import os |
import os.path as osp |
import pickle |
import numpy as np |
import struct |
from PIL import Image |
import json |
import h5py |
import torch |
from torch.utils import data |
from .augmentor import FlowAugmentor |
from .datasets_stereo import _read_img, img_to_tensor, dataset_to_root, _read_pfm |
from copy import deepcopy |
dataset_to_root = deepcopy(dataset_to_root) |
dataset_to_root.update(**{ |
'TartanAir': './data/stereoflow/TartanAir', |
'FlyingChairs': './data/stereoflow/FlyingChairs/', |
'FlyingThings': osp.join(dataset_to_root['SceneFlow'],'FlyingThings')+'/', |
'MPISintel': './data/stereoflow//MPI-Sintel/'+'/', |
}) |
cache_dir = "./data/stereoflow/datasets_flow_cache/" |
def flow_to_tensor(disp): |
return torch.from_numpy(disp).float().permute(2, 0, 1) |
class FlowDataset(data.Dataset): |
def __init__(self, split, augmentor=False, crop_size=None, totensor=True): |
self.split = split |
if not augmentor: assert crop_size is None |
if crop_size is not None: assert augmentor |
self.crop_size = crop_size |
self.augmentor_str = augmentor |
self.augmentor = FlowAugmentor(crop_size) if augmentor else None |
self.totensor = totensor |
self.rmul = 1 |
self.has_constant_resolution = True |
self._prepare_data() |
self._load_or_build_cache() |
def prepare_data(self): |
""" |
to be defined for each dataset |
""" |
raise NotImplementedError |
def __len__(self): |
return len(self.pairnames) |
def __getitem__(self, index): |
pairname = self.pairnames[index] |
img1name = self.pairname_to_img1name(pairname) |
img2name = self.pairname_to_img2name(pairname) |
flowname = self.pairname_to_flowname(pairname) if self.pairname_to_flowname is not None else None |
img1 = _read_img(img1name) |
img2 = _read_img(img2name) |
flow = self.load_flow(flowname) if flowname is not None else None |
if self.augmentor is not None: |
img1, img2, flow = self.augmentor(img1, img2, flow, self.name) |
if self.totensor: |
img1 = img_to_tensor(img1) |
img2 = img_to_tensor(img2) |
if flow is not None: |
flow = flow_to_tensor(flow) |
else: |
flow = torch.tensor([]) |
pairname = str(pairname) |
return img1, img2, flow, pairname |
def __rmul__(self, v): |
self.rmul *= v |
self.pairnames = v * self.pairnames |
return self |
def __str__(self): |
return f'{self.__class__.__name__}_{self.split}' |
def __repr__(self): |
s = f'{self.__class__.__name__}(split={self.split}, augmentor={self.augmentor_str}, crop_size={str(self.crop_size)}, totensor={self.totensor})' |
if self.rmul==1: |
s+=f'\n\tnum pairs: {len(self.pairnames)}' |
else: |
s+=f'\n\tnum pairs: {len(self.pairnames)} ({len(self.pairnames)//self.rmul}x{self.rmul})' |
return s |
def _set_root(self): |
self.root = dataset_to_root[self.name] |
assert os.path.isdir(self.root), f"could not find root directory for dataset {self.name}: {self.root}" |
def _load_or_build_cache(self): |
cache_file = osp.join(cache_dir, self.name+'.pkl') |
if osp.isfile(cache_file): |
with open(cache_file, 'rb') as fid: |
self.pairnames = pickle.load(fid)[self.split] |
else: |
tosave = self._build_cache() |
os.makedirs(cache_dir, exist_ok=True) |
with open(cache_file, 'wb') as fid: |
