import os |
import cv2 |
import time |
import yaml |
import torch |
import datetime |
from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter |
import torchvision.transforms as tvf |
import torch.nn as nn |
import torch.nn.functional as F |
import numpy as np |
from nets.geom import getK, getWarp, _grid_positions, getWarpNoValidate |
from nets.loss import make_detector_loss |
from nets.score import extract_kpts |
from nets.sampler import NghSampler2 |
from nets.reliability_loss import ReliabilityLoss |
from datasets.noise_simulator import NoiseSimulator |
from nets.l2net import Quad_L2Net |
class SingleTrainer: |
def __init__(self, config, device, loader, job_name, start_cnt): |
self.config = config |
self.device = device |
self.loader = loader |
os.makedirs('./runs/', exist_ok=True) |
if job_name != '': |
self.log_dir = f'runs/{job_name}' |
else: |
self.log_dir = f'runs/{datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%m-%d-%H%M%S")}' |
self.writer = SummaryWriter(self.log_dir) |
with open(f'{self.log_dir}/config.yaml', 'w') as f: |
yaml.dump(config, f) |
if config['network']['input_type'] == 'gray' or config['network']['input_type'] == 'raw-gray': |
self.model = eval(f'{config["network"]["model"]}(inchan=1)').to(device) |
elif config['network']['input_type'] == 'rgb' or config['network']['input_type'] == 'raw-demosaic': |
self.model = eval(f'{config["network"]["model"]}(inchan=3)').to(device) |
elif config['network']['input_type'] == 'raw': |
self.model = eval(f'{config["network"]["model"]}(inchan=4)').to(device) |
else: |
raise NotImplementedError() |
self.noise_maker = NoiseSimulator(device) |
self.cnt = 0 |
if start_cnt != 0: |
self.model.load_state_dict(torch.load(f'{self.log_dir}/model_{start_cnt:06d}.pth')) |
self.cnt = start_cnt + 1 |
sampler = NghSampler2(ngh=7, subq=-8, subd=1, pos_d=3, neg_d=5, border=16, |
subd_neg=-8,maxpool_pos=True).to(device) |
self.reliability_loss = ReliabilityLoss(sampler, base=0.3, nq=20).to(device) |
self.model.clf = nn.Conv2d(128, 2, kernel_size=1).cuda() |
if self.config['training']['optimizer'] == 'SGD': |
self.optimizer = torch.optim.SGD( |
[{'params': self.model.parameters(), 'initial_lr': self.config['training']['lr']}], |
lr=self.config['training']['lr'], |
momentum=self.config['training']['momentum'], |
weight_decay=self.config['training']['weight_decay'], |
) |
elif self.config['training']['optimizer'] == 'Adam': |
self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam( |
[{'params': self.model.parameters(), 'initial_lr': self.config['training']['lr']}], |
lr=self.config['training']['lr'], |
weight_decay=self.config['training']['weight_decay'] |
) |
else: |
raise NotImplementedError() |
self.lr_scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR( |
self.optimizer, |
step_size=self.config['training']['lr_step'], |
gamma=self.config['training']['lr_gamma'], |
last_epoch=start_cnt |
) |
for param_tensor in self.model.state_dict(): |
print(param_tensor, "\t", self.model.state_dict()[param_tensor].size()) |
def save(self, iter_num): |
torch.save(self.model.state_dict(), f'{self.log_dir}/model_{iter_num:06d}.pth') |
def load(self, path): |
self.model.load_state_dict(torch.load(path)) |
def train(self): |
self.model.train() |
for epoch in range(2): |
for batch_idx, inputs in enumerate(self.loader): |
self.optimizer.zero_grad() |
t = time.time() |
img0_ori, noise_img0_ori = self.preprocess_noise_pair(inputs['img0'], self.cnt) |
img1_ori, noise_img1_ori = self.preprocess_noise_pair(inputs['img1'], self.cnt) |
img0 = img0_ori.permute(0, 3, 1, 2).float().to(self.device) |
