import numpy as np | |
import torch | |
import torch.nn as nn | |
import torch.nn.functional as F | |
from torch.autograd import Variable | |
from torch.distributions.categorical import Categorical | |
from torch.nn.utils.rnn import pack_padded_sequence, pad_packed_sequence | |
import torch_ac | |
from utils.babyai_utils.supervised_losses import required_heads | |
import gym.spaces as spaces | |
def safe_relu(x): | |
return torch.maximum(x, torch.zeros_like(x)) | |
# From | |
def initialize_parameters(m): | |
classname = m.__class__.__name__ | |
if classname.find('Linear') != -1: | |, 1) | | *= 1 / torch.sqrt(, keepdim=True)) | |
if m.bias is not None: | | | |
# Inspired by FiLMedBlock from | |
class FiLM(nn.Module): | |
def __init__(self, in_features, out_features, in_channels, imm_channels): | |
super().__init__() | |
self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d( | |
in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=imm_channels, | |
kernel_size=(3, 3), padding=1) | |
self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(imm_channels) | |
self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d( | |
in_channels=imm_channels, out_channels=out_features, | |
kernel_size=(3, 3), padding=1) | |
self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm2d(out_features) | |
self.weight = nn.Linear(in_features, out_features) | |
self.bias = nn.Linear(in_features, out_features) | |
self.apply(initialize_parameters) | |
def forward(self, x, y): | |
x = F.relu(self.bn1(self.conv1(x))) | |
x = self.conv2(x) | |
weight = self.weight(y).unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(3) | |
bias = self.bias(y).unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(3) | |
out = x * weight + bias | |
# return F.relu(self.bn2(out)) # this causes an error in the new version of pytorch -> replaced by safe_relu | |
return safe_relu(self.bn2(out)) | |
class ImageBOWEmbedding(nn.Module): | |
def __init__(self, space, embedding_dim): | |
super().__init__() | |
# self.max_value = max(space) | |
self.max_value = 255 # 255, because of "no_point" encoding, which is encoded as 255 | | = space | |
self.embedding_dim = embedding_dim | |
self.embedding = nn.Embedding([-1] * self.max_value, embedding_dim) | |
self.apply(initialize_parameters) | |
def forward(self, inputs): | |
offsets = torch.Tensor([x * self.max_value for x in range([-1])]).to(inputs.device) | |
inputs = (inputs + offsets[None, :, None, None]).long() | |
return self.embedding(inputs).sum(1).permute(0, 3, 1, 2) | |
#notes: what they call instr is what we call text | |
#class ACModel(nn.Module, babyai.rl.RecurrentACModel): | |
# instr (them) == text (us) | |
class MultiModalBaby11ACModel(nn.Module, torch_ac.RecurrentACModel): | |
def __init__(self, obs_space, action_space, | |
image_dim=128, memory_dim=128, text_dim=128, dialog_dim=128, | |
use_text=False, use_dialogue=False, use_current_dialogue_only=False, lang_model="gru", use_memory=False, | |
arch="bow_endpool_res", aux_info=None, num_films=2): | |
super().__init__() | |
# store config | |
self.config = locals() | |
# multi dim | |
if action_space.shape == (): | |
raise ValueError("The action space is not multi modal. Use ACModel instead.") | |
if use_text: # for now we do not consider goal conditioned policies | |
raise ValueError("You should not use text but dialogue. --text is cheating.") | |
endpool = 'endpool' in arch | |
use_bow = 'bow' in arch | |
pixel = 'pixel' in arch | |
self.res = 'res' in arch | |
# Decide which components are enabled | |
self.use_text = use_text | |
self.use_dialogue = use_dialogue | |
self.use_current_dialogue_only = use_current_dialogue_only | |
self.use_memory = use_memory | |
self.arch = arch | |
self.lang_model = lang_model | |
self.aux_info = aux_info | |
if self.res and image_dim != 128: | |
raise ValueError(f"image_dim is {image_dim}, expected 128") | |
self.image_dim = image_dim | |
self.memory_dim = memory_dim | |
self.text_dim = text_dim | |
self.dialog_dim = dialog_dim | |
self.num_module = num_films | |
self.n_primitive_actions = action_space.nvec[0] + 1 # not move action added | |
self.move_switch_action = int(self.n_primitive_actions) - 1 | |
self.n_utterance_actions = np.concatenate(([2], action_space.nvec[1:])) # binary to not speak | |
self.talk_switch_subhead = 0 | |
self.env_action_space = action_space | |
