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#@title Model Loading
from utility_func import get_history_from_prompt, get_latest_user_input_from_prompt, get_top_intents, create_embedding
from intents import intents, intents_sentence_similarity_en, chatbot_intents
from prompt import prompt_template
import flows
import os
import gradio as gr
import pandas as pd
import langchain
from langchain import PromptTemplate, LLMChain
from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI
from datetime import date
import numpy as np
from openai import OpenAI
import time
with open('new_embed_2.npy', 'rb') as f:
openai_intents_embedding = np.load(f)
llm = None
llm_chain = None
def cosine_similarity(a, b):
return, b) / (np.linalg.norm(a) * np.linalg.norm(b))
def get_embedding(text, api_key, model="text-embedding-ada-002"):
client = OpenAI(api_key = api_key)
text = text.replace("\n", " ")
return client.embeddings.create(input = [text], model=model).data[0].embedding
def raw_inference(input, recv_state, n_samples, threshold, api_key):
state = flows.STATE_FLOWS_MAP[recv_state]
t1 = time.time()
query_embedding = get_embedding(input, api_key)
similarity = cosine_similarity(openai_intents_embedding, query_embedding)
result = get_top_intents(intents, similarity, n=n_samples, threshold=threshold, flow=state)
t2 = time.time()
latency = t2-t1
print("latency: %s", latency)
return result, gr.Button("Ask intent with Language Model", visible=True)
def process_csv(files):
global df
df = pd.read_csv(files, low_memory=False)
df = df[df['chatbot_response'].isin(intents)]
df = df[["user_message","prompt", "chatbot_response", "state"]]
df = df.reset_index()
df.drop('index', axis='columns')
df_length = len(df.index)
chat = get_latest_user_input_from_prompt(df.iloc[1]["prompt"])
history = get_history_from_prompt(df.iloc[1]["prompt"])
state = flows.STATE_FLOWS_MAP[df.iloc[1]['state']]
label = df.iloc[1]['chatbot_response']
# accuracy = gr.Markdown("""
# You can also check accuracy on how well the model predict the intents based on your provided CSV files. This might take 1-2 minutes.
# """, visible=True)
# accuracy_button = gr.Button("Calculate Accuracy", visible=True)
return (gr.UploadButton("Upload CSV...", file_types=["file"], file_count="single", visible=False),
gr.Slider(1, df_length, value=1, step=1, visible=True, label="Index", info="Select which index of data to check the intents"),
gr.Textbox(label="Input Chat", info="Input in index", visible=True, value=chat, interactive=False),
gr.Textbox(label="State", info="State on which the chat currently on. Some state will exclude some intents", visible=True, value=state, interactive=False),
gr.Textbox(label="Ground Truth", info="The label in which the IntentClassification predict in the CSV", visible=True, value=label, interactive=False),
gr.Textbox(label="History or summary", info="Chat history or summary, if available", visible=True, value=history, interactive=False))
def update_index(index):
chat = get_latest_user_input_from_prompt(df.iloc[int(index)]["prompt"])
history = get_history_from_prompt(df.iloc[int(index)]["prompt"])
state = df.iloc[int(index)]['state']
label = df.iloc[int(index)]['chatbot_response']
return (gr.Textbox(label="Input Chat", info="Input in index", visible=True, value=chat, interactive=False),
gr.Textbox(label="State", info="State on which the chat currently on. Some state will exclude some intents", visible=True, value=state, interactive=False),
gr.Textbox(label="Ground Truth", info="The label in which the IntentClassification predict in the CSV", visible=True, value=label, interactive=False),
gr.Textbox(label="History or summary", info="Chat history or summary, if available", visible=True, value=history, interactive=False))
def check_accuracy(n_samples, threshold):
global df
res_list = []
for index, row in df.iterrows():
# chat = get_history_from_prompt(row["prompt"])
chat = get_latest_user_input_from_prompt(row["prompt"])
query_embedding = get_embedding(chat)
flow = flows.STATE_FLOWS_MAP[row['state']]
similarity = cosine_similarity(openai_intents_embedding, query_embedding)
result = get_top_intents(intents, similarity, n=n_samples, threshold=threshold, flow=flow)
label = row['chatbot_response']
for item in result:
if label in item:
res_list.append({'state': row['state'], 'gt': label, 'isPredictedTrue': isPredictedTrue})
res_df = pd.DataFrame(res_list)
# dataframe result
grouped_data = res_df.groupby('gt')['isPredictedTrue'].agg(['sum', 'count']).reset_index()
grouped_data['percentage'] = (grouped_data['sum'] / grouped_data['count']) * 100
# accuracy score
score = (res_df['isPredictedTrue'] == 1).sum()/res_df['isPredictedTrue'].count() * 100 #raw
print(score, grouped_data)
return score, grouped_data
def classify_intent(input_text:str, history:str, answer, model_name, api_key):
print(f"predicting with llm... date: {}")
