import json import math from magic_pdf.libs.commons import fitz from loguru import logger from magic_pdf.libs.commons import join_path from magic_pdf.libs.coordinate_transform import get_scale_ratio from magic_pdf.libs.ocr_content_type import ContentType from import AbsReaderWriter from import DiskReaderWriter from magic_pdf.libs.math import float_gt from magic_pdf.libs.boxbase import ( _is_in, bbox_relative_pos, bbox_distance, _is_part_overlap, calculate_overlap_area_in_bbox1_area_ratio, calculate_iou, ) from magic_pdf.libs.ModelBlockTypeEnum import ModelBlockTypeEnum CAPATION_OVERLAP_AREA_RATIO = 0.6 class MagicModel: """ 每个函数没有得到元素的时候返回空list """ def __fix_axis(self): for model_page_info in self.__model_list: need_remove_list = [] page_no = model_page_info["page_info"]["page_no"] horizontal_scale_ratio, vertical_scale_ratio = get_scale_ratio( model_page_info, self.__docs[page_no] ) layout_dets = model_page_info["layout_dets"] for layout_det in layout_dets: if layout_det.get("bbox") is not None: # 兼容直接输出bbox的模型数据,如paddle x0, y0, x1, y1 = layout_det["bbox"] else: # 兼容直接输出poly的模型数据,如xxx x0, y0, _, _, x1, y1, _, _ = layout_det["poly"] bbox = [ int(x0 / horizontal_scale_ratio), int(y0 / vertical_scale_ratio), int(x1 / horizontal_scale_ratio), int(y1 / vertical_scale_ratio), ] layout_det["bbox"] = bbox # 删除高度或者宽度小于等于0的spans if bbox[2] - bbox[0] <= 0 or bbox[3] - bbox[1] <= 0: need_remove_list.append(layout_det) for need_remove in need_remove_list: layout_dets.remove(need_remove) def __fix_by_remove_low_confidence(self): for model_page_info in self.__model_list: need_remove_list = [] layout_dets = model_page_info["layout_dets"] for layout_det in layout_dets: if layout_det["score"] <= 0.05: need_remove_list.append(layout_det) else: continue for need_remove in need_remove_list: layout_dets.remove(need_remove) def __fix_by_remove_high_iou_and_low_confidence(self): for model_page_info in self.__model_list: need_remove_list = [] layout_dets = model_page_info["layout_dets"] for layout_det1 in layout_dets: for layout_det2 in layout_dets: if layout_det1 == layout_det2: continue if layout_det1["category_id"] in [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ] and layout_det2["category_id"] in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]: if ( calculate_iou(layout_det1["bbox"], layout_det2["bbox"]) > 0.9 ): if layout_det1["score"] < layout_det2["score"]: layout_det_need_remove = layout_det1 else: layout_det_need_remove = layout_det2 if layout_det_need_remove not in need_remove_list: need_remove_list.append(layout_det_need_remove) else: continue else: continue for need_remove in need_remove_list: layout_dets.remove(need_remove) def __init__(self, model_list: list, docs: fitz.Document): self.__model_list = model_list self.__docs = docs """为所有模型数据添加bbox信息(缩放,poly->bbox)""" self.__fix_axis() """删除置信度特别低的模型数据(<0.05),提高质量""" self.__fix_by_remove_low_confidence() """删除高iou(>0.9)数据中置信度较低的那个""" self.