# Copyright 2020 Erik Härkönen. All rights reserved. | |
# This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); | |
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy | |
# of the License at | |
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under | |
# the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS | |
# OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language | |
# governing permissions and limitations under the License. | |
# Patch for broken CTRL+C handler | |
# | |
import os | |
os.environ['FOR_DISABLE_CONSOLE_CTRL_HANDLER'] = '1' | |
import torch, json, numpy as np | |
from types import SimpleNamespace | |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
from pathlib import Path | |
from os import makedirs | |
from PIL import Image | |
from netdissect import proggan, nethook, easydict, zdataset | |
from netdissect.modelconfig import create_instrumented_model | |
from estimators import get_estimator | |
from models import get_instrumented_model | |
from scipy.cluster.vq import kmeans | |
import re | |
import sys | |
import datetime | |
import argparse | |
from tqdm import trange | |
from config import Config | |
from decomposition import get_random_dirs, get_or_compute, get_max_batch_size, SEED_VISUALIZATION | |
from utils import pad_frames | |
def x_closest(p): | |
distances = np.sqrt(np.sum((X - p)**2, axis=-1)) | |
idx = np.argmin(distances) | |
return distances[idx], X[idx] | |
def make_gif(imgs, duration_secs, outname): | |
head, *tail = [Image.fromarray((x * 255).astype(np.uint8)) for x in imgs] | |
ms_per_frame = 1000 * duration_secs / instances | |, format='GIF', append_images=tail, save_all=True, duration=ms_per_frame, loop=0) | |
def make_mp4(imgs, duration_secs, outname): | |
import shutil | |
import subprocess as sp | |
FFMPEG_BIN = shutil.which("ffmpeg") | |
assert FFMPEG_BIN is not None, 'ffmpeg not found, install with "conda install -c conda-forge ffmpeg"' | |
assert len(imgs[0].shape) == 3, 'Invalid shape of frame data' | |
resolution = imgs[0].shape[0:2] | |
fps = int(len(imgs) / duration_secs) | |
command = [ FFMPEG_BIN, | |
'-y', # overwrite output file | |
'-f', 'rawvideo', | |
'-vcodec','rawvideo', | |
'-s', f'{resolution[0]}x{resolution[1]}', # size of one frame | |
'-pix_fmt', 'rgb24', | |
'-r', f'{fps}', | |
'-i', '-', # imput from pipe | |
'-an', # no audio | |
'-c:v', 'libx264', | |
'-preset', 'slow', | |
'-crf', '17', | |
str(Path(outname).with_suffix('.mp4')) ] | |
frame_data = np.concatenate([(x * 255).astype(np.uint8).reshape(-1) for x in imgs]) | |
with sp.Popen(command, stdin=sp.PIPE, stdout=sp.PIPE, stderr=sp.PIPE) as p: | |
ret = p.communicate(frame_data.tobytes()) | |
if p.returncode != 0: | |
print(ret[1].decode("utf-8")) | |
raise sp.CalledProcessError(p.returncode, command) | |
def make_grid(latent, lat_mean, lat_comp, lat_stdev, act_mean, act_comp, act_stdev, scale=1, n_rows=10, n_cols=5, make_plots=True, edit_type='latent'): | |
from notebooks.notebook_utils import create_strip_centered | |
inst.remove_edits() | |
x_range = np.linspace(-scale, scale, n_cols, dtype=np.float32) # scale in sigmas | |
rows = [] | |
for r in range(n_rows): | |
curr_row = [] | |
out_batch = create_strip_centered(inst, edit_type, layer_key, [latent], | |
act_comp[r], lat_comp[r], act_stdev[r], lat_stdev[r], act_mean, lat_mean, scale, 0, -1, n_cols)[0] | |
for i, img in enumerate(out_batch): | |
curr_row.append(('c{}_{:.2f}'.format(r, x_range[i]), img)) | |
rows.append(curr_row[:n_cols]) | |
inst.remove_edits() | |
if make_plots: | |
# If more rows than columns, make several blocks side by side | |
n_blocks = 2 if n_rows > n_cols else 1 | |
for r, data in enumerate(rows): | |
# Add white borders | |
imgs = pad_frames([img for _, img in data]) | |
coord = ((r * n_blocks) % n_rows) + ((r * n_blocks) // n_rows) | |
plt.subplot(n_rows//n_blocks, n_blocks, 1 + coord) | |
plt.imshow(np.hstack(imgs)) | |
# Custom x-axis labels | |
W = imgs[0].shape[1] # image width | |
