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from gym_minigrid.minigrid import *
from gym_minigrid.register import register
import time
from collections import deque
class Dancer(NPC):
A dancing NPC that the agent has to copy
NPC executes a sequence of movement and utterances
def __init__(self, color, name, env, dancing_pattern=None,
dance_len=3, p_sing=.5, hidden_npc=False, sing_only=False):
super().__init__(color) = name
self.npc_dir = 1 # NPC initially looks downward
self.npc_type = 0
self.env = env
self.actions = self.env.possible_actions
self.p_sing = p_sing
self.sing_only = sing_only
if self.sing_only:
p_sing = 1
self.dancing_pattern = dancing_pattern if dancing_pattern else self._gen_dancing_pattern(dance_len, p_sing)
self.agent_actions = deque(maxlen=len(self.dancing_pattern))
self.movement_id_to_fun = {self.actions.left: self.rotate_left,
self.actions.right: self.rotate_right,
self.actions.forward: self.go_forward}
# for vizualisation only
self.movement_id_to_str = {self.actions.left: "left",
self.actions.right: "right",
self.actions.forward: "forward",
self.actions.pickup: "pickup",
self.actions.drop: "drop",
self.actions.toggle: "toggle",
self.actions.done: "done",
None: "None"}
self.dancing_step_idx = 0
self.done_dancing = False
self.add_npc_direction = True
self.nb_steps = 0
self.hidden_npc = hidden_npc
def step(self, agent_action, agent_utterance):
agent_matched_moves = False
utterance = None
if self.nb_steps == 0:
utterance = "Look at me!"
if self.nb_steps >= 2: # Wait a couple steps before dancing
if not self.done_dancing:
if self.dancing_step_idx == len(self.dancing_pattern):
self.done_dancing = True
utterance = "Now repeat my moves!"
# NPC moves and speaks according to dance step
move_id, utterance = self.dancing_pattern[self.dancing_step_idx]
self.dancing_step_idx += 1
else: # record agent dancing pattern
self.agent_actions.append((agent_action, agent_utterance))
if not self.sing_only and list(self.agent_actions) == list(self.dancing_pattern):
agent_matched_moves = True
if self.sing_only: # only compare utterances
if [x[1] for x in self.agent_actions] == [x[1] for x in self.dancing_pattern]:
agent_matched_moves = True
self.nb_steps += 1
return agent_matched_moves, utterance
def get_status_str(self):
readable_dancing_pattern = [(self.movement_id_to_str[dp[0]], dp[1]) for dp in self.dancing_pattern]
readable_agent_actions = [(self.movement_id_to_str[aa[0]], aa[1]) for aa in self.agent_actions]
return "dance: {} \n agent: {}".format(readable_dancing_pattern, readable_agent_actions)
def _gen_dancing_pattern(self, dance_len, p_sing):
available_moves = [self.actions.left, self.actions.right, self.actions.forward]
dance_pattern = []
for _ in range(dance_len):
move = self.env._rand_elem(available_moves)
sing = None
if np.random.random() < p_sing:
sing = DanceWithOneNPCGrammar.random_utterance()
dance_pattern.append((move, sing))
return dance_pattern
def can_overlap(self):
# If the NPC is hidden, agent can overlap on it
return self.hidden_npc
class DanceWithOneNPCGrammar(object):
templates = ["Move your", "Shake your"]
things = ["body", "head"]
grammar_action_space = spaces.MultiDiscrete([len(templates), len(things)])
def construct_utterance(cls, action):
return cls.templates[int(action[0])] + " " + cls.things[int(action[1])] + " "
def random_utterance(cls):
return np.random.choice(cls.templates) + " " + np.random.choice(cls.things) + " "
class DanceActions(IntEnum):
# Turn left, turn right, move forward
left = 0
right = 1
forward = 2
class DanceWithOneNPCEnv(MultiModalMiniGridEnv):
Environment in which the agent is instructed to go to a given object
named using an English text string
def __init__(
assert size >= 5
self.empty_symbol = "NA \n"
self.hear_yourself = hear_yourself
self.diminished_reward = diminished_reward
self.step_penalty = step_penalty
self.dance_len = dance_len
self.hidden_npc = hidden_npc
self.p_sing = p_sing
self.few_actions = few_actions
self.possible_actions = DanceActions if self.few_actions else MiniGridEnv.Actions
self.sing_only = sing_only
if max_steps is None:
max_steps = 5*size**2
# Set this to True for maximum speed
"size": size,