pickle.dump(tosave, fid) |
self.pairnames = tosave[self.split] |
class TartanAirDataset(FlowDataset): |
def _prepare_data(self): |
self.name = "TartanAir" |
self._set_root() |
assert self.split in ['train'] |
self.pairname_to_img1name = lambda pairname: osp.join(self.root, pairname[0], 'image_left/{:06d}_left.png'.format(pairname[1])) |
self.pairname_to_img2name = lambda pairname: osp.join(self.root, pairname[0], 'image_left/{:06d}_left.png'.format(pairname[2])) |
self.pairname_to_flowname = lambda pairname: osp.join(self.root, pairname[0], 'flow/{:06d}_{:06d}_flow.npy'.format(pairname[1],pairname[2])) |
self.pairname_to_str = lambda pairname: os.path.join(pairname[0][pairname[0].find('/')+1:], '{:06d}_{:06d}'.format(pairname[1], pairname[2])) |
self.load_flow = _read_numpy_flow |
def _build_cache(self): |
seqs = sorted(os.listdir(self.root)) |
pairs = [(osp.join(s,s,difficulty,Pxxx),int(a[:6]),int(a[:6])+1) for s in seqs for difficulty in ['Easy','Hard'] for Pxxx in sorted(os.listdir(osp.join(self.root,s,s,difficulty))) for a in sorted(os.listdir(osp.join(self.root,s,s,difficulty,Pxxx,'image_left/')))[:-1]] |
assert len(pairs)==306268, "incorrect parsing of pairs in TartanAir" |
tosave = {'train': pairs} |
return tosave |
class FlyingChairsDataset(FlowDataset): |
def _prepare_data(self): |
self.name = "FlyingChairs" |
self._set_root() |
assert self.split in ['train','val'] |
self.pairname_to_img1name = lambda pairname: osp.join(self.root, 'data', pairname+'_img1.ppm') |
self.pairname_to_img2name = lambda pairname: osp.join(self.root, 'data', pairname+'_img2.ppm') |
self.pairname_to_flowname = lambda pairname: osp.join(self.root, 'data', pairname+'_flow.flo') |
self.pairname_to_str = lambda pairname: pairname |
self.load_flow = _read_flo_file |
def _build_cache(self): |
split_file = osp.join(self.root, 'chairs_split.txt') |
split_list = np.loadtxt(split_file, dtype=np.int32) |
trainpairs = ['{:05d}'.format(i) for i in np.where(split_list==1)[0]+1] |
valpairs = ['{:05d}'.format(i) for i in np.where(split_list==2)[0]+1] |
assert len(trainpairs)==22232 and len(valpairs)==640, "incorrect parsing of pairs in MPI-Sintel" |
tosave = {'train': trainpairs, 'val': valpairs} |
return tosave |
class FlyingThingsDataset(FlowDataset): |
def _prepare_data(self): |
self.name = "FlyingThings" |
self._set_root() |
assert self.split in [f'{set_}_{pass_}pass{camstr}' for set_ in ['train','test','test1024'] for camstr in ['','_rightcam'] for pass_ in ['clean','final','all']] |
self.pairname_to_img1name = lambda pairname: osp.join(self.root, f'frames_{pairname[3]}pass', pairname[0].replace('into_future','').replace('into_past',''), '{:04d}.png'.format(pairname[1])) |
self.pairname_to_img2name = lambda pairname: osp.join(self.root, f'frames_{pairname[3]}pass', pairname[0].replace('into_future','').replace('into_past',''), '{:04d}.png'.format(pairname[2])) |
self.pairname_to_flowname = lambda pairname: osp.join(self.root, 'optical_flow', pairname[0], 'OpticalFlowInto{f:s}_{i:04d}_{c:s}.pfm'.format(f='Future' if 'future' in pairname[0] else 'Past', i=pairname[1], c='L' if 'left' in pairname[0] else 'R' )) |
