# | |
import json | |
import streamlit as st | |
import glob | |
import os | |
from datetime import datetime | |
st.set_page_config(layout="wide") | |
st.title('Meta Open LLM leaderboard') | |
st.write("Combine data from various open LLM leaderboards into one useful visualization page") | |
st.write("<nbsp/>", unsafe_allow_html=True) | |
directories = os.listdir("./data") | |
def format_dir_date(data_dir): | |
# Extracting date and time information from the path | |
parsed_date = datetime.strptime(data_dir, "%Y%m%d_%H%M") | |
# Formatting the parsed date | |
return parsed_date.strftime("%b %d, %Y %H:%M") | |
def print_model_list(file_name, st, split_into_two=False): | |
file_path = file_name[:-4] + '.json' | |
# Read the list from the JSON file | |
with open(file_path, 'r') as file: | |
model_id_list_loaded = json.load(file) | |
midpoint = len(model_id_list_loaded) // 2 + (len(model_id_list_loaded) % 2) # Calculate the midpoint | |
# Split the list into two parts | |
left_list = model_id_list_loaded[:midpoint] | |
right_list = model_id_list_loaded[midpoint:] | |
# Generate HTML for the left column | |
left_html = "" | |
for model_id in left_list: | |
model_id_trunc = model_id if len(model_id) <= 35 else '...' + model_id[-35:] | |
left_html += f'<li><a href="{model_id}">{model_id_trunc}</a></li>' | |
# Generate HTML for the right column | |
right_html = "" | |
for model_id in right_list: | |
model_id_trunc = model_id if len(model_id) <= 35 else '...' + model_id[-35:] | |
right_html += f'<li><a href="{model_id}">{model_id_trunc}</a></li>' | |
final_html = "" | |
if(split_into_two): | |
final_html = "<ul>" | |
final_html += left_html | |
final_html += "</ul>" | |
cols = st.columns(2) | |
cols[0].write(final_html, unsafe_allow_html=True) | |
final_html = "<ul>" | |
final_html += right_html | |
final_html += "</ul>" | |
cols[1].write(final_html, unsafe_allow_html=True) | |
else: | |
final_html = "<ul>" | |
final_html += left_html | |
final_html += right_html | |
final_html += "</ul>" | |
st.write(final_html, unsafe_allow_html=True) | |
col1, col2 = st.columns(2) | |
with col1: | |
data_dir = st.selectbox( | |
'Select different data generation date', | |
directories, | |
format_func=format_dir_date, | |
index=len(directories)-1, | |
) | |
with col2: | |
compare_mode = st.checkbox('Enable compare to different date') | |
if compare_mode: | |
compare_data_dir = st.selectbox( | |
'Select date for comparison', | |
directories, | |
format_func=format_dir_date, | |
index=len(directories)-1, | |
) | |
captions_map = { | |
"hg_average_to_agentbench_compare.png": "HF to AgentBench compare", | |
"hg_average_to_opencompass_compare.png": "HF to OpenCompass compare", | |
"hg_average_to_mt_bench_compare.png": "HF to MT-Bench compare", | |
"hg_average_to_mosaic_compare.png": "HF to MosaicML compare", | |
"hg_average_to_alpacaeval_compare.png": "HF to AlpacaEval compare" | |
} | |
with col1: | |
st.write("<div style=\"text-align: center\" >Generated on: <b>" + format_dir_date(data_dir) + "</b></div>", unsafe_allow_html=True) | |
data_path = './data/' + data_dir | |
# Adjust the data path loading logic | |
if compare_mode: | |
# Side by side compare: | |
compare_data_path = './data/' + compare_data_dir | |
# Load images from both directories | |
imgs = glob.glob(os.path.join(data_path, '*.png')) | |
compare_imgs = glob.glob(os.path.join(compare_data_path, '*.png')) | |
# Extracting images that start with specific keywords from both sets | |
def extract_images(keyword, img_list): | |
return [img for img in img_list if keyword in os.path.basename(img)] | |
hf_llm_diagrams = extract_images('hf_llm_diagram', imgs) | |
