File size: 11,250 Bytes
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from collections import defaultdict
from magic_pdf.libs.boxbase import calculate_iou
def compare_bbox_with_list(bbox, bbox_list, tolerance=1):
return any(all(abs(a - b) < tolerance for a, b in zip(bbox, common_bbox)) for common_bbox in bbox_list)
def is_single_line_block(block):
# Determine based on the width and height of the block
block_width = block["X1"] - block["X0"]
block_height = block["bbox"][3] - block["bbox"][1]
# If the height of the block is close to the average character height and the width is large, it is considered a single line
return block_height <= block["avg_char_height"] * 3 and block_width > block["avg_char_width"] * 3
def get_most_common_bboxes(bboxes, page_height, position="top", threshold=0.25, num_bboxes=3, min_frequency=2):
This function gets the most common bboxes from the bboxes
bboxes : list
page_height : float
height of the page
position : str, optional
"top" or "bottom", by default "top"
threshold : float, optional
threshold, by default 0.25
num_bboxes : int, optional
number of bboxes to return, by default 3
min_frequency : int, optional
minimum frequency of the bbox, by default 2
common_bboxes : list
common bboxes
# Filter bbox by position
if position == "top":
filtered_bboxes = [bbox for bbox in bboxes if bbox[1] < page_height * threshold]
filtered_bboxes = [bbox for bbox in bboxes if bbox[3] > page_height * (1 - threshold)]
# Find the most common bbox
bbox_count = defaultdict(int)
for bbox in filtered_bboxes:
bbox_count[tuple(bbox)] += 1
# Get the most frequently occurring bbox, but only consider it when the frequency exceeds min_frequency
common_bboxes = [
bbox for bbox, count in sorted(bbox_count.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True) if count >= min_frequency
return common_bboxes
def detect_footer_header2(result_dict, similarity_threshold=0.5):
This function detects the header and footer of the document.
result_dict : dict
result dictionary
result_dict : dict
result dictionary
# Traverse all blocks in the document
single_line_blocks = 0
total_blocks = 0
single_line_blocks = 0
for page_id, blocks in result_dict.items():
if page_id.startswith("page_"):
for block_key, block in blocks.items():
if block_key.startswith("block_"):
total_blocks += 1
if is_single_line_block(block):
single_line_blocks += 1
# If there are no blocks, skip the header and footer detection
if total_blocks == 0:
print("No blocks found. Skipping header/footer detection.")
return result_dict
# If most of the blocks are single-line, skip the header and footer detection
if single_line_blocks / total_blocks > 0.5: # 50% of the blocks are single-line
# print("Skipping header/footer detection for text-dense document.")
return result_dict
# Collect the bounding boxes of all blocks
all_bboxes = []
all_texts = []
for page_id, blocks in result_dict.items():
if page_id.startswith("page_"):
for block_key, block in blocks.items():
if block_key.startswith("block_"):
# Get the height of the page
page_height = max(bbox[3] for bbox in all_bboxes)
# Get the most common bbox lists for headers and footers
common_header_bboxes = get_most_common_bboxes(all_bboxes, page_height, position="top") if all_bboxes else []
common_footer_bboxes = get_most_common_bboxes(all_bboxes, page_height, position="bottom") if all_bboxes else []
# Detect and mark headers and footers
for page_id, blocks in result_dict.items():
if page_id.startswith("page_"):
for block_key, block in blocks.items():
if block_key.startswith("block_"):
bbox = block["bbox"]
text = block["text"]
is_header = compare_bbox_with_list(bbox, common_header_bboxes)
is_footer = compare_bbox_with_list(bbox, common_footer_bboxes)
block["is_header"] = int(is_header)
block["is_footer"] = int(is_footer)
return result_dict
def __get_page_size(page_sizes:list):
w = sum([w for w,h in page_sizes])/len(page_sizes)
h = sum([h for w,h in page_sizes])/len(page_sizes)
