# Copyright (C) 2024-present Naver Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (non-commercial use only). # # -------------------------------------------------------- # geometry utilitary functions # -------------------------------------------------------- import torch import numpy as np from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as KDTree from dust3r.utils.misc import invalid_to_zeros, invalid_to_nans from dust3r.utils.device import to_numpy def xy_grid(W, H, device=None, origin=(0, 0), unsqueeze=None, cat_dim=-1, homogeneous=False, **arange_kw): """ Output a (H,W,2) array of int32 with output[j,i,0] = i + origin[0] output[j,i,1] = j + origin[1] """ if device is None: # numpy arange, meshgrid, stack, ones = np.arange, np.meshgrid, np.stack, np.ones else: # torch arange = lambda *a, **kw: torch.arange(*a, device=device, **kw) meshgrid, stack = torch.meshgrid, torch.stack ones = lambda *a: torch.ones(*a, device=device) tw, th = [arange(o, o + s, **arange_kw) for s, o in zip((W, H), origin)] grid = meshgrid(tw, th, indexing='xy') if homogeneous: grid = grid + (ones((H, W)),) if unsqueeze is not None: grid = (grid[0].unsqueeze(unsqueeze), grid[1].unsqueeze(unsqueeze)) if cat_dim is not None: grid = stack(grid, cat_dim) return grid def geotrf(Trf, pts, ncol=None, norm=False): """ Apply a geometric transformation to a list of 3-D points. H: 3x3 or 4x4 projection matrix (typically a Homography) p: numpy/torch/tuple of coordinates. Shape must be (...,2) or (...,3) ncol: int. number of columns of the result (2 or 3) norm: float. if != 0, the resut is projected on the z=norm plane. Returns an array of projected 2d points. """ assert Trf.ndim >= 2 if isinstance(Trf, np.ndarray): pts = np.asarray(pts) elif isinstance(Trf, torch.Tensor): pts = torch.as_tensor(pts, dtype=Trf.dtype) # adapt shape if necessary output_reshape = pts.shape[:-1] ncol = ncol or pts.shape[-1] # optimized code if (isinstance(Trf, torch.Tensor) and isinstance(pts, torch.Tensor) and Trf.ndim == 3 and pts.ndim == 4): d = pts.shape[3] if Trf.shape[-1] == d: pts = torch.einsum("bij, bhwj -> bhwi", Trf, pts) elif Trf.shape[-1] == d + 1: pts = torch.einsum("bij, bhwj -> bhwi", Trf[:, :d, :d], pts) + Trf[:, None, None, :d, d] else: raise ValueError(f'bad shape, not ending with 3 or 4, for {pts.shape=}') else: if Trf.ndim >= 3: n = Trf.ndim - 2 assert Trf.shape[:n] == pts.shape[:n], 'batch size does not match' Trf = Trf.reshape(-1, Trf.shape[-2], Trf.shape[-1]) if pts.ndim > Trf.ndim: # Trf == (B,d,d) & pts == (B,H,W,d) --> (B, H*W, d) pts = pts.reshape(Trf.shape[0], -1, pts.shape[-1]) elif pts.ndim == 2: # Trf == (B,d,d) & pts == (B,d) --> (B, 1, d) pts = pts[:, None, :] if pts.shape[-1] + 1 == Trf.shape[-1]: Trf = Trf.swapaxes(-1, -2) # transpose Trf pts = pts @ Trf[..., :-1, :] + Trf[..., -1:, :] elif pts.shape[-1] == Trf.shape[-1]: Trf = Trf.swapaxes(-1, -2) # transpose Trf pts = pts @ Trf else: pts = Trf @ pts.T if pts.ndim >= 2: pts = pts.swapaxes(-1, -2) if norm: pts = pts / pts[..., -1:] # DONT DO /= BECAUSE OF WEIRD PYTORCH BUG if norm != 1: pts *= norm res = pts[..., :ncol].reshape(*output_reshape, ncol) return res def inv(mat): """ Invert a torch or numpy matrix """ if isinstance(mat, torch.Tensor): return torch.linalg.inv(mat) if isinstance(mat, np.ndarray): return np.linalg.inv(mat) raise ValueError(f'bad matrix type = {type(mat)}') def depthmap_to_pts3d(depth, pseudo_focal, pp=None, **_): """ Args: - depthmap (BxHxW array): - pseudo_focal: [B,H,W] ; [B,2,H,W] or [B,1,H,W] Returns: pointmap of absolute coordinates (BxHxWx3 array) """ if len(depth.shape) == 4: B, H, W, n = depth.shape else: B, H, W = depth.shape n = None if len(pseudo_focal.shape) == 3: # [B,H,W] pseudo_focalx = pseudo_focaly = pseudo_focal elif len(pseudo_focal.shape) == 4: # [B,2,H,W] or [B,1,H,W] pseudo_focalx = pseudo_focal[:, 0] if