print(f"model name: {model_name}")
llm = ChatOpenAI(model=model_name, temperature='0.1', openai_api_key=api_key)
prompt = PromptTemplate(template=prompt_template, input_variables=["intents", "INPUT", "chatHistory"])
llm_chain = LLMChain(prompt=prompt, llm=llm, verbose=False)
inp_intents = ''
for i in range(len(answer)):
inp_intents += answer[i][0]+": "+chatbot_intents[answer[i][0]]+"\n"
predicted_intent ={"intents":inp_intents, "INPUT": input_text, "chatHistory": history})
prompt_result = llm_chain.prompt.format_prompt(intents = inp_intents, INPUT = input_text, chatHistory = history).to_string()
return predicted_intent, prompt_result
theme = gr.themes.Default(
with gr.Blocks(title="Intent Classification Demo", theme=theme) as interface:
gr.Markdown("""# Demo for Intent Classification""")
with gr.Row(equal_height=True):
with gr.Column():
model_name = gr.Dropdown(["gpt-3.5-turbo",
label="Model name",
info="Select model name for GPT")
api_key = gr.Textbox(label="OpenAI API Key", info="get it at",visible=True, lines=1, type="password")
n_samples = gr.Slider(1, 10, value=10, step=1, label="N samples", info="Number of samples to be retrieved. Default is 5")
threshold = gr.Slider(0.0, 1.0, value=0.13, step=0.01, label="Threshold", info="Threshold of cosine similarity which intent will be considered similar to the input. The higher, the more similar the intent will be. Default is 0.75")
with gr.Tab("Input from raw text"):
raw_input_text = gr.Textbox(label="Input Chat", info="Input your chat here, the model will predict the intent")
raw_state = gr.Dropdown(["GeneralState",
info="Select state on which the chat currently on. Some state will exclude some intents")
raw_history = gr.Textbox(label="History or summary", info="Chat history or summary, if available", visible=True)
raw_ask_button = gr.Button("Ask")
ask_llm_button_raw = gr.Button("Ask intent with Language Model", visible=False)
with gr.Tab("Input from Big Query data"):
## Guide:
Assuming have access to BigQuery, you can query the table `silicon-airlock-153323.chatbot_ai_dwp.fact_chatbot_ai_conversation_raw`, export result as CSV file, and upload here (make sure your query contains these columns: `prompt, user_message, chatbot_response, state`)
```SELECT prompt, user_message, chatbot_response, state FROM `silicon-airlock-153323.chatbot_ai_dwp.fact_chatbot_ai_conversation_raw` WHERE DATE(_PARTITIONTIME) BETWEEN DATE("2023-11-13") AND DATE("2023-11-19") AND service_name = 'learning_companion' LIMIT 1000```
Adjust the date according to needs. After that, export as CSV and upload to this gradio
example CSV files to use:
file_output = gr.File()
upload_button = gr.UploadButton("Upload CSV...", file_types=["file"], file_count="single")
index = gr.Slider(1, 1000, value=5, step=1, visible=False, label="Index", info="Select which index of data to check the intents")
input_text = gr.Textbox(label="Input Chat", info="Input in index", visible=False)
state = gr.Textbox(label="State", info="State on which the chat currently on. Some state will exclude some intents", visible=False)
history = gr.Textbox(label="History or summary", info="Chat history or summary, if available", visible=False)
gt = gr.Textbox(label="Ground Truth", info="The label in which the IntentClassification predict in the CSV", visible=False)
ask_button = gr.Button("Ask With CSV")
ask_llm_button = gr.Button("Ask intent with Language Model", visible=False)
index.change(fn=update_index, inputs=index, outputs=[input_text, state, gt, history])
upload_button.upload(process_csv, upload_button, [upload_button, file_output, index, input_text, state, gt, history])
with gr.Column():
with gr.Row():
accuracy = gr.Markdown("""
You can also check accuracy on how well the model predict the intents based on your provided CSV files. This might take 1-2 minutes.
""", visible=True)
accuracy_button = gr.Button("Calculate Accuracy", visible=True)
accuracy_score = gr.Label(label="Accuracy result", visible=True)
accuracy_table = gr.Dataframe(visible=True)
with gr.Column():
answer = gr.JSON(label="Sentence Similarity Prediction", show_label=True)
LLM_prediction = gr.Label(label="LLM Prediction Result", visible=True)
LLM_prompt = gr.Textbox(label="Prompt Used for Language Model", info="Showing prompt used in language model", visible=True), inputs=[n_samples, threshold], outputs=[accuracy_score, accuracy_table]), inputs=[raw_input_text, raw_state, n_samples, threshold, api_key], outputs=[answer, ask_llm_button_raw]), inputs=[input_text, state, n_samples, threshold, api_key], outputs=[answer, ask_llm_button]), inputs=[input_text, history, answer, model_name, api_key], outputs=[LLM_prediction, LLM_prompt]), inputs=[raw_input_text, raw_history, answer, model_name, api_key], outputs=[LLM_prediction, LLM_prompt])
# interface.launch(debug=True)
# interface.launch(share=True, debug=True)
interface.launch(inline=True) |