legal-agent-redesign /
david-oplatka's picture
Add refs for rerendering components
from reactpy import component, html, svg
from reactpy.core.hooks import use_ref
def ChatBox(message, set_message, send_message, collapsed):
# Store the static SVG button in a ref so it doesn't re-render unnecessarily
send_button_ref = use_ref(None)
def handle_input_change(event):
# Update the message state when input changes
def handle_key_down(event):
# Check for Enter key and send message if the message is not empty
if event['key'] == 'Enter' and message.strip():
# Only define the static button SVG once
if send_button_ref.current is None:
send_button_ref.current = svg.svg(
"xmlns": "",
"width": "20",
"height": "20",
"fill": "none",
"stroke": "currentColor",
"stroke-linecap": "round",
"stroke-linejoin": "round",
"stroke-width": "2",
"viewBox": "0 0 24 24",
"class": "feather feather-send",
svg.path({"d": "M22 2 11 13"}),
svg.path({"d": "M22 2 15 22 11 13 2 9z"})
return html.div(
"style": {
"position": "fixed",
"bottom": "70px" if collapsed else "140px",
"left": "50%",
"transform": "translateX(-50%)",
"width": "80%",
"display": "flex",
"alignItems": "center",
"backgroundColor": "#FFFFFF",
"borderRadius": "50px",
"zIndex": "1000",
"type": "text",
"value": message,
"placeholder": "Your Message",
"onChange": handle_input_change,
"onKeyDown": handle_key_down,
"style": {
"width": "100%",
"padding": "10px 50px 10px 20px",
"border": "none",
"borderRadius": "50px",
"color": "#65558F",
"type": "button",
"onClick": send_message,
"style": {
"position": "absolute",
"right": "8px",
"top": "50%",
"transform": "translateY(-50%)",
"background": "none",
"border": "none",
"cursor": "pointer",
"padding": "8px",
"display": "flex",
"alignItems": "center",
"justifyContent": "center",
send_button_ref.current # Render the cached send button
# from reactpy import component, html, svg
# from reactpy.core.hooks import use_ref
# @component
# # def ChatBox(message, set_message, handle_input_change, handle_key_down, send_message, collapsed):
# def ChatBox(message, set_message, send_message, collapsed):
# def handle_input_change(event):
# set_message(event['target']['value'])
# def handle_key_down(event):
# if event['key'] == 'Enter' and message.strip():
# send_message()
# return html.div(
# {
# "style": {
# "position": "fixed",
# "bottom": "70px" if collapsed else "140px",
# "left": "50%",
# "transform": "translateX(-50%)",
# "width": "80%",
# "display": "flex",
# "alignItems": "center",
# "backgroundColor": "#FFFFFF",
# "borderRadius": "50px",
# "zIndex": "1000",
# }
# },
# html.input(
# {
# "type": "text",
# "value": message,
# "placeholder": "Your Message",
# "onChange": handle_input_change,
# "onKeyDown": handle_key_down,
# "style": {
# "width": "100%",
# "padding": "10px 50px 10px 20px",
# "border": "none",
# "borderRadius": "50px",
# "color": "#65558F",
# }
# }
# ),
# html.button(
# {
# "type": "button",
# "onClick": send_message,
# "style": {
# "position": "absolute",
# "right": "8px",
# "top": "50%",
# "transform":"translateY(-50%)",
# "background": "none",
# "border": "none",
# "cursor": "pointer",
# "padding": "8px",
# "display": "flex",
# "alignItems": "center",
# "justifyContent": "center",
# }
# },
# svg.svg(
# {
# "xmlns": "",
# "width": "20",
# "height": "20",
# "fill": "none",
# "stroke": "currentColor",
# "stroke-linecap": "round",
# "stroke-linejoin": "round",
# "stroke-width": "2",
# "viewBox": "0 0 24 24",
# "class": "feather feather-send",
# },
# svg.path({"d": "M22 2 11 13"}),
# svg.path({"d": "M22 2 15 22 11 13 2 9z"})
# )
# )
# )