pseudo_focal.shape[1] == 2: pseudo_focaly = pseudo_focal[:, 1] else: pseudo_focaly = pseudo_focalx else: raise NotImplementedError("Error, unknown input focal shape format.") assert pseudo_focalx.shape == depth.shape[:3] assert pseudo_focaly.shape == depth.shape[:3] grid_x, grid_y = xy_grid(W, H, cat_dim=0, device=depth.device)[:, None] # set principal point if pp is None: grid_x = grid_x - (W - 1) / 2 grid_y = grid_y - (H - 1) / 2 else: grid_x = grid_x.expand(B, -1, -1) - pp[:, 0, None, None] grid_y = grid_y.expand(B, -1, -1) - pp[:, 1, None, None] if n is None: pts3d = torch.empty((B, H, W, 3), device=depth.device) pts3d[..., 0] = depth * grid_x / pseudo_focalx pts3d[..., 1] = depth * grid_y / pseudo_focaly pts3d[..., 2] = depth else: pts3d = torch.empty((B, H, W, 3, n), device=depth.device) pts3d[..., 0, :] = depth * (grid_x / pseudo_focalx)[..., None] pts3d[..., 1, :] = depth * (grid_y / pseudo_focaly)[..., None] pts3d[..., 2, :] = depth return pts3d def depthmap_to_camera_coordinates(depthmap, camera_intrinsics, pseudo_focal=None): """ Args: - depthmap (HxW array): - camera_intrinsics: a 3x3 matrix Returns: pointmap of absolute coordinates (HxWx3 array), and a mask specifying valid pixels. """ camera_intrinsics = np.float32(camera_intrinsics) H, W = depthmap.shape # Compute 3D ray associated with each pixel # Strong assumption: there are no skew terms assert camera_intrinsics[0, 1] == 0.0 assert camera_intrinsics[1, 0] == 0.0 if pseudo_focal is None: fu = camera_intrinsics[0, 0] fv = camera_intrinsics[1, 1] else: assert pseudo_focal.shape == (H, W) fu = fv = pseudo_focal cu = camera_intrinsics[0, 2] cv = camera_intrinsics[1, 2] u, v = np.meshgrid(np.arange(W), np.arange(H)) z_cam = depthmap x_cam = (u - cu) * z_cam / fu y_cam = (v - cv) * z_cam / fv X_cam = np.stack((x_cam, y_cam, z_cam), axis=-1).astype(np.float32) # Mask for valid coordinates valid_mask = (depthmap > 0.0) & (depthmap<400) if valid_mask.sum()==0: depthmap1 = depthmap.copy() depthmap1[depthmap1==0] = 10000 valid_mask[depthmap1==depthmap1.min()] = True valid_mask_sky = (depthmap > 0.0) valid_mask = np.concatenate([valid_mask[...,None],valid_mask_sky[...,None]],axis=-1) return X_cam, valid_mask def depthmap_to_absolute_camera_coordinates(depthmap, camera_intrinsics, camera_pose, **kw): """ Args: - depthmap (HxW array): - camera_intrinsics: a 3x3 matrix - camera_pose: a 4x3 or 4x4 cam2world matrix Returns: pointmap of absolute coordinates (HxWx3 array), and a mask specifying valid pixels.""" X_cam, valid_mask = depthmap_to_camera_coordinates(depthmap, camera_intrinsics) X_world = X_cam # default if camera_pose is not None: # R_cam2world = np.float32(camera_params["R_cam2world"]) # t_cam2world = np.float32(camera_params["t_cam2world"]).squeeze() R_cam2world = camera_pose[:3, :3] t_cam2world = camera_pose[:3, 3] # Express in absolute coordinates (invalid depth values) X_world = np.einsum("ik, vuk -> vui", R_cam2world, X_cam) + t_cam2world[None, None, :] return X_world, valid_mask def colmap_to_opencv_intrinsics(K): """ Modify camera intrinsics to follow a different convention. Coordinates of the center of the top-left pixels are by default: - (0.5, 0.5) in Colmap - (0,0) in OpenCV """ K = K.copy() K[0, 2] -= 0.5 K[1, 2] -= 0.5 return K def opencv_to_colmap_intrinsics(K): """ Modify camera intrinsics to follow a different convention. Coordinates of the center of the top-left pixels are by default: - (0.5, 0.5) in Colmap - (0,0) in OpenCV """ K = K.copy() K[0, 2] += 0.5 K[1, 2] += 0.5 return K def normalize_pointcloud(pts1, pts2, norm_mode='avg_dis', valid1=None, valid2=None, ret_factor=False): """ renorm pointmaps pts1, pts2 with norm_mode """ assert pts1.ndim >= 3 and pts1.shape[-1] == 3 assert pts2 is None or (pts2.ndim >= 3 and pts2.shape[-1] == 3) norm_mode, dis_mode = norm_mode.split('_') if norm_mode == 'avg': # gather all