self.model_raw_action_space = spaces.MultiDiscrete([self.n_primitive_actions, *self.n_utterance_actions]) | |
self.obs_space = obs_space | |
# transform given 3d obs_space into what babyai11 baseline uses, i.e. 1d embedding size | |
n = obs_space["image"][0] | |
m = obs_space["image"][1] | |
nb_img_channels = self.obs_space['image'][2] | |
self.obs_space = ((n-1)//2-2)*((m-1)//2-2)*64 | |
for part in self.arch.split('_'): | |
if part not in ['original', 'bow', 'pixels', 'endpool', 'res']: | |
raise ValueError("Incorrect architecture name: {}".format(self.arch)) | |
# if not self.use_text: | |
# raise ValueError("FiLM architecture can be used when textuctions are enabled") | |
self.image_conv = nn.Sequential(*[ | |
*([ImageBOWEmbedding(obs_space['image'], 128)] if use_bow else []), | |
*([nn.Conv2d( | |
in_channels=nb_img_channels, out_channels=128, kernel_size=(8, 8), | |
stride=8, padding=0)] if pixel else []), | |
nn.Conv2d( | |
in_channels=128 if use_bow or pixel else nb_img_channels, out_channels=128, | |
kernel_size=(3, 3) if endpool else (2, 2), stride=1, padding=1), | |
nn.BatchNorm2d(128), | |
nn.ReLU(), | |
*([] if endpool else [nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=(2, 2), stride=2)]), | |
nn.Conv2d(in_channels=128, out_channels=128, kernel_size=(3, 3), padding=1), | |
nn.BatchNorm2d(128), | |
nn.ReLU(), | |
*([] if endpool else [nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=(2, 2), stride=2)]) | |
]) | |
self.film_pool = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=(7, 7) if endpool else (2, 2), stride=2) | |
# Define DIALOGUE embedding | |
if self.use_dialogue or self.use_current_dialogue_only: | |
if self.lang_model in ['gru', 'bigru', 'attgru']: | |
#self.word_embedding = nn.Embedding(obs_space["instr"], self.dialog_dim) | |
self.word_embedding = nn.Embedding(obs_space["text"], self.dialog_dim) | |
if self.lang_model in ['gru', 'bigru', 'attgru']: | |
gru_dim = self.dialog_dim | |
if self.lang_model in ['bigru', 'attgru']: | |
gru_dim //= 2 | |
self.dialog_rnn = nn.GRU( | |
self.dialog_dim, gru_dim, batch_first=True, | |
bidirectional=(self.lang_model in ['bigru', 'attgru'])) | |
self.final_dialog_dim = self.dialog_dim | |
else: | |
kernel_dim = 64 | |
kernel_sizes = [3, 4] | |
self.dialog_convs = nn.ModuleList([ | |
nn.Conv2d(1, kernel_dim, (K, self.dialog_dim)) for K in kernel_sizes]) | |
self.final_dialog_dim = kernel_dim * len(kernel_sizes) | |
if self.lang_model == 'attgru': | |
self.memory2key = nn.Linear(self.memory_size, self.final_dialog_dim) | |
self.controllers = [] | |
for ni in range(self.num_module): | |
mod = FiLM( | |
in_features=self.final_dialog_dim, | |
out_features=128 if ni < self.num_module-1 else self.image_dim, | |
in_channels=128, imm_channels=128) | |
self.controllers.append(mod) | |
self.add_module('FiLM_' + str(ni), mod) | |
# Define memory and resize image embedding | |
self.embedding_size = self.image_dim | |
if self.use_memory: | |
self.memory_rnn = nn.LSTMCell(self.image_dim, self.memory_dim) | |
self.embedding_size = self.semi_memory_size | |
# Define actor's model | | = nn.Sequential( | |
nn.Linear(self.embedding_size, 64), | |
nn.Tanh(), | |
nn.Linear(64, self.n_primitive_actions) | |
) | |
self.talker = nn.ModuleList([ | |
nn.Sequential( | |
nn.Linear(self.embedding_size, 64), | |
nn.Tanh(), | |
nn.Linear(64, n) | |
) for n in self.n_utterance_actions]) | |
# Define critic's model | |
self.critic = nn.Sequential( | |
nn.Linear(self.embedding_size, 64), | |
nn.Tanh(), | |
nn.Linear(64, 1) | |
) | |
# Initialize parameters correctly | |
self.apply(initialize_parameters) | |
# Define head for extra info | |
if self.aux_info: | |
self.extra_heads = None | |
self.add_heads() | |
def add_heads(self): | |
''' | |
When using auxiliary tasks, the environment yields at each step some binary, continous, or multiclass | |
information. The agent needs to predict those information. This function add extra heads to the model | |
that output the predictions. There is a head per extra information (the head type depends on the extra | |
information type). | |
''' | |
self.extra_heads = nn.ModuleDict() | |
for info in self.aux_info: | |
if required_heads[info] == 'binary': | |
self.extra_heads[info] = nn.Linear(self.embedding_size, 1) | |
elif required_heads[info].startswith('multiclass'): | |
