyErrors: _, getComponent: w, getConfigs: x, specSelectors: C, fn: j, contentType: L, isExecute: B, specPath: $, onChange: V, onChangeIncludeEmpty: U, activeExamplesKey: z, updateActiveExamplesKey: Y, setRetainRequestBodyValueFlag: Z }) => { const handleFile = (s) => { V(s.target.files[0]); }, setIsIncludedOptions = (s) => { let o = { key: s, shouldDispatchInit: !1, defaultValue: !0 }; return 'no value' === u.get(s, 'no value') && (o.shouldDispatchInit = !0), o; }, ee = w('Markdown', !0), ie = w('modelExample'), ae = w('RequestBodyEditor'), le = w('HighlightCode', !0), ce = w('ExamplesSelectValueRetainer'), pe = w('Example'), de = w('ParameterIncludeEmpty'), { showCommonExtensions: fe } = x(), ye = o?.get('description') ?? null, be = o?.get('content') ?? new qe.OrderedMap(); L = L || be.keySeq().first() || ''; const _e = be.get(L) ?? (0, qe.OrderedMap)(), we = _e.get('schema', (0, qe.OrderedMap)()), Se = _e.get('examples', null), xe = Se?.map((s, i) => { const u = s?.get('value', null); return u && (s = s.set('value', getDefaultRequestBodyValue(o, L, i, j), u)), s; }); if (((_ = qe.List.isList(_) ? _ : (0, qe.List)()), !_e.size)) return null; const Te = 'object' === _e.getIn(['schema', 'type']), Re = 'binary' === _e.getIn(['schema', 'format']), $e = 'base64' === _e.getIn(['schema', 'format']); if ( 'application/octet-stream' === L || 0 === L.indexOf('image/') || 0 === L.indexOf('audio/') || 0 === L.indexOf('video/') || Re || $e ) { const s = w('Input'); return B ? Pe.createElement(s, { type: 'file', onChange: handleFile }) : Pe.createElement( 'i', null, 'Example values are not available for ', Pe.createElement('code', null, L), ' media types.' ); } if ( Te && ('application/x-www-form-urlencoded' === L || 0 === L.indexOf('multipart/')) && we.get('properties', (0, qe.OrderedMap)()).size > 0 ) { const s = w('JsonSchemaForm'), o = w('ParameterExt'), x = we.get('properties', (0, qe.OrderedMap)()); return ( (i = qe.Map.isMap(i) ? i : (0, qe.OrderedMap)()), Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'table-container' }, ye && Pe.createElement(ee, { source: ye }), Pe.createElement( 'table', null, Pe.createElement( 'tbody', null, qe.Map.isMap(x) && x.entrySeq().map(([x, C]) => { if (C.get('readOnly')) return; const L = C.get('oneOf')?.get(0)?.toJS(), $ = C.get('anyOf')?.get(0)?.toJS(); C = (0, qe.fromJS)(j.mergeJsonSchema(C.toJS(), L ?? $ ?? {})); let z = fe ? getCommonExtensions(C) : null; const Y = we.get('required', (0, qe.List)()).includes(x), Z = C.get('type'), ie = C.get('format'), ae = C.get('description'), le = i.getIn([x, 'value']), ce = i.getIn([x, 'errors']) || _, pe = u.get(x) || !1; let ye = j.getSampleSchema(C, !1, { includeWriteOnly: !0 }); !1 === ye && (ye = 'false'), 0 === ye && (ye = '0'), 'string' != typeof ye && 'object' === Z && (ye = stringify(ye)), 'string' == typeof ye && 'array' === Z && (ye = JSON.parse(ye)); const be = 'string' === Z && ('binary' === ie || 'base64' === ie); return Pe.createElement( 'tr', { key: x, className: 'parameters', 'data-property-name': x }, Pe.createElement( 'td', { className: 'parameters-col_name' }, Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: Y ? 'parameter__name required' : 'parameter__name' }, x, Y ? Pe.createElement('span', null, ' *') : null ), Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'parameter__type' }, Z, ie && Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'prop-format' }, '($', ie, ')' ), fe && z.size ? z .entrySeq() .map(([s, i]) => Pe.createElement(o, { key: `${s}-${i}`, xKey: s, xVal: i }) ) : null ), Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'parameter__deprecated' }, C.get('deprecated') ? 'deprecated' : null ) ), Pe.createElement( 'td', { className: 'parameters-col_description' }, Pe.createElement(ee, { source: ae }), B ? Pe.createElement( 'div', null, Pe.createElement(s, { fn: j, dispatchInitialValue: !be, schema: C, description: x, getComponent: w, value: void 0 === le ? ye : le, required: Y, errors: ce, onChange: (s) => { V(s, [x]); } }), Y ? null : Pe.createElement(de, { onChange: (s) => U(x, s), isIncluded: pe, isIncludedOptions: setIsIncludedOptions(x), isDisabled: Array.isArray(le) ? 0 !== le.length : !isEmptyValue(le) }) ) : null ) ); }) ) ) ) ); } const ze = getDefaultRequestBodyValue(o, L, z, j); let We = null; return ( getKnownSyntaxHighlighterLanguage(ze) && (We = 'json'), Pe.createElement( 'div', null, ye && Pe.createElement(ee, { source: ye }), xe ? Pe.createElement(ce, { userHasEditedBody: s, examples: xe, currentKey: z, currentUserInputValue: i, onSelect: (s) => { Y(s); }, updateValue: V, defaultToFirstExample: !0, getComponent: w, setRetainRequestBodyValueFlag: Z }) : null, B ? Pe.createElement( 'div', null, Pe.createElement(ae, { value: i, errors: _, defaultValue: ze, onChange: V, getComponent: w }) ) : Pe.createElement(ie, { getComponent: w, getConfigs: x, specSelectors: C, expandDepth: 1, isExecute: B, schema: _e.get('schema'), specPath: $.push('content', L), example: Pe.createElement( le, { className: 'body-param__example', language: We }, stringify(i) || ze ), includeWriteOnly: !0 }), xe ? Pe.createElement(pe, { example: xe.get(z), getComponent: w, getConfigs: x }) : null ) ); }; class operation_link_OperationLink extends Pe.Component { render() { const { link: s, name: o, getComponent: i } = this.props, u = i('Markdown', !0); let _ = s.get('operationId') || s.get('operationRef'), w = s.get('parameters') && s.get('parameters').toJS(), x = s.get('description'); return Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'operation-link' }, Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'description' }, Pe.createElement('b', null, Pe.createElement('code', null, o)), x ? Pe.createElement(u, { source: x }) : null ), Pe.createElement( 'pre', null, 'Operation `', _, '`', Pe.createElement('br', null), Pe.createElement('br', null), 'Parameters ', (function padString(s, o) { if ('string' != typeof o) return ''; return o .split('\n') .map((o, i) => (i > 0 ? Array(s + 1).join(' ') + o : o)) .join('\n'); })(0, JSON.stringify(w, null, 2)) || '{}', Pe.createElement('br', null) ) ); } } const eA = operation_link_OperationLink, components_servers = ({ servers: s, currentServer: o, setSelectedServer: i, setServerVariableValue: u, getServerVariable: _, getEffectiveServerValue: w }) => { const x = (s.find((s) => s.get('url') === o) || (0, qe.OrderedMap)()).get('variables') || (0, qe.OrderedMap)(), C = 0 !== x.size; (0, Pe.useEffect)(() => { o || i(s.first()?.get('url')); }, []), (0, Pe.useEffect)(() => { const _ = s.find((s) => s.get('url') === o); if (!_) return void i(s.first().get('url')); (_.get('variables') || (0, qe.OrderedMap)()).map((s, i) => { u({ server: o, key: i, val: s.get('default') || '' }); }); }, [o, s]); const j = (0, Pe.useCallback)( (s) => { i(s.target.value); }, [i] ), L = (0, Pe.useCallback)( (s) => { const i = s.target.getAttribute('data-variable'), _ = s.target.value; u({ server: o, key: i, val: _ }); }, [u, o] ); return Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'servers' }, Pe.createElement( 'label', { htmlFor: 'servers' }, Pe.createElement( 'select', { onChange: j, value: o, id: 'servers' }, s .valueSeq() .map((s) => Pe.createElement( 'option', { value: s.get('url'), key: s.get('url') }, s.get('url'), s.get('description') && ` - ${s.get('description')}` ) ) .toArray() ) ), C && Pe.createElement( 'div', null, Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'computed-url' }, 'Computed URL:', Pe.createElement('code', null, w(o)) ), Pe.createElement('h4', null, 'Server variables'), Pe.createElement( 'table', null, Pe.createElement( 'tbody', null, x.entrySeq().map(([s, i]) => Pe.createElement( 'tr', { key: s }, Pe.createElement('td', null, s), Pe.createElement( 'td', null, i.get('enum') ? Pe.createElement( 'select', { 'data-variable': s, onChange: L }, i .get('enum') .map((i) => Pe.createElement( 'option', { selected: i === _(o, s), key: i, value: i }, i ) ) ) : Pe.createElement('input', { type: 'text', value: _(o, s) || '', onChange: L, 'data-variable': s }) ) ) ) ) ) ) ); }; class ServersContainer extends Pe.Component { render() { const { specSelectors: s, oas3Selectors: o, oas3Actions: i, getComponent: u } = this.props, _ = s.servers(), w = u('Servers'); return _ && _.size ? Pe.createElement( 'div', null, Pe.createElement('span', { className: 'servers-title' }, 'Servers'), Pe.createElement(w, { servers: _, currentServer: o.selectedServer(), setSelectedServer: i.setSelectedServer, setServerVariableValue: i.setServerVariableValue, getServerVariable: o.serverVariableValue, getEffectiveServerValue: o.serverEffectiveValue }) ) : null; } } const tA = Function.prototype; class RequestBodyEditor extends Pe.PureComponent { static defaultProps = { onChange: tA, userHasEditedBody: !1 }; constructor(s, o) { super(s, o), (this.state = { value: stringify(s.value) || s.defaultValue }), s.onChange(s.value); } applyDefaultValue = (s) => { const { onChange: o, defaultValue: i } = s || this.props; return this.setState({ value: i }), o(i); }; onChange = (s) => { this.props.onChange(stringify(s)); }; onDomChange = (s) => { const o = s.target.value; this.setState({ value: o }, () => this.onChange(o)); }; UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(s) { this.props.value !== s.value && s.value !== this.state.value && this.setState({ value: stringify(s.value) }), !s.value && s.defaultValue && this.state.value && this.applyDefaultValue(s); } render() { let { getComponent: s, errors: o } = this.props, { value: i } = this.state, u = o.size > 0; const _ = s('TextArea'); return Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'body-param' }, Pe.createElement(_, { className: Hn()('body-param__text', { invalid: u }), title: o.size ? o.join(', ') : '', value: i, onChange: this.onDomChange }) ); } } class HttpAuth extends Pe.Component { constructor(s, o) { super(s, o); let { name: i, schema: u } = this.props, _ = this.getValue(); this.state = { name: i, schema: u, value: _ }; } getValue() { let { name: s, authorized: o } = this.props; return o && o.getIn([s, 'value']); } onChange = (s) => { let { onChange: o } = this.props, { value: i, name: u } = s.target, _ = Object.assign({}, this.state.value); u ? (_[u] = i) : (_ = i), this.setState({ value: _ }, () => o(this.state)); }; render() { let { schema: s, getComponent: o, errSelectors: i, name: u } = this.props; const _ = o('Input'), w = o('Row'), x = o('Col'), C = o('authError'), j = o('Markdown', !0), L = o('JumpToPath', !0), B = (s.get('scheme') || '').toLowerCase(); let $ = this.getValue(), V = i.allErrors().filter((s) => s.get('authId') === u); if ('basic' === B) { let o = $ ? $.get('username') : null; return Pe.createElement( 'div', null, Pe.createElement( 'h4', null, Pe.createElement('code', null, u || s.get('name')), '  (http, Basic)', Pe.createElement(L, { path: ['securityDefinitions', u] }) ), o && Pe.createElement('h6', null, 'Authorized'), Pe.createElement(w, null, Pe.createElement(j, { source: s.get('description') })), Pe.createElement( w, null, Pe.createElement('label', { htmlFor: 'auth-basic-username' }, 'Username:'), o ? Pe.createElement('code', null, ' ', o, ' ') : Pe.createElement( x, null, Pe.createElement(_, { id: 'auth-basic-username', type: 'text', required: 'required', name: 'username', 'aria-label': 'auth-basic-username', onChange: this.onChange, autoFocus: !0 }) ) ), Pe.createElement( w, null, Pe.createElement('label', { htmlFor: 'auth-basic-password' }, 'Password:'), o ? Pe.createElement('code', null, ' ****** ') : Pe.createElement( x, null, Pe.createElement(_, { id: 'auth-basic-password', autoComplete: 'new-password', name: 'password', type: 'password', 'aria-label': 'auth-basic-password', onChange: this.onChange }) ) ), V.valueSeq().map((s, o) => Pe.createElement(C, { error: s, key: o })) ); } return 'bearer' === B ? Pe.createElement( 'div', null, Pe.createElement( 'h4', null, Pe.createElement('code', null, u || s.get('name')), '  (http, Bearer)', Pe.createElement(L, { path: ['securityDefinitions', u] }) ), $ && Pe.createElement('h6', null, 'Authorized'), Pe.createElement(w, null, Pe.createElement(j, { source: s.get('description') })), Pe.createElement( w, null, Pe.createElement('label', { htmlFor: 'auth-bearer-value' }, 'Value:'), $ ? Pe.createElement('code', null, ' ****** ') : Pe.createElement( x, null, Pe.createElement(_, { id: 'auth-bearer-value', type: 'text', 'aria-label': 'auth-bearer-value', onChange: this.onChange, autoFocus: !0 }) ) ), V.valueSeq().map((s, o) => Pe.createElement(C, { error: s, key: o })) ) : Pe.createElement( 'div', null, Pe.createElement( 'em', null, Pe.createElement('b', null, u), ' HTTP authentication: unsupported scheme ', `'${B}'` ) ); } } class operation_servers_OperationServers extends Pe.Component { setSelectedServer = (s) => { const { path: o, method: i } = this.props; return this.forceUpdate(), this.props.setSelectedServer(s, `${o}:${i}`); }; setServerVariableValue = (s) => { const { path: o, method: i } = this.props; return ( this.forceUpdate(), this.props.setServerVariableValue({ ...s, namespace: `${o}:${i}` }) ); }; getSelectedServer = () => { const { path: s, method: o } = this.props; return this.props.getSelectedServer(`${s}:${o}`); }; getServerVariable = (s, o) => { const { path: i, method: u } = this.props; return this.props.getServerVariable({ namespace: `${i}:${u}`, server: s }, o); }; getEffectiveServerValue = (s) => { const { path: o, method: i } = this.props; return this.props.getEffectiveServerValue({ server: s, namespace: `${o}:${i}` }); }; render() { const { operationServers: s, pathServers: o, getComponent: i } = this.props; if (!s && !o) return null; const u = i('Servers'), _ = s || o, w = s ? 'operation' : 'path'; return Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'opblock-section operation-servers' }, Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'opblock-section-header' }, Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'tab-header' }, Pe.createElement('h4', { className: 'opblock-title' }, 'Servers') ) ), Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'opblock-description-wrapper' }, Pe.createElement( 'h4', { className: 'message' }, 'These ', w, '-level options override the global server options.' ), Pe.createElement(u, { servers: _, currentServer: this.getSelectedServer(), setSelectedServer: this.setSelectedServer, setServerVariableValue: this.setServerVariableValue, getServerVariable: this.getServerVariable, getEffectiveServerValue: this.getEffectiveServerValue }) ) ); } } const rA = { Callbacks: callbacks, HttpAuth, RequestBody: components_request_body, Servers: components_servers, ServersContainer, RequestBodyEditor, OperationServers: operation_servers_OperationServers, operationLink: eA }, nA = new Remarkable('commonmark'); nA.block.ruler.enable(['table']), nA.set({ linkTarget: '_blank' }); const sA = OAS3ComponentWrapFactory( ({ source: s, className: o = '', getConfigs: i = () => ({ useUnsafeMarkdown: !1 }) }) => { if ('string' != typeof s) return null; if (s) { const { useUnsafeMarkdown: u } = i(), _ = sanitizer(nA.render(s), { useUnsafeMarkdown: u }); let w; return ( 'string' == typeof _ && (w = _.trim()), Pe.createElement('div', { dangerouslySetInnerHTML: { __html: w }, className: Hn()(o, 'renderedMarkdown') }) ); } return null; } ), oA = OAS3ComponentWrapFactory(({ Ori: s, ...o }) => { const { schema: i, getComponent: u, errSelectors: _, authorized: w, onAuthChange: x, name: C } = o, j = u('HttpAuth'); return 'http' === i.get('type') ? Pe.createElement(j, { key: C, schema: i, name: C, errSelectors: _, authorized: w, getComponent: u, onChange: x }) : Pe.createElement(s, o); }), iA = OAS3ComponentWrapFactory(OnlineValidatorBadge); class ModelComponent extends Pe.Component { render() { let { getConfigs: s, schema: o, Ori: i } = this.props, u = ['model-box'], _ = null; return ( !0 === o.get('deprecated') && (u.push('deprecated'), (_ = Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'model-deprecated-warning' }, 'Deprecated:' ))), Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: u.join(' ') }, _, Pe.createElement( i, Rn()({}, this.props, { getConfigs: s, depth: 1, expandDepth: this.props.expandDepth || 0 }) ) ) ); } } const aA = OAS3ComponentWrapFactory(ModelComponent), lA = OAS3ComponentWrapFactory(({ Ori: s, ...o }) => { const { schema: i, getComponent: u, errors: _, onChange: w } = o, x = i && i.get ? i.get('format') : null, C = i && i.get ? i.get('type') : null, j = u('Input'); return C && 'string' === C && x && ('binary' === x || 'base64' === x) ? Pe.createElement(j, { type: 'file', className: _.length ? 