"hear_yourself": hear_yourself,
"diminished_reward": diminished_reward,
"step_penalty": step_penalty,
def _gen_grid(self, width, height):
# Create the grid
self.grid = Grid(width, height, nb_obj_dims=4)
# Randomly vary the room width and height
width = self._rand_int(5, width+1)
height = self._rand_int(5, height+1)
# Generate the surrounding walls
self.grid.wall_rect(0, 0, width, height)
# Generate the surrounding walls
self.grid.wall_rect(0, 0, width, height)
# Set a randomly coloured Dancer NPC
color = self._rand_elem(COLOR_NAMES)
self.dancer = Dancer(color, "Ren", self, dance_len=self.dance_len,
p_sing=self.p_sing, hidden_npc=self.hidden_npc, sing_only=self.sing_only)
# Place it on the middle left side of the room
left_pos = (int((width / 2) - 1), int(height / 2))
#right_pos = [(width / 2) + 1, height / 2]
self.grid.set(*left_pos, self.dancer)
self.dancer.init_pos = left_pos
self.dancer.cur_pos = left_pos
# Place it randomly left or right
# size=(width, height))
# Randomize the agent's start position and orientation
self.place_agent(size=(width, height))
# Generate the mission string
self.mission = 'watch dancer and repeat his moves afterwards'
# Dummy beginning string
self.beginning_string = "This is what you hear. \n"
self.utterance = self.beginning_string
# utterance appended at the end of each step
self.utterance_history = ""
# used for rendering
self.conversation = self.utterance
self.outcome_info = None
def step(self, action):
p_action = action[0] if np.isnan(action[0]) else int(action[0])
if len(action) == 1: # agent cannot speak
assert self.p_sing == 0, "Non speaking agent used in a dance env requiring to speak"
utterance_action = [np.nan, np.nan]
utterance_action = action[1:]
obs, reward, done, info = super().step(p_action)
if np.isnan(p_action):
# assert all nan or neither nan
assert len(set(np.isnan(utterance_action))) == 1
speak_flag = not all(np.isnan(utterance_action))
if speak_flag:
utterance = DanceWithOneNPCGrammar.construct_utterance(utterance_action)
self.conversation += "{}: {} \n".format("Agent", utterance)
# Don't let the agent open any of the doors
if not self.few_actions and p_action == self.actions.toggle:
done = True
if not self.few_actions and p_action == self.actions.done:
done = True
# npc's turn
agent_matched_moves, npc_utterance = self.dancer.step(p_action if not np.isnan(p_action) else None,
utterance if speak_flag else None)
if self.hidden_npc:
npc_utterance = None
if npc_utterance:
self.utterance += "{} \n".format(npc_utterance)
self.conversation += "{}: {} \n".format(, npc_utterance)
if agent_matched_moves:
reward = self._reward()
self.outcome_info = "SUCCESS: agent got {} reward \n".format(np.round(reward, 1))
done = True
# discount
if self.step_penalty:
reward = reward - 0.01
if self.hidden_npc:
# remove npc from agent view
npc_obs_idx = np.argwhere(obs['image'] == 11)
if npc_obs_idx.size != 0: # agent sees npc
obs['image'][npc_obs_idx[0][0], npc_obs_idx[0][1], :] = [1, 0, 0, 0]
if done and reward == 0:
self.outcome_info = "FAILURE: agent got {} reward \n".format(reward)
# fill observation with text
obs = self.add_utterance_to_observation(obs)
return obs, reward, done, info
def _reward(self):
if self.diminished_reward:
return super()._reward()
return 1.0
def render(self, *args, **kwargs):
obs = super().render(*args, **kwargs)
print("conversation:\n", self.conversation)
print("utterance_history:\n", self.utterance_history)
self.window.clear_text() # erase previous text
self.window.set_caption(self.conversation) # overwrites super class caption, loc="left", fontsize=10)
if self.outcome_info:
color = None
if "SUCCESS" in self.outcome_info:
color = "lime"
elif "FAILURE" in self.outcome_info:
color = "red"
self.window.add_text(*(0.01, 0.85, self.outcome_info),
**{'fontsize':15, 'color':color, 'weight':"bold"})
self.window.show_img(obs) # re-draw image to add changes to window
return obs
class DanceWithOneNPC8x8Env(DanceWithOneNPCEnv):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super().__init__(size=8, **kwargs)
class DanceWithOneNPC6x6Env(DanceWithOneNPCEnv):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super().__init__(size=6, **kwargs)
) |