from fastapi import FastAPI, HTTPException
import tensorflow as tf
import joblib
import numpy as np
import requests

app = FastAPI()

# Load model and scaler
model_bagemann = tf.keras.models.load_model('./bagemann_model.h5')
scaler_bagemann = joblib.load('./scaler_bagemann.joblib')
model_shertmann = tf.keras.models.load_model('./shermann_model.h5')
scaler_shertmann = joblib.load('./scaler_shertmann.joblib')

# Set the URL of your external API endpoint
API_BASE_URL = ""  # Replace with the actual URL"/predict/add")
async def predict_and_add(data: dict):
    id_project = data.get("id") 
    depth = data.get("depth")
    HL = data.get("HL")
    HB = data.get("HB")
    FR = data.get("FR")
    point = data.get("point")

    # Check if input values are provided
    if id_project is None or depth is None or HL is None or HB is None or FR is None or point is None:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Please provide correct values")

    # Scale and predict
    input_bagemann = np.array([[HB,HL]])
    bagemann_scaled = scaler_bagemann.transform(input_bagemann)
    prediction_bagemann = model_bagemann.predict(bagemann_scaled)
    predicted_class_bagemann = int(np.argmax(prediction_bagemann, axis=1)[0])

       # Scale and predict
    input_shertmann = np.array([[HB,FR]])
    shertmann_scaled = scaler_shertmann.transform(input_shertmann)
    prediction_shertmann = model_shertmann.predict(shertmann_scaled)
    predicted_class_shertmann = int(np.argmax(prediction_shertmann, axis=1)[0])

    # Prepare data to send to /add/data/:id endpoint
    add_data_payload = {
        "kedalaman": depth,
        "HL": HL,
        "HB": HB,
        "FR": FR,
        "bagemann": predicted_class_bagemann,  # Use predicted class here if applicable
        "shertmann": predicted_class_shertmann,  # Or map appropriately
        "titik": point

        # Send POST request to add data to the project
        response ="{API_BASE_URL}/add/data/{id_project}", json=add_data_payload)
        result = response.json()
    except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=f"Error adding data to project: {e}")

    return { "add_data_response": result}