__fix_by_remove_high_iou_and_low_confidence() def __reduct_overlap(self, bboxes): N = len(bboxes) keep = [True] * N for i in range(N): for j in range(N): if i == j: continue if _is_in(bboxes[i]["bbox"], bboxes[j]["bbox"]): keep[i] = False return [bboxes[i] for i in range(N) if keep[i]] def __tie_up_category_by_distance( self, page_no, subject_category_id, object_category_id ): """ 假定每个 subject 最多有一个 object (可以有多个相邻的 object 合并为单个 object),每个 object 只能属于一个 subject """ ret = [] MAX_DIS_OF_POINT = 10**9 + 7 # subject 和 object 的 bbox 会合并成一个大的 bbox (named: merged bbox)。 筛选出所有和 merged bbox 有 overlap 且 overlap 面积大于 object 的面积的 subjects。 # 再求出筛选出的 subjects 和 object 的最短距离! def may_find_other_nearest_bbox(subject_idx, object_idx): ret = float("inf") x0 = min( all_bboxes[subject_idx]["bbox"][0], all_bboxes[object_idx]["bbox"][0] ) y0 = min( all_bboxes[subject_idx]["bbox"][1], all_bboxes[object_idx]["bbox"][1] ) x1 = max( all_bboxes[subject_idx]["bbox"][2], all_bboxes[object_idx]["bbox"][2] ) y1 = max( all_bboxes[subject_idx]["bbox"][3], all_bboxes[object_idx]["bbox"][3] ) object_area = abs( all_bboxes[object_idx]["bbox"][2] - all_bboxes[object_idx]["bbox"][0] ) * abs( all_bboxes[object_idx]["bbox"][3] - all_bboxes[object_idx]["bbox"][1] ) for i in range(len(all_bboxes)): if ( i == subject_idx or all_bboxes[i]["category_id"] != subject_category_id ): continue if _is_part_overlap([x0, y0, x1, y1], all_bboxes[i]["bbox"]) or _is_in( all_bboxes[i]["bbox"], [x0, y0, x1, y1] ): i_area = abs( all_bboxes[i]["bbox"][2] - all_bboxes[i]["bbox"][0] ) * abs(all_bboxes[i]["bbox"][3] - all_bboxes[i]["bbox"][1]) if i_area >= object_area: ret = min(float("inf"), dis[i][object_idx]) return ret def expand_bbbox(idxes): x0s = [all_bboxes[idx]["bbox"][0] for idx in idxes] y0s = [all_bboxes[idx]["bbox"][1] for idx in idxes] x1s = [all_bboxes[idx]["bbox"][2] for idx in idxes] y1s = [all_bboxes[idx]["bbox"][3] for idx in idxes] return min(x0s), min(y0s), max(x1s), max(y1s) subjects = self.__reduct_overlap( list( map( lambda x: {"bbox": x["bbox"], "score": x["score"]}, filter( lambda x: x["category_id"] == subject_category_id, self.__model_list[page_no]["layout_dets"], ), ) ) ) objects = self.__reduct_overlap( list( map( lambda x: {"bbox": x["bbox"], "score": x["score"]}, filter( lambda x: x["category_id"] == object_category_id, self.__model_list[page_no]["layout_dets"], ), ) ) ) subject_object_relation_map = {} subjects.sort( key=lambda x: x["bbox"][0] ** 2 + x["bbox"][1] ** 2 ) # get the distance ! all_bboxes = [] for v in subjects: all_bboxes.append( { "category_id": subject_category_id, "bbox": v["bbox"], "score": v["score"], } ) for v in objects: all_bboxes.append( { "category_id": object_category_id, "bbox": v["bbox"], "score": v["score"], } ) N = len(all_bboxes) dis = [[MAX_DIS_OF_POINT] * N for _ in range(N)] for i in range(N): for j in range(i): if ( all_bboxes[i]["category_id"] == subject_category_id and all_bboxes[j]["category_id"] == subject_category_id ): continue dis[i][j] = bbox_distance(all_bboxes[i]["bbox"], all_bboxes[j]["bbox"]) dis[j][i] = dis[i][j] used = set() for i in range(N): # 求第 i 个 subject 所关联的 object if all_bboxes[i]["category_id"] != subject_category_id: continue seen = set() candidates = [] arr = [] for j in range(N): pos_flag_count = sum( list( map( lambda x: 1 if x else 0, bbox_relative_pos( all_bboxes[i]["bbox"], all_bboxes[j]["bbox"] ), ) ) ) if pos_flag_count > 1: continue if ( all_bboxes[j]["category_id"] != object_category_id or j in used or dis[i][j] == MAX_DIS_OF_POINT ): continue left, right, _, _ = bbox_relative_pos( all_bboxes[i]["bbox"], all_bboxes[j]["bbox"] ) # 由 pos_flag_count 相关逻辑保证本段逻辑准确性 if left or right: one_way_dis = all_bboxes[i]["bbox"][2] - all_bboxes[i]["bbox"][0] else: one_way_dis = all_bboxes[i]["bbox"][3] - all_bboxes[i]["bbox"][1] if dis[i][j] > one_way_dis: continue arr.append((dis[i][j], j)) arr.