import asyncio import collections import contextlib import dataclasses import glob import json import logging import math import os import random import re import shutil import socket import string import subprocess import time import uuid import zipfile from collections import defaultdict from contextlib import closing from functools import partial from typing import Any, DefaultDict, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union import GPUtil import numpy as np import pandas as pd import psutil import yaml from import DataLakeServiceClient from boto3.session import Session from botocore.handlers import disable_signing from h2o_wave import Q, ui from pandas.core.frame import DataFrame from sqlitedict import SqliteDict from llm_studio.app_utils.db import Experiment from llm_studio.src import possible_values from llm_studio.src.utils.config_utils import ( _get_type_annotation_error, load_config_yaml, parse_cfg_dataclass, save_config_yaml, ) from llm_studio.src.utils.data_utils import is_valid_data_frame, read_dataframe from llm_studio.src.utils.export_utils import get_size_str from llm_studio.src.utils.type_annotations import KNOWN_TYPE_ANNOTATIONS from .config import default_cfg logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def get_user_id(q): return q.auth.subject def get_user_name(q): return q.auth.username def get_data_dir(q): return os.path.join(default_cfg.llm_studio_workdir, default_cfg.data_folder, "user") def get_database_dir(q): return os.path.join(default_cfg.llm_studio_workdir, default_cfg.data_folder, "dbs") def get_output_dir(q): return os.path.join( default_cfg.llm_studio_workdir, default_cfg.output_folder, "user" ) def get_download_dir(q): return os.path.join( default_cfg.llm_studio_workdir, default_cfg.output_folder, "download" ) def get_user_db_path(q): return os.path.join(get_database_dir(q), "user.db") def get_usersettings_path(q): return os.path.join(get_database_dir(q), f"{get_user_id(q)}.settings") def find_free_port(): with closing(socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)) as s: s.bind(("", 0)) s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) return s.getsockname()[1] def start_process( cfg: Any, gpu_list: List, process_queue: List, env_vars: Dict ) -> subprocess.Popen: """Starts for a given configuration setting Args: cfg: config gpu_list: list of GPUs to use for the training process_queue: list of processes to wait for before starting the training env_vars: dictionary of ENV variables to pass to the training process Returns: Process """ num_gpus = len(gpu_list) config_name = os.path.join(cfg.output_directory, "cfg.yaml") env = {**os.environ, **env_vars} if num_gpus == 0: cmd = [ "python", "", "-Y", config_name, ] # Do not delete for debug purposes # elif num_gpus == 1: # cmd = [ # "env", # f"CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES={','.join(gpu_list)}", # "python", # "-u", # "", # "-P", # config_name, # ] else: free_port = find_free_port() if cfg.environment.use_deepspeed:"Starting deepspeed...") cmd = [ "env", "deepspeed", "--include", f"localhost:{','.join(gpu_list)}", "--master_port", f"{str(free_port)}", "", "-Y", config_name, ] else:"Starting torchrun...") cmd = [ "env", f"CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES={','.join(gpu_list)}", "torchrun", f"--nproc_per_node={str(num_gpus)}", f"--master_port={str(free_port)}", "", "-Y", config_name, ] if len(process_queue) > 0: cmd.append("-Q") cmd.append(",".join([str(x) for x in process_queue])) p = subprocess.Popen( cmd, env=env, )"Percentage of RAM memory used: {psutil.virtual_memory().percent}") return p def clean_macos_artifacts(path: str) -> None: """Cleans artifacts from MacOSX zip archives Args: path: path to the unzipped directory """ shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(path, "__MACOSX/"), ignore_errors=True) for ds_store in glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "**/.DS_Store"), recursive=True): try: os.remove(ds_store) except OSError: pass def s3_session(aws_access_key: str, aws_secret_key: str) -> Any: """Establishes s3 session Args: aws_access_key: s3 access key aws_secret_key: s3 secret key Returns: Session """ session = Session( aws_access_key_id=aws_access_key, aws_secret_access_key=aws_secret_key ) s3 = session.resource("s3") # if no key is present, disable signing if aws_access_key == "" and aws_secret_key == "":"choose-signer.s3.*", disable_signing) return s3 def filter_valid_files(files) -> List[str]: valid_files = [ file for file in files if any([file.endswith(ext) for ext in default_cfg.allowed_file_extensions]) ] return valid_files def s3_file_options( bucket: str, aws_access_key: str, aws_secret_key: str ) -> Optional[List[str]]: """ "Returns all zip files in the target s3 bucket Args: bucket: s3 bucket name aws_access_key: s3 access key aws_secret_key: s3 secret key Returns: List of zip files in bucket or None in case of access error """ try: bucket = bucket.replace("s3://", "") if bucket[-1] == os.sep: bucket = bucket[:-1] bucket_split = bucket.split(os.sep) bucket = bucket_split[0] s3 = s3_session(aws_access_key, aws_secret_key) s3_bucket = s3.Bucket(bucket) folder = "/".join(bucket_split[1:]) files = [] for s3_file in s3_bucket.objects.filter(Prefix=f"{folder}/"): if s3_file.key == f"{folder}/": continue files.append(s3_file.key) files = filter_valid_files(files) return files except Exception as e: logger.warning(f"Can't load S3 datasets list: {e}") return None def convert_file_size(size: float): """Converts file size to human readable format Args: size: size in bytes Returns: size in readable format """ if size == 0: return "0B" size_name = ("B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB") i = int(math.floor(math.log(size, 1024))) p = math.pow(1024, i) s = round(size / p, 2) return "%.2f %s" % (s, size_name[i]) class S3Progress: """Progress