fschwartzer's picture
history blame
12.3 kB
import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsRegressor
from geopy.distance import geodesic
import googlemaps
from geopy.exc import GeocoderTimedOut
from streamlit_folium import st_folium
from streamlit_folium import folium_static
import folium
# Function to calculate distance in meters between two coordinates
def calculate_distance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2):
coords_1 = (lat1, lon1)
coords_2 = (lat2, lon2)
return geodesic(coords_1, coords_2).meters
def knn_predict(df, target_column, features_columns, k=5):
# Separate features and target variable
X = df[features_columns]
y = df[target_column]
# Check if there is enough data for prediction
if len(X) < k:
return np.zeros(len(X)) # Return an array of zeros if there isn't enough data
# Create KNN regressor
knn = KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors=k)
# Fit the model, y)
# Use the model to predict target_column for the filtered_data
predictions = knn.predict(df[features_columns])
return predictions
# Set wide mode
# Set dark theme
@font-face {font-family: 'Quicksand';
src: url('font/Quicksand-VariableFont_wght.ttf') format('truetype');
body {
color: white;
background-color: #1e1e1e;
font-family: 'Quicksand', sans-serif;
.st-df-header, .st-df-body, .st-df-caption {
color: #f8f9fa; /* Bootstrap table header text color */
.st-eb {
background-color: #343a40; /* Streamlit exception box background color */
# Create a DataFrame with sample data
data = pd.read_excel('data_nexus.xlsx')
# Initialize variables to avoid NameError
radius_visible = True
custom_address_initial = 'Centro, Lajeado - RS, Brazil' # Initial custom address
#custom_lat = data['latitude'].median()
custom_lat = -29.7168
#custom_lon = data['longitude'].median()
custom_lon = -52.4943
radius_in_meters = 150000
filtered_data = data # Initialize with the entire dataset
# Calculate a zoom level based on the maximum distance
zoom_level = 14
# Set font to 'Quicksand' for title_html
title_html = """
@font-face {font-family: 'Quicksand';
src: url('font/Quicksand-VariableFont_wght.ttf') format('truetype');
body {{
font-family: 'Quicksand', sans-serif;
<span style='color: gray; font-size: 50px;'>aval</span>
<span style='color: white; font-size: 50px;'>ia</span>
<span style='color: gray; font-size: 50px;'>.NEXUS</span>
# Set font to 'Quicksand' for factor_html
factor_html = """
@font-face {font-family: 'Quicksand';
src: url('font/Quicksand-VariableFont_wght.ttf') format('truetype');
body {{
font-family: 'Quicksand', sans-serif;
<a href='' target='_blank' style='text-decoration: none; color: inherit;'>
<span style='color: gray; font-size: 20px;'>aval</span>
<span style='color: white; font-size: 20px;'>ia</span>
<span style='color: gray; font-size: 20px;'>.FACTOR</span>
# Set font to 'Quicksand' for evo_html
evo_html = """
@font-face {font-family: 'Quicksand';
src: url('font/Quicksand-VariableFont_wght.ttf') format('truetype');
body {{
font-family: 'Quicksand', sans-serif;
<a href='' target='_blank' style='text-decoration: none; color: inherit;'>
<span style='color: gray; font-size: 20px;'>aval</span>
<span style='color: white; font-size: 20px;'>ia</span>
<span style='color: gray; font-size: 20px;'>.EVO</span>
import streamlit as st
import streamlit as st
# Create a sidebar for controls
with st.sidebar:
st.markdown(title_html, unsafe_allow_html=True)
# Add a dropdown for filtering "Fonte"
selected_fonte = st.selectbox('Finalidade', data['Fonte'].unique())
data = data[data['Fonte'] == selected_fonte]
# Add a dropdown for filtering "Tipo"
selected_tipo = st.selectbox('Tipo de imóvel', data['Tipo'].unique())
data_tipo = data[data['Tipo'] == selected_tipo]
custom_address = st.text_input('Informe o endereço', custom_address_initial)
radius_visible = True # Show radius slider for custom coordinates
# Geocode the custom address using the Google Maps API
gmaps = googlemaps.Client(key='AIzaSyDoJ6C7NE2CHqFcaHTnhreOfgJeTk4uSH0') # Replace with your API key
location = gmaps.geocode(custom_address)[0]['geometry']['location']
custom_lat, custom_lon = location['lat'], location['lng']
except (IndexError, GeocoderTimedOut):
st.error("Erro: Não foi possível geocodificar o endereço fornecido. Por favor, verifique e tente novamente.")