self.pairname_to_str = lambda pairname: os.path.join(pairname[3]+'pass', pairname[0], 'Into{f:s}_{i:04d}_{c:s}'.format(f='Future' if 'future' in pairname[0] else 'Past', i=pairname[1], c='L' if 'left' in pairname[0] else 'R' )) |
self.load_flow = _read_pfm_flow |
def _build_cache(self): |
tosave = {} |
for set_ in ['train', 'test']: |
sroot = osp.join(self.root, 'optical_flow', set_.upper()) |
fname_to_i = lambda f: int(f[len('OpticalFlowIntoFuture_'):-len('_L.pfm')]) |
pp = [(osp.join(set_.upper(), d, s, 'into_future/left'),fname_to_i(fname)) for d in sorted(os.listdir(sroot)) for s in sorted(os.listdir(osp.join(sroot,d))) for fname in sorted(os.listdir(osp.join(sroot,d, s, 'into_future/left')))[:-1]] |
pairs = [(a,i,i+1) for a,i in pp] |
pairs += [(a.replace('into_future','into_past'),i+1,i) for a,i in pp] |
assert len(pairs)=={'train': 40302, 'test': 7866}[set_], "incorrect parsing of pairs Flying Things" |
for cam in ['left','right']: |
camstr = '' if cam=='left' else f'_{cam}cam' |
for pass_ in ['final', 'clean']: |
tosave[f'{set_}_{pass_}pass{camstr}'] = [(a.replace('left',cam),i,j,pass_) for a,i,j in pairs] |
tosave[f'{set_}_allpass{camstr}'] = tosave[f'{set_}_cleanpass{camstr}'] + tosave[f'{set_}_finalpass{camstr}'] |
test1024_nsamples = 1024 |
alltest_nsamples = len(tosave['test_cleanpass']) |
stride = alltest_nsamples // test1024_nsamples |
remove = alltest_nsamples % test1024_nsamples |
for cam in ['left','right']: |
camstr = '' if cam=='left' else f'_{cam}cam' |
for pass_ in ['final','clean']: |
tosave[f'test1024_{pass_}pass{camstr}'] = sorted(tosave[f'test_{pass_}pass{camstr}'])[:-remove][::stride] |
assert len(tosave['test1024_cleanpass'])==1024, "incorrect parsing of pairs in Flying Things" |
tosave[f'test1024_allpass{camstr}'] = tosave[f'test1024_cleanpass{camstr}'] + tosave[f'test1024_finalpass{camstr}'] |
return tosave |
class MPISintelDataset(FlowDataset): |
def _prepare_data(self): |
self.name = "MPISintel" |
self._set_root() |
assert self.split in [s+'_'+p for s in ['train','test','subval','subtrain'] for p in ['cleanpass','finalpass','allpass']] |
self.pairname_to_img1name = lambda pairname: osp.join(self.root, pairname[0], 'frame_{:04d}.png'.format(pairname[1])) |
self.pairname_to_img2name = lambda pairname: osp.join(self.root, pairname[0], 'frame_{:04d}.png'.format(pairname[1]+1)) |
self.pairname_to_flowname = lambda pairname: None if pairname[0].startswith('test/') else osp.join(self.root, pairname[0].replace('/clean/','/flow/').replace('/final/','/flow/'), 'frame_{:04d}.flo'.format(pairname[1])) |
self.pairname_to_str = lambda pairname: osp.join(pairname[0], 'frame_{:04d}'.format(pairname[1])) |
self.load_flow = _read_flo_file |
def _build_cache(self): |
trainseqs = sorted(os.listdir(self.root+'training/clean')) |
trainpairs = [ (osp.join('training/clean', s),i) for s in trainseqs for i in range(1, len(os.listdir(self.root+'training/clean/'+s)))] |
subvalseqs = ['temple_2','temple_3'] |
subtrainseqs = [s for s in trainseqs if s not in subvalseqs] |
subvalpairs = [ (p,i) for p,i in trainpairs if any(s in p for s in subvalseqs)] |