update for s3 downloads Source: """ def __init__(self, q: Q, size: float) -> None: """Initialize Args: q: Q size: size of the file to download """ self._q: Q = q self._size: float = size self._seen_so_far: float = 0.0 self._percentage: float = 0.0 def progress(self, bytes_amount: float): """Update progress Args: bytes_amount: amount of bytes downloaded """ self._seen_so_far += bytes_amount self._percentage = (self._seen_so_far / self._size) * 100.0 async def update_ui(self): """Update progress in UI"""["meta"].dialog = ui.dialog( title="S3 file download in progress", blocking=True, items=[ ui.progress( label="Please be patient...", caption=( f"{convert_file_size(self._seen_so_far)} of " f"{convert_file_size(self._size)} " f"({self._percentage:.2f}%)" ), value=self._percentage / 100, ) ], ) await async def poll(self): """Update wave ui""" while self._percentage / 100 < 1: await self.update_ui() await self._q.sleep(0.1) await self.update_ui() def s3_download_coroutine(q, filename): download_folder = f"{get_data_dir(q)}/tmp" download_folder = get_valid_temp_data_folder(q, download_folder) if os.path.exists(download_folder): shutil.rmtree(download_folder) os.makedirs(download_folder, exist_ok=True) downloaded_zip = f"{download_folder}/{filename.split('/')[-1]}"["dataset/import"] = ui.form_card(box="content", items=[]) return downloaded_zip, download_folder def extract_if_zip(file, actual_path): if file.endswith("zip"): with zipfile.ZipFile(file, "r") as zip_ref: zip_ref.extractall(actual_path) os.remove(file) clean_macos_artifacts(actual_path) async def s3_download( q, bucket, filename, aws_access_key, aws_secret_key ) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Downloads a file from s3 Args: q: Q bucket: s3 bucket name filename: filename to download aws_access_key: s3 access key aws_secret_key: s3 secret key Returns: Download location path """ bucket = bucket.replace("s3://", "") if bucket[-1] == os.sep: bucket = bucket[:-1] bucket = bucket.split(os.sep)[0] s3 = s3_session(aws_access_key, aws_secret_key) file, s3_path = s3_download_coroutine(q, filename) progress = S3Progress( q, (s3.meta.client.head_object(Bucket=bucket, Key=filename))["ContentLength"] ) poll_future = asyncio.create_task(progress.poll()) def download_file(): s3.Bucket(bucket).download_file(filename, file, Callback=progress.progress) await await poll_future extract_if_zip(file, s3_path) return s3_path, "".join(filename.split("/")[-1].split(".")[:-1]) def azure_file_options(conn_string: str, container: str) -> List[str]: """Returns all zip files in the target azure datalake container Args: conn_string: connection string container: container including sub-paths Returns: - List of files in storage or empty list in case of access error """ try: service_client = DataLakeServiceClient.from_connection_string( # type: ignore conn_string ) container_split = container.split(os.sep) container = container_split[0] folder = "/".join(container_split[1:]) file_system_client = service_client.get_file_system_client( file_system=container ) files = file_system_client.get_paths(path=folder) files = next(files.by_page()) # type: ignore[arg-type] files = [ for x in files] # type: ignore[assignment] return filter_valid_files(files) except Exception as e: logger.warning(f"Can't load Azure datasets list: {e}") return [] async def download_progress(q, title, seen_so_far, total_len): if seen_so_far is not None and total_len is not None: percentage = seen_so_far / total_len value = percentage caption = ( f"{convert_file_size(seen_so_far)} of " f"{convert_file_size(total_len)} " f"({percentage * 100:.2f}%)" ) else: value = None caption = None["meta"].dialog = ui.dialog( title=title, blocking=True, items=[ui.progress(label="Please be patient...", caption=caption, value=value)], ) await async def azure_download( q: Any, conn_string: str, container: str, filename: str ) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Downloads a file from azure Args: q: Q conn_string: connection string container: container filename: filename to download Returns: Download location path """ service_client = DataLakeServiceClient.from_connection_string( # type: ignore conn_string ) container_split = container.split(os.sep) container = container_split[0] file_system_client = service_client.get_file_system_client(file_system=container) filename_split = filename.split(os.sep) folder = "/".join(filename_split[:-1]) filename = filename_split[-1] rnd_folder = "".join(random.choice(string.digits) for i in range(10)) azure_path = f"{get_data_dir(q)}/tmp_{rnd_folder}" azure_path = get_valid_temp_data_folder(q, azure_path) if os.path.exists(azure_path): shutil.rmtree(azure_path) os.makedirs(azure_path, exist_ok=True) file = f"{azure_path}/{filename}" file_client = file_system_client.get_file_client(f"{folder}/{filename}") download = file_client.download_file() blocks = download.chunks() seen_so_far = 0 with open(file, "wb") as local_file: for block in blocks: local_file.write(block) seen_so_far += len(block) await download_progress( q, "Azure Datalake file download in progress", seen_so_far, len(blocks), # type: ignore[arg-type] ) extract_if_zip(file, azure_path) return azure_path, "".join(filename.split(".")[:-1]) async def local_download(q: Any, filename: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Downloads a file from local path Args: q: Q filename: filename to download Returns: Download location path """ local_path = f"{get_data_dir(q)}/tmp" local_path = get_valid_temp_data_folder(q, local_path) if os.path.exists(local_path): shutil.rmtree(local_path) os.makedirs(local_path, exist_ok=True) shutil.copy2(filename, local_path) zip_file = f"{local_path}/{filename.split('/')[-1]}" extract_if_zip(zip_file, local_path) return local_path, "".join(filename.split("/")[-1].split(".")