import os |
import re |
import gradio as gr |
from shutil import copy |
from tkinter import Tk |
from tkinter.filedialog import askdirectory |
from os import makedirs, listdir |
from os.path import isdir, isfile, join, realpath |
phases = ["iFAT", "(i)SAT"] |
inputPhases = {**{i: k for i, k in enumerate(phases)}, **{len(phases): "All"}} |
regTemplate = r'template' |
def select_folder(): |
Tk().withdraw() |
folder_selected = askdirectory() |
return folder_selected |
def validate_directory(directory_path): |
return os.path.isdir(directory_path) |
def getFilesWith(path: str, reg: str): |
if not isdir(path): |
print(f"{path} is not a valid path") |
return None |
content = listdir(path) |
if len(content) == 0: |
print(f"{path} has no content") |
return None |
files = [f for f in content if isfile(join(path, f)) and re.search(reg, f, re.IGNORECASE)] |
if len(files) == 0: |
print(f"{path} contains no {reg}") |
return None |
return files |
def createNewFolders(dirs: list): |
for d in dirs: |
if not isdir(d): |
makedirs(d) |
else: |
print(f"Directory already exists: {d}") |
def createNewTemplates(objs, templatesDir, regTemplate, root): |
templatefiles = getFilesWith(templatesDir, regTemplate) |
for k in objs: |
regPhase = r"" |
match k: |
case "(i)SAT": |
regPhase = r"sat" |
case "iFAT": |
regPhase = r"fat" |
files = [f for f in templatefiles if re.search(regPhase, f, re.IGNORECASE)] |
if len(files) == 0: |
print(f"Phase {k} has no templates") |
continue |
for o in objs[k]: |
targetLocation = join(root, o) |
tlFiles = getFilesWith(targetLocation, regPhase) |
if tlFiles: |
print(f"{k} files already exist in: {targetLocation}") |
continue |
for f in files: |
templatepath = join(templatesDir, f) |
targetpath = targetLocation |
if re.search(r"hut_\d{4}[a-zA-Z]{2}", f, re.IGNORECASE): |
targetpath = join(targetLocation, f[:4] + o + f[10:]) |
copy(templatepath, targetpath) |
def getObjectsPerPhase(phase: str = "All"): |
with open("./objecten.txt", "r") as f: |
t = f.read().split("\n\n") |
objs = {p: [] for p in phases} |
if phase in phases: |
objs = {phase: []} |
regObject = r"\d{4}[a-zA-Z]{2}" |
for g in t: |
ls = g.split("\n") |
k = ls[0] |
if k in objs: |
objs[k] = ls[1::] |
else: |
print(f"Key [{k}] is not recognized") |
objs = {k: objs[k] for k in objs if objs[k]} |
for k in objs: |
for i, o in enumerate(objs[k]): |
m = re.search(regObject, o) |
if not m: |
continue |
objs[k][i] = m.group(0) |
return objs |
def copyPasteTemplates(root: str, phase: str, templatesDir: str): |
objs = getObjectsPerPhase(phase) |
objectslist = list(set([o for p in [objs[k] for k in objs] for o in p])) |
createNewFolders([join(root, o) for o in objectslist]) |
print("Directories created") |
createNewTemplates(objs, templatesDir, regTemplate, root) |
print("Templates ready") |
def run_steps(phase, root_dir, templates_dir): |
testphase = phase |
rootDir = root_dir |
templatesDir = templates_dir |
if not validate_directory(rootDir): |
return f"Error: Root directory '{rootDir}' does not exist." |
if not validate_directory(templatesDir): |
return f"Error: Templates directory '{templatesDir}' does not exist." |
copyPasteTemplates(rootDir, testphase, templatesDir) |
return "Folders created successfully!" |
def validate_and_run(phase, root_dir, templates_dir): |
if not root_dir or not templates_dir: |
return "Error: Please provide both the root and templates directory paths." |
return run_steps(phase, root_dir, templates_dir) |
def select_root_directory(): |
return select_folder() |
def select_templates_directory(): |
return select_folder() |
with gr.Blocks() as app: |
gr.Markdown("# Folder Creation Tool") |
phase_input = gr.Dropdown(choices=list(inputPhases.values()), label="Select Phase") |
root_dir_input = gr.Textbox(label="Root Directory", placeholder="Select the root directory") |
root_dir_button = gr.Button("Select Root Directory") |
root_dir_button.click(fn=select_root_directory, outputs=root_dir_input) |
templates_dir_input = gr.Textbox(label="Templates Directory", placeholder="Select the templates directory") |
templates_dir_button = gr.Button("Select Templates Directory") |
templates_dir_button.click(fn=select_templates_directory, outputs=templates_dir_input) |
create_button = gr.Button("Create Folders") |
output = gr.Textbox(label="Output") |
create_button.click(validate_and_run, inputs=[phase_input, root_dir_input, templates_dir_input], outputs=output) |
app.launch() |