import { Stack, Grid, Typography, Paper, List, ListSubheader, ListItem, ListItemIcon, ListItemText, Link, } from "@mui/material"; import KeyIcon from "@mui/icons-material/Key"; import SmartButtonIcon from "@mui/icons-material/SmartButton"; import PlayArrowIcon from "@mui/icons-material/PlayArrow"; export default function Introduction() { return ( Your job is to provide a prompt that describes the game you want, so that your skilled 2D Game Developer can built it for you using JavaScript on Canvas2D. We would love to use open-source models for this (for example{" "} starchat-alpha ), but running a private Inference Endpoint is too expensive for us. If you would love to help us, then{" "} let's talk ! Quickstart {" "} Add your  OpenAI API key Select one of the examples Click on Run ); }