img1 = img1_ori.permute(0, 3, 1, 2).float().to(self.device) |
if self.config['network']['input_type'] == 'rgb': |
RGB_mean = [0.485, 0.456, 0.406] |
RGB_std = [0.229, 0.224, 0.225] |
norm_RGB = tvf.Normalize(mean=RGB_mean, std=RGB_std) |
img0 = norm_RGB(img0) |
img1 = norm_RGB(img1) |
noise_img0 = norm_RGB(noise_img0) |
noise_img1 = norm_RGB(noise_img1) |
elif self.config['network']['input_type'] == 'gray': |
img0 = torch.mean(img0, dim=1, keepdim=True) |
img1 = torch.mean(img1, dim=1, keepdim=True) |
noise_img0 = torch.mean(noise_img0, dim=1, keepdim=True) |
noise_img1 = torch.mean(noise_img1, dim=1, keepdim=True) |
norm_gray0 = tvf.Normalize(mean=img0.mean(), std=img0.std()) |
norm_gray1 = tvf.Normalize(mean=img1.mean(), std=img1.std()) |
img0 = norm_gray0(img0) |
img1 = norm_gray1(img1) |
noise_img0 = norm_gray0(noise_img0) |
noise_img1 = norm_gray1(noise_img1) |
elif self.config['network']['input_type'] == 'raw': |
pass |
elif self.config['network']['input_type'] == 'raw-demosaic': |
pass |
else: |
raise NotImplementedError() |
desc0, score_map0, _, _ = self.model(img0) |
desc1, score_map1, _, _ = self.model(img1) |
cur_feat_size0 = torch.tensor(score_map0.shape[2:]) |
cur_feat_size1 = torch.tensor(score_map1.shape[2:]) |
conf0 = F.softmax(self.model.clf(torch.abs(desc0)**2.0), dim=1)[:,1:2] |
conf1 = F.softmax(self.model.clf(torch.abs(desc1)**2.0), dim=1)[:,1:2] |
desc0 = desc0.permute(0, 2, 3, 1) |
desc1 = desc1.permute(0, 2, 3, 1) |
score_map0 = score_map0.permute(0, 2, 3, 1) |
score_map1 = score_map1.permute(0, 2, 3, 1) |
conf0 = conf0.permute(0, 2, 3, 1) |
conf1 = conf1.permute(0, 2, 3, 1) |
r_K0 = getK(inputs['ori_img_size0'], cur_feat_size0, inputs['K0']).to(self.device) |
r_K1 = getK(inputs['ori_img_size1'], cur_feat_size1, inputs['K1']).to(self.device) |
pos0 = _grid_positions( |
cur_feat_size0[0], cur_feat_size0[1], img0.shape[0]).to(self.device) |
pos0_for_rel, pos1_for_rel, _ = getWarpNoValidate( |
pos0, inputs['rel_pose'].to(self.device), inputs['depth0'].to(self.device), |
r_K0, inputs['depth1'].to(self.device), r_K1, img0.shape[0]) |
pos0, pos1, _ = getWarp( |
pos0, inputs['rel_pose'].to(self.device), inputs['depth0'].to(self.device), |
r_K0, inputs['depth1'].to(self.device), r_K1, img0.shape[0]) |
reliab_loss = self.reliability_loss(desc0, desc1, conf0, conf1, pos0_for_rel, pos1_for_rel, img0.shape[0], img0.shape[2], img0.shape[3]) |
det_structured_loss, det_accuracy = make_detector_loss( |
pos0, pos1, desc0, desc1, |
score_map0, score_map1, img0.shape[0], |
self.config['network']['use_corr_n'], |
self.config['network']['loss_type'], |
self.config |
) |
total_loss = det_structured_loss |
self.writer.add_scalar("loss/det_loss_normal", det_structured_loss, self.cnt) |
total_loss += reliab_loss |
self.writer.add_scalar("acc/normal_acc", det_accuracy, self.cnt) |
self.writer.add_scalar("loss/total_loss", total_loss, self.cnt) |
self.writer.add_scalar("loss/reliab_loss", reliab_loss, self.cnt) |
print('iter={},\tloss={:.4f},\tacc={:.4f},\t{:.4f}s/iter'.format(self.cnt, total_loss, det_accuracy, time.time()-t)) |
if det_structured_loss != 0: |
total_loss.backward() |
self.optimizer.step() |
self.lr_scheduler.step() |
if self.cnt % 100 == 0: |
indices0, scores0 = extract_kpts( |
score_map0.permute(0, 3, 1, 2), |
k=self.config['network']['det']['kpt_n'], |
score_thld=self.config['network']['det']['score_thld'], |
nms_size=self.config['network']['det']['nms_size'], |
eof_size=self.config['network']['det']['eof_size'], |
edge_thld=self.config['network']['det']['edge_thld'] |
) |
indices1, scores1 = extract_kpts( |
score_map1.permute(0, 3, 1, 2), |