'invalid' : '', title: _.length ? _ : '', onChange: (s) => { w(s.target.files[0]); }, disabled: s.isDisabled }) : Pe.createElement(s, o); }), cA = { Markdown: sA, AuthItem: oA, OpenAPIVersion: (function OAS30ComponentWrapFactory(s) { return (o, i) => (u) => 'function' == typeof i.specSelectors?.isOAS30 ? i.specSelectors.isOAS30() ? Pe.createElement(s, Rn()({}, u, i, { Ori: o })) : Pe.createElement(o, u) : (console.warn("OAS30 wrapper: couldn't get spec"), null); })((s) => { const { Ori: o } = s; return Pe.createElement(o, { oasVersion: '3.0' }); }), JsonSchema_string: lA, model: aA, onlineValidatorBadge: iA }, uA = 'oas3_set_servers', pA = 'oas3_set_request_body_value', hA = 'oas3_set_request_body_retain_flag', dA = 'oas3_set_request_body_inclusion', fA = 'oas3_set_active_examples_member', mA = 'oas3_set_request_content_type', gA = 'oas3_set_response_content_type', yA = 'oas3_set_server_variable_value', vA = 'oas3_set_request_body_validate_error', bA = 'oas3_clear_request_body_validate_error', _A = 'oas3_clear_request_body_value'; function setSelectedServer(s, o) { return { type: uA, payload: { selectedServerUrl: s, namespace: o } }; } function setRequestBodyValue({ value: s, pathMethod: o }) { return { type: pA, payload: { value: s, pathMethod: o } }; } const setRetainRequestBodyValueFlag = ({ value: s, pathMethod: o }) => ({ type: hA, payload: { value: s, pathMethod: o } }); function setRequestBodyInclusion({ value: s, pathMethod: o, name: i }) { return { type: dA, payload: { value: s, pathMethod: o, name: i } }; } function setActiveExamplesMember({ name: s, pathMethod: o, contextType: i, contextName: u }) { return { type: fA, payload: { name: s, pathMethod: o, contextType: i, contextName: u } }; } function setRequestContentType({ value: s, pathMethod: o }) { return { type: mA, payload: { value: s, pathMethod: o } }; } function setResponseContentType({ value: s, path: o, method: i }) { return { type: gA, payload: { value: s, path: o, method: i } }; } function setServerVariableValue({ server: s, namespace: o, key: i, val: u }) { return { type: yA, payload: { server: s, namespace: o, key: i, val: u } }; } const setRequestBodyValidateError = ({ path: s, method: o, validationErrors: i }) => ({ type: vA, payload: { path: s, method: o, validationErrors: i } }), clearRequestBodyValidateError = ({ path: s, method: o }) => ({ type: bA, payload: { path: s, method: o } }), initRequestBodyValidateError = ({ pathMethod: s }) => ({ type: bA, payload: { path: s[0], method: s[1] } }), clearRequestBodyValue = ({ pathMethod: s }) => ({ type: _A, payload: { pathMethod: s } }); var EA = __webpack_require__(60680), wA = __webpack_require__.n(EA); const oas3_selectors_onlyOAS3 = (s) => (o, ...i) => (u) => { if (u.getSystem().specSelectors.isOAS3()) { const _ = s(o, ...i); return 'function' == typeof _ ? _(u) : _; } return null; }; const SA = oas3_selectors_onlyOAS3((s, o) => { const i = o ? [o, 'selectedServer'] : ['selectedServer']; return s.getIn(i) || ''; }), xA = oas3_selectors_onlyOAS3( (s, o, i) => s.getIn(['requestData', o, i, 'bodyValue']) || null ), kA = oas3_selectors_onlyOAS3( (s, o, i) => s.getIn(['requestData', o, i, 'retainBodyValue']) || !1 ), selectDefaultRequestBodyValue = (s, o, i) => (s) => { const { oas3Selectors: u, specSelectors: _, fn: w } = s.getSystem(); if (_.isOAS3()) { const s = u.requestContentType(o, i); if (s) return getDefaultRequestBodyValue( _.specResolvedSubtree(['paths', o, i, 'requestBody']), s, u.activeExamplesMember(o, i, 'requestBody', 'requestBody'), w ); } return null; }, CA = oas3_selectors_onlyOAS3((s, o, i) => (s) => { const { oas3Selectors: u, specSelectors: _, fn: w } = s; let x = !1; const C = u.requestContentType(o, i); let j = u.requestBodyValue(o, i); const L = _.specResolvedSubtree(['paths', o, i, 'requestBody']); if (!L) return !1; if ( (qe.Map.isMap(j) && (j = stringify( j.mapEntries((s) => (qe.Map.isMap(s[1]) ? [s[0], s[1].get('value')] : s)).toJS() )), qe.List.isList(j) && (j = stringify(j)), C) ) { const s = getDefaultRequestBodyValue( L, C, u.activeExamplesMember(o, i, 'requestBody', 'requestBody'), w ); x = !!j && j !== s; } return x; }), OA = oas3_selectors_onlyOAS3( (s, o, i) => s.getIn(['requestData', o, i, 'bodyInclusion']) || (0, qe.Map)() ), AA = oas3_selectors_onlyOAS3( (s, o, i) => s.getIn(['requestData', o, i, 'errors']) || null ), jA = oas3_selectors_onlyOAS3( (s, o, i, u, _) => s.getIn(['examples', o, i, u, _, 'activeExample']) || null ), IA = oas3_selectors_onlyOAS3( (s, o, i) => s.getIn(['requestData', o, i, 'requestContentType']) || null ), PA = oas3_selectors_onlyOAS3( (s, o, i) => s.getIn(['requestData', o, i, 'responseContentType']) || null ), MA = oas3_selectors_onlyOAS3((s, o, i) => { let u; if ('string' != typeof o) { const { server: s, namespace: _ } = o; u = _ ? [_, 'serverVariableValues', s, i] : ['serverVariableValues', s, i]; } else { u = ['serverVariableValues', o, i]; } return s.getIn(u) || null; }), TA = oas3_selectors_onlyOAS3((s, o) => { let i; if ('string' != typeof o) { const { server: s, namespace: u } = o; i = u ? [u, 'serverVariableValues', s] : ['serverVariableValues', s]; } else { i = ['serverVariableValues', o]; } return s.getIn(i) || (0, qe.OrderedMap)(); }), NA = oas3_selectors_onlyOAS3((s, o) => { var i, u; if ('string' != typeof o) { const { server: _, namespace: w } = o; (u = _), (i = w ? s.getIn([w, 'serverVariableValues', u]) : s.getIn(['serverVariableValues', u])); } else (u = o), (i = s.getIn(['serverVariableValues', u])); i = i || (0, qe.OrderedMap)(); let _ = u; return ( i.map((s, o) => { _ = _.replace(new RegExp(`{${wA()(o)}}`, 'g'), s); }), _ ); }), RA = (function validateRequestBodyIsRequired(s) { return (...o) => (i) => { const u = i.getSystem().specSelectors.specJson(); let _ = [...o][1] || []; return !u.getIn(['paths', ..._, 'requestBody', 'required']) || s(...o); }; })((s, o) => ((s, o) => ((o = o || []), !!s.getIn(['requestData', ...o, 'bodyValue'])))(s, o) ), validateShallowRequired = ( s, { oas3RequiredRequestBodyContentType: o, oas3RequestContentType: i, oas3RequestBodyValue: u } ) => { let _ = []; if (!qe.Map.isMap(u)) return _; let w = []; return ( Object.keys(o.requestContentType).forEach((s) => { if (s === i) { o.requestContentType[s].forEach((s) => { w.indexOf(s) < 0 && w.push(s); }); } }), w.forEach((s) => { u.getIn([s, 'value']) || _.push(s); }), _ ); }, DA = Ss()(['get', 'put', 'post', 'delete', 'options', 'head', 'patch', 'trace']), LA = { [uA]: (s, { payload: { selectedServerUrl: o, namespace: i } }) => { const u = i ? [i, 'selectedServer'] : ['selectedServer']; return s.setIn(u, o); }, [pA]: (s, { payload: { value: o, pathMethod: i } }) => { let [u, _] = i; if (!qe.Map.isMap(o)) return s.setIn(['requestData', u, _, 'bodyValue'], o); let w, x = s.getIn(['requestData', u, _, 'bodyValue']) || (0, qe.Map)(); qe.Map.isMap(x) || (x = (0, qe.Map)()); const [...C] = o.keys(); return ( C.forEach((s) => { let i = o.getIn([s]); (x.has(s) && qe.Map.isMap(i)) || (w = x.setIn([s, 'value'], i)); }), s.setIn(['requestData', u, _, 'bodyValue'], w) ); }, [hA]: (s, { payload: { value: o, pathMethod: i } }) => { let [u, _] = i; return s.setIn(['requestData', u, _, 'retainBodyValue'], o); }, [dA]: (s, { payload: { value: o, pathMethod: i, name: u } }) => { let [_, w] = i; return s.setIn(['requestData', _, w, 'bodyInclusion', u], o); }, [fA]: (s, { payload: { name: o, pathMethod: i, contextType: u, contextName: _ } }) => { let [w, x] = i; return s.setIn(['examples', w, x, u, _, 'activeExample'], o); }, [mA]: (s, { payload: { value: o, pathMethod: i } }) => { let [u, _] = i; return s.setIn(['requestData', u, _, 'requestContentType'], o); }, [gA]: (s, { payload: { value: o, path: i, method: u } }) => s.setIn(['requestData', i, u, 'responseContentType'], o), [yA]: (s, { payload: { server: o, namespace: i, key: u, val: _ } }) => { const w = i ? [i, 'serverVariableValues', o, u] : ['serverVariableValues', o, u]; return s.setIn(w, _); }, [vA]: (s, { payload: { path: o, method: i, validationErrors: u } }) => { let _ = []; if ((_.push('Required field is not provided'), u.missingBodyValue)) return s.setIn(['requestData', o, i, 'errors'], (0, qe.fromJS)(_)); if (u.missingRequiredKeys && u.missingRequiredKeys.length > 0) { const { missingRequiredKeys: w } = u; return s.updateIn(['requestData', o, i, 'bodyValue'], (0, qe.fromJS)({}), (s) => w.reduce((s, o) => s.setIn([o, 'errors'], (0, qe.fromJS)(_)), s) ); } return console.warn('unexpected result: SET_REQUEST_BODY_VALIDATE_ERROR'), s; }, [bA]: (s, { payload: { path: o, method: i } }) => { const u = s.getIn(['requestData', o, i, 'bodyValue']); if (!qe.Map.isMap(u)) return s.setIn(['requestData', o, i, 'errors'], (0, qe.fromJS)([])); const [..._] = u.keys(); return _ ? s.updateIn(['requestData', o, i, 'bodyValue'], (0, qe.fromJS)({}), (s) => _.reduce((s, o) => s.setIn([o, 'errors'], (0, qe.fromJS)([])), s) ) : s; }, [_A]: (s, { payload: { pathMethod: o } }) => { let [i, u] = o; const _ = s.getIn(['requestData', i, u, 'bodyValue']); return _ ? qe.Map.isMap(_) ? s.setIn(['requestData', i, u, 'bodyValue'], (0, qe.Map)()) : s.setIn(['requestData', i, u, 'bodyValue'], '') : s; } }; function oas3() { return { components: rA, wrapComponents: cA, statePlugins: { spec: { wrapSelectors: be, selectors: we }, auth: { wrapSelectors: _e }, oas3: { actions: { ...Se }, reducers: LA, selectors: { ...xe } } } }; } const webhooks = ({ specSelectors: s, getComponent: o }) => { const i = s.selectWebhooksOperations(), u = Object.keys(i), _ = o('OperationContainer', !0); return 0 === u.length ? null : Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'webhooks' }, Pe.createElement('h2', null, 'Webhooks'), u.map((s) => Pe.createElement( 'div', { key: `${s}-webhook` }, i[s].map((o) => Pe.createElement(_, { key: `${s}-${o.method}-webhook`, op: o.operation, tag: 'webhooks', method: o.method, path: s, specPath: (0, qe.List)(o.specPath), allowTryItOut: !1 }) ) ) ) ); }, oas31_components_license = ({ getComponent: s, specSelectors: o }) => { const i = o.selectLicenseNameField(), u = o.selectLicenseUrl(), _ = s('Link'); return Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'info__license' }, u ? Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'info__license__url' }, Pe.createElement(_, { target: '_blank', href: sanitizeUrl(u) }, i) ) : Pe.createElement('span', null, i) ); }, oas31_components_contact = ({ getComponent: s, specSelectors: o }) => { const i = o.selectContactNameField(), u = o.selectContactUrl(), _ = o.selectContactEmailField(), w = s('Link'); return Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'info__contact' }, u && Pe.createElement( 'div', null, Pe.createElement(w, { href: sanitizeUrl(u), target: '_blank' }, i, ' - Website') ), _ && Pe.createElement( w, { href: sanitizeUrl(`mailto:${_}`) }, u ? `Send email to ${i}` : `Contact ${i}` ) ); }, oas31_components_info = ({ getComponent: s, specSelectors: o }) => { const i = o.version(), u = o.url(), _ = o.basePath(), w = o.host(), x = o.selectInfoSummaryField(), C = o.selectInfoDescriptionField(), j = o.selectInfoTitleField(), L = o.selectInfoTermsOfServiceUrl(), B = o.selectExternalDocsUrl(), $ = o.selectExternalDocsDescriptionField(), V = o.contact(), U = o.license(), z = s('Markdown', !0), Y = s('Link'), Z = s('VersionStamp'), ee = s('OpenAPIVersion'), ie = s('InfoUrl'), ae = s('InfoBasePath'), le = s('License', !0), ce = s('Contact', !0), pe = s('JsonSchemaDialect', !0); return Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'info' }, Pe.createElement( 'hgroup', { className: 'main' }, Pe.createElement( 'h2', { className: 'title' }, j, Pe.createElement( 'span', null, i && Pe.createElement(Z, { version: i }), Pe.createElement(ee, { oasVersion: '3.1' }) ) ), (w || _) && Pe.createElement(ae, { host: w, basePath: _ }), u && Pe.createElement(ie, { getComponent: s, url: u }) ), x && Pe.createElement('p', { className: 'info__summary' }, x), Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'info__description description' }, Pe.createElement(z, { source: C }) ), L && Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'info__tos' }, Pe.createElement( Y, { target: '_blank', href: sanitizeUrl(L) }, 'Terms of service' ) ), V.size > 0 && Pe.createElement(ce, null), U.size > 0 && Pe.createElement(le, null), B && Pe.createElement( Y, { className: 'info__extdocs', target: '_blank', href: sanitizeUrl(B) }, $ || B ), Pe.createElement(pe, null) ); }, json_schema_dialect = ({ getComponent: s, specSelectors: o }) => { const i = o.selectJsonSchemaDialectField(), u = o.selectJsonSchemaDialectDefault(), _ = s('Link'); return Pe.createElement( Pe.Fragment, null, i && i === u && Pe.createElement( 'p', { className: 'info__jsonschemadialect' }, 'JSON Schema dialect:', ' ', Pe.createElement(_, { target: '_blank', href: sanitizeUrl(i) }, i) ), i && i !== u && Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'error-wrapper' }, Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'no-margin' }, Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'errors' }, Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'errors-wrapper' }, Pe.createElement('h4', { className: 'center' }, 'Warning'), Pe.createElement( 'p', { className: 'message' }, Pe.createElement('strong', null, 'OpenAPI.jsonSchemaDialect'), ' field contains a value different from the default value of', ' ', Pe.createElement(_, { target: '_blank', href: u }, u), '. Values different from the default one are currently not supported. Please either omit the field or provide it with the default value.' ) ) ) ) ) ); }, version_pragma_filter = ({ bypass: s, isSwagger2: o, isOAS3: i, isOAS31: u, alsoShow: _, children: w }) => s ? Pe.createElement('div', null, w) : o && (i || u) ? Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'version-pragma' }, _, Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'version-pragma__message version-pragma__message--ambiguous' }, Pe.createElement( 'div', null, Pe.createElement('h3', null, 'Unable to render this definition'), Pe.createElement( 'p', null, Pe.createElement('code', null, 'swagger'), ' and ', Pe.createElement('code', null, 'openapi'), ' fields cannot be present in the same Swagger or OpenAPI definition. Please remove one of the fields.' ), Pe.createElement( 'p', null, 'Supported version fields are ', Pe.createElement('code', null, 'swagger: "2.0"'), ' and those that match ', Pe.createElement('code', null, 'openapi: 3.x.y'), ' (for example,', ' ', Pe.createElement('code', null, 'openapi: 3.1.0'), ').' ) ) ) ) : o || i || u ? Pe.createElement('div', null, w) : Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'version-pragma' }, _, Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'version-pragma__message version-pragma__message--missing' }, Pe.createElement( 'div', null, Pe.createElement('h3', null, 'Unable to render this definition'), Pe.createElement( 'p', null, 'The provided definition does not specify a valid version field.' ), Pe.createElement( 'p', null, 'Please indicate a valid Swagger or OpenAPI version field. Supported version fields are ', Pe.createElement('code', null, 'swagger: "2.0"'), ' and those that match ', Pe.createElement('code', null, 'openapi: 3.x.y'), ' (for example,', ' ', Pe.createElement('code', null, 'openapi: 3.1.0'), ').' ) ) ) ), getModelName = (s) => 'string' == typeof s && s.includes('#/components/schemas/') ? ((s) => { const o = s.replace(/~1/g, '/').replace(/~0/g, '~'); try { return decodeURIComponent(o); } catch { return o; } })(s.replace(/^.*#\/components\/schemas\//, '')) : null, BA = (0, Pe.forwardRef)(({ schema: s, getComponent: o, onToggle: i = () => {} }, u) => { const _ = o('JSONSchema202012'), w = getModelName(s.get('$$ref')), x = (0, Pe.useCallback)( (s, o) => { i(w, o); }, [w, i] ); return Pe.createElement(_, { name: w, schema: s.toJS(), ref: u, onExpand: x }); }), FA = BA, models = ({ specActions: s, specSelectors: o, layoutSelectors: i, layoutActions: u, getComponent: _, getConfigs: w, fn: x }) => { const C = o.selectSchemas(), j = Object.keys(C).length > 0, L = ['components', 'schemas'], { docExpansion: B, defaultModelsExpandDepth: $ } = w(), V = $ > 0 && 'none' !== B, U = i.isShown(L, V), z = _('Collapse'), Y = _('JSONSchema202012'), Z = _('ArrowUpIcon'), ee = _('ArrowDownIcon'), { getTitle: ie } = x.jsonSchema202012.useFn(); (0, Pe.useEffect)(() => { const i = U && $ > 1, u = null != o.specResolvedSubtree(L); i && !u && s.requestResolvedSubtree(L); }, [U, $]); const ae = (0, Pe.useCallback)(() => { u.show(L, !U); }, [U]), le = (0, Pe.useCallback)((s) => { null !== s && u.readyToScroll(L, s); }, []), handleJSONSchema202012Ref = (s) => (o) => { null !== o && u.readyToScroll([...L, s], o); }, handleJSONSchema202012Expand = (i) => (u, _) => { if (_) { const u = [...L, i]; null != o.specResolvedSubtree(u) || s.requestResolvedSubtree([...L, i]); } }; return !j || $ < 0 ? null : Pe.createElement( 'section', { className: Hn()('models', { 'is-open': U }), ref: le }, Pe.createElement( 'h4', null, Pe.createElement( 'button', { 'aria-expanded': U, className: 'models-control', onClick: ae }, Pe.createElement('span', null, 'Schemas'), U ? Pe.createElement(Z, null) : Pe.createElement(ee, null) ) ), Pe.createElement( z, { isOpened: U }, Object.entries(C).map(([s, o]) => { const i = ie(o, { lookup: 'basic' }) || s; return Pe.createElement(Y, { key: s, ref: handleJSONSchema202012Ref(s), schema: o, name: i, onExpand: handleJSONSchema202012Expand(s) }); }) ) ); }, mutual_tls_auth = ({ schema: s, getComponent: o }) => { const i = o('JumpToPath', !0); return Pe.createElement( 'div', null, Pe.createElement( 'h4', null, s.get('name'), ' (mutualTLS)', ' ', Pe.createElement(i, { path: ['securityDefinitions', s.get('name')] }) ), Pe.createElement( 'p', null, 'Mutual TLS is required by this API/Operation. Certificates are managed via your Operating System and/or your browser.' ), Pe.createElement('p', null, s.get('description')) ); }; class auths_Auths extends Pe.Component { constructor(s, o) { super(s, o), (this.state = {}); } onAuthChange = (s) => { let { name: o } = s; this.setState({ [o]: s }); }; submitAuth = (s) => { s.preventDefault(); let { authActions: o } = this.props; o.authorizeWithPersistOption(this.state); }; logoutClick = (s) => { s.preventDefault(); let { authActions: o, definitions: i } = this.props, u = i.map((s, o) => o).toArray(); this.setState(u.reduce((s, o) => ((s[o] = ''), s), {})), o.logoutWithPersistOption(u); }; close = (s) => { s.preventDefault(); let { authActions: o } = this.props; o.showDefinitions(!1); }; render() { let { definitions: s, getComponent: o, authSelectors: i, errSelectors: u } = this.props; const _ = o('AuthItem'), w = o('oauth2', !0), x = o('Button'), C = i.authorized(), j = s.filter((s, o) => !!C.get(o)), L = s.filter((s) => 'oauth2' !== s.get('type') && 'mutualTLS' !