n_classes = int(required_heads[info].split('multiclass')[-1]) | |
self.extra_heads[info] = nn.Linear(self.embedding_size, n_classes) | |
elif required_heads[info].startswith('continuous'): | |
if required_heads[info].endswith('01'): | |
self.extra_heads[info] = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.embedding_size, 1), nn.Sigmoid()) | |
else: | |
raise ValueError('Only continous01 is implemented') | |
else: | |
raise ValueError('Type not supported') | |
# initializing these parameters independently is done in order to have consistency of results when using | |
# supervised-loss-coef = 0 and when not using any extra binary information | |
self.extra_heads[info].apply(initialize_parameters) | |
def add_extra_heads_if_necessary(self, aux_info): | |
''' | |
This function allows using a pre-trained model without aux_info and add aux_info to it and still make | |
it possible to finetune. | |
''' | |
try: | |
if not hasattr(self, 'aux_info') or not set(self.aux_info) == set(aux_info): | |
self.aux_info = aux_info | |
self.add_heads() | |
except Exception: | |
raise ValueError('Could not add extra heads') | |
def memory_size(self): | |
return 2 * self.semi_memory_size | |
def semi_memory_size(self): | |
return self.memory_dim | |
def forward(self, obs, memory, dialog_embedding=None, return_embeddings=False): | |
if self.use_dialogue and dialog_embedding is None: | |
if not hasattr(obs, "utterance_history"): | |
raise ValueError("The environment need's to be updated to 'utterance' and 'utterance_history' keys'") | |
dialog_embedding = self._get_dialog_embedding(obs.utterance_history) | |
elif self.use_current_dialogue_only and dialog_embedding is None: | |
if not hasattr(obs, "utterance"): | |
raise ValueError("The environment need's to be updated to 'utterance' and 'utterance_history' keys'") | |
dialog_embedding = self._get_dialog_embedding(obs.utterance) | |
if (self.use_dialogue or self.use_current_dialogue_only) and self.lang_model == "attgru": | |
# outputs: B x L x D | |
# memory: B x M | |
#mask = (obs.instr != 0).float() | |
mask = (obs.utterance_history != 0).float() | |
# The mask tensor has the same length as obs.instr, and | |
# thus can be both shorter and longer than instr_embedding. | |
# It can be longer if instr_embedding is computed | |
# for a subbatch of obs.instr. | |
# It can be shorter if obs.instr is a subbatch of | |
# the batch that instr_embeddings was computed for. | |
# Here, we make sure that mask and instr_embeddings | |
# have equal length along dimension 1. | |
mask = mask[:, :dialog_embedding.shape[1]] | |
dialog_embedding = dialog_embedding[:, :mask.shape[1]] | |
keys = self.memory2key(memory) | |
pre_softmax = (keys[:, None, :] * dialog_embedding).sum(2) + 1000 * mask | |
attention = F.softmax(pre_softmax, dim=1) | |
dialog_embedding = (dialog_embedding * attention[:, :, None]).sum(1) | |
x = torch.transpose(torch.transpose(obs.image, 1, 3), 2, 3) | |
if 'pixel' in self.arch: | |
x /= 256.0 | |
x = self.image_conv(x) | |
if (self.use_dialogue or self.use_current_dialogue_only): | |
for controller in self.controllers: | |
out = controller(x, dialog_embedding) | |
if self.res: | |
out += x | |
x = out | |
x = F.relu(self.film_pool(x)) | |
x = x.reshape(x.shape[0], -1) | |
if self.use_memory: | |
hidden = (memory[:, :self.semi_memory_size], memory[:, self.semi_memory_size:]) | |
hidden = self.memory_rnn(x, hidden) | |
embedding = hidden[0] | |
memory =, dim=1) | |
else: | |
embedding = x | |
if hasattr(self, 'aux_info') and self.aux_info: | |
extra_predictions = {info: self.extra_heads[info](embedding) for info in self.extra_heads} | |
else: | |
extra_predictions = dict() | |
# x = | |
# dist = Categorical(logits=F.log_softmax(x, dim=1)) | |
x = | |
primitive_actions_dist = Categorical(logits=F.log_softmax(x, dim=1)) | |
x = self.critic(embedding) | |
value = x.squeeze(1) | |
utterance_actions_dists = [ | |
Categorical(logits=F.log_softmax( | |
tal(embedding), | |
dim=1, | |
)) for tal in self.talker | |
] | |
dist = [primitive_actions_dist] + utterance_actions_dists | |
#return {'dist': dist, 'value': value, 'memory': memory, 'extra_predictions': extra_predictions} | |
if return_embeddings: | |
return dist, value, memory, embedding | |
else: | |
return dist, value, memory | |
def _get_dialog_embedding(self, dialog): | |