subtrainpairs = [ (p,i) for p,i in trainpairs if any(s in p for s in subtrainseqs)] |
testseqs = sorted(os.listdir(self.root+'test/clean')) |
testpairs = [ (osp.join('test/clean', s),i) for s in testseqs for i in range(1, len(os.listdir(self.root+'test/clean/'+s)))] |
assert len(trainpairs)==1041 and len(testpairs)==552 and len(subvalpairs)==98 and len(subtrainpairs)==943, "incorrect parsing of pairs in MPI-Sintel" |
tosave = {} |
tosave['train_cleanpass'] = trainpairs |
tosave['test_cleanpass'] = testpairs |
tosave['subval_cleanpass'] = subvalpairs |
tosave['subtrain_cleanpass'] = subtrainpairs |
for t in ['train','test','subval','subtrain']: |
tosave[t+'_finalpass'] = [(p.replace('/clean/','/final/'),i) for p,i in tosave[t+'_cleanpass']] |
tosave[t+'_allpass'] = tosave[t+'_cleanpass'] + tosave[t+'_finalpass'] |
return tosave |
def submission_save_pairname(self, pairname, prediction, outdir, _time): |
assert prediction.shape[2]==2 |
outfile = os.path.join(outdir, 'submission', self.pairname_to_str(pairname)+'.flo') |
os.makedirs( os.path.dirname(outfile), exist_ok=True) |
writeFlowFile(prediction, outfile) |
def finalize_submission(self, outdir): |
assert self.split == 'test_allpass' |
bundle_exe = "/nfs/data/ffs-3d/datasets/StereoFlow/MPI-Sintel/bundler/linux-x64/bundler" |
if os.path.isfile(bundle_exe): |
cmd = f'{bundle_exe} "{outdir}/submission/test/clean/" "{outdir}/submission/test/final" "{outdir}/submission/bundled.lzma"' |
print(cmd) |
os.system(cmd) |
print(f'Done. Submission file at: "{outdir}/submission/bundled.lzma"') |
else: |
print('Could not find bundler executable for submission.') |
print('Please download it and run:') |
print(f'<bundle_exe> "{outdir}/submission/test/clean/" "{outdir}/submission/test/final" "{outdir}/submission/bundled.lzma"') |
class SpringDataset(FlowDataset): |
def _prepare_data(self): |
self.name = "Spring" |
self._set_root() |
assert self.split in ['train','test','subtrain','subval'] |
self.pairname_to_img1name = lambda pairname: osp.join(self.root, pairname[0], pairname[1], 'frame_'+pairname[3], 'frame_{:s}_{:04d}.png'.format(pairname[3], pairname[4])) |
self.pairname_to_img2name = lambda pairname: osp.join(self.root, pairname[0], pairname[1], 'frame_'+pairname[3], 'frame_{:s}_{:04d}.png'.format(pairname[3], pairname[4]+(1 if pairname[2]=='FW' else -1))) |
self.pairname_to_flowname = lambda pairname: None if pairname[0]=='test' else osp.join(self.root, pairname[0], pairname[1], f'flow_{pairname[2]}_{pairname[3]}', f'flow_{pairname[2]}_{pairname[3]}_{pairname[4]:04d}.flo5') |
self.pairname_to_str = lambda pairname: osp.join(pairname[0], pairname[1], f'flow_{pairname[2]}_{pairname[3]}', f'flow_{pairname[2]}_{pairname[3]}_{pairname[4]:04d}') |
self.load_flow = _read_hdf5_flow |
def _build_cache(self): |
trainseqs = sorted(os.listdir( osp.join(self.root,'train'))) |
trainpairs = [] |
for leftright in ['left','right']: |
for fwbw in ['FW','BW']: |
trainpairs += [('train',s,fwbw,leftright,int(f[len(f'flow_{fwbw}_{leftright}_'):-len('.flo5')])) for s in trainseqs for f in sorted(os.listdir(osp.join(self.root,'train',s,f'flow_{fwbw}_{leftright}')))] |