== s.get('type')), B = s.filter((s) => 'oauth2' === s.get('type')), $ = s.filter((s) => 'mutualTLS' === s.get('type')); return Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'auth-container' }, L.size > 0 && Pe.createElement( 'form', { onSubmit: this.submitAuth }, L.map((s, i) => Pe.createElement(_, { key: i, schema: s, name: i, getComponent: o, onAuthChange: this.onAuthChange, authorized: C, errSelectors: u }) ).toArray(), Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'auth-btn-wrapper' }, L.size === j.size ? Pe.createElement( x, { className: 'btn modal-btn auth', onClick: this.logoutClick, 'aria-label': 'Remove authorization' }, 'Logout' ) : Pe.createElement( x, { type: 'submit', className: 'btn modal-btn auth authorize', 'aria-label': 'Apply credentials' }, 'Authorize' ), Pe.createElement( x, { className: 'btn modal-btn auth btn-done', onClick: this.close }, 'Close' ) ) ), B.size > 0 ? Pe.createElement( 'div', null, Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'scope-def' }, Pe.createElement( 'p', null, 'Scopes are used to grant an application different levels of access to data on behalf of the end user. Each API may declare one or more scopes.' ), Pe.createElement( 'p', null, 'API requires the following scopes. Select which ones you want to grant to Swagger UI.' ) ), s .filter((s) => 'oauth2' === s.get('type')) .map((s, o) => Pe.createElement( 'div', { key: o }, Pe.createElement(w, { authorized: C, schema: s, name: o }) ) ) .toArray() ) : null, $.size > 0 && Pe.createElement( 'div', null, $.map((s, i) => Pe.createElement(_, { key: i, schema: s, name: i, getComponent: o, onAuthChange: this.onAuthChange, authorized: C, errSelectors: u }) ).toArray() ) ); } } const qA = auths_Auths, isOAS31 = (s) => { const o = s.get('openapi'); return 'string' == typeof o && /^3\.1\.(?:[1-9]\d*|0)$/.test(o); }, fn_createOnlyOAS31Selector = (s) => (o, ...i) => (u) => { if (u.getSystem().specSelectors.isOAS31()) { const _ = s(o, ...i); return 'function' == typeof _ ? _(u) : _; } return null; }, createOnlyOAS31SelectorWrapper = (s) => (o, i) => (u, ..._) => { if (i.getSystem().specSelectors.isOAS31()) { const w = s(u, ..._); return 'function' == typeof w ? w(o, i) : w; } return o(..._); }, fn_createSystemSelector = (s) => (o, ...i) => (u) => { const _ = s(o, u, ...i); return 'function' == typeof _ ? _(u) : _; }, createOnlyOAS31ComponentWrapper = (s) => (o, i) => (u) => i.specSelectors.isOAS31() ? Pe.createElement(s, Rn()({}, u, { originalComponent: o, getSystem: i.getSystem })) : Pe.createElement(o, u), $A = createOnlyOAS31ComponentWrapper(({ getSystem: s }) => { const o = s().getComponent('OAS31License', !0); return Pe.createElement(o, null); }), VA = createOnlyOAS31ComponentWrapper(({ getSystem: s }) => { const o = s().getComponent('OAS31Contact', !0); return Pe.createElement(o, null); }), UA = createOnlyOAS31ComponentWrapper(({ getSystem: s }) => { const o = s().getComponent('OAS31Info', !0); return Pe.createElement(o, null); }), zA = createOnlyOAS31ComponentWrapper(({ getSystem: s, ...o }) => { const i = s(), { getComponent: u, fn: _, getConfigs: w } = i, x = w(), C = u('OAS31Model'), j = u('JSONSchema202012'), L = u('JSONSchema202012Keyword$schema'), B = u('JSONSchema202012Keyword$vocabulary'), $ = u('JSONSchema202012Keyword$id'), V = u('JSONSchema202012Keyword$anchor'), U = u('JSONSchema202012Keyword$dynamicAnchor'), z = u('JSONSchema202012Keyword$ref'), Y = u('JSONSchema202012Keyword$dynamicRef'), Z = u('JSONSchema202012Keyword$defs'), ee = u('JSONSchema202012Keyword$comment'), ie = u('JSONSchema202012KeywordAllOf'), ae = u('JSONSchema202012KeywordAnyOf'), le = u('JSONSchema202012KeywordOneOf'), ce = u('JSONSchema202012KeywordNot'), pe = u('JSONSchema202012KeywordIf'), de = u('JSONSchema202012KeywordThen'), fe = u('JSONSchema202012KeywordElse'), ye = u('JSONSchema202012KeywordDependentSchemas'), be = u('JSONSchema202012KeywordPrefixItems'), _e = u('JSONSchema202012KeywordItems'), we = u('JSONSchema202012KeywordContains'), Se = u('JSONSchema202012KeywordProperties'), xe = u('JSONSchema202012KeywordPatternProperties'), Te = u('JSONSchema202012KeywordAdditionalProperties'), Re = u('JSONSchema202012KeywordPropertyNames'), qe = u('JSONSchema202012KeywordUnevaluatedItems'), $e = u('JSONSchema202012KeywordUnevaluatedProperties'), ze = u('JSONSchema202012KeywordType'), We = u('JSONSchema202012KeywordEnum'), He = u('JSONSchema202012KeywordConst'), Ye = u('JSONSchema202012KeywordConstraint'), Xe = u('JSONSchema202012KeywordDependentRequired'), Qe = u('JSONSchema202012KeywordContentSchema'), et = u('JSONSchema202012KeywordTitle'), tt = u('JSONSchema202012KeywordDescription'), rt = u('JSONSchema202012KeywordDefault'), nt = u('JSONSchema202012KeywordDeprecated'), st = u('JSONSchema202012KeywordReadOnly'), ot = u('JSONSchema202012KeywordWriteOnly'), it = u('JSONSchema202012Accordion'), at = u('JSONSchema202012ExpandDeepButton'), lt = u('JSONSchema202012ChevronRightIcon'), ct = u('withJSONSchema202012Context')(C, { config: { default$schema: 'https://spec.openapis.org/oas/3.1/dialect/base', defaultExpandedLevels: x.defaultModelExpandDepth, includeReadOnly: Boolean(o.includeReadOnly), includeWriteOnly: Boolean(o.includeWriteOnly) }, components: { JSONSchema: j, Keyword$schema: L, Keyword$vocabulary: B, Keyword$id: $, Keyword$anchor: V, Keyword$dynamicAnchor: U, Keyword$ref: z, Keyword$dynamicRef: Y, Keyword$defs: Z, Keyword$comment: ee, KeywordAllOf: ie, KeywordAnyOf: ae, KeywordOneOf: le, KeywordNot: ce, KeywordIf: pe, KeywordThen: de, KeywordElse: fe, KeywordDependentSchemas: ye, KeywordPrefixItems: be, KeywordItems: _e, KeywordContains: we, KeywordProperties: Se, KeywordPatternProperties: xe, KeywordAdditionalProperties: Te, KeywordPropertyNames: Re, KeywordUnevaluatedItems: qe, KeywordUnevaluatedProperties: $e, KeywordType: ze, KeywordEnum: We, KeywordConst: He, KeywordConstraint: Ye, KeywordDependentRequired: Xe, KeywordContentSchema: Qe, KeywordTitle: et, KeywordDescription: tt, KeywordDefault: rt, KeywordDeprecated: nt, KeywordReadOnly: st, KeywordWriteOnly: ot, Accordion: it, ExpandDeepButton: at, ChevronRightIcon: lt }, fn: { upperFirst: _.upperFirst, isExpandable: _.jsonSchema202012.isExpandable, getProperties: _.jsonSchema202012.getProperties } }); return Pe.createElement(ct, o); }), WA = zA, KA = createOnlyOAS31ComponentWrapper(({ getSystem: s }) => { const { getComponent: o, fn: i, getConfigs: u } = s(), _ = u(); if (KA.ModelsWithJSONSchemaContext) return Pe.createElement(KA.ModelsWithJSONSchemaContext, null); const w = o('OAS31Models', !0), x = o('JSONSchema202012'), C = o('JSONSchema202012Keyword$schema'), j = o('JSONSchema202012Keyword$vocabulary'), L = o('JSONSchema202012Keyword$id'), B = o('JSONSchema202012Keyword$anchor'), $ = o('JSONSchema202012Keyword$dynamicAnchor'), V = o('JSONSchema202012Keyword$ref'), U = o('JSONSchema202012Keyword$dynamicRef'), z = o('JSONSchema202012Keyword$defs'), Y = o('JSONSchema202012Keyword$comment'), Z = o('JSONSchema202012KeywordAllOf'), ee = o('JSONSchema202012KeywordAnyOf'), ie = o('JSONSchema202012KeywordOneOf'), ae = o('JSONSchema202012KeywordNot'), le = o('JSONSchema202012KeywordIf'), ce = o('JSONSchema202012KeywordThen'), pe = o('JSONSchema202012KeywordElse'), de = o('JSONSchema202012KeywordDependentSchemas'), fe = o('JSONSchema202012KeywordPrefixItems'), ye = o('JSONSchema202012KeywordItems'), be = o('JSONSchema202012KeywordContains'), _e = o('JSONSchema202012KeywordProperties'), we = o('JSONSchema202012KeywordPatternProperties'), Se = o('JSONSchema202012KeywordAdditionalProperties'), xe = o('JSONSchema202012KeywordPropertyNames'), Te = o('JSONSchema202012KeywordUnevaluatedItems'), Re = o('JSONSchema202012KeywordUnevaluatedProperties'), qe = o('JSONSchema202012KeywordType'), $e = o('JSONSchema202012KeywordEnum'), ze = o('JSONSchema202012KeywordConst'), We = o('JSONSchema202012KeywordConstraint'), He = o('JSONSchema202012KeywordDependentRequired'), Ye = o('JSONSchema202012KeywordContentSchema'), Xe = o('JSONSchema202012KeywordTitle'), Qe = o('JSONSchema202012KeywordDescription'), et = o('JSONSchema202012KeywordDefault'), tt = o('JSONSchema202012KeywordDeprecated'), rt = o('JSONSchema202012KeywordReadOnly'), nt = o('JSONSchema202012KeywordWriteOnly'), st = o('JSONSchema202012Accordion'), ot = o('JSONSchema202012ExpandDeepButton'), it = o('JSONSchema202012ChevronRightIcon'), at = o('withJSONSchema202012Context'); return ( (KA.ModelsWithJSONSchemaContext = at(w, { config: { default$schema: 'https://spec.openapis.org/oas/3.1/dialect/base', defaultExpandedLevels: _.defaultModelsExpandDepth - 1, includeReadOnly: !0, includeWriteOnly: !0 }, components: { JSONSchema: x, Keyword$schema: C, Keyword$vocabulary: j, Keyword$id: L, Keyword$anchor: B, Keyword$dynamicAnchor: $, Keyword$ref: V, Keyword$dynamicRef: U, Keyword$defs: z, Keyword$comment: Y, KeywordAllOf: Z, KeywordAnyOf: ee, KeywordOneOf: ie, KeywordNot: ae, KeywordIf: le, KeywordThen: ce, KeywordElse: pe, KeywordDependentSchemas: de, KeywordPrefixItems: fe, KeywordItems: ye, KeywordContains: be, KeywordProperties: _e, KeywordPatternProperties: we, KeywordAdditionalProperties: Se, KeywordPropertyNames: xe, KeywordUnevaluatedItems: Te, KeywordUnevaluatedProperties: Re, KeywordType: qe, KeywordEnum: $e, KeywordConst: ze, KeywordConstraint: We, KeywordDependentRequired: He, KeywordContentSchema: Ye, KeywordTitle: Xe, KeywordDescription: Qe, KeywordDefault: et, KeywordDeprecated: tt, KeywordReadOnly: rt, KeywordWriteOnly: nt, Accordion: st, ExpandDeepButton: ot, ChevronRightIcon: it }, fn: { upperFirst: i.upperFirst, isExpandable: i.jsonSchema202012.isExpandable, getProperties: i.jsonSchema202012.getProperties } })), Pe.createElement(KA.ModelsWithJSONSchemaContext, null) ); }); KA.ModelsWithJSONSchemaContext = null; const HA = KA, wrap_components_version_pragma_filter = (s, o) => (s) => { const i = o.specSelectors.isOAS31(), u = o.getComponent('OAS31VersionPragmaFilter'); return Pe.createElement(u, Rn()({ isOAS31: i }, s)); }, JA = createOnlyOAS31ComponentWrapper(({ originalComponent: s, ...o }) => { const { getComponent: i, schema: u } = o, _ = i('MutualTLSAuth', !0); return 'mutualTLS' === u.get('type') ? Pe.createElement(_, { schema: u }) : Pe.createElement(s, o); }), GA = JA, YA = createOnlyOAS31ComponentWrapper(({ getSystem: s, ...o }) => { const i = s().getComponent('OAS31Auths', !0); return Pe.createElement(i, o); }), XA = (0, qe.Map)(), ZA = Ut((s, o) => o.specSelectors.specJson(), isOAS31), selectors_webhooks = () => (s) => { const o = s.specSelectors.specJson().get('webhooks'); return qe.Map.isMap(o) ? o : XA; }, QA = Ut( [ (s, o) => o.specSelectors.webhooks(), (s, o) => o.specSelectors.validOperationMethods(), (s, o) => o.specSelectors.specResolvedSubtree(['webhooks']) ], (s, o) => s .reduce( (s, i, u) => { if (!qe.Map.isMap(i)) return s; const _ = i .entrySeq() .filter(([s]) => o.includes(s)) .map(([s, o]) => ({ operation: (0, qe.Map)({ operation: o }), method: s, path: u, specPath: ['webhooks', u, s] })); return s.concat(_); }, (0, qe.List)() ) .groupBy((s) => s.path) .map((s) => s.toArray()) .toObject() ), selectors_license = () => (s) => { const o = s.specSelectors.info().get('license'); return qe.Map.isMap(o) ? o : XA; }, selectLicenseNameField = () => (s) => s.specSelectors.license().get('name', 'License'), selectLicenseUrlField = () => (s) => s.specSelectors.license().get('url'), ej = Ut( [ (s, o) => o.specSelectors.url(), (s, o) => o.oas3Selectors.selectedServer(), (s, o) => o.specSelectors.selectLicenseUrlField() ], (s, o, i) => { if (i) return safeBuildUrl(i, s, { selectedServer: o }); } ), selectLicenseIdentifierField = () => (s) => s.specSelectors.license().get('identifier'), selectors_contact = () => (s) => { const o = s.specSelectors.info().get('contact'); return qe.Map.isMap(o) ? o : XA; }, selectContactNameField = () => (s) => s.specSelectors.contact().get('name', 'the developer'), selectContactEmailField = () => (s) => s.specSelectors.contact().get('email'), selectContactUrlField = () => (s) => s.specSelectors.contact().get('url'), fj = Ut( [ (s, o) => o.specSelectors.url(), (s, o) => o.oas3Selectors.selectedServer(), (s, o) => o.specSelectors.selectContactUrlField() ], (s, o, i) => { if (i) return safeBuildUrl(i, s, { selectedServer: o }); } ), selectInfoTitleField = () => (s) => s.specSelectors.info().get('title'), selectInfoSummaryField = () => (s) => s.specSelectors.info().get('summary'), selectInfoDescriptionField = () => (s) => s.specSelectors.info().get('description'), selectInfoTermsOfServiceField = () => (s) => s.specSelectors.info().get('termsOfService'), mj = Ut( [ (s, o) => o.specSelectors.url(), (s, o) => o.oas3Selectors.selectedServer(), (s, o) => o.specSelectors.selectInfoTermsOfServiceField() ], (s, o, i) => { if (i) return safeBuildUrl(i, s, { selectedServer: o }); } ), selectExternalDocsDescriptionField = () => (s) => s.specSelectors.externalDocs().get('description'), selectExternalDocsUrlField = () => (s) => s.specSelectors.externalDocs().get('url'), _j = Ut( [ (s, o) => o.specSelectors.url(), (s, o) => o.oas3Selectors.selectedServer(), (s, o) => o.specSelectors.selectExternalDocsUrlField() ], (s, o, i) => { if (i) return safeBuildUrl(i, s, { selectedServer: o }); } ), selectJsonSchemaDialectField = () => (s) => s.specSelectors.specJson().get('jsonSchemaDialect'), selectJsonSchemaDialectDefault = () => 'https://spec.openapis.org/oas/3.1/dialect/base', Cj = Ut( (s, o) => o.specSelectors.definitions(), (s, o) => o.specSelectors.specResolvedSubtree(['components', 'schemas']), (s, o) => qe.Map.isMap(s) ? qe.Map.isMap(o) ? Object.entries(s.toJS()).reduce((s, [i, u]) => { const _ = o.get(i); return (s[i] = _?.toJS() || u), s; }, {}) : s.toJS() : {} ), wrap_selectors_isOAS3 = (s, o) => (i, ...u) => o.specSelectors.isOAS31() || s(...u), Aj = createOnlyOAS31SelectorWrapper(() => (s, o) => o.oas31Selectors.selectLicenseUrl()), Nj = createOnlyOAS31SelectorWrapper(() => (s, o) => { const i = o.specSelectors.securityDefinitions(); let u = s(); return i ? (i.entrySeq().forEach(([s, o]) => { 'mutualTLS' === o.get('type') && (u = u.push(new qe.Map({ [s]: o }))); }), u) : u; }), Bj = Ut( [ (s, o) => o.specSelectors.url(), (s, o) => o.oas3Selectors.selectedServer(), (s, o) => o.specSelectors.selectLicenseUrlField(), (s, o) => o.specSelectors.selectLicenseIdentifierField() ], (s, o, i, u) => i ? safeBuildUrl(i, s, { selectedServer: o }) : u ? `https://spdx.org/licenses/${u}.html` : void 0 ), keywords_Example = ({ schema: s, getSystem: o }) => { const { fn: i } = o(), { hasKeyword: u, stringify: _ } = i.jsonSchema202012.useFn(); return u(s, 'example') ? Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword json-schema-2020-12-keyword--example' }, Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name--secondary' }, 'Example' ), Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__value json-schema-2020-12-keyword__value--const' }, _(s.example) ) ) : null; }, keywords_Xml = ({ schema: s, getSystem: o }) => { const i = s?.xml || {}, { fn: u, getComponent: _ } = o(), { useIsExpandedDeeply: w, useComponent: x } = u.jsonSchema202012, C = w(), j = !!(i.name || i.namespace || i.prefix), [L, B] = (0, Pe.useState)(C), [$, V] = (0, Pe.useState)(!1), U = x('Accordion'), z = x('ExpandDeepButton'), Y = _('JSONSchema202012DeepExpansionContext')(), Z = (0, Pe.useCallback)(() => { B((s) => !s); }, []), ee = (0, Pe.useCallback)((s, o) => { B(o), V(o); }, []); return 0 === Object.keys(i).length ? null : Pe.createElement( Y.Provider, { value: $ }, Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword json-schema-2020-12-keyword--xml' }, j ? Pe.createElement( Pe.Fragment, null, Pe.createElement( U, { expanded: L, onChange: Z }, Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name--secondary' }, 'XML' ) ), Pe.createElement(z, { expanded: L, onClick: ee }) ) : Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name--secondary' }, 'XML' ), !0 === i.attribute && Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12__attribute json-schema-2020-12__attribute--muted' }, 'attribute' ), !0 === i.wrapped && Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12__attribute json-schema-2020-12__attribute--muted' }, 'wrapped' ), Pe.createElement( 'strong', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12__attribute json-schema-2020-12__attribute--primary' }, 'object' ), Pe.createElement( 'ul', { className: Hn()('json-schema-2020-12-keyword__children', { 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__children--collapsed': !L }) }, L && Pe.createElement( Pe.Fragment, null, i.name && Pe.createElement( 'li', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-property' }, Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword json-schema-2020-12-keyword' }, Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name--secondary' }, 'name' ), Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__value json-schema-2020-12-keyword__value--secondary' }, i.name ) ) ), i.namespace && Pe.createElement( 'li', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-property' }, Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword' }, Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name--secondary' }, 'namespace' ), Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__value json-schema-2020-12-keyword__value--secondary' }, i.namespace ) ) ), i.prefix && Pe.createElement( 'li', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-property' }, Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword' }, Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name--secondary' }, 'prefix' ), Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__value json-schema-2020-12-keyword__value--secondary' }, i.prefix ) ) ) ) ) ) ); }, Discriminator_DiscriminatorMapping = ({ discriminator: s }) => { const o = s?.mapping || {}; return 0 === Object.keys(o).length ? null : Object.entries(o).map(([s, o]) => Pe.createElement( 'div', { key: `${s}-${o}`, className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword' }, Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name--secondary' }, s ), Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__value json-schema-2020-12-keyword__value--secondary' }, o ) ) ); }, keywords_Discriminator_Discriminator = ({ schema: s, getSystem: o }) => { const i = s?.discriminator || {}, { fn: u, getComponent: _ } = o(), { useIsExpandedDeeply: w, useComponent: x } = u.jsonSchema202012, C = w(), j = !!i.mapping, [L, B] = (0, Pe.useState)(C), [$, V] = (0, Pe.useState)(!1), U = x('Accordion'), z = x('ExpandDeepButton'), Y = _('JSONSchema202012DeepExpansionContext')(), Z = (0, Pe.useCallback)(() => { B((s) => !s); }, []), ee = (0, Pe.useCallback)((s, o) => { B(o), V(o); }, []); return 0 === Object.keys(i).length ? null : Pe.createElement( Y.Provider, { value: $ }, Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword json-schema-2020-12-keyword--discriminator' }, j ? Pe.createElement( Pe.Fragment, null, Pe.createElement( U, { expanded: L, onChange: Z }, Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name--secondary' }, 'Discriminator' ) ), Pe.createElement(z, { expanded: L, onClick: ee }) ) : Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name--secondary' }, 'Discriminator' ), i.propertyName && Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12__attribute json-schema-2020-12__attribute--muted' }, i.propertyName ), Pe.createElement( 'strong', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12__attribute json-schema-2020-12__attribute--primary' }, 'object' ), Pe.createElement( 'ul', { className: Hn()('json-schema-2020-12-keyword__children', { 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__children--collapsed': !L }) }, L && Pe.createElement( 'li', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-property' }, Pe.createElement(Discriminator_DiscriminatorMapping, { discriminator: i }) ) ) ) ); }, keywords_ExternalDocs = ({ schema: s, getSystem: o }) => { const i = s?.externalDocs || {}, { fn: u, getComponent: _ } = o(), { useIsExpandedDeeply: w, useComponent: x } = u.jsonSchema202012, C = w(), j = !