lengths = (dialog != 0).sum(1).long() | |
if self.lang_model == 'gru': | |
out, _ = self.dialog_rnn(self.word_embedding(dialog)) | |
hidden = out[range(len(lengths)), lengths-1, :] | |
return hidden | |
elif self.lang_model in ['bigru', 'attgru']: | |
masks = (dialog != 0).float() | |
if lengths.shape[0] > 1: | |
seq_lengths, perm_idx = lengths.sort(0, descending=True) | |
iperm_idx = torch.LongTensor(perm_idx.shape).fill_(0) | |
if dialog.is_cuda: iperm_idx = iperm_idx.cuda() | |
for i, v in enumerate(perm_idx): | |
iperm_idx[] = i | |
inputs = self.word_embedding(dialog) | |
inputs = inputs[perm_idx] | |
inputs = pack_padded_sequence(inputs,, batch_first=True) | |
outputs, final_states = self.dialog_rnn(inputs) | |
else: | |
dialog = dialog[:, 0:lengths[0]] | |
outputs, final_states = self.dialog_rnn(self.word_embedding(dialog)) | |
iperm_idx = None | |
final_states = final_states.transpose(0, 1).contiguous() | |
final_states = final_states.view(final_states.shape[0], -1) | |
if iperm_idx is not None: | |
outputs, _ = pad_packed_sequence(outputs, batch_first=True) | |
outputs = outputs[iperm_idx] | |
final_states = final_states[iperm_idx] | |
return outputs if self.lang_model == 'attgru' else final_states | |
else: | |
ValueError("Undefined lang_model architecture: {}".format(self.lang_model)) | |
# add action sampling to fit our interaction pipeline | |
## baby ai [[Categorical(logits: torch.Size([16, 8])), Categorical(logits: torch.Size([16, 2])), Categorical(logits: torch.Size([16, 2]))]] | |
## mh ac [Categorical(logits: torch.Size([16, 8])), Categorical(logits: torch.Size([16, 2])), Categorical(logits: torch.Size([16, 2]))] | |
def det_action(self, dist): | |
return torch.stack([d.probs.argmax(dim=-1) for d in dist], dim=1) | |
def sample_action(self, dist): | |
return torch.stack([d.sample() for d in dist], dim=1) | |
def is_raw_action_speaking(self, action): | |
is_speaking = action[:, 1:][:, self.talk_switch_subhead] == 1 # talking heads are [1:] | |
return is_speaking | |
def no_speak_to_speak_action(self, action): | |
action[:, 1] = 1 # set speaking action to speak (1) | |
assert all(self.is_raw_action_speaking(action)) | |
return action | |
def raw_action_to_act_speak_mask(self, action): | |
""" | |
Defines how the final action to be sent to the environment is computed | |
Does NOT define how gradients are propagated, see calculate_action_gradient_masks() for that | |
""" | |
assert action.shape[-1] == 4 | |
assert self.model_raw_action_space.shape[0] == action.shape[-1] | |
act_mask = action[:, 0] != self.move_switch_action # acting head is [0] | |
# speak_mask = action[:, 1:][:, self.talk_switch_subhead] == 1 # talking heads are [1:] | |
speak_mask = self.is_raw_action_speaking(action) | |
return act_mask, speak_mask | |
def construct_final_action(self, action): | |
act_mask, speak_mask = self.raw_action_to_act_speak_mask(action) | |
nan_mask = np.stack((act_mask, speak_mask, speak_mask), axis=1).astype(float) | |
nan_mask[nan_mask == 0] = np.nan | |
assert self.talk_switch_subhead == 0 | |
final_action = action[:, [True, False, True, True]] # we drop the talk_switch_subhead | |
final_action = nan_mask*final_action | |
assert self.env_action_space.shape[0] == final_action.shape[-1] | |
return final_action | |
# add calculate log probs to fit our interaction pipeline | |
def calculate_log_probs(self, dist, action): | |
return torch.stack([d.log_prob(action[:, i]) for i, d in enumerate(dist)], dim=1) | |
# add calculate action masks to fit our interaction pipeline | |
def calculate_action_gradient_masks(self, action): | |
""" | |
Defines how the gradients are propagated. | |
Moving head is always trained. | |
Speak switch is always trained. | |
Grammar heads are trained only when speak switch is ON | |
""" | |
_, speak_mask = self.raw_action_to_act_speak_mask(action) | |
mask = torch.stack( | |
( | |
torch.ones_like(speak_mask), # always train | |
torch.ones_like(speak_mask), # always train | |
speak_mask, # train only when speaking | |
speak_mask, # train only when speaking | |
), dim=1).detach() | |
assert action.shape == mask.shape | |
return mask | |
def get_config_dict(self): | |
del self.config['__class__'] | |
self.config['self'] = str(self.config['self']) | |
self.config['action_space'] = self.config['action_space'].nvec.tolist() | |
return self.config | |