testseqs = sorted(os.listdir( osp.join(self.root,'test'))) |
testpairs = [] |
for leftright in ['left','right']: |
testpairs += [('test',s,'FW',leftright,int(f[len(f'frame_{leftright}_'):-len('.png')])) for s in testseqs for f in sorted(os.listdir(osp.join(self.root,'test',s,f'frame_{leftright}')))[:-1]] |
testpairs += [('test',s,'BW',leftright,int(f[len(f'frame_{leftright}_'):-len('.png')])+1) for s in testseqs for f in sorted(os.listdir(osp.join(self.root,'test',s,f'frame_{leftright}')))[:-1]] |
subtrainpairs = [p for p in trainpairs if p[1]!='0041'] |
subvalpairs = [p for p in trainpairs if p[1]=='0041'] |
assert len(trainpairs)==19852 and len(testpairs)==3960 and len(subtrainpairs)==19472 and len(subvalpairs)==380, "incorrect parsing of pairs in Spring" |
tosave = {'train': trainpairs, 'test': testpairs, 'subtrain': subtrainpairs, 'subval': subvalpairs} |
return tosave |
def submission_save_pairname(self, pairname, prediction, outdir, time): |
assert prediction.ndim==3 |
assert prediction.shape[2]==2 |
assert prediction.dtype==np.float32 |
outfile = osp.join(outdir, pairname[0], pairname[1], f'flow_{pairname[2]}_{pairname[3]}', f'flow_{pairname[2]}_{pairname[3]}_{pairname[4]:04d}.flo5') |
os.makedirs( os.path.dirname(outfile), exist_ok=True) |
writeFlo5File(prediction, outfile) |
def finalize_submission(self, outdir): |
assert self.split=='test' |
exe = "{self.root}/flow_subsampling" |
if os.path.isfile(exe): |
cmd = f'cd "{outdir}/test"; {exe} .' |
print(cmd) |
os.system(cmd) |
print(f'Done. Submission file at {outdir}/test/flow_submission.hdf5') |
else: |
print('Could not find flow_subsampling executable for submission.') |
print('Please download it and run:') |
print(f'cd "{outdir}/test"; <flow_subsampling_exe> .') |
class Kitti12Dataset(FlowDataset): |
def _prepare_data(self): |
self.name = "Kitti12" |
self._set_root() |
assert self.split in ['train','test'] |
self.pairname_to_img1name = lambda pairname: osp.join(self.root, pairname+'_10.png') |
self.pairname_to_img2name = lambda pairname: osp.join(self.root, pairname+'_11.png') |
self.pairname_to_flowname = None if self.split=='test' else lambda pairname: osp.join(self.root, pairname.replace('/colored_0/','/flow_occ/')+'_10.png') |
self.pairname_to_str = lambda pairname: pairname.replace('/colored_0/','/') |
self.load_flow = _read_kitti_flow |
def _build_cache(self): |
trainseqs = ["training/colored_0/%06d"%(i) for i in range(194)] |
testseqs = ["testing/colored_0/%06d"%(i) for i in range(195)] |
assert len(trainseqs)==194 and len(testseqs)==195, "incorrect parsing of pairs in Kitti12" |
tosave = {'train': trainseqs, 'test': testseqs} |
return tosave |
def submission_save_pairname(self, pairname, prediction, outdir, time): |
assert prediction.ndim==3 |
assert prediction.shape[2]==2 |
outfile = os.path.join(outdir, pairname.split('/')[-1]+'_10.png') |
os.makedirs( os.path.dirname(outfile), exist_ok=True) |
writeFlowKitti(outfile, prediction) |
def finalize_submission(self, outdir): |
assert self.split=='test' |
cmd = f'cd {outdir}/; zip -r "kitti12_flow_results.zip" .' |