(!i.description && !i.url), [L, B] = (0, Pe.useState)(C), [$, V] = (0, Pe.useState)(!1), U = x('Accordion'), z = x('ExpandDeepButton'), Y = _('JSONSchema202012KeywordDescription'), Z = _('Link'), ee = _('JSONSchema202012DeepExpansionContext')(), ie = (0, Pe.useCallback)(() => { B((s) => !s); }, []), ae = (0, Pe.useCallback)((s, o) => { B(o), V(o); }, []); return 0 === Object.keys(i).length ? null : Pe.createElement( ee.Provider, { value: $ }, Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword json-schema-2020-12-keyword--externalDocs' }, j ? Pe.createElement( Pe.Fragment, null, Pe.createElement( U, { expanded: L, onChange: ie }, Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name--secondary' }, 'External documentation' ) ), Pe.createElement(z, { expanded: L, onClick: ae }) ) : Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name--secondary' }, 'External documentation' ), Pe.createElement( 'strong', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12__attribute json-schema-2020-12__attribute--primary' }, 'object' ), Pe.createElement( 'ul', { className: Hn()('json-schema-2020-12-keyword__children', { 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__children--collapsed': !L }) }, L && Pe.createElement( Pe.Fragment, null, i.description && Pe.createElement( 'li', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-property' }, Pe.createElement(Y, { schema: i, getSystem: o }) ), i.url && Pe.createElement( 'li', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-property' }, Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword json-schema-2020-12-keyword' }, Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name--secondary' }, 'url' ), Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__value json-schema-2020-12-keyword__value--secondary' }, Pe.createElement( Z, { target: '_blank', href: sanitizeUrl(i.url) }, i.url ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ); }, keywords_Description = ({ schema: s, getSystem: o }) => { if (!s?.description) return null; const { getComponent: i } = o(), u = i('Markdown'); return Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword json-schema-2020-12-keyword--description' }, Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-core-keyword__value json-schema-2020-12-core-keyword__value--secondary' }, Pe.createElement(u, { source: s.description }) ) ); }, $j = createOnlyOAS31ComponentWrapper(keywords_Description), zj = createOnlyOAS31ComponentWrapper( ({ schema: s, getSystem: o, originalComponent: i }) => { const { getComponent: u } = o(), _ = u('JSONSchema202012KeywordDiscriminator'), w = u('JSONSchema202012KeywordXml'), x = u('JSONSchema202012KeywordExample'), C = u('JSONSchema202012KeywordExternalDocs'); return Pe.createElement( Pe.Fragment, null, Pe.createElement(i, { schema: s }), Pe.createElement(_, { schema: s, getSystem: o }), Pe.createElement(w, { schema: s, getSystem: o }), Pe.createElement(C, { schema: s, getSystem: o }), Pe.createElement(x, { schema: s, getSystem: o }) ); } ), Kj = zj, keywords_Properties = ({ schema: s, getSystem: o }) => { const { fn: i } = o(), { useComponent: u } = i.jsonSchema202012, { getDependentRequired: _, getProperties: w } = i.jsonSchema202012.useFn(), x = i.jsonSchema202012.useConfig(), C = Array.isArray(s?.required) ? s.required : [], j = u('JSONSchema'), L = w(s, x); return 0 === Object.keys(L).length ? null : Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword json-schema-2020-12-keyword--properties' }, Pe.createElement( 'ul', null, Object.entries(L).map(([o, i]) => { const u = C.includes(o), w = _(o, s); return Pe.createElement( 'li', { key: o, className: Hn()('json-schema-2020-12-property', { 'json-schema-2020-12-property--required': u }) }, Pe.createElement(j, { name: o, schema: i, dependentRequired: w }) ); }) ) ); }, Jj = createOnlyOAS31ComponentWrapper(keywords_Properties), getProperties = (s, { includeReadOnly: o, includeWriteOnly: i }) => { if (!s?.properties) return {}; const u = Object.entries(s.properties).filter( ([, s]) => (!(!0 === s?.readOnly) || o) && (!(!0 === s?.writeOnly) || i) ); return Object.fromEntries(u); }; const Gj = function oas31_after_load_afterLoad({ fn: s, getSystem: o }) { if (s.jsonSchema202012) { const i = ((s, o) => { const { fn: i } = o(); if ('function' != typeof s) return null; const { hasKeyword: u } = i.jsonSchema202012; return (o) => s(o) || u(o, 'example') || o?.xml || o?.discriminator || o?.externalDocs; })(s.jsonSchema202012.isExpandable, o); Object.assign(this.fn.jsonSchema202012, { isExpandable: i, getProperties }); } if ('function' == typeof s.sampleFromSchema && s.jsonSchema202012) { const i = ((s, o) => { const { fn: i, specSelectors: u } = o; return Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(s).map(([s, o]) => { const _ = i[s]; return [ s, (...s) => (u.isOAS31() ? o(...s) : 'function' == typeof _ ? _(...s) : void 0) ]; }) ); })( { sampleFromSchema: s.jsonSchema202012.sampleFromSchema, sampleFromSchemaGeneric: s.jsonSchema202012.sampleFromSchemaGeneric, createXMLExample: s.jsonSchema202012.createXMLExample, memoizedSampleFromSchema: s.jsonSchema202012.memoizedSampleFromSchema, memoizedCreateXMLExample: s.jsonSchema202012.memoizedCreateXMLExample, getJsonSampleSchema: s.jsonSchema202012.getJsonSampleSchema, getYamlSampleSchema: s.jsonSchema202012.getYamlSampleSchema, getXmlSampleSchema: s.jsonSchema202012.getXmlSampleSchema, getSampleSchema: s.jsonSchema202012.getSampleSchema, mergeJsonSchema: s.jsonSchema202012.mergeJsonSchema }, o() ); Object.assign(this.fn, i); } }, oas31 = ({ fn: s }) => { const o = s.createSystemSelector || fn_createSystemSelector, i = s.createOnlyOAS31Selector || fn_createOnlyOAS31Selector; return { afterLoad: Gj, fn: { isOAS31, createSystemSelector: fn_createSystemSelector, createOnlyOAS31Selector: fn_createOnlyOAS31Selector }, components: { Webhooks: webhooks, JsonSchemaDialect: json_schema_dialect, MutualTLSAuth: mutual_tls_auth, OAS31Info: oas31_components_info, OAS31License: oas31_components_license, OAS31Contact: oas31_components_contact, OAS31VersionPragmaFilter: version_pragma_filter, OAS31Model: FA, OAS31Models: models, OAS31Auths: qA, JSONSchema202012KeywordExample: keywords_Example, JSONSchema202012KeywordXml: keywords_Xml, JSONSchema202012KeywordDiscriminator: keywords_Discriminator_Discriminator, JSONSchema202012KeywordExternalDocs: keywords_ExternalDocs }, wrapComponents: { InfoContainer: UA, License: $A, Contact: VA, VersionPragmaFilter: wrap_components_version_pragma_filter, Model: WA, Models: HA, AuthItem: GA, auths: YA, JSONSchema202012KeywordDescription: $j, JSONSchema202012KeywordDefault: Kj, JSONSchema202012KeywordProperties: Jj }, statePlugins: { auth: { wrapSelectors: { definitionsToAuthorize: Nj } }, spec: { selectors: { isOAS31: o(ZA), license: selectors_license, selectLicenseNameField, selectLicenseUrlField, selectLicenseIdentifierField: i(selectLicenseIdentifierField), selectLicenseUrl: o(ej), contact: selectors_contact, selectContactNameField, selectContactEmailField, selectContactUrlField, selectContactUrl: o(fj), selectInfoTitleField, selectInfoSummaryField: i(selectInfoSummaryField), selectInfoDescriptionField, selectInfoTermsOfServiceField, selectInfoTermsOfServiceUrl: o(mj), selectExternalDocsDescriptionField, selectExternalDocsUrlField, selectExternalDocsUrl: o(_j), webhooks: i(selectors_webhooks), selectWebhooksOperations: i(o(QA)), selectJsonSchemaDialectField, selectJsonSchemaDialectDefault, selectSchemas: o(Cj) }, wrapSelectors: { isOAS3: wrap_selectors_isOAS3, selectLicenseUrl: Aj } }, oas31: { selectors: { selectLicenseUrl: i(o(Bj)) } } } }; }, Xj = ts().object, eI = ts().bool, tI = (ts().oneOfType([Xj, eI]), (0, Pe.createContext)(null)); tI.displayName = 'JSONSchemaContext'; const rI = (0, Pe.createContext)(0); rI.displayName = 'JSONSchemaLevelContext'; const nI = (0, Pe.createContext)(!1); nI.displayName = 'JSONSchemaDeepExpansionContext'; const sI = (0, Pe.createContext)(new Set()), useConfig = () => { const { config: s } = (0, Pe.useContext)(tI); return s; }, useComponent = (s) => { const { components: o } = (0, Pe.useContext)(tI); return o[s] || null; }, useFn = (s = void 0) => { const { fn: o } = (0, Pe.useContext)(tI); return void 0 !== s ? o[s] : o; }, useLevel = () => { const s = (0, Pe.useContext)(rI); return [s, s + 1]; }, useIsExpanded = () => { const [s] = useLevel(), { defaultExpandedLevels: o } = useConfig(); return o - s > 0; }, useIsExpandedDeeply = () => (0, Pe.useContext)(nI), useRenderedSchemas = (s = void 0) => { if (void 0 === s) return (0, Pe.useContext)(sI); const o = (0, Pe.useContext)(sI); return new Set([...o, s]); }, oI = (0, Pe.forwardRef)( ({ schema: s, name: o = '', dependentRequired: i = [], onExpand: u = () => {} }, _) => { const w = useFn(), x = useIsExpanded(), C = useIsExpandedDeeply(), [j, L] = (0, Pe.useState)(x || C), [B, $] = (0, Pe.useState)(C), [V, U] = useLevel(), z = (() => { const [s] = useLevel(); return s > 0; })(), Y = w.isExpandable(s) || i.length > 0, Z = ((s) => useRenderedSchemas().has(s))(s), ee = useRenderedSchemas(s), ie = w.stringifyConstraints(s), ae = useComponent('Accordion'), le = useComponent('Keyword$schema'), ce = useComponent('Keyword$vocabulary'), pe = useComponent('Keyword$id'), de = useComponent('Keyword$anchor'), fe = useComponent('Keyword$dynamicAnchor'), ye = useComponent('Keyword$ref'), be = useComponent('Keyword$dynamicRef'), _e = useComponent('Keyword$defs'), we = useComponent('Keyword$comment'), Se = useComponent('KeywordAllOf'), xe = useComponent('KeywordAnyOf'), Te = useComponent('KeywordOneOf'), Re = useComponent('KeywordNot'), qe = useComponent('KeywordIf'), $e = useComponent('KeywordThen'), ze = useComponent('KeywordElse'), We = useComponent('KeywordDependentSchemas'), He = useComponent('KeywordPrefixItems'), Ye = useComponent('KeywordItems'), Xe = useComponent('KeywordContains'), Qe = useComponent('KeywordProperties'), et = useComponent('KeywordPatternProperties'), tt = useComponent('KeywordAdditionalProperties'), rt = useComponent('KeywordPropertyNames'), nt = useComponent('KeywordUnevaluatedItems'), st = useComponent('KeywordUnevaluatedProperties'), ot = useComponent('KeywordType'), it = useComponent('KeywordEnum'), at = useComponent('KeywordConst'), lt = useComponent('KeywordConstraint'), ct = useComponent('KeywordDependentRequired'), ut = useComponent('KeywordContentSchema'), pt = useComponent('KeywordTitle'), ht = useComponent('KeywordDescription'), dt = useComponent('KeywordDefault'), mt = useComponent('KeywordDeprecated'), gt = useComponent('KeywordReadOnly'), yt = useComponent('KeywordWriteOnly'), vt = useComponent('ExpandDeepButton'); (0, Pe.useEffect)(() => { $(C); }, [C]), (0, Pe.useEffect)(() => { $(B); }, [B]); const bt = (0, Pe.useCallback)( (s, o) => { L(o), !o && $(!1), u(s, o, !1); }, [u] ), _t = (0, Pe.useCallback)( (s, o) => { L(o), $(o), u(s, o, !0); }, [u] ); return Pe.createElement( rI.Provider, { value: U }, Pe.createElement( nI.Provider, { value: B }, Pe.createElement( sI.Provider, { value: ee }, Pe.createElement( 'article', { ref: _, 'data-json-schema-level': V, className: Hn()('json-schema-2020-12', { 'json-schema-2020-12--embedded': z, 'json-schema-2020-12--circular': Z }) }, Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-head' }, Y && !Z ? Pe.createElement( Pe.Fragment, null, Pe.createElement( ae, { expanded: j, onChange: bt }, Pe.createElement(pt, { title: o, schema: s }) ), Pe.createElement(vt, { expanded: j, onClick: _t }) ) : Pe.createElement(pt, { title: o, schema: s }), Pe.createElement(mt, { schema: s }), Pe.createElement(gt, { schema: s }), Pe.createElement(yt, { schema: s }), Pe.createElement(ot, { schema: s, isCircular: Z }), ie.length > 0 && ie.map((s) => Pe.createElement(lt, { key: `${s.scope}-${s.value}`, constraint: s }) ) ), Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: Hn()('json-schema-2020-12-body', { 'json-schema-2020-12-body--collapsed': !j }) }, j && Pe.createElement( Pe.Fragment, null, Pe.createElement(ht, { schema: s }), !Z && Y && Pe.createElement( Pe.Fragment, null, Pe.createElement(Qe, { schema: s }), Pe.createElement(et, { schema: s }), Pe.createElement(tt, { schema: s }), Pe.createElement(st, { schema: s }), Pe.createElement(rt, { schema: s }), Pe.createElement(Se, { schema: s }), Pe.createElement(xe, { schema: s }), Pe.createElement(Te, { schema: s }), Pe.createElement(Re, { schema: s }), Pe.createElement(qe, { schema: s }), Pe.createElement($e, { schema: s }), Pe.createElement(ze, { schema: s }), Pe.createElement(We, { schema: s }), Pe.createElement(He, { schema: s }), Pe.createElement(Ye, { schema: s }), Pe.createElement(nt, { schema: s }), Pe.createElement(Xe, { schema: s }), Pe.createElement(ut, { schema: s }) ), Pe.createElement(it, { schema: s }), Pe.createElement(at, { schema: s }), Pe.createElement(ct, { schema: s, dependentRequired: i }), Pe.createElement(dt, { schema: s }), Pe.createElement(le, { schema: s }), Pe.createElement(ce, { schema: s }), Pe.createElement(pe, { schema: s }), Pe.createElement(de, { schema: s }), Pe.createElement(fe, { schema: s }), Pe.createElement(ye, { schema: s }), !Z && Y && Pe.createElement(_e, { schema: s }), Pe.createElement(be, { schema: s }), Pe.createElement(we, { schema: s }) ) ) ) ) ) ); } ), iI = oI, keywords_$schema = ({ schema: s }) => s?.$schema ? Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword json-schema-2020-12-keyword--$schema' }, Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name--secondary' }, '$schema' ), Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__value json-schema-2020-12-keyword__value--secondary' }, s.$schema ) ) : null, $vocabulary_$vocabulary = ({ schema: s }) => { const o = useIsExpanded(), i = useIsExpandedDeeply(), [u, _] = (0, Pe.useState)(o || i), w = useComponent('Accordion'), x = (0, Pe.useCallback)(() => { _((s) => !s); }, []); return s?.$vocabulary ? 'object' != typeof s.$vocabulary ? null : Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword json-schema-2020-12-keyword--$vocabulary' }, Pe.createElement( w, { expanded: u, onChange: x }, Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name--secondary' }, '$vocabulary' ) ), Pe.createElement( 'strong', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12__attribute json-schema-2020-12__attribute--primary' }, 'object' ), Pe.createElement( 'ul', null, u && Object.entries(s.$vocabulary).map(([s, o]) => Pe.createElement( 'li', { key: s, className: Hn()('json-schema-2020-12-$vocabulary-uri', { 'json-schema-2020-12-$vocabulary-uri--disabled': !o }) }, Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__value json-schema-2020-12-keyword__value--secondary' }, s ) ) ) ) ) : null; }, keywords_$id = ({ schema: s }) => s?.$id ? Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword json-schema-2020-12-keyword--$id' }, Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name--secondary' }, '$id' ), Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__value json-schema-2020-12-keyword__value--secondary' }, s.$id ) ) : null, keywords_$anchor = ({ schema: s }) => s?.$anchor ? Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword json-schema-2020-12-keyword--$anchor' }, Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name--secondary' }, '$anchor' ), Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__value json-schema-2020-12-keyword__value--secondary' }, s.$anchor ) ) : null, keywords_$dynamicAnchor = ({ schema: s }) => s?.$dynamicAnchor ? Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword json-schema-2020-12-keyword--$dynamicAnchor' }, Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name--secondary' }, '$dynamicAnchor' ), Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__value json-schema-2020-12-keyword__value--secondary' }, s.