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) if len(arr) > 0: # bug: 离该subject 最近的 object 可能跨越了其它的 subject 。比如 [this subect] [some sbuject] [the nearest objec of subject] if may_find_other_nearest_bbox(i, arr[0][1]) >= arr[0][0]: candidates.append(arr[0][1]) seen.add(arr[0][1]) # 已经获取初始种子 for j in set(candidates): tmp = [] for k in range(i + 1, N): pos_flag_count = sum( list( map( lambda x: 1 if x else 0, bbox_relative_pos( all_bboxes[j]["bbox"], all_bboxes[k]["bbox"] ), ) ) ) if pos_flag_count > 1: continue if ( all_bboxes[k]["category_id"] != object_category_id or k in used or k in seen or dis[j][k] == MAX_DIS_OF_POINT or dis[j][k] > dis[i][j] ): continue is_nearest = True for l in range(i + 1, N): if l in (j, k) or l in used or l in seen: continue if not float_gt(dis[l][k], dis[j][k]): is_nearest = False break if is_nearest: nx0, ny0, nx1, ny1 = expand_bbbox(list(seen) + [k]) n_dis = bbox_distance(all_bboxes[i]["bbox"], [nx0, ny0, nx1, ny1]) if float_gt(dis[i][j], n_dis): continue tmp.append(k) seen.add(k) candidates = tmp if len(candidates) == 0: break # 已经获取到某个 figure 下所有的最靠近的 captions,以及最靠近这些 captions 的 captions 。 # 先扩一下 bbox, ox0, oy0, ox1, oy1 = expand_bbbox(list(seen) + [i]) ix0, iy0, ix1, iy1 = all_bboxes[i]["bbox"] # 分成了 4 个截取空间,需要计算落在每个截取空间下 objects 合并后占据的矩形面积 caption_poses = [ [ox0, oy0, ix0, oy1], [ox0, oy0, ox1, iy0], [ox0, iy1, ox1, oy1], [ix1, oy0, ox1, oy1], ] caption_areas = [] for bbox in caption_poses: embed_arr = [] for idx in seen: if ( calculate_overlap_area_in_bbox1_area_ratio( all_bboxes[idx]["bbox"], bbox ) > CAPATION_OVERLAP_AREA_RATIO ): embed_arr.append(idx) if len(embed_arr) > 0: embed_x0 = min([all_bboxes[idx]["bbox"][0] for idx in embed_arr]) embed_y0 = min([all_bboxes[idx]["bbox"][1] for idx in embed_arr]) embed_x1 = max([all_bboxes[idx]["bbox"][2] for idx in embed_arr]) embed_y1 = max([all_bboxes[idx]["bbox"][3] for idx in embed_arr]) caption_areas.append( int(abs(embed_x1 - embed_x0) * abs(embed_y1 - embed_y0)) ) else: caption_areas.append(0) subject_object_relation_map[i] = [] if max(caption_areas) > 0: max_area_idx = caption_areas.index(max(caption_areas)) caption_bbox = caption_poses[max_area_idx] for j in seen: if ( calculate_overlap_area_in_bbox1_area_ratio( all_bboxes[j]["bbox"], caption_bbox ) > CAPATION_OVERLAP_AREA_RATIO ): used.add(j) subject_object_relation_map[i].append(j) for i in sorted(subject_object_relation_map.keys()): result = { "subject_body": all_bboxes[i]["bbox"], "all": all_bboxes[i]["bbox"], "score": all_bboxes[i]["score"], } if len(subject_object_relation_map[i]) > 0: x0 = min( [all_bboxes[j]["bbox"][0] for j in subject_object_relation_map[i]] ) y0 = min( [all_bboxes[j]["bbox"][1] for j in subject_object_relation_map[i]] ) x1 = max( [all_bboxes[j]["bbox"][2] for j in subject_object_relation_map[i]] ) y1 = max( [all_bboxes[j]["bbox"][3] for j in subject_object_relation_map[i]] ) result["object_body"] = [x0, y0, x1, y1] result["all"] = [ min(x0, all_bboxes[i]["bbox"][0]), min(y0, all_bboxes[i]["bbox"][1]), max(x1, all_bboxes[i]["bbox"][2]), max(y1, all_bboxes[i]["bbox"][3]), ] ret.append(result) total_subject_object_dis = 0 # 计算已经配对的 distance 距离 for i in subject_object_relation_map.keys(): for j in subject_object_relation_map[i]: total_subject_object_dis += bbox_distance( all_bboxes[i]["bbox"], all_bboxes[j]["bbox"] ) # 计算未匹配的 subject 和 object 的距离(非精确版) with_caption_subject = set( [ key for key in subject_object_relation_map.keys() if len(subject_object_relation_map[i]) > 0 ] ) for i in range(N): if all_bboxes[i]["category_id"] != object_category_id or i in used: continue candidates = [] for j in range(N): if ( all_bboxes[j]["category_id"] != subject_category_id or j in with_caption_subject ): continue candidates.append((dis[i][j], j)) if len(candidates) > 0: candidates.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) total_subject_object_dis += candidates[0][1] with_caption_subject.add(j) return ret, total_subject_object_dis def get_imgs(self, page_no: int): figure_captions, _ = self.__tie_up_category_by_distance( page_no, 3, 4 ) return [ { "bbox": record["all"], "img_body_bbox": record["subject_body"], "img_caption_bbox": record.get("object_body", None), "score": record["score"], } for record in figure_captions ] def get_tables( self, page_no: int ) -> list: # 3个坐标, caption, table主体,table-note with_captions, _ = self.__tie_up_category_by_distance(page_no, 5, 6) with_footnotes, _ = self.__tie_up_category_by_distance(page_no, 5, 7) ret = [] N, M = len(with_captions), len(with_footnotes) assert N == M for i in range(N): record = { "score": with_captions[i]["score"], "table_caption_bbox": with_captions[i].get("object_body", None), "table_body_bbox": with_captions[i]["subject_body"], "table_footnote_bbox": with_footnotes[i].get("object_body", None), } x0 = min(with_captions[i]["all"][0], with_footnotes[i]["all"][0]) y0 = min(with_captions[i]["all"][1], with_footnotes[i]["all"][1]) x1 = max(with_captions[i]["all"][2], with_footnotes[i]["all"][2]) y1 = max(with_captions[i]["all"][3], with_footnotes[i]["all"][3]) record["bbox"] = [x0, y0, x1, y1] ret.append(record) return ret def get_equations(self, page_no: int) -> list: # 有坐标,也有字 inline_equations = self.__get_blocks_by_type( ModelBlockTypeEnum.EMBEDDING.value, page_no, ["latex"] ) interline_equations = self.__get_blocks_by_type( ModelBlockTypeEnum.ISOLATED.value, page_no, ["latex"] ) interline_equations_blocks = self.__get_blocks_by_type( ModelBlockTypeEnum.ISOLATE_FORMULA.value, page_no ) return inline_equations, interline_equations, interline_equations_blocks def get_discarded(self, page_no: int) -> list: # 自研模型,只有坐标 blocks = self.__get_blocks_by_type(ModelBlockTypeEnum.ABANDON.value, page_no) return blocks def get_text_blocks(self, page_no: int) -> list: # 自研模型搞的,只有坐标,没有字 blocks = self.__get_blocks_by_type(ModelBlockTypeEnum.PLAIN_TEXT.value, page_no) return blocks def get_title_blocks(self, page_no: int) -> list: # 自研模型,只有坐标,没字 blocks = self.