import torch |
def fill_default_args(kwargs, func): |
import inspect |
signature = inspect.signature(func) |
for k, v in signature.parameters.items(): |
if v.default is inspect.Parameter.empty: |
continue |
kwargs.setdefault(k, v.default) |
return kwargs |
def freeze_all_params(modules): |
for module in modules: |
try: |
for n, param in module.named_parameters(): |
param.requires_grad = False |
except AttributeError: |
module.requires_grad = False |
def is_symmetrized(gt1, gt2): |
x = gt1['instance'] |
y = gt2['instance'] |
if len(x) == len(y) and len(x) == 1: |
return False |
ok = True |
for i in range(0, len(x), 2): |
ok = ok and (x[i] == y[i + 1]) and (x[i + 1] == y[i]) |
return ok |
def flip(tensor): |
""" flip so that tensor[0::2] <=> tensor[1::2] """ |
return torch.stack((tensor[1::2], tensor[0::2]), dim=1).flatten(0, 1) |
def interleave(tensor1, tensor2): |
res1 = torch.stack((tensor1, tensor2), dim=1).flatten(0, 1) |
res2 = torch.stack((tensor2, tensor1), dim=1).flatten(0, 1) |
return res1, res2 |
def transpose_to_landscape(head, activate=True): |
""" Predict in the correct aspect-ratio, |
then transpose the result in landscape |
and stack everything back together. |
""" |
def wrapper_no(decout, true_shape): |
B = len(true_shape) |
assert true_shape[0:1].allclose(true_shape), 'true_shape must be all identical' |
H, W = true_shape[0].cpu().tolist() |
res = head(decout, (H, W)) |
return res |
def wrapper_yes(decout, true_shape): |
B = len(true_shape) |
H, W = int(true_shape.min()), int(true_shape.max()) |
height, width = true_shape.T |
is_landscape = (width >= height) |
is_portrait = ~is_landscape |
if is_landscape.all(): |
return head(decout, (H, W)) |
if is_portrait.all(): |
return transposed(head(decout, (W, H))) |
def selout(ar): return [d[ar] for d in decout] |
l_result = head(selout(is_landscape), (H, W)) |
p_result = transposed(head(selout(is_portrait), (W, H))) |
result = {} |
for k in l_result | p_result: |
x = l_result[k].new(B, *l_result[k].shape[1:]) |
x[is_landscape] = l_result[k] |
x[is_portrait] = p_result[k] |
result[k] = x |
return result |
return wrapper_yes if activate else wrapper_no |
def transposed(dic): |
return {k: v.swapaxes(1, 2) for k, v in dic.items()} |
def invalid_to_nans(arr, valid_mask, ndim=999): |
if valid_mask is not None: |
arr = arr.clone() |
arr[~valid_mask] = float('nan') |
if arr.ndim > ndim: |
arr = arr.flatten(-2 - (arr.ndim - ndim), -2) |
return arr |
def invalid_to_zeros(arr, valid_mask, ndim=999): |
if valid_mask is not None: |
arr = arr.clone() |
arr[~valid_mask] = 0 |
nnz = valid_mask.view(len(valid_mask), -1).sum(1) |
else: |
nnz = arr.numel() // len(arr) if len(arr) else 0 |
if arr.ndim > ndim: |
arr = arr.flatten(-2 - (arr.ndim - ndim), -2) |
return arr, nnz |