$dynamicAnchor ) ) : null, keywords_$ref = ({ schema: s }) => s?.$ref ? Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword json-schema-2020-12-keyword--$ref' }, Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name--secondary' }, '$ref' ), Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__value json-schema-2020-12-keyword__value--secondary' }, s.$ref ) ) : null, keywords_$dynamicRef = ({ schema: s }) => s?.$dynamicRef ? Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword json-schema-2020-12-keyword--$dynamicRef' }, Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name--secondary' }, '$dynamicRef' ), Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__value json-schema-2020-12-keyword__value--secondary' }, s.$dynamicRef ) ) : null, keywords_$defs = ({ schema: s }) => { const o = s?.$defs || {}, i = useIsExpanded(), u = useIsExpandedDeeply(), [_, w] = (0, Pe.useState)(i || u), [x, C] = (0, Pe.useState)(!1), j = useComponent('Accordion'), L = useComponent('ExpandDeepButton'), B = useComponent('JSONSchema'), $ = (0, Pe.useCallback)(() => { w((s) => !s); }, []), V = (0, Pe.useCallback)((s, o) => { w(o), C(o); }, []); return 0 === Object.keys(o).length ? null : Pe.createElement( nI.Provider, { value: x }, Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword json-schema-2020-12-keyword--$defs' }, Pe.createElement( j, { expanded: _, onChange: $ }, Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name--secondary' }, '$defs' ) ), Pe.createElement(L, { expanded: _, onClick: V }), Pe.createElement( 'strong', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12__attribute json-schema-2020-12__attribute--primary' }, 'object' ), Pe.createElement( 'ul', { className: Hn()('json-schema-2020-12-keyword__children', { 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__children--collapsed': !_ }) }, _ && Pe.createElement( Pe.Fragment, null, Object.entries(o).map(([s, o]) => Pe.createElement( 'li', { key: s, className: 'json-schema-2020-12-property' }, Pe.createElement(B, { name: s, schema: o }) ) ) ) ) ) ); }, keywords_$comment = ({ schema: s }) => s?.$comment ? Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword json-schema-2020-12-keyword--$comment' }, Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name--secondary' }, '$comment' ), Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__value json-schema-2020-12-keyword__value--secondary' }, s.$comment ) ) : null, keywords_AllOf = ({ schema: s }) => { const o = s?.allOf || [], i = useFn(), u = useIsExpanded(), _ = useIsExpandedDeeply(), [w, x] = (0, Pe.useState)(u || _), [C, j] = (0, Pe.useState)(!1), L = useComponent('Accordion'), B = useComponent('ExpandDeepButton'), $ = useComponent('JSONSchema'), V = useComponent('KeywordType'), U = (0, Pe.useCallback)(() => { x((s) => !s); }, []), z = (0, Pe.useCallback)((s, o) => { x(o), j(o); }, []); return Array.isArray(o) && 0 !== o.length ? Pe.createElement( nI.Provider, { value: C }, Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword json-schema-2020-12-keyword--allOf' }, Pe.createElement( L, { expanded: w, onChange: U }, Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name--primary' }, 'All of' ) ), Pe.createElement(B, { expanded: w, onClick: z }), Pe.createElement(V, { schema: { allOf: o } }), Pe.createElement( 'ul', { className: Hn()('json-schema-2020-12-keyword__children', { 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__children--collapsed': !w }) }, w && Pe.createElement( Pe.Fragment, null, o.map((s, o) => Pe.createElement( 'li', { key: `#${o}`, className: 'json-schema-2020-12-property' }, Pe.createElement($, { name: `#${o} ${i.getTitle(s)}`, schema: s }) ) ) ) ) ) ) : null; }, keywords_AnyOf = ({ schema: s }) => { const o = s?.anyOf || [], i = useFn(), u = useIsExpanded(), _ = useIsExpandedDeeply(), [w, x] = (0, Pe.useState)(u || _), [C, j] = (0, Pe.useState)(!1), L = useComponent('Accordion'), B = useComponent('ExpandDeepButton'), $ = useComponent('JSONSchema'), V = useComponent('KeywordType'), U = (0, Pe.useCallback)(() => { x((s) => !s); }, []), z = (0, Pe.useCallback)((s, o) => { x(o), j(o); }, []); return Array.isArray(o) && 0 !== o.length ? Pe.createElement( nI.Provider, { value: C }, Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword json-schema-2020-12-keyword--anyOf' }, Pe.createElement( L, { expanded: w, onChange: U }, Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name--primary' }, 'Any of' ) ), Pe.createElement(B, { expanded: w, onClick: z }), Pe.createElement(V, { schema: { anyOf: o } }), Pe.createElement( 'ul', { className: Hn()('json-schema-2020-12-keyword__children', { 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__children--collapsed': !w }) }, w && Pe.createElement( Pe.Fragment, null, o.map((s, o) => Pe.createElement( 'li', { key: `#${o}`, className: 'json-schema-2020-12-property' }, Pe.createElement($, { name: `#${o} ${i.getTitle(s)}`, schema: s }) ) ) ) ) ) ) : null; }, keywords_OneOf = ({ schema: s }) => { const o = s?.oneOf || [], i = useFn(), u = useIsExpanded(), _ = useIsExpandedDeeply(), [w, x] = (0, Pe.useState)(u || _), [C, j] = (0, Pe.useState)(!1), L = useComponent('Accordion'), B = useComponent('ExpandDeepButton'), $ = useComponent('JSONSchema'), V = useComponent('KeywordType'), U = (0, Pe.useCallback)(() => { x((s) => !s); }, []), z = (0, Pe.useCallback)((s, o) => { x(o), j(o); }, []); return Array.isArray(o) && 0 !== o.length ? Pe.createElement( nI.Provider, { value: C }, Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword json-schema-2020-12-keyword--oneOf' }, Pe.createElement( L, { expanded: w, onChange: U }, Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name--primary' }, 'One of' ) ), Pe.createElement(B, { expanded: w, onClick: z }), Pe.createElement(V, { schema: { oneOf: o } }), Pe.createElement( 'ul', { className: Hn()('json-schema-2020-12-keyword__children', { 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__children--collapsed': !w }) }, w && Pe.createElement( Pe.Fragment, null, o.map((s, o) => Pe.createElement( 'li', { key: `#${o}`, className: 'json-schema-2020-12-property' }, Pe.createElement($, { name: `#${o} ${i.getTitle(s)}`, schema: s }) ) ) ) ) ) ) : null; }, keywords_Not = ({ schema: s }) => { const o = useFn(), i = useComponent('JSONSchema'); if (!o.hasKeyword(s, 'not')) return null; const u = Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name--primary' }, 'Not' ); return Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword json-schema-2020-12-keyword--not' }, Pe.createElement(i, { name: u, schema: s.not }) ); }, keywords_If = ({ schema: s }) => { const o = useFn(), i = useComponent('JSONSchema'); if (!o.hasKeyword(s, 'if')) return null; const u = Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name--primary' }, 'If' ); return Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword json-schema-2020-12-keyword--if' }, Pe.createElement(i, { name: u, schema: s.if }) ); }, keywords_Then = ({ schema: s }) => { const o = useFn(), i = useComponent('JSONSchema'); if (!o.hasKeyword(s, 'then')) return null; const u = Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name--primary' }, 'Then' ); return Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword json-schema-2020-12-keyword--then' }, Pe.createElement(i, { name: u, schema: s.then }) ); }, keywords_Else = ({ schema: s }) => { const o = useFn(), i = useComponent('JSONSchema'); if (!o.hasKeyword(s, 'else')) return null; const u = Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name--primary' }, 'Else' ); return Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword json-schema-2020-12-keyword--if' }, Pe.createElement(i, { name: u, schema: s.else }) ); }, keywords_DependentSchemas = ({ schema: s }) => { const o = s?.dependentSchemas || [], i = useIsExpanded(), u = useIsExpandedDeeply(), [_, w] = (0, Pe.useState)(i || u), [x, C] = (0, Pe.useState)(!1), j = useComponent('Accordion'), L = useComponent('ExpandDeepButton'), B = useComponent('JSONSchema'), $ = (0, Pe.useCallback)(() => { w((s) => !s); }, []), V = (0, Pe.useCallback)((s, o) => { w(o), C(o); }, []); return 'object' != typeof o || 0 === Object.keys(o).length ? null : Pe.createElement( nI.Provider, { value: x }, Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword json-schema-2020-12-keyword--dependentSchemas' }, Pe.createElement( j, { expanded: _, onChange: $ }, Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name--primary' }, 'Dependent schemas' ) ), Pe.createElement(L, { expanded: _, onClick: V }), Pe.createElement( 'strong', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12__attribute json-schema-2020-12__attribute--primary' }, 'object' ), Pe.createElement( 'ul', { className: Hn()('json-schema-2020-12-keyword__children', { 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__children--collapsed': !_ }) }, _ && Pe.createElement( Pe.Fragment, null, Object.entries(o).map(([s, o]) => Pe.createElement( 'li', { key: s, className: 'json-schema-2020-12-property' }, Pe.createElement(B, { name: s, schema: o }) ) ) ) ) ) ); }, keywords_PrefixItems = ({ schema: s }) => { const o = s?.prefixItems || [], i = useFn(), u = useIsExpanded(), _ = useIsExpandedDeeply(), [w, x] = (0, Pe.useState)(u || _), [C, j] = (0, Pe.useState)(!1), L = useComponent('Accordion'), B = useComponent('ExpandDeepButton'), $ = useComponent('JSONSchema'), V = useComponent('KeywordType'), U = (0, Pe.useCallback)(() => { x((s) => !s); }, []), z = (0, Pe.useCallback)((s, o) => { x(o), j(o); }, []); return Array.isArray(o) && 0 !== o.length ? Pe.createElement( nI.Provider, { value: C }, Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword json-schema-2020-12-keyword--prefixItems' }, Pe.createElement( L, { expanded: w, onChange: U }, Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name--primary' }, 'Prefix items' ) ), Pe.createElement(B, { expanded: w, onClick: z }), Pe.createElement(V, { schema: { prefixItems: o } }), Pe.createElement( 'ul', { className: Hn()('json-schema-2020-12-keyword__children', { 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__children--collapsed': !w }) }, w && Pe.createElement( Pe.Fragment, null, o.map((s, o) => Pe.createElement( 'li', { key: `#${o}`, className: 'json-schema-2020-12-property' }, Pe.createElement($, { name: `#${o} ${i.getTitle(s)}`, schema: s }) ) ) ) ) ) ) : null; }, keywords_Items = ({ schema: s }) => { const o = useFn(), i = useComponent('JSONSchema'); if (!o.hasKeyword(s, 'items')) return null; const u = Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name--primary' }, 'Items' ); return Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword json-schema-2020-12-keyword--items' }, Pe.createElement(i, { name: u, schema: s.items }) ); }, keywords_Contains = ({ schema: s }) => { const o = useFn(), i = useComponent('JSONSchema'); if (!o.hasKeyword(s, 'contains')) return null; const u = Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name--primary' }, 'Contains' ); return Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword json-schema-2020-12-keyword--contains' }, Pe.createElement(i, { name: u, schema: s.contains }) ); }, keywords_Properties_Properties = ({ schema: s }) => { const o = useFn(), i = s?.properties || {}, u = Array.isArray(s?.required) ? s.required : [], _ = useComponent('JSONSchema'); return 0 === Object.keys(i).length ? null : Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword json-schema-2020-12-keyword--properties' }, Pe.createElement( 'ul', null, Object.entries(i).map(([i, w]) => { const x = u.includes(i), C = o.getDependentRequired(i, s); return Pe.createElement( 'li', { key: i, className: Hn()('json-schema-2020-12-property', { 'json-schema-2020-12-property--required': x }) }, Pe.createElement(_, { name: i, schema: w, dependentRequired: C }) ); }) ) ); }, PatternProperties_PatternProperties = ({ schema: s }) => { const o = s?.patternProperties || {}, i = useComponent('JSONSchema'); return 0 === Object.keys(o).length ? null : Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword json-schema-2020-12-keyword--patternProperties' }, Pe.createElement( 'ul', null, Object.entries(o).map(([s, o]) => Pe.createElement( 'li', { key: s, className: 'json-schema-2020-12-property' }, Pe.createElement(i, { name: s, schema: o }) ) ) ) ); }, keywords_AdditionalProperties = ({ schema: s }) => { const o = useFn(), { additionalProperties: i } = s, u = useComponent('JSONSchema'); if (!o.hasKeyword(s, 'additionalProperties')) return null; const _ = Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name--primary' }, 'Additional properties' ); return Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword json-schema-2020-12-keyword--additionalProperties' }, !0 === i ? Pe.createElement( Pe.Fragment, null, _, Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12__attribute json-schema-2020-12__attribute--primary' }, 'allowed' ) ) : !1 === i ? Pe.createElement( Pe.Fragment, null, _, Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12__attribute json-schema-2020-12__attribute--primary' }, 'forbidden' ) ) : Pe.createElement(u, { name: _, schema: i }) ); }, keywords_PropertyNames = ({ schema: s }) => { const o = useFn(), { propertyNames: i } = s, u = useComponent('JSONSchema'), _ = Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name--primary' }, 'Property names' ); return o.hasKeyword(s, 'propertyNames') ? Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword json-schema-2020-12-keyword--propertyNames' }, Pe.createElement(u, { name: _, schema: i }) ) : null; }, keywords_UnevaluatedItems = ({ schema: s }) => { const o = useFn(), { unevaluatedItems: i } = s, u = useComponent('JSONSchema'); if (!o.hasKeyword(s, 'unevaluatedItems')) return null; const _ = Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name--primary' }, 'Unevaluated items' ); return Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword json-schema-2020-12-keyword--unevaluatedItems' }, Pe.createElement(u, { name: _, schema: i }) ); }, keywords_UnevaluatedProperties = ({ schema: s }) => { const o = useFn(), { unevaluatedProperties: i } = s, u = useComponent('JSONSchema'); if (!o.hasKeyword(s, 'unevaluatedProperties')) return null; const _ = Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name--primary' }, 'Unevaluated properties' ); return Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword json-schema-2020-12-keyword--unevaluatedProperties' }, Pe.createElement(u, { name: _, schema: i }) ); }, keywords_Type = ({ schema: s, isCircular: o = !1 }) => { const i = useFn().getType(s), u = o ? ' [circular]' : ''; return Pe.createElement( 'strong', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12__attribute json-schema-2020-12__attribute--primary' }, `${i}${u}` ); }, Enum_Enum = ({ schema: s }) => { const o = useFn(); return Array.isArray(s?.enum) ? Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword json-schema-2020-12-keyword--enum' }, Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name--primary' }, 'Allowed values' ), Pe.createElement( 'ul', null, s.enum.map((s) => { const i = o.stringify(s); return Pe.createElement( 'li', { key: i }, Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__value json-schema-2020-12-keyword__value--const' }, i ) ); }) ) ) : null; }, keywords_Const = ({ schema: s }) => { const o = useFn(); return o.hasKeyword(s, 'const') ? Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword json-schema-2020-12-keyword--const' }, Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name--primary' }, 'Const' ), Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__value json-schema-2020-12-keyword__value--const' }, o.stringify(s.const) ) ) : null; }, Constraint = ({ constraint: s }) => Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: `json-schema-2020-12__constraint json-schema-2020-12__constraint--${s.scope}` }, s.value ), aI = Pe.memo(Constraint), DependentRequired_DependentRequired = ({ dependentRequired: s }) => 0 === s.length ? null : Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword json-schema-2020-12-keyword--dependentRequired' }, Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name--primary' }, 'Required when defined' ), Pe.createElement( 'ul', null, s.map((s) => Pe.createElement( 'li', { key: s }, Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__value json-schema-2020-12-keyword__value--warning' }, s ) ) ) ) ), keywords_ContentSchema = ({ schema: s }) => { const o = useFn(), i = useComponent('JSONSchema'); if (!o.hasKeyword(s, 'contentSchema')) return null; const u = Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name--primary' }, 'Content schema' ); return Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword json-schema-2020-12-keyword--contentSchema' }, Pe.createElement(i, { name: u, schema: s.contentSchema }) ); }, Title_Title = ({ title: s = '', schema: o }) => { const i = useFn(), u = s || i.getTitle(o); return u ? Pe.createElement('div', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12__title' }, u) : null; }, keywords_Description_Description = ({ schema: s }) => s?.description ? Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword json-schema-2020-12-keyword--description' }, Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-core-keyword__value json-schema-2020-12-core-keyword__value--secondary' }, s.description ) ) : null, keywords_Default = ({ schema: s }) => { const o = useFn(); return o.hasKeyword(s, 'default') ? Pe.createElement( 'div', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword json-schema-2020-12-keyword--default' }, Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name json-schema-2020-12-keyword__name--primary' }, 'Default' ), Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-keyword__value json-schema-2020-12-keyword__value--const' }, o.stringify(s.default) ) ) : null; }, keywords_Deprecated = ({ schema: s }) => !0 !