title: MinerU
app_file: ./demo/app.py
sdk: gradio
sdk_version: 4.39.0
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# MinerU 

## Introduction

MinerU is a one-stop, open-source, high-quality data extraction tool, includes the following primary features:

- [Magic-PDF](#Magic-PDF)  PDF Document Extraction  
- [Magic-Doc](#Magic-Doc)  Webpage & E-book Extraction

# Magic-PDF

## Introduction

Magic-PDF is a tool designed to convert PDF documents into Markdown format, capable of processing files stored locally or on object storage supporting S3 protocol.

Key features include:

- Support for multiple front-end model inputs
- Removal of headers, footers, footnotes, and page numbers
- Human-readable layout formatting
- Retains the original document's structure and formatting, including headings, paragraphs, lists, and more
- Extraction and display of images and tables within markdown
- Conversion of equations into LaTeX format
- Automatic detection and conversion of garbled PDFs
- Compatibility with CPU and GPU environments
- Available for Windows, Linux, and macOS platforms


## Project Panorama

![Project Panorama](docs/images/project_panorama_en.png)

## Flowchart


### Dependency repositorys

- [PDF-Extract-Kit : A Comprehensive Toolkit for High-Quality PDF Content Extraction](https://github.com/opendatalab/PDF-Extract-Kit) 🚀🚀🚀

## Getting Started

### Requirements

- Python >= 3.9

Using a virtual environment is recommended to avoid potential dependency conflicts; both venv and conda are suitable. 
For example:
conda create -n MinerU python=3.10
conda activate MinerU

### Installation and Configuration

#### 1. Install Magic-PDF

Install the full-feature package with pip:
>Note: The pip-installed package supports CPU-only and is ideal for quick tests.
>For CUDA/MPS acceleration in production, see [Acceleration Using CUDA or MPS](#4-Acceleration-Using-CUDA-or-MPS).

pip install magic-pdf[full-cpu]
The full-feature package depends on detectron2, which requires a compilation installation.   
If you need to compile it yourself, please refer to https://github.com/facebookresearch/detectron2/issues/5114  
Alternatively, you can directly use our precompiled whl package (limited to Python 3.10):

pip install detectron2 --extra-index-url https://myhloli.github.io/wheels/

#### 2. Downloading model weights files

For detailed references, please see below [how_to_download_models](docs/how_to_download_models_en.md)

After downloading the model weights, move the 'models' directory to a directory on a larger disk space, preferably an SSD.

#### 3. Copy the Configuration File and Make Configurations
You can get the [magic-pdf.template.json](magic-pdf.template.json) file in the repository root directory.
cp magic-pdf.template.json ~/magic-pdf.json
In magic-pdf.json, configure "models-dir" to point to the directory where the model weights files are located.

  "models-dir": "/tmp/models"

#### 4. Acceleration Using CUDA or MPS
If you have an available Nvidia GPU or are using a Mac with Apple Silicon, you can leverage acceleration with CUDA or MPS respectively.
##### CUDA

You need to install the corresponding PyTorch version according to your CUDA version.  
This example installs the CUDA 11.8 version.More information https://pytorch.org/get-started/locally/  
pip install --force-reinstall torch==2.3.1 torchvision==0.18.1 --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu118
Also, you need to modify the value of "device-mode" in the configuration file magic-pdf.json.  

##### MPS

For macOS users with M-series chip devices, you can use MPS for inference acceleration.  
You also need to modify the value of "device-mode" in the configuration file magic-pdf.json.  

### Usage

#### 1.Usage via Command Line

###### simple

magic-pdf pdf-command --pdf "pdf_path" --inside_model true
After the program has finished, you can find the generated markdown files under the directory "/tmp/magic-pdf".  
You can find the corresponding xxx_model.json file in the markdown directory.   
If you intend to do secondary development on the post-processing pipeline, you can use the command:  
magic-pdf pdf-command --pdf "pdf_path" --model "model_json_path"
In this way, you won't need to re-run the model data, making debugging more convenient.

###### more 

magic-pdf --help

#### 2. Usage via Api

###### Local
image_writer = DiskReaderWriter(local_image_dir)
image_dir = str(os.path.basename(local_image_dir))
jso_useful_key = {"_pdf_type": "", "model_list": []}
pipe = UNIPipe(pdf_bytes, jso_useful_key, image_writer)
md_content = pipe.pipe_mk_markdown(image_dir, drop_mode="none")

###### Object Storage
s3pdf_cli = S3ReaderWriter(pdf_ak, pdf_sk, pdf_endpoint)
image_dir = "s3://img_bucket/"
s3image_cli = S3ReaderWriter(img_ak, img_sk, img_endpoint, parent_path=image_dir)
pdf_bytes = s3pdf_cli.read(s3_pdf_path, mode=s3pdf_cli.MODE_BIN)
jso_useful_key = {"_pdf_type": "", "model_list": []}
pipe = UNIPipe(pdf_bytes, jso_useful_key, s3image_cli)
md_content = pipe.pipe_mk_markdown(image_dir, drop_mode="none")

Demo can be referred to [demo.py](demo/demo.py)

# Magic-Doc

## Introduction

Magic-Doc is a tool designed to convert web pages or multi-format e-books into markdown format.

Key Features Include:

- Web Page Extraction
  - Cross-modal precise parsing of text, images, tables, and formula information.

- E-Book Document Extraction
  - Supports various document formats including epub, mobi, with full adaptation for text and images.

- Language Type Identification
  - Accurate recognition of 176 languages.




## Project Repository

- [Magic-Doc](https://github.com/InternLM/magic-doc)
  Outstanding Webpage and E-book Extraction Tool

# All Thanks To Our Contributors

<a href="https://github.com/magicpdf/Magic-PDF/graphs/contributors">
  <img src="https://contrib.rocks/image?repo=opendatalab/MinerU" />

# License Information


The project currently leverages PyMuPDF to deliver advanced functionalities; however, its adherence to the AGPL license may impose limitations on certain use cases. In upcoming iterations, we intend to explore and transition to a more permissively licensed PDF processing library to enhance user-friendliness and flexibility.

# Acknowledgments

- [PaddleOCR](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleOCR)
- [PyMuPDF](https://github.com/pymupdf/PyMuPDF)
- [fast-langdetect](https://github.com/LlmKira/fast-langdetect)
- [pdfminer.six](https://github.com/pdfminer/pdfminer.six)

# Citation

    title={MinerU: A One-stop, Open-source, High-quality Data Extraction Tool},
    author={MinerU Contributors},
    howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/opendatalab/MinerU}},

# Star History

   <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="https://api.star-history.com/svg?repos=opendatalab/MinerU&type=Date&theme=dark" />
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