print(cmd) |
os.system(cmd) |
print(f'Done. Submission file at {outdir}/kitti12_flow_results.zip') |
class Kitti15Dataset(FlowDataset): |
def _prepare_data(self): |
self.name = "Kitti15" |
self._set_root() |
assert self.split in ['train','subtrain','subval','test'] |
self.pairname_to_img1name = lambda pairname: osp.join(self.root, pairname+'_10.png') |
self.pairname_to_img2name = lambda pairname: osp.join(self.root, pairname+'_11.png') |
self.pairname_to_flowname = None if self.split=='test' else lambda pairname: osp.join(self.root, pairname.replace('/image_2/','/flow_occ/')+'_10.png') |
self.pairname_to_str = lambda pairname: pairname.replace('/image_2/','/') |
self.load_flow = _read_kitti_flow |
def _build_cache(self): |
trainseqs = ["training/image_2/%06d"%(i) for i in range(200)] |
subtrainseqs = trainseqs[:-10] |
subvalseqs = trainseqs[-10:] |
testseqs = ["testing/image_2/%06d"%(i) for i in range(200)] |
assert len(trainseqs)==200 and len(subtrainseqs)==190 and len(subvalseqs)==10 and len(testseqs)==200, "incorrect parsing of pairs in Kitti15" |
tosave = {'train': trainseqs, 'subtrain': subtrainseqs, 'subval': subvalseqs, 'test': testseqs} |
return tosave |
def submission_save_pairname(self, pairname, prediction, outdir, time): |
assert prediction.ndim==3 |
assert prediction.shape[2]==2 |
outfile = os.path.join(outdir, 'flow', pairname.split('/')[-1]+'_10.png') |
os.makedirs( os.path.dirname(outfile), exist_ok=True) |
writeFlowKitti(outfile, prediction) |
def finalize_submission(self, outdir): |
assert self.split=='test' |
cmd = f'cd {outdir}/; zip -r "kitti15_flow_results.zip" flow' |
print(cmd) |
os.system(cmd) |
print(f'Done. Submission file at {outdir}/kitti15_flow_results.zip') |
import cv2 |
def _read_numpy_flow(filename): |
return np.load(filename) |
def _read_pfm_flow(filename): |
f, _ = _read_pfm(filename) |
assert np.all(f[:,:,2]==0.0) |
return np.ascontiguousarray(f[:,:,:2]) |
TAG_FLOAT = 202021.25 |
MAX_WIDTH = 99999 |
MAX_HEIGHT = 99999 |
def readFlowFile(filename): |
""" |
readFlowFile(<FILENAME>) reads a flow file <FILENAME> into a 2-band np.array. |
if <FILENAME> does not exist, an IOError is raised. |
if <FILENAME> does not finish by '.flo' or the tag, the width, the height or the file's size is illegal, an Expcetion is raised. |
---- PARAMETERS ---- |
filename: string containg the name of the file to read a flow |
---- OUTPUTS ---- |
a np.array of dimension (height x width x 2) containing the flow of type 'float32' |
""" |
if not filename.endswith(".flo"): |
raise Exception("readFlowFile({:s}): filename must finish with '.flo'".format(filename)) |
with open(filename,'rb') as f: |
tag = struct.unpack('f',f.read(4))[0] |
if tag != TAG_FLOAT: |
raise Exception("flow_utils.readFlowFile({:s}): wrong tag".format(filename)) |
w,h = struct.unpack('ii',f.read(8)) |
if w < MIN_WIDTH or w > MAX_WIDTH: |
raise Exception("flow_utils.readFlowFile({:s}: illegal width {:d}".format(filename,w)) |
if h < MIN_HEIGHT or h > MAX_HEIGHT: |
raise Exception("flow_utils.readFlowFile({:s}: illegal height {:d}".format(filename,h)) |
flow = np.fromfile(f,'float32') |