P = imgs[1].shape[1] # padding width | |
locs = [(0.5*W + i*(W+P)) for i in range(n_cols)] | |
plt.xticks(locs, ["{:.2f}".format(v) for v in x_range]) | |
plt.yticks([]) | |
plt.ylabel(f'C{r}') | |
plt.tight_layout() | |
plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.96) # make room for suptitle | |
return [img for row in rows for img in row] | |
###################### | |
### Visualize results | |
###################### | |
if __name__ == '__main__': | |
global max_batch, sample_shape, feature_shape, inst, args, layer_key, model | |
args = Config().from_args() | |
t_start = | |
timestamp = lambda :"%d.%m %H:%M") | |
print(f'[{timestamp()}] {args.model}, {args.layer}, {args.estimator}') | |
# Ensure reproducibility | |
torch.manual_seed(0) # also sets cuda seeds | |
np.random.seed(0) | |
# Speed up backend | |
torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True | |
torch.autograd.set_grad_enabled(False) | |
has_gpu = torch.cuda.is_available() | |
device = torch.device('cuda' if has_gpu else 'cpu') | |
layer_key = args.layer | |
layer_name = layer_key #layer_key.lower().split('.')[-1] | |
basedir = Path(__file__).parent.resolve() | |
outdir = basedir / 'out' | |
# Load model | |
inst = get_instrumented_model(args.model, args.output_class, layer_key, device, use_w=args.use_w) | |
model = inst.model | |
feature_shape = inst.feature_shape[layer_key] | |
latent_shape = model.get_latent_shape() | |
print('Feature shape:', feature_shape) | |
# Layout of activations | |
if len(feature_shape) != 4: # non-spatial | |
axis_mask = np.ones(len(feature_shape), dtype=np.int32) | |
else: | |
axis_mask = np.array([0, 1, 1, 1]) # only batch fixed => whole activation volume used | |
# Shape of sample passed to PCA | |
sample_shape = feature_shape*axis_mask | |
sample_shape[sample_shape == 0] = 1 | |
# Load or compute components | |
dump_name = get_or_compute(args, inst) | |
data = np.load(dump_name, allow_pickle=False) # does not contain object arrays | |
X_comp = data['act_comp'] | |
X_global_mean = data['act_mean'] | |
X_stdev = data['act_stdev'] | |
X_var_ratio = data['var_ratio'] | |
X_stdev_random = data['random_stdevs'] | |
Z_global_mean = data['lat_mean'] | |
Z_comp = data['lat_comp'] | |
Z_stdev = data['lat_stdev'] | |
n_comp = X_comp.shape[0] | |
data.close() | |
# Transfer components to device | |
tensors = SimpleNamespace( | |
X_comp = torch.from_numpy(X_comp).to(device).float(), #-1, 1, C, H, W | |
X_global_mean = torch.from_numpy(X_global_mean).to(device).float(), # 1, C, H, W | |
X_stdev = torch.from_numpy(X_stdev).to(device).float(), | |
Z_comp = torch.from_numpy(Z_comp).to(device).float(), | |
Z_stdev = torch.from_numpy(Z_stdev).to(device).float(), | |
Z_global_mean = torch.from_numpy(Z_global_mean).to(device).float(), | |
) | |
transformer = get_estimator(args.estimator, n_comp, args.sparsity) | |
tr_param_str = transformer.get_param_str() | |
# Compute max batch size given VRAM usage | |
max_batch = args.batch_size or (get_max_batch_size(inst, device) if has_gpu else 1) | |
print('Batch size:', max_batch) | |
def show(): | |
if args.batch_mode: | |
plt.close('all') | |
else: | | | |
print(f'[{timestamp()}] Creating visualizations') | |
# Ensure visualization gets new samples | |
torch.manual_seed(SEED_VISUALIZATION) | |
np.random.seed(SEED_VISUALIZATION) | |
# Make output directories | |
est_id = f'spca_{args.sparsity}' if args.estimator == 'spca' else args.estimator | |
outdir_comp = outdir/'comp' | |
outdir_inst = outdir/'inst' | |
outdir_summ = outdir/'summ' | |
makedirs(outdir_comp, exist_ok=True) | |
makedirs(outdir_inst, exist_ok=True) | |
makedirs(outdir_summ, exist_ok=True) | |
# Measure component sparsity (!= activation sparsity) | |
sparsity = np.mean(X_comp == 0) # percentage of zero values in components | |
print(f'Sparsity: {sparsity:.2f}') | |
def get_edit_name(mode): | |
if mode == 'activation': | |
is_stylegan = 'StyleGAN' in args.model | |