k=self.config['network']['det']['kpt_n'], |
score_thld=self.config['network']['det']['score_thld'], |
nms_size=self.config['network']['det']['nms_size'], |
eof_size=self.config['network']['det']['eof_size'], |
edge_thld=self.config['network']['det']['edge_thld'] |
) |
if self.config['network']['input_type'] == 'raw': |
kpt_img0 = self.showKeyPoints(img0_ori[0][..., :3] * 255., indices0[0]) |
kpt_img1 = self.showKeyPoints(img1_ori[0][..., :3] * 255., indices1[0]) |
else: |
kpt_img0 = self.showKeyPoints(img0_ori[0] * 255., indices0[0]) |
kpt_img1 = self.showKeyPoints(img1_ori[0] * 255., indices1[0]) |
self.writer.add_image('img0/kpts', kpt_img0, self.cnt, dataformats='HWC') |
self.writer.add_image('img1/kpts', kpt_img1, self.cnt, dataformats='HWC') |
self.writer.add_image('img0/score_map', score_map0[0], self.cnt, dataformats='HWC') |
self.writer.add_image('img1/score_map', score_map1[0], self.cnt, dataformats='HWC') |
self.writer.add_image('img0/conf', conf0[0], self.cnt, dataformats='HWC') |
self.writer.add_image('img1/conf', conf1[0], self.cnt, dataformats='HWC') |
if self.cnt % 10000 == 0: |
self.save(self.cnt) |
self.cnt += 1 |
def showKeyPoints(self, img, indices): |
key_points = cv2.KeyPoint_convert(indices.cpu().float().numpy()[:, ::-1]) |
img = img.numpy().astype('uint8') |
img = cv2.drawKeypoints(img, key_points, None, color=(0, 255, 0)) |
return img |
def preprocess(self, img, iter_idx): |
if not self.config['network']['noise'] and 'raw' not in self.config['network']['input_type']: |
return img |
raw = self.noise_maker.rgb2raw(img, batched=True) |
if self.config['network']['noise']: |
ratio_dec = min(self.config['network']['noise_maxstep'], iter_idx) / self.config['network']['noise_maxstep'] |
raw = self.noise_maker.raw2noisyRaw(raw, ratio_dec=ratio_dec, batched=True) |
if self.config['network']['input_type'] == 'raw': |
return torch.tensor(self.noise_maker.raw2packedRaw(raw, batched=True)) |
if self.config['network']['input_type'] == 'raw-demosaic': |
return torch.tensor(self.noise_maker.raw2demosaicRaw(raw, batched=True)) |
rgb = self.noise_maker.raw2rgb(raw, batched=True) |
if self.config['network']['input_type'] == 'rgb' or self.config['network']['input_type'] == 'gray': |
return torch.tensor(rgb) |
raise NotImplementedError() |
def preprocess_noise_pair(self, img, iter_idx): |
assert self.config['network']['noise'] |
raw = self.noise_maker.rgb2raw(img, batched=True) |
ratio_dec = min(self.config['network']['noise_maxstep'], iter_idx) / self.config['network']['noise_maxstep'] |
noise_raw = self.noise_maker.raw2noisyRaw(raw, ratio_dec=ratio_dec, batched=True) |
if self.config['network']['input_type'] == 'raw': |
return torch.tensor(self.noise_maker.raw2packedRaw(raw, batched=True)), \ |
torch.tensor(self.noise_maker.raw2packedRaw(noise_raw, batched=True)) |
if self.config['network']['input_type'] == 'raw-demosaic': |
return torch.tensor(self.noise_maker.raw2demosaicRaw(raw, batched=True)), \ |
torch.tensor(self.noise_maker.raw2demosaicRaw(noise_raw, batched=True)) |
if self.config['network']['input_type'] == 'raw-gray': |
factor = torch.tensor([0.299, 0.587, 0.114]).double() |
return torch.matmul(torch.tensor(self.noise_maker.raw2demosaicRaw(raw, batched=True)), factor).unsqueeze(-1), \ |
torch.matmul(torch.tensor(self.noise_maker.raw2demosaicRaw(noise_raw, batched=True)), factor).unsqueeze(-1) |
noise_rgb = self.noise_maker.raw2rgb(noise_raw, batched=True) |
if self.config['network']['input_type'] == 'rgb' or self.config['network']['input_type'] == 'gray': |
return img, torch.tensor(noise_rgb) |
raise NotImplementedError() |