bigcode_diagrams = extract_images('bigcode', imgs) | |
mt_bench_diagrams = extract_images('lmsys_leaderboard_mt_bench', imgs) | |
arena_diagrams = extract_images('lmsys_leaderboard_arena', imgs) | |
opencompass_diagrams = extract_images('opencompass_leaderboard', imgs) | |
compare_hf_llm_diagrams = extract_images('hf_llm_diagram', compare_imgs) | |
compare_bigcode_diagrams = extract_images('bigcode', compare_imgs) | |
compare_mt_bench_diagrams = extract_images('lmsys_leaderboard_mt_bench', compare_imgs) | |
compare_arena_diagrams = extract_images('lmsys_leaderboard_arena', compare_imgs) | |
compare_opencompass_diagrams = extract_images('opencompass_leaderboard', compare_imgs) | |
# Display each category side by side | |
def display_side_by_side(diagrams1, diagrams2, title): | |
st.subheader(title, divider=True) | |
for d1, d2 in zip(diagrams1, diagrams2): | |
cols = st.columns(2) | |
cols[0].image(d1, use_column_width="auto") | |
cols[1].image(d2, use_column_width="auto") | |
# Displaying HuggingFace LLM Leaderboard | |
display_side_by_side(hf_llm_diagrams, compare_hf_llm_diagrams, "HuggingFace Open LLM leaderboard by Model Size") | |
# Displaying Big Code Models Leaderboard | |
display_side_by_side(bigcode_diagrams, compare_bigcode_diagrams, "Big Code Models Leaderboard") | |
# Displaying MT-Bench Models Leaderboard | |
display_side_by_side(mt_bench_diagrams, compare_mt_bench_diagrams, "MT-Bench Models Leaderboard") | |
# Displaying Arena Models Leaderboard | |
display_side_by_side(arena_diagrams, compare_arena_diagrams, "LMSYS Arena Elo Models Leaderboard") | |
# Displaying OpenCompass Models Leaderboard | |
display_side_by_side(opencompass_diagrams, compare_opencompass_diagrams, "OpenCompass Models Leaderboard") | |
# Extracting remaining images from both sets | |
remaining_imgs = list(set(imgs) - set(hf_llm_diagrams) - set(bigcode_diagrams) - set(mt_bench_diagrams) - set(opencompass_diagrams)) | |
compare_remaining_imgs = list(set(compare_imgs) - set(compare_hf_llm_diagrams) - set(compare_bigcode_diagrams) - set(compare_mt_bench_diagrams) - set(compare_opencompass_diagrams)) | |
st.subheader("HuggingFace and Other Leaderboards: A Comparative Model Evaluation", divider=True) | |
st.caption("Only models evaluated on both leaderboards are included.") | |
# Display remaining images side by side | |
for img, compare_img in zip(remaining_imgs, compare_remaining_imgs): | |
cols = st.columns(2) | |
# Extract the filename and caption for the first image | |
filename = os.path.basename(img) | |
caption = captions_map.get(filename, "") | |
# Extract the filename and caption for the comparison image | |
compare_filename = os.path.basename(compare_img) | |
compare_caption = captions_map.get(compare_filename, "") | |
# Display the images with captions | |
cols[0].image(img, caption=caption, width=None) | |
cols[1].image(compare_img, caption=compare_caption, width=None) | |
else: | |
imgs = glob.glob(os.path.join(data_path, '*.png')) | |
# Extracting images that start with "hf_llm_diagram" | |
hf_llm_diagrams = [img for img in imgs if 'hf_llm_diagram' in os.path.basename(img)] | |
bigcode_diagrams = [img for img in imgs if 'bigcode' in os.path.basename(img)] | |
mt_bench_diagrams = [img for img in imgs if 'lmsys_leaderboard_mt_bench' in os.path.basename(img)] | |
arena_diagrams = [img for img in imgs if 'lmsys_leaderboard_arena' in os.path.basename(img)] | |
opencompass_diagrams = [img for img in imgs if 'opencompass_leaderboard' in os.path.basename(img)] | |
# Getting the remaining images | |
remaining_imgs = list(set(imgs) - set(hf_llm_diagrams) - set(bigcode_diagrams) - set(mt_bench_diagrams) - set(arena_diagrams) - set(opencompass_diagrams)) | |
st.subheader("HuggingFace Open LLM leaderboard by Model Size", divider=True) | |
cols = st.columns(2) | |
cols[0].image(hf_llm_diagrams[0], caption="Main chart using all the models", use_column_width="auto") | |
print_model_list(hf_llm_diagrams[0],st, True) | |
st.write("<nbsp/>", unsafe_allow_html=True) | |
cols = st.columns(2) | |
cols[0].image(hf_llm_diagrams[1],caption="Other or commercially permissive licenses only", use_column_width="auto") | |
print_model_list(hf_llm_diagrams[1],cols[0]) | |
cols[1].image(hf_llm_diagrams[2],caption="Commercially permissive license only", use_column_width="auto") | |
print_model_list(hf_llm_diagrams[2],cols[1]) | |
st.write("<nbsp/>", unsafe_allow_html=True) | |
cols = st.columns(2) | |
cols[0].image(hf_llm_diagrams[3],caption="TruthfulQA at 10% for HuggingFace Open LLM leaderboard by Model Size", use_column_width="auto") | |
print_model_list(hf_llm_diagrams[3],cols[0],False) | |
cols[1].image(hf_llm_diagrams[4],caption="ARC at 50% and MMLU at 50% for HuggingFace Open LLM leaderboard by Model Size", use_column_width="auto") | |
print_model_list(hf_llm_diagrams[4],cols[1],False) | |
st.subheader("Big Code Models Leaderboard", divider=True) | |
cols = st.columns(2) | |
cols[0].image(bigcode_diagrams[0], use_column_width="auto") | |
print_model_list(bigcode_diagrams[0],st,True) | |
st.subheader("MT-Bench Models Leaderboard", divider=True) | |
cols = st.columns(2) | |
cols[0].image(mt_bench_diagrams[0], use_column_width="auto") | |
print_model_list(mt_bench_diagrams[0],st,True) | |
st.subheader("LMSYS Arena Elo Models Leaderboard", divider=True) | |
cols = st.columns(2) | |
cols[0].image(arena_diagrams[0], use_column_width="auto") | |
print_model_list(arena_diagrams[0],st,True) | |
st.subheader("OpenCompass Models Leaderboard", divider=True) | |
cols = st.columns(2) | |
cols[0].image(opencompass_diagrams[0], use_column_width="auto") | |
print_model_list(opencompass_diagrams[0],st,True) | |
st.subheader("HuggingFace and Other Leaderboards: A Comparative Model Evaluation", divider=True) | |
st.caption("Only models evaluated on both leaderboards are included.") | |
cols = st.columns(2) | |
for i, img in enumerate(remaining_imgs): | |
# Extract the filename from the full image path | |
filename = os.path.basename(img) | |
# Get the caption from the captions_map dictionary | |
caption = captions_map.get(filename, "") # If no caption is found, it will default to an empty string | |
# Display the image with the caption | |
cols[i % 2].image(img, caption=caption, width=None) | |
st.write( | |
""" | |
<p>Leaderboards tracked:</p> | |
<ul> | |
<li><a href="">Hugging Face Open LLM</a></li> | |
<li><a href="">MT-Bench and Arena Elo</a>MT-Bench is GPT4 judged evaluation of models, Arena Elo is users ranking outputs between models.</li> | |
<li><a href="">AlpacaEval</a> GPT4 judged evaluation of models</li> | |
<li><a href="">MosaicML</a> Balanced set of static benchmarks</li> | |
<li><a href="">OpenCompass</a> Balanced set of static benchmarks</li> | |
<li><a href="">AgentBench</a> Benchmark evaluating Agent abilities</li> | |
<li><a href="">BigCode</a> Compare performance of base multilingual code generation models</li> | |
</ul> | |
<sub>HuggingFace models that have been flagged as contaminated or do not provide any model card information are excluded.</sub> | |
""", unsafe_allow_html=True | |
) | |
st.subheader('About', divider=True) | |
st.write('This meta leaderboard is built and maintained by Felix Zaslavskiy. For feedback, correction, suggestions please reach out on X at <a href="" >@FZaslavskiy</a> or here via community discussions.', unsafe_allow_html=True) |