import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsRegressor
from geopy.distance import geodesic
import googlemaps
from geopy.exc import GeocoderTimedOut
from streamlit_folium import st_folium
import folium
from branca.colormap import LinearColormap
import base64
from io import BytesIO
import sys
import pydeck as pdk
# Print the Python version
print("Python version")
print("Version info.")
# Function to add heatmap layer to folium map
def add_heatmap_layer(map_obj, data, column_name, colormap_name, radius=15):
heat_data = data[['latitude', 'longitude', column_name]].dropna()
heat_layer = folium.FeatureGroup(name=f'Variável - {column_name}')
cmap = LinearColormap(colors=['blue', 'white', 'red'], vmin=heat_data[column_name].min(), vmax=heat_data[column_name].max())
for index, row in heat_data.iterrows():
location=[row['latitude'], row['longitude']],
popup=f"{column_name}: {row[column_name]:.2f}" # Fix here
# Function to calculate distance in meters between two coordinates
def calculate_distance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2):
coords_1 = (lat1, lon1)
coords_2 = (lat2, lon2)
return geodesic(coords_1, coords_2).meters
def knn_predict(df, target_column, features_columns, k=5):
# Separate features and target variable
X = df[features_columns]
y = df[target_column]
# Check if there is enough data for prediction
if len(X) < k:
return np.zeros(len(X)) # Return an array of zeros if there isn't enough data
# Create KNN regressor
knn = KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors=k)
# Fit the model, y)
# Use the model to predict target_column for the filtered_data
predictions = knn.predict(df[features_columns])
return predictions
# Set wide mode
# Set dark theme
# Create a DataFrame with sample data
data = pd.read_excel('data_nexus.xlsx')
# Initialize variables to avoid NameError
radius_visible = True
custom_address_initial = 'Centro, Lajeado - RS, Brazil' # Initial custom address
#custom_lat = data['latitude'].median()
custom_lat = -29.45880114339262
#custom_lon = data['longitude'].median()
custom_lon = -51.97011580843118
radius_in_meters = 150000
filtered_data = data # Initialize with the entire dataset
# Calculate a zoom level based on the maximum distance
zoom_level = 13
# Set font to 'Quicksand' for title_html
title_html = """
# Set font to 'Quicksand' for factor_html
factor_html = """
# Set font to 'Quicksand' for evo_html
evo_html = """
# Create a sidebar for controls
with st.sidebar:
st.markdown(title_html, unsafe_allow_html=True)
# Add a dropdown for filtering "Fonte"
selected_fonte = st.selectbox('Finalidade', data['Fonte'].unique(), index=data['Fonte'].unique().tolist().index('Venda'))
data = data[data['Fonte'] == selected_fonte]
# Add a dropdown for filtering "Tipo"
selected_tipo = st.selectbox('Tipo de imóvel', data['Tipo'].unique(), index=data['Tipo'].unique().tolist().index('Apartamento'))
data_tipo = data[data['Tipo'] == selected_tipo]
custom_address = st.text_input('Informe o endereço', custom_address_initial)
radius_visible = True # Show radius slider for custom coordinates
gmaps = googlemaps.Client(key='AIzaSyDoJ6C7NE2CHqFcaHTnhreOfgJeTk4uSH0') # Replace with your API key
# Ensure custom_address ends with " - RS, Brazil"
custom_address = custom_address.strip() # Remove leading/trailing whitespaces
if not custom_address.endswith(" - RS, Brazil"):
custom_address += " - RS, Brazil"
location = gmaps.geocode(custom_address)[0]['geometry']['location']
custom_lat, custom_lon = location['lat'], location['lng']
except (IndexError, GeocoderTimedOut):
st.error("Erro: Não foi possível geocodificar o endereço fornecido. Por favor, verifique e tente novamente.")
