import pdb |
import torch |
import torch.nn as nn |
import torch.nn.functional as F |
class BaseNet (nn.Module): |
""" Takes a list of images as input, and returns for each image: |
- a pixelwise descriptor |
- a pixelwise confidence |
""" |
def softmax(self, ux): |
if ux.shape[1] == 1: |
x = F.softplus(ux) |
return x / (1 + x) |
elif ux.shape[1] == 2: |
return F.softmax(ux, dim=1)[:,1:2] |
def normalize(self, x, ureliability, urepeatability): |
return dict(descriptors = F.normalize(x, p=2, dim=1), |
repeatability = self.softmax( urepeatability ), |
reliability = self.softmax( ureliability )) |
def forward_one(self, x): |
raise NotImplementedError() |
def forward(self, imgs, **kw): |
res = [self.forward_one(img) for img in imgs] |
res = {k:[r[k] for r in res if k in r] for k in {k for r in res for k in r}} |
return dict(res, imgs=imgs, **kw) |
class PatchNet (BaseNet): |
""" Helper class to construct a fully-convolutional network that |
extract a l2-normalized patch descriptor. |
""" |
def __init__(self, inchan=3, dilated=True, dilation=1, bn=True, bn_affine=False): |
BaseNet.__init__(self) |
self.inchan = inchan |
self.curchan = inchan |
self.dilated = dilated |
self.dilation = dilation |
self.bn = bn |
self.bn_affine = bn_affine |
self.ops = nn.ModuleList([]) |
def _make_bn(self, outd): |
return nn.BatchNorm2d(outd, affine=self.bn_affine) |
def _add_conv(self, outd, k=3, stride=1, dilation=1, bn=True, relu=True, k_pool = 1, pool_type='max'): |
d = self.dilation * dilation |
if self.dilated: |
conv_params = dict(padding=((k-1)*d)//2, dilation=d, stride=1) |
self.dilation *= stride |
else: |
conv_params = dict(padding=((k-1)*d)//2, dilation=d, stride=stride) |
self.ops.append( nn.Conv2d(self.curchan, outd, kernel_size=k, **conv_params) ) |
if bn and self.bn: self.ops.append( self._make_bn(outd) ) |
if relu: self.ops.append( nn.ReLU(inplace=True) ) |
self.curchan = outd |
if k_pool > 1: |
if pool_type == 'avg': |
self.ops.append(torch.nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=k_pool)) |
elif pool_type == 'max': |
self.ops.append(torch.nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=k_pool)) |
else: |
print(f"Error, unknown pooling type {pool_type}...") |
def forward_one(self, x): |
assert self.ops, "You need to add convolutions first" |
for n,op in enumerate(self.ops): |
x = op(x) |
return self.normalize(x) |
class L2_Net (PatchNet): |
""" Compute a 128D descriptor for all overlapping 32x32 patches. |
From the L2Net paper (CVPR'17). |
""" |
def __init__(self, dim=128, **kw ): |
PatchNet.__init__(self, **kw) |
add_conv = lambda n,**kw: self._add_conv((n*dim)//128,**kw) |
add_conv(32) |
add_conv(32) |
add_conv(64, stride=2) |
add_conv(64) |
add_conv(128, stride=2) |
add_conv(128) |
add_conv(128, k=7, stride=8, bn=False, relu=False) |
self.out_dim = dim |
class Quad_L2Net (PatchNet): |
""" Same than L2_Net, but replace the final 8x8 conv by 3 successive 2x2 convs. |
""" |
def __init__(self, dim=128, mchan=4, relu22=False, **kw ): |
PatchNet.__init__(self, **kw) |
self._add_conv( 8*mchan) |
self._add_conv( 8*mchan) |
self._add_conv( 16*mchan, stride=2) |
self._add_conv( 16*mchan) |
self._add_conv( 32*mchan, stride=2) |
self._add_conv( 32*mchan) |
self._add_conv( 32*mchan, k=2, stride=2, relu=relu22) |
self._add_conv( 32*mchan, k=2, stride=2, relu=relu22) |
self._add_conv(dim, k=2, stride=2, bn=False, relu=False) |
self.out_dim = dim |
class Quad_L2Net_ConfCFS (Quad_L2Net): |
""" Same than Quad_L2Net, with 2 confidence maps for repeatability and reliability. |
""" |
def __init__(self, **kw ): |
Quad_L2Net.__init__(self, **kw) |
self.clf = nn.Conv2d(self.out_dim, 2, kernel_size=1) |
self.sal = nn.Conv2d(self.out_dim, 1, kernel_size=1) |
def forward_one(self, x): |
assert self.ops, "You need to add convolutions first" |
for op in self.ops: |
x = op(x) |
ureliability = self.clf(x**2) |
urepeatability = self.sal(x**2) |
return self.normalize(x, ureliability, urepeatability) |
class Fast_Quad_L2Net (PatchNet): |
""" Faster version of Quad l2 net, replacing one dilated conv with one pooling to diminish image resolution thus increase inference time |
Dilation factors and pooling: |
1,1,1, pool2, 1,1, 2,2, 4, 8, upsample2 |
""" |
def __init__(self, dim=128, mchan=4, relu22=False, downsample_factor=2, **kw ): |
PatchNet.__init__(self, **kw) |
self._add_conv( 8*mchan) |
self._add_conv( 8*mchan) |
self._add_conv( 16*mchan, k_pool = downsample_factor) |
self._add_conv( 16*mchan) |
self._add_conv( 32*mchan, stride=2) |
self._add_conv( 32*mchan) |
self._add_conv( 32*mchan, k=2, stride=2, relu=relu22) |
self._add_conv( 32*mchan, k=2, stride=2, relu=relu22) |
self._add_conv(dim, k=2, stride=2, bn=False, relu=False) |
self.ops.append(torch.nn.Upsample(scale_factor=downsample_factor, mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)) |
self.out_dim = dim |
class Fast_Quad_L2Net_ConfCFS (Fast_Quad_L2Net): |
""" Fast r2d2 architecture |
""" |
def __init__(self, **kw ): |
Fast_Quad_L2Net.__init__(self, **kw) |
self.clf = nn.Conv2d(self.out_dim, 2, kernel_size=1) |
self.sal = nn.Conv2d(self.out_dim, 1, kernel_size=1) |
def forward_one(self, x): |
assert self.ops, "You need to add convolutions first" |
for op in self.ops: |
x = op(x) |
ureliability = self.clf(x**2) |
urepeatability = self.sal(x**2) |
return self.normalize(x, ureliability, urepeatability) |