[:-1]) async def kaggle_download( q: Any, command: str, kaggle_access_key: str, kaggle_secret_key: str ) -> Tuple[str, str]: """ "Downloads a file from kaggle Args: q: Q command: kaggle api command kaggle_access_key: kaggle access key kaggle_secret_key: kaggle secret key Returns: Download location path """ kaggle_path = f"{get_data_dir(q)}/tmp" kaggle_path = get_valid_temp_data_folder(q, kaggle_path) if os.path.exists(kaggle_path): shutil.rmtree(kaggle_path) os.makedirs(kaggle_path, exist_ok=True) command_run = [] if kaggle_access_key != "": command_run += ["env", f"KAGGLE_USERNAME={kaggle_access_key}"] if kaggle_secret_key != "": command_run += ["env", f"KAGGLE_KEY={kaggle_secret_key}"] command_run += command.split(" ") + ["-p", kaggle_path] try: zip_file = f"{kaggle_path}/{command.split(' ')[-1].split('/')[-1]}.zip" with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_file, "r") as zip_ref: zip_ref.extractall(kaggle_path) os.remove(zip_file) except Exception: pass clean_macos_artifacts(kaggle_path) for f in glob.glob(kaggle_path + "/*"): if ".zip" in f and zip_file not in f: with zipfile.ZipFile(f, "r") as zip_ref: zip_ref.extractall(kaggle_path) clean_macos_artifacts(kaggle_path) return kaggle_path, "".join(command.split(" ")[-1].split("/")[-1]) def clean_error(error: str): """Cleans some error messages Args: error: original error message Returns: Cleaned error message """ if "UNIQUE constraint failed:" in error: error = "Dataset name already exists, please choose a different one." elif "No such file or directory" in error: error = "Import failed." return error def remove_model_type(problem_type: str) -> str: """Removes model type from problem type Args: problem_type: problem type Returns: Cleaned raw problem type """ if "_config_" in problem_type: problem_type = problem_type.split("_config_")[0] + "_config" return problem_type def add_model_type(problem_type: str, model_type: str) -> str: """Adds model type to problem type Args: problem_type: problem type model_type: model type Returns: problem type including model type """ problem_type = remove_model_type(problem_type) if model_type != "": problem_type = f"{problem_type}_{model_type}" return problem_type def get_problem_categories() -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """Returns all available problem category choices Returns: List of tuples, each containing the raw problem category name and the problem category name as label. """ problem_categories: List[Tuple[str, str]] = [] for c in default_cfg.problem_categories: cc = (c, make_label(c)) problem_categories.append(cc) return problem_categories def get_problem_types(category: Optional[str] = None) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """Returns all problem type choices Args: category: optional category to filter for Returns: List of tuples, each containing the raw problem type name and the problem type name as label. """ problem_types: List[Tuple[str, str]] = [] for c in default_cfg.problem_types: if category is not None and not c.startswith(category): continue cc = (c, make_label("_".join(c.split("_")[1:]).replace("_config", ""))) problem_types.append(cc) return problem_types def get_model_types(problem_type: str) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """Returns all model types for a given problem type Args: problem_type: problem type name Returns: List of model types and their labels """ model_types = [] for c in sorted(os.listdir("llm_studio/python_configs")): if "_config_" not in c: continue if problem_type in c: c = c.replace(".py", "").split("_config_")[1] model_types.append((c, make_label(c[1:]))) return model_types def get_dataset( k: str, v: Any, q: Q, limit: Optional[List[str]] = None, pre: str = "experiment/start", ) -> Tuple[List[str], Any]: """ Get the dataset and the preliminary default value for a setting. The default value may still be overridden by the `possible_values.DatasetValue` instances if it is not a valid choice. Args: k: key for the setting v: value for the setting q: Q limit: list of keys to limit pre: prefix for client key Returns: List of possible values, the preliminary default value. """ if q.client[f"{pre}/dataset"] is None: dataset_id = 1 else: dataset_id = int(q.client[f"{pre}/dataset"]) dataset = q.client.app_db.get_dataset(dataset_id) if dataset is None: return None, "" dataset = dataset.__dict__ dataset_cfg = load_config_yaml(dataset["config_file"]).dataset.__dict__ for kk, vv in dataset_cfg.items(): dataset[kk] = vv dataset["dataframe"] = q.client[f"{pre}/cfg/dataframe"] if q.client[f"{pre}/cfg_mode/from_dataset"] and (limit is None or k in limit): v = dataset[k] if k in dataset else v if limit is not None and k not in limit: return None, v # we need to not reset dataset settings when changing expert mode if q.client[f"{pre}/cfg_mode/from_dataset_args"]: v = q.client[f"{pre}/cfg/{k}"] return dataset, v def get_ui_element( k: str, v: Any, poss_values: Any, type_annotation: Type, tooltip: str, password: bool, trigger: bool, q: Q, pre: str = "", ) -> Any: """Returns a single ui element for a given config entry Args: k: key v: value poss_values: possible values type_annotation: type annotation tooltip: tooltip password: flag for whether it is a password trigger: flag for triggering the element q: Q pre: optional prefix for ui key get_default: flag for whether to get the default values Returns: Ui element """ assert type_annotation in KNOWN_TYPE_ANNOTATIONS # Overwrite current values with values from yaml if pre == "experiment/start/cfg/": if q.args["experiment/upload_yaml"] and "experiment/yaml_data" in q.client: if (k in q.client["experiment/yaml_data"].keys()) and ( k != "experiment_name" ): q.client[pre + k] = q.client["experiment/yaml_data"][k] if type_annotation in (int, float): if not isinstance(poss_values, possible_values.Number): raise ValueError( "Type annotations `int` and `float` need a `possible_values.Number`!" ) val = q.client[pre + k] if q.client[pre + k] is not None else v min_val = ( type_annotation(poss_values.min) if poss_values.min is not None else None ) max_val = ( type_annotation(poss_values.max) if poss_values.max is not None else None ) # Overwrite default maximum values with user_settings if f"set_max_{k}" in q.client: max_val = q.client[f"set_max_{k}"] if isinstance(poss_values.step, (float, int)): step_val = type_annotation(poss_values.step) elif poss_values.step == "decad" and val < 1: step_val = 10 ** -len(str(int(1 / val))) else: step_val = 1 if min_val is None or max_val is None: t = [ # TODO: spinbox `trigger` ui.spinbox( name=pre + k, label=make_label(k), value=val, # TODO: open issue in wave to make spinbox optionally unbounded max=max_val if max_val is not None else 1e12, min=min_val if min_val is not None else -1e12, step=step_val, tooltip=tooltip, ) ] else: t = [ ui.slider( name=pre + k, label=make_label(k), value=val, min=min_val, max=max_val, step=step_val, tooltip=tooltip, trigger=trigger, ) ] elif type_annotation == bool: val = q.client[pre + k] if q.client[pre + k] is not None else v t = [ ui.toggle( name=pre + k, label=make_label(k), value=val, tooltip=tooltip, trigger=trigger, ) ] elif type_annotation in (str, Tuple[str, ...]): if poss_values is None: val = q.client[pre + k] if q.client[pre + k] is not None else v title_label = make_label(k) t = [ ui.textbox( name=pre + k, label=title_label, value=val, required=False, password=password, tooltip=tooltip, trigger=trigger, multiline=False, ) ] else: if isinstance(poss_values, possible_values.String): options = poss_values.values allow_custom = poss_values.allow_custom placeholder = poss_values.placeholder else: options = poss_values allow_custom = False placeholder = None is_tuple = type_annotation == Tuple[str, ...] if is_tuple and allow_custom: raise TypeError( "Multi-select (`Tuple[str, ...]` type annotation) and" " `allow_custom=True` is not supported at the same time." ) v = q.client[pre + k] if q.client[pre + k] is not None else v if isinstance(v, str): v = [v] # `v` might be a tuple of strings here but Wave only accepts lists v = list(v) if allow_custom: if not all(isinstance(option, str) for option in options): raise ValueError( "Combobox cannot handle (value, name) pairs for options." ) t = [ ui.combobox( name=pre + k, label=make_label(k), value=v[0], choices=( list(options) + v if v not in options else list(options) ), tooltip=tooltip, ) ] else: choices = [ ( ui.choice(option, option) if isinstance(option, str) else ui.choice(option[0], option[1]) ) for option in options ] t = [ ui.dropdown( name=pre + k, label=make_label(k), value=None if is_tuple else v[0], values=v if is_tuple else None, required=False, choices=choices, tooltip=tooltip, placeholder=placeholder, trigger=trigger, ) ] return t def get_dataset_elements(cfg: Any, q: Q) -> List: """For a given configuration setting return the according dataset ui components. Args: cfg: configuration settings q: Q Returns: List of ui elements """ cfg_dict = cfg.__dict__ type_annotations = cfg.get_annotations() cfg_dict = {key: cfg_dict[key] for key in cfg._get_order()} items = [] for k, v in cfg_dict.items(): # Show some fields only during dataset import if k.startswith("_") or cfg._get_visibility(k) == -1: continue if not ( check_dependencies( cfg=cfg, pre="dataset/import", k=k, q=q, dataset_import=True ) ): continue tooltip = cfg._get_tooltips(k) trigger = False if k in default_cfg.dataset_trigger_keys or k == "data_format": trigger = True if type_annotations[k] in KNOWN_TYPE_ANNOTATIONS: if k in default_cfg.dataset_keys: dataset = cfg_dict.copy() dataset["path"] = q.client["dataset/import/path"] for kk, vv in q.client["dataset/import/cfg"].__dict__.items(): dataset[kk] = vv for trigger_key in default_cfg.dataset_trigger_keys: if q.client[f"dataset/import/cfg/{trigger_key}"] is not None: dataset[trigger_key] = q.client[ f"dataset/import/cfg/{trigger_key}" ] if ( q.client["dataset/import/cfg/data_format"] is not None and k == "data_format" ): v = q.client["dataset/import/cfg/data_format"] dataset["dataframe"] = q.client["dataset/import/cfg/dataframe"] type_annotation = type_annotations[k] poss_values, v = cfg._get_possible_values( field=k, value=v, type_annotation=type_annotation, mode="train", dataset_fn=lambda k, v: ( dataset, dataset[k] if k in dataset else v, ), ) if k == "train_dataframe" and v != "None": q.client["dataset/import/cfg/dataframe"] = read_dataframe(v) q.client[f"dataset/import/cfg/{k}"] = v t = get_ui_element( k, v, poss_values, type_annotation, tooltip=tooltip, password=False, trigger=trigger, q=q, pre="dataset/import/cfg/", ) else: t = [] elif dataclasses.is_dataclass(v): elements_group = get_dataset_elements(cfg=v, q=q) t = elements_group else: raise _get_type_annotation_error(v, type_annotations[k]) items += t return items def check_dependencies(cfg: Any, pre: str, k: str, q: Q, dataset_import: bool = False): """Checks all dependencies for a given key Args: cfg: configuration settings pre: prefix for client keys k: key to be checked q: Q dataset_import: flag whether dependencies are checked in dataset import Returns: True if dependencies are met """ dependencies = cfg._get_nesting_dependencies(k) if dependencies is None: dependencies = [] # Do not respect some nesting during the dataset import if dataset_import: dependencies = [x for x in dependencies if x.key not in ["validation_strategy"]] # Do not respect some nesting during the create experiment else: dependencies = [x for x in dependencies if x.key not in ["data_format"]] if len(dependencies) > 0: all_deps = 0 for d in dependencies: if isinstance(q.client[f"{pre}/cfg/{d.key}"], (list, tuple)): dependency_values = q.client[f"{pre}/cfg/{d.key}"] else: dependency_values = [q.client[f"{pre}/cfg/{d.key}"]] all_deps += d.check(dependency_values) return all_deps == len(dependencies) return True def is_visible(k: str, cfg: Any, q: Q) -> bool: """Returns a flag whether a given key should be visible on UI. Args: k: name of the hyperparameter cfg: configuration settings, q: Q Returns: List of ui elements """ visibility = 1 if visibility < cfg._get_visibility(k): return False return True def get_ui_elements( cfg: Any, q: Q, limit: Optional[List[str]] = None, pre: str = "experiment/start", ) -> List: """For a given configuration setting return the according ui components. Args: cfg: configuration settings q: Q limit: optional list of keys to limit pre: prefix for client keys parent_cfg: parent config class. Returns: List of ui elements """ items = [] cfg_dict = cfg.