== s?.deprecated ? null : Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12__attribute json-schema-2020-12__attribute--warning' }, 'deprecated' ), keywords_ReadOnly = ({ schema: s }) => !0 !== s?.readOnly ? null : Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12__attribute json-schema-2020-12__attribute--muted' }, 'read-only' ), keywords_WriteOnly = ({ schema: s }) => !0 !== s?.writeOnly ? null : Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12__attribute json-schema-2020-12__attribute--muted' }, 'write-only' ), Accordion_Accordion = ({ expanded: s = !1, children: o, onChange: i }) => { const u = useComponent('ChevronRightIcon'), _ = (0, Pe.useCallback)( (o) => { i(o, !s); }, [s, i] ); return Pe.createElement( 'button', { type: 'button', className: 'json-schema-2020-12-accordion', onClick: _ }, Pe.createElement('div', { className: 'json-schema-2020-12-accordion__children' }, o), Pe.createElement( 'span', { className: Hn()('json-schema-2020-12-accordion__icon', { 'json-schema-2020-12-accordion__icon--expanded': s, 'json-schema-2020-12-accordion__icon--collapsed': !s }) }, Pe.createElement(u, null) ) ); }, ExpandDeepButton_ExpandDeepButton = ({ expanded: s, onClick: o }) => { const i = (0, Pe.useCallback)( (i) => { o(i, !s); }, [s, o] ); return Pe.createElement( 'button', { type: 'button', className: 'json-schema-2020-12-expand-deep-button', onClick: i }, s ? 'Collapse all' : 'Expand all' ); }, icons_ChevronRight = () => Pe.createElement( 'svg', { xmlns: 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', width: '24', height: '24', viewBox: '0 0 24 24' }, Pe.createElement('path', { d: 'M10 6L8.59 7.41 13.17 12l-4.58 4.59L10 18l6-6z' }) ), fn_upperFirst = (s) => 'string' == typeof s ? `${s.charAt(0).toUpperCase()}${s.slice(1)}` : s, getTitle = (s, { lookup: o = 'extended' } = {}) => { const i = useFn(); if (null != s?.title) return i.upperFirst(String(s.title)); if ('extended' === o) { if (null != s?.$anchor) return i.upperFirst(String(s.$anchor)); if (null != s?.$id) return String(s.$id); } return ''; }, getType = (s, o = new WeakSet()) => { const i = useFn(); if (null == s) return 'any'; if (i.isBooleanJSONSchema(s)) return s ? 'any' : 'never'; if ('object' != typeof s) return 'any'; if (o.has(s)) return 'any'; o.add(s); const { type: u, prefixItems: _, items: w } = s, getArrayType = () => { if (Array.isArray(_)) { const s = _.map((s) => getType(s, o)), i = w ? getType(w, o) : 'any'; return `array<[${s.join(', ')}], ${i}>`; } if (w) { return `array<${getType(w, o)}>`; } return 'array'; }; if (s.not && 'any' === getType(s.not)) return 'never'; const handleCombiningKeywords = (i, u) => { if (Array.isArray(s[i])) { return `(${s[i].map((s) => getType(s, o)).join(u)})`; } return null; }, x = [ Array.isArray(u) ? u.map((s) => ('array' === s ? getArrayType() : s)).join(' | ') : 'array' === u ? getArrayType() : [ 'null', 'boolean', 'object', 'array', 'number', 'integer', 'string' ].includes(u) ? u : (() => { if ( Object.hasOwn(s, 'prefixItems') || Object.hasOwn(s, 'items') || Object.hasOwn(s, 'contains') ) return getArrayType(); if ( Object.hasOwn(s, 'properties') || Object.hasOwn(s, 'additionalProperties') || Object.hasOwn(s, 'patternProperties') ) return 'object'; if (['int32', 'int64'].includes(s.format)) return 'integer'; if (['float', 'double'].includes(s.format)) return 'number'; if ( Object.hasOwn(s, 'minimum') || Object.hasOwn(s, 'maximum') || Object.hasOwn(s, 'exclusiveMinimum') || Object.hasOwn(s, 'exclusiveMaximum') || Object.hasOwn(s, 'multipleOf') ) return 'number | integer'; if ( Object.hasOwn(s, 'pattern') || Object.hasOwn(s, 'format') || Object.hasOwn(s, 'minLength') || Object.hasOwn(s, 'maxLength') ) return 'string'; if (void 0 !== s.const) { if (null === s.const) return 'null'; if ('boolean' == typeof s.const) return 'boolean'; if ('number' == typeof s.const) return Number.isInteger(s.const) ? 'integer' : 'number'; if ('string' == typeof s.const) return 'string'; if (Array.isArray(s.const)) return 'array'; if ('object' == typeof s.const) return 'object'; } return null; })(), handleCombiningKeywords('oneOf', ' | '), handleCombiningKeywords('anyOf', ' | '), handleCombiningKeywords('allOf', ' & ') ] .filter(Boolean) .join(' | '); return o.delete(s), x || 'any'; }, isBooleanJSONSchema = (s) => 'boolean' == typeof s, hasKeyword = (s, o) => null !== s && 'object' == typeof s && Object.hasOwn(s, o), isExpandable = (s) => { const o = useFn(); return ( s?.$schema || s?.$vocabulary || s?.$id || s?.$anchor || s?.$dynamicAnchor || s?.$ref || s?.$dynamicRef || s?.$defs || s?.$comment || s?.allOf || s?.anyOf || s?.oneOf || o.hasKeyword(s, 'not') || o.hasKeyword(s, 'if') || o.hasKeyword(s, 'then') || o.hasKeyword(s, 'else') || s?.dependentSchemas || s?.prefixItems || o.hasKeyword(s, 'items') || o.hasKeyword(s, 'contains') || s?.properties || s?.patternProperties || o.hasKeyword(s, 'additionalProperties') || o.hasKeyword(s, 'propertyNames') || o.hasKeyword(s, 'unevaluatedItems') || o.hasKeyword(s, 'unevaluatedProperties') || s?.description || s?.enum || o.hasKeyword(s, 'const') || o.hasKeyword(s, 'contentSchema') || o.hasKeyword(s, 'default') ); }, fn_stringify = (s) => null === s || ['number', 'bigint', 'boolean'].includes(typeof s) ? String(s) : Array.isArray(s) ? `[${s.map(fn_stringify).join(', ')}]` : JSON.stringify(s), stringifyConstraintRange = (s, o, i) => { const u = 'number' == typeof o, _ = 'number' == typeof i; return u && _ ? o === i ? `${o} ${s}` : `[${o}, ${i}] ${s}` : u ? `>= ${o} ${s}` : _ ? `<= ${i} ${s}` : null; }, stringifyConstraints = (s) => { const o = [], i = ((s) => { if ('number' != typeof s?.multipleOf) return null; if (s.multipleOf <= 0) return null; if (1 === s.multipleOf) return null; const { multipleOf: o } = s; if (Number.isInteger(o)) return `multiple of ${o}`; const i = 10 ** o.toString().split('.')[1].length; return `multiple of ${o * i}/${i}`; })(s); null !== i && o.push({ scope: 'number', value: i }); const u = ((s) => { const o = s?.minimum, i = s?.maximum, u = s?.exclusiveMinimum, _ = s?.exclusiveMaximum, w = 'number' == typeof o, x = 'number' == typeof i, C = 'number' == typeof u, j = 'number' == typeof _, L = C && (!w || o < u), B = j && (!x || i > _); if ((w || C) && (x || j)) return `${L ? '(' : '['}${L ? u : o}, ${B ? _ : i}${B ? ')' : ']'}`; if (w || C) return `${L ? '>' : '≥'} ${L ? u : o}`; if (x || j) return `${B ? '<' : '≤'} ${B ? _ : i}`; return null; })(s); null !== u && o.push({ scope: 'number', value: u }), s?.format && o.push({ scope: 'string', value: s.format }); const _ = stringifyConstraintRange('characters', s?.minLength, s?.maxLength); null !== _ && o.push({ scope: 'string', value: _ }), s?.pattern && o.push({ scope: 'string', value: `matches ${s?.pattern}` }), s?.contentMediaType && o.push({ scope: 'string', value: `media type: ${s.contentMediaType}` }), s?.contentEncoding && o.push({ scope: 'string', value: `encoding: ${s.contentEncoding}` }); const w = stringifyConstraintRange( s?.hasUniqueItems ? 'unique items' : 'items', s?.minItems, s?.maxItems ); null !== w && o.push({ scope: 'array', value: w }); const x = stringifyConstraintRange('contained items', s?.minContains, s?.maxContains); null !== x && o.push({ scope: 'array', value: x }); const C = stringifyConstraintRange('properties', s?.minProperties, s?.maxProperties); return null !== C && o.push({ scope: 'object', value: C }), o; }, getDependentRequired = (s, o) => o?.dependentRequired ? Array.from( Object.entries(o.dependentRequired).reduce( (o, [i, u]) => (Array.isArray(u) && u.includes(s) ? (o.add(i), o) : o), new Set() ) ) : [], withJSONSchemaContext = (s, o = {}) => { const i = { components: { JSONSchema: iI, Keyword$schema: keywords_$schema, Keyword$vocabulary: $vocabulary_$vocabulary, Keyword$id: keywords_$id, Keyword$anchor: keywords_$anchor, Keyword$dynamicAnchor: keywords_$dynamicAnchor, Keyword$ref: keywords_$ref, Keyword$dynamicRef: keywords_$dynamicRef, Keyword$defs: keywords_$defs, Keyword$comment: keywords_$comment, KeywordAllOf: keywords_AllOf, KeywordAnyOf: keywords_AnyOf, KeywordOneOf: keywords_OneOf, KeywordNot: keywords_Not, KeywordIf: keywords_If, KeywordThen: keywords_Then, KeywordElse: keywords_Else, KeywordDependentSchemas: keywords_DependentSchemas, KeywordPrefixItems: keywords_PrefixItems, KeywordItems: keywords_Items, KeywordContains: keywords_Contains, KeywordProperties: keywords_Properties_Properties, KeywordPatternProperties: PatternProperties_PatternProperties, KeywordAdditionalProperties: keywords_AdditionalProperties, KeywordPropertyNames: keywords_PropertyNames, KeywordUnevaluatedItems: keywords_UnevaluatedItems, KeywordUnevaluatedProperties: keywords_UnevaluatedProperties, KeywordType: keywords_Type, KeywordEnum: Enum_Enum, KeywordConst: keywords_Const, KeywordConstraint: aI, KeywordDependentRequired: DependentRequired_DependentRequired, KeywordContentSchema: keywords_ContentSchema, KeywordTitle: Title_Title, KeywordDescription: keywords_Description_Description, KeywordDefault: keywords_Default, KeywordDeprecated: keywords_Deprecated, KeywordReadOnly: keywords_ReadOnly, KeywordWriteOnly: keywords_WriteOnly, Accordion: Accordion_Accordion, ExpandDeepButton: ExpandDeepButton_ExpandDeepButton, ChevronRightIcon: icons_ChevronRight, ...o.components }, config: { default$schema: 'https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema', defaultExpandedLevels: 0, ...o.config }, fn: { upperFirst: fn_upperFirst, getTitle, getType, isBooleanJSONSchema, hasKeyword, isExpandable, stringify: fn_stringify, stringifyConstraints, getDependentRequired, ...o.fn } }, HOC = (o) => Pe.createElement(tI.Provider, { value: i }, Pe.createElement(s, o)); return ( (HOC.contexts = { JSONSchemaContext: tI }), (HOC.displayName = s.displayName), HOC ); }, json_schema_2020_12 = () => ({ components: { JSONSchema202012: iI, JSONSchema202012Keyword$schema: keywords_$schema, JSONSchema202012Keyword$vocabulary: $vocabulary_$vocabulary, JSONSchema202012Keyword$id: keywords_$id, JSONSchema202012Keyword$anchor: keywords_$anchor, JSONSchema202012Keyword$dynamicAnchor: keywords_$dynamicAnchor, JSONSchema202012Keyword$ref: keywords_$ref, JSONSchema202012Keyword$dynamicRef: keywords_$dynamicRef, JSONSchema202012Keyword$defs: keywords_$defs, JSONSchema202012Keyword$comment: keywords_$comment, JSONSchema202012KeywordAllOf: keywords_AllOf, JSONSchema202012KeywordAnyOf: keywords_AnyOf, JSONSchema202012KeywordOneOf: keywords_OneOf, JSONSchema202012KeywordNot: keywords_Not, JSONSchema202012KeywordIf: keywords_If, JSONSchema202012KeywordThen: keywords_Then, JSONSchema202012KeywordElse: keywords_Else, JSONSchema202012KeywordDependentSchemas: keywords_DependentSchemas, JSONSchema202012KeywordPrefixItems: keywords_PrefixItems, JSONSchema202012KeywordItems: keywords_Items, JSONSchema202012KeywordContains: keywords_Contains, JSONSchema202012KeywordProperties: keywords_Properties_Properties, JSONSchema202012KeywordPatternProperties: PatternProperties_PatternProperties, JSONSchema202012KeywordAdditionalProperties: keywords_AdditionalProperties, JSONSchema202012KeywordPropertyNames: keywords_PropertyNames, JSONSchema202012KeywordUnevaluatedItems: keywords_UnevaluatedItems, JSONSchema202012KeywordUnevaluatedProperties: keywords_UnevaluatedProperties, JSONSchema202012KeywordType: keywords_Type, JSONSchema202012KeywordEnum: Enum_Enum, JSONSchema202012KeywordConst: keywords_Const, JSONSchema202012KeywordConstraint: aI, JSONSchema202012KeywordDependentRequired: DependentRequired_DependentRequired, JSONSchema202012KeywordContentSchema: keywords_ContentSchema, JSONSchema202012KeywordTitle: Title_Title, JSONSchema202012KeywordDescription: keywords_Description_Description, JSONSchema202012KeywordDefault: keywords_Default, JSONSchema202012KeywordDeprecated: keywords_Deprecated, JSONSchema202012KeywordReadOnly: keywords_ReadOnly, JSONSchema202012KeywordWriteOnly: keywords_WriteOnly, JSONSchema202012Accordion: Accordion_Accordion, JSONSchema202012ExpandDeepButton: ExpandDeepButton_ExpandDeepButton, JSONSchema202012ChevronRightIcon: icons_ChevronRight, withJSONSchema202012Context: withJSONSchemaContext, JSONSchema202012DeepExpansionContext: () => nI }, fn: { upperFirst: fn_upperFirst, jsonSchema202012: { isExpandable, hasKeyword, useFn, useConfig, useComponent, useIsExpandedDeeply } } }); var lI = __webpack_require__(11331), cI = __webpack_require__.n(lI); const array = (s, { sample: o }) => ((s, o = {}) => { const { minItems: i, maxItems: u, uniqueItems: _ } = o, { contains: w, minContains: x, maxContains: C } = o; let j = [...s]; if (null != w && 'object' == typeof w) { if (Number.isInteger(x) && x > 1) { const s = j.at(0); for (let o = 1; o < x; o += 1) j.unshift(s); } Number.isInteger(C); } if ( (Number.isInteger(u) && u > 0 && (j = s.slice(0, u)), Number.isInteger(i) && i > 0) ) for (let s = 0; j.length < i; s += 1) j.push(j[s % j.length]); return !0 === _ && (j = Array.from(new Set(j))), j; })(o, s), object = () => { throw new Error('Not implemented'); }, bytes = (s) => St()(s), random_pick = (s) => s.at(0), predicates_isBooleanJSONSchema = (s) => 'boolean' == typeof s, isJSONSchemaObject = (s) => cI()(s), isJSONSchema = (s) => predicates_isBooleanJSONSchema(s) || isJSONSchemaObject(s); const uI = class Registry { data = {}; register(s, o) { this.data[s] = o; } unregister(s) { void 0 === s ? (this.data = {}) : delete this.data[s]; } get(s) { return this.data[s]; } }, int32 = () => (2 ** 30) >>> 0, int64 = () => 2 ** 53 - 1, generators_float = () => 0.1, generators_double = () => 0.1, email = () => 'user@example.com', idn_email = () => '실례@example.com', hostname = () => 'example.com', idn_hostname = () => '실례.com', ipv4 = () => '', ipv6 = () => '2001:0db8:5b96:0000:0000:426f:8e17:642a', uri = () => 'https://example.com/', uri_reference = () => 'path/index.html', iri = () => 'https://실례.com/', iri_reference = () => 'path/실례.html', uuid = () => '3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6', uri_template = () => 'https://example.com/dictionary/{term:1}/{term}', json_pointer = () => '/a/b/c', relative_json_pointer = () => '1/0', date_time = () => new Date().toISOString(), date = () => new Date().toISOString().substring(0, 10), time = () => new Date().toISOString().substring(11), duration = () => 'P3D', generators_password = () => '********', regex = () => '^[a-z]+$'; const pI = new (class FormatRegistry extends uI { #t = { int32, int64, float: generators_float, double: generators_double, email, 'idn-email': idn_email, hostname, 'idn-hostname': idn_hostname, ipv4, ipv6, uri, 'uri-reference': uri_reference, iri, 'iri-reference': iri_reference, uuid, 'uri-template': uri_template, 'json-pointer': json_pointer, 'relative-json-pointer': relative_json_pointer, 'date-time': date_time, date, time, duration, password: generators_password, regex }; data = { ...this.#t }; get defaults() { return { ...this.#t }; } })(), formatAPI = (s, o) => 'function' == typeof o ? pI.register(s, o) : null === o ? pI.unregister(s) : pI.get(s); formatAPI.getDefaults = () => pI.defaults; const hI = formatAPI; var dI = __webpack_require__(48287).Buffer; const _7bit = (s) => dI.from(s).toString('ascii'); var fI = __webpack_require__(48287).Buffer; const _8bit = (s) => fI.from(s).toString('utf8'); var mI = __webpack_require__(48287).Buffer; const encoders_binary = (s) => mI.from(s).toString('binary'), quoted_printable = (s) => { let o = ''; for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { const u = s.charCodeAt(i); if (61 === u) o += '=3D'; else if ((u >= 33 && u <= 60) || (u >= 62 && u <= 126) || 9 === u || 32 === u) o += s.charAt(i); else if (13 === u || 10 === u) o += '\r\n'; else if (u > 126) { const u = unescape(encodeURIComponent(s.charAt(i))); for (let s = 0; s < u.length; s++) o += '=' + ('0' + u.charCodeAt(s).toString(16)).slice(-2).toUpperCase(); } else o += '=' + ('0' + u.toString(16)).slice(-2).toUpperCase(); } return o; }; var gI = __webpack_require__(48287).Buffer; const base16 = (s) => gI.from(s).toString('hex'); var yI = __webpack_require__(48287).Buffer; const base32 = (s) => { const o = yI.from(s).toString('utf8'), i = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ234567'; let u = 0, _ = '', w = 0, x = 0; for (let s = 0; s < o.length; s++) for (w = (w << 8) | o.charCodeAt(s), x += 8; x >= 5; ) (_ += i.charAt((w >>> (x - 5)) & 31)), (x -= 5); x > 0 && ((_ += i.charAt((w << (5 - x)) & 31)), (u = (8 - ((8 * o.length) % 5)) % 5)); for (let s = 0; s < u; s++) _ += '='; return _; }; var vI = __webpack_require__(48287).Buffer; const base64 = (s) => vI.from(s).toString('base64'); var bI = __webpack_require__(48287).Buffer; const base64url = (s) => bI.from(s).toString('base64url'); const _I = new (class EncoderRegistry extends uI { #t = { '7bit': _7bit, '8bit': _8bit, binary: encoders_binary, 'quoted-printable': quoted_printable, base16, base32, base64, base64url }; data = { ...this.#t }; get defaults() { return { ...this.#t }; } })(), encoderAPI = (s, o) => 'function' == typeof o ? _I.register(s, o) : null === o ? _I.unregister(s) : _I.get(s); encoderAPI.getDefaults = () => _I.defaults; const EI = encoderAPI, wI = { 'text/plain': () => 'string', 'text/css': () => '.selector { border: 1px solid red }', 'text/csv': () => 'value1,value2,value3', 'text/html': () => '


    ', 'text/calendar': () => 'BEGIN:VCALENDAR', 'text/javascript': () => "console.dir('Hello world!');", 'text/xml': () => 'John Doe', 'text/*': () => 'string' }, SI = { 'image/*': () => bytes(25).toString('binary') }, xI = { 'audio/*': () => bytes(25).toString('binary') }, kI = { 'video/*': () => bytes(25).toString('binary') }, CI = { 'application/json': () => '{"key":"value"}', 'application/ld+json': () => '{"name": "John Doe"}', 'application/x-httpd-php': () => "Hello World!