# Slider for setting the zoom level
zoom_level = st.slider('Nível de zoom', min_value=1, max_value=15, value=zoom_level)
# Conditionally render the radius slider
if radius_visible:
radius_in_meters = st.slider('Selecione raio (em metros)', min_value=500, max_value=20000, value=2000, step=500)
# Initialize sliders variables
dorm_range = (int(data_tipo['Dorm'].min()), int(data_tipo['Dorm'].max()))
banho_range = (int(data_tipo['Banh'].min()), int(data_tipo['Banh'].max()))
vaga_range = (int(data_tipo['Vaga'].min()), int(data_tipo['Vaga'].max()))
test_range = (int(data_tipo['Test'].min()), int(data_tipo['Test'].max()))
# Add sliders to filter data based
atotal_range = st.slider('Área Total', float(data_tipo['Atotal'].min()), float(data_tipo['Atotal'].max()), (float(data_tipo['Atotal'].min()), float(data_tipo['Atotal'].max())), step=.1 if data_tipo['Atotal'].min() != data_tipo['Atotal'].max() else 0.1)
apriv_range = st.slider('Área Privativa', float(data_tipo['Apriv'].min()), float(data_tipo['Apriv'].max()), (float(data_tipo['Apriv'].min()), float(data_tipo['Apriv'].max())), step=.1 if data_tipo['Apriv'].min() != data_tipo['Apriv'].max() else 0.1)
if int(data_tipo['Dorm'].min()) != 0 and int(data_tipo['Dorm'].max()) != 0:
dorm_range = st.slider('Dormitórios', int(data_tipo['Dorm'].min()), int(data_tipo['Dorm'].max()), (int(data_tipo['Dorm'].min()), int(data_tipo['Dorm'].max())), step=1 if data_tipo['Dorm'].min() != data_tipo['Dorm'].max() else 1)
if int(data_tipo['Banh'].min()) != 0 and int(data_tipo['Banh'].max()) != 0:
banho_range = st.slider('Banheiros', int(data_tipo['Banh'].min()), int(data_tipo['Banh'].max()), (int(data_tipo['Banh'].min()), int(data_tipo['Banh'].max())), step=1 if data_tipo['Banh'].min() != data_tipo['Banh'].max() else 1)
if int(data_tipo['Vaga'].min()) != 0 and int(data_tipo['Vaga'].max()) != 0:
vaga_range = st.slider('Vaga de estacionamento', int(data_tipo['Vaga'].min()), int(data_tipo['Vaga'].max()), (int(data_tipo['Vaga'].min()), int(data_tipo['Vaga'].max())), step=1 if data_tipo['Vaga'].min() != data_tipo['Vaga'].max() else 1)
if int(data_tipo['Test'].min()) != 0 and int(data_tipo['Test'].max()) != 0:
test_range = st.slider('Testada', int(data_tipo['Test'].min()), int(data_tipo['Test'].max()), (int(data_tipo['Test'].min()), int(data_tipo['Test'].max())), step=1 if data_tipo['Test'].min() != data_tipo['Test'].max() else 1)
# Initialize checkbox variables
elev_checkbox = False
esq_checkbox = False
# Add checkboxes for dummy features
if int(data_tipo['Elevador'].min()) != 0 and int(data_tipo['Elevador'].max()) != 0:
elev_checkbox = st.checkbox('Elevador')
if int(data_tipo['Lot_pos'].min()) != 0 and int(data_tipo['Lot_pos'].max()) != 0:
esq_checkbox = st.checkbox('Duas ou mais frentes')
# Transform checkbox values into 1s and 0s
elev_value = 1 if elev_checkbox else 0
esq_value = 1 if esq_checkbox else 0
data_tipo = data_tipo[(data_tipo['Atotal'].between(atotal_range[0], atotal_range[1])) &
(data_tipo['Apriv'].between(apriv_range[0], apriv_range[1])) &
(data_tipo['Dorm'].between(dorm_range[0], dorm_range[1])) &
(data_tipo['Banh'].between(banho_range[0], banho_range[1])) &
(data_tipo['Vaga'].between(vaga_range[0], vaga_range[1])) &
(data_tipo['Test'].between(test_range[0], test_range[1])) &
(data_tipo['Elevador'] == elev_value) &