# Conditionally render the radius slider
if radius_visible:
radius_in_meters = st.number_input('Selecione raio (em metros)', min_value=0, max_value=100000, value=2000)
# Add sliders to filter data based
#atotal_range = st.slider('Área Total', float(data_tipo['Atotal'].min()), float(data_tipo['Atotal'].max()), (float(data_tipo['Atotal'].min()), float(data_tipo['Atotal'].max())), step=.1 if data_tipo['Atotal'].min() != data_tipo['Atotal'].max() else 0.1)
#apriv_range = st.slider('Área Privativa', float(data_tipo['Apriv'].min()), float(data_tipo['Apriv'].max()), (float(data_tipo['Apriv'].min()), float(data_tipo['Apriv'].max())), step=.1 if data_tipo['Apriv'].min() != data_tipo['Apriv'].max() else 0.1)
# Create two columns for Área Total inputs
col1, col2 = st.columns(2)
with col1:
atotal_min = st.number_input('Área Total mínima',
with col2:
atotal_max = st.number_input('Área Total máxima',
# Create two columns for Área Privativa inputs
col3, col4 = st.columns(2)
with col3:
apriv_min = st.number_input('Área Privativa mínima',
with col4:
apriv_max = st.number_input('Área Privativa máxima',
#data_tipo = data_tipo[(data_tipo['Atotal'].between(atotal_range[0], atotal_range[1])) &
#(data_tipo['Apriv'].between(apriv_range[0], apriv_range[1]))]
data_tipo = data_tipo[(data_tipo['Atotal'].between(atotal_min, atotal_max)) &
(data_tipo['Apriv'].between(apriv_min, apriv_max))]
# Links to other apps at the bottom of the sidebar
#st.sidebar.markdown(factor_html, unsafe_allow_html=True)
#st.sidebar.markdown(evo_html, unsafe_allow_html=True)
filtered_data = data_tipo[data_tipo.apply(lambda x: calculate_distance(x['latitude'], x['longitude'], custom_lat, custom_lon), axis=1) <= radius_in_meters]
filtered_data = filtered_data.dropna() # Drop rows with NaN values
# Add a custom CSS class to the map container
st.markdown(f"""""", unsafe_allow_html=True)
# Determine which area feature to use for prediction
filtered_data['area_feature'] = np.where(filtered_data['Apriv'] != 0, filtered_data['Apriv'], filtered_data['Atotal'])
# Define the target column based on conditions
filtered_data['target_column'] = np.where(filtered_data['Vunit_priv'] != 0, filtered_data['Vunit_priv'], filtered_data['Vunit_total'])
# Apply KNN and get predicted target values
predicted_target = knn_predict(filtered_data, 'target_column', ['latitude', 'longitude', 'area_feature']) # Update with your features
# Add predicted target values to filtered_data
filtered_data['Predicted_target'] = predicted_target
with st.container():
# Define a PyDeck view state for the initial map view
view_state = pdk.ViewState(latitude=filtered_data['latitude'].mean(), longitude=filtered_data['longitude'].mean(), zoom=zoom_level)
# Define a PyDeck layer for plotting
layer = pdk.Layer(
get_position=["longitude", "latitude"],
get_color="[237, 181, 0, 160]", # RGBA color for light orange, adjust opacity with the last number
get_radius=100, # Adjust dot size as needed
# Create a PyDeck map using the defined layer and view state
deck_map = pdk.Deck(layers=[layer], initial_view_state=view_state, map_style="mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9")
# Display the map in Streamlit
st.pydeck_chart(deck_map), zoom=zoom_level, use_container_width=True)
st.write("Dados:", filtered_data) # Debug: Print filtered_data
if st.button('Baixar planilha'):
# Set up the file to be downloaded
output_df = filtered_data
# Create a BytesIO buffer to hold the Excel file
excel_buffer = BytesIO()
# Convert DataFrame to Excel and save to the buffer
with pd.ExcelWriter(excel_buffer, engine="xlsxwriter") as writer:
output_df.to_excel(writer, index=False, sheet_name="Sheet1")
# Reset the buffer position to the beginning
# Create a download link
b64 = base64.b64encode(
href = f'Clique aqui para baixar a planilha'
#st.markdown(href, unsafe_allow_html=True)
# Use st.empty() to create a placeholder and update it with the link
download_placeholder = st.empty()
download_placeholder.markdown(href, unsafe_allow_html=True)
folium_layermap = folium.Map(location=[custom_lat, custom_lon], tiles="Cartodb Positron", zoom_start=14)
# Add heatmap layers for 'Valor_Urb', 'Valor_Eqp', and 'RENDA'
add_heatmap_layer(folium_layermap, filtered_data, 'Valor_Urb', 'RdBu_r')
add_heatmap_layer(folium_layermap, filtered_data, 'Valor_Eqp', 'RdBu_r')
add_heatmap_layer(folium_layermap, filtered_data, 'RENDA', 'RdBu_r')
# Add layer control
# Display the map using st_folium
st_folium(folium_layermap, width=1200, height=400)
k_threshold = 5
# Function to perform bootstrap on the predicted target values
def bootstrap_stats(bound_data, num_samples=1000):
# Reshape the predicted_target array
bound_data = np.array(bound_data).reshape(-1, 1)
# Bootstrap resampling
bootstrapped_means = []
for _ in range(num_samples):
bootstrap_sample = np.random.choice(bound_data.flatten(), len(bound_data), replace=True)
# Calculate lower and higher bounds
lower_bound = np.percentile(bootstrapped_means, 16.)
higher_bound = np.percentile(bootstrapped_means, 84.)
return lower_bound, higher_bound
# Apply KNN and get predicted Predicted_target values
predicted_target = knn_predict(filtered_data, 'Predicted_target', ['latitude', 'longitude', 'area_feature'])
# Check if there are predictions to display
if 'Predicted_target' in filtered_data.columns and not np.all(predicted_target == 0):
# Apply bootstrap - bounds
lower_bound, higher_bound = bootstrap_stats(filtered_data['target_column'])
mean_value = np.mean(filtered_data['Predicted_target'])
# Display the results with custom styling
st.markdown("## **Algoritmo KNN (K-nearest neighbors)**")
st.write(f"Valor médio (Reais/m²) para as características selecionadas: ${mean_value:.2f}$ Reais")
st.write(f"Os valores podem variar entre ${lower_bound:.2f}$ e ${higher_bound:.2f}$ Reais, dependendo das características dos imóveis.")
st.warning(f"**Dados insuficientes para inferência do valor. Mínimo necessário:** {k_threshold}")