points together (joint normalization) nan_pts1, nnz1 = invalid_to_zeros(pts1, valid1, ndim=3) nan_pts2, nnz2 = invalid_to_zeros(pts2, valid2, ndim=3) if pts2 is not None else (None, 0) all_pts = torch.cat((nan_pts1, nan_pts2), dim=1) if pts2 is not None else nan_pts1 # compute distance to origin all_dis = all_pts.norm(dim=-1) if dis_mode == 'dis': pass # do nothing elif dis_mode == 'log1p': all_dis = torch.log1p(all_dis) elif dis_mode == 'warp-log1p': # actually warp input points before normalizing them log_dis = torch.log1p(all_dis) warp_factor = log_dis / all_dis.clip(min=1e-8) H1, W1 = pts1.shape[1:-1] pts1 = pts1 * warp_factor[:, :W1 * H1].view(-1, H1, W1, 1) if pts2 is not None: H2, W2 = pts2.shape[1:-1] pts2 = pts2 * warp_factor[:, W1 * H1:].view(-1, H2, W2, 1) all_dis = log_dis # this is their true distance afterwards else: raise ValueError(f'bad {dis_mode=}') norm_factor = all_dis.sum(dim=1) / (nnz1 + nnz2 + 1e-8) else: # gather all points together (joint normalization) nan_pts1 = invalid_to_nans(pts1, valid1, ndim=3) nan_pts2 = invalid_to_nans(pts2, valid2, ndim=3) if pts2 is not None else None all_pts = torch.cat((nan_pts1, nan_pts2), dim=1) if pts2 is not None else nan_pts1 # compute distance to origin all_dis = all_pts.norm(dim=-1) if norm_mode == 'avg': norm_factor = all_dis.nanmean(dim=1) elif norm_mode == 'median': norm_factor = all_dis.nanmedian(dim=1).values.detach() elif norm_mode == 'sqrt': norm_factor = all_dis.sqrt().nanmean(dim=1)**2 else: raise ValueError(f'bad {norm_mode=}') norm_factor = norm_factor.clip(min=1e-8) while norm_factor.ndim < pts1.ndim: norm_factor.unsqueeze_(-1) res = pts1 / norm_factor if pts2 is not None: res = (res, pts2 / norm_factor) if ret_factor: res = res + (norm_factor,) return res @torch.no_grad() def get_joint_pointcloud_depth(z1, z2, valid_mask1, valid_mask2=None, quantile=0.5): # set invalid points to NaN _z1 = invalid_to_nans(z1, valid_mask1).reshape(len(z1), -1) _z2 = invalid_to_nans(z2, valid_mask2).reshape(len(z2), -1) if z2 is not None else None _z = torch.cat((_z1, _z2), dim=-1) if z2 is not None else _z1 # compute median depth overall (ignoring nans) if quantile == 0.5: shift_z = torch.nanmedian(_z, dim=-1).values else: shift_z = torch.nanquantile(_z, quantile, dim=-1) return shift_z # (B,) @torch.no_grad() def get_joint_pointcloud_center_scale(pts1, pts2, valid_mask1=None, valid_mask2=None, z_only=False, center=True): # set invalid points to NaN _pts1 = invalid_to_nans(pts1, valid_mask1).reshape(len(pts1), -1, 3) _pts2 = invalid_to_nans(pts2, valid_mask2).reshape(len(pts2), -1, 3) if pts2 is not None else None _pts = torch.cat((_pts1, _pts2), dim=1) if pts2 is not None else _pts1 # compute median center _center = torch.nanmedian(_pts, dim=1, keepdim=True).values # (B,1,3) if z_only: _center[..., :2] = 0 # do not center X and Y # compute median norm _norm = ((_pts - _center) if center else _pts).norm(dim=-1) scale = torch.nanmedian(_norm, dim=1).values return _center[:, None, :, :], scale[:, None, None, None] def find_reciprocal_matches(P1, P2): """ returns 3 values: 1 - reciprocal_in_P2: a boolean array of size P2.shape[0], a "True" value indicates a match 2 - nn2_in_P1: a int array of size P2.shape[0], it contains the indexes of the closest points in P1 3 - reciprocal_in_P2.sum(): the number of matches """ tree1 = KDTree(P1) tree2 = KDTree(P2) _, nn1_in_P2 = tree2.query(P1, workers=8) _, nn2_in_P1 = tree1.query(P2, workers=8) reciprocal_in_P1 = (nn2_in_P1[nn1_in_P2] == np.arange(len(nn1_in_P2))) reciprocal_in_P2 = (nn1_in_P2[nn2_in_P1] == np.arange(len(nn2_in_P1))) assert reciprocal_in_P1.sum() == reciprocal_in_P2.sum() return reciprocal_in_P2, nn2_in_P1, reciprocal_in_P2.sum() def get_med_dist_between_poses(poses): from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist return np.median(pdist([to_numpy(p[:3, 3]) for p in poses]))