import streamlit as st from PIL import Image from fpdf import FPDF # Function to process a single image with user-provided sequence number def process_image(image_file, sequence_number): image = return image, sequence_number # Function to generate the PDF using fpdf def generate_pdf(images_with_sequence): pdf_name = "output.pdf" images_with_sequence.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) # Sort by sequence number pdf = FPDF() for image, _ in images_with_sequence:"temp_image.jpg") pdf.add_page() pdf.image("temp_image.jpg", x=10, y=10, w=190) pdf.output(pdf_name) return pdf_name st.title("Image to PDF Converter (Multiple Images)") uploaded_images = st.file_uploader("Upload Images", type=["jpg", "jpeg", "png"], accept_multiple_files=True) if uploaded_images: num_images = len(uploaded_images) if num_images > 0: # Check if any image is uploaded images_with_sequence = [] for i, image_file in enumerate(uploaded_images): st.image(image_file, width=250) sequence_options = [str(j) for j in range(1, num_images + 1)] default_index = i # Set default selection of sequence as the order of upload sequence_number = st.selectbox(f"Sequence Number for Image {i+1}", sequence_options, index=default_index) processed_image, processed_sequence = process_image(image_file, int(sequence_number)) images_with_sequence.append((processed_image, processed_sequence)) if st.button("Generate PDF"): pdf_name = generate_pdf(images_with_sequence) if pdf_name: # Check if PDF is generated successfully st.success(f"PDF generated! Download: {pdf_name}") with open(pdf_name, "rb") as pdf_file: st.download_button("Download PDF", pdf_file, file_name=pdf_name) os.remove(pdf_name) # Remove the file after download else: st.write("Please upload images to continue")