import os import re import unicodedata from typing import Dict import kenlm import sentencepiece from huggingface_hub import cached_download, hf_hub_url KENLM_MODEL_REPO = "edugp/kenlm" class SentencePiece: def __init__( self, model: str, ): super().__init__() self.sp = sentencepiece.SentencePieceProcessor() self.sp.load(str(model)) def do(self, text: dict) -> dict: tokenized = self.sp.encode_as_pieces(text) return " ".join(tokenized) class KenlmModel: digit_re: re.Pattern = re.compile(r"\d") unicode_punct: Dict[str, str] = { ",": ",", "。": ".", "、": ",", "„": '"', "”": '"', "“": '"', "«": '"', "»": '"', "1": '"', "」": '"', "「": '"', "《": '"', "》": '"', "´": "'", "∶": ":", ":": ":", "?": "?", "!": "!", "(": "(", ")": ")", ";": ";", "–": "-", "—": " - ", ".": ". ", "~": "~", "’": "'", "…": "...", "━": "-", "〈": "<", "〉": ">", "【": "[", "】": "]", "%": "%", "►": "-", } unicode_punct_re = re.compile(f"[{''.join(unicode_punct.keys())}]") non_printing_chars_re = re.compile( f"[{''.join(map(chr, list(range(0,32)) + list(range(127,160))))}]" ) kenlm_model_dir = None sentence_piece_model_dir = None def __init__( self, model_dataset: str, language: str, lower_case: bool = False, remove_accents: bool = False, normalize_numbers: bool = True, punctuation: int = 1, ): self.download_kenlm_model(model_dataset, language) try: self.model = kenlm.Model(self.kenlm_model_dir) self.tokenizer = SentencePiece(self.sentence_piece_model_dir) except OSError: os.remove(self.kenlm_model_dir) if os.path.exists(self.sentence_piece_model_dir): os.remove(self.sentence_piece_model_dir) raise OSError( "File was corrupt and should have been removed. Please, retry." ) self.accent = remove_accents = lower_case self.numbers = normalize_numbers self.punct = punctuation @classmethod def from_pretrained( cls, model_dataset: str, language: str, lower_case: bool, remove_accents: bool, normalize_numbers: bool, punctuation: int, ): return cls( model_dataset, language, lower_case, remove_accents, normalize_numbers, punctuation, ) def pp(self, log_score, length): return 10.0 ** (-log_score / length) def get_perplexity(self, doc: str, normalize_cc_net: bool = True): if normalize_cc_net: doc = self.normalize( doc, accent=self.accent,, numbers=self.numbers, punct=self.punct, ) # Tokenize (after normalizing): See for full pipeline doc = doc_log_score, doc_length = 0, 0 for line in doc.split("\n"): log_score = self.model.score(line) length = len(line.split()) + 1 doc_log_score += log_score doc_length += length return round(self.pp(doc_log_score, doc_length), 1) def normalize( self, line: str, accent: bool = True, case: bool = True, numbers: bool = True, punct: int = 1, ) -> str: line = line.strip() if not line: return line if case: line = line.lower() if accent: line = self.strip_accents(line) if numbers: line = self.digit_re.sub("0", line) if punct == 1: line = self.replace_unicode_punct(line) elif punct == 2: line = self.remove_unicode_punct(line) line = self.remove_non_printing_char(line) return line def strip_accents(self, line: str) -> str: """Strips accents from a piece of text.""" nfd = unicodedata.normalize("NFD", line) output = [c for c in nfd if unicodedata.category(c) != "Mn"] if len(output) == line: return line return "".join(output) def replace_unicode_punct(self, text: str) -> str: return "".join(self.unicode_punct.get(c, c) for c in text) def remove_unicode_punct(self, text: str) -> str: """More aggressive version of replace_unicode_punct but also faster.""" return self.unicode_punct_re.sub("", text) def remove_non_printing_char(self, text: str) -> str: return self.non_printing_chars_re.sub("", text) def download_kenlm_model(self, model_dataset: str, language: str): kenlm_model_url = hf_hub_url( KENLM_MODEL_REPO, filename=f"{model_dataset}/{language}.arpa.bin" ) self.kenlm_model_dir = cached_download(kenlm_model_url) sentence_piece_model_url = hf_hub_url( KENLM_MODEL_REPO, filename=f"{model_dataset}/{language}.sp.model" ) self.sentence_piece_model_dir = cached_download(sentence_piece_model_url)