if not flow.shape == (h*w*2,): |
raise Exception("flow_utils.readFlowFile({:s}: illegal size of the file".format(filename)) |
flow.shape = (h,w,2) |
return flow |
def writeFlowFile(flow,filename): |
""" |
writeFlowFile(flow,<FILENAME>) write flow to the file <FILENAME>. |
if <FILENAME> does not exist, an IOError is raised. |
if <FILENAME> does not finish with '.flo' or the flow has not 2 bands, an Exception is raised. |
---- PARAMETERS ---- |
flow: np.array of dimension (height x width x 2) containing the flow to write |
filename: string containg the name of the file to write a flow |
""" |
if not filename.endswith(".flo"): |
raise Exception("flow_utils.writeFlowFile(<flow>,{:s}): filename must finish with '.flo'".format(filename)) |
if not flow.shape[2:] == (2,): |
raise Exception("flow_utils.writeFlowFile(<flow>,{:s}): <flow> must have 2 bands".format(filename)) |
with open(filename,'wb') as f: |
f.write( TAG_STRING.encode('utf-8') ) |
f.write( struct.pack('ii',flow.shape[1],flow.shape[0]) ) |
flow.astype(np.float32).tofile(f) |
_read_flo_file = readFlowFile |
def _read_kitti_flow(filename): |
flow = cv2.imread(filename, cv2.IMREAD_ANYDEPTH | cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) |
flow = flow[:, :, ::-1].astype(np.float32) |
valid = flow[:, :, 2]>0 |
flow = flow[:, :, :2] |
flow = (flow - 2 ** 15) / 64.0 |
flow[~valid,0] = np.inf |
flow[~valid,1] = np.inf |
return flow |
_read_hd1k_flow = _read_kitti_flow |
def writeFlowKitti(filename, uv): |
uv = 64.0 * uv + 2 ** 15 |
valid = np.ones([uv.shape[0], uv.shape[1], 1]) |
uv = np.concatenate([uv, valid], axis=-1).astype(np.uint16) |
cv2.imwrite(filename, uv[..., ::-1]) |
def writeFlo5File(flow, filename): |
with h5py.File(filename, "w") as f: |
f.create_dataset("flow", data=flow, compression="gzip", compression_opts=5) |
def _read_hdf5_flow(filename): |
flow = np.asarray(h5py.File(filename)['flow']) |
flow[np.isnan(flow)] = np.inf |
return flow.astype(np.float32) |
RY = 15 |
YG = 6 |
GC = 4 |
CB = 11 |
BM = 13 |
MR = 6 |
def colorTest(): |
""" |
flow_utils.colorTest(): display an example of image showing the color encoding scheme |
""" |
import matplotlib.pylab as plt |
truerange = 1 |
h,w = 151,151 |
trange = truerange*1.04 |
s2 = round(h/2) |
x,y = np.meshgrid(range(w),range(h)) |
u = x*trange/s2-trange |
v = y*trange/s2-trange |
img = _computeColor(np.concatenate((u[:,:,np.newaxis],v[:,:,np.newaxis]),2)/trange/np.sqrt(2)) |
plt.imshow(img) |
plt.axis('off') |
plt.axhline(round(h/2),color='k') |
plt.axvline(round(w/2),color='k') |
def flowToColor(flow, maxflow=None, maxmaxflow=None, saturate=False): |
""" |
flow_utils.flowToColor(flow): return a color code flow field, normalized based on the maximum l2-norm of the flow |
flow_utils.flowToColor(flow,maxflow): return a color code flow field, normalized by maxflow |
---- PARAMETERS ---- |
flow: flow to display of shape (height x width x 2) |
maxflow (default:None): if given, normalize the flow by its value, otherwise by the flow norm |
maxmaxflow (default:None): if given, normalize the flow by the max of its value and the flow norm |