return w, h
def __calculate_iou(bbox1, bbox2):
iou = calculate_iou(bbox1, bbox2)
return iou
def __is_same_pos(box1, box2, iou_threshold):
iou = __calculate_iou(box1, box2)
return iou >= iou_threshold
def get_most_common_bbox(bboxes:list, page_size:list, page_cnt:int, page_range_threshold=0.2, iou_threshold=0.9):
common bbox必须大于page_cnt的1/3
min_occurance_cnt = max(3, page_cnt//4)
header_det_bbox = []
footer_det_bbox = []
hdr_same_pos_group = []
btn_same_pos_group = []
page_w, page_h = __get_page_size(page_size)
top_y, bottom_y = page_w*page_range_threshold, page_h*(1-page_range_threshold)
top_bbox = [b for b in bboxes if b[3]<top_y]
bottom_bbox = [b for b in bboxes if b[1]>bottom_y]
# 然后开始排序,寻找最经常出现的bbox, 寻找的时候如果IOU>iou_threshold就算是一个
for i in range(0, len(top_bbox)):
for j in range(i+1, len(top_bbox)):
if __is_same_pos(top_bbox[i], top_bbox[j], iou_threshold):
#header_det_bbox = [min(top_bbox[i][0], top_bbox[j][0]), min(top_bbox[i][1], top_bbox[j][1]), max(top_bbox[i][2], top_bbox[j][2]), max(top_bbox[i][3],top_bbox[j][3])]
for i in range(0, len(bottom_bbox)):
for j in range(i+1, len(bottom_bbox)):
if __is_same_pos(bottom_bbox[i], bottom_bbox[j], iou_threshold):
#footer_det_bbox = [min(bottom_bbox[i][0], bottom_bbox[j][0]), min(bottom_bbox[i][1], bottom_bbox[j][1]), max(bottom_bbox[i][2], bottom_bbox[j][2]), max(bottom_bbox[i][3],bottom_bbox[j][3])]
# 然后看下每一组的bbox,是否符合大于page_cnt一定比例
hdr_same_pos_group = [g for g in hdr_same_pos_group if len(g)>=min_occurance_cnt]
btn_same_pos_group = [g for g in btn_same_pos_group if len(g)>=min_occurance_cnt]
# 平铺2个list[list]
hdr_same_pos_group = [bbox for g in hdr_same_pos_group for bbox in g]
btn_same_pos_group = [bbox for g in btn_same_pos_group for bbox in g]
# 寻找hdr_same_pos_group中的box[3]最大值,btn_same_pos_group中的box[1]最小值
hdr_same_pos_group.sort(key=lambda b:b[3])
btn_same_pos_group.sort(key=lambda b:b[1])
hdr_y = hdr_same_pos_group[-1][3] if hdr_same_pos_group else 0
btn_y = btn_same_pos_group[0][1] if btn_same_pos_group else page_h
header_det_bbox = [0, 0, page_w, hdr_y]
footer_det_bbox = [0, btn_y, page_w, page_h]
# logger.warning(f"header: {header_det_bbox}, footer: {footer_det_bbox}")
return header_det_bbox, footer_det_bbox, page_w, page_h
def drop_footer_header(pdf_info_dict:dict):
header = []
footer = []
all_text_bboxes = [blk['bbox'] for _, val in pdf_info_dict.items() for blk in val['preproc_blocks']]
image_bboxes = [img['bbox'] for _, val in pdf_info_dict.items() for img in val['images']] + [img['bbox'] for _, val in pdf_info_dict.items() for img in val['image_backup']]
page_size = [val['page_size'] for _, val in pdf_info_dict.items()]
page_cnt = len(pdf_info_dict.keys()) # 一共多少页
header, footer, page_w, page_h = get_most_common_bbox(all_text_bboxes+image_bboxes, page_size, page_cnt)
if header:
header = [0, 0, page_w, header[3]+1]
if footer:
footer = [0, footer[1]-1, page_w, page_h]
# 找到footer, header范围之后,针对每一页pdf,从text、图片中删除这些范围内的内容
# 移除text block
for _, page_info in pdf_info_dict.items():
header_text_blk = []
footer_text_blk = []
for blk in page_info['preproc_blocks']:
blk_bbox = blk['bbox']
if header and blk_bbox[3]<=header[3]:
blk['tag'] = "header"
elif footer and blk_bbox[1]>=footer[1]:
blk['tag'] = "footer"
# 放入text_block_droped中
for blk in header_text_blk:
for blk in footer_text_blk:
header_image = []
footer_image = []
for image_info in page_info['images']:
img_bbox = image_info['bbox']
if header and img_bbox[3]<=header[3]:
image_info['tag'] = "header"
elif footer and img_bbox[1]>=footer[1]:
image_info['tag'] = "footer"
for img in header_image:
for img in footer_image:
header_image = []
footer_image = []
for image_info in page_info['image_backup']:
img_bbox = image_info['bbox']
if header and img_bbox[3]<=header[3]:
image_info['tag'] = "header"
elif footer and img_bbox[1]>=footer[1]:
image_info['tag'] = "footer"
for img in header_image:
for img in footer_image:
return header, footer