// Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. #include "cocoeval.h" #include <time.h> #include <algorithm> #include <cstdint> #include <numeric> using namespace pybind11::literals; namespace detectron2 { namespace COCOeval { // Sort detections from highest score to lowest, such that // detection_instances[detection_sorted_indices[t]] >= // detection_instances[detection_sorted_indices[t+1]]. Use stable_sort to match // original COCO API void SortInstancesByDetectionScore( const std::vector<InstanceAnnotation>& detection_instances, std::vector<uint64_t>* detection_sorted_indices) { detection_sorted_indices->resize(detection_instances.size()); std::iota( detection_sorted_indices->begin(), detection_sorted_indices->end(), 0); std::stable_sort( detection_sorted_indices->begin(), detection_sorted_indices->end(), [&detection_instances](size_t j1, size_t j2) { return detection_instances[j1].score > detection_instances[j2].score; }); } // Partition the ground truth objects based on whether or not to ignore them // based on area void SortInstancesByIgnore( const std::array<double, 2>& area_range, const std::vector<InstanceAnnotation>& ground_truth_instances, std::vector<uint64_t>* ground_truth_sorted_indices, std::vector<bool>* ignores) { ignores->clear(); ignores->reserve(ground_truth_instances.size()); for (auto o : ground_truth_instances) { ignores->push_back( o.ignore || o.area < area_range[0] || o.area > area_range[1]); } ground_truth_sorted_indices->resize(ground_truth_instances.size()); std::iota( ground_truth_sorted_indices->begin(), ground_truth_sorted_indices->end(), 0); std::stable_sort( ground_truth_sorted_indices->begin(), ground_truth_sorted_indices->end(), [&ignores](size_t j1, size_t j2) { return (int)(*ignores)[j1] < (int)(*ignores)[j2]; }); } // For each IOU threshold, greedily match each detected instance to a ground // truth instance (if possible) and store the results void MatchDetectionsToGroundTruth( const std::vector<InstanceAnnotation>& detection_instances, const std::vector<uint64_t>& detection_sorted_indices, const std::vector<InstanceAnnotation>& ground_truth_instances, const std::vector<uint64_t>& ground_truth_sorted_indices, const std::vector<bool>& ignores, const std::vector<std::vector<double>>& ious, const std::vector<double>& iou_thresholds, const std::array<double, 2>& area_range, ImageEvaluation* results) { // Initialize memory to store return data matches and ignore const int num_iou_thresholds = iou_thresholds.size(); const int num_ground_truth = ground_truth_sorted_indices.size(); const int num_detections = detection_sorted_indices.size(); std::vector<uint64_t> ground_truth_matches( num_iou_thresholds * num_ground_truth, 0); std::vector<uint64_t>& detection_matches = results->detection_matches; std::vector<bool>& detection_ignores = results->detection_ignores; std::vector<bool>& ground_truth_ignores = results->ground_truth_ignores; detection_matches.resize(num_iou_thresholds * num_detections, 0); detection_ignores.resize(num_iou_thresholds * num_detections, false); ground_truth_ignores.resize(num_ground_truth); for (auto g = 0; g < num_ground_truth; ++g) { ground_truth_ignores[g] = ignores[ground_truth_sorted_indices[g]]; } for (auto t = 0; t < num_iou_thresholds; ++t) { for (auto d = 0; d < num_detections; ++d) { // information about best match so far (match=-1 -> unmatched) double best_iou = std::min(iou_thresholds[t], 1 - 1e-10); int match = -1; for (auto g = 0; g < num_ground_truth; ++g) { // if this ground truth instance is already matched and not a // crowd, it cannot be matched to another detection if (ground_truth_matches[t * num_ground_truth + g] > 0 && !ground_truth_instances[ground_truth_sorted_indices[g]].is_crowd) { continue; } // if detected instance matched to a regular ground truth // instance, we can break on the first ground truth instance // tagged as ignore (because they are sorted by the ignore tag) if (match >= 0 && !ground_truth_ignores[match] && ground_truth_ignores[g]) { break; } // if IOU overlap is the best so far, store the match appropriately if (ious[d][ground_truth_sorted_indices[g]] >= best_iou) { best_iou = ious[d][ground_truth_sorted_indices[g]]; match = g; } } // if match was made, store id of match for both detection and // ground truth if (match >= 0) { detection_ignores[t * num_detections + d] = ground_truth_ignores[match]; detection_matches[t * num_detections + d] = ground_truth_instances[ground_truth_sorted_indices[match]].id; ground_truth_matches[t * num_ground_truth + match] = detection_instances[detection_sorted_indices[d]].id; } // set