File size: 4,210 Bytes
19cafec ec0626f 19cafec ec0626f 19cafec ec0626f 19cafec ec0626f 19cafec ec0626f 19cafec ec0626f 19cafec ec0626f 19cafec ec0626f 19cafec ec0626f 19cafec ec0626f 19cafec ec0626f 19cafec |
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import Lean
import Mathlib.Lean.Expr.Basic
import Mathlib.Lean.CoreM
import Batteries.Lean.Util.Path
import Batteries.Data.String.Matcher
open Lean
open Lean.Meta
open Lean.Elab
open Lean.Elab.Command
This small file is modified from:
You can refer to the file structure there for more details.
To run this, there is no need to download another 4GB of Mathlib files.
Just prepare a Lean project with Mathlib installed. Suppose the project is in the folder LeanProj.
Your Mathlib files should live in LeanProj/.lake/packages/mathlib.
My LeanProj/lean-toolchain says I am using version: leanprover/lean4:v4.9.0-rc2
Now, put this extract.lean in LeanProj/scripts/extract.lean
In LeanProj/lakefile.lean, below
lean_lib «LeanProj» where
add this:
lean_exe extract where
root := `scripts.extract
supportInterpreter := true
This will make the `lake exe extract` command available,
and enable the correct `compile_time_search_path%` in the script.
Now in the terminal, run:
cd path-to-LeanProj
mkdir data
lake exe extract > data/theorems.txt
The stdout (IO.println) will be directed to data/theorems.txt,
The stderr (IO.eprintln) will be shown in the terminal. You will see the progress. It takes about 15 minutes.
Helps print kinds of constants
and distinguish between theorems, definitions, axioms, etc.
def Lean.ConstantInfo.kind : ConstantInfo → String
| .axiomInfo _ => "axiom"
| .defnInfo _ => "def"
| .thmInfo _ => "theorem"
| .opaqueInfo _ => "opaque"
| .quotInfo _ => "quot" -- Not sure what this is!
| .inductInfo _ => "inductive"
| .ctorInfo _ => "constructor"
| .recInfo _ => "recursor"
def truncatePrint (s : String) : IO Unit := do
IO.println (if s.length < 1000 then s else s.take 997 ++ " ...")
def main : IO Unit := do
IO.eprintln "\n\n"
IO.eprintln "importing modules"
searchPathRef.set compile_time_search_path%
CoreM.withImportModules #[`Mathlib] (options := {entries := [
-- (`maxHeartbeats, .ofNat 0),
(`smartUnfolding, .ofBool false),
]}) do
IO.eprintln s!"simplification timeout: {← getMaxHeartbeats}"
let env ← getEnv
IO.eprintln "filtering out unwanted objects"
let mut x := 0
let mut lst := #[]
lst := lst ++ env.constants.map₁.toArray
lst := lst ++ env.constants.map₂.toArray
lst := lst.filter fun (name, info) => (
!name.isInternalOrNum -- s.startsWith "_" | .num
&& !name.isInaccessibleUserName -- s.contains '✝' || s == "_inaccessible"
&& !name.isImplementationDetail -- s.startsWith "__"
&& !(name.toString.findSubstr? ".proof_" |>.isSome)
&& !(name.toString.findSubstr? ".match_" |>.isSome)
-- name.toString.startsWith "Nat.add"
IO.eprintln s!"printing {lst.size} theorems"
for (name, info) in lst do
IO.println "----thm----"
-- print module.
-- eg. "import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic"
match (← findModuleOf? name) with
| .none => IO.println "unknown"
| .some mod => IO.println s!"import {mod}"
IO.println "--thm--"
-- print kine and decl name
-- eg. "theorem Nat.add_comm" or "def Nat.add"
IO.println s!"{info.kind} {name}"
IO.println "--thm--"
-- print decl type.
-- eg. "∀ (n m : Nat), n + m = m + n"
-- ppExpr is better than dbgToString
let ppType := toString (←' do ppExpr info.type)
truncatePrint ppType
IO.println "--thm--"
-- print doc string if exists.
-- eg. O(|l| + |r|). Merge two lists using s as a switch.
match (← findDocString? env name) with
| .none => IO.println ""
| .some doc => IO.println doc
-- IO.println "--thm--"
-- print decl value. These Lean.Expr are very large.
-- match info.value? with
-- | .none => IO.println ""
-- | .some val => IO.println (toString (←' do ppExpr val))
-- IO.println "--thm--"
x := x + 1
if x % 100 == 0 then
IO.eprintln s!"printed {x} / {lst.size} theorems, {x.toFloat / lst.size.toFloat * 100}%"
-- if x ≥ 2 then break
IO.eprintln "done"