import gradio as gr
import json
import ast

def push_queue(CONFIG):

def wirte_config(CONFIG):
    CONFIG = ast.literal_eval(CONFIG)
    str = f"""
    ******CONFIG UPDATE******
    start_time: {CONFIG['start_time']}
    end_time: {CONFIG['end_time']}
    query: {CONFIG['query']}
    keywords: {CONFIG['keywords']}
    top_cluster: {CONFIG['top_cluster']}
    prompt: {CONFIG['prompt']}
    check_relevent: {CONFIG['check_relevent']} 
    max_posts: {CONFIG['max_posts']}
    with open('/home2/cuongnguyen2/topic-clustering-global-dashboard/config_periodic.json', 'w') as f:
        json.dump(CONFIG, f, ensure_ascii= False)
    return str
demo = gr.Blocks()

def gradio_function():
    with demo:
        # Flip Text!
        Start typing below to see the output.
        with open('/home2/cuongnguyen2/topic-clustering-global-dashboard/config_periodic.json') as f:
            CONFIG = json.load(f)
        input1 = gr.Textbox(placeholder="Enter input", value=str(CONFIG))
        # input2 = gr.Textbox(placeholder="Enter second text")
        # Tạo ô output
        output = gr.Textbox()

        # Kết nối các input với hàm process_text
        gr.Button("Submit").click(fn=wirte_config, inputs=[input1], outputs=output)

if __name__ == '__main__':