    '; ?>", 'application/rtf': () => String.raw`{\rtf1\adeflang1025\ansi\ansicpg1252\uc1`, 'application/x-sh': () => 'echo "Hello World!"', 'application/xhtml+xml': () => '


    ', 'application/*': () => bytes(25).toString('binary') }; const OI = new (class MediaTypeRegistry extends uI { #t = { ...wI, ...SI, ...xI, ...kI, ...CI }; data = { ...this.#t }; get defaults() { return { ...this.#t }; } })(), mediaTypeAPI = (s, o) => { if ('function' == typeof o) return OI.register(s, o); if (null === o) return OI.unregister(s); const i = s.split(';').at(0), u = `${i.split('/').at(0)}/*`; return OI.get(s) || OI.get(i) || OI.get(u); }; mediaTypeAPI.getDefaults = () => OI.defaults; const AI = mediaTypeAPI, applyStringConstraints = (s, o = {}) => { const { maxLength: i, minLength: u } = o; let _ = s; if ( (Number.isInteger(i) && i > 0 && (_ = _.slice(0, i)), Number.isInteger(u) && u > 0) ) { let s = 0; for (; _.length < u; ) _ += _[s++ % _.length]; } return _; }, types_string = (s, { sample: o } = {}) => { const { contentEncoding: i, contentMediaType: u, contentSchema: _ } = s, { pattern: w, format: x } = s, C = EI(i) || Mx(); let j; return ( (j = 'string' == typeof w ? applyStringConstraints( ((s) => { try { return new (us())(s).gen(); } catch { return 'string'; } })(w), s ) : 'string' == typeof x ? ((s) => { const { format: o } = s, i = hI(o); return 'function' == typeof i ? i(s) : 'string'; })(s) : isJSONSchema(_) && 'string' == typeof u && void 0 !== o ? Array.isArray(o) || 'object' == typeof o ? JSON.stringify(o) : applyStringConstraints(String(o), s) : 'string' == typeof u ? ((s) => { const { contentMediaType: o } = s, i = AI(o); return 'function' == typeof i ? i(s) : 'string'; })(s) : applyStringConstraints('string', s)), C(j) ); }, applyNumberConstraints = (s, o = {}) => { const { minimum: i, maximum: u, exclusiveMinimum: _, exclusiveMaximum: w } = o, { multipleOf: x } = o, C = Number.isInteger(s) ? 1 : Number.EPSILON; let j = 'number' == typeof i ? i : null, L = 'number' == typeof u ? u : null, B = s; if ( ('number' == typeof _ && (j = null !== j ? Math.max(j, _ + C) : _ + C), 'number' == typeof w && (L = null !== L ? Math.min(L, w - C) : w - C), (B = (j > L && s) || j || L || B), 'number' == typeof x && x > 0) ) { const s = B % x; B = 0 === s ? B : B + x - s; } return B; }, types_number = (s) => { const { format: o } = s; let i; return ( (i = 'string' == typeof o ? ((s) => { const { format: o } = s, i = hI(o); return 'function' == typeof i ? i(s) : 0; })(s) : 0), applyNumberConstraints(i, s) ); }, types_integer = (s) => { const { format: o } = s; let i; return ( (i = 'string' == typeof o ? ((s) => { const { format: o } = s, i = hI(o); if ('function' == typeof i) return i(s); switch (o) { case 'int32': return int32(); case 'int64': return int64(); } return 0; })(s) : 0), applyNumberConstraints(i, s) ); }, types_boolean = (s) => 'boolean' != typeof s.default || s.default, jI = new Proxy( { array, object, string: types_string, number: types_number, integer: types_integer, boolean: types_boolean, null: () => null }, { get: (s, o) => 'string' == typeof o && Object.hasOwn(s, o) ? s[o] : () => `Unknown Type: ${o}` } ), II = ['array', 'object', 'number', 'integer', 'string', 'boolean', 'null'], hasExample = (s) => { if (!isJSONSchemaObject(s)) return !1; const { examples: o, example: i, default: u } = s; return !!(Array.isArray(o) && o.length >= 1) || void 0 !== u || void 0 !== i; }, extractExample = (s) => { if (!isJSONSchemaObject(s)) return null; const { examples: o, example: i, default: u } = s; return Array.isArray(o) && o.length >= 1 ? o.at(0) : void 0 !== u ? u : void 0 !== i ? i : void 0; }, PI = { array: [ 'items', 'prefixItems', 'contains', 'maxContains', 'minContains', 'maxItems', 'minItems', 'uniqueItems', 'unevaluatedItems' ], object: [ 'properties', 'additionalProperties', 'patternProperties', 'propertyNames', 'minProperties', 'maxProperties', 'required', 'dependentSchemas', 'dependentRequired', 'unevaluatedProperties' ], string: [ 'pattern', 'format', 'minLength', 'maxLength', 'contentEncoding', 'contentMediaType', 'contentSchema' ], integer: ['minimum', 'maximum', 'exclusiveMinimum', 'exclusiveMaximum', 'multipleOf'] }; PI.number = PI.integer; const MI = 'string', inferTypeFromValue = (s) => void 0 === s ? null : null === s ? 'null' : Array.isArray(s) ? 'array' : Number.isInteger(s) ? 'integer' : typeof s, foldType = (s) => { if (Array.isArray(s) && s.length >= 1) { if (s.includes('array')) return 'array'; if (s.includes('object')) return 'object'; { const o = random_pick(s); if (II.includes(o)) return o; } } return II.includes(s) ? s : null; }, inferType = (s, o = new WeakSet()) => { if (!isJSONSchemaObject(s)) return MI; if (o.has(s)) return MI; o.add(s); let { type: i, const: u } = s; if (((i = foldType(i)), 'string' != typeof i)) { const o = Object.keys(PI); e: for (let u = 0; u < o.length; u += 1) { const _ = o[u], w = PI[_]; for (let o = 0; o < w.length; o += 1) { const u = w[o]; if (Object.hasOwn(s, u)) { i = _; break e; } } } } if ('string' != typeof i && void 0 !== u) { const s = inferTypeFromValue(u); i = 'string' == typeof s ? s : i; } if ('string' != typeof i) { const combineTypes = (i) => { if (Array.isArray(s[i])) { const u = s[i].map((s) => inferType(s, o)); return foldType(u); } return null; }, u = combineTypes('allOf'), _ = combineTypes('anyOf'), w = combineTypes('oneOf'), x = s.not ? inferType(s.not, o) : null; (u || _ || w || x) && (i = foldType([u, _, w, x].filter(Boolean))); } if ('string' != typeof i && hasExample(s)) { const o = extractExample(s), u = inferTypeFromValue(o); i = 'string' == typeof u ? u : i; } return o.delete(s), i || MI; }, type_getType = (s) => inferType(s), typeCast = (s) => predicates_isBooleanJSONSchema(s) ? ((s) => (!1 === s ? { not: {} } : {}))(s) : isJSONSchemaObject(s) ? s : {}, merge_merge = (s, o, i = {}) => { if (predicates_isBooleanJSONSchema(s) && !0 === s) return !0; if (predicates_isBooleanJSONSchema(s) && !1 === s) return !1; if (predicates_isBooleanJSONSchema(o) && !0 === o) return !0; if (predicates_isBooleanJSONSchema(o) && !1 === o) return !1; if (!isJSONSchema(s)) return o; if (!isJSONSchema(o)) return s; const u = { ...o, ...s }; if (o.type && s.type && Array.isArray(o.type) && 'string' == typeof o.type) { const i = normalizeArray(o.type).concat(s.type); u.type = Array.from(new Set(i)); } if ( (Array.isArray(o.required) && Array.isArray(s.required) && (u.required = [...new Set([...s.required, ...o.required])]), o.properties && s.properties) ) { const _ = new Set([...Object.keys(o.properties), ...Object.keys(s.properties)]); u.properties = {}; for (const w of _) { const _ = o.properties[w] || {}, x = s.properties[w] || {}; (_.readOnly && !i.includeReadOnly) || (_.writeOnly && !i.includeWriteOnly) ? (u.required = (u.required || []).filter((s) => s !== w)) : (u.properties[w] = merge_merge(x, _, i)); } } return ( isJSONSchema(o.items) && isJSONSchema(s.items) && (u.items = merge_merge(s.items, o.items, i)), isJSONSchema(o.contains) && isJSONSchema(s.contains) && (u.contains = merge_merge(s.contains, o.contains, i)), isJSONSchema(o.contentSchema) && isJSONSchema(s.contentSchema) && (u.contentSchema = merge_merge(s.contentSchema, o.contentSchema, i)), u ); }, TI = merge_merge, main_sampleFromSchemaGeneric = (s, o = {}, i = void 0, u = !1) => { if (null == s && void 0 === i) return; 'function' == typeof s?.toJS && (s = s.toJS()), (s = typeCast(s)); let _ = void 0 !== i || hasExample(s); const w = !_ && Array.isArray(s.oneOf) && s.oneOf.length > 0, x = !_ && Array.isArray(s.anyOf) && s.anyOf.length > 0; if (!_ && (w || x)) { const i = typeCast(random_pick(w ? s.oneOf : s.anyOf)); !(s = TI(s, i, o)).xml && i.xml && (s.xml = i.xml), hasExample(s) && hasExample(i) && (_ = !0); } const C = {}; let { xml: j, properties: L, additionalProperties: B, items: $, contains: V } = s || {}, U = type_getType(s), { includeReadOnly: z, includeWriteOnly: Y } = o; j = j || {}; let Z, { name: ee, prefix: ie, namespace: ae } = j, le = {}; if ( (Object.hasOwn(s, 'type') || (s.type = U), u && ((ee = ee || 'notagname'), (Z = (ie ? `${ie}:` : '') + ee), ae)) ) { C[ie ? `xmlns:${ie}` : 'xmlns'] = ae; } u && (le[Z] = []); const ce = objectify(L); let pe, de = 0; const hasExceededMaxProperties = () => Number.isInteger(s.maxProperties) && s.maxProperties > 0 && de >= s.maxProperties, canAddProperty = (o) => !(Number.isInteger(s.maxProperties) && s.maxProperties > 0) || (!hasExceededMaxProperties() && (!((o) => !Array.isArray(s.required) || 0 === s.required.length || !s.required.includes(o))(o) || s.maxProperties - de - (() => { if (!Array.isArray(s.required) || 0 === s.required.length) return 0; let o = 0; return ( u ? s.required.forEach((s) => (o += void 0 === le[s] ? 0 : 1)) : s.required.forEach((s) => { o += void 0 === le[Z]?.find((o) => void 0 !== o[s]) ? 0 : 1; }), s.required.length - o ); })() > 0)); if ( ((pe = u ? (i, _ = void 0) => { if (s && ce[i]) { if (((ce[i].xml = ce[i].xml || {}), ce[i].xml.attribute)) { const s = Array.isArray(ce[i].enum) ? random_pick(ce[i].enum) : void 0; if (hasExample(ce[i])) C[ce[i].xml.name || i] = extractExample(ce[i]); else if (void 0 !== s) C[ce[i].xml.name || i] = s; else { const s = typeCast(ce[i]), o = type_getType(s), u = ce[i].xml.name || i; C[u] = jI[o](s); } return; } ce[i].xml.name = ce[i].xml.name || i; } else ce[i] || !1 === B || (ce[i] = { xml: { name: i } }); let w = main_sampleFromSchemaGeneric(ce[i], o, _, u); canAddProperty(i) && (de++, Array.isArray(w) ? (le[Z] = le[Z].concat(w)) : le[Z].push(w)); } : (i, _) => { if (canAddProperty(i)) { if ( cI()(s.discriminator?.mapping) && s.discriminator.propertyName === i && 'string' == typeof s.$$ref ) { for (const o in s.discriminator.mapping) if (-1 !== s.$$ref.search(s.discriminator.mapping[o])) { le[i] = o; break; } } else le[i] = main_sampleFromSchemaGeneric(ce[i], o, _, u); de++; } }), _) ) { let _; if (((_ = void 0 !== i ? i : extractExample(s)), !u)) { if ('number' == typeof _ && 'string' === U) return `${_}`; if ('string' != typeof _ || 'string' === U) return _; try { return JSON.parse(_); } catch { return _; } } if ('array' === U) { if (!Array.isArray(_)) { if ('string' == typeof _) return _; _ = [_]; } let i = []; return ( isJSONSchemaObject($) && (($.xml = $.xml || j || {}), ($.xml.name = $.xml.name || j.name), (i = _.map((s) => main_sampleFromSchemaGeneric($, o, s, u)))), isJSONSchemaObject(V) && ((V.xml = V.xml || j || {}), (V.xml.name = V.xml.name || j.name), (i = [main_sampleFromSchemaGeneric(V, o, void 0, u), ...i])), (i = jI.array(s, { sample: i })), j.wrapped ? ((le[Z] = i), hs()(C) || le[Z].push({ _attr: C })) : (le = i), le ); } if ('object' === U) { if ('string' == typeof _) return _; for (const s in _) Object.hasOwn(_, s) && ((ce[s]?.readOnly && !z) || (ce[s]?.writeOnly && !Y) || (ce[s]?.xml?.attribute ? (C[ce[s].xml.name || s] = _[s]) : pe(s, _[s]))); return hs()(C) || le[Z].push({ _attr: C }), le; } return (le[Z] = hs()(C) ? _ : [{ _attr: C }, _]), le; } if ('array' === U) { let i = []; if (isJSONSchemaObject(V)) if ( (u && ((V.xml = V.xml || s.xml || {}), (V.xml.name = V.xml.name || j.name)), Array.isArray(V.anyOf)) ) { const { anyOf: s, ..._ } = $; i.push( ...V.anyOf.map((s) => main_sampleFromSchemaGeneric(TI(s, _, o), o, void 0, u)) ); } else if (Array.isArray(V.oneOf)) { const { oneOf: s, ..._ } = $; i.push( ...V.oneOf.map((s) => main_sampleFromSchemaGeneric(TI(s, _, o), o, void 0, u)) ); } else { if (!(!u || (u && j.wrapped))) return main_sampleFromSchemaGeneric(V, o, void 0, u); i.push(main_sampleFromSchemaGeneric(V, o, void 0, u)); } if (isJSONSchemaObject($)) if ( (u && (($.xml = $.xml || s.xml || {}), ($.xml.name = $.xml.name || j.name)), Array.isArray($.anyOf)) ) { const { anyOf: s, ..._ } = $; i.push( ...$.anyOf.map((s) => main_sampleFromSchemaGeneric(TI(s, _, o), o, void 0, u)) ); } else if (Array.isArray($.oneOf)) { const { oneOf: s, ..._ } = $; i.push( ...$.oneOf.map((s) => main_sampleFromSchemaGeneric(TI(s, _, o), o, void 0, u)) ); } else { if (!(!u || (u && j.wrapped))) return main_sampleFromSchemaGeneric($, o, void 0, u); i.push(main_sampleFromSchemaGeneric($, o, void 0, u)); } return ( (i = jI.array(s, { sample: i })), u && j.wrapped ? ((le[Z] = i), hs()(C) || le[Z].push({ _attr: C }), le) : i ); } if ('object' === U) { for (let s in ce) Object.hasOwn(ce, s) && (ce[s]?.deprecated || (ce[s]?.readOnly && !z) || (ce[s]?.writeOnly && !Y) || pe(s)); if ((u && C && le[Z].push({ _attr: C }), hasExceededMaxProperties())) return le; if (predicates_isBooleanJSONSchema(B) && B) u ? le[Z].push({ additionalProp: 'Anything can be here' }) : (le.additionalProp1 = {}), de++; else if (isJSONSchemaObject(B)) { const i = B, _ = main_sampleFromSchemaGeneric(i, o, void 0, u); if (u && 'string' == typeof i?.xml?.name && 'notagname' !== i?.xml?.name) le[Z].push(_); else { const o = Number.isInteger(s.minProperties) && s.minProperties > 0 && de < s.minProperties ? s.minProperties - de : 3; for (let s = 1; s <= o; s++) { if (hasExceededMaxProperties()) return le; if (u) { const o = {}; (o['additionalProp' + s] = _.notagname), le[Z].push(o); } else le['additionalProp' + s] = _; de++; } } } return le; } let fe; if (void 0 !