__dict__ type_annotations = cfg.get_annotations() cfg_dict = {key: cfg_dict[key] for key in cfg._get_order()} for k, v in cfg_dict.items(): if "api" in k: password = True else: password = False if k.startswith("_") or cfg._get_visibility(k) < 0: if q.client[f"{pre}/cfg_mode/from_cfg"]: q.client[f"{pre}/cfg/{k}"] = v continue else: type_annotation = type_annotations[k] poss_values, v = cfg._get_possible_values( field=k, value=v, type_annotation=type_annotation, mode=q.client[f"{pre}/cfg_mode/mode"], dataset_fn=partial(get_dataset, q=q, limit=limit, pre=pre), ) if k in default_cfg.dataset_keys: # reading dataframe if k == "train_dataframe" and (v != ""): q.client[f"{pre}/cfg/dataframe"] = read_dataframe(v, meta_only=True) q.client[f"{pre}/cfg/{k}"] = v elif k in default_cfg.dataset_extra_keys: _, v = get_dataset(k, v, q=q, limit=limit, pre=pre) q.client[f"{pre}/cfg/{k}"] = v elif q.client[f"{pre}/cfg_mode/from_cfg"]: q.client[f"{pre}/cfg/{k}"] = v # Overwrite current default values with user_settings if q.client[f"{pre}/cfg_mode/from_default"] and f"default_{k}" in q.client: q.client[f"{pre}/cfg/{k}"] = q.client[f"default_{k}"] if not (check_dependencies(cfg=cfg, pre=pre, k=k, q=q)): continue if not is_visible(k=k, cfg=cfg, q=q): if type_annotation not in KNOWN_TYPE_ANNOTATIONS: _ = get_ui_elements(cfg=v, q=q, limit=limit, pre=pre) elif q.client[f"{pre}/cfg_mode/from_cfg"]: q.client[f"{pre}/cfg/{k}"] = v continue tooltip = cfg._get_tooltips(k) trigger = False q.client[f"{pre}/trigger_ks"] = ["train_dataframe"] q.client[f"{pre}/trigger_ks"] += cfg._get_nesting_triggers() if k in q.client[f"{pre}/trigger_ks"]: trigger = True if type_annotation in KNOWN_TYPE_ANNOTATIONS: if limit is not None and k not in limit: continue t = get_ui_element( k=k, v=v, poss_values=poss_values, type_annotation=type_annotation, tooltip=tooltip, password=password, trigger=trigger, q=q, pre=f"{pre}/cfg/", ) elif dataclasses.is_dataclass(v): if limit is not None and k in limit: elements_group = get_ui_elements(cfg=v, q=q, limit=None, pre=pre) else: elements_group = get_ui_elements(cfg=v, q=q, limit=limit, pre=pre) if k == "dataset" and pre != "experiment/start": # get all the datasets available df_datasets = q.client.app_db.get_datasets_df() if not q.client[f"{pre}/dataset"]: if len(df_datasets) >= 1: q.client[f"{pre}/dataset"] = str(df_datasets["id"].iloc[-1]) else: q.client[f"{pre}/dataset"] = "1" elements_group = [ ui.dropdown( name=f"{pre}/dataset", label="Dataset", required=True, value=q.client[f"{pre}/dataset"], choices=[ ui.choice(str(row["id"]), str(row["name"])) for _, row in df_datasets.iterrows() ], trigger=True, tooltip=tooltip, ) ] + elements_group if len(elements_group) > 0: t = [ ui.separator( name=k + "_expander", label=make_label(k, appendix=" settings") ) ] else: t = [] t += elements_group else: raise _get_type_annotation_error(v, type_annotations[k]) items += t q.client[f"{pre}/prev_dataset"] = q.client[f"{pre}/dataset"] return items def parse_ui_elements( cfg: Any, q: Q, limit: Union[List, str] = "", pre: str = "" ) -> Any: """Sets configuration settings with arguments from app Args: cfg: configuration q: Q limit: optional list of keys to limit pre: prefix for keys Returns: Configuration with settings overwritten from arguments """ cfg_dict = cfg.__dict__ type_annotations = cfg.get_annotations() for k, v in cfg_dict.items(): if k.startswith("_") or cfg._get_visibility(k) == -1: continue if ( len(limit) > 0 and k not in limit and type_annotations[k] in KNOWN_TYPE_ANNOTATIONS ): continue elif type_annotations[k] in KNOWN_TYPE_ANNOTATIONS: value = q.client[f"{pre}{k}"] if type_annotations[k] == Tuple[str, ...]: if isinstance(value, str): value = [value] value = tuple(value) if isinstance(type_annotations[k], str) and isinstance(value, list): # fix for combobox outputting custom values as list in wave 0.22 value = value[0] setattr(cfg, k, value) elif dataclasses.is_dataclass(v): setattr(cfg, k, parse_ui_elements(cfg=v, q=q, limit=limit, pre=pre)) else: raise _get_type_annotation_error(v, type_annotations[k]) return cfg def get_experiment_status(path: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Get status information from experiment. Args: path: path to experiment folder Returns: Tuple of experiment status and experiment info """ try: flag_json_path = f"{path}/flags.json" if not os.path.exists(flag_json_path): logger.debug(f"File {flag_json_path} does not exist yet.") return "none", "none" with open(flag_json_path) as file: flags = json.load(file) status = flags.get("status", "none") info = flags.get("info", "none") # Collect failed statuses from all GPUs single_gpu_failures = [] for flag_json_path in glob.glob(f"{path}/flags?