unmatched detections outside of area range to ignore const InstanceAnnotation& detection = detection_instances[detection_sorted_indices[d]]; detection_ignores[t * num_detections + d] = detection_ignores[t * num_detections + d] || (detection_matches[t * num_detections + d] == 0 && (detection.area < area_range[0] || detection.area > area_range[1])); } } // store detection score results results->detection_scores.resize(detection_sorted_indices.size()); for (size_t d = 0; d < detection_sorted_indices.size(); ++d) { results->detection_scores[d] = detection_instances[detection_sorted_indices[d]].score; } } std::vector<ImageEvaluation> EvaluateImages( const std::vector<std::array<double, 2>>& area_ranges, int max_detections, const std::vector<double>& iou_thresholds, const ImageCategoryInstances<std::vector<double>>& image_category_ious, const ImageCategoryInstances<InstanceAnnotation>& image_category_ground_truth_instances, const ImageCategoryInstances<InstanceAnnotation>& image_category_detection_instances) { const int num_area_ranges = area_ranges.size(); const int num_images = image_category_ground_truth_instances.size(); const int num_categories = image_category_ious.size() > 0 ? image_category_ious[0].size() : 0; std::vector<uint64_t> detection_sorted_indices; std::vector<uint64_t> ground_truth_sorted_indices; std::vector<bool> ignores; std::vector<ImageEvaluation> results_all( num_images * num_area_ranges * num_categories); // Store results for each image, category, and area range combination. Results // for each IOU threshold are packed into the same ImageEvaluation object for (auto i = 0; i < num_images; ++i) { for (auto c = 0; c < num_categories; ++c) { const std::vector<InstanceAnnotation>& ground_truth_instances = image_category_ground_truth_instances[i][c]; const std::vector<InstanceAnnotation>& detection_instances = image_category_detection_instances[i][c]; SortInstancesByDetectionScore( detection_instances, &detection_sorted_indices); if ((int)detection_sorted_indices.size() > max_detections) { detection_sorted_indices.resize(max_detections); } for (size_t a = 0; a < area_ranges.size(); ++a) { SortInstancesByIgnore( area_ranges[a], ground_truth_instances, &ground_truth_sorted_indices, &ignores); MatchDetectionsToGroundTruth( detection_instances, detection_sorted_indices, ground_truth_instances, ground_truth_sorted_indices, ignores, image_category_ious[i][c], iou_thresholds, area_ranges[a], &results_all [c * num_area_ranges * num_images + a * num_images + i]); } } } return results_all; } // Convert a python list to a vector template <typename T> std::vector<T> list_to_vec(const py::list& l) { std::vector<T> v(py::len(l)); for (int i = 0; i < (int)py::len(l); ++i) { v[i] = l[i].cast<T>(); } return v; } // Helper function to Accumulate() // Considers the evaluation results applicable to a particular category, area // range, and max_detections parameter setting, which begin at // evaluations[evaluation_index]. Extracts a sorted list of length n of all // applicable detection instances concatenated across all images in the dataset, // which are represented by the outputs evaluation_indices, detection_scores, // image_detection_indices, and detection_sorted_indices--all of which are // length n. evaluation_indices[i] stores the applicable index into // evaluations[] for instance i, which has detection score detection_score[i], // and is the image_detection_indices[i]'th of the list of detections // for the image containing i. detection_sorted_indices[] defines a sorted // permutation of the 3 other outputs int BuildSortedDetectionList( const std::vector<ImageEvaluation>& evaluations, const int64_t evaluation_index, const int64_t num_images, const int max_detections, std::vector<uint64_t>* evaluation_indices, std::vector<double>* detection_scores, std::vector<uint64_t>* detection_sorted_indices, std::vector<uint64_t>* image_detection_indices) { assert(evaluations.size() >= evaluation_index + num_images); // Extract a list of object instances of the applicable category, area // range, and max detections requirements such that they can be sorted image_detection_indices->clear(); evaluation_indices->clear(); detection_scores->clear(); image_detection_indices->reserve(num_images * max_detections); evaluation_indices->reserve(num_images * max_detections); detection_scores->reserve(num_images * max_detections); int num_valid_ground_truth = 0; for (auto i = 0; i < num_images; ++i) { const ImageEvaluation& evaluation = evaluations[evaluation_index + i]; for (int d = 0; d < (int)evaluation.detection_scores.size() && d < max_detections; ++d) { // detected instances evaluation_indices->push_back(evaluation_index + i); image_detection_indices->push_back(d); detection_scores->push_back(evaluation.detection_scores[d]); } for (auto ground_truth_ignore : evaluation.ground_truth_ignores) { if (!ground_truth_ignore) { ++num_valid_ground_truth; } } } // Sort detections by decreasing score, using stable sort to match // python implementation detection_sorted_indices->resize(detection_scores->size()); std::iota( detection_sorted_indices->begin(), detection_sorted_indices->end(), 0); std::stable_sort( detection_sorted_indices->begin(), detection_sorted_indices->end(), [&detection_scores](size_t j1, size_t j2) { return (*detection_scores)[j1] > (*detection_scores)[j2]; }); return num_valid_ground_truth; } // Helper function to Accumulate() // Compute a precision recall curve given a sorted list of detected instances // encoded in evaluations, evaluation_indices, detection_scores, // detection_sorted_indices, image_detection_indices (see // BuildSortedDetectionList()). Using vectors precisions and recalls // and temporary storage, output the results into precisions_out, recalls_out, // and scores_out, which are large buffers containing many precion/recall curves // for all possible parameter settings, with precisions_out_index and // recalls_out_index defining the applicable indices to store results. void ComputePrecisionRecallCurve( const int64_t precisions_out_index, const int64_t precisions_out_stride, const int64_t recalls_out_index, const std::vector<double>& recall_thresholds, const int iou_threshold_index, const int num_iou_thresholds, const int num_valid_ground_truth, const std::vector<ImageEvaluation>& evaluations, const std::vector<uint64_t>& evaluation_indices, const std::vector<double>& detection_scores, const std::vector<uint64_t>& detection_sorted_indices, const std::vector<uint64_t>& image_detection_indices, std::vector<double>* precisions, std::vector<double>* recalls, std::vector<double>* precisions_out, std::vector<double>* scores_out, std::vector<double>* recalls_out) { assert(recalls_out->size() > recalls_out_index); // Compute precision/recall for each instance in the sorted list of detections int64_t true_positives_sum = 0, false_positives_sum = 0; precisions->clear(); recalls->clear(); precisions->reserve(detection_sorted_indices.size()); recalls->reserve(detection_sorted_indices.size()); assert(!evaluations.empty() || detection_sorted_indices.empty()); for (auto detection_sorted_index : detection_sorted_indices) { const ImageEvaluation& evaluation = evaluations[evaluation_indices[detection_sorted_index]]; const auto num_detections = evaluation.detection_matches.size() / num_iou_thresholds; const auto detection_index = iou_threshold_index * num_detections + image_detection_indices[detection_sorted_index]; assert(evaluation.detection_matches.size() > detection_index); assert(evaluation.detection_ignores.size() > detection_index); const int64_t detection_match = evaluation.detection_matches[detection_index]; const bool detection_ignores = evaluation.detection_ignores[detection_index]; const auto true_positive = detection_match > 0 && !detection_ignores; const auto false_positive = detection_match == 0 && !detection_ignores; if (true_positive) { ++true_positives_sum; } if (false_positive) { ++false_positives_sum; } const double recall = static_cast<double>(true_positives_sum) / num_valid_ground_truth; recalls->push_back(recall); const int64_t num_valid_detections = true_positives_sum + false_positives_sum; const double precision = num_valid_detections > 0 ? static_cast<double>(true_positives_sum) / num_valid_detections : 0.0; precisions->push_back(precision); } (*recalls_out)[recalls_out_index] = !recalls->empty() ? recalls->back() : 0; for (int64_t i = static_cast<int64_t>(precisions->size()) - 1; i > 0; --i) { if ((*precisions)[i] > (*precisions)[i - 1]) { (*precisions)[i - 1] = (*precisions)[i]; } } // Sample the per instance precision/recall list at each recall threshold for (size_t r = 0; r < recall_thresholds.size(); ++r) { // first index in recalls >= recall_thresholds[r] std::vector<double>::iterator low = std::lower_bound( recalls->begin(), recalls->end(), recall_thresholds[r]); size_t precisions_index = low - recalls->begin(); const auto results_ind = precisions_out_index + r * precisions_out_stride; assert(results_ind < precisions_out->size()); assert(results_ind < scores_out->size()); if (precisions_index < precisions->size()) { (*precisions_out)[results_ind] = (*precisions)[precisions_index]; (*scores_out)[results_ind] = detection_scores[detection_sorted_indices[precisions_index]]; } else { (*precisions_out)[results_ind] = 0; (*scores_out)[results_ind] = 0; } } } py::dict Accumulate( const py::object& params, const std::vector<ImageEvaluation>& evaluations) { const std::vector<double> recall_thresholds = list_to_vec<double>(params.attr("recThrs")); const std::vector<int> max_detections = list_to_vec<int>(params.attr("maxDets")); const int num_iou_thresholds = py::len(params.attr("iouThrs")); const int num_recall_thresholds = py::len(params.attr("recThrs")); const int num_categories = params.attr("useCats").cast<int>() == 1 ? py::len(params.attr("catIds")) : 1; const int num_area_ranges = py::len(params.attr("areaRng")); const int num_max_detections = py::len(params.attr("maxDets")); const int num_images = py::len(params.attr("imgIds")); std::vector<double> precisions_out( num_iou_thresholds * num_recall_thresholds * num_categories * num_area_ranges * num_max_detections, -1); std::vector<double> recalls_out( num_iou_thresholds * num_categories * num_area_ranges * num_max_detections, -1); std::vector<double> scores_out( num_iou_thresholds * num_recall_thresholds * num_categories * num_area_ranges * num_max_detections, -1); // Consider the list of all detected instances in the entire dataset in one // large list. evaluation_indices, detection_scores, // image_detection_indices, and detection_sorted_indices all have the same // length as this list, such that each entry corresponds to one detected // instance std::vector<uint64_t> evaluation_indices; // indices into evaluations[] std::vector<double> detection_scores; // detection scores of each instance std::vector<uint64_t> detection_sorted_indices; // sorted indices of all // instances in the dataset std::vector<uint64_t> image_detection_indices; // indices into the list of detected instances in // the same image as each instance std::vector<double> precisions, recalls; for (auto c = 0; c < num_categories; ++c) { for (auto a = 0; a < num_area_ranges; ++a) { for (auto m = 0; m < num_max_detections; ++m) { // The COCO PythonAPI assumes evaluations[] (the return value of // COCOeval::EvaluateImages() is one long list storing results for each // combination of category, area range, and image id, with categories in // the outermost loop and images in the innermost loop. const int64_t evaluations_index = c * num_area_ranges * num_images + a * num_images; int num_valid_ground_truth = BuildSortedDetectionList( evaluations, evaluations_index, num_images, max_detections[m], &evaluation_indices, &detection_scores, &detection_sorted_indices, &image_detection_indices); if (num_valid_ground_truth == 0) { continue; } for (auto t = 0; t < num_iou_thresholds; ++t) { // recalls_out is a flattened vectors representing a // num_iou_thresholds X num_categories X num_area_ranges X // num_max_detections matrix const int64_t recalls_out_index = t * num_categories * num_area_ranges * num_max_detections + c * num_area_ranges * num_max_detections + a * num_max_detections + m; // precisions_out and scores_out are flattened vectors // representing a num_iou_thresholds X num_recall_thresholds X // num_categories X num_area_ranges X num_max_detections matrix const int64_t precisions_out_stride = num_categories * num_area_ranges * num_max_detections; const int64_t precisions_out_index = t * num_recall_thresholds * num_categories * num_area_ranges * num_max_detections + c * num_area_ranges * num_max_detections + a * num_max_detections + m; ComputePrecisionRecallCurve( precisions_out_index, precisions_out_stride, recalls_out_index, recall_thresholds, t, num_iou_thresholds, num_valid_ground_truth, evaluations, evaluation_indices, detection_scores, detection_sorted_indices, image_detection_indices, &precisions, &recalls, &precisions_out, &scores_out, &recalls_out); } } } } time_t rawtime; struct tm local_time; std::array<char, 200> buffer; time(&rawtime); #ifdef _WIN32 localtime_s(&local_time, &rawtime); #else localtime_r(&rawtime, &local_time); #endif strftime( buffer.data(), 200, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%num_max_detections:%S", &local_time); return py::dict( "params"_a = params, "counts"_a = std::vector<int64_t>( {num_iou_thresholds, num_recall_thresholds, num_categories, num_area_ranges, num_max_detections}), "date"_a = buffer, "precision"_a = precisions_out, "recall"_a = recalls_out, "scores"_a = scores_out); } } // namespace COCOeval } // namespace detectron2