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# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import warnings
from math import inf, isfinite
from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union
from mmengine.registry import HOOKS
from .hook import Hook
DATA_BATCH = Optional[Union[dict, tuple, list]]
class EarlyStoppingHook(Hook):
"""Early stop the training when the monitored metric reached a plateau.
monitor (str): The monitored metric key to decide early stopping.
rule (str, optional): Comparison rule. Options are 'greater',
'less'. Defaults to None.
min_delta (float, optional): Minimum difference to continue the
training. Defaults to 0.01.
strict (bool, optional): Whether to crash the training when `monitor`
is not found in the `metrics`. Defaults to False.
check_finite: Whether to stop training when the monitor becomes NaN or
infinite. Defaults to True.
patience (int, optional): The times of validation with no improvement
after which training will be stopped. Defaults to 5.
stopping_threshold (float, optional): Stop training immediately once
the monitored quantity reaches this threshold. Defaults to None.
`New in version 0.7.0.`
priority = 'LOWEST'
rule_map = {'greater': lambda x, y: x > y, 'less': lambda x, y: x < y}
_default_greater_keys = [
'acc', 'top', 'AR@', 'auc', 'precision', 'mAP', 'mDice', 'mIoU',
'mAcc', 'aAcc'
_default_less_keys = ['loss']
def __init__(
monitor: str,
rule: Optional[str] = None,
min_delta: float = 0.1,
strict: bool = False,
check_finite: bool = True,
patience: int = 5,
stopping_threshold: Optional[float] = None,
self.monitor = monitor
if rule is not None:
if rule not in ['greater', 'less']:
raise ValueError(
'`rule` should be either "greater" or "less", '
f'but got {rule}')
rule = self._init_rule(monitor)
self.rule = rule
self.min_delta = min_delta if rule == 'greater' else -1 * min_delta
self.strict = strict
self.check_finite = check_finite
self.patience = patience
self.stopping_threshold = stopping_threshold
self.wait_count = 0
self.best_score = -inf if rule == 'greater' else inf
def _init_rule(self, monitor: str) -> str:
greater_keys = {key.lower() for key in self._default_greater_keys}
less_keys = {key.lower() for key in self._default_less_keys}
monitor_lc = monitor.lower()
if monitor_lc in greater_keys:
rule = 'greater'
elif monitor_lc in less_keys:
rule = 'less'
elif any(key in monitor_lc for key in greater_keys):
rule = 'greater'
elif any(key in monitor_lc for key in less_keys):
rule = 'less'
raise ValueError(f'Cannot infer the rule for {monitor}, thus rule '
'must be specified.')
return rule
def _check_stop_condition(self, current_score: float) -> Tuple[bool, str]:
compare = self.rule_map[self.rule]
stop_training = False
reason_message = ''
if self.check_finite and not isfinite(current_score):
stop_training = True
reason_message = (f'Monitored metric {self.monitor} = '
f'{current_score} is infinite. '
f'Previous best value was '
elif self.stopping_threshold is not None and compare(
current_score, self.stopping_threshold):
stop_training = True
self.best_score = current_score
reason_message = (f'Stopping threshold reached: '
f'`{self.monitor}` = {current_score} is '
f'{self.rule} than {self.stopping_threshold}.')
elif compare(self.best_score + self.min_delta, current_score):
self.wait_count += 1
if self.wait_count >= self.patience:
reason_message = (f'the monitored metric did not improve '
f'in the last {self.wait_count} records. '
f'best score: {self.best_score:.3f}. ')
stop_training = True
self.best_score = current_score
self.wait_count = 0
return stop_training, reason_message
def before_run(self, runner) -> None:
"""Check `stop_training` variable in `runner.train_loop`.
runner (Runner): The runner of the training process.
assert hasattr(runner.train_loop, 'stop_training'), \
'`train_loop` should contain `stop_training` variable.'
def after_val_epoch(self, runner, metrics):
"""Decide whether to stop the training process.
runner (Runner): The runner of the training process.
metrics (dict): Evaluation results of all metrics
if self.monitor not in metrics:
if self.strict:
raise RuntimeError(
'Early stopping conditioned on metric '
f'`{self.monitor} is not available. Please check available'
f' metrics {metrics}, or set `strict=False` in '
'Skip early stopping process since the evaluation '
f'results ({metrics.keys()}) do not include `monitor` '
current_score = metrics[self.monitor]
stop_training, message = self._check_stop_condition(current_score)
if stop_training:
runner.train_loop.stop_training = True