*.json"): if os.path.exists(flag_json_path): with open(flag_json_path) as file: flags = json.load(file) status = flags.get("status", "none") info = flags.get("info", "none") if status == "failed": single_gpu_failures.append(info) # Get the most detailed failure info if len(single_gpu_failures) > 0: detailed_gpu_failures = [x for x in single_gpu_failures if x != "See logs"] if len(detailed_gpu_failures) > 0: return "failed", detailed_gpu_failures[0] else: return "failed", single_gpu_failures[0] return status, info except Exception: logger.debug("Could not get experiment status:", exc_info=True) return "none", "none" def get_experiments_status(df: DataFrame) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]: """For each experiment in given dataframe, return the status of the process Args: df: experiment dataframe Returns: A list with each status and a list with all infos """ status_all = [] info_all = [] for idx, row in df.iterrows(): status, info = get_experiment_status(row.path) if info == "none": info = "" info_all.append(info) pid = row.process_id zombie = False try: p = psutil.Process(pid) zombie = p.status() == "zombie" except psutil.NoSuchProcess: pass if not psutil.pid_exists(pid) or zombie: running = False else: running = True if running: if status == "none": status_all.append("queued") elif status == "running": status_all.append("running") elif status == "queued": status_all.append("queued") elif status == "finished": status_all.append("finished") elif status == "stopped": status_all.append("stopped") elif status == "failed": status_all.append("failed") else: status_all.append("finished") else: if status == "none": status_all.append("failed") elif status == "queued": status_all.append("failed") elif status == "running": status_all.append("failed") elif status == "finished": status_all.append("finished") elif status == "stopped": status_all.append("stopped") elif status == "failed": status_all.append("failed") else: status_all.append("failed") return status_all, info_all def get_experiments_info(df: DataFrame, q: Q) -> DefaultDict: """For each experiment in given dataframe, return certain configuration settings Args: df: experiment dataframe q: Q Returns: A dictionary of lists of additional information """ info = defaultdict(list) for _, row in df.iterrows(): try: # load_config_yaml issues a warning if the yaml file contains keys # that are no longer part of the dataclass fields. # This can happen if the codebase has changed since the experiment was run. # Ignore those warnings here logging_level = logging.getLogger().level logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.ERROR) cfg = load_config_yaml(f"{row.path}/cfg.yaml").__dict__ logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging_level) except Exception: cfg = None metric = "" loss_function = "" if cfg is not None: try: metric = cfg["prediction"].metric loss_function = cfg["training"].loss_function except KeyError: metric = "" loss_function = "" with SqliteDict(f"{row.path}/charts.db") as logs: if "internal" in logs.keys(): if "current_step" in logs["internal"].keys(): curr_step = int(logs["internal"]["current_step"]["values"][-1]) else: curr_step = 0 if "total_training_steps" in logs["internal"].keys(): total_training_steps = int( logs["internal"]["total_training_steps"]["values"][-1] ) else: total_training_steps = 0 if "current_val_step" in logs["internal"].keys(): curr_val_step = int( logs["internal"]["current_val_step"]["values"][-1] ) else: curr_val_step = 0 if "total_validation_steps" in logs["internal"].keys(): total_validation_steps = int( logs["internal"]["total_validation_steps"]["values"][-1] ) else: total_validation_steps = 0 curr_total_step = curr_step + curr_val_step total_steps = max(total_training_steps + total_validation_steps, 1) if ( "global_start_time" in logs["internal"].keys() and curr_total_step > 0 ): elapsed = ( time.time() - logs["internal"]["global_start_time"]["values"][-1] ) remaining_steps = total_steps - curr_total_step eta = elapsed * (remaining_steps / curr_total_step) if eta == 0: eta = "" else: # if more than one day, show days # need to subtract 1 day from time_took since strftime shows # day of year which starts counting at 1 if eta > 86400: eta = time.strftime( "%-jd %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(float(eta - 86400)) ) else: eta = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(float(eta))) else: eta = "N/A" else: eta = "N/A" total_steps = 1 curr_total_step = 0 if ( "validation" in logs and metric in logs["validation"] and logs["validation"][metric]["values"][-1] is not None ): score_val = np.round(logs["validation"][metric]["values"][-1], 4) else: score_val = "" try: dataset = q.client.app_db.get_dataset(row.dataset).name except Exception: dataset = "" config_file = make_config_label(row.config_file) info["config_file"].append(config_file) info["dataset"].append(dataset) info["loss"].append(loss_function) info["metric"].append(metric) info["eta"].append(eta) info["val metric"].append(score_val) info["progress"].append(f"{np.round(curr_total_step / total_steps, 2)}") del cfg return info def make_config_label(config_file: str) -> str: """Makes a label from a config file name Args: config_file: config file name Returns: Label """ config_file = config_file.replace(".yaml", "") if "_config_" in config_file: config_file_split = config_file.split("_config_") config_file = ( f"{make_label(config_file_split[0])} " f"({make_label(config_file_split[1][1:])})" ) else: config_file = make_label(config_file.replace("_config", "")) return config_file def get_datasets_info(df: DataFrame, q: Q) -> Tuple[DataFrame, DefaultDict]: """For each dataset in given dataframe, return certain configuration settings Args: df: dataset dataframe q: Q Returns: A dictionary of lists of additional information """ info = defaultdict(list) for idx, row in df.iterrows(): config_file = q.client.app_db.get_dataset( path = row.path + "/" try: logging_level = logging.getLogger().level logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.ERROR) cfg = load_config_yaml(config_file) logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging_level) except Exception as e: logger.warning(f"Could not load configuration from {config_file}. {e}") cfg = None if cfg is not None: cfg_dataset = cfg.dataset.