import json |
import os |
import pandas as pd |
import requests |
import threading |
import streamlit as st |
from datasets import load_dataset, load_metric |
MODELS = ["CodeParrot", "InCoder", "CodeGen", "PolyCoder"] |
GENERATION_MODELS = ["CodeParrot", "InCoder", "CodeGen"] |
@st.cache() |
def load_examples(): |
with open("utils/examples.json", "r") as f: |
examples = json.load(f) |
return examples |
def load_evaluation(): |
os.environ["HF_ALLOW_CODE_EVAL"] = "1" |
human_eval = load_dataset("openai_humaneval") |
entry_point = f"check({human_eval['test'][2]['entry_point']})" |
test_func = "\n" + human_eval["test"][2]["test"] + "\n" + entry_point |
code_eval = load_metric("code_eval") |
return code_eval, test_func |
def read_markdown(path): |
with open(path, "r") as f: |
output = f.read() |
st.markdown(output, unsafe_allow_html=True) |
def generate_code( |
generations, model_name, gen_prompt, max_new_tokens, temperature, seed |
): |
url = ( |
f"https://hf.space/embed/loubnabnl/{model_name.lower()}-subspace/+/api/predict/" |
) |
r = requests.post( |
url=url, json={"data": [gen_prompt, max_new_tokens, temperature, seed]} |
) |
generated_text = r.json()["data"][0] |
generations.append(generated_text) |
@st.cache(show_spinner=False) |
def generate_code_threads( |
generations, models, gen_prompt, max_new_tokens, temperature, seed |
): |
threads = [] |
for model_name in models: |
threads.append( |
threading.Thread( |
target=generate_code, |
args=( |
generations, |
model_name, |
gen_prompt, |
max_new_tokens, |
temperature, |
seed, |
), |
) |
) |
threads[-1].start() |
for t in threads: |
t.join() |
@st.cache(show_spinner=False) |
def generate_teaser(gen_prompt): |
generations = [] |
generate_code(generations, "CodeGen", gen_prompt, 10, 0.2, 42) |
return generations[0] |
st.set_page_config(page_icon=":laptop:", layout="wide") |
with open("utils/table_contents.md", "r") as f: |
contents = f.read() |
st.sidebar.markdown(contents) |
st.title("Code generation with π€") |
read_markdown("utils/summary.md") |
example_text = "def print_hello_world():" |
col1, col2, col3 = st.columns([1, 2, 1]) |
with col2: |
gen_prompt = st.text_area( |
"", |
value=example_text, |
height=100, |
).strip() |
if st.button("Generate code!", key=1): |
with st.spinner("Generating code..."): |
st.code(generate_teaser(gen_prompt)) |
read_markdown("utils/intro.md") |
st.subheader("1 - Code datasets") |
read_markdown("datasets/intro.md") |
read_markdown("datasets/github_code.md") |
col1, col2 = st.columns([1, 2]) |
with col1: |
selected_model = st.selectbox("", MODELS, key=1) |
read_markdown(f"datasets/{selected_model.lower()}.md") |
st.subheader("2 - Model architecture") |
read_markdown("architectures/intro.md") |
col1, col2 = st.columns([1, 2]) |
with col1: |
selected_model = st.selectbox("", MODELS, key=2) |
read_markdown(f"architectures/{selected_model.lower()}.md") |
st.subheader("3 - Code model evaluation") |
read_markdown("evaluation/intro.md") |
read_markdown("evaluation/demo_humaneval.md") |
st.markdown("Below you can try solving this problem or visualize the solution of CodeParrot:") |
with open("evaluation/problem.md", "r") as f: |
problem = f.read() |
with open("evaluation/solution.md", "r") as f: |
solution = f.read() |
candidate_solution = st.text_area( |
"Complete the problem:", |
value=problem, |
height=240, |
).strip() |
if st.button("Test my solution", key=2): |
with st.spinner("Testing..."): |
code_eval, test_func = load_evaluation() |
test_cases = [test_func] |
candidates = [[candidate_solution]] |
pass_at_k, _ = code_eval.compute(references=test_cases, predictions=candidates) |
text = "Your solution didn't pass the test, pass@1 is 0 π" if pass_at_k['pass@1'] < 1 else "Congrats your pass@1 is 1! π" |
st.markdown(text) |
if st.button("Show model solution", key=3): |
st.markdown(solution) |
st.subheader("4 - Code generation β¨") |
read_markdown("generation/intro.md") |
col1, col2, col3 = st.columns([7, 1, 6]) |
with col1: |
st.markdown("**Models**") |
selected_models = st.multiselect( |
"Select code generation models to compare:", |
key=3, |
) |
st.markdown(" ") |
st.markdown("**Examples**") |
examples = load_examples() |
example_names = [example["name"] for example in examples] |
name2id = dict([(name, i) for i, name in enumerate(example_names)]) |
selected_example = st.selectbox( |
"Select one of the following examples or implement yours:", example_names |
) |
example_text = examples[name2id[selected_example]]["value"] |
default_length = examples[name2id[selected_example]]["length"] |
with col3: |
st.markdown("**Generation settings**") |
temperature = st.slider( |
"Temperature:", value=0.2, min_value=0.0, step=0.1, max_value=2.0 |
) |
max_new_tokens = st.slider( |
"Number of tokens to generate:", |
value=default_length, |
min_value=8, |
step=4, |
max_value=256, |
) |
seed = st.slider("Random seed:", value=42, min_value=0, step=1, max_value=1000) |
gen_prompt = st.text_area( |
"Generate code with prompt:", |
value=example_text, |
height=200, |
).strip() |
if st.button("Generate code!", key=4): |
with st.spinner("Generating code..."): |
generations = [] |
generate_code_threads( |
generations, |
selected_models, |
gen_prompt=gen_prompt, |
max_new_tokens=max_new_tokens, |
temperature=temperature, |
seed=seed, |
) |
for i in range(len(generations)): |
st.markdown(f"**{selected_models[i]}**") |
st.code(generations[i]) |
if len(generations) < len(selected_models): |
st.markdown("<span style='color:red'>Warning: Some models run into timeout, you can try generating code using the original subspaces: [InCoder](https://huggingface.co/spaces/loubnabnl/incoder-subspace), [CodeGen](https://huggingface.co/spaces/loubnabnl/codegen-subspace), [CodeParrot](https://huggingface.co/spaces/loubnabnl/codeparrot-subspace)</span>", unsafe_allow_html=True) |
st.subheader("Resources") |
read_markdown("utils/resources.md") |