(data_tipo['Lot_pos'] == esq_value)]
# Links to other apps at the bottom of the sidebar
st.sidebar.markdown(factor_html, unsafe_allow_html=True)
st.sidebar.markdown(evo_html, unsafe_allow_html=True)
filtered_data = data_tipo[data_tipo.apply(lambda x: calculate_distance(x['latitude'], x['longitude'], custom_lat, custom_lon), axis=1) <= radius_in_meters]
filtered_data = filtered_data.dropna() # Drop rows with NaN values
# Add a custom CSS class to the map container
.map {{
width: 100%;
height: 100vh;
</style>""", unsafe_allow_html=True)
# Determine which area feature to use for prediction
filtered_data['area_feature'] = np.where(filtered_data['Apriv'] != 0, filtered_data['Apriv'], filtered_data['Atotal'])
# Define the target column based on conditions
filtered_data['target_column'] = np.where(filtered_data['Vunit_priv'] != 0, filtered_data['Vunit_priv'], filtered_data['Vunit_total'])
# Apply KNN and get predicted target values
predicted_target = knn_predict(filtered_data, 'target_column', ['latitude', 'longitude', 'area_feature']) # Update with your features
# Add predicted target values to filtered_data
filtered_data['Predicted_target'] = predicted_target
# Display the map and filtered_data
with st.container():, zoom=zoom_level, use_container_width=True)
# Create a folium map centered around the custom location
map_custom = folium.Map(location=[custom_lat, custom_lon], zoom_start=zoom_level)
# Add a blue marker for the geocoded address
folium.Marker([custom_lat, custom_lon], tooltip='Local pesquisado', icon=folium.Icon(color='blue')).add_to(map_custom)
# Display the folium map using streamlit_folium
st.write("Dados:", filtered_data) # Debug: Print filtered_data
k_threshold = 5
# Function to perform bootstrap on the predicted target values
def bootstrap_stats(predicted_target, num_samples=1000):
# Reshape the predicted_target array
predicted_target = np.array(predicted_target).reshape(-1, 1)
# Bootstrap resampling
bootstrapped_means = []
for _ in range(num_samples):
bootstrap_sample = np.random.choice(predicted_target.flatten(), len(predicted_target), replace=True)
# Calculate lower and higher bounds
lower_bound = np.percentile(bootstrapped_means, 5.)
higher_bound = np.percentile(bootstrapped_means, 95.)
# Calculate the mean value
mean_value = np.mean(bootstrapped_means)
return lower_bound, higher_bound, mean_value
# Apply KNN and get predicted Predicted_target values
predicted_target = knn_predict(filtered_data, 'Predicted_target', ['latitude', 'longitude', 'area_feature'])
# Check if there are predictions to display
if 'Predicted_target' in filtered_data.columns and not np.all(predicted_target == 0):
# Add predicted Predicted_target values to filtered_data
filtered_data['Predicted_target'] = predicted_target
# Apply bootstrap on the predicted values
lower_bound, higher_bound, mean_value = bootstrap_stats(predicted_target)
# Display the results with custom styling
st.markdown("## **Resultado da Análise Estatística**")
st.write(f"Valor médio (Reais/m²) para as características selecionadas: ${mean_value:.2f}$ Reais")
st.write(f"Os valores podem variar entre ${lower_bound:.2f}$ e ${higher_bound:.2f}$ Reais, dependendo das características dos imóveis.")
st.warning(f"**Dados insuficientes para inferência do valor. Mínimo necessário:** {k_threshold}")