__dict__ config_file = make_config_label(row.config_file.replace(path, "")) info["problem type"].append(config_file) info["train dataframe"].append( cfg_dataset["train_dataframe"].replace(path, "") ) info["validation dataframe"].append( cfg_dataset["validation_dataframe"].replace(path, "") ) info["labels"].append(cfg.dataset.answer_column) del cfg, cfg_dataset else: df = df.drop(idx) return df, info def get_experiments( q: Q, status: Union[Optional[str], Optional[List[str]]] = None, mode: Optional[str] = None, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Return all experiments given certain restrictions Args: q: Q status: option to filter for certain experiment status mode: option to filter for certain experiment mode Returns: experiment df """ df = q.client.app_db.get_experiments_df() info = get_experiments_info(df, q) for k, v in info.items(): df[k] = v df["status"], df["info"] = get_experiments_status(df) if status is not None: if type(status) is str: status = [status] df = df[df["status"].isin(status)] if mode is not None: df = df[df["mode"] == mode] if len(df) > 0: # make sure progress is 100% for finished experiments df.loc[df.status == "finished", "progress"] = "1.0" df["info"] = np.where( (df["status"] == "running") & (df["eta"] != ""), df["eta"].apply(lambda x: f"ETA: {x}"), df["info"], ) return df def get_datasets( q: Q, show_experiment_datasets: bool = True, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Return all datasets given certain restrictions Args: q: Q show_experiment_datasets: whether to also show datasets linked to experiments Returns: dataset df """ df = q.client.app_db.get_datasets_df() df, info = get_datasets_info(df, q) for k, v in info.items(): df[k] = v for type in ["train", "validation"]: col_name = f"{type}_rows" if col_name not in df: continue rows = df[col_name].astype(float).map("{:.0f}".format) del df[col_name] rows[rows == "nan"] = "None" if f"{type} dataframe" in df.columns: idx = df.columns.get_loc(f"{type} dataframe") + 1 df.insert(idx, f"{type} rows", rows) if not show_experiment_datasets: experiment_datasets = get_experiments(q).dataset.unique() df = df.loc[~df["name"].isin(experiment_datasets)] return df def start_experiment(cfg: Any, q: Q, pre: str, gpu_list: Optional[List] = None) -> None: """Starts an experiment Args: cfg: configuration settings q: Q pre: prefix for client keys gpu_list: list of GPUs available """ if gpu_list is None: gpu_list = cfg.environment.gpus # Get queue of the processes to wait for running_experiments = get_experiments(q=q) running_experiments = running_experiments[ running_experiments.status.isin(["queued", "running"]) ] all_process_queue = [] for _, row in running_experiments.iterrows(): for gpu_id in row["gpu_list"].split(","): if gpu_id in gpu_list: all_process_queue.append(row["process_id"]) process_queue = list(set(all_process_queue)) env_vars = { "NEPTUNE_API_TOKEN": q.client["default_neptune_api_token"], "OPENAI_API_KEY": q.client["default_openai_api_token"], "GPT_EVAL_MAX": str(q.client["default_gpt_eval_max"]), } if q.client["default_openai_azure"]: env_vars.update( { "OPENAI_API_TYPE": "azure", "OPENAI_API_BASE": q.client["default_openai_api_base"], "OPENAI_API_VERSION": q.client["default_openai_api_version"], "OPENAI_API_DEPLOYMENT_ID": q.client[ "default_openai_api_deployment_id" ], } ) if q.client["default_huggingface_api_token"]: env_vars.update( {"HUGGINGFACE_TOKEN": q.client["default_huggingface_api_token"]} ) env_vars = {k: v or "" for k, v in env_vars.items()} cfg = copy_config(cfg, q) cfg.output_directory = f"{get_output_dir(q)}/{cfg.experiment_name}/" os.makedirs(cfg.output_directory) save_config_yaml(f"{cfg.output_directory}/cfg.yaml", cfg) # Start the training process p = start_process( cfg=cfg, gpu_list=gpu_list, process_queue=process_queue, env_vars=env_vars )"Process: {}, Queue: {process_queue}, GPUs: {gpu_list}") experiment = Experiment( name=cfg.experiment_name, mode="train", dataset=q.client[f"{pre}/dataset"], config_file=q.client[f"{pre}/cfg_file"], path=cfg.output_directory, seed=cfg.environment.seed,, gpu_list=",".join(gpu_list), ) q.client.app_db.add_experiment(experiment) def get_frame_stats(frame): non_numeric_cols = frame.select_dtypes(object).columns is_str_cols = [ x for x in non_numeric_cols if frame[x].dropna().size and (frame[x].dropna().apply(type) == str).all() ] cols_to_drop = [x for x in non_numeric_cols if x not in is_str_cols] if len(cols_to_drop): # drop array/list/non-str object columns frame = frame.drop(columns=cols_to_drop) non_numeric_cols = frame.select_dtypes(object).columns if len(frame.columns) == 0: return None numeric_cols = [col for col in frame if col not in non_numeric_cols] if len(non_numeric_cols) == 0 or len(numeric_cols) == 0: stats = frame.describe() if len(numeric_cols): stats = stats.round(decimals=3) stats.loc["unique"] = frame.nunique() # unique is part of describe for str else: stats1 = frame[non_numeric_cols].describe() stats2 = frame[numeric_cols].describe().round(decimals=3) stats2.loc["unique"] = frame[numeric_cols].nunique() stats = ( stats1.reset_index() .merge(stats2.reset_index(), how="outer", on="index") .fillna("") ).set_index("index") stats = stats.T.reset_index().rename(columns={"index": "column"}) for col in ["count", "unique"]: if col in stats: stats[col] = stats[col].astype(int) return stats def dir_file_table(current_path: str) -> pd.DataFrame: results = [".."] try: if os.path.isdir(current_path): files = os.listdir(current_path) files = sorted([f for f in files if not f.startswith(".")], key=str.lower) results.extend(files) except Exception: logger.error(f"Error while listing folder '{current_path}':", exc_info=True) return pd.DataFrame({current_path: results}) def get_download_link(q, artifact_path): new_path = os.path.relpath(artifact_path, get_output_dir(q)) new_path = os.path.join(get_download_dir(q), new_path) url_path = os.path.relpath(new_path, get_output_dir(q)) if not os.path.exists(new_path): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(new_path), exist_ok=True) os.symlink(os.path.abspath(artifact_path), os.path.abspath(new_path)) # return a relative path so that downloads work when the instance is # behind a reverse proxy or being accessed by a public IP in a public # cloud. return url_path def check_valid_upload_content(upload_path: str) -> Tuple[bool, str]: if upload_path.endswith("zip"): valid = zipfile.is_zipfile(upload_path) error = "" if valid else "File is not a zip file" else: valid = is_valid_data_frame(upload_path) error = "" if valid else "File does not have valid format" if not valid: os.remove(upload_path) return valid, error def flatten_dict(d: -> dict: """ Adapted from Does not work with nesting and mutiple keys with the same name! Args: d: dict style object Return: A flattened dict """ items: List[Tuple[Any, Any]] = [] for k, v in d.items(): if isinstance(v, items.extend(flatten_dict(v).items()) else: items.append((k, v)) return dict(items) def get_unique_name(expected_name, existing_names, is_invalid_function=None): """ Return a new name that does not exist in list of existing names Args: expected_name: preferred name existing_names: list of existing names is_invalid_function: optional callable, to determine if the new name is invalid Return: new name """ new_name = expected_name cnt = 1 while new_name in existing_names or ( is_invalid_function is not None and is_invalid_function(new_name) ): new_name = f"{expected_name}.{cnt}" cnt += 1 return new_name def get_unique_dataset_name(q, dataset_name, include_all_folders=True): """ Return a dataset name that does not exist yet Args: q: Q dataset_name: preferred dataset name include_all_folders: whether to also consider all (temp) dataset folders Return: new dataset_name """ datasets_df = q.client.app_db.get_datasets_df() existing_names = datasets_df["name"].values.tolist() if include_all_folders: existing_names.extend(os.listdir(get_data_dir(q))) return get_unique_name(dataset_name, existing_names) def get_valid_temp_data_folder(q: Q, folder_path: str) -> str: """ Return new temporary data folder path not associated with any existing dataset Args: q: Q folder_path: original folder_path Return: new folder path not associated with any existing dataset """ dirname = os.path.dirname(folder_path) basename = os.path.basename(folder_path) unique_name = get_unique_dataset_name(q, basename, include_all_folders=False) return os.path.join(dirname, unique_name) def remove_temp_files(q: Q): """ Remove any temp folders leftover from dataset import """ datasets_df = q.client.app_db.get_datasets_df() all_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(get_data_dir(q), "*")) for file in all_files: if not any([path in file for path in datasets_df["path"].values]): if os.path.isdir(file): shutil.rmtree(file) else: os.remove(file) def get_gpu_usage(): usage = 0.0 all_gpus = GPUtil.getGPUs() for gpu in all_gpus: usage += gpu.load usage /= len(all_gpus) return usage * 100 def get_single_gpu_usage(sig_figs=1, highlight=None): all_gpus = GPUtil.getGPUs() items = [] for i, gpu in enumerate(all_gpus): gpu_load = f"{round(gpu.load * 100, sig_figs)}%" memory_used = get_size_str( gpu.memoryUsed, sig_figs=1, input_unit="MB", output_unit="GB" ) memory_total = get_size_str( gpu.memoryTotal, sig_figs=1, input_unit="MB", output_unit="GB" ) if highlight is not None: gpu_load = f"**<span style='color:{highlight}'>{gpu_load}</span>**" memory_used = f"**<span style='color:{highlight}'>{memory_used}</span>**" memory_total = f"**<span style='color:{highlight}'>{memory_total}</span>**" items.append( ui.text( f"GPU #{i + 1} - current utilization: {gpu_load} - " f"VRAM usage: {memory_used} / {memory_total} - {}" ) ) return items def copy_config(cfg: Any, q: Q) -> Any: """Makes a copy of the config Args: cfg: config object Returns: copy of the config """ # make unique yaml file using uuid os.makedirs(get_output_dir(q), exist_ok=True) tmp_file = os.path.join(f"{get_output_dir(q)}/", str(uuid.uuid4()) + ".yaml") save_config_yaml(tmp_file, cfg) cfg = load_config_yaml(tmp_file) os.remove(tmp_file) return cfg def make_label(title: str, appendix: str = "") -> str: """Cleans a label Args: title: title to clean appendix: optional appendix Returns: Cleaned label """ label = " ".join(w.capitalize() for w in title.split("_")) + appendix label = label.replace("Llm", "LLM") return label def get_cfg_list_items(cfg) -> List: items = parse_cfg_dataclass(cfg) x = [] for item in items: for k, v in item.items(): x.append(ui.stat_list_item(label=make_label(k), value=str(v))) return x # @contextlib.contextmanager def set_env(**environ): """ Temporarily set the process environment variables. >>> with set_env(PLUGINS_DIR='test/plugins'): ... "PLUGINS_DIR" in os.environ True >>> "PLUGINS_DIR" in os.environ False :type environ: dict[str, unicode] :param environ: Environment variables to set """ old_environ = dict(os.environ) os.environ.update(environ) try: yield finally: os.environ.clear() os.environ.update(old_environ) def hf_repo_friendly_name(name: str) -> str: """ Converts the given string into a huggingface-repository-friendly name. • Repo id must use alphanumeric chars or '-', '_', and '.' allowed. • '--' and '..' are forbidden • '-' and '.' cannot start or end the name • max length is 96 """ name = re.sub("[^0-9a-zA-Z]+", "-", name) name = name[1:] if name.startswith("-") else name name = name[:-1] if name.endswith("-") else name name = name[:96] return name def save_hf_yaml( path: str, account_name: str, model_name: str, repo_id: Optional[str] = None ): with open(path, "w") as fp: yaml.dump( { "account_name": account_name, "model_name": model_name, "repo_id": repo_id if repo_id else f"{account_name}/{model_name}", }, fp, indent=4, )