__get_blocks_by_type(ModelBlockTypeEnum.TITLE.value, page_no) return blocks def get_ocr_text(self, page_no: int) -> list: # paddle 搞的,有字也有坐标 text_spans = [] model_page_info = self.__model_list[page_no] layout_dets = model_page_info["layout_dets"] for layout_det in layout_dets: if layout_det["category_id"] == "15": span = { "bbox": layout_det["bbox"], "content": layout_det["text"], } text_spans.append(span) return text_spans def get_all_spans(self, page_no: int) -> list: def remove_duplicate_spans(spans): new_spans = [] for span in spans: if not any(span == existing_span for existing_span in new_spans): new_spans.append(span) return new_spans all_spans = [] model_page_info = self.__model_list[page_no] layout_dets = model_page_info["layout_dets"] allow_category_id_list = [3, 5, 13, 14, 15] """当成span拼接的""" # 3: 'image', # 图片 # 5: 'table', # 表格 # 13: 'inline_equation', # 行内公式 # 14: 'interline_equation', # 行间公式 # 15: 'text', # ocr识别文本 for layout_det in layout_dets: category_id = layout_det["category_id"] if category_id in allow_category_id_list: span = {"bbox": layout_det["bbox"], "score": layout_det["score"]} if category_id == 3: span["type"] = ContentType.Image elif category_id == 5: span["type"] = ContentType.Table elif category_id == 13: span["content"] = layout_det["latex"] span["type"] = ContentType.InlineEquation elif category_id == 14: span["content"] = layout_det["latex"] span["type"] = ContentType.InterlineEquation elif category_id == 15: span["content"] = layout_det["text"] span["type"] = ContentType.Text all_spans.append(span) return remove_duplicate_spans(all_spans) def get_page_size(self, page_no: int): # 获取页面宽高 # 获取当前页的page对象 page = self.__docs[page_no] # 获取当前页的宽高 page_w = page.rect.width page_h = page.rect.height return page_w, page_h def __get_blocks_by_type( self, type: int, page_no: int, extra_col: list[str] = [] ) -> list: blocks = [] for page_dict in self.__model_list: layout_dets = page_dict.get("layout_dets", []) page_info = page_dict.get("page_info", {}) page_number = page_info.get("page_no", -1) if page_no != page_number: continue for item in layout_dets: category_id = item.get("category_id", -1) bbox = item.get("bbox", None) if category_id == type: block = { "bbox": bbox, "score": item.get("score"), } for col in extra_col: block[col] = item.get(col, None) blocks.append(block) return blocks def get_model_list(self, page_no): return self.__model_list[page_no] if __name__ == "__main__": drw = DiskReaderWriter(r"D:/project/20231108code-clean") if 0: pdf_file_path = r"linshixuqiu\19983-00.pdf" model_file_path = r"linshixuqiu\19983-00_new.json" pdf_bytes =, AbsReaderWriter.MODE_BIN) model_json_txt =, AbsReaderWriter.MODE_TXT) model_list = json.loads(model_json_txt) write_path = r"D:\project\20231108code-clean\linshixuqiu\19983-00" img_bucket_path = "imgs" img_writer = DiskReaderWriter(join_path(write_path, img_bucket_path)) pdf_docs ="pdf", pdf_bytes) magic_model = MagicModel(model_list, pdf_docs) if 1: model_list = json.loads("/opt/data/pdf/20240418/j.chroma.2009.03.042.json") ) pdf_bytes = "/opt/data/pdf/20240418/j.chroma.2009.03.042.pdf", AbsReaderWriter.MODE_BIN ) pdf_docs ="pdf", pdf_bytes) magic_model = MagicModel(model_list, pdf_docs) for i in range(7): print(magic_model.get_imgs(i))