---- OUTPUT ---- |
an np.array of shape (height x width x 3) of type uint8 containing a color code of the flow |
""" |
h,w,n = flow.shape |
assert n == 2, "flow_utils.flowToColor(flow): flow must have 2 bands" |
unknown_idx = np.max(np.abs(flow),2)>UNKNOWN_THRESH |
flow[unknown_idx] = 0.0 |
if maxflow is None: |
maxflow = flowMaxNorm(flow) |
if maxmaxflow is not None: |
maxflow = min(maxmaxflow, maxflow) |
eps = np.spacing(1) |
img = _computeColor(flow/(maxflow+eps), saturate=saturate) |
img[ np.tile( unknown_idx[:,:,np.newaxis],[1,1,3]) ] = 0.0 |
return img |
def flowMaxNorm(flow): |
""" |
flow_utils.flowMaxNorm(flow): return the maximum of the l2-norm of the given flow |
---- PARAMETERS ---- |
flow: the flow |
---- OUTPUT ---- |
a float containing the maximum of the l2-norm of the flow |
""" |
return np.max( np.sqrt( np.sum( np.square( flow ) , 2) ) ) |
def _computeColor(flow, saturate=True): |
""" |
flow_utils._computeColor(flow): compute color codes for the flow field flow |
---- PARAMETERS ---- |
flow: np.array of dimension (height x width x 2) containing the flow to display |
---- OUTPUTS ---- |
an np.array of dimension (height x width x 3) containing the color conversion of the flow |
""" |
nanidx = np.isnan(flow[:,:,0]) |
flow[nanidx] = 0.0 |
ncols = RY + YG + GC + CB + BM + MR |
nchans = 3 |
colorwheel = np.zeros((ncols,nchans),'uint8') |
col = 0; |
colorwheel[:RY,0] = 255 |
colorwheel[:RY,1] = [(255*i) // RY for i in range(RY)] |
col += RY |
colorwheel[col:col+YG,0] = [255 - (255*i) // YG for i in range(YG)] |
colorwheel[col:col+YG,1] = 255 |
col += YG |
colorwheel[col:col+GC,1] = 255 |
colorwheel[col:col+GC,2] = [(255*i) // GC for i in range(GC)] |
col += GC |
colorwheel[col:col+CB,1] = [255 - (255*i) // CB for i in range(CB)] |
colorwheel[col:col+CB,2] = 255 |
col += CB |
colorwheel[col:col+BM,0] = [(255*i) // BM for i in range(BM)] |
colorwheel[col:col+BM,2] = 255 |
col += BM |
colorwheel[col:col+MR,0] = 255 |
colorwheel[col:col+MR,2] = [255 - (255*i) // MR for i in range(MR)] |
rad = np.sqrt( np.sum( np.square(flow) , 2) ) |
a = np.arctan2( -flow[:,:,1] , -flow[:,:,0]) / np.pi |
fk = (a+1)/2 * (ncols-1) |
k0 = np.floor(fk).astype('int') |
k1 = k0+1 |
k1[k1==ncols] = 0 |
f = fk-k0 |
if not saturate: |
rad = np.minimum(rad,1) |
img = np.zeros( (flow.shape[0],flow.shape[1],nchans), 'uint8' ) |
for i in range(nchans): |
tmp = colorwheel[:,i].astype('float') |
col0 = tmp[k0]/255 |
col1 = tmp[k1]/255 |
col = (1-f)*col0 + f*col1 |
idx = (rad <= 1) |
col[idx] = 1-rad[idx]*(1-col[idx]) |
col[~idx] *= 0.75 |
img[:,:,i] = (255*col*(1-nanidx.astype('float'))).astype('uint8') |
return img |
def get_train_dataset_flow(dataset_str, augmentor=True, crop_size=None): |
dataset_str = dataset_str.replace('(','Dataset(') |
if augmentor: |
dataset_str = dataset_str.replace(')',', augmentor=True)') |
if crop_size is not None: |
dataset_str = dataset_str.replace(')',', crop_size={:s})'.format(str(crop_size))) |
return eval(dataset_str) |
def get_test_datasets_flow(dataset_str): |
dataset_str = dataset_str.replace('(','Dataset(') |
return [eval(s) for s in dataset_str.split('+')] |