== s.const) fe = s.const; else if (s && Array.isArray(s.enum)) fe = random_pick(normalizeArray(s.enum)); else { const i = isJSONSchemaObject(s.contentSchema) ? main_sampleFromSchemaGeneric(s.contentSchema, o, void 0, u) : void 0; fe = jI[U](s, { sample: i }); } return u ? ((le[Z] = hs()(C) ? fe : [{ _attr: C }, fe]), le) : fe; }, main_createXMLExample = (s, o, i) => { const u = main_sampleFromSchemaGeneric(s, o, i, !0); if (u) return 'string' == typeof u ? u : ls()(u, { declaration: !0, indent: '\t' }); }, main_sampleFromSchema = (s, o, i) => main_sampleFromSchemaGeneric(s, o, i, !1), main_resolver = (s, o, i) => [s, JSON.stringify(o), JSON.stringify(i)], NI = utils_memoizeN(main_createXMLExample, main_resolver), RI = utils_memoizeN(main_sampleFromSchema, main_resolver); const DI = new (class OptionRegistry extends uI { #t = {}; data = { ...this.#t }; get defaults() { return { ...this.#t }; } })(), api_optionAPI = (s, o) => (void 0 !== o && DI.register(s, o), DI.get(s)), LI = [{ when: /json/, shouldStringifyTypes: ['string'] }], BI = ['object'], fn_get_json_sample_schema = (s) => (o, i, u, _) => { const { fn: w } = s(), x = w.jsonSchema202012.memoizedSampleFromSchema(o, i, _), C = typeof x, j = LI.reduce((s, o) => (o.when.test(u) ? [...s, ...o.shouldStringifyTypes] : s), BI); return mt()(j, (s) => s === C) ? JSON.stringify(x, null, 2) : x; }, fn_get_yaml_sample_schema = (s) => (o, i, u, _) => { const { fn: w } = s(), x = w.jsonSchema202012.getJsonSampleSchema(o, i, u, _); let C; try { (C = mn.dump(mn.load(x), { lineWidth: -1 }, { schema: nn })), '\n' === C[C.length - 1] && (C = C.slice(0, C.length - 1)); } catch (s) { return console.error(s), 'error: could not generate yaml example'; } return C.replace(/\t/g, ' '); }, fn_get_xml_sample_schema = (s) => (o, i, u) => { const { fn: _ } = s(); if ((o && !o.xml && (o.xml = {}), o && !o.xml.name)) { if (!o.$$ref && (o.type || o.items || o.properties || o.additionalProperties)) return '\n\x3c!-- XML example cannot be generated; root element name is undefined --\x3e'; if (o.$$ref) { let s = o.$$ref.match(/\S*\/(\S+)$/); o.xml.name = s[1]; } } return _.jsonSchema202012.memoizedCreateXMLExample(o, i, u); }, fn_get_sample_schema = (s) => (o, i = '', u = {}, _ = void 0) => { const { fn: w } = s(); return ( 'function' == typeof o?.toJS && (o = o.toJS()), 'function' == typeof _?.toJS && (_ = _.toJS()), /xml/.test(i) ? w.jsonSchema202012.getXmlSampleSchema(o, u, _) : /(yaml|yml)/.test(i) ? w.jsonSchema202012.getYamlSampleSchema(o, u, i, _) : w.jsonSchema202012.getJsonSampleSchema(o, u, i, _) ); }, json_schema_2020_12_samples = ({ getSystem: s }) => { const o = fn_get_json_sample_schema(s), i = fn_get_yaml_sample_schema(s), u = fn_get_xml_sample_schema(s), _ = fn_get_sample_schema(s); return { fn: { jsonSchema202012: { sampleFromSchema: main_sampleFromSchema, sampleFromSchemaGeneric: main_sampleFromSchemaGeneric, sampleOptionAPI: api_optionAPI, sampleEncoderAPI: EI, sampleFormatAPI: hI, sampleMediaTypeAPI: AI, createXMLExample: main_createXMLExample, memoizedSampleFromSchema: RI, memoizedCreateXMLExample: NI, getJsonSampleSchema: o, getYamlSampleSchema: i, getXmlSampleSchema: u, getSampleSchema: _, mergeJsonSchema: TI } } }; }; function PresetApis() { return [base, oas3, json_schema_2020_12, json_schema_2020_12_samples, oas31]; } const inline_plugin = (s) => () => ({ fn: s.fn, components: s.components }), factorization_system = (s) => { const o = We()( { layout: { layout: s.layout, filter: s.filter }, spec: { spec: '', url: s.url }, requestSnippets: s.requestSnippets }, s.initialState ); if (s.initialState) for (const [i, u] of Object.entries(s.initialState)) void 0 === u && delete o[i]; return { system: { configs: s.configs }, plugins: s.presets, state: o }; }, sources_query = () => (s) => { const o = s.queryConfigEnabled ? (() => { const s = new URLSearchParams(at.location.search); return Object.fromEntries(s); })() : {}; return Object.entries(o).reduce( (s, [o, i]) => ( 'config' === o ? (s.configUrl = i) : 'urls.primaryName' === o ? (s[o] = i) : (s = ao()(s, o, i)), s ), {} ); }, sources_url = ({ url: s, system: o }) => async (i) => { if (!s) return {}; if ('function' != typeof o.configsActions?.getConfigByUrl) return {}; const u = (() => { const s = {}; return ( (s.promise = new Promise((o, i) => { (s.resolve = o), (s.reject = i); })), s ); })(); return ( o.configsActions.getConfigByUrl( { url: s, loadRemoteConfig: !0, requestInterceptor: i.requestInterceptor, responseInterceptor: i.responseInterceptor }, (s) => { u.resolve(s); } ), u.promise ); }, runtime = () => () => { const s = {}; return ( globalThis.location && (s.oauth2RedirectUrl = `${globalThis.location.protocol}//${globalThis.location.host}${globalThis.location.pathname.substring(0, globalThis.location.pathname.lastIndexOf('/'))}/oauth2-redirect.html`), s ); }, FI = Object.freeze({ dom_id: null, domNode: null, spec: {}, url: '', urls: null, configUrl: null, layout: 'BaseLayout', docExpansion: 'list', maxDisplayedTags: -1, filter: !1, validatorUrl: 'https://validator.swagger.io/validator', oauth2RedirectUrl: void 0, persistAuthorization: !1, configs: {}, displayOperationId: !1, displayRequestDuration: !1, deepLinking: !1, tryItOutEnabled: !1, requestInterceptor: (s) => ((s.curlOptions = []), s), responseInterceptor: (s) => s, showMutatedRequest: !0, defaultModelRendering: 'example', defaultModelExpandDepth: 1, defaultModelsExpandDepth: 1, showExtensions: !1, showCommonExtensions: !1, withCredentials: !1, requestSnippetsEnabled: !1, requestSnippets: { generators: { curl_bash: { title: 'cURL (bash)', syntax: 'bash' }, curl_powershell: { title: 'cURL (PowerShell)', syntax: 'powershell' }, curl_cmd: { title: 'cURL (CMD)', syntax: 'bash' } }, defaultExpanded: !0, languages: null }, supportedSubmitMethods: [ 'get', 'put', 'post', 'delete', 'options', 'head', 'patch', 'trace' ], queryConfigEnabled: !1, presets: [PresetApis], plugins: [], initialState: {}, fn: {}, components: {}, syntaxHighlight: { activated: !0, theme: 'agate' }, operationsSorter: null, tagsSorter: null, onComplete: null, modelPropertyMacro: null, parameterMacro: null }); var qI = __webpack_require__(61448), $I = __webpack_require__.n(qI), VI = __webpack_require__(77731), UI = __webpack_require__.n(VI); const type_casters_array = (s, o = []) => (Array.isArray(s) ? s : o), type_casters_boolean = (s, o = !1) => !0 === s || 'true' === s || 1 === s || '1' === s || (!1 !== s && 'false' !== s && 0 !== s && '0' !== s && o), dom_node = (s) => (null === s || 'null' === s ? null : s), type_casters_filter = (s) => { const o = String(s); return type_casters_boolean(s, o); }, type_casters_function = (s, o) => ('function' == typeof s ? s : o), nullable_array = (s) => (Array.isArray(s) ? s : null), nullable_function = (s) => ('function' == typeof s ? s : null), nullable_string = (s) => (null === s || 'null' === s ? null : String(s)), type_casters_number = (s, o = -1) => { const i = parseInt(s, 10); return Number.isNaN(i) ? o : i; }, type_casters_object = (s, o = {}) => (cI()(s) ? s : o), sorter = (s) => ('function' == typeof s || 'string' == typeof s ? s : null), type_casters_string = (s) => String(s), syntax_highlight = (s, o) => cI()(s) ? s : !1 === s || 'false' === s || 0 === s || '0' === s ? { activated: !1 } : o, undefined_string = (s) => (void 0 === s || 'undefined' === s ? void 0 : String(s)), zI = { components: { typeCaster: type_casters_object }, configs: { typeCaster: type_casters_object }, configUrl: { typeCaster: nullable_string }, deepLinking: { typeCaster: type_casters_boolean, defaultValue: FI.deepLinking }, defaultModelExpandDepth: { typeCaster: type_casters_number, defaultValue: FI.defaultModelExpandDepth }, defaultModelRendering: { typeCaster: type_casters_string }, defaultModelsExpandDepth: { typeCaster: type_casters_number, defaultValue: FI.defaultModelsExpandDepth }, displayOperationId: { typeCaster: type_casters_boolean, defaultValue: FI.displayOperationId }, displayRequestDuration: { typeCaster: type_casters_boolean, defaultValue: FI.displayRequestDuration }, docExpansion: { typeCaster: type_casters_string }, dom_id: { typeCaster: nullable_string }, domNode: { typeCaster: dom_node }, filter: { typeCaster: type_casters_filter }, fn: { typeCaster: type_casters_object }, initialState: { typeCaster: type_casters_object }, layout: { typeCaster: type_casters_string }, maxDisplayedTags: { typeCaster: type_casters_number, defaultValue: FI.maxDisplayedTags }, modelPropertyMacro: { typeCaster: nullable_function }, oauth2RedirectUrl: { typeCaster: undefined_string }, onComplete: { typeCaster: nullable_function }, operationsSorter: { typeCaster: sorter }, paramaterMacro: { typeCaster: nullable_function }, persistAuthorization: { typeCaster: type_casters_boolean, defaultValue: FI.persistAuthorization }, plugins: { typeCaster: type_casters_array, defaultValue: FI.plugins }, presets: { typeCaster: type_casters_array, defaultValue: FI.presets }, requestInterceptor: { typeCaster: type_casters_function, defaultValue: FI.requestInterceptor }, requestSnippets: { typeCaster: type_casters_object, defaultValue: FI.requestSnippets }, requestSnippetsEnabled: { typeCaster: type_casters_boolean, defaultValue: FI.requestSnippetsEnabled }, responseInterceptor: { typeCaster: type_casters_function, defaultValue: FI.responseInterceptor }, showCommonExtensions: { typeCaster: type_casters_boolean, defaultValue: FI.showCommonExtensions }, showExtensions: { typeCaster: type_casters_boolean, defaultValue: FI.showExtensions }, showMutatedRequest: { typeCaster: type_casters_boolean, defaultValue: FI.showMutatedRequest }, spec: { typeCaster: type_casters_object, defaultValue: FI.spec }, supportedSubmitMethods: { typeCaster: type_casters_array, defaultValue: FI.supportedSubmitMethods }, syntaxHighlight: { typeCaster: syntax_highlight, defaultValue: FI.syntaxHighlight }, 'syntaxHighlight.activated': { typeCaster: type_casters_boolean, defaultValue: FI.syntaxHighlight.activated }, 'syntaxHighlight.theme': { typeCaster: type_casters_string }, tagsSorter: { typeCaster: sorter }, tryItOutEnabled: { typeCaster: type_casters_boolean, defaultValue: FI.tryItOutEnabled }, url: { typeCaster: type_casters_string }, urls: { typeCaster: nullable_array }, 'urls.primaryName': { typeCaster: type_casters_string }, validatorUrl: { typeCaster: nullable_string }, withCredentials: { typeCaster: type_casters_boolean, defaultValue: FI.withCredentials } }, type_cast = (s) => Object.entries(zI).reduce( (s, [o, { typeCaster: i, defaultValue: u }]) => { if ($I()(s, o)) { const _ = i(jn()(s, o), u); s = UI()(o, _, s); } return s; }, { ...s } ), config_merge = (s, ...o) => { let i = Symbol.for('domNode'), u = Symbol.for('primaryName'); const _ = []; for (const s of o) { const o = { ...s }; Object.hasOwn(o, 'domNode') && ((i = o.domNode), delete o.domNode), Object.hasOwn(o, 'urls.primaryName') ? ((u = o['urls.primaryName']), delete o['urls.primaryName']) : Array.isArray(o.urls) && Object.hasOwn(o.urls, 'primaryName') && ((u = o.urls.primaryName), delete o.urls.primaryName), _.push(o); } const w = We()(s, ..._); return ( i !== Symbol.for('domNode') && (w.domNode = i), u !== Symbol.for('primaryName') && Array.isArray(w.urls) && (w.urls.primaryName = u), type_cast(w) ); }; function SwaggerUI(s) { const o = sources_query()(s), i = runtime()(), u = SwaggerUI.config.merge({}, SwaggerUI.config.defaults, i, s, o), _ = factorization_system(u), w = inline_plugin(u), x = new Store(_); x.register([u.plugins, w]); const C = x.getSystem(), persistConfigs = (s) => { x.setConfigs(s), C.configsActions.loaded(); }, updateSpec = (s) => { !o.url && 'object' == typeof s.spec && Object.keys(s.spec).length > 0 ? (C.specActions.updateUrl(''), C.specActions.updateLoadingStatus('success'), C.specActions.updateSpec(JSON.stringify(s.spec))) : 'function' == typeof C.specActions.download && s.url && !s.urls && (C.specActions.updateUrl(s.url), C.specActions.download(s.url)); }, render = (s) => { if (s.domNode) C.render(s.domNode, 'App'); else if (s.dom_id) { const o = document.querySelector(s.dom_id); C.render(o, 'App'); } else null === s.dom_id || null === s.domNode || console.error('Skipped rendering: no `dom_id` or `domNode` was specified'); }; return u.configUrl ? ((async () => { const { configUrl: s } = u, i = await sources_url({ url: s, system: C })(u), _ = SwaggerUI.config.merge({}, u, i, o); persistConfigs(_), null !== i && updateSpec(_), render(_); })(), C) : (persistConfigs(u), updateSpec(u), render(u), C); } (SwaggerUI.System = Store), (SwaggerUI.config = { defaults: FI, merge: config_merge, typeCast: type_cast, typeCastMappings: zI }), (SwaggerUI.presets = { base, apis: PresetApis }), (SwaggerUI.plugins = { Auth: auth, Configs: configsPlugin, DeepLining: deep_linking, Err: err, Filter: filter, Icons: icons, JSONSchema5: json_schema_5, JSONSchema5Samples: json_schema_5_samples, JSONSchema202012: json_schema_2020_12, JSONSchema202012Samples: json_schema_2020_12_samples, Layout: plugins_layout, Logs: logs, OpenAPI30: oas3, OpenAPI31: oas3, OnComplete: on_complete, RequestSnippets: plugins_request_snippets, Spec: plugins_spec, SwaggerClient: swagger_client, Util: util, View: view, ViewLegacy: view_legacy, DownloadUrl: downloadUrlPlugin, SyntaxHighlighting: syntax_highlighting, Versions: versions, SafeRender: safe_render }); const WI = SwaggerUI; })(), (_ = _.default) ); })() );