is_w = layer_key in ['style', 'g_mapping'] | |
return 'W' if (is_stylegan and is_w) else 'ACT' | |
elif mode == 'latent': | |
return model.latent_space_name() | |
elif mode == 'both': | |
return 'BOTH' | |
else: | |
raise RuntimeError(f'Unknown edit mode {mode}') | |
# Only visualize applicable edit modes | |
if args.use_w and layer_key in ['style', 'g_mapping']: | |
edit_modes = ['latent'] # activation edit is the same | |
else: | |
edit_modes = ['activation', 'latent'] | |
# Summary grid, real components | |
for edit_mode in edit_modes: | |
plt.figure(figsize = (14,12)) | |
plt.suptitle(f"{args.estimator.upper()}: {} - {layer_name}, {get_edit_name(edit_mode)} edit", size=16) | |
make_grid(tensors.Z_global_mean, tensors.Z_global_mean, tensors.Z_comp, tensors.Z_stdev, tensors.X_global_mean, | |
tensors.X_comp, tensors.X_stdev, scale=args.sigma, edit_type=edit_mode, n_rows=14) | |
plt.savefig(outdir_summ / f'components_{get_edit_name(edit_mode)}.jpg', dpi=300) | |
show() | |
if args.make_video: | |
components = 15 | |
instances = 150 | |
# One reasonable, one over the top | |
for sigma in [args.sigma, 3*args.sigma]: | |
for c in range(components): | |
for edit_mode in edit_modes: | |
frames = make_grid(tensors.Z_global_mean, tensors.Z_global_mean, tensors.Z_comp[c:c+1, :, :], tensors.Z_stdev[c:c+1], tensors.X_global_mean, | |
tensors.X_comp[c:c+1, :, :], tensors.X_stdev[c:c+1], n_rows=1, n_cols=instances, scale=sigma, make_plots=False, edit_type=edit_mode) | |
plt.close('all') | |
frames = [x for _, x in frames] | |
frames = frames + frames[::-1] | |
make_mp4(frames, 5, outdir_comp / f'{get_edit_name(edit_mode)}_sigma{sigma}_comp{c}.mp4') | |
# Summary grid, random directions | |
# Using the stdevs of the principal components for same norm | |
random_dirs_act = torch.from_numpy(get_random_dirs(n_comp,, *sample_shape)).to(device) | |
random_dirs_z = torch.from_numpy(get_random_dirs(n_comp,, *latent_shape)).to(device) | |
for edit_mode in edit_modes: | |
plt.figure(figsize = (14,12)) | |
plt.suptitle(f"{} - {layer_name}, random directions w/ PC stdevs, {get_edit_name(edit_mode)} edit", size=16) | |
make_grid(tensors.Z_global_mean, tensors.Z_global_mean, random_dirs_z, tensors.Z_stdev, | |
tensors.X_global_mean, random_dirs_act, tensors.X_stdev, scale=args.sigma, edit_type=edit_mode, n_rows=14) | |
plt.savefig(outdir_summ / f'random_dirs_{get_edit_name(edit_mode)}.jpg', dpi=300) | |
show() | |
# Random instances w/ components added | |
n_random_imgs = 10 | |
latents = model.sample_latent(n_samples=n_random_imgs) | |
for img_idx in trange(n_random_imgs, desc='Random images', ascii=True): | |
#print(f'Creating visualizations for random image {img_idx+1}/{n_random_imgs}') | |
z = latents[img_idx][None, ...] | |
# Summary grid, real components | |
for edit_mode in edit_modes: | |
plt.figure(figsize = (14,12)) | |
plt.suptitle(f"{args.estimator.upper()}: {} - {layer_name}, {get_edit_name(edit_mode)} edit", size=16) | |
make_grid(z, tensors.Z_global_mean, tensors.Z_comp, tensors.Z_stdev, | |
tensors.X_global_mean, tensors.X_comp, tensors.X_stdev, scale=args.sigma, edit_type=edit_mode, n_rows=14) | |
plt.savefig(outdir_summ / f'samp{img_idx}_real_{get_edit_name(edit_mode)}.jpg', dpi=300) | |
show() | |
if args.make_video: | |
components = 5 | |
instances = 150 | |
# One reasonable, one over the top | |
for sigma in [args.sigma, 3*args.sigma]: #[2, 5]: | |
for edit_mode in edit_modes: | |
imgs = make_grid(z, tensors.Z_global_mean, tensors.Z_comp, tensors.Z_stdev, tensors.X_global_mean, tensors.X_comp, tensors.X_stdev, | |
n_rows=components, n_cols=instances, scale=sigma, make_plots=False, edit_type=edit_mode) | |
plt.close('all') | |
for c in range(components): | |
frames = [x for _, x in imgs[c*instances:(c+1)*instances]] | |
frames = frames + frames[::-1] | |
make_mp4(frames, 5, outdir_inst / f'{get_edit_name(edit_mode)}_sigma{sigma}_img{img_idx